Ser v i ng t he st udents of t he Un iversit y of Hawa i ‘ i at M Ä noa si nce 1922
Budget woes East-West Center under threat News 2
Glass master UH student refines her craft Features 4
Playing the field Whose side is Obama on? Opinions 5
New jerseys Football team gets fresh look Sports 8
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Volu me 10 6 Issue 10
Oslo attacks shock Norway
Ka Leo staff writer Morgan Carmody is currently studying in Oslo, and wrote this report based on her experiences. MORGAN CARMODY Staff Writer
At 3:26 p.m. on July 22, an explosion in the center of Oslo rocked the peaceful country of Norway. Just 94 minutes later, a lone gunman began a massacre on Utoeya Island, roughly 23 miles away. Few immediately knew what had happened. “ W hen I heard the blast, I thought it was thunder so I unplugged all of the televisions,â€? said resident Vigdis Teig Gautvik, who works at the Universitet I Oslo. Ole Gautvik, a student, stated, “When I ďŹ rst heard about it I thought it could be a gas explosion, but then the more I thought about it I realized there was no gas lines around there.â€? As Einar Vannebo, director of the International Summer School at the university, explained, “It was very unexpected; we weren’t really prepared for it. The terror threat was rated very low here. The image we have of Norway is one of a safe place, and it is so deeply rooted, then this happens. It is just disbelief.
Wednesday N: 1- 3 f t . W: 0 - 3 f t . S: 1- 3 f t . E: 1- 3+ f t .
Thursday N: W: S: E:
0 -2 f t . 0-2 f t . 0 -3 ft. 1- 3 f t .
150,000 people gathered at the city hall of Radhus to remember those that perished in the attacks. MORGAN CARMODY / KA LEO O HAWAI‘I
You can’t really believe it. A fter that the next stage you reach is just numbness.� As Jef f Lugowe, a Scandinavian politics course leader at the IS S, explained, Nor way has less than 5 million people, so the impact is ver y grave. He described the proportion of the death toll to the rest of the pop ulation as if about seven 9/11s had occurred.
D UA L AT TAC K S The bomb exploded in the
S U R F Friday
N: 0 -1. 5 f t . W: 0 - 3 f t . S: 2- 5 f t . E: 1- 3 f t .
government building where the prime minister’s ofďŹ ce and headquarters for the ruling Arbeiderpartiet, or Labor Party, are located. The blast killed seven people. Although the incident occurred in the middle of the afternoon on a weekday, many Norwegians take vacations in July, thus reducing the death toll. By 5:27 p.m., police in Buskerud received notice of the shooting on the island of Utoeya, where the Labor Party youth league was holding a summer camp. Sus-
R E P O R T Saturday N: W: S: E:
0 -1. 5 f t . 1- 3 f t . 2- 5 f t . 1- 3 f t .
Sunday N: W: S: E:
0 ft. 0-3 f t . 1- 3+ f t . 1- 3 f t .
Monday N: W: S: E:
0 ft. 3-5+ f t . 3 -7+ f t . 1- 3 f t .
pect Anders Behring Breivik arrived on the island dressed as a police ofďŹ cer and opened ďŹ re on the camp, killing 68 and injuring more. By 5:30 p.m., the Oslo police force received an assistance request from Buskerud Police District. At 5:52 p.m., the first police patrol arrived, but their boat was overloaded and began taking on water, forcing them to wait for another watercraft. At 6:25 p.m., the Analyzing Oslo, page 3
Ka Leo is looking for highly motivated students interested in gaining real world experience. 2445 Campus Rd. Hemenway Hall 107 f ZZZ NDOHR RUJ MREV
Bill threatens East-West Center funding
The United States House Committee on Foreign A ffairs recently passed a bill to eliminate federal funding for the EastWest Center. The bill, proposed by Rep. Ed Royce (R-Calif.), must now go through a long process before being accepted or rejected. A ffiliates of the center are watching the process closely, but say that it is highly unlikely that funds will be cut off. “The decision has not been made to eliminate funding. Full Congress has not voted on that. East-West is still in existence. [This is only] one committee vote in this long process,” said Karen Knudsen, director of the center’s offi ce of external affairs. “One committee is involved in a long process because once it goes through this committee it will go through another committee,” Knudsen continued. The East-West Center was
established in 1960 to facilitate cultural and technical exchange between the United States, Asia and the Pacifi c through internationally cooperative research. Detractors, such as Dana Rohrabacher (R- Calif.), argue that the East-West Center has not had any important accomplishments in years and foreign countries that want to keep the center should pay for their students with their own money. Supporters assert that the center provides a vital network in public diplomacy and brings together international professionals who would otherwise have little contact.
