For Space Booking in
01 05 2015
Vol. 2, Issu No. 9, Page 8
Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Monthly Edition
ITAG Sejal: 9824053863 Dhaval: 9824066111 -Editorial Dear Fitagians, Greetings!!! ow about having a vacation?? Why can't we become kids again and enjoy our vacation for one month as we use to have it in school? Will it not break the monotony? And if yes, will you not be a fresh rejuvenated “avatar” of yourself, thriving with energy and ready to take up challenges? Everyone of us needs to pose this question to self. I am sure most of the people will not have an answer to this question, few of them will answer with an inept smile that this is not possible. Those who can take it up positively will talk to themselves, searching for the kid who still leaves inside you. Does you kids, wife and parents only need a break? And your breaks are always initi-
Mr. Kaushik Pandya Editor
ated with their demands, not with your own need. You have became a money making machine, who work for earning, leave for earning and will end up the life while earning. It is also a proven fact that taking break from work for a longer period or getting detached from the daily routine helps one staying more fit, more healthy – physically as well as mentally. Learning is a never ending process, why do we forget our basics? We played, we traveled, we learned, we leaved the life king size, but, every thing changed
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For Space Booking in
FITAG ITAG TIMES Sejal: 9824053863 Dhaval: 9824066111
An increasing number of institutions are turning to multimedia to aid in learning. But a planned approach is essential for effectively leveraging thess technologies
hile earlier, teaching and learning used to be restricted to whatever was in the book, or whatever the teacher said, today, that is no longer the case. Teaching has moved far beyond traditional methods. A whole host of technologies is now available to completely transform the learning experience. Students can now actually expperience various things that they could only imagine before. As a result, engagement levels are at an all-time high. Students are now more in volved in lectures, which no longer involve a teacher droning on and on at the front of the class, but are
actually targeted at drawing in the students’ attention and offering the most valuble information in an interesting way. BENEFITS Here are the benefits offered by investing in such a system: HIGHER ENGAGEMENT: Multimedia education systems have the potential to be more realistic than textbook learning, and offer students indepth insights into scenarios they could only have imagined before. They offer a glimpse at the practical aspects of learning, instead of merely theoretical or rote learning. They enable active learning, and ensure higher engagement levels in the
classroom. HANDS-ON LEARNING: People with varying skill levels may not take the same amount of time to understand a particular concept. In traditional classroom scenarios, students who take more time to understand what is being taught usually suffer the most, as there isn’t enough time to address all their problems. However, multimedia learning opens up a lot more channels for taking in the same information: visual, auditory and touch-based, enabling easier
understanding and better recall. Also, students can avail the content for a particular lecture and learn at their own pace. They can opt for repeat lectures, since the content is already available. The fact that the lecture content is pre-detemined means that the teacher now has more time to pay attention to the problems of individual students. EXCELLENT RESOURCES: Multimedia learning makes a range of content available
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which is extensive in its breadth and scope. With the internet at their fingertips, students can access any number of online resources. Plus, they also have acces to audio and video content, making the learning process far more exhaustive and engaging. The modular format of this content means that students can spend more time on particular sections than others. Also, con-
tent can be standardised and consistency can be achieved in what is being taught. Students no longer have to worry about different teachers handling the same concept in different ways. C O L L A B O R AT I O N , SHARING: Multimedia tools can also enable sharing of information across platforms. Students can access information on their phones or laptops, instead of being confined only to texbooks. They can
collaborate among themselves, or with students worldwide, to get fresh inputs on whatever subject they are covering. Group discussions can be held and study materials made available online. Multimedia tools and devices also give teachers the flexibility to take lectures from wherever they are instead of always having to be present in the classroom. Students who miss a day or two of classes because they were unwell or oth-
Open Source Software for E-Governance Projects DeitY is promoting the use of open source software in all important e-governance projects. This will aid the implementation of the indian government’s Digital India programme, which aims to make government services accessible online to citizens in their localities.
