The Talisman

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Kappa Alpha Order’s Guide to Your Joining Experience

The Talisman


The Talisman

Kappa Alpha Order is a lifetime experience.


The Talisman

This document is designed to give you some personal insight, facts, and contemplation questions to use throughout your time joining KA. Use this resource in conjunction with online resources, The Varlet, and most importantly, personal conversations with your brothers.

PERSONAL INFORMATION: Your Name _____________________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________________ Email _________________________________ Chapter ________________________________ Province ______________________________ College/University ______________________________________________________________ Induction Date __________________________ Initiation Date _________________________ Badge Number ___________________________

CHAPTER CONTACTS: Number I ______________________________________________________________________ New Member Educator ___________________________________________________________ Big Brother ____________________________________________________________________

VOLUNTEER LEADERSHIP: Alumnus Advisor ________________________________________________________________ House Corporation President ______________________________________________________ Province Commander ____________________________________________________________

CAMPUS CONTACTS: Greek Advisor __________________________________________________________________ Faculty Advisor _________________________________________________________________ Dean of Students/VP for Student Affairs ____________________________________________

NATIONAL STAFF: Associate Director for Chapter Services _____________________________________________ KAPPA ALPHA ORDER'S GUIDE TO YOUR JOINING EXPERIENCE



The Talisman

Your Experience as a

Member Awaiting Initiation

You cannot learn everything there is to know about Kappa Alpha Order in eight weeks, so your time spent as a new member should only be the beginning of your KA education.

During your Induction Ceremony, the chapter accepts you as a Member Awaiting Initiation (or new member), and secures for you the support of every member to help you become an initiated member of our Order. All members of Kappa Alpha Order, regardless of status, are to be held accountable to the standards set forth by the Kappa Alpha Laws, our ritual and those adopted through chapter bylaws. New member education is to be no longer than eight weeks. If you are pledging for longer, your chapter is in violation of this regulation. You cannot learn everything there is to know about Kappa Alpha Order in eight weeks, so your time spent as a new member should only be the beginning of your KA education. You should have regular new member meetings that should be professional and well organized. These are not to be held at odd hours. Prior to initiation, all members must take and pass a national exam. Many chapters will administer weekly exams, or quizzes, for their new members to help them prepare for the national exam. Your new member educator should give you a list of dates and materials on which you will be tested, much like a professor. Excelling academically is a top priority for Kappa Alpha Order and all members must maintain a certain GPA. To assist you in your transition into college, you may be asked to attend study hall, submit study hours, or meet with an academic mentor. Through your meetings, attendance at events, personal interaction, group and personal study, you will prepare yourself for initiation and your time as an active member. Together, you’ll be ready for life as an Alumnus Member. BASIC EXPECTATIONS OF A MEMBER AWAITING INITIATION: • Excelling academically and helping others do the same. • Performing service and fundraising for those less fortunate. • Being a responsible and productive member of the chapter. • Attending necessary meetings and events, and giving excuses when you cannot. • Paying fees and dues applicable to joining, on time, or on a payment plan (see page 6-7).


The Talisman




The Talisman


The Talisman

• Hold others in your chapter accountable to your values and the rules you learn. • Remembering that this is now your chapter and that you will only gain as much from the experience as you put into it.

These are the expectations of an active member as well. You should become comfortable with them now as your next four years should be spent meeting them. YOU WILL ALSO RECEIVE RESOURCES, INCLUDING: 1. The Varlet, to help you in your overall KA studies 2. A chapter-based new member education supplement packet which might include: • Calendar of events and meetings • Contact list for all chapter members with chapter officers • Chapter budget and personal budgeting worksheets • Financial agreements or housing lease/contract • Chapter By-Laws • Crisis Management Plan/Emergency Numbers • List of fraternities and sororities on campus

• List of contact information for advisors (local, regional and national) • A breakdown of weekly educational assignment and exam questions

INITIATION CEREMONY The Initiation Ceremony of Kappa Alpha Order is: • Based on an Order of Christian Knights • Spiritual in nature • Often held in a chapel or sanctuary • Is the basis of our values and principles

Leading up to the Initiation Ceremony, new members are often encouraged to participate in positive activities that help create the proper mind-set or mood for the ceremony. These activities should promote brotherhood, our beliefs and standards, and often include watching movies on the topics of knighthood, leadership and inspiration, discussion of Kappa Alpha symbols and their meaning, reading and discussion of Bible verses and other meaningful materials, and team building activities. These activities should be consistent with Kappa Alpha Order’s beliefs and teachings, and should not take time away from studies or deprive members of sleep. Any activity not conducted with the described reverence is potentially a violation of policy.




