For Space Booking in
01 01 2015
Vol. 2, Issu No. 5, Page 8
For Space Booking in
Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Monthly Edition
ITAG Sejal: 9824053863 Dhaval: 9824066111
-Editorial Dear Fitagians, nd of 2014 had lots of happening as far as IT channel community is concerned. Bandh, agitation, protest against Online shopping, memorandums to government officials as well as the ministers were full fledged happened in the months of November and Decemeber. For the first time in the history of India it has happened so that almost every IT trade association of India has joined hands and protested against the predatory prices prevailing in the market by OLS. An automated process of forming an all India federation has initiated and if this happens it will be a history in the country. FAIITA is already on cards and is to be formalilsed within a very short time period. All FITAGIANs would be happy
Mr. Kaushik Pandya Editor
to know that Gujarat and FITAG leaders have played a very important role in formation of this national federation named as Federation of All India IT Associations, to be known as FAIITA in common. Across the India about 40+ state level bodies are joining in FAIITA, that means we have about 25,000 to 35,000 traders across India as members of FAIITA. This is a huge number and believe me that such a strong strength can even influence Government decisions also. This would be one of the largest such business association in India representing channel community. The fight
continued on page 3...
A Sejal: 9824053863 Dhaval: 9824066111
A letter to Minister of commerce & industry by AIITA in concern with OLS
t the outset we would like to introduce ourselves as the IT Trading & Retail fraternity of INDIA who have been in the IT retailing ever since IT came into our Country. We are about 50,000 Traders across the country under the banner of FAIITA (Federation of All INDIA IT Traders) which is a consortium of all State & District IT Associations of our country. We have about 5,00,000 families whose livelihood is depending on this Trade for the past 25 years. We have been extremely affected because of the Online Predatory pricing strategies adopted by few Onlne Companies which is threating the very existence of Lacs of Families. We would like to bring to your attention few facts on this. I am sure you are not
aware of that The Indian Economy is Under Siege by a handful of Indian Citizens Supported by Vested Foreign Interests. Just by spending 7 billion dollars, they are successfully ousting thousands of small traders out of their business every
day. They are successfully digging the roots of our economy and implementing their vicious plan under the nose of this very nationalist
government. If You think Flipkart Snapdeal and Amazon are working in National Interest Contined on page-2
ITAG Times
ing Party - BJP and ONCE IN A MILLENNIUM by Changing the Way BusiPRIME MINISTER ness is Done - You are PUJYA SHRI NARENDRA Gravely Mistaken. They are BHAI MODI !!! DIGGING GRAVES of The In 2013 I used to tell all small time Traders by Using my trader friends and circle those billions of dollars to -- Let Modi Come in 2014 sell goods at PREDATORY He is The True Son of Our PRICES. They are Making more than ONE CRORE Motherland - He will Set Small Businesses IRRELE- These Culprits to The Place VANT in the market place. They Deserve. I was happy This link tells what we mean to see Enforcement Direcby Predatory Prices. torate Probing illegal FDI of Flipkart -- But TODAY EVERYTHING GOT Predatory_pricing If This Trend Continues... BURRIED under the Carsoon we will see Traders pet !!! ED had recomCommitting Suicide on the mended to put fine of same line of Farmers in various parts of our Great Nation. What They Do? If One Product Cost Rs.1000 to Distributor, Rs.1050 to Dealer & Sold at Rs.1100 to Consumer. They Invite a Dealer to sell on their website - Dealer Publish Product on flipkart, snapdeal or amazon - They Put Product ON SALE AT Rs.920 -- all consumers GET ATTRACTED To These 3 websites - ALL Other WEBSITES, SHOP Loose Business and Goodwill. They sold product at Rs.920 on their website Given Dealer Rs.1100. Why will a company make losses of Rs.1.5 crores PER DAY (Flipkart) Rs.70-90 Lacs Rs.1400 on Flipkart ( (snapdeal) and Rs.50-70 lacs against illegal funds bought (Amazon) ? I am doing my in India till 2012) But Now trading business for last 20 Seems EVERYTHING has years - today - most of my BECOME Fine all of a sudcustomers don't buy from me den.This link shows official - since these 3 websites loss figures (actual figures SELL at Prices WAY are many times more than BELOW My COST .. What these figures - this figures SHALL I STOP MY BUSI- don't count their proxy orNESS - I have done this for ganizations like WS Retail's LAST 20 YEARS - SHALL figures - who contribute I Commit Suicide - My Sales more than 75% of total fighas DROPPED to 40-50% ures ) http://techcircle.vcVs. 2013. This Story is not only -at-how-indias-top-three-emine .. This is The Story of com-marketplaces-flipkartHundreds of Thousands of amazon-snapdeal-fared/ Shopkeepers Across India .. FLIPKART AMAZON Digital India is Great - no SNAPDEAL ARE INProblem - But These Three VOLVED IN ANTI-NAWebsites ARE HAVING il- TIONAL ACTIVITIES .. legal $7 Billion in THEIR Stern Action is IMMEDIPOCKET - Which They are ATELY Required to be Using to DESTROY Every taken before it is too late. Shop - ONLINE or OFIn Last 3 Years - 90% of FLINE in This Country .. Book Stores In Bangalore JUST UNDER THE NOSE Have Closed .. Kindly refer OF Such a Nationalist RulContinued from page 1...
