October 18, 2010 - Ka Leo O Hawaii

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MON DAY, OCT. 18 to T U E S DAY, OCT. 19, 2 010

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Volu me 105 Issue 36

“Not Even Once” meth campaign director speaks at UH LYNN NAK AGAWA News Editor

Last Wednesday, Cindy Adams, executive director of the Hawai‘i Meth Project addressed students at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa for the fi rst time since the project’s inception. Adams presented information on crystal methamphetamine, also known as ice, and statistics on how students perceived the dangers and risks of the drug before and after the launch of the project. Adams asked the group of about 90 students, primarily from a sociology class on deviant behavior, “How many of you have seen or heard any of our ads from the beginning of last year and through this year?” Nearly every hand in the room went up. “Now I’m going to ask an totally different question. How many of you have ever seen crystal meth? How many of you have ever used meth? How many of you know somebody who has been affected by this drug, either a friend or family member?” Fewer hands were raised but students still responded in the affirmative to the questions, signaling the prevalence of the drug in Hawai‘i.


In addition to thier hard hitting media campaign, the Hawaii Meth Project also gives seminars in colleges and high schools across the state. Adams said that before the project was launched in June 2009, she had the opportunity to speak with Judge Michael Broderick of the First Circuit Family Court on O‘ahu. Broderick, who

Grunting sounds pose threat to opponents PAIGE L. JINBO Staff Writer

Tennis players are notorious for it; while watching a tennis match it’s this sound that vibrates off the court. It’s not the squeaking of those white-soled shoes as

tennis players book it from left to right on their half of the court — although that is a trademark sound of a tennis match — , it’s the noise exerted exhibiting the sheer force of their actions: a grunt. It’s a common sound uttered by most tennis players. While it may simply be a rever-

has seen many cases of crystal methamphetamine use, has called the drug “the walk-away drug.” “It’s the only drug where people will walk away from everything that’s important in their

lives in order to sustain their drug habit. Moms will walk away from their children, people walk away from the jobs, their friends, and their families,” said Adams of Broderick’s observations.

beration originating at the throat, a recent study has shown that this grunting poses detrimental effects on the performance of an opponent during a tennis match. “ We’re not sure if there is anything specific about the noise itself,” said Scott Sinnett, assistant psychology professor at the University of Hawaii Manoa. “It is possible that it masks the sound of the ball be ing struck by the tennis racket and therefore an opponent is

deprived of the information that this would carr y. A nother possibility would be that the sound uses up additional resources that could otherwise be directed to the shot itself.” Earlier this month, Sinnett’s fi ndings were published in an article in the Public Library of Science ONE. For the past three years, Sinnett along with Alan Kingstone, psychology professor at the University of British See Grunting, page 3

The impact on the state is clear. Ninty percent of Child Protective Services cases in which a child is removed from the home are due to a meth addict in the home. Ninty percent of federally sentenced drug cases involve meth. The estimated cost of methamphetamine abuse in Hawai‘i is $500 million annually. Adams said meth use is on the rise across the nation and in our state. According to Adams and the Department of Justice, crystal meth is at its highest level of purity and lowest price per gram since 2005. One of the major suppliers of the drug to the United States is Mexico. “We are Mexico’s largest methamphetamine customer in the world,” said Adams. “We provide Mexico with $500 billion for this drug, (money that goes) to the Mexican drug cartels.” Diagnostic Laboratories LLC, which does workforce drug testing, reported an increase in Hawaii workforce methamphetamine use for each of the last six quarters. 70 percent of the people they are testing are people who are applying for jobs. “These are people who can’t stay off the drug for four to seven days in order to pass the See Meth, next page



MONDAY, OCT. 18, 2010

+)2)6%0 )0)'8-32 86%27-8 %98,36-8= ',%68)6 %1)2(1)28 59)78-32 The Facts On November 2nd, the voters of O`ahu will be asked to vote on a proposed amendment to the City Charter. Its passage will lead to the establishment of a public transit authority to govern the activities of the Honolulu Rail Transit Project. The question on the ballot will read: “Shall the revised City Charter be amended to create a semi-autonomous public transit authority responsible for the planning, construction, operation, maintenance, and expansion of the City’s fixed guideway mass transit system?”

What does this mean? Voters will have the opportunity to decide whether a public transit authority should be established. A YES vote means that you support creating the transit authority. A NO vote means you do not support creating the transit authority. A BLANK or SPOILED ballot will not be counted. Regardless of the outcome of the vote, work on the project will continue.

Will this cost more money? No, there would be no additional cost to create the transit authority as it utilizes a foundation that is already in place – including expert staff and facilities.

What are the benefits of creating a new public transit authority for the rail transit system? If established, a transit authority would have the ability to make decisions more quickly because of its singular focus: the success of the rail transit system. An appointed transit authority board would also provide for timely and efficient management of the planning, construction, operation, maintenance, and expansion of the rail transit system, with sound principles and objectives for project delivery. The transit authority would manage the rail transit system’s budget and fares, and be required to properly maintain the agency’s financial status. It would also work hand-in-hand with the City Council for City funding and include the public in crucial issues such as setting fares and adopting a budget, further enhancing transparency and accountability. For more information on the charter amendment, visit


Paid for by the taxpayers of the City and County of Honolulu.