rime Minister Narendra Modi launched the ‘Make in India’ Campaing in September last year with the aim to make it easier to manufacture in the country. Now, the government has announced that it will use open source software to meet specialised require-
It has been established for the sustainable growth of the electronice, IT and ITes industries. To enhance e-governance, DeitY focuses on the development of human resources, promoting R&D and innovation, enhancing efficiency through digital services and ensuring a
ments. Open source software is that which can be modified because its design is publicly accessible and it is open for the general public to use. The Department of Electronics and information Technology (DeitY) has made it mandatory for the government to use open source software for all its services, in order to make them more efficient, transparent, reliable and affordable. “The government of India shall endeavour to adopt open source software in all egovernance systems implemented by various government organisations, as a preferred option in comparison to close source software,” said the policy statement, put up on the website of the Department of Electronics and Information Technology. DeitY promotes e-governance and empowers citizens.
secure cyber space. With the adoption of open source by the Indian government, all the work related to egovernance applications and systems will get a framework for rapid and effective results. This will ensure long term productivity and reduce the total cost of ownership (PCO) of these projects. Governments in the US, UK and Germany are already using open source software extensively. The new policy includes a specific requirement in the Request for Proposal (RFP) for suppliers, who need to consider open source software as a favourable option in comparison with closed source software (CSS). In CSS, the source code is not open to the public. CSS code is the property of its original authours, who are the only ones legally allowed to copy or modify it.
While implementing -egovernance applications and systems, suppliers are required to provide justification for excluding OSS. The Indian government will also publish a policy framework for rapid and effective adoption of OSS. This will cover prioritisation of the application areas, and frame a list of OSS and OSS stacks required for various functions. With an increased focus on the Digital India programme, the government wants to make services accessible online to citizens in their localities. The need to expand these services quickly at a low cost has led to the decision in favour of open source in the country. The National Information Technology Policy in 2012 hasmentioned the promotion of open source and open technologies as one of its objectives. Carrying forward the goals outlined in this policy, the government will now be promoting open source and open technologies in the country in a more focused manner. This policy is not new to many states like Kerala, Delhi, Tamil Nadu and west Bengal, which have already supported and promoted the use of open source in e-governance projects in various ways. Now, it’s time to see how DeitY will ensure the acceptance of the policy and promote open source software in other parts of the country. < Friday
erwise unable to attend, now no longer have to manage on their own-they can access the same lectures or resources as their peers. COST-EFFECTIVENESS: While there may be a relatively high initial setup cost, educational institutes benefit in the long run through savings on may fronts. For example, they may not have to have in-house teachers for every subject, as lectures may be taken via video conferencing, etc. Instead of taking students out on trips to places of interenst, etc, institutes can enable students to experience thouse thing right from the classroom itself, thus saving on recurring travel and other costs. WHAT’S AVAILABLE? PCs, netbooks, DVD players, projectors, etc, are all technologies that have been around for a long time and which we are all familiar with. Some educational institutes
01 05 2015
are also starting to use iPods, PDAs and smartphones to facilitate learning, considering the high levels of penetration that these devices have seen. Most of these already have larger screens than the older generation devices, and are enabled for wireless connectivity. Some other technologies include integrated audio and video systems, Smart Boards and document cameras. Replacing the repetitive, two-dimensional, teacher-led lectures that tended to be the norm before multimedia in education became a reality, Smart Boards are interactive whiteboards that allow teachers and students to collaborate in the classroom. Introduced by Smart Technologies in 1991, these white boards have multitouch capabilities, and can accept input from a pen or finger. They can work with any software that has been installed on the host computer. <
ITAG Times
01 052015
20 facts about technology that might surprise you (20 Photos)
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once we have responsibilities, we have wife and kids. Why do we get in to this trap? A simple and small change like a long break can change your life, can put you back to track and you could live your life king size again. Take a break! Travel far from your home! May be alone or with family! Try and explore remote areas of our country, no need to travel to the destinations overseas. A trip to the jungle or a beach would serve the purpose. The important thing is - take a break! Those who wish to sing, always find a song. - Swedish Proverb <
ITAG Times Continued from page 3...
