Ser v i ng t he st udents of t he Un iversit y of Hawa i ‘ i at M ā noa si nce 1922
Green living gets fun Features 4
Bohemian to business A changing campus life Opinions 7
W E DN E S DAY, DE C . 8 to S U N DAY, DE C . 12 , 2 010
w w w. k a leo.org
Volu me 105 Issue 55
Federal textbook law aims to combat inflation DANIEL JACKSON Staff Reporter
SAT U R DAY, D E C . 4 A graduate student reported being robbed of her backpack, containing items valued at $280, at the parking lot fronting Newman Center while waiting for a Campus Security transport. She stated that a man approached her, asked for a light, grabbed her backpack and ran. A Campus Security officer on routine patrol observed two suspicious individuals riding a mo-ped near the Hale Wainani mo-ped lot. He tracked them to Hale Aloha Lehua and, after noticing that the mo-ped had no keys in the ignition, stopped them for questioning. A DMV check revealed that the mo-ped had been reported stolen, and the individual operating the mo-ped was arrested. Engineering student Chelsea Lau buys textbooks at the UH bookstore during the Spring 2010 semester.
F R I DAY, D E C . 3 A female Hale Noelani resident reported that her 2010 blue Sanyang mo-ped was stolen from the Hale Noelani mo-ped rack. She had secured the mo-ped with a heavy chain through the back wheel, but had not secured the chain and wheel to anything stationary. A faculty member at the Financial Management Office reported that someone had stolen the crankcase cover to a mo-ped she had borrowed from a friend and that the mo-ped would no longer start.
W E D N E S DAY, D E C . 1 A student reported the theft of a MacBook valued at $1,000 from a Hale Noelani dorm room. T U E S DAY, N OV. 30 A student reported the theft of a bicycle from the Hale Wainani bike racks.
DANIEL JACKSON Staff Reporter In the last 12 months, the average full-time college student spent $693 on textbooks, according to the National Association of College Stores (NACS), and that fi gure is quickly rising. Textbooks prices are rising at four times the rate of inflation, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and students are hoping that a new federal law designed to increase the availability of information about textbook options and pricing will provide relief. “I think it’s a business venture. I think they’re exorbitantly priced, and I think the school’s in cahoots with whatever various man-
ufacturers, so there’s a whole business aspect I’d like to protest,” said Muyi Deen, a junior at UH Mānoa, echoing the sentiments of many students who feel that the prices of textbooks have exceeded any reasonable pricing strictly for the fact that students have little option but to purchase the required textbooks. “Durbin’s College Textbook Affordability Act” named after Assistant Majority Leader Richard Durbin, D-Ill., is part of the Higher Education Opportunity Act enacted in 2008 that was re-authorized and became effective July 1, 2010. The law was created with the stated purpose of ensuring “that students have access to affordable course materials by decreasing costs to students and enhancing transparency and disclo-
sure with respect to the selection, purchase, sale, and use of course materials.” The new law will require that teachers and students are provided textbook prices in advance, but also includes provisions that encourage colleges to provide information about the availability of any alternative format in which a text may be available, such as e-books or textbook rentals. The University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Bookstore website shows that some of this information is already available. The homepage provides information on textbooks for a number of courses, including the prices both new and used. There is also information about the school’s buy-back program, digital textbooks and a “new” textbook rental link. While information may only be available for a select number of courses so far, this may be explained by the fact that the new law is not required to be implemented until 2013, and many teachers have yet to be informed. “This is the fi rst I’m hearing about it,” said a surprised Rajam Raghunathan, an assistant professor of philosophy at UH Mānoa. She said that while she does consider prices when assigning textbooks and supports the law because it would provide students more time and options for obtaining material, she worries that an overemphasis on textbook costs may send students the wrong message. “It’s like re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic. If you’re going into debt, you’re going into debt. Trying to cut corners with a textbook here, a textbook there, can actually go against getting a good education in the end,” she said. She was also concerned that having to determine the book list too far in advance could limit options for courses in certain disciplines that rely on new constructive work. Some students don’t see textbooks as quite so important. “For the most part, they’re not necessary,” said Muyi Deen, claiming that he tends to not buy textbooks at all. “For the most part, I feel that textbooks are about 5 to 10 percent of importance in passing or doing well in a class. A lot of times textbooks are necessary, and a lot of times textbooks are entirely unnecessary. It has to be a necessary book if I’m going to buy it at all, and if it’s necessary, I’ll fi nd See Textbook costs, next page