STUDENT AID The East-West center provides students from around the world with fi nancial aid and features specialized programs related to training, research and economic development. “East-West is not like any other foundation,” said Shab-
bir Cheema, a senior research fellow and director of the Asia Pacific Governance and Democracy Initiatives. “I recall when I was a student, I had other opportunities, but I chose East-West because it broadens my crosscultural understanding.” He attended UHM through an EastWest scholarship and went on to get his Ph.D. in political science at the university. He explained that the center helps students obtain scholarships and come to UHM to study. The center’s students are approximately half from the United States and half from Asian countries, although there are also students from Europe and the Middle East, according to Knudsen. “There are students from over 100 different countries,” said Derek Ferrar, a media relations specialist for East-West. “[It ’s] ver y important for the university because it brings a larger perspective. Hawai‘i is the closest to Asia-Pacific
regions as part of the U.S,” Cheema said. He went on to say that bringing so many foreign students helps to internationalize Hawai‘i. By living, working and studying together at UHM they gain lasting relationships and a sense of community among people from all over the world.
P O T E N T I A L I M PAC T Certain students will be directly impacted if the resolution is passed. “Right now, East-West has [approximately] 500 students, and while some of them receive Congressional funding, many others are on private scholarships and they will not be affected. The students on Congressional funding, if we suffer budget cuts, those students will be affected,” said Knudsen. Ferrar disclosed that there has already been a reduction in the number of students on full [Congressional] scholarships. He
explained that cutting off funds would impact the number of students the center can accept. These effects, however, would not be immediate. “There will be some safeguard; worst-case scenario is we lose all our funding. [There are] some reserves that would be able to lessen the immediate blow,” said Knudsen. She went on to say that it is “highly unlikely that overnight we lose our funding.” But some supporters say the value of the center surpasses individual educational opportunities. “ The value [of the East-West Center] is not only education, not only cultural, but [it has] benefits in trade investment and cooperation between the United States and regions of the Asia-Pacific,” said Cheema. “As a staff member and former grantee, this center should continue. [There has been] a lot of polarization among countries, and there is a greater need for cross culturalization.”
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JESSI SCHULTZ Associate News Editor
2445 CAMPUS RD. HEMENWAY HALL 107 808.956.7043
Analyzing Oslo from front page
emergency squad finally arrived on Utoeya Island. Two minutes later, Breivik was arrested. The police fired no shots, as Breivik cooperated.
P O L I T I C A L MO T I VAT I O N S Breivik’s actions were apparently motivated by anti-multiculturalism sentiment. Breivik has had a longtime affi liation with the Fremskrittspartiet, or Progress Party. It is currently the second largest party in Parliament. Lugowe explained that the Progress Party tends to believe that foreigners are taking their money and are a threat to the future of Norway. According to Lugowe, “The Progress Party is pretty open about it.” Immigration has been at the forefront of Norwegian politics since about the 1970s, Lugowe said. He explained, “Norwegians see themselves as very homogenous. In the 70s, it started changing with visibly different immigrants who had started to arrive from Pakistan, Turkey and Morocco. People over 40 hadn’t grown up with many visibly different immigrants [in their community]. Before then, most of the immigrants were other Christians from Europe. In the late 70s, Norway halted immigration – immigrants could no longer come for work. However family unifi cations were still permitted. Norway also still accepts an unusually high number of refugees and asylum seekers in general from confl ict zones like Iraq, Vietnam
and Somalia.” But how common are Breivik’s views in mainstream European politics? As Sylvia Poggioli described in an interview with NPR, “It’s [the fear of Islamification] growing and growing, and Breivik clearly knows this. ... Now this may all sound lunatic and very much on the fringe but Breivik’s language and the images echo some of the new discourse of right-wing politicians in many European countries, from Scandinavia to Hungary and from Italy to Greece.” Breivik’s anti-multiculturalism stance seems to have translated into an attack on the Labour Party because it is currently the ruling party. The Norwegian Prime Minister, Jens Stoltenberg, is also the head of the Labour Party. His office was located in the building where the bomb went off, though he was working from home that day. As Lugowe explained, “The Labor Party is not the most multicultural party in Norway. They are in a coalition with some of the parties that favor more multiculturalism. However, the Labor Party is seen as the party that let Norway become multicultural, or the enablers. Labor is a big tent party with a lot of different factions and constituencies and a diverse spectrum of people. It accepts and embraces the way Norway is becoming.” The attack on the youth camp was an extension of the attack on the Labour Party. Lugowe explained, “The camp is seen as a team building, networking, and
leadership training opportunity for future politicians. It’s kind of a breeding ground for the future leaders of Norway. Prominent politicians will speak, there will be workshops, there will be opportunities to build alliances, etc. The youth society is quite relevant in debates and have a lot of autonomy.” The timing of the attack also seems to coincide with an upcoming national election that will be held the fi rst week of September.
