October 13, 2010 - Ka Leo O Hawaii

Page 1



Ser v i ng t he st udents of t he Un iversit y of Hawa i ‘ i at M ā noa si nce 1922

Iced sweets and fall treats Honolulu’s best pumpkin patches Features 3

Snyder v. Phelps A question of free speech Opinions 7

W E DN E SDAY, OCT. 13 to T H U R SDAY, OCT. 14, 2 010

w w w. k a leo.org

Volu me 105 Issue 33

Learning communities grant contributes to public education COMPILED BY DANIEL JACKSON Staff Reporter

S U N DAY, O C T. 10 A student reported the theft of an HP laptop, valued at $400, from the Sinclair Library. The laptop disappeared from the study area after the student left it unattended while he went outside to smoke. F R I DAY, O C T. 8 A student reported the theft of a mo-ped from the Hale Wainani bike rack. A student reported the theft of a bicycle from the Hale Lokelani bike rack.

T H U R S DAY, O C T. 7 A non-student, who had been reported in the past for disturbing others, was trespassed from Campus Center for criminal property damage and harassing students. According to witnesses, the suspect, who appeared confused, borrowed a pen, which he then used to write on a display board, “There is no loose Japanese translation for automaton.” A Hale Aloha Ilima resident reported the theft of a cell phone from the student lounge.

W E D N E S DAY, O C T. 6 A student reported being assaulted in the parking lot behind the Hale Aloha Cafeteria. The victim stated that he was approached by a small man, who he thought See CampusBeat, page 3


The grant for Smaller Learning Communities will not only restructure traditional classrooms, but will also change the way in which classroom materials are used. DANIEL JACKSON Staff Reporter Under a federal program that is revolutionizing the way teachers teach, five Hawai‘i schools were awarded $10 million as part of a strategy designed to create a more personalized learning experience for students. McKinley, Pearl City, Castle, Maui and Kapa‘a high schools will use the grants to reorganize traditional, and often large, classrooms into more effi cient “smaller learning communities.” “Teachers should expect revolutionary transformations in the way that we do schooling. In fact, teachers must embrace the changes and play a central role in the transformation,” said Jeffrey Moniz, Director of Secondary Education at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa College of Education, in an e-mail response.

In a Sept. 30 press release, the U.S. Department of Education announced almost $100 million in grants aimed at high school reform and education improvement, with $52.2 million earmarked for Smaller Learning Communities (SLC) programs. The program awards are granted to large public high schools with student enrollments of 1,000 or more to implement smaller learning communities and activities designed to improve student academic achievement. The Hawai‘i schools were awarded $3.4 million for the fi rst two years of the grant, with the balance of the $10 million to be awarded for the following three years, said Ann Mahi, principal of Roosevelt High School and one of the writers of the grant. “The focus of the SLC grant is to prepare all students to be college and career ready upon graduation

from high school,” said Mahi. The strategy includes not only restructuring traditional classrooms, but also redefi ning the tools through which classroom material is exchanged. Much of this reorganization is happening via technology and social networking sites that “fit well with recent advances that have transformed the ways people connect and form community,” said Moniz. “Teachers have become learners,” said Mahi, stressing the importance of understanding and utilizing the most current technology in order to give students a more global perspective. Research has shown SLCs and complementary personalization strategies to reduce disruptive behavior, create a more orderly learning environment and increase attendance and graduation rates, according to the program’s website.

“The advantages of being small stem from having more opportunities for personal contact from caring teachers. Students don’t get lost in the shuffle. Large public high schools can be intimidating, impersonal places if they don’t have ways to institutionalize smallness,” said Moniz. Used as an organizing tool for large schools, SLCs include innovations, such as freshman academies, multi-grade academies organized around career interests, groups of students, known as “houses,” that remain together throughout high school, and schools-within-a-school. SLC teachers in certain subjects serve as “core teachers,” responsible for the same group of students for several years. Students are able to specialize in “career pathways” designed to provide them with an early introduction to careers and occupations. Arts and Communication, Business, Health Services, Natural Resources, Industrial and Engineering Technology, and Public and Human Services are among those available in Hawai‘i public schools. Students are provided “a seamless transition from secondary to postsecondary education, as well as a satisfying career,” through the use of Career Pathways, according to the Career and Technical Education Center at UH. According to Mahi, Roosevelt High School, which received SLC grants in 2002 and 2008, has implemented the Career Pathways model and now boasts an 89 percent graduation rate, with 73 percent going on to pursue degrees at two- and four-year colleges. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the average freshman graduation rate for Hawai‘i in 2008 was 76 percent. “All of this is because we are being supported by the Smaller Learning Communities grant,” said Mahi.



