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CONSTITUTIONAL PROPOSAL - Improvements and consistency in terminology/style/references
Rationale provided: The following amendments deal with sentence structure and organization portions of each provision. They are intended to standardize descriptive components and include items that codify existing actions and usage. Some deletions are repetitive from established Constitutional provisions. Some that are proposed to be rescinded are reorganized or combined with included amended provisions. These amendments do not seek to alter the spirit or the letter of the referenced provisions, but may modernize the language to match operations
Submitted By: Hon. David M. Warren, Former Knight Commander This proposal has the endorsement of the Executive Council.
1-122. Constitutional quorum. Duly qualified dDelegates representing at least two-thirds of the Active Chapters shall be in attendance to constitute a quorum for the Convention and to conduct any meeting thereof irrespective of other members present at business, including, but not limited to voting on any matter coming before the Convention or a meeting thereofbody Amended by the 79th Convention, 2021.
1-216. Replacement of Senior Councilor. In case of a vacancy in the office of Senior Councilor for any reason, the Executive Council shall elect, as soon as practicable, an actinga Senior Councilor from among its members elected at the last preceding session of the Convention at which General Officers were elected. Amended by the 69th Convention, 2001, the 70th Convention, 2003, the 71st Convention, 2005, and the 79th Convention, 2021.
Part 3. Province Officers
1-231. Designation. The Province Officers shall be a Province Commander appointed by the Knight Commander as provided in the Bylaws and may include other officers as may be provided for in the Bylaws. Amended by the 69th Convention, 1997; the 74th Convention, 2011; and, the Advisory Council and Active Chapters, 2019.
1-232. Term and qualifications of Province Commander. The Province Commander shall be appointed by the Knight Commander as provided in the Bylaws. The Province Commander shall serve for the term of the Knight Commander by whom he is appointed and until his successor is appointed and qualified. A member who has been a part- or full-time employee of the Order shall not be eligible to become a Province Commander until three full years have elapsed after his employment has terminated. A Province Commander shall not serve as an Alumnus Advisor or on an Alumni Advisory Committee during the term of his appointment. Amended by the 66th Convention, 1995 (final sentence added), the 67th Convention, 1997, the 74th Convention, 2011, the 75th Convention, 2013, the 76th Convention, 2015, and the 79th Convention, 2021.
1-515. Bonds of Order and Chapter OfficersFidelity and Crime Insurance. The Order shall obtain fidelity and crime insurance in an amount determined by the Executive Council for any Officers and employees of the Order who handle funds or monies and the I, II, III and VI of each Active Chapter of the Order, shall be bonded in the amount fixed by the Executive Council and the premium or cost of bonds so placed shall be paid out of funds Amended by 58th Convention, 1979, and the 79th Convention, 2021.
Proposal 1 Adviser to Advisor
Increasing consistency of the most used term of “Advisor” from previously used term “Adviser” in relation to a chapter’s Alumnus Advisor.
5-124. Service by Members of Advisory Council to Chapter House Corporations and as AdvisersAdvisors. No member of the Advisory Council and no employee of the Order shall serve as an officer, director or trustee of a chapter house corporation, an Alumnus AdviserAdvisor, member of Alumni Advisory Committee or faculty advisor. Adopted by 67th Convention, 1997; amended by the 68th Convention, 2001.
Part 3. Alumnus Adviser Advisor and Alumni Advisory Committee
9-231. Appointment. Each Province Commander shall appoint for each Active Chapter in his province an alumnus memberAlumnus Member to be Alumnus AdviserAdvisor. The Alumnus Adviser Advisor shall periodically attend the meetings of the chapter and advise the chapter officers and members upon matters of chapter affairs when he deems such advice to be in the best interest of the chapter or the Order, or when requested to do so by the chapter, the Province Commander or any other officer of the Order by a General Officer
9-232. Visits and reports. The Alumnus Adviser Advisor shall report from time to time, in his discretion or upon request, to the Province Commander of the province in which his Active Chapter may be who appointed him located with respect to the affairs of the chapter, its officers, its members or its activities.
9-233. Call of special meetings. The Alumnus Adviser Alumnus Advisor shall have the authority to call special meetings of the Active Chapter or of its Prudential Committee.
9-234. Audit of chapter books. The Alumnus Adviser Advisor shall have authority to audit the chapter books monthly or at any time he deems such action is necessary.
9-235. Province Commander’s representative. The Alumnus Adviser Advisor shall be the Province Commander’s personal representative and may exercise such of the Province Commander’s authority over the chapter as the Province Commander may expressly delegate to him in writing. A copy of the writing delegating such authority shall be filed with the Executive Director and given to the chapter.
9-236. Alumni Advisory Committee. The Province Commander shall biennially appoint for each Active Chapter in his province an Alumni Advisory Committee consisting of not less than three (3) alumni membersAlumni Members. Members of the Alumni Advisory Committee shall periodically attend the meetings of the chapter and advise the chapter officers and members upon matters of chapter affairs when they deem such advice to be in the best interest of the chapter or the Order, or when requested by the chapter, the Province Commander, Executive Director, or by a General Officer. The Alumnus Adviser Advisor shall serve as chairman of this Alumni Advisory Committee. Adopted by 67th Convention, 1997; amended by the 68th Convention, 2001; the 70th Convention, 2003; and, the 78th Convention, 2019.