October 25, 2010 - Ka Leo O Hawaii

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Fall Footholds

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Dance dance evolution Features 2

Da Knot in da Bibadees Virtuous voting Opinions 4

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Volu me 105 Issue 37

UH Mānoa crime report shows increase in motor vehicle thefts DANIEL JACKSON Staff Reporter

Campus Security has released the 2010 Annual Crime Report, and according to the statistics, dorm residents appear to have reasons to celebrate, while students parking mo-peds on campus may not. Although liquor law violations in dormitories and other residential facilities increased by 148 percent, burglaries decreased by 34 percent, and forcible sex offenses decreased by 80 percent from 2008 to 2009. Motor vehicle thefts on campus, however, increased by 966 percent. “As far as motor vehicle thefts, we have very, very few, until you add in mo-peds,” said one high-ranking Campus Security official. 2009 was the first year mo-peds were included in motor vehicle thefts.


The Annual Crime Report is published every October in accordance with the “Clery Act,” a federal law that requires colleges and universities to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses. The Clery Act is named for Jeanne Clery, a 19-yearold university freshman who was raped and murdered while asleep in her dorm room on April 5, 1986. Jeanne’s parents, along with other victims of crimes on campus, persuaded Congress to enact this law after learning that students had not been told about violent crimes on the university campus in the years preceding their daughter’s murder.

S TAT I S T I C A L C OM PA R I S O N S BY Y E A R The 2010 Annual Crime Report includes statistics, which are divided by type and location, for 2007, 2008 and 2009, detailed


Although 2009 saw statistical decreases in almost every major on-campus crime category, the amount of motor vehicle thefts, which now includes mo-peds, increased by 966 percent. guidelines of campus safety policies and advice on preventing and reporting crime. With 2009 being the fi rst year mo-peds were included in the motor vehicle theft category, oncampus motor vehicle thefts rose from three in 2007 and 2008, to 32 in 2009. Motor vehicle thefts from campus housing rose from two in 2007 and one in 2008 to 18. “The actual number one thing that’s stolen on campus is bicycles … and mo-peds are the second to bicycles,” said one security official. In-dormitory burglaries fell from 32 in 2008 to 21 in 2009 for a decrease of 34 percent, and saw a 22 percent decrease from the 27 reported in 2007. However, the total number of on-campus burglaries, which includes the in-dormi-

tory reports, rose from 43 in 2007 and 47 in 2008 to 56 for increases of 30 percent and 19 percent, respectively. Forcible sex offenses on campus, all of which occurred in dormitories, dropped from three in 2007 and fi ve in 2008, to one in 2009 for decreases of 67 percent and 80 percent, respectively. Aggravated assaults stayed the same for 2008 and 2009, with four reported in both years, but saw a decrease of 33 percent when compared to the six in 2007. “The more serious crimes are rare, such as robberies, assaults, but when it does come up, it’s a big concern because of the personal safety,” said Wayne Ogino, Chief of Campus Security. All liquor law and drug-related violations in 2009 occurred in

the dormitories. In-dormitory liquor law violations rose from 291 in 2008 to 721 in 2009 for an increase of 148 percent. Although, compared to the 616 reported in 2007, liquor law violations saw only a 17 percent increase. Likewise, drug-related violations rose from 54 in 2008 to 84 in 2009 for an increase of 56 percent. However, when compared to the 112 reported in 2007, 2009 saw a decrease of 25 percent. A security official attributed these fluctuations to the changing focus regarding violations of student housing conduct policies and which instances new student housing directors may regard as warranting a referral for disciplinary action.

STUDENT PERSPECTIVES Christopher Pennington, a ju-

nior and resident of Gateway House, said that he has no concerns for his safety but told the story of how a few days prior on his way to dinner, a friend had commented on it being “only a matter of time” before an unlocked mo-ped at the bike rack would be stolen. When he returned less than 45 minutes later, he witnessed the owner of that mo-ped outside trying to make sense of an empty bike rack. “I’m aware of the fact that there are a lot of mo-ped thefts, and that it is a problem not only on campus, but elsewhere,” said Chelsea Yamase, a junior who commutes to campus on her moped. “Yeah, I feel safe parking on campus, but I defi nitely lock it everywhere I go,” she added. “I feel physically safe, but if I left the door open someone could swing right in and take just about anything they want,” said Harley Diven, a sophomore and resident of Hale Aloha Ilima. “People are going after what they can get and sell quickly,” said a security offi cial. He described how burglaries on upper campus often target items that workers tend to leave inside desks, such as cancelled checks, credit card information, spare keys and identifi cation cards, and burglaries in dormitories tend to target items such as laptops, iPods and other portable devices. “One challenge that we face is that it’s a large campus, over 300 acres. It’s wide open, accessible to the public, so it’s a very difficult campus to secure ... I’m never satisfied. I always want (Campus Security) to do a better job, but it’s a matter of using limited resources. The only way we’re going to be effective … we’re going to need to partner with students and staff to make this campus more secure,” said Ogino.



