November 15, 2010 - Ka Leo O Hawaii

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MON DAY, NOV. 15 to T U E S DAY, NOV. 16 , 2 010

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Volu me 105 Issue 47

Ellsburg expounds on government accountability A F T E R - H O U R S AC T I V I T I E S ON CAMPUS COMPILED BY DAVIN AOYAGI Managing Editor

The following are events held at 3:00 p.m. or later at UH Mānoa.

MO N DAY, N OV. 15 Musical Theater Review 7:30p.m. - 9:30p.m. Orvis Auditorium Description: Students of the UH Musical Theater program will present a variety of performance styles and approaches. Ticket Information: $10 general admission, $6 students, seniors, UH faculty/ staff (ID required) at the door

T U E S DAY, N OV. 16 UHM Oral Communication Workshop 3:00p.m. - 4:00p.m. Mānoa Campus, Hamilton Library, Yap Room Description: the Oral Communication Focus Board BRIAN TSENG / KA LEO O HAWAI‘I will be providing a workshop Daniel Ellsberg speaks with his wife Patricia by his side during the Davis Levin First Amendment Conference at the Hilton Hawaiian Village on November 13, 2010. on integrating creative oral techniques in your class. The lage in Honolulu. He and his wife, Aviam Soifer of the William S. mation would give the public what panel of instructors will be covA LICIA PARTRIDGE Patricia, spoke on the issues of Richardson School of Law at the needs it to truthfully evaluate the Senior Staff Writer ering subjects including debate, government secrecy and moral University of Hawai’i, the audi- government. facilitation, negotiation, and “There needs to be transparcourage. The 2009 Academy ence’s questions were asked of Our First Amendment rights presentation warm-ups. University Chorus - A Light of Song 7:30p.m. - 9:30p.m. Orvis Auditorium Description: UH Mānoa’s University Chorus and the Windward Choral Society will provide an evening of choral music from various world traditions. See Mānoa Minute, page 5

are once again being challenged due to matters of national security after the recent and largest document leak in history: the Iraq War Logs on Wikileaks. This was déjà vu for the “most dangerous man in America” who faced a similar situation 40 years earlier. Daniel Ellsberg was the guest speaker for American Civil Liberties Union of Hawai‘i’s Davis Levin First Amendment Conference on Nov. 13 at the Hilton Hawai’i Vil-

Award nominated documentary of Ellsberg’s life, “The Most Dangerous Man in America,” opened up the conference. This was Ellsberg’s fi rst live appearance in Hawai’i straight from his work in London with Wikileaks’ Julian Assange. Ellsberg is popularly known for leaking the “Pentagon Papers” to the press during the Vietnam War and Nixon presidency. In a discussion led by Dean

both the Ellsbergs. Is history repeating itself with the Iraq war? “ Yes unfortunately,” Ells berg said. “ We were lied to in Iraq like we were lied to in Vietnam. A ll of this has remained much the same under the Obama administration.” Ellsberg explained that national security is necessary but many things that don’t need to be kept secret are because that infor-

ency in government,” he said. On Oct. 22, 2010, Wikileaks released nearly 400,000 military documents from the past fi ve years of the Iraq War detailing events as seen and heard by the US military troops including deaths of thousands of Iraqi civilians. The logs imply that evidence of torture was ignored. This has questioned the relationships of See First Amendment, page 3


MONDAY, NOV. 15, 2010


First Amendment

the First Amendment and matters of national security. In addition, Sen. John Ensign of Nevada is challenging those rights by announcing he wants to change the Espionage Act. He wants to make it illegal to identify informants working with the U.S. military, which Wikileaks did when releasing files from the war in Afghanistan. Though the names were removed, CNET reported that the U.S. Defense Department said that information in the leaked documents could still identify dozens of people. But what about ou r r i ght s? W hat c a n we do t o cha nge it ? He explained that in order to make a change, we need to hold our government to its promises. In President Obama’s State of the Union Address in 2009, he said he wanted to have all troops out of the Middle East by 2011. “This is not a time to leave it to the president,” Ellsberg said. “We have to provide a counterweight because the transformation isn’t going to happen in Washington, it will happen at the individual level.” What can students do? “First of all, they can educate themselves fi rst,” he said. “Get involved in different social issues: green living or ACLU.” Ellsberg explained that a large youth movement of change would be meaningful. “The courage we need is to face the reality of what we are doing in the world and act responsibly to change it,” Patricia Ellsberg said in the film.