WEDNESDAY, OCT. 13, 2010

Smashing pumpkins in your mouth, not your ears Pumpkins are a member of the Cucurbita family, which includes squashes and cucumbers. Pumpkins are grown on every continent except Antarctica. JOEL KUTAKA KA LEO O HAWAI‘I

H AIYA SARWAR Staff Writer

Fall means pumpkins, and here are some scrumptious ways to get your pumpkin ďŹ x in Honolulu.

1. JA M BA J U I C E ĘźS P U M P K I N S M A S H

This creamy indulgence is ice-cold and will get you through the muggy fall air of Hawai‘i. If you like pumpkin pie and ice cream, this frozen yogurt-based drink is reminiscent of Thanksgiving. As University of Hawai‘i at MÄ noa student Joy Honey Chen said, “It ’s my favorite!â€? A nd the fact that it ’s only 390 calories will give you even more to be thankful for.

2 . S TA R B U C K S ʟ P U M P K I N C R E A M C H E E S E MUFFIN. The cream cheese is what gives this spicy muffin an extra edge, giving it a bit of cheesecake f lavor. From first bite to last, this muffin is moist with a lingering nuttiness worth drooling for. Though the calorie amount has not been exposed, it’s worth the muffin-top.

3. YO G U R T L A N D ʟS P U M P K I N P I E YO G U R T On its ow n, it ’s not as special as it could be. But mi x it w ith the New York cheesecake yog ur t and mounds of cheesecake bites, and it

t astes just like a blended St arbuck ’s P umpk in Cream Cheese Muf f in might . A nd aside f rom the cheesecake pieces, it ’s also incredibly low in calor ies. With the pumpkin pie yogurt weighing in at a mere 36 calories per ounce and the New York cheesecake yogurt containing only 37 calories per ounce, this treat will indulge your pumpkin cravings without distressing your waistline.

from front page

was going to say something to telling her that if she needed him, but who instead punched someone to talk to, he would be there to listen. The suspect alleghim in the face. edly called the victim, threatenA mo-ped parked at Miller Hall ing to find him, fight him and kill was cited and booted for display- him. A search of the suspect’s ing a parking permit that had room on suspicion of firearms been reported stolen. The driver turned up marijuana and a bong, claimed to have purchased the which were confiscated. The suspermit from someone selling pect was trespassed from Frear Hall for one year. The victim was them in the dorms. issued a campus help card and MO N DAY, O C T. 4 escorted to see a counselor. A Frear Hall resident reported being threatened by another stu- The 2010 Annual Crime Report dent after sending that student’s is now available at http:// girlfriend a Facebook message www.hawaii.edu/security/





4 . C H E E S E C A K E FAC T O RYĘźS P U M P K I N CHEESECAKE T his holiday cheesecake is only ava ilable f rom October to the end of the holiday season. A s w ith all of their cheesecakes, this one is unbeat able in its creaminess and hear t y f lavor. T he graham - cracker cr ust gives this cake a coz y homemade touch. Unfortunately, it’s extremely unhealthy as well. According to the “fatsecretâ€? diet website, just one slice contains 680 calories. Luckily, oversized sweaters are in for the season and are the perfect fix for camouf laging that food baby. There are many other places to get pumpkininspired treats. Check out the KCC Farmer’s Market for some locally baked goods. A nd as important as it is to live a health-conscious life, the occasional sweet indulgence won’t kill you; in fact, it ’s good to live a little.

