Carter Trask Files 2

Page 1

Students allege discrimination Trask students say philosophy head was unfair to Trask-backers by Meflla Ishikawa 1<.1 Leo Sfon•or Staff Wnrer

Fhe Uni-.ersity of Hawaii graduate students have filed complaints with the dean of stu· dents and have requested a formal investigation of Philosophy Department Chairman Larry Laudan·s supposed d is-

criminatory actions. Antoinette Freitas. Douglas Margolis, Annette Mente, Manuwai Peters and G. Terry Young filed complaints charging Laudan with discrimination based on race/color and national origin. They aJso feel they are being discriminated against because they are c;tudents of Professor Haunani Trask. The students filed their complaints Dec. 12 in response to numerous stutements made by Laudan on KHPR radio. KITV Channel 4 news. KHET tele'w ision, KHON Channel 2 ne\\S and to the Honolulu Advertiser and Star-Bulletin.

They stated in their complaints that Laudan had misrepresented and distorted Trask's statements, thus creating an intimidating. anti-Haw-.Uian atmosphere for students or Trask as well as others \\ho share the same political .. iews. They also said Laudan had wrongly and irresponsibly characterized them as 'terrorists" and 'mongers of hate.' They are seeking corrective action by means of a public apology from Laudan to them and other students of Trask . Freitas. Peters. Margolis and Young ha'we requested an offi· cia1 public reprimand from the University o f Hawaii admin-

istration. Peters bas requested Laudan's removaJ from his position as chainnan of the philosophy department. ··1 feel that this antiHawaiian, pro-violence cam· paign that Professor Laudan is waging against native Hawaiians at the University of Hawaii is discriminatory because it singles us out as targets for threats and violence.·· Peters stated in his complaint. While willing to discuss "larger issues,.. Laudan would not comment on the matter and said that .. while the ~rievance is under cons1dern 1 ::-m. 1t would be inappropriate ul discuss it." Freitas. a graduate student in

Pacific Island Studies. stated in her complaint that Laudan ''is sending a message that if students don't agree with his way of thinking or if a student agrees with Professor Trask. then they do not belong on the university campus. This is intimidation!" Margolis. a graduate student in political science, stated in his complaint that he was "harassed and intimidated" by Laudan at a Nov. 2 rallv at Sakamaki Hall by "publicly· declaring that my peaceful actions were ' terroristic' and a 'brand of r.tdicalism' that doesn' t belong on a university campus.




Ka Leo 0 Hawaii The Voice Of Hauaii

Vol. LXXXIV Issue No. 7

Thursday.Jan.24. 1991

Univer1ity of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu. Hawaii

More security over concern of violence Manoa Garden had to close early due to 'skinheads' threats by Frank Iverson Ka leo Reporrer

Concerns over possible violence from anti-\\ar demonstrators and counterdemonstrators ha'.e led to increased security measures on the university cumpus. Campus secunty Ia t week increased the number of guard:. around the Army and Air Force ROTC buildings, according to ROTC instructor Capt. Bryan Stever. An extra guard \\as added to Campus Security's usual tv.o-man patrol in the area because the state felt the buildings might be subject to vandalism and/or lire. Ste\er said . Ste\er said UH ROTC buildmgs have been set on lire twice in the Ia t ~0 year:<>. Once during the Vietnam War and once in 1986. Ste\er sa1d the motive for the 5\..~ond attack is not known. Both buildings belonged to the Arm) ROTC. The first lire was set v.hen the ROTC buildings were on upper campus and the second after they had been

