The Kappa Alpha Journal

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The Kappa Alpha Journal | Fall 2015


Our Impact on Campus There has never been any research evidence to support our claim that fraternity life is a major contributing factor for men living a fuller and more successful life. Until now.

Volume CXVVII | Number 1 | Published Since 1879

Leave a Lasting Legacy with the 1865 Trust

CPT Thomas L. Williams

Missouri Army National Guard (Delta Pi – Missouri Southern State ’97 )

hh Military Division Member hh Loyal Order #2110 hhJoplin, Missouri Alumni Chapter Member hh KAOEF Donor “With the chivalrous principles, we as KA’s hold dear, continually being degraded by the whims and instant gratification of popular culture, it becomes increasingly important to inspire and mentor young men of character to be leaders in our communities, our industries, and our nation. Having recently attended Henry Clay Chiles and Howard P. Locke Province Council as an alumnus volunteer facilitator, I myself was inspired to meet young men that hold our values as their own. Learning of the positive actions the Order is taking to inspire today’s young brothers to strive for the pursuit of excellence, it gives me hope that the future is not that dark and just blasted by adversity, but a progress that is bright and glowing! With that, my decision to commit to the 1865 Trust is but a small legacy to continue the up building of our noble order after I no longer can.”

WHAT IS THE 1865 TRUST? The 1865 Trust recognizes the generosity and foresight of those who choose to embrace the vision of KA’s future by making a meaningful planned gift to the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF). Their entrance into the ranks of the 1865 Trust bears powerful testimony to the charitable expressions of their values, ideals, and commitment to Kappa Alpha Order’s future.

Membership in the 1865 Trust recognizes those who have made provisions for a planned gift of $10,000 or more to the KAOEF. To date, 140 exceptional alumni have joined the 1865 Trust. Most of our alumni in the 1865 Trust will fulfill their gift through one of the most common and perhaps easiest ways of making a planned gift, by naming the KAOEF in their wills or as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or an IRA.

If you have any questions about the 1865 Trust, or if you wish to join the over 140 KA brothers who have already become members, please contact Ben W. Satcher Jr., Chief Development Officer at the KAOEF, either by phone, (540) 463-1865, or by e-mail,

Table of Contents

18 features


18 | Greek Life is Best

2 | Knight Commander’s Message


New, independent research proves that fraternity life is a major contributing factor for men living a fuller and more successful life.

22 | The Moral Compass on Campus

4 | Connections 6 | Our Order 14 | Conferral of the Knight Commander’s Accolades

A handful of our top KA alumni in student affairs and Greek life share their personal experiences and thoughts on the state and future of higher education, Greek Life, Kappa Alpha’s future, and more.

34 | On Campus


28 | Reverance and Courtesy KA joins forces with other Greeks to prevent sexual assault.

40 | Chapter Charterings 45 | Chapter Excellence 49 | Alumni News 55 | Sports Page 58 | Foundation Today

30 | Leading the Way

62 | Chapter Eternal

Q&A with leaders of the two key associations that can — and do — impact our fraternity and members.

64 | Housing



FALL 2015

66 | Remembering the Reason 67 | From the Archives 68 | 150 Years of History



3 | From the Editor

Knight Commander’s Message Dear Brothers,

A Few Bio Points About the 40th Knight Commander Born in Sayre, Oklahoma and graduated from Westminster College (Alpha Eta) Married to Karen, sons Allen, 16, and Mason, 11 Assurance partner with Ernst & Young’s Financial Services Office Leads E&Y’s insurance practice in Indianapolis Province Commander in Missouri (Chiles Province) from 2000-2007; Executive Council from 2007-2015; Senior Councilor from 2012-2015 Member of Ammen, Candler, Chiles, Frampton, Hamilton, and Smith Province Courts of Honor

Our Sesquicentennial Celebration and 76th Convention in Roanoke and Lexington, Virginia was an incredible success, but in-depth coverage of those events will be covered in our next issue of the Journal. As we continue the celebration of our 150th year, I am both honored and humbled to deliver my first message as the 40th Knight Commander of Kappa Alpha Order. I would like to thank you for the faith and trust that you have placed in me, and I will labor diligently to warrant them. I would also like to thank Former Knight Commander William E. “Bill” Dreyer for the exemplary leadership he provided our beloved Order as he challenged and inspired us to attain new heights in the areas of academics, risk management, housing and alumni engagement. All of these objectives were attained, including the achievement of a 3.0 GPA for the Spring 2015 semester, which occurred while we also achieved undergraduate membership of 7,800 brothers, the highest level in our history. As we look to build on those successes, we must ensure that we do so with a focus on the values of our Order. Every decision that we make and every program that we develop must be grounded in our values of gentility, knowledge, leadership, perseverance, reverence, service and excellence. We must ensure that we approach each day Living Our Values, Leading With Excellence. We must be the leaders of today, but do so while we are also developing the leaders of tomorrow. We must also ensure that we eradicate hazing, the use of illegal drugs, or any sexual misconduct from our chapters. I look forward to working with the dedicated volunteers on the Executive Council, the Advisory Council, and KAOEF Board of Trustees as we seek to outline, fund, and execute against an Aspirational Agenda that is centered on those values. Collectively we will continue to support the National Administrative Office in their design and delivery of values-based leadership education that will position our brothers for success in all phases of life. May God continue to bless you, your families, our Kappa Alpha Order, and our great country. Fraternally,

EDITOR Jesse S. Lyons CREATIVE DESIGN Tria Designs Inc. CONTRIBUTORS Dustin Brann Martin Clagett Jay Langhammer Kent McMichael Rick Moore Ben Satcher David Baum Brent Buswell EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Knight Commander Darren S. Kay Senior Councilor C. Douglas Simmons III Councilors King V. Aiken, Jr. L. Blair Bailey David P. Barksdale Sam O. Leake, Jr. James M. Schmuck National Undergraduate Chairman Evan G. McInnis

Darren S. Kay Knight Commander

KA/KAOEF Executive Director Larry Stanton Wiese

* A full biography to follow in next edition.