Articals Tharsday
to Sales Turnover Figures of Most Computer Dealers, Electronics Dealers Their Sales is DOWN By Whopping 40% to 80% in just last 2 years .. The Roots of The problem Lies in Rs.24000 Crores of FDI with Flipkart (Which is illegal) and Rs.19000 Crores of FDI with Snapdeal - Rs.20000 crores of FDI with AMAZON == They have Created PROXIES - Like WS Retail, Gabbar sales to EVADE Authorities .. SUCCESSFULLY Bharat is a Democratic Country, Anyone can do
major part of the sales which happen on their websites is done by the proxy companies that they have floated to dodge authorities . see link pkart-dodged-laws What Kind of Business is this that from the day one YOU ARE SELLING AT LOSS - Selling All India Everyone at LOSS !! Making Competition Shut their Shutters. Competition also which competition - small shopkeepers whose only major asset is their shop and their goodwill - These 3
any Business. Can Handful of People Who are Heavily Funded (Rs.42000 Crores with 3 entities - Flipkart Amazon - Snapdeal ) Be Allowed to Ridicule and Destroy about One Lac Small Shops. They are clearly engaged in UNLAWFUL & UNFAIR PRACTICES of Selling 20% below Cost to Capture The Market - Shut Out Competition and MONOPOLIZE. They have time and again confessed on national TV as well. They are Prepared to continue to make losses for a decade (like alibaba of china as they referred) or more - They are having a 25 Year Outlook ( actually conspiracy). They Show a Great Face to The World as if they are allowing any small retailer to go big and sell nationally but in-fact
websites Flipkart Snapdeal and Amazon have spoiled it all for them. They are protesting but have no time to protest since they know one thing - their business - which has become a burden now. It shall be more appropriately be called A Conspiracy instead of Business .. Digital India Will not have Foundation stained with Blood of 100 thousand shopkeepers and their families - Digital India will Lead All of 100 Thousand Shopkeepers to Take Their Business Online. Online Business Need not be a Curse as it has become since there are NO RULES and REGULATIONS Governing Them. First of All We must SAVE The Poor Small Retailers from The Onslaught of illegally bought FDI in RETAIL
01 01 2015
This is one such appeal by one such group who is trying to fight These AntiNational Elements -- please mind - it is not about online or offline - it is about Aggressors of a Newer Kind Who have Deep Enough Pockets to Manipulate everything in their favor ... appeal.html Ulta chor kotwaal ko daante .. In this interview http://www.channeltimes.c om/story/traders-shouldput-their-energies-in-understanding-e-commerce-rathe r-than-protest-flipkart/ Michael Adnani, Flipkart’s vice president – retail & head says Why traders are protesting, they shall understand e-commerce and use flipkart to sell their wares !! You are Shutting Our Long Standing Businesses and Giving us this Gyan !! We understand e-commerce very well, so many of us have made e-commerce websites but unable to sell since you are determined to Undersell using your illegally bought FDI billions in India. This seems to be The Biggest Scam Ever In The Making. Traders are bleeding to even get 1% or 2% margin from Cost Price – These Three Websites are selling 20-30% less than the Cost Price – Deliberately Incurring Losses to Gain market share. These People have Deep Pockets to accommodate HUGE LOSSES for coming 5-10 Years. They Have illegal FDI funded by Venture capitalists. Later, They will either opt for EXIT with hefty networh gains and /or float an IPO and raise funds of Public money . Many of them are being questioned by various Tax authorities for evading taxes, yet nothing seems to be posing them a threat, they have money power to manage just anything. Request your early intervention in saving the IT Fraternity of our country Thanks & Regards <
ITAG Times
01 01 2015
Harnessing ICT for Good Governance Gujarat is one of the most e-Ready states in the country and has been a pioneer in leveraging ICT to: 1. Improve service delivery 2. Increase transparency & efficiency in government administration 3. Empower the citizens < Gujarat is the leading state in India recording e-Transactions and accounts for over 21% of all e-Transactions recorded on ‘ETaal’, India’s National e-Services Dashboard. < Gujarat has one of the highest tele-density in India: 90.32% (TRAI as on 28-04-2014) and excellent broadband connectivity across state. < Gujarat is one of the most m-Governed state in India which has introduced several mobile applications for providing better governance to its Citizens.
