The Kappa Alpha Journal - Summer 2018

Page 1

The Second Life of Sam Wyche

After a donor heart saved his life, the Super Bowl champion’s newest hurry up play is registering everyone possible.

Five questions with Buzz Baker

Commission Tradition at Furman

2017 Chapter Excellence Awards

Ten Ways KA Promotes Safety and Success

Pg. 9

Pg. 22

Pg. 38

Pg. 58

FRONT STORY Coach Sam Wyche (Iota– Furman ’66) demonstrates just how close the timing was for his heart transplant in 2016. This photo was taken less than a year later at the 77th Convention in St. Louis in 2017. Read his story and learn his new mission beginning on page 14.





Dear Brothers


The Spark


Gentleman’s Gear


Moral Compass


Modern Gentlemen


Close Quarters


Our Order


Loyal Legacy


Chapter Eternal

5 5 Recognition 60

Sir, You Are A KA


14 The Second Life

of Sam Wyche

Brent E. Buswell

After a donor heart saved his life, the Super Bowl Champion’s newest hurry up play is registering everyone possible.

Tria Designs Inc.

38 Roll of Honor

This spring, chapters were recognized for excellence in finances, recruitment and chapter growth, communications, Project Outreach, Operation Crimson Gift, and overall chapter excellence.

58 Innovation, Leadership,


Jesse S. Lyons





Liz Janisse Becky Moore Rick Moore Kristy Reed POSTMASTER

Send address changes to Kappa Alpha Order P.O. Box 1865 Lexington, VA 24450

KA has been on the forefront of nearly every “new” idea being tossed around in the fraternity world. Here’s a reminder.



DEAR BROTHERS Knight Commander's Message We remain steadfast and true to the Order’s purpose of being “a moral compass for the modern gentleman.” In this regard, I am pleased to have presented in recent months an Active Chapter charter to each of six groups of young men who I know will do great things on their campuses and in their communities. They are carrying our torch, our legacy forward for the future of the Order. Along with Senior Councilor C. Douglas Simmons III, Executive Director Larry Stanton Wiese, and other volunteers and staff, I’ve been fortunate to grant a charter to:

Darren S. Kay (Alpha Eta– Westminster '88)

`` Chi–Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee `` Gamma Lambda– University of North Texas, Denton, Texas* `` Delta Omega–Baylor University, Waco, Texas

“As their chapters continue to grow, it will not always be easy. They will encounter challenges and must continue to strive for excellence and conquer whatever obstacles they face.”


`` Epsilon Zeta–Arkansas Tech University, Russellville, Arkansas `` Zeta Psi–Campbell University, Bowies Creek, North Carolina `` Zeta Omega–Coastal Carolina University, Conway, South Carolina The gentlemen at these chapters labored for months each to build a new chapter from the ground up. After completion of the requirements since the creation of their provisional chapters, they submitted their Official Petition and Application for Chartering, the document that charts their status.

Almost 30 senior alumni volunteers of Kappa Alpha Order from across the nation voted unanimously to approve each application. All of their accomplishments, diligence, and hard work paid off, and these men and their chapters get their due recognition later in this issue. As their chapters continue to grow, it will not always be easy. They will encounter challenges and must continue to strive for excellence and conquer whatever obstacles they face. Further, I pray that they will individually and collectively approach each day Living Our Values, Leading With Excellence. All of us must be all

that we have said that we will be, and do all that we have sworn to do. However, it is important to remember, that chartering is not the end of building a successful chapter. It is just the beginning. As every K A knows, the next period in the legacy and history of a chapter starts after chartering and after new men join. It is evident that these newly initiated brothers have worked diligently to achieve their accomplishments, but now they must work even harder, and they must continue to grow in membership, grow as an organization, and grow as men. Brothers, greet your brothers. Fraternally,

* T he North Texas chartering was held on May 31, and the photos and update were not yet available at time of publication.

The Kappa Alpha Journal (ISSN #08888868, USPS #014747) is an educational journal published four times a year by Kappa Alpha Order, 115 Liberty Hall Rd., Lexington, Virginia. Periodicals postage paid at Lexington, Virginia, and additional mailing offices. The Kappa Alpha Journal seeks to reflect the Kappa Alpha experience by presenting news of active and alumni chapters, individual members, and the national organization; by addressing current issues facing the Greek system and the Order; by educating and entertaining those interested in the welfare of Kappa Alpha; and by serving as a historical record. The Kappa Alpha Journal has been published since 1879. From 1883 to 1885 it was known as The Magazine of Kappa Alpha. Kappa Alpha Order was founded in 1865 at Washington College (Washington and Lee University) in Lexington, Virginia. Today, Kappa Alpha boasts 125 undergraduate chapters and more than 60 alumni chapters across the nation.



Letter From the Editor


HOW TO CONTACT: Editor, The Kappa Alpha Journal

P.O. Box 1865 Lexington, VA 24450 (540) 463-1865 TO CHANGE AN ADDRESS: Fill out the Alumnus Update on the website or send both your new and old address to Kristy Reed at the above mailing address or to MEMBER:

Copyright © 2018 Kappa Alpha Order KAPPA ALPHA ® is a registered trademark of Kappa Alpha Order.

You’ll notice a difference in the look and feel, including content and style, of this issue of The Kappa Alpha Journal. Assistant Editor Brent E. Buswell and I, along with our creative team at Tria Designs, have spent much time and effort toward the launch of this redesigned magazine. Additionally, members of the staff were involved in a content and design session. I can say I’m very proud of the product. The Journal has taken many turns and forms in her nearly 140-year history as the “official organ of the Order.” We hope this iteration meets and exceeds the expectations of today’s media arena and we believe it remains the flagship communications instrument of the Order. Along with sharing the Journal online as a flipbook to all members and friends, the magazine pairs well with, targeted e-newsletters, video series, and our social media presence. There is simply no way to share every good thing our members and chapter do—but through these channels, we highlight the best of the best. One of the best is Sam Wyche (Iota–Furman ’66). It’s always a pleasure to hear Wyche speak at K A functions. His message really inspires our undergraduate brothers and gives them positive leadership examples to follow. I think Wyche is one of the good guys—he is who he says he is. Being authentic and true is a really important thing in today’s ephemeral society. Another one of the good guys is sportswriter Peter King, who spent two decades with Sports Illustrated and is now with NBC. All it took was one tweet to him and we were


on the phone; he sharing photos of Wyche from an interview and me thanking him. Even SI’s Executive Editor Mark Mravic responded to my requests. Thanks to King and Mravic for giving a stranger an assist. I’m happy to share that we have recently completed our multi-year history project. You’ll remember that in 2015 we produced Excelsior: The Story of Kappa Alpha Order. This was a narrative history of K A’s birth and development leading into our Sesquicentennial. The author, Dr. Martin Clagett (Alpha–Washington & Lee ’15) began additional work as soon as Excelsior was completed. A second component of this project was to be a more encyclopedic history of the Order: Facts, figures, rosters, and events. The first edition of The Compendium History of Kappa Alpha Order is soon to make its appearance and will become our book of reference and record for years to come. As the editor of both books, it is my hope that this first edition is followed by a second and third and so on, with updates, additions, and yes, corrections. My very best wishes go to the editors of those future tomes and we look forward to sharing our cherished heritage in the coming months. Fraternally,

Jesse S. Lyons (Delta Alpha– Western Carolina ’98)

“We hope this iteration meets and exceeds the expectations of today’s media arena and we believe it remains the flagship communications instrument of the Order.”



Rekindle your interest in the Order since our last issue


What did you learn from Province Council this year? “Province Council displayed to me what it means to be a KA from the national level. We all have different backgrounds and atmospheres at our home schools but at the end of the day we are all brothers.” c c Ryan P. Bethke (Alpha Nu–George Washington ’16)

“Province Council taught me a lot about how to be a leader. It showed me the necessities of being a great leader and opened up my eyes to a lot of successful alumni who were in my position before. It taught me more than I thought it would; I thought I knew everything already and they proved me wrong.” c c Chris P. Prudhomme (Alpha Omicron–Arkansas ’15)


“I learned that leadership is not a position but a character trait. Anyone can be a leader, from the president down to the newest member.” c c Lucas A. Brennan (Epsilon Phi–George Mason ’14)

“Province council was a great experience! I learned from other VIs about how they handle large-scale money operations.”

“Province Council was an incredible experience. Being able to hear how various KA chapters in different states handle their issues was not only interesting, but also very educational. The information we received inspired big changes in our chapter that will continue to exponentially better KA in years to come!” c c Thomas E. Pfingst (Zeta Theta–James Madison ’16)

c c Patrick H. Donley (Alpha Phi–Duke ’16)


Social April 4, 2018


298 likes @kappaalphaorder #Repost @ka.floridastate


Some of our brothers at the Justin Sisson 5K For The Fallen last Saturday put on by FSU Army ROTC. Also shoutout to brother @ry.welch for placing 3rd!

Update The journey of James “Pace” Murphy (Gamma Psi–Northwestern State ’12) going from an undrafted free-agent to the offensive line of the Los Angeles Rams was featured in the winter 2017 issue. Since then, Pace was married to Kylie Fichter. Both being proud Greek alumni,

Kylie’s bouquet featured Pace’s KA badge along her own Chi Omega badge. Pace is now with the San Francisco 49ers participating in their Offseason Training Program and in the hunt to make the 53-man roster.

CORRECTIONS In the Winter 2017 issue, on page 50, under Outstanding Scholastic Achievement Awards, we incorrectly listed Epsilon Lambda as the chapter at the University of Miami, not Miami University (OH). The editor regrets this poor scholarship on his part.

In the Winter 2017 issue, on page 99, Wilford H. Fuller was miss-noted as deceased and should have been noted as a donor in memory of Mrs. Julie B. Adams. The editor regrets this error on his part.


Finally, the editor made a grammatical error on the cover of the last Journal. Brother Charles Ellis (Gamma) found the mistake in the use of “are” instead of “is” for the singular subject of “generation.”

“Are” was used for the plural proper noun of “KA athletes.” Error or not, the editor is appreciative of the keen readership of The Journal.


THE SPARK Rekindle your interest in the Order since our last issue

LETTERS Dear Editor,

Congratulations on another great Kappa Alpha Journal. This one (Winter 2017) was a great tribute to all of our athletes! Jim Collins (Alpha Pi–Stanford ’70)

Dear Editor,

Just finished the Winter 2017 Journal. What a tremendous issue. Thank you for your guidance and efforts to The Journal.


2018 Re-Design of The Kappa Alpha Journal Beginning in 2017 and extending into 2018, the Editor, Assistant Editor, other staff members, and our Creative Design partners at Tria Designs began discussions on how to redesign the look and feel of The Kappa Alpha Journal and repackage the content to be appealing to all audiences. With the advent of our online magazine,, as a complement to the printed edition, most if not all content is able to be distributed quicker via e-newsletters to interested groups within the Order. Social media help share more exciting and timely content.

An in-person meeting was held at Mulberry Hill to establish goals and continue fact-gathering for the redesign. Archival issues were reviewed and past traditions and departments were challenged. Sources of inspiration included our current brand, Journal, Varlet, website and online magazine, our archives, university alumni magazines and other fraternity magazines. Words to describe our direction included: Classic, Proud, Traditional, Professional, Bold, Human Interest, Broad Appeal, and Compelling. We hoped the new edition would continue

the work of celebrating the Order and its members, espouse leadership, and focus on engaging and bite-sized stories. There was a desire to set a high standard for submitted news and images, showcasing the best in print. We also saw the opportunity to arm members with information to be advocates of KA and the Greek system (see the new department "Voluntary Remarks" beginning on page 56) . We hope you notice the same high level of content, but also enjoy the repackaging and redesign of our new Journal.

Randy Beard (Beta Lambda– Southern Methodist ’57)

Dear Editor,

Great job on Winter 2017 Journal. Best ever! Hope you and the Order have a prosperous 2018! Dewitt “Zeen” David (Gamma Phi– Louisiana-Lafayette ’83)



WHY I Perform

I perform out of love. When I was in high school and college I would love to get up and sing with the band. I was just drawn to it. The adrenaline rush, the art of it, the shock value. To see the faces and reaction of people really intrigues me. When I write my own music, play it live, and then see the reaction of people reacting to my own lyrics it really seals the deal. I started a band in college at Texas A&M. The only gig I could get was playing for free at the Kappa Alpha Fraternity house. I don't think they really cared for it because I was still developing as a singer and songwriter but they really had no choice. I would just set my gear up and play when the DJ took a break. To even see a negative reaction was good for me. It meant I moved somebody some type of way. Performing is much more than just getting on stage. It says something about you. Maybe a built-up energy that needs to get out. That little attention seeker in all of us that needs to be released every now and then. I think that everyday, on and off the stage we perform. Talking to loved ones, your friends, or even at your own wedding. You're on the stage of life. Why I perform is a great question and I will never stop performing. We are currently on tour and its always good to see other KAs show up and enjoy our show. — Rich O'Toole (Epsilon Delta-Texas A&M '03)

Photo courtesy of Dave Hensley



Chase Osborne Homecoming weekend at the house! Very thankful for these brothers in my life and can’t imagine the last 4 years without you #myfraternity

Share your story of brotherhood.

Maybe you cycled across the country or had the most amazing road trips with your brothers. Late night pizza. Raising money for the kids. Hoops at the house. That intramural championship. Tailgates. The annual ski trips. The best man at your wedding. You have an incredible story of brotherhood to tell. On Wednesday, September 12 we need you to join with hundreds of thousands of fraternity men around the world to share your story on social media. Include #myFraternity and let’s show the world the positive impact of fraternities.

Learn more at 8


THE SPARK Rekindle your interest in the Order since our last issue


Buzz Baker (Beta Delta–Georgetown ’79)

David W. “Buzz” Baker is a sports caster and senior marketing consultant at WKYT in Lexington, Kentucky. When he’s not covering games for the University of Kentucky, traveling with National Championship Wildcats teams, appearing on air with the SEC Network, or raising money/support for local causes throughout Kentucky … he’s spending time with his three daughters. One is an Alpha Delta Pi at UK, and the other two, twins, are headed to that very same campus this fall. Dave was quoted as asking ADPi’s Headquarters Staff, “Do you have any dues reduction programs for multi-child families?” The Order looks forward to answering that question when his son Manning makes his way to college. In all seriousness, when he’s got a spare

Whats on your bookshelf, Kindle, or iPad? Anxious for Nothing by Max Lucado; If by Mark Batterson; and 50 Hikes in Kentucky by Hiram Rogers. I’m at the age where I’ve seen too many friends get beaten down by stress—If talks about not living with regret, and Anxious for Nothing and the hiking book will hopefully help me deal with and escape the “challenges” of having three daughters in school at one time.

minute, he devotes it to the Order. He’s spoken at alumni networking events and active recruitment sessions, and at all of the Order’s leadership education programs. His themes of using your “moral compass,” building relationships to stand the test of time, and being kind in a crazy world are well-received by all ages at all levels. He’s the “trifecta” of involvement—he gives his time, talent, and treasure. Dave is a member of The Crimson & Gold Society, the Loyal Order, the Candler Province Court of Honor, and is a recipient of the Knight Commander’s Accolade. Check out Dave's travel and work on Twitter at @buzzbaker S U M M E R 2 018 | THE K A PPA A LPH A JOUR NA L

Whats on your music playlist? A little Zac Brown (for obvious reasons), Mary Chapin Carpenter’s 30th anniversary CD, Mumford & Sons, and the Avett Brothers. AND as someone who remembers the “early” days of radio Lester “Road Hog” Moran and his Cadillac Cowboys— find it you’ll like it.

Whats in your DVR or queue right now? My player of choice is Amazon Prime and right now I am watching the PBS series The Presidents. I love history and I’m fascinated by historians’ different treatment of the same subjects.

What is the latest most fun thing you’ve done? San Destin [Florida Gulf Coast] last summer with the woman I love and a total of five kids—it was THE BEST!

one time, “The greatest ability is ‘avail–abilty’ and I’m truly blessed that at this point in my life I’m available to help in even the smallest ways and most assuredly that includes my Kappa Alpha brothers and this amazing Order in any way possible.

Figuratively, where are you going? I’m heading into a period in my life where either in a grand way or with the simplest act, I can: 1. Do the most I can; 2. For as many as I can; 3. As often as I can.

What are you most proud of right now? I’m not sure if “proud” is the right word, but I heard an old coach say


THE SPARK Rekindle your interest in the Order since our last issue


A100 YEAR HISTORY By Dr. Idris R. Traylor

Excerpts from the Centennial issue, published in Winter 1978–1979. Robert E. Lyon was Editor.

One hundred years ago Kappa Alpha's active and alumni brothers were seriously discussing the establishment of a publication that would serve to bind the scattered chapters together, sustain the interest of alumni, and promote the general interests of KA. Although the Order was a relatively new and comparatively small organization, it had, and has, a progressive and innovative character. Consequently, from the interchange of ideas about a publication, KA would become a pioneer in fraternity journalism. The Journal was created by action of the Ninth Convention, held July 5–6, 1878, in Macon, Georgia. In the absence of Knight Commander D. R. Neal, the oldest member present, H. A. Varn of Delta Chapter, took the gavel, formally declared the Convention to be in session, and proceeded to the appointment of committees. Varn referred to the Committee on New Business the matter of establishing a magazine, a subject that had occupied much attention during the previous months, and many delegates had come to Macon planning to work for the creation of an official publication for Kappa Alpha. It took little time for the committee to recommend the election of five men, two


to act as editors and three as canvassing agents for subscriptions. This recommendation was received with noisy approval and was unanimously passed. M. A. Turner, a resident of Richmond, Virginia, and H. C. Hill of Macon, were selected as editors, and H. A. Varn of South Carolina, M. L. Duggan of Georgia, and J . C. Lamb of Virginia agreed to be the canvassers. The action of the Convention of 1878 was farsighted but audacious. Kappa Alpha was barely in its fourteenth year of existence, it had only 11 functioning chapters, a total of 562 active and alumni brothers, and its finances were in a chronic state of depletion. Under these circumstances it obviously required spirit and determination to succeed. These qualities were present. As a result of the events in Macon, the Kappa Alpha Journal was founded as the first fraternity magazine in the South, and one of the first such magazines in America. The purpose was correct, the motivation commendable, but the method chosen proved to be inappropriate for the purpose. Hill and Turner confidently stated that "we see no reason why the Journal cannot assume a position among

literary magazines," and in this conception of the magazine as a literary vehicle lay the source of future difficulty. Features of fraternity journalism that would later become traditional through successful use were sacrificed in the interests of presenting original compositions by Kappa Alpha authors. This policy reflects the editors' classical humanist education,

“... not solely literary, but of the fraternity, which shall serve as the organ of the Order.” typical of the nineteenth century. Clearly the editors anticipated that the Journal would develop into a nationally recognized literary publication with a broad circulation, and in the issue of December 1879 they forecast a brilliant future for the magazine. That issue, however, would be the last they would edit. Before the first issue of 1880 could appear, the project collapsed and the Journal suspended publication.



