Ser v i ng t he st udents of t he Un iversit y of Hawa i ‘ i at M ā noa si nce 1922
The paʻiʻai problem Leagalizing a traditional Hawaiian staple Features 6
Studies on studying? Learning in the longrun Opinions 7
MON DAY S E P T. 2 0 to T U E S DAY S E P T. 21, 2 010
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Volu me 105 Issue 23
Abercrombie rides wave of change to win democratic primary
LYNN NAK AGAWA News Editor Former representative Neil Abercrombie won the democratic primary for governor on Saturday with a substantial lead over former Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann who conceded at about 10 p.m. that evening. Abercrombie’s supporters gathered at the old Comp USA building off of Ala Moana Boulevard. Actress Kelly Hu, President Obama’s half-sister Maya Soetoro-Ng, among others, addressed the crowd and
thanked them for their support. Abercrombie won the primary election with 134,955 votes, 59.4 percent of the vote, as opposed to Hannemann who had 85,891 votes or 37.8 percent. Lieutenant Governor James “Duke” Aiona swept the republican primary with 40,351 or 93.2 percent of the vote. “We ran in the primary election on a message of change, on a message that we can do better in Hawai‘i,” said Laurie Au, Abercrombie’s spokesperson. Abercrombie’s plan for Hawai‘i is titled “A New Day in Hawai‘i” and covers topics from the
economy to technology and innovation. “We started this campaign in March 2009 which gave us more than 18 months of campaigning. That really gave our campaign the time to develop our organizational efforts,” said Au. “We knew that we weren’t going to be campaign built on a lot of money. We knew that our strength was going to have to be in our grassroots. And we started building that in 2009,” she said.
Hannemann’s concession speech before Abercrombie addressed the crowd. “Over fort y years ago, (Governor) John A nthony Burns told us that we needed to catch a wave,” said Neil Ab ercrombie on Saturday night. “In 20 08 a great wave came from Hawai‘i and went all the way across the United States of A merica with the election of Barack Obama.” “And now, in 2010, a new wave of hope
ELECTION NIGHT Abercrombie supporters watched Mufi
See Primary, next page
MONDAY, SEPT. 20, 2010
Primary from front page
Former Honolulu mayor Mufi Hannemann addresses his supporters Saturday night during his concession speech.
Former U.S. congressmen Neil Abercrombie spoke to Ka Leo Saturday night about his plans for UH Mānoa.
and change is coming to Hawai’i and it starts tonight,” he said to a spirited crowd. “ Tonight, as Mayor Hannemann has reached out to me, I reach out with open arms to all the supporters of Mufi Hannemann and I will do ever ything I can to earn your consideration and earn your trust and earn your respect,” he said. Former Democratic Party chairman Brian Schatz, who won the democratic primar y for lieutenant governor, joined Abercrombie on stage. “ This is not about us, this is about you, and both of us thank you from the bottom of our hearts. A ll of you who have worked so hard, all of you who put your faith not in us as campaigners, but put your faith in a future in Hawai‘i we can all be lieve in,” said Abercrombie.
The mood was grim at the campaign headquarters of Mufi Hannemann. Hannemann thanked his supporters for their efforts throughout the campaign. “We’re obviously disappointed. We’re thankful to the rigor of those who worked hard on the campaign,” said Carolyn Tanaka, spokesperson for the Hannemann campaign. “I’ve always believed you try to win, and if you don’t win, you have to be the fi rst to congratulate that person or that team that beat you ... I’ve just had a wonderful conversation with the democratic nominee for governor ... we wish him the best and we’re going to support him,” Hannemann said in opening remarks for the concession speech. Hannemann supporters such as Hawai‘i Pacifi c University stu-
dent Fred Tooea said “(the concession speech) was very somber, (and) diplomatic. The fact that he said he is willing to support Abercrombie shows the unity of the Democratic party.”
PLANS FOR THE UNIVERSITY Abercrombie briefl y discussed his plans for the University of Hawai‘i with Ka Leo. “I will get together with President Greenwood and the faculty and the students,” he said. “(As an alumnus of the University of Hawai‘i) of all the things I look forward to if I get to be governor, working with and for the University of Hawai‘i—it’s students, it’s mission, is something that I treasure more than anything else.” When asked about specific plans for the University, Abercrombie believes meeting with the ad-
ministration and members of the university is the best approach. “I think it’s a very bad idea for the governor to come in and tell the university what needs to be done,” he said. “I will be going up to the university to listen to all of the ideas, possibilities, and proposals that I think will come f lowing to my desk from the university,” said Abercrombie. Abercrombie has said in an interview with Ka Leo reporter Ethan Porter that modernizing the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa schedule system may offer more opportunities for students to meet their graduation requirements. His ideas include extending the school week or scheduling classes that “meet the modern world.” He has said that he will not ask the Legislature for more money for the UH and will instead work with the existing budget to spend “more efficiently and effectively.”