A B O U T E L L S B E RG Ellsberg, 81, a native Chicago resident, graduated summa cum laude from Harvard with a Bachelor of Arts in economics. He later served in the Marine Corps as a rifle platoon leader, operations officer and rifle company commander during the Vietnam War. He later worked for the Pentagon, the State Department and at the RAND (Research and Development) Corporation as a military analyst. He specialized in theories of decision-making under uncertainty.

from front page

Ellsberg was a strategic analyst at R A ND Corporation when he was asked to assist with a study about the decision-making in Vietnam. The study was classified as top secret to keep President Lyndon B. Johnson from stopping the research. After he met young men who were choosing to go to prison rather than cooperate with the draft system, Ellsberg saw the war in a much different light. “ W hat could I do to help shorten this war, now that I’m prepared to go to prison for it,” Ellsberg said in his biography. The “Pentagon Papers” study was 7000 pages long and documented that the four presidential administrations had lied to Congress and the American people about the U.S. involvement in Vietnam. Ellsberg, with help from RAND employee Anthony Russo, photocopied each page and leaked it to the New York Times, the Washington Post and 17 other newspapers. He was indicted under the Espionage Act with twelve felony counts with a possible sentence of 115 years. The case was dismissed due to governmental misconduct. Patricia Marx Ellsberg, his partner of 40 years, helped him put out the papers in the first year of their marriage. She is a lifelong activist for social change and previously hosted the syndicated radio show called, “New Voices.” Recently, her focus has shifted to bridging the gap of political and spiritual activism.

A B O U T AC L U Formed in 1920 by antiwar activists, the ACLU has evolved into the nation’s guardian of the rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. With more than 500,000 members, 200 staff attorneys and thousands of volunteers throughout the 50 states, the ACLU continues to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the constitution and laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country.

It is the nation’s largest public interest law firm. The ACLU also works to extend rights to segments of our population that have traditionally been denied their rights. ACLU of Hawai’i started in 1965 and continues to protect the fundamental freedoms enshrined in the U.S. and State Constitutions. They are a non-partisan private non-profit organization that provides services at no cost to the public. The organization runs solely off membership dues and donations; government funds are not accepted. In 1997, ACLU of Hawai’i hosted their first Davis Levin First Amendment Conference (FAC) with grants from the Robert M. Rees Trust & the Davis Levin Livingston Law firm. The conference is named after its attorneys Mark S. Davis and Stanley E. Levin for their work defending the First Amendment in Hawai’i. The conference provides discussion between prominent constitutional leaders and thinkers. The FAC brings in “world-class” speakers to the islands at an affordable price to the public. Previous speakers: National ACLU President Nadine Strossen, General Counsel of the American Center for Law & Justice Jay Sekulow, Republican political consultant Ralph Reed, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and Dean of Law at Pepperdine University Kenneth Starr. For more information or to volunteer with the ACLU of Hawai’i, send an email to office@ acluHawai‘ or call (808) 5225900.

T H E F I R S T A M E N DM E N T Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting free exercise thereof; or abridging freedom of speech or of the press; or the right of people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

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MONDAY, NOV. 15, 2010 Search Architect for Chapter Three, a San Francisco-based consulting firm, will provide insight on how to craft a results-driven social media strategy for your business or organization. Ticket Information Fee $50; call 9568400 to register

from front page

Ticket Information: $10 general admis- of the US division of DML will discuss sion, $6 students, seniors, UH faculty/ the process of getting a mobile applicastaff (ID required) at the door tion from the idea phase to market.

W E D N E S DAY, N OV. 17 Enacting Gender in Balinese Dance 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. 1890 East West Road, Moore Hall 319, Tokioka Room Description: I Made Sidia and I Made Widana will demonstrate and explore the complexities of male and female roles in Balinese dance

Piano Recital by Yuri McCoy 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Orvis Auditorium Description: Yuri McCoy, a student of Thomas Yee, will present a graduate recital for the degree Master of Music in Piano Performance.