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Textbook costs from front page
“I didn’t know you could rent the cheapest way to get it,” said Aus- rentals through a website for three tin Webb, a senior at UH Mānoa. He of the five books, but will only of- textbooks,” said Sheri Lyles, a gradsaid that while he has both rented fer three books for the entire next uate student at UH Mānoa. She did, textbooks and purchased e-books, semester as in-store rentals. however, think that textbook renthe didn’t think the new law would The average price of a new als were a great idea for introduchave a huge impact. Other students textbook purchased at Amazon. tory and survey courses, since she were more optimistic about the pos- com was $71.18 cheaper than if it rarely uses these books after the sible effects of the new law. had been purchased through the courses fi nish. She also said the she “I would actually do a whole lot UH Bookstore. The average rental had recently purchased an Amazon more than what is presented to me textbook was $51.29 cheaper than Kindle and a few e-books and was if these other options were more ac- a used print version purchased hopeful that more textbooks would cessible,” said Jacob Tokunaga, a ju- through Amazon.com. become available soon in e-book nior at UH. He said while he has nevTricia Ejima of the bookstore’s format. She’s not alone. er rented a textbook or purchased textbook department said that high According to the NACS, 13 peran e-book when he had sufficient costs can be attributed to the costs cent of college students had purnotification in advance of which set by publishers. The bookstore chased an e-book within the past books were required, these options also absorbs the cost of shipping three months. Of the students who would be much more appealing. He which is expensive because “99 had purchased an e-book, 19 percent said that as things stand, he some- percent of the books come from the reported using an e-reader, such as times fi nds himself with only one mainland.” Ejima said that websites Kindle or Nook, while 77 percent week’s notification, and feels he has such as Amazon often are able to indicated using a laptop computer or no choice other than to purchase get their books at a lower price than Netbook to read their e-book. his textbooks from the university the price set by the publisher. While many students are still bookstore, in spite of the prices. Ejima said the bookstore strives unfamiliar with textbook rentStudents relying solely on text- to keep the prices as low as possible als and e-books and there seems books purchased from university by not factoring in the shipping costs to be a general current lack of ebookstores may have to pay signif- to the bookstore prices. She said the textbooks, it is possible the time alicantly higher prices for textbooks newly launched book rental program lowed by the new law for students compared to those gathered from is a good option for students looking to research textbook prices and alother sources. A brief survey of for a cheaper alternative. ternatives to purchasing traditional fi ve randomly chosen textbooks But while textbook rentals print textbooks could change this. from the UH Bookstore compared and e-books may offer signifi cant “The law would open up more to Amazon.com prices and several savings, these options still remain options, if I had more time,” said popular online textbook suppliers unfamiliar to many students. Jacob Tokunaga. revealed what some students found as surprising results. Textbooks.com B et we en Textbook title Amazon.com UH Bookstore (124-day rental) purchasing new or used printed $105.00 new Sears and Zemansky’s $206.60 new versions, down$57.99 $91.76 used College Physics 8th ed. $157.05 used loading e-books and renting text$135.35 new Sears and Zemansky’s books, the rental $222.40 new $57.99 $105.41 used option proved to University Physics 12th ed. $169.05 used offer the lowest price for all five American Public Law $165.80 new $132.99 new $56.49 books. Amazon. 7th ed. $125.25 used $120.00 used com also offered lower prices for Microeconomics 7th ed. $184.25 new $130.85 new printed texts than $68.99 $140.05 used the UH Bookstore for all five books. $143.95 new The UH Book- Organic Chemistry 3rd ed. $225.00 new $94.05 $171.00 used store offered the option to order
Present your valid UH Student ID at the BOP Business Office after 11:00 am Thursday, December 9th to get your complimentary pass!
