The Kappa Alpha Journal

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The Kappa Alpha Journal | Fall 2013


Stories of our stout and brave, including Muscular Dystrophy Association superstar Luke Christie (Iota-Furman ’12) Volume CXVV | Number 2 | Published Since 1879

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The 1865 Trust | Member Profile

Bob & Nancy Smith

(Alpha Omega – North Carolina State ’52)

hh 50-year member hh Loyal Order #2957 hh New member, 1865 Trust What has KA meant to you through the years and while in college? I regret that I have not been a very good alumnus except for annual gifts to KAOEF and occasional gifts sent directly to Alpha Omega chapter. I was part of a very small pledge class (3) in the Fall of 1958. Our class was comprised of Thomas Wayne Miller from Tabor City N.C., James Lanier Griffin III from Greenville, S.C. and myself from Asheville, N.C. Pledge duties consisted of, among other things, making sure our grades were good. In the Spring of 1958, Alpha Omega led all KA chapters in scholarship with an overall GPA of 3.2. My best friends at State were KAs. I was formally initiated in November 1959. Why did you choose to support the KAOEF? Both of my parents were teachers and I served on the Monroe Board of Education from 1975-1992. Besides making annual donations to the KAOEF, I recently decided to provide a portion of my estate to aiding future Alpha Omega brothers in their pursuit of degrees at NC State. Education has obviously been a passion of mine inspired by my parents. Why did you join the 1865 Trust? To try to make a difference in the lives of brothers of Alpha Omega by making a significant contribution to their education goals. I just wanted to share some of my resources accumulated over time for a worthy cause.

How does your wife Nancy feel about this support? Both Nancy and I decided to share both earned and inherited resources to invest in deserving organizations and people both while living and upon our passing. Nancy is very supportive of my choices and I, in turn, am very supportive of her choices, also.

WHAT IS THE 1865 TRUST? The 1865 Trust recognizes the generosity and foresight of those who choose to embrace the vision of KA’s future by making a meaningful planned gift to the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF). Their entrance into the ranks of the 1865 Trust bears powerful testimony to the charitable expressions of their values, ideals, and commitment to Kappa Alpha Order’s future.

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Membership in the 1865 Trust recognizes those who have made provisions for a planned gift of $10,000 or more to the KAOEF. To date, 140 exceptional alumni have joined the 1865 Trust. Most of our alumni in the 1865 Trust will fulfill their gift through one of the most common and perhaps easiest ways of making a planned gift, by naming the KAOEF in their wills or as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or an IRA.

If you have any questions about the 1865 Trust, or if you wish to join the over 140 KA brothers who have already become members, please contact Ben W. Satcher Jr., Chief Development Officer at the KAOEF, either by phone, (540) 463-1865, or by e-mail,

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Table of Contents

16 features 14 | Heroes in the Strife


Stories of our own stout and brave brothers

16 | Strong & Steady MDA superstar is a KA undegraduate brother

departments 2 | Knight Commander’s Message 3 | From the Editor 4 | Connections

20 | Fortune Favors the Bold

5 | Our Order

The story of two brave brothers

26 | Alumni News

2 4 | Something So Small


Lives saved through “being the match”

46 | 2012-2013 Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation Annual Report

30 | Chapter Excellence 36 | On Campus 44 | Sports Page 66 | Foundation Today 67 | Housing 68 | Chapter Eternal 70 | Our Legacy


Cover photo courtesy of Muscular Dystrophy Association

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72 | Remembering the Reason


71 | From the Archives

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Knight Commander's Message

Dear Brothers, I am honored to continue to serve as the Order’s 39th Knight Commander. At the 75th Convention, which was held in San Antonio, Texas, I committed that in my second term, our objectives will remain the same: 1) academic excellence, 2) risk management, 3) housing and 4) alumni engagement. Additionally, we will be executing plans for the 150th anniversary of the Order’s founding. With your continued support, we will achieve further academic excellence and reach a 3.0 GPA. We will continue to provide a safe environment for members and guests by managing our risks. We will support the efforts of our chapters and alumni in providing safe and quality housing. And, we will recruit, recognize and retain outstanding volunteer leaders. We are also approaching a major milestone in the Order’s history. Over the past 148 years, many companies, colleges and universities, and even many nations have come and gone. Yet our quest continues. We are approaching the Order’s 150th anniversary, our Sesquicentennial Celebration. The 76th Convention will be held from July 30 - August 2, 2015 at the Hotel Roanoke, in Roanoke, Virginia, and also in Lexington, Virginia. Mark your calendars now. I have appointed a Sesquicentennial Committee, chaired by Councilor C. Douglas Simmons III. Here are some of the items and future plans that they and the staff have begun working on: We will produce an updated history by the 2015 Convention written by Dr. Martin R. Clagett, an historian, professor, and researcher from Richmond; We will create a time capsule of our own modern history. Some of you brothers will be there in 50 years when it is opened; We are about to begin the process for an updated Membership Directory, which will be published in 2015; And, regional events will be planned throughout 2015 for alumni, actives, and families. These will include speakers, golf tournaments, Courts of Honor, and Conviviums. The Quest Continues. This means that while we have achieved much, we can and we must accomplish more. While the 150th anniversary date and the celebrations are finite, our legacy and our future are infinite. So, lets get to work, and lets close out the first 150 years of Kappa Alpha Order history with our motto, Excelsior! Thank you, and God Bless the Kappa Alpha Order. Fraternally,

William E. Dreyer Knight Commander

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EDITOR Jesse S. Lyons CREATIVE DESIGN Tria Designs Inc. CONTRIBUTORS Dustin Brann Joel Buck Andrew Carr Jeremy Duke Brent Fellows Jay Langhammer Kent McMichael Rick Moore Ben W. Satcher, Jr. Brianne Tillotson Stuart Whetsell EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Knight Commander William E. Dreyer Senior Councilor Darren S. Kay Councilors King V. Aiken, Jr. L. Blair Bailey David P. Barksdale Sam O. Leake, Jr. C. Douglas Simmons III National Undergraduate Chairman Logan J. Opsahl KA/KAOEF Executive Director Larry Stanton Wiese HOW TO CONTACT THE JOURNAL Editor, The Kappa Alpha Journal P.O. Box 1865 Lexington, VA 24450 (540) 463-1865 (540) 463-2140 - fax email: TO CHANGE AN ADDRESS Fill out Alumnus Update on the website or send both your new and old address to Lisa Metivier at the above mailing address or to:


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Letter from the Editor

The Kappa Alpha Journal (ISSN #0888-8868, USPS #014-747) is an educational journal published four times a year by Kappa Alpha Order, 115 Liberty Hall Rd., Lexington, Virginia. Periodicals postage paid at Lexington, Virginia, and additional mailing offices. The Kappa Alpha Journal seeks to reflect the Kappa Alpha experience by presenting news of active and alumni chapters, individual members, and the national organization; by addressing current issues facing the Greek system and the Order; by educating and entertaining those interested in the welfare of Kappa Alpha; and by serving as a historical record. The Kappa Alpha Journal has been published since 1879. From 1883 to 1885 it was known as The Magazine of Kappa Alpha. Kappa Alpha Order was founded in 1865 at Washington College (Washington and Lee University) in Lexington, Virginia. Today, Kappa Alpha boasts 125 undergraduate chapters and over 50 alumni chapters across the nation. Volume CXVV, Number 2 Fall 2013 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Kappa Alpha Order, P.O. Box 1865, Lexington, VA 24450 Member of

Copyright © 2013 Kappa Alpha Order; KAPPA ALPHA® is a registered trademark of Kappa Alpha Order.

Issue 3/Winter – Oct. 15 Issue 1/ Spring – Jan. 25 Issue 2/Summer – April 13 Issue 3/Fall – July 2

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Jesse S. Lyons Editor @jesseslyons @kappaalphaorder #KAjournal





Dear Brothers, There are some very special brothers highlighted in this edition of The Kappa Alpha Journal. Actually, this is a pretty special edition all together. First, we’ve got heroes. I want to tell you a little about them personally. I met Luke Christie in 2007 when he attended the Number I’s Leadership Institute. This young man, probably 13 or 14 years old at the time, was talking to every single chapter president of the Order at the time—our local leaders. Luke, begins quoting Will Ferrell’s iconic character Rickie Bobby from the hit movie, Talladega Nights. His confidence, speaking ability, and delivery are some of the best I’ve ever seen. It’s kind of hard to make a room full of 19-22 year olds listen, let alone choke up … but Luke’s message was clearly strong. A standing ovation ensues, the first of many. Read all about this outstanding brother on page 16. Have you ever heard of the KA award by the name of the Knight Commander’s Medal? Since its fairly new, you mostly likely haven’t. Coincidentally, it was created in 2007. The two brothers who received their medals this past year acted so selflessly, so courageously, our high recognition almost seems paltry. David Forsythe swam clear beyond the breakers. Charlie Cangelosi took a near-fatal bullet. Both were almost too humble to accept the recognition. Heroism in action on page 20. Our Beta Kappa Chapter at the University of Maryland is saving lives left and right. Raising money. Volunteering for service. And donating … stem cells for bone marrow cancer treatments? Now that I’ve got your attention, turn to page 24 to read how they are “being the match.” Here’s another question: how much has anyone ever given the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation? Flip on over to page 46 to read the 2012-2013 KAOEF Annual Report. There you’ll learn all about the programs the KAOEF supports, the ways you can give, and even check out the brothers who’ve given anywhere from $1 million to $18.65 a month. Every dollar counts. Support the Order, give to the KAOEF. At the onset of my letter I said, “First, we’ve got heroes.” Well, quite frankly, there isn’t a “second.” Every brother in this edition is a hero in some way, shape, or form. It’s an honor to know many of them. After reading, I hope you feel like you know them too. Let their lives provide a guide to us all.

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Connections Alumni & actives shared their personal #whyKA story in preparation for fall recruitment KappaAlphaOrder DAN MCCOY I joined

because it was the only organization that seemed to have the morals and values that I was brought up with. It wasn’t something that would change who I was, it furthered the man I already was. KEVIN WILKINSON

Chivalry, Leadership, Charity, and anything else that completes a well-balanced gentlemen. KappaAlphaOrder DALTON GRIFFIN @DALTONGRIFFIN52

#whyKA a lifetime brotherhood, and the opportunity to have numerous experiences that will prepare you for life and make you a better man TIMOTHY HAWKINS @TCHAWKINS

@KA_GammaPsi has provided me with the values and relationships I have today, from brotherhood to my KA rose wife! #whyKA HBU KA @HBU_KA

#ShoutoutSunday to all the KA brothers for working hard to receive the highest fraternity GPA award from last year #whyKA

KA wins SIX top communications awards Lyons elected Vice President

At the 2013 Annual Conference of the Fraternity Communications Association (FCA), Kappa Alpha Order was recognized with six major awards for efforts in communications and for The Kappa Alpha Journal, including being named the overall second best magazine in the social and professional Greek community for 2012. FCA has over 60 member fraternities and sororities and provides outstanding networking, educational and recognition opportunities for its members. This year, FCA received 729 entries in four main categories for 29 separate awards. Thirty-three different organizations were recognized. Over 40 judges, including professionals in their fields and even a design class, reviewed the submissions. Jesse S. Lyons, Director of Communications, (Delta Alpha-Western Carolina ‘98) was elected as the FCA Vice President for Operations at the Annual Conference. Kappa Alpha Order would like to thank our professional partners, Aria Agency, Bruce Tria of Tria Designs, and all contributors to our efforts. AWARDS WON First Place: Best Online Magazine or Feature The Journal Online (2012) First Place: Story Packaging – Feature Article To Be a Leader: Chiefs of the Hill (Fall/Winter 2012) First Place: Design – Feature Article Gentleman Zac (Spring 2012) Second Place: 2012 Fred F. Yoder Award for Overall Excellence The Kappa Alpha Journal Second Place: Critics’ Choice Cover Excellence is Their Aim (Zac Brown Cover, Spring 2012) Third Place: National Website

Three Legacies Great job in The Journal article with Jim, Lanier, and Hickory. I don’t know if they have received copies of The Journal, but I will take my copy tomorrow night for our weekly gathering. I think you did outstanding work on this! Thanks for being The Journal editor. ark M. Frost M (Beta Zeta – Florida ’67)

Alive And Well In the latest Journal I noticed a Gerald Brasington (Delta Epsilon – Newberry ’98) in the Chapter Eternal section. I did not know Gerald so I started checking around. I found out he is alive and well in Columbia, S.C. W oody Cornwell (Delta Epsilon – Newberry ’66)

Edtior’s Note: Brother Brasington is indeed alive and well and we regret this error. He was reporting the passing of his wife’s grandfather, who was also a KA. Warms The Heart Your recognition of my 75 years past as a KA warms my heart [Ed.–he received a 75 Year Membership certificate]. In my 98th year of life I have found that the principals of the KA Order have had a profound influence on my purpose as a human being. I can only hope that the leaders of today will have the followers to carry forward those beliefs and vows, to the end that they will become gentlemen of tomorrow to lead KA to fulfillment of purpose. Adam A. Kreuter (Alpha Omicron – Arkansas ’35)

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FALL 2013



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Our Order

Ole! Convention Celebrates in San Antonio


events and there have been two Special Conventions called outside of the modern odd year regular meetings. As such, 2013 marked the 75th regular meeting or Diamond Convention. Attendance reached nearly 500 as our second ever gathering in San Antonio ranked as the third largest in history. After the Model Initiation on Thursday night, the attendees were treated to a showing of Alamo: Price of Freedom at the IMAX Theater. And then, the real treat occurred. For the first time ever, the Convention attendees and guests enjoyed a walking tour and dinner on the grounds of the historic Alamo. The next day on Friday, the attendees boarded buses and headed out for a day of brotherhood at SeaWorld. The Convention met in session twice throughout the weekend and completed some light legislative changes to the Constitution and Bylaws, which are available online. William E. Dreyer, our 39th Knight Commander, was retained in office for a second term and the 37th Executive Council was elected, to include the Knight Commander,

along with Councilors King V. Aiken, Jr. (Kappa – Mercer ’83), L. Blair Bailey (Gamma Eta – Florida State ’88), David P. Barksdale (Tau – Wake Forest ’83), Sam O. Leake, Jr. (Beta Xi – Oklahoma State ’61), C.D. Simmons III (Beta Tau – Mississippi State ’95), and Senior Councilor Darren S. Kay (Alpha Eta – Westminster ’88). A boisterous Knight Commander’s Banquet complete with Spanish dancers, Mariachi bands, crowd involvement, and the KA Chorus with brothers from all over the country, concluded with the Knight Commander’s Address laying out his second term priorities and plans. Finally, Knight Commander Dreyer unveiled the 150th anniversary launch video, logo, and slogan, The Quest Continues along with outlining the plans already underway to celebrate the Order’s Sesquicentennial. The next two years will move rapidly, culminating in the 76th Convention in Roanoke and Lexington, Virginia. Mark your calendars—you won’t want to miss the biggest celebration in the Order’s history!


During Convention, the following awards were presented: Greek Life Professional of the Year: Robyn Brock, Assistant Dean and Director of Greek Life at Florida State University Alumnus Advisor of the Year: Lennard Register III (Beta Zeta – Florida ’74), advisor to Epsilon Sigma at University of West Florida Faculty Advisor of the Year: Robert A. Pugh (Delta Lambda – Middle Tennessee State ’75), advisor to Alpha Beta at University of Alabama Certificate of Honor: Clint F. Cummins (Delta Upsilon – Tennessee-Martin ’00), advisor to Gamma Gamma at University of Memphis William E. Forester Alumni Chapter Award: South Central Missouri Alumni Chapter, presented to Ed Schmidt (Beta Alpha – Missouri S&T ’62) Knight Commander’s Accolades: see pgs. 10-11.

CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTS William A. “Bill” Wood (Alpha – Washington & Lee ’03), grandson of Chief Founder James Ward Wood, was in attendance with his wife Edna

Accolades for Interfraterntal Service were awarded to two past Sigma Nu national presidents, Howard Pickett and Mike Long

A wonderful Loyal Order & Forever KA reception took place with the 2013-2014 Loyal Order spokesman, Dave Baker (Georgetown – Beta Delta ’87) in attendance, who also addressed Convention

216 brothers and guests made the 16th annual KAOEF Bid for Brotherhood the largest attended and in raising over $70,000 it also became the largest net amount raised for educational programs and scholarships in B4B history

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The Leadership Lecture Luncheon address was given by The Hon. Robert M. Pittenger



Model Initiation was held at the Scottish Rite Theater, performed by Zeta Xi from Texas Wesleyan University and Gamma Xi from Lamar University

Luke Christie (Iota – Furman ’12), MDA National Youth Chairman, addressed the Convention shortly after arriving from shooting the 2013 MDA Show of Strength for television

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Our Order

LEFT: ELA attendees held their large group sessions in the Hall of Valor at VMI's George C. Marshall Center for Leadership & Ethics. ABOVE: ELA t-shirts depicted Lee Chapel on campus at Washington & Lee.

Run to the Sound of the Gun

ELA participants charged to take up the mantle of leadership THE 8TH ANNUAL EMERGING LEADERS

Academy included both the Crusade RoundTable and Stewards of the Order. Over 200 undergraduates gathered in Lexington, Virginia with the goal of learning and honing different leadership skills to take back to their respective chapters. Almost all ELA attendees elected to attend on their on volition and at their own or their chapter’s expense. The Emerging Leaders Academy (ELA) offers three unique learning opportunities: Mock Chapter, Educational Track Sessions, and the Leadership Session Series. The Mock Chapter Experience allows participants to be placed in small groups to learn how to operate as an active chapter. From officer elections, to creating a term plan for the chapter, Mock Chapter members worked together on their Model Chapter application, which is similar to the National Award

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Application. Outstanding leaders in the Order were selected through an application process to serve as Mock Chapter Advisors. For the past two years we have had 90 Mock Chapter Advisors serve in this capacity. Educational track sessions included Leadership, New Member Education, Council of Honor, Recruitment, Crusade RoundTable and other operational educational sessions. The Leadership Session Series speakers included Former NFL Player and Coach Sam Wyche (Iota – Furman ‘66), SEC Broadcaster Dave “Buzz” Baker (Beta Delta – Georgetown ‘79), and Commandant of the Virginia Military Institute Colonel Tom Trumps (Beta Commission – VMI ‘08). Councilor C. Douglas Simmons presented ritual workshops, Former Knight Commander J. Michael Duncan offered insights on leadership and accountability and National Chaplain Dwain Knight

FALL 2013


(Delta Kappa – Stephen F. Austin ‘04) concluded our series in Lee Chapel with our worship service.

Stewards of the Order

The Stewards of the Order is an intense study of the ritual that focuses on standardization, production and standardization of the initiation ceremony led by Councilor C. Douglas Simmons, III (Beta Tau – Mississippi State ’95). In 2012, we had one hundred and eighty participants and in 2013 we had forty-two participants. Our recent program was reduced in size to focus on small group instruction and interaction through an engaging twelve-hour course. The sessions were held on the front end and throughout ELA.


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Our Order CLOCKWISE FROM RIGHT: COL Tom Trumps chats with ELA participants; Mock Chapter participants devise their "term plan" for their chapter; eager attendees await the announcement of the best "Mock Chapter" in Lee Chapel; service learning is an integral portion of the weekend; all ELA participants gathered for a photo before going "into the streets" for service learning at a dozen locations in the Lexington community.


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Our Order

Commissions This past May, the Order’s Commissions held their annual initiation ceremonies. 2013 INITIATES Beta Commission for graduates of VMI......................... 91 Theta Commission, for graduates of The Citadel.................. 76 Sigma Alpha Commission, for graduates of USMA.........................15

The Order is also preparing to establish a Commission for graduates of the United States Naval Academy. If you have any information or advice, or know of prior or current year graduates, please contact Jesse S. Lyons at

Expulsions The following men have been expelled from Kappa Alpha Order as of August 7, 2013, and a period of 90 days for appeal has lapsed.

Texas Omicron Stephen P. Carrigan, 4/9/13 Tulsa Mu Jacob D. Hobbs, 4/30/13 Yannis Lispis, 4/30/13 Austin Peay State Zeta Tau Lawton Vierkant, 4/30/13 Arizona State Epsilon Omega Christopher P. Cancilla, 5/23/13 Richard A. Rojas, 5/23/13 William & Mary Alpha Zeta Zach T. Smith, 6/6/13

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FIELD STAFF RELOADS These young men are the staff directly responsible for working and interacting with our 121 Active and four provisional chapters. Associate Directors for Chapter Services E. Preston Pritchett (Nu – Auburn ‘10) graduated in December, 2012, with a degree in Business Administration. As an Active Member at Nu Chapter, Preston served as Number IX and New Member Educator. Preston was also a member of the Auburn University Varsity Football Team while in college. He is traveling Candler, Dunwody, Hardeman, and Neal Provinces this year. David C. Merrill (Zeta Pi – Florida Gulf Coast ’08) graduated in May, 2013, with a degree in Legal Studies. From Englewood, Florida, David served his chapter as Number VIII, VI, and I. David also served as a Mock Chapter Advisor at the 2012 Emerging Leaders Academy as well as a facilitator for the 2013 Number I’s Leadership Institute. In his free time he enjoys fishing, sports, traveling, and cooking. Kevin P. Moritz (Alpha Eta – Westminster ’10) graduated in May, 2013, with a degree in Biology. Kevin played Varsity Baseball, being named Captain his Junior and Senior year. Kevin is a member of Biology Honors Society, Omicron Delta Kappa, Order of Omega, and a national student athlete honor society.

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Kevin has served as Crusade Phase 4 Commander, Number VI, and I. Alpha Eta was awarded the George C. Marshall Trophy for Chapter Excellence, while Kevin was president. Gregory L. “Greg” Waterworth (Beta Kappa – Maryland ’10) graduated in May, 2013, with a degree in Government and Politics. Greg has served his chapter as Number V, and I, and also served as the Interfraternity Council Vice President. In 2012, Greg received the North American Interfraternity Conference undergraduate Award of Distinction. While Greg was Philanthropy Chairman, Beta Kappa raised over $30,000 for Breast Cancer Research initiatives. He is a member of the Order of Omega and in his free time enjoys movies, reading, outdoors, and traveling.

Dustin Brann (Alpha Omega – North Carolina State ’11) graduated in December, 2012, where he double majored earning a B.S. in Agriculture Business Management and Agriculture and Environmental Technologies. He served two terms as the Number IV and also served as the Province Undergraduate Chairman. It is with great excitement we welcome these men as part of the National Administrative Office team. We also express our sincere gratitude to Thomas D. Grimes, Jr. (Delta Alpha – Western Carolina ’10) and the work he has done serving the National Administrative Staff. We wish him a hearty farewell, and know that the Order was better for having him serve.

Associate Directors for Chapter Development

Chapters, Old and New

Jeremy D. Duke (Delta Lambda – Middle Tennessee State ’09) graduated in May, 2013, with a degree in Marketing and a minor in Business Administration. Jeremy served as Recruitment Chair, Number V, II, and I. Jeremy has been a Mock Chapter Advisor for the Emerging Leaders Academy his free time he enjoys tennis, reading, boating, as well as playing piano, bass, and Trumpet.

This fall, the Order will create a new chapter at High Point University, in High Point, N.C. If you are interested in helping or can recommend a potential member, please contact Dustin Brann, ADCD, at


This fall, the Order returns to Sam Houston State University in Hunstville, Tx. If you are interested in helping or can recommend a potential member, please contact Jeremy Duke, ADCD, at


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Our Order

2013 Mason Interns toured Stratford Hall, Robert E. Lee's boyhood home, with KAOEF Trustee Bill Skipper.

KA Goes to Washington: Our Summer in DC by William Cook and Hamilton Harbin


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brotherhood, and recreational times were, we came to D.C. to work. As part of the program, the National

2013 E. Fleming Mason Memorial Interns William Cook (Eta - Richmond ’11), Meyers & Associates and Senator Richard Burr Nils Gilbertson (Alpha Xi – California ’10), Congressman Richard Hudson (Epsilon Xi – North Carolina-Charlotte ’90) and Meyers & Associates F. Hamilton K. Harbin (Gamma - Georgia ’11), The LS Group and Congressman Robert Pittenger (Omicron – Texas ’67) Joshua D. Holdenried (Alpha Upsilon - Mississippi ’10), The Heritage Foundation W.R. “Cody” Simpson III (Delta Tau - Francis Marion ’11), American Business Development Group and The LS Group



Administrative Office and the KAOEF placed us to work in several different areas of both the public and private sector. Brent Fellows, Director of Educational Programming, worked tirelessly to find each of us an internship that suited our interests and also gave us a multitude of experience working in our nation’s capital. It was as great feeling knowing that all of our employers were either KA brothers, or held us in particular high esteem because they hosted a intern in the past. It immediately made us feel welcome, but also meant that we had to work hard and exceed expectations. We came away from this program with new friends, valuable work experience, and the most amazing summer of our lives. On behalf of all the E. Fleming Mason Memorial Interns, we are extremely thankful for the opportunity. Thank you to Bill Skipper, KAOEF, Brent Fellows, and all the brothers and friends who made this incredible experience possible. The more we get involved on a broader, national level, the more we realize how important and meaningful it is to be a KA. For more information, visit


of the E. Fleming Mason Memorial Internship Program. Since its inception in 2004, 46 young KAs have been selected to go Washington, D.C to live and work for the summer. This program, unlike any offered in the fraternity world, allowed us build an amazing network, experience working and residing in D.C., and attend some oncein-a-lifetime events. However, a unique fraternal aspect of this program is the chance for five KA’s from across the country to live together for a summer. Just as we have grown close with our own chapter brothers, the five of us quickly became friends and bonded as if we had known each other for years. Between sightseeing in D.C., baseball games, touring museums, or even a late night political discussion, we all came away knowing that KA gentlemen share common values that foster brotherhood without borders. We also had the opportunity to meet many alumni who shared great advice and counsel on how to get the most out of our experience, how to succeed in D.C., as well as proper ways to interact with fellow interns, professional staff members, and Congressional members. As incredible as the networking,

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Our Order

2013 Conferral of the Knight Commander’s Accolades The first Knight Commander’s Accolades were awarded by then Knight Commander Henry J. Foresman (Beta Commission - VMI ‘41) in 1967. He created the award to recognize excellence in leadership and service to the Order. The Executive Council subsequently passed a regulation creating and defining the award as such and stating that the award is given at the sole discretion of the Knight Commander. The Knight Commander’s Accolade is the highest individual honor an alumnus can receive. In 1999, Former Knight Commander Idris R. Taylor (Gamma Chi - Texas Tech ’70) designed, and the Executive Council authorized the creation of a jewel, or medallion, for this award. It is a crimson cross, outlined in gold, with a golden knight on horseback, centered. The jewel hangs from a ribbon collar of crimson and old gold. The jewel/medallion was first presented in 2001. To view the entire recipient list and complete bios, go online to

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David W. Baker (Beta Delta – Georgetown ‘79)

James W. Boeckman (Alpha Eta – Westminster ‘80)

Presented August 3, 2013, 75th Convention, Session II

Presented August 3, 2013, 75th Convention, Session II

Dave Baker has been a TV sports anchor, reporter and account executive since 1982. Dave appears on air throughout news, sports and special events programming in addition to hosting a variety of University of Kentucky and SEC televised events including play-by-play for UK basketball. Dave has been involved with the broadcast of events for the Southeastern Conference for nearly two decades. Dave has a long history of community commitment and involvement and has been honored by both the Kentucky State House and Senate. Dave has spoken at a number of Conviviums and has been actively involved with Beta Delta. He has now been the featured speaker at the 2012 Emerging Leaders Academy and the 2013 Number I’s Leadership Institute. He is the preceptor of the Candler Court of Honor and is the 2013-2014 Loyal Order spokesman.

Jim Boeckman served as Number I of Alpha Eta Chapter, as well as various other roles. He earned his law degree from the University of Texas at Austin. He is a member of the Omicron Chapter Alumni Receivership Committee. Jim has practiced law for over 20 years. He previously served as Executive Vice President and General Counsel of DuPont Photomasks, Inc, where he helped lead the merger with Toppan Printing Company, an international printing company based in Tokyo, Japan. Jim currently has his own practice where he represents small and mid-size companies, focusing on general business matters, including corporate governance, compliance, business partner relationships, and other issues. Jim also consults with corporate law departments on boosting the value of their legal expenditures. He has authored, or co-authored several articles on legal issues, and has served as a keynote speaker at various engagements.


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Our Order Russell L. Creason (Alpha Delta William Jewell ‘42) Presented March 9th, 2013 Upon graduation, Russ was hired to teach high school English, Speech, Drama and Journalism. In 1950, his and his wife Marge’s only child, Jean was born. He bought and managed the Ray County Herald, publishing the county newspaper. In 1951, he was hired by the General Motors plant as a Management Instructor and then became the Assistant Public Relations Director. He was made staff assistant to the Director of Personnel for GM’s assembly division with responsibility for 30,000 employees. In 1965, he was promoted to Director of Human Resources Management covering 180,000 employees in 100 countries. In 1982, he became General Manager of Jannette Bray & Associates in Michigan. In 1994, he returned to Kansas City and joined Right Management as Senior V.P. of Consulting and is now retired. Russ is a member of the Loyal Order and the Henry C. Chiles Province Court of Honor.

F. David Graeber (Omicron - Texas ‘65) Presented August 3, 2013, 75th Convention, Session II Graeber graduated from the University of Texas with a degree in Business Administration. He received a Masters Degree in banking from Southern Methodist University. He is a member of the Omicron Chapter Alumni Receivership Committee. Graeber has spent his entire business career as a proven financial, marketing and project development professional with practical expertise in business start-ups and turnarounds, involving numerous and varied industries, including Commercial Banking, Oil & Gas, Electricity Power Development, Broadband, Media and Energy (both fossil and renewable). Although most of his personal and professional life spent has been spent in Dallas, Dave has lived and worked all over the United States and United Kingdom. Dave also served in the United States Naval Reserve, retiring at the rank of Lieutenant Commander, after serving as an Engineering Officer. Dave and his wife now live in Dallas.

The Honorable Paul W. Green (Omicron - Texas ‘71)

The Honorable Robert M. Pittenger (Omicron - Texas ‘67)

Presented August 1, 2013, 76th Advisory Council Meeting

Presented August 3, 2013, 75th Convention, KAOEF Leadership Lecture Luncheon

Justice Paul W. Green was elected to the Supreme Court of Texas in 2004. He served as a Justice on the Fourth Court of Appeals in San Antonio for ten years. He is the chair of the Omicron Chapter Alumni Receivership Committee. Justice Green received his business degree from the University of Texas and his law degree from St. Mary’s University School of Law. He served as president of the San Antonio Bar Association, director of the State Bar of Texas, and as a member of the House of Delegates of the American Bar Association. He is a member of The American Law Institute and the American Judicature Society. He has three sons: Paul, 33, John, 31, and Ethan, 10, who currently is his most avid flying, golfing and hunting partner. He also has two grandsons. He and his wife Courtney live in Austin.