mo\ ed to lower campus. Stever said funds for the extra guard are conung from the state. adding that it is <:heaper for the state to pay for C:\tra security than perhaps a new buildmg ln an unrelated security measure, Manoa Garden \\BS forced to close early last Thursday 11nd Frida) night after recei\ ing threau from "skinheads," according 10 manager Bridget A wong. Av.:ong said the cafeteria recei\ed phone calls Thursday from people claimmg to be skinheads. threatening to " trash" the place. A wong said she su:;pected the skinheads might have v.:anted to attack Manoa Garden because of peace demonstrators who had gathered there earlier. Manoa Garden regularly closes at 8 p.m. on weekdays but closed at 6:30 p.m . on Thursday and Friday to avoid possible vtolence. Awong .said . " I closed the place earlv to avoid an'!thing that might happen. i was also v.:,)rried about my staff and didn't need any hassles.- she satd. Makana Chock, a bartender at Manoa Garden. said they did not recieve any further threats, and there was no dama2e done to Manoa Garden over the Y.eekend. She al:.o said she thought the threats would stop be\.--ause protestors ha\e not been prominent at the Garden since last \\eek.

Housing crunch persists Students on waiting list left holding bags

If I Drink Milk

by Lucia Keane

A young boy admiTes the great size of the Father Damien statue outside the Hawaii State Capitol earlier this week.

Activists protest on Kalakaua Human wall formed to protect protestors More than 150 University of Hawaii

~tudems and faculty marched through

Waikiki last friday night demanding an end to the war in the Per~ian Gulf. Demonstrators hagan marching at 6:30 p.m . along Kalakaua A\cnue. making lhe1r way through Waikiki. J• nolulu Po lice Department officers f da1 n' a \ de ~ r

from supporter of the U.S. military action. " We're here to guarantee their (protes· tors) nght to protest, .. said HPD Lt. Kenneth Chang. The march progressed without incident as prote:.tors chanted slogans like: "When do we want peace: Now .·· Military personnel trailed the marchers sho uting '"Don't belie\e this :.hit."' Despue a heated exchange of chants. the march ended \\ithout ' nc dent



Ka leo Reporrer

Those University of Hawaii students fortunate enough to receive on-campus housing this semester should thank their lucky stars. According to James Burgoyne, director of student hou.~g. the number of qualified students for on-campus housing continues to e~ceed the space av-oiilablc. He said students from neighbor islands and those of rural Oahu are given p~iority depending upon their location \lilth re peel to the UH campus. Along with geographical qualifications, the student housing office also operates on a first-come. first-serve basis when dealing wuh applications, R rro ne also satd tudents v.: ho enter t e v t"'"!'lt~ e:-o \ e the ~;ummer

through the College Opportunities Program are also gnen high pnorit) . Last semester the shortage of on-campus housing reached be~ond the unhersity communit). as visitmg students participating in the National Student Exchange Program found themselves sleeping on roll-away beds in dormitory study areas. Laune Furutani. a~ signmcnt officer for tudent housing, said that some of the exchange student:; declined to sleep in the study areas. "I assume that they found housing ofT campus,,. she saic.J. While the initiative has been taken to increase student housing fac1lities on campus. the effort may have a hit a wall. According to Doris Ching, vice president for student atTatrs. funding for the additional student housing facilit} was included in the imtial budget the UH administration handed to the go'femor. "'The additional housing would have been buill in the center of (the umversit) ) L



ext prices hitting hard Each semester students take a sure-to-be-a· n-the-pocketbock trek to the UH bookstore get a paw on the tools of their trade. And when tbey leave, most aren't smiling. Marketing major Aaron lbara he was than upset a~ter dishing out $247 for five

.. I'm pissed," said the junior matter-of-factly. bara said he dido 't expect to have to pay so dearOne hardback, .. Advertising- Principals and Practice," fetched $48.75. The 614-page textbook is required reading for his Marketing 331 class. GJen Muranaka was more fortunate. but from the look on his face it was apparent that he too was not a happy camper. A junior in business. Muranaka paid SI:S6 for or eight"texts. .. It seems like J'm paying a lot, but there's nothing you can do about it except look for used books,"he said philosophically. Muranaka said he plans on selling his books to lhe bookstore at the semester's end, only this time successfully. Last fall Muraoaka said he was thwarted in his attempts when new editions of the tellS came out. Travel management student Lisa Chun looked for used books and found them. Yet, to her dis·