HOW TO CONTACT THE JOURNAL Editor, The Kappa Alpha Journal P.O. Box 1865 Lexington, VA 24450 (540) 463-1865 (540) 463-2140 - fax email: TO CHANGE AN ADDRESS Fill out Alumnus Update on the website or send both your new and old address to Kristy Reed at the above mailing address or to:

FALL 2015



Letter from the Editor Dear Brothers,

The Kappa Alpha Journal (ISSN #0888-8868, USPS #014-747) is an educational journal published four times a year by Kappa Alpha Order, 115 Liberty Hall Rd., Lexington, Virginia. Periodicals postage paid at Lexington, Virginia, and additional mailing offices. The Kappa Alpha Journal seeks to reflect the Kappa Alpha experience by presenting news of active and alumni chapters, individual members, and the national organization; by addressing current issues facing the Greek system and the Order; by educating and entertaining those interested in the welfare of Kappa Alpha; and by serving as a historical record. The Kappa Alpha Journal has been published since 1879. From 1883 to 1885 it was known as The Magazine of Kappa Alpha. Kappa Alpha Order was founded in 1865 at Washington College (Washington and Lee University) in Lexington, Virginia. Today, Kappa Alpha boasts 129 undergraduate chapters and over 61 alumni chapters across the nation. Volume CXVVII, Number 1 Fall 2015 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Kappa Alpha Order, P.O. Box 1865, Lexington, VA 24450 Member of

Copyright © 2015 Kappa Alpha Order; KAPPA ALPHA® is a registered trademark of Kappa Alpha Order.

Like the pendulum oscillating from one side to another, 2015 has been one of exciting highs and an unexpected low. My wife Tracy and I entered the year excited about the Sesquicentennial Celebration — she having just ended planning Omicron Delta Kappa’s Centennial Celebration. Tracy was also hired in January as the new Executive Director of our Chamber of Commerce. And, we were pregnant with our first child. On March 28, in Daphne, Alabama, we enjoyed a family and friends baby shower. Tracy’s parents drove from nearby Pensacola, Florida. My parents made a vacation out of the trip by planning a week stay in Orange Beach, Alabama. Me being an only child, they were excited to become grandparents. At the shower, I remember fondly my Dad and I putting together our first baby carriage before everyone arrived at my brother-in-law’s house. Tracy and I returned to Lexington full of joy. Then on the morning of April 3, my Mom called early. The news: Dad was in critical condition from a severe bacterial infection and sepsis, which had masqueraded as a stomach bug for three days. I was fortunate to be able to travel back the morning he was admitted; and even further blessed with in-laws who rushed first to comfort my Mom, then hosted us for the despondent duration. During the unwanted daily commute of forty-five minutes to, and from, Foley, Alabama, I can vividly remember watching a corn crop grow on the south side of Alabama Highway 42. For two weeks, from seedling to stalk, time stood still. Dad never got better. On April 17, after a multi-week battle, and eventual total system failure, my father passed away. At almost five hundred miles away from their hometown, at a hospital we’d never been to, with doctors we never had known, my mother and I said goodbye. Wayford Arwood Lyons was to turn 66 on April 21. Instead, on April 24, he was honored with a celebration of life at Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #1449 in Franklin, N.C. with family, friends and fellow veterans. I wish to thank all who sent flowers or made gifts to the veterans’ relief fund in his memory, and, all the brothers and friends who made the trip or called that day. A month later, and two weeks before the due date, Tracy’s water broke. On May 27, in Lexington Walmart Supercenter #1335, strangers asked Tracy if she was ok — she responded yes, but that she would have to leave her cart right then, and there. Thank God my iPhone was not on mute, as it should have been, during a ritual practice at the masonic lodge. We weren’t packed for the hospital. The car seat wasn’t installed. The nursery wasn’t finished. We had just learned the baby was breech. But, after tossing everything we could think of in my able, 2003, Ben W. Satcher Ford Expedition, we began another forty-five minute trip to another hospital. On the road we called her parents (Mother: a tad upset she couldn’t be there; Father: elated). Annalee Estelle Lyons was born that evening about an hour after we arrived at Augusta Medical Center, in Fishersville, Virginia. She’s perfect. My Mom was so happy she showed up the next day after a seven-hour drive with a friend. I wrote this letter with no specific goal in mind; but since 2015 has been essentially a blur, I’ve found that I’ve enjoyed reading it probably more than anyone will. May God bless each of you in your lives, during both the dark spots, and those that are bright and glowing.

