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Volu me 105 Issue 32
Philanthropist sees potential in JABSOM PAIGE L. JINBO Contributing Reporter
As heart disease continues to be the No. 1 cause of death in Hawaiʻi, the John A . Burns School of Medicine’s Center for Cardiovascular Research (CCR) has been endowed with $1 million to enhance its research op portunities that may ultimately save lives. It was announced Sept. 27 that the CCR would receive this donation. The $1 million gift was made anonymously. “It ’s not like this donation came out of the blue,” said Tina Shelton, director of communication for JA BSOM. “ We knew who it was and it ’s the complete act of altruism.” Not only is cardiovascular disease the leading cause of death in Hawaiʻi, but across the nation as well. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were 26.6 million people in the U.S. diagnosed with heart disease in 2008. Nearly one out of four deaths in Hawaiʻi is caused by heart disease. In 2005, more than 2,900 people died from this disease. Furthermore, Hawaiʻi is facing a shortage of trained cardiologists, according to the recent press release from the University of Hawaiʻi Foundation. Due to research conducted by JA B SOM, Hawaiʻi should have 109 trained cardiologists. However, Hawaiʻi is 47 short. This recent donation will go towards training more cardiologists and providing extra funding to conduct pilot projects to better understand the heart and its diseases. “It’s important that we get external funding because it’ll allow us to explore new ideas that we
An anonymous donation of $1 million was awarded to the John A. Burns School of Medicine in order to aid in cardiovascular research. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in Hawai‘i . haven’t yet explored,” said Ralph Shohet, director of the CCR and professor of medicine. According to Shohet, the money will be invested to enhance four main areas: pilot projects, young cardiovascular disease investigators, the cardiovascular fellowship program and enlarging the CCR. One of the pilot projects that Shohet has been overseeing is the effect that methamphetamine has on the heart. While abuse of methamphetamine is a national issue, it’s a larger problem in Hawaiʻi because it has been in the islands since the ’80s, Shelton explained. “It’s sad and unfortunate that
we all probably know someone who either had a meth problem or has one,” Shelton said. To better understand its effect on the heart, Shohet and his students have started a test model on mice. They’ve treated the mice with meth. The most common heart problem that meth users or former users suffer from is cardiomyopathy, aka heart failure. Throughout this project, Shohet has noted that the mice have experienced depressed cardiac function. From this, they’ll learn how to treat heart diseases in meth users effectively. Part of the $1 million will go towards projects such as that
one. It will also enable young investigators to conduct other essential pilot projects. “Hawaiʻi needs research that focuses on how cardiovascular disease or different therapeutic applications affect our local population in particular,” said Rachel Boulay, education director for the CCR and assistant professor. “Gifts that support external funding allow us to focus on issues more pertinent to our local community.” In addition, the money will be used to build a stronger fellowship program at Queen’s Medical Center and to recruit a select group of seasoned cardiologists to enlarge the CCR.
Like Shelton, Margot Schrire, director of communication for the UH Foundation, was not surprised when she found out that the CCR would be receiving $1 million. “Donors know how important our university is,” Schrire said. “Those who have access to wealth know that now is the time to give.” Although this recent donation was of substantial size, donations can be of any amount — from $3 to $23 million. “It’s important for the community to support the university because we’re developing the workforce of tomorrow,” Schrire said. “They’re helping the university be all it can be.”
MONDAY, OCT. 11, 2010
Halloween comes early this year at the Haunted Lagoon JUSTIN NICHOLSON Staff Writer
The myth of the Laʻie Lady brought over 44,000 people to the Haunted Lagoon at the Polynesian Cultural Center (PCC) in Laʻie last year. Thousands of thrillseekers will visit the Haunted Lagoon this October to experience it for themselves. “No one really knows where the Laʻie Lady comes from. Some people say she’s searching for her long lost son who is also in the lagoon. Other people say she’s a lost soul wandering around looking to take other souls. You might catch a glimpse of her in the lagoon,”
said Raymond Magalei, PCC director of marketing. Guests are boarded onto canoes, and steered through the dark depths of the Haunted Lagoon, PCC’s version of a haunted house. That’s right, a haunted house, on water. Evil breeds of creatures come at you from all angles (including the water below): zombie children, giant spiders, psychotic clowns, 10 -foot-tall ghouls, a mutant bat-man, even something that looks like a man-bear-pig. The 120 -person cast and the 35 -minute boat ride under the north shore sky is well worth the price of admission. There is
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The Haunted Lagoon runs from Oct. 1 to 23, with canoes departing periodcally beginning at 6:30 p.m. every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. Keiki canoe rides run from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Lagoon will then run daily from Oct. 25 to 30. a brand new section added this year, including a new ending. The extreme success of last year’s Haunted Lagoon has prompted the PCC to try to get
goon is bigger than ever before, with new monsters, a new section and restyled effects. The ride will include new sound systems that narrate the story and
No one really knows where the La‘ie Lady comes from. Some people say she’s searching for her long lost son who is also in the lagoon.