Robert Pittenger is the U.S. Congressman representing the citizens of the 9th District of North Carolina. His district is home to the second largest financial center in the country, located in Charlotte. He serves on the House Committee on Financial Services and is the Chairman of the Congressional Taskforce on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare. Born and raised in Texas, Robert was the youngest of four children. Upon graduating from the University of Texas, Congressman Pittenger began his career in service to his faith. He worked for 10 years as Assistant to the President of Campus Crusade for Christ. In 1985, Congressman Pittenger and his family moved to Charlotte, where he built a national real estate investment company. He served in the North Carolina Senate from 2003-2008. Congressman Pittenger and his wife Suzanne live in Charlotte and have four grown children and seven grandchildren.


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Our Order

Brothers Around The Order

1. 2013 Graves Province Court of Honor Investiture Ceremony. 2. KAs on the Hill: Legislative Director Michael Thornberry, Executive Director Larry Wiese, and Congressman Richard Hudson. 3. KA brothers-in-law: Greg Cox & Whit Campbell at Whit’s law school graduation. 4. KA wedding: Eli Cohen served as officiant for Sean Isner and Jessamyn Nilan-Axline (Delta Delta Delta). 5. Georgia College brothers, friends and family send off Brother Charles Folk, a newly commissioned 2LT in the Marine Corps. 6. Jordan Wilson and Grace Miller (Delta Gamma) both from






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Our Order

Mizzou in front of the Eiffel Tower. 7. Peter Heitman in New Zealand on Mt. Eden, the tallest volcano on North Island with fellow Presby student Anna Jones. 8. Jonathan Duhon at the Pulhapanzak waterfall in Honduras on a mission trip this summer. 9. Ben Hanna, Lambuth, says, “I took my KA flag with me to Afghanistan last year. Slept under one; carried one on patrol. Glad to be back.� 10. Western Kentucky conferred an Ed.D. on Gary Wiser along with a Masters in Higher Ed. for John Saunders. 11. Brothers of the Order stop for a photo with Congressman Pittenger at the annual Fraternity & Sorority PAC dinner.




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BY JESSE S. LYONS (Delta Alpha-Western Carolina ‘98)

In the world’s broad field of battle, In the bivouac of Life, Be not like dumb, driven cattle! Be a hero in the strife!


Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime, And, departing, leave behind us Footprints on the sands of time; Footprints, that perhaps another, Sailing o’er life’s solemn main, A forlorn and shipwrecked brother, Seeing, shall take heart again. Let us, then, be up and doing, With a heart for any fate; Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to labor and to wait. — From “A Psalm of Life” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

our extremes. Luckily in today’s society, it is even recognized in between. A few of these circumstances and characters are worth describing. If one were to run into a burning building to save a child, a pet, even a stranger, you would be dubbed a courageous hero. This breed will toss caution aside and risk their life to save another, requiring even a slight period of suspension of reality in order to achieve an unbelievable end. Most likely, these heroes just see themselves as men or women who have to act—maybe because others will not or cannot, or maybe because it’s in their make-up. These include our service men and women, police force, first responders, fire fighters, and federal and state agents, all acting in the line of duty. But, we also include those ordinary folks in the right place, and the right time, in a bad situation. Sanctioned and unsanctioned, we certainly have our share of KA heroes of this nature. Extraordinary circumstances sometimes predicate another breed of heroes. While a situation may be uncommon, it may certainly not be a battlefield nor accompanied by imminent danger. However, these scenarios are not simply described as a poorly dealt hand. These heroes fight against against all odds. They’re born, or altered, into a state with physical or mental limitations. But, they scrape, climb, and exceed expectations to a position to help others along—unwittingly while aiding their own development. Hard work, determination, and a little assistance from others propel them forward on their mission. Finally, there are our every day heroes. Whole initiatives have been focused on perpetuating this model of intervening; of acting when needed, because for whatever reason, no one else will act. [Every|Day Hero Campaign - www.RAproject]. See some litter? Pick it up. Power’s out? Call the company to report. A KA Brother has cancer? Start a new initiative. Likely, you are one of these heroes. Yes. You. Heroes aren’t dumb, driven cattle. They follow the designs laid by those who came before and toil to leave their own path for others in the future. They are up and doing, they achieve and pursue, in the present. They, “act, that each tomorrow, find us farther than today.” Be a hero in your strife, whatever it may be. KAPPAALPHAORDER.ORG

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Luke Christie, with his father Brad, at the taping of the 2013 MDA "Show of Strength." Photo courtesy of Muscular Dystrophy Association

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By Jesse S. Lyons (Delta Alpha-Western Carolina ‘98) THINK BACK ABOUT A REGULAR DAY

when you were in school. Or if you are in school, take stock of your schedule. I bet it went something like this: Get up in the morning. Head to class. Study. Go to meetings on campus. Grab a meal with the chapter. Go to the KA House to hang out. Repeat. Luke Christie’s routine every day at Furman University is very similar. Luke, a junior at Furman University and an active member of the Iota Chapter, is affected by type 2 spinal muscular atrophy, a progressive neuromuscular disease that causes muscle weakness and atrophy. He relies on a power wheelchair for mobility. While at Furman, he is pursuing a degree in the communications field. He is like you; he does all those “regular” things mentioned, just with a little extra effort and a little assistance. While his life is similar in all these ways, its much more extraordinary in others.

Christie, a Due West, S.C., native, is currently serving his fourth term as the Muscular Dystrophy Association’s National Youth Chairman. The Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) is the nonprofit health agency dedicated to curing muscular dystrophy, ALS and related diseases by funding worldwide research. The Association also provides comprehensive healthcare and support services, advocacy and education. As Luke likes to say, “Our basic goal as an organization is to become obsolete. If we find all the cures, we’ll no longer need to exist.” “I’m always grateful for the opportunity to share MDA’s story with teens and young adults,” said Christie, 20. “Through my experience in living with a muscle disease, I feel that I can have an impact on my generation; I’m always approached by students wanting to know how to help.” Christie’s role with the Muscular Dystrophy Association continues


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Q&A with Luke Christie Luke is not just an MDA superstar. He’s an active member of Iota Chapter at Furman University. In fact, he’s the Project Outreach chairman for the chapter! Here is just a little bit of insight into Luke’s KA experience: JOURNAL: Has joining KA had an impact on you? LUKE CHRISTIE: Being in KA has had a tremendous positive impact on my college experience. Through KA, I expanded not just my circle of friends but also my social support base, as I know that any of the guys in Iota chapter would drop what they were doing to help me if I needed them to. Being a KA has also heightened my understanding of what it means to be a leader who puts his responsibilities first - one who stands up to his peers even when it’s tough to do so. Leading in a Greek organization is especially challenging since every single one of the folks you’re leading is a close friend and peer. I have so much respect for those guys who lead fearlessly no matter what curve balls are thrown their way. JOURNAL: What is one unique memory you’ll always have from your time in the chapter? LUKE: While I don’t know if this experience could be called unique, one of my fondest KA memories is one from my pre-initiation days. My entire pledge class attended our Province Council the Spring that I joined, and two of my pledge brothers drove/rode with me in my van. This was only a few weeks after receiving our bids, so at this point I still hadn’t really gotten to know everyone. The 45-minute drive was an absolute blast (and very safe too — no close calls!). I came away from that day with new wisdom — imparted by my pledge

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brothers, of course — and a much closerknit relationship with my pledge class. JOURNAL: What is one thing that you wish every KA knew about MDA? LUKE: I wish first and foremost that every KA knew about MDA period — that we exist and are always in need of the helping hand that brotherhood is all about. More specifically, though, I wish every KA knew about MDA Summer Camp and how life-changing being an MDA camp counselor is. A couple of my favorite MDA camp counselors through the years have been KAs. While fundraising is much-needed and always appreciated, it can sometimes distance those raising the funds from those benefiting from the funds raised. But being a camp counselor really helps educate you about the daily challenges faced by people with muscle diseases. Plus, MDA is ALWAYS short on male counselors. We always need more guys to help out. And, hey, it could be a great rush opportunity. It worked for me.

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to grow and has an emphasis on leading thousands of teenagers and young adults in learning about MDA’s lifesaving mission through his work and appearances with MDA national sponsors DECA (an association of marketing students), The National Beta Club, and of course, Kappa Alpha Order. “Through the years, Luke has been a strong and steady influence as MDA’s National Youth Chairman,’’ said Valerie Cwik, M.D., MDA’s interim president and medical director. “He’s made a courageous transition from high school to college and continues to reach out and have an impact on young adults. MDA is fortunate to have such a charismatic and inspiring spokesman.” In his role, he continues to be active with MDA’s youth sponsors, appearing and speaking at their annual conferences and meetings. Luke is no stranger to the spotlight within MDA. In 2008, he was the MDA Harley-Davidson Goodwill Ambassador, and he served as MDA National Goodwill Ambassador in 2006 and 2007. Luke was also no stranger to Kappa Alpha Order before he joined. First, his grandfather Dr. J. Norton Christie, was initiated by Alpha Phi Chapter at Duke University, in 1952. His college roommate at one time was Sonny Jurgenson, also a KA brother from Alpha Phi Chapter and future quarterback, broadcaster, and member of the NFL Hall of Fame. When Luke attends KA events he wears his grandfather’s KA badge. Luke started attending KA events as the MDA National Goodwill Ambassador. In 2007, he made his maiden voyage to the Number I’s Leadership Institute in Sophia, N.C. He’s returned a number of times since and has addressed the 74th and 75th Conventions in 2011 and 2013. He’s literally traveled the country for KA and MDA over the past 7 or more years. Extraordinary indeed. “College is about finding your purpose. I joined Kappa Alpha Order because KA’s have values I believe in, like giving back to others, making a difference, and having fun while you’re doing it,” says Luke. His chapter brothers agree. “I see Luke as one who people are really drawn to because of his joy. He’s always making people laugh. He’s always


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Christie on campus at Furman University during a shoot for an MDA/KA promotional video.

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may have had about persons with “Find your purpose. Join me and other disabilities. And they were seeing Luke KA’s who are helping MDA. Let’s win for the person he is, not the wheelchair the fight against muscle diseases.” he is in. Luke gives his chapter an For more information, visit and follow opportunity to be much better educated MDA on Facebook ( about what differently-abled can mean and Twitter (@MDAnews). Also, check out www. and he continues to educate them about for resources and MDA, the national organization which videos about KA’s relationship with MDA. they support.” She concluded, “As with most of us who have experienced collegiate Greek life, I think Luke has enjoyed most the friendships he has made and “College is about finding continues to nurture. I love that KA is based on traditional solid values of true your purpose. I joined brotherhood, reverence to God and respect and service to others. And I love Kappa Alpha Order because that as a KA Luke will have connections with brothers wherever he goes for the KA’s have values I believe in, rest of his life.” Luke summed up his KA connection like giving back to others, with MDA: “I think KA members should help MDA because MDA is a perfect example of what KA tries to do on a making a difference, and daily basis and that is recognize where there are needs in the community, and having fun while you’re certainly MDA meets a lot of needs. They address needs for education and doing it.” awareness; needs for money for services such as clinic, summer camp, research… —L uke Christie all these different areas.” (Iota-Furman '12) As a final thought to all KAs, he says,




got a good attitude,” says Jonathan Barrington (Iota – Furman ‘10) Luke’s parents, Brad and Gloria, really appreciate what KA stands for: Gloria says, “I feel like KA played a very significant and positive part in Luke’s transition into the full college experience. Luke had his sights on KA not only as a legacy, but also because he grew up with the knowledge of KA support of MDA and formed special relationships with KAs at MDA summer camp. Furman KAs were willing to shift their paradigm, accepted him in spite of his physical limitations, and helped him participate in the activities of the chapter as fully as possible. Being a KA has allowed him to experience Greek life with all it’s ups and downs, thus broadening his friendships and expanding his leadership skills.” “When Luke was a freshman and member awaiting initiation, I would often be on campus to assist him and quite frequently a KA would approach Luke to say hello, introduce himself to me, and then tell me what an amazing son I had. Well of course I think so, but hearing these young men making a point to express this made me realize that they were learning to rethink preconceived notions they

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The stories of two brave brothers of Kappa Alpha Order

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By D ustin Brann (Alpha Omega – North Carolina State ‘11) & Jeremy Duke (Delta Lambda – Middle Tennessee State ‘09)

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THE KNIGHT COMMANDER’S MEDAL WAS CREATED to recognize acts of heroism and bravery by members of Kappa Alpha Order. After hearing of many such acts over the years, Former Knight Commander J. Michael Duncan, at the onset of his term as Knight Commander, asked the Executive Council to create such an award. The first three undergraduate recipients to receive this award were recognized at the 2007 Knight Commander’s Installation Banquet in San Antonio following the 72nd Convention. The three undergraduate recipients were recognized by the presentation of special swords until the Knight Commander’s Medal could be designed and created. The Knight Commander’s Medal is a gold medallion with the words “Kappa Alpha Order” and “Courage” engraved on the front surrounded by a golden sunburst. On the back appears the phrase “Be a hero in the strife” along with the initials of the recipient and the sequential number of the medal. Until the 75th Convention, only five men have received this recognition. At the 2013 Knight Commander’s Banquet, following the 75th Convention in San Antonio, William E. Dreyer presented the sixth and seventh Knight Commander’s Medals to David Forsythe and Charlie Cangelosi. These are their stories. Hundreds of men before them are probably as or more worthy, but their stories are in the past. Together with the present, their bold heroism is among the noblest examples of the true knight. That restless feeling to overcome the fear of death was triggered in each one of them to help those in need. If the time comes for you, remember these young men and find your courage in life's great battlefield.

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“I had only known [David] three days and there was no reason that he should’ve risked his own life to save mine.” — A ndrew Wiseman who was saved from drowning by David Forsythe

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Miami ’13) is a sophomore studying International Business at the Miami University. Epsilon Lambda Chapter has, over the years, taken many summer service trips. This year they affiliated with the international service organization, Amigos for Christ which devotes its time and resources to establish systems of clean drinking water in third world countries. David and 12 other members traveled to Nicaragua together to help make a difference. During the trip, 30-40 volunteers were allowed a “free day” on a Pacificside beach. David has enjoyed surfing since he was a little kid, so while the water was particularly rough, this was a perfect break. While enjoying the day, David noticed one young man along with three young ladies about 100-200 feet down shore. Thirty seconds later, David glanced to notice that the three girls had made their way to the beach while the young man, whose name is Andrew Wiseman, was nowhere to be found. David then spotted him well off shore, past the first set of breakers. David knew that Andrew had been caught by a powerful rip tide. According to Dr. Stephen P. Leatherman’s 2003 Yale University Press Book, Dr. Beach’s Survival Guide, while the “greatest fear of many beachgoers are sharks, in reality, only one person on average is killed annually in the United States by sharks, which pales in comparison to the 100+ people who drown and tens of thousands of swimmers who struggle in the deadly rip currents each year.” Against the urges of the team leaders and others, David began to swim out to Andrew. Upon reaching the struggling young man, David kept his cool repeating, “it’s ok, just calm down.” The young man, a wrestler

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from Purdue University, was wasting energy. David at 6’ 1’’ and 170 pounds, was smaller, but because he was calm, he had his wits. The pair drifted past the second set of breakers. David looked back towards the shore and as he recalls he, “couldn’t even see the beach.” Taking what he knew from surfing David grabbed onto the struggling man and began to swim. Andrew was losing energy, but David needed his help. As a surfer, David knew that, “in order to take waves into the beach, you must hold onto your surf board, go under, over, under, and over the waves.” Instead of a surfboard, David pushed Andrew through every wave. Finally, when David reached the wave “Impact Zone” for surfers, a place where the final waves crash before the beach, he himself was running out of energy. He felt the last wave come, and he pushed Andrew forward, while falling back. After tumbling under water, he rushed to the surface but the man was nowhere to be found—because he wasn’t in the water anymore. David’s last push allowed for the young man to take the wave to the shore. David had saved Andrew’s life. Andrew Wiseman was the first to alert the national administrative office of Forsythe’s efforts, saying, “David immediately swam out to me to assist me. I had only known him three days and there was no reason that he should’ve risked his own life to save mine. I am extremely grateful for his aid in getting me back to shore and I hope that his bravery can be recognized by his fraternity.” When David was asked why he took the risk and swam out in the rough waters, he said he “hoped someone would have done it for him.”


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Charlie immediately threw himself between the young mother-to-be and the assailant. The gunman still fired his weapon.

Louisiana Tech ’07) is a 2009 graduate of Louisiana Tech University. After graduation Charlie decided to attend Louisiana State University to pursue a master’s degree. On November 6th, 2010 while leaving a LSU Tigers home football game in Baton Rouge, Charlie heard the desperate screams of a young lady. After investigating the screams, Charlie found they were coming from a pregnant woman who was being robbed by gunpoint near the stadium. Charlie immediately decided to take action and threw himself between the young mother-to-be and the assailant. The gunman still fired his weapon shooting a bullet through Charlie’s thumb, into his abdomen, hit a vertebra then lodged into a muscle in his back. The gunman fled the scene of the crime and while the young woman and her unborn baby were unharmed, Charlie had a major wound and was lying on the ground bleeding profusely. When the ambulance arrived Charlie’s best friend had already been doing everything he could to keep this young hero alive. Charlie spent the next two weeks in a Baton Rouge hospital undergoing numerous surgeries. There were also multiple blood drives held in his name with over 100 attendees. Charlie received well-wishes from many, include a soldier overseas and even LSU head coach Les Miles. His story not only touched the hearts of members of the Baton Rouge community, but Charlie Cangelosi was an inspiration to people all across the state, and now our Order.

When asked if he thinks his actions were heroic, Charlie stated that, “the real hero in this situation was my friend. Without his immediate action to slow my blood loss, I definitely wouldn’t be alive today.” He also called the donors that replaced the numerous pints of blood he lost over the two weeks he spent in intensive care, heroes as well. Charlie’s heroic actions emulate our motto, “Dieu et les Dames,” for God and the ladies.


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Lives saved through “being the match” By Jesse S. Lyons (Delta Alpha-Western Carolina ‘98) IN LIFE, WE ARE SOMETIMES PRESENTED WITH

ABOVE: The bone marrow donation from Germany that saved Ryan's life. TOP LEFT: Maryland KAs at the inaugural "Be the Match" program. TOP RIGHT: Fraternity and sorority members at Maryland before their “water wars” event, a competition during the “Be the Match” program.

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extreme situations. A terrible diagnosis. A crushed feeling. A future unknown. What makes those scenarios the hardest is the lack of control. There may be options to help yourself but they are just out of reach. Is giving up an option? Sure it is. Some folks though, decide to fight. They fight internally and they fight externally. They fight in various ways. We define ourselves in these situations. We also create ripples that affect people we don't know, and even those we do. Two years ago, Ryan Strasdauskas became very sick. He was a normal KA; a college student at the University of Maryland. After blood work and a painful bone marrow biopsy, Ryan found out he was highly anemic and was living with one-third of the blood he should have in his veins. On April 20, 2011, he was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a type of chromosome deficiency that gave him only one option for survival. In need of

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a bone marrow transplant, he turned to his family. Unfortunately, there were no matches. “That was the worst feeling I have ever felt. I was sitting in a hospital bed waiting to die. I had to keep going through multiple rounds of chemotherapy to fend off this very aggressive cancer. Some days I wanted to give up, but I couldn’t; I had a degree to earn, a family to spend holidays with, a brotherhood to enjoy, I had a life to get back to.” Inspired by his determination, former Number I Mark Watkins and all the actives at Beta Kappa took to Ryan’s fight. They organized a Be The Match Registry ® event at their house for the chapter and others. Their goal was to find a match for Ryan and others with leukemia. Signing up for the registry including submitting your personal information and cataloguing a swab of saliva. Millions of registered people are never called as a match. “It seemed like such a nominal task offering just a swab. I did not fully


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a time I am getting back on my feet. If it wasn’t for my family, friends and brothers I honestly don’t know if I would be here today.”
Something so terrible truly brought only good things in the end. Several people who were added to the registry have since been contacted for secondary blood work. They are now possible candidates for patients. Mark says, “I don’t know my recipient, as Ryan didn’t know his donor; but I know how powerful an experience it can be on both ends. The praise and support I received from my family, friends, and especially Ryan, has made this experience truly remarkable. I encourage everyone to sign up for the Be The Match Registry ® and share in the opportunity to help save someone’s life.” From darkness comes light. Ryan is better. Mark has saved a life. Since Ryan’s diagnosis Beta Kappa drives have been responsible for more than 200 people being added to the registry. The drives have evolved to include the “RyStrong Water Wars,” a water balloon competition that pits student teams against each other. These events helped raise over $2,500 dollars to help fund the analysis of the DNA swab tests for the registry. Ryan sums it up by saying, “So many things came out of it for the better that I’m not sure I feel any bitterness for



TOP LEFT: Ryan and his sister Leslie before the transplant. TOP: Mark just prior to giving his donation, a 1 in 10,000 chance of a match. ABOVE: Walkers helping support a "Be the Match" program for a themed "RyStrong Day" in Ryan's hometown of Fallston, Md.

what actually happened. In the end my whole perspective on life has changed for the better and hundreds of people have been added to the registry. Mark’s marrow donation to someone he doesn’t even know is the most selfless gift someone could ever do for another. I am thankful for all of my brothers who would give their marrow if called upon without even thinking about it. Forever KA.” Ryan, Mark, and many others defined themselves and in turn saved lives. They fought their fight. And they too are heroes. Keep them in mind when you reach yours. For more information on this program, check out .


appreciate the journey I was about to undertake,” says Mark. Ryan endured seven rounds of chemotherapy over three months before he got a sign of hope. Although it wasn’t from the Beta Kappa registry event, a match had been found from an unrelated donor. He spent course of the next month in the hospital completing some final procedures before the transplant. The surgery and transplant for Ryan were successful. His life was saved. Then Mark got a call. 
 “After hearing I was a possible match for another leukemia patient, I didn’t know what to make of the news,” Mark says. However after seeing an effort so small, such as someone else donating bone marrow to save Ryan’s life, Mark felt honored to give this opportunity to someone else. What seemed like a statistical impossibility became reality. Upon passing some tests, Mark had shots for five days prior, increasing his stem cells. His cells were to be taken to use to fight off the cancer cells in the patient. Mark went through a painless procedure placing him home that evening and back at work two days later. Now back at school Ryan says returning to campus was his greatest reward. Being in the thick of classes and other normal activities for a student is an awesome feeling. But, over a year and a half later, he’s still feeling the effects from the complications and the battle fought by his body. “One step at

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Alumni News

recorded in Nashville, is available through iTunes and other outlets. You can find out more or connect with him at DrowninWorms Kentucky Theta James Kay '01, has won a special election to fill a vacancy for the 56th District State Representative seat in Kentucky. Kay, 31, a Democrat and former Number I, is an attorney and the alumni advisor for the Theta chapter. Michael P. Wilson and new son Nolan, along with wife Nikki, daughter Ellie, and Executive Director Wiese. Wiese is pointing to Nolan's first official "pledge" pin.

Arizona State Epsilon Omega Adam Johnson ‘90 is the recipient of the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for fiction writing for his novel The Orphan Master's Son. In addition, Johnson has also been awarded a John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation fellowship, more commonly just known as a "Guggenheim," often characterized as a "midcareer" award for men and women who have already demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts. Adam’s accomplishments will be further highlighted in an upcoming issue of The Journal. The Citadel Theta Commission Ronald Plunkett ’09, has been Inducted into the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation's oldest, largest, and most selective honor society for all academic disciplines. He is retired after 41 years with Maersk Line, the global containerized division of the A.P. Moller – Maersk

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Group, specializing in ocean transportation services. He currently resides in Isle of Palms, South Carolina. Emory Epsilon Gordon Saussy Varnedoe '57, has been inducted into the Greater Savannah Athletic Hall of Fame as the first recipient of the M.A. Spellman Special Award. Varnedoe, who long has been known by the nickname “Batman,” joins his grandfather, Gordon Saussy, uncles Kirk Train and Robert Train, and cousins Mills B. Lane III and John Varnedoe in the GSAHOF. Varnedoe, 75, is known for his lifetime of athletic accomplishments, including being the American record holder in weightlifting for his age group. Walter "Sonny" Deriso '65, was selected as the 2103 recipient of the Emory Medal, the highest alumni award given by the University. The Emory Medal Ceremony will be held in Cox Hall Ballroom on the evening of Tuesday, November 12.

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George Mason Epsilon Phi Mike Shields '89, former Political Director for the National Republican Congressional Committee, is now the Chief of Staff for the Republican National Committee. He had previously served at the U.S. Department of Labor during the Bush administration, and worked for former U.S. Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. Rob Simms '89, former Epsilon Phi Number I, is the Political Director for the National Republican Congressional Committee, taking Shields' vacated position. A veteran political operative, Simms was chief of staff to Pennsylvania Rep. Bill Shuster and president of Persuasion Public Strategies, a political consulting firm, and was Georgia’s deputy secretary of state from 2007 until 2009. Jacksonville State Delta Phi Kyle Coulahan '11, is a country music singer whose latest self-titled album, 26

Lambuth Gamma Omicron Mike Bowen ’76 is CEO and President of Champion Awards & Apparel Inc., an award-winning company known for its philanthropy and community involvement in the Memphis area. Bowen is extremely active in the Memphis community as an active member of the Memphis Convention Bureau, Memphis Chamber of Commerce, Beale Street Merchants Association and more. Joshua M. Pendergrass '04, was named Executive Director and Chief Legal Counsel of the Foundation for Moral Law in Montgomery, AL. The Foundation is a nationwide legal non-profit protecting religious liberties and was founded by Judge Roy Moore. Previously, Pendergrass was a successful solo practitioner with the Pendergrass Law Firm, LLC. He and his wife Leslie reside in Remlap, Alabama. Memphis Gamma Gamma Robert Brad Martin '70, has been named interim president of the University of Memphis. The retired Chairman of the


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Alumni News activities through the R. Brad Martin Family Foundation. He will serve as interim president until a replacement is named for the retiring President Dr. Shirley Raines.

Board & CEO of Saks Fifth Ave., Martin currently chairs his private investment firm RBM Venture Company. He has chaired the Board of Visitors and the U of M Foundation Board of Trustees, received the Distinguished Alumni Award, and taught a U of M class in state and local politics. He holds the distinction of being the youngest person elected to the Tennessee General Assembly, where he served five terms in the House of Representatives. Today he participates on a variety of corporate, civic and charitable boards. He is also involved in a number of philanthropic and civic

Middle Tennessee State Delta Lambda Gary Wiser '99, is the new Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life at Clemson University. He had been coordinator of student activities at Western Kentucky and of coordinator of student development at Birmingham-Southern, among other positions. Cody Purvis '12, is a country singer pursuing a career in Nashville, and has opened for many national artists including Darius Rucker, Colt Ford and Corey Smith. For more information go to Missouri Southern State Delta Pi Bruce "Moose" Fisher '77, is in his seventh year as a sales consultant for Blue Valley Public Safety, Inc., a Kansas City, Missouri-area company that provides indoor and

outdoor warning systems for municipal governments, military bases, power plants and more. His sales territory includes the states of Missouri and Kansas and the southern half of Illinois. He is a member of the Joplin Area KA Alumni Chapter. North Carolina Upsilon Jason Scott Luck ’99, has been awarded the 2013 Pro Bono Award by the South Carolina Bar for his contributions to meeting the civil legal needs of citizens who cannot afford the services of an attorney. An attorney with Seibels Law Firm, PA, Luck is a trial and appellate attorney at various levels of both state and federal courts and is a frequent lecturer in university classes and continuing legal education seminars. North Carolina State Alpha Omega James Wilde '89, is the author of Moving Mountains, the story of how his passion for climbing transformed into helping people without access to clean drinking

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Oklahoma State Beta Xi Millard "Ted" Pratt '69, is an architect and expert in technology's influence on work, home and play space, specializing in innovative strategic thinking applied to provoke change or new beginnings. A member of the American Institute of Architects and the owner of MTP Architects. Univ. of the South Alpha Alpha Julian Adams '91, former Alpha Alpha Number I, is a founding partner of Solar Filmworks, a movie production company. Adams wrote, produced, and starred-in his first film, The Last Confederate, and has also produced music videos, documentaries and more. Adams is a producer of the company's latest film, Phantom, starring Ed Harris and David Duchovny. Southern California Beta Sigma Mike Paulin '60, has sold Aqua Hotels & Resorts, in the Hawaiian Islands, and retired. He remains the founder and member of the board of Aqua Hotels, but he and his wife Aida will now make their home a majority of the time near Aspen, Colorado.


John Coyle, newly elected 56th District Representative (Kentucky) James Kay, Ben Dycus, and Lloyd Alverson. Kay is a former Number I for Theta Chapter at Kentucky and the others are initiates from Alpha Theta Chapter at Transylvania.

water, inspiring him to start the charity Global H20, aimed at helping deliver clean drinking water to underdeveloped nations. Wilde, an expatriate who has worked in strategy and finance in several countries, is an amateur climber who, in 2010, completed the Seven Summits, a climb of the highest mountains of each of the seven continents. The book is now available at

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Alumni News as members of volunteer organization SOWERS (Servants on Wheels Ever Ready). Traveling in their 27-foot motor home, the Heilmans have moved from work project to work project to provide whatever service is requested within their capabilities, from maintenance to mentoring and tutoring. They have traveled through 30 different Cody Purvis is an up and coming country music star from Middle Tennessee State. states and volunteered at three different colleges, opportunity evaluation and Southwestern at retreat centers, and at portfolio management. An Xi family camps. MBA candidate at the Jones Jake B. Schrum ’68, has been School at Rice University, named the 21st President of Washington Univ. he is a founder and past Emory and Henry College, Beta Theta co-president of Young in Virginia. Schrum served George P. Bauer '50, after Professionals in Finance has served as the 14th Houston, as well as a director a career that has included President of his alma mater, serving in the U.S. Army and of the Greek Former Student Southwestern University working for General Electric Network Board at TAMU. In in Georgetown, Texas, and IBM, is Chairman and 2011 Doyal was appointed to since 2000. CEO of the GPB Group, the Low-Level Radioactive Ltd., an investment banking Waste Disposal Compact Stanford company headquartered Commission by Governor Alpha Pi in Wilton, Connecticut. He Rick Perry. Tom Montgomery ’06, is one is also a Board Member of the founders of Chubbies, and Treasurer of Norwalk Texas-Arlington a line of mens' shorts in the Hospital in Norwalk, Delta Iota San Francisco area. For more Connecticut, and a member Cody Paul, a former Number information see of the Board of Advisors for I of the UTA provisional Yale Divinity School. Bauer chapter, is a teacher in and his wife, Carol, have San Antonio for Teach for Tennessee-Chattanooga three children and America, an organization Zeta Upsilon five grandchildren. that recruits recent college Brock Oliver '12, a founding graduates and professionals Richard Sells '58, member of Zeta Upsilon and of all backgrounds to teach was inducted into the a football player, was profiled for two years in urban and International Cemetery, about his KA experience and rural public schools. Cremation and Funeral more on the Chattanoogan. Association (IFCCA) Hall com website. Oliver Wake Forest of Fame at its 2013 Annual graduated last December and Tau Convention & Exposition in is now a tax accountant at a Tampa, Florida. A soughtNeil Godfrey ’76, has been firm in Chattanooga working after program and seminar named sheriff of Moore towards his CPA license. speaker for sales programs County, North Carolina. He is also engaged to his and state trade associations Godfrey had previously girlfriend of seven years across the country, Sells served as chief deputy with and plans to get married the department and as a State has been in the cemetery in June of 2014. Bureau of Investigation agent. and funeral industry for 38 years. Sells was the founder Texas A&M Washington and driving force behind the Epsilon Delta Zeta Mu SCI traveling Vietnam Wall Eric Doyal '03, is an replica, a three- quarter size Doug Heilman ’02, former Associate of Rock Hill exact replica of the Vietnam Neal Province Commander, Capital, a Houston-based War Memorial in Washington and his wife Amy have been private equity firm, where DC. Additionally, he serves traveling the United States he assists in investment

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on the Board of Directors and is secretary/treasurer of the Fort Rosecrans and Miramar National Cemetery Support Foundation in San Diego, California. He was a captain in the U.S. Army Armor Corps and has been happily married to Nancee for more than 50 years. Together they raised two children and are now enjoying two grandchildren. Western Kentucky Epsilon Theta Todd Lowe '79, president and founder of Parthenon LLC, an investment advisory firm in Louisville, has received the Special Service Award from the CFA Institute, a global association of investment professionals more than 116,000 members in 139 countries and territories. Lowe served a four-year term as chair of the global President's Council at CFA Institute, served on the organization’s Standards of Practice Council and was part of the team that updated the organization's Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. William & Mary Alpha Zeta Tom Davenport, Jr. '60, has retired after practicing law for 42 years with the firm of Davenport, Files & Kelly, LLP, in his hometown of Monroe, Louisiana. He attended William & Mary and then transferred into LSU Law School, graduating in 1965. William Jewell Alpha Delta Loyd R. Gentry ’55, was recently honored for twentyfive years of service at the Fairview Christian Church, in Kansas City, Missouri, with the Disciples of Christ Minister Emeritus award.