01 05 2015
ITAG Times
„÷ yÚko, {uÂ, MxÙexÔÞq, {nk‚k„hku™e ytËh zqƒõe ÷„kðe™u õkuh÷ heV™e Í÷õ, [tÿ õu {t„¤ …h™e ‚Vh, y„kþeyuÚke yðõkþËþo™, y˼wŒ …u™kuhr{õ Vkuxku„úkVeÚke Ëwr™Þk™kt ƒu™{q™ MÚk¤ku™e ðå[woy÷ ‚Vh õu ykõkþ{kt yk…ýu …kuŒu Ã÷u™ õu nkuxyuhƒ÷q™ [÷kðe hÓkk nkuEyu y™u ™e[u …]Úðe …h õktõrhÞk, «Þk„ õu ™kÞ„úk ÄkuÄ òuE hÓkk nkuEyu yuðku y™w¼ð... y÷„ y÷„ ½ýk «õkh™e ‚Vh yk…ýu {kýe Au, y™u yk yXðkrzÞu nS yuõ ðý¾uzkÞu÷e ¼qr{ ‚wÄe yk…ýu …nkU[e hÓkk Aeyu, {k™ðþheh™e ytËh, RLxh™ux™k «Œk…u! Œ{u „q„÷ yÚko õu „q„÷ {uÂ{kt òuÞwt nþu õu yk…ýu yðõkþ{ktÚke …]Úðe òuE hÓkk nkuEyu y™u …Ae Íq{ õhe™u yk…ýk „k{ õu þnuh{kt™k yk…ýk rðMŒkh …h Vkuõ‚ õhe þõeyu Aeyu (W…÷k …uhu„úkV{kt yuõ ‚Vh™e ðkŒ Œku hne „E, yk…ýu þnuh{kt ðÄw Íq{ õhe™u yuh…kuxo õu {ku÷™e ytËh™e ‚Vh …ý ¾uze Au, ½uhƒuXkt!) nðu ðkŒ rƒÂÕzt„™e
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01 05 2015
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ITAG Times
India Networking Market Witnesses 20 percent growth y-o-y: IDC Friday
01 05 2015
Amazon announces investments in Telangana A
ccording to IDC, the Networking market (including LAN and WLAN hardware) in India witnessed highest revenue since CY 2008, with over 20% growth year on year. however, within the year, investment witnessed a seasonal slowdown with a marginal decline in revenuseduring Q4 2014 as compared to previous quarter. Accorging to IDC’s APeJ Quarterly Switch and Router tracker, the Ethernet Switch market saw an endrevenue of USD 125.0 million during Q42014, with a marginal decline quarter on quarter (-4.7%) and increase
PM boostes egovernance plans with “Twitter Samvad”
o boost the e-governance plans. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) took another step in his Digital India initiative by launching “Twitter Samvad”. It is aimed at helping government bodies and leaders to communicate directly with citizens on a daily basis via Tweets and SMS on their mobile devices. Through Twitter Samvad, every day a set of curated Tweets will be delivered from the government and leaders’ accounts to mobile users across the country as SMS. Updates on governmentservices, policies and activities can be delivered to any user with a mobile device signed up for the service with each of the 16 launch partners. Anyone with a mobile phone, with or without a data plan, can register for the service by giveing a missed call to a unique number for each of the partners. Twitter Samvad is based on the platform provided by ZipDial, an Indian company recently acquired by Twitter. <
year on year (27.5%). The Router market stood at a total of USD 69.4 million, a 41.1% growth year on year and -9.3% decrease quarter in Q4 2014 Cisco retained its leadership in the Ethernet Switch and Router market, increasing its revenue quarter on quarter and continued to be the vendor of choice for top telcos and other enterprises for their pan- India projects. 2014 was largely attributed to LTE and 3G investments but CY 2015 is expected to be a mix of investments from telecom and other verticals like government and BFSI. <
mazon Seller services (ASSPL) has announced investments in the state of Telangana with the opening of a Fulfilment Centre (FC), spread over 280,000 square feet near Kottur, on the outskirts of Hyderabad. The FC will be operational from May 2015. The FC will allow to offer its Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA) service to thousands of small and mediumbusinesses in the state and empower them to gain access to and service customers across the country at significantly low operating costs. IT will also enable faster and