What are your plans for this summer? Kappa Alpha Order surveyed the active members on their plans for this summer. Congrats to Taylor Smith (Epsilon Phi– George Mason '14) for being randomly selected to win a KA YETI Rambler. Taking Summer Classes

"In order to further my legal background and meet my goals for admittance to law school, I opted to take some key courses in the summer." —E dgar Magana (Zeta Rho–Arkansas-Fort Smith ’16) The suspension of the Journal created considerable commentary and controversy within the Order. No records exist to verify the actual reasons for the closing, and even Samuel Zenas Ammen, writing only fifteen years later, would state, "Just where the error lay it is now impossible to determine." Whatever its deficiencies, the Journal had been the product of a want, and its presence that first year created a need in Kappa Alpha that had to be satisfied. Therefore, many delegates came to the Eleventh Convention in Richmond in 1883 with instructions to take action to revive the publication. A unanimous vote created The Kappa Alpha Magazine, which would be " ... not solely literary, but of the fraternity, which shall serve as the organ of the Order." The first issue of The Kappa Alpha Magazine appeared in November 1883, from a Charleston, South Carolina, press. Philip B. Hamer announced in his first editorial column the policy that had been adopted for the publication. He explicitly repudiated the concept of a literary journal, which he believed was neither needed nor desired by KA's. Since November 1883 publication has been continuous, and in 1885 the original title, Kappa Alpha Journal, was restored by action of the Thirteenth Convention.


Kevin J. Hughes (Zeta Omega– Coastal Carolina ’17) Intelligence and Homeland Security Unit Passaic County Prosecutor's Office Austin A. Quigley (Zeta Nu–North Florida ’15) Emergency Management Department Florida Baptist Medical Center Jacksonville, FL Joseph M. Studer (Beta Alpha–Missouri S&T ’16) Google Mountain View, CA William D. Sudbrink (Pi–Tennessee ’16) Layton Construction Nashville, TN Tanner L. Morgan (Upsilon–North Carolina ’16) Business Analyst Capital One Washington, D.C.

Working 41.46% Internship 39.02% Taking Summer Classes 12.20% Travel/Vacation 4.88% Studying Abroad 2.44 %

KAPPAALPHAJOURNAL.COM The Number I’s Leadership Institute is an intensive informational and educational retreat set at a Christian conference center. The focus of the Institute is to educate and empower Number I’s to understand their role and responsibility as the chapter’s highest elected officer, to recognize the tools and support systems provided, and to understand the standards and policies of operating an Active Chapter of Kappa Alpha Order. Watch the 2018 recap video at



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Enlarged and Jeweled Official Badge Larger-sized badge features alternating genuine pearls and garnets in 10K gold. Custom engraving and leather presentation box. $200

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2. Umbrella Fiberglass, windproof shaft and ribs with matching case. $49.98 | K

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4. Nike Dri Fit Polo High-performance pebble textured fabric. Embroidered logo. $49.98 | K

5. Tank Top Pre-shrunk with screen printed logo. $19.98 | K S U M M E R 2 018 | THE K A PPA A LPH A JOUR NA L


8. Performance Fishing Shirt Lightweight stain and wrinkle-resistant. Extra loops and vented back. $49.98 | K


After a donor heart saved his life, the Super Bowl Champion’s newest hurry up play is registering everyone possible. By J esse Lyons (Delta Alpha– Western Carolina ’98)





The Second Life of Sam Wyche



am Wyche (Iota–Furman '66) is one of the ultimate innovators in professional football and has a winding pedigree in the sport. Wyche walked on as quarterback of the Furman Paladins. Upon graduation he was initiated into Kappa Alpha Order, married his KA rose Jane, and then drove south to obtain his Masters of Business Administration from the University of South Carolina. There, he began a graduate assistantship under Lou Holtz. Somehow he managed to also play for the Wheeling Ironmen of Wheeling, West Virginia, in the then nascent Continental Football League. He played professionally for several years in the CFL, AFL, and eventually the NFL. He was the quarterbacks coach for Joe Montana and was a member of that staff during their Super Bowl XVI championship. The 49ers Head Coach, Bill Walsh, was proliferating the new “West Coast Offense” with Wyche and Montana—a scheme he developed while Walsh was assistant coach and Wyche was quarterback, together at the Cincinnati Bengals. Wyche returned as Head Coach of the Bengals, in 1984. He introduced the “No Huddle/ Hurry Up” offense that is utilized today by every NFL team. His 64 wins with the Bengals were the most by a coach in franchise history until 2011, when that record was surpassed. He continued coaching at Tampa Bay, Buffalo, and eventually for Pickens High School, in South Carolina, as a volunteer. He made numerous friends and very few enemies (just Google “Glanville and Wyche”), and became a respected announcer in the 2000s on NBC, CBS, and Fox Sports South.

115,000 Number of men, women and children awaiting lifesaving organ transplants



ometime in the decade before the year 2000, a virus silently entered Sam Wyche’s body and began slowly attacking his heart. He felt nothing amiss and wasn’t ill. Bit by bit, his heart muscle lost strength and endurance. Exercise was always part of Wyche’s daily routine, but the disease process was so slow that if he felt less resilient or lost endurance, he wasn’t conscious of it. If he noticed anything at all, he probably just chalked it up to getting older. In March 2000, after a Bear’s broadcasting gig at

It turned out that his heart function was greatly reduced by the effects of the longterm and rare viral infection. There was then, and now remains, no cure.

Soldier Field, Wyche felt an overwhelming fatigue and pain in his chest. It turned out that his heart function was greatly reduced by the effects of the long-term and rare viral infection. There was then, and now remains, no cure. The combined effects of the progressive disease and advancing age sentenced Wyche to a premature death. A pacemaker, a Greenfield filter, and other miracles of modern medicine extended his life and allowed him to play golf, work around the ranch, and travel the country speaking to business, religious, and


Sam Wyche ( IO TA-F U R M A N ' 66) 1st Quarter: College `` 1963 to 1965, walked on and played college football at Furman University as a quarterback, afterward earning a scholarship `` Initiated by the Iota Commission of Kappa Alpha Order, upon graduating

`` Bachelor of Arts degree from Furman University `` Master of Business Administration degree from the University of South Carolina `` Graduate assistant, assigned to the young defensive backfield coach, Lou Holtz

2nd Quarter: Pro Football Player Above, right: Wyche with Bengals Head Coach Paul Brown.

`` 1966 through 1967, played for the Wheeling Ironmen of the Continental Football League

Left: Wyche bikes nearly 20 miles each day and is in arguably better shape than prior to the transplant.

`` Drafted in 1968, played multiple years in the AFL & NFL with the Cincinnati Bengals, Washington Redskins, Detroit Lions, and ending with the St. Louis Cardinals in 1976; Sam was a part of multiple playoff teams and appeared in Super Bowl VII


3rd Quarter: Coaching

other groups. Other than giving up flying, Wyche lived a pretty normal life and could carry on with the disease having minimal effects. One doctor wanted to do a biopsy of Wyche’s lymph nodes to see if lymphoma cancer could be the answer to the heart problem. To add insult to injury, in the process of the biopsy the doctor severed Wyche’s laryngeal nerve when he cut between the wrong ribs in his chest. The severed nerve rarely heals itself, and this one did not. After three surgeries to place a stint behind the affected vocal cord, Wyche began to be able to talk normally

again. In addition, Wyche had a number of pacemakers and defibrillators installed and replaced with new models. He did not change his lifestyle or daily routines for many years.

The Red Zone By 2015, however, things were going rapidly downhill. Feelings of general weakness and shortness of breath became more and more frequent for Wyche. Sleep was difficult, and his digestion suffered. It was nature’s way of slowing Wyche down and sending a message that his remaining time on earth was getting short. He would soon learn


`` 1979, joined his former BengaI’s quarterback coach, Bill Walsh, and drafted Joe Montana in their first draft. `` Coached the passing game in the 1981 Super Bowl XVI win over the Cincinnati Bengals `` 1983, head coach of the Indiana Hoosiers `` 1984, hired as the Bengal’s new Head Coach where he introduced the “No Huddle/Hurry Up” offense which helped the BengaI’s offense become one of the best in the NFL for eight straight years

`` 1988, inducted into the American Football Association’s Semi Pro Football Hall of Fame `` Hired by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers as head coach in 1992; spent the next four years as head coach


just how short it was. When symptom care no longer worked, Wyche’s medical team recommended an implanted device called a Left Ventricular Device, or LVAD. Essentially, it's a big complex battery-operated cardiac pump that helps a weak heart muscle push blood out to the rest of the body. One of the top surgeons in the country implants these machines in Charlotte, North Carolina. Wyche went to Charlotte for tests and an evaluation, and, to install the LVAD.

10 Minutes Every 10 minutes another person is added to the national transplant waiting list


“I think it would be a great gesture of today, if we as KA members started a mission to get everyone in KA on that donor list.” 18

More tests and prep work for the LVAD showed a worsening in Wyche’s condition. He watched the doctors as they conferred among themselves. Something in their body language made him uneasy. Wyche wasn’t too surprised when a physician (dubbed “Doctor Doom” by the Super Bowl Coach) gently told him that for medical reasons he’d slipped past the window for an LVAD. To their surprise, Wyche believes, the news didn’t trouble him at all. The cumbersome device just didn’t appeal. Installing and carrying around batteries, hoses, pumps, and paraphernalia for only the promise of a year or two of life extension just wasn’t worth it. Wyche was pretty sure he knew what God’s plan was, and it didn’t include the LVAD. Two options remained. First, go home and enter hospice, receive comfort care, and wait for death. The other was a heart transplant. Wyche has stated, “I didn’t particularly care where I died, so

I’d just as soon wait for a heart as long as I could in the hospital.” The wait began, and Wyche remained at the Carolina’s Medical Center in Charlotte. He had mixed feelings about a transplant. To Wyche it seemed wrong to deprive anyone of a lifegiving organ, and especially so given that at his age he, “was within hailing distance of the pearly gates anyway.” As he prepared for death he was comforted by his faith. “I was saved by God’s grace and eternity in heaven sounded pretty good to me.” His condition spiraled downward, and he reached a point where he was rated 1-A for a transplant. “It was probably the highest I’ve ever been rated at anything,” Wyche jokes. It just meant that he was in the top level of priority for a new heart. In other words, there were no more timeouts for Coach Sam Wyche. “I had no more than two to five days to live.” He was in a race against time with three opponents. The first was the rapidly failing heart. The second was the terrible damage inflicted on his kidneys by the anti-rejection drugs he was required to take. The effects of long-term use of those drugs would be kidney failure. The third was time itself—waiting for a suitable heart that might not arrive soon enough. Wyche summed up his final play, “When waiting is the only option, a sense of passivity controls your thoughts. All my life I’ve acted upon adversity, opportunity, good-fortune, crisis, and all manner of challenges, both personal and professional. This was something new. My fate was entirely outside my control, an unfamiliar feeling in itself.” Every day brought the same news: No hearts with Wyche’s requirements were on offer. A larger geographic


net, now encompassing the entire Midwest, was cast to find one. The famous Cleveland Clinic was put in charge of the search. “Given my past insults to that city in front of tens of thousands of football fans and a national television audience, the irony of the situation was not lost on me,” Wyche recalls.

All of the young men that attend our programs have always known professional football with a “hurry up” or “no huddle” offense, something Sam is credited with starting and proliferating in the NFL. “No heart on Monday,” said Wyche. “No heart on Tuesday and Wednesday and eventually, Friday is the 5th day and still no heart.” Wyche asked doctors to extend the wait until the weekend and give it a chance. Saturday no heart. Sunday no heart. On Monday, September 12, 2016, the doctor came in and told Wyche that he still had no heart and that he had hours, possibly minutes to live. “It was almost time to send me home, I mean the final home,” Sam said. The plan was to be discharged and have a PICC line, a percutaneous inserted central catheter, installed to administer medications. Hospice would be called in to assist at home for whatever time was necessary. The doctor told Wyche, “On the way home, we want you to call your loved ones, and say goodbye, because

you’re not going to live through the night. Your heart is at the very end of its life.” At this time, in Cincinnati, Ohio, Wyche’s son had just finished a high school football practice. Across town, Wyche’s grandson Sammy was the quarterback of another local team and had also just finished practice. Around that same time, 5 pm or so, both Wyche’s son and grandson called their respective teams together at the end of their practices in a huddle to pray for their Dad and Grandfather. Praying for Wyche somehow, someway, to survive. Back in Charlotte, almost 500 miles away from Cincinnati, that same doctor who had broken the grave news to Sam just hours earlier walked back into Sam Wyche’s hospital room again around 5 pm. This time, he had a smile on his face. Sam remembered, “The doctor came in and told me it was a miracle. This is like a one in a million chance. The doctor found a heart with a person my size and told me once it arrived, that within hours, we were going to get surgery done.”

8 lives Up to eight lives can be saved with each body organs donation

4th Quarter: Announcer, Awards, KA involvement `` 1996, worked as a sports analyst with Marv Albert on a weekly NFL game for NBC `` 1997, promoted to the studio on NBC’s weekly pre-game and half-time shows; He worked as an analyst for CBS with Kevin Harlan on the weekly NFL games from 1998 until week 2 in 2000 when his voice gave part way through a game between Miami and Minnesota `` 2006, became a commentator on Westwood One’s NFL Thursday night coverage, with Dick Enberg; Also in, began broadcasting Southern Conference Football for Fox Sports South `` Inducted into South Carolina Athletic Hall of Fame, S.C. Football Hall of Fame, Furman University Athletic Hall of Fame, and the Minor Pro Football Hall of Fame `` Recipient of the Order of the Palmetto and became a Kentucky Colonel, the highest civilian award given by the states of South Carolina and Kentucky `` 2004 to 2005, Wyche was the quarterbacks’ coach for the Buffalo Bills `` 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007, and 2008, volunteered as the offensive coordinator and quarterback coach for the Pickens High School Blue Flame in Pickens, South Carolina

`` Begins traveling and attends many KA programs, such as Province Council, Emerging Leaders Academy, and the Number I’s Leadership Institute, where he speaks to the undergraduate members about how to become better leaders in their chapters, on their campuses, and in their communities `` Inducted into KA’s Graves Province (South Carolina) Court of Honor in 2010 `` 2015, more than 120 speaking engagements around the country

2-Minute Warning! `` Sam’s heart deteriorates and within hours of failing, he receives a heart transplant and begins his second life

Overtime A family that may forever remain anonymous lost a loved one … a man who saw beyond his own earthly existence and offered his precious God-given corneas, heart, ligaments, kidneys, liver, and other organs to a group of equally anonymous people who would live after him. Other people he never met, and perhaps even children, would become the beneficiaries of the tragedy of his death. A mixture of emotions


`` Received the Knight Commander’s Accolade in 2017 for his excellence in leadership and service; this is KA’s highest individual honor `` Takes on Donate Life America and organ/tissue donation as his life’s mission and KA takes it on on as an additional initiative to our members

`` Attending 2018 Emerging Leaders Academy this summer in Lexington, Virginia


flowed over me. The hope of additional years of life and the relief of knowing I had a chance for renewed health and vitality, did battle with my empathy for the family.

Overtime Wyche’s experience as a recipient of an organ donor’s heart has repurposed his remaining years to support and drive organ and tissue donation across the country. Recently, the Executive Council, the Undergraduate Conference, and the 77th Convention, by resolution, all endorse our members and chapters supporting Donate Life America. Donate Life America is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization leading its national partners and Donate Life State Teams to increase the number of donated organs, eyes and tissue available to save and heal lives through transplantation while developing a culture where donation is embraced as a fundamental human responsibility. KA chapters across the country have taken the initiative to register their members, their fellow students, and the Order would like to register alumni and friends as well. We need every KA to register as an organ and tissue donor by going to www. DonateLife


The national staff and leadership of the Order had been following Wyche’s story. He had been an ardent supporter of K A and had spoken at the Number I’s Leadership Institute, Province Councils, and Emerging Leaders Academy. When asked what his speaking fee would be, he always asked back, “How could I ever charge my brothers?” His message of leadership in his talks resonates very well with undergraduate members even though they’ve never

22 Number of people who die each day waiting for an organ transplant

seen him play or coach. All of the young men that attend our programs have always known professional football with a “hurry up” or “no huddle” offense, something Sam is credited with starting and proliferating in the National Football League. As a way to bridge the gap when speaking to our Active Chapter leaders, he passes around the ring he won from Super Bowl XVI (1981) and a handful of other championship rings. Even if the men don’t recognize his name, they recognize his success. Sam’s heart problems were well known. He had sidelined himself from speaking requests and other activities at one point. He was slowing pretty quickly, and at one point we knew from social media that he was bound to a hospital room. What we didn’t know was just how close Sam got to missing

Thanksgiving and Christmas that year. Sam had found his donor heart, was having a successful recovery, but we hadn’t heard much from him except for a couple cable and network news pieces highlighting his new life.

85% Percentage of patients waiting are in need of a kidney

Over the Christmas holiday of 2016, Journal Editor Jesse S. Lyons checked his voicemail while out of state. The following is a transcript of a voicemail that I’ve saved to this day. Brackets added for clarification: “Hey Jesse, this is Sam Wyche, [then, spelling out his name] W Y C H E. I’m an Iota [initiate], Furman University, 1966. “I’ve recently had a heart transplant, three months and a week ago. I’m riding my bicycle anywhere from 15–2 miles every day when I go to work out every day, if the weather is nice. “And I would really appreciate a challenge from KA, through the Journal, to have all the chapters try to register their men as donors of organs and tissue transplants. All they have to do is get a stamp on their driver’s license, or they can go to www., and it goes to all organ recipients throughout the United States. All the states are involved. “My number is … [XXXXXX-XXXX]. “I don’t know If you saw the piece on NBC Sports before the NFL game on Christmas Day, but they had a nice feature on there about being an organ donor. [It was all about Sam, actually]. “There are quite a few football players and baseball players who [have been]recipients and now there are many who are donors.