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Alumni News

Wiggle Room

paranoia, Brad is forced to uncover the truth—even if it means risking his life, and the lives of those closest to him.

By Darden North (Alpha Upsilon – Mississippi ’75)

Available at and

Serving as an Air Force surgeon at the height of the Iraq War, Major Brad Cummins fails to save an injured soldier yet must mend the Iraqi national maimed in the same IED blast. Brad survives the medical tribunal’s inquest over the GI’s unexplained death but endures rigid criticism from his peers. Still blaming himself for losing the soldier after successful surgery, Brad is haunted by the Iraqi’s words: Maybe you should rethink what you really are. When he returns from deployment, Brad resumes surgical practices with his twin brother in Mississippi—until he discovers his twin shot to death in a suspected robbery. When he finds their name tags mistakenly switched, Brad cannot forget a haunting, anonymous message—I will give you a little wiggle room—and is certain that he was the intended target. But when the police, even his fiancée, discount his fears as

Millennials Speak – Essays on the 21st Century By R. P. Thead (Gamma Gamma – Memphis ’01) with Sabith Khan Millennials Speak is a snapshot of the ideas and opinions of global Millennial Generation. Twenty writers from five continents – a diverse mix young academics, policy professionals, and future though and creative leaders – cover topics from the legacy of the Arab Spring, the global food system, the U. S. student loan crisis, to youth unemployment. Available at

Nixland By Tom Nix (Beta Sigma – Southern California ‘67) Tom Nix fought his way from the streets of San Pedro to create the biggest check cashing chain in Southern California. His company, Nix Check Cashing, became a valued and trusted institution among the underserved communities of South Central Los Angeles. To build the business, Nix had to overcome armed robberies, cutthroat competition, the L.A. Riots, and an assassination threat by the Chicago Mob. His commitment to fairness and his tireless drive to succeed made Nix Check Cashing an integral part of the communities he served, and helped to transform the check cashing industry everywhere. This book tells a great story through a series of true tales that are sometimes funny and sometimes gripping and shares the many lessons he learned along the way. Available at and

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Chapter Excellence

2012 National Awards George C. Marshall Award for Chapter Excellence The George C. Marshall Award for Chapter Excellence honors the top one to three chapters in the nation, based on applications received. The application covers the gamut of chapter operations including scholarship, member education, chapter growth and development, ritual, project outreach, campus involvement, risk management, public relations, communications and finances. In order to receive the highest award in Kappa Alpha Order, a chapter has to be highly organized and its leadership driven to be the very best.

Missouri S&T – Beta Alpha

Missouri Southern State – Delta Pi

Key accomplishments:

Key accomplishments:

Academic Excellence – Semester GPAs of 3.1 and a 3.04 this past academic year.

Academic Excellence – In 2012, this chapter was ranked 1st on campus in grades.

Membership Education – This chapter was one of three to be awarded the Excellence in Educational Programming award.

Membership Education – This chapter joined The Crusade and maintains positive new member education, a Council of Honor, along with Leadership and Career Development education.

Project Outreach – The chapter made the Operation Crimson Gift Century Society and won the Outstanding Hours Per Man award. Chapter Finances – Recipient of the Excellence in Chapter Finances award along with only two other chapters in the Order. Ritual – Conducts 24 initiations practices a semester, memorizes 100% of the ceremony and has 11 members that are Stewards of the Order.

Attendance at Summer Programs – The chapter had 11 members attend the Emerging Leaders Academy and Stewards of the Order in 2011. Recruitment – 30% growth this past year after attending ELA and recruitment course. Project Outreach – Most Hours Per Man award and the highest amount of hours per member for the 2nd year in a row along with Outstanding Dollars Per Man award. Ritual – Conducts 21 initiation practices a semester and performs a nearly flawless ceremony.

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Chapter Excellence

for Chapter Excellence Cross & Rose Award The Cross & Rose Award is the highest recognition given by the Order for community service. It awards a chapter program that excels in all aspects of service and community impact, hours and dollars donated, the potential ease of continuing the program, interaction with other groups and individuals, percent of the chapter involved, and the adaptability of the program to other communities. Maryland – Beta Kappa Beta Kappa hosted the 4th Annual “Breastfest of Champions” on October 11th, 2012. Breastfest is a philanthropy event that was started by the brothers to honor the champions in their lives who have battled breast cancer and for those that have lost their lives. Beta Kappa raised over $36,600 for Hearts for Cancer, had over 2,000 guests, 36 Greek sponsors, and 14 business sponsors. Due to the chapter’s hard work in order beat last year’s records. This is their second consecutive Cross & Rose Award.

Knight Commander’s Cup This annual award recognizes the Active Chapter that displays the most outstanding participation in Operation Crimson Gift — the Order’s year–long, nationwide blood drive effort.

Mississippi – Alpha Upsilon

Scholarship Trophy for Exceptional Scholastic Achievement KAPPAALPHAORDER.ORG

This trophy, housed in the national administrative office, is awarded to the chapter that achieves the highest combined GPA for the year.

Stanford – Alpha Pi GPA (3.4909) KAJ_Fall2013_30-43_P4.indd 31



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During the 2013 Province Councils across the Order, the chapter awards listed here were presented. The awards are based on national applications received prior to the year-end 2012 deadline and are granted by a majority vote of the Executive Council.

Chapter Excellence

Samuel Zenas Ammen Award for Chapter Excellence This award is given in the name of Samuel Z. Ammen to recognize Active Chapter achievement in overall operations. This award is presented annually based upon the application process prescribed by the Executive Director and recognizes the top fifteen to twenty percent of Active Chapters based on applications received. Like the Marshall Award, the Ammen awards are granted by a majority vote of the Executive Council.



Missouri University of S&T 2010

Georgetown – Beta Delta

Maryland – Beta Kappa

James Madison – Zeta Theta

Middle Tennessee State – Delta Lambda

Kentucky – Theta

Mississippi – Alpha Upsilon

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Chapter Excellence

Oklahoma State – Beta Xi

Transylvania – Alpha Theta

Southeastern Louisiana – Epsilon Kappa

Westminster – Alpha Eta

Tennessee-Chattanooga – Zeta Upsilon

William Jewell – Alpha Delta Missouri S&T – Beta Alpha See George C. Marshall Award for Chapter Excellence

Missouri Southern State – Delta Pi See George C. Marshall Award for Chapter Excellence KAPPAALPHAORDER.ORG

Tennessee-Martin – Delta Upsilon

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Chapter Excellence

Carl Albert Award for Chapter Improvement The Carl Albert Award for Chapter Improvement is named for Carl Albert, an alumnus of Beta Eta Chapter at Oklahoma University. His life accomplishments are amazing; coming from a very poor family rising to become Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, the highest elected office ever achieved by a member of Kappa Alpha Order. He is not only an honored and historical figure, but also a man whose life exemplifies the very concept of substantial improvement KAPPA ALPHA – starting with ORDER many disadvantages and still rising to notable CARL ALBERT AWARD success. It is fitting that a chapter that accomplishes the same FOR MOST IMPROVED CHAPTER feat would receive an award named in his honor. Alpha Xi

Roanoke – Beta Rho

Virginia – Lambda

Wake Forest – Tau

Washington College – Beta Omega

University of California, Berkeley 2010


During the 2013 Province Councils across the Order, the chapter awards listed here were presented. The awards are based on national applications received prior to the 2012 deadline and are granted by majority vote of the Executive Council.

Most & Outstanding Community Service Hours Per Man

Scholastic Excellence Awards

Chapters must log and complete an outstanding amount of hours relative to the number of men in their chapter through their Project Outreach efforts. This may include MDA events, local philanthropic work, participation in interfraternal service events, or community service and volunteerism.  Missouri Southern State, Delta Pi, 9,155 total hrs., 295 per man OUTSTANDING:

The following chapters achieved a 3.25 semester GPA during the fall 2011 and/or spring 2012 semester. Chapters meeting these criteria exhibit excellence and will not receive any lower level scholastic awards. California Alpha Xi

George Washington Alpha Nu

Princeton Zeta Beta

Duke Alpha Phi

Maryland Beta Kappa

Tulsa Mu

North Carolina Upsilon

Missouri S&T Beta Alpha

Southeastern Louisiana Epsilon Kappa

Washington College Beta Omega

Furman Iota

Oklahoma State Beta Xi

Tennessee-Chattanooga Zeta Upsilon


Outstanding Scholastic Achievement Award

Roanoke Beta Rho

Transylvania Alpha Theta

4,462.5 total hrs., 89.49 per man

6,452 total hrs., 90 per man

1,565 total hrs., 52 per man

1,779 total hrs., 43.39 per man

919 total hrs., 41.7 per man

1,452 total hrs., 48 per man Alpha Eta 2,552 total hrs., 46.4 per man

Chapters qualify by achieving one of the following: 1) have a collective GPA average higher than both the all men’s and all fraternity average; 2) be academically ranked in the top 25% of fraternities on their campus; 3) achieve a 3.0 GPA for both the fall 2010 and spring 2011 semesters.

2,684 total hrs., 62.4 per man

Most & Outstanding Dollars Donated Per Man

Clemson Delta Omicron

Southern California Beta Sigma

Washington & Lee Alpha

Chapters must organize and execute effective Project Outreach fundraising events and efforts. They must log their amounts, properly donate, and return information to the national administrative office. As with service, these may include MDA events, local philanthropic work, or participation in interfraternal fundraising events.

Florida Beta Zeta

Southern Methodist Beta Lambda

William and Mary Alpha Zeta

Middle Tennessee State Delta Lambda

Tennessee-Martin Delta Upsilon

 Mississippi, Alpha Upsilon, $117,680 total, $470.72 per man

Presbyterian Beta Pi

University of the South Alpha Alpha


Austin Peay State Zeta Tau

Miami Epsilon Lambda

Oklahoma State Beta Xi

James Madison Zeta Theta

Nicholls State Epsilon Beta

Missouri Southern State Delta Pi

Maryland Beta Kappa

Oklahoma Beta Eta

Southeastern Louisiana Epsilon Kappa

$5,620 total, $330.59 per man

$10,351 total, $124.71 per man

$40,425 total, $470 per man

$9,631 total, $137.59 per man

$3,046.50 total, $102 per man

$12,583 total, $137 per man

$11,935 total, $172.97 per man

$9,155 total, $106 per man

$5,798.45 total, $141.42 per man

Operation Crimson Gift Century Society All members either donated or volunteered through blood drive efforts Austin Peay State Zeta Tau

James Madison Zeta Theta

Maryland Beta Kappa

Florida Gulf Coast Zeta Pi

Kentucky Theta

Mississippi Alpha Upsilon

60 donors

99 donors

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40 donors

104 donors

70 donors

412 donors


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Chapter Excellence


Improvements to be implemented Every spring, regional meetings across the country take place to educate our members, and to discuss the business of each province. One-third of our undergraduate members participate in these educational opportunities, which cover leadership, risk management, personal development, and operational training. In 2012 2,160 undergraduates attended and in 2013 2,385 undergraduates attended. There were fifteen total province councils. While

many members attended, it is evident that more can be accomplished within the current construct of province councils. As such, 2013 three pilot Province Councils were examined. They each covered a uniform agenda and curriculum, beginning on Friday and continuing through Saturday. These pilots included an additional four hours of training for a total of ten hours of education. Alumni attendance was high and each alumnus facilitated values and experiential based

discussions with 8-10 undergraduates. In 2014, eight total province councils will be held in January and February. These will adopt the updated curriculum and agenda and enhanced standardized education. A report on their outcomes will be published in 2014. The effort is in part to elevate our regional training to the level of the Emerging Leaders Academy and Number I’s Leadership Institute.

Operation Crimson Gift Century Society (continued) Mississippi State Beta Tau

North Texas Gamma Lambda

Tennessee-Martin Delta Upsilon

Missouri Alpha Kappa

Oklahoma Beta Eta

Transylvania Alpha Theta

Missouri S&T Beta Alpha

Oklahoma State Beta Xi

Wake Forest Tau

North Carolina Upsilon

Southeastern Louisiana Epsilon Kappa

Washington Zeta Mu

North Carolina State Alpha Omega

Tennessee-Chattanooga Zeta Upsilon

Westminster Alpha Eta

101 donors

103 donors

45 donors

31 donors

54 donors

50 donors

Excellence in Educational Programming These chapters must schedule speakers and/or workshops, attend opportunities on campus, and lead an overall educational approach to member education, which might include Council of Honor, The Crusade, and other areas of leadership and values education.

140 donors

130 donors

51 donors

85 donors

102 donors

46 donors

Missouri S&T Beta Alpha

30 donors

Overall Excellence in Communications These chapters demonstrate and document their efforts in print, digital, and other formats to effectively connect and communicate with all constituencies and stakeholders for their chapter, including other KA chapters, their campus and surrounding communities.

126 donors

60 donors

Southeastern Louisiana Epsilon Kappa

Excellence in Chapter Finances These chapters should have submitted all national reports on time and maintained generally a zero balance with the national administrative office. They also maintain great local records, utilize the tools of OmegaFi for record keeping, budgeting, and collecting, as well as maintaining a minimal accounts receivable from their membership dues.

Excellence in Campus & Community Communications

Overall Excellence in Recruitment & Chapter Growth These chapters demonstrate a superb commitment to year-round recruitment, unique events, branding and marketing, and an overall strategic approach to growth. Further they must show a significant percentage increase in their membership. Maryland Beta Kappa

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Excellence in Event Communications This chapter showed effective communication and promotion of an individual event or series of events, either to increase exposure, enhance a philanthropy event, or even recruitment. They used social, print, and online media to complete their plan. Virginia Lambda

Virginia Lambda




These chapters must also show the coordination of a year-round approach to recruitment, using the Order's values and chapter's accomplishments to effectively recruit and retain new members. Tennessee-Chattanooga Zeta Upsilon

These chapters show effective communication and promotion of the Interfraternal spirit on their campus, connection to the faculty, staff, and administration and promotion of their efforts to the surrounding community. Maryland Beta Kappa

Wake Forest Tau

Outstanding Recruitment & Chapter Growth George Washington Alpha Nu

These chapters show effective communication and promotion of fraternal brotherhood amongst other KA chapters, to include newly chartered chapters and those winning national awards. Missouri S&T Beta Alpha

Univ. of the South Alpha Alpha

Kentucky Theta

Excellence in Fraternal Communications

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On Campus

Editor's Note: Chapter updates are printed if received by the deadline. If your chapter is active and not listed, please contact them to urge them to submit an update for the next issue.


Zeta Rho Aids in Tornado Recovery in Oklahoma Arkansas-Fort Smith, Zeta Rho

Chapter members, alumnus Tim McClure, and Deputy Province Commander for Ritual Cameron Price (Beta Xi-Oklahoma State '08) made the trip to Moore, Oklahoma to assist with the recovery efforts from last May's devastating tornado. Brothers worked with the disaster recovery team from OK Foods. By Monday, the team had cooked nearly 60,000 pounds of chicken for victims, recovery workers, and law enforcement. Aside from food preparation, we went to the heart of the disaster area to deliver hot meals to those that had been displaced. The men were deeply moved by the experience. Also, a special thank you goes to all that donated items for us to deliver to local shelters. Your donations were incredibly appreciated. –Hunter K. Cabe, II Arkansas-Fort Smith: Some of the men amid the rubble of the devastating tornado that hit Moore, Okla.

Alabama Alpha Beta The chapter hosted a cookout in June for 21 college students from Ireland visiting Tuscaloosa as part of the Project Children program (www. projectchildren). This is the second year Alpha Beta has welcomed this group with a cookout and night of fellowship. Alpha Beta supports the MDA Muscle Walk every year, raising $650 this year in Birmingham. Alpha Beta also held a Ducks Unlimited philanthropy cookout before spring break in which multiple fraternities and sororities participated, raising over $1,300.

of the fraternities and sororities were grouped together in pairs and we were paired with Pi Beta Phi and Alpha Kappa Alpha. In this year’s Greek Sing, the theme consisted of performances based on bands of the 1980s, and our pairing was given Michael Jackson. We spent several days each week going to the Pi Phi house to rehearse our songs and dances, and when it finally came down to the first of the two performances, we all gave it our best and stole the show— we won! Group pictures were taken and it was a great day for the Arkansas Provisional chapter. –Dan Colosimo, V

Arkansas Provisional to restore as Alpha Omicron Greek Week at the University of Arkansas consisted of many events, but perhaps the biggest was Greek Sing. All

Auburn Nu Nu chapter is now the largest fraternity on Auburn’s campus with 152 active brothers. A trip to the Dunwody

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Province Council was a great start to the spring semester, as 20 brothers attended to further develop their leadership skills. We were very pleased with the turnout and support from both parents and alumni this spring as 80-90 parents attended this year’s Old South ceremony and 50-60 alumni joined us for Alumni Day at the KA house before Auburn’s A-Day football game and Toomer’s Oaks remembrance celebration. Another highlight this spring was having the opportunity to celebrate former Nu Chapter Alumni Advisor and past Number I John Margeson’s 60th birthday at the house. Along with several current officers, there were roughly 50 of Mr. Margeson’s close KA brothers, family and friends in attendance. The brothers also sent a signed KA flag to brother Breck Rogers '08 who has endured and completed all three phases


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On Campus of the Navy SEALs training program. The chapter is proud of Breck and thanks him for his dedication, service and love of country. –Luke Bailey, V Austin Peay Zeta Tau The chapter had a banner spring semester, raising in excess of $6,500 for MDA during their annual Gentlemen’s Week, and also sponsored their semester blood drive for Operation Crimson Gift. The brothers also placed first in three sororities philanthropic competition weeks. Daniel Pitts and Dominik Shannon were elected as senators for the Student Government Association; Aaron Cherry was elected Vice President of the Future Alumni Members of Austin Peay State University; Dominik Shannon was selected as a resident assistant (RA) and summer orientation assistant; Daniel Bunger, Max Helms and Dominik Shannon were selected as peer mentors for the 2013-2014 academic year; and two men were selected for membership in Gamma Beta Phi and Alpha Sigma Lambda honor societies. Tom Carvell and Jesse Brewer were tapped for Order of Omega on campus. During the annual campus-wide Student Organization and Leaders Awards, Mark Travis was named the Adult Student Leader of the Year, Tahji Peebles received the Student Worker of the Year; and Jesse Brewer, completing his term as SGA President, was awarded the university’s highest student honor, the Mr. Governor

Award! In addition, four gentlemen were awarded scholarships through the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation. –Andrew Franklin, VI; Sam Mynhier Delaware Beta Epsilon The brothers of Beta Epsilon have been working hard, especially in their philanthropy efforts, including an MDA Muscle Walk on our campus. We also had two successful recruitment weeks, initiating 18 of a total of 29 new brothers. Beta Epsilon is looking forward to making positive strides in the community as we continue to grown and rebuild. –Benjamin Auteri, V Delta State Delta Beta Through donations from our alumni, Delta Beta was able to purchase two iPad Minis for use in a raffle at Delta State's annual Springfest, raising $1,000 to contribute to the Muscular Dystrophy Association. We are thankful to the communities of Cleveland, Clarksdale, and Indianola for their support, and are also grateful to our alumni. In addition to supporting MDA financially, this project served to develop a spirit of teamwork within our chapter and to also raise awareness of the excellent work done by MDA. We will continue to strive to be leaders on campus and in our communities and to serve the philanthropic mission of our Order. –Ethan Dilley, I

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Elon Epsilon Mu Epsilon Mu had a total spring new member class of 14 potential new brothers. Due to grade requirements both at Elon and in Epsilon Mu, many freshmen are pushing to make grades and join our chapter in the fall. It's been a great year so far and we're looking forward to a good rest of the year. –Will Shelly, IV Florida Gulf Coast Zeta Pi This we initiated two new gentlemen. We held a weeklong philanthropy event where we paired up with Pi Kappa Alpha for the Fireman’s Challenge, raising nearly $1,300 for MDA and around $3,000 for Saint Jude’s. Zeta Pi was awarded the Highest GPA and Academic Excellence award at the FGCU IFC awards. –Bradley Williams, V Francis Marion Delta Tau Delta Tau chapter has continued extensive home renovations, installing new floors, ceiling fans, and a new bathroom. Many brothers have been elected to leadership roles in student government, including Dustin James being elected FMU's Student Government Association president. Many brothers have also been inducted into their respective honor societies. Zeb Freeman was also the recipient of this year's "Pride of the Patriot" Award, given to the student who excels in service and leadership at FMU. Delta Tau hosted "Miss Greek," an on-campus pageant that helps raise money for MDA while also participating in a campus wide blood drive and other charity events. Overall, we have shown excellent


Auburn: Members (from left) Sam Stormer, Daniel Brown, Luke Bailey, Wade Lowry and Reid Cauthen hold a KA flag signed by chapter brothers, employees and various alumni that was sent to Breck Rogers in Navy SEAL training.

Eastern Kentucky Delta Mu The chapter started off the spring semester conducting a mock initiation at Candler Province Council. Old South week was very successful this year, raising over $1,200 for MDA. One of the big accomplishments of this spring semester was doubling our initiation numbers compared to the last two spring semesters. –Joseph Schmiade, V

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On Campus

50 years at Northwestern State

Exemplar reunion draws over ¼ of total initiates Over 25% of the men initiated in the 50 year history of Gamma Psi Chapter at Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, Louisiana returned for a two-day event in March. The activities included an Open House at the chapter residence in the National Historic Landmark District with the university president and mayor attending along with Knight Commander William Dreyer. To allow members to reminisce with those from their era, Parties by Decade were planned on Friday night at four venues in town. Each party was led by several alumni from the decade that helped recruit their Brothers back. These events were heavily promoted through group email lists. A Memorial Service on Saturday for deceased members and KA Roses was the emotional high point of the weekend with two Methodist ministers from the chapter adapting the Order’s “Chapter of Sorrow” ceremony. Participants include active members, alumni, and Former Knight Commander Ben W. Satcher, Jr. Chief Development Officer of the KAOEF.

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The chapter, since its chartering, has had a Lawn Party on the banks of the KA River. This year an extra effort went into catering and logistics with over 500 members, alumni, spouses, guests and parents in attendance at historic Cherokee Plantation. The official group picture of those attending was shot here as well. An Old South Ball on Saturday night at the city’s Events Center had almost 500 guests. To program music for a group ranging in ages from the late teens to their 70s presented a challenge to organizers. A cover band from a Shreveport casino was able to be diverse enough in selections to keep all happy and on the dance floor. A particularly poignant moment that evening was nine of the original 15 men initiated into the chapter in attendance.

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The reunion was promoted through a Facebook site, Gamma Psi 50th, which is still available for viewing. Old photos from the chapter archives and campus yearbooks were used for a year along with plans for the reunion to stimulate interest and involvement in the festivities. Does your chapter have a milestone anniversary approaching? Just want to plan a reunion? Contact William H. Walker, Director of Alumni Engagement, at


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On Campus growth this semester, and we look forward to continuing our success in the years to come. –Tyler Watford, V George Washington Alpha Nu The chapter has been quite busy around campus and the D.C. area as a whole. In its first annual MDA Muscle Walk, the chapter was able to raise over $4,700 thanks to the dedication and hard work of Shawn Rusterholz. Alpha Nu has also gained recognition from the GWU administration by being granted affinity housing in the International House dormitory this upcoming year. Furthermore, with the initiation of the Gamma class, Alpha Nu has been able to stretch its membership numbers to the highest they have been in recent years, and looks forward to seeing how these new brothers will help shape the chapter. With these recent gains, the chapter looks forward to a bright future of continued growth and development on campus. –Jonathan Beto, V Houston Baptist Delta Sigma The brothers held their inaugural MDA Pig Pickin' fundraiser, and with the help of all members along with strong alumni support in the Houston area, Delta Sigma raised over $1,250 for the Order's philanthropy. Special thanks go out to all who continue to help in the battle against muscle diseases. –Vala Modaresi, I

Millsaps Alpha Mu This spring we partnered with Phi Mu and hosted a "Casino Night." All proceeds went to MDA. This event was a huge success, and almost all active members were present. Each of our members were asked to sell five casino night tickets. We raised a total of $9,815 for MDA, and provided all guests with gambling chips and had a number of games they could play. Donated prizes were purchased with chips won throughout the evening. –William Chenoweth, IV Mississippi State Beta Tau During the spring semester of 2013, Beta Tau chapter had several accomplishments. At the Irwin & Dunwody joint Province Council, Beta Tau received awards for academic

achievement as well as an award in recognition of 100% participation in Operation Crimson Gift. The annual "Bulldogs for a Cause" fundraiser was a success, raising over $3,000 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. –Trent Mosley, III Missouri Alpha Kappa The chapter participated in the MDA Muscle Walk, and even won the "Mob Mentality" award for having the best spirit and attendance. Additionally, we held a silent auction during our Moms’ Weekend, and raised over $900 for MDA. Alpha Kappa paired with the ladies of Phi Mu to participate in Greek Week. Our beneficiary was Ronald McDonald House, and we have enjoyed volunteering and spending time at the Columbia, Missouri site. We also initiated the spring 2013 class, adding seven fine new gentlemen to our house. –Tim Rodriguez, IV Missouri S&T Beta Alpha It saddens Beta Alpha to bring the news that former Province Commander and alumnus Russ Perry unexpectedly passed away in his home on April 23rd. He was one of our dedicated alumni both for our chapter and the Order. He is greatly missed but he will not be forgotten. On a lighter note, after the hard work and dedication by our chapter, we were granted our eighth George C. Marshall Award at the 2013 Chiles Province Council. Since then, we have continued to strive for excellence

Austin Peay: The men of Zeta Tau at Austin Peay hold a $6,500 check signifying funds raised for MDA during Gentlemen's Week.

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Memphis Gamma Gamma Gamma Gamma was recognized at the school's Fraternity/Sorority Affairs Awards Banquet for being the most improved IFC chapter GPA from spring 2012 to fall 2012, improving their overall GPA by 0.27. The spring semester saw Gamma Gamma support Relay for Life and we landed at the top of the list for money raised! Also our annual KA Kickball event helped to raise money for MDA. Being active throughout all campus activities has been one of our main goals, and continuing to benefit charities and helping other Greek chapters raise money has been extremely fulfilling. –Sean Taylor, V

Miami Epsilon Lambda The chapter initiated 29 new members to its most recent new member class. Our annual philanthropy, Bump-It, Thump-It, a volleyball tournament between sororities, was once again a great success in raising money for MDA. The chapter also collected an award for having the most fraternity members at “Walk-A-Mile In Her Shoes,” an event held to raise awareness of sexual assault prevention on campus. Lastly, we would also like to congratulate our own Number III, George Dallman, on becoming the Frampton Province Undergraduate Chairman. –Tony Hausfeld, V

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On Campus through improving our external relations. In February and March, we sold Shamrocks for MDA, convincing two local establishments to help us with our cause and raising over $700. Simultaneously, the chapter put in a great amount of effort towards the town's annual St. Patrick's competition and ended up winning 1st place as overall champions. –Nathan Krenning, IV North Carolina-Charlotte Epsilon Xi The brothers have had an extremely busy year, focusing on promoting community service, instituting campus wide involvement, and preparing for the kick off of UNC-C’s new football program. Epsilon Xi has remained dedicated and active in the MDA Muscle Walk annually held at the Charlotte Motor Speedway, raising over $2,500 for the cause. This year, the brothers teamed up with the lovely ladies of Chi Omega to raise over $1,800 for the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life on the UNC-C campus. Our chapter has welcomed 25 new members and we continue to actively. With our new football program approaching campus, we are looking forward to establishing lasting relationships with chapter and

local area alumni. We are excited to be hosting a Charlotte Convivium next spring. –Adam Boyle, V Oklahoma State Beta Xi Landon Stallings was selected to represent OSU as the nation’s favorite mascot, Pistol Pete. As Pistol Pete, Landon has a multitude of responsibilities, making 650 appearances per year, some schoolrelated and some others not. Landon represents Frank Eaton, the real Pistol Pete, who was a U.S. marshal and gentlemen in every aspect of his life. Pete is recognized at an international level and Landon is proud to represent not only his university but also KA by achieving one of the most prestigious student positions at OSU. Mississippi Alpha Upsilon With just under 250 active members we were able to accomplish philanthropy success unrivaled by the other fraternities on campus. Our annual golf tournament had 85 participants, which constitutes a full field of play. The golf tournament along with our silent auction the night before raised close to $90,000 for

Georgia Southern Delta Theta The first “Cory Joseph Wilson Memorial Award” presentation took place on February 11, 2013 at the Delta Theta House at Georgia Southern University. Josh Edenfield is the first recipient of this annual award, given to that KA brother who best exemplifies the spirit of Cory Joseph Wilson. Gifts to the Memorial Award should be sent to: Savannah Community Foundation, 7393 Hodgson Memorial Drive # 204, Savannah, Ga. 31406. Cory Wilson passed away on January 17, 2013. He was 21 years old, an Active Member of Delta Theta, and was from Savannah, Ga. Above: Aubrey Riggins (maternal grandfather), Olivia Nelson (current KA Rose), Andrea Riggins (maternal grandmother), Lisa Wilson (Cory's mother), Kenny Wilson (Cory's father), Josh Edenfield (award recipient), Jerry Wilson (paternal grandfather), Ann Wilson (paternal grandmother), Chase Joiner (Number I), Morgan Wilson (Cory's Sister), Gordon "Batman" Varnedoe (alumnus).