The Talisman

Every Member's Obligation

FINANCIAL COSTS This topic should be covered before you join. In the event that you still need a better understanding of the costs associated with membership, here are some basic descriptions.  INDUCTION FEE* Who: New Member

 INITIATION FEE* Who: New Member

Purpose: First time joining fee; provides

Purpose: Life-time joining fee; provides

for educational programs, services, and resources Fee type: Assessed nationally;

for educational programs, services, and resources Fee type: Assessed nationally;

collected and remitted by chapter Deadline: From new member to chapter:

collected and remitted by chapter Deadline: From new member to chapter:

before member joins or is inducted From chapter to National Administrative Office: within 48 hours after induction Amount:

$100 per man **

at least 3-4 weeks prior to initiation From chapter to National Administrative Office: at least 2 weeks prior to initiation Amount:

$265 per man **


 CHAPTER OR LOCAL DUES Who: New and Active Member

Purpose: To cover cost of Varlet,

Purpose: To support all operations


supporting materials, and new member pin

of the chapter; must be used in accordance with Kappa Alpha Laws, chapter bylaws, and according to chapter budget

Fee type: Assessed by chapter;

collected by chapter Deadline: Variable by chapter Amount: $25 per man** ; or

Fee type: Assessed by chapter;

collected by chapter

$45 per man ** (this option includes KA Bible and Devotional Guide)

Deadline: Variable by chapter Amount:


Variable by chapter

The Talisman


 NATIONAL DUES AND RISK MANAGEMENT FEES* Who: Active Member is responsible

annually in the fall; Active Member who is initiated in the fall is responsible for 1/2 of total fees the following spring, then each fall until graduated

Purpose: To fulfill lease agreement,

and/or support all operations of the chapter house, lodge, or other facility; must be used in accordance with Kappa Alpha Laws, chapter bylaws, chapter house corporation bylaws, and according to budgets. If relevant to your chapter, these could be applicable to New and Active Members

Purpose: National dues help to provide

for educational programs and services provided by our National Administrative Office. The Order’s Risk Management Fees are assessed annually and are a cost of doing business to perpetuate the Order's current operations and its future. The insurance protection extends to all levels of the Order, from the local chapter to national organization, and is designed to protect all entities, employees, volunteers, officers and directors provided that the Kappa Alpha Laws and Order's risk management policies are followed.

Fee type: Variable; could be assessed

by chapter; could be assessed by chapter house corporation; same with collection Deadline: Variable by chapter Amount:

Variable by chapter

Fee type: Assessed nationally; collected

and remitted by chapter Deadline: From member to chapter:

 If assessed in the fall— weeks prior to September 30  If assessed in the spring— weeks prior to February 15 * These fees are set and are subject to change annually by the Executive Council (Kappa Alpha Order’s Board of Directors) and are comparable to other national organizations. ** As of January 2016

From chapter to National Administrative Office: September 30 Amount:

300 per man $ (National Dues = $130; Risk Management Fees = $170)




The Talisman

The Fratricide of Brotherhood

Hazing Anonymous National AntiHazing Hotline: 1-888-NOT-HAZE, 1-888-668-4293

Kappa Alpha Order National Administrative Office: 540-463-1865

Common Myths about Hazing MYTH: “We only haze a little bit. It’s not really that bad.” FACT: That’s like saying, “I only steal a little bit. I’m not really a thief.” Adapted from