“I’m trying to now, as a mission, as I survived it, literally in less than a day, less than an hour. I would like to tell that story and ask all the KAs to become donors. Appreciate it, Jesse. Again, this is Sam, S A M, Wyche, W Y C H E. Furman, Iota ’66.” This was the message the Order was waiting for from Sam. He was back. He was feeling good. And he was ready to get back in the huddle, or, just skip the huddle and get back to the line of scrimmage. Sam came back to KA to speak again. This time he visited with the Order’s Executive Council in May 2017, to pitch the organization Donate Life America as an officially sanctioned initiative for the fraternity. The Executive Council unanimously voted in support of encouraging our chapters and members all to sign up as organ and tissue donors. This support would come not only in Sam’s honor, but also as gentlemen we know the Order is predisposed to give back to others—even at life’s very end.

33,600 Number of transplants in 2016, which brought new life to patients and their families

Wyche agreed to attend our 77th Convention in St. Louis in August 2017, to tell his story on KA’s biggest stage and challenge all KAs to save the lives of others. There was a powerful moment when Sam said, “I think it would be a great gesture of today, if we as KA members started a mission to get everyone in KA on that donor list, then challenge your other fraternities at your school to do the same thing.” He asked everyone W W W. K A P PA A L P H AO R D E R .O R G


Wyche is seen here with his wife, Jane, at their ranch in South Carolina, after the transplant surgery. Jane was the “KA rose” for the Iota Commission and REL Club at Furman.

to raise their hands, all now clad in green Donate Life wristbands, and commit to the challenge. The Executive Council, the Undergraduate Conference, and the Convention all endorsed this initiative again that weekend. The Order’s Convention wouldn’t be the largest stage for Sam after his transplant. He was thinking bigger. Sam began petitioning the NFL, NCAA, MLB, NBA, and college conferences to play his message and the message of others at their games. At 72, the former quarterback and heart transplant recipient was featured and honored with a float ride in the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena earlier this year. Sam rode on the 2018 Donate Life float, along with 16 other transplant recipients from across the country during the January 1 parade. The theme of the float was “Gift of Time.” Sam was actually the fourth South Carolinian to be honored as an organ or tissue recipient in the history of the parade.

The doctor told Wyche, “on the way home, we want you to call your loved ones, and say goodbye, because you’re not going to live through the night. Your heart is at the very end of its life.”


He wasn’t the only former athlete honored on that very float. Rod Carew, baseball legend, joined him that day. He was the recipient of a heart transplant in 2015. Unlike Sam, Carew learned that his heart came from NFL player Konrad Reuland. Reuland died from a brain aneurysm. He was an organ donor and no doubt saved many lives. As of yet, Sam has not learned who was his heart donor. It's up to the donor’s family to share the identity of the donor with the recipient. Sam has written them several times through a clearinghouse to let them know he wants to thank them, but only when they’re ready. They have responded, but only to say that it’s not time yet to connect. The latest thing Sam has done is to return to the sky. Sam has had a private pilot’s license since 1970. It is a permanent thing, but must be renewed. He is working through that process and is training to recall all the

skills and communications techniques back. After more time with his instructor, he’ll be cleared to be back in the sky, solo.


am turned 73 in January and is not slowing down. He just wrapped up speaking at KA’s Emerging Leaders Academy this past June. He’s hosting and attending charity events even more now, he says, “Because I know the other end. The children, the families who benefit from those charities, I know how they feel now. I can relate because I’m one of those recipients now.” There was no Sudden Death in this Overtime. The game of this story is completed and Sam on to a new mission. The game plan now is helping others and saving lives. But for how long? Doctors say a new heart may give an additional 10, 12, 15, 20 years to the recipient. Sam’s response is as exciting as is his future, “Boy I love to hear those double digits!” 21


Tr ue bear ings for your K A Jour ney

A little-known story of a Commission in Greenville, S.C. By Jesse Lyons (Delta Alpha–Western Carolina ’98)


radition and legacy are common terms tossed around KA chapters and among groups of KA men. When you slice certain cross-sections of our history there are revealed clear instances where the KA thread has been woven in a pattern that simply did not make sense—but taken as a whole, the sequence becomes striking. At Furman University this is revealed in the employment of an unorthodox strategy, never before used at a civilian college, that yielded long, close, and lasting connections. The Commission program of the Order is well known to most KAs. Our second chapter, Beta, was established at the Virginia Military Institute in 1868 and is deep-rooted in KA’s culture. As a military college, fraternities posed a tenuous situation and in a series of votes and events were outlawed by the Board of Visitors. Consequently, in 1915 the Beta Commission was established as a substitute for Beta Chapter—a program to initiate graduating cadets and continue the KA legacy of the Institute. More important, the “Beta Amendment” as it was known, was officially adopted into the Order’s Constitution that year and has evolved ever since but with similar aims. It is the enabling rule in our laws that allows for a Commission to be established. In 2008, the Theta Commission was established for graduates of the Citadel, resurrecting the substitute nomenclature for what was called the Theta Second Chapter in the 1880s. In 2009, the Convention approved amendments to the Constitution to allow for Commissions to be established at any of the nation’s four-year military service academies. Until this time, Commissions could only be established for any campus where the Order previously had an Active Chapter. An unlikely candidate as any chapter to become a Commission would be Iota. It was founded in 1872 at Furman University, by E.W. Peeples, J. E. L. Holmes, and Samuel Sanders. The chartering date was May 8. The charter was signed by W. W. Collins and charter members were


John V. Dowling, Thomas Arthur Jones, John Moon Cureton, and Charles McCay Williams. For 92 years, the Iota chapter operated well and produced many loyal alumni. But in 1964, the “Beta Amendment” would be put to the test. That year, the Furman University Trustees were directed by the Baptist Convention of 1962 to abolish the Greek system on campus. Iota Chapter had to comply, and they surrendered their charter accordingly in 1963. The Furman University administration, however, encouraged the national organizations to create a “local” organization to continue semblance of Greek life. Perhaps this was in hopes that the Baptist Convention would gain some, ahem, Greek enlightenment, and revisit their decision. The "Furman University Bulletin, Catalogue Number 1963–1964,” had this entry regarding “SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS.” “National Greek letter social fraternities are no longer accepting new members and will, within a few years, not exist on the Furman campus. There are five IocaI social clubs for men at Furman: The Centaur Club, the Star and Lamp Club, the OX Club, the R. E. L. Club, and The Knights Eternal Club.” While the Star and Lamp Club was likely the legacy of Pi Kappa Phi and the OX Club, Theta Chi, it is not known that any group established a way to actually initiate their members into the national organization, other than KA. The R. E.L. Club was established as a legacy of former Iota Chapter and comprised of the remaining initiated KAs. They would recruit and operate thereafter as a local group. Sam Wyche mentions in his leadership speeches at KA events that the initials R. E.L. stood for, as you guessed it, Robert E. Lee. The Advisory Council of the Order established, on a temporary basis, the Iota Commission in 1964. This was done by resolution, which was customary at that time. It was renewed several times, as needed, while the prohibition on fraternities remained intact. The Journal

Top: Old Main and Bell Tower; Above: Summer 1970 KA Journal report; Right: Iota Chapter, ca. 1956 PHOTOS COURTESY OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AND ARCHIVES, JAMES B. DUKE LIBRARY, FURMAN UNIVERSITY.


Iota Tradition S U M M E R 2 018 | THE K A PPA A LPH A JOUR NA L


MOR AL COMPASS Tr ue bear ings for your K A Jour ney

reported that the Commission had for its officers, in 1970: President, Arthur C. McCall; Vice President, Sapp Funderburk, Secretary/ Treasurer, G. Randall “Randy” Smith; and then Graves Province Commander, E. Fleming Mason. The Greenville KA Alumni Chapter conducted the graduate initiations of members of the R. E. L. Club. The Commission simply had to elect those men to membership by a unanimous vote, much like an Active Chapter would do for its new members. In just six short years, the Iota Commission had initiated 55 new KAs. Iota Commission’s future seemed in doubt, however. In 1972, a Special Convention was convened, and a Laws Revision Committee presented a reorganized set of laws. After some concerns that it was limiting Commissions, specific language was included, at the behest of Former Knight Commander Henry J. Foresman, that said, "Provided, however, nothing contained herein shall be construed as limiting, changing, modifying, or abolishing the presently existing Beta Commission and the presently existing Iota Commission." This mollified concerns only for a short while. In 1974, the Commission was terminated by the Advisory Council. Knight Commander Reynolds Cheney offered a vague explanation at the 1975 Convention, saying that “the situation was such that we felt this wise.” For the first time since 1872, nearly 100 years after its founding, KA activity of any kind ceased at Furman. While the R. E. L Club would continue on, KA was gone. A full Greek revival would not come for some time, but a spark was kindled in 1976. The Furman Trustees must not have not disagreed with Greek life too strongly as they selected Dr. John E. Johns as their president. He was installed that year and began an 18-year tenure. Dr. Johns was a 1941 initiate of Iota Chapter, during the pre-prohibition of Greeks. He previously held the presidency at Stetson University in Florida from 1970 to 1976. In 1984, he was elected vice chair of the education committee of the Southern Baptist Convention, under which Furman still remained beholden. He has been credited with spurring real growth of the Furman endowment. Sapp Funderburk, the former vice president of the one-time Iota Commission, would pass away in 1984. By 1985, Wyche would be in his second year as head coach of the Cincinnati Bengals and five years later he would be featured in The Journal, as a top coach in the game. Old guard Furman alumni would remain among the most loyal donors to the fraternity and the burgeoning Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation even into the 1990s. Time passed. The ban on Greek life at Furman remained intact. Until 1991. The Journal reported in the Spring/Summer edition of 1991 that “a group at Furman University was inducted as a provisional chapter in April in an effort to reactivate the school’s Iota chapter.


Members of the 1953 Intramural Football Champion Kappa Alpha team, gathered together for a photograph. … A recent policy change has paved the way for the chapter’s return.” Then Province Commander, Ben W. Satcher Jr. led the effort. Satcher is now a Former Knight Commander and Chief Development Officer with the KAOEF. By 1992, only the Brothers Eternal, Centaur, and the Knights Eternal remained as local organizations who had withstood the prohibition era. Pi Kappa Phi and KA had returned as recognized groups, and a few other “local” organizations, ostensibly but not blatantly connected to national groups, were operational.

“...Going through this process and getting the charter back for Iota wasn’t easy, but it was something that I loved doing.” In his last three years as president of Furman, Dr. Johns oversaw not only the return of Greek life to campus, the rechartering of the Iota Chapter, but also the 1992 withdrawal of Furman from the Southern Baptist Convention. For his contributions to the Order and his successful career, Satcher nominated and inducted Dr. Johns into the Graves Province (South Carolina) Court of Honor. During the last weekend of April 1992, more than 120 years after its founding, Iota chapter was reborn. The Executive Council held its spring meeting then to coincide with the chartering ceremonies. Satcher presented the Officer Jewels, Former Knight Commander W. McLeod Frampton presented the original Iota Charter, and, then Knight Commander Julian A. Pardini, reinstalled the chapter. And, with reminiscences

of the Iota Commission initiations, Delta Chapter at Wofford, from Spartanburg, and Delta Omicron Chapter at Clemson, both from cities flanking Greenville, initiated the new brothers. Iota could finally continue the legacy that the Iota Commission had helped preserve for nearly a decade. And two legacies helped drive the effort. The Provisional Chapter Number I was George E. “Mac” McGee IV, his father, John D. McGhee III, was a 1959 initiate at Upsilon Chapter at the University of North Carolina. The first Active Chapter Number I was Ray Colado, the son of longtime KAOEF supporter, Guy Colado, a 1964 initiate of Gamma Pi chapter at Florida Southern College. Randy Smith, became province commander in 2008 and served until 2013. It was the resurgence of Iota Chapter that lured him back to service in KA. He and others were instrumental in bridging the gap between the R. E. L. Club members and the new chapter. At the chartering, and for a handful of years after, Randy led the charge to bring back former R. E. L. Club members who joined after 1973 and never were initiated. Mac McGee was quoted in The Journal at the time of chartering as saying, “Being Number I is something that most brothers want to do at some time or another, but being Number I of a provisional chapter, especially one with such rich history, was an incredible honor. … Going through this process and getting the charter back for Iota wasn’t easy, but it was something that I loved doing.” McGee’s comments had an unintended double meaning. They perfectly summed up decades of hard work and dedication by hundreds of members. The thread that began as a chapter was saved as a commission and a club. Like any old thing with value, it was picked up again, and finished by a university president, province commander, and a couple legacy brothers.


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Highlights f rom Active and Alumni Members, and Chapters around the Order

With Block (left) clinching about 52 percent of the vote and McGiffert pulling 68 percent, both candidates were ready for a celebration.

Two Presidents, One Historic Rivalry Dane Block (Nu–Auburn ’15) was elected president of Auburn University’s Student Government Association (SGA), while Price McGiffert (Alpha Beta–Alabama ’15) now reigns as SGA president at the University of Alabama. ¶ Both are bound by a unique tradition—the Iron Bowl, an annual game dating back to the universities’ first face-off in 1893, represents one of the longest-standing, most-heated rivalries in all of college football. It just got personal for these newly elected presidents. ¶ “The losing team’s SGA president has to go to the winning school’s home court during basketball season and sing the fight song in front of the crowd,” said Block. “Price and I have joked about that already.” ¶ Though the Tigers and Crimson Tide might not always see eye-to-eye, these brothers are determined 26

continues on page 28


Florida Southern Names Building for Racing Legend FLORIDA SOUTHERN–GAMMA PI

Sam Houston honors Snow GAMMA TAU– SAM HOUSTON STATE

Ronny J. Snow ’87 was a recipient of Sam Houston State’s 2017 Distinguished Educator of the Year Award, the highest award the College of Education bestows on its alumni. The award was in recognition of Snow’s administrative expertise and outstanding service in the classroom, school, district, and community, as well as his significant contributions to the field of education and to society. More than 100 nominations were submitted for the award before Snow was selected. Snow is the principal of Malakoff Elementary in Malakoff, Texas, and led his school to be recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a National Blue-Ribbon School in 2015.


Delta Epsilon alumni have honored all their deceased brothers by supporting the Newberry College Alumni Walk Brick Campaign. A brick was placed in honor of each deceased brother. The bricks were shared with the families at Homecoming on Saturday, October 21, 2017. The memories of brothers will help Newberry College continue its mission of offering a great education and faith to all.

Florida Southern College dedicated a new administrative building that was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright scholar Jeffrey Baker, naming it the Sharon and Jim France Admission Center. Overlooking Lake Hollingsworth in Lakeland, the building has been named for legendary racing executive James C. France (Gamma Pi–Florida Southern ’66) and his wife, Sharon. Jim is Chairman of the Board of International Speedway Corporation. He was elected to the ISC Board of Directors in 1970 and has served as the company’s secretary, assistant treasurer, vice president, and executive vice president before being named the ISC’s president and chief operating officer in 1987. He was also named to the NASCAR Board of Directors in November 2000, and serves on the Board of Directors for SunTrust Bank, East Central Florida College President Anne Kerr says, “We are so blessed to have the France family who have supported us and made an investment in the college and the students who come here.”



of Undergraduate % Percentage Chapters submitting reports

Exceptional stories from our members and chapters will appear every issue in this new Modern Gentlemen section of the magazine. More "traditional" reports of active members, graduates, annual events, etc., can now be found at S U M M E R 2 018 | THE K A PPA A LPH A JOUR NA L


MODERN GENTLEMEN Highlights f rom Active and Alumni Members, and Chapters around the Order


Razorbacks raise local funds ALPHA OMICRON-ARKANSAS

continued from page 26

to collaborate. “Excited to see

what new ways Auburn and Alabama’s SGA can work together this year. I think the relationship I have with Price will spark that collaboration,” said Dane. “Even if it’s teaching Price the Auburn fight song for next year.” ¶ All jokes aside, both leaders on campus are here to make a difference. “[The] main goal for the term is to bring as much value to the student experience as possible,” said Dane. “It is my role as Auburn’s student body president to empty myself out and serve towards this goal each and every day.” ¶ McGiffert intends to

Alpha Omicron chapter raised more than $8,000 for the medical bills of Reed White, below left with chapter member Chris Prudhomme (Alpha Omicron–Arkansas '15), a local boy who was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy at the age of 1. He was unable to walk by age 10. Now at the age of 15, he recently broke both of his legs and contracted pneumonia.

tackle concerns such as campus safety, transportation challenges, and the stigma surrounding mental health issues. “Most importantly, I want my campaign to be focused on and surrounded with students like you and me. Student voices are essential to successfully advancing our campus community.” ¶ Both presidents ran campaigns grounded in and inspired by the values of the Order. “You cannot forget your identity and where you are rooted,” said Block. “For me, that’s the Lord and the community around me. KA has been instrumental in this by giving me my best friends and great leaders to learn and grow from.” — Liz Janisse 28


Below: Greenburg with a young patient.


Meaningful Memory


Humanitarian Efforts in Laos ALPHA THETA–TRANSYLVANIA

U.S. Army Lt. Col. Dr. David L. Greenburg (Alpha Theta– Transylvania ‘96) treats a patient during a humanitarian outreach mission in the Laos People’s Democratic Republic, November 19, 2017. Greenburg was the team surgeon for the Defense POW/ MIA Accounting Agency recovery mission in the area. During that time, he treated more than 150 villagers during a two-day humanitarian mission. The mission of DPAA is to provide the fullestpossible accounting for our missing personnel to their


Beta Pi chapter at Presybyterian College has held a Clay Shoot for MDA for two years straight raising nearly $14,000 total. The men have found a fun annual event that meets the objective of supporting the Order’s national philanthropy.

It has been more than two years since Nicholas A. “Nick” Upton (Alpha Nu–George Washington ’14) left us, but his memory still lives on. From Redding, Connecticut, Nick was studying international affairs and knew he wanted to work in the intelligence community after graduation and was always interested in Africa. In high school, he pushed school administrators to let him take Swahili through a software program when he found that no African languages were offered to students.

While studying abroad in Africa, Nick went missing for 5 days. After last being seen swimming, his body was found off the coast of New London, South Africa, in August 2015. Devastated by the loss, the Alpha Nu Chapter pulled together the Greek community at George Washington University to remember and honor Nick, and they were able to fund a memorial bench. Located at the northwest corner of 22nd and F Street NW, it is where Nick spent the majority of his time, facing the Smith center and the KA house. Nick would have graduated and left GW this past spring, but he is now part of the campus forever.

families and the nation.