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MDA and the Kelly, Kelly, Wilbanks Scholarship Fund. This year we hosted our first KA Crawfish event at the house. This event turned out to be a huge success and will be continued in years to come. This event raised just over $12,000 dollars for MDA and Kelly, Kelly, Wilbanks. All of campus was welcome to come and we enjoyed the company of those from other fraternities who came to show their support. At this year's Irwin Council Province Council Alpha Upsilon's Sean Doran was chosen as the Province Undergraduate Chairman. Things are going exceptionally well at Alpha Upsilon and we hope that all the other chapters of the Order are enjoying the same success. –Sean Doran, V Presbyterian Beta Pi Beta Pi held its first annual charity clay shoot for MDA, and the event was a success with about 100 alumni and family members participating and raising about $3,000 for MDA. –Roland Matthews, I Randolph-Macon Zeta Zeta has raised over $500 for MDA and over $1,000 for Relay for Life this year. We have had five road clean ups in the town of Ashland. One of our newly initiated brothers from the fall, Sonny Murphy, won the Outstanding New Member Award at R-MC's spring Greek Awards. Sonny is our Number VIII. –John Henry, IV Rhodes Alpha Epsilon This year has been an important one for improving various aspects of our chapter. In addition to an increased focus on recruitment, our chapter is now participating in many philanthropic activities. We had Old South from April 15th to April 20th during which we held our "Really Chilly Chili Cookoff" for MDA. The event raised nearly $2,000. We have a total of nine new members. On February 23, the William E. Forester Province Council was held at Rhodes. We are currently in the process of making major repairs to the house; both of the bathrooms were repainted, many windows have been replaced, and we are in the process of buffing and repainting the floors. –James Kohnke, V


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On Campus Univ. of the South Alpha Alpha The chapter co-sponsored three campus wide events for the school and surrounding community. In January, the chapter helped bring renowned expert on Teddy Roosevelt, Joe Wiegand, to Sewanee to discuss what it means to be a good man. Mr. Wiegand has performed all across the country, including at the Bush White House. The chapter co-sponsored a fishing tournament for community members, and an event with a panel of experts to speak about the evils of human trafficking in Tennessee and around the country. Number II Andrew Keenan was elected to the Student Senate and former Number I Warren Snead was elected President of the Interfraternity Council, while sophomores David Garcia and Hal Smith were elected to the Disciplinary Committee. At Feller Province Council, Alpha Alpha was pleased to be recognized for academic achievement and for having had the Province's most outstanding budget for the 2012 academic year. Finally, the chapter is happy to announce the addition of 20 new brothers who were initiated in March. The ceremony was attended not only by chapter members, but also alumni and family members. –Warren Snead, V Southern Methodist Beta Lambda This spring we initiated 19 young men into the Order at Beta Lambda. As always, we look forward to raising money for MDA through our annual KA Crawfish Boil. Our members living in the house have had the pleasure of having front row seats to the construction and presentation of the George W. Bush Presidential Library, located directly across from the KA house. –Oliver Ray, V

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Texas Wesleyan Zeta Xi In April the brothers raised money for and participated in the MDA Muscle Walk at AT&T Stadium (formerly Dallas Cowboys Stadium), and the chapter received the University’s President’s Cup for the most active organization

on campus. We also initiated two new members for the spring 2013 semester, and won Greek Week by a landslide! In the fall, the chapter is planning a large formal dinner night to raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. –Morgan Kirkpatrick, V Tulsa Mu The chapter had strong participation in Tulsa's Service Day and helped renovate a local animal sanctuary. Mu also had the largest group on campus that participated in Relay For Life. Formal was held in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, and was a great success for all who attended. The chapter held a Dad's Day that included a minor league baseball stadium tour and father-son bowling tournament. –Brady Pierce, V Valdosta State Delta Rho The chapter had a productive spring semester, with brothers logging numerous community service hours through various organizations including Habitat for Humanity, Second Harvest Food Bank and the Hospice of South Georgia. The chapter hosted a blood drive with Chi Omega and helped sell t-shirts for a young girl who was diagnosed with leukemia. On April 13th, we came together to host the 2nd Annual James Eunice Legacy 5K. With 93 runners and help from Phi Mu, the chapter was able to donate $2,500 to the

Furman: Joseph McDougall has set the International Powerlifting Association world record by squatting 810 pounds, and holds world records in three other lifting events as well for competitors his size.




Tennessee Pi The chapter inducted four new members from our spring new member class who were initiated in March, bringing us to over 50 active members. We followed this by successfully hosting the Feller Province Council, where Pi chapter was awarded an Academic Excellence Award. Many of the brothers also visited Washington and Lee University, where they were given a guided tour

of the National Administrative Office at Mulberry Hill, Lee Chapel, and nearby VMI. We also gave out our annual Teacher of the Year award, given out every year to a professor with a positive and influential impact on the student body during their tenure at the university. In early April, Thomas Butler was honored with the IFC New Member of the Year Award given out by the IFC and Panhellenic Councils. Later that month, our chapter was honored when members of the alumni chapter presented us our cannon. The newly refurbished cannon is a Pi chapter heirloom that dates back to the Civil War. Pi chapter also continues to give back to the community, with multiple philanthropic clean-up projects at a local church. Brothers have also continued to have roles on campus, with every brother contributing to clubs and organizations, from Young Life to the school newspaper. We look forward to learning from the lessons of this past year and applying them as we look to continue our strong recruiting efforts and to build Pi chapter into a Marshall Award caliber chapter once again. –Peter Murray, V

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On Campus James Eunice Scholarship Fund, which provides scholarship opportunities to students who are seeking a college education. Our basketball team was able to take 1st place in the Intramural League. Eric Self and I have obtained senate positions in our Student Government Association, and Lance Stephens has won the position of Greek Week chair in Greek Ambassadors. Our Number III, John Ledwitch, has also received an $875 scholarship from the KAOEF. We look forward to an even more productive fall. –Blaine Hendon, I Washington College Beta Omega The brothers welcomed five new initiates who are great additions to the chapter. This chapter also held their annual spring concert, which was a huge hit again. They sponsored a DJ for the entire campus and the event could not have happened without the tireless work of the brothers to set up and clean up, and make sure the event ran smoothly. The gentlemen continue to be involved around campus with anything they can, from helping to clean a local theater in town, to helping with the planting of trees and flowers around campus. The chapter hopes for a great end to the semester, especially with the annual pasta dinner. Last year, the pasta dinner did extraordinarily well, making $800 to benefit MDA. This year, the chapter is hoping to do even better. –Colin Rainey, V West Florida Epsilon Sigma The chapter had a difficult semester dealing with internal restructuring as well as revamping of the scholastic program. The chapter has a predicted new member class of 20 men. We had six men graduate on May 4, 2013 and we wish them the best in the future. We participated in Relay for Life benefiting the Cancer Research Society and have more than 80% of the chapter in attendance for a multitude of hours. The chapter’s goal has been to focus on philanthropy events, community service, and scholastic achievement in order to boost the morale, brotherhood, and GPA to enhance our image even further, and we are succeeding. –Sean Ashley, V

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West Virginia Wesleyan Beta Chi The chapter has had a long history of working with Lowes Home Improvement store, in supporting and providing donations for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. This year for MDA Month, Lowe’s in Buckhannon, West Virginia decided to provide a $1,200 grant to spend at their store to the organization selling the most MDA Shamrocks, and the Beta Chi chapter won the grant handily, raising nearly $250 in sales. Brothers and supporters of West Virginia Wesleyan College were all ecstatic for the achievement. Other Greek organizations, including Alpha Xi Delta and Theta Chi, as well as the Greek Life office of WVWC, went out of their way to support and promote MDA and their fellow Greeks. The brothers and Beta Chi Housing Authority have chosen to use the funds to renovate the front of the house at 90 College Avenue. Renovations include new landscaping, roses and magnolias, new letters, and the coat of arms. –Bronson Clark, II Westminster Alpha Eta Although Alpha Eta keeps a busy calendar, the chapter's recent spotlight has been focused mainly on our alumni and their achievements. Every year, Westminster College holds an awards convocation to recognize alumni whose accomplishments reflect the Westminster mission and who have distinguished themselves through personal or professional achievements, and/or have made significant contributions to society. Of the eight individuals recognized, three were Alpha Eta alumni. Receiving the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award were Ray Stranghoener '73 and James Benson '79. Also recognized was alumni brother Fred Bingelli '73, who was inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame for his achievements in track and field. Alpha Eta is very proud to boast such accomplished alumni, and we will continue to look for this kind of accomplishment from our members. –Andrew Lock, I William Jewell Alpha Delta The semester started with Alpha Delta celebrating its 125th anniversary. This FALL 2013


was followed by this year's Province Council being hosted on campus. Greek weekend took place this semester and Alpha Delta took home the Greek Organization of the Year Award, tied for the Most Active Greek Organization of the Year, and Tom Herrera won Student Athlete of The Year among the Greek students. Philanthropy has also been a focal point of this semester as Alpha Delta has been very active in raising money for MDA also the whole chapter participated in this year's MDA Muscle Walk at Arrowhead stadium. Alpha Delta has also expanded on its philanthropic efforts by taking on a second organization to serve, a battered women’s shelter called The Hope House. Alpha Delta has also partnered with the Pryor Leadership program of William Jewell to help create a garden at an interim housing facility for people recovering from substance abuse. This project is headed up by former Alpha Delta number I Tyler Bullis. –Josh Capron, V Wingate Zeta Zeta The chapter has taken several strides in a positive direction, being awarded the Chapter Management Award by Wingate University for an increased level of accountability in the officers and brothers alike. The chapter also will be increasing its size with the initiation of three new members, capping off a year of tremendous growth. –Matthew Ezzell, I Wofford Delta The chapter began a very successful spring semester by placing second in Wofford's annual Greek Games. We followed this up by participating in Relay for Life, where we were assigned the food theme of "Japan." With this theme we decorated a table and sold teriyaki chicken kabobs. We also had brothers walking around the track throughout this six-hour event. The following weekend we conducted our first annual Play for MDA event, where we had a four-on-four volleyball tournament and a three-on-three basketball tournament, which brought in a large number of people from campus and raised almost $2,500. –Claibourne Hughes, IV


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On Campus

KAPPA ALPHA ORDER RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY The Risk Management Policy of Kappa Alpha Order, adopted by the Executive Council pursuant to R16-118, mirrors that of FIPG, Inc. and shall apply to all entities and all levels of fraternity membership. It includes the following provisions: ALCOHOL AND DRUGS 1. The possession, sale, use and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages while on chapter premises, or during a fraternity event, in any situation sponsored or endorsed by the chapter, or at any event an observer would associate with the fraternity, must be in compliance with any and all applicable laws of the state, province, county, city and institution of higher education, and must comply with either BYOB or Third Party Vendor guide-lines. 2. No alcoholic beverages may be purchased through or with chapter funds nor may the purchase of same for members or guests be undertaken or coordinated by any member in the name or on behalf of the chapter. The purchase or use of a bulk quantity or common sources of such alcoholic beverage, for example kegs, or cases are prohibited. 3. Open parties, without specific invitation, where alcohol is present are prohibited. Open parties have been defined as those functions at which the guest to member ratio exceeds three-to-one.

3. All chapters shall comply with engineering recommendations as reported by the insurance company or municipal authorities. 4. The possession and/or use of firearms, archery equipment, incendiary devices such as fireworks or explosive devices of any kind within the confines and premises of the chapter house are prohibited.

SPECIAL EVENTS Special events are defined as any event/function (1) where alcohol will be present, and the guest to member ration exceeds three-to-one; (2) involving athletic events or competitions; or (3) that involves any activity that is deemed to be potentially hazardous by the Alumnus Adviser, the Alumni Advisory Committee, the Province Commander, the Executive Director, or the Order’s insurance broker. Any chapter wishing to host a special event must do the following: 1. Complete a comprehensive, written description of the event and forward it to the Province Commander and the Executive Director for review and approval. This information must be received by the Executive Director at least 60 days prior to the event; and

4. No chapter members, collectively or individually, shall purchase for, serve to, or sell alcoholic beverages to any minor (i.e., those under the legal “drinking age”). 5. The possession, sale and/or use of any illegal drugs or controlled substances at any chapter house, sponsored event or at any event that an observer would associate with the fraternity, is strictly prohibited. 6. No chapter may co-sponsor an event with a distributor of alcohol, charitable organization or tavern (tavern defined as an establishment generating more than half of its annual gross sales from alcohol) where alcohol is given away, sold or otherwise provided to those present. This includes any event held in, at, or on the property of tavern, as defined above, for the purposes of fundraising. However, a chapter may rent or use a room or area in a tavern, as defined above, for an event held within the provisions of this policy, including the use of a third party vendor and guest list.

2. Secure a Special Events Insurance Policy (“Policy”) or pay a risk management assessment fee in an amount to be determined by the Order’s insurance broker. If the Policy option is selected, the Pol-icy shall be in the amount of $1,000,000 available through the Order’s insurance broker and shall name Kappa Alpha Order, a Virginia Corporation, as an additional insured.

EDUCATION Each student member, associate member and pledge shall be instructed annually on the Kappa Alpha Order Risk Management Policy. A copy of the Risk Management Policy shall be available on the fraternity website.

7. No chapter may co-sponsor or co-finance or attend or participate in a function where alcohol is purchased by any of the host chapters, groups or organizations. 8. All recruitment or rush activities associated with any chapter will be non-alcoholic. No recruitment or rush activities associated with any chapter may be held at or in conjunction with a tavern or alcohol distributor as defined in this policy. 9. No member or pledge/associate/new member/novice shall permit, tolerate, encourage or participate in “drinking games”. 10. No alcohol shall be present at any member awaiting initiation/pledge/new member program or activity of the chapter. This includes, but is not limited to, activities associated with “bid night”, “big brothers - little brother” events or activities, “family” events or activities and initiation.

HAZING No chapter, student or alumnus shall conduct nor condone hazing activities. Permission or approval by a person being hazed is not a defense. Hazing activities are defined as: “Any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. Such activities may include, but are not limited to, the following: use of alcohol; paddling in any form; creation of excessive fatigue; physical and psychological shocks; use of pledge books or signature books, quests, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips or any other such activities carried on outside or inside the confines of the chapter house; wearing of public apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts and buffoonery; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; and any other activities which are not consistent with fraternal law, ritual or policy or the regulations and policies of the educational institution.”

The fraternity will not tolerate or condone any form of sexist or sexually abusive behavior on the part of its members whether physical, mental or emotional. This is to include any actions, activities or events, whether on chapter premises or an off-site location which is demeaning to women or men, including but not limited to verbal harassment and sexual assault by individuals or members acting together. The employment or use of strippers, exotic dancers or similar, whether professional or amateur, at a fraternity event as defined in this policy is prohibited.

FIRE, HEALTH, AND SAFETY 1. All chapter houses shall, prior to, during and following occupancy, meet all local fire and health codes and standards. 2. All chapters must have posted by common phones and in other locations emergency numbers for fire, police and ambulance and should have posted evacuation routes on the back of the door of each sleeping room.

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Nearly 2,000 college students die from alcohol-related injuries every year.


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Sports Page

2013 NIC All-Fraternity All-American Basketball and Baseball Teams

KA’s in the lead

The North-American Interfraternity Conference takes nominations of standout players and coaches from fraternity headquarters, Greek advisors, sports information directors, Greek alumni and undergraduates. These are the KAs selcted.




Alex Maragos (Alpha - Washington & Lee ’10) First Base All-ODAC 1st team ABCA All-Region 2nd .358 (49 of 137), 10 2B, 7 HRs, 37 RBI

Jacob Mayfield (Phi – Birmingham-Southern ’11) Utility All-SAA 1st team; .299 (52 of 174), 35 runs, 12 2B, 5 HR, 33 RBI

Tyler Branneky (Alpha Eta – Westminster ’13)

Will Salley (Alpha – Washington & Lee ’10) Utility ODAC All-Sportsmanship Team .325 (49 of 151), 38 runs, 8 HRs, 34 RBI

Keegan Dolan (Alpha – Washington & Lee ’11), outfielder


Will Jamison (Alpha Upsilon – Mississippi ’12), outfielder

Keith Shumaker (Alpha Mu – Millsaps ’11) Utility DIII A-A 3rd team SAA Player of the Year .376 (80 of 213), 63 runs,15 2B, 4 HR, 52 RBI; 6-2, 41 Ks as a pitcher Kevin Wall (Alpha Mu – Millsaps ’09)


Infielder DIII All-American mention All SAA .343 (69 of 201), 39 runs, 38 RBI, 14 steals

David Bourbonnais (Phi – Birmingham-Southern ’11) Utility 2.59 ERA, 5-2, 50 Ks as pitcher .271 (36 of 133) as first Baseman & DH


Joe James (Alpha Eta – Westminster ’11)

Lewis Affronti (Alpha Alpha – Univ. of the South ’10)

2nd in minutes (700) and scoring (322 pts, 12.4)

Alex Flink (Zeta Beta – Princeton ’10), infielder Tom Herrera (Alpha Delta – William Jewell ’10), outfielder

Tanner McGill (Phi – Birmingham-Southern ’11), catcher Kevin Moritz (Alpha Eta – Westminster ’10), pitcher Jack Rogers (Alpha Alpha – Univ. of the South ’11), infielder

Jared Welch (Epsilon – Emory ’11), catcher


Led in assists (78), free throws (85.22%) and steals (40)

Matt Denny (Alpha Upsilon Mississippi ’13), pitcher

Blake Stevens (Phi – Birmingham-Southern ’11), pitcher


ALL-SLIAC 2nd team; SLIAC Sportsmanship Team

William Chenoweth (Alpha Mu – Millsaps ’11), outfielder

Murray Kastner (Alpha Mu – Millsaps ’10) Skylar Tolson (Alpha Eta – Westminster ’10)

HONORABLE MENTION COACHES Dee Vick (Alpha Tau – Hampden-Sydney ‘91) Head Coach at HampdenSydney College Kastner

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Sports Page

Winter & Spring Sports Recap BASKETBALL






Will Jamison ’12

10 KA players including:

Connor Kuremsky '12, Diver Competed at the NCAA Division I championships Placed 12th in platform diving at the PAC-12 meet.

Jay Lapinski School record in 200 backstroke 4th place 400 freestyle relay, Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference meet

Skylar Tolson ’10 NIC All-Fraternity All-American All-SLIAC honorable mention 70 three-point shots, scored 270 points (10.4 average) and had 37 assists Ben Cooper Played in 13 games Mike Ebert Played in 12 games Jay Zalis Played in 10 games Blake Berkbuegler'11 Played in seven games Kellen Brondel Played in seven games MILLSAPS Murray Kastner ’10 NIC All-Fraternity All-American All-Southern Athletic Association honorable mention Scored 194 points (9.7 avg) and had out 34 assists. Kevin Wilson ’11 Scored 119 points (6.0 avg) and had 15 assists Alex Gerchow ’12 Played in 17 games UNIV. OF THE SOUTH Lewis Affronti '10 Started 21 contests and was 3rd in minutes played with 618 Scored 190 points (7.3), had 28 assists, made 13 steals NIC All-Fraternity All-American honorable mention ROANOKE Connor Toomey ’10 Played in seven games HAMPDEN-SYDNEY

Josh Van Hovten 10th in the SCAC 1650 freestyle, 12th in the 200 butterfly

Larry Reinhard, Jr. '11, Diver DUKE Steve Gasparini ’12 On ACC 7th place 200 and 400 medley relay teams 11th in the 100 backstroke and 200 IM events

Adrian Gomez ’11 13th in the 200 butterfly, 15th in the 200 backstroke


Sam Skinner On ACC 7th place 200 and 400 medley relay teams On 6th place 400 freestyle relay

STANFORD Forrest Watkins ’10 All-American honorable mention from the Association of Collegiate Water Polo Coaches

Jacob Bieze ’10 WASHINGTON COLLEGE Robert Mix ’11, Co-Captain


Greg Lee ’12 All-Centennial honorable mention, 100 butterfly, 200 freestyle relay, 200 medley relay

Davy Arnaud (Gamma SigmaWest TX A&M ’00) Captain of the Montreal Impact in MLS and is now center of the midfield area

Eric Burcin All-Centennial 1st teamer, 100 breaststroke All-Centennial honorable mention, 200 freestyle, 200 medley relay

Bobby Warshaw (Alpha PiStanford ’08) 3rd year with MLS’s FC Dallas Club


Charles Logan Honorable mention, 200 medley relay WILLIAM JEWELL Joshua Sawers ’12 3rd in the 800 freestyle relay at the Northern Sun Intercollegiate Conference 10 team Grinnell Invitational, won the 50 and 100 freestyle events; on winning 400 medley, freestyle relays; and 2nd with 200 freestyle relay

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Infielders Keith Shumaker ’11 Kevin Wall ’09 BIRMINGHAM-SOUTHERN Pitchers Blake Stevens ’11 David Borbonnais ’11 WASHINGTON & LEE Alex Maragos ’10, 1st baseman Outfielders Will Salley ’10 Keegan Dolan ’11 WILLIAM JEWELL Tom Herrera ’10, outfielder

VOLLEYBALL STANFORD 11 KA players Brian Cook ’11 All-Mountain Pacific Sports Federation honors Steven Irvin ’11 All-Mountain Pacific Sports Federation honors Eric Mochalski ’11 All-Mountain Pacific Sports Federation honors







Dee Vick (Alpha Tau-Hampden Sydney ’91) – Head Coach Led his alma mater to a 23-5 record Berth in the NCAA Division III national tournament NIC’s Coach of the Year honorable mention

Tim McCarver (Gamma GammaMemphis ’62), Broadcaster Announced that he will step down from his job as the Fox Network’s lead baseball analyst after this season. The former 20-year big league catcher is a member of the Baseball Hall of Fame’s Broadcasters wing and has held the Fox job since 1996. In his announcement statement, McCarver said “Although I am neither tired of broadcasting baseball nor have I, in any way, lost my interest in baseball; it’s time to cut back.”


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T H E 2012 -2013 A N N UA L R E PORT OF T H E

Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation

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Dear Brothers, Parents and Friends,

It is a privilege to share with you to the 2012-2013 Annual Report. This past fiscal year was exceptional and I offer my sincere gratitude to the alumni, parents, friends and undergraduates who made over 4050 donations totaling $773,550 in support of the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation during the past year. I don’t take for granted the generosity provided by so many loyal supporters and cannot thank you enough for your faithful dedication. Your commitment to the progress of our great Order enables us to carry out programs that enrich the lives of so many undergraduates across this country. That is what is truly inspiring. To reciprocate the generosity of our loyal supporters, this publication recognizes our FY13 donors and outlines the many initiatives made possible by their commitment to the Order. I hope that the pages that follow give you a glimpse of how our Order is enriching lives everywhere across our 126 Active and Provisional Chapters. As you are well aware, the new academic year is upon us and I am asking my KA brothers to maintain our momentum in two distinct ways. First – Our goal for unrestricted contributions is again set at $345,000 to fully fund educational programs and initiatives for our 6800 undergraduates. KA’s progress is dependent upon the mutual assistance of us all and I hope you’ll answer the call again this year with your support. Second – As we look ahead to the 150th anniversary of Kappa Alpha Order in 2015, please welcome and watch for communications which will instruct you on ways to join in this very special sesquicentennial celebration. Opportunities to participate in this once in a lifetime event will take place throughout the Order as we celebrate the past 150 years and prepare for the next 150 years. Finally, I want to recognize our staff and our Board of Trustees who continuously strive to move us onward and upward. The pursuit for excellence is never ending. Our work is far from complete. We must continue to prepare for the next generation of KA men who will follow. On behalf of all of us at the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation, we thank you and hope your KA spirit is enriched as you continue to play a significant role in helping us provide the Moral Compass for the Modern Gentleman. Fraternally yours,

Barry Donnell (Beta Lambda-Southern Methodist ’58)


Chairman & President


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Chairman & President

Barry B. Donnell (Beta Lambda – Southern Methodist ’58) Vice President





Todd D. Reaves (Nu – Auburn ’89) Treasurer

James R. Estes (Alpha Kappa – Missouri ’60) Knight Commander

William E. Dreyer (Alpha Delta – William Jewell ’57) Trustees













Derick S. Close (Alpha Omega – North Carolina State ’78) Stumpy Harris (Beta Zeta – Florida ’57) Rock N. Houstoun (Xi – Southwestern ’70) Eugene M. Julian (Beta Epsilon – Delaware ’63) Darren S. Kay (Alpha Eta – Westminster ’88) Malcolm H. Liles (Gamma – Georgia ’71) J. Coleman McDowell, Jr. (Gamma Chi – Texas Tech ’78) Michael W. Paulin (Beta Sigma – Southern California ’60) J. William Schulz (Alpha Kappa – Missouri ’60) William H. Skipper (Delta Tau – Francis Marion ’80) David M. Warren (Tau – Wake Forest ’78) Life Trustees





Timothy K. Adams (Epsilon – Emory ’57) Frank L. Asbury III (Epsilon – Emory ’44) James L. Bowers (Beta Omega – Washington College ’57) Loren Q. Hanson (Alpha Kappa – Missouri ’50) Thomas G. Paulson (Alpha Xi – California ’49) Jack R. Taylor (Alpha Kappa – Missouri ’50) Idris R. Traylor, Jr. (Gamma Chi – Texas Tech ’70) Staff







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Larry Stanton Wiese (Gamma Omega – Midwestern State ’87), Executive Director Ben W. Satcher, Jr. (Delta Omicron – Clemson ’79), Chief Development Officer Andrew P. Carr (Epsilon Iota – Texas State ’00), Director of Development Stuart F. Whetsell (Delta Psi – Appalachian State ’06), Director of Development Rebecca L. Moore, Foundation Assistant


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Five Ways to Give Back

5 Ways to Give Back to Kappa Alpha Order 1. Cash Gifts

The most convenient and frequently used method of supporting the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF) is a gift of cash – personal check, credit card authorization or money order – made payable to the KAOEF and mailed to P.O. Box 1865, Lexington VA 24450. Online donations can also be made through the KAOEF website ( 2. Appreciated Securities

A gift of your appreciated stocks, bonds or mutual fund shares is an ideal way to support the KAOEF. The educational programs of the Order will benefit from your support and you will receive a tax deduction for your contributions. In addition, transferring the securities prior to liquidation will help you to avoid capital gains taxes. Please contact the KAOEF for personal assistance with the transfer of assets of this type. 3. Real And Personal Property

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4. M atching Gifts

Many corporations will match gifts to the KAOEF. If you or your spouse works for one of these organizations, your gift could multiply. Please ask your human resources office if your company provides matching gifts to charitable organizations. If so, please ask your employer for the proper form to include with your gift. You can also visit kaoef. org/types_of_gifts to find out if your company matches charitable gifts. 5. Planned Giving

The KAOEF has benefited greatly from planned gifts in its past from members of the 1865 Trust and beyond. Inclusion of the KAOEF in your will or trust should reference the KAOEF, P.O. Box 1865, Lexington VA. Please visit plannedgiving for further information.


The KAOEF receives no government funding but provides a vehicle for taxdeductible contributions from alumni and friends to be made in support of KA. With these gifts, the KAOEF helps underwrite a number of educational programs to the benefit of the Order. Contact Us: Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation 115 Liberty Hall Road P.O. Box 1865 Lexington, Virginia 24450 phone: (540) 463-1865fax: (540) 463-2140



Your real estate and other marketable personal items can be given to the KAOEF as an outright gift. For tax purposes, the contributor may deduct the fair market value of the real estate. Items

of personal property must be related to the KAOEF’s purpose and function to be fully deductible. For example, a brother can donate a percentage interest in a building to the KAOEF that can be sold and the proceeds would be directed to the KAOEF.

The Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF), a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization, was created in 1981 to promote the education of undergraduate and graduate students in academic improvement, leadership, alcohol and substance abuse prevention and other general educational areas.

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Financials Condensed Statements of Financial Position d. a.

June 30, 2013 and 2012

c. i. e.

Assets: a. Cash and Cash Equivalents b. Investment Income Receivable c. Prepaid Expenses d. Receivable from Affiliates e. Contributions Receivable f. Land, Buildings, and Equipment g. Long Term Investments h. Assets Held in Trust i. Other Assets

2013* 2012 $ 211,982 214,221 - 36,986 33,159 7,274 7,143 588,822 715,508 2,387,585 2,471,967 5,864,780 5,664,069 - 38,911 38,536 $

Total Assets



Liabilities: a. Accounts Payable b. Notes Payable c. Accrued Expenses d. Annuity Obligation e. Payable to Affiliates f. Deferred Revenue


5,949 - 16,165 117,065 524,367 10,000 $

Net Assets: Unrestricted Net Assets Temporarily Restricted Net Assets Permanently Restricted Net Assets Total Net Assets


11,300 17,383 124,946 897,099 10,000 $




1,238,109 1,077,343 6,147,343 8,462,795


f. a. c.


1,086,608 997,718 5,999,549 8,083,875


Total Liabilities and Net Assets





Total Liabilities







*unaudited Comprehensive annual audited financial statements are available on written request to the Executive Director at the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation.

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Condensed Statements of Activities For the years ending June 30, 2013 and 2012





Revenues: $ a. Contributions 384,021 $353,750 b. Investment Income 58,157 56,694 c. Rental Income 44,900 44,900 d. Other Income 13,742 16,191 e. e. Restrictions Released 426,376 1,555,760 Total Unrestricted Revenues Expenses: a. Program Support Awarded b. Salaries and Benefits c. Occupancy Expenses d. Fundraising Expenses e. Administrative Expenses f. Professional Services g. Scholarships Awarded

c. d.