O T H E R P L AT F O R M S According to the interview, Abercrombie views the biggest problem facing Hawai‘i as education. “It’s crucial to whether or not
we’re going to be able to keep people in the islands without having to leave the islands in order to pursue any dreams they might have of utilizing their full capacity,” he said. One of Abercrombie’s major platforms has been improving education from pre-kindergarten to post-graduate. He also would like Hawai‘i to be more energy independent and believes Hawai‘i needs an “agricultural renaissance,” or a redirection away from plantation mentality. He hopes to make Hawai‘i more food secure and provide more options for people to go into farming as a business. He also hopes to rebuild the economy and save and create jobs in Hawai‘i. Abercrombie believes small businesses are critical for this mission. He is a supporter of Native Hawaiian self-determination and hopes to resolve “long-standing controversies.” Abercrombie is also a supporter of civil unions calling it a “civil rights issue.” He will face Lieutenant Governor James “Duke” Aiona in the Nov. 2 general election. Features editor Reece Farinas contributed to this report.
MONDAY, SEPT. 20, 2010
SAPFB seeks to increase fee, student turn-out to meetings dismal A LICIA PARTRIDGE Staff writer For students interested in voicing their opinions about student funds, the Student Activity Program Fee Board (SAPFB) is holding a second meeting about their fee increase proposal this Wednesday, Sept. 22. The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. in Campus Center room 307. SA PFB is the governing body that financially supports cocurricular programs on campus. The board is one of six chartered
student organizations that receives its funding through a student fee. The fee is awarded to clubs and departments as grants for student activities. T he current fee is $2.70 per semester and has been since 1978. T he proposal suggests an increase of over 40 0 percent to $11 per semester. “We have to make up for 32 years of infl ation,” said SAPFB treasurer, Brenden Burk. T he board held a meet ing last T hursday for st udents to lear n about the board and the
KA LEO O HAWAI‘I ANNOUNCES A SPECIAL ADVANCE SCREENING Tuesday, September 21 • 7:00 pm Ward 16 Theatres
fee proposal and was an op por t unit y for st udents to share their opinions and concer ns. T he t ur nout was bleak; one st udent at tended. “ T he greater turn out we have at the next meeting, the more accurate representation of student wants we can get,” Burk said. T he meeting will cover the reason behind the proposal, how it benef its the students, why the amount of $11 was cho sen, and how the board came to this amount. The purpose of the meeting is to get student feedback to better the proposal, which will be presented at the Board of Regents meeting in November. “The students should have the greatest voice,” Burk said. Even if you support the increase, Burk said, the SA PFB would still like to hear from students. All students are highly encouraged to attend. PHOTO COURTESY OF UH MĀNOA WEBSITE
Any questions can be forwarded to SAPFB at sapf b@hawaii.edu.
Ka Leo O Hawai‘i University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa 2445 Campus Road Hemenway Hall 107 Honolulu, HI 96822
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COLUMBIA PICTURES PRESENTS A GARY SANCHEZ PRODUCTION Present your valid UH Student ID at the BOP Business Office after 1:00 pm next Tuesday, September 21 to get your complimentary pass!
OPP ENS ENS IN TH THEA EATRE TRESS SEPTEMBER 24 First come, first served. A valid UHM student ID is required--valid for Fall 2010; NO EXCEPTIONS on day of giveaway. No phone calls. One pass per person. Supplies are limited. One pass admits two.
Performances like “Hana – The Flower II” and other Kennedy Theater events are all covered by SAPFB. The fee increase will ensure the sustainability of programs like these. The fee has remained at $2.70 since 1978.
EDITORIAL STAFF Editor in Chief Will Caron Managing Editor Davin Aoyagi Chief Copy Editor Nichole Catlett News Editor Lynn Nakagawa Assc News Editor Jane Callahan Features Editor Reece Farinas Assc Features Editor Alvin Park Opinions Editor Lindsy Ogawa Assc Opinions Editor Michael Brewer
Sports Editor Russell Tolentino Assc Sports Editor Marc Arakaki Comics Editor Derick Fabian Design Editor Sarah Wright Photo Editor Nik Seu Assc Photo Editor Joel Kutaka Web Editor Brett Hinkle Assc Web Editor Tony Gaskell
ADVERTISING The Board of Publications office is located on the ocean side of Hemenway Hall.
