1 minute read
from LINK #177
by NGO K.A.NE.

Editor: Alekszandra Creative designer: Viky
Volunteers: Chloé, Joe, Agata S, Agata B, Vikiy, Estelle, Louen, Zoé, Anne-Claire, Alekszandra
Happy pride everyone!!!! As you all may know, June is officially pride month. In this time of the year we celebrate our gender and sexual diversity. We make parades and all kind of parties to celebrate. Doesn’t matter if you are gay, straight or bi you have to know that you are accepted and acknowledged. You have a voice and you matter. In this month’s link we made some articles that are all about the LGBTQI+ community. We have some fun quizzes to test your knowledge; article about architecture; movie review and so much more. Have fun and always remember ‘Shade never made anybody less gay!’ (Taylor Swift)