Investor Support System
< Investor Support System (ISS) facilitates investors in identifying suitable locations for setting up industry in Gujarat in a scientific way. < It facilitates faster clearances and saves time and efforts of the investors. <It helps Government provide equal development opportunities in the remotest location the state.
Investor Facilitation Portal facilitation < Investor portal (IFP) serves as a centralized system to facilitate investors to prepare and submit investment applications online. < The IFP portal pro-
vides a single window for interaction between the investors and Government departments. < Klosks to provide assistance and support to investor tratemity at
all district locations in the state. < Investors are also offered sactor-wise guldance as well as services like application status alerts through mail.
Continued from page 1...
send us a acknowledgement of this communication along with confirmation that you will implement your proposed solution within January 14, 2015 . On receipt of the same , we will issue an advisory for Rest of India Members of all IT Associations under FAIITA to restore normalcy. 4. We also request all of you to ensure that for calculation of partner incentives , targets are revised giving due weight-age to the FAIITA
advisory such that partners do not lose their incentives. Let us acknowledge the efforts done by the leaders who have spend their time, money and energy for the sack of entire Indian IT channel community. We will wait till 14th January, 2015, review the situation and then will decide further course of actions. Resilience of FIITAIANs will introduce a new chapter in the history of Information Technology business in India. All the best to all of us!!
under the leadership of FAITTA is not for stopping on-line shopping menace. It cannot be stopped, but it can be so regularised that the prices being offered by on-line shops are at par with the prevailing market price being offered by channel community. Most of the companies have agreed with such demands and will be giving an undertaking on or before 14th of January, 2015 to control such predatory prices. In edition to that FAIITA has following points as our demands. The letter to OEM's state 1. Voluntary restraint of purchases will be advised selectively on vendors / brands who are not taking action on or before January 14, 2015. 2 Members of all IT Associations under FAIITA have been requested to log transactions by email to track rate difference between OLS prices and NLC (Net Landed Cost) . For disproportionate price differences members may take the liberty to return the stocks to NDs within 45 days from the date of Invoice. 3. On receipt of this communication we request you to
FITAG in now on Facebook. Please like Fitag Page
Fitag thanks all member associations to support antipiracy drive & authorize FITAG to deal in this regard in future. FITAG exe. committee
itag Times reaches to
21,000 retailers / dealers across Gujarat
nlike many traditional network-defense and cyber security providers, Cyveillance looks for warnings and indicators of potential risks outside the network perimeter. We consider the different ways the Internet, particularly the web and ocial media, can impact security: not just IT security, but business operations, employees, and even physical assets and infrastructure. In a series of individual white papers, we examine recent trends and the outlook for 2014 in three distinct areas where global threat intelligence – which we define as actionable information derived from a combination of our technical capabilities and human expertise, tailored to meet individual customer needs – impacts Information Security, Physical Security and Mobile Security. A LOOK BACK AT 2013: ONLINE AND OFFLINE CONVERGE, ANDATTACKS GET PERSONAL Taking the 30,000 foot view, we observed four distinct macro level trends in 2013 in the Physical Security arena closely tied to the digital world. These trends included: 1. Convergence Accelerates between Physical and Information Security: As outside threat actors increasingly used the web and social media to organize and plan attacks and protests, adversarial groups and ideologies began using physical and digital disruptions and attacks simultaneously. 2. Activists “Thought Globally but Acted Locally”: The large-scale, mass actions seen in the worst years of the financial crisis have largely subsided, but this in no way means activists have given up. Rather, it reflects an explicit shift toward the pursuit of identifiable and actionable, but often very local, objectives. 