Police set up roadblocks throughout the town in hopes of finding a second assailant.
Breivik’s arraignment hearing took place Monday. He requested an open trial with media present. Although this is normally up to the defendant in Norway, his request was denied. He has claimed his actions were intended to spark a “revolution” against multiculturalism. However, he has pleaded not guilty to charges of terrorism. In the meantime, he has been placed in solitary confi nement with no access to news, letters or visitors (excluding his lawyer). Because Norway does not have a death penalty, Breivik faces a possible life sentence. In Norway, a life sentence is equivalent to 21 years, followed by rehab. He still has the possibility of getting out after 10 years for good behavior. The 21 years also has the possibility of being extended for a renewable five years if the court decides there is a risk for repeat offences, so it is really only “in theory that he can possibly be in jail for the rest of his life,” said professor of criminal law Staale Eskeland at the Universitet I Oslo. It is also important to note that under Norwegian law, sentences are served concurrently. “No
3:26 p.m.
5:26 p.m.
Bomb explodes in the government building where the prime minister’s office and headquarters for the ruling Arbeiderpartiet, or Labor Party, are located.
Police in Nordre Buskerud district receive notice of the shooting at Utoeya Island.
Around 5:00 p.m. Anders Behring Breivik, dressed in clothing resembling a police officer’s uniform, opens fire on Utoeya Island, where the Labor Party youth league was holding a summer camp. Breivik kills 68 and injures others.
matter how many killings he has committed the maximum cannot be more than 21 years,” said Eskeland. Meanwhile, there has been an outpouring of support for victims. Beginning Saturday, people came to leave flowers all over downtown, especially at the Oslo Domkirke Kirkeristen (Oslo Cathedral Church), and at Utoeya. People lined the streets to pay their respects, while police blocked off the streets to ensure mourners’ safety. There has been a constant stream of people coming at all hours to leave candles, flowers and notes. On July 24, a commemorative mass was held at Oslo Domkirke Kirkeristen. As Stoltenberg and the royal family entered, each of them added a single white rose to the massive collection of flowers. As Stoltenberg spoke, he fought back tears. He had personally known some of those killed at the youth camp. On July 25, several hundred thousand people participated in a torchlit procession. Similar processions have been scheduled for ever y town in Norway. University of Puget Sound sophomore K risten Gjelsteen de -
5:52 p.m.
First police patrol arrives in the area, but their overloaded boat begins taking on water. They must wait for a suitable boat.
5:30 p.m. Oslo police receive a notification, and 8 minutes later, an assistance request from Buskerud police.
scribed the event, saying, “ We walked around from city hall to the main cathedral. Each of us laid a f lower on the already huge stack of f lowers and gifts. I think the amazing part of it was just how many people had shown up and how overwhelming the support from all the Norwegian people was.” In a speech, Prime Minister Stoltenberg reacted to the number of people, saying, “I now stand face to face with the popular will. You are the people’s will. Thousands upon thousands of Norwegians in Oslo and all over the country do the same tonight. Conquer the streets, squares – the public sphere – with the same defiant message: we are heartbroken but we will not give up. With torches and roses we give the world a message. We do not let the fear break us.” Scan me for a slide show of photos from Oslo or visit www.kaleo.org/ news
6:27 p.m.
Breivik is arrested.
6:25 p.m. Emergency squad arrives on Utoeya Island.
All times shown are for Central European Summer Time
Through the melted glass For Maggie Hirshen, glasswork isn’t just an art; it’s a lifestyle JESSIE BRISTOW Contributing Writer
Maggie Hirshen, a geography major earning her master’s focusing on Hawaiian sandalwood, has been interested in glasswork ever since she attended a glass-blowing camp in New York back in 2002.