MONDAY, OCT. 25, 2010

Fall Footholds brings culture to the stage VICTORIA L EE Contributing Writer Fall Footholds, held from Oct. 20 to Oct. 24, was a student-produced dance showcase that featured a wide array of culture, dance, music and choreography. The featured dances, completely independent from one another, allowed each student choreographer to express their creative talent freely. The 2010 -2011 season, titled “Between Spaces,� was showcased at the Earl Ernst Lab Theatre located on the upper level of Kennedy Theatre. The show began with a piece called “Igal Kamahatuan Denda,� a classical work derived from the southern Philippines. The piece was a ver y detailed dance with one performer accompanied by live, chime-like music, setting a peaceful and serene mood to start the show. T he next piece, “Interst it ial Space,� feat ured MFA choreographer and per for mer

Gene Horita and his partner, Meghen McKinley, conclude the show with their captivating dance to “Mi Papalote.� VICTORIA LEE KA LEO O HAWAI‘I

Jenni fer L in, along w ith f ive other dancers. T he piece was broken into three segments, relay ing the theme of the gaps

and breaks of li fe bet ween both indiv iduals and cult ures. The third scene, titled “ The Users,� was a premiere work

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from BFA candidate Becky McGar vey. The dance was performed by four female dancers, decorated in colorful costume

design that matched the energy and aura of the dance well. Following the intermission, the premier of “Ugat,� choreo graphed by Cher A nabo, added culture from the southern Philippines to the showcase. The dance attributed aspects of its movements to “Pangalay,� performed by two female dancers, moving with detail in vibrant costumes. The next piece contributed a different style to the production as choreographer and dancer, Tyler Tuiasosopo, moved in sync with the music. Tuiasosopo moved in perfect rhythm with the song just as the title describes, “Like Water.� This individual piece brought out a lot of emotion in the audience. His dancing engaged the crowd in both the music and aura it created. Choreographed by MFA thesis choreographer, Tiana Ching Maslanka, “GraceFall� was a twopart performance that unraveled a See Fall Footholds, next page

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MONDAY, OCT. 25, 2010

Fall Footholds: STUDENT SHOWCASE from previous page


Choreographer and dancer Tyler Tuiasosopo, performs a fluid and mesmerizing dance to the appropriately titled piece, “Like Water.” unique and mysterious story. The fi rst segment, called “Discord,” featured six dancers that appeared to be divided in costume and movement. As the tension built, the

next segment “Descent” changed the pace of the performance and led to a climactic fi nish. The “Descent” added two more dancers, making for a total of eight.

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Daniel Ching contributed an emotional and dramatic individual piece called “Metamorphosis,” which demonstrated that lack of color and decoration can give a piece a raw, natural atmosphere. His performance enraptured the audience and made the performance a moving experience. The last scene, “Mi Papalote” meaning “my kite” in Spanish, featured two dancers, including the choreographer Gene Horita and his partner, Meghen McKinley. The couple has a jubilant disposition - just as a person would feel when flying a kite. The happiness of the performers and the dance brought light to the entire production and concluded the showcase very well. Seeing students work hard to put on a successful production is inspiring. The intricacy of the showcase and the incorporation of human emotion into dance sent a powerful message - the appreciation of performing arts and the work that goes into it.

3 CIRQUE DU SOLEIL: SPECIAL STUDENT OFFER Tickets to “Alegria” by Cirque du Soleil start at $25. Visit http://www.ticketmaster.com/promo/1n4w13. The offer only applies to online purchases, and ends Friday, Oct. 29 at 3 p.m.


Performers take the stage during the opening night show of Cirque Du Soleil’s Alegria at the Neil Blaisdell Center last Friday.



MONDAY, OCT. 25, 2010

E THAN PORTER Staff Columnist


This knot was f o r m e d last week We d ne s d a y while I was reading Daniel Hugo’s piece on not voting. While

Mr. Hugo’s criticisms of our political system are fully justified, he would like you to believe that just because the system is broken, there is no need to participate in it. He could not be more wrong. The only way to make a change in a democratic system is to vote and get your voice heard. Not voting is the same as not saying anything, and saying nothing is the same as silent compliance. Voting is using your voice in the most powerful manner. If you do not like who is running the country, throw them out. If you do not like the two major party candidates, vote for an independent party.

