01. New Project in Sight
The sea air
O2. New presentation Lorina Lonie organisation
KALAMATAFESTIVAL O3. Food Events Wedding cake DOGS
04. Save a life save a dogs
ARTS 05. Art contribution Art recycling
06. Creation of cinema movie TRIP 07. Tips green trip
Trip in Kardamyli and Pylos

In this fleeting but splendid month of May, we have had the pleasant task of developing a new project at KANE Although the weather has sometimes not been stable enough to proclaim that summer has arrived in Kalamata, our European Solidarity Corps (ESC) group arrived at the beginning of the month with a lot of energy and ideas to implement to the project
Our plan involved several aims, among them the volunteers have had the arduous tasks of working on new ideas and possible solutions related to problems in the community, promoting the circular economy and social entrepreneurship. Through participation in different workshops, our young volunteers have been able to increase their knowledge and contribute with their fresh and renewed opinions on these issues.
In relation to the other volunteering objectives, we also had to participate in raising awareness in our organisation's local community, about the harmful and damaging consequences of using products that are not reusable, focusing on disposable plastic.
In this aspect, the social commitment to the community and to the project have been combined with the unparalleled creative skills of the volunteers. As Linus Pauling once said: <<The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas>>, and this May thousands of ideas have blossomed at KANE thanks to this project
First, they had to carry out several clean-up sessions on Kalamata's beaches

This action not only made the locals aware of the importance of not littering the city, but also collected and cleaned the shores of our entire coastline, thus freeing the sea of all existing human waste with their own hands Thanks to all that has been cleaned over the past few weeks, we have been able to collect a large number of objects that, although useless to some, the creative group featured in this article managed to turn into precious and usable objects that now they not only help us to decorate our office, but also remind us of the two sides that every coin has. From being rubbish in the past, the creativity of our volunteers managed to bring new objects to life
In the end, although the stay in Kalamata of these energetic volunteers has been fleeting, the seeds of commitment, change and recycling that they have planted in the attitude of our community will blossom in the future towards a more conscious mentality of reducing waste, better managing the objects within our reach and keeping the environment cleaner and more sustainable to keep our precious city free of waste
Everytime I get sick my mum always tells me " you really need the sea air" because in the south people think that the sea air is good for health and breathing.
The saltiness and salt water contain a series of natural substances of various types, organic and mineral, which help prevent and combat many pathologies and disorders
It's called thalassotherapy. Through the absorption of the substances contained in sea water, the body derives its benefits.
Let's see together somebenefitsofseawater:
Doctors advise people with respiratory diseases to stay in seasideplacestobreathegood air, especially the asthmatic people.

Allergic conditions caused by skin hypersensitivity or inflammation such as dermatitis or acne find relief thanks to the minerals present inseawater.

Sea water contains a high concentration of mineral salts. Through a process of absorption of the skin, called osmosis, excess liquids are eliminated and the legs benefit, which appear significantly deflated.

With the pressure and movement of the water on the body and also thanks to the temperature, blood circulation benefits and the reactivation of the so-called microcirculation isfavored

No less important than the physiological benefits aretheeffectsthattheseahasonourmood. The summer months, the festive and relaxed climate of the seaside resorts during the summer allowustorecovertheenergylostduringtheyear. The sight of the sea with its air, it’s colors and its soundsmakeeveryonehappierandmorerelaxed
"A healthy mind in a healthy body"
Hello people! I’m Lorina, a 23 years old, coming from the North-EastpartofRomania,from themountainside. Being used to cold weather I want to experience how it is to live under the hot sun of the Mediterraneans, so now I’ll be livinginKalamatafor5months.

In the past I’ve been to 7 Erasmus+ projects, such as Youth exchanges and Training courses, but this is the first time I’m volunteeringandI’mextremelyexcitedforthisnewexperience inmylife.
I’m really passionate about watching movies, especially the Romanianonesandalsothriftshoppingclothes,shoes,purses andeverythingfashion

Eurasia net is a non-governmental association which aims to develop cultural, educational and artistic exchanges at the internationallevel.

ItwasbornfromthedesiretobringEuropeandAsiaclosertogether throughexchangesintheeducational,culturalandartisticfields. We want to allow young people, citizens, educational and cultural organizations,localauthoritiesandbusinessestomeetanddiscuss .

“Eurasia net is the desire to create a generation of committed and responsible young people, mobile, open to the world and to innovation.Ourmissionistodeveloptheskillsofyoungpeopleand support them in building their future project by offering unique experienceswithastrongimpactatlocalandinternationallevel”.
Innovate through international cooperation in the youth, educational,cultural,artisticandenvironmentalfields; Develop intercultural encounters, knowledge and understanding betweenEuropeanandAsiansocieties; Support theprofessionalintegrationofyoungpeopleandtheircivic engagementatlocalandinternationallevel.
TBEXEurope2023–PeloponneseFoodStories”,oneoftheworld's largesteventsinthetourismindustry,openeditsdoorsandtook placefrom8to11May2023inKalamata.

