Kongoan through a timescape
Space ia a bare physical occurrence until it is rendered liveable. Once it becomes inhabited, all the relations affecting the people on social, economic and religious grounds in their daily lives, along with the natural topography of that region, become key factors that define its spatial quality. More often than not, these factors transform wth time thus creating unique networks which become our guides in understanding the structure and system of that place. It is in this study where the core of design lies. To fathom the existing in its entirety, in its rich inherit, formal and ethereal quality, lies the crux of our visit to kongoan.The kongaon region along the edge of Ulhas River in bhiwandi is characterised by variety of distinctive features, however nothing in particular. Unintentionally we happen to mark these few objects on site which informed us about the place and its nitty grit ties. Beginning with the historic features like the chimneys and remains of the brick
kilns , few small scale works like ship repair units and the paver block making unit. In a more or less self-contained condition, the inhabitants of this area have developed a sustainable lifestyle for themselves this is evident by the presence of a large number of tabelas and other cattle sheds .On the whole the place does not hold anything peculiar and is filled with a number of activities .Within this montage of seemingly disconnected objects are a band of distant small up-coming buildings, which speaks of the impending collapse of this system. This area is to be developed under an MMRDA scheme, and will soon see a large commercial residential complex, forming the silhouette of the river edge. If this scheme were to be implemented as stated, the land is to be filled to a height of 20ft and used, thereby destroying a number of livelihoods.
The current conditions will change; for the better or worse is undecided. The proposal made by the MMRDA is inevitable, and to an extent, unavoidable owing to the growing populace and the need for development. However, we believe, their response to the river edge is that of denial. By raising the ground to a good 20 ft, they are raising the back to the river, therefore in our proposal we aim to treat the river edge wisely and at the same time create a response to the township as well. We intend to preserve the essence of the place by redefining the various existing activities to suit the imagined urban fabric. We imagine the river edge to be interface between the township and the water. This interface will be dotted with programmes to suit both sides, for example a jetty service to develop water ways as well as provide goods to benefit the township.
; urban farming to ensure that the farmers do not lose their present skill set and a union market to supplement both, them and the upcoming township, etc. In the present condition, the farmers prefer selling off farmlands to gain immediate profit as they complain of flooding issues. It is ground realities like this that prompted us to want to preserve this occupation at the same time address these issues, while acknowledging the MMRDA’s tabula rasa future. Our intentions are not to romanticise the existing fabric nor glorify the upcoming township. It is more to create a series of plug-ins which become a mediator between these two distinct edges, thereby giving a form to this negotiated space.
In order to do so, we propose an elaborate investigation of various network of connections (physical or otherwise) of the existing conditions of the site like prominent pedestrian paths, transport routes, open spaces and essential landmarks, in order to inform our programmes so that they appear less alien to the inhabitants of this place. Grounded in realities and giving scope for a dream-like-development; somewhere between this dichotomy lies our proposal for the future of Kongaon.
Since the bricks produced by the brick kilns are not in a large quantum and the demands of the township are likely to be met elsewhere, we propose an alternative use for the bricks/ kiln. We propose that the bricks are used to generate a recreational space, like a brick garden maybe, and rather than revive the kiln to its fullest as a producer, we revive it as a collector.
With the chimney becoming a monument in the landscape and serving no purpose, we presume to see its destruction. As it has served as an important marker in the past, we intend to preserve it as marker in the future as well. It serves as an identity now; we choose to extrpolate that thought and make it a vantage point from which the entire region can be surveyed, thereby still remaining a key feature, standing tall.
the arrival of the township (which is going to be built over farmlands) will see the farmers and the practice of farming becoming obsolete. the farmers will give up their lands in order to gain flats/ money but in turn lose an occupational skill. We propose urban farming inserts which will help prevent that skill set, as well as generate produce for the township. Thereby giving an alternative to an agrarian based region, as opposed to complete loss of job-skill.
The go-down currently is poorly maintained and lacks space. Its degrading quality will prevent people from further using the space to its optimum and eventually, might be reduced to being a hub for anti-social gathering space; owing to its secluded nature. We recognise the need for storage, due to the growing small scale industries and therefore we propose an expansion in the current storage facility, only more formal and institutional in nature.
The presence of boats and transfer hapening across the banks of the river indicated a possibility for the revival of a full-fledged system of water-transport. therefore, we proposed a jetty service, where kongaon would then become a port, serving as a catalyst to a larger port service, industrial in nature, starting right from vasai.
The tabelas will nearly see riddance in the upcoming scheme of the township. With them being reduced to thrive in the periphery, they will eventually die down. We propose milk booths and which occupies less space and becomes as acessible to people as the tabela.