927,196 $2,027,295


216,095 $418,445 208,952 210,007 158,700 178,054 190,775 256,439 133,781 156,478 33,524 27,093 61,800 60,335


Total Expenses

1,003,626 $

Change in Unrestricted Net Assets


(76,430) $720,443 227,931 (198,965)

Temporarily Restricted Activities: Contributions $260,925 Investment Income 245,077 Restricted Released (426,376) $





(587,349) 101,276 (1,555,760)



79,625 $(2,041,833)

PERMANENTLY RESTRICTED ACTIVITIES: Contributions $143,837 $(14,070) Change in Value - Split Interest Agreement - - Investment Gain / (Loss) 3,958 (20,070) Change in Permanently Restricted Net Assets




Change in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets




Operating Revenue Minus Expenses Non-operating Income / (Expenses)




147,794 $(34,141)


Change in Net Assets Net Assets at Beginning of Year Net Assets at End of Year


$ 378,920 $(1,554,496) 8,083,875 9,638,371 $

8,462,795 $8,083,875


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Leading the Way, and Giving Back Since its inception in 2010, the KAOEF’s undergraduate giving program continues to set the standard in the fraternal world. The Foundation Chapter program is an effort for current active brothers to support KAOEF, and commit themselves to helping ensure that the programs they currently enjoy and benefit from will continue for future members of their chapter. With 49 chapters having 100% of their membership participate in supporting KAOEF, this year continues to see the number of undergraduates exceed the number of alumni donors for the fiscal year. This show of support is a true testament of the benefit that active brothers are receiving from KAOEF. Each contribution goes towards continuing both annual scholarships and award-winning KAOEF sponsored programming for our undergraduate brothers. The KAOEF would like to thank each and every undergraduate member who supported us in this worthy cause in 2013. Please see the list of all undergraduate chapters who are now designated as Foundation Chapters for 2013 by the Foundation’s Board of Trustees.

“We’re proud to have the distinction of being a Foundation Chapter. All 145 of our active members support the KAOEF. KA is a lifelong commitment and that commitment starts now. We want to send brothers to leadership conferences like the Emerging Leaders Academy and Number I’s Leadership Institute, which have provided outstanding leadership development opportunities for both current and future leaders.” – W hit Whittelsey (Nu – Auburn ‘10), Number I

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Alabama - Alpha Beta Arkansas - Alpha Omicron (Provisional) Arkansas State - Delta Eta Arkansas-Fort Smith - Zeta Rho Auburn - Nu Austin Peay State - Zeta Tau Delaware - Beta Epsilon Elon - Epsilon Mu Florida - Beta Zeta Florida Gulf Coast - Zeta Pi Florida State - Gamma Eta Francis Marion - Delta Tau Georgia Southern - Delta Theta Houston Baptist - Delta Sigma Jacksonville State - Delta Phi Kentucky - Theta Louisiana State - Alpha Gamma Louisiana Tech - Gamma Alpha Louisiana-Monroe - Gamma Nu Memphis - Gamma Gamma Midwestern State - Gamma Omega (Provisional) Millsaps - Alpha Mu Mississippi - Alpha Upsilon Missouri S&T - Beta Alpha Missouri State - Gamma Beta Nicholls State - Epsilon Beta North Carolina - Upsilon

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North Carolina-Charlotte - Epsilon Xi North Carolina-Wilmington Epsilon Psi North Florida - Zeta Nu Northwestern State - Gamma Psi Oklahoma State - Beta Xi Southeastern Louisiana - Epsilon Kappa Southern Methodist - Beta Lambda Stephen F. Austin State - Delta Kappa Tennessee - Pi Tennessee-Chattanooga - Zeta Upsilon Tennessee-Martin - Delta Upsilon Texas Tech - Gamma Chi Texas-Arlington - Delta Iota (Provisional) Tulane - Psi Tulsa - Mu Valdosta State - Delta Rho Washington - Beta Omega Washington & Lee - Alpha West Florida - Epsilon Sigma West Texas A&M - Gamma Sigma Western Carolina - Delta Alpha Wingate - Zeta Zeta


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Chapter Endowment Fund Accounts | Undergraduate Giving Program

Chapter Endowment Fund Accounts

Subject to change distributions can be used for:

In keeping with the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation’s mission and obligations as a 501(c) (3) charitable organization, distributions made from each account must satisfy the Internal Revenue Service Code and may be used for educational purposes only. The return generated by the account will be used to benefit the local chapter and/or active members by providing distributions for purposes in accordance with IRS regulations.

Purchase of chapter computer equipment, software, and/or internet wiring for educational purposes. Residential educational advisor lodging/stipend. Establish educational areas in chapter facilities The educational percentage of national training travel expenses, and registration fees Scholarships (tuition payments) and academic expenses (books, fees, and equipment)

Established as of 6/30/2013

Alabama - Alpha Beta Delaware - Beta Epsilon Duke - Alpha Phi Florida - Beta Zeta Georgia Tech - Alpha Sigma Larry F. Robb Chapter Endowment Account for Midwestern State Gamma Omega Louisiana State - Alpha Gamma Memphis - Gamma Gamma Mississippi - Alpha Upsilon Missouri - Alpha Kappa Missouri S&T - Beta Alpha North Carolina - Upsilon Oklahoma - Beta Eta Southern Methodist - Beta Lambda Tennessee-Martin - Delta Upsilon Tulsa - Mu Univ. of the South - Alpha Alpha Westminster - Alpha Eta

Appalachian State - Delta Psi Arizona - Gamma Epsilon Arkansas Tech - Epsilon Zeta Arkansas-Fort Smith - Zeta Rho Auburn - Nu Austin Peay State - Zeta Tau Bowling Green State - Zeta Lambda Centenary - Alpha Iota Clemson - Delta Omicron Delta State - Delta Beta Drury - Beta Iota East Carolina - Gamma Rho Eastern Kentucky - Delta Mu Florida State - Gamma Eta Francis Marion - Delta Tau Georgia - Gamma Georgia College - Epsilon Nu Georgia Southern - Delta Theta Hampden-Sydney - Alpha Tau Houston Baptist - Delta Sigma Jacksonville State - Delta Phi Lamar - Gamma Xi Louisiana Tech - Gamma Alpha Louisiana-Monroe - Gamma Nu Mercer - Kappa Middle Tennessee State Delta Lambda Millsaps - Alpha Mu Mississippi State - Beta Tau Missouri Southern State - Delta Pi Newberry - Delta Epsilon North Carolina State - Alpha Omega North Carolina-Charlotte - Epsilon Xi North Florida - Zeta Nu

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North Texas - Gamma Lambda Northern Arizona - Epsilon Tau Northwestern State - Gamma Psi Oklahoma State - Beta Xi Richmond - Eta Roanoke - Beta Rho Sam Houston State - Gamma Tau Southeastern Louisiana Epsilon Kappa Southern California - Beta Sigma Southern Mississippi - Gamma Zeta Stephen F. Austin State - Delta Kappa Tennessee-Chattanooga - Zeta Upsilon Texas - Omicron Texas A&M - Epsilon Delta Texas A&M-Commerce Gamma Upsilon Texas State - Epsilon Iota Texas Tech - Gamma Chi Texas-Arlington - Delta Iota Transylvania - Alpha Theta Virginia Tech - Epsilon Eta Virginia Wesleyan - Epsilon Omicron VMI - Beta Commission Wake Forest - Tau Washington College - Beta Omega Univ. of Washington - Zeta Mu Washington & Lee - Alpha West Texas A&M - Gamma Sigma West Virginia - Alpha Rho Western Carolina - Delta Alpha Western Kentucky - Epsilon Theta William Jewell - Alpha Delta


Established and Endowed as of 6/30/2013

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SCHOLARSHIPS The KAOEF Scholarship Program remains an important benefit to members of Kappa Alpha Order. As a primary focus of the KAOEF, these academic, merit and needsbased scholarships serve as an inspiration for excellence inside and out of the classroom and oftentimes prove the difference in whether recipients can continue their undergraduate or graduate education. In April of 2013, the KAOEF was very pleased to award 102 academic scholarships for the 2013-2014 academic year to undergraduate and graduate Kappa

Alabama - Alpha Beta Reid A. Harvey W. E. Dunwody Province Scholarship Nicholas M. Laskay Robert E. Lee Scholarship Erik A. Schatz Vernon & Marion Piper Scholarship Arizona - Gamma Epsilon Clayton R. Lanham Gamma Epsilon Scholarship Arkansas - Alpha Omicron (Provisional) Chris M. Plate Harry J. Breithaupt Jr. Scholarship Arkansas State - Delta Eta Chris D. Easley Samuel Z. Ammen Memorial Scholarship The Cain Family Scholarship Auburn - Nu Eugene F. McManus Vernon & Marion Piper Scholarship T. Graham Norwood Vernon & Marion Piper Scholarship Tyler D. Reynolds Dr. Joseph G. Webster Scholarship Stewart Turley Scholarship Dick Wilson Scholarship James C. Salter Jack B. Carter II/Nu Scholarship Austin Peay State - Zeta Tau Daniel L. Bunger Vance E. Rule Scholarship Thomas W. Carvell John R. Berryman Scholarship Fred W. Dismuke Scholarship Vance E. Rule Scholarship

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Daniel N. Pitts Hunter W. Henry Scholarship Dr. Bolling S. DuBose Jr. Scholarship Mark A. Travis Jr. Vernon & Marion Piper Scholarship Bentley (No Chapter) Collin Robert Curran The David F. Suarez Memorial Scholarship California - Alpha Xi Tye A. Chait Vance E. Rule Scholarship

Delaware - Beta Epsilon Adam D. Reese Vance E. Rule Scholarship

Eastern Kentucky - Delta Mu Kyle D. Brant Vance E. Rule Scholarship

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Hampden Sydney Alpha Tau James R. Foster William C. Morrow Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Florida Gulf Coast - Zeta Pi Nathan A. Gennara Crawford Province Scholarship Vernon & Marion Piper Scholarship George O’Mara Memorial Scholarship

Indiana State - Zeta Iota Kyle N. Scheffel Harry J. Breithaupt Jr. Scholarship LCPL David Keith Fribley Scholarship

Georgetown - Beta Delta Joshua T. Mahoney Harry J. Breithaupt Jr. Scholarship William C. Yager McCall Trust Scholarship

Delta State - Delta Beta Johnathan B. Bishop Henry G. Tiller Jr. Scholarship John W. Nowell Scholarship

Emory - Epsilon Hansol Lee James H. Sammons M.D. Scholarship Jesse and Lala Sammons Scholarship

Victor T. Warren Mark Huntington Pruitt Scholarship Harry J. Breithaupt Jr. Scholarship

George Washington - Alpha Nu Derek S. Lee Vance E. Rule Scholarship P. Varun Moktan William C. Morrow Jr. Memorial Scholarship Moose A. Naderpoor Vernon & Marion Piper Scholarship

Davidson - Sigma Scott C. Cauthen Marshall James Donathan Jr. Scholarship Harry J. Breithaupt Jr. Scholarship

Elon - Epsilon Mu Davis W. Millans William C. Morrow Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Alpha brothers. Scholarship applications for the 20142015 academic year are available online at or All application materials must be received by February 2, 2014. For further questions, please contact Becky Moore at the National Administrative Office by phone at (540) 463-1865 or email The KAOEF is proud to congratulate and honor the following 2013-2014 scholarship recipients:

Georgia - Gamma J. Chilton McKnight KAOEF Scholarship Peter B. Whatley Michael B. Hargrove Memorial Scholarship William C. Morrow Jr. Memorial Scholarship Monroe “Bookie” Clark Scholarship Georgia College - Epsilon Nu Steven G. McElveen Jr. Hart/Heath/Waters/Sims Memorial Scholarship Vance E. Rule Scholarship


Kentucky - Theta Jackson H. Buchanon William C. Morrow Jr. Memorial Scholarship Louisiana State - Alpha Gamma Wayne G. Zeringue III Thomas C. Main Memorial Scholarship McNeese State - Delta Xi Patrick W. Brown Col. David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship Memphis - Gamma Gamma Thomas P. Hall Col. David R. Williams Scholarship Julian Pardini Scholarship Jay Claude Conrad Scholarship Miami - Epsilon Lambda George T. Dallman Vernon & Marion Piper Scholarship Taylor D. Dickey Thomas G. Paulson II Scholarship Robert W. Woodruff Scholarship KAOEF Scholarship Robert M. Yoder Vernon & Marion Piper Scholarship


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Midwestern State - Gamma Omega (Provisional) Jesse C. Brown Robert E. Lee Scholarship Clayton D. Brown Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Scholarship Millsaps - Alpha Mu Kirk K. Clark Harry J. Breithaupt Jr. Scholarship Garrett D. Coble Vance E. Rule Scholarship Joseph A. de Gruy Harry J. Breithaupt Jr. Scholarship Richar W. Huye III Vernon & Marion Piper Scholarship Weston M. Newman Robert W. Woodruff Scholarship Mississippi - Alpha Upsilon William R. Boyles Jim Hunter Scholarship Emmett Lee Irwin Scholarship W. Emmett Manning Richard B. Wilson Scholarship Vernon & Marion Piper Scholarship L. Tyler Williams Irby Turner III Scholarship Harry J. Breithaupt Jr. Scholarship Col. David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship North Texas - Gamma Lambda J. Casey Burkhardt John Paul Rector Scholarship Charles W. McCrary Scholarship Oklahoma - Beta Eta Matthew G. Brownlee Harry J. Breithaupt Jr. Scholarship Purdue - Epsilon Rho Michael R. Genovese Harry J. Breithaupt Jr. Scholarship Southern Illinois - Zeta Sigma Brock E. Kabat William L. Meier Scholarship Col. David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship

Consecutive Giving

Owen C. Rockett Founders Scholarship Hugh Comer Scholarship Grant T. Williamson Robert E. Lee Scholarship Texas-Arlington - Delta Iota (Provisional) Thomas S. Seliga James D. Roessler Scholarship

The following donors to the KAOEF are receiving special recognition. They have made an annual gift for over 25 years in a row, including this past fiscal year. Their loyalty and dedication are appreciated and embody the motto, Fratres Usque Ad Aram Fideles ‌ Brothers Faithful Unto Death!

Valdosta State - Delta Rho John W. Ledwitch IV Knights of Arlington Scholarship Virginia Tech - Epsilon Eta Brandon L. Barr Vernon & Marion Piper Scholarship Wake Forest - Tau Barron P. Jeter Vernon & Marion Piper Scholarship John L. Hall Scholarship

Gregory R. Singleton

Wake Forest - Tau Andrew R. Nickle John W. Nowell Scholarship

40 Years

27 Years

COL William E. Steger*

Dr. B. Lewis Barnett Jr.

35 Years

D. Melson Butler

(Alpha Iota-Centenary 1938)

David B. H. Chaffe III

Washington & Lee - Alpha Jacob C. Rudolph Warren Frazier Scholarship

(Psi-Tulane 1952) Loyal Order #1778

32 Years

Western Kentucky Epsilon Theta Chase M. McNulty Col. David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship Jeffrey S. Moad F. M. Stevenson Scholarship

Jon Crosby Turner

William Jewell - Alpha Delta Jake R. Hartley Clyde E. Williams Scholarship Jack R. Taylor Schoalrship

30 Years

(Alpha Upsilon-Mississippi 1975) Loyal Order #971

31 Years Timothy K. Adams

(Epsilon-Emory 1957) Loyal Order #326

James H. Heidelberg

(Gamma Zeta-Southern Mississippi 1972) Loyal Order #1007

Dr. John A. Hildreth

(Beta Epsilon-Delaware 1956) Loyal Order #1176

Wingate - Zeta Zeta Addison P. McDowell Harry J. Breithaupt Jr. Scholarship

29 Years James E. Bates Jr. (Beta Eta-Oklahoma 1938) Todd H. Langley*

Wofford - Delta Graham S. Miller E. Fleming Mason Scholarship Robert E. Lee Scholarship

(Gamma Gamma-Memphis 1982) Loyal Order #184

(Iota-Furman 1943) Loyal Order #924

(Kappa-Mercer 1947) Loyal Order #901

COL Howard E. Cody (Ret) (Nu-Auburn 1940)

J. Michael Duncan

(Delta Kappa-Stephen F. Austin State 1969) Loyal Order #11

LTC John R. Hayes Jr.

(Beta Commission-VMI 1973)

Dr. Paul Killian

(Tau-Wake Forest 1956) Loyal Order #2032

Littleton M. Maxwell

(Zeta-Randolph-Macon 1959) Loyal Order #568

John M. Schattyn

(Beta Alpha-Missouri S&T 1961)

Walter W. Walker Jr.

(Epsilon-Emory 1966)

V. Charles Wyatt

(Upsilon-North Carolina 1967)

* deceased

(Gamma Epsilon-Arizona 1954) Loyal Order #1979

Dr. Edwin P. Rather

(Pi-Tennessee 1960) Loyal Order #617

Frank H. Robinson Jr.

(Zeta-Randolph-Macon 1951) Loyal Order #2378


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28 Years

Clinton M. Hunter Jr.

(Alpha Sigma-Georgia Tech 1955) Loyal Order #583

Tennessee - Pi Christopher J. Davis William C. Morrow Jr. Memorial Scholarship Will G. Hodge Charlie R. Ashford Scholarship Harry J. Breithaupt Jr. Scholarship Justin T. McGee Timothy K. Adams Scholarship

45 Years



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Crimson & Gold Society Unveiled The Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation announced its most exclusive donor giving society during the 2012-2013 fiscal year. The Crimson & Gold Society welcomes and recognizes brothers and friends of KA who make unrestricted contributions or commitments of $1,000 or more during a fiscal year. Members receive special recognition in the Annual Report, a Crimson & Gold Society lapel pin for first-time members, a special gift in recognition of membership each year, and are invited to an annual Crimson & Gold Society gathering. The success and growth of the Crimson & Gold Society during its first year exceeded all expectations. Solicitation for membership began in November of 2012 and on June 30, 2013, 98 alumni and friends of KA had joined the Society. Funding received through this society allows the KAOEF to provide grants to support the Order’s educational programs.

The inaugural Crimson & Gold Society gathering, including a reception and dinner, took place in Alamo Hall, on the grounds of the Alamo, during the 75th Convention this past August in San Antonio, Texas. As you read this, plans are now underway for the 2nd annual Crimson & Gold Society gathering planned for August, 2014 in the Charlotte, N.C. area. Membership in the Crimson & Gold Society signifies one’s own commitment to our long-standing belief that as men of Kappa Alpha, it is incumbent upon us to do our duty and remain loyal KA brothers throughout our lives. It is the hope of the KAOEF Board of Trustees and staff that this exclusive society continues to attract alumni and friends of KA who recognize and understand the importance of annually supporting our 6800 undergraduates. Join the ranks of those committed inaugural members listed below:

Members through June 30, 2013 Alabama - Alpha Beta

George M. Jones III, 1981 Appalachian State Delta Psi

Wyatt T. Dixon III, 1987 Dr. D. Wayne Whetsell, 2009 Auburn - Nu

Todd D. Reaves, 1989 Bethany - Beta Beta

Lawrence S. Branch, 1965 California - Alpha Xi

Bruce B. Higton, 1949 Clemson - Delta Omicron

Benjamin W. Satcher, Jr., 1979 Delaware - Beta Epsilon

Bruce L. Hudson Esq., 1965 Eugene M. Julian, 1963 Michael D. Wedlick, 1989 Emory - Epsilon

James L. Ferman Jr., 1962 J. Gordon McGill, 1968 Florida Southern Gamma Pi

James C. France, 1966 Florida - Beta Zeta

Michael D. Abney, 1954 Florida State - Gamma Eta

L. Blair Bailey, 1988 Charles Sheppard Dean, 1963 Randal H. Drew, 1978 William G. Smith Jr., 1973 Francis Marion Delta Tau

William H. Skipper Jr., 1980 Georgia - Gamma

Georgia Tech Alpha Sigma

Mississippi State Beta Tau

Univ. of the South Alpha Alpha

William H. Allen, 1973

Stephen L. Burwell, 1969 Earnest W. Deavenport Jr., 1958 C. Douglas Simmons III, 1995

Dr. Bruce A. Samson, 1956

Jacksonville State Delta Phi

Marcus E. Angle Jr., 1980 Louisiana State Alpha Gamma

Missouri - Alpha Kappa

B. Terry W. Bennett, 1964 Louisiana Tech Gamma Alpha

Erik T. Showalter, 2002 Louisiana-Monroe Gamma Nu

Lawrence W. Pettiette Jr., 1972 Marshall - Beta Upsilon

Franklin T. Brackman, 1961 Memphis Gamma Gamma

S. Morgan Morton, Jr., 1960

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Missouri S&T - Beta Alpha

C. Edward Schmidt Jr., 1962 Missouri Southern State Delta Pi

Dr. Chad E. Wagoner, 1993 Missouri State Gamma Beta

Gordon L. Kinne, 1973 North Carolina State Alpha Omega

Middle Tennessee State Delta Lambda

Derick S. Close, 1978 David B. Hagan, 1976

Nicholas S. Palmer, 2004

North Texas Gamma Lambda

Midwestern State Gamma Omega

Gary L. Recer, 1967

William M. Bone, 1964 Larry D. Slack, 1967 Tommy A. Valenta, 1969 Larry S. Wiese, 1987 Benjamin J. Wilson, 1964

Oklahoma - Beta Eta

Millsaps - Alpha Mu

Oklahoma State - Beta Xi

Harry H. Phillips Jr., 1948 Oklahoma City Gamma Kappa

Steve C. Knight, 1970

John C. Scarborough, 1978 Southern Methodist Beta Lambda

William D. Balthrope, 1958 James B. Cain, 1941 Barry B. Donnell, 1958 Dustin B. Donnell, 2001 O. Brad Freeman, 1959 William E. Livingstone, 1955 Warren S. Wingert, 1958 Southwestern - Xi

James M. Croley, 1959 Rock N. Houstoun, 1970 Michael R. Weir Jr., 1984 Stanford - Alpha Pi

William J. Hagenah, 1963 Texas - Omicron

John C. Cain, 1972 Franklin W. Denius, 1946 Wofford F. Denius, 1971 Norman C. George, 1975 Frank W. Maresh, 1958 William M. Thacker Jr., 1942 Texas State - Epsilon Iota

Ronald R. Morgan, 1979 Texas Tech - Gamma Chi

Mississippi Alpha Upsilon

Presbyterian - Beta Pi

The Hon. W. Swan Yerger (Ret), 1953

William M. Matthews V, 1959

J. Kirk Corbin, 1982 Mitchell L. Heidenheimer, 1983 James R. Purvis, 1985 Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr., 1970

Rhodes - Alpha Epsilon

Tulsa - Mu

Bruce D. Stafford, 1966

Malcolm H. Liles, 1971

James R. Estes, 1960 Kenneth Rickli, 1959 J. William Schulz, 1960

South Carolina - Rho

FALL 2013

Sam O. Leake Jr., 1961

Dustin R. Burrows, 1998


Frank W. Podpechan, 1948

Virginia - Lambda

Gregory A. McCrickard, 1978 VMI - Beta Commission

COL Henry J. Foresman Jr., 1976 Wake Forest - Tau

David P. Barksdale, 1983 Norman B. Kellum Jr., 1956 David M. Warren, 1978 Washington College Beta Omega

George T. Cromwell Jr., 1952 Douglas S. Ewalt, 1971 Univ. of Washington Zeta Mu

Jeffrey G. Leigh, 1997 West Virginia - Alpha Rho

James W. Craig, 1954 West Virginia Wesleyan Beta Chi

Millard L. Cursey Jr., 1965 Harvey P. White, 1952 Westminster - Alpha Eta

Darren S. Kay, 1988 David J. Neihart, 1980 Travis L. Sartain, 1995 Dr. James Michael Schmuck, 1969 William Jewell Alpha Delta

William K. Dillingham, 1995 William E. Dreyer, 1957 Tyler Griffin, 1998 Vance E. Rule, 1947 Robert T. Steinkamp, 1964 Wofford - Delta

R. Scott Heath, 1977


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Crimson & Gold Society | The 1865 Trust

Dear Brothers,


The 1865 Trust recognizes the generosity and foresight of those who choose to embrace the vision of KA’s future by making a meaningful planned gift to the KAOEF. Their entrance into the 1865 Trust bears powerful testimony to the charitable expressions of their values, ideals, and commitment to Kappa Alpha Order’s future. Membership in the 1865 Trust recognizes those who have made provisions for a planned gift of $10,000 or more to the KAOEF. Most alumni in the 1865 Trust will fulfill their gift through one of the most common and perhaps easiest ways of making a planned gift, by naming the KAOEF in their wills, or as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, charitable remainder trust or an IRA. This past year the Trust welcomed four new members to its ranks. This caps off an impressive three year total of $2,000,000 in estate pledges from new Trust members. There have been 150 brothers join the Trust since it was created in 1992 and we continue the quest to encourage brothers to leave a legacy to Kappa Alpha Order so that future generations of young men will have the same great opportunities that each of us have experienced. In closing, I want to share with you that I recently returned from the 75th National KA Convention in San Antonio, Texas, where I spent time with over 500 undergraduate and alumni brothers from across the Order. While present at each Convention I am constantly reminded of how strong our brotherhood remains. When we all come together on behalf of the Order there is no limit to what we can accomplish. I was also particularly proud to have the 1865 Trust members recognized on the convention floor by Knight Commander William E Dreyer, and to interact with many members in attendance at the 1865 Trust reception hosted by the Knight Commander and his Rose, Linda Dreyer. Within the coming year we will proudly begin celebrating the Order’s 150th Anniversary, to culminate in the official celebration at the 76th Convention in Roanoke/Lexington, Virginia, in 2015. In recognition of this significant occasion we have set a goal of bringing in at least 15 new members to The Trust by the time of the Convention. I would be delighted if those of you who are not members would consider the 1865 Trust. I cannot emphasize more strongly how important it is that we are all committed. If you have any questions about the 1865 Trust, or if you wish to join the ranks of 150 other KA brothers who are already members, please contact Ben Satcher, Chief Development Officer, either by phone, (540) 463-1865, or by e-mail, Thank you for your continued support of the Order, and for making Kappa Alpha Order a lifelong commitment. Fraternally yours,

Former Knight Commander/Chairman 1865 TRUST

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Idris Rhea Traylor, Jr.

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1865 Trust Members Members through June 30, 2013 Timothy K. Adams, Emory ‘57 William H. Angle, Westminster ‘45* Anonymous George Patterson Apperson III, Univ. of the South ‘80 The Hon. Paul C. Artman Jr., Delta State ‘70 Douglas D. Ashley, Charleston ‘87* Lawrence E. Ault, East Tennessee State ‘71* L. Blair Bailey, Florida State ‘88 Carlton W. Baker, Randolph-Macon ‘81 Robert H. Baker III, Vanderbilt ‘71 L. Charles Banks, Newberry ‘02 M. Lee Barnes Jr., Appalachian State ‘87 Jason R. Barrett, Mississippi State ‘98 Scott J. Berlin, Southern Methodist ‘72 John F. Bishop II, Delaware ‘46* Raymond B. Bottom Jr., Hampden-Sydney ‘48 Dr. James L. Bowers, Washington College ‘57 Harry J. Breithaupt Jr., Roanoke ‘33* G. Allen Brown Jr., Birmingham-Southern ‘82 Wallace A. Brown Jr., North Carolina ‘40* COL David M. Buie, USA (Ret.), Presbyterian ‘39* Ethan J. Bush, McNeese State ‘97 E. Ken Cain Jr, Valdosta State ‘82 Ely R. Callaway Jr., Emory ‘37* J. David Carico, Emory ‘84 Captain David R. Cheney II, Missouri ‘90 James H. Cochrane Jr., Virginia Tech ‘78 COL James C. Coleman Jr. (Ret.), Georgetown ‘28* Mr. & Mrs. Hugh M. Comer, Emory ‘34* Troy W. Cooper, Texas State ‘87 James M. Crews, Florida State ‘52 M. Donald Davis Jr., South Alabama ‘77 Wayne E. Dawson, Arizona ‘60 William S. Dinker II, Middle Tennessee State ‘74 M. James Donathan Jr., North Carolina State ‘72 William E. Dreyer, William Jewell ‘57** J. Michael Duncan, Stephen F. Austin State ‘69 Walter J. Dunn, Arkansas State ‘87 Valrey W. Early III, Birmingham-Southern ‘80 James R. Estes, Missouri ‘60 M. Woody Faircloth, Mercer ‘05* M. Tom Faircloth, Mercer ‘61 Dr. Richard T. Feller, West Virginia ‘37* Bensley H.L. Field, William & Mary, ‘54 Charles Z. Flack Jr., North Carolina ‘55* J. Rusty Foster, Hampden-Sydney ‘05 W. Julian Foy, Northwestern State ‘72* C. Randolph Gentz, Northwestern State ‘68 Robert L. Graves, Missouri ‘90 H. Lynn Greer Jr., Middle Tennessee State ‘69 Robert W. Hagan, Valdosta State ‘74 Lee A. Hardison III, Lambuth ‘68 Stumpy Harris, Florida ‘57** Grant V. Harrison, Richmond ‘26

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COL William H. Hastings, USA (Ret.), VMI ‘39* Gilbert I. Hayes, Oklahoma, ‘68 Hugh Howard III, Oklahoma, ‘48* Rock N. Houstoun, Southwestern, ‘70 Harold J. Hudson, Missouri ‘42 John R. Hutchings IV, Kentucky ‘77 Leland I. Hyer, Georgia Southern ‘93 Perry S. Ivey Jr., Valdosta State ‘82 Kenneth W. Jackson, Francis Marion ‘81 Darren S. Kay, Westminster‘88 Robert D. Kelly, Missouri Southern State ‘73 Boone A. Knox, Georgia ‘56* Paul H. Kuhn Jr., Vanderbilt ‘62 Paul W. Lammers, South Alabama ‘80 Edward W. Lansing, George Washington ‘43 Edward P. Leslie, Oklahoma State ‘32* Malcolm H. Liles, Georgia ‘71 Jeffrey W. Love, Purdue ‘86 Todd P. Lowe, Western Kentucky ‘79 SGM E. Kent McMichael, VMI ‘95 Frank W. Maresh, Texas ‘58 Richard H. Marks, Birmingham-Southern ‘88 John C. Martin, Baylor ‘82 Michael C. Matthews, Virginia Tech ‘78 Michael D. McCaslin, Transylvania ‘70* J. Coleman McDowell, Texas Tech ‘78 Michael W. McDowell, West Texas A&M ‘90 J. Devin McClendon, Middle Tennessee State ‘94 Michael P. McManus, Southern California ‘89 L. Jay Mehaffey, Georgia Southern ‘82 John R. Milam, Middle Tennessee State ‘72 Kenneth R. Mitchell, California ‘32* John Michael Moore, Southern Methodist ‘90 Ronald R. Morgan, Texas State ‘79 Ty G. Morgan, Missouri State ‘91 Frederick L. Munds Jr., North Carolina ‘48 David R. Murphey III, Washington & Lee ‘51 Bret R. Neathery, Drury ‘84 Michael K. Nikkel, Sam Houston State ‘78 John F. Ory, Texas A&M-Commerce ‘90 Julian A. Pardini, California ‘52* Robert A. Pugh, Middle Tennessee State ‘75 Michael V. Paulin, Southern California ‘60 Thomas G. Paulson II, California ‘49 William T. Pegues III, Louisiana State ‘32* Vernon W. Piper, Washington Univ. ‘33* CPT Ronald C. Plunkett, The Citadel ‘09 Rufus C. Porter, Southern Methodist ‘38* Morris W. Pully, North Carolina ‘45 Philip C. Rand, Georgia ‘68 Dr. Edwin P. Rather, Tennessee ‘60 J. Guy Revelle Jr., Wake Forest ‘52* Frank H. Robinson Jr. Randolph-Macon ‘51 Louis W. Romigh, William Jewell ‘28* Edgar B. Rouse Jr., Maryland ‘37*

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Philip D. Rowe Jr., Vanderbilt ‘46* Ben W. Satcher Jr., Clemson ‘79 J. William Schulz, Missouri ‘60 C. Edward Schmidt Jr., Missouri S&T ‘62 Marc A. Scott, Texas A&M-Commerce ‘84 Gary T. Scott, Southwestern ‘63 Frank P. Sebastian, Texas ‘44 Rufus W. Shivers, Rhodes ‘42* Gregory R. Singleton, Memphis ‘82 William H. Skipper Jr., Francis Marion ‘80 David W. Smith, West Georgia ‘96 Gregory B. Smith, Miami (OH) ‘85 Paul E. Snodgress, Rhodes ‘43* Nathaniel J. Spears, Tennessee-Martin ‘01 W. Reed Sprinkel, Southern California ‘41 COL William E. Steger, Centenary ‘38 Robert T. Steinkamp, William Jewell ‘64 F. M. Stevenson, Oklahoma State ‘30* Thaddeus A. Stubbs Westminster ‘96 Jack R. Taylor, Missouri ‘50 Henry G. Tiller, Jr, Alabama ‘47* Dr. Andrew J. Thacker, VMI ‘61* Mrs. Virginia N. Toombs, Friends of the Order* Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr., Texas Tech ‘70 Carl Trauernicht Jr, Westminster ‘42* John E. Trotter, Texas A&M-Commerce ‘88 James T. Turner Jr., Mercer ‘70 Robert M. Varn, Vanderbilt ‘57* Chad E. Wagoner, Missouri Southern State ‘93 Frank A. Walker Jr, Vanderbilt ‘48 David M. Warren, Wake Forest ‘78 R. Gordon Watkins, Stephen F. Austin State ‘73 Dan Webb, Middle Tennessee State ‘72 Dr. William A. Weinrich, Tulsa ‘51 Donald W. Wells, Eastern Kentucky ‘70 Roy H. Whipp, West Virginia ‘68 Larry Stanton Wiese, Midwestern State ‘87 Warren E. Wilcox Jr., Washington & Lee ‘54 Michael P. Wilson, Transylvania ‘00 Richard B. Wilson Jr., Mississippi ‘58 John T. Woodruff, Drury ‘75 Lewis H. Wyman III, Missouri ‘63 *deceased **gift fulfilled


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1865 Trust Members | Forever KA

forever KA

Keep the connection for life.