Jesse S. Lyons Editor; @jesseslyons @kappaalphaorder; #KAjournal



FALL 2015


THE KAPPA ALPHA JOURNAL 2016 SUBMISSION DATES: Issue 1/ Spring – Jan. 7 Issue 2/Summer – April 21 Issue 3/Fall – July 21 Issue 4/Winter – Sept. 21



Members Praise Special 150th Edition Just wanted to let you know what an awesome job you have done on The Journal! I am sorry to say that I have not looked at one in many years, and was very excited by what I saw in the recent publication. Great job, and I thank you for the Hamilton Province recognition. Jim Kirtley Beta Upsilon – Marshall ‘66 Hamilton Court of Honor Registrar

My copy of The Journal arrived today and spent part of the afternoon enjoying it. A superb edition! Frankly, I think that each issue, in terms of content, layout, interest, and positive image of the Order, becomes better than the last. KA is fortunate indeed to have your services and loyalty. Congratulations on an outstanding issue. Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. Gamma Chi – Texas Tech ‘70 Former Knight Commander

I just received The Journal this afternoon and just sat down to read it. From the beautiful collage on the cover to the last article, I found it fascinating. My favorite item may surprise you, given the many nice pieces on Chiles Province, but it was the insert of the first KA's killed in action. Thank you so much for the high level of performance you hold yourself to in producing these magazines. Dr. James M. Schmuck Alpha Eta – Westminster ‘69 Councilor

NO MO’ CHEMO I WANTED TO SHARE SOPHIA MILEY’S NO MO’ CHEMO picture with you. She had her final chemo here in Baton Rouge on Friday. Our wonderful Louisiana State Police hosted a NO MO’ CHEMO party for her at the St Jude Clinic. They do this for all of the children who finish chemo. Six state troopers were there as well as lots of family, friends, doctors and nurses. She was so happy! Sophia and her twin Macy, and mom and little brother, are at St. Jude in Memphis right now for her final round of scans, tests and her last chemo in Memphis. After this trip she will go back every six months for 5 years and then once a year for a check-up.

I want to thank you and your fellow KA brothers once again for your prayers for Sophia. Take care, Betty Miley Baton Rouge, La.

Editor’s Note: You all may remember that The Journal featured Sophia in the fall/winer 2012 edition. Knight Commander Dreyer gave his official “duck pins” to Sophia and family after he was the honorary Duck Master at The Peabody Hotel during the 2012 Advisory Council Meeting. Way to go Sophia — all of KA is so very happy for you and your family.

Journal Serves as Lesson Reminder My folks forward the Journal to me where I serve as a Peace Corp volunteer on Satowan Island, Chuuk, Micronesia. It takes a few months in the mail to get here but it always reminds me of the lessons I’ve learned as an Active KA: deference, humility, perseverance, cooperation, collaborating with a diverse group of people and working towards a common goal. Its helped me here and I’m thankful to my brothers and the Order who continue to instill these values in myself and others. Thanks! Daniel Parker Epsilon Epsilon – CaliforniaRiverside ’04 Spending some time with The Journal, Ta Island, Mortlocks Atoll, Chuuck Micronesia.

FALL 2015



Connections Limited Edition, Sesquicentennial Edition Uberti/ Winchester 1873 rifle KEITH HILLIARD

Does it fire? BRYAN WHORTON

That's beautiful LIAM VILLANTE

Can I just buy one?. JEFF STILL

Sherry buy Michael a ticket!

Bill and Linda, with two grandsons, Will (left) and J.D. (right). Will is now a KA and a freshman at Clemson and J.D. is a freshman anticipating recruitment in the spring at William Jewell. KappaAlphaOrder

“A highlight of my life” Dear Brothers, My two terms as Knight Commander have been a highlight of my life, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have served. We have made major progress in our four objectives:

Academic Excellence Risk Management Housing Alumni Engagement


William E. Dreyer 39th Knight Commander



FALL 2015

19 June 2015: Wishing @BrandtSnedeker (Vanderbilt ’00) and @JMAJ94 (Florida State ’15) good luck today at the U.S. Open. 21 Retweets; 21 Favorites

Instagram/ KappaAlphaOrder


Today is the first day of Emerging Leaders Academy. #KAELA MISTY GILLESPIE HAULLANDER @MEMEMISTY

My son @b0og_ is there representing UTC with a few of this KA brothers….. I’m extremely proud of these young men for taking the opportunity to attend this instead of saying “no it’s summer why go” these guys are truly going to be leaders. I love you guys.


I presented the Biennial Report of the 39th Knight Commander at the Opening Session of the 76th Meeting of the Convention at the Hotel Roanoke, in Roanoke, Virginia on July 30, 2015. Our progress on these objectives, and more, will be shared online, and, in a future issue of The Journal. Personally, this Sesquicentennial year in particular has been eventful, rewarding, and of course memorable. Linda and I have traveled thousands of miles, met thousands of wonderful Kappa Alpha brothers, and celebrated dozens of milestones, occasions, and awards. We are halfway to our goal of 150 Conviviums in 2015. I ask you each to assist in meeting this goal by the end of the year. Get together with your brothers and raise a toast to the Order. I firmly believe KA has celebrated, strengthened, and promoted our Order this

year. We have advanced our mission and objectives, while renewing our vows to remain true to our values. As such, I am confident in saying the state of our Order is very strong. I would like to thank our volunteers, including the Executive Council, the Province Commanders, the Chief Alumnus, the Deputy Chief Alumnus, the National Undergraduate Chairman and the National Undergraduate Vice Chairman. I appreciate the support of the Board of Trustees of the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation. Also, I want to recognize and thank the local alumni advisory committees and the local chapter house corporation boards for their very important service. In addition, I want to thank each member of the outstanding staff at Mulberry Hill. They serve the Order very well! God bless the Kappa Alpha Order and God bless each one of you!


