Aquacide Products - Most Commonly Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions Q: Will these products harm fish? A: Read Cutrine-Plus and Hydrothol 191 Granular labels carefully regarding fish cautions. Fish are generally at greatest risk from oxygen depletion resulting from rapid decay of dead vegetation.

Q: When should I apply aquatic herbicides? A: As a general rule, these products should be applied when weeds are actively growing. Controlling aquatic weeds usually requires more effort as the season progresses and weeds become well established. As weeds mature, growth slows and systemic herbicides become less efficient. Mature weeds may hinder access to the treatment site and when treatment is done, a greater amount of dead vegetation will result.

Q: How long will a treatment last? A: The length of control will depend on the product used, weed(s) treated and local conditions. Systemic herbicides will provide longer term results than contact herbicides. Slow growing weeds will take longer to re-develop than rapidly growing weeds. Treating an entire body of water will provide longer term control than treating a small section of a larger body of water.

Q: Why both granular and liquid products? A: Granular products are used to control bottom growing or rooted weeds and algae. Liquid products are used to control weeds and algae which are at or near the surface or have easily accessible foliage. In many cases either form may be used successfully.

Q: What water temperature is best? A: Generally chemicals will be more highly active and effective at warmer temperatures. Warm temperatures also help insure active weed growth which is necessary for best results. If a specific temperature is recommended for use it will be specified on the product label.

Q: Is mud a problem? A: The effectiveness of chemical control is reduced in muddy or turbid waters. Liquid herbicides are not absorbed well by mud covered foliage. Clay, silt or mud will reduce the effectiveness of granular or pelletized herbicides. Aquaclear Pellets or ClearPond will help solve these problems.


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