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The Sahayog Foundation increases the viability of education for young girls, many of whom are married and bearing children by age 14. Besides providing new skills, longer schooling helps postpone childbearing and often results in smaller families. H ARLEY DIVEN Contributing Writer
Girls in Chhattisgarh, India, are being given the chance to hope and dream thanks to the Sahayog Foundation, a non-profit organization led by Ramdas Lamb, associate professor of religion at UH Mānoa. The Sahayog Foundation aims to improve the quality of lives of the youth in the state of Chhattisgarh. Lamb was motivated to start the foundation in 2006 after meeting people interested in the same cause. Having lived as a monk in India between the years of 1969 and 1978, Lamb became aware of the lack of education in poor, rural families. Although he had only a high school diploma at the time, his mother, whose family couldn’t afford her an education past elementary school, always stressed to him the importance of a good education. “I see my mother in a lot of these girls. That, like my mother, they are from poor families and
their parents can’t afford to send them to school,” said Lamb. “She inspired me to become educated, and I’m taking that message and trying to help others to have the same message she gave me.” His strong ties with the people and love of India kept him coming back for more. And he ended up marrying a fl ight attendant, which opened a gateway for him to travel back frequently. He took with him books, maps, pencils and pens, because he saw how much these children truly enjoyed learning. Throughout the years, he got to know the residents and social dynamics of the village. Lamb estimates that he spends about two months in India every year, although communication between him and the village is kept fluid. Every few days, a village man named Bhagwati Charan chats with Lamb about happenings in Chhattisgarh. “India Through Village Girl’s Eyes” is one of the most notable projects implemented by the Sahayog Foundation, in cooperation
with Photographer Dana Forsberg. Village girls between the ages of 13 and 22 were presented with the opportunity to take photography lessons from Forsberg, a BFA graduate of the University of Colorado at Denver. The foundation brought in digital cameras, printers and computers to the village. Prior to the project, there were only three cameras in Chhattisgarh, two of which were brought by Lamb in his earlier years spent in India. The girls had a new venue through which to express themselves: “a way to share their voice,” says Lamb. It boosted self-esteem, taught them about technology, and carried an economic benefit; selling their prints can create a fl ow of income. Unfortunately, selling prints is a long process. The SD card must fi rst be sent to a DVD merchant in a town 20 minutes away, then the DVD is sent to a printmaker, who See Empowering education, page 6
Sustainapalooza: Getting loud and going green C HRIS M IKESELL Senior Staff Writer
When you think of sustainability you think about things like composting, insulation, and recycling. Fun? Probably not so much. But after Thursday, Emmanuel Zibakalam hopes that will change. He and the Hawai‘i Green Living Association are teaming up with Sustainable UH to put on Sustainapalooza which is a concert devoted to promoting sustainability and green living on campus. The idea came about because Zibakalam noticed that sustainability had a bit of an image problem. “When people think of sustainability, they don’t always think about going out and having a good time,” said Zibakalam. “Generally it’s kind of a boring subject to most, but we’re trying to fuse them both together.” Zibakalam, a graduate student majoring in political science, originally began working with
Sustainable UH as an advocate intern at the state legislature last semester. After entering graduate school, he continued his sustainability work through the Hawai‘i Green Living Association, an organization dedicated to promoting sustainability through events on campus. The concert, capping off the last day of instruction on Thursday, Dec. 9, will be held in Hemenway Hall Courtyard between 6:00 and 9:30 p.m. The concert is being co-sponsored by Ba-Le, Anheuser-Busch, Aloha Music Project, Blue Planet Foundation and the Surfrider Foundation. It’s the fi rst of what Zibakalam hopes will be a series of sustainability events on campus. “If this one goes well, we want to start doing it either monthly or every other month,” Zibakalam said. Zibakalam’s group decided on the two bands for the evening – Breath of Fire and Lost at Sea – not just for their music, but also because of their commit-
ment to the cause of sustainability. His team also paired up with the Surfrider Foundation because of their ocean activism, and the Blue Planet Foundation because of their work toward weaning Hawai‘i off of fossil fuels. There will also be giveaways at the event, including sustainable t-shirts, BRITA brand water fi lters, LED fl ashlights and a lightbulb exchange where students can trade in their incandescent bulbs for energy efficient CFL bulbs. No detail is too small to be sustainable – not even the cups. “Ba-Le is hooking us up with somesustainable cups,” Zibakalam said. “They’re all compostable.”