Our Order

Editor's Note: all member titles are of the time of the event


2015 Number I’s Leadership Institute The focus of the Number I’s Leadership Institute (NLI) is to educate and empower Number I’s to understand their role and responsibility as the chapter’s highest elected officer, recognize the tools and support systems provided, and to understand the standards and policies of operating an active chapter of Kappa Alpha Order. Attendance is required to serve as Number I. Date: January 8-11

Leadership and Topic Speakers:

Location: Caraway Conference Center, Sophia, NC

Ed Baker, MDA National Director of Organizational Partnerships Kenny Davis, Captain of the 1972 U.S. Olympic Basketball Team William E. Dreyer, Knight Commander Mike Duncan, Former Knight Commander Tom H. Fetzer, Former Mayor of Raleigh, NC Dwain Knight, National Chaplain S. Morgan Morton, Former Senior Vice President & President of the Consumer Group Adam Ritz, Syndicated Radio Host & Keynote Speaker C. Douglas Simmons III, Counsilor Greg Singleton, National Scholarship Officer

# of attendees: 127 Number Is % of Number I’s: 99.2% (all but one) # of facilitators: 22 # of Number I groups: 11 Facilitators include: Alumnus Advisors, Faculty Advisors, Greek Advisors, Staff, Province Commanders, KAOEF Trustees, Donors, Councilors, and more

FALL 2015

2015 Emerging Leaders Academy The Emerging Leaders Academy (ELA) provides premier leadership training through the Mock Chapter experience, certified educational sessions and engaging large group presentations. Focused on the new leaders in your chapter, this unique opportunity will help each attendee become more involved in your chapter and the Order. Date: June 12-15

Leadership and Topic Speakers:

Location: Washington & Lee and Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Va.

William E. Dreyer, Knight Commander Dr. Rob Havers, President of the George C. Marshall Foundation Dwain Knight, National Chaplain Jeff Martini, Owner of Martini Media Solutions Kimberly Novak, CEO of NovakTalks C. Douglas Simmons III, Councilor Greg Singleton, National Scholarship Officer Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Former Knight Commander Colonel William J. Wanovich, Commandant of VMI

# of attendees: 210 from 72 Chapters # of peer facilitators: 13 active members lead small “Mock Chapters”



Our Order

2015 Province Councils Province Councils are the Order’s program vehicle to deliver standardized leadership education for all officers and most committee chairmen of each chapter. Province Council curriculum builds on themes from NLI and empowers the chapter leadership to assist the Number I in operations and accountability. Date: January 30-31 Location: Missouri Southern State University, Joplin, Mo. # of attendees: 151 from Chiles, Locke Provinces

NLI Recap

Date: January 30-31 Location: Mississippi State University, Starkville, Miss. # of attendees: 200 from Forester, Irwin, White Provinces Date: February 6-7 Location: University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. # of attendees: 130 from Candler, Feller, Frampton Provinces Date: February 6-7 Location: Laguna Beach Christian Retreat Center, Panama City, Fl. # of attendees: 159 from Crawford, Dunwody, Hardeman Provinces Date: February 14 Location: University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada # of attendees: 97 from Neal Province Date: Febuary 27-28* Location: Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas # of attendees: 72 from Mikell, Walsh Provinces Date: March 21* Location: High Point University, High Point, N.C. # of attendees: 122 from Smith, Graves Provinces Date: March 28* Location: Natural Bridge Historic Hotel, Natural Bridge, Va. # of attendees: 146 from Ammen, Wood Provinces Date: April 11* Location: West Virginia Wesleyan College, Buckhannon, W.V. # of attendees: 31 from Hamilton Province * Councils affected by weather Total # of attendees: 1108 % attendance to undergrads: 15% # of facilitators engaged: 137 Facilitator to Student Ratio: 1/8 (9 officers in a chapter) Leadership and Topic Speakers: Kenny Davis, Captain of the 1972 U.S. Olympic Basketball Team Steven Fulmer, speaker, Steven Fulmer, Inc. John Mountz, J. Mountz Consulting Adam Ritz, Syndicated Radio Host & Keynote Speaker C. Douglas Simmons III, Councilor

For more information on how you can support NLI or the KAOEF, visit



FALL 2015


JANUARY 8TH THROUGH 11TH, 2015 — Chapter presidents from 129 chapters attended the Number I's Leadership Institute, the Order's premiere educational conference, in Sophia, North Carolina. The weekend-long conference, located at the Caraway Conference Center, was full of large group facilitation and small group discussions that focused on educating and empowering chapter presidents to perform their duties and make the right and sometimes difficult decisions to ultimately lead their chapter to excellence. 2015 Number I's Leadership Lectures featured high-powered, energetic speakers who can relate to our undergraduate leaders and provide and inspiring dialogue. Speakers included Morgan Morton, Former Senior Vice President of Pfizer, Kenny Davis 1972 U.S. Olympic Basketball Team Captain, and Tom Fetzer, former Mayor of Raleigh, North Carolina. Large sessions were also held by esteemed volunteers and staff of the National Administrative Office over the Number I's role in overseeing various aspects of chapter operations including recruitment, ritual, risk management, scholarship, and major offenses. Along with educational sessions, every Number I took their oath of office administered by Knight Commander William E. Dreyer. Number Is in attendance were among the first members to hear the Sesquicentennial Toast written by Former Knight Commander Idris R. Traylor, Jr. that celebrates the Order's founding and 150 years of history and Excellence. Finally, several sessions of the Undergraduate Conference were held to elect Evan McInnis and Christopher Willmer as National Undergraduate Chairman and Vice Chairman, respectively. For more photos of 2015's Number I's Leadership Institute, like Kappa Alpha Order's Facebook Page. This educational retreat was made possible at cost to the Number Is by generous donations to the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation.

