Kompanero- Brand Study

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KOMPANERO started out as a range of leather bags with a distinctive weathered look, vintage appeal and a contemporary design inspired by the concept ‘Leather is a Timeless Companion’. The KOMPANERO brand was born with the idea of creating timeless accessories that leave no shred of doubt in the mind of the observer that these bags are high quality leather. Since the time this idea was conceived, our design research team has worked extensively to create these unique inimitable looks and finishes. The result is a KOMPANERO look that cannot be replicated using cheap synthetic materials. In fact, none of our products come with a “Genuine Leather” stamp because they simply do not need it. Anybody seeing or touching a KOMPANERO will

rest assured that such beautiful and exquisite bags can only be created out of leather. Each KOMPANERO bag is handcrafted and piece-dyed. They are then individually distressed. Each of them is unique. One of a kind. Even the term ‘limited edition’ would seem a misfit. These bags are individualistic in style. A statement by themselves and a statement for its owner. Global in its fashion sensibilities. It is of little surprise then that Australia, Germany, the UK, Italy, Spain and several fashion-forward markets have given KOMPANERO bags a rousing response.

A S G L E AT H E R KOMPANERO is a brand of ASG Leather Pvt. Ltd that was established in 1999 as one of India’s most reputed manufacturers and exporters of exquisite leather bags, briefcases, and small leather goods. Having created a benchmark for the highest standards of quality and design excellence, the company’s focus markets now include Australia, America, Canada and Europe, where ASG is the preferred sourcing partner for cover story brands. ASG Leather has two modern factories and a state-of-the-art process house with production lines from Germany and Italy. Suppliers to some of the famous brand names in the world, ASG Leather exports to major leather product importing countries in Europe like Spain, Germany, Greece, Italy, Denmark etc. and to Australia, USA and Canada. With top-of-the-line manufacturing facilities spread over more than 50,000 Sq ft of floor area at the New Leather Complex in Kolkata.

PIECE DYING Each KOMPANERO bag is individually piece-dyed. ASG Leather follows the method of piece-dyeing its products as the process is environment-friendly and sustainable. Piece-dyeing limits or negates the need for stocking large amounts of inventory, reduces wastage of leather as well as water. Instead of tanning whole sheets of leather, ASG Leather only dyes the exact amount of leather needed piece by piece instead of tanning whole sheets, thus eliminating the need for any wastage of inventory. ASG Leather’s re-engineered raw material processing has been able to increase the cutting yield leading to lesser wastage. In addition, the new dyeing technique incorporates and conceals the natural surface defects of the leather better than traditional dyeing. Piece-dyeing also leads to much lesser effluent and pollutants as compared to traditional dyeing. Through this breakthrough technique, ASG Leather’s usable leather yield has increased by around 20%. In other words, it results in saving over 20,000 sq ft of leather every month without affecting production output. It is ASG Leather’s constant effort to align its actions toward a more sustainable environment and future. As each piece is individually dyed the colours will vary in shades and tones giving it an aged, unique vintage appeal. Hide skin markings and textures are also preserved as a natural by-product of this technique. It doesn’t get any closer to nature than this – and that’s the point!

S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y PLASTIC - FREE WORLD They are truly averse to synthetic materials, and believe that plastic, PU and all other synthetic materials are leading us towards sure doom and the world would really do much better without synthetics. Hence the efforts are always geared towards the use of natural materials wherever possible and that is reflected in all aspects of our design whether it be the products or the packaging or auxiliary materials. OUR LEATHER 90% of our leather is Vegetable tanned in their tanneries where they follow the best ethical practices. OUR PACKAGING They wrap our leather goods in cloth dust bags for you to take home. They use beautiful bio degradable cloth dust bags that are made of breathable fabric, which not only extends the leather product’s life (protection from color transfer, sun exposure, excel moisture etc.)but enhances its beauty as well. And hey, they naturally dissolve within our lifetime too! The cloth dust bags, made of cotton, are the best alternative to plastic or paper since they are reusable and eco-friendly. NATURAL INSIDE AND OUT Their philosophy is to be all natural. Not only is the exteriors of the products pure leather, even the interior linings are made of cotton, thus reaffirming our commitment to nature and the environment. Plus, it feels lovely and soft too.

SOCIAL RESPINSIBILITY The company works closely with a local community of visually and auditory challenged destitute girls (school and hostel venture funded by Ramakrishna Mission). While many of them complete schooling and move on with their lives, a lot of them stay back in the hostels without jobs as they are not equipped to operate independently in the world. They have recently set up a handcraft unit there to provide employment to these destitute girls where our team trains them on handcraft techniques such as weave, spiral patterns used on many of the bags thereby providing some means of self-dignity, financial independence and enthusiasm for future life. They are rapidly increasing more and more opportunities for them as an effort to empower and grow their craftsmanship with the greatest possible degree of independence, autonomy, and participation. Apart from this, every year 1% of Kompanero annual sales goes towards these girls. With every Kompanero purchase you will also be contributing to our mission to make the world a better place for them.