Meth from front page

test, in order to get a job offer. It is hugely addictive and hard to get off of once you’re addicted,” said Adams. The addictive nature of crystal meth has to do with the release of dopamine, which works as a neurotransmitter in the brain. “If I were to withhold food from you and you were to get really hungry and then I gave you food and water your brain would release about 200 units of dopamine,” said Adams. “If I were to give you cocaine, that would go up to 300 to 350 units of dopamine. If somebody were to give you ice or crystal meth your brain would release about 1,000 to 1,200 units of dopamine,” she said. Two things happen with the release of such high levels of dopamine, users feel “really great, which causes people to want to feel that again, which is what starts this pattern of use and abuse,” said Adams. However, the brain cannot sustain a constant rush of such high levels of dopamine on a regular basis. The receptors of the brain responsible for processing the chemical become fried and start to shut down and the user begins to experience diminishing returns. Users usually start smoking more frequently and often begin binge smoking for days and days to achieve the same high. A phrase the meth project uses is “once is too many and a thousand times is never enough.” Adams said that activities that used to bring pleasure and the release of dopamine no longer have signifi cance. Users experience paranoia, anxiety, and signifi cant depression as well as effects on the heart, lungs, and body. The Hawai‘i Meth Project was launched in June 2009. They operate with the theme, “Not Even Once” to attempt to infl uence their primary target group of teenagers to increase the perceived risk, decrease the perceived benefit, and increase social disapproval of the drug. The project is one of eight states with a meth project. The fi rst was started in Montana in

2005 and has achieved signifi cant decrease in use of the drug. “(Crystal methamphetamine use) is a very signifi cant health problem,” said Adams. “It permeates every sector of society.” R.M. Haija, sociology professor, invited Adams to the university. “This particular week was about drugs and society. One of the most dangerous drugs on the island is methamphetamine so I wanted students have an expert approach and expert information on how it’s affecting the island,” said Haija. When asked what motivates her in the position Adams was specifi c. “There’s a meth addict in my family,” said Adams. “It’s amazing. I’ve said earlier that unless you have been close to this whether it’s a friend or a family member it’s really hard to understand what this drug does,” she said. “It really has a different impact than other drugs. It causes people to become very violent, it causes people to engage in criminal activity that they wouldn’t normally do,” she said, referencing how teenage girls often turn to prostitution and the case in which Matthew Higa threw a toddler off the H-1 overpass. The Hawai‘i Meth Project released the results of their 2010 Hawai‘i Meth Use & Attitudes Survey in June. The survey found that compared to the 2009 benchmark survey, conducted before the launch of the statewide meth project, young people are more aware of the risks of using meth, strongly disapprove of taking the drug even once or twice, and are more likely to discuss the subject with their parents. The survey shows that 54 percent of Hawai‘i teens and 67 percent of young adults now see great risk in taking meth once or twice, up 10 points for the respective groups from a year prior. The survey also shows that 87 percent of young adults reported they strongly disapprove in trying meth, up 6 points from 2009.



MONDAY, OCT. 17, 2010

Grunting from front page


Tennis players often utter guttural sounds as they tighten core muscles to add power to their strokes.

Columbia (UBC), and 33 students from UBC have conducted laboratory research projects to determine whether it’s reasonable to conclude that a tennis player’s grunt interferes with an opponent’s performance. Evidently, it is. According to Sinnett, the study entailed the 33 students to view videos of a tennis player hitting a ball to the right or left side of the tennis court. Half of the video clips had grunts while the other half did not. “On average, people were slower and less accurate when judging the direction of the ball if the video clip had a grunt,” Sinnett said. Despite the fi ndings, former tennis player Sean Nakamura, 19, said that grunting from his opponent never affected his game.

“It’s really about how focused you are during the game,” he said. “If you’re easily distracted then a grunt will bother you, but if you have a strong mindset then it won’t.” Up until now, research has only



University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa 1755 Pope Road, 31-D Honolulu, HI 96822

been conducted through videos to allow for a certain degree of control. This new revelation has yet to be validated on the tennis court. However, Sinnett said the next step is to conduct this research with professional tennis players. This is the first study to look at the issue of grunting in tennis players. Sinnett looked into this issue because his main research involves studying basic laboratory research findings involving human behavior in more realistic situations. “Studying grunting in tennis was a perfect opportunity to take a look at the theoretical question of whether a basic lab finding will scale up to a real world situation, and simultaneously address a current debate in tennis,” Sinnett explained. Frequent tennis player Ryan Kondo said that tennis players who grunt do interfere with his game sometimes. “The grunting is annoying and it distracts me, so sometimes I miss hitting the ball,” Kondo said. Since the majority of basic laboratory research has been completed, Sinnett and Kingstone will begin taking their research to real tennis courts. If future findings show that grunting does affect an opponent’s game, Sinnett said there might be an increase in tennis grunters. “Perhaps people will try to grunt more and louder,” Sinnett said. “But, I hope that doesn’t happen.”

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Ka Leo O Hawai‘i is the campus newspaper of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. It is published by the Board of Publications three times a week except on holidays and during exam periods. Circulation is 10,000. Ka Leo is also published once a week during summer sessions with a circulation of 10,000. Ka Leo is funded by student fees and advertising. Its editorial content reflects only the views of its writers, columnists, contributors and editors who are solely responsible for its content. No material that appears in Ka Leo may be reprinted or republished in any medium without permission. The first newsstand copy is free; for additional copies, please come to the Ka Leo Building. Subscription rates are $50 for one semester and $85 for one year. ©2010 Board of Publications ADMINISTRATION The Board of Publications, a student organization chartered by the University of Hawai‘i Board of Regents, publishes Ka Leo O Hawai‘i. Issues or concerns can be reported to the board (Devika Wasson, chair; Henri-lee Stalk, vice chair; or Ronald Gilliam, treasurer) via bop@hawaii.edu. Visit hawaii.edu/bop for more information.

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MONDAY, OCT. 18, 2010

Cirque Du Soleil: jubilation and transition VICTORIA L EE Contributing Writer


Fleur, played by Pablo Gomis, guides the audience through the world of Alegria from Cirque Du Soleil.