Our Order

Sesquicentennial Events Update More than 4,000 Kappa Alpha Order brothers and guests will have attended a major Sesquicentennial event by year’s end. Sesquicentennial Celebration and 76th Convention:

Regional Celebrations: These events were planned and organized by The Order

Due to timing of publication, the recap of these events will be covered in the next issue of The Journal.

Jan. 19...........Richmond, VA..............Virginia Museum of Fine Art Feb. 28...........Dallas, TX................................Dallas Country Club March 5..........Atlanta, GA............................. Cherokee Town Club April 17 .........Nashville, TN..................Belle Meade Country Club April 24..........St. Louis, MO................................. Busch Stadium May 7.............Tampa, FL...................................Tampa Yacht Club June 14..........Lexington, VA...............Emerging Leaders Academy Oct. 16..........Washington, D.C. ........................The Willard Hotel Nov. 12...........San Francisco, CA......... Observatory at the Presidio Dec. 21...........Lexington, VA......................... Closing Celebration

Local Celebrations: These events were planned and organized by chapters, alumni chapters and commissions DATE




Jan. 24.......Charleston, SC ........... Theta Commission and Charleston Convivium..........(Theta Commission & Charleston Alumni Chapter) Jan. 24.......Rogers, AK ................ Alpha Omicron Convivium .......................................................... (Arkansas-Alpha Omicron Chapter) Jan. 24.......Lubbock, TX .............. Gamma Chi Convivium...................................................................(Texas Tech-Gamma Chi Chapter) Jan. 27.......Jacksonville, FL ......... Alumni Chapter Centennial ................................................................(Jacksonville Alumni Chapter) Jan. 28.......Thomasville, GA......... Local 150th Celebration....................................................................(Thomasville Alumni Chapter) Jan. 29.......Greenville, SC ............ Local 150th Celebration.......................................................................(Greenville Alumni Chapter) Jan. 31.......Joplin, MO ................ Chiles/Locke Province Council ..................................................... (Joplin, Missouri Alumni Chapter) Feb. 21.......Memphis, TN ............. Delta Upsilon 40th Anniversary..................................................(Tennessee-Martin Alumni Chapter) April 11......San Marcos, TX .......... Epsilon Iota 35th Anniversary .................................................... (Texas State-Epsilon Iota Chapter) May 1.........Austin, TX ................. Omicron Chapter Restoration Banquet....................................................... (Texas-Omicron Chapter) Aug. 22......Jackson, MS .............. Mississippi 150th Celebration Sept. 19......Norman, OK .............. Beta Eta Chapter’s 110th Anniversary Oct. 1.........Baltimore, MD ........... 85th Anniversary of Wood Court of Honor Oct. 8........Morgantown, WV ....... Alpha Rho Chapter’s Reunion Oct. 24......Fulton, MO ................ Alpha Eta Chapter’s 125th Anniversary Nov. 7.........Indianapolis, IN ........ Indy Local Celebration


Including our regional and local celebrations, 75 Conviviums have been held this year by groups of members, chapters, alumni chapters, and commissions. We are half way to our goal of logging 150 total Conviviums in 2015.

FALL 2015



Our Order

Kappa Alpha Order has achieved a landmark


3.0 GPA

Our advisors, campus professionals, province commanders and staff for their support National Scholarship Officer Greg Singleton for his thoughtful review and advocacy

for the spring 2015 term.

The 35th, 36th, and 37th Executive Councils for their fortitude in setting the expectations 38th Knight Commander J. Michael Duncan for initiating the first scholarship standards 39th Knight Commander William E. Dreyer for setting the goal of a 3.0 And most importantly, our members and our chapters for their academic pursuits and achievement.

Here’s to the next 150 years and sustaining a level of academic excellence … after all it is our aim!

New Smith Province Commander



FALL 2015

Councilor David P. Barksdale (Tau – Wake Forest ’88) has recently been named the President and Chief Executive Officer of Carolina Premier Bank in Charlotte, North Carolina. He was previously a Chief Strategy Officer at Greensboro’s NewBridge Bank and has 27 years of experience in the banking industry.


Knight Commander William E. Dreyer appointed Robert H. Wall (Tau - Wake Forest ’95) as the Commander of the Ed Chambers Smith Province effective April 24. Rob served as Deputy Province Commander for the past three years and is counsel with Spilman, Thomas & Brattle, PPLC in WinstonSalem, where he practices in the area of taxation. He resides in Winston-Salem, with his wife Elizabeth. They have two sons, Haywood and Rustin. Knight Commander Dreyer appointed Brother Wall after reviewing nominations from the Active and Alumni Chapters in Smith Province. Brother Wall replaces David B. Hagan (Alpha Omega - North Carolina State ’76) who served as the Smith Province Commander for three years.


Our Order AWARDS

Distinguished Public Service Award Established to recognize members who have demonstrated public service by serving in local, state or federal government.