may she still spent $225. "How do they expect us to pay?"she asked. "We're just students." While students cringed, University of Hawaii Bookstore director Wayne Fujishige empathized. Fujishige said he understands the concern students have regarding costs, pointing out he was once in the same situation. He said the bookstore "tries bard" to keep prices down but that prices are. for the most part, determined by the publishers . Fujisbige explained the store is a self-support· ing entity not covered by the State of Hawaii's general fund. "The State doesn't give us a whole bunch of money," he said. As such. the bookstore is like any other business. A profit is welcome but not expected. He said breaking e ...-en is the aim. Fujishige said a 20 percent markup is tacked on to book prices if the bookstore received a discount from distributors for freight. handhng and storage costs. 1f not, the store sells book at a suggested retail listing. Either way, students would pay a price similar to that of the bookstore. As for the grumbling. Fujishige suggested students look at the "overall perspective''-that the cost of textbooks is part of one's educational investment. "They'll probably earn that money back in an hour,'' Fujishige said .

Philosophy chair under fire

photo by Myronlow ~~ leo

Ann Legaspi, a senior majoring in history, bought her books yester· day as cashier Venie Buford looked on.

~ Ka Leo 0 Hawaii


The Voice of Hal.l}(Jli £Alitorial

FROM PAGE 1 .. rn effect he was violating my First Amendment rights, as well as using his authority and position to make me feel uncomfortable, unwanted and to shut me up," he stated. Mente. a graduate student in urban and regional planning. filed her complaint because ''his (Laudan's) remarks have made us targets for white hatred, open hostility and veiled sarcasm." "The efreda of t.ud•'s iaflammatory remarks have been devastating. His irresponsible remarb are a wiJiful distortion meant to rally suppon for Laudan's aim to remove and sileoce Trask. But the effect has

been to encourage more racism against Hawaiians and locals both on and off campus," she stated . Peters, a graduate student in Pacific Island studies, stated in his complaint that Laudan bas indirectly created an atmosphere of intimsdation for Trask's students. "Now, I come to school everyday with a fear that 1, too, may suffer the same intimidation and investigations that Trask is now a victim of. It is a dear message to me that I cannot express my political views as a native Hawaiian without facing repercussions in the form of threats, administrative investigations. or worse, physical violence," Peters stated

Young. a gr.tduate student in history, stated in his complaint that his education at the University of Hawaii had been disrupted by Laudan.

"Dr. Laudan's recommendation that Dr. Trask be removed constitutes racial harassment against me on the grounds that my already narrow range of options for culturally appropriate role models of Hawaii leadership would be virtually eliminated on the Manoa campus," be stated in his complaint. The complaints were ftled with Dean of Students Thomas Gething. Gething is presently attending the NASPA Conference and was not available for comment.

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Letters to the Editor List en and talk I am writing in response to a contribution in Ka Leo ·s column "Letters to the Editor," Dec. 12. 1990. This is at least the second time lhat somebody proposed a comparison between the actions and attitudes of Haunani Trask and those of Adolf Hitler, and I will not reference either one of them. since I am not interested in singling out and attacking indi\iduals for participating in a debate that is obviously needed and urgent. The comparison between Trask. and Hitler is. to say the least. cynical and misleading. Hatler. in his megalomanic and sickening pursuit of a new world order. tried to expand the influence and power of an already 50\treign nation . The German people wath their underlying tendenc\ to obedience and Juenucliacal order followed him and his totalitarian machinerv through to th!! ''bitter end.:. Hopefully. they learned their

lesson. Haunani Tra!>k, on the other

hand. takes her stand fN the Hawaiian people. who arc anythmg but a SO\ercign nation, who have been colonized and Chnstianized by the Briti'>h, lost their independence to the U.S. at the turn of the century. and \\ere dc.:darcd "50th :-tate" ------