Ka Leo O Hawai‘i University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa 2445 Campus Road Hemenway Hall 107 Honolulu, HI 96822

Newsroom (808) 956-7043 Advertising (808) 956-3210 Facsimile (808) 956-9962 E-mail Web site


T H U R S DAY, N OV. 18 Family Happy Hour 5:00p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Mān oa Garden & Bale Restaurant Adobe Flash for Beginners Description: “Uncle Wayne,” Director 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. of the Children’s Center will present a Sakamaki Hall C104 Description: Bill Morrison, a local free- concert of children’s music. lance web designer and digital media education will provide lessons on how EAFS Film Screening: “Yi Yi: A One to build your first frame-by-frame ani- and a Two” mations, as well as basic motion and 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. shape tweening techniques. Manoa Campus, Center for Korean Ticket Information Studies Auditorium Fee $70; call 956-8400 to register Description: The East Asian Film Society (EAFS) will sho a screening iPhone, iPad and Android for o Yi YI: A One and a Two, a critically Business acclaimed Taiwanese film. 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. UHM Krauss Hall, Room 012 Social Media Marketing Description: Dan Leuck, CEO of Ikayzo, 6:00 p.m. - 9:00p.m. global head of development for London- UHM Krauss H all, Room 012 based; and president Description: Rob Bertholf, the Chief Editor in Chief Will Caron Managing Editor Davin Aoyagi Chief Copy Editor Ellise Akazawa News Editor Lynn Nakagawa Assc News Editor Jane Callahan

6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Campus Center Ballroom Description: Anjelah Johnson will be coming to UH Mānoa for its first annual fall comedy highlight. Tickets are available at the Ticket & Information office at the Campus Center. Adobe Illustrator: Beyond the At-the-door pricing: Basics $10 - UH Mānoa Students w/validated ID 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. $15 - UH Community Students w/valid ID Sakamaki Hall C104 $25 - General Admission Description: Ryan Brant, a designer There is a $5 pre-sale discount in effect for an advertising agency imple- until 4:30 p.m. on show day. menting ad campaigns on both local and national levels will be Waiting for Godot instructing a workshop for those 7:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. with moderate proficiency in Adobe Manoa Campus, Kennedy Theatre Illustrator. Topics will include the Mainstage creation and application of effects, Description: Waiting for Godot will be appearances and their respective playing on Nov. 19, and Dec. 2 and 4 at attributes, graphic styles, advanced 7:30 p.m., as well as Nov. 21 at 2p.m. selection techniques, and more. Free Pre-Show Chats: Sat Nov. Ticket Information Fee $70; call 13 and Dec. 4 at 6:30 p.m. 956-8400 to register with theatre students from the graduate Beckett seminar. Graduate Composers Symposium Post-Show Panel Discussion: “Godot’s 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Moment” Sunday Nov. 21 at 4:30 p.m. Orvis Auditorium Graduate composition students will be A panel of scholars discusses the production and relates it to our present providing performances of new music. time, especially here in Hawai`i. F R I DAY, N OV. 19 Botany/Zoology Joint Seminar UHM student Buy-One-Get-OneFree night: Thursday Dec. 2 at 7:30 Series p.m.; tickets available beginning at 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. 5p.m. Ticket Information: Just $7 BioMed B-103 Description: Rose Andrews will be cover- when purchased with Hamlet!; Godot ing Divergence with gene flow in sunflow- only: $20 Regular; $18 seniors, military, UH faculty/staff; $12 students; ers: Insights from ecology and genomics $5 UHM Students with ID (all service fees included). Mānoa Laughs Comedy Show

Features Editor Reece Farinas Assc Features Editor Alvin Park Opinions Editor Lindsy Ogawa Assc Opinions Editor Michael Brewer Sports Editor Russell Tolentino

Assc Sports Editor Marc Arakaki Comics Editor Derick Fabian Design Editor Sarah Wright Photo Editor Nik Seu Assc Photo Editor Joel Kutaka

Web Editor Brett Hinkle Assc Web Editor Tony Gaskell

ADVERTISING The Board of Publications office is located on the ocean side of Hemenway Hall. Ka Leo O Hawai‘i is the campus newspaper of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. It is published by the Board of Publications three times a week except on holidays and during exam periods. Circulation is 10,000. Ka Leo is also published once a week during summer sessions with a circulation of 10,000. Ka Leo is funded by student fees and advertising. Its editorial content reflects only the views of its writers, reporters, columnists and editors, who are solely responsible for its content. No material that appears in Ka Leo may be reprinted or republished in any medium without permission. The first newsstand copy is free; for additional copies, please visit the Ka Leo Building. Subscription rates are $50 for one semester and $85 for one year. ©2010 Board of Publications.

ADMINISTRATION The Board of Publications, a student organization chartered by the University of Hawai‘i Board of Regents, publishes Ka Leo O Hawai‘i. Issues or concerns can be reported to the board (Devika Wasson, chair; Henri-lee Stalk, vice chair; or Ronald Gilliam, treasurer) via Visit for more information.