Conference Elections

The Undergraduate Conference met at the Number I’s Leadership Institute on January 9 and 10, 2015 and elected the following men to serve in their respective positions:

Presented by Knight Commander William E. Dreyer


Given at the Atlanta Regional Sesquicentennial Celebration HON. GEORGE B. HOOKS (Nu Auburn ‘66): longtime legislator in State of Georgia Given at Thomasville, Georgia Local Sesquicentennial Celebration W. TRAVIS CUMMINGS (Delta Rho – Valdosta State ‘92): Florida House of Representatives JEFFREY H. ATWATER (Beta Zeta – Florida ‘78): Chief Financial Officer for the State of Florida LENNARD B. REGISTER III (Beta Zeta – Florida ‘74): longtime District Attorney HON. P. MICAHEL RUFF (Gamma Eta – Florida State ‘67): administrative law judge, current Crawford Province Commander

Robert E. Lee Appreciation Award Established to recognize persons who have credibly interpreted the life of Robert E. Lee to the American people in contemporary times. Presented by Knight Commander William E. Dreyer Given at the Houston Area KA Alumni Chapter Chartering to J. STEWART MORRIS, Alpha Tau Omega

Evan G. McInnis (Zeta Nu – North Florida ’13) Evan is currently a senior studying public relations and is a member of the Order of Omega national Greek honor society. He represents his chapter on the Interfraternity Council and is a founding member of the DOULOS Greek ministry. Beyond campus, Evan is involved with the Rotary District 6970 as a student leadership counselor, has volunteered at the Muscular Dystrophy Association’s summer camp and works in a local afterschool program. Evan has held the Number I, IV and IX positions of his chapter. He has attended the Emerging Leaders Academy and participated in Stewards of the Order. Evan is from Interlachen, Florida and is a first-generation KA.

NATIONAL UNDERGRADUATE VICE CHAIRMAN Christopher J. Willmer (Zeta Xi – Texas Wesleyan ’12) Chris is currently a junior studying technical theatre with an emphasis in lighting. He serves the Student Life Office at Texas Wesleyan as a New Student Leader on campus. Outside of his studies and extracurricular activities, he enjoys being a sound engineer for various concerts and events. Within KA, he has served his chapter as Number II and I. After school Chris plans to work with lighting design and possibly as a master electrician. Chis is from Aledo, Texas and is a first-generation KA. FALL 2015


Introducing the 2015 Sesquicentennial Edition of The Varlet of Kappa Alpha Order The Order is proud to present what we believe is the best edition of The Varlet, in our 150 years.

Content has been updated for accuracy and relevance. Organization

remains similar. Chapters 1-6 focus on material for a Member Awaiting Initiation. Chapters 7-9 are intended to provide direction and reference for an Active Member. Chapter 10 encompasses the lifetime experience for a soon-to-be or new-graduated Alumnus Member.

Design is the most notable alteration. This special edition includes a fully reformatted, full color layout and creative design. Designed to engage a young man joining KA at an average age of 18, The Varlet includes short bits of information and highlights without giving up on the long form of history and explanations. Further, the Kappa Alpha Laws and Executive Council regulations have been redesigned for easier reference and reading. Production is even stronger. Although paper quality has been improved and full color included, the cost has not been increased due to a significant reduction in page count through design. Our 2015 Sesquicentennial Edition of The Varlet of Kappa Alpha Order is in use now by our chapters and members. To Order your own, visit


Our Order Left: Forester Province Commander Greg Singleton (Gamma Gamma – Memphis ’82) and Knight Commander William E. Dreyer (Alpha Delta – William Jewell ’57) and Greek Advisor Stephen Dominy (right) with chapter leadership of Zeta Tau Chapter at the NIC Awards of Distinction Banquet

North-American Interfraternity Conference Recognition Undergraduate Award of Distinction The Undergraduate Award of Distinction seeks to recognize the fraternity man who has found in his experience an outlet for developing as both a leader and a better man. The recipient(s) will strive to embody the values of his fraternity and will expect the same from those with whom he associates. David Lynch (Zeta Sigma – Southern Illinois ‘13) David is a Political Science and Economics senior from Rockford, Illinois. He was named SIU’s 2014 Lincoln Student Laureate. A Chancellor’s Scholar, David served as the executive director of the 2013 SIU Leadership Conference and was a founder and president of the University Honors student organization. He also served as the Number II and vice president of the Interfraternity Council and was the recipient of the 2014 Betty Lou Mitchell Award for Greek Excellence. David interned with US Senator Dick Durbin in Washington, DC, Attorney General Lisa Madigan in Springfield, IL, and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. David is headed to Paraguay with the Peace Corps as a business advising volunteer.

Jesse Brown (Gamma Omega – Midwestern State ‘14) Jesse, a senior studying Criminal Justice and Business from Alvord, Texas, was one of the re-founding members of the Gamma Omega chapter at Midwestern State and served as Number I for two terms. Brown was also highly involved on campus earning honors including Greek God, Greek Man of the Year, Most Outstanding Criminal Justice Major and Clark Scholar of the Year. In June 2014, he was appointed by Texas Governor, Rick Perry, as the Student Regent to serve on the MSU Board of Regents. Brown is also a five time recipient of the President's Honor Roll, a member of both the Inter-Fraternity Council Judicial Board and Crime Stoppers Board, and a member in multiple honor societies including Golden Key, Alpha Chi, Alpha Phi Sigma and Order of Omega.

Chapter Award of Distinction The Chapter Award of Distinction recognizes the undergraduate chapter which is highly functioning, in compliance with NIC Standards, seeks to educate others about the benefits of a values based fraternity experience, and works to maintain a healthy relationship with their inter/ national organization. Austin Peay State University – Zeta Tau Zeta Tau was also the recipient of the George C. Marshall Award for Chapter Excellence for the 2014 calendar year at Kappa Alpha Order's regional Province Council held at Mississippi State. This is the highest honor for an undergraduate chapter which is awarded to one to three chapters annually and takes all aspects of chapter operations into consideration. With Zeta Tau being established in 2011, it makes them the youngest chapter to receive this recognition. Silver Medal The Silver Medal is presented in recognition of specific acts of service or leadership in a project or task. For more than 30 years the Silver Medal has recognized those leaders who have taken the lead role or roles in accomplishing a task that has advanced the movement. Kappa Alpha Order nominated Jim Ewbank, alumnus Phi Delta Theta, for the NIC Silver Medal. He was awarded this honor for his efforts to further the fraternal movement though his litigation for KA and other NIC fraternities. Jim Ewbank Phi Delta Theta Fraternity



FALL 2015


Left: Buddy Coté, Chairman of the North-American Interfraternity Institute with David Lynch. Center: Executive Director Larry Stanton Wiese with Jesse Brown. Right: Jim Ewbank.