Kappa Alpha Order helps to instill and enrich characteristics such as duty, honor, character and gentlemanly conduct. The KA experience provides its members with a support network, lasting friendships and brotherhood. Unfortunately, statistics show that you’ve likely experienced hazing some other time in your life, before college. But that was a time for boys. KA is time for men. The values and principles of KA are lost when hazing occurs. Hazing kills brotherhood. It makes liars out of leaders. It strips members of trust, confidence, leadership and their reputation. It has no place in your Kappa Alpha experience. Hazing is ego driven. Those who haze have low self-esteem and therefore feel the need to degrade others. Brothers who are concerned about gaining respect from new members need to take a look in the mirror ... are they even worthy of respect from the new members? Remember that the most vocal proponents of any hazing are usually the worst examples of brotherhood. Remember, as an “Order,” KA does not seek to change anyone, only to bring together those gentlemen who already share our values. How could hazing fit in our plan? As a great national fraternity, we have accomplished too much good and have helped shape the lives of too many men to be marred by behavior so contrary to our noble principles. The reality is, if we haze, we are hypocrites. Hazing is an issue that is shielded in secrecy, something you endure, participate in and don’t talk about. It is for this reason that hazing is often viewed in shades of gray. But, when you step back, look at the issue and compare it to the values and principles that Kappa Alpha Order upholds, it is an issue that is simply black and white. If you care about brotherhood, modern day chivalry, integrity, being a leader and having a KA undergraduate experience, be the better man and REFUSE TO ACCEPT IT, REPORT IT, and STOP IT.

KAPPA ALPHA ORDER’S STANCE AND LAWS ON HAZING Kappa Alpha Order Alpha Order was among the first fraternities to include anti-hazing statements as seen by the following excerpt from the Order’s first printed public constitution in 1903: “Courtesy, personal dignity and self-respect being chivalrous virtues of the knight and gentleman which our ritual inculcates, members are forbidden to outrage the initiate by subjecting him to a humiliating physical ordeal known as hazing.” Today Kappa Alpha Order has a zero tolerance for hazing.


The Talisman




The Talisman


Common Myths about Hazing MYTH: “New members want to be hazed.” FACT: If you believe this, why not publicize your chapter’s planned hazing activities during rush/recruitment, and then see how many men the chapter recruits? In states that have laws against hazing, consent of the victim can’t be used as a defense in a civil suit. This is because even if someone agrees to participate in a potentially hazardous action, it may not be true consent when considering the peer pressure and desire to belong to the group. Adapted from

“Any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. Such activities may include, but are not limited to, the following: use of alcohol; paddling in any form; creation of excessive fatigue; physical and psychological shocks; use of pledge books or signature books, quests, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips or any other such activities carried on outside or inside the confines of the chapter house; wearing of public apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts and buffoonery; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; and any other activities which are not consistent with fraternal law, ritual or policy or the regulations and policies of the educational institution.”

KAPPA ALPHA LAWS PROHIBIT HAZING BY ALL LEVELS OF MEMBERSHIP: Article 9, Section 261. Prohibition against hazing. The practice of hazing in any form is forbidden. Hazing is any conduct, activities or action by a member, by members of the Kappa Alpha Order or by an Active Chapter as a unit, performed or carried out on or off chapter premises which: (a) causes, is likely to cause or is intended to cause physical or mental discomfort, chagrin, embarrassment, ridicule or personal displeasure to another person upon imposed or (b) is otherwise prohibited by any applicable governmental or institutional law or regulation.

Some, but not all, commonly heard of and prohibited acts of hazing are listed below. They may seem harmless, but read ahead knowing that each item was included due to a serious misuse in the past that resulted in varying levels of harm or injury. 1. Transporting a member against his will; 2. Marking or branding of a member; 3. Preventing a member from attending class; 4. Forcing a member to eat or drink against his will, and requiring or encouraging a member to participate in any activity which is involved with consumption of prescribed quantities of alcoholic beverages; 5. Requiring a member to perform personal service or acts of servitude to include serving as a designated driver as part of a chapter organized designated driver program; 6. Conducting any and all forms of lineups; 7. Paddling and/or striking in any manner; 8. Preventing a member from practicing personal hygiene; 9. Causing a member to be indecently exposed; or 10. Requiring a member to dress in a manner causing ridicule or humiliation. 11. Pledge books or signature books, including any compilation of names and/or of personal data related to active members, or members awaiting initiation, that is required of a member awaiting initiation as a component of his pre-initiation education.