WHEN AND WHERE Sustainapalooza Hemenway Hall Courtyard (behind Ba-Le) Thursday, December 9 6:00 – 9:30 p.m.
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Second-year graduate student Emmanuel Zibakalam, a student working with the Hawai‘i Green Living Association, has been leading a team of students to put on Thursday’s Sustainapalooza concert for almost a month. CHRIS MIKESELL KA LEO O HAWAI‘I
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Empowering education from page 3
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sends the prints in time for the girls to receive them a week later. But the rupee turnover makes it all worthwhile: an ordinary day of wedding photography lasts for four to fi ve hours, but the prints earn them as much as their father may make in a week. Forsberg created lesson plans to increase the girls’ technical knowledge and spark their creative minds. One assignment was to use the self-timer to create a self-portrait. The girls also were asked to create a dream sequence out of a series of photos. One girl had photos of money and wealth. Another girl had her brothers pose as blood-sucking vampires. “It’s something that we kind of take for granted, but it is a tool we use to like share our entire lives ... For me, I’d love to be able to see people use the camera in a way to go a little deeper: To explore things, remember, research, whatever it is they’re interested in,” said Forsberg.
1sst, 2nd and 3rd place finalists in each category will w be published in our 2011 spring issue. Anyone, A including non-students, can submit their th writing. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS IS DECEMBER 9, 2010 D Please visit Pl i i our website at www.hawaiireview.org for specific submission guidelines.
Forsberg returned to the village this summer, one year since the project took place. “Three girls are generating income for their families,” a very pleased Forsberg reports. One of the girls is even a census photographer for Chhattisgarh now. Becoming an educated female, much less one with revenue, in societies like Chhattisgarh is tough. Sons are often the priority when it comes to education. If a family can afford to send only one child to school, the son is sent. Daughters marry and go away to live with their husbands’ families, while sons stick around and help the parents. Cooking, cleaning and caring for babies leaves little time for much of anything else. Consequently, many girls in Chhattisgarh lose the opportunity for education. “Poverty and family size go handin-hand,” said Lamb. If the rate of one climbs, so will the other. Right now, about 39% of families in Chhattisgarh fall below the poverty line, according to the website of the United Nations
Ka Leo O Hawai‘i University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa 2445 Campus Road Hemenway Hall 107 Honolulu, HI 96822
Newsroom (808) 956-7043 Advertising (808) 956-3210 Facsimile (808) 956-9962 E-mail kaleo@kaleo.org Web site www.kaleo.org
ADVERTISING The Board of Publications office is located on the ocean side of Hemenway Hall.
EDITORIAL STAFF Editor in Chief Will Caron Managing Editor Davin Aoyagi Chief Copy Editor Ellise Akazawa News Editor Lynn Nakagawa Assc News Editor Jane Callahan Features Editor Reece Farinas Assc Features Editor Alvin Park
Opinions Editor Lindsy Ogawa Assc Opinions Editor Michael Brewer Sports Editor Russell Tolentino Assc Sports Editor Marc Arakaki Comics Editor Derick Fabian Design Editor Sarah Wright Photo Editor Nik Seu Web Editor Brett Hinkle Assc Web Editor Tony Gaskell
Ka Leo O Hawai‘i is the campus newspaper of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. It is published by the Board of Publications three times a week except on holidays and during exam periods. Circulation is 10,000. Ka Leo is also published once a week during summer sessions with a circulation of 10,000. Ka Leo is funded by student fees and advertising. Its editorial content reflects only the views of its writers, reporters, columnists and editors, who are solely responsible for its content. No material that appears in Ka Leo may be reprinted or republished in any medium without permission. The first newsstand copy is free; for additional copies, please visit the Ka Leo Building. Subscription rates are $50 for one semester and $85 for one year. ©2010 Board of Publications.