MODERN GENTLEMEN Highlights f rom Active and Alumni Members, and Chapters around the Order

Nicholls State gets a KA alumnus as president EPSILON BETA–NICHOLLS STATE

Dr. Jay Clune (Epsilon Beta–Nicholls State ’83) became president of Nicholls State University on January 1, 2018, becoming the first alumnus to lead the university. Before he was named President by the University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors, Dr. Clune served as the interim dean of the graduate school at the University of West Florida. He brings to the position more than two decades of experience in higher education as a faculty member and administrator. A Houma native, Dr. Clune graduated from Nicholls State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in marketing in 1986. In the fall of 1987, he entered the Peace Corps and spent two years in Guatemala. There he helped develop 4-H clubs, sanitation projects, and agricultural cooperatives. After returning to the United States he sought to further his education. He received a master’s degree in Latin American studies, with concentrations in history and international business, from the University of Alabama in 1990, and his doctorate in history from LSU in 1997. There he earned a Fulbright scholarship to study in Seville, Spain. Among his scholarly accomplishments, Dr. Clune is an award-winning author of two books, has published dozens of articles and has received the University of West Florida Teaching Incentive Performance Award in 2004. As an administrator, he received the Marion Viccars Award for outstanding performance. Dr. Clune and his wife Allison Clune have two daughters, Gabrielle and Caroline.


The brothers from Wingate University and Campbell University joined together at a Homes for our Troops event, where the brothers laid sod, planted flowers and bushes, and did other general yard work at a new home for veteran SGT Donald Walters, who is in a wheelchair from his injuries. 30

While they group had a great time, the men were especially grateful and humbled to meet someone who lost their mobility while serving our nation. Left: Men from Zeta Zeta and Zeta Psi put in a hard day’s work landscaping a new home for an injured veteran.


Summer in the Senate GAMMA ETA – FLORIDA STATE

Churchill recognition for Marshall president ALPHA ETA–WESTMINSTER

Dr. Robin Havers (Alpha Eta– Westminster ’14) recently was awarded the Emery Reves award by the International Churchill Society. He is presently the president of the George C. Marshall Foundation in Lexington, Virginia. The Reves Award is presented periodically in recognition of excellence in writing or speaking about Churchill’s life and times and/or applying his precepts and values to contemporary issues. It is named for Emery Reves, Churchill’s literary collaborator. S U M M E R 2 018 | THE K A PPA A LPH A JOUR NA L

Throughout the summer of 2017, Davis M. Michols (Gamma Eta–Florida State ’15) interned in Washington, D.C., serving on the U.S. Senate Finance Committee as a Healthcare Intern under chairman Senator Orrin Hatch. Below: Michols and Senator Hatch


Brothers at Marshall University held their 2nd Annual BBQ for MDA event, serving more than 100 people and $500 donated to the Muscular Dystrophy Association.


MODERN GENTLEMEN Highlights f rom Active and Alumni Members, and Chapters around the Order


Flipped Upside Down Two brothers travel from Auburn to provide Hurricane Harvey Relief by Lily Jackson, Managing Editor, The Plainsman Two Auburn students guided their boat into the front door of a flooded house and let off a wife and husband. The husband looked down into what used to be his living room and spotted a Roomba vacuum—submerged under water. “Well, I guess it’s not doing its job,” the husband said and laughed as he stood four-feet deep in waters left after Hurricane Harvey dumped millions of gallons of water on Southeast Texas. John M. “Jack” Hooper IV (Nu–Auburn ’14) and Connor B. Andrew (Nu–Auburn ’14), seniors in building science, were amazed at the positivity the couple had after having their lives “flipped upside down.” Hooper and Andrew, both brothers of Kappa Alpha Order, took to the road with a pickup truck and a boat on Wednesday, August 30, looking to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey in Texas, leaving behind their classes and obligations to go help in whatever way they could. Hooper is originally from Nashville, Tennessee, another city that suffered from severe flooding in 2010. Although he was not directly affected, he said he remembered the help his city received and wanted to return the kindness. Hooper said he was watching the news on Wednesday before 32

classes when he got the urge to do something about the devastation he was seeing flashing across the screen. “I feel like every time I look at the news or see some event going on like that you feel detached from it, but this time something clicked,” Hooper said. “I thought to myself, ‘We can do something about this.’”

He drove off the pavement once, saw the hood of the car dip under the water for a second, and then regained his control of the truck. It was then the two students felt the most afraid. Andrew was a good partner to have, Hooper said. Although the two KA brothers usually spent their time in Auburn fishing on Hooper’s boat, they knew handing out waters, checking houses for survivors, and handing out snacks to children would be more rewarding. The two left Auburn at 1 pm and drove until 9 p.m. when they stopped to rest their eyes for a few hours. As they got closer to Texas, they began to run into others who

were looking to lend a helping hand. The line of boats from as far as South Carolina traveled together using the push-to-talk app called Zello. Those helping with rescue efforts began to rely on the app heavily, Andrew said. After a quick snooze at a truck stop in Louisiana, Andrew and Hooper pushed forward to Orange, Texas. Hooper said they wanted to focus on a smaller town like Orange for their own safety and the lack of attention smaller communities were being given. The only way into Orange was driving through three miles of water. “The fields looked like oceans and the interstate looked like a river,” Hooper said. “The only way I knew which way I was going was by following the line of traffic.” Despite the “follow-the-leader” system, Hooper said he drove off the pavement once, saw the hood of the car dip under the water for a second, and then regained his control of the truck. It was then the two students felt the most afraid. Andrew said there were loads of people around to help, specifically law enforcement and public safety officials from many of the surrounding states. Having trained-professionals present was reassuring as Hooper and Andrew floated into a submerged city, passing cars W W W. K A P PA A L P H AO R D E R .O R G

filled to their hoods with rain water and street signs peeking out of the murky water. “Have you ever seen ‘The Walking Dead?’ ... It’s like that with water,” Hooper said. They spent the majority of their time handing out waters to those waiting out the flood waters and found joy in handing out Oreos and snacks to children barely old enough to walk. One father smiled for what seemed like the first time in a week after his child was handed a sweet treat, Andrew said. When they made it to the residential areas and began checking on families door by door, Hooper said he realized some families just wanted to chat. After four days of no energy, a new face was exactly what they wanted, he said. The same husband that looked at his drowning Roomba looked at his prized possession, the flooded Zebra-striped Expedition that took him years to find, and “his smile never left his face.” S U M M E R 2 018 | THE K A PPA A LPH A JOUR NA L


MODERN GENTLEMEN Highlights f rom Active and Alumni Members, and Chapters around the Order


Brothers Provide Additional Disaster Relief After Hurricane Harvey devastated portions of Houston, several chapters, in addition to Nu (Auburn), covered on the previous page, came together to provide support. More than 60 members of Epsilon Delta (Texas A&M) helped in over fifteen houses, cleaning up, cleaning out and tearing out sheet rock. More than a dozen Gamma Tau (Sam Houston State) actives and alumni members gathered to assist in a house clean up. Delta Pi (Missouri Southern State) sent three members to Houston over to assist with relief. They spent two days packing food, tearing out dry wall, and cleaning houses that have been affected by the hurricane. “We were overwhelmed by the gratitude and the hospitality that was shown to us by those that we met,” said Trey Viel (Delta Pi–Missouri Southern State ’16). “There was no better way to spend fall break!” Beta Tau (Mississippi State) collected over 2,400 canned goods, water, and other items to donate to the victims Harvey. Jon Mundorf (Zeta Lambda–Bowling Green State ’98) took a different approach with his students. In the aftermath of Hurricane Irma, Mundorf, a former staff member of the Order, was featured in the London, England-based Daily Mail newspaper. Mundorf, a seventh-grade teacher at P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School in Gainesville, Florida, shared the reactions and feelings of the members of his class after he asked the students to summarize Hurricane Irma on Post-It notes, sharing their thoughts and feelings using only six words each. The paper published some of the Post-It notes, which ranged from uplifting reflections about the human spirit (“Irma was strong, we are stronger”) to more realistic assessments of what hurricanes bring, like “Water jugs, insufficient plugs, hundred bugs.”


Luke Engler, the sixyear-old son of Rich Engler (Beta Kappa– Maryland ’90), was diagnosed in September 2017 with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG), a rare form of a pediatric brain tumor located in the brain stem. One of the more difficult brain tumors to treat because of its location, the median survival time is nine months from diagnosis, and there is no known cure. Luke has undergone 29 radiation treatments and is enrolled in a clinical trial at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, D.C. He continues to fight as treatment options are explored. Luke’s family has decided to expect miracles and to believe Luke ill thrive and survive. The family has created a “superhero squad,” LukesSquad, to support and encourage this young man as he battles DIPG. Below: Luke Engler with his family, from left to right, sister Lucy, dad Rich, mom Nancy and sister Amber.


RECOGNITION FOR GEORGIA TECH'S BROWN Army 1st Lt. Tyler H. Brown (Alpha Sigma–Georgia Tech ’97) was posthumously inducted into the Georgia Tech Greek Hall of Fame, selected for this distinction based on the commitment he showed through his service to Kappa Alpha Order, Georgia Tech, our country, and the community. 1st Lt. Brown, a former Alpha Sigma Number I, died fighting for his country on September 14, 2004, at age 26, when his unit was attacked by small-arms fire in Ramadi, Iraq, during Operation Iraqi Freedom. He is the namesake of the Tyler Brown Scholarship Fund to assist ROTC students complete their education. 1st Lt. Brown and his father, prominent Atlanta businessman Carey Brown, are the only father/son duo to both be elected student body president and to receive the Outstanding Young Alumnus Award from Georgia Tech. Also in 2017, a new Veterans of Foreign Wars post based at Atlanta’s Bobby Jones Golf Course was named in memory of Brown.


Pageant Challenge

Embodying the Ideals of KA EPSILON PHI–GEORGE MASON

Philip Noftsinger (Epsilon Phi– George Mason ’89) is a prime example of how K A can provide life lessons and experiences that help shape a man’s future. The president of CBIZ, Inc., he started his career as an entry-level accountant, rising to vice president of operations, and finally to president of a $100,000,000+ revenue organization. He is featured often on CNBC as a guest analyst. His success is the result of hard work, perseverance, and applying “There’s so many of the tenets and many people principles he along the was exposed to during path in our his years as a lives that are K A brother. wiser and took Phil was involved in the time to his province, help us. Each worked on the national staff, of us knows and has been those people’s a volunteer in many other names. I want ways as an to be able to alumnus. “The opporbe that name tunity we have for somebody is less about building us else.” and more about building others,” he said. “There are so many people along the path in our lives that are wiser and took the time to help us. Each of us know those people’s names. I want to be able to be that name for somebody else.”





On Saturday, December 16th, several brothers of the Delta Tau Chapter at Francis Marion University volunteered in the annual Wreaths Across America event at the historic Florence National Cemetery. Thousands of wreaths were placed at the graves of our nation’s heroes. Volunteers were encouraged to say aloud the name of the veterans, while taking a moment to thank them for their service to our country.

The men of Zeta Tau hosted their annual Womanless Pageant, which had a huge showing, to raise money for MDA. Three KAs and men from different organizations kicked off their dress shoes and boots for high heels in a daring challenge of beauty and talents. The 2018 Womanless Pageant saw Coordinator of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs Stephen Dominy take home the title of Miss Alpha Omicron Pi in the event that raised more than $1,700 for MDA.

Above: Brothers from Zeta Tau, and men and women of other chapters and sororities, gather for the chapter’s annual Womanless Pageant.


MODERN GENTLEMEN Highlights f rom Active and Alumni Members, and Chapters around the Order

Leading Brothers on the High Seas


Captain Shannon Attales Offers Charters and Inspiration by Liz Janisse

Shannon Attales (Delta Upsilon— Tennessee-Martin ’03) graduated 13 years ago, packed up, and moved to the Florida Keys to become a deepsea fishing captain—all before he had even caught his first mahi-mahi. “I’d never been saltwater fishing before,” said Attales, better known to his clients as Captain Shannon. “But I knew that it was something that I felt that I wanted to do. I was like, man it would be so cool to actually do something that you love and help people.” He is now the proud owner of his own vessel, known as the Warbird. Attales owns and operates Warbird Fishing Charters, which allows guests to experience a day on the high seas in Islamorada. Captain Shannon leads his clients in pursuit of a variety of deep-sea game fish, including dolphin, hogfish, snapper, black fin tuna, skipjacks, and tripletail. “I can provide a service that helps them achieve their goals. It’s more so just the camaraderie about fishing with people,” said Captain Shannon. “Or taking a family fishing or helping a kid catch his first fish. That’s more so what appeals to me rather than the fishing itself.” Attales began work as a first mate in 2004. He spent about six years learning the trade before he felt comfortable taking clients out on his own charters. Captain Shannon’s deep-sea fishing has earned recognition in many local contests. He has been featured in the Miami Herald, the cover of Saltwater Sportsman magazine, and George Poveromo’s World of Saltwater Fishing television series, which runs on NBC Sports Network. In spite of this publicity, Attales maintains his focus on family. “I try not to let



that kind of stuff go to my head because I know there’s so many capable people down here,” he said. “But I do pride myself on being family oriented.” Captain Shannon stands out as a beacon of integrity in a field he said is often overcome with drug and alcohol abuse. “A lot of the people that are in the community, they’re in that mindset that they’re always on vacation,” said Attales. “It’s very easy to get wrapped up in the whole bar scene down here and party, party, party, because it is a tourist town.”

“He puts others first in every situation. Captain Shannon Attales is the Definition of a Gentleman in the utmost sense.” — E lliott Myers (Beta Gamma— Charleston ’11). Among his colleagues, Attales is one of the few who has managed to own his own boat, business, and home. He said the Order played a role in the formation of his work ethic and character. “Being a brother of Kappa Alpha Order definitely helped mold me into who I am,” said Captain Shannon. “I owe a lot to KA for sure.” The brothers with whom he goes fishing attest to the strength of Attales’s character. “People


look up to him in the community for being outgoing, honest, friendly, and chivalrous,” said Elliott Myers (Beta Gamma—Charleston ’11). “He puts others first in every situation. He works harder than anyone I know. Captain Shannon Attales is the Definition of a Gentleman in the utmost sense.” Myers was on a family vacation in 2012 when he was approached in the marina by Attales, who noticed the KA letters on his t-shirt. The two bonded immediately over their shared brotherhood, and the Myers family enjoyed an afternoon of deep-sea fishing with Attales, including the capture of a 40-pound prize bull dolphin. Captain Shannon has crossed paths with several brothers throughout his deep-sea fishing career. In fact, on the first charter he took as a captain, he met five KAs. “The fact that we were brothers from the same Order was just absolutely amazing,” said Attales. “To share that bond makes it a very unique experience. No matter what happens throughout the day, to call them a brother, that’s a very special feeling.” Brotherhood continues to play a role in Captain Shannon’s life. “That longevity of friendship is really, really special.” Attales said he is “always looking to take brothers fishing.” Shannon offers full or half-day deep-sea fishing charters. (305) 522-5587


Members of MississippiAlpha Upsilon after receiving the George C. Marshall Award for Chapter Excellence. 38


ROLL OF HONOR 2017 Awards for Chapter Excellence

This spring, hundreds of undergraduate officers and future leaders of their respective chapters met at one of eight regional Province Councils throughout the months of February and March. Along with educational programming on scholarship, risk management, sexual misconduct, Ritual, and other areas of chapter operations, chapters were recognized for their achievements from the previous calendar year. Chapters are recognized for excellence in finances, recruitment and chapter growth, communications, Project Outreach, Operation Crimson Gift, and overall chapter excellence. Congratulations to our 2017 award winners!

Washington-Zeta Mu

George C. Marshall Award for Chapter Excellence The highest honor that can be bestowed on a chapter is the George C. Marshall Award for Chapter Excellence. This award is presented annually to the top one to three chapters in the Order in recognition for their superior operations and performance. Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon Washington–Zeta Mu

Project Outreach Awards Cross & Rose Award Washington–

Outstanding Dollars per Man

Zeta Mu

Tennessee Tech–Zeta Epsilon

Most Service Hours per Man Washington–Zeta Mu

($265/man) Jacksonville State–Delta Phi


(70 hours/man)

Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi

Outstanding Service Hours per Man


Missouri Southern State –Delta Pi

(60.71 hours/man) Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha

(58 hours/man) Jacksonville State–Delta Phi

(41.56 hours/man) Louisiana Tech– Gamma Alpha

(30 hours/man) Westminster–Alpha Eta

(30 hours/man)

Most Dollars per Man Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon


($200/man) Zeta Upsilon ($175.78/man) Presbyterian–Beta Pi

($164.21/man) Miami–Epsilon Lambda ($140.34/man) Tulsa–Mu ($131.25/man) Washington College–Beta Omega ($121.43/man) Washington–

Zeta Mu ($102.50/man) Florida State– Gamma Eta

($76.68/man) S U M M E R 2 018 | THE K A PPA A LPH A JOUR NA L


Carl Albert Award for Chapter Improvement The Carl Albert Award for Chapter Improvement is given to the one or two chapters that show the most overall improvement from the previous calendar year. It is named for former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Carl Albert (Beta Eta–Oklahoma ’29). Florida State–Gamma Eta Richmond–Eta 39

Academic Excellence Academic excellence has been a priority of many Knight Commanders. Through the work of our chapters and elevated standards from the Executive Council, we continue to see a rising national GPA and successful brothers on campus. We recognize them here as such.

National Scholarship Trophy This trophy, housed in the national administrative office, is awarded to the chapter that achieves the highest combined GPA for the year. Stanford– Alpha Pi (3.6475)

Scholtastic Excellence Awards The following chapters achieved a 3.25 semester GPA during the fall of 2016 and/or spring of 2017 semester(s). Chapters meeting this criteria exhibit excellence and will not receive any lower scholastic awards. FALL 2016 & SPRING 2017

SPRING 2017 ONLY Oklahoma State–Beta Xi South Alabama–

Epsilon Alpha

Tennessee–Pi Texas–Omicron Texas A&M–Epsilon


Outstanding Scholastic Achievement Awards Chapters qualify by achieving one of the following: 1) have a collective GPA average higher than both the all men’s and all fraternity average; 2) be academically ranked in the top 25% of fraternities on their campus; or 3) achieve a 3.0 GPA.