Ka Leo O Hawai‘i is the campus newspaper of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. It is published by the Board of Publications three times a week except on holidays and during exam periods. Circulation is 10,000. Ka Leo is also published once a week during summer sessions with a circulation of 10,000. Ka Leo is funded by student fees and advertising. Its editorial content reflects only the views of its writers, reporters, columnists and editors, who are solely responsible for its content. No material that appears in Ka Leo may be reprinted or republished in any medium without permission. The first newsstand copy is free; for additional copies, please visit the Ka Leo Building. Subscription rates are $50 for one semester and $85 for one year. ©2010 Board of Publications. ADMINISTRATION The Board of Publications, a student organization chartered by the University of Hawai‘i Board of Regents, publishes Ka Leo O Hawai‘i. Issues or concerns can be reported to the board (Devika Wasson, chair; Henri-lee Stalk, vice chair; or Ronald Gilliam, treasurer) via bop@hawaii.edu. Visit www.hawaii.edu/bop for more information.
MONDAY, SEPT. 20, 2010
Money can’t buy pa‘i‘ai - yet C HRIS M IKESELL Senior Staff Writer
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The fi rst time Amy Brinker had pa‘i‘ai straight off the board, she only needed two words: “Man… ‘ono.” The young, unfermented pa‘i‘ai Brinker tasted that day – smashed taro at its thickest point – was a totally different product than the poi she knew. It was sweet. It was thick. It was gummy like mochi. It also could not be legally sold anywhere in Hawai‘i. “You can make it all day long, and eat it all day long, but if you want to sell it to the public, then you’ve got a different issue,” said Brinker. Brinker explained that pa‘i‘ai, young poi prepared in the traditional way using wood and a lava rock, cannot be legally sold in Hawai‘i because the State Department of Health ruled that there was no way to ensure that the porous stone used to prepare it is completely sanitized. This bothered Brinker to the point where she decided to take the issue up past the scholarly paper she wrote in her second year of law school. Using her own money, Brinker bought a couple of domain names and printed a thousand bumper stickers. Now, as the founder of indigenizethelaw.com and legalizepaiai.com, Brinker says that the State Department of Health needs to give consumers more options. “If you look at the health code as it reads right now, there’s a ton of rules on cooking food to a certain temperature, keeping it at a certain temperature,” said Brinker. “Then you get to one part of the code where it says that if a customer requests or has the knowledge, they can order and eat – and you can serve – raw fish and raw meat. That’s how we get to eat sushi. That’s how we get to eat poke.” Proposing this kind of regulatory change is a complex affair for Brinker. Any new rule, she said, would have to take into account its effects on existing taro mills. “The only legal process right now is to have a mill, so if you have something that impacts the mills too negatively, or you have something that impacts the kalo community negatively, that’s not something that I want to move forward with,” Brinker said. “At the end of the day, some of these poi mills are making sure that kupuna still have poi to eat.” But Brinker thinks that this kind of consumer release clause would be the best way to indigenize a code of law that, as of now, remains an obstacle to the commercial viability of this traditional cultural practice. “In between the growing of kalo and the pounding of poi, you have a barrier that is called a commercial kitchen, and that’s what’s required by the Department of Health,” Brinker said. “If you remove that barrier and say that if a customer requests a food product that doesn’t need all of the things writ-
Pa‘i‘ai, poi prepared traditionally using wood and a lava rock, is currently illegal to sell. Amy Brinker, founder of indigenizethelaw.com and legalizepaiai.com, hopes to change that. ten into the commercial kitchen aspect, you can make poi with one stone and one piece of wood. “ You’re talking about a sustainable food practice, and a sustainable way of life for a farmer, and thus a sustainable way of life for all of us.”
Squid’s Sick Pick of the week: rock out with Modern Superstitions.