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 13, 2010

Get more bang for your buck: reaping maximum rewards ROBERT C HOY Staff Writer

Odds are that when you signed up for that check ing account or credit card, you also signed up to be par t of that bank ’s rewards program. Over the months, or even years, that you’ve been using your card, you’ve been rack ing up rewards points w ith many of your purchases, but are you ma x imi zing the amount of points you get f rom these t ransact ions? The first step is to learn how you earn reward points. If you’re using a credit card, you’re probably accumulating points with ever y purchase you make. However, if you’re using a debit card, many banks only give you points when you sign for purchases made with your card (e.g. using it at a restaurant to pay for the bill). Check your bank’s website to find out. W h i le you’re at you r

ba n k ’s rew a rds sit e, you c a n a ls o che ck t o s e e i f you get double or t r iple p oi nt s for t h i ngs l i ke g rocer ies or gas . Ma ny ba n ks a re a ls o p a r tnered w it h on l i ne ret a i ler s , l i ke i Tu nes a nd m a ny clot h i ng st ores , a nd of fer bonus p oi nt s for buy i ng t h i ngs f rom t hem . I f you’re usi ng a loc a l ba n k , t hey ’re p robabl y p a r tnered w it h a lot of you r f avor it e rest au r a nt s a nd st ores on O ‘a hu , s o be su re t o che ck . You can also make the most of your spending by using your card to make large t ransac t ions that you would ordinar ily do online. Once you’ve accumulated enough points, you can check out what kind of rewards your bank offers. With many rewards starting at only a few thousand points, it won’t be long until you can reap the benefits. Points can be redeemed for a variety of things – gift certificates for retailers, reduced airfare or even

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cash back. Be on the lookout for monthly specials too, where the costs of some rewards are slashed for the month. Don’t be afraid to save your points either, but be mindful that most points expire within a few years. Remember, however, that rewards points are not a justification for irresponsible spending. A lways pay your bills on time and live within your means.

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 13, 2010

Honolulu International Film Festival turns 30 A LIK A PFALTZGR AFF Contributing Writer The Honolulu International Film Festival (HIFF) has been widely re garded as the most prestigious film festival in the Pacific, premiering films that usually never see A merican distribution. The program has advocated films across the globe

lu xur y ma inst ay L ouis Vuit ton, and premium beer manufact urer Stella A r tois, among others. Since its inception, HIFF has ser ved as a lof t y haven for critically acclaimed actors and directors alike. Previous years have seen the likes of Park Chan-Wok (“Oldboy,” “ T hirst ”), Samuel L . Jackson (“Pulp Fiction”), Kevin Smith (“Clerks”),

HIFF provides an invaluable experience for aspiring filmakers, offering them the opportunity to expose their work to a broader audience... since 1981, with Asia contributing the majority of contributed films. T he fest ival t akes place f rom Oct . 14 to 24, and w ill celebrate its 30 th anniversar y this month. A s a non-prof it organizat ion, HI F F has relied heav ily upon its sponsors to generate enough revenue to procure the big t itles and appearances that they ’ve become k now n for. Past sponsors have included

as well as local f ind, Maggie Q (“Mission Impossible III”). This year, pop culture fi xation Roger Ebert will be in attendance, where he will be receiving the Vision in Film Award. Ebert will also be signing copies of his latest book, entitled “The Pot and How to Use It: The Mystery and Romance of The Rice Cooker,” - an aptly named cookbook that’s sure to carry considerable local appeal.

A lso on hand this year will be director Peter Berg, who made his directorial debut in 1998 with the cult classic, “ Ver y Bad T hings.” Berg is currently in the midst of directing the $20 0 million sci-f i epic “Battleship” here on O‘ahu. Previous notable premiers have included such heavily lauded f ilms as “Once Were Warriors,” “ T he Piano,” “ Y Tu Mamá También,” and “Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.” Most recently, the Japanese f ilm “Departures” held its U.S. premier at HIFF in 20 08. A f ter winning the coveted Audience Award, it went on to accumulate numerous accolades and praises, including the 20 09 Academy Award for Best Foreign L anguage Film. HIFF also reserves a special night for the Academy For Creative Media, where the UH film program screens selected works from competent young students. HIFF provides an invaluable experience for aspiring filmmakers, offering them the opportunity to expose their work to a broader audience than they’re accustomed to.