ADMINISTRATION The Board of Publications, a student organization chartered by the University of Hawai‘i Board of Regents, publishes Ka Leo O Hawai‘i. Issues or concerns can be reported to the board (Devika Wasson, chair; Henry-lee Stalk, vice chair; or Ronald Gilliam, treasurer) via bop@hawaii.edu. Visit www.hawaii.edu/bop for more information.
Public Administration Network. Another benefit of education: childbearing is often delayed in educated woman, according to the Population Reference Bureau’s website. If a girl is busy with school, she has to put off having her fi rst baby until 17, 18 or 19 years old. It makes it harder for her to end up with eight children than if she had started at 14 years old. Now that the Foundation has shown that it is possible for the daughters to make money, more and more families are getting their daughters educated. “The better we can help them to get educated, the better they can work to get themselves out of poverty,” said Lamb. In addition to the project “India Through A Village Girl’s Eyes,” more than 80 students receive economic aid from the Sahayog Foundation, and a school for female youth is currently under construction, according to the website. Since the foundation fi rst launched, over 200 kids have been assisted, 175 of whom were female. Two girls obtained college degrees and became village schoolteachers. Younger girls look up to these women as role models, and see the possibility of a college degree and career, something many girls considered impossible before. Lamb calls it the most significant achievement of the Foundation.
THE SAHAYOG FOUNDATION The Sahayog Foundation accepts tax-deductible donations. Checks can be sent to Sahayog Foundation, 695 Kalalea St., Honolulu, HI 96825. Cell phones with SIM cards and working laptops are also beneficial donations. For more information on donations e-mail info@ sahayogfoundation.org.
O PINIONS 7 For better or for worse Ka Leo O Hawai‘i
The University of Hawai‘i football team’s second Western Athletic Conference Championship in four years and the acceptance into the Mountain West Conference have contributed to the school’s focal shift towards athletics. A ARON HUNGER Staff Writer
“For better or for worse …” This phrase is used far too many times within our language, and really needs to be applied to our university. For better or for worse, the University of Hawai‘i has undergone a major transformation
over the past seven years. It struck me one morning as I strolled onto campus and began to notice how college life has changed over the years. I drew this conclusion based on my many years at different universities over a long academic career. Some institutions feel just like the word – “an institution.” I expe-
rienced that feeling at San Diego State University in 1985. Other institutions create a very different campus environment. I was also privileged to experience that same feeling at the University of California at Berkeley as recently as two weeks ago. But for better or for worse, the college social experience even here, at the University of Hawai‘i has changed. I spoke with some former students and current graduate students who told me about life as an undergraduate at the in 2004. “Life was very different,” said Gino Zarrinfar, a graduate student who attended UH as an undergrad. “I remember when it was the norm to see students and teachers on the lawns after class drinking and just pondering philosophy and life.” “I also remember that you could smell marijuana in the air almost any where on campus,” he said. W hile this was long before the time I reached the University of Hawai‘i, other former students also recounted similar experiences of student life. I am not condoning underage drinking or the use of drugs; I’m just stating that it seems as if the atmosphere on campus is more geared toward hustle and bustle, rather than slowing down to experience college. Perhaps this is a sign of the times, or perhaps it’s progress. I can say that, having experienced undergraduate life at UC Berkeley and San Diego State, that the experiences of campus life were vastly different. I personally enjoyed college when I slowed down and stopped “coming to leave.” That might be an odd expression, “coming to leave,” but it seems to be what everyone is See Changing campus, next page
Pacific Mopeds and the Kaleo team up to do a
Moped Giveaway Contest Starts Dec. 1, 2010 The winner will be announced in our February 28th publication
Anyone can purchase a raffle ticket. *** You can purchase more than one raffle ticket.
