cieschopné ceny. Za jasnú identifikáciu Avis vďačí kampani z roku 1960 We try harder (Vynakladáme viac úsilia). Dnes je naša zásada We try harder zakotvená vo všetkom, čo robíme a sme si vedomí, aké obrovské množstvo akcií We try harder nás odlišuje od našich konkurentov - ak sme tu, dnes alebo zajtra, je to preto, že tisíce ľudí pracujú každodenne čo najlepšie, aby poslúžili miliónom zákazníkov. Kľúčovým zameraním je dnes vývoj nových riešení mobility pre naše trhy, aby sme boli pripravení na meniace sa spotrebiteľské správanie a potreby zákazníkov. Máme v úmysle vytvoriť inovatívne ponuky a poskytovať atraktívne a cenovo
dostupné alternatívy k vlastníctvu auta, ponúkať okamžitú dostupnosť z hľadiska miesta aj dennej doby. Špecifickosť trhu je aj hlavnou náplňou pre medzinárodné značky, pretože rôzne krajiny a regióny majú dokonca aj rôzne požiadavky. Prispôsobovanie služieb a produktov splneniu týchto jednotlivých požiadaviek pomôže udržať si na trhu výsostné postavenie a môže dokonca vytvoriť nové cesty na trh, ktoré sme predtým nebrali do úvahy. So značkou Avis pôsobíme v Európe, Afrike, na Strednom východe a v Ázii a so značkou Budget v Európe, Afrike a na Strednom východe. Udržujeme si vedúce postavenie vo svete a bezprob-
lémovo pracujeme s Avis Budget Group v USA, aby sme ponúkli našim zákazníkom globálnu sieť autopožičovní. Tieto samostatné služby nám umožňujú vedúce postavenie na všetkých trhoch aj tým, že citlivo reagujeme na požiadavky v každej oblasti. A hoci v rámci našich tradičných trhov západnej Európy sú autopožičovne pomerne dobre vyvinuté, máme veľmi silný rastový potenciál v rýchlejšie rastúcich trhoch v iných zemepisných polohách, ako je Ázia, kde Avis už má vedúcu pozíciu. V Ázii je pre nás najsľubnejší trh v súčasnosti Čína, kde náš skorý vstup na trh a sila značky Avis upevnili našu vedúcu pozíciu.
may even establish new routes to market that hadn’t been previously considered. We operate the Avis brand in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia and the Budget brand in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. We hold leading positions around the world and work seamlessly with Avis Budget Group in the US to offer our customers a global car rental network. These separate services allows us to be market leaders in all, by being both sensitive towards and reactive to the demands each area presents. And although the car rental market is relatively well developed within our traditional western European markets, there is very strong growth potential in faster growing geographical markets such as Asia where Avis already has a leading position. Within Asia, the most promising market for us currently is China, where our early market entry and the strength of the Avis brand is reinforcing our leading market position. Brand recognition and differentiation is key, both to emerging businesses and those already established. In essence, you need something unique that will make customers not only consider you in the first instance, but then also go on to give you their business. Ensuring you are constantly innovating
will keep customers engaged, and maintain your foothold in the market. As an example, we developed a 3-minute key-delivery guarantee for our Avis Preferred customers and this offer remains unmatched in the industry today. Companies also need to uncover what their true ethos is, and then find away to communicate this to potential or existing customers. Avis has been a market leader for decades, and is synonymous with outstanding service at a competitive price. Much of Avis’ distinction is credited to the ‘We try harder’ campaign developed in the 1960s. Today ‘We Try Harder’ is embedded in all we do and we recognise how the huge number of ‘We Try Harder’ actions set us apart from our competitors – if we are here, today or tomorrow it is because thousands of people are doing their best everyday to serve millions of customers. A key current focus is the development of new mobility solutions for our markets as we anticipate changing consumer behaviours and needs. We intend to make innovative offerings and provide an attractive and affordable alternative to owning a car, catering for immediate access both in terms of location and time of day.
Market specificity is also a primary concern to international brands, as different countries and even regions will have varying requirements. Tailoring your service and product to meet these individual concerns will help maintain market prominence, and may even establish new routes to market that hadn’t been previously considered. We operate the Avis brand in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia and the Budget brand in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. We hold leading positions around the world and work seamlessly with Avis Budget Group in the US to offer our customers a global car rental network. These separate services allows us to be market leaders in all, by being both sensitive towards and reactive to the demands each area presents. And although the car rental market is relatively well developed within our traditional western European markets, there is very strong growth potential in faster growing geographical markets such as Asia where Avis already has a leading position. Within Asia, the most promising market for us currently is China, where our early market entry and the strength of the Avis brand is reinforcing our leading market position.
jar | spring 2011