6 F EATURES Eating healthy, spending healthy Ka Leo O Hawai‘i


MONDAY, NOV. 15, 2010

VICTORIA L EE Staff Writer A local farmers market provides healthy alternatives at the social heart of the University of Hawai‘i at MÄ noa. The farmers market visits Campus Center every Tuesday and Friday from 7 a.m. to about 2:30 p.m., providing fresh, locally grown produce to students and faculty for prices comparative to the chain grocery stores. The farmers market is located at Campus Center outside of the ATM, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell facilities. Due to class time variation and a friendly, helpful staff, the lines are often short and move fairly quickly. The farmers market provides a wide range of fruits and vegetables that could help customers avoid a trip to the grocery store. Some of the fruits and vegetables offered are apples, apple bananas, bananas, broccoli, cabbage, cantaloupe, carrots, garlic, grapes, lemons, limes, onions, oranges, papa-

yas, peaches, red and green bell peppers, plums, lettuce, sprouts, tomatoes and watermelon. In addition, the farmers market also sells a variety of herbs and spices. The convenience of having a fresh market near classes and other campus attractions is a very important factor concerning students living on campus. Moreover, the farmers market does not have another location, it is completely aimed toward the UH populace. The owners know the public to which they are selling and conduct their market accordingly, making it easier and more reliable for students. “It’s a convenient place for students to buy locally grown produce,� says sophomore Ali Bailey. Although Bailey has lived on campus for two years, she has never purchased anything from the farmer’s market. According to Bailey, she would like to shop there more in order to support locally grown produce and after



A’rel and Tonia Boies browse the produce at last Friday’s farmer’s market outside the Campus Center. learning about the savings she plans to shop there more often. Furthermore, the farmers market offers locally grown produce that The Market does not and for reasonable prices. Some products are more cost efďŹ -

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cient than those of other grocery stores. Although The Market is a good alternative to the cafeterias for students living on campus, the farmer’s market has a wider variety of selections. The farmers market provides

all its fruits and vegetables regularly and at practical prices. For example, savings on onions could be up to $1.50 when compared to Safeway and Foodland. The farmers market sells them for $1.50 for two according to the market’s labeled prices, compared to Safeway’s priced at $1.50 each and Foodland at $2.29 each. The farmers market also produces good savings on romaine lettuce, selling them at $2.50 for two, Safeway at $1.89 per pound (about one head), and Foodland at $1.59 each; the savings add up to about $1.00. The other prices of produce items remain fairly consistent between the farmers market and Safeway but fluctuate with the produce prices at Foodland and The Market. Bananas are $1.09 per pound (about three bananas) across the board, with the exception of The Market which prices them at $1.09 each according to See Eating, page 7



MONDAY, NOV. 15, 2010

Student employees to be rewarded for their dedication C HRISTA BALINGIT Staff Writer

Students looking for food, a good time and unique crafts at good prices will fi nd that and more that the annual Student Employee craft fair and Silent Auction. The Student Employee of the Year program, also known as SEOTY, will be holding its annual craft fair and Silent Auction on Friday, Nov. 19 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. “This program is beneficial for students in many ways. The Career Development and Student Employment Office will recognize all student employees. SEOTY is an opportunity to recognize the great contribution student assistants make to the University,” said Myrtle Ching-Rappa, director of the Career Development and Student Employment office, she is optimistic about the turnout this year.

The event will take place at the Queen Lili‘oukalani Center for Student Services and everyone is welcome to participate. The funds will be given to the SEOTY program, which helps recognize all students who are employed by the university. T he SEOT Y program has recognized numerous student employees in the past 25 years. About 4,0 0 0 students are employed as assistants and work part-time jobs at the universit y on top of their academic work. As a means of recognition, the program recognizes all student employees and of fers students the chance to receive a scholarship for their hard work. Employers can nominate student employees for the award and up to four students will receive scholarships ranging from $250 to $1,0 0 0. The SEOTY craft fair and Silent Auction will include various vendors that will bring their crafts

to sell. Some vendors will serve food and baked goods. Vendors will be giving away crafts such as Christmas gifts, jewelry and handmade snacks. There will be plenty of variety and many items to choose from. “It ’s really a day for fun and merriment,” Ching-Rappa said. “Our goal is for ever yone to have a good time. It would also be nice if we could make enough to cover the scholarships and pay for the various events associated with SEOT Y.” Students who attend the fair are likely to fi nd fun and unique items. Aimee Nelson, a sophomore at the university, attended the fair last year. “It was a lot of fun,” she said. “Everything was really different and was at a great price. I ended up buying my roommate her Christmas present there. And it was nice to know that the money was going to a good cause.”