Austin Peay State–

FALL 2016 & SPRING 2017

California–Alpha Xi Duke–Alpha Phi Georgia–Gamma Richmond–Eta Stanford–Alpha Pi Tulane–Psi Tulsa–Mu Vanderbilt–Chi Virginia–Lambda Wake Forest–Tau Washington–Zeta Mu Washington & Lee–

Auburn–Nu Arizona–Gamma Epsilon Drury–Beta Iota Delaware–Beta Epsilon Florida–Beta Zeta Furman–Iota Georgia College–

Zeta Tau


William Jewell–

Alpha Delta

FALL 2016 ONLY Arkansas–Alpha

Omicron Baylor–Delta Omega Centenary–Alpha Iota Davidson–Sigma Georgia Tech–

Alpha Sigma

Missouri S&T–

Beta Alpha

North Carolina–Upsilon Rhodes–Alpha Epsilon

Epsilon Nu

George Mason–

Epsilon Phi

George Washington–

Alpha Nu

High Point–Zeta Phi Marshall–Beta Upsilon Maryland–Beta Kappa Miami–Epsilon Lambda Midwestern State–

Gamma Omega

Millsaps–Alpha Mu Mississippi–Alpha


Univ. of the South–

Alpha Alpha

Southern Illinois–

Zeta Sigma

Southwestern–Xi Virginia Tech–

Epsilon Eta

William & Mary–

Alpha Zeta


Semester Scholastic Achievement Awards FALL 2016 Campbell–Zeta Psi Louisiana State–

Alpha Gamma

Newberry–Delta Epsilon North Texas–

Gamma Lambda

Roanoke–Beta Rho Tennessee–Pi Texas–Omicron Texas A&M–Epsilon



Delta Iota

Valdosta State–

Delta Rho

Washington College–

Beta Omega

West Texas A&M–

Gamma Sigma

Westminster–Alpha Eta Wofford–Delta

SPRING 2017 Alabama–Alpha Beta Arizona State–Epsilon




Baylor–Delta Omega Centenary–Alpha Iota Clemson–Delta Omicron Davidson–Sigma Georgetown–Beta Delta Georgia Tech–

Alpha Sigma

Kentucky–Theta Lamar–Gamma Xi Louisiana Tech–

Gamma Alpha

Mississippi State–

Beta Tau

Missouri–Alpha Kappa Missouri S&T–Beta


Nevada–Zeta Delta North Carolina–Upsilon Presbyterian–Beta Pi Rhodes–Alpha Epsilon South Carolina–Rho Transylvania–

Alpha Theta

West Virginia Wesleyan–Beta Chi

Samuel Zenas Ammen Award for Chapter Excellence Every year the top 10 percent of KA Chapters are recognized with the Samuel Zenas Award for Chapter Excellence. This award takes all areas of chapter operations into consideration and recognizes those chapters achieving a high level of excellence. It is named for Samuel Zenas Ammen, Kappa Alpha Order’s Practical Founder. Ammen committed his time as a member of Kappa Alpha Order to improving, first the ritual and operations of our very first chapter at Washington College, and later to the chapters across the nation as he served as Knight Commander for two terms, totaling nine years. Much like our practical founder, the Ammen Awardwinning chapters exhibit a commitment to excellence. They strive to be the best on campus and in the nation in every aspect of chapter operations.


AWARDS 2017 Awards for Chapter Excellence

CHAPTER OPERATIONS AWARDS Excellence in Social Media Communication

Campus and Community Communication

These chapters utilize many forms of new media in a frequent, values-centric way, continually sharing news about their chapter on various outlets, throughout the year.

This chapter shows effective communication and promotion of the interfraternal spirit on their campus, connection to the faculty, staff, and administration and promotion of their efforts to the surrounding community. Arizona–Gamma Epsilon


Gamma Epsilon

Austin Peay State–

Zeta Tau

Mississippi– Westminster-Alpha Eta

Arizona– Gamma Epsilon Austin Peay State– Zeta Tau

Alpha Upsilon

Missouri S&T– Beta Alpha Southern Illinois–Zeta Sigma Tennessee–Pi Tennessee-

California– Alpha Xi

Chattanooga– Zeta Upsilon Tulsa–Mu Washington–Zeta Mu Westminster–Alpha Eta

Jacksonville State– Delta Phi

Excellence in Fraternal Communication

Louisiana Tech– Gamma Alpha

Presbyterian– Beta Pi

This chapter shows effective communication and promotion of fraternal brotherhood amongst other KA chapters, to include newly chartered chapters and those winning national awards.

Southern Illinois– Zeta Sigma

Austin Peay State– Zeta Ta u Mississippi–

Mississippi– Alpha Upsilon Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi

Tennessee–Pi TennesseeChattanooga– Zeta Upsilon Transylvania– Alpha Theta Tulsa–Mu Washington– Zeta Mu Westminster– Alpha Eta William Jewell– Alpha Delta

Alpha Upsilon

Missouri S&T–

Beta Alpha

Presbyterian–Beta Pi Washington–Zeta Mu Southern Illinois–

Zeta Sigma

Tennessee–Pi Tennessee-

Austin Peay State–

Zeta Tau


Alpha Upsilon

Missouri S&T–

Beta Alpha

Presbyterian–Beta Pi TennesseeChattanooga–

Zeta Upsilon

Texas Tech–

Gamma Chi Tulsa–Mu Washington–Zeta Mu Westminster–

Alpha Eta

William Jewell–

Alpha Delta

Excellence in Educational Programming These chapters schedule speakers and/or workshops, attend opportunities on campus, and lead an overall educational approach to membership education, which might include Council of Honor,

The Crusade, and other areas of leadership and values education. Arizona–Gamma Epsilon Austin Peay State–

Zeta Tau

Jacksonville State– Delta Phi Louisiana Tech–

Gamma Alpha

Millsaps–Alpha Mu Mississippi– Alpha Upsilon Missouri S&T–

Beta Alpha

Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi Presbyterian–Beta Pi Southern Illinois– Zeta Sigma TennesseeChattanooga–

Zeta Upsilon

Tulsa–Mu Washington–Zeta Mu Westminster–

Alpha Eta

Outstanding Recruitment & Chapter Growth These chapters also show the coordination of a year-round approach to recruitment, using the Order’s values and chapter’s accomplishments to recruit effectively and retain new members. Arizona–Gamma Epsilon

Gamma Alpha Mississippi–Alpha


Missouri–Beta Alpha Nevada–Zeta Delta TennesseeChattanooga–

Zeta Upsilon

Washington–Zeta Mu Westminster–

Alpha Eta

Excellence in Chapter Finance These chapters submitted all national reports on time and maintained generally a zero balance with the national administrative office. They also maintain great records, utilize the tools of OmegaFi for record keeping, budgeting, and collecting, as well as maintaining a minimum accounts receivable from their membership dues. California–Alpha Xi Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha Tennessee–Pi Washington–Zeta Mu Westminster–

Alpha Eta

Austin Peay State–

Zeta Tau

Jacksonville State–

Delta Phi

Louisiana Tech–

Chattanooga– Zeta Upsilon Tulsa–Mu Westminster–

Alpha Eta

William Jewell– Alpha Del ta

Excellence in




Regina McNeill and Laura Hassell (bottom row from left), with family members Austin McNeill ‘14 and Chris Hassell ‘13 (middle row), and Allan McNeill ’82 and Max McNeill ’12 (top row), gather outside the Gamma Alpha chapter house.. 42


Chapter House Stor ies


pkeep of a fraternity house can be a daunting task, a continuous process that has to be carried on through the perpetual change of residents who don’t always see it as part of their fraternal responsibility. Thankfully for the members of Gamma Alpha Chapter at Louisiana Tech, some of their family members, alumni, and community professionals have helped restore their house, which was falling into a state of disrepair. Regina McNeill is the chairperson of the Chapter House Moms Committee, who, along with fellow committee members Laura Hassell and Ann Johnston and others, undertook the mission to make the Gamma Alpha Chapter house more livable for the men of the Ammen Award–winning chapter. “We have parent work days, and during the first one we saw there was so much to be done,” said Regina, whose sons Max McNeill ’12 and Austin McNeill ’14, and husband Allan McNeill ’82, have all lived in the house. “The initial projects were so big. We had a bathroom that was so awful that I couldn’t see how even a 20-year-old male would want to use it. When kids came in for Rush and walked into a bathroom where there were no stalls. Well, it didn’t make a good impression.” “We raised money through donations to strip the bathrooms, took everything out but the studs,” she said. “We reached out to the alumni for donations and had a professional painter come in to paint much of the inside of the house. We involved parents and alumni who came to work days. Our group was kind of the hub of it, determining what needed to be done.” S U M M E R 2 018 | THE K A PPA A LPH A JOUR NA L

“When it rained,” she continued, “we had water leakage where the house is dug into the side of the hill. That was a huge project, requiring a professional to dig out huge trenches and re-seal the back of the house. We worked in conjunction with the house association who owns the house to fix and help maintain a number of things. There was so much.”

“The initial projects were so big. We had a bathroom that was so awful that I couldn’t see how even a 20-year-old male would want to use it."

David Alexander ‘13, former KA associate director for chapter services, was a chapter officer who lived in the house while some of the work was being done. “There was so much to do, so much that needed fixing, and the house just wasn’t clean,” he said. “The work the committee did, along with our alumni, the community, the housing association and our men, gave the guys pride in the house. Thanks to these ladies, we were able to change the mentality of respecting the house, to make everyone realize that we’re very fortunate to have what we have. Some of the men might get nervous about parents being part of it, but this is a perfect example of how the involvement of parents can help lead to great things.” Regina McNeill said everyone pitches in “for the love of KA. Love for our kids and the kids in the chapter—these are some extraordinary young men. We reach out to the community, and we get alumni interested because we’re doing things to help the chapter, and we get the men going. It’s hard not to love doing this.”



Lexington Triad Convenes in D.C. From October 25 to 29, 2017, the national boards and staffs of Kappa Alpha Order, Alpha Tau Omega, and Sigma Nu gathered in Washington, D.C. As has become custom, every so often these men gather for a variety of shared purposes. Our organizations were all founded in Lexington, Virginia. Our missions all align and are in support of the fraternity movement. And, today, all three organizations are interfraternal leaders in accountability, education, advocacy, for students rights. Sessions were held with all three boards with speakers from the North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC), Fraternity and Sorority Political Action Committee (FSPAC), and more. A Congressional reception was held in the Capitol for our respective members of Congress and many were in attendance. In addition, a local alumni reception was hosted by Thomas A. "Tad" Davis (Beta Zeta–Florida ’57) at his office on the top floor and balcony of The Willard. Each organization held their board meeting after the sessions. The Triad has long enjoyed a special relationship among its members and leaders; the most recent joint session was held in 2009 marking one year after the 25th anniversary of the dedication of the Triad marker in Lexington. 44


The Knight Commander’s Accolade was created to recognize excellence in leadership and service to the Order. It's the highest individual honor an alumnus can receive.

News, Notes & Recognition

Ronald C. Plunkett Theta Commission–Citadel ‘09 CONFERRED: Theta Commission & Charleston Alumni Chapter Convivium; Carolina Yacht Club, February 17, 2018

A native of Atlanta, Georgia, Ron earned a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from The Citadel in 1964. He then earned a Master of Arts in English, Summa Cum Laude, from The Citadel/The University of Charleston in 1996. As a cadet, Ron was a member of the History, Political Science, and English Honor Societies, and may be the only person elected to these three as a Citadel student.

Advisor Receives National Recognition

Above: In Session: Kay and Wiese (left) join Alpha Tau Omega’s CEO Wynn Smiley and National President Tim Clipson, and, Sigma Nu’s Executive Director Brad Beacham and National President Lee Perrett for a photo before the Triad events in the U.S. Capitol. Left: Congressman Steve Womack (Epsilon Zeta–Arkansas Tech ’78) receives a Triad Coin from Executive Director Wiese and Knight Commander Kay. Left, bottom: Congressman Richard Hudson (Epsilon Xi– North Carolina-Charlotte ’90) changes into a KA tie at the Triad reception in the U.S. Capitol. Congressman Robert Pittenger (Omicron– Texas ’60) also attended.

On April 23, longtime advisor and house corporation leader Wayne Dawson (Gamma Epsilon–Arizona '60) was presented with the North- American Interfraternity Conference Award of Distinction for an Advisor. The Order nominated Wayne in 2017, and he and only a handful of other advisors were selected as recipients. Wayne has served the Gamma Epsilon since 1999. During those nearly 20 years, he has led the chapter through recolonization and reorganization with unwavering support even during times of the chapter’s inactivity on campus. The chapter has grown from 35 men in Spring 2014 to 134 members in Spring 2017. He has also overseen several major renovations of the chapter house while serving as both the housing corporation treasurer and president. Wayne was the recipient of the Knight Commander’s Accolade in 2002. “Over the past 16 years as both an undergraduate and alumni officer, I have witnessed firsthand how Wayne has impacted countless lives as an advisor, mentor, colleague and friend,” said Eli Cohen (Gamma Epsilon–Arizona '01).


Ron began his military career as a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army. He served in both Korea and Vietnam, from 1964 to 1968, attaining the rank of Captain in 1967. Ron started his professional career with SeaLand Service, Inc. which was purchased by Maersk Line, the world’s largest containerized steamship line. He retired in 2009 as a Senior Account Executive. He was been one of eight U.S. recipients of CSX Corporation’s Master’s Award and receive the Salesman of the Year Award. Ron is a member of more than two dozen societies, orders, and foundations, holding leadership roles in nearly all of them including The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. He is married to Dr. Linda Muckenfuss Plunkett and has two children and two grandchildren. Ron has been instrumental in the Theta Commission’s success since his initiation. He has been inducted into the John Temple Graves Province Court of Honor. Ron is member of the Military Division, the Loyal Order, the 1865 Trust, and has been a member of the KAOEF’s Crimson & Gold Society since 2014.


Staff Updates




The Delta Theta Chapter at Georgia Southern University celebrated its 50th Anniversary on March 24, 2018, with nearly 300 people in attendance. DELTA ETAARKANSAS STATE

Delta Eta Chapter celebrated its 50th Anniversary with an event at the chapter house on Saturday, October 14, 2017. The event was well attended by alumni including Forester Province Commander Gregory R. Singleton (Gamma Gamma–Memphis ’82).


The E. Fleming Mason Memorial Interns

In January 2018, Dallas Weaver (Gamma Rho–East Carolina ’12) was hired as a director of development for the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation. Since May 2017, Dallas has been serving the Order as an associate director for chapter services.

The E. Fleming Mason Memorial Internship Program was created to provide deserving undergraduates with the desire to become better educated and informed on both the public and private sectors of our national government. In addition, this program gives undergraduates the opportunity to gain professional work experience while living in Washington, D.C. The internship, living and working in Washington, D.C., and interacting with other interns from across the country, provides an everlasting experience. 2018 Interns and Placements:

Gage A. Dabin (Alpha Iota–Centenary ’14): Senator John Kennedy (LA)

Damian C. Doolittle (Zeta Psi–Campbell ’17): Congressman Pete Sessions (TX-32) and Congressman Robert Pittenger (NC-9)

Luke E. Hogg (Alpha Zeta–William & Mary ’15): Congressman Mike Conaway (TX-11)

Jacob A. Seay (Zeta Omega–Coastal Carolina ’17): Meyers & Associates and Congressman Richard Hudson (NC-8)

Nicholas A. Wollermann (Gamma Eta–Florida State ’14): Davis & Harman LLP


In June 2018, Carl Schumpert (Beta Gamma–Charleston ’10) was promoted to the position of director of college and university relations. Since May 2017, Carl has been serving the Order as an associate director for chapter development. ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS FOR CHAPTER SERVICES AND DEVELOPMENT

In June 2018, Evan M. Hanna (Epsilon Zeta–Arkansas Tech ‘17), Aamir S. Ibrahim (Gamma Mu–Houston ‘13), Aristeo S. Ruiz (Zeta Tau–Austin Peay State ‘14), and T. Shofner Smith III (Gamma Chi–Texas Tech ‘13) were hired as associate directors for chapter services and development. W W W. K A P PA A L P H AO R D E R .O R G

OUR ORDER News, Notes & Recog nition

New Foundation Trustees The Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation welcomes our newest trustees. Both men will serve a threeyear term.

Above: (left to right) 2017 SEIFC President Daniel Mendoza, SEIFC man of the Year Ari Ruiz, Greg Singleton, SEIFC Executive Director Gary Wiser (Delta Lambda–Middle Tennessee State ’99)

Leading SEIFC and Beyond The Southeastern Interfraternity Conference (SEIFC) is a regional leadership academy that provides education, training, and development opportunities for elected members of local Interfraternity Councils. Twenty-four KAs were in attendance.

Undergraduate Conference selects 2018 leaders

2018 SEIFC President Baxter Ray (Zeta Chi–Kennesaw State ’17) (right) was elected as the 2018 president of the Southeastern Interfraternity Conference.

At the Number I’s Leadership Institute, Numbers Is from all over the Order made their selection for National Undergraduate Chairman and Vice Chairman. Elected there were NUC James Dreyer “J.D.”Norris (Delta Omicron– Clemson ’15) and NUVC Winston W. Gammon (Kappa–Mercer ’16). Gammon had to step down shortly thereafter, so Patrick J. Bauman (Gamma Epsilon–Arizona ’16) was appointed by the Knight Commander to fill that vacany.

SEIFC Man of the Year Aristeo S. “Ari” Ruiz (Zeta Tau–Austin Peay State ’14) (above) was named the SEIFC’s Gregory R. Singleton Fraternity Man of the Year. Named after Gregory R. Singleton (Gamma Gamma–Memphis ’82) who served 18 years on the SEIFC Board, six of which as Executive Director, this award recognizes the undergraduate fraternity man in the Southeast who is a role model to his peers and consistently illustrates what it means to live with integrity and by the values of his fraternity.

Patrick J. Bauman (Gamma Epsilon–Arizona ’16). A junior from Detroit, Michigan, J.D. is pursuing his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering. He has served as Number IX as well as a member of the housing and alumni relations committees. He was chosen to represent Clemson University at the Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute held at Indiana University. J.D. is a third generation KA. Patrick is from Kansas City, Missouri, and is studying Economics and English. He has served as Number IV and is currently the Number I.