Can you put a price on your Kappa Alpha experience? The truth is, KA has given all of us more than we could ever repay. From the days at the chapter house, to the groomsmen in our wedding, and even one-day pallbearers at our funeral, Kappa Alpha is a lifelong experience. Forever KA is an opportunity for any member, active or alumnus, to begin to keep the connection for life. One of the key features of Forever KA is your ability to give money directly to your chapter. After you join

the Loyal Order, or if you are already an existing member, one-third of each of your Forever KA contributions will fund a restricted chapter endowment account for your preferred chapter. Once endowed, this account may provide scholarships, study/library space in the chapter house, funding for attendance at educational programs, or other educational purposes. A list of all restricted chapter endowment accounts, including many established through Forever KA participation, appears on page 53.


Distribution of forever KA Contribution (2012-2013)

13.4 years


7 76 6,






2.5 years

$6 ,0 01


1 year



Number of Forever KA participants from a chapter Number of years for those members to endow their chapter’s account

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Forever KA Participants Forever KA participants, by chapter, through June 30, 2013. All of these men are now receiving Loyal Order benefits APPALACHIAN STATE - DELTA PSI

Wyatt T. Dixon III, 1987 Blake A. Glover, 2006 C. Yates Pharr, 1987 Aaron M. Stutts, 2007 Stuart F. Whetsell, 2006 Clarence E. Williams III, 2007 ARKANSAS TECH - EPSILON ZETA

H. David Pinson, 2000 AUBURN - NU

E. Preston Pritchett, 2010 Todd D. Reaves, 1989 Donny Thompson III, 1975 BOWLING GREEN STATE ZETA LAMBDA


Robert A. Pugh, 1975 Dr. Gary G. Wiser Jr., 1999 MIDWESTERN STATE GAMMA OMEGA

Thomas W. Jones, 1983 P. Gary Myers, 1966 Kevin J. O’Connell, 1991 Larry S. Wiese, 1987 Benjamin J. Wilson, 1964 MISSISSIPPI - ALPHA UPSILON

Richard B. Wilson Jr., 1958

Eddie S. Wilson, 1973 DRURY - BETA IOTA

Mitchell S. Gibbons, 2011 EAST CAROLINA - GAMMA RHO

Matthew R. Hollomon, 2003 J. Ben Whiteside Jr., 1977 EASTERN KENTUCKY - DELTA MU

Christopher M. Castle, 1999 Gary Wayne Grider, 2012 Collin B. Taylor, 1996 FLORIDA - BETA ZETA

Stumpy Harris, 1957 Douglas G. Tibbett, 1987 FLORIDA STATE - GAMMA ETA

Robert L. Flohr, 1989 Jonathan S. Howse Jr., 2005 FRANCIS MARION - DELTA TAU



Russell C. Brown, 1982 Richard L. Cano, 2011 Chris G. Dritsas, 1975 MERCER - KAPPA

King V. Aiken Jr., 1983

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LTC George M. Brooke IV, 1994 J. Robert Crumpler III, 2007



Joshua P. Johnson, 2002



Clay A. Campbell, 2001 Benjamin A. Siadak, 2007 NORTH CAROLINA STATE ALPHA OMEGA

Dustin G. Brann, 2011 Charles F. McDowell, 2011 NORTH CAROLINA-CHARLOTTE EPSILON XI

Garrett A. Bedenbaugh, 2008 G. Hunter Seabolt, 2009 Taylor P. Trogdon Jr., 2011 Kevin R. Wilkinson, 2012 NORTH FLORIDA - ZETA NU

Charles R. Jordan, 2002

J. Michael Duncan, 1969 Dwain P. Knight, 2004 TENNESSEE - PI



Clint F. Cummins, 2000 J. David Nailling, 1981 TEXAS A&M-COMMERCE GAMMA UPSILON

Sidney B. Huston, 2010 John F. Ory, 1990 TEXAS STATE - EPSILON IOTA

Kevin C. Brueggeman, 1993 David W. Cade, 1979 Andrew P. Carr, 2000 W. Madison Day-Wickham, 2003 Ryan T. Young, 2001

David P. Barksdale, 1983 Robert H. Wall, 1995 WASHINGTON COLLEGE BETA OMEGA

Joseph M. Van Name III, 1987 WASHINGTON & LEE - ALPHA

W. Anderson Wasden IV, 2010 UNIV. OF WASHINGTON - ZETA MU


Brandon L. Finke, 1995 J. Marcus Taylor, 1997 Michael J. Zoch, 2011 WEST VIRGINIA - ALPHA RHO


Thomas D. Grimes, Jr., 2009 Jared Thomas Hopkins, 2008 Jesse Samuel Lyons, 1998 SGT Mark B. Rogers, 2004 WESTERN KENTUCKY EPSILON THETA

Brent W. Fellows, 1998 Travis A. Simpson, 2007 CPL Joseph B. Tharp IV, 2005 Chris M. Woods, 2003 WESTMINSTER - ALPHA ETA

Tim J. Sansone, 2005

David C. Chinnery, 1988 Wes W. Gregory, 1990 Robert P. Grone, 1982 Darren S. Kay, 1988 David J. Neihart, 1980 Dr. James M. Schmuck, 1969



William E. Dreyer, 1957

Ross B. Rachal, 2000

Gregory R. Barbosa, 1978 Alfred Diaz Jr., 1984 Bret E. Wier, 1981



Kyle A. Domnick, 2006 Sam O. Leake Jr., 1961 Cameron J. Price, 2008 Robert K. Steinkirchner II, 2002

Michael L. Neely, 1974

Blake E. Benney, 1986 Mark D. Hale, 1990



Scott A. Brown, 1991

John M. Moore, 1990


Joel B. Buck, 2008

Robert H. Gillespie, 1993


Jake A. Dahlke, 2008 Patrick A. Law, 1977 Steven E. Shore, 1972 Dr. Chad E. Wagoner, 1993 John M. Weedn, 1996




Carlyle R. Wimbish, III, 1984

Nathan H. Crissey, 2005 Kurt E. Gazow, 1997


Alex J. Graham, 2008 William E. Robinson III, 1962

Joseph C. Bisacca, 2006



BG Patrick O. Adams, 1965 James R. Estes, 1960 J. William Schulz, 1960



Earl Fain, IV, 1982 Stephen A. Rowe, 1972



Roy E. Prestwood, 1984 Merrill C. Wautlet Jr., 1978

Richard T. Onley, 1947

P. Jason Cording, 1991

Kristopher M. Malloy, 1996






Richard J. Maurer, 1997

Benjamin W. Satcher, Jr., 1979

Cody S. Weinberg, 2012

Matthew H. Alombro, 2006 Jeffery S. Bentivegna, 2000 Richard L. Briseno, 2004 Danny R. Caillouet, 2007 Lucien J. Dornier, 2006 William B. Griffin, 2005 SGT Gerard M. LaBorde, 2006 D. Kent Landacre, Jr., 2009 Cliff R. Lloyd, 2001 Nelson P. Roth, 2004 Randy S. Vicknair, 2003


C. Douglas Simmons III, 1995 William H. Walker, 2007






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Eric D. Osterhus, 2007


Timothy J. Dixon, 2006 Calvin M. Moniz, 2004



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Forever KA Participants | Cumulative Giving

Cumulative Giving $1 Million and Above Harry J. Breithaupt Jr., Roanoke+ William E. Dreyer, William Jewell LO#12

$500,000 to $999,999 William H. Angle, Westminster+ COL David M. Buie USA (Ret.), Presbyterian+ Edward P. Leslie Jr., Oklahoma State+ William R. Williamson, Stanford+

$100,000 to $499,999 R. Jack Alexander Jr., Georgia Tech Lawrence E. Ault, East Tennessee State LO#167+ COL James C. Coleman Jr., Georgetown+ Ruth A. Elder Estate, Friend of the Order+ Bensley H. L. Field, William & Mary LO#651 Alfred I. duPont Foundation, Friend of the Order Andrew H. Heyward III, Georgia LO#16 Dr. C. Thomas Hopkins, Jr., Valdosta State Rock N. Houstoun, Southwestern LO#961 Hugh Howard III, Oklahoma+ Boone A. Knox, Georgia+ William L. M. Knox Jr., Georgia LO#2539 Wyckliffe A. Knox Jr., Georgia J. Coleman McDowell Jr., Texas Tech LO#516 S. Morgan Morton, Jr., Memphis James L. Ostner, Lambuth Thomas G. Paulson II, California LO#44 Vernon W. Piper, Washington Univ. + Vance E. Rule, William Jewell Benjamin W. Satcher, Jr., Clemson LO#17 Gerald W. Schlief, Stephen F. Austin State LO#1214 William H. Skipper Jr., Francis Marion LO#2380 Paul E. Snodgress, Rhodes+ F. M. Stevenson, Oklahoma State+ Mrs. Dorothy Tyree, Friend of the Order+ John W. Walden Jr., Georgia Theodore L. Weise, Missouri S&T LO#293 Clyde E. Williams, William Jewell+

$50,000 to $99,999

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William W. Kidd, Georgia LO#744 Paul V. Kilpatrick Jr., Georgia LO#673 Andrew H. Knox, Georgia Jefferson B. A. Knox, Georgia Robert E. Knox Jr., Georgia Sam O. Leake Jr., Oklahoma State LO#21 S. Wistar Lewis, Georgia David T. Martineau V, Mississippi Robert W. Maupin, Missouri LO#1591 Michael D. McCaslin, Transylvania+ SGM E. Kent McMichael, VMI LO#251 David J. Middleton, Florida State LO#180 Matthew G. Moffett, Georgia James M. Ney, Furman LO#2361 Dr. John W. Nowell, Wake Forest+ Coca-Cola Foundation Matching Gift Program, Friend of the Order Dr. J. Crayton Pruitt, Friend of the Order Morris W. Pully, North Carolina LO#189 Mrs. Gretta Robb, Friend of the Order Larry F. Robb, North Texas LO#66+ Lewis L. Scruggs Jr., Georgia Rufus W. Shivers, Rhodes+ C. Douglas Simmons III, Mississippi State LO#179 Curt Steger, Florida State Mrs. Mildred H. Street, Friend of the Order Dr. Andrew J. Thacker, VMI+ H. Grady Tiller Jr., Alabama+ Mrs. Virginia N. Toombs, Friend of the Order David C. Wadlington, Memphis Charles L. Wallace, Georgia Tech LO#1829 David M. Warren, Wake Forest LO#13 Hugh P. Whitehead, Alabama Raymond Wilkinson, Richmond+ Eddie S. Wilson, Delta State LO#228 Richard B. Wilson Jr., Mississippi LO#93 Lewis H. Wyman III, Missouri LO#47

$25,000 to $49,999 Harold M. Anderson, Alabama Anonymous, Friend of the Order G. Patterson Apperson III, Univ. of the South LO#266 Alvan S. Arnall, Univ. of the South LO#1054+ Frank L. Asbury III, Emory LO#751 Richard A. Barnes, Middle Tennessee State Mrs. Paulina T. Beall, Friend of the Order+ B. Terry W. Bennett, Louisiana State LO#1133 Upshaw C. Bentley Jr., Georgia Richard C. Beveridge, Oklahoma+ John F. Bishop II, Delaware+ Raymond B. Bottom Jr., Hampden-Sydney LO#687 W. Waldo Bradley, Georgia Daniel G. Broos, Georgia Russell C. Brown, Houston Baptist LO#22 Wallace A. Brown Jr., North Carolina+ Eugene E. Brucker, Washington Univ. G. Anthony Campbell, Georgia J. David Carico, Emory Epsilon Delta Chapter James H. Cochrane Jr., Virginia Tech LO#804 John H. Crawford IV, Georgia La Fon C. Dees, Wofford LO#1852 J. Michael Duncan, Stephen F. Austin State LO#11 Mrs. Virginia Bateman Comer Estate, Friend of the Order Dr. Richard T. Feller, West Virginia+ Max S. Flynt, Jr., Oglethorpe+ Kappa Alpha Foundation For Leadership & Service Community for Greater Atlanta Foundation Foundation, Friend of the Order Robert D. Fowler, Univ. of the South+ W. Julian Foy, Northwestern State+ William W. Francis IV, Tulsa LO#500 J. Rex Fuqua, Georgia Michael R. Gonzalez, Tennessee LO#174 Robert E. Graham Jr., Wofford H. Lynn Greer Jr., Middle Tennessee State LO#105 Rutledge A. Griffin Jr., Georgia Otis M. Healy, Southern California LO#1518 Hunter W. Henry Jr., Mississippi State+ George M. D. Hunt IV, Georgia Darren S. Kay, Westminster LO#55


$10,000 to $24,999 Michael D. Abney, Florida LO#933 Clyde B. Anderson, Alabama Wogan S. Badcock, Jr., Florida+ Dr. William R. Baldt, Delaware Gary D. Barnes, William Jewell M. Lee Barnes, Jr., Appalachian State LO#1396 William G. Bean Jr., Washington & Lee LO#661 Wayne T. Biddle, Oklahoma+ Clayton P. Boardman III, Charleston LO#1917 Robert M. Boswell III, Wake Forest Dr. James L. Bowers, Washington College LO#496 Franklin T. Brackman, Marshall John H. Bryan Jr., Rhodes Clayton E. Bunting, Richmond LO#204 Paul R. Burns, Louisiana State LO#46 Stephen L. Burwell, Mississippi State LO#1993 Thomas H. Campbell, Middle Tennessee State Red Cavaney CAE, Southern California Lloyd P. Cornell Jr., California+ Mark C. Cross Jr., Georgia Millard L. Cursey Jr., West Virginia Wesleyan LO#537 James E. Davis, Missouri LO#1084 M. Donald Davis Jr., South Alabama LO#570 John B. De Nault, Stanford LO#2973 Alfred Diaz Jr., Texas-Arlington LO#549 M. Allen Dickson, Washington & Lee William K. Dillingham, William Jewell LO#1425


John Evans Dowlen Jr., Georgia Gerald C. Down, California LO#2293 Rev. James L. Duncan, Mercer+ Douglas S. Ewalt, Washington College LO#78 G. Walther Ewalt, Johns Hopkins LO#77+ M. Tom Faircloth, Mercer LO#19 William W. Featheringill, Vanderbilt LO#819+ James L. Ferman Sr., Emory+ Charles Z. Flack Jr., North Carolina+ John Paul Foundation, Friend of the Order James C. France, Florida Southern Francis E. Gardiner Jr., Johns Hopkins LO#1941 U. Edwin Garrison, Mississippi State James D. Goudge, Texas William T. Green, Centenary LO#812 John L. Hall, Wake Forest LO#870 Loren Q. Hanson, Missouri LO#883 Victor H. Hanson II, Virginia LO#315 The Hon. Porter Hardy Jr., Randolph-Macon+ Douglas B. Harris, Houston Baptist LO#873 Grant V. Harrison, Richmond+ COL William H. Hastings Jr. (Ret), VMI LO#691+ Bruce B. Higton, California LO#683 Ms. Rosann F. Hooks, Friend of the Order Bruce L. Hudson Esq., Delaware LO#2148 GrandStand Sports, Inc., Friend of the Order Hugh M. Inman, Georgia+ Masterpiece Investments, Friend of the Order John R. Jackson, Georgia Carl E. Jones Jr., Alabama George M. Jones III, Alabama LO#385 John D. Jones Jr., Georgia LO#989 John F. Knight, Georgia Jefferson B. A. Knox Jr., Georgia Paul H. Kuhn Jr., Vanderbilt LO#2103 Dr. Burnell Landers, William Jewell LO#1885 Malcolm H. Liles, Georgia LO#342 Clyde R. Littlefield, Texas LO#860 Samuel W. Magruder, Vanderbilt LO#1406 J. Frank Mahoney III, Southern California+ James L. Matte, Emory Kenneth A. May, Memphis Dr. O. Hunter McClung Jr., VMI+ John M. McNatt Jr., Emory Charles C. Mickel, Clemson Jerry L. Milligan, Oklahoma Kenneth R. Mitchell, California+ William T. Morgan III, Auburn Thomas C. Moxley, Alabama Frederick L. Munds Jr., North Carolina LO#1890+ Ray P. Oden Jr., Louisiana State LO#637+ Mrs. Helen R. O’Mara, Friend of the Order Mr Stephen C. Owings, Georgia Julian A. Pardini, California+ William T. Pegues III, Louisiana State+ The Hon. Anthony L. Polumbo, Lamar Jim Possehl, Friend of the Order The Chapters of Irwin Province Dr. Edwin P. Rather, Tennessee LO#617 J. Guy Revelle Jr., Wake Forest+ Carlton Mulcahy Rogers, Southern California+ Nat S. Rogers, Millsaps LO#646 Louis W. Romigh, William Jewell+ Philip D. Rowe Jr., Vanderbilt LO#697


Timothy K. Adams, Emory LO#326 Richard J. Arroll, Georgia L. Blair Bailey, Florida State LO#84 Robert J. Beckham, Emory+ James W. Bowyer, Georgia Tech Jack B. Carter II, Auburn LO#57 Derick S. Close, North Carolina State LO#2838 Barry B. Donnell, Southern Methodist LO#1045 Hugh Howard III Estate, Friend of the Order James R. Estes, Missouri LO#10 James L. Ferman Jr., Emory LO#185 Jerry B. Fussell, Georgia Tech Henry C. Goodrich, Tennessee+ David B. Hagan, North Carolina State LO#43 Stumpy Harris, Florida LO#919 Hubert L. Harris Jr., Georgia Tech Eugene M. Julian, Delaware LO#1239 Kappa Alpha Order National Administrative Office Norman B. Kellum Jr., Wake Forest LO#1480 Frank W. Maresh, Texas LO#14 William A. McRae, Georgia

David R. Murphey III, Washington & Lee Edwin R. Neel, Georgia Michael V. Paulin, Southern California LO#1623 Todd D. Reaves, Auburn LO#1315 Roy O. Rodwell Jr., Duke, LO #2749 Edgar B. Rouse Jr., Maryland+ James H. Sammons, M.D., Washington & Lee+ C. Edward Schmidt Jr., Missouri S&T LO#294 J. William Schulz, Missouri LO#2503 Barry L. Storey, Georgia Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr., Texas Tech LO#866 Harry A. Trueblood Jr., Texas Robert M. Varn, Vanderbilt+ Edward I. Weisiger Jr., North Carolina State Harvey P. White, West Virginia Wesleyan Larry Stanton Wiese, Midwestern State LO#37

Chapters listed are initiation chapters  deceased LO = Loyal Order

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Cumulative Giving (continued) Dr. James Michael Schmuck, Westminster LO#1064 Dr. March E. Seabrook, Wofford George W. Simmons, Georgia John E. Simpson III, Texas Tech John D. Smoot, Jr., The George Washington+ Charles M. Sours, Millsaps LO#640+ W. Reed Sprinkel, Southern California LO#656 Steven M. Steele, Stephen F. Austin State LO#1645 Thaddeus A. Stubbs, Westminster LO#2009 James A. Todd Jr., West Virginia LO#1861 Elizabeth Hampton Trust, Friend of the Order McCall Trust, Friend of the Order Stewart Turley, Rollins LO#312 James T. Turner Jr., Mercer LO#963 Robert D. Valdez, Stanford F. Brook Voght, Alabama+ Dr. Chad E. Wagoner, Missouri Southern State LO#32 Donald W. Webb, Sr., Georgetown R. Dudley Webb, Georgetown Ernest G. Williams, Alabama+ Steven M. Williams, North Carolina-Charlotte LO#1631 Warren S. Wingert, Southern Methodist LO#2116

$5,000 to $9,999 William P. Acker III, Vanderbilt LO#15 James Aylor Anderson, Jr., Valdosta State+ Bennett P. Applegate, Miami Charlie R. Ashford Jr., Friend of the Order+ William Y. Atkinson IV, Georgia Harry R. Baker, Missouri State LO#964 Julian B. Baker Jr., Middle Tennessee State LO#1492 Lewis T. Baker Jr., Centenary David P. Barksdale, Wake Forest LO#156 Henry H. Beckwith, Florida LO#346 Thomas M. Belk, Davidson+ Ross A. Berlin, Wake Forest Richard M. Blades, Texas John R. Bolton, Louisiana Tech LO#2666 Robert A. Bowen Jr., Mercer Lawrence S. Branch, Bethany LO#1262 J. Melville Broughton III, Wake Forest Kenneth L. Brown, Missouri LO#313 Dr. Donald M. Bryan, Florida Robert W. Buskirk II, Marshall LO#2943 Peter M. Candler, Washington & Lee Henry R. Carr, Sr., Oklahoma+ David B. H. Chaffe III, Tulane LO#1778 Kent T. Chapin, Oklahoma State LO#1258 Gamma Eta Chapter The Chapters of Graves Province M.R. Buck Clements, Jr., Florida State+ The Hon. William P. Clements Jr., Southern Methodist+ Bernard G. Cline Jr., Richmond+ State Mutual Insurance Company, Friend of the Order Michael A. Costa, California-Riverside LO#1622 James Ward Wood Prov. Court of Honor Barry E. Cox, Georgia Tech LO#1710 John W. Cox Sr., Emory+ James W. Craig, West Virginia LO#1417 George T. Cromwell Jr., Washington College

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George W. Culler Jr., Drury+ Dr. Paul J. Davis, Westminster Earnest W. Deavenport Jr., Mississippi State LO#1318 Franklin W. Denius, Texas Frederick W. Dismuke Sr., Georgia Tech+ M. James Donathan Jr., North Carolina State LO#1144 W. Birch Douglass III, Hampden-Sydney LO#2521 Ernest R. Eaton, Jr., Maryland Joseph M. Farley, BirminghamSouthern+ Robert R. Feagin III, Friend of the Order Charles M. Fitts Jr., Alabama LO#639 Henry J. Foresman Sr., VMI+ COL Henry J. Foresman Jr., VMI LO#1361 Jurenko Foundation, Friend of the Order Overstreet Short Mountain Foundation, Friend of the Order Sumter & Ivilyn Lowry Foundation, Friend of the Order Dr. W. McLeod Frampton Jr., Charleston+ William Robinson Frazier, North Carolina+ John W. Frost II, Florida LO#1235 John T. Glover, Emory John R. Griffin Jr., North Carolina LO#1675 Tyler Griffin, William Jewell LO#114 Robert A. Gritton, Georgetown+ John G. Guerrant, Washington & Lee+ George G. Guthrie, Duke Robert W. Hagan, Valdosta State LO#2150 William J. Hagenah, Stanford LO#1155 Harry G. Haisten Jr., Georgia LO#2911 Mrs. Virginia Hardesty, Friend of the Order Jack Y. Harrison, Duke LO#1481 George Keith Hatheway, Tulsa+ Leland M. Hawes Jr., Florida+ W. Edgar Helms III, South Carolina LO#985+ MG James L. Hobson Jr., Memphis LO#2401 Colby J. Hunter, Arizona MG Richard Logan Irby, VMI+ Dr. Larry A. Jenkins, California-Davis Arthur F. Jones II, Presbyterian CPT Clyde M. Jones, Southwestern LO#166 Kappa Alpha Order National Administrative Office Kappa Alpha Tenth Order James D. Kay Jr., Auburn LO#2147 Lawrence L. Keefer, Furman LO#959 E. Larry Kelly, Georgia Tech LO#1336 Robert D. Kelly, Missouri Southern State LO#25 David A. Kimbell, Oklahoma LO#1294+ Sam D. King, Georgia Gordon L. Kinne, Missouri State LO#886 Paul W. Lammers, South Alabama LO#108 Thomas M. Lane, South Carolina Todd H. Langley, Arizona LO#1979+ George G. Langston III, Southwestern LO#545 Ernest G. Lawhorne, South Carolina Lowell H. Lebermann Jr., Texas+ Jeffrey G. Leigh, Univ. of Washington Arthur L. Lenahan, Alabama+ Jeffrey W. Love, Purdue LO#79 Richard M. Lucas, Texas+ Robert J. Lucas, Southern California LO#1683

FALL 2013


Chapters listed are initiation chapters  deceased LO = Loyal Order

Robert Ervin Luckie, Jr, Birmingham-Southern+ Jesse Samuel Lyons, Western Carolina LO#39 Clarence M. Malone, Jr., Texas William M. Matthews V, Presbyterian LO#2745 W. Fritz Maxwell, Mississippi State LO#662 Gregory A. McCrickard, Virginia William M. McGee, Louisiana-Monroe LO#987 COL John B. McKinney, Tennessee LO#745 John B. McKinnon, Duke Randolph W. McLaughlin, Florida Larry D. Meyers, Texas Tech LO#790 John R. Milam, Middle Tennessee State Joe F. Mills, Tulsa LO#260 William A. Mitchell Jr., Vanderbilt Loy B. Moore, Southern Methodist LO#1212 Ronald R. Morgan, Texas State LO#295 William D. Morrison, Emory James C. Musser, Eastern Kentucky Dr. Garry L. Nall, West Texas A&M LO#929 Bret R. Neathery, Drury LO#972 Ms. Suzy Nelson, Friend of the Order William L. Nix, Georgia Philip P. Noftsinger, George Mason LO#208 David M. O’Dell, Old Dominion LO#24 D. Tom O’Neal Jr., Missouri Travis M. Osborne, Friend of the Order Jeff A. Parker, Jacksonville State LO#1358 Milton E. Pate, Clemson E. William Pautler Jr., Rollins Hugo A. Pearce III, Newberry LO#506 Windsor Plaza, Friend of the Order Frank W. Podpechan, Tulsa LO#445 William S. Porter, Tennessee LO#1083 J. Stephen Powell III, Auburn Mrs. Frances M. Pruitt, Friend of the Order Nelson H. Puett, Univ. of the South LO#1485 Christopher J. Puricelli, Missouri State James R. Purvis, Texas Tech LO#678 Neal J. Quirk, Georgia John W. Ramsay, Mississippi State+ Timothy J. Reed, Clemson LO#769 William B. Reed, Birmingham-Southern LO#520 David E. Reemsnyder II, West Virginia Wesleyan J. Derrill Rice, Presbyterian Jerry J. Richardson, Wofford Kenneth Rickli, Missouri LO#922 Douglas W. Robertson, Louisiana Tech LO#110 Robert M. Ross, Maryland LO#1279 L. Lamar Rou, Jr., Florida Southern+ William C. Routh, Oklahoma LO#1418 Robert F. Sawyer, Stanford Gary T. Scott, Southwestern LO#859 Marc Allan Scott, Texas A&M-Commerce LO#88 Leo W. Seal Jr., Mississippi State+ J. Emmett Sebrell, North Carolina+ Deloitte Services LP, Friend of the Order Erik T. Showalter, Louisiana Tech LO#884 Gregory R. Singleton, Memphis LO#184 Thomas H. Sloan, North Carolina Gregory B. Smith, Miami W. Godfrey Smith, Florida+

William G. Smith Jr., Florida State W. Hunt Smock, Kentucky Bruce D. Stafford, Millsaps LO#1280 William R. Stamler Jr., Univ. of the South LO#257 Dietrich H. Steffens, Washington College+ Robert T. Steinkamp, William Jewell LO#1282 John W. Stephenson, Emory Douglas C. Stone, Mississippi+ Curtis A. Sumpter, Roanoke+ J. Frank Surface, Friend of the Order LT James M. Tallman, MD, Emory LO#834 Ms. Martha P. Tarpen, Friend of the Order Jack R. Taylor, Drury LO#2022 Craig S. Thompson, Johns Hopkins Hollis C. Thompson, Jr., Mississippi+ William Jeffrey Thompson, Oklahoma Randolph William Thrower Sr., Emory+ Kenneth Amestoy Tipton, Southern California LO#1249+ Carl Trauernicht Jr., Westminster+ James C. Turk Jr., Roanoke J. Terry Turner, Texas A&M-Commerce Joseph M. Van Name III, Washington College LO#69 Gordon S. Varnedoe, Emory A. Curtis Walker, Duke+ Dr. Charles R. Walker, Oklahoma City Michael D. Wedlick, Delaware LO#580 Warren B. Weeks Jr., Oklahoma LO#805 Stephen R. Welch, Delaware LO#1672 Dr. D. Wayne Whetsell, Appalachian State LO#2601 Samuel A. Wigley, Louisiana-Monroe+ Michael P. Wilson, Transylvania LO#40 Roger P. Wood, Marshall LO#1681 Robert W. Woodruff, Emory+ Edgar L. Woods, Newberry George T. Wootten, Jr., Missouri S&T J. Larkin Wright Jr., Valdosta State Thomas M. Wright, Northwestern State LO#978 V. Charles Wyatt, North Carolina Delos H. Yancey III, Friend of the Order G. Smedes York, North Carolina State LO#2540


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Cumulative Giving (continued) | Annual Giving

Annual Giving

Chapters listed are initiation chapters *denotes commitment to the Crimson & Gold Society prior to June 30, 2013  deceased LO = Loyal Order


LOUISIANA-MONROE - GAMMA NU Lawrence W. Pettiette Jr.*

PRESBYTERIAN - BETA PI William M. Matthews V, LO# 2745

WOFFORD - DELTA Robert E. Graham Jr.