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people to go earlier this year. An excess of eager thrill-seekers caused them to turn people away closer to Halloween. To solve this problem, customers can now go to the PCC website beforehand to book tickets in advance and to make sure it isn’t sold out. Going earlier in October will help to avoid long lines. This year, the Haunted La-
provide added ambience to the environment. There are mechanical monsters that do things a person could not and lighting that makes you feel as if you are in another world. The quality of this production is not to be missed. When they are not scaring people, the PCC is a non-profit organization that has entertained
over 34 million people, and preserves Polynesian culture in the state of Hawaiʻi. All of the PCC’s revenue is used to support education and for daily operations.
MORE SPOOKY INFO Haunted Lagoon at the Polynesian Cultural Center: 55-370 Kamehameha Hwy, La‘ie (808) 293-3333 Tickets are $19.50 per adult. Recieve $5 off admission when you bring a Pepsi product on Wednesdays. Participating 76 gas stations, Domino’s Pizza and 7-Eleven locations offer $3 off coupons.
MONDAY, OCT. 11, 2010
Artist’s photo sheds light on plight of pachyderms A LVIN PARK Associate Features Editor
Amy Grace lives a busy life as a self-proclaimed “wandering artist,â€? graphic designer, avid songwriter, and a mom. But in her spare time, she also likes raising awareness about captive elephants in the circus industry. Grace decided to use her artistic prowess and endowed photography skills to create a thought-provoking image that would challenge society’s views on how elephants are treated under the big top, such as in the Ringling Bros. circus. “It is a sad, isolated, and t ir ing ex istence that (the el ephants) were not meant to endure,â€? sa id Grace. “ Tak ing ani mals out of their nat ural habit at and forcing them to per for m ‌ is cr uelt y in and of itsel f.â€? Grace was inspired to create the art piece after viewing undercover footage showing Ringling Bros. employees whipping, cursing and beating elephants with
bullhooks (a heavy rod with a sharp steel hook at the end). For decades, animal-rights activists have accused the circus industry of mistreating their animals by using cruel training practices and taking the elephants out of their natural habitat. Dressed like a weeping clown in the photo, Grace is shown sitting down and caressing the trunk of a circus elephant displaying cuts and bruises. The elephant is wearing a headpiece that reads “The Cruelest Show On Earth,� lampooning Ringling’s famous slogan of “The Greatest Show On Earth.� According to Grace, the elephant in the photo is also chained by the back leg and is shown standing in a barren location to highlight the isolated lives circus elephants are forced to live. Grace titled the piece “Elephants Never Forget,� because she claims that these gentle pachyderms will forever remember how it feels like to be beaten into submission. “It’s so painful for me to hear about any animal suffering, and
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what’s happening to these poor elephants is unjust,â€? said Grace. “What’s even more sad is that a lot of people don’t even know what is happening.â€? Grace hopes that her art piece will raise awareness about the ways elephants are trained and treated in circuses across the nation. Her goal, she said, is to “invoke some compassionâ€? in people and get them to see what is really going on behind all the color, stunts and laughter at the circus. Always having a natural afďŹ nity for animals, Grace hated seeing them abused. As a vegetarian, she doesn’t support modern factory farms, where masses of animals are raised in heavilyindustrialized farms to boost production and cut costs. For the time being, it’s apparent that aiding her four-legged friends will become an integral part of her lifestyle for years to come. “My inspiration for this piece was just my jumpstart on that avenue,â€? said Grace. “I look forward to creating more pieces like this one, in hopes of helping more animals out there.â€?