Eating from previous page

in-store prices. Apple prices stand fairly equal between all the stores: the farmer’s market at $1.00 each, Safeway at $2.49 per pound (about two apples), Foodland at $1.99 per pound, and The Market at $0.99 each. Oranges are sold for $0.60 at the farmer’s market, $1.99 per pound (about two oranges) at Safeway and Foodland,

and $0.99 at “The Market”. The presence of the farmers market at UH contributes to healthier options and more variety to the dining and spending choices for students and faculty. It also encourages students and faculty to maintain a healthy diet by upholding consistent schedules and reasonable prices.

Correction The Friday, Nov. 12 issue said UH bought the contract to the lower campus convenience store, but Sodexo still owns the contract.



MONDAY, NOV. 15, 2010


“An ever-growing portion of America’s 17- to 24-year-olds -- about 75 percent -- is simply ineligible or unavailable to serve for a variety of reasons, above all, health and weight requirements in an age of spiraling childhood obesity.” ROBERT GATES

Phi Alpha Theta

w Book Sale Campus Center November 17TH

Writers! Ka Lamakua is looking for people who want to become a part of our webzine. We’re looking for food writers, film reviewers, interviewers, and anyone who wants to write about arts and entertainment. Come to Hemenway 107 to apply or email Chris Mikesell at for more info.


The first time I enjoyed happy hour at Du Vin I rocked it solo, arriving at the place by accident, simply in search of a strong drink and a quick bite in between art shows and dance recitals on a First Friday. I slipped into the bar at 5 minutes till six…


O PINIONS 9 Student leaders must serve Ka Leo O Hawai‘i


MONDAY, NOV. 15, 2010

DAVIN AOYAGI Managing Editor

Student leaders on campus must recognize what has brought them to their positions, and avoid behaving as if titles grant privilege. Whether you’re an ofďŹ cer for a club or the president of a chartered student organization, there is a need now more than ever for you to humbly serve your peers and to be accountable and transparent in all actions. I feel the need to express my beliefs after attending a leadership conference that featured speakers and student leaders trumpeting their prestige from the start of the conference. Students would, in addition to having name tags, have the option to pick what title they’d like to attach to their name-tag. While this seems ridiculous, especially when many do not understand why it matters if one is a chairperson or a president, it became infuriating when one of the delegates asked if there was a tag that said Senator at Large. Leaders should never feel that a title counts for more than a description of their job. When it is used to glorify oneself, the individual degrades the given title. How then, should leaders behave? Leaders must ďŹ rst and foremost be accountable for their actions. If they fail to fulďŹ ll obligations such as attending a meeting, they must be able to accept responsibility and take the initiative to make sure such mistakes do not happen again. Leaders must also be humble and hardTHE E VEGETARIAN VE EGETARIAN SO S SOCIETY OCI CIE ETY


working, making sure that they’re willing certain objectives will be achieved or that pected situations in a competant manner, to participate in the same activities as their the students will be represented throught and to react in a manner that is made with fellow members. their leader. When leaders  aunt their titles great humility. Above all, however, a leader must re - but fail to actively serve, they disrespect not I believe that if leaders are to garner the respect of others and remain entitled member how he or she entered that posi- only themselves but their constituents. tion and obtained the title. W hether the Leaders do not need to be  awless. to their positions, it is be based upon their person is nominated, selected by a com- Humans are fallible by nature. What sets a actions. To quote George VI, “The highest mittee or voted in by the students, the leader apart is the ability to handle to unex- of distinctions is service to others.â€? demands are the same. People with power must be willing to work tirelessly towards fulďŹ lling the desires of their constituents, as they have granted title á­„ҡâą˜âŹ‹á„¤á?†ŕŚ–ॴä–›Đˆá‘žä‡—᜚⡨ă ŠËˆá?‚ॽá&#x;ĽÓ€ä†Šĺ ⡨ă ŠăĽƒâ ˝Ç„ under the assumption that á™źĐłŕ§ƒŇšá?‚ॽá&#x;ĽÓ€Ç„



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WE WEDNESDAY, NOV. V 24 4 250 attended d las last astt yyear ear