Honolulu will be hosting the globe -traveling Cirque Du Soleil from Oct. 15 to Oct. 31 at the Neil S. Blaisdell Center. Students seem excited, but ticket prices are high for a college student ’s budget. “It entertained me from beginning to end,� explained sophomore Royce Harada, who has seen previous Cirque Du Soleil shows. However, he later mentioned that spending over $50 on the traveling show compared to the permanent show in Las Vegas seemed somewhat unreasonable. According to the Cirque Du Soleil website, the company is based in Quebec and began in 1984. The outfit has performed

in over 250 cities around the world. Cirque Du Soleil focuses on arousing the imagination, senses and emotions in audiences through performing arts. The company currently performs 23 different shows, each having it’s own unique themes and acts. The specific show being featured will be “Alegria� meaning “jubilation� in Spanish. “Alegria� just celebrated its 25th anniversary in September 2009. The show is based on multiple themes that will be expressed through nine acts, displaying an array of unique performing arts. The title “Alegria� embraces a state of mind. The show includes themes like the structure of power, the change from historical monarchies to modern democracies, and the transition

from youth to old age. The show incorporates the theme through the characters as it also performs intricate stunts, acts, and dances. The acts of “A legria� include: Synchronized Trapeze, Power Track, Hand Balancing, Fire K nife Dance, Manipulation, Flying Man, Russian Bars, Contortion, and Aerial High Bar. The show also features seven main characters. “Alegria� provides an assortment of arts, appealing to awide variety of audiences. The show features acrobatics, contortion, dance, theatre, music, costume design as well as a number of indescribable talents and stunts. Cirque Du Soleil works to incorporate some sort of art for everyone in the audience. The show provides an abun-

dance of entertainment and is priced accordingly: $84 to $109 per person. The prices seem steep for one night of entertainment, especially for a college student, but every show is unique. Along with a history of entertainment, Cirque Du Soleil also works to better the community. The circus contributes to relieving poverty in over 20 countries. Furthermore, the founder of Cirque Du Soleil, Guy Laliberte, created the organization “One Drop� to help provide fresh water to developing communities across the globe. The circus places importance on its role as a member of the communities. “Alegria� works to embrace and celebrate the essence of youth while incorporating abstract art and ideas.


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MONDAY, OCT. 18, 2010

Giving moviegoers reason to live C HRIS M IKESELL Senior Staff Writer

One hesitates to joke about something as serious as suicide. The National Institute of Health tells us that even though suicide is preventable, it remains the tenth leading cause of death in the United States. Suicide claims the lives of almost 35,000 Americans a year, young and old, rich and poor, male and female, gay and straight. Suicide is more than just a statistic - it stops lives short and leaves wounds in the lives of those left behind that sometimes never heal. Yet “Kind of a Funny Story,” a film from co-directors Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck based on the Ned Vizzini novel, is a drama about a suicidal teen that manages to work some jokes in. At fi rst glance it seems like a

combination in bad taste, but when you get into the fi lm, it becomes less about making fun of those who suffer from depression and more about the things that help young people to put their lives into perspective. Craig, a sixteen year-old played by Keir Gilchrist, is obsessed with success in New York’s hyper-competitive public high school system. The reasoning behind Craig’s obsession: If he doesn’t get into a good summer school, he won’t be able to list the program on his college apps. If he doesn’t have good extracurriculars, he won’t be able to get into a good college. A bad college means Craig won’t be able to get a good job. If he doesn’t have a good job, he won’t be able to make a lot of money. If he can’t get money, he won’t be able to get a girlfriend. And if Craig can’t

get a girlfriend, there’s no way, he figures, he’s ever going to get laid. Sound familiar? Anyone who has had to go through the college admissions process – something all of us should be familiar with – can certainly sympathize with Craig’s obsession with handcrafting the perfect resume of extracurriculars. Craig also faces alienation from his parents and friends, feeling like he doesn’t have anyone to confide in while seemingly surrounded by people. What makes Craig such a believable character is that he is relatable without being pitiful – he feels like something is wrong with his life but he is so wrapped up in his own success that he can’t see how to fi x where he is failing. Once he takes off the blinders of self-doubt and expectation, Craig realizes that instead of spending his time trying to

perfect himself in ways other people measure, he should instead focus on things that bring himself fulfillment, something everyone could stand to relearn now and again. The film also moves at a quick tempo; fans of the film “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World” will enjoy the asides and cuts that are beginning to define our generation’s media; those of us who weren’t raised on Twitter and Family Guy, though, will probably not appreciate it as much. That’s ok. “Kind of a Funny Story” is a fi lm for the Craigs of the world, a fi lm that says that working for yourself is better than trying to please everyone else. It’s defi nitely better than the alternative. Final Verdict: If you want a fi lm that goes beyond the platitudes of suicide

prevention PSAs, you can’t go wrong with this one. Solid A

SUICIDE COUNSELING R E S O U RC E S If you or someone you know needs someone to talk to, there are places on campus that can help. The Counseling and Student Development Center in the Queen Lili‘uokalani Student Services Center, Room 312 is open between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. and provides free counseling and psychiatric services to UHM students. Call them at 956-7927. The state of Hawai‘i also has a 24 hour suicide and crisis line that provides free and anonymous help at 832-3100.

Culture shock in Mumbai: A student’s experience in a foreign land

An Indian marketplace is adorned with colorful saris.