TBEX is a conference and networking event for travel bloggers, travel journalists, social media content creators, travel companiesandindustryprofessionals
On May 9th at Othonos Square, in the historical center of Kalamata, the Peloponnese region and the municipality of Kalamata invite the public to a culinary festival open to the public with many surprises, live music, culinary experiences for everyoneandactivitiesforyoungchildren.

The event was attended by famous chefs, 30 producers of local products, 10 cultural associations and travel bloggers from around the world. All guests of the event enjoyed local tastes, recipes, as well as the uniqueness and warmth of Greek cuisine and culture, feeling that famousGreekhospitality.

This event was both commercial and cultural. We, as guests of the event, were able to taste probably the most popular olives in Greece, straight from localorchards,ahugeamountoffresh vegetables and a large selection of oliveoilforanytasteandcolor.

Kalamata also boasted of local wine and self-made traditional alcohol. The highlight of the program was a concertthatplayedbothforeignand national music. By the end of the evening, the guests rose from the tables and intertwined in beautiful andatmosphericnationaldances
If you ever have the opportunity to visit this or a similar event - be sure to use this chance! This is fraught with the acquisition of unforgettable impressions!
In one of the stands present at the Peloponnese food history festival, what looked like a loaf of bread was displayed which was actually a typical wedding cake
This Cake it called ‘Embroidered pies’, and it has a special significance in Greek weddings, where they are often served as part of the traditional wedding feast. In Greek culture, food is an important part of celebrations, and the wedding feast is a time for families to come together and celebrate the union of the bride and groom

d pies are a popular choice for wedding ecause of their decorative and symbolic
The intricate patterns cut into the top of the aid to represent the intricate and delicate he couple's love and the commitment they o each other
There are different roles to create it; One is the leader, who is called the embroiderer, and she mainly gives the instructions where to put each ornament and what ornaments to make. Usually the embroiderer is both the oldest and the most experienced. The embroiderer first begins to decorate the pie with a piece of dough, long and thin like macaroni, which she shapes on the oven shovel Then, she puts different designs and the carnations around the macaroni.

In the middle of the pie she puts a beautiful flower and then divides it into 4 parts with a string of dough and in the divisions she puts the grape that symbolizes the many children Also, she puts two birds designed on the dough, which hold the wedding rings and symbolize the newlywed couple, and the flowers for the happiness of the couple, the barley, and the snails for the tranquility of the couple.
After the decoration is finished, the women who are there, silver it with money so that the bride and groom will be strong and happy.
Throughout the pie decoration, the women sing various wedding songs. The mother of the bridegroom or the bride takes the pie and covers it with clean clothes to "be done"

After it is inflated, with great care, with a white brush or hen's feathers, he brushes it with egg to make it shiny and then puts it in the oven to bake. At the end, he treats the women to various drinks and sweets and each woman makes her own wish. They embroidered a pie for the best man and two or three others for the wedding table
The Embroidered pies are a delicious and beautiful addition to any wedding banquet, and a meaningful way to honor Greek culinary traditions and the importance of food in celebrations.
The decision to bring a dog into your life is an exciting one, but it's crucial to consider the source of your new furry friend. In this article, we aim to raise awarenessabouttheimportanceofadoptingdogsfromshelterslikeDASHin Messiniratherthanbuyingthemfrombreeders.Choosingadoptioncansave lives, promote responsible pet ownership, and contribute to reducing the numberofhomelessanimals.
One of the most compelling reasons to adopt a dog is the opportunity to save a life. Shelters and rescue organizations are often overwhelmed with abandonedandhomelessdogs.Byadopting,youprovidealovinghomefor an animal in need, giving them a second chance at a happy life. Moreover, adoptingadoghelpsreducetheproblemofpetoverpopulation.Everyyear, millions of dogs are euthanized due to overcrowded shelters, and by adopting,youbecomepartofthesolution.

Choosing adoption over purchasing from breeders sends a powerful message against unethical breeding practices. Many breeders prioritize profit over the welfare of the animals, leading to overbreeding, genetic health issues, and inadequate living conditions. By adopting, you reject these practices and support the ethical treatment of animals. Additionally, adopting a shelter dog contributes to the ongoing efforts to end puppy mills, which are notorious for their cruel treatment of dogs bred forprofit.

Adopting a dog comes with a responsibility to provide proper care, attention, and a forever home. Shelters and rescue organizations typically conduct thorough screening processes to ensure that potential adopters are capable of meeting a dog's needs. This helps promote responsible pet ownership by matching individuals or families with the right companion for their lifestyle and ensuring a good fit. Additionally, many shelter dogs come already spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and microchipped, saving adopters time and money on these essential procedures.

