കുരക്കേണി കൊല്ലത്തെ തരുസാജൈനപ്പള്ളി ചേപ്പെട്

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. .- , , , (), , ,..()., ,...()... () .. . //.(tabula quilonesis) . .().(. .-) .- , Jan Pieter N Land(1834-1897) Anecdota Syriaca () ... ...,. .(..) . . : .,,,,,,,,( ..) .() .() .-. (,) . (,) (. ?) .. (.). .. .() “.() . ., . () , . () .?

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17) (from :Anquttil du Peron in his book Zend Avesta.

",....." . ().. . . . ."". 1758-(94,95) . ? ?

? =========================== .... . ? “. ? Madras Journal of Literature and Science Rev.H.Gundert . . .? ? .. & ...

The Christians had not taken the definite form of a community in Kerala earlier (than 11-12cnturies) and the dubious Copperplate Charters believed to have been given to

the trading community there, towards the end of 8th Century, does not associate itself with the Christians of any denomination ----------------Page 354 Social History of India , Sadasivan .S.N With the arrival of--Sankara , says Artist Rama Varma Raja, the Vihars of the Buddhists (Buddhist Pallys) have transferred into Siva Temples .For the extirpations of the followers of Buddhism deadly begot Veera Saiva anchorites (with killer instinct) were imported to Kerala from Tamil Nadu – ---------------------------Sadasivan ,S.N, Social History of India Page 315

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