quicker delivery of products to customers in the region. Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao said, “We are very excited that Amazon has decided to invest their biggest warehouse in Telangana. We have passed the TS iPass bill in our Assembly that ensures
self-certification and deemed approval of all clearances within three weeks of application for any Mega Project. For Amazon, we have given all clearances in 11 days, well within the guaranteed time. We are making all efforts to make Telangana an investor friendly state.” <
Microsoft partners with Android manufacturers icrosoft has announced its partnership with Android giant Samsung for preinstalling its apps and services, like OneNote, Skype and OneDrive apps, on the new Samsung flagship brands, like the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge smartphones. Microsoft
o help Indian enterprises and government organizations take full advantage of the cloud, Microsoft India has launched a special Cloud Accelerator Program. This announcement was made by the company’s leadership at the 2015 Microsoft Azure Conference.
SMBs transition to the cloud. The program will upskill partners to help 10,000 SMBs across 250 cities to move to the cloud. The company also announced the launch of a Cloud Decision Framework for public sector companies, government departments, banks, and financial serv-
More than 1,500 cloud professionals and IT industry decision makers will attend the two -day conference, with another 15,000 participating via the virtual conference. In addition, Microsoft has launched cloud training programs Azure Vidyapeeth and Guru Varta, for partners that will enable
ices companies. The Cloud Decision Framework is an independent, open framework based on industry standards and regulator guidelines. The framework builds on international ISO standards and incroporates India - specific guidelines from IRDA, IDRBT and the IT Act. <
is doing everything it can to get Office into the hands of smartphone users, its priority being wider usage of Office. The firm is letting cellular customers run office on their telephones and tablets for free, in the hope of ultimately luring them to purchase premium options available via an office subscription service. Having seen how great the upcoming Windows 10 OS looks like, we’re bracing ourselves for what windows Phone will bring us this year or the next. in the mean time, Microsoft is extend-
ing its reach as it looks to partner with Android manufacturers and place its software on devices. This so - called ‘freemium’ approach to making money is the standard for countless app start-ups today. The company really is pushing for corss-platform usage with its apps. This will lead to more visibility for microsoft, a company that people thought would go down with the Windows platform. How different things now look, with a new perspective and a little effort on the part of Microsoft. <
ITAG Times
0105 2015
The art of Windows file search Arnoldas Zdanevicius needed help finding a file. Windows' built-in search tool can be a powerful ally--if you know its tricks.