R. Scott Heath (Delta– Wofford ’77), who is joining the Board for the first time, is the Branch Manager, First Vice PresidentInvestments, and PIM Portfolio Manager at Wells Fargo Advisors in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

The Honorable David M. Warren (Tau–Wake Forest ’78) who returns to the Board, currently serves as a United States Bankruptcy Judge for the Eastern District of North Carolina. 47

Courts of Honor The Order’s system of Provincial Courts of Honor is unique in the system of American college fraternities. It was first introduced at the fifth province council, in 1930, by Commander Frank Hammett Myers, Commander of the James Ward Wood Province. For insignia, each Court uses its own Provincial Cross with its own distinct colors. The purpose of the Courts of Honor is to recognize and acknowledge alumni for their continued interest, support, and participation in the Order, its active or alumni chapters, and their capacity to stimulate the expansion and prestige of the fraternity. The Courts of Honor holds an annual meeting, and dinner or event, to nominate new members and make plans for the events of the upcoming year. A new inductee is presented with Court of Honor jewel along with a certificate of membership. The following are the official colors and names of each province are established by the Knight Commander.





April 15, 2018 with the Bluegrass Alumni Chapter; Keeneland Sales Pavilion, Lexington, Kentucky

February 17, 2018; Springfield, Missouri

February 10, 2018; Moody Hall at Virginia Military Institute; Lexington, Virginia

Shawn Allen Bailey (Beta Lambda–Southern Methodist ’95) Larry Martin Roy (Theta–Kentucky ’81) Gary A. Smith, Sr. (Theta–Kentucky ’80) Ronald Coleman Taylor (Delta Mu–Eastern Kentucky ’15)

Derrick L. Sims (Gamma Beta– Missouri State ’02) Jack T. Watts (Beta Alpha– Missouri S&T ’08) Terry J. Steen (Delta Pi–Missouri Southern State ’08)

Brent E. Buswell (Beta Eta–Oklahoma ’09) Brian P. Anderson (Alpha Rho–West Virginia ’99) Brian J. Jenkins (Alpha Rho–West Virginia ’98) Darron E. Franta (Gamma Tau–Sam Houston State ’90





OUR ORDER News, Notes & Recog nition






October 5, 2017; The Fairview Inn; Jackson, Mississippi

February 3, 2018 during Locke Province Convivium; Historic Skirvin Hilton Hotel; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

February 24th, 2018; The Crescent Club; Dallas, Texas

January 27, 2018, during the Neal Province Council; Hilton Garden Inn; Reno, Nevada

February 24th, 2018; The Crescent Club; Dallas, Texas

Walter A. “Nap” Bryan, Jr. (Beta Tau– Mississippi State ’81) James H. “Jim” Eley (Nu–Auburn ’64) John F. Hill (Beta Tau– Mississippi State ’83) David T. Martineau V (Alpha Upsilon– Mississippi ’88) Harry M. “Monty” Simpkins (Alpha Mu– Millsaps ’76) George Pickett (Alpha Mu–Millsaps ’64) Taylor M. Sledge, Jr. (Alpha Upsilon– Mississippi ’04) Dr. Donald A. “Don” Hopkins (Alpha Mu– Millsaps ’58)

John W. “Jack” Bauder (Gamma Kappa– Oklahoma City ’64) Joe W. Briggs (Beta Xi– Oklahoma State ’01)

Marcus E. Angle Jr. (Delta Phi– Jacksonville State ’80) Tullis D. Beasley (Delta Rho–Valdosta State ’09)

Brent E. Buswell (Beta Eta–Oklahoma ’09)

Dustin R. Bedwell (Gamma Sigma– West Texas A&M ’99)

Jeffrey D. Chappell (Gamma Kappa– Oklahoma City ’83)

John H. Howard (Beta Lambda–Southern Methodist ’88)

Jordan L. Hale (Zeta Rho–Arkansas-Fort Smith ’09)

M. Trace Hunt (Gamma Chi–Texas Tech ’88)

James F. Lowder II (Gamma Kappa– Oklahoma City ’75) Timothy W. McClure (Zeta Rho–ArkansasFort Smith ’11)

Tullis D. Beasley (Delta Rho–Valdosta State ’09) David K. Dere (Gamma Iota–San Diego State ’93)

Derek B. Carrillo (Delta Kappa–Stephen F. Austin State ’86)

Darren S. Kay (Alpha Eta–Westminster ’88)

Mark A. Cochran (Gamma Tau–Sam Houston State ’85)

Michael P. Wilson (Alpha Theta– Transylvania ’00)

Kenneth W. Faires (Delta Kappa–Stephen F. Austin State ’76) Dr. Scott Hilbor (Delta Kappa–Stephen F. Austin State ’94)

M. Gregory Reynolds (Gamma Sigma–West Texas A&M ’75)

Christopher P. Jones (Gamma Tau–Sam Houston State ’88)

Jason G. Wingert (Alpha Iota–Centenary ’97)

Chad M. Leveritt (Delta Kappa–Stephen F. Austin State ’91)

William H. McKee V (Beta Xi–Oklahoma State ’06)

Ernesto Nieto (Xi– Southwestern ’62) Kevin P. Riley (Delta Kappa–Stephen F. Austin State ’85)

Robert L. Morris, Jr. (Beta Eta– Oklahoma ’67)

Steven W. Tomson (Omicron–Texas ’81)

Verne A. Smith, Jr. (Beta Xi–Oklahoma State ’61) April 19, 2018; Uncle Buck’s Brewery & Steakhouse; Grapevine, Texas

Dustin G. Brann (Alpha Omega–North Carolina State ’11)


David W. White (Delta Kappa–Stephen F. Austin State ’72)

Keith C. Keister (Gamma Kappa– Oklahoma City ’66) Locke



Candler 49

OUR ORDER News, Notes & Recog nition

Chapter Charterings New Start

Baylor–Delta Omega DATE: Saturday, April 22nd, 2017 LOCATION: Mayborn Museum; Waco, Texas INITIATES: 55 GPA: 3.265

Arkansas Tech–Epsilon Zeta DATE Sunday, October 8, 2017 LOCATION: Lake Point Conference Center; Russellville, Arkansas INITIATES: 37 GPA: 2.998

The following provisional chapters have been established or are already working toward regaining good standing and obtaining their charter: PURDUE (EPSILON RHO) Received Provisional Certificate on Sunday, April 29, 2018 17 men inducted MURRAY STATE (DELTA MU) Received Provisional Certificate on Friday, April 27, 2018 15 men inducted

Campbell–Zeta Psi DATE: Friday, November 17, 2017 LOCATION: Indigo Room; Erwin, North Carolina INITIATES: 35 GPA: 2.99

Coastal Carolina–Zeta Omega DATE: Saturday, November 18, 2017 LOCATION: Wild Wing Plantation; Conway, South Carolina INITIATES: 54 GPA: 3.08 Vanderbilt–Chi DATE: Friday, February 23, 2018 LOCATION: Belle Meade Country Club; Nashville, Tennessee INITIATES: 77 GPA: 3.567

EMORY (EPSILON) Received Provisional Certificate on Sunday, March 25, 2018 31 men inducted HASTINGS COLLEGE Received Provisional Certificate on September 24, 2017 14 men inducted NORTH TEXAS (GAMMA LAMBDA) Received Provisional Certificate on Sunday, November 20, 2016 Up to 30 members with a 2.91 GPA Fall 2018 Expansions: Middle Tennessee State (Delta Lambda) Randolph-Macon (Zeta) Charleston (Beta Gamma)




Ensur ing the future of Kappa Alpha Order

Crimson & Gold Society The future is bright ... because of brothers like you.

Chapin is also a member of the 1865 Trust

Kent (Beta Xi– Oklahoma State ’70) & Patty Chapin Crimson & Gold Society I became a member of the Crimson & Gold Society because I wanted to help new brothers experience the benefits of being a member of Kappa Alpha Order. K A taught me life lessons beyond the academics of going to school. It taught me how to live, work, and play with fifty other men with different views, goals, and ambitions, but a common bond of brotherhood. I look back and see the many benefits K A afforded me as an undergraduate and after graduation, how it helped me be successful in my business career. Kappa Alpha also introduced me to lifelong friends whose company I still enjoy forty years after graduating. I realize the value [of the] K AOEF and its programs and I felt that contributing to the K AOEF at this level was a way for me to give back to an organization that benefitted me in so many ways. S U M M E R 2 018 | THE K A PPA A LPH A JOUR NA L

“I want to help new brothers experience the benefits of being a member of Kappa Alpha Order.”

Today, Kappa Alpha Order is stronger than ever before. Nearly 8,000 active members serve on 125 campuses across our nation. And the numbers just keep growing. But this demand requires increased resources in a tumultuous time on every campus for our youngest brothers. The KAOEF is in the midst of an ambitious Crimson & Gold Campaign to establish 1,000 donors at the $1000 level, annually, by end of 2019. The future is bright... because of brothers like Ken...and you. Join the Crimson & Gold Society... and invest in the next generation of KA brothers.

Other ways to Support the KAOEF & Kappa Alpha Order Forever KA Loyal Order 1865 Trust



Raymond B. Bottom Jr.

General Jack N. Merritt

Alpha Tau–Hampden-Sydney 1951

General Jack N. Merritt, who rose from Army Draftee Private to Four Star General and United States Representative to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), died on January 3, 2018, at his home in Virginia. Merritt was born in Lawton, Oklahoma, in 1930. General Merritt is survived by his wife of 64 years, Rosemary; and his two sons, Grover Merritt, of Tulsa, OK; and Roger Merritt, of Morristown, NJ; as well as six grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. His eldest son, Stephen, predeceased him in 1996. Merritt attended the University of Oklahoma where he joined Kappa Alpha Order and was initiated by the Beta Eta Chapter in 1949. After his long list of military and society accolades, General Merritt lent his expertise to Kappa Alpha Order as the founding Chairman of the Sigma Alpha Commission for graduates of the United States Military Academy, spokesman for Forever KA and the Loyal Order, and the author of the Foreword to the 2015 history book Excelsior: The Story of Kappa Alpha Order.

Raymond B. Bottom Jr. died on February 7, 2018, at age 88. He graduated from Hampden-Sydney College in 1951, where he joined the Order at the Alpha Tau Chapter in 1948. He was retired as a Colonel in the Air Force after 26 years of service, receiving the Meritorious Service Medal and Presidential Unit Citation. Ray joined the family business, which included radio, TV, and newspaper media. Bottom was dedicated in his long-term and significant support to Hampden-Sydney, KA, the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation, and his Alpha Tau Chapter. He is survived by a son J. Scott Benton; his wife Jane and their daughter Avery Jayne; and a large family around the world. His unique story will be told in an upcoming edition of The Journal.


Beta Eta–Oaklahoma 1949

Edna Wrightaleen Barbe Wood Edna Wrightaleen Barbe Wood, wife of William A. “Bill” Wood (Alpha–Washington & Lee ’03), passed away peacefully on Friday, March 30, 2018, at E. A. Hawse Nursing Center in Baker, West Virginia. Bill and Edna married in 1952. They have a daughter Robin; a foster daughter, Tracy; a granddaughter, Amelia; a foster granddaughter, Morgan; and two great-grandchildren, Morgan and Jeb. The entire Order wishes to send condolences to Bill, the grandson of our Chief Founder, James Ward Wood. Edna had been a fixture at Conventions ever since 2003 and a highlight of the delegates would be singing her “Happy Birthday,” on or about July 30.

EDITOR NOTE: Dr. James L. Bowers (Beta Omega-Washington College 1949) passed away on May 28 and will be remembered in the next issue.


Fratres Usque Ad Aram Fideles Arkansas State– Delta Eta

Delaware– Beta Epsilon

James C. Walley 1982, 03/17/2018 Arkansas Tech– Epsilon Zeta

Edwin B.B. Hoffman, Jr. 1950, 11/24/2017 Thomas R. Oves Jr. 1982, 10/22/2017

Gordon E. Brown 1985, 08/25/2017

Delta State– Delta Beta


Douglas A. Young, Jr. 1966, 03/05/2017

William C. Cutler 1953, 01/08/2018 Minga Cecil LaGrone Jr. 1948, 12/09/2017 COL Earl B. Mally 1963, 01/27/2018 Dr. James W. Morrow 1958, 01/13/2004 Lewis H. Whitson 1960, 02/05/2018

Duke–Alpha Phi

John E. Chapman Jr. 1942, 09/20/2010 Jack Y. Harrison 1955, 02/06/2018 George M. Ivey, Jr. 1942, 05/21/2015 East Carolina– Gamma Rho

Birmingham– Southern–Phi

J. Thomas Jenkins 1970, 02/14/2017

Dr. Milton P. Brown Jr. 1947, 11/10/2017


California–Alpha Xi

Robert G. Theiller 1950, 01/14/2018 William A. White 1952, 08/25/2017 Centenary–Alpha Iota

Roland J. Achee 1941, 08/31/2009 Rodney B. Cage 1963, 01/11/2018 James A. McAlister 1955, 01/16/2018 Charleston– Beta Gamma

Charles B. Payne 2005, 01/07/2017

Dr. Stephen G. Anderson 1957, 11/09/2017 Francis Dickson Hand Jr. 1954, 11/14/2016 David M. Lacy 1950, 10/20/2017

Georgia Tech– Alpha Sigma

Hampden–Sydney– Alpha Tau

Timothy C. McWhirter 1974, 08/31/2017 Furman–Iota

George Washington– Alpha Nu

Dr. John S. Lyles 1947, 05/23/2015

Dr. J. Stephen Buckler 1968, 01/08/2018 Christopher A. Calhoun 1987, 07/23/2017 Broadus W. Marshall, Jr. 1974, 08/28/2017

Francis Marion– Delta Tau

Thomas B. Ramsey 1970, 05/12/2009 Davidson–Sigma

Georgia Southern– Delta Theta

Richard M. Farrell 1967, 03/03/2018

Florida State– Gamma Eta

Clemson– Delta Omicron

COL Glenn D. Addison 2011, 12/27/2017

Dr. Charles M. Holman 1938, 09/04/2014 J. Harold Platt 1940, 01/22/2017 Edgar Lee Secrest Jr. 1938, 11/29/1996 Thomas T. Shealy 1949, 12/10/2017 Samuel Thomas Stolz 2013, 01/17/2018 Isaiah Hamilton Tillman Jr. 1950, 02/03/2018 James L. Turner 1948, 08/05/2017

John E. Davis 1943, 10/24/2016 Robert Moore Giffin 1949, 07/17/2017 Frederick E. Schroeder 1938, 12/07/2001 James B. Trimble 1951, 01/27/2018

William W. Goodlette 1938, 01/26/1996 Robert C. Scott Jr. 1946, 10/13/1998 Dennis D. Sides 1960, 12/28/2017 McMurry Wilkins Jr. 1937, 01/22/2001

Citadel– Theta Commission


John H. Royer, Jr. 1929, 10/22/1995 Morton W. Seward 1943, 04/05/2010


Raymond B. Bottom Jr. 1948, 02/07/2018 Kentucky–Theta

Elliott B. Beard 1937, 01/07/2013 Louisiana State– Alpha Gamma

William R. Cumming III 1948, 03/13/2017 Louisiana State– Shreveport–Delta Chi

Wendell C. Wycoff 1982, 08/16/2017 Louisiana Tech– Gamma Alpha

George C. Briley 1947, 06/17/2016 Hugh C. Mix 1947, 07/22/2010

Louisiana–Lafayette– Gamma Phi

Mississippi– Alpha Upsilon

David R. Ardoin 1967, 05/08/2015 Bradley M. Dunphy 1995, 08/27/2016

Keith S. Block 1930, 01/28/2004 Anthony G. Mansoor, Jr. 1989, 12/15/2017 John C. Stamm 1950, 12/30/2017

Louisiana–Monroe– Gamma Nu

John L. Morgan, Jr. 1973, 10/06/2010 Michael J. Penn 1976, 11/05/2012 Louisville– Beta Omicron

Elliott L. Morris 1941, 11/23/2016 Marshall– Beta Upsilon

Mississippi State– Beta Tau

Dr. James R. Carpenter 1953, 06/03/2015 Dr. Lawrence W. Long III 1955, 12/13/2017 Missouri– Alpha Kappa

Frank Dallas Floyd 1948, 02/22/2014

Philip R. Herrold 1953, 10/19/2017

Missouri S&T –Beta Alpha

Maryland–Beta Kappa

Joseph H. George II 1943, 01/31/2018

Peter A. Geis 1949, 01/03/2018 Lee N. Gordy 1955, 01/07/2017 William T. Stephens 1946, 12/30/2004 Memphis– Gamma Gamma

J. Preston Hester 1965, 01/24/2015 Richard B. Holmes 1950, 09/01/2017 Mercer–Kappa

Thomas D. Calhoun 1940, 03/11/2018 George N. Skene 1942, 04/16/2018 Middle Tennessee State–Delta Lambda

Donald M. Chambers 1972, 05/03/2016 Ronald H. Dooley 1969, 03/15/2018 Jeffrey W. Kimble 1986, 10/14/2017 Millsaps–Alpha Mu

Daniel D. McKee 1964, 01/04/2017

Missouri State– Gamma Beta

Charles E. Heckmaster 1959, 01/21/2013 Joseph E. Richardson 1948, 11/27/2017 Newberry– Delta Epsilon

William J. Carter 1977, 09/26/2017 Erich J. Kennerk 1992, 07/16/2017 Jeffrey A. Morris 1989, 11/24/2017 L. Wayne Pearson Sr. 1967, 03/15/2018 North Carolina– Upsilon

Billy C. Brown 1948, 01/20/2017 John D. Campbell, Jr. 1948, 09/18/2017 Timothy Cornwell 1960, 04/28/2017 Edward L. Garner 1949, 10/07/2017 Thomas G. Lynch 1940, 04/01/2010 R. Kennon Smith 1943, 12/01/2017


CHAPTER ETERNAL Fratres Usque Ad Aram Fideles

North Carolina State– Alpha Omega

Univ. of South– Alpha Alpha

Transylvania– Alpha Theta

Thomas A. Allison 1943, 03/05/2017 Rufus T. Fish, Jr. 1959, 03/20/2018 Harry O. Fishel, Jr. 1947, 01/04/2018 Gary C. Schultz 1957, 09/07/2017 Rev. David S. Willis Jr. 1941, 07/23/2017

Dr. Bruce A. Samson 1956, 10/14/2017

Rev. Otis L. Swords 1947, 09/14/2016

South Carolina–Rho


Northwestern State– Gamma Psi

Charles Roy Brittain 1974, 12/03/2017 William B. Carter 1970, 05/12/2016 Oklahoma–Beta Eta

Hon. Richard Volker Armstrong 1955, 02/12/2018 Robert L. Birdwell 1952, 12/08/2003 GEN Jack N. Merritt 1949, 01/03/2018 J. Pat Samter 1953, 03/14/2018 Oklahoma State– Beta Xi