Our Order




MAY 2015

David Merrill (Zeta Pi – Florida Gulf Coast ’08) was promoted as the director of risk management. David will focus on the Order’s risk reduction and management program which includes educational initiatives, investigations and sanctions, as well as a chapter re-building programs.

Blake Berkbuegler (Alpha Eta – Westminster ’11) was promoted as senior associate director for chapter development. He will be traveling Neal Province and continue to work with the Order’s provisional and newly chartered chapters.

Mason W. Tarpley (Beta Xi – Oklahoma State ’10) graduated in December of 2013 with a degree in Economics and a minor in accounting. Mason will serve as associate director for chapter services and travel Candler, Chiles, Forester and Frampton Provinces.


Jeremy Duke (Delta Lambda – Middle Tennessee ’09) served as associate director for chapter development from 2013 to 2015. He is now working as a financial representative for Northwestern Mutual in Nashville, Tennessee.


JULY 2015

Brent Buswell (Beta Eta – Oklahoma ’09) was promoted as the director of communications after a six-month stint as associate director for communications.

Matt Mandeville (Beta Rho – Roanoke ’12) was hired as an associate director for chapter services. He earned a bachelor’s degree in political science with a concentration in legal studies in December of 2014. Matt will be traveling Ammen, White and Wood Provinces.

Collins Williamson (Alpha Beta – Alabama ’09) graduated in May 2015 with a BA in Communicative Disorders and a minor in the Blount Undergraduate Initiative. Collins will serve as associate director for chapter services and travel Locke, Mikell and Walsh Provinces.

Andy Lock (Alpha Eta – Westminster ‘11) served as associate director for chapter services for the 2014-2015 academic year. He is now working for Senator Roy Bount (MO), in Washington, D.C.

JUNE 2015

Tullis Beasley (Delta Rho – Valdosta State ’09) was promoted as senior associate director for chapter services. He will be traveling Graves, Hamilton and Smith Provinces.

Sam Mynhier (Zeta Tau – Austin Peay State ’10) received a bachelor’s degree in theatre performance with minors in communication and secondary education in May of 2015. Sam will serve as associate director for chapter development, and he will travel Feller Province and work with the Order’s provisional and newly chartered chapters. FALL 2015

Brandon Steadman (Delta Lambda – Middle Tennessee State ’11) graduated with a BBA in Economics in May of 2015. Brandon will serve as associate director for chapter services and travel to Crawford, Dunwody, Hardeman and Irwin Provinces.



Greg Waterworth (Beta Kappa – Maryland ’10) served as associated director for chapter services from 2013 to 2015. He is now attending his first year of law school at University of Baltimore, in Maryland.

Our Order


Alumni College THE 2015 ALUMNI COLLEGE WAS A SUCCESS WITH ALUMNI AND GUESTS VISITING THE BIRTHPLACE of Kappa Alpha Order for a weekend of activities that were both enjoyable and educational. The event included a reception and tour of Mulberry Hill, a meet and greet with Knight Commander, the viewing of special collections from the Order’s archives, tours of Lexington, Lee Chapel, WLU, VMI and Monticello, and speakers on KA history, leaders, and more. For more information on the 2016 Alumni College, please contact Michael Wilson, Assistant Executive Director for Alumni Affairs at (540) 463-1865.

In conjunction with the Emerging Leaders Academy, the Crusade RoundTable and the Stewards of the Order, Kappa Alpha Order hosted an inaugural Alumni College in Lexington, Virginia, on June 11-14. Alumni attendees and guests enjoyed a welcome reception at Mulberry Hill, lectures on Robert E. Lee and George C. Marshall, a session with Dr. Martin Clagett, author of Excelsior: The Story of Kappa Alpha Order, and tours of historic Lexington and Jefferson’s Monticello.




FALL 2015

Our Order

Conferral of the Knight Commander’s Accolades Dr. Joel Alan Nickles (Delta Sigma Houston Baptist '74)

Daniel T. Patton (Delta Kappa Stephen F. Austin State '74)

Kriss Parikakis (Delta Kappa Stephen F. Austin '76)

J. Baxter Wood (Delta Alpha Western Carolina '64)

Presented February 28, 2015. Regional Celebration Dallas Country Club, Dallas, Texas

Presented September 18, 2014.* Delta Kappa Chapter Lodge Dedication Ceremony, Nacogdoches, Texas

Presented September 18, 2014.* Delta Kappa Chapter Lodge Dedication Ceremony, Nacogdoches, Texas

Presented August 9, 2014. Delta Alpha 50th Anniversary, Asheville, N.C.

Patton served two terms as Number VIII before graduating in 1977.

Parikakis served as Number VII, VI and I before graduating in 1979 with a Bachelor of Arts in Finance. In 1981 he received his Master of Science in Economics.