K RYSTAL K IRKLAND Contributing Writer Four years ago, I made a pact with my two best friends over a pot of homemade fondue that we would get a jumpshot in front of the Taj Mahal. India has always been a dream destination of mine; I fell in love when I saw my first Bollywood musical. I secretly hoped that a walk down the street in India would result in the pedestrians breaking out in synchronized song and dance, like every Bollywood film I saw. A year went by, then two, until I found a photo posted on my Facebook wall - a Photoshopped picture of us three girls, jumping high in the air in front of the Taj. My best friends were telling me that it was time. It took a year of planning and saving, but my best friends and I spent our summer fulfilling that pact we made years ago. KRYSTAL KIRKLAND / KA LEO O HAWAI‘I

dawn. As I exited the air-conditioned airport doors, a dark and heavy sunless heat hit me as if I had walked into a wall. But dramatic temperature change wasn’t the only adjustment headed my way since I was about to experience the most extreme culture shock of my life. To say this city feels like a different world in a different time would be a major understatement. The mixture of intense heat and humidity, rancid smells and avoiding death by rickshaw is balanced by the visual stimulation of women wearing gorgeous saris, exciting new food and comfortably living on $8 a day. Mumbai’s summer heat was intense (around 115 degrees) and shorts and a tank aren’t acceptable garb. Indian women wear saris, a very long piece of fabric, elegantly tucked and draped around their bodies, or a salwar kameez, a combination of cloth pants and a long, loose

A R R I VA L I arrived in Mumbai before

See Culture shock, next page



MONDAY, OCT. 18, 2010

Culture shock from previous page

shirt. Out of respect for the culture and to avoid unwanted male attention, we went shopping.

R E A L L I F E : MU M BA I I wish I had some warning before my first bathroom experience. In India, the average toilet is a ceramic hole in the ground, and toilet paper

is non-existent. Instead, a small bucket is provided, which is used to “flush” and clean your left hand after you “wipe” yourself with it. I tried, I honestly tried to do things the Indian way, but after a week I started carrying my own toilet paper with me everywhere I went. One of the most difficult as-

pects of Mumbai is getting transportation at a reasonable fare. The streets are fi lled with auto rickshaws - three-wheeled, motorized carts that are the main source of transportation. Flagging one down is easy, but getting a reasonable price from the driver is not. The relay goes something like

Right now, a family is beginning to heal.

this: tourist waves down rickshaw. Tourist and driver attempt to communicate the destination. Driver quotes a rate ten times higher than normal and claims the meter is “broken”. Tourists try to bargain the price down. Driver doesn’t budge on price. Tourists become angry. Driver drives off. Now, repeat for the next fifteen rickshaw drivers. Standing on a street corner in Vile Parle East, Mumbai, is an experience all in itself. Dare you step into the street, the chances of being hit by a rickshaw are high. They drive fast, weaving in and out of each other and honking in a terrifying manner. On the sidewalk, not an inch of space is wasted. Vendors have set

up shop selling everything from fresh mango juice and chai tea to spicy deep-fried snacks and raw fruits and vegetables. Stray dogs and cows walk alongside the pedestrians. Mumbai also has plenty of henna artists, and for a couple bucks, you can decorate your arms and legs in traditional henna art. Looking back on my Indian summer, the times when I was the most uncomfortable, scared and frustrated have made the most memorable experiences. When I was comfortable, I was bored, and that’s not what traveling is about. My first few days in India were not the Bollywood musical I dreamed it to be, but it was fulfilling for so many more reasons.

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One undergoes culture shock when social conventions and norms are questioned during a foreign experience.

Ka Leo’s

Housing Guide What to look for ...........1 Amenities .....................3 Location .......................5 Pricing ..........................7 Transportation ..............8

First things first: inspecting the property JORDAN K. HENSLEY PR Staff There are many important things to check for when moving into your house or apartment. If you’re going to check out a property First things first, you found a listing for a two bedroom and one bath in Mānoa valley, got your roommate, and are going to check the property out to make a cohesive decision. When you arrive on the site, important things to check for, and quite possibly the most important, are safety and security. Check around for working smoke detectors; ideally there should be one in

each room and one in the kitchen. Also, each house or apartment should contain at least one fire extinguisher, so make sure to scope one out or ask your landlord to provide one. Make sure all locks are working, un-rusted, and are sturdy to avoid potential burglary problems. Next, as you make your way through the rooms, especially the bathroom and water-heater closet, check for leaky pipes. You might feel a bit silly getting on your hands and knees and looking in cupboards, but if there is a leak, you want it repaired before you sign any contracts.

Another thing you might want to check is the electrical outlets; you may want to bring a small electric appliance, such as a cell phone charger, and check outlets throughout the house. Test out all appliances within the house to make sure everything is in proper working order, namely the fridge, washer, and dryer. Mold is something worth checking for; feel the shower walls, look at the ceiling and in/around the fridge. Water temperature and pressure are also important things to keep an eye on, along

with proper working drainage. Look in cupboards, cabinets, closets for visible evidence of insects and rodents. It would suck to move in and find an infestation of cockroaches in your underwear drawer! Also, peer around and see if you can identify some of your potential neighbors; strike up a conversation, ask them how things are going in the neighborhood, and about potential hazards or issues that may exist. Making friends early is always a good thing. Check around for close bus stops just in case you need to jump on it for a

quick jet off to class when your ride isn’t there on time. Ample parking is also something to look for, so that when you eventually throw that housewarming party and invite all your best friends, they will all be able to drive without having to carpool. But if they are drinking, maybe carpooling is best. Be thorough and patient when inspecting your new apartment or house as well as the environment that surrounds it; it will be your home (hopefully) for the next year, so try to make your introduction into living there pleasant and stress-free.