MEMPHIS - GAMMA GAMMA Laurence Y. Fairey MG James L. Hobson Jr., LO# 2401 Michael E. Hopper, LO# 976 S. Morgan Morton Jr.* Steve Kirl Parks

RHODES - ALPHA EPSILON Joseph M. Evangelisti

Knight Commander's Society $5,000 & Above APPALACHIAN STATE - DELTA PSI Dr. D. Wayne Whetsell, LO# 2601* CLEMSON - DELTA OMICRON Benjamin W. Satcher Jr., LO# 17* DELAWARE - BETA EPSILON Bruce L. Hudson Esq., LO# 2148* DELTA STATE - DELTA BETA Eddie S. Wilson, LO# 228 EMORY - EPSILON Timothy K. Adams, LO# 326 James L. Matte

MERCER James T. Turner Jr., LO #963

George C. Marshall Society $1,000 to $4,999 ALABAMA - ALPHA BETA George M. Jones III, LO #385 Richard L. Powell ARIZONA - GAMMA EPSILON Wayne E. Dawson, LO# 2718 Peter C. Winters

BETHANY - BETA BETA Lawrence S. Branch, LO# 1262*

FRIENDS OF THE ORDER Kappa Alpha Foundation For Leadership & Service Masterpiece Investments Mrs. Gretta Robb

CALIFORNIA - ALPHA XI Bruce B. Higton, LO# 683* Thomas G. Paulson II, LO# 44

GEORGIA - GAMMA G. Anthony Campbell John Evans Dowlen Jr. J. Rex Fuqua Andrew H. Heyward III, LO# 16 George M. D. Hunt IV Sam D. King Jefferson B. A. Knox Jr. Boone A. Knox+ Jefferson B. A. Knox Lewis L. Scruggs Jr. Barry L. Storey HAMPDEN-SYDNEY - ALPHA TAU Raymond B. Bottom Jr., LO# 687 LOUISIANA STATE - ALPHA GAMMA B. Terry W. Bennett, LO# 1133* MARSHALL - BETA UPSILON Franklin T. Brackman* MISSISSIPPI - ALPHA UPSILON David T. Martineau V MISSISSIPPI STATE - BETA TAU C. Douglas Simmons III, LO# 179* NORTH CAROLINA STATE - ALPHA OMEGA Derick S. Close, LO# 2838* David B. Hagan, LO# 43* Edward I. Weisiger Jr.

MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE - DELTA LAMBDA Julian B. Baker Jr., LO# 1492 H. Lynn Greer Jr., LO# 105 Nicholas S. Palmer, LO# 1864*

AUBURN - NU Todd D. Reaves, LO# 1315*

FRANCIS MARION - DELTA TAU William H. Skipper Jr., LO# 2380*

FURMAN - IOTA James M. Ney, LO# 2361

MIAMI - EPSILON LAMBDA Bennett P. Applegate Richard J. Brunner Timothy A. Gallo Christopher W. Lynch Robert A. Marchi Carl C. Olsen Clifford R. Peterson Todd W. Roadman John A. Romelfanger

MIDWESTERN STATE - GAMMA OMEGA Larry D. Slack, LO# 1461* Tommy A. Valenta, LO# 2556* Larry S. Wiese, LO# 37* Benjamin J. Wilson, LO# 3004*

DELAWARE - BETA EPSILON Eugene M. Julian, LO# 1239* Michael D. Wedlick, LO# 580* DRURY - BETA IOTA Bret R. Neathery, LO# 972 EMORY - EPSILON James L. Ferman Jr., LO# 185* J. Gordon McGill*

MISSOURI S&T - BETA ALPHA C. Edward Schmidt Jr., LO# 294*

FRIENDS OF THE ORDER Catherine Cash Gainesville Alumni Chapter Wilmington DE Alumni Chapter Jaffe Studio Gallery Blue River Studio Group Ms. Rosann F. Hooks Ms. Janie M. Houf Ms. Brianne Tillotson






OKLAHOMA - BETA ETA Harry H. Phillips Jr., LO# 1879*


LAMBUTH - GAMMA OMICRON Dana M. Groff Jr., LO# 1973


LOUISIANA TECH - GAMMA ALPHA Erik T. Showalter, LO# 884*

OKLAHOMA STATE - BETA XI Lance D. Laubach, LO# 555 Sam O. Leake Jr., LO# 21*

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TEXAS A&M-COMMERCE - GAMMA UPSILON Marc Allan Scott, LO# 88 TEXAS STATE - EPSILON IOTA Ronald R. Morgan, LO# 295* TEXAS TECH - GAMMA CHI Mitchell L. Heidenheimer* 2LT Christopher A. Huff James R. Purvis, LO# 678* Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr., LO# 866* Steven L. Wright, LO# 1919 TULSA - MU Frank W. Podpechan, LO# 445* VANDERBILT - CHI Dr. Robert Gardell Hoehn VIRGINIA - LAMBDA Gregory A. McCrickard* VIRGINIA TECH - EPSILON ETA James H. Cochrane Jr., LO# 804 VMI - BETA COMMISSION COL Henry J. Foresman Jr., LO# 1361* SGM E. Kent McMichael, LO# 251 LTC William E. Wray Jr., LO# 872




STANFORD - ALPHA PI William J. Hagenah, LO# 1155*

TEXAS - OMICRON John C. Cain* Franklin W. Denius* Wofford F. Denius* Norman C. George, LO# 2672* James D. Goudge Frank W. Maresh, LO# 14* William M. Thacker Jr., LO# 1757*

RICHMOND - ETA Clayton E. Bunting, LO# 204

SOUTHWESTERN - XI James M. Croley, LO# 1561* Rock N. Houstoun, LO# 961* George G. Langston III, LO# 545 Christopher D. Portmann Michael R. Weir Jr., LO# 937*

MISSISSIPPI - ALPHA UPSILON T. Michael Glenn The Hon. W. Swan Yerger (Ret), LO# 1759*

FLORIDA STATE - GAMMA ETA L. Blair Bailey, LO# 84* Charles Sheppard Dean* Randal H. Drew, LO# 1138* William G. Smith Jr.*

GEORGIA - GAMMA Mark C. Cross Jr. Malcolm H. Liles, LO# 342*

SOUTHERN METHODIST - BETA LAMBDA Shawn A. Bailey William D. Balthrope* James B. Cain* Casey S. Deskins Dustin B. Donnell* O. Brad Freeman, LO# 1942* William E. Livingstone* John M. Moore, LO# 1704 Warren S. Wingert, LO# 2116*


MISSOURI - ALPHA KAPPA James R. Estes, LO# 10* Kenneth Rickli, LO# 922* J. William Schulz, LO# 2503*


UNIV. OF THE SOUTH - ALPHA ALPHA Dr. Bruce A. Samson, LO# 2127*

MILLSAPS - ALPHA MU Bruce D. Stafford, LO# 1280*

MISSISSIPPI STATE - BETA TAU Stephen L. Burwell, LO# 1993* Earnest W. Deavenport Jr., LO# 1318*

FLORIDA - BETA ZETA Michael D. Abney, LO# 933* Stumpy Harris, LO# 919

SOUTH CAROLINA - RHO John C. Scarborough*

FALL 2013

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Annual Giving (continued) WAKE FOREST - TAU David P. Barksdale, LO# 156* Ross A. Berlin Robert M. Boswell III J. Melville Broughton III Norman B. Kellum Jr., LO# 1480* David M. Warren, LO# 13* UNIV. OF WASHINTGON - ZETA MU Jeffrey G. Leigh* WASHINGTON COLLEGE - BETA OMEGA George T. Cromwell Jr.* Douglas S. Ewalt, LO# 78* William R. Janney III, LO# 45 WEST VIRGINIA - ALPHA RHO James W. Craig, LO# 1417* WEST VIRGINIA WESLEYAN - BETA CHI Millard L. Cursey Jr., LO# 537* Harvey P. White* WESTMINSTER - ALPHA ETA Robert S. Fasoldt Travis L. Sartain, LO# 214* Dr. James M. Schmuck, LO# 1064* WILLIAM JEWELL - ALPHA DELTA Gary D. Barnes William K. Dillingham, LO# 1425* Tyler Griffin, LO# 114* Vance E. Rule* Robert T. Steinkamp, LO# 1282* WOFFORD - DELTA R. Scott Heath, LO# 2243*

Robert E. Lee Society $500 to $999 APPALACHIAN STATE - DELTA PSI Wyatt T. Dixon III, LO# 2829* Jason S. Johnson

FRIENDS OF THE ORDER Olive Branch Carpet Alpha Upsilon Chapter Graphic Cow U. S. Bancorp Foundation Verizon Foundation The Peabody Memphis Shell Oil Company Foundation Matching Gifts Program Mrs. Nila H. Whetsell FURMAN - IOTA G. Randy Smith, LO# 1635 GEORGIA SOUTHERN - DELTA THETA Dr. Thomas H. Moseley Jr. GEORGIA TECH - ALPHA SIGMA Barry E. Cox, LO# 1710 Jeff V. Giglio Karl I. Glaser HAMPDEN-SYDNEY - ALPHA TAU J. Robert Bray, LO# 932 LAMBUTH - GAMMA OMICRON Dan H. Akin, LO# 2549 Tom David Wagster Jr., LO# 1295 LOUISIANA STATE - ALPHA GAMMA Gene C. McQuown, LO# 1465

MIAMI - EPSILON LAMBDA Bruce J. Benes, LO# 1234 Sanford T. Mathias Matthew S. Romelfanger Eric A. Thorsen John M. Tipton

MISSOURI STATE - GAMMA BETA Christopher J. Puricelli


NORTH CAROLINA - UPSILON Morris W. Pully, LO# 189 V. Charles Wyatt




OKLAHOMA - BETA ETA Christopher S. Hoppe Harold F. MacDowell Jr., LO# 213

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SOUTHWESTERN - XI Charles E. Cotten Gene Elder Jr. E. Bryan Gentle Martin R. Harris Jr. Gerald D. Tinsley M. DeWayne Varnadore TENNESSEE - PI Dr. Edwin P. Rather, LO# 617

TEXAS TECH - GAMMA CHI J. Kirk Corbin* Dr. Thomas M. Kleuser, LO# 1405 Thomas W. Myers Robb A. Stewart, LO# 365 TEXAS-ARLINGTON - DELTA IOTA LTC Darren L. Cochran Michael A. McHugh, LO# 1520 TRANSYLVANIA - ALPHA THETA Ben A. Thomas Jr., LO# 742 Michael P. Wilson, LO# 40 UNIV. OF THE SOUTH - ALPHA ALPHA Mason G. Alexander Jr., LO# 135 Christopher T. Moser Hugh F. Sharber VALDOSTA STATE - DELTA RHO Robert W. Hagan, LO# 2150 James R. Suber VMI - BETA COMMISSION Meade A. Spotts

a. b. c.



AUBURN - NU Jack B. Carter II, LO# 57 Robert W. Humphreys

SOUTHERN METHODIST - BETA LAMBDA Joshua L. Gary Jordan M. Harper Bryan Houston David T. Kastor, LO# 1836 Harold F. MacDowell III



FRANCIS MARION - DELTA TAU Kenneth W. Jackson, LO# 1123

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA - BETA SIGMA Robert J. Lucas, LO# 1683 J. Kemp Richardson

MILLSAPS - ALPHA MU Nat S. Rogers, LO# 646

ARKANSAS STATE - DELTA ETA Michael A. Curtis, LO# 300

FLORIDA - BETA ZETA Henry H. Beckwith, LO# 346 Preston L. Farrior


MERCER - KAPPA William K. Pou Jr., LO# 2449 Raymond M. Warren III, LO# 2453

MISSOURI - ALPHA KAPPA Loren Q. Hanson, LO# 883

EMORY - EPSILON William D. Morrison


RHODES - ALPHA EPSILON Dustin R. Burrows* William E. Miller

LOUISIANA TECH - GAMMA ALPHA Ronnie E. Bounds Jr. Donald R. O’Neal Jr., LO# 2815 MG Jack W. Ramsaur II, LO# 2195



Chapters listed are initiation chapters  deceased LO = Loyal Order

OKLAHOMA CITY - GAMMA KAPPA Steve C. Knight, LO# 1147*

Donor Summary Donor Type Contributions a. Parents / Non-members $85,959 b. Undergraduates 3,885 c. Staff / Volunteers 209,215 d. Alumni 648,945 Totals



# of Donors 156 51 70 1,574 1,851

OKLAHOMA STATE - BETA XI Kent T. Chapin, LO# 1258 PRESBYTERIAN - BETA PI James R. Martin, LO# 2904 J. Derrill Rice RANDOLPH-MACON - ZETA Dr. Stephen P. Long, LO# 876

FALL 2013



10/2/13 9:21 AM

Annual Giving (continued) | Donor Summary | Annual Giving by Chapter

Annual Giving (continued) | Annual Giving by Chapter

Annual Giving by Chapter The following list shows how many individual donors, both Active and Alumni, from each of these chapters gave a gift to the KAOEF and the total amounts of gifts per chapter. No members from your chapter donated if your chapter is not listed. Figures are reflective of initiates of specified chapter. Transfer chapters are not indicated. School


Donors Total ($) School

KAJ_Fall2013_46-65_P4.indd 65


Donors Total ($) School

Millsaps Alpha Mu Mississippi Alpha Upsilon Mississippi State Beta Tau Missouri Alpha Kappa Missouri S&T Beta Alpha Missouri Southern State Delta Pi Missouri State Gamma Beta Murray State Delta Nu New Mexico Beta Phi Newberry Delta Epsilon Nicholls State Epsilon Beta North Carolina Upsilon North Carolina State Alpha Omega North Carolina-Charlotte Epsilon Xi North Carolina-Wilmington Epsilon Psi North Florida Zeta Nu North Texas Gamma Lambda Northern Arizona Epsilon Tau Northwestern State Gamma Psi Oklahoma Beta Eta Oklahoma City Gamma Kappa Oklahoma State Beta Xi Old Dominion Delta Gamma Penn State Zeta Eta Presbyterian Beta Pi Purdue Epsilon Rho Purdue Epsilon Sigma Randolph-Macon Zeta Rhodes Alpha Epsilon Richmond Eta Roanoke Beta Rho Rollins Alpha Psi Sam Houston State Gamma Tau San Diego State Gamma Iota San Jose State Gamma Delta South Alabama Epsilon Alpha South Carolina Rho Southeastern Louisiana Epsilon Kappa Southern California Beta Sigma Southern Methodist Beta Lambda Southern Mississippi Gamma Zeta


16 2,777.65 23 13,446.11 28 11,172.01 21 12,249.46 27 3,589.05 15 3,602.03 12 2,207.15 5 258.65 1 50.00 6 1,600.00 2 42.65 22 2,653.98 21 44,285.80 2 169.98 1 36.00 2 235.16 13 2,643.24 2 1,169.32 12 1,955.60 17 3,739.59 9 2,210.30 14 5,166.29 11 3,050.00 2 385.00 19 3,612.80 2 451.65 2 52.00 12 2,236.50 10 3,680.00 15 7,394.25 13 1,831.88 8 675.00 3 186.61 1 150.00 4 675.00 1 250.00 31 3,054.30 6 657.78 17 11,452.30 41 38,597.26 9 814.30


Donors Total ($)

Southwestern Xi 23 13,354.66 Stanford Alpha Pi 8 1,668.65 Stephen F. Austin State Delta Kappa 8 1,868.32 Tennessee Pi 8 1,275.00 Tennessee-Chattanooga Zeta Upsilon 1 32.00 Tennessee-Martin Delta Upsilon 7 2,205.81 Texas Omicron 16 11,044.28 Texas A&M Epsilon Delta 6 1,550.00 Texas A&M-Commerce Gamma Upsilon 5 2,544.63 Texas State Epsilon Iota 5 1,686.81 Texas Tech Gamma Chi 28 12,789.81 Texas Wesleyan Zeta Xi 1 18.65 Texas-Arlington Delta Iota 14 2,206.67 Transylvania Alpha Theta 13 3,183.09 Tulane Psi 10 1,482.00 Tulsa Mu 20 3,435.29 Univ. of the South Alpha Alpha 12 3,659.99 Valdosta State Delta Rho 15 2,398.80 Vanderbilt Chi 15 3,688.50 Virginia Lambda 7 1,950.00 Virginia Tech Epsilon Eta 3 1,274.46 Virginia Wesleyan Epsilon Omicron 1 224.66 VMI Beta Commission 79 10,620.88 Wake Forest Tau 27 14,489.60 Washington Beta Omega 15 6,258.98 Washington Zeta Mu 3 1,249.16 Washington & Lee Alpha 12 1,000.00 Washington Univ. Beta Theta 5 295.00 West Texas A&M Gamma Sigma 11 1,206.03 West Virginia Alpha Rho 8 1,655.83 West Virginia Wesleyan Beta Chi 13 3,311.36 Western Carolina Delta Alpha 11 793.50 Western Kentucky Epsilon Theta 9 951.57 Westminster Alpha Eta 25 15,336.60 William & Mary Alpha Zeta 16 1,390.00 William Jewell Alpha Delta 15 46,163.95 Wingate Zeta Zeta 3 270.00 Wofford Delta 20 12,725.00 Omega Commission 1 500.00 Friends of the Order 161 91,541.80 Totals



“To receive a scholarship this past fall was a blessing. It allowed me to pursue an internships, and thus gain experience for my future career. If I was not awarded the scholarship from KAOEF, I would have been in a financial bind. I feel honored to be a recipient and intend on returning the favor one day as a an alumnus.” – Will Hodge (Pi-Tennessee ’11)



Alabama Alpha Beta 21 5,630.50 Appalachian State Delta Psi 11 7,343.94 Arizona Gamma Epsilon 11 3,775.00 Arkansas Alpha Omicron 4 549.50 Arkansas State Delta Eta 8 1,104.00 Arkansas Tech Epsilon Zeta 3 394.16 Arkansas-Fort Smith Zeta Rho 1 21.00 Auburn Nu 21 7,393.51 Austin Peay State Zeta Tau 2 59.29 Baylor Delta Omega 6 483.65 Bethany Beta Beta 3 1,190.00 Birmingham-Southern Phi 10 843.65 Bowling Green State Zeta Lambda 2 285.83 California Alpha Xi 8 4,623.65 California-Davis Epsilon Gamma 1 150.00 Centenary Alpha Iota 14 1,767.31 Charleston Beta Gamma 3 575.00 Citadel Theta Commission 4 450.00 Clemson Delta Omicron 14 12,645.42 Davidson Sigma 9 980.15 Delaware Beta Epsilon 30 17,158.75 Delta State Delta Beta 8 6,894.98 Drury Beta Iota 5 2,200.00 Duke Alpha Phi 17 1,242.40 East Carolina Gamma Rho 14 1,220.77 East Tennessee State Delta Delta 4 413.65 Eastern Kentucky Delta Mu 10 1,947.43 Elon Epsilon Mu 4 398.95 Emory Epsilon 36 32,303.88 Florida Beta Zeta 30 10,290.01 Florida Gulf Coast Zeta Pi 3 197.55 Florida Southern Gamma Pi 4 3,675.00 Florida State Gamma Eta 23 7,680.58 Francis Marion Delta Tau 8 11,893.02 Furman Iota 15 6,983.65 George Mason Epsilon Phi 2 200.00 George Washington Alpha Nu 1 50.00 Georgetown Beta Delta 4 268.65 Georgia Gamma 38 216,020.74 Georgia College Epsilon Nu 2 175.95 Georgia Southern Delta Theta 7 1,732.66 Georgia Tech Alpha Sigma 42 5,347.20 Goldey Beacom Zeta Gamma 1 18.65 Hampden-Sydney Alpha Tau 9 6,156.05 Houston Gamma Mu 1 50.00 Houston Baptist Delta Sigma 5 1,492.46 Indiana State Zeta Iota 1 25.00 Jacksonville State Delta Phi 4 1,398.65 Johns Hopkins Alpha Lambda 4 825.00 Kentucky Theta 20 2,003.00 Lamar Gamma Xi 1 62.00 Lambuth Gamma Omicron 12 3,340.00 Louisiana State Alpha Gamma 12 7,509.50 Louisiana State-Shreveport Delta Chi 1 150.00 Louisiana Tech Gamma Alpha 15 4,887.46 Louisiana-Lafayette Gamma Phi 6 645.00 Louisiana-Monroe Gamma Nu 14 2,297.30 Louisville Beta Omicron 4 850.00 Marshall Beta Upsilon 13 11,113.65 Maryland Beta Kappa 17 1,531.10 McNeese State Delta Xi 3 649.92 Memphis Gamma Gamma 27 8,963.54 Mercer Kappa 25 5,098.13 Miami Epsilon Lambda 28 16,732.00 Miami Gamma Theta 5 287.30 Middle Tennessee State Delta Lambda 7 6,102.93 Midwestern State Gamma Omega 15 9,486.12

FALL 2013

10/2/13 9:21 AM

Foundation Today Donation In Memory of: R. Byrne Abele by Charles B. Bernhard III Dr. Paul J. Andrisani by Eugene M. Julian Dr. Douglas D. Ashley by Graves Court of Honor Ben W. Satcher Jr. Mr. Lawrence E. Ault by Jim Lawson Robley D. Bates Jr. by Cutter D. Davis Jr. Frank Benson by Kenneth E. Strumm Jack N. Bethea by John B. League Jr. Stanford D. Bethea by Delta Beta Memorial Fund Charles S. Bidgood Jr. by Alpha Upsilon Chapter Robert P. Blake by Sidney E. Grisell The Honorable J. Caleb Boggs by CPT James S. Roberts Sidney F. Boutwell by Phillip R. Taylor Charles Brink by Celene Brink 1LT Tyler Hall Brown, by Robert W. Hagan R. Reagan Byrne by Dr. A. Rodney Allbright Presnall G. Cage by Casey S. Deskins Hamlet R. Carter III by Edgar C. Carter John B. Chenault III by Joseph M. Gilliam Jr. Reynolds S. Cheney by William T. Green J. Walter Wood Jr. Roger Childress by LTC David S. Ferrell (Ret) James P. Connell Jr. by COL Walter M. Fitts (Ret.) Mr. Leon A. Cox II by Jim Lawson David P. Dickens by Michael S. Baker 1LT Archie L. Dickson Jr. by Alpha Upsilon Chapter Frank Ewing Dortch Jr. by Carl J. Davis Jr. Don F. Duffield by Harold F. MacDowell Jr. W. Elliott Dunwody IV by Richard B. Robinson Andrew R. Eickhoff Jr. by Aaron B. Hunt Jim Lawson Branan R. Elliott by Raleigh T. Elliott Dr. Richard T. Feller by William T. Green William W. Featheringill by Larry S. Wiese Richard H. Ferguson by Dr. John L. Fishel Edward H. Fetner Jr. by CPT Ronald C. Plunkett

KAJ_Fall2013_66-72_C3-C4_P4.indd 66

Douglas B. Fincher Jr. by Timothy K. Adams Stephen S. Fincher by W. Emerson Teer Dennis A. Finn by John W. Simpson William M. Forrester Jr. by John Harry Lange Jr. Sonya Jordan Fox by LTC Horace E. Jordan (Ret) W. Julian Foy by John Michael Moore Dr. W . McLeod Frampton Jr. by James R. Martin Robert Brett Frantz Jr. by G. Leonard Pittman Jr. Samuel S. Williams Jr. William E. Glassell by Dr. Edwin C. Glassell James A. Greenhill by Will E. Stafford Robert O. Gregory by Richard B. Robinson James H. Gray Jr. by Jay M. Blalock Sheppard W. Haaga by Delta Beta Memorial Fund Benjamin F. Hamel Jr. by Robert S. Hamel Joseph R. Harris Jr. by Wyman R. Wade Jr. Danny R. Hatcher by Louis C. Smith Jr. Elise Wilsford Heaton by William S. Heaton Jr. J. Archie Hughes Jr. by Edgar A. Hughes H. Kelly Ireland III by Benjamin J. Wilson Jack Jackson by James M. Hancock Jr. W. Baxter Jennings by Jay F. Rutherford Jr. Willard Jennings by James F. Kirtley Dr. William R. Jerles by CAPT Sidney E. Wood Jr. USN (Ret) Robert W. Joiner by Eugene R. Goodwyn III Archie S. Jones by Edwin R. Jones C. Jefferson Jones by Timothy K. Adams Charles A. Jordan Jr. by Walter L. Dowdle Hunter M. Lipscomb Raymond C. Kell by Miles R. Orndorff 1LT Michael K. Kilpatrick by Reuben A. Warren Jr. David A. Kimbell Sr. by Larry S. Wiese Boone A. Knox by Malcolm H. Liles Jane Kreuter Adam A. Kreuter Todd H. Langley by Frances S. Langley Trevor J. Loughlin by John C. Funderbunk III Larry S. Wiese Richard A. McClure by CMDR James R. McClure

Gifts in memory/honor of a brother or friend of KA are accepted by the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation. Listed are gifts received as of August 9, 2013. Richard W. McCrary by Jim Lawson Paul C. McIlhenny by Larry S. Wiese William G. McPheeters by James M. Groves John H. Melton Jr. by Mary G. Melton Loren D. Melton by C. Alan Melton Oliver Quimby Melton Jr. by Dr. Charles T. Hopkins Jr. Frank A. Mitchell III by Brian P. Hanson Rev. M. Eugene Mullikin by Graves Court of Honor William J. Neely by William E. Watson Steven P. Nichols by Dr. Gary P. Nichols Dr. John W. Nowell by Frank L. Asbury III Ray P. Oden Jr. by Loy B. Moore Julian A. Pardini by Martin H. Sours Russell D. Summers Robert G. Theiler Dr. George E. Peacock by Brian P. Hanson LTC George B. Pierce by John M. Lowery Jr. Dr. Ovid W. Pierce Jr. by Melbourne H. Pridgen Vernon W. Piper by William R. Piper Spencer G. Pitts by Douglas D. Ashley William K. Pou by William K. Pou Jr. Steven H. Purdy by H. Mark Purdy Thomas B. Rainey by Wyman R. Wade Jr. John D. Rather IV by Dr. Edwin P. Rather Douglas W. Reid by Samuel S. Williams Jr. Henry H. Reynolds Jr. by LTC John R. Cassady II (Ret) Alfred E. Rickli by Kenneth Rickli Sarah Joyce Hill Roehrig by Harry S. Zepatos Jr. Bryce C. Ruth Jr. by J. Walter Wood Jr. William W. Rutledge by Delta Beta Memorial Fund Dr. Ferrol A. Sams Jr. by Dr. Joseph S. Wilson Betty B. Stone Larry S. Wiese Cathy Scheurer by Tommy M. Scheurer Don E. Schubert by Sandy Schubert Keith A. Shelton by Robert L. Thompson Jr. Thomas Patrick Showalter by William E. Dreyer Dr. James M. Schmuck Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Magnolia Simpson by John W. Simpson FALL 2013

Phillip D. Simpson by C. Bryan Smith Julie B. Smith by LTC George T. Smith Wilson E. Smith by James W. Smith Donnie L. Spaulding Sr. by William M. Boone William R. Thacker Larry S. Wiese Dr. Ted R. Spivey by Rev. C. Edward Reeves Jr. COL William E. Steger by Mazzie L. Steger Douglas C. Stone by Betty B. Stone William A. Stroud by Howard M. Stroud Dr. Andrew J. Thacker by Ben W. Satcher Jr. Calvin B. Tibbett by Donald F. Fletcher Thomas L. Tune Jr. by J. Walter Wood Jr. Mayor Thomas N. Turner Jr. by T. Newell Turner III Frederick J. Turpin Sr. by Dr. Bruce A. Samson William L. Von Hoene by R. Glenn St. John Gary B. Vickers by C. Langdon Cheves Jr. Harold G. Virgen by Clifton N. Small Jack P. Warren by James M. Croley Lucius H. Weeks Jr. by William Boyd Reeves John D. Weese by James W. Craig Thomas W. White Jr. by Will E. Stafford Gary D. Widmer by COL Henry L. Van Bredoerode Gary K. Wilson by Robert W. Russell G. F. Worsham Sr. by Dr. George F. Worsham Jr. Carl D. Wright Jr. by Robert I. Wright Richard E. Wright by Robert I. Wright Robert H. Yeatman James E. Sylvanus

Donation In Honor of:

Timothy K. Adams by Andrew P. Carr Erik T. Showalter King V. Aiken Jr. by Erik T. Showalter All KA's Past & Present by Tom David Wagster Jr. Alpha Alpha Chapter Sewanee: The University of the South by Dr. Bruce A. Samson Alpha Theta Chapter Transylvania University by James M. Groves Daniel R. Amato Jr. by Jeffrey W. Love


C. Jason Armstrong by COL C. R. Armstrong (Ret) Frank L. Asbury III by Andrew P. Carr Erik T. Showalter Carlton W. Baker by James Mcghee Erik T. Showalter Stuart F. Whetsell David P. Barksdale by Erik T. Showalter Brian M. Barnwell by Sloan P. Ellis Jason R. Barrett by Erik T. Showalter Beta Xi Hester Street Alumni by Sam O. Leake Jr. Dr. James L. Bowers by Erik T. Showalter James B. Cain by The Cain Foundation John C. Cain by The Cain Foundation M. Tim Carey by Stuart F. Whetsell Larry S. Wiese Andrew P. Carr by F. Michael Carr R. Bradley Carroll by Dawn Carroll Donn S. Claiborne Jr. by Jim Lawson Derick S. Close by Andrew P. Carr Erik T. Showalter Paul Y. Coble by David M. Warren James M. Crews by Ben W. Satcher Jr. Clint F. Cummins by Jim Lawson Cutter D. Davis Jr. by Stuart F. Whetsell Wade H. Davis by Ben W. Satcher Jr. Delta Lambda Chapter Middle Tennessee State University by Nicholas S. Palmer Delta Tau Chapter - Francis Marion University by Dr. Ronald Eugene Miller Jr. Franklin W. Denius by The Cain Foundation Wofford F. Denius by The Cain Foundation Casey F. Domnick by Carolynn Domnick Barry B. Donnell by Andrew P. Carr Ben W. Satcher Jr. Erik T. Showalter William E. Dreyer by Andrew P. Carr Thomas G. Paulson II Erik T. Showalter Larry S. Wiese J. Michael Duncan by Thomas G. Paulson II Larry S. Wiese Epsilon Lambda Chapter - Miami University by Patrick T. Lynch Robert G. Englund by Blas S. Catalani II

James R. Estes by Andrew P. Carr Thomas G. Paulson II Ben W. Satcher Jr. Erik T. Showalter Larry S. Wiese Douglas S. Ewalt by Erik T. Showalter Robert S. Fasoldt by Ben W. Satcher Jr. Brent W. Fellows by Matthew V. Bonner Kyle R. Fleischmann by Robert S. Pollock Jordan M. Foley by Stuart F. Whetsell COL Henry J. Foresman Jr. by Frank L. Asbury III Claudia Forester Jim Lawson Claudia Forester by Jim Lawson Jeffrey W. Love Stephen E. Foster by Erik T. Showalter Gamma Alpha Chapter - Louisianna Tech University by Patrick G. Coudrain Gamma Chi Alumni Texas Tech University by Charles C. Chesser Gamma Omega Chapter - Midwestern State University by Donald L. Barnhart Kevin R. Gause by David J. Driver Norman C. George by Stuart F. Whetsell M. Tyler Griffin by Erik T. Showalter Paul F. Haddock III by Stuart F. Whetsell David B. Hagan by Erik T. Showalter Douglas W. Hanisch by Erik T. Showalter Loren Q. Hanson by Thomas G. Paulson II Erik T. Showalter by Larry S. Wiese Douglas B. Harris by Erik T. Showalter Stumpy Harris by Erik T. Showalter Richard E. Hodges Jr. by L. Edward Kelly Jr. Richard D. Hollingsworth by Gregory R. Singleton Rock N. Houstoun by Erik T. Showalter 1LT Christopher Allen Huff by Ben W. Satcher Jr. Aaron B. Hunt by Jim Lawson Erik T. Showalter William R. Janney III by Ben W. Satcher Jr. Carl A. Jenkins by J. Michael Blalock Eugene M. Julian by Ben W. Satcher Jr. Kappa Alpha Order National Administrative Office Staff by Anthony M. Graziani


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J. William Schulz by Ben W. Satcher Jr. Kay Slack by Larry D. Slack Ben W. Satcher Jr. by Thomas G. Paulson II Matthew T. Roach Dr. John E. Ross III Larry S. Wiese J. William Schulz by Erik T. Showalter Marc Allan Scott by Erik T. Showalter Erik T. Showalter by Aaron B. Hunt Jim Lawson Nicholas S. Palmer Kirk Ward Showalter by J. Carlton Showalter Jr. C. Douglas Simmons III by Erik T. Showalter William H. Skipper Jr. by Erik T. Showalter A. Randolph Smith II by Stuart F. Whetsell G. Randy Smith by Erik T. Showalter John W. Stephenson by J. David Carico Collin B. Taylor by Erik T. Showalter Jack R. Taylor by Thomas G. Paulson II Erik T. Showalter Larry S. Wiese Andrew N. Theodore by Ben W. Satcher Jr. Stuart F. Whetsell Larry S. Wiese Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. by Daniel R. Amato Jr. J. Kirk Corbin Joseph C. Jacobi Jeffrey W. Love Thomas G. Paulson II Ben W. Satcher Jr. Erik T. Showalter Larry S. Wiese Jon Crosby Turner by Perry E. Phillips David M. Warren by Thomas G. Paulson II Larry S. Wiese Horace & Dorothy West by Horace R. West Peter B. Whatley by Lynn E. Whatley Stephen W. Whatley by Lynn E. Whatley Stuart F. Whetsell by Aaron B. Hunt Jim Lawson Jeffrey W. Love Thomas N. Whitehead by Ben W. Satcher Jr. Larry S. Wiese by Matthew V. Bonner Andrew P. Carr Thomas W. Jones Mason L. Wiese Eddie S. Wilson by Aaron B. Hunt Richard B. Wilson Jr. by Perry E. Phillips David R. Worley by Ben W. Satcher Jr.