Amy Grace, dressed here as a weeping clown, wanted to create an art piece that would raise awareness about the way captive elephants are trained and treated in the circus industry. COURTESY OF AMY GRACE
For more information on Grace’s photography, music, and future projects, visit her blog at www.amygrace.com
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MONDAY, OCT. 11, 2010
Who wears short shorts? A MABEL L IN Contributing Writer
From Paris to Milan, New York to Sydney, men are increasingly adopting a look that has previously been reser ved for women – short shorts. But is this trend hitting O’ahu? Short shorts are pants that are cut off higher than the knee and are usually worn by women and men who play sports. These garments are highly prevalent in Europe and are worn like surf shorts in Hawaii. “ It ha s t o do w it h c u lt u re, what p eople f i nd at t r ac t ive here,” s a id f a sh ion m ajor S hel ley Wa s do. However, preference towards short shorts varies from person to person. “I don’t think that I own any pants that don’t fall below my knees,” said Tyler Oyasato, a computer science major. “(It) depends on the guy, if he can pull it off,” said biology major Jennifer Lau. D is c us si ng a dat i ng s c e na r io w it h shor t shor t s i n volved , Tada h i ro Meya a nd K el l i A n n Z a k i m i s a id it wou ld be “awk wa rd.” “It depends on where we’re going. I would meet him somewhere that is not in public because it just doesn’t apply to social norms,” said Zakimi. Meya agreed. “Unless it’s for sports or cultural stuff, it gets kind of awkward anyways,” said Meya. Music major Alissa Torigoe told of one of her encounters with men and short shorts. “ There’s like this 30 -yearold guy in class, and he comes in with pink short shorts and makes the place more rainbowlike,” said Torigoe, giggling. “ The air just changes.”
Squid’s sick pick of the week SETH N. L ILLEY KTUH Corespondant
But don’t d e spa i r. Some UH students defend the unor t hodox garments. “Men can wear w h a t ever they w a n t , ” said Jordan L au, an international business and marketing major.
Short shorts can be purchased at Ala Moana’s American Apparel or 2142 Kalakaua Street locations.
The issue of short shorts has sparked heated debate, with tempers running short. NIK SUE/KA LEO O HAWAI‘II
Ah, Canada, land of peace, snow, and politeness. Believe it or not, our peaceful neighbors in the North are also a source of great hip-hop. Canada has produced names such as k-os, Gonzales, and K’naan. The latest Canadian triumph comes from hip-hop artist Shad. Shad’s third album, “TSOL”, is perhaps the most auspicious work of any underground hip-hop artist this year. Amidst the overflow of nerdhop, trip-hop, attempted beat poetry, and just plain phallic quantification, “TSOL” shines as an proof that hiphop isn’t dead, it just moved underground… presumably to get away from the noise of the Top-40 posers. Shad is by no means a completely unheard of artist, however.
strumentation. Shad as an acid f low in his rap, but the instrumentals really make each track coherent and head bobbing. It ’s not all beats and bass; Shad samples in some strings, woodwinds, guitars, and old-school vocals. Some tracks even feature a little bit of an electronic aspect. Each song is heartfelt not only in lyrics, but in musicalit y as well. Shad is a music lover, something you can’t fake and something that is obvious in artists of any genre. Despite the genre-bending samples, there is no denying that Shad has put out a straight-up hip-hop album. There is no f luttering about and trying to ease anyone in; straight from intro, Shad is pumping the beats and scratching the vinyl so you know exactly what you’re listening to.
