Mad Science Man! One day I was at my friend’s house playing football. At half time I saw a huge crack in the road I left to look at the crack I realized that something was wrong the crack wasn’t there 2 hours ago or else we would have heard it.
But all of the sudden a mysterious lever popped up. I thought that I stepped on something like a stone plate that pops up stuff. The crack got bigger and bigger until a staircase appeared. I went down the stair case and when I got down there something attacked me! It was the Jelly monster! I panicked then I saw a door that said keep out and stuff like that I realized I had no choice.
The Lab
I opened the door and I saw someone. I said “hey do you um…” a moment later I heard a voice “welcome to my lab!” He didn’t seem too scary then he turned on the lights and said “my name is Goofy gooey goo!” I said “hi!
And by the way what is this place again?” Goo said “MY LAB!!!” But Goofy gooey goo threw a science bottle on accident and hit a machine and the machine produced a cute little bunny. Then Goo said “that’s not a bunny it’s a vampire bunny!” I dashed and got an emergency ax and scared the vampire bunny away. Just then I forgot all about the Jelly monster it can slide though walls!!!
Monster Mash
The jelly monster slid though the wall like a snail going into a crack. Then the Jelly monster slashed at a bottle and splashed it all over him! I thought it was going to be a helpful potion for the Jelly monster but it turns out he shrunk himself
so small he went down a drain which was the Flood Fixer. Then shortly the Jelly monster vanished into the darkness of the drain. Goo told me he brought a plant a few weeks ago. Suddenly it snapped at him! So I went to see the plant and it was‌..HUGE!!! Vines everywhere! The plant was an alien Venus flytrap from Venus! Then the plant threw sharp thorns at me but missed.
The Unsuspended Race
I forget Goofy gooey goo yelled something before I left to take care of the plant. Goo yelled “Go and don’t forget the plant’s weakness is WATER!” Then I took a watering cup and splashed the water all over the plant. But it didn’t work. The plant called “space 01!”
then a huge space ship arrived and the plant added, “I’ll blow up the Earth and the only way to stop me is to beat me to the button in space!” Then he zoomed away. Goo said “Let’s race with my tiny portal! But first we need suits!” Later we pulled out some suits. It looked like the best suits ever! I thought. After that we put on the suits and Goo threw the tiny portal. Before we go to the galaxy we need a space ship!
The Spaceship
We went to a place called Fixing ship. Goo said “this place can fix ships and you can buy it too! “That’s the best I thought. Shortly we found the ship That was just right for us. It had 3 lasers each and 2 in all.
And it also gave you food when you wanted it. And Goofy gooey goo will be happy about that! And also the ship has 2 sharp wings made out of medal and 2 million house power and doesn’t blow out! But the bad part was it cost a lotď Œ.So Goo sold one of his devices to buy the ship.
The Race
After buying the ship we threw the tiny portal and zoomed into the galaxy. Then Goo pulled the lever and SHOOSH!!! The space ship flew like 5,000,000 jets flying at full speed. Then we saw the alien plant. After that we passed way very far away
from him. He shot a laser at us. He slowed us down but we shot back 2x the power! The plant’s ship spun out of control and crashed on an asteroid.
For sure we will win now! Then Goo pushed a pedal at FULL SPEED!!! After that we saw the finish line. We crossed. That meant WE WON!!!
The Victory Song
The aliens cheered and I broke the button! moments later Goofy gooey goo started to sing his victory song like he always does! “We’ll I walked around the corner and walked around the block right into the fixing shop and I looked at a ship and looked at the gas and handed the alien a fortune pass. We’ll he looked at the pass
and looked at me and said “there’s no proof and it just goes poof!” We’ll alien the ship does too! Thanks for the ship you bet!
The tune song is: the Donut Shop
Good Bye
After the victory, Goo and I headed to Earth. Goo landed the space ship in the lab garage. Later Goofy gooey goo and I did an experiment together. All of a sudden I just realized I’ve been gone for a long time from home. So I asked Goo if there was a way to
get home and he said “yes there’s a way to get home. The password is 1234.”So in a pass thing I typed 1234. It worked! I headed to the stairs and…….HOME!!! I headed to it and turned to wave good bye but the crack disappeared. However I got the password to the lab!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR The author (Maddie) is 9 years old and loves to read and write. She grew up in TX or Texas. Her favorite pet is a puggle (pug + beagle) she adopted it at ASPA. She got the idea of Mad Science Man from her favorite subject science and creativity.