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa geography grad student Maggie Hirshen knows exactly what it takes to turn recycled materials into works of art: sweat, broken glass, and furnaces burning all day long. UHM’s glass lab allows students to artistically express themselves. Students dabble in free form, molding, wet-sand, and other glasswork techniques. This is where Hirshen shines as she fi ne tunes her talent. “I just started making small drinking glasses, tumblers, and just started doing more artistic stuff,” said Hirshen. In 2002, Hirshen attended a glass-blowing camp in Corning, NY for one week. She hasn’t stopped since then, and thanks to the facilities at UH, she is able to continue what she loves to do. “The program at Hawai‘i is actually really great because they really push the art side,” Hirshen said.
T H E F I S H F RY Boiling temperatures and shards of glass allow Maggie to focus on art for local causes. A few weeks ago, Hirshen worked on three wave-style trophies for the Honolulu Fish Fry, a local surf event. The Aloha Boardshop Honolulu Fish Fry, held on July 9 and 10 and sponsored by Oxbow, was a unique contest held at Kūhiō Beach Park that allowed attendees to appreciate the artistic value of surfboard shaping. It also allowed Hirshen to showcase her artistic side in trophy crafting. Hirshen’s interest in trophy making was piqued after working on a glasswork course
assignment that required her to design and create her own trophy. Hirshen offered to make the trophies for the surf contest. After seeing her prototype, Aloha Boardshop owner Karim Hammani accepted her offer. Aloha Boardshop enlisted the help of 19 of the top Hawai‘i shapers to meticulously handcraft hybrid fish designed surfboards that were traditional, yet modern, with each artist donating their own original board for the competition. “Highlighting the shapers, for me as an artist, I feel like the shapers are artists too,” Hirshen said.
Hirshen intends to get better by continuing her path into the world of glass and art. When Hirshen is not loading tempered glass into a cast mold baking at 1600 F, she is researching the population and sustainability of Hawaiian sandalwood. She hopes to accomplish much more through finding peace in what she does by incorporating all aspects of her life into her artwork. “The process of art is meditative and therapeutic for me, and recently I’ve started taking my passion in geography and my passion about plants into my art and now I have a real focus,” she said. Hirshen encourages those who are interested to learn the process of turning glass into art. She said she feels that persistence is key, and reminds people not to give up because all things in life need practice. “A lot of it is muscle memory, like surfing,” she said. “If you surf a whole lot consistently, you’ll be great. If you only surf once a month, it’s not going to go so well. Same is true for art, or anything for that matter.” Next, Hirshen will be participating in a showing in November at The ARTS at Marks Garage as a member of the Hawaiian Glass Artists.
Moderate in the extreme
Ka Leo O Hawai‘i University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa 2445 Campus Road Hemenway Hall 107 Honolulu, HI 96822
Newsroom (808) 956-7043 Advertising (808) 956-3210 Facsimile (808) 956-9962 E-mail kaleo@kaleo.org Web site www.kaleo.org
President Obama appears to be trying to please everyone but, in the end, is he succeeding in pleasing anyone? on June 23 in Manhattan, proclaiming, “I believe that gay couples deserve the same legal rights as every other couple in this country,” then seemed apologetic when members of the crowd began yelling, “marriage, marriage!”
Editor in Chief Will Caron Managing Editor Ellise Akazawa Chief Copy Editor Karleanne Matthews Assc Chief Copy Editor Candace Chang News Editor Kelsey Amos
“Traditionally,” Obama said, “marriage has been decided by the states. New York is doing exactly what democracies are supposed to do.” He took pains to emphasize that he understands more pressure from his gay supporters
Assc News Editor Jessi Schultz Features Editor Alvin Park Assc Features Editor Maria Kanai Opinions Editor Davin Aoyagi Assc Opinions Editor Taylor Gardner
Sports Editor Marc Arakaki Comics Editor Ann Macarayan Design Editor Justin Nicholas Photo Editor Nik Seu Assc Photo Editor Doyle Moeller
Since 2005, I have spent so much time on the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa campus. However, in all these years, some issues haven’t been improved, such as instructor issues. Many students have the experience of getting an irresponsible professor. Perhaps the instructor is late for every class, keeps forgetting to post the right solution, or shows YouTube videos that are not even related to the class topic. Students spend money here to learn, not to chat in class. If students want to do that, they could just stay home, instead of spending money on getting an education. Students wonder if the school can really give them the education they need because of these instructors. However, they either don’t know who to talk to or that person is unavailable. I really hope this issue can be talked about across campus. Shane Hung
Web Editor Patrick Tran Assc Web Editor Blake Tolentino Blog Editor Lindsy Ogawa Broadcast News Editor Jaimie Kim
ADVERTISING The Board of Publications office is located on the ocean side of Hemenway Hall. Ka Leo O Hawai‘i is the campus newspaper of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. It is published by the Board of Publications three times a week except on holidays and during exam periods. Circulation is 10,000. Ka Leo is also published once a week during summer sessions with a circulation of 10,000. Ka Leo is funded by student fees and advertising. Its editorial content reflects only the views of its writers, reporters, columnists and editors, who are solely responsible for its content. No material that appears in Ka Leo may be reprinted or republished in any medium without permission. The first newsstand copy is free; for additional copies, please visit the Ka Leo Building. Subscription rates are $50 for one semester and $85 for one year. ©2010 Board of Publications.