Family Happy Hour

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MONDAY, NOV. 15, 2010

Pot prop up in smoke MORGAN CARMODY Staff Writer

On Nov. 2, many watched with anticipation for election results, particularly the outcome of California’s Proposition 19. If it passed, people over the age of 21 would be able to possess up to an ounce of marijuana and the cities and counties could tax it for revenue. The proposition did not pass, ultimately because it failed to go in-depth about how moral, ethical, political and workplace issues would be handled if marijuana was legalized in California. But Prop. 19 did accomplish a few things for legalization at a later date, while also putting up roadblocks. Prop. 19 grabbe grabbed the attention of the entire nation. Accor According to a Los Angeles Times article on No Nov. 5, Prop 19 “won the whopp backing of a whopping 64 percent of voters aged 18 through 34… (and)the election demonstrated that momentum is on the

side of ending prohibition.” The proposition demonstrated a growing generational shift in sentiment toward the legalization of marijuana. Twenty years ago, it was unimaginable for a state to put such an item on the ballot. Prop. 19 transformed the public dialogue concerning legalization. Only recently has the legalization of cannabis appealed to those other than hemp activists, judicial refor m advocates and Libertarians. The nation failed to reduce marijuana’s consumption and availability, and the black market for marijuana, which JSWOLFSBERG/FLICKR

sometimes leads to gang violence, has only increased. So why did Prop. 19 fail? There are a variety of reasons. The San Francisco Bay Guardian pointed out that Prop. 19 did not capture the votes of some of the most pot-friendly counties because it would affect their pot-heavy economies. But I think as Americans we also tend to forget t hat other nations watch our elections with intense inter est. W a s h i n g t on has de m a nde d t h a t L atin A me r i c a crack dow n on d r u g s s uch a s c o c a i ne ,

he roi n a nd m a r ij u a n a . In Time Magazine’s article “How CA Pot Proposition is Agitating Latin America,” John Otis points out that Mexican president Felipe Calderon accuses the U.S. of simultaneously criminalizing and legalizing drugs. Colombia President Juan Manuel Santos is quoted as saying in an interview, “I would like to know, if the eighth largest economy in the world and a state that’s famous for high technology, movies and fi ne wine, will permit marijuana imports?” Prop. 19 also had some logistical failures. The proposition failed to mention workplace protection for marijuana-smoking employees, or show how the legalization of marijuana was for raising revenue to improve the state’s residents’ quality of life and not a way of condoning drug use. As the L.A. Times put it “Voters were deciding on regulation for Californians to live by, not theoretical principles.”



MONDAY, NOV. 15, 2010


Dias said. “And that’s challenging because you don’t rest and you don’t have time to prepare for your opponent.” The Rainbow Wahine had two exhibition games so far and posted wins against Chaminade University and BYU-Hawai‘i, two Division II schools in Hawai‘i. “We’re really thankful to have two exhibition games because they have actually helped us look at some of the weaknesses we have,” Takahara-Dias said. “What we’re trying to do with the exhibitions (are) to take a look at the combination of the players out on the court and what we’re fi nding is very good surprises.” One of those surprises has been the production of 5-foot-11 freshman forward Kamilah Jackson. Against Chaminade, Jackson

led the ’Bows with 15 points and 9 rebounds. She then had a double-double with 11 points and 11 rebounds against BYU-Hawai‘i. “I feel good but there’s still room for improvement, we’re just trying to get better every day in practice,” Jackson said. Jackson and the rest of the ’Bows are expecting tough competition this weekend. “We’re expecting them to be good. We’re told to expect teams to be better than us or just as good as us,” Jackson said. “To win, we just need to control the things we control, like rebounds, passes and turnovers.” Making her return to the court after a season-ending injury last year is 5-foot-10 redshirt freshman Shawna-Lei Kuehu, who’s ready for the season opener.

“We’re just going out and hoping we can play our game at our tempo and protect the house, our home court,” said Kuehu, who graduated from Punahou in 2008. Last season, Kuehu participated in five games before injuring her ACL. She received a medical hardship, which saved a

year in her career. “It’s kind of hard coming back with the injury,” Kuehu said. “(But) just getting back and knowing how fun it is to play again and especially with your teammates and stuff like that … it makes it a lot easier than it actually is.” Against BYU-Hawai‘i, Kuehu

finished with a solid, all-around game, scoring a team high 16 points, along with 7 rebounds, 4 steals, 3 assists and 3 blocked shots. Following Cal-State Northrdige, the Rainbow Wahine face Eastern Michigan Saturday at 3 p.m. and Oregon State on Sunday at 5 p.m.