BUYER’S PERSPECTIVE LOCATION: The ‘Kompanero’ store in the Seawood Grand

AT M O S P HE R E & E NV IR O NME NT: The customers feel the

Central Mall, Seawoods, Navi Mumbai is on the second floor, at

store have rough and rugged vibes. The entire ambience of the

the corner, around a few other fashion brands. The store sells ac-

store communicates the brand identity perfectly. It has rough

cessories like leather bags and wallets, and has an ‘AND’ store

unfinished wooden shelves and cement like textures on the wall.

next to it.

The lighting and the merchandise project that the brand is very contemporary.

FAC AD E: The outer part of the store is decorated with wood painted in dark green and dark blue, which catches the passer-

C O N E O F V IS IO N: As this is a corner store, customers can

by’s attention. As the store has no closed display windows or

enter from two adjacent doorways. so they can view the whole

glass barriers, customers find it very easy to look at all the prod-

store from outside only. There is a big pillar which basically di-

ucts without entering the store. A few customers felt that this

vides the entrance into two. They have various shelves on the

also makes the entrance quite big and welcoming.

pillar which are used as display for bags, wallets etc. The cash counter is only partly visible as it is obstructed by the pillar.

OV ERALL DEC OR: The decor is mainly made up of wood and metal. The wall behind the counter is concrete and shows

L AY O U T & CIR CULAT IO N: The store has an almost perfect

exposed brick masonry. The brand outlet has a very rugged,

square shape to it. This helps the customers to view all the prod-

cowboy, wild western style to it, which as a result attracts more

ucts in one go. They have clearly segregated all the merchan-

youngsters than old or retired people.

dise according to utility. The shoes and other new launches are displayed on one side of the pillar. At the far end of the store,

BUYER’S PERSPECTIVE they display the ‘on sale’/ discounted merchandise. People tend

felt these were quite different from the usual fixtures you spot

to purchase these products more as are quality products and are

in the clothing and accessories stores. Some also added that it

available at a cheaper rate.

was synchronised with the raw and earthy vibe of the store. The

SIG NAGES & GRA PH I C S: The brand uses product labels and styled images on the walls for increasing sales. Few labels said “timeless companion” projecting the longevity of the products. The aren’t much graphic signages except the image of the product along with the model near the entrance attracts attention. LIG HTS : The lighting in the store has a daylight feel to it. It makes the brown and tan leather of the products very appealing to the eye. The customers also felt the shelves with lights provided a bright light on the merchandise. FIX T URES & PRO PS: Some of the consumers liked the wooden and metal racks, the wooden cart, the independent bag stand, metal hooks on the walls as display fixtures. They

store also has an oval floor mirror for people to the check the look of the product on them. There was also a cycle and chests with products on them. Few of the customers enjoyed using the cycle as a selfie background. S E RV I C E :The staff members have a deep understanding about the product and they let the customers roam around free in the store. They also are ready to assist and patiently explain about the products and its aftercare. The only disadvantage the consumers felt was that store was at the corner, towards the far end of the mall and as result people miss it in hurry. The store was not in a prime location(near gates, elevator and lift), so many don’t spot it easily.




• But the down side to its location towards the very end corner

• The outlet is located in a small corner on the second floor in

of the mall .They would give it a glance, peak inside but not es-

the Seawoods Grand central Mall, and covers about 700 square

sentially make a purchase.

feet of area, 600 square feet of which is used as retail space. • When I enquired about the store’s location the staff, they re• It is surrounded by various fashion brands, which is a benefit

sponded that it was due to the budget that they had that par-

as the brand deals in leather bags and wallets, and shoes which

ticular spot in the first place. They also mentioned they weren’t

add to a consumer’s shopping experience in terms of accesso-

given a prime location as the brand is fairly new and not known


to many.

DESIGNER’S PERSPECTIVE FAC AD E: • Kompanero outlet is a cornerstone, it has two open sides that are used a entrances. The first side has a photograph/ graphic on the right side and a huge pillar and the other side has a live sized easel in the left corner that displays the ‘Sale’ infographic and a cycle on the opposite corner, that is merely used as a prop. • This facade gives a clear view of the store as it shows the main wall and the displayed merchandise on it. • The brand name “Kompanero” and the logo is having a back white light. The dark wooden panel that resembles a walnut like finish, right at the top. Next to this are wall mounted vintage lights which resembles the 1960’s street lamps. • The colours used are green and brown. The wooden planks are used to give a rough and rugged look. However the colour is too bright and the paint layers are too thin. Had they maintained the wooden appearance like the one underneath the brand name would have served the purpose better.