ADMINISTRATION The Board of Publications, a student organization chartered by the University of Hawai‘i Board of Regents, publishes Ka Leo O Hawai‘i. Issues or concerns can be reported to the board (Devika Wasson, chair; Henri-lee Stalk, vice chair; or Ronald Gilliam, treasurer) via bop@hawaii.edu. Visit www.hawaii.edu/bop for more information.
WHY SHOULD I HIRE YOU? Ka Leo is looking for highly motivated students interested in gaining real world experience. Gain skills that will set you apart from other students graduating with your same degree. We are recruiting Jr. Account Executives and Advertising Account Executives for our growing program. Do you like business, marketing, and promotions, then check out the options at Ka Leo. APPLY TODAY!
There’s a reason why many democrats have recently been expressing disappointment toward President Barack Obama. He’s bi, that’s why! Not bisexual – he’s bipartisan. Obama likes to be on both sides at once. While it’s commendable to have a president who listens to everyone and refrains from ‘shutting other viewpoints out,’ the Obama who was once a vibrant, powerful symbol of strength and progressive change is fading into the realm of the play-it-safers. A major example of this is seen through Obama’s public stance on gay marriage. While he says publicly that he believes marriage should be between a man and a woman, he often hints that he really believes something more consistent with his progressive worldview. He spoke strongly at an LGBT gala, which took place
is warranted. “Yes, we have more work to do. Yes, we have more progress to make,” he said. “Yes, I expect continued impatience with me on occasion.” But he ended his remarks by addressing another important matter at hand: his need to be re-elected, and with that, a veiled promise to gay supporters. “If you keep up the fi ght, and if you will devote your time and your energies to this campaign one more time, I promise you we will write another chapter in that story,” he concluded. “And I’ll be standing right there with you.” Obama being the fi rst African American president of the United States in itself is very powerful. He stands for progression from bigotry to acceptance. But instead of being a leader, he’s following seemingly out of fear. That’s not the Obama we know. That’s certainly not the Obama that inspired millions. It is time for the president to come out of the closet.
2445 CAMPUS RD. HEMENWAY HALL 107 808.956.7043
Ka Leo O Hawai‘i
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DOWN 1 Hamster’s home 2 Prima donnas have big ones 3 Happy tune 4 Will Ferrell holiday comedy 5 Personal theology elements 6 Burn a dessert on purpose? 7 Helps out 8 End of a common list 9 It’s W of the Urals 10 Orbital high point 11 More than just butterflies 12 “Still mooing,” at a steakhouse 13 Bygone automaker 18 Banjoist Scruggs 19 Watching the clock, perhaps 23 Above the strike zone 24 Biblical birthright seller 25 Getaway spots 26 Suck down 27 __-frutti 28 Hard to get close to 29 “Yikes!” 30 Puts in a good word? 31 Debate side 34 Miami couple? 36 City on the Arno 37 1-Across, usually 38 Word processing command 40 Indian metropolis 41 Aromatic firs 43 Emissary 44 Misses 45 Escape hatch, e.g. 48 Way, way off 49 Jessica of “Fantastic Four” 50 Stink to high heaven 51 Long, long time 52 Pacific archipelago 53 Volume 54 Memo header 56 Catch red-handed 57 Fever cause 58 Suds source
