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Foundations of Design : REPRESENTATION, SEM1, 2017 M4 JOURNAL - FRAME vs FIELD

KANYANUT DUANGNA (915985) Anneke Prins + Studio 10



Question 1: What are Durer’s rules for perspectival projection? (Maximum 100 words) He imagines the picture in relation to the ‘window’. It comprises a planar cross section line through a so called visual pyramid that has the apex as the eye of the picture plane, meaning all orthogonal lines meet at the vanishing point. Then the vanishing point is connected with the individual points. The visual rays determine the apparent position the corresponding points in the image. Afterward, he needs to draw the entire system in plan and elevation to determine the figure appearing in the intersecting surface. Lastly, combining these value on third drawing.

Question 2: Describe homogeneous space? (Maximum 100 words)

Homogeneous space is in uniform in composition. All its elements which are joined in it, are mere determinations of position, possessing no independent content of their own. It is possible for elements to be drawn in all direction within the space and having relation to each other.



From the story, the city can then be divided into two different scenes. The first scene will mainly contain positive objects and characters in a lively atmosphere. It will symbolise the people who are new to the city and excited to see new things and keep looking upward. As the time goes by, they start to gaze down and dig along the street in a quite gloomy atmosphere. This is where the second scene will capture. However, constructions in the city will remain the same, just being seen differently from contrast perspective views.







Old Quad model from South- East isometric view



Key People: Bigger circles indicate more people Regular step Slow step Stare Glance





Old Quad model from South- East isometric view with notations. It comprises with a total set of 8 keys. The first perspective view is in a top North-West corner where lively situation happening there. On the other hand, the second perspective view is set in a South-east corner which mainly presents gloomy elements.

Gloomy atmoshpere Lively atmosphere Life/ spiritual object: The one with more rings indicate more effective spiritual objects


QUAD PERSPECTIVE 1 + 2 The scene is viewed from the bottom of Nort-West corner. According to the story, the act of looking up is emphasized here and then the vault of the model become big part of the scene, contrasting to the ground that cannot actually be seen thorouly.

The rule pf third is alo applied in this view since the old quad is modelle l by 3x3. Also the fisrt columns of the 3 models are seen through a straight look giving a connection to the second view.

This view is deliberately captured to comprise the same position of the elements of the old quad model but from a higher view. Contrastingly, tit is viewed from the South-East corner and focuses more on the ground according to the other half of the story.


LIGHTING Initially, the light of the scene is intended to go up to the vault, unfortunately and reasonably it is impossible. Therefore, the light goes emphasizing on the objects that are close to the camera such as the fountain and flowers. Yet, since the vault is a main part of the scene so its shadow makes the overall image becomes slight dark.

The light in this view is from the same corner of the camera. In order to focus on the floral shadow of the windows coming from the east shades on the columns. Also, the shadow of the dead tree lies on a person’s back.



This scene comprises objects that represent first half of the story converging on an act of looking up in a lively atmosphere. There is a fountain taken from the Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy. Because of its magnificent appearance which increases steadily from bottom view. Also, many flowers appear in the scene, tulips near the camera, a bouquet of roses sitting on each capitals and ivy sticking on the brick columns. Yet, a couple of tourists stares upward at the fountain. The abstract metal grill and The floral texture on the vault present how he beauty of the city is.



The scene represents the opposite side of the city. Particularly, people who have been in the city for a time that make them forget the beauties of the city. Instead, they keep looking down along the street on the cobblestone, manhole covers and drain rippers; elements that are mentioned in the story.

Moreover, there is a dead tree, dead ivy on the columns, junks, flying wastepaper and depressed people walking without looking up to emphasise the gloomy feeling. The floral texture of the vault, metal grill and the tourist couple still exist in the scene in order to convey that they are still in the same city, yet, they choose to see these things differently.


WEEK 4 READING: TITLE OF READING Complete your reading before attempting these questions:

Question 1: IWhat is the difference between autographic and allographic practice? (Maximum 100 words)

Autographic practice consists works such as painting and sculpture. They are works that depend their authenticity heavily on the direct contact of the author. Nonetheless, allographic practice can be created without the direct contact of the author only by means of notation. Also, it is known as being reproduced into many copies as in examples of music, poetry and theatre.

Question 2: Why do architects need new representational techniques? (Maximum 100 words)

Traditional representation occupies fixed and stable subjects. Yet, in modern day, new representation are needed for the purpose of the works to be developed and represented in more effective ways. Therefore, new representational techniques should make the design to be accessed easily by both audiences and architects themselves while engaging with time, changes and complex format.


FINAL DRAWINGS CITIES & EYES 2: ZEMRUDE It can be said the Macro Polo firstly enters the scene from the North-west corner. He takes regular step and walks around the fountain seeing excited, happy people/ tourists. As he keeps walking through the city across to the south-east corner, his step becomes slower. As he sees dead tree and depressed people living in this city. He starts to see more gloomy objects such as dead tree, junks and people gaze along them.

However, there are still people who choose to enjoy the scenery of the city as he walks back to the North-East side of the city in a faster step. Key People: Bigger circles indicate more people Regular step Slow step Stare Glance Gloomy atmoshpere Lively atmosphere 0


Perspective 1



Life/ spiritual object: The one with more rings indicate more effective spiritual objects

Perspective 2

Kanyanut Duangna, 915985

Final composed paper for pin-up presentation


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