William & Mary Housing Improves ALPHA ZETA MOVES INTO 630 UKROP WAY By Tyler Kennedy (Alpha Zeta – William & Mary ‘12), Number I This fall semester marks the beginning of some important and long anticipated changes for the Alpha Zeta Chapter at the College of William and Mary. The most significant is the chapter’s new home in the “New Fraternity Housing Complex.” For over 40 years, Alpha Zeta Chapter called “The Units” as it is affectionately known at William am Mary—and most recently Unit G—their home. Now, the chapter will reside in an actual house rather than a dorm-style building. While the new house will definitely improve the standard of living for the 17 brothers who are residing there, it will more importantly provide a welcoming setting and environment for all members of the current chapter and all alumni. The house is a beautiful 6600 square foot structure. With 17 beds and 2 floors and 2 group bathrooms, the house will really be bustling this fall. As William and Mary built and owns each of the Greek properties, the chapter needs assistance from alumni, and even from parents, to furnish the interior. Alumnus Advisor Don Beck, along with his wife Susie, have been involved, helping generate ideas on how to fundraise and furnish the house. This major step forward our on campus is just one of many important changes for the chapter. Recruitment at Alpha Zeta has been improved resulting in an increase



in the number of brothers. There has been an increase in alumni involvement. In fact, alumni can play a key role in making the new house a home. Contributions of memorabilia, furnishings, time, and money are invaluable. In keeping with the idea of renewal and engagement, the chapter is planning a number of events to keep alumni connected and involved with the organization and one another. The house dedication ceremony, which took place on September 7th, garnered attendance from national staff, and regional volunteer leaders. The ceremony honored current brothers, parents, and alumni for all their support. This fall during Homecoming, Alpha Zeta has plans to host events throughout the week. Our larger presence on campus and our expanded alumni support are allowing us to continue the Kappa Alpha tradition of giving to the community. Planned philanthropic events include a Kickball Tournament in support of the Muscular Dystrophy Association and Red Cross Blood Drives. We are very fortunate to now have a grand house to call a home. We thank the College and our alumni for all they’ve done to support us—and all they continue to do. We look forward to a new semester and a new year with excellence as our aim!


Darren S. Kay by Dr. James M. Schmuck Stephen J. Lafollette by Erik T. Showalter Jim P. Lawson by Aaron B. Hunt Todd P. Lowe Morris W. Pully Erik T. Showalter Lynn C. Leake by Ben W. Satcher Jr. Samuel O. Leake by Erik T. Showalter Malcolm H. Liles by Erik T. Showalter Jeffrey W. Love by Erik T. Showalter Frank W. Maresh by Erik T. Showalter MAJ R. J. MacDowell USAF (Ret) by Harold F. MacDowell Jr. William L. MacDowell by MAJ R. J. MacDowell USAF (Ret) Bradley N. Mathews by James S. Mathews III W. Randy Mathews III by Ben W. Satcher Jr. Cole & Jaime McDowell by William E. Dreyer J. Coleman McDowell Jr. by Erik T. Showalter Justin T. McGee by Debbie L. McGee J. Gordon McGill by The Cain Foundation John M. Moore by Erik T. Showalter Mullberry Hill Brothers by CPT Ronald C. Plunkett Lee P. Oliver III by Erik T. Showalter Thomas W. O'Neal by Stuart F. Whetsell Logan J. Opsahl by Erik T. Showalter Michael V. Paulin by Andrew P. Carr Erik T. Showalter Thomas G. Paulson II by Erik T. Showalter CPT Ronald C. Plunkett by BG Hugh B Tant III (Ret) H. David Pinson by Erik T. Showalter Todd D. Reaves by Erik T. Showalter Lennard Register III by Stuart F. Whetsell Rho Chapter Alumni Advisory Committee by Daniel R. Amato Jr. P. Michael Ruff by Erik T. Showalter Vance E. Rule by Ben W. Satcher Jr. McLean D. Russell by Ben W. Satcher Jr. Robert E. Sadowski by Jim Lawson John C. Scarborough Sr. by Ben W. Satcher Jr. Dr. James Michael Schmuck by Erik T. Showalter

FALL 2013

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Chapter Eternal

Brothers listed herein were reported and recorded as of August 19, 2013.

The Official Badge of the Order is shown as worn on a “hatchment” (a crepe of piece of black ribbon 1/2" wide and 3/4" long). Brothers are to wear this arrangement during a period of mourning as set forth in the Kappa Alpha Laws (App. 103).” Arizona Gamma Epsilon

Todd H. Langley, 1954, 1/15/13

Arkansas Alpha Omicron

John M. B. Holt, 1951,

Auburn Nu

Mack L. Casey, 1949, 2/9/13 Reid Ledbetter, 1950, 7/19/13 John M. Locklin, 1945, 2/4/13 John M. Margeson, 1972, 7/15/13 LTC George B. Pierce, 1947, 12/1/12

Birmingham-Southern Phi

James Y. Cooper, 1938, 3/17/13

Cal State-Bakersfield Epsilon Upsilon

Dr. Charles B. Ewing, 1989, 3/21/12

Charleston Beta Gamma

Douglas D. Ashley, 1987, 6/5/13

Clemson Delta Omicron

A. Steven Bond, 1977, 8/15/13

Delaware Beta Epsilon

Dr. Ronald C. Banning, 1961, 9/7/01 Robert D. Burris, 1963, 9/20/10 Robert C. Dawson, 1960, 11/21/11 Russell F. Dennis, 1962, 2/12/13 James M. Handy Jr., 1959, 8/5/13 Richard H. Stewart, 1954, 5/29/13

Delta State Delta Beta

Stanford D. Bethea, 1970, 6/3/12 Sheppard W. Haaga III, 1975, 4/10/13 William W. Rutledge, 1969, 11/6/12

Drury Beta Iota

Earl L. Kellett, 1955, 2/19/13

Duke Alpha Phi

Chester A. Caldwell, Jr., 1947, 1/30/13 Robert R. Carpenter, 1950, 3/6/13

Emory Epsilon

William L. Bates Jr., 1938, 2/22/13 Frank Ewing Dortch Jr., 1943, 4/16/13 Dr. Joseph T. Hamrick, 1954, 8/8/08 Dr. Ted R. Spivey, 1944, 12/7/12

Florida Beta Zeta

Leland M. Hawes Jr., 1948, 5/18/13 Charles E. Little, 1978, 4/13/13 Hans G. Tanzler Jr., 1947, 7/25/13

Florida Southern Gamma Pi

James D. McNab, 1958, 3/4/13

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Florida State Gamma Eta

James E. Bobbitt, 1983, 5/20/13 Robert H. Smith, 1979, 5/27/13

Francis Marion Delta Tau

Kent D. Segars, 1974, 5/23/13

Furman Iota

Jack N. Bethea, 1961, 2/25/13 Rev. M. Eugene Mullikin, 1948, 6/23/13 Lucius H. Weeks Jr., 1952, 7/4/13

George Washington Alpha Nu

Raymond T. Cookson, 1950, 10/30/09

Georgetown Beta Delta

Philip F. Enlow, 1945, 8/6/09

Georgia Gamma

Samuel E. Anderson, 1989, 9/13/11 Jack Slayton Copelan Jr., 1959, 8/11/13 Oliver Quimby Melton Jr., 1940, 2/7/13 Frank A. Streiff III, 1971, 3/6/13 Dexter H. Williams, 1970, 2/3/08

Georgia College Epsilon Nu

Dr. Gordon B. Jackson, 1982, 11/4/10

Georgia Tech Alpha Sigma

Andrew J. Lyndon III, 1936, 11/25/89 Hubert W. Sullins, 1942, 4/8/13 Joseph R. Walters, Jr., 1948, 3/28/12

Georgia Southern Delta Theta

Douglas B. Fincher, Jr., 1981, 5/14/13

Hampden-Sydney Alpha Tau

W. Robert Eason, 1940, 4/29/13

Johns Hopkins Alpha Lambda

Harry A. Crumbling Jr., 1957, 11/21/11

Kentucky Theta

John B. Chenault III, 1953, 6/7/12 George R. Johnson, 1958, 12/2/12

Louisiana State Alpha Gamma

Paul K. Barsley, 1944, 10/20/12 Ray P. Oden Jr., 1942, 3/21/13

LSU-Shreveport Delta Chi

Kenneth C. John, 1978, 1/1/13

Louisiana Tech Gamma Alpha

George T. Alleman, Jr., 1951, 2/11/12

Louisiana Gamma Phi

Gerald E. Burnham Jr., 1961, 5/27/13 Henry H. Fry, 1963, 3/8/13

Maryland Beta Kappa

William J. Graham, 1950, 7/8/13 William B. Griffith, 1941, 12/18/11

Memphis Gamma Gamma

Edward B. Crenshaw, 1955, 5/29/13

Mercer Kappa

Dr. Walter L. Bell Jr., 1946, 6/14/11 Lovick P. Culverhouse, 1950, 3/23/10 Fred H. Hodges Jr., 1957, 6/5/12 C. Jefferson Jones, 1974, 4/29/13 Dr. Claude L. Pennington, 1944, 7/27/13

Midwestern State Gamma Omega

David A. Floyd, 1967, 3/16/13 Donnie L. Spaulding Sr., 1973, 2/14/13

Millsaps Alpha Mu

Univ. of the South Alpha Alpha

Virginia Lambda

Southern California Beta Sigma

VMI Beta Commission

Paul C. McIlhenny, 1965, 2/23/13

Robert H. Fogwell, 1941, 2/13/13 Thomas E. Lewis, 1951, 11/1/12

Southern Methodist Beta Lambda

Lemuel B. Cox III, 1944, 6/4/13 Robert C. Harvey Jr., 1955, 12/28/12 Trevor J. Loughlin, 2011, 7/4/13 Kent E. Westmoreland, 1968, 10/15/09

Southwestern Xi

Walter P. Meyer, 1985, 2/8/04

Stanford Alpha Pi

Donald Ross III, 1951, 1/21/13

Tennessee Tech Zeta Epsilon

John M. Carmack, 2002, 6/28/11

Cecil Q. Copeland, Jr., 1955, 2/22/13 Richard B. Duncan, 1957, 12/5/12 James B. Horne, Jr., 1950, 2/14/08 Andrew R. Townes, 1950, 5/28/13

Mississippi Alpha Upsilon

William E. Atkinson, 1964, 4/8/13 Charles S. Bidgood, Jr., 1947, 4/21/13

Oklahoma Beta Eta

David A. Kimbell, 1948, 2/23/13

Oklahoma City Gamma Kappa

Kenneth R. Nance, 1962, 2/14/13 Charles S. Turci, 1962, 2/25/13

Oklahoma State Beta Xi

Sanford W. Mauldin, 1967, 8/1/10 Gary P. Nichols, 1960, 2/10/04

Old Dominion Delta Gamma

Robert B. Caruthers, 1972, 6/13/13

Tennessee Pi

Wesley M. Johnson, 1964, 6/24/13 Todd H. Porter, 1965, 12/2/12

Texas A&M-Commerce Gamma Upsilon

Donald R. Dowlearn, 1971, 3/18/13 James T. McGlamery, 1963, 3/14/13 Dr. Charles R. Morgan, 1967, 4/2/13 Melvin R. Wadle, 1970, 5/12/13 Robert L. Watson III, 1980, 7/10/13

Texas Omicron

James B. Adams Jr., 1951, 7/27/12 Thomas P. Ellis, 1956, 11/4/12 John K. Hurst, 1937, 1/3/05 Malcolm R. McDaniel, 1946, 11/5/11 Richard S. Slocomb, 1945, 12/25/07 Gabriel G. Utz, 1954, 2/23/13 Kenneth M. Waltrip, 1951, 1/14/13

Sam Houston State Gamma Tau

R. Reagan Byrne, 1967, 6/29/13

San Jose State Gamma Delta

COL Robert E. Kastner, 1949, 4/15/13

FALL 2013


Washington Univ. Beta Theta

D. Robert Downey, 1950, 4/5/12 John W. Snyder, 1945, 2/16/11

Washington College Beta Omega

Dr. Joseph O. Cain Jr., 1942, 8/10/05 Anthony F. Massinople, 1964, 11/25/11 John D. Weese, 1951, 3/26/11

D. Bruce Knox, 1970, 7/18/12

Charles W. DuBose, 1959, 5/19/13

COL John G. Barrett, 1939, 8/13/13 Ferd L. Harrison, 1948, 6/27/13 Danford E. Josey, Jr., 1942, 4/26/13 Pickett M. Stanback, 1947, 1/21/13

Texas-Arlington Delta Iota

Richmond Eta

Rollins Alpha Psi

Wake Forest Tau

Ronald C. Smith, 1967, 11/21/12

Terry M. Casey, 1968, 2/13/07

James Thomas Hatcher Jr., 1941, 12/8/12

COL Paul L. Applin Jr., 1948, 5/3/13 John B. Ashcraft, 1972, 9/3/12 Richard B. Bartlett, 1962, 5/22/12 George L. Barton IV, 1966, 11/24/12 Dr. Frank N. Bilisoly III, 1943, 10/30/12 Dr. H. Lee Fleshood, 1964, 7/31/12 Warren M. Goddard Jr., 1953, 11/12/12 Monroe M. Gregory Jr., 1949, 11/30/12 William A. Hallett Jr., 1951, 12/11/12 Shawn Gilbert Hogan, 2006, 10/17/12 Dr. John H. McClung, 1965, 7/8/12 Vernon W. Patterson Jr., 1949, 6/29/12 Tyler Ryan Secrest, 2011, 11/18/12 Howard J. Simpson, 1962, 7/13/12 George M. Snead, Jr., 1943, 12/13/12 MG Carroll Thackston, 1955, 2/17/13 Robert Walter Trost III, 1974, 1/2/13 John E. Woodward Jr., 1957, 1/7/13

Texas Tech Gamma Chi

Presbyterian Beta Pi

Robert W. Joiner, 1959, 2/26/10

Edward E. Oldfield Jr., 1939, 4/26/13

Transylvania Alpha Theta

William G. McPheeters, 1954, 2/12/13

Tulane Psi

Benjamin F. Eshleman Jr., 1960, 7/13/09 Joseph P. Monroe Jr., 1951, 4/19/13 Clifford A. Strozier, 1950, 4/4/13

Vanderbilt Chi

Dr. James D. Fogleman, 1946, 1/16/13 Frank J. Gerchow Jr., 1947, 6/19/12

West Virginia Alpha Rho

William & Mary Alpha Zeta

Raymond C. Kell, 1956, 8/17/12

William Jewell Alpha Delta

John C. Brown, 1950, 4/1/12

Wingate Zeta Zeta

David N. Saylor, 1995, 4/16/13

Wofford Delta

James E. Hudson, 1950, 1/11/10


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Chapter Eternal


Paul Carr Polk McIlhenny (Alpha Alpha – Univ. of the South ’65) CEO and Chairman of the Board of McIlhenny Company, passed away on Saturday, February 23, 2013, at the age of 68. Born on March 19, 1944, McIlhenny was a sixth-generation member of the family to live on Avery Island and fourth-generation member to produce TABASCO® brand Original Red Sauce. McIlhenny joined the 145-year-old McIlhenny Company in 1967 and directly oversaw the production and quality of all products sold under the TABASCO® brand for 13 years.

At the time of his death, McIlhenny was serving as Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, and a Director of McIlhenny Company, as well as President and a Director of Avery Island, Inc. As an active and concerned member of the community and environment, McIlhenny served on the board of the America’s WETLAND Foundation, and worked diligently to preserve Louisiana’s coastal wetlands. He also served as President and Director of Bayou Corporation (Bayou Club).

Initiation. Graduation. Alumni. No other gifts come close in quality, craftsmanship and significance. “Every member of the Order should own this Sword & Spur Display as a daily reminder of their duty as a gentleman.”

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Order Yours at FALL 2013

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Our Legacy

Austin and his father Chris now share the fraternal bond of membership in the Order. Chris is a founder of Epsilon Nu in 1982; Austin was initiated with the re-founding brothers in 2010.

A True KA Brother

Before he was junior high age, Austin Childers started getting sick. His parents, Chris (Epsilon Nu – Georgia College ’82) and Ashley, took him to doctors all over the country - Chicago, Detroit, Boston - before it became evident that their son, an inspirational fighter, would one day lose his battle with mitochondrial disease. Today, 22-year-old Austin is in hospice in his hometown of Macon, Georgia, and no one knows when his final day may come. But Austin’s life, and the way he’s lived it, have inspired countless people to never give up hope, no matter what life sends their way. Austin’s parents both work at First Presbyterian Day School in Macon, the school that Austin graduated from against all odds. And now, the school has named its athletic field “Austin Childers Field at George S. Johnson Memorial Stadium,” in honor of the inspirational young man who loves God, his family, and sports, so much. Austin also loves the school that has been such an important part of his life. “It’s one of the biggest honors I could have,” he says, in a video that can be viewed at “I never imagined having anything at the school named after me, something that people will see every day. The love and support that I’ve been shown from people there, whether it’s the teachers or my classmates, that’s what feeds my heart.” And to top it off, the KA chapter that Austin’s father helped start over 30 years ago has claimed Austin as one of its own, connecting a legacy for a founder to his son.

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FALL 2013

By Rick Moore

“I’m part of the founding fathers on the original charter at Georgia College,” Chris Childers says. “Skip Seda, another founding member, told me he thought the chapter could make some special provisions for Austin, and we got a letter saying they were going to initiate him.” So, in 2010, even though Austin had never formally attended Georgia College, he was initiated into Epsilon Nu. “I went to the initiation,” Chris recalls fondly, “and some of my buddies who had been initiated with me came along, and it was just a special time that you can’t put a value on.” Chris says that his son is the most exceptional person most of us will ever meet. “He’s been so inspirational to a lot of people because he’s handled it so well, because he’s an overcomer and doesn’t complain. He’s always been the normal kid on the block who just wanted to be Austin and play sports, and doesn’t want any attention, but it just comes his way. People flock to him because he’s so grace-filled and appreciative of everything everybody does for him.” Austin makes it clear that he doesn’t give himself much of the credit for having persevered over his illness for a decade. “It starts with my parents, and with a strong spiritual background,” he continues. “Without a strong spiritual background I don’t know how anybody can make it through what I’ve made it through.” Faith, determination and a positive attitude. Giving credit to others. Honoring one’s parents and one’s God. Austin Childers sounds like a true KA brother all the way.



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From the Archives

Catastrophe in the West Brothers respond valiantly to the 1906 earthquake By Jesse S. Lyons (Delta Alpha – Western Carolina '98) & SGM E. Kent McMichael (Beta Commission – VMI ’95)

Impact of the 1906 earthquake on the campus of Stanford University shown through images in the June 1906 editon of The Kappa Alpha Journal. Top: library; Above Left: gym; Above Right: chapel

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the boys from Berkeley were called to action. Their campus was less affected and therefore they had the ability to jump in and help. Their efforts foretold years of KA heroes. Would these fine brothers of Alpha Xi each deserve a Knight Commander’s Medal if it had been around then? Do what’s right. And share your story. In 100 years, yours may be recalled in a future edition of The Journal.



On the morning of the disaster, fifteen hundred of the fellows from college, enrolled as national militia, were ordered to the scene of the devastation, where they were sadly needed. Right here I am proud to say that every KA responded. We were stationed in the city for ten days, and our duties were many and difficult, from patrolling to finding a resting place for the dead. The situations that our boys met were terrible to the mind, and horrifying to the soul; still, under such distressing circumstances, they arose and met the circumstances as they were, without a murmur, exemplifying the truth that a college man possesses the mettle that builds up the framework of as wonderful a country as ours. The first four days were without a doubt the worst; some of the boys did ninety hours’ without sleep, interrupted now and then with a ham sandwich. Boys that under ordinary circumstances could not have stood such hardships would catch now and then a wink o sleep with their rifles as pillows and some green lawn as a bed. The papers, the Governor of the State, and the Mayor of the stricken city have all been unstinted in their praise of our college boys, and I think today that the college man, who is looked upon by the ordinary person as a kind of expensive luxury, has shown that he is possessed of those qualities described by Shakespeare in “Julius Caesar,” – “the elements, so mixed in him, that Nature might stand up and say to all the world, “This was a man.’”


Volumes of Journals could be consumed with stories of heroes in all kinds of situations. The item selected for our “From the Archives” article was chosen since a large number of brothers jumped into service and volunteered for an effort all at once. Specifically, the entire Alpha Xi chapter at the University of California. Upon the deadly San Francisco earthquake of 1906, the Leland Stanford University was nearly decimated and

From the June 1906 edition of The Kappa Alpha Journal, Alpha Xi – California, Chapter Report:

FALL 2013

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Remembering the Reason

Above: Georgia Southern Brothers and their swords: Murray Ricketson ('12), JT Ricketson ('83), LA Ricketson ('84), Tyler Ricketson ('09)

Newfound Zeal An alumnus reconnects through the ritual By L. A. Ricketson (Delta Theta – Georgia Southern ’84) Back in 1983, when I was a 17-yearold Kappa Alpha pledge at Georgia Southern, I used to think how old and uncool parents were when they came down to visit on Parent’s Day. Over 30 years later, I am now that parent. However, I am much cooler and much younger than they were; or, so I tell myself. Currently, I have three daughters in college and I am enjoying reliving some of the great memories of my college days. My brother, also a KA Alumnus, has two sons currently enrolled at Georgia Southern. Recently, I had the honor of being invited down to witness their initiations into the Order. This was the first time I had witnessed our rich, timeless ritual since I’d graduated college. As a young and dumb college kid, I cherished our heritage, but I never really internalized and embraced its full meaning and the fact that it was written

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150 years ago. Seeing the ritual with fresh, “mature” eyes, a sense of great pride swelled within me. It is not often a person can be such an integral part of something so noble and with such solid history. I am a fan of swords. The church I am a member of presents them as gifts to proven leaders. I believe they not only bring out the “man” in guys, they also symbolize greatness far beyond their brass, wood and steel parts. As a result, I have a sword displayed in my home office that reminds me of my role as an Ambassador for God and as the Spiritual Leader of my family. My brother had seen my sword and thought it would be appropriate to gift his sons with one after their initiations. Needless to say, they were thrilled and several of their fraternity brothers watched in envy. Combining my newfound vigor and zeal for the Order with my elation from FALL 2013


having witnessed my two nephews hold their swords with pride, I came home with a mission to create the perfect gift for a Kappa Alpha gentleman. I have recently made available the Original Sword and Spur Display on an e-commerce website ( In appreciation to the Order for enriching me with worthy principles to live by and for their nonwavering faithfulness to our Founding Fathers’ vision, I am donating $10 to each chapter when an Active or Alumnus brother makes a purchase. For those of you who have not attended an initiation since your graduation, I encourage you to do so. The values of our Order have not held true for 150 years on accident. Each of us are blessed to have been accepted into the Order and are privileged to carry its banner.


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Learn more at

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Introducing the 2013-3014

Loyal Order Spokesman TELL US A LITTLE BIT ABOUT YOURSELF. DAVE: Well, I’ve never led an army, I’ve

never coached in a championship, I’ve never won The Masters… I’ve never done any of those things. But in my professional life as a sportscaster I’ve been blessed to spend a lot of time with and learn from some great champions in the Southeastern Conference. And I’m proud to say many of their traits I find within Kappa Alpha Order, and specifically, those members who join the Loyal Order.

WHY DID YOU JOIN THE LOYAL ORDER? DAVE: I want to receive The Kappa Alpha

Journal for life! You know, you never know when someone needs that connection to KA. They could be having a regular bad day, or even one they wish they could forget—they The Journal arrives in the mail. And it’s a special touch, and extra


Beta Delta – Georgetown ’79 Loyal Order #3058

reminder of their brotherhood and their enduring bond. And it helps them get through the day. To perpetuate that feeling—that is why I joined the Loyal Order. SO WHO ELSE SHOULD JOIN THE LOYAL ORDER? DAVE: Every single KA. If you’re receiving

this issue, and you’re not a member, you should join—because you’re probably getting it for free otherwise. The Loyal Order endows the costs of The Journal so that the funds used for it can be directed back to our undergraduate members for education and services. Its as simple as this. Stay connected. Receive The Journal. Support KAs everywhere. Join the Loyal Order!

Welcome to our Newest Members

Join the brothers listed below and sign up for the Loyal Order! Appalachian State Eric R. Andersen #3048 Benjamin G. Duff #3046 Aaron M. Stutts #3037 Joseph H. Thomas #3047 Clarence E. Williams III #3038 California Riley M. Rustad #3013 Cal State-Bakersfield Mitchell D. Moore #3049 The Citadel Andrew Nelson #3063 Clemson J. Perrin Guignard #3026 Colorado Ryan D. Williams #3034 Florida Gulf Coast David C. Merrill #3054 Florida State 1LT L. Cole Cochran Jr. #3031 P. Michael Ruff #3060

Francis Marion Bryan L. Rabon #3019 John D Waters #3020

Maryland Paul G. Sykes #3035 Douglas A. Williamson #2862

Georgetown Dave Baker #3058 Dr. W. Doug Figg #3061

Memphis Thomas W.C. Gerdes #3059

Georgia Tech James L. Herrin #3050

Mercer Dr. Jack R. Eades #3057 Middle Tennessee State Jeremy D. Duke #3055

George Washington Alex J. Graham #3029

Midwestern State Kevin J. O’Connell #3012

Houston Baptist Richard L. Cano #3018 Chris G. Dritsas #3011

Millsaps Dr. William H. Murdock Jr. #2863

Jacksonville State D. Scott Cates #3032 Louisiana State Dillon M. Larsen #2646 Gannon J. Lasseigne #3053 Wayne G. Zeringue #3025

Newberry W. Stuart Register #3015

Tennessee-Martin Christopher J. Ing #3016

VMI J. Robert Crumpler III #3039

North Carolina-Charlotte Justin Tanner Cannon #2875 G. Hunter Seabolt #3043 Kevin R. Wilkinson #3040

Tennessee Tech David Keith Allen #3062

West Georgia Joshua P. Johnson #3010

Texas A&M-Commerce T. Mike Mayo #3021 LCDR John T. Williams III #3065

West Texas A&M Michael J. Zoch #3045

North Carolina State Gary C. Schultz #2695 North Texas Gary L. Recer #3064 Northwestern State Ross B. Rachal #3042 Oklahoma James R. McCasland #3052

Missouri State William B. Rabourn Jr. #2690

Randolph-Macon Cody S. Weinberg #3022

Missouri S&T Zachary T. Sample #3030

Tennessee Kevin W. Carter #3051

Texas State Kevin C. Brueggeman #3033 W. Madison Day-Wickham #3024 Ryan T. Young #3023

West Virginia A. Allan Noe #2872 Western Carolina Jonathan P. West #3044 Westminster Kevin P. Moritz #3056

Transylvania Nicholas J. Hall #3027

William & Mary Glenn A. Fahey #3014

Tulane Dr. Albert A. Kattine #3036

Wingate Eric D. Osterhus #3041

Tulsa Leland L. Hurst #3017

Sign up at! Did you know you could now join the Loyal Order when you become Forever KA? If you are interested in supporting the Order, KAOEF, and YOUR chapter, then go to and keep the connection for life.

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