Friend Ka Leo on ACROSS 1 People person 6 Throw for a loop 10 Crew cut’s opposite 14 Good on one’s feet 15 In __ of: as a substitute for 16 Ring out 17 Woods has often been atop it 20 Mass. hours 21 Food with a Veterinary Formula 22 Ungentle giants 23 Cilantro, e.g. 24 Word on some euros 26 Hold one’s nose, perhaps 31 Power strip inserts 32 It may be promised 33 Dedicated work 35 Justice appointed after Clarence 36 Religiously devoted 38 Go up the creek without a paddle? 39 Doggy bag item 40 She had a big hit with “Thank You” in 2001 41 Prepares, as a hook 42 They’re fun to jump in 46 Ben-Gurion airline 47 Toll-road toll unit 48 Talk Like a Pirate Day cry 51 Thrift store stipulation 52 Counterterrorism org. 55 Pet owner’s bane, and a hint to what’s hidden in 17-, 26- and 42-Across 59 Case the joint, say 60 Plant used for first aid 61 Blair’s predecessor 62 Tool used to create 42-Across 63 “__ of Steel”: ’80s workout video 64 Sudden increase
2445 Campus Rd. Hemenway Hall 107 • 808-729-2987 • www.kaleo.org
Hawaii Student Suites Warriors unveil new “Armour”
The Warrior football team will debut its new uniforms presented by Under Armour on Sept. 3 when Hawaii takes the field against Colorado. M ARC A R AK AKI Sports Editor
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The Warrior football team will begin its 2011 season with a new wardrobe. Last Thursday, the UH athletic department unveiled new jerseys designed by Under Armour. Among the changes from last season’s jerseys are a new tapa pattern made exclusively for the Warrior football team that symbolizes ‘ohana and teamwork. “I’m pretty stoked about them,” senior linebacker Corey Paredes said. “I like the fact that they have the different technologies to make us play better. I know they’re supposed to be better material on the arms and the legs so
I’m pretty stoked about feeling good out there and looking good.”
W H O L E N AT I O N WAT C H I N G The Warriors thrive on national exposure, and this season may serve them well. Three of Hawai‘i’s 13 games will be televised on the ESPN family of networks. The Warriors’ season opener against the Colorado Buffaloes will be on ESPN2 (Sept. 3), a Western Athletic Conference matchup at San Jose State will be on ESPN (Oct. 14), and Hawai‘i’s closer against BYU will be on ESPN2 (Dec. 3). “We didn’t do too good on the national televised games last year, so we’re trying to make it a big emphasis to do really good and
show our country that we can play football,” Paredes said. Hawai‘i, the defending WAC champions, will open the season with four non-conference opponents: Colorado, Washington (Sept. 10), UNLV (Sept. 17), and UC Davis (Sept. 24). The Warriors feel it is important to get off to a good start early because two of its four losses last season came in the first four games of the year. “There shouldn’t be anyone that we shouldn’t be able to beat,” Paredes said. “If we can develop and measure the teams during camp, I don’t see us losing too many games this season.” The Warriors will then continue with all seven WAC games, including the Homecoming game against New Mexico State on Oct. 22 and Military Night against Utah State on Nov. 5. Hawai‘i will then conclude the season with two non-conference games at home against Tulane on Nov. 26 - and BY U. “Non-conference games are good. We want to win every game, but you want to win your conference championship and you want to win all your WAC games,” Paredes said. “We just want to come in prepared, and like Coach Mack [head coach Greg McMackin] says, ‘get better every game.’ If we can play like how we showed in the spring, I think we have a really good chance of doing really good this season and taking the WAC [title].”
Sept. 3 – vs. Colorado [4:15 p.m.] Sept. 10 – at Washington [9:30 a.m.] Sept. 17 – at UNLV [4:00 p.m.] Sept. 24 – vs. UC Davis [6:00 p.m.] *Oct. 1 – at Louisiana Tech [1:00 p.m.] Oct. 8 – OPEN *Oct. 14 – at San Jose State [3:00 p.m.] *Oct. 22 – vs. New Mexico State [6:00 p.m.] *Oct. 29 – at Idaho [11:00 a.m.]
*Nov. 5 – vs. Utah State [6:00 p.m.] *Nov. 12 – at Nevada [10:05 a.m.] *Nov. 19 – vs. Fresno State [6:00 p.m.] Nov. 26 – vs. Tulane [6:00 p.m.] Dec. 3 – vs. BYU [2:30 p.m.] All times listed in HST All home games played at Aloha Stadium * WAC Games