3. Attacks Became More Personal: Traditional disruptive activities such as sit-ins, protests and picket lines moved from corporate headquarters and branch offices to executives’ homes and families, and often targeted personnel lower in the organization than the typical CEO or board member level targets. Exposing personal or embarrassing information also became a more common tactic. 4. New Targets, with No One OffLimits: 2013 saw not just a host of new targets, but new types of targets. Far beyond the traditional hotspots of finance and energy, mining and other environmentally controversial sectors, planned and coordinated disruptions ranged across fast food, retail and even religious organizations to a far greater degree than before. CONVERGENCE ACCELERATES BETWEEN PHYSICAL AND INFORMATION SECURITY Social media has given activists and organizers free, powerful platforms to reach and connect to a wider audience of potential supporters, and maintain continuous communication with them once engaged. Moving beyond simple
01 01 2015
Physical Security Threat Landscape:
2015 Outlook
message dissemination, social media was also increasingly used to distribute propaganda, materials and increasingly structured training and tactics. Online planning and organization has also led to natural contact, overlap and collaboration between hacktivist and traditional activist groups, and activists engaged their cyber counterparts in a number of attacks explicitly timed to occur in the online and physical realms simultaneously1. Hackers have likewise gained the support of physical contingents to engage in direct action in conjunction with cyber campaigns. In addition, hacktivist groups have also provided support to the organization of planned direct actions, such as advance intelligence collection to identify and locate target locations; conducting targeted cyber actions to coincide with protest activity; and assisting in the proliferation of propaganda and organizing materials. Of growing concern is the increasingly visible participation of anarchist elements in issues and causes that see hacktivist participation and endorsement. ACTIVISTS “THOUGHT GLOBALLY BUT ACTED LOCALLY” While many larger and broader protest movements have lost momentum since the levels seen in 2010-2012, the networks and contacts established at the grass roots level persist. A clear decentralization has reduced the mass-scale and high visibility of events in those peak years, but increasingly enabled the pursuit of identifiable and actionable local goals. This shift in strategy, while perhaps less visible in the media, often presents a more sustainable and appealing motivation and engagement for the grass roots individual activists. This shift from group think mentality towards identifiable and actionable local goals has resulted in increasingly selective targeting for direct actions. Attempts towards large scale public gatherings and disruptions have diminished in favor of smaller, more target focused actions that employ high profile/creative tactics. Tactics used to successfully embarrass target entities and small scale disruption of business operations are considered as successes, and can be continuously reused for promotion and propaganda efforts to effect change2. ATTACKS BECAME MORE
PERSONAL As a function of this much more localized strategy, there was an explicit shift from targeting the enterprise or organization to executives and leadership figures on a personal level. The majority of executive targeted actions consisted of email and phone campaigns, but there were increasing cases of disruption of speaking and private engagements, as well as protests and disruptions at target’s homes. In extreme cases, executives or their family members were directly targeted for kidnapping and ransom demands3. These ranged from picket lines to some frightening and dangerous engagement of family members including children. So-called “swatting” attacks, in which spoofed or faked 911 calls result in police storming a residence, were conducted against executives’ homes as well4. Of further concern, the collaboration between online and offline actors resulted in an increase in “doxxing”, the online dissemination of personal identity and location information found online, to empower, or even incent, both financial and physical harm by another actor. NEW TARGETS, WITH NO ONE OFF LIMITS Physical disruptions, protests, and work stoppages are hardly news in many sectors. From the internal groups and unions to external activists, industries ranging from airlines and banking to energy and mineral extraction well understand the tactics and challenges of dealing with activism from a wide range of adversary groups. What was new in 2013 was the range and nature of some of the entities targeted, companies and non-corporate bodies that were far less accustomed to these types of concerns. From organized religion (both entities and individual clergy) to journalists, from fast food to agriculture, many organizations and individuals not commonly targeted saw significant upticks in physical disruptions and activist attention. THE 2014 THREAT LANDSCAPE: GLOBAL EVENTS, POLITICS, AND ECONOMICS DRIVE INCREASED ACTION Based on these trends and our observations over the past year, the following factors are likely to accelerate physical security threats in 2014, including:
GLOBAL EVENTS PROVE IRRESISTIBLE FOR DISRUPTIVE ACTORS Numerous events this year pose substantial physical security risks for involved parties and attendees. At the top of the list are two of the world’s largest athletic events, the Sochi Olympics and the World Cup in Brazil5. From Chechen separatists to Brazilian social justice groups, actors have put forth explicit strategies ranging from peaceful protests to suicide bombings designed to disrupt, or even prevent, worldwide events. While security efforts at global events have been unprecedented, there is no ambiguity this year whether outside forces are actively seeking to cause disruption or harm. POLITICS AND DIVISIVE ISSUES DRIVE INCREASED GRASS-ROOTS ACTIVITY Also on tap for this year are two major elections with global implications – US congressional mid-terms and the EU parliamentary elections. At the Davos Conference, CEOs identified the EU elections as the most important issue to them. Given recent activity in Spanish, Italian, Greek and British politics (to name just a few), and the rise in popularity of some more extreme viewpoints in many of these nations, the EU elections are expected to drive significant activity compared to previous election cycles. In the US, issues like disagreements over the Affordable Care Act and the mid-term Congressional elections are expected to increase physical disruptions of campaign events. However, continuing the “no one off limits” trend of 2013,
parties, candidates, and legislators are being joined by PACs, lobbyists, spokespersons and major donors that traditionally operated “behind the scenes” or were not targeted on an individual or personal basis. The transparency enabled by more and more online data about campaign contributions, social ties and live streaming from events enables extremely granular and dynamic grass-roots activity. Moreover, since voter-turnout is especially critical in off-year elections, both parties are using social issues such as same-sex marriage, marijuana legalization and the minimum wage to drive engagement. TURMOIL RISING IN COUNTRIES FEELING LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF AUSTERITY Outside the U.S., there have been numerous new and ongoing bouts of civil unrest and protest movements. Many of these incidents have been sparked by a range of unique conditions and issues specific to affected areas, and warrant in-depth knowledge and research to truly comprehend. However, one observable commonality among these movements is their rise in countries that chose, or were forced into, an economic strategy of severe austerity or other severe upheaval in the years since the global financial crisis. Ukraine, Brazil, Turkey, Greece, Thailand, Spain and France, have all seen large scale demonstrations and occupations of public spaces and are commonly enlisting or receiving support from hacktivist elements, even those geographically far off but politically sympathetic. <
ITAG Times
01 01 2015
xufLkku÷kuS ûkuºku Ëuþ{kt rþþ{kuh ykEykExe{kt yuzr{þLk {u¤ððk nðu {kºk 75 xfkLke sYh Au. Aíkkt, yuzr{þLk Lk {¤u íkku? íkku ík{khk {kxu yLku ykSðLk yuÂLsLkeÞ®høkLkk rðãkÚkeoyku {kxu ¾kMk íkiÞkh ÚkÞwt Au yk Ãkkuxo÷...
f Mkðk÷- fkUr¢x yux÷u þwt? ík{u fnuþku fu Mke{uLx, fÃk[e yLku ÃkkýeLkwt r{©ý, çkeswt þwt? ðkík Mkkð Mkk[e, Ãký yk fkUr¢x rðþu yLku íkuLke {ËËÚke heELVkuMzo MxÙõ[Mko rzÍkELk fhðk rðþu Ãkqhe 55 r{rLkxLkku ðerzÞku nkuÞ yu ðkík yuÂLsLkeÞ®høk suLkku rð»kÞ LkÚke yuðk - ykÃkýe suðk ÷kufkuLkk {øks{kt Íx Qíkhu Lknª. yuÂLsLkeÞ®høk su{Lkku rð»kÞ Au yu fnuþu fu fkUr¢x rðþu íkku yuÚke Ãký ½ýwt ðÄwt òýe þfkÞ - òu ík{u ¾hu¾h Mkkhe fku÷us{kt ¼ÛÞk fu ¼ýíkk nku íkku. yk Mkkhe fku÷usðk¤ku {wÆku yøkíÞLkku Au fkhý fu ¼khík{kt xufrLkf÷ yußÞwfuþLkLkk su ¾uh¾ktyku Au, yu{Lkku yk rðþu yr¼«kÞ ðkt[ku: “yíÞkhu ¼khíkLkkt xufrLkf÷ EÂLMxxâqþLMk sux÷e MktÏÞk{kt õðkur÷VkEz økúußÞwyuxTMk
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ďż˝ 2015 Preview: 8 Hot Trends ITAG Times
01 01 2015
Tech's annual celebration of gadgets, robots, and connected everything kicks off soon in Vegas. Here's what will grab the spotlight at CES 2015. Tech's annual celebration of gadgets, robots, and connected everything kicks off soon in Vegas. Here's what will grab the spotlight at CES 2015.