N O TA B L E F I L M S : “To The Sea” - Oct. 18 at 9:30 p.m. (Jorge Machado, Nestor Marin). Before their inevitable farewell, a young man of Mayan roots and Natan, his half-Italian son, embark on an epic journey into the open sea. “Boy” – Oct. 15 at 5:45 p.m. (James Rollesten). Taika Waititi’s follow-up to “Eagle vs Shark,” “Boy” follows an incompetent hoodlum who returns to find a bag of money he buried years before. “Uncle Boonemee Who Can Recall Past Lives” - Oct. 16 to 5:15 p.m. (Apichatpong Weerasethakul). On his deathbed, Uncle Boonmee, recalls his many past lives. “Moke Action” – Oct. 24 at 2:15 p.m. (‘Āina Paikai). In a gritty section of West O’ahu, an accident lets two men’s egos get the best of them. “Confessions” - Oct 15 at 10:30 p.m. (Tetsuya Nakashima). A psychological thriller of a grieving mother, turned cold-blooded avenger with a twisted master plan to pay back those who were responsible for her daughter’s death. Visit hiff.org for a complete list of show times and schedules.

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 13, 2010

Fighting over free speech: Snyder v. Phelps MORGAN CARMODY Staff Writer

In 2006, Matthew Snyder, a U.S. Marine killed fi ghting in Iraq, was buried by his family in Maryland while Pastor Fred Phelps and seven protestors waved signs saying “Thank God for Dead Soldiers,” “God Hates Fags” and “Don’t Pray for the USA” roughly 1000 feet away. Mathew Snyder was not gay. Matthew’s father, Albert Snyder, sued and the case reached the Supreme Court on Wednesday, Oct. 6. As stated by the Wall Street Journal on Oct. 7, “Albert Snyder sued for emotional distress and a jury awarded him $2.9 million of compensatory damages and $8 million in punitive damages. That verdict was overturned by the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. The Supreme Court will now determine whether such speech can be regulated and whether the law permits tort liability for hurtful speech.” According to fi rstamendmentcenter.org, “The Topeka, Kansasbased Westboro Baptist Church displays such inflammatory antigay statements when protesting the funerals of American soldiers killed in Iraq. The church asserts that God is punishing the country for its support of gay rights. The Rev. Fred Phelps, the church’s founder, and members of his family have garnered many headlines through the years for their vehement protests against homosexuality, including picketing the funeral of Matthew Shepard, a gay man beaten to death in Wyoming in 1998.” This case concerns both the right to the family’s privacy and Pastor Phelps’ right to free speech. None of us would want to bury a family member under these circumstances, but then again, our country was founded on the basis of free speech. Is this going too far? Should the Supreme Court’s ruling place limits on free speech?

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Reverend Phelps’ church protested the election of a gay student to a prom court at a high school in Hollywood, CA. Above, Phelps’ daughter Shirly displays signs similar to those waved at Matthew Snyder’s funeral. Forty-one states already have laws in place concerning protesting at funerals, but Hawai‘i is not among them. The protestors stood at a distance of roughly 1000 feet, so they posed no real physical threat, but is this still acceptable? This case is made increasingly difficult by the intense emotional nature of it. I think that the actions of the Westboro Church were within their legal rights. However, just because you have

the legal right to do something does not mean that it is the moral thing to do. We are all human and no one wants to lose a family member, let alone a child who died for a noble cause. Out of sensitivity for the issue at hand, I think Pastor Phelps could have found a more appropriate time and place to protest, one that would have been less inflammatory. The ruling of the Supreme Court case Snyder v. Phelps, has yet to be determined.



WEDNESDAY, OCT. 13, 2010

Healthy Japanese Man?

Generations of men and have helped test investigational medications by participating

To qualify for research study 8225-259 involving an investigational medication you must be:

in clinical research studies. You

Basketball ’Bows host ‘Ohana Hoopfest RUSSELL TOLENTINO Sports Editor

could help too.

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Think you can help? Great! Then call 808-441-6361, text ALOHA to 77982 or visit TestWithTheBest.com today.