» Story on www.kaleo.org/features
MONDAY, SEPT. 20, 2010
Studying to ace that midterm L INDSY OGAWA Opinions Editor Nearly a month has passed since school’s been in session, meaning it’s exam time again. By now, students are familiar with customary study habits: setting away free time, getting coffee, fi nding a quiet and comfortable place, and hitting the books. Yet, recent studies suggest that these obvious ways of studying may not be the best way to learn. Throughout elementary, junior high, and high school, students have been told whether they are left-brain or right-brain learners. Left-brain learners are considered to be more analytical and logical. Right-brainers are creative and emotional. Students also take tests to see if they are visual, auditory or kinesthetic learners. They are then given studying tips based on their results such as using fl ashcards for visual learners, taping notes after writing them for auditory learners, or studying with others for kinesthetic learners. University of California, San Diego’s cognitive scientists wrote in a recent review “Learning Styles – Concepts and Evidence,” that
In a nutshell... • Study in varied environments for the same amount of time -it could improve your test scores. • Study several related (but varied) subjects in one sitting to help your brain retain more info. • Space out study sessions to remember material. • Cramming can lead to better scores, but isn’t a good idea in the long run for students who need to retain knowledge for tougher classes.
t ART itsest g n i v Star ssion con ubmi
Answer the call: “If I were Governor for a day I would...” SUBMIT: Writing, Poetry, Song, Essay, Photography Artwork, and Video. ALEXANDER DANIELS/ KA LEO O HAWAI‘I
The traditional way of breaking students into different learning types may soon be obsolete, according to recent studies. while there is evidence that people have different ways of thinking and processing information, there was “virtually no evidence for the interaction pattern ... which was judged to be a precondition for validating the educational applications of learning styles.” Perhaps more interesting than throwing out the infamous idea of different types of learners is the notion that the best environment to study is in a single, quiet area. While there is nothing wrong with studying in the library, researchers found students who studied in at least two varied environments—such as the crowded Campus Center and the quiet Hamilton Library—for the same amount of time compared to students who studied in one environment had improved test scores and were able to retain information for a longer period of time. Researchers also found that studying several related, but varied, subjects in one sitting, such as practicing scales and several musical pieces, helps the brain to retain information. Children who were tested on varying types of math equations scored as
much as 39 percent better than children who focused on similar types of math equations. Dr. Doug Rohrer, a researcher who published in the journal “Applied Cognitive Psychology,” said in the NY Times that studying various types of material may help people learn the material because “when students see a list of problems, all of the same kind, they know the strategy to use before they even read the problem.” What Rohrer also went to explain is that seeing the same problem gets students into a pattern of how it should be solved. Having several types of problems, forces students to think about how to solve each problem individually. Cognitive scientists also suggest spacing out study sessions to remember material, but that cramming can lead to a better grade for exams. However, cramming is not suggested in the long run because students may not be able to remember the material when they move on to harder classes. There may never be an easy way of acing an exam, but at least there are now proven ways of getting one step closer.
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MONDAY, SEPT. 20, 2010
Vote to voice MORGAN CARMODY Staff Writer
“If you don’t vote, you can’t complain about the dimwit in office,” said University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa political science professor Lawrence Nitz. I think this statement embodied a couple things that are critical issues in why a lot of young students don’t vote, even though we should. Cynicism is often and understandably present towards the political process nowadays. We’re in one of the worst economic times politically, Obama’s charm has begun to wear off, there is chaos in D.C., and a lot of students fail to see how anything affects them. If the last presidential election showed us anything, it should be that voters do have the power to affect change. In the Obama election, young voters showed up in unprecedented numbers.
As Time Magazine said on Jan. 31, 2008, “His campaign has become the fi rst in decades – maybe in history – to be carried so far on the backs of the young. His crushing margin of victory in Iowa came almost entirely from voters under 25 years old, and as the race moved to New Hampshire and Nevada their votes helped him stay competitive.” Even if you are no longer an Obama supporter, there is a lesson to be learned from this: the younger generation is capable of changing the outcome of an election and our demographic is large enough to demand attention in elections. We should demand that candidates pay more attention to our wants and needs. To belong to this demographic that has so much potential to be powerful, yet routinely has one of
We need to get involved in politics because the people in office will ultimately affect us.
Obama’s election in 2008 seems to be proof that American youth can influence politics through the power of voting. the lowest voter turnouts, is incredibly frustrating. We cannot sit idly and watch more elections pass. We need to get involved in politics because the people in office will ultimately affect us, and our lack of ambition to take five minutes out of our schedule to vote shows our lack of concern for the United States
and for our own rights. Nitz later said, “Learn to pay attention to people running for office. We have gone through some embarrassing ordeals. If you watch and listen, you can figure out something isn’t right with a candidate. If you don’t vote and they get in office, you helped put them there.”
