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Pages Hydrilla & Other Invasive Lake Weeds could be Outlawed. About Us
Published by Jamie Markoe on November 14, 2013 0 Comments
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Yates County legislators want to hear from the public about the potential for a local law to prevent the spread of invasive, non-native species into the waterways of the county. PHOTO/ Robert L. Johnson Hydrilla is an aggressive invasive species that can grow up to a foot a day, say experts. The Yates County Legislature will not vote on a proposed local law intended to prevent the introduction and movement of aquatic invasive species in Yates County waters during their April 8 meeting as previously planned because additional work needs to be done on the draft law, explains District III Legislator Dan Banach of Milo, who is chairman of the Public Works Committee. A public hearing on the proposed law will still be held at the beginning of the 1 p.m. meeting Monday. Although some non-native invasive species have already found their way into the local lakes and waterways, the proposed law was spawned by increased concerns over the spread of hydrilla, an aggressive water weed that has gotten a foothold in the Cayuga Lake Inlet. The law's intent is to protect the ecology of the navigable water bodies in the county by preventing the introduction of the invasive species. James Balyszak, who is the Ithaca-based Hydrilla Program Manager through Cornell Cooperative Extension, says at this time the hydrilla infestation is limited to the Cayuga Inlet. Contact us!