First year Rainbow Warrior head coach Gib Arnold is enjoying life in Hawai‘i. “It ’s been great,” A rnold said. “Family’s all settled in and we’re loving it.” And things have also gone well for his assistants and players. “ My st a f f a nd I , we haven’t had a bad day yet ,” A r nold sa id. “ We got a long ways to go to build t his prog ra m, but we’re pleased w it h how ha rd

t he g uys have worked a nd we’re rea l ly pleased w it h t he com munit y a nd how g reat t hey ’ve been to us. “We’re looking forward to putting this team on the fl oor,” Arnold continued. A lt hough t he season doesn’t st a r t for a not her mont h, A r nold a nd his R a i n bow Wa r r iors a nd t he R a i nbow Wa hi ne basketba l l tea m w il l k ick of f fa l l pract ice w it h f un. See Hoopfest, page 11

One Waterfront Plaza, 500 Ala Moana Blvd., Ste., 400, Honolulu, HI 96813


Senior point guard Hiram Thompson will be the only returning starter leading this year’s Rainbow Warrior basketball team.



WEDNESDAY, OCT. 13, 2010


KC Fong


puzzles • classif ieds • horoscopes

Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2010

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

16 Used to be

4 Reacted to giving out too many

17 Challenges for an interviewee

5 Constituted from

21 Elite Eight org.

6 ABA honorifics

22 Trinidad’s partner

7 Case in a purse, perhaps

24 Digital greeting

8 Elder or alder

25 Not even close

9 Trunk growth

30 __ the finish

10 D.C. setting

31 Seventh of eight, now

11 Like some accidents

32 Japanese drama

12 Joan of “Knots Landing”

33 Bar shot

13 Longtime Syrian ruling family

34 “May I help you?”


37 Neptune, for one

18 Consequently

39 It may be raw

19 Pizarro victims

40 Journalism bigwig

22 Womb-mate

44 Goof

23 Vintner’s prefix

45 Kind of will or trust

24 Outback critter

46 Greek vowel

26 Yeasts, e.g.

47 “If you ask me ...”

27 Eight-time British Open host

51 Defied tradition


55 Spy novelist Deighton

28 Greek leader?

56 It’s attractive

29 M.D.’s specialty

57 Earthenware pot

33 Show signs of age, as a roof

58 Big name in ice cream

34 1950s Niners Hall of Fame

59 Church councils

By Dan Naddor



60 Fix up DOWN

35 Harrow rival 36 Puppeteer Tony


11 New Deal prog.

1 Hole-making tool

1 Mr. or Mrs.

14 Toon predator __ E. Coyote

2 Many a Britannica article

5 Furtive message

15 First pro team to play on artificial turf

3 Mindless chatter

Horoscopes By Nancy Black and Stephanie Clements Tribune Media Services (MCT) Today’s birthday (10/13/10). Mental activity this year incorporates undeniable insight and logic. Merge the two and shape your will to achieve practical success. You may take a very different direction from what you first planned. That’s all right. Different may be just what you need.To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest


20 Serious religious dissents

day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) -- Today is a 7 -- Combine creative effort with your favorite person. Two heads are better than one when solving today’s tasks. Don’t spin your wheels alone. Taurus (April 20-May 20) -- Today is a 6 -- Get your associates to focus on work early in the day. If you wait until later, you lose valuable rhythm. Listen to ideas from the oldest team member. Gemini (May 21-June 21) -- Today is a 7 -- Co-workers must act as a unit to achieve best results today. Blend your talents into your projects. You achieve almost seamless results.

37 Weasel 38 Listening device

39 ÷ follower 40 Tied in the harbor


41 1963 Burton role 43 “Mon __!”: Poirot exclamation

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.

44 Book read by millions 47 Traveling 48 Communicate digitally? 50 Get rid of

Solutions, tips and computer program at www.sudoku.com

52 Magnesium has two 53 Passé

Go to www.kaleo.org for this puzzle’s solution.

54 Cultural

9 5 5 2


7 9 4

1 2

7 5 3 2

Puzzles will become progressively more difficult through the week.

49 “Pay __ mind!”