rnoldas Zdanevicius needed help finding a file. Luckily, Windows' built-in search tool can be a powerful ally--if you know its tricks. At first glance, Windows' search tool seems simple but underpowered. You open up Windows Explorer (File Explorer in Windows 8), type a word in the search field, and files containing that word appear. But there's really much more to it than that. [Have a tech question? Ask PCWorld Contributing Editor Lincoln Spector. Send your query toanswer@ To begin a search, pick a location to search through. Open Windows/File Explorer and go to the location you want to search. If in doubt, try Documents, your user folder, or the whole drive. Windows will search through that location and its subfolders. But remember that searching through unin-
dexed folders slows things down considerably. So what's indexed? By default, your libraries (Documents, Music, Pictures, and Video), email, and other common data folders. To see and possibly change what's indexed, type indexinto the Start menu's Search field or Windows 8's search charm, and select Indexing Options. Once you've got Explorer up in the right location, type the word you're looking for in the
Search field, which you'll find in the upper-right corner of the Explorer window. You'll soon get a list of every file containing that word in either the file name, the contents, or the metadata. But searching for more than one word complicates things. For instance, if you typed daisy miller (upper- and lowercase is irrelevant here), you would get every file containing the full name Daisy
Miller. But you'd also get every file containing the words daisy and miller, even if there are hundreds of words between them. To find only files with the name, type "daisy miller" with quotation marks as shown, so it will be treated as a whole phrase and not two separate words. There are other options: daisy NOT miller will bring up files that have the word daisy but not miller. Daisy OR miller would find every file that has either of these words. By the way, NOT and OR have to be capitalized. daisy not miller will find every file with those three words. You've probably noticed that filter options appear when you
click the search field--although which filters pop up will vary as Windows tries to second-guess you. You might get Authors, Kind, Date modified, Type, and so on. What's the difference between Kind and Type? Kind filters by broad definitions-documents, pictures, and so on. Type really means file extension--DOCX, XLS, JPG, and so on. If the filter you want doesn't show up, just type it. When you type or select a filter, you'll get a pull-down list of options. And that brings us to the metadata filters. You can type in the name of a metadata field-say, tag:--and a word, and Windows will find any file with that word in that metadata field. <
How to download your entire Google search history Want a copy of your personal Google search history for your very own? Now you can export and download, though it's in a funky file format. Google recently added another option to its Takeout service that lets you export data from your Google account, and the latest addition is one of the most important: Your Google search history. Next to email, there's nothing in your Google account that's more revealing than your search history. Your personal collection of keywords can reveal the status of your personal relationship, the last time you were sick, if you're looking for a career change, and where you're planning to go on vacation. There isn't much you'll be able to do with your search history unless you're a developer, as the archive is just a collection of JSON files. Over time, however, other search services may let you import your Google search history. Here's how to get exporting.
Where to go
Google hasn't added search to its Takeout dashboard yet so you'll have to go to the Google History page to grab your search archive, as first noted by the Google Operating System blog. Once you're there and signed in to your account, click on the settings cog in the upper right corner and select Download. Next, you'll see a pop-up window with a bunch of information about your archive. Google warns that users should read the whole disclaimer as "it's not the usual yada yada"--a phrase Google typically uses for securityand privacy-related issues. The warnings, however, are mostly common sense security measures: don't download your archive on a public computer, don't lose control of your search archive, and protect your Google account with 2-step verification so that no one else can try and download your search history. Google also warns anyone importing their data into a
new service that they should make sure that third-party also lets you export your data. Otherwise, your data will end up stuck in the new service with no way to export it. Once you're comfortable with all of Google's warnings hit Create Archive at the bottom of the window. Google will now generate your archive and notify you by email when it's ready. How long it will take to get that email depends on the size of your archive. Once the email arrives it will let you know you can view the files that make up your search history in Drive, or you can download them directly from Gmail. Google creates a new Drive folder called Takeout where you can always grab your generated search archive or download it. As we mentioned earlier there's not much to see and opening the HTML file included in the archive only shows you a summary of the JSON files in your search history.<
Disclaimer: This Magazine is for private circulation only. The data published in this magazine is based on the inputs provided by various sources. The publisher, printer and the Editor do not guarantee the authenticity of correctness of the data published here in. Publisher : Gaurang Vyas, President, Fitag Editor: Kaushik Pandya Assistant Editor : Sejal Patel Designer : Hardik Pancholi Address : B/302, Rudra Arcade, Nr. Helmet Circle, Memnagar, Ahmedabad - 380015. All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the prior permission from the publisher.
ITAG Times
Cartoon CORNER
01 05 2015