2nd Annual Homeward Bound 5k Run/Walk December 19th, 2010 @ 7:oo AM Manoa Valley District Park Please join Tama Fukuyama and Maya Grossman, two Punahou juniors, in supporting IHS through a 5K furn run/walk race to help end homelessness. Refreshments and awards will be provided after the race. All proceeds directly benefit IHS.
• Volunteers to help with passing out refreshments, course marshalls, and sign in. (Contact Kate Bepko at 447-2811 or kateb@ihs-hawaii.org • Support in getting the word out (use hashtag #homewardboundrace or go to facebook.com/ pages/the-institute-for-human-services • RUNNERS/WALKERS! Go to www.ihsHawaii.org to register.
• UH Service Learning (808) 956-4641•
Changing campus from previous page
doing at the university. As you sit at Campus Center and observe the students, they hurry around like ants, never slowing down to even interact. This may be attributed to the growth spurt that the university is experiencing. When I fi rst came to the University of Hawai‘i two years ago, life seemed more relaxed and slower. I began to confi rm this feeling with other students that have been at UH for over two years. The vast majority agreed with me. For better or for worse, the pace seems to have quickened. Many students I spoke with felt that the university has become more business-like. It seems that the university used to be about exploring and expanding thoughts and ideas. Now, it seems like the university is geared towards a business model. They seem to worry about enrollment numbers rather than expanding their own
personal knowledge. Facts might be contrary to this, but the environment that’s been blossoming of late certainly seems less academic and more businesslike. I guess that’s progress for you. The students see the university as a way to increase income, and treat it as something to get done. I agree with many other graduate students that there seems to be a new type of student coming to UH that sees a university degree as a means to higher income, rather than a validation of study. The new campus environment created by this student attitude is not all that bad though. With the high stress and fast pace, we have developed a top-25 football team, a top-25 women’s volleyball team, a nationally recognized athletic program, an EastWest Center that is nationally known and a larger connection to the local community. For better or for worse, this connection to the community has not been because of
the academic ties but because of athletics. Being known as an athletic school or town is not bad at all. The University of Iowa and University of Nebraska are two examples of universities who have great academic programs, but whose names are synonymous with great football programs. The communities of these schools haveconnected to the universities only because of their football programs. The model is successful both fi nancially and academically. Now, it seems that the University of Hawai‘i is heading in the same direction. Don’t get me wrong, I would have loved to be an undergraduate at the University of Nebraska during football season. There is nothing wrong at all with UH shaping itself this way. But for better or for worse, the direction of this institution seems to be leaning toward expanded growth through the athletic department’s success and a marketing
of the university through that venue. I only hope that as we continue to grow, we reconnect to some of the old traditions of UH and slow down once in a while to allow the college experience to sink in. There are many suggestions on how to grow this feeling, but they all revolve around the expansion of campus life. Perhaps now that the university has achieved the success of the athletic program and bright future in the Mountain West Conference and Big West, the focus will now turn to improving the quality of life for students to make UH a total experience. An expansion of the Greek system might be a good place to start. A fostering of local businesses to expand discounts from military only to military/student discounts. Maybe even an expansion of the farmers’ market on campus. Right now though, for better or for worse, this new UH seems to be here, and here to stay.
