1 minute read
Convention is the sovereign and legislative authority of the Order. Regular sessions of the Convention are held in odd-numbered years. Each time the Convention convenes during a session is called a meeting. There is an order of business to follow, which may be rearranged upon vote of the Convention. The Knight Commander serves as president of the Convention. The Convention completes much business, including: amendments to the Constitution or Bylaws, which have been previously filed, are read and referred to the Legislative Committee then deliberated upon for report and action; the Resolutions and Finance Committees meet and give their reports; the Alumni and Undergraduate Conferences convene and report; and the Councilors, Senior Councilor, and Knight Commander are elected. Also, the Knight Commander is required to give his biennial report. While it is a time for business, it is also a time for recognizing award-winners and members, speeches, special presentations, and recording into the official Convention record the history of the Order. Just imagine, what is recorded this year in 2023 will be read and researched in 25, 50, 75, and even 100 years from now!
Current Kappa Alpha Laws can be found at www.KappaAlphaOrder.org/laws.