roughly half a century later. listened to ~hen they talk about Without going into further the sa~dust they had to swal· aggravating detail it should be low. Thus. my appeal is. please lisclear by now that the Trask.lHitler equation is completely in- ten and talk to Haunani T rask and the people that support her. valid. It seems very understandable. even if it is agonizing, painfu l if pot logical in the strict sense, and repetitious. because tha t is that the oppressed should know exactly what oppression is: and above all FEEL what op- agoruzmg. painful. repetitious. pression does to him/her and the We can all o nly learn from each society he/she claims to belong other. Max C remer to. The oppressor him/herself. on the o ther side. should know Graduate stu*nt verv well the means and meehanisms of oppression. since they are his/her tools to maintain a position of power and inAn interesting thought ocnuence, and it is simply a low curred to me the night the priority to care about effects United Nations' '' deadline"' was and resulting feelings, at least in reached. It seems that the the short run . United States is bein~ a bit I am (almost) ~illing to hypocritical in condemnang Iraq believe that the American for invading Kuwait. people did not intentional!~ disLook at our own history. The criminate against the Hawaiian ) oung American government people, the people of the Mar- broke treaty after treaty with shall lslands, the people of the Native American Nations. Samoa. the people of Guam. the And whv? Because there was no people of the Philippines, the "super i>o~er" to get anvolved peoples of Panama. Nicaragua. and threaten the then-American government to st~1p acting like a El Salvador. etc •..• Undisputed. bo~e"er is that .. bull\ " toward its :.maller and the U .S. cngagemt:nl in these weaker neighbors. regions sen ed the purpo:-e of The Nati\e Amcricmts ...,ere maintaining its strategical and forced onto reservations that economical position of power. were mcre fractions of rhear The voices of the people:-;. whose <lriginal roaming nmgc. The efTon" toward self determin:l- rc:senullons them~che~ became tiun ~ere inhibited by these t'metcd later for thear mming engagements hould at least be pO:.!>tbilitie:;. Thb begms to

U.S. is a bully




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Keeping peace

sound suspiciously like the situation between Iraq and Kuwait. \\·here Iraq is coveting War protesters practicing Kuwait's rich oil fields. their right to freedom of expresIt seems that ''might makes sion were brutally mishandled right" for America. But let lrctq b) police in the noisy. but mosttry it, and suddenly America ly peaceful Jan. 17 demonstragets a conscience. America as. in tion outside the Federal BuildefTect. telling the world ... Do as · ing. I say. not as I do.·· Non-violent protesters went Now perhaps you say that we limp when otlicers came to arhave learned from our mistakes rest them. This strategy was and we are now trying to practiced in the south by Martin preven t the same injustice from luther King and in India by befalling the K uwaiti nation a nd Gandhi. Police officers were not citizens: but I ask you, how can sufficiently trained to deal with we preach justice when it this kind of protest. Their reacdoesn't exist at home? Shouldn't tions caused the violence that ~e heal the injustices here a t took place. home. before we attempt to heal Various news reports sugthe world? When we, as a na- gested that protester~ out tion. a re perfect. then perhaps of hand ... justifying the use of we can pass judgment on other force by police officers. Thear nations of the world. reponing almost exclushely I am not an anarchist or a looked at the issue of street pacifist. but merel) a concerned \ iolence. instead of the protest. citizen. I believe that we can Those ~ ho dt.-cided to block change TH ROUGH our current trallic knew that they had to system. rather than CHANGE create a media event to be heard our current ystem. because the mcc.ha are interested I lo\e my count!') and I wall in presenting ima$es. not idea:.. support m)- country in thi:. enIronically. pollee "ere more deavor as ~ell as I nm able. I effective than the protesters. simply find it dasturbing that .1s Squad care blocking two lanes Americans we show !Ouch of traffic siO\\Cd passmg traflic hypocris) to the ~Mid. Perhaps and forced them to become \\e haven't yet learned our le:.- aware of the prote:.ters. ruther .son Hfter all than dri\IC b) without paying attention. Carh,· Anne Sht>eh Geoffrc\ Dalandt r Secondar) English Major Graduate S tudent