In conclusion, adopting a dog from a shelter or rescue organization is a compassionate and responsible choice. It saves lives, reduces pet overpopulation, promotes responsible pet ownership, and supports ethical treatment of animals. By raising awareness about the benefits of adoption,wecaninspiremorepeople to make a positive impact on the livesofdogsinneed.Wetrulysuggest you to check DASH Rescue websites if youwanttoadoptonedog.


Exploring the Graphic Artistry of Galician Artist Casteleao Casteleao (1886-1950), a renowned Galician artist, has made significant contributions to the world of graphic art through his captivating and thought-provoking creations. His unique style blends traditional techniques with modern aesthetics, resulting in visually stunning and intellectually engaging artwork

Casteleao's graphic art is characterized by its ability to tell captivating stories His intricate compositions often feature a harmonious interplay of vibrant colors, striking imagery, and meticulous details. Each piece invites viewers into a visually immersive world, where they can explore the layers of meaning embedded within Whether it's a thought-provoking social commentary or a whimsical depiction of everyday life, Casteleao's art leaves a lasting impression.
One of the distinguishing aspects of Casteleao's art is his masterful fusion of traditional and modern techniques. He skillfully incorporates elements of Galician folklore and mythology, infusing them with contemporary visual language Through a combination of hand-drawn illustrations and experimental printing techniques, he creates a harmonious balance between the past and the present. This synthesis of old and new lends a timeless quality to his artwork, bridging the gap between tradition and innovation

Casteleao's art often serves as a celebration of Galician identity and culture. He frequently incorporates symbols, landscapes, and historical references that resonate with the people of Galicia. By capturing the essence of the region's rich heritage, he creates a sense of pride and connection among viewers His work acts as a visual homage to the traditions and stories that define Galicia, fostering a deeper appreciation for its cultural roots His graphic artistry showcases his ability to merge captivating narratives, blend traditional and modern techniques, and celebrate Galician identity, leaving an indelible mark on the art world


Tom Deininger is a renowned contemporary artist whose work stands out for his unique approach to the art of upcycling. By using a variety of recycled materials, Deininger creates astonishing artworks that push the boundaries of creativity. In this article, we will explore Tom Deininger's talent and impact, uncovering his artistic process, inspirations, and the messages he aims to convey through his art
Tom Deininger's Artistic Vision: Tom Deininger is passionate about transforming reclaimed materials into striking works of art. He sees artistic potential in everyday objects and waste that most people consider worthless. His goal is to breathe new life into these materials, reinventing them with renewed meaning and beauty.
The Creative Process:Deininger's artistic process is a blend of creativity, patience, and meticulousness He collects discarded materials such as pieces of wood, broken toys, shards of glass, and various found objects Using cutting, collage, and sculpting techniques, he assembles these disparate elements to create incredible compositions and richly textured artworks
Inspirations and Messages: Tom Deininger's art is often inspired by nature, popular culture, and social themes. His works captivate the viewer with vibrant colors, dynamic forms, and varied textures. They invite viewers to become aware of the beauty that can emanate from reclaimed materials and reflect on consumer society and the impact of our choices on the environment




For every creation of a cinema movie, there are 6 important steps from the writing to the archives of the film.


The writing of a scenario, the story, the characters, till the final script, with intentional note and pitch of the story for any production society that could be interested in producing the movie

Once the movie is in the production process, there is the pre-production, meaning the preparation for shooting the movie !
The main part for the viewers, the shooting ! The time to work on set, to film, and truly give life to ideas
The postproduction have to be prepared as much as possible to make this step the easiest It’s the time to put all the shots together, work on the image, colors, the sound, the music of the movie it’s the montage !
Before the movie ends up in archives are the distribution : the final product of the movie is selled to cinema, streaming company
The diffusion starts, the movie is released for the world to watch it !
Nowadays, with increasing technologies and its power, anyone can make a film with a phone. The hardest parts are the preproduction, production and postproduction, so here is a little guide for you !

To prepare the shooting the best way, some documents are essential. The technical breakdown : before filming, you need to know what and how you want to film the story Scene by scene, decide on all the shots you plan to make, what you need to shot these : this document will be your best friend during the shooting.
2 persons eat, sitting in the kitchen, talking Wide shot
2 3
Close shot
Person 1 gets up
Sound of eating, forks in the plate
Sound of the chair
Person 1 leave the room and goes outside
Sound of the steps
Once you have this, you can estimate the time you need to shoot everything, and prepare the planning based on everyone's schedule ! Don’t forget to check the weather if you shoot outside
With this, you need to prepare a document with the list of everything you need to have on your improvised set, if you need specific objects, here for example, you need the food and plate and forks !
You are now ready to film !
You can ask your friends to play the characters or help you on set, as you will need someone to record the sound, someone to film, someone to help manage the time You can even ask friends for help with the makeup and dressing of your actors ! Take your phone, REC and action !
In recent years, climate change has had a great impact on our lives, such as the change from the exclusive use of gasoline to more natural resources such as wind, water or sun The transition of generation has highlighted this desire to save the environment that surrounds us every day and accompanies us throughout life. There are many sectors that have now changed their approach and use more environmentally sustainable ways, and why does tourism have to follow this change?
The change has already begun, so why not adapt to safeguard the planet and all the beauties it has to offer? We can also follow some simple tips to help our planet.