Mr. Hugo also fails to see the entire voting process. While it is true that one vote never changed the outcome of an election, voting is so much more than casting your ballot. Voting is talking to friends and family about the issues. Voting is viraling YouTube videos of a candidate doing something stupid. Voting is making jokes about a candidate that you do not like. Voting is making a movement. By simply sharing your opinion you can affect the opinions of others, thus making more votes for the candidate that you side with other than your single vote. A perfect example of not-voting-tomake-a-statement-gone-wrong is the statehood election of 1959. At the time, many Native Hawaiians and sympathizers of the Hawaiian Kingdom decided that they would not vote on the statehood issue, and did not register to vote. Because their voices were unheard, the measure passed. Mr. Hugo notes this at the end of his article, saying that we should not vote so that his vote will count more. I do not want Mr. Hugo’s vote representing my voice, and if you feel the same, I invite you to attend the “Get Out the Vote” rally on Oct. 26. The rally will be held on the Varney Circle side of Hawai‘i Hall from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. There will be live music from Kamakana Osorio, free refreshments, an open mic, and a raffl e for those who pledge

An inaugural event for parents and family members of UH Manoa students!


Ka Leo O Hawai‘i

2445 Campus Road, Hemenway Hall 107 Honolulu, HI 96822


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Ka Leo O Hawai‘i is the campus newspaper of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. It is published by the Board of Publications three times a week except on holidays and during exam periods. Circulation is 10,000. Ka Leo is also published once a week during summer sessions with a circulation of 10,000. Ka Leo is funded by student fees and advertising. Its editorial content reflects only the views of its writers, columnists, contributors and editors who are solely responsible for its content. No material that appears in Ka Leo may be reprinted or republished in any medium without permission. The first newsstand copy is free; for additional copies, please come to the Ka Leo Building. Subscription rates are $50 for one semester and $85 for one year. ©2010 Board of Publications

ADMINISTRATION The Board of Publications, a student organization chartered by the University of Hawai‘i Board of Regents, publishes Ka Leo O Hawai‘i. Issues or concerns can be reported to the board (Devika Wasson, chair; Henri-lee Stalk, vice chair; or Ronald Gilliam, treasurer) via bop@hawaii.edu. Visit hawaii.edu/bop for more information.

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to vote. There will be speakers throughout the rally, including grad students, ASUH representatives, and yours truly. The rally is being sponsored by GSO, UHPA, Kanu Hawaiʻi, and KTUH, who will be DJing the event. The rally is non-partisan and everyone is welcome to come and enjoy. And if you cannot come to the Oct. 26 rally, then please vote next week Tuesday. We do not have class that day for a reason. Also, if you want to free up your day off, you can vote early at Honolulu Hale, Kapolei Hale, or Windward Mall all week. Just go use your voice.

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MONDAY, OCT. 25, 2010



puzzles • classif ieds • horoscopes

Monday, Oct. 25, 2010



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2 9 1 Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.

Go to www.kaleo.org for this puzzle’s solution.

Horoscopes By Nancy Black and Stephanie Clements Tribune Media Services (MCT) Today’s birthday (10/25/10). On the public side, show your power this year by pursuing social and career activities with single-minded purpose. On the family side, relax into recreational mode and share interests with any children in the picture. Luck supports both avenues, so go for it!To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0

the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) -- Today is a 5 -- Today is all about adapting your own communications to the needs of others. Use fundamental language to reveal a hidden opportunity. This contributes. Taurus (April 20-May 20) -- Today is a 5 -- You perceive a problem with cash flow. Someone long-distance contacts you with an opportunity that promises to resolve it. Make a bank transfer. Gemini (May 21-June 21) -- Today is a 6 -- People at work get stuck concerning an old concept. As you think about it, you see a way to transform the difficulty into an opportunity.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) -- Today is a 9 -- Make mental adjustments, if you want things to go smoothly. Then tell the person in charge what you’ve discovered. A golden opportunity emerges. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is a 6 -- Keeping your objective in mind is only half the problem. The other half involves convincing group members that you know what you’re talking about. Use plain facts. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Today is an 8 -- You’ve done the required research. Now you need to discuss the results. You discover opposition. Take time to firm up support for your plan.

3 6 5 8


3 4 6 5

4 8 2 1

Puzzles will become progressively more difficult through the week. Solutions, tips and computer program at www.sudoku.com

5 7

6 8 3 8 EASY

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- Today is a 6 -- You might discover you’d rather be anywhere but work today. Take a mental health day if you can. If not, have a long lunch or extra break. Just breathe. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- Today is a 7 -- You really want action now. The name of the game is change, and you’re both banker and Dungeon master. Use your dragon fire if needed. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- Today is a 5 -- A key person lays down a set of objectives. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll go along with their plan. Don’t leave home without your wallet. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Today is

2 4 1

3 2 5 # 10

a 5 -- A group leader notices a problem that could stall progress. Think about it, and then re-state the problem in the form of an answerable question. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- Today is a 7 -- Others convince you to make changes for yourself. At first, you feel insulted but quickly realize how much you’ll gain. Accept the opportunity. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Today is an 8 -- Apply yourself from morning to night for marvelous results. A family member helps out by providing something delicious to keep you going.

