1 minute read
Quiz by Estelle and Viky
from LINK #177
by NGO K.A.NE.
Do you know....
Which of the following countries was the first one to legalise same sex marriages (in 2001)?
A) Poland B) Spain C) Netherland D) USA
A) Pink Triangle B) Brown triangle C) Red triangle C) Yellow triangle
During the Second World War, the Nazis deported up to 15,000 gay men to concentration camps. What symbol were they forced to wear to identify them as homosexual?
Who was the first out gay person to win an Oscar?
A) John Gielgud B) Elton John C) Tom Hulce D) Angelina Jolie
A) 1925 B) 1868 C) 1739 D) 1896
When was the term “homosexual” first used in the research literature?
Which bar organised protests that are considered to be the single most important event leading to the gay liberation movement and the modern fight for LGBT rights in the United States.
Who was the creator of LGBT flag?
Witch popular US sitcom aired the first lesbian wedding on TV?
Which of these is a group of Muslim organisations working towards sexual and gender diversity within Islam?