He (Shad) is free of self-indulgent fever that has caught so many honestly talented artists... His sophomore album, “The Old Prince,” was nominated for both the Juno Award and the Polaris Music Prize in 2008. That’s some pretty potent musical street cred for an artist of the genre. Shad raps about a variety of things, from his heritage and religion to Rwandan genocide. His words are fueled by meaning and passion, something that has been lost in mainstream hip-hop since the mid-nineties. He is free of the self-indulgent fever that has caught so many honestly talented artists and made them into unintelligent, self-centered publicity poster-children. His message propels the music, reminding the listener of early artists such as Public Enemy and De La Soul. Perhaps the most magnetic aspect of this album is the in-
His musical st yle is reminiscent of Madlib and Danger Mouse, bringing in elements of multiple genres and mixing them into expertly produced hip -hop tracks. T his brings the indie - element into the old-school feel, and it does it honestly. With Shad, there are no gimmicks. Shad’s clever ly r ics and ill beats can appeal to hip -hop fans of ever y age; those who were present at the genesis of hip hop, who jumped in during the b -boy era, who st ar ted bopping to it once it hit ma inst ream radio, and especially those who got sick of what was on the radio a f ter 20 0 0 and st ar ted look ing for alter na t ives. Shad proves that hip -hop is st ill t r uly alive; you just have to dig a lit tle to f ind it .
MONDAY, OCT. 11, 2010
Human fate, as described by the stars (and super-Earths) M ICHAEL BREWER Associate Opinions Editor Earth is sinking into the abyss beacuase of pollution, overpopulation, and resource overuse. Humans need to move on to another planet. Fortunately, a team of researchers has recently discovered an extrasolar planet that may hold potential
for future human civilization. Gliese 581g, a rocky super-Earth planet orbiting the red-dwarf star Gliese 581, about 20 light-years from Earth, resides in a habitable zone where water can exist in a liquid state. This habitable area, dubbed the “Goldilocks Zone” by many scientists (“not too hot, not too cold”), has been popping up in more and more
newly-discovered solar systems. As technology advances, researchers have found more planets that may have life-sustaining elements. However, even the closest of these systems, like Gliese 581s, are extremely far away. Twenty light-years translates to a distance 500 million times farther than the moon is from Earth.
NASA, the National Space Agency (NSA), and other countries’ space programs are happy with the news. The feeling is bittersweet, because space program budgets all around are low. NASA’s budget is at the lowest it’s been since the early ’60s. They currently receive just .51 percent of the federal budget, or about $18 billion per year. That percentage of the budget is about eight times less than what it was during the Apollo years of the late ’60s. Back then, heavy funding was necessary to push Project Apollo off the ground. According to the NASA Langley Research Center, the project employed nearly 400,000 people working for NASA, indus-
Ka Leo O Hawai‘i University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa 2445 Campus Road Hemenway Hall 107 Honolulu, HI 96822
Newsroom (808) 956-7043 Advertising (808) 956-3210 Facsimile (808) 956-9962 E-mail kaleo@kaleo.org Web site www.kaleo.org ADVERTISING The Board of Publications office is located on the ocean side of Hemenway Hall.
trial and university contractors. Adjusted for inflation, the total effort had $136 billion price tag. It was the biggest explosion of technological creativity and use of resources ever made by a nation in peacetime. NASA should have a larger budget. They’re important to us now and their importance will increase this century. Though, to be fair, budgets aren’t so hot for anyone now. Because of this, a bigger budget will have to remain a thought. Since thought precedes action, which precedes results, a strong notion of thought should be called upon. Here are some facts to reflect on to create that thought. See Prevalent pollution, next page
EDITORIAL STAFF Editor in Chief Will Caron Managing Editor Davin Aoyagi Chief Copy Editor Nichole Catlett News Editor Lynn Nakagawa Assc News Editor Jane Callahan Features Editor Reece Farinas Assc Features Editor Alvin Park Opinions Editor Lindsy Ogawa Assc Opinions Editor Michael Brewer Sports Editor Russell Tolentino Assc Sports Editor Marc Arakaki Comics Editor Derick Fabian Design Editor Sarah Wright Photo Editor Nik Seu Web Editor Brett Hinkle Assc Web Editor Tony Gaskell
Ka Leo O Hawai‘i is the campus newspaper of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. It is published by the Board of Publications three times a week except on holidays and during exam periods. Circulation is 10,000. Ka Leo is also published once a week during summer sessions with a circulation of 10,000. Ka Leo is funded by student fees and advertising. Its editorial content reflects only the views of its writers, reporters, columnists and editors, who are solely responsible for its content. No material that appears in Ka Leo may be reprinted or republished in any medium without permission. The first newsstand copy is free; for additional copies, please visit the Ka Leo Building. Subscription rates are $50 for one semester and $85 for one year. ©2010 Board of Publications. ADMINISTRATION The Board of Publications, a student organization chartered by the University of Hawai‘i Board of Regents, publishes Ka Leo O Hawai‘i. Issues or concerns can be reported to the board (Devika Wasson, chair; Henry-lee Stalk, vice chair; or Ronald Gilliam, treasurer) via bop@hawaii.edu. Visit www.hawaii.edu/bop for more information.