The Talisman

KAPPA ALPHA ORDER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL REGULATIONS R9-261. Prohibition Against Hazing. (a) Hazing as that term is used in the Kappa Alpha Laws shall be further defined as any act or omission by any member of the Kappa Alpha Order directed against any other member which with or without intent: 1. Is likely, with reasonable possibility, to cause bodily harm or danger, offensive physical punishment or disturbing pain; 2. Is likely to compromise the dignity of a member, cause embarrassment or shame to a member to be the object of malicious amusement or ridicule, or cause any psychological harm or substantial emotional strain; or 3. Will, unreasonably or unusually impair a member’s academic efforts. (b) This definition of “hazing” includes any requirement by a member which compels a member to participate in any activity which is illegal, which is known by the compelling person to be contrary to a member’s moral or religious beliefs or which is contrary to the rules or regulations of the member’s institution of learning (c) Consistent with the above definition, the following specific examples of “hazing” are prohibited, but not limited to, the following (see page 11; Article 9, Section 261; 1-11) (d) Furthermore, participation in or condonation by an Active Chapter as a unit, a member of an Active Chapter, or any other member of the Kappa Alpha Order involving any member of the Order in any activity which does not have an independent immediate, positive purpose shall constitute an act of hazing. (e) Members herein mentioned shall include all initiated and uninitiated members of the Order.

PHYSICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL HAZING Hazing can take on many forms. Some forms of hazing are often times harder to detect than others and usually results in ridicule or humiliation. Some examples of this type of hazing include lengthy telephone greetings, carrying of items such as lighters, condoms and change, asking new members to perform acts for the entertainment of active members, not allowing new members to enter through the front door, acts of personal servitude, restricting certain membership privileges from new members or creating a higher standard for new members. It essentially makes new members feel and appear like second-class citizens. It’s easy to think that these activities are harmless and constitute no danger to new members. But what’s important to consider is the negative effect this type of hazing has on that member’s attitude toward the chapter. His eagerness to take part in a leadership role will ultimately wane. Loss of respect for active brothers is the only real outcome this and any type of hazing produces. Some also think these types of activities teach respect for the house and the chapter. Wrong again. It only causes the new member to become apathetic after he is initiated with an attitude of, “I’m an active now, so I don’t have to do anything ... make the new guys do it.” Apathy, a direct result of hazing, destroys the life of a chapter quicker than anything.

State Laws It is also important to understand that in every state where a KA chapter resides, it is against the law to haze. Hazing can cost you your membership and your chapter. That means if you haze, or allow others to haze you, men who come after you may not have an opportunity to join KA on your campus. In addition, you will be destroying all the hard work put in by your chapter’s alumni since KA’s establishment on your campus.




The Talisman

Common Myths about Hazing MYTH: “Hazing builds new member class unity.” FACT: Unity may be created within the new member class, but the new members will be unified against the chapter. The end result is a number of segregated groups or four chapters within one disunited chapter. Why not focus on building chapter unity through retreats, social events and philanthropic service? Adapted from

Other forms of hazing are more identifiable and can cause mental anguish, physical discomfort or create undue stress. Examples may include sleep deprivation, verbal abuse, requiring new members to answer questions under pressure, performing lewd stunts, restricting personal hygiene or the covering of bodies with foreign substances. A brother may think, “new guys need to earn their membership by going through these experiences.” Membership in the Order, however, is gained by exemplifying the qualities of gentility and modern chivalry, not enduring mental and physical anguish. Harassment hazing activities aren’t always meant to cause harm, but when hazing gets out of hand, it does; many injuries, deaths and lawsuits have resulted.