How can we travel and be green at the same time? 01

Means of transport
Who has never used their car to go on vacation? I think a little bit all at least once in my life. But for when it can be comfortable (sometimes) it doesn't help our environment much Obviously if you are in the middle of a desert or in a jungle, the car is needed. But in big cities, in seaside areas or some areas of the mountain we can avoid them. Moving by bike or on foot is perhaps the most sustainable way to move from one point to another, certainly with a bit of effort, but very often fulfilling to get to know new places or new views in the cities but also to digest better after a hearty lunch
If in case we are too tired or we have a very distant station, the use of public transport can be an excellent substitute for safeguarding the environment, trains and coaches are excellent means of transport, they can give much more satisfaction than the car, such as admiring the landscape outside without worries, very often they are even more economical than a car, or just to remove the anxiety of finding a free parking 24h on 24h
02 Housing

This sector is also evolving more and more, and why not appreciate their commitment by going to stay in these places that respect the environment, starting with the simplest things such as differentiated harvesting, being plastic-free, using products grown at km0 in their kitchens, or even installations for collecting light to obtain energy. In a few seconds thanks to the Internet we can have all the information we need to make the right choices for our future holidays, there are many sites that offer eco-friendly accommodation, just lend a little more interest in research and that's it Let's avoid multinational resorts and throw ourselves into ecolodge, in the middle of nature or in ancient villages. Maybe we can also enjoy the best breakfasts of our lives You just have to try
Very useful items to be green
Now when we travel, we always have our backpack with our personal belongings inside, but also plastic bottles, paper or useless stuff
The water bottles
They are very comfortable, very often more capacious than a plastic bottle, more coloring and personalizable, and very often cheaper, just look for a source of drinking water and you ' re done I can be of any form and they make their figure in the backpack, of course every so often it causes a lot of noise, but for the environment this and more.
The canvas bag

We also follow fashion trends, in addition to helping our planet, they are very comfortable, super colorful, of all sizes for any purpose, and super stylish. Their versatility makes them one of the most used bags in recent years,. Let's move on to reusable bags during our travels, and not plastic bags that take up to 500 years to degrade.
So now that we know a few things we can pay more attention to,
Have a nice trip, have fun and be green !

DuringourmissioninGreecewediscovered two remarkable destinations: Kardamyli andPylos. Both places offered us a unique experience, combining tranquility, charm andrichhistory.
OurfirststopwasKardamyli,apicturesque coastaltown.Fromthemomentwearrived, we were captivated by the natural beauty that surrounds it. The majestic mountains and crystal clear waters of the Gulf of Messiniacreateabreathtakinglandscape

Every street corner offered a new perspective, and we were amazedbythetranquilitythatreignedinthiscity.Thebeaches werepeacefulhavenswherewecouldrelaxandenjoytheGreek sun
What makes Kardamyli even more special is its cultural heritage. Walking through the streets of the old town, we discovered traditional stone houses and charming churches Theatmosphereofthistowniswarmandwelcoming.


AfterenjoyingthetranquilityofKardamyli,wecontinuedourjourneytoPylos, acityrichinhistory. There we were attracted by the fortress of Pylos, a real architectural treasure As we climbed the hill to the top of the fortress, we were rewarded with a breathtaking view of the bay of Navarin. It was like traveling back in time, as the fortress has witnessed many historical events. We could imagine the battles that took place there and feel the importance ofthisplaceinthehistoryofGreece
In conclusion, this trip as a volunteer in Greece led us to discover two exceptional jewels: Kardamyli and Pylos. The tranquility and charm of Kardamyliofferedusapeacefulrefuge,whilethefortressofPylostransported usintoaworldofcaptivatinghistory.Thesetwodestinationsareworthvisiting ifyouarepassingthroughthePeloponnese
The volunteers responsible for this publication are hosted in Greece in the framework of the European Solidarity Corps program of the European Commission. This project has been fundedwithsupportfromtheEuropeanCommission.TheEuropeanCommission'ssupportfor theproductionofthispublicationdoesnotconstituteanendorsementofthecontents,which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission can't be responsible for any use whichmaybemadeoftheinformationcontainedtherein.