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Foundations of Design : Representation, Sem 1, 2017 Kanyanut Duangna 915985 Studio 10 - Anneke Prins

MEASURED DRAWING OF A CROISSANT How to measure a Croissant?

To begin this project, suitable photos of a croissant at the right view were well taken. Afterward, a hand drawing of an orthographic projection of croissant was created accord to the use of hatching and shading techniques. Then, the section drawings were used to set up the grids while the plan drawing rotated at 45 degree became a base for an axonometric drawing. Nevertheless, the appropriate use of drawing equipment and photoshop were also introduced in this task.


Orthographic Projection: An orthographic drawing of a croissant shaded and hatched by graphite pencils and fine linepen. It illustrates the three elevations of the croissant and three section profiles.


Axonometric Projection: An axonometric drawing of a croissant showing construction line with light drawn grid. The final drawing is then done by fineline pen.



The making of new Mario world. My new Mario world is in the original concept as in the overall colour tone and the shape of the building. The characters and game objects are deliberately chosen. Both hand and digital illustrations are carefully drawn in axonometric projection with appropriated line weight. Moreover, the new spaces that cannot be seen in the original level, is highly considered in exploration and developed in 3 dimensionality. It evolves with an underground level. More levels and some characters are added to communicate the new Mario World. As well as the thickness of each building and the different the ground level are effectively constructed.


Constructing. Rotate the paper at 45 degrees then contruct the fisrt Mario world.

Combining. Designing how the first world would meet the second world. Then construct them with the consideration of the shape of

Hand drawing: A hand drawing of two combined Mario’s world done by different weight of fineline pens

Finishing. Finalise with the depht of blocks and the depth of ground level. Adding extra characters and coins.



The making of new landscape This model is made with its aim to break from one repeated 2D pattern, simplicity and symmetry. Likewise, each base of 3D pattern is developed from 2D pattern. The main pattern is involved with triangular shape. The location of 3d patterns between each side of the diagonal seem symmetrical, in fact they are not for the purpose of more complex appearance. Also, instead of a rectangular base for 3d pattern, I corporate 2 triangles and one rectangle in a square. The digital design created using Rhino paneling tool is carefully built and unrolled. The line weight is thin that it can hardly be seen. Therefore, the physical model is successfully built. Each section is cut and assembled neatly.


Closed up: A closed up shot of a physical model displaying both 2D and 3D pattern


Original Terrian: Network of 2D pattern on the given terrain. The 2D pattarn mainly consists of triangles at different sizes.

Modules: There are 5 dominant modules built for 3D pattern. These modules are developed from 2D pattern.

3D Pattern: The entire 3D pattern made from 5 modules placed on the given terrain as they are attracted to a diagonal line.

Final design: A combination of selected 2D and 3D pattern on the terrain for the final design.



Cities & Eyes 2 : Zemrude According to the story, the city is interpreted into two dominant situations. The first scene presents lively tourists newly enter to the city where everything seems new and exciting to them, particularly over a fountain as a main object. Contrastingly, the second scene displays people who start gazing down and digging along the drainpipes. It also comprises wastepaper, the manhole covers, the fish scales and the gutters as stated in the story.

Therefore, the perspective views for both scenes are completely opposite. The first is from a bottom view as it is seen from excited tourists while the second one is viewed from a top view as a depressed person looking on the ground.

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People: Bigger circles indicate more people

Regular step Slow step

However, both scenes deliberately have some common elements to illustrate that they are in the same city, yet, their circumstances make them see things differently.

Stare Glance Gloomy atmoshpere Lively atmosphere Life/ spiritual object: The one with more rings indicate more effective spiritual objects


Perspective 1: This scene emphasises a view from the act of looking up. It contains elements such as a magnificent fountain, flowers, floral texture and beautiful windows. It is created by Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.


Perspective 2: Contrastingly, the scene highlights the act of looking down. It contains elements such as a dead tree, a bunch of waste paper, manhole covers, drainpipe and depressed people to build up gloomy atmosphere. It is also created by Adobe photoshop and Illustrator.


REFLECTION The lectures introduced me to modules and gave me a fundamental understanding of what I would be facing. The reading then directed to further knowledge which helped solving the problem. The workshops and studios were even more significant in term of deriving to the final answer of design.

For module 3, the time management played a huge factor because the more time spent in making the model, the neater it would be. Fortunately, I managed to make it on time with few mistakes. The digital model was well designed by Rhino panelling tool and possible to make into the physical model. The 2D and 3D patterns worked well together and were not so repetitive.

For the initial module, I was introduced to the orthographic projection and the axonometric projection. I learnt how to use different darkness of the pencil for the different line weight in order to do the right shading and hatching. Moreover, I was also taught to create my own website therefore I could collect my own work through out the semester and later in future. However, my module 1 was not fully successful because I was new to the use of the line weight so the outcome of the croissant did not appear aesthetically.

Last module was about creating perspective according to the story, ‘The Cities and Eyes: Zemrude’. This one could be said as one of the challenging tasks. Because as I was at the last stage photoshoping the objects in to fit the scene and something went wrong, I had to go back to Rhino and fix everything there all over again. As a result, this module was not entirely successful since some elements were not cohesive and collaging well. Yet, my isometric was well arranged and able to tell the story. For later in future, I should be more organised and thoughtful in selecting the high-quality images from the start. As well as, I should be patient and spending more time in photoshop.

Module 2 , I was guided to construct further axonometric projections from the 2 given Mario worlds. This one, I needed to take a consideration of the shape of the building and all the hidden parts then joined with the second world. The whole point about this task was imagination. Therefore, I added a ground level for my Mario Word as it could not be seen from the given pictures. Also, I managed to practice and get myself to understand more about the use of line weight. Thus, it was improved for both hand drawing and the digital work.

Overall, the works were created at a high standard, yet the creativity and photoshop skill could still be developed. Few amendments I made here were the M3 model that I fixed some parts and some images were re-photoshoped so they would be illustrated well in this portfolio. 13

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