Housing Guide 2 Tangible Amenities

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Housing Guide 3

Amenities turn a house into a home ORIANA LEAO PR Staff

For some people, searching for a new place to live is a leisurely experience, and can be an enjoyable activity. But when relocating to a different home, school, or job, a finer approach to residence-hunting must be taken into consideration. In essence, amenities make a place. Amenities are the accommodations that assist in determining the value and desirability of a property, and contribute to a place’s comfort or convenience. Tangible benefits to look for include a dishwasher, air conditioner, washing machine, dryer, complete kitchen with sink, oven, stove and garbage disposal, swimming pool, garage, or car port, bike paths, and parking. Beyond physical accommodations, other intangible amenities to consider when searching for a new residence include the

view from a specific location, services such as trash pick-up and low crime rates within and surrounding the neighborhood. In some cases, a necessity that is highly valuable to one potential owner may not be the same for another. For those who have medical concerns such as asthma, the lack of air pollution and apparent cleanliness of an area can be viewed as an amenity. It is crucial to form a list of services and facilities that are significant to the potential owner, because amenities that are available or lacking, within and around a home, often determine the way one lives and operates in a residence. Personal needs and preferences concerning amenities should be voiced to potential roommates and landlords or realtors, because amenities also contribute to the value of a property and should be reflected within the residence’s price.


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Housing Guide 4

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STREET BEAT NOHELANI ROACH UH MANOA STUDENT Do you live on or off campus? Off, I live in the Marco Polo Building.

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Why did you choose that? Well I work in Waikiki, so it’s right in the middle of work and school. How’s it going? Good, I love it. But it’s definitely expensive....but every place is in Hawaii. Would you do it again? For sure. It’s the nicest building!

✎ GARRETT GEORGE UH MANOA STUDENT Do you live on or off campus? I live on campus in Gateway dorms Why did you choose that? I love the view and my set up with two roommates. How is your choice working out for you, would you do it again next year? It is going fine for the most part, so I will probably dorm in the apartments next year.

Housing Guide 5 Location: the cornerstone of living JENNA RITTER PR Staff No matter where you live on O‘ahu, there are many resources available close by. That’s the benefit of living in a city. It just depends on what’s more important to you. Do you want to live closer to the beach or right on campus? If you’re living near Mānoa Market place you will have some resources available. Here you’ll find Long’s Drug store, Safeway, Blazin Steaks, Mcdonalds, Starbucks, Andy’s, a laundromat, Post Office, First Hawaiian Bank, nail salons, and many more great places to grab a meal. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and

Sundays, they offer a farmer’s market in the center of Mānoa Market place where you can get good deals on local fruits and veggies. If you choose to live back here, however, you do get more rain and you are further away from the beach. If you live on Campus, or close to the surrounding area and don’t have a car, King St. is just a short walk or bike ride away. There are many great spots here at a convenient distance. There are Kōkua Market and Down to Earth as healthy alternatives to fast food restaurants. Burger King, Teddy’s Bigger Burgers, Blazin Steaks, Bubbies, The Curry House, and the Varsity Bar

are all near Puck’s Alley. There are also many housing options around Waikīkī. So, if you want to be close to the beach, this is the spot for you. On the Diamond Head side of Waikīkī you have Kapahulu, which is packed with restaurants (ranging from Taco Bell to local plate lunches; many clothes and jewelry shops, Snorkel Bobs, bars, tattoo and piercing spots, smoke shops, and a Safeway. At the other end of Waikīkī you’re situated close to Ala Moana shopping center and Walmart. Located on Ke‘eaumoku Street. Ala Moana offers great outdoor shopping

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ranging from all the major department stores to surf shops. There is a DMV office, a furniture store, Post Office, ATM’s, banks, Honolulu City Info Center, a food court, and many great dine-in restaurants. It even features several nightclubs including Pearl, Venus and the O-lounge— all within walking distance. Trash is another thing

you need to think about. If you don’t live in on campus, pickup is conducted on a 3-4 day period. Depending on your neighborhood, the day you need to put your trash out will differ. Check out opala.org for exact days and time for curbside trash pickup. Remember to recycle everything you can and separate those items from your trash.

Housing Guide 6


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Would you live there next semester? No. I would still choose to live off campus because living on campus is inconvenient and I do not like the feeling of stuck on campus. RUTH MANUEL UH MANOA STUDENT How much? Free, live with parents Worth it? Yes. Saving money to spend on other needs. Would you live there next semester? Yes, it is a better living environment compared to dorms.

Housing Guide 7

Balancing cost and preference AYAKA ITO PR Staff One of the key elements of deciding on housing is the room rental fee. There is a wide range of budgets for housing and rental fees. Prices are dependent on location and surrounding environment. Let’s set the base line to $1,000 and compare the differences in different areas around the campus. A $1,000 budget for an on-campus housing unit would get you a two-bedroom unit with two occupants, including a shared bathroom with water, electricity and internet, but with no kitchen or parking at Frear Hall. With the same budget one could rent a studio-style room with a bathroom and a small kitchen in Waikīkī. It comes with kitchen utensils, but does not include electricity, internet or parking. The s ame sty le of ap ar t m e nt i n Ma k i k i i s h a l f t he pr i c e. Wit h a $1,00 0 bu d ge t , re nte rs re ceive one b e d ro om , a k itche n , a b at hro om , p ar k i ng and a

l anai, as wel l as water, g a s and e l e c t r i c it y. Other than the rental fee, housing can have additional costs, like the deposit, security fee and application fee. On-campus housing has a $250 deposit and $25 nonrefundable application fee on top of the annual room fees. These prices are relatively low compared to off-campus housing. The average off-campus security deposit fee is around $1,000. Also, leasing could be problematic for students since off-campus housing is not designed specifically for students. The lease could be too long or too short, and students might need to pay extra or move out in the middle of the semester because of the fallout of the lease. Off-campus housing support organizations give students additional options. The Atherton YMCA is right across from the Mānoa campus and has room selections including singles, doubles and quads. They offer the housing per semester and the price for a single room is around $860

per month, which includes internet, electricity, utilities and shared bathroom and kitchen. Unlike on-campus housing, the YMCA offers intermission-period housing so students don’t have to worry about moving in and out during winter and summer breaks. Ohia student housing is located in Waikīkī area and amenities include partial maid service, internet, shared kitchen with utensils and a swimming pool. There are also 24-hour on-site resident assistants at the front desk. Pricing ranges from $650 for double occupancy to $1,150 for single occupancy. These off-campus student housing prices are reasonable and since the units are designed for students, they also provide a focused living environment. Some students want to live on or near campus, some want to live close to the ocean, and others place priority on low pricing. Every student has a different need or preference. There are varied housing options available around the island, allowing students to select housing that meets both their budgets and their preferences.