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Trask is harassed 1)


e t r·

Man nabbed as he tried to debate Trask

· wonderful.·· she said. "They were 'there within five minutes." The trespasser was stopped downstairs by Campus Security. Honolulu Police Department officen> arrived soon after by Charles I. Gary Campus Security Manager K.lleo S1.1ff Wr~ter Ed Yanai said the man was given a trespass warning and University of Hawaii Cam- could be arrested on sight if pus Security apprehended a discovered on campus again. Trask said she found out man who had reportedly been removmg 1tems from a bul- that the man was a tenant at letin board at the Center for the Institute of Human SerHawaiian Studies Wednes- vices. Trask's comments were in day. Associate Professor Haunani-Kay Trask said. reference to what she Trask said she and Assis- regarded as the administratant Professor Lilikala tion ·s lack of response to Kameeleihiwa arrived at her recent "terroristic threatenoffice at 7:45 a.m. and dis- ing" aimed at the Center for covered the man looking at Hawaiian Stud1es. her office door. taking notes. Hate fliers charging the "He told me. 'I need to Hawaiian Center director debate with you.· and I told with sexual harassment and him. 'no. I have a lot of ·· Haunani Trash" stickers things to do.· " Trask said. have been distributed around She said the intruder campus in recent weeks. wanted to d1scuss the Persian "It's not a game." Trask sa1d. "This is not funny. This Gulf War with her. The man told Trask that is very dangerous, and my she is "a beautiful lady" and staff is concerned for their "a black-widow sp1der:· she safety. We've been gettmg phone threats as well." said. Trask said the response When he refused to leave, from the· UH admintstrauon Trask called security. ··campus Security has been ''leaderless."


Ka Leo 0 Hawai'i

Friday, May 3, 1991

Letters to the Editor Mahalo Ka Leo I was pleasantly surprised to see Kaleikoa Ka'eo's column in Haw.Uian in Ka Leo la!>t Thursday, but even more pleased by the thoughtfuJ and supporuvc editorial on Frida¥. 1 oo often on this campus: as else" here an the state, there has been theorellcal support for the perpetuation of Hawaiian langua~ and culture and its concom.Hant value system, but reluctance to do anything practical to make that support real. I apprectate Ka Leo's \loilling· ne~s to make a practical commitment to publishirig articles in Hawaiian, and I recognize that the decision mvolved putting aside any personal feelings of hurt and biuernes!'>. You are probably right in anticipating criticism from some quarters, which may result in more pain to you and your staff. but rest assured that it is in a good cause. As the massage lady said while she kneaded her client's muscles, ''Sore, but good sore, yeah'?'' Sometimes to fix things in the long run. we have to be uncomfortable for a while. Mahalo ia 'oukou a pau.

Pua Ropkias associate professor, Hawaiiaa

Opinion piece sparks campus 'hate' stickers Thank you for printing my article about eating meat, the environment and animal rights groups on Friday, April 26. The truth must have offended someone because by Saturday, April 27, I had two ·•hate" stickers on my otT~ee door. In light of the recent controversy about other "hate" leaflets on campus, referring to Dr. Trask and others, I thought it important to bring this incident to the campus' attention. Based upon the criminal history of the radicaJ animal rights movement, I feel it necessary to look upon this incident as something more than a harmless "prank." For example, on April 2, J989, animal rights activists b roke into and torched an animal facility at the University of Ariz.ona-Tucson - damage estimated at $100,000. On July 4. 1989, there was a break-in and theft at a laboratory at the Texas Tech University Health Science Center in Lubbock. Equipment was

destroved and data v.ere stolen -- damage esumated between $50,000 to S70.000. On April 16. 1987, the Veterinary Dtagnostic Laborato!Y at the University of California, Davis was destroved bv a fire set by animal right; activists; cost to replace this facilit) - S5 million. Since 1981. accordmg to the National Association of Biomedical Research. more than 90 serious criminal acts have been committed by these terrorists: and not JUSt property crimes. Animal rights activists target mdividuaJ researchers and their families with bate death

As They See It care about the meaning or story, I just want to S(."C your dra\\ ing style! If you are as good as you think you are, you should have no problems. Don't use, "I don •t ha\'e the ttmc;· because if Murakami can do it under strict deadline!>, you should be able to whip something out, Since you are better. Scott Goto junior, education

F ormer K a L eo 'tOOIDSt Sa yS

quit ' whining' thn2u.bMnb~~~~~~~~::~~==~=-~~~ ttmes. actual bombmg_s~ Leo cartoomst. J must

Will any of thi.., happen to me because I speak out against the radical ammal rights movement? l hope not. But I now feel some of the anger that Dr. Trask must have felt when she was targeted. It's scary and it really makes you angry.