Connected cars The automotive industry's CES presence has moved from keynote-speech mentions to cars on the showroom floor. This year will include an unprecedented 10 automakers as CES continues to serve as a major pit stop for car manufacturers looking to demo new tech. Expect all manner of connected car tech on display, not the least of which includes BMW showing off a smartwatch-controlled, laser-guided i3 that can park itself, sans driver.
Connected homes Ask people who are building or upgrading a home about their "smart" options these days, and they might tell you it's driving them to consider a log cabin instead. From thermostats, to appliances, to security, to the deadbolt on the front door, increasing numbers of mundane parts of our homes are available connected and online, often controllable from a smartphone or other device. None of these examples is even new, but expect the 60-plus "smart home" exhibitors at this year's CES to add to the list.
Connected and secure? All the excitement surrounding the Internet of Things (IoT) sometimes fails to adequately account for how we'll secure it all or navigate thorny matters of personal privacy, a potential minefield as more homes, vehicles, and devices come online. And security -- especially outside of the IT world -- isn't the sexiest sales pitch in consumer technology, despite a never-ending list of high-profile hacks, breaches, and privacy boo-boos. That's why security has rarely been a marquee star at CES, although Accenture exec John Curran thinks that could change this year, noting there are nearly 70 security and privacy-related vendors expected to attend CES 2015.
Robots attack (we wish) Robots haven't enjoyed the same preshow buzz as some other technologies, but, as InformationWeek's Thomas
Claburn noted, a 25% bump in robotics exhibits at CES 2015 points to the possibility the technology could be one of the best stories this year. He also identified a key challenge: There's still a big gap between the robots we imagine, thanks to media and pop culture, and the real thing. That disconnect might make robotics a slow-simmering trend that won't boil over until a future CES. Separating substance from the sizzle We'll have to wait until after the 2015 CES show wraps, and the weary, gadget-ad-
dled masses engage one last time in the blood sport known as hailing a cab in Las Vegas, before knowing what was hype and what was real. (3D TV anyone?) Will everybody really wear wearables in 2015? Will virtual reality go mainstream? And does anyone really need an 8K TV? We might not get the answers at CES. It will be fun, as always, to see the promises and possibilities.
Gadgets galore Cars and TVs might take up more space at CES than ever before, but at its heart the show is still a gearhead's paradise. There will be no shortage of new and updated devices and gadgets, evident in Samsung's recent lineup refresh. Kodak is also joining the smartphone game with a new Android device to be unveiled in Vegas.
Wearables: Where to from here? It's going to be a big year for wearable tech. Although fitness trackers and other health-related devices have led an early charge, the category is nowhere near its potential -- which analysts typically characterize as enormous in financial terms. We've seen the relatively recent release of developer tools like Android Wear and Apple's WatchKit and HealthKit. And Apple will release iWatch in 2015, a possible catalyst for the smartwatch segment. While the iWatch won't be on display at CES, per se, it will loom in the background as other vendors showcase their own newest wearable tech -- as well as some of the new apps and services that will spring up around wearables this year and beyond. Like smartphones and tablets before them, wearables are almost certain to become a CES perennial.