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Housing Guide 8 Tactical transportation: getting around town

JORDAN K. HENSLEY PR Staff Transportation is a major issue that needs to be addressed when choosing a place to live. Bus commuting, procuring a car and walking are all possibilities that must be taken into consideration before choosing or narrowing down housing choices. Choosing to live with a roommate is your best financial option in Hawai‘i since the cost of living is so expensive here. A two bedroom one bath in places

such as Kāne‘ohe or Pearl City go for around $1550/ month usually with no furnishings. If you find yourself in this situation then saving money by using your UH bus pass will be your best bet. If you are looking for something closer, Waikīkī, Kaimukī, Palolo and Mānoa would all also be good bets since the bus, walking, or bike riding are reasonable and economical. Student housing in Waikīkī ranges from $550/month (less utilities) to $1,550 for a two

bedroom and one bath. If deciding whether or not to purchase a car is your deal breaker then crunch on these numbers: $1,460 per year is how much you save by using your U-Pass to catch the bus. If you pay $20 a week on gas, that’s $1,040 per year and $1,060 per year is how much you would spend on insurance. Average prices for used cars range from $1,00030,000 depending on make and model. Is that jalopy worth it or should you

hold out for a used Jaguar? Cars cost more than they’re worth, especially used cars, claims www. ehow.com. “It can be hard to fork over money for a car in the same year you’re paying for other expenses…unless you live in a city with excellent, safe public transportation.” TheBus is an internationally recognized organization and is known for its adaptivity in routes as well as excellence in public transit. Walking and biking are ‘green’ alternatives to bus-

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ing; just realize that when you purchase a bike in the State of Hawai‘i a $15 bike license fee is charged, but lasts a lifetime once bought. Used bikes don’t require the fee, so if you scan Craigslist and see a listing, snag it. Overall while a multitude of choices are available for housing, make sure to take transportation into account when deciding where to live. The general rule of thumb is: the closer you are to something in Hawai‘i, the easier it is to walk, but the harder it is to find parking.



MONDAY, OCT. 18, 2010

Hawai‘i 5-0 song played by 0-7 state M ICHAEL BREWER Associate Opinions Editor

The Mighty Sound of Maryland Marching Band won the CBS “Hawai‘i Five- 0” contest last Wednesday and its accompanying $25,000 prize. University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa was a top three finalist in the online voting held on the contest website. The idea that the University of Maryland won a contest designed around a show that’s been in Hawai‘i since 1968 is ridiculous, even a little insulting. “It sucks,” said Simon Harton, a junior music major and trombonist for the Rainbow Warrior Marching Band. Harton knows the UHM music department could use the money. “We could have bought some instruments that worked, maybe repaired the holes in the walls— repaired our music department. It’s so run down, it’s sad.” His involvement in the contest spanned the course of several weeks as the band prepped for a “R ah R ah” show, with “Hawai‘i 5 - 0” as the featured song at the 2010 Warrior football season home opener. T he marching band’s 250 members


The UH marching band preforms during a Warriors football game. memorized music, charts, and sequences for the show, practicing three times a week in Ching and Cook Fields. The commitment didn’t stop there—there was also a weeklong training camp before school started, where, for three hours a day, almost every day, the band learned, memorized, and learned some more. On game day, the band practiced on the field before the football team arrived for pre-game warm up. It wasn’t a light chore.

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Then there was the commitment of Gwen Nakamura, Assistant Director of Bands, who spearheaded the project. She went on several local talk shows, asked countless people to vote on the contest website, worked on creating the video, designed the charts for the football show, and coordinated the music and

direction of the performance. She didn’t do it alone, and she didn’t write the show with the sole intention to use it for the CBS contest. But, “(it was) quite a bit (of work). I think it was more (helpful) that we had somebody help us work on the video part. We had such a short period of time, because by the time we knew about the contest, it was way past (the other entrants).” According to Nakamura, the band heard of the contest only through word of mouth and posted their entr y video within only a few days of the deadline. U of Mar yland was one of the first videos up, which may have inf luenced the amount of votes they received. The pain of losing to a mainland school in a contest designed around a show—a theme song— that’s been like a mascot for UHM sports for decades, compounds the fact that our music program really needs an additional source of money.

“I think we’re like one of the people that needs (the money) the most. Our equipment, we’ve been borrowing things from schools, cause we don’t have money here,” said Nakamura. But Nakamura is not sour about it, at least, not entirely. “I think, all in all, it was for the fun of doing it. Even though you can be disappointed about not winning, like, I was disap pointed, but all in all, it was just fun… kind of a hype…. Congratulations to Mar yland,” said Nakamura with some resentment in her voice, and told me she wouldn’t say her true feelings on the matter for fear of me writing about it. Good thing she didn’t. The U of Maryland plans to use the money to buy new band uniforms. The total cost of the uniforms will be $125,000. Editor’s note: Michael Brewer is an active participant in the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa Band.