HAZING AND BYSTANDER BEHAVIOR* A bystander is someone who witnesses a problem behavior and does not do anything about it. A bystander does not respond. Most health problems and social injustices in sororities and fraternities are witnessed by bystanders. Often, Greek women and men are able to intervene effectively without formal training, as evidenced by many successful intervention stories. However, it is also extremely common that Greek men and women don’t respond at all, or respond ineffectively when they are uncomfortable being in a bystander role, or when they want to do something about problematic behavior. Why don’t individuals intervene?” The answer to this question is critical as we seek to create chapters and environments which foster health and social justice, where the deeper values of the Greek community are expressed in action, thus making clear to the rest of the world our strengths and what we have to offer the greater campus community. * Excerpt from the WHITE PAPER: “RESPONSE ABILITY” Transforming Values into Action, by Fostering Bystander Interventions, to Promote Health and Social Justice by Dr. Alan Berkowitz.

IS IT HAZING? Here are some broad questions to ask yourself about an activity: • Will the activity achieve one or more of the predetermined goals of the new member education program? • Are active members asked to participate in the same activity at an equal level of participation? • Would you be willing to perform the activity in front of a university administrator, national staff member, province commander, parents, or friends who are not members? • Would you be prepared to defend this activity in court? • Would you be willing to share a written description of this activity for the campus or local newspaper? • Would you want to require future a friend or sibling to perform the activity?

If the answer is “no” to any one of these questions, then it’s hazing. Don’t do it.


The Talisman

HOW TO STOP HAZING First, contact your support system including Number I, new member educator, alumnus advisor, province commander, Greek advisor, or a KA national staff member to assist you in stopping it. Education and understanding are key to solving the problem. Then, confront the problem head. Help other brothers understand that there are much better ways to educate. If a member witnesses an act of hazing and does nothing (remaining a bystander), he is condoning the act and enabling the disease to grow. Positive brotherhood building activities are available and brothers are strongly encouraged to seek them out. They can be found on our website Another helpful resource is Feel free to also contact the National Administrative Office or the Anti-Hazing Hotline.

Common Myths about Hazing MYTH: “I went through it, now the new guys have to go through it.” FACT: Would you go through it again? It only takes one class to break this so-called “tradition.” Our founders and early members were not hazed, so why treat today’s new members differently? Adapted from




The Talisman

Your Experience as an

Active Member YOUR LIFETIME Time as an Alumnus Member 72%

Before joining Kappa Alpha Order 23%

Time as a New Member 0.2%

Time as an Active Chapter Member 4.8%

As you can see, a small part of your time as a KA is spent as a new member. Your time as an active member will be rewarding. You only get a few years to make it count and make a difference. As an active member, you will have the chance to make a difference in your chapter and on your campus. From committee positions, chairman positions, and officer positions, you’ll have the opportunity to gain leadership experience. Whether you are a leader, or a member, also be faced with daily decisions that can strengthen, or hurt, your chapter and the Order. EXPECTATIONS INCLUDE • Attend chapter and other meetings/events on a consistent basis • Expand your knowledge of the KA’s ritual to help guide your chapter • Continue to excel academically and role model for younger members

Member Badge

• Become involved in another organization on campus • Participate in volunteer service projects, and philanthropic fund raisers • Become proficient with, follow, and hold others accountable to the Kappa Alpha Laws, Risk Management Policy, and various campus rules • Fulfill your financial obligations to Kappa Alpha and your chapter (see page 6-7)

ACCOUNTABILITY Failure to abide by these or any other expectations may result in your being charged with Major or Minor Offenses. You may be found guilty and subjected to fines, suspension or even expulsion. A chapter should not be afraid to hold members accountable. However, if members are performing well, staying involved, and doing their duty, this should be the exception, not the rule.


The Talisman




The Talisman

Your Experience as an


Remember “Once a KA, Always a KA.” When you graduate, you never will say “I was a KA.” While you will not be called upon daily for your involvement, you certainly should contribute in a few ways: • Financially, with support to the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF) for scholarships and leadership education • Join the Loyal Order to receive The Kappa Alpha Journal for life

The Loyal Order

• Become Forever KA to support your chapter, the Order, and the KAOEF, and join the Loyal Order • Recommend potential members for membership in a chapter or commission • Volunteer your time or talents on the local, regional, or national level

The future belongs to you!


The Talisman



KAPPA ALPHA ORDER NATIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE AT MULBERRY HILL 115 Liberty Hall Road Lexington, Virginia 24450 (540) 463-1865

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