Elderly home care what you need to know

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HelpAge India

Elderly home care- What you need to know The population is increasing so is the number of elderly people. Senior citizen health care has been tremendously on the uprising as the count of people aged 60 or above is also far from slowing down. There has been a permanent digression from the last century in ensuring the well-being and visible upgradation in the healthcare facility for senior citizens. Apart from government institutions, NGOs or other charitable organisations who are tenaciously working for the upliftment of the elderly population. Since the biggest things often have smallest beginnings, the following points will help you in caring for the elderly living in your homes.

Home care help This is for those who mostly are away from their homes due to work or other commitments. If you’re one of them, then this should be helpful. Home care helps are thoroughly trained to nurse old people and aid in performing their daily activities along with taking care of their medicines and keep a close supervision. You can call them personal attendants, companions, caregivers or simply ‘friends’. Talk away the pain Mental health is equally important as physical health. Old people tend to feel a bit lonely along with the decline in their cognitive abilities. It’s a nice gesture to always take out time to have a pep-talk with them on a frequent basis. This proves as a huge support for older people as they feel safer and content in their respective premises. Privy safety

https://www.helpageindia.org Toll Free No Elder Help Line 1800-180-1253

HelpAge India C-14, Qutab Institutional Area New Delhi - 110016

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Elderly home care what you need to know by kananjames - Issuu