MONDAY, OCT. 11, 2010
Prevalent pollution from previous page
Oil drilling started in fourthcentury China, where bits attached to bamboo poles could reach depths of 800 feet. Since then, things have gotten out of hand. The amount of oil in the ground doesn’t increase, but the amount of refi ned oil used above ground does. A crash course into over-resourcing can be easily obtained by watching Davis Guggeinheim’s “An Inconvenient Truth.” In the movie, former Vice President Al Gore explains the situation perfectly. Some of the topics include irreversible carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, melting ice caps, and cataclysmic oil spills. In addition to the direct results of oil exploitation, there are human actions that reduce the quality of life on Earth as a secondary result of energy production and development. In the Appalachians, entire mountains are resurfaced and dropped in the constant pursuit of coal mines. It’s called strip mining, and it’s much faster and cheaper than digging deep. Unfortunately, its adverse effects are much greater than traditional methods. Along the Yangtze River in China, 1.3 million people were relocated prior to 2006 to accommodate the Three Gorges Dam. The dam flooded cultural and archaeological sites, and has increased the risk of landslides along the path of the river that’s influenced by the dam.
The Ian MacMillan Writing Contest $5 for Best Short Story Fiction Submission $500 $500 for Best Poetry Submission $5 1sst, 2nd and 3rd place finalists in each category w will be published in our 2011 spring issue. A Anyone, including non-students, can submit th their writing. NASA / MCT
This photo of Earth uses a collection of satellite-based observations, stitched together by scientists and visualizers to display the land surface, oceans, sea ice, and clouds in a seamless, true-color mosaic of every square kilometer (.386 square mile) of the planet. Will our pollution, over population and resource overuse force us to relocate to new habitable planet? across several of the islands, including some that hadn’t been preemptively evacuated. Following these tests, the radiation fallout zones were closed for upwards of 50 years. Hundreds of miles of reef, millions of fish and other animals, and some islands and atolls, were destroyed because of
“Oil drilling started in fourth-century China ... Since then, things have gotten out of hand. In the mid-twentieth century, an estimated 210 megatons of energy were generated in the Pacifi c Proving Grounds, an American nuclear testing project that took place around the Pacifi c Ocean, primarily the Marshall Islands. One of the bombs, the 15-megaton Castle Bravo thermonuclear warhead, spread considerable radiation
the pursuit of nuclear weaponry. There are also types of pollution one wouldn’t even consider: noise, thermal, light, visual, and soil contamination. Overhead power lines, scarred landforms, dumps, motorway billboards, astronomical interference, pesticides in the soil, temperature changes in natural water bodies. Sometimes, I think
about why the water is so warm by the shore at Waikīkī. I wonder how many germs are in that water. How many fluid ounces of sunscreen are floating around? Urine? Loose pieces of skin? Hair? But really, my mission isn’t to depress readers. It’s to incite them! Here’s something useful: look up the planet mentioned above. Gliese 581g. Read about it and get excited. The excitement won’t last long — several days, several hours, depending on the person — but it’s enough to pull a fresh breath of air into our heads, about the future, about the want to conserve, to replenish, to not make poor decisions, to look at the stars at night. We live in Hawai‘i, we can see them easily, and don’t give me that, “I live in Makiki and can’t see nothing,” bull — Tantalus is right there.
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS IS DECEMBER 9, 2010 D Please visit Pl i i our website at www.hawaiireview.org for specific submission guidelines.