DESIGNER’S PERSPECTIVE OV ERALL BRA ND & ENVI RONME N T: • The store focuses on the leather merchandise. They have kept the decor quite basic, inspired by a 1960’s Wild West cowboy aesthetic- like a roadside bar or a saloon in a Quentin Tarantino movie, with a very heavy countryside feel. • They have used interesting fixtures like chests and metal strollers to display products. The blue and green paint doesn’t have a smooth finish, which reduces the overall impact. • Another distinctive feature about the decor is the exposed raw brick wall behind the cashier’s desk which is works parallel to the whole 1960’s vibe. • The rest leftover walls are grey and looks rough. The grey offers a very good contrast but the cemented walls have a more modern look to them. • The blue is mainly used in signages. The shades used are too bright and saturated which is why they steal attention from the merchandise.

DESIGNER’S PERSPECTIVE CONE OF VISI ON: •There are two main cone visions because of the entrances. The first one has wider space, with less obstruction. The bicycle on the right look like they are protruding from the wall because as it is partially hidden by the pillar. • The tyres on the other side also obstruct the view of the merchandise. The easel on the left displaying ‘sale’ makes the corner look cramped. • The other cone of is at the other entrance. This one has a big pillar on the light which is a big obstruction and prevents us from seeing the cash counter. This entrance is also smaller in width, hence the presence pillar and the fence, gives a very cluttered look. •Given that they are displaying shoes on the pillar, one can easily be misleads so as to the type of products that are available in the store.

DESIGNER’S PERSPECTIVE LAYOUT & CIRC U L AT I O N: •The store is a perfect square and with two entrances. So from whichever way you enter one views all the merchandise. • The customers visiting move move in a loop like fashion and are exposed to maximum variety of merchandise. • The signages are important, but give the small space the idea seems redundant.

DESIGNER’S PERSPECTIVE M E RCHENDI SE PL A C EM ENT: • According the to staff members they circulate the merchandise every few weeks to promote sales. •Their wallets are placed in two different areas. One on side of the pillar and the second on the either sides of the cashiers desk and they are the most fastest selling products. •The shoes are displayed on the pillar facing the public. They can easily mislead the public that the store is very costly as the shoes are sold on the price that is double the amount of any other product. And bags are displayed on the shelves.

DESIGNER’S PERSPECTIVE LIG HTS : • The rough feeling gets highlighted by the usage of yellow light and accent pieces. • The cabinet lights provide a good look and feel to the larger merchandises. • The strategic placement of swivel lights around the beam creates a trellis. Here the wiring of the lights is easily visible, whether this was intentional or a careless act its is open to interpretation. • Like many other store the outlet uses downlighter to display the product.

DESIGNER’S PERSPECTIVE SIG NAGES & GRA PH I C S: • As this is a small store, there is not much need for directional signages. • They had a few product labels one the walls. These are engaging, but they can be improved in terms of fonts and colours. • The store has almost zero graphic pieces, maintaining the raw and rough feel except one photograph which can be found at the entrance of the store, featuring a product shoot. • This single piece strongly communicate the consumer profile and merchandise in a single image. • A few message boards with texts such as “timeless companion” communicates the brand identity.

DESIGNER’S PERSPECTIVE IN TERACTIVI T Y & FU NC T I ONA L I T Y: • The “Timeless companion” signage communicates the longevity and sturdiness to its customers. • The pillar at the centre of the store is a major obstruction. Even thought the store tries it’s best incorporate it into their design. The pillar acts as an eraser would do if it was kept before the ant. • People can easily use one of the entrances as entry points and exits from the other and have a look through the whole store in one go. SE RVICE: • The staff member were gave me enough freedom through the merchandise but politely asked me to refrain from clicking images. • They were very aware of the merchandise, the manufacturing process and materials used. They answered any question I had, quite patiently.


CHANGES FOR PROMOTIONAL EVENT • For this event our main focus is to create awareness that our product comes from plants and no animals were even touched to manufacture the products.Since the brand is a fairly new this event will help in promoting the company in future. • For this we are changing the graphics and signages according to the event that is ‘Dreaming of Green’, which will be held on environment day i.e. 5th June. • Customers will get a free keychain on every purchase. •The brickwall behind the cashier’s desk has a few cavities, where few small products like wallets will be placed. The customers can pull out and purchase these on discounted price. The action of pulling out the merchendise, from the wall is a metaphor saying the leather comes from earth. •There will also be plants in soils made out off the companies’s signature leather, these also metaphorically say the leather comes from plants. •The is also a solid version of the environment day symbol, hand craddling the earth, made with our signature leather, symbolising the company’s practices for sustainability.

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