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HAWAIIAN WATERSPORTS-Kailua Hiring P/T Salespersons/Instructors. Exp kiteboarder; Retail exp/kite sales/repair; surfer/SUPer a plus; Lift 40+ lbs; Clean driverísabstract; Shifts 9-5. No phone calls pls! send resume to: arlene@ hawaiianwatersports.com

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UH Foundation needs data entry/student help. Accurate typist to maintain mail list, familiar w/ Excel, other duties. Work yr-round includes semester breaks—winter breaks a must. $7.75/ hr. UH student w/6+ credits; detail-oriented; 15-19 hrs/wk, M-F. Seeks good, dependable long-term student; 1st-yr students w/limited work exp welcome. Email Sharlene at addressupdate@uhfoundation.org to request interview & typing test, pls include contact #.

WORK WANTED Field Research Project Assistants Needed! Field Research Project Assistant positions are short-term and temporary with the Underage Alcohol Prevention project. They are under the supervision of the Project Coordinator, participate in field activities, do light clerical work, collect data, supervise student assistants, provide transportation, and attend court hearings. Must be 21 years

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or older, able to follow strict procedures, complete forms accurately, and other duties as assigned. Positions require valid Hawaii driver’s license and availability of car, flexible hours, be able to pass post-offer criminal background check, and on-call Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Pay: $12.50/hr. Inquiries: May Rose Dela Cruz, 441-3485. Student Assistants Needed! Short-term services are required immediately to complete surveys. This position will work under the direction of the Project Manager and will be responsible for assisting with preparation, fieldwork, data collection, and other duties as assigned. Individuals must be 18-20 years old, possess a valid driver’s license or State of Hawaii ID, and be able to pass post-offer criminal background check. Position involves time commitment during the evenings and weekends. Pay $9.45/hr. Inquires: May Rose Dela Cruz, 441-3485.

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MONDAY, OCT. 25, 2010

Cross-country from page 8

“The good thing this year is that they gave everybody Gatorade bottles,” Jimenez stated. “(Our coaches) told us to drink as much water as (we) can,” said Jimenez, who drinks about two full bottles of water every day. Senior Ashley A itken, who finished in the top five in her first four meets, was named last week’s WAC Cross- Countr y Athlete of the Week – her second of the season. At the Santa Clara Bronco Invite on Oct. 16th, A itken placed f if th. She f inished the 5K course with a personal-best time of 17:10 minutes, which gave her the top 5K time in the WAC this season. The Rainbow Wahine will travel to Moscow, Idaho on Saturday, October 30th for the WAC Championships. They finished 7th last season.

Ashlee Jiminez runs during a cross country meet at the Klipper Golf Course on Sep. 19, 2009. JOEL KUTAKA KA LEO O HAWAI‘I

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Follow us on Twitter for instant info on campus. http://twitter.com/KaleoOhawaii

Aloha, Come check out the 2010 Homecoming Fair happening this Friday, October 29, on Bachman Hall lawn from 3:30pm to 6:30pm. Sponsored by ASUH, CCB, and the Office of the Chancellor, there will be great food, free shirts, tons of activities, and a special appearance by the Warrior Football team. It’s a wonderful time to celebrate with our UH Manoa ohana, alumni, friends and families, and to support our athletic teams. See you there! Andrew Itsuno President, ASUH University of Hawaii at Manoa

8 S PORTS Running for a title Cross-country heads to WAC championships JAKE CAMARILLO Senior Staff Reporter

The Western Athletic Conference championship is this week and the Rainbow Wahine cross-country has prepared all season for this meet. The Rainbow Wahine practice ever y morning from 6:30 a.m. to 8 a.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Then, they have weight lifting at 5 p.m. in the afternoon. “Practice is always going to be hard, it’s not easy,” sophomore Ashlee Jimenez said. “ The week is either going to be long

runs or shorter but harder.” Jimenez said practice gets easier through out the season and the alternations between long and short weeks even out. “I can’t really complain, (practice) could be worse. I like it in the mornings,” Jimenez said. The team also keeps tabs on their diet. “Last year we had someone come in and talk to us about nutrition, just to give us a heads up because we run ever y day,” Jimenez said. A lthough the team doesn’t have a specific diet implemented, the coaches make sure that their athletes are hydrated even when they aren’t practicing.


MONDAY, OCT. 25, 2010




See Cross-country, page 7

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