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Visit kalamakua.org or submit your work to kalamakua@gmail.com
MONDAY, OCT. 11, 2010
Da Knot in Da Bibadees: Canadian comparisons E THAN PORTER Staff Columnist I recently had the privilege of taking a vacation to Canada. I enjoyed the new culture, the different accent, and playing in the snow. But when I arrived, I instantly noticed that everything seemed a little different: most
signs had the message twice, or there were two separate signs. At fi rst I thought I was crazy, but then I fi gured out why there were two signs. One sign was written in English, and the other in French, as per Canadian law. Canada is an official bilingual nation. The signs were fun. I learned a
little French, which I promptly forgot. The best part was watching Canadian television. While watching the news, the reporter interviewed a man who fluently spoke French into the microphone. This behavior is encouraged. The Canadian Constitution, as well as numerous other laws, protects the bilingualism, which makes provisions for bilingual education, federal
Many parallels can be drawn between the bi-lingual status of Canada and Hawai‘i. services, and the public sector. That reminded me of another law in Article XV, Section 14 of the Hawai’i State Constitution: “English and Hawaiian shall be the official languages of Hawai‘i, except that Hawaiian shall be required for
the next, killing the language. But about thirty years ago, a movement started to revive the language. The Pūnana Leo Schools were incorporated in 1983 and began teaching Hawaiian Immersion. This idea spread to the founding of charter
... conditioning led to a fear to speak in Hawaiian that passed from that generation on to the next, killing the language. public acts and transactions only as provided by law.” According to the mandate, we live in a bilingual state like Canada. Ke kāko‘o ‘ana i ka ho‘ōla ‘ōlelo ‘ōiwi ma ka hana pū ‘ana me ko ka ‘āina ē. If you looked at that last sentence and thought that our printer jumped, that means you probably do not speak Hawaiian. Most of our population cannot. This is mostly due to the ban on the language in schools in 1896 by the Republic of Hawai‘i, the predecessor to the Territory of Hawai‘i. Children who spoke Hawaiian in school were punished. This conditioning led to a fear to speak in Hawaiian that passed from that generation on to
schools that taught in Hawaiian. The language is being learned again. There are many arguments against learning Hawaiian. The first is that it’s useless as the rest of the world uses English to conduct its business. Well, people in Germany still speak German, and people in China are still speaking Chinese, why can we not speak Hawaiian in Hawai‘i? The second is: We live in America, why should we speak Hawaiian? Well the next time you look at your address, note that it says “Hawai‘i.” Can we speak both? Is it that hard to teach our children? In California, they just held their first political debate in Spanish, which is not even an official language. We can do this.
MONDAY, OCT. 11, 2010
Sa Comertpay
puzzles • classif ieds • horoscopes
Monday, Oct. 11, 2010
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Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9. Puzzles will become progressively more difficult through the week. Solutions, tips and computer program at www.sudoku.com Go to www.kaleo.org for this puzzle’s solution.
Horoscopes By Nancy Black and Stephanie Clements Tribune Media Services (MCT) Today’s birthday (10/11/10). If you obsess over personal issues, you lose power in the social or career arena. Overcome this tendency by detailing work priorities and sharing the list with family members. That way they’ll know what’s on your plate and understand your moods better.To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest
day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) -- Today is an 8 -- Combine romance with work today by including your partner in social events involving clients and co-workers. Use creativity to make it really fun. Taurus (April 20-May 20) -- Today is a 6 -- Your many talents take you in different directions now. Follow the traditional wisdom as far as it will take you. Then be willing to branch out. Gemini (May 21-June 21) -- Today is a 7 -- Work closely with children and elders to produce better results. You share talents you may not know about. Listen and learn from each other.
Cancer (June 22-July 22) -- Today is a 6 -- A friend or associate brings a gift to a social event at your place, sparking the interests and talents of all guests. Let others play first. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is a 7 -Work and play interweave in an unusual way today. Time away from a problem often allows a solution to emerge. Other imaginations provide the missing key. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Today is a 6 -- Shop for supplies early in the day, so everyone has what they need to get their work done. Capture imagination with the right tools. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- Today is a 7
5 6 4 2 9 8 EASY
-- Even if you have to work today, make time for recreational activities. You don’t need to push that stone uphill all day. Hand it off to someone. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- Today is a 6 -- Allow your thinking to wander now. Blurred focus is just what you need, as you apply artistic talents. Use a light touch and broad stroke. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- Today is a 6 -- When issues impinge on your core values, pay attention. You don’t want to give up something important to your philosophy. Others suggest solutions. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Today
8 5 4
4 9 7
3 7 5 3 4 6 1 7 7 5 2
5 9 4
8 4 9 7 2 3 #4
is a 7 -- The more you work within your sphere of comfort, the more you accomplish. Associates see broader possibilities for future consideration. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- Today is a 9 -- You need to clarify a philosophical point if the group’s to move forward. You may call in an expert to clarify specific details and concerns. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Today is a 9 -- No one knew what you’d say today, not even yourself. The big surprise is that everyone agrees and wonders why they didn’t think of it themselves.