Douclas L. Vincent As&Utaat Animal Scieatist

Nothing wrong with Murakami but Smith ... I would like to direct this letter to Broc Smith, the great art critic who cut down Jon Murakami in the April 25 issue ofK.a Leo. I must speak out and defend Murakami's comic strip. I think be is ooo of the best Ka Leo hu. True, sometimes his stories are a little weak. but this happens to even the pros. 1 can't really comment too much on the writing side because I'm no writer. However. I have been a fan of Pidgin to da Max for a long time, and L can tell you that the similarities between theirs and Murakami's style are so slight, if not nonexistent. You don't even have to study the two for two seconds to know there is a difference in style. Now, I'm not a very good artist, in fact I think I suck! But I'm getting tired of heanng people say. "I can do better

than that!" Jt's a spineless comment unless it can be proven. Anyone can say, ·• I can do better than that," but how many actually can? The point is Mr. Art Expert, prove it! I challenge you to do better. Go ahead and submit an illustration or a cartoon! I don't

cally protest the infantile whining.'> of one Broc Smith in the April 24 issue of Ka Leo. While 1 realize that any journalist or artist csn benefit from constructive criticism. Srruth reaches a level of mean-spiritedness that belies the ktnd of maturity any college student should have, much Jess a junior in "liberal studies." lo his letter, Smith appears to be dissatisfied with Jon Murakami's handling of the -sensitive issue" of male bonding: some gobbledegook about "unspoken fraternities," "life and death issues. ., and ''honest and intelligent men." What puzzles me is how a cartoon about burping could send this guy into a name~ng f.-otb. All r can say to that is: Lighten up! It's a cartoon, ferchrissake! In a world filled with crass injustice!, I am utoUDded that Smith is so incredibly offended by b~ing (as if his body doesn't contribute any emissions to our environment) that be has taken it upon himself to defend the integnty of the male mystique by insulting Ka Leo cartoonists. The life of a cartoonist has its frustrations and rewards. Nothing is more rewarding than having classmates, professors or even complete strangers compliment your work. Meeting deadlines and taking criticism promotes profes· sionatism and artistic development. But I'm sure most artists would agree that the most annoying criticism is " I could do better." 1•m not against that sentiment. I've felt that way too. But at least I. and other Ka Leo cartoonists like Jon Murakami and Grant Crowell, made the effort to make it better. Smith's beUvaching gets no sympathy from· me. H he feels be

can handle issues near and dear to his heart (like male bonding) better than anyone currently being published. I welcome his efforts. Otherwise. he should keep his insensitive and vacuous charges to himself. DebAoki 1989 U H alumna

llea:rn and eat at same place Big mahalos to aU who attended the Graduate Student Organization Friends of University of Hawaii at Manoa Ubraries fuodraiser last Friday night. The party was a big success and was enJoyed by all. We don't have an exact dollar amount to report, but it is certain that we dido 't raise the es-

timated S53 million required to build Phase lll of Hamilton Library. Therefore, I bave a suggestion for AI Simone and the regents. Hamilton Library is extremely short of study space. Right next door, Hamilton Snack Bar stands vacant and idle from 2:30 p.m. on. Why not utilize this space and open it up for Hamilton over-

flow? Students could spread out more and still have fairly handy access to Hamilton ·s coUection (something that is definitely lacking at Sinclairs' after hours study area), Any extra expense could even be passed on to Marriott: They could open a coffee and snack concession and make a bundle.

Ka Leo' s Letter s Policy

Ka Leo welcomes letters to tbe editor OD au ~ AU letten must bear the oulhor- l l l il Poumber, aad be type4, double-limlted to 200 won& Ia ~c ~ 011 spedfre ~ IIIIOali W ~- to the open forum. Repest~ for anoaymlty will be booored ooly at tbe discretion of tbe editor. The editor reserves tbe rf&ht to edit all submissions for lenath, gniiiUUr aDd Ubel. PUbliatlon is DOt guaranteed.