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Ka‘aihue from page 16

Atlanta Braves organization. “My brothers have always been great players,” Ka‘aihue said. “We’ve always been either at a baseball park or in a volleyball gym as kids and I’m so proud of them. They’ve been working really hard.” They’ve also helped her become a stronger player. “(They have taught me) a lot about mental toughness,” Ka‘aihue said. “We’re always calling each other if we had a bad game or calling each other if we had a really good game. It always helps to have guidance and somebody who can listen to you and bounce back ideas.” Shoji said athletics is just in the Ka‘aihue genes. “It’s just an athletic family,” Shoji said. “She’s been around sports all her life. She probably could have played any sport she wanted to play but we’re really

lucky that she chose volleyball.”

OFF THE COURT Ka‘aihue still tries to fi nd free time outside volleyball and school. “I like to go to the beach with my dog Hercules and I like to garden,” Ka‘aihue said. Her teammates also enjoy her personality. “(Elizabeth) is hilarious. Her, Kanani and I are always goofi ng off and causing trouble to Dave,” Mafua joked. “But she’s really fun, a beautiful person in and out. I wouldn’t have asked for someone else to fi nish this collegiate career with.” Ka‘aihue plans to apply to nursing school early next year, but hasn’t ruled out playing professionally. “I’m still keeping the option open if I could play overseas,” Ka‘aihue said. “I want to take things as they come.”

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MONDAY, NOV. 15, 2010


puzzles • classif ieds • horoscopes

Monday, Nov. 15, 2010



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Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9. Puzzles will become progressively more difficult through the week. Solutions, tips and computer program at Go to for this puzzle’s solution.

Horoscopes By Nancy Black and Stephanie Clements Tribune Media Services (MCT) Today’s birthday (11/15/10). This year your imagination takes a leading role in the creative process. There are no limits to what you can accomplish, especially when you rely on facts in your writing. What about that novel? All it takes is practice, one day at a time. Dare to begin.To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.

Aries (March 21-April 19) -- Today is a 6 -- You may feel that you’ve been around this bush already this month. Maybe you have. Now you understand the problem in a big way. You choose a new direction. Taurus (April 20-May 20) -- Today is a 7 -- Group energy is essential today. Everyone’s feelings could get in the way, if you don’t pay attention. Manage social interactions compassionately. Gemini (May 21-June 21) -- Today is a 6 -- Act independently today. Yet infuse every decision with compassion. Times may be tough for some colleagues. Stand ready to help them out. Cancer (June 22-July 22) -- Today is

$ 5. 00 p e r d ay • 8 0 8 - 9 5 6 - 7 0 4 3

a 7 -- Monday isn’t usually your most glamorous day, but today you find yourself imagining stardom and then grasping it. Let your enthusiasm carry you. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is an 8 -- Someone dumps their feelings, and you pick up the pieces. Combine compassion with diplomacy. Be sure you understand the problems before undertaking solutions. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- Associates begin on a different track, but, by day’s end, you’re all together with the plan. Apply fresh data to make this happen. Don’t force it, just adjust.


5 9 7 4

1 2


4 5 1 9

4 1 6 5 8 5 7 9 3 2 1 3 9 6


8 3

3 6 7 8


Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- Today is a 6 -- You’re itching to break out of the shell around you. Don’t allow boredom to dictate outrageous actions. Picture the final outcome of your decisions. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- Today is an 8 -- You get more done today working from home. Use the travel time you save to create harmony and to complete artistic family projects. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- Today is a 6 -- Surprises at home require adjustment to your social schedule. You won’t miss out on anything, but careful planning becomes essential. This could be fun. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Today

# 19

is a 6 -- You fall in love with a new assignment. It’s different from what you’d expected, but challenges your imagination and allows independent thinking. Enjoy. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- Today is a 6 -- How to manage time and abundant tasks? Talk over your plan with a key individual, making adjustments where necessary. Delegate and charge into action. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Today is a 7 -- If you want to get it all done today, work smartly and avoid side conversations. Others are willing to chat, but you need to focus. Catch up later.

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MONDAY, NOV. 15, 2010

’Bows ready for season opener


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JAKE CAMARILLO Senior Staff Reporter The Rainbow Wahine Basketball team is excited to open up their 2010-2011 season. The ’Bows begin the year with the Jack in the Box Rainbow Wahine Classic on Friday, Nov. 19th, against Cal-State Northridge at 5 p.m. at the Stan Sheriff Center. Admission is free for University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa students

with a validated ID. “We basically have many goals, but one goal (is) we always try very hard to achieve is to improve from game to game,” second-year head coach Dana Takahara-Dias said. In the tournament, the team will play three matches on three consecutive days. “We need to be able to play back-to-back-to-back,” TakaharaSee Rainbow Wahine, page 11


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MONDAY, NOV. 15, 2010

Ka‘aihue digging success M ARC A R AK AKI Associate Sports Editor For any senior, winning the final home game may be the highlight of their entire career. But senior libero Elizabeth Ka‘aihue wants a national championship. “This is the year,” Ka‘aihue said. “Usually there’s two really good teams but this year it’s kind of all even so it would be a great year to pull it out.” Fellow senior, setter Dani Mafua, said she and Ka‘aihue motivate each other to play well. “I always tell Liz that this is our last chance to ever try it and bring that trophy home,” Mafua said. “For us, this is why we hold each other accountable for days we don’t feel like going in. She holds me accountable and (I do the) same for her. That definitely drives us, the national championship.”