Classifieds The BOP Business Office (to the right of the UH Bookstore lower entrance)
Monday-Friday 9a.m.-5p.m. Deadline: 4 p.m. two days before publication. Payment: Pre-payment required. Cash, in-state checks, money orders, Visa and MasterCard accepted.
$5.00 per day (up to 3 lines); $1.25 for each additional line. All caps and/or bold will add 25% to the cost of the ad. Place an ad in four (4) consecutive issues and receive the fourth ad free! In Person: Stop by the BOP Business Office. Phone: 956-7043
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MONDAY, OCT. 11, 2010
Is centrism the new radicalism?
The militar y could become the biggest funder of Green Technology in A merica. The military is requesting bids for additional battle -tested renewable energy research. On Oct. 4, 2010, the New York Times reported that the military, concerned by its dependence on foreign oil, is going to be deploying a unit of Marines who will survive off of renewable technology. They plan to use solar-chargers for the communications equipment; solar-shaded tents to provide shade and electricity; and energy-conserving light bulbs. The reason this news is so fascinating is because it is ironic: The military, usually associated with Conservative Republican values, is hell-bent on using Green Energy, the symbol of Liberal Democratic progressivism, to wage its wars more efficiently. If the militar y succeeds, the United States will be able to fight wars longer and with a lower carbon-footprint. They will also, as a side effect, create an entire industr y of battle -tested, militar y-grade renewable energy technology…which I will probably be able to put on the roof of my house when the mili-
tar y is done with it. The message: “Republican” entities can fund “Democratic” initiatives. And, equally, “Liberal” ideas can make “Conservative” ones work better. This all speaks to a larger issue that America faces today: neither the Republicans nor the Democrats have any good ideas anymore. We see the stress this is causing our country in the polarization of politics that we are witnessing today. Perhaps there is a solution: Synthesize both Republican and Democratic ideas. Instead of yelling at each other, maybe we could sit down and calmly discuss how the military could secretly subsidize the entire environmentalist cause of renewable energy. That way the Republicans will not get angry that we are subsidizing the renewable energy industry and the Democrats will not get angry that we are spending too much on the military. The military is not the only organization catching on to this idea. It is everywhere. Last week Thursday, at a Spark M. Matsunaga Center for Peace Studies panel discussion on torture at the William S. Richardson School of Law, Col. Larry Wilkerson, a former Colin Powell aide and fierce critic of the Bush Administration’s Enhanced Interrogation policy (he called it torture) was asked this
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talk on immigration put on by the Federalist Society at the WSRSL. The speaker, Dr. James Jay Carafano, identified himself as an independent and he worked for the Heritage Foundation, which is the official Conservative Think Tank of Washington, D.C. I expected the speaker to be a radical, ranting conservative yelling about Mexicans taking their jobs and securing the border. What he turned out to be was a perfectly sensible independent who said that “securing the border” never works and that we really need to secure the Mexican economy if we want to reduce the amount of Mexican imNIK SEU / KA LEO O HAWAI‘I migration to the United States. Is it possible that centrism could The military’s pursuit of renewable energy research is an example of how centrist be the new radicalism? Would the cenpolicies can yield positive results. ter be radical enough to suggest that and foreign policies of the presi- the Military use Green Technology to simple question: “Why be a Republican at all? dents of either party for the last more efficiently fight its wars? Would 60 years. I don’t think it matters it be centrist to suggest that Teacher’s Why not just be a Democrat?” It was a question that a lot of anymore that you’re democratic or Unions are actually hindering educamoderate Republicans–the kind republican, because neither really tion reform all across the country? who don’t understand how the has, or seems to have the answers, Could it be centrist to that immigraRepublican