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As They See It

Letters to the Editor the high percentage of qualified and only serves to alienate many black applicanlli, and I believe ~ho are otherwise sympathetic similar reasons account for the with the Hawaiian revival. Nevertheless, some of the high percentage of Caucasian writer's closing suggestions have male tenured facuJty. The second problem is the a little more validity. Art Wbisder It is interesting to read the perpetuation of the ''victim... UH aJUDUM diverse Views published in Ka status because of all the tliings Le~. and although many of that the writer feels violate her lhem are useful and constnx:- etbnicityt By always blaming tive, occasionally there are some troubles on others. the inthat cry out for a rebuttal. Such dividual has built in an excuse i:. the case of the presentation ta, for failure. I often work for a Antoinette Freitas (May 6). woman .. of color;• and she got First. there is a problem of 10 where she is by workin~ hard statistics. The writer feels vio- ad becoming the best tn her In response to an April 29 K.a lated because '"83 percent of the ftdd. Leo article in which a political tenured faculty are white men.. The writer should not feel science graduate student comand "only 26 percent are people violated that she was told that it pared the position the Palesof color." Perhaps Caucasaan is useless to learn Hawaiian. tinians bold today with that women should be the ones that That is a matter of opinion, and held by the Jews 50 years ago feel violated because the J09 I ~nally have wanted to take under the Nazi regime, it is alpercent of the tenured faculty Hawaiian. most sacrilegious. does not even include them. However. to carry it to an exSix million Jews lost their I am willing to concede that treme, ~ike the insistence of lives in the Holocaust perthe preponderance of black ath- ,.some actJVisLS that some article:s petrated by Nazi Germany in a letes on the University of in Ka Leo should be published systematically planned annihilaHawaii basketball team renects only in Hawaiian, is ridiculous tion program carried out in con-

Hawaiian in Ka Leo only alienates many

A majority is more than half

centration camps throughout Europe. in scientifically designed gas chambers and crematoriums. Does this compare with the treaLment received The headline of yesterday's by the Palestinians? Ka Leo article, "Ka Leo poll Efforts to create a Jewish finds majority of students want state dates back 10 1917 under hate-nier ban ·• is very misleadthe Balfour Declaration, and the ing. United Nations made it a reality The data sho~ no such thing. in 1948. The Palestinians could First of all. the margin of error have bad a state' at the time, but on your results is 6.7 percent. the Arab nations chose to go to Therefore. the two categories war instead. lsrael bas had to are within the uncertainty of fight many wars since then, and each other. she'd like nothing better than to Statistically speaking. the live in peace with her neighbors groups are evenly split. instead of being surrounded by Those who read the fine print hostile ones. When the student advoc-cltes in your graphic would probabl) the elimination of Israel and his catch this. But for those who do plan for the country, he is per- not, or who are not acquainted petuatin$. the hate. and it fur- with statistical anal)si ', please ther justif.aes fear for her use more care so you do not mislead your readers. security.

Don't mistake Palestinians for the Jews








Trudi Green

Khal Spencer research associate

pwluate, political science










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Thank You ... Donna Paik and Rena Wong.Y>u ha \o'C both done an Incredible job this year. thanks for all of your effort and dedication. Its been a real pleasure working with, and getting ro know borh of you o\o'Cr the past rwo years. Best ofluck in your furures! _ ~



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llolaJtnUHOrwi..,... . . IIIMelilany-"* pe~a. Cillf Pu

. . . -. Own ...--.

Clrol, fores, MUir, ~~ Sbri, Job, SIWd, Kntitt, A1*M, V.lal, SUrp, Uil•

Congratulations Graduates! Have a great summer! Ka Leo 0 Hawai'i




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DENISE, LEI & STEPHANIE Congratulation~~

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degree! We are all proud of you and wgh you

all the best.

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