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puzzles • classif ieds • horoscopes
Monday, Sept. 20, 2010
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis
By Samantha Wine
ACROSS 1 Persian Gulf emirate 6 Aptly named novelist
11 Check for drinks 14 Rocket scientist Wernher von __ 15 Use for dinner, as dishes
Horoscopes By Nancy Black and Stephanie Clements Tribune Media Services (MCT) Today’s birthday (9/20/10). Vary your routines this year. A new outlook makes relationships feel fresh and delightful. You get on the same wavelength with others when you allow family, children and partners to share in fulfilling your dreams.To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
an on-off switch 68 Sharp-eyed bird 16 Realm from 44 Like some denim DOWN 800-1806: Abbr. patches 1 Trade name abbr. 17 Jazzy O’Day 45 Letter-writing 2 Caterer’s vessel 18 On the __: broken friend 3 Controversial financial 19 Approx. landing hr. 47 Circular gridiron rescues 20 Daydreaming gathering 4 Cars 23 More intimate 51 “West Side Story” 5 “Be right there!” 25 __-mutuel: type heroine 6 Get a better int. rate, of betting 53 Music genre that probably 26 Funny Costello experienced a 7 Make on the job 27 Abel’s slayer ’50s-’60s revival 8 Working busily 30 Tsar or emperor 54 Sign of the future 32 It follows the overture 9 “The lady __ protest 55 Sitarist Shankar too much”: 34 Pressed for time 56 That’s partner “Hamlet” 36 Failing to grasp a 57 Corned beef 10 Automaker Ferrari key element dish 11 Store to “fall into,” in old ads 41 Conceived of 61 Commercial prefix 12 Prefix with -scopic 42 IRS agent with -cro 13 “Scram!” 43 What ballerinas 62 Prior to 21 New employee dance on 22 End result 46 Slangy agreement 23 Littleneck, e.g. 48 HVAC measure 49 Utah city near Provo 24 Centers of activity 28 Actress Swenson 50 Uproar 52 Not expected back 29 Smartly dressed at work until tomorrow 30 Obstetrician’s calculation 31 Psychic’s asset, for short 58 Econ. yardstick 33 “Surely I’m not the only one?!” 59 Nebraska city 35 South Korea’s first president 60 Tee shot 37 Altar promise 63 Mauna __ 38 “Drinks are on yours truly” 64 Lees competitor 39 MLB league 65 Ocean ship 40 Letter-shaped fastener 66 Bigger picture: Abbr. 43 Flip back and forth, as 67 Kosher deli offering
Aries (March 21-April 19) -- Today is a 6 -- Use your willpower to create an umbrella protecting everyone in your circle. Rely on logic to resolve emotional distress. Move forward with creative projects. Taurus (April 20-May 20) -- Today is a 7 -- If everyone works in teams of two, a lot more gets accomplished. One pair may go off in some wild, imaginative direction, but that’s all right. Gemini (May 21-June 21) -- Today is a 7 -- Activities move forward like a welloiled machine. Maintain control over the wheel, and you stay on track and get plenty accomplished.
Cancer (June 22-July 22) -- Today is a 7 -- Yesterday’s accomplishments put you and a close person in a really good mood. You jump into the week’s activities with great ideas and strong emotional support. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- Someone needs to take the lead. It doesn’t have to be you. Balance between criticism and optimism may not be as simple as you’d think. Consider all possibilities. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- To take in all the action today would require a very wide-angle lens. Ask someone to record part of it for review,
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9. Puzzles will become progressively more difficult through the week. Solutions, tips and computer program at www.sudoku.com Go to www.kaleo.org for this puzzle’s solution.
3 7 4 8 8 5 6 2 8 3 7 8 9 2 4 9 5 4 9 1 8 6 8 9 7 1 8 6 EASY
2 9
3 5 # 95
www.kaleo.org for solutions to savor it later. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- Today is an 8 -- Choose a direction early and follow it. You get a lot more done if you don’t switch gears every time someone opens their mouth. Keep your eyes on the prize. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- Today is an 8 -- Inject a note of optimism into every activity today. A lot needs to get done, but nobody appreciates a grumpy attitude. Do it with a smile. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -Today is a 7 -- Best results come from concentrated, logical thought. Plan each detail to allow for flexibility along the way.