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Wednesday, Dec. 8, 2010
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Horoscopes By Nancy Black and Stephanie Clements Tribune Media Services (MCT) Today’s birthday (12/08/10). Any decision based on creative thinking will bear fruit this year. Now is the time for invention, innovation and discovering opportunity in unlikely places. Consider how you really love to spend your time and energy, and then focus on growing those passion projects.To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
61 Losing proposition? 62 Soul, to Sartre 63 Start liking 64 WWII Normandy battle site 65 OPEC unit DOWN 1 Swabbed 2 Bedtime ritual for many 3 Provider of millions of hits 4 Woodlands deity 5 Lip balm ingredient 6 Pastoral verse 7 Cut with a surgical beam 8 Indian metropolis 9 Tool for scouting pitchers 10 “Are you out __?” 11 Count that may diffuse anger 12 Part of 1-Across 13 QB’s gains 19 Birthstone after sapphire 21 “When Harry Met Sally...” co-star 25 Doofus 26 1974 CIA spoof 28 Fragrant evergreens Stumped? 29 __ Today 30 Red Square honoree Go to kaleo.org 31 Restaurant host’s purview 33 FBI employee for solutions. 34 Gush 35 Barely beat 36 Not taking calls, perhaps 37 “__ Ben Adhem”: James Leigh Hunt poem
ACROSS 1 Rd. traveler’s stat 4 Spinnaker, e.g. 8 Tending to hang down 14 Treasure de la Sierra Madre 15 “M*A*S*H” star 16 Merited 17 Kung __ chicken 18 Members of a small army 20 Lumbering critter of Borneo 22 Conger catcher 23 Publicize 24 Delivery experts, for short 27 Remnant 28 Stuffed 31 “Knock it off!” 32 Poker ploy 34 Grumpy co-worker? 36 Some Steinways 40 WWII depth charge targets 41 Bungling 42 Any day now 43 Bite like a beaver 44 Construction beam 48 Loud laugh 49 Japanese veggie 51 Take potshots 52 Game often involving a windmill 12/8/10
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
Winner of the 2011 Hale Aina Gold Medal Award for best NEW restaurant. Aries (March 21-April 19) -- Today is a 7 -- Seek balance today between independent study and group effort. The combination creates a practical blend. Persuade others to follow your lead. Taurus (April 20-May 20) -- Today is a 9 -- An associate fusses over financial details. You may feel an independent impulse and go off on your own. But you get better results if you work together. Gemini (May 21-June 21) -- Today is a 6 -- One team member feels stressed because an idea doesn’t mesh with the plan. Take time to soothe any hurt feelings. Then make it fair later. Cancer (June 22-July 22) -- Today
$ 5. 00 p e r d ay • 8 0 8 - 9 5 6 - 7 0 4 3
is a 6 -- Your project requires some changes. Use a very delicate touch and a slight mental readjustment to avoid damage. Then step back and admire. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is a 6 -- Early in the day, your attention shifts from work matters to a relationship based on fun. Coworkers can manage details while you pursue a recreational activity. Go play! Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Today is a 6 -- Productivity could be tricky, with your mind on romance. Imagination carries you far from practical considerations, yet those ideas get the job done. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- Your attention focuses on household
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9. Puzzles will become progressively more difficult through the week. Solutions, tips and computer program at www.sudoku.com Go to www.kaleo.org for this puzzle’s solution.
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1 9
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7 9 2 2
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8 9
matters today. To resolve a difficulty, first establish a balanced perspective. Then create options and choices. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- Today is a 7 -- The best foundation for today’s effort is creativity. You don’t need to finish anything, but you do need to get a good start. Allow emotions to flow. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- Today is a 9 -- Produce and direct your own drama today. You won’t need much to get fired up. A shortcut limits potential less than you’d imagined and gets you there faster. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Today is a 6 -- You feel self-contained in your plans and ideas today. Creative thinking becomes action, easily.
38 Web surfer’s shortcut 39 Paternity suit letters 43 Intent 45 Class with dissections, for short 46 Poise 47 Gas up 49 Not qualified 50 Double: Pref.
# 27
51 Brief brawl 53 Wrath, in a hymn title 54 Smidgens 55 Military group 56 Casting need 57 Banned bug killer 58 Are __ pair?”: “Send in the Clowns” lyric Stick to practical means and minimal budget. Then go. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- Today is a 7 -- To surprise someone special, maintain an outer appearance of busy activity. You can even ask questions to divert attention. Develop your act ahead of time. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Today is a 6 -- Most of your attention is on other people now. Research facts and listen to intuition, rather than following blindly. Protect personal assets, and then choose.