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MONDAY, OCT. 18, 2010

Warriors cage Wolfpack Hawai‘i ends Nevada’s undefeated season RUSSELL TOLENTINO Sports Editor Even before the game was over, Aloha Stadium erupted in celebration. Senior safety Mana Silva in-

tercepted a defl ected Nevada pass at Hawai‘i’s 12-yard line with 1:30 left on the clock to seal the Warrior football team’s 27-21 upset over No. 19 Nevada on Saturday night in front of 42,031 fans. With the win, the Warriors

improve to 5-2 overall and 3-0 in the Western Athletic Conference. Nevada (6 -1, 1-1 WAC), who played its last game in Honolulu as a WAC member, saw its undefeated season come to an end. “I’m really proud of my play-


Senior slot receiver Greg Salas runs downfield in the University of Hawai‘i Warriors’ 27-21 vicotry over the University of Nevada on Saturday, Oct. 16. ers,” Warrior head coach Greg McMackin said in a press conference. “They fought their tails off and didn’t quit and kept fi ghting and fi nished and that was a big win for us.” The Warriors struck early with two touchdowns from junior quarterback Bryant Moniz

to senior slot receiver Kealoha Pilares in the first quarter and a field goal by senior kicker Scott Enos in the second. They took a 17-0 lead into halftime, but Nevada rallied 2014 with nine minutes left in the See Wolfpack sent packin’, page 11



MONDAY, OCT. 18, 2010


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Monday, Oct. 18, 2010

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Go to www.kaleo.org for this puzzle’s solution.

Horoscopes By Nancy Black and Stephanie Clements Tribune Media Services (MCT) Today’s birthday (10/18/10). Let this be the year when you accept romance into your life. This does not have to involve heavy spending. Romance thrives when you take the time to include your partner in your adventures and follow lucky impulses. Travel may figure in your plans.To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.

Aries (March 21-April 19) -- Today is a 7 -- New ideas stimulate imagination and produce intelligent activity. Your partner naturally fits into a social group and acts as host. Taurus (April 20-May 20) -- Today is a 6 -- Others seem happy enough to handle their own quests at work. Accept guidance from an elder whose logic is impeccable. Celebrate with someone tonight. Gemini (May 21-June 21) -- Today is a 5 -- This is no time to try to achieve total organization. In fact, if you allow things to come apart, you see where more work is needed.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) -- Today is a 6 -- Problems at work occupy you and distract from dealing with family matters. Express your doubts out loud, so others understand. Then you can focus. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is a 6 -Establish a reservoir of ideas for future use. Not every day is filled with great inspirations like today. Don’t bother to seek agreement. Just write it all down. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Today is a 6 -- Apply your imagination and give your self-esteem a boost at the same time. Let others fret about how the details come together. Make a payment. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- Today is a 7

5 1 6 4 3 2 5 8 9 6 7 EASY

-- Don’t jump to conclusions. What first looks like a massive change resolves into workable alternatives. A nearby clown lightens the atmosphere. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- Today is a 7 -- Someone you know falls in love head over heels. This has been a long time coming. Keep an appropriate distance as you congratulate them both. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- Today is a 5 -- Your best bet today is to act as though everything’s proceeding exactly as planned. Roll with any punches and reserve comments for later (or never). Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Today is a 6 -- Create your own agenda early in

8 2 8 4

7 9 4 9 8 1 4 8

3 5 1 3

7 3 9 6 #7

the day and pursue it diligently. Others fret about details. Stay out of that discussion, if possible. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- Today is a 6 -- Business matters cause circular thinking when you don’t immediately perceive a solution. Take a break for a phone call and come back to it. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Today is a 6 -- Most of your efforts flow smoothly today to produce desired outcomes early. Try to contact an absent team member to get their approval.

Classifieds The BOP Business Office (to the right of the UH Bookstore lower entrance)

Monday-Friday 9a.m.-5p.m. Deadline: 4 p.m. two days before publication. Payment: Pre-payment required. Cash, in-state checks, money orders, Visa and MasterCard accepted.

WORK WANTED Field Research Project Assistant positions are short-term and temporary with the Underage Alcohol Prevention project. They are under the supervision of the Project Coordinator, participate in field activities, do light clerical work, collect data, supervise student assistants, provide transportation, and attend court hearings. Must be 21 years or older, able to follow strict procedures, complete forms accurately, and other duties as assigned. Positions require valid Hawaii driver’s license and availability of car, flexible hours, be able to pass post-offer criminal background check, and on-call Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Pay: $12.50/hr. Inquiries: May Rose Dela Cruz, 441-3485.


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UH Foundation needs data entry/student help. Accurate typist to maintain mail list, familiar w/ Excel, other duties. Work yr-round includes semester breaks—winter breaks a must. $7.75/ hr. UH student w/6+ credits; detail-oriented; 15-19 hrs/wk, M-F. Seeks good, dependable long-term student; 1st-yr students w/limited work exp welcome. Email Sharlene at addressupdate@uhf. hawaii.edu to request interview & typing test, pls include contact #.

Have a dental cleaning, check-up for dental decay & gum disease. Come in for a dental hygiene screening.

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MONDAY, OCT. 18, 2010

Wolfpack sent packin’ from page 8

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fourth quarter. The Warriors and Wolfpack then traded touchdowns, making the score 27-21. The Warriors would have had possession with three minutes left, but Nevada recovered a Warrior fumble on the punt return. “We’re going to have to take a look … on special teams,” McMackin said. But we won and that’s what I’m really pleased about. We’ve been taking these games one at a time.” Following the fumble-recovery, Nevada got to the Hawai‘i 35 before Silva picked off Nevada quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s pass. Silva has recorded four interceptions in the last three games.