4 4

42 Picks

6 6 6 3


4 7

8 #5

Revolution leader

Cancer (June 22-July 22) -- Today is a 6 -- Someone grabs the leadership position and causes some stress. To maintain creative output, remind them of their core commitments. Acknowledge the team. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is a 6 -Focus intensely on the creative aspects of your work at home today. Don’t worry about practical outcomes just now. There’s time enough for that tomorrow. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Today is a 6 -- If you want to climb a mountain today, make sure to bring all necessary equipment. Fresh air and good company make the day sweet.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- Today is a 6 -- Take extra time with your appearance today. A difficult task seems easier when you know you look your best. Relax at home in private celebration. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- Today is a 6 -- Today you see the value of recent efforts. Stress eases when you see the light at the end of the tunnel. Take care with written communications. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- Today is a 5 -- Passionate dreams come true today, by combining efforts with a trusted group. If everyone works together, you get the desired results. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Today

is a 7 -- Group members see the value of major changes to a project already in motion. Stick to practical procedures to get your part done. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- Today is a 5 -- Hopefully, you have the supplies to utilize your talents. The results are so great that they move others to tears. This is a good thing. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Today is a 7 -- A group member decides to grab the chief’s role. Go along with this for today in order to get anything done. Make logical changes for best effect.

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 13, 2010


ʻOhana Hoopfest Schedule

from page 8

The two teams will host the University of Hawai‘i ‘Ohana Hoopfest this Friday at the Stan Sheriff Center at 9:15 p.m. following the Rainbow Wahine volleyball team’s match against San Jose State. Admission is free. “ We a re excited to host t he ‘Oha na Hoopfest as we open up t he 2 010 -11 basketba l l sea son,” sa id R a i nbow Wa hi ne head coach Da na Ta ka ha ra Dias, who is i n her second yea r w it h t he prog ra m. “It’s going to be fun, it’s going to be entertainment,” Arnold said. Arnold and his team are looking forward to appearing in front of their fans for the fi rst time. “Hoopfest will allow a sneak preview of the team members as well as show a fun-loving side of our personalities,” Takahara-Dias said. Arnold had a similar response. “(The players) are excited,” Arnold said. “I kind of want the fans to see them and their personalities outside of basketball. Usually when they see

them, they see them in a pretty intense game situation. But this is a time where they can see them a little more relaxed and having some fun.” The men’s and women’s teams will be introduced to fans; the teams will also perform skits and there will be a celebrity game. Chancellor Hinshaw, Carole Kai, Sweetie Pacarro, Mike Cherry, Billy V, Big Steve Naeole and Tony Silva of Da Braddahs are a few of the celebrity guests, according to Takahara-Dias. At half-time, there will be a UH student half-court shooting contest with four inter-island tickets to be given away. Students can register at the sports marketing table at Gate A by 9:30 p.m. There will be an autograph session for fans to close the night. Both teams will open their season with exhibition games against the Chaminade Silverswords. The women will play the Silverswords on Nov. 4, while the men will play them on Nov. 6. Both games are at the Stan Sheriff Center and begin at 7 p.m.


Ka Leo O Hawai‘i University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa 2445 Campus Road Hemenway Hall 107 Honolulu, HI 96822


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9:15 p.m. – UH Dance Team performance

10:00 p.m. – Student half-court shot contest

9:23 p.m. – Hypersquad Dance Co. performance

10:05 p.m. – Introduction of menʼs team

9:30 p.m. – Introduction of womenʼs team

10:20 p.m. – Menʼs celebrity game

9:45 p.m. – Womenʼs celebrity game

10:40 p.m. – Menʼs and womenʼs autograph session

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Ka Leo O Hawai‘i is the campus newspaper of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. It is published by the Board of Publications three times a week except on holidays and during exam periods. Circulation is 10,000. Ka Leo is also published once a week during summer sessions with a circulation of 10,000. Ka Leo is funded by student fees and advertising. Its editorial content reflects only the views of its writers, reporters, columnists and editors, who are solely responsible for its content. No material that appears in Ka Leo may be reprinted or republished in any medium without permission. The first newsstand copy is free; for additional copies, please visit the Ka Leo Building. Subscription rates are $50 for one semester and $85 for one year. ©2010 Board of Publications.