Party, the party of or if they have the answers, the tion is a more complex problem than just installing a border fense? small government, personal lib- courage to execute... . The time has come for a new “There’s a radical thought that the erty, and self-reliance, became the party of Big Government center is now radical. In fact there are wave in politics. Maybe it will be Conservatives, the Patriot Act a couple of think tanks in Washington called the Radical Center. Whatand Medicare Part D– are asking that claim the radical center, because ever it’s called, I hope it’s smart that is the radical thing to do these enough to give our troops mathemselves these days. And Wilkerson had an answer. days; not be Rush Limbaugh and not chines that can convert readily available plant life (read ‘Poppy “There isn’t a whisper of differ- be Nancy Pelosi,” said Wilkerson. One week later I attended a Seeds’) life into bio-fuels. ence between the basic domestic
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MONDAY, OCT. 11, 2010
’Bows open fall schedule
Alex Green, Warrior Football Position: Running Back Class: Senior Height: 6 feet, 2 inches Hometown: Portland, Ore. JAKE CAMARILLO Staff Reporter
Senior running back Alex Green is this week’s Ka Leo Athlete of the Week for his high-scoring performance in the Warrior football team’s win against the Fresno State Bulldogs this past Saturday. Green ran for 96 yards on 13 carries and three touchdowns. He also averaged 7.4 yards per carry. This is the first time in
Green’s career that he scored three touchdowns in a game, going for a 38 -yard, 14-yard, and a 2-yard touchdown. This was his highest yardage total since 2009, when he ran 110 yards on 10 carries against Utah State. Green now has seven touchdowns for the Warriors, six being on the ground and one through the air. He is now averaging 7.3 carries, 41.3 yards and one touchdown per game.
Junior outfielder Alexandra Aguirre had a breakout year as a sophomore and was named to the WAC All-Academic team for the second time. She was also featured twice on ESPN’s “Top Ten” plays. JOEL KUTAKA KA LEO O HAWAI‘I
M ARC A R AK AKI Associate Sports Editor Following a College World Series appearance last season, the Rainbow Wahine softball team will prepare for the upcoming season with three fall matchups. “Right now we are just trying to figure out what we want to do as a team since we lost four starters,” said senior first team All-American third baseman Melissa Gonzalez. “So coming into these games we want to see who’s going to mesh well with other people.” Hawaiʻi will host a doubleheader against Christian Brothers on Oct. 19 starting at 6 p.m. The ’Bows continue with matchups against Chaminade on Nov. 5 and 6, starting at 6 p.m. and noon. The fall schedule ends with an alumnae game on Nov. 12 at 5 p.m. All games will be played at the Rainbow Wahine Softball Stadium. Hawaiʻi finished the 2010 campaign ranked No. 7 after being one of eight teams to make the Women’s College World Series. The Rainbow Wahine led the nation with 2.39 home runs per game and also led the nation with 7.39 runs scored per game. The Rainbow Wahine return reigning Western Athletic Conference Player of the Year sophomore shortstop Jessica Iwata. Iwata led
the team in doubles with 21 and was 2nd in runs scored with 65. Second team All-American and WAC Freshman of the Year Kelly Majam, a sophomore outfielder, also headlines the team. Majam led the team in batting average, homeruns, runs scored and runs batted in. Gonzalez and senior designated player Jenna Rodriguez are the only two seniors on this season’s ball club from last year. Gonzalez sees herself as a leader based on the amount of time she has spent playing. “I see myself as a leader because I’ve been here a long time and I know what it takes to be out there,” Gonzalez said. “I didn’t play my freshman year or my sophomore year and I finally got to play and I just feel like I know enough to be able to lead now.” Gonzalez feels there is pressure on Hawaiʻi to perform well again after coming off of a season where the team won the WAC title, won the Alabama Regional and made it to the Women’s College World Series. “There’s always a little bit of pressure after fi nishing such a good season,” Gonzalez said. “But I don’t think we’re really worried about that just because we know we have a good team and as long as we can come back and know we have the talent then we’ll be fi ne.”