“We had our chances to win,” Nevada head coach Chris Ault said. “You can’t give up 10 points (in the fourth quarter) … you gotta make the plays when you get the chance.” Since the season has started, the Warrior defense has improved. They have not allowed an opening-drive fi rst down or touchdown in the last six games. Hawai‘i also held Nevada to only 293 yards of offense, which was the Warrior defense’s second best showing this season. Nevada came into the matchup averaging 43 points per game. “I give complete credit to coach Dave Aranda (defensive coordinator) and the defensive

coaching staff. He had a great game plan,” McMackin said. And as usual, Hawai‘i’s offense continued to be productive. Moniz was 26-of-36 for 287 yards. Senior wide receiver Greg Salas had 153 receiving yards on 11 catches while Pilares had 67 yards. Senior running back Alex Green gained 72 yards on the ground. This was UH’s fi rst win over a ranked opponent at Aloha Stadium since beating Boise State 39-27 in 2007. UH is 6 -0 against Nevada in Honolulu. “This is the third time we’ve had a chance to win the game in the fourth quarter out here and we didn’t,” Ault said. “Hawai‘i played well, they did an outstanding job.”

KA LEO PLAYER OF THE WEEK Corey Paredes, Warrior Football Position: Linebacker Class: Junior Height: 5-foot-11 Hometown: Kane’ohe, Oahu


JAKE CAMARILLO Staff Reporter Junior linebacker Corey Paredes has been named this week’s Ka Leo Athlete of the Week for his defensive performance in UH’s upset win against the 19th-ranked Nevada Wolfpack this past Saturday. Paredes, the Warriors’

leading tackler, had nine total tackles and two forced fumbles. His fumbles were two key plays in Hawai‘i’s win. The fi rst set up UH’s fi rst touchdown of the evening. His second prevented a Nevada touchdown when Paredes knocked the ball out of Nevada quarterback Colin Kapernick’s hand. This forced the ball into

the end zone, causing a touchback by Nevada. These are only Paredes’ second and third forced fumbles of his career. The first came last season. Paredes now has 71 total tackles on the season along with his two forced fumbles. The Warriors improve to 5-2 and have won their fourth straight game.



MONDAY, OCT. 18, 2010

Cool runnings brought Aitken to UH so much pressure and UH just felt right,” Aitken said. “I needed somewhere where I could be my own person and grow as an athlete.”

JILLIAN BURMEISTER Staff Reporter Senior Rainbow Wahine cross country runner Ashley Aitken didn’t always want to be a runner. But she ran her first unofficial race at 10 years old and broke a 15 -year record in the process. Obviously, something was there for her in the sport. “I had always just ran around (our) farm,” said Aitken, who is from Napier, a small farm town in New Zealand. “I had never seen a track and didn’t know people ran as a sport.”


F I N D I N G T H E PA S S I O N Despite her initial success in distance running, it took awhile for Aitken to embrace her talent. “Running wasn’t my passion for eight out of the 10 years I was doing it,” said Aitken, who graduated in 2006 from Tavadale High School, which only had about 20 students. “Running was just something I did well and people expected it out of me.” But Aitken grew to love the sport and attributed her passion for running to maturity. “As I get older I appreciate it more,” she said. “I find my empowerment through the freedom (of being) my own runner. I now do it for myself; this is what I want to do and I love it.” And now Aitken’s motivation comes from within. She said she runs, “wanting to stay in shape and feeling good about myself.”

Senior Rainbow Wahine cross country runner Ashley Aitken transferred to UH last season from Tulsa. This season, she won the UH Big Wave Invitational in September and has been one of the team’s top runners..



Aitken almost ended her running career after going through multiple injuries and a high-stress environment at her previous school. In 2009, Aitken transferred to the University of Hawai‘i from Tulsa, university in Oklahoma, to give her running career one last shot.

“I was either going to be done after Tulsa or come to UH,” Aitken said. At Tulsa, injuries plagued Aitken, who suffered from shin splints, stress fractures and other injuries. “I have a problem with slowing down and listening to my body,” Aitken said.

After all the hardships, Aitken still contemplated whether or not to continue cross country. “I almost didn’t come (to UH) because I wasn’t quite sure this is what I wanted to do,” she said. But after talking to a UH high jumper who was also from

New Zealand, Aitken decided to transfer to UH. Carmyn James, the Rainbow Wahine track and fi eld and cross country head coach, offered Aitken a full scholarship. “I wanted a more relaxed atmosphere where I wouldn’t be under

Aitken relies on her coaches for support since she only gets to see her family once a year. “Motivation comes from (assistant coach) Althea (Belgrave). She gives me a lot of freedom to be my own runner and she trusts me. I feel empowered by that,” Aitken said. “I train really hard for her; I don’t want to let her down.” And when it comes to being a distance runner, performance speaks for itself. “You can’t lie about training. You can say you went for a 20mile run but if you can’t produce the results, you are only letting yourself down,” Aitken said.

N O O R D I N A RY AT H L E T E She has been a standout athlete for the cross country team so far. Last season, she competed in four meets for the Rainbow Wahine and was in the team’s top five in each. The success has continued this season. In September, she won the UH Big Wave Invitational. And she’ll have another shot to compete for UH next season. Aitken received another season of eligibility because of her past injuries. While not competing and training, Aitken is a busy with school work. She is double-majoring in Spanish and economics. A fter UH, A itken dreams of using her Spanish major to travel around South A merica to live and work. “I really love the Spanish culture. I’ve got the travel bug big time,” said Aitken, whose other passions include singing, playing the guitar and painting. But until then, Aitken said she is happy with the “chill lifestyle of Hawai‘i.”

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