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ADMINISTRATION The Board of Publications, a student organization chartered by the University of Hawai‘i Board of Regents, publishes Ka Leo O Hawai‘i. Issues or concerns can be reported to the board (Devika Wasson, chair; Henry-lee Stalk, vice chair; or Ronald Gilliam, treasurer) via bop@hawaii.edu. Visit www.hawaii.edu/bop for more information.

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12 S PORTS Home, sweet home for ’Bows Ka Leo O Hawai‘i


WEDNESDAY, OCT. 13, 2010


The Rainbow Wahine is coming off of their longest break of the season, having not played a match since Oct. 1. Hewitt admits that it was a timely break for the team. “It’s a good thing,” Hewitt said. “Our bodies needed (the break) for sure.” Despite a rest f rom com pet it ion, Shoji st il l feels t hat t he ’ Bows push t hemselves i n pract ice i n prepa rat ion for up com i ng matches. “We’ve been able to rest some people, but we’re back in the practice gym and going hard in practice,” Shoji said. “We got a few days off, but now we’re back at work.” “In practice we push each other, so I know we’ll be great,” Hewitt said.



Sophomore defensive specialist Emily Maeda digs the ball against Saint Mary’s on Sept. 11. at the Stan Sheriff Center. Maeda has 95 digs and eight aces on the season.

M ARC A R AK AKI Associate Sports Editor

Sophomore middle hitter Brittany Hewitt, of the Rainbow Wahine volleyball team, is taking the Western Athletic Conference by storm. Hewitt leads the WAC in two statistics with a .386 hitting percentage and 1.77 blocks per set. In Hawai‘i’s last road trip, Hewitt played a near-perfect game against New Mexico State, hitting .917 with 11 kills on 12 attempts. She then hit .714 with five kills at Louisiana Tech two days later. “Dani (Mafua) was setting me up in all the right situations,” Hewitt said. “She was able to see when all their blockers were up,

or a lot of the time, blockers were off with Kanani (Danielson). That just cleared it up for me.” Head coach Dave Shoji is high on Hewitt’s development. “She (Hewitt) is becoming a well-rounded middle blocker,” Shoji said. “She’s always been a pretty good blocker, but now her offense is really rounding into form. She’s connecting with Dani and she’s hitting for a very high percentage.”

ABOUT THE OPPONENTS Hewitt and No. 4 Hawai‘i (141, 4- 0 WAC) will take the court this Friday and Sunday against San Jose State and Fresno State. Friday’s match is set for 7 p.m. while Sunday’s match is

at 5 p.m. Both games are at the Stan Sheriff Center. San Jose State (8-12, 3-4 WAC) is coming off a win over Louisiana Tech in straight sets. Sophomore

lani Marple (La Pietra ’06). Fresno State (7-10, 2-4 WAC) is coming off of a loss to New Mexico State. Sophomore middle blocker Marissa Brand

(Hewitt’s) always been a pretty good blocker but now her offense is really rounding into form. middle blocker Alex Akana (Kamehameha ’09) led the Spartans with 13 kills while hitting .455. Along with Akana, San Jose State fields three other athletes from Hawai‘i. Junior outside hitter Brianna Amian (Moanalua ’07), sophomore setter Caitlin Andrade (Kamehameha ’09) and senior defensive specialist Lei-

and senior outside hitter Lauren Berger led the Bulldog charge racking up 11 kills each. “ We’re just looking at it like any other opponent,” Hewitt said. “ We have to respect the other side of the net no matter who’s on the other side. ( We will) get prepared the same way we do any other match.”

With UCL A defeating Stanford last weekend, there is no undefeated team in NCA A Division I women’s volleyball. And for the first time this season, Hawai‘i is receiving firstplace votes in the AVCA poll. “Definitely, I think it is (a positive thing),” Hewitt said. “But we can’t let it go to our heads. We need to work harder and get better every practice and every match, but I definitely see us going all the way.” Stanford, along with Penn State and Texas – last season’s two national title participants – have also lost this season. “Stanford losing and Penn State losing – it just means that there’s a lot of great teams, not just one dominate team now,” Shoji said. “ Texas and Penn State were the dominate two teams. Now there doesn’t seem to be one team that has their shoulders above everybody, so I think there’s hope that we can win the national championship.”

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