Virtual reality gets, um, real Everything old is new again -- again: Virtual reality has been around, at least as a concept, for a long time. But it's enjoyed a media and technology rebirth lately. Consider the $2 billion that Facebook paid last year for Oculus VR, for example. Google, Samsung, Sony, and others all have an interest as well, so there should be increasing intersections with mobile devices and other wearable tech. We should see and hear plenty about it at CES 2015.
ITAG Times
Linux-based SeaBED AUV measures Antarcti ice thickness he Linux-based SeaBED AUV (autonomous underwater vehicle) has been used by Wood hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) to create the first ever 3D map of the Antarctic sea ice. The final outcome shows that the ice is thicker than earlier estimated. Massachusettsbased WHOI announced that it has published a paper in Nature Geosience on its experiments which have been submarine. SeaBED performed an underwater survey which indicated that Antarctic sea ice is actually thicker than previous estimates revealed. With this AUV, WHOI has created the world’s first high-resolution 3D map of the Antarctic sea ice. Previous estimates were based on satel-
lite imaging and some other resources which concluded that the ice was much thinner. Global warming is melting the Arctic ice fairly fast, so the greater volume of ice locked up in the Antarctic Sea could have a balancing effect on rising sea-levels. Hanumant Singh, an engineering scientist at WHOI, designed, built and operated the AUV at his lab, and he sid it’s the device’s ‘manoeuvrability and stability’ that has enabled it to be deployed in such challenging situations. SeaBED is about two metres long and weighs almost 200 kilograms. It runs on Ubuntu Linux with a 1.2GHz Intel Pentium chip. Its entire source code is shared with users. Tharsday
01 01 2015
India to be Third Largest IT Market in APAC by 2016 T spending in India is projected to total $73.3 billion in 2015, a 9.4 percent increase from the $67.1 billion forecast for 2014, according to Gartner, Inc. “India is forecast to be the third largest IT market within
the Asia/Pacific region by the end of 2016 and will further progress to become the second largest market for IT by the end of 2018,” sid Peter Sondergaard, SVP, Gartner and global head of Research. “Much of the growth from being the number four market in Asia/ Pacific to number three is likely to happen in 2015.” IT services will record the strongest revenue growth at 15.7 percent in 2015; software will grow at 14 percent. Devices will continue to account for the second largest part of the market with 33 percent share of revenue and will grow 12.6 percent in 2015.
Android phones targeted by virus that steals all personal information and passwords!
new virus has been identified by the cyber security sleuths, which attacks Android devices. The virus is capable of stealing vital information from the devices and also illegally sends SMSs to those on the device’s contacts list. The virus has been named Android/Sms Send. The virus can acquire as many as four aliases to trick users and carry out its deadly activities. The Computer Emergency Respons Team of India (CERT-In), in its recent advisory to Android smartphone users in the country, announced, “Android/smsSend is a premium service abuser family malware that arrives bundled with legitimate Android applications and infects Android-based smartphones.” Once infected, it sends text messages (typ-
ically, with a link to itself or a different threat) to a specific number (usually to numbers on the device’s contacts list) and is also capable of sending SMSs to premium rate numbers. CERT-In is the key agency set up to combat hacking and phishing apart from strengthening the cyber security defences of India’s Internet domain. The a g e n c y noted
that if a device gets hit by this virus, then other basic information about the smartphone, including IMEI number, device ID, device type, etc, are also compromised. The virus may also install spyware on
the device. The agency said that the virus is so dangerous that it, “steals contacts and pictures, tracks locations, steals passwords, illegally accesses text messages, crashes a complete system, steals personal banking information when logged in, installs other spyware, and disables firewalls and anti-virus programs to defend its e l f . ” C E R T- I n further noted that the malware has been created by modifying a legitimate application and thereby gets redistributed across different channels. However, it has suggested a few counter measures. It has asked users to avoid using unsecured, unkown wi-fi networks and also to regularly take backups of all the content on the device.
Disclaimer: This Magazine is for private circulation only. The data published in this magazine is based on the inputs provided by various sources. The publisher, printer and the Editor do not guarantee the authenticity of correctness of the data published here in. Publisher : Gaurang Vyas, President, Fitag Editor: Kaushik Pandya Assistant Editor : Sejal Patel Designer : Hardik Pancholi Address : B/302, Rudra Arcade, Nr. Helmet Circle, Memnagar, Ahmedabad - 380015. All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the prior permission from the publisher.
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01 01 2015