BAC K T O T H E RO O T S Ka‘aihue and some of her teammates played each other in high school. Ka‘aihue (’07 Punahou), Mafua (’06 Mid Pacifi c), and junior outside hitter Kanani Danielson (’08 Kamehameha) all played against each other in the Interscholastic League of Honolulu (ILH). Ka‘aihue enoyed playing for Punahou all four years of high school. “I loved it. I had some great coaches,” Ka‘aihue said. “Everybody’s our rival basically – no one likes Punahou so it’s always awesome when we get a win.” Kamehameha has won the last six state titles dating back to 2005, but Punahou won in 2003 and 2004 – Ka‘aihue’s first two seasons. “I got to win a state title my freshman and sophomore year which was nice and then Kanani gets to high school and takes over,” Ka‘aihue said. “(It is) kind of frustrating but bittersweet because Kanani is such an awesome player.” Ka‘aihue committed to play for the University of Hawai‘i as a high school junior. “I was excited. I committed kind of early,” Ka‘aihue said. “I remember watching Kanoe (Kamana‘o) play and the team before and looking forward to it and getting excited. We got to play states in the Stan Sheriff Center my sophomore year and we were really pumped up about that.”

C H E C K H T T P :// W W W. K A L E O.O RG F O R O U R V I D E O I N T E RV I E W Following a stellar freshman season, Ka‘aihue took a back seat to senior Tara Hittle, who took over at libero. Ka‘aihue only started one match her sophomore year. “It was kind of hard,” Ka‘aihue said. “I hurt my knee kind of early in double-days and I came back a little too early and was a little weak. It wasn’t nice to be on the bench but I was in a different position. It was defi nitely a learning experience. I’m glad I went through it.” She returned to the starting lineup last year and averaged 3.77 digs per set. That earned Ka‘aihue a spot on the all-WAC second team. Ka‘aihue’s junior season was capped off with the team’s appearance in the NCA A Final Four. “I was really happy to get there,” Ka‘aihue said. “We’re happy we made it but we want to go further this year.” This season, Ka‘aihue picked up right where she left off from 2009. She leads the team, averaging a career-high 4.52 digs per set. Earlier this season against New Mexico, Ka‘aihue became just the 12th Rainbow Wahine to reach the 1,000 -dig mark. “Liz has always been a great player,” Mafua said. “She’s definitely grown into a great leader. Playing next to her and being a fellow senior, she has a great leadership characteristic in her. She plays from the heart.” Shoji said Ka‘aihue has brought a lot to the team. “Besides being a great volleyball player for four years she just brought a lot of energy to the program, a lot of intangibles,” Shoji said. “She has embodied the aloha spirit. She has a ver y PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY NIK SEU / KA LEO O HAWAI‘I outgoing personality and that ’s really meant a lot to the team.” Senior libero Elizabeth Ka’aihue will finish her career at UH in the top five of career digs. Head coach Dave Shoji looked forward to Ka‘aihue becoming a ’Bow. “I have known Liz for a long time,” Shoji said. “I started watching her when she was (in) ninth grade. She was a great volleyball player. At the time she was a hitter and she could set. She could do anything.”

S T E P - BY- S T E P Fresh out of high school, Ka‘aihue was

the starting libero for UH. She played in all 33 matches and started 31. Ka‘aihue earned all-Western Athletic Conference all-freshman honors, leading the team with 3.96 digs per set. “(College) is a much faster game. I thought that was the biggest adjustment,” Ka‘aihue said. “It was nice also to come in with Aneli (Cubi-Otineru) because I played with Aneli before (at Punahou).”

A L L I N T H E FA M I LY Elizabeth isn’t the only Ka‘aihue to make headlines in the sports world. Ka‘aihue’s older brothers, Kila and Kala, are accomplished baseball players in Major League Baseball (MLB). Kila is a member of the Kansas City Royals organization and Kala is a member of the See Ka’aihue, page 11

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