Each person contributes to success. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Today is a 6 -- As long as you remain in charge, you meet all your goals (and more). To create a livelier mood for others, tell stupid jokes and laugh at theirs. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- Today is a 9 -- You have all your ducks in a row regarding your personal task. You discover that others have also done their work to move a joint project forward. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Today is a 6 -- You’d like to stay on the intellectual side of any argument. Let others wax emotional while you keep your head. Group consensus evolves late today.
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MONDAY, SEPT. 20, 2010
Volleyball freshmen from page 12
the nation for women’s volleyball with over 6,000 a game. Still, the crowd hasn’t been too much of a problem for the freshmen. “ T he f irst t ime I was re ally ner vous but it also adds a lot of suppor t. I think of it as a family,” Uiato said. “Once you’re on the court you kind of forget about it and focus on the game,” Waber added. For Hartong, being a starter has motivated her. “It makes me want to work harder and contribute as much as I can,” said Hartong, who is averaging 2.15 kills per set. “ We have been rea lly for t unate to be able to go in ea rly a nd it ’s just a g reat oppor t u nit y to be able to cont r ibute at a ll,” sa id G oodma n, who
was bor n on Maui.
BIG SISTERS With the upperclassmen’s help, adjusting to life away from home and being in college classrooms has been easier. “You live at school, you go to classes, you have practice, (lift) weights … just more things on your schedule, so it keeps you busy,” Uiato said. “But the older girls help a lot; they give tips.” A nd junior A ll-A merican outside hitter Kanani Danielson, who also started her freshman year, is encouraged by their play. “They are great players,” she said. “Right now they are getting the experience that will benefit them and the team.”
KA LEO PLAYER OF THE WEEK Kanani Danielson, Rainbow Wahine volleyball Position: Outside Hitter Class: Junior JA K E C A M A R I L L O Contributing Reporter Junior outside hitter K anani Danielson has been named K a L eo’s Universit y of Hawai´ i athlete of the week for her per formance against Brigham Young Universit y last weekend. Danielson and the R ainbow Wahine volleyball team made short work of BY U, winning both matches on Friday and Saturday in three sets. In Friday’s game, Danielson recorded 10 kills and on Satur-
Height: 5-foot-10 Hometown: Ewa Beach, HI High School: Kamehameha Schools
day night, Danielson added 11 more and became the 17th player in UH histor y to reach 1,0 0 0 career kills. Danielson leads the WAC with 4.63 kills per set on a .317 hitting this season. L ast week, Danielson was named the WAC Volleyball Player of the Week for the f irst time this season and the seventh time in her career. Danielson was named an AVCA third team A ll-A merican in 20 08 and a f irst team A llA merican in 20 09. COURTESY OF UH ATHLETICS
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The freshmen of the 2010 University of Hawai‘i Rainbow Wahine volleyball team from left to right; Emily Hartong, Michelle Waber, Mita Uiato, and Kaela Goodman. C HAD R EIS Staff Reporter
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The Rainbow Wahine volleyball team has a brand new look this season after its ďŹ rst ďŹ nal four appearance in six years, last season. The ’Bows lost three starters and ďŹ ve seniors from last year’s team but are still 8-1 this season and ranked No. 6. Part of the new look and continued success includes four true freshmen who were roaming high school hallways less than ďŹ ve months ago. Middle blocker Emily Hartong and outside hitter Michelle Waber have started all nine games for the Rainbow Wahine this season while setter/defensive specialist Mita Uiato and outside hitter Kaela Goodman have come off the bench.
“The four freshmen have come in here with a great attitude, enthusiasm, have added a lot to the program and are all contributing,� head coach Dave Shoji said. “They give the team a lot of energy just by being here.� But Shoji was a little weary of having them play so much so soon. “It’s a little scary having all of them out there at one time but they played well and they are just tough kids,� Shoji said. “They will get better as the season goes on.� Shoji cited that the last time the program saw a group of freshman play so quickly was 1980. By their senior year in ‘83, Hawai‘i boasted back-to -back national championships. All four freshmen are from Southern California and have played alongside and against each other in high school and club.
“I’ve seen her (Waber) since I was 12. We always played against each other,� Hartong said. “We started talking once we both committed.� Waber, Uiato and Goodman were all teammates in the same club.
Q U I C K I M PAC T For the freshmen, there has been no time to think young. They stepped off an airplane and into the Stan Sheriff Center, playing big minutes for the ’Bows in the first three weeks of the season. “It’s a lot more than I expected,� Waber said. “Only having one day off a week between tournaments and practice, but I am getting used to it.� Not to mention Hawai‘i has the highest home attendance in See Volleyball freshmen, page 11