Amos E. Black IV 1993, 11/25/2008 Presbyterian–Beta Pi

Joseph B. Dodd, Jr. 1949, 10/16/2017 Frank D. Duncan 1957, 03/09/2018 Randolph–Macon– Zeta

David R. Dalbke 1973, 02/11/2017 Dr. Nelson Turner Gray 1956, 04/24/2017 Frank H. Robinson Jr. 1951, 12/24/2017 Richmond–Eta

Don P. Kirkpatrick 1976, 12/17/2016 Stephen A. McConihay 1976, 03/22/2018 Dr. Gervas S. Taylor Jr. 1939, 07/23/2014 Roanoke–Beta Rho

Cyrus Irvine Dillon Jr. 1943, 12/17/2015 Lewis S. Minter 1945, 08/01/2017 Sam Houston State– Gamma Tau

Clinton W. Carter 1989, 12/07/2017


Robert L. Bleakley 1941, 10/24/2016 John D. Crain 1955, 05/06/2010 Hon. Franklin Pierce McGowan Jr. 1952, 11/11/2017 J. Carlisle Oxner Jr. 1956, 04/15/2018 James T. Pearce, Jr. 1969, 10/26/2017 Edward W. Stubbs 1950, 02/05/2017 Southern California– Beta Sigma

Ronald E. Brothers Jr. 1948, 10/06/2016 Keith H. Griffin 1948, 09/18/2017 Robert G. Lambeth 1956, 07/11/2017 Stanley J. Miller 1944, 11/17/2017 Walter E. Seastrom 1946, 10/13/2017 Frank G. Winer 1958, 03/30/2018 Southern Methodist– Beta Lambda

Jene A. Holt 1944, 09/15/1998 Southern Mississippi–Gamma Zeta

Joseph F. Boardman Jr. 1951, 10/26/2017 Southwestern–Xi

Paul R. Blann 1974, 06/27/2017 Stephen F. Austin State–Delta Kappa

William J. Reid Jr. 1973, 01/06/2017 Texas–Omicron

Buford P. Berry 1955, 10/02/2017 Clyde R. Littlefield 1950, 03/07/2018 Tommy H. Nobis, Jr. 1963, 12/13/2017 Texas Tech– Gamma Chi

Terry L. Wansley 1972, 09/18/2017

Dr. John A. Coleman Jr. 1954, 06/20/2016 E. Stewart Maunsell II 1939, 01/25/2018 Tulsa–Mu

Charles W. Harris 1948, 12/09/2017 Howard D. McCloud 1948, 08/25/2017 Vanderbilt–Chi

G. Forrest Green, Jr. 1950, 11/08/2017 Virginia–Lambda

James P. Brice 1948, 08/07/1926 Edward D. McCrady 1982, 01/17/2018 George W. Roper 1947, 05/29/2015 William B. Trevillian Jr. 1956, 01/28/2011 VMI–Beta Commission

David G. Allen 1971, 09/21/2017 John V. Berberich III 1976, 02/13/2017 William P. Boyer, Jr. 1968, 04/22/2014 COL George M. Brooke III 1967, 03/27/2018 Ryland P. Davis Jr. 1962, 10/07/2017 Robert D. Ellett 1949, 02/23/2015 LTC George P. Fosque 1939, 08/15/2014 Joseph I. Gantt 1948, 05/10/2017 Donald M. Giles 1964, 01/20/2018 Benjamin H. Hardaway III 1948, 10/19/2017 James J. Hentz 2009, 02/17/2018 John W. Hodnett Jr. 1948, 03/04/2017 Malachi M. Mills 1948, 02/26/2017 Robert L. Modjeski 1954, 08/22/2015 John H. Parrott II 1950, 01/18/2017 Dr. John S. Robertson Jr. 1966, 08/03/2015 Edward D. Romm 1966, 10/17/2017

CPT Todd G. Sain 1975, 10/16/2015 Dr. Samuel E. Saunders Jr. 1978, 10/26/2017 Walter O. Stokes 1961, 09/18/2015 Richard C. Sutherland II 1955, 03/16/2017 William K. Stephens III 1972, 01/18/2013 William C. Sydnor 1962, 09/02/2014 Dr. Matthew M. Tignor 1973, 09/24/2017 COL Richard Bonner Trumbo USAF 1954, 02/18/2017 McDonald Wellford III 2012, 12/01/2017 Wake Forest–Tau

Edgar F. Bandy 1953, 04/26/2018 Allan B. Head 1963, 02/17/2018 Dr. William B. Hunt Jr. 1945, 11/09/2014 Roy C. Muse Jr. 1943, 12/24/2014

Westminster– Alpha Eta

Dr. Thomas C. Bartee 1944, 02/11/2018 CPT James Harlin Gabriel 1976, 08/18/2016 James M. Waugh 1942, 05/17/2011 Charles B. Whitney 1937, 12/26/2016 William & Mary– Alpha Zeta

Berton William Ashman MD 1956, 03/08/2017 Robert S. Hamel 1950, 08/11/2017 CPT John L. Merrick 1942, 12/08/2006 COL Hart Slater 1948, 01/11/2017 William Jewell– Alpha Delta

Matthew S. Smith 1992, 03/21/2016 Wingate–Zeta Zeta

Geoffrey Dawkins 2016, 11/15/2017

Washington College– Beta Omega

Donald M. Derham 1943, 05/12/2017 Washington & Lee– Alpha

Philip A. Councill 1951, 04/08/2016 Robert H. Rimmer IV 1987, 03/09/2018 West Texas A&M– Gamma Sigma

Charles Michael Hale 1973, 06/29/2017


James H. Burdine 1965, 02/29/2008 G. Manly Eubank 1956, 10/28/2017 Townes B. Johnson 1966, 11/17/2010 Herbert E. MacMurphy III 1965, 11/01/2017 Charles W. McAlister 1964, 03/05/2017 William V. Witherspoon Jr. 1959, 09/24/2017 Friends of Order

Mrs. Edna Wood, 03/30/2018

West Virginia– Alpha Rho

Glenn Huber Bruestle Esq. 1947, 04/04/2018 James A. Todd Jr. 1948, 05/05/2016 West Virginia Wesleyan–Beta Chi

John W. Blagg 1962, 03/13/2015 Dr. Michael Karickhoff 1949, 12/31/2016 Western Carolina– Delta Alpha

James L. Aydelette 1964, 01/23/2018


RECOGNITION In Memor y. In Honor.

Donation In Memory of:

Christopher Allen Calhoun

Richard Byrne Abele

by Charles B. Bernhard III

by C OL Malcolm Underwood Jr. (Ret)

Charles W. Harris

Julie B. Adams

Timothy Cornwell

James J. Hentz

John Wood Cox

Jess W. Hixon, Sr.

by John R. Johnson Mike and Margaret Smith COL Glenn D. Addison

by William E. Dreyer CPT Ronald C. Plunkett Robert W. Schivera S. Michael Allan

by Dan P. Lovelady Dr. Stephen G. Anderson

As early as 1952, the former “Kappa Alpha

by Timothy K. Adams

Scholarship Fund” was promoted with

by Joan Burton Andrew

the following quote from Councilor Vernon H. McCall (Xi–Southwestern 1911): “Flowers are a beautiful conveyance Of love and sympathy, but wither. Love and sympathy expressed through our scholarship fund, is life.”

Today, the Kappa Alpha Order Education Foundation’s recognition program receives

by Pat Muse Jr.

William G. Colmery Jr.

by David J. Bows

by Barbara P. Cox George T. Cromwell Jr.

by Barbara T. Cromwell William S. Crook, Jr.

by D r. William P. Buchanan Rev. George B. Cunningham

by Leonard J. Maranto

James A. Harper Jr.

by C OL Malcolm Underwood Jr. (Ret) by Joe F. Mills

by Larry S. Wiese by C OL Malcolm Underwood Jr. (Ret) James E. Hooks

by Rosann F. Hooks Bruce Hopkins

by D r. George William Hopkins, Jr. James Marion Howell

by L TC Thomas Ray Murray USA (Ret.)

by Wayne E. Dawson Jesse S. Lyons Puerto Vallarta Alumni Chapter George Dallas Weaver Larry S. Wiese

David R. Delatour

Jim and Joy Howell

James Harvey Drake

Albert Glenn Howle

by Larry S. Wiese

Frank D. Duncan

James M. Isom, Jr.

Dr. Douglas Daniels Ashley

Cale M. Estabrook

by Daniel S. Pierce

J. Thomas Jenkins

by Gentry D. Taylor Berton William Ashman, MD

G. Manly Eubank

Robert Henry Jones

Thomas James Joyner

Kaplan James Andrew

David Harrison Ansley

by N icholas Alexander Wollermann Andrew Applegate

by Bennett P. Applegate The Hon. Richard V. Armstrong

William C. Cutler

by Timothy K. Adams Lionel T. Davis

by R obert Warren Lilljedahl by Lewis H. Wyman III by Larry S. Wiese

by Anthony M. Graziani by Patrick A. O'Connor by Graves Court of Honor by CPT John A. Williams

tax-deductible donations “In Honor," or

by Miles Racey Orndorff Jr.

by G raves Court of Honor Ben W. Satcher Jr.

"In Memory” of anyone and from anyone.

SN Al R. Barbosa

Michael M. Feaster

by Gregory R. Barbosa

by Alan M. Fasoldt

Donald L. Barney

Henry J. Foresman Sr.

by Jill Watkins Larry and Dawn Wiese

by James F. Carroll, Jr.

by Dr. John M. Robertson Jr.

Richard H. Barrick

Sonya Rebecca Jordan Fox

by Brent E. Buswell William E. Dreyer

Generally, one brother makes a donation in honor of a brother or group and designates it to recognize friendship, achievement, or significance; or one may make a donation

by C OL Malcolm Underwood Jr. (Ret)

in memory of a beloved brother, in lieu of

David Kent Bassore

flowers or some other recognition.

by Robert E. Petty

Joseph F. Boardman, Jr.

Gifts count toward a member’s annual giving level and typically are unrestricted (but not required). Special notice is sent to the honoree or the family of the deceased brother, and those

by Dan P. Lovelady Robert D. Burris

you note back to the donor, creating a

by COL Michael H. Fox

ake your tribute at  M


Glenn A. Kmiec

by Thomas E. Williams

CPT James Harlin Gabriel

by Eugene M. Julian

recognition and thanks.

Roy K. Frazier

Raymond B. Bottom Jr.

are then able to send a prepared thank sincere and deserved system of

Robert W. Klein

David Harold Frith

David D. Brooks

James E. Byrne, Jr. Goodloe E. Byron

by Kenneth L. Brown by Timothy N. Weimer Joseph H. George II

by Scott B. Crise Ben, Marilyn, Terry and David Whitehead John Thomas Woodruff David & LeeAnn Glisson

by Todd David Glisson Cliff C. Glover

by Larry S. Wiese

by C OL Malcolm Underwood Jr. (Ret)

Sean Michael Guthrie

Rodney B. Cage

Charles Michael Hale

by William T. Green

Donald Gene Kay

by L TC Horace R. Jordan USA (Ret.)

by D r. William H. Murdock, Jr.

by James R. Foster Ben W. Satcher Jr. Larry S. Wiese

by C OL Malcolm Underwood Jr. (Ret)

by James M. Ransbottom by James C. Honea Jr.

by Rex A. Friedman by John W. Simpson David M. Lacy

by D r. Charles Thomas Hopkins Jr. Robert G. Lambeth

by Phoebe N. Lambeth George F. Lee

by Dr. Joseph L. Hood PhD Robert E. Lee

by Nicholas J. St. George James J. Lilly

by Ben E. Lilly Kenneth Earl Little

by John B. Chenault Clyde Littlefield

by E. Powell Thompson Larry S. Wiese Gary E. Mann

by Timothy K. Adams


Larry A. Martin

by MAJ Charles A. Bertalot Joe F. Mills Ronald Keith Sine Boone E. Massey

by J. Alex McPherson III E. Fleming Mason

by Lee S. Dixon

Robert W. Maupin

by Kenneth L. Brown Loren D. Melton

by C. Alan Melton GEN Jack N. Merritt

by Brent E. Buswell Jesse S. Lyons Ben W. Satcher Jr. Larry S. Wiese Stanley J. Miller

by Robert T. Steinkamp Albert G. Moncla

by Marvin L. Moncla Claude T. Moorman II

by Daniel W. Bridges Jr. Dr. James W. Morrow

by King V. Aiken Jr.

Dr. Thomas H. Moseley

by D r. Thomas H. Moseley Jr.

J. Pat Samter

William H. Waesche

John D. Schmuck, Sr.

Pettie D. Walden

by Sam O. Leake Jr. by Darren S. Kay Jesse S. Lyons Dr. James M. Schmuck James N. Tennyson Larry S. Wiese Jim Scott

by C OL Malcolm Underwood Jr. (Ret) Sandra Scott

by Joey L. Scott James Douglas Seigler

by Lewie E. Shealy LUTCF Thomas T. Shealy

by Timothy K. Adams Pat Muse Jr. Marsha L. Sherrard

by L TG James E. Sherrard III Frank C. Shore

by C OL Malcolm Underwood Jr. (Ret) Dennis D. Sides

by LTC John R. Cassady II (Ret) Kappa Alpha Order Alumni Robert L. Sigmon

William J. Neely

by C OL Malcolm Underwood Jr. (Ret)

Robert Dale Norris

George Skeen

Francis C. O'Dell

Godfrey L. Smith III

by William E. Watson by Rex A. Friedman

by Timothy K. Adams

by t he Samuel Z. Ammen Court of Honor Larry S. Wiese

by Michael J. Walsh IV

Robert Glen Oswalt

Warren Reed Sprinkel

by Mark Alexander Funke Dylan J. Melling J. Carlisle Oxner Jr.

by Graves Court of Honor

Julie B. Smith

by LTC George T. Smith by Ben W. Satcher Jr. Larry S. Wiese Bruce D. Stafford

by John W. Simpson

by Charles C. Phillips Jr. McDonald Wellford

by Timothy J. Braddick Matthew R. Hollomon Jesse, Tracy and Elaine Lyons Larry S. Wiese Lewis Hal Whitson

by Cullom Walker Jr. Clyde N. Wilder

by Collins Williamson Britton Chase Williams

by Gregory F. Morales Robert N. Wilson Jr.

by M alcolm H. Liles Edna Wood

by Sam O. Leake Jr.

Donation In Honor of:

Rob Davis

Timothy K. Adams

by D. Melson Butler

by C PT William Robert Simpson III

King V. Aiken Jr.

Adam G. Deatherage

David Haynes Alexander

Delta Beta Chapter-Delta State University

by Collins Williamson Wade H. Davis

by Larry S. Wiese

by M. Tom Faircloth by Grayson M. Alexander

Alpha Gamma ChapterLouisiana State University

by B. Terry W. Bennett Baylor David Anders

by Charles Todd Anders Lawrence Richard Alwood

by Richard C. Alwood

John L. Dillingham

by Sally B. Bailey M. Tom Faircloth

by William K. Dillingham

Beta Kappa ChapterUniversity of MarylandCollege Park

by John W. Simpson

Beta Rho KA's Past & Present-Roanoke College D. Matthew Clarke Dr. William G. Blackard

by James E. Hardin

Gunnar Cade Blevins

by John Blevins III Connie Bohlke

by Jon Crosby Turner G. Brent Booker

by R aymond Randolph Beard Anthony Noel Briggle

by R aymond Randolph Beard

Loyd Rex Steelman Jr.

L. Wayne Pearson Sr.

by Kenneth L. Brown

Bradley M. Bundy

Dr. Ovid W. Pierce Jr.

Jacob West Summers IV

by George Dallas Weaver Joel A. Pinzon

by Adam David Musolino David A. Preston

by John R. Rowe Jr. Georgene H. Purdy

by H. Mark Purdy Carroll R. Regan

by William B. Regan J. Guy Revelle Jr.

by Larry S. Wiese

Robert G. Theiller

by Joseph F. Rodgers Jr. Isaiah Hamilton Tillman Jr.

by The Hon. W. Gus Elliott

by N orman George Houston III

Frank H. Robinson Jr.

Matthew Luke Vyborny

by George A. Everhart Robert H. Wall


by C layton Eugene Bunting Esq.

Kyle Foster Cain

by E dward G. Sullivan Esq.

Joseph Michael Ricketts

Regan Hungerford Rozier

Gene and Mary Bunting

Thomas R. Tedcastle

Irby Turner III

by Ben W. Satcher Jr. Larry S. Wiese

by Laurie Connor

Ethan J. Bush

by Gertrude Revelle The Hon. David M. Warren by COL Michael H. Fox

by Timothy N. Weimer

by Robert Edgerton Patrick C. Fant III Claudia S. Jenkins J. West Summers III

by Jon Crosby Turner Gary B. Vickers

by Matthew A. Firth

by Brent W. Fellows Dr. Russell James Saloom MD by William King J. David Carico

by Steven Grist John Blaxton Carroll

by James Blaxton Carroll Kent T. Chapin

by Sam O. Leake Jr. Lynn T. Clark

by Dustin G. Brann Derick S. Close

by David Blair Hagan G. Leonard Pittman Jr. Robin Lee Combs

by Larry S. Wiese Dr. Sidney M. Craft

by Walter L. Dowdle

Delta Pi Chapter-Missouri Southern State University

by Mary Beth Dickerson

Lamar Blair Bailey

Jonathan Wallace Brinlee

Samuel T. Stolz

by Dr. J. Thomas Burriss

Michael Ray Dickerson

by David M. O'Dell

by D r. Russell Peyton Atchley DMD

by Graves Court of Honor Ben W. Satcher Jr.

Delta Epsilon ChapterNewberry College

by Dr. Chad E. Wagoner

Carlton Wallace Baker

Julian A. Pardini

by Clyde L. MacGowan Jr.

by D elta Beta Memorial Fund

Sam Dismuke Jr.

by J ames Madden Hatcher Jr. Kenneth Girard Donnalley Jr.

by R obert W. Dougherty Thad Matthew Doyle

by Larry S. Wiese

William E. Dreyer

by King V. Aiken Dan H. Akin David M. O'Dell Dr. G. Patterson Apperson III PhD L. Blair Bailey David P. Barksdale Gary D. Barnes Blake E. Benney Erika Brooke Brent E. Buswell Philip A. Cantwell Andrew P. Carr Nicholas G. Clark Victor L. Davolt William K. Dillingham Cole A. Erdmann Mary Frazier Dr. Zachary J. Frey Anthony M. Graziani M. Tyler Griffith Kelly K. Groom Douglas W. Hanish Eugene M. Julian Darren S. Kay Dwain P. Knight Steve C. Knight Stephen J. LaFollette Sam O. Leake Jr. Pamela Lee Malcolm H. Liles Jesse S. Lyons David T. Martineay IV Aaron D. Masey Betty Lackey McMichael SGM E. Kent McMichael Becky Moore Clark W. Morris Dr. Joel A. Nickles James D. Norris Thomas E. Norris William E. Norris Michael V. Paulin H. David Pinson


RECOGNITION In Memor y. In Honor.