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Ten Warriors selected on All-WAC teams SPORTS DESK
Ten, University of Hawai‘i football players were selected for the 2010 All-Western Athletic Conference by the league’s coaches. Senior slot receiver Greg Salas, junior linebacker Corey Paredes, and senior safety Mana Silva were named to the first team. Junior quarterback Bryant Moniz, senior running back Alex Green, senior slot receiver Kealoha Pilares, senior offensive lineman Adrian Thomas and Laupepa Letuli, junior defensive tackle Kaniela Tuipulotu, and senior placekicker Scott Enos were on the All-WAC second team. Salas, a first team pick in 2009, is the school’s all-time leader in receiving yards and is approaching the single -season records for receptions and yards. He ranks second nationally in receiving yards per game (128.8) and third in receptions per game (8.15) in addition to his 12 touchdown receptions. Paredes led the team with
Senior slot receiver Greg Salas is one of ten Warriors selected to the 2010 AllWAC teams, receiving first team honors for the second year in a row. In 2010, Salas led the nation in receiving yards with 1,675 and is second in receptions, with 106. JOEL KUTAKA KA LEO O HAWAI‘I
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144 tackles and ranked 11th nationally with 11.1 tackles per game. The junior was a key member of a defense which led all Football Bowl Subdivision teams in turnovers forced with 36, including a nation-leading 23 interceptions. Silva ranked second nationally in interceptions with eight and set a new UH record with 14 during his career. He also finished second on the team with 76 tackles and had a team-high 14 passes defended. Moniz is the nation’s leader in both passing yards per game (356.1) and total offense per game (361.9). He passed for 4,629 yards and 36 touchdowns during the regular season and had a passer rating of 161.9, which ranked 10th nationally. Pilares ranked in the Top 10 nationally in both recep tions (7.3) and receiving yards (108.8) per game and had 15 touchdowns. Green became the first UH running back to rush for 1,000 yards in a season and
broke a 60 -year old single -game school record with 327 yards against New Mexico State. Thomas and Letuli anchored the line whose offense led the nation in passing (387.8) and ranked ninth in scoring (39.9). Tuipulotu, a transfer from Arizona, anchored a defensive line that did not allow a 100 -yard rusher in WAC play. Enos broke UH records for consecutive PAT in a season (66) and career (100) and single-season points (117).
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Bows look to rebound JOE F ERRER Senior Staff Reporter After losing two straight games on the road last week, the University of Hawai‘i Rainbow Warrior basketball team will host, their cross-town rival Hawai‘i Pacific Sea Warriors. The ‘Bows (5-2) started the season on a hot streak, winning their fi rst fi ve games at home, and then dropped road games to Cal Poly and nationally ranked BYU. Game time is 7 p.m. this Saturday at the Stan Sheriff Center. They look to extend their home-winning streak to six games against HPU, who have two games before they play Hawai‘i. First-year head coach Gib Arnold has made crashing the boards a point of emphasis for this year. The Rainbow Warriors have out-rebounded every team they’ve played, including No. 21 BYU last week. Sophomore center Vander Joaquim is averaging 7.1 rebounds per game. HPU returns to the islands this week after a two-game road trip to Alaska, where they lost to Alaska Anchorage 75-53 and Alaska Fairbanks 91-77. Sea Warrior senior forward Royal Edwards is coming off a double-double against AlaskaFairbanks, where he posted 10 points and 10 rebounds. Hawai‘i has been hard to scout, with fi ve players averaging double-digits in scoring. Freshman shooting guard Bo Barnes is averaging 10.1 points per game. He’s currently leading the Bows and is second in the Western Athletic Conference with 19 3-point field goals . Senior point guard Hiram Thompson leads the Rainbow Warriors in assists per game (3.3) and steals (10). The Bows leading scorer, senior JOEL KUTAKA/ KA LEO O HAWAI‘I Bill Amis, has missed the last three Sophomore forward Joston Thomas jumps to shoot the ball in the UH Rainbow War- games with a stress fracture in his riors’ 84-70 victory over Cal State Fullerton on the second night of the Outrigger right foot and is expected to be sideHotels Rainbow Classic on Saturday, Nov. 13 at the Stan Sheriff Center. lined for the next two to three weeks.