Chad G. Pishka Brian E. Place Todd D. Reaves Kristy Reed Ben W. Satcher Jr. Dr. James M. Schmuck C. Douglas Simmons III Gregory R. Singleton William H. Skipper Jr. Anita Snyder Robert T. Steinkamp Clinton L. Stull Susan A. Tideman Brianne Tillotson Robert H. Wall George Dallas Weaver Larry S. Wiese

J. Michael Duncan

by Eddie S. Wilson Hampton Lee Dykes

by Shannon Dykes

Thomas Henry Ellstrom

by M AJ Melbourne H. Pridgen

Epsilon Kappa ChapterSoutheastern Louisiana University

by Dr. Russell James Saloom MD Epsilon Gamma ChapterUniversity of CaliforniaDavis

by Eric D. Herzog James R. Estes

by M. Tom Faircloth Douglas S. Ewalt

by Steven E. Hastings Chris Raymond Faires

by Kenneth W. Faires Gene R. Faires

by Kenneth W. Faires Brent W. Fellows

by M. Tom Faircloth

by C harles C. Chesser CPA


Dr. Russell James Saloom MD

Mu Class of 2017-University of Tulsa

William H. Skipper Jr.

LT Alexander Faris Giles III

by Ralph W. Morgan

The Hon. Henry Dargan McMaster

by T imothy Eugene Helton Witham

by D r. Ronald Calhoun Fulmer by David F. Byrd

KA National Staff

by Nicholas S. Palmer Michael P. Wilson

LTC Thomas Ray Murray, USA (Ret)

by William Hooper IV

KA Service Men Past & Present

Lamar W. Nesbit Jr.

Samuel Draughn Smith

Kevin R. Gause

David M. O'Dell

Steven M. Steele

Francis Carolyn O'Dell

Colin Granger Parkhill Sunderland

by Travis Tilley Tucker by David J. Driver

Dr. D. Tyler Greenfield

by Robert D. Fletcher

Lucius Herman Harvin, V

by Ellen Olender Harvin Pelham Hugh Henry, IV

by Mary Beth Greene Mitchell S. Hill

by Dr. H. Tom Williams by T he Hon. P. Jason Cording by Jesse S. Lyons

Lee P. Oliver III, FACHE

by M. Tom Faircloth

James Richard Orton Jr.

by John S. Swan

by R aymond Randolph Beard James Walker Fulton Jr.

by Frank David Burgess

J. Murray Underwood Jr.

Bernard M. Parker

by William King

by James W. Fuller

by Timothy K. Adams

Darren S. Kay

Phi Chapter-BirminghamSouthern College

by M. Tom Faircloth David M. O'Dell Donald Gene Kay

by Larry S. Wiese Edward F. Keller

by Sam O. Leake Jr. Sinclair Bert Kouns, Jr.

by Sinclair Kouns Miller M. Loosier

by Dale W. Polley Jesse S. Lyons

by Charles B. Bernhard III H. David Pinson

by Brent E. Buswell Douglas Brent Dedmon CPT Ronald C. Plunkett

by C PT William Robert Simpson III Merrik Andrew Price

by Mark Anthony Price

by C. Douglas Marechal by C. Douglas Marechal

by Barbara G. McDaniel SGM E. Kent McMichael

by Gertrude Revelle

by Travis A. Simpson

Riley Montgomery Rustad Ben W. Satcher Jr.

by M. Tom Faircloth William T. Freeland Jr. Aaron D. Masey Robert C. Satcher Dr. James M. Schmuck

by Fred Marion Sims Jr.

David C. Merrill

Gamma Alpha Class of 1967-Louisiana Tech University

by Jeremy Duke Robert C. Michie

S. Todd Shelton

by Sydney K. Boone Jr.

First Class of Gamma ChiTexas Tech University

by William H. Holland

Gamma Chi Chapter-Texas Tech University

by Dr. David A Ellington

by Robert M. Michie Steven Andrew Miller

by Philip Aiello Holly Morris

Kevin P. Moritz

Frederick Laughton Sherman

by Jeremy Duke

by William Gregory Terry

Mu Chapter-University of

Erik T. Showalter

by Dale W. Polley


by M. Tom Faircloth

Gregory Lee Waterworth

by Jeremy Duke

James E. Webb III

by D r. James Edward Webb Jr. GySgt Andrew C. West

by L T James M. Tallman MD Stuart F. Whetsell

Casey James White

by Lewis M. Little Jr.

Andrew Taylor Mason

Tom Randolph McDaniel

The Hon. David M. Warren

Dr. Edwin P. Rather

by Marcy L. Rustad

by Larry S. Wiese

by Walter L. Dowdle

by Larry S. Wiese

by M. Tom Faircloth

Dr. Robb Nelson Matthews

Robert H. Walker

by Spencer J. Montgomery Dr. James M. Schmuck Dr. D. Wayne Whetsell

by R aymond Randolph Beard by Jonathan S. Howse Jr.

by James N. C. Moffat III

R. Roland Ramsey

by J. Michael Duncan Dr. Rob Havers Thaddeus Aaron Stubbs James N. Tennyson

Gamma Chapter-University of Georgia

Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. PhD

Nic Kevin Palmer

Marshall G. Martin

Brad B. Freeman

by Larry S. Wiese

Kappa Chapter-Mercer University

The Hon. P. Michael Ruff

by David J. Driver

Stanton Smith Sweeney

by Betty Osborn

Chase A. Richards

James Copeland Fowler

by C harlotte Sunderland Grove

by Michael Allen Homitz

Spencer James Homitz

Matthew Landon Marechal

by Alison Roach Fox

by Eddie S. Wilson

by Thomas A. Bessant Jr. J. Michael Duncan M. Tom Faircloth

James Guy Revelle IV

James Keegan Fox

by Mary Loch Smith

P. Andy Osborn

by Larry S. Wiese

Eric D. Marechal

by Gregory R. Singleton

Jeffrey Allen Smith

by C harles Grandison Howard III

Jerry Marc Fleming Chapters of William E. Forester Province

by C hristopher Caleb Connor JD

by L T James M. Tallman MD

by William J. Fite

by Larry S. Wiese

Dwight H. Smith

Frederick L. Neely Jr.

by Philip Aiello Clint F. Cummins M. Tom Faircloth

William Jackson Fite, Jr.

by C PT William Robert Simpson III

by James R. Foster

by James R. White

COL Andre B. Whiteley, MD

Midwestern State University Derick S. Close Alfred Diaz William E. Dreyer J. Michael Duncan James R. Estes Brent W. Fellows Darron E. Franta Anthony M. Graziani Robert W. Hagan Douglas & Cori Hanisch Patrick Jessee Darren S. Kay Malcolm H. Liles Sarah C. Lindsay Jeffrey W. Love Jesse S. Lyons David T. Martineau V Aaron D. Masey SGM E. Kent McMichael Jean M. Mrasek Kevin M. O'Neill Michael V. Paulin Howard C. Pickett Todd D. Reaves Kristy Reed John T. Rooney Ben W. Satcher Jr. Dr. James M. Schmuck C. Douglas Simmons III Gregory R. Singleton William H. Skipper Jr. Wynn R. Smiley Cindy H. Stellhorn Collin B. Taylor Jack R. Taylor Mark E. Timmes Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. William H. Walker Robert H. Wall The Hon. David M. Warren Stuart F. Whetsell Michael P. Wilson Chris Woods Norman D. Wilder

by Collins Williamson Jeff Philiip Williams, Jr.

by Sam O. Leake Jr.

by Jeffrey Phillip Williams Sr.

Dr. Dawn Watkins-Wiese

Jackson Hugh Williamson

by Brent E. Buswell

Dr. Dawn Watkins-WieseHappy Birthday!

by Dr. James M. Schmuck Larry S. Wiese

by Nina B. Campbell M. Tom Faircloth Dr. Rob Havers David M. O'Dell Larry S. Wiese – 50th Birthday

by Collins Williamson Richard B. Wilson Jr.

by Joseph A. Haley III Dr. Scott D. Wood

by Larry S. Wiese Xi 1986 Fall Pledge ClassSouthwestern University

by Julio C. Cassels John A. Yearty

by M. Tom Faircloth

by Alana Abbott Timothy K. Adams King V. Aiken Dan H. Akin Daniel R. Amato, Jr. L. Blair Bailey David P. Barksdale Blake E. Benney Merce & Erika Brooke Julie C. Burkhard Brent E. Buswell Andrew P. Carr Gamma Omega Chapter57


Innovation, Leadership, Accountability. KA has been on the forefront of nearly every “new” idea being tossed around in the fraternity world. Here’s a reminder. By Jesse S. Lyons (Delta Alpha–Western Carolina ’98)


hat do you do for a living?” is a pretty common question. “Oh, a fraternity? So its like, partying all the time?” is also a pretty common response when you say you work for your college fraternity’s headquarters. So, when I was asked this a dozen times this past summer at my 20th anniversary high school reunion, and received similar responses from those who didn’t have a fraternity/ sorority experience (and some who did) I was prepared with good answers. Truth be told, I’m always prepared when I get that goofy response. I was prepared last week when a member of a board of supervisors for a large neighboring county made that remark. I was prepared on the plane last month when an executive made that remark. I have been prepared every time, everywhere, for the past sixteen years, because dispelling rumors, telling the story, and promoting our Order are good tactics of communications. So let’s dispel a few rumors, and tell a good story here. There is much talk of “ground breaking” new initiatives (read: rules) to curb hazing, alcohol misuse, and other ills of society—all on campuses in the small worlds of 18-22 year old men and women. Men and women who are away from home for the first time and feel like they have no rules whatsoever. Good luck to us, huh? The thing is, the vast majority of our students, and I’m speaking collectively here, are good people. They want to help each other, succeed,

and have fun. Our ritual, laws, policies, and programs must be reminders to stay on course. Our brothers and sisters must be bumpers to keep us in our lane. And yes, sometimes accountability is required in varying levels to address issues. Is the Greek system in trouble? I think college students and campuses are in trouble, so, yes, we could be as well. There are some nuances to this specifically for the Greek system. Here’s the problem – campuses can figure it out and don’t have all the answers, so they default to suspending the Greek system when something terrible happens from one action by one group of people. The unparalleled corollaries between similar issues in athletics, academic departments, and other groups is troubling—and EVERY where else on campus is under campus control. As of yet, corruption, cheating, scandals, criminal behavior, and financial malfeasance have not been stopped. K A has been an innovator, a leader, and a strong accountability partner with our higher education partners for decades. Lets review a quick top ten “things you didn’t know or weren’t aware of ” in K A’s risk management program. Lets look for the theme here: 10. Kegs have been prohibited (by most fraternities) since the 80s. The goal here

is prevent access to common and large sources of alcohol for members and guests. Unfettered access allows anyone to drink whatever they want, often quickly. Does this mean no one drinks from kegs? No, violations and variations may persist. But the rule, and thus enforcement, go hand in hand. W W W. K A P PA A L P H AO R D E R .O R G

Uplif ting our Order 9. You cannot provide alcohol to members or guests – it must

either be purchased, brought by the consumer, or a third-party vendor may be utilized. Would prohibiting hard liquor from KA undergraduate events solve problems? It would certainly be another rule to enforce. The enforcement of not providing alcohol prohibits and mitigates overconsumption of stronger alcohol. Accountability from one member to another is also important in preventing overconsumption. 8. KA led the way in restricting the length of new member education (pledging) nearly 2 decades ago. In 2000, the

Executive Council established the ten-week new member education program regulation. Today, eight weeks from bid to initiation is the maximum, and aggregate retention has steadily improved. You can’t learn everything about KA while in college. However, a period of assimilation and orientation can still be a positive aspect of fraternity life. 7. Recruitment and rush have been dry for a long time. There

is always a choice a chapter or members have to follow the rules. The ones who keep their recruitment dry sell KA better, know their next members better, and create better initial connections that develop into lasting relationships. 6. Hazing was prohibited more than 100 years ago by KA, specifically in the Constitution.

And it simply never fit before that. All chapters are or should be against hazing. Why would you want to hurt your brother or subject him to some kind of nonsense? If you were hazed, think of your lasting positive memories—I’m a betting man and I’m betting it wasn’t hazing.

No matter what rule is in place (fraternity, university, state, federal) member-to-member accountability is key. Further, strict enforcement and relevant education help to address violations. Suspension of a chapter or expulsion of members is possible and should be reserved for extreme cases. We’re at a campus to learn and learning from our mistakes can be the most meaningful education.

I am prepared every time, everywhere, for the past sixteen years, because dispelling rumors, telling the story, and promoting our Order are good tactics of communications. 5. KA has been a leader in educational programming for almost three-quarters of a century. The original “Offi-

cers Training School” started in 1945. It has evolved with the times from the National Leadership Institute, to the Number I’s Leadership Institute. And, our educational conferences have expanded. Officers are trained at province councils. Younger members gain valuable experiences and knowledge at the Emerging Leaders Academy. These are only a few of the Order’s educational initiatives. 4. Don’t just take our word for it. KA recently completed an independent professional curriculum review and needs assessment. “Overall, KA’s

educational programs are strong and benefit those who


attend. There is significant value in each program that KA offers to its undergraduate members. Not only was this revealed through a review of the curriculum of each program but through the feedback provided in the needs assessment survey and the focus groups. Though there are recommendation for improvement, the members of KA that have participated in a KA educational program clearly think very highly of their experience and the Order.” (This is the conclusion paragraph of the Educational Program Curriculum Review performed by Plaid ( 3. Online education? Check. Blended with peer-lead components? Check. Our total

membership development program The Crusade has been in operation since 1999. That’s 20 years of provideing four-year educational programming to our chapters. That program is being redeployed with a structure combining a self-directed approach with peer-facilitation. This is unique in the fraternity/ sorority world. Bonus – we also provide GreekLifeEdu to all chapters for their new members. This industry standard education from our partners at EverFi addresses the critical issues of alcohol awareness, sexual assault, and hazing for incoming fraternity and sorority members. 2. Speaking of sexual misconduct education. KA along

with three other groups, was recognized for our innovative approach to this sensitive but very important topic for young men. The award winning “Social Strengths” workshop was developed by Aaron Boe, a partner of the Order who is an expert in this field. The workshop was delivered to every chapter during consultant staff visits in the

course of one semester in 2016. More efforts in this area are forthcoming. 1. We can fund all these initiatives with help from the KAOEF. The Kappa Alpha Order

Educational Foundation was founded in 1982. Scholarships have helped students to stay in school when they may not have been able to cover their tuition. Without alumni (and some undergraduate) donations, the Order could not continue to deliver this industry leading programming that is required to succeed today. Publications, conferences, workshops, and more have been funded to meet the current need. This is indeed a shameless plug to thank all current and past donors. I pray every day that our young men continue to make good choices. No group of people are immune to accidents, or bad decisions, despite support and resources. However, K A is well positioned to meet all challenges. And, the need continues to grow. With a growing membership, we must continue to demonstrate that joining and belonging to a single-sex fraternity is not only a Constitutional right, but it is explicitly beneficial to everyone who joins. According to Gallup, your grades, your adjustment to college, and your wellbeing after college all are highly likely to improve with membership in a fraternity or sorority. We don’t just have the right to exist—there is a desire, and for the future of our country, there is a need for us to thrive.



Recipient of the Order’s Award for Distinguished Public Service

“Blindness is an inconvenience, not a handicap.”

John has spent his free time leading the blind. He was appointed by six Governors to serve more than three decades on the Texas Commission for the Blind. He was a director for the board of the Dallas Lighthouse for the Blind and served seventeen years as a Trustee of The Seeing Eye of Morristown, New Jersey. In June of 2017, a statue was erected in his honor in Frisco, Texas.

Q: H ow did you go blind?

A candid conversation with a member of our Order

helped me with that.

Q: W ho was the first KA that you met? James Robert “Red” Elliot (Gamma Lambda–North Texas ’54) and I were sitting in Frisco drinking a beer one night, and he was telling me about fraternities. I told him I didn’t know anything about them. So, he told me. He and a couple of buddies came by and gave me a bid. My dog kind of attacked them when they came in the front door for some reason. That was kind of fun.

Q: H ow was your college experience?

When I was four I had an accident on the farm. A stalk cutter lever came back and hit me in the right eye. I went to school and played all the sports with one eye. You ought to of saw me bat that was miserable. We didn’t find out about the problems with eyes in our family until 1967. I had three surgeries before my senior year and was totally blind. They graduated me anyway.

I got where I knew everybody on the campus pretty quick. I’m outgoing, and everybody knew who I was because I had a dog.

I think a Southern gentleman is one of the greatest marks that can be said about a fraternity or member of a fraternity. Yeah, our deal on that is superior.

Q: W ho has had a large impact on your life? My wife, Linda, has been my pride and joy. We met in ‘82 and dated for 6 years until I asked her to marry me. I was lucky to find such a fabulous human being.

Q: W hat was you reaction at the statue dedication? I was overwhelmed. I was at a loss for words. The whole thing is about hope. Don’t quit and don’t give up.

A friend said, “Why don’t you run for Junior Class President?” So he helped me run, and I won hands over fist. The next day he said, “I want you to run for President of the Student Body.” So, we had 5,000 cards made up with a picture of me and my dog, and I ended up winning by seven votes.

Am I glad I’m blind today? Having to go through the first part of it’s kind of tough. You got to make your choices and live with them. You can be bitter, or you can be better. I want to be better. I want to have fun, jazz, and drink beer with my buddies.

Q: H ow did KA help you in your life? I’ve had a great career, a great family, and great dogs, and just a ton of friends. I know that the fraternity



BACK STORY Sam Wyche (Iota–Furman ’66), quarterback of the Furman University football team from 1963 to 1965. PHOTO COURTESY OF FURMAN SPORTS INFORMATION. KA’s Official News Website features the latest news on KA’s chapters, its undergraduate and alumni members, alumni chapters, and much more! In addition, it complements KA’s award-winning print magazine with timely and exclusive multimedia content.  Search for and read news/stories

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