Nickles graduated from the University of Texas School of Dentistry. Nickles founded Cinco Meadows Dental in Houston where he continues to practice. Nickles assisted with the rechartering of the Gamma Mu chapter at the University of Houston, the founding of the Houston Baptist University Alumni Association and the newly formed Houston Area KA Alumni Association. Dr. Nickles resides in Richmond, Texas, with his wife Polly. They have raised two sons, John and James, both of whom are KA alumni of Beta Xi chapter at Oklahoma State University.

Patton moved to Corpus Christi to work for the Lone Star Brewery. In 1981, he accepted the job of General Manager in Austin. Dan is now the Vice President of Chain Account Sales for what is now called Keg One.

He became a CPA in Texas and is the Chief Financial Officer of Jet Aviation. Parikakis assisted in reestablishing the Delta Kappa Housing Foundation, serving as president for six years. He organized the 40th Anniversary in 2008, which launched the Capital Campaign for the new house. He is a member of the William Archibald Walsh Province Court of Honor.

Patton joined the Delta Kappa Housing Foundation board in 2008 and became president in 2012. He is a member of the William Archibald Walsh Province Court of Honor. Patton is married Ann Renfro. They have two daughters, Amy Elizabeth and Rita Kay.

He is married to Brenda Eubanks, and they have two sons, Ryan and Eric.

*Presented by Former Knight Commander J. Michael Duncan (Delta Kappa - Stephen F. Austin '69) on behalf of Knight Commander William E. Dreyer

*Presented by Former Knight Commander J. Michael Duncan (Delta Kappa - Stephen F. Austin '69) on behalf of Knight Commander William E. Dreyer




FALL 2015



Wood graduated in 1958 after serving four years in the U.S. Navy. He received his Masters in Education Administration in 1963 and eventually retired as the Director of the University Center at Western Carolina. Wood served as the Delta Alpha Faculty Advisor for 30 years and is a member of the Ed Chambers Smith Province Court of Honor. Wood served on the board of the University Center, the Catamount Club, and was chair of his church’s board of deacons three times. Wood is a 32nd degree Mason and a 60-year Mason. His wife Sue recenlty passed away. Delta Alpha has lost a surrogate mother. She is survived by Wood and their daughter, Deborah and a KA son, Jim.


Our Order THE FIRST KNIGHT COMMANDER’S ACCOLADES WERE AWARDED BY THEN Knight Commander Henry J. Foresman (Beta Commission - VMI ’41) in 1967. To recognize excellence in leadership and service to the Order. The Executive Council subsequently passed a regulation creating and defining the award as such and stating that the award is given at the sole discretion of the Knight Commander. In 1999, Former Knight Commander Idris R. Traylor (Gamma Chi - Texas Tech ’70) designed, and the Executive Council authorized, the creation of a jewel for this award. The jewel is a crimson cross outlined in gold, with a golden knight on horseback, centered. The jewel hangs from a ribbon collar of crimson and old gold. The jewel was first presented in 2001. The Knight Commander’s Accolade is the highest individual honor an alumnus can receive. To view the entire recipient list and complete bios, go online to

Clevie Clifford Luckadoo (Delta Alpha Western Carolina '65)

Joseph Ray Gill (Alpha Delta William Jewell '06)

H. Robert Hohenberger, Jr. (Omicron - Texas ’46)

James A. W. Rembert (Theta Commission Citadel ‘08)

Presented August 9, 2014. Delta Alpha 50th Anniversary, Asheville, N.C.

Presented November 21, 2014. Phoenix, Ariz.

Presented May 21, 2015. Houston Area KA Alumni Chapter Chartering, Houston, Texas

Presented May 9, 2015. Theta Commission Initiation Ceremony, Charleston, S.C.

While in school, Clevie was WCU senior class president and served Delta Alpha chapter as Number V and New Member Educator. Luckadoo graduated from Western Carolina University in 1968. In 1969, Clevie joined the United States Army where he would serve for two years. He began a career in the automotive industry, working for numerous large corporations before retiring in 2009. He has served as President, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Cullowhee KA Alumni Chapter and is a member of the Ed Chambers Smith Province Court of Honor.

Gill is president of Gill Grain Company in Richmond, Missouri. Gill has served on the William Jewell College Board of Trustees for 30 years. In 2006, the College awarded Ray a Doctorate of Humane Letters.

Hohenberger graduated from the University of Texas in 1949, and he earned a Masters of Arts in Psychology from Trinity University in 1952 and his Doctor of Jurisprudence from St. Mary’s School of Law in 1954.

He has made major gifts to the College, his church, his community in Richmond, and to the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale. He is also major donor to the Rotary Club and Foundation, the Masonic Lodge, and the Farris Theatre of Richmond.

He served seven years in the U.S. Army before becoming an attorney in Houston. He is a member numerous bar associations and has served as president or assisted in founding several others.

He and his late wife, Lucille, have two children, John and Christie, 4 grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren.

Hohenberger was appointed to the Omicron Alumni Receivership Committee in 2011 and served until their recolonization in 2014.

Clevie is married to Shirley, and they have a son, Cliff and a daughter, Suzy.

Rembert served as a Chairman of the Honor Committee at The Citadel and upon graduation, he entered the United States Army. He obtained his Masters in English at the University of South Carolina and two Ph.Ds at the University of North Carolina and Cambridge University. He taught at the Citadel for 41 years and abroad at Jesus College and Cambridge. Rembert has served Theta Commission over six years as Chairman and Number I. Rembert is married to Celia Childress Rembert, and they have 5 children.

Brother Hohenberger has three daughters and four grandchildren.







FALL 2015

Our Order

Brothers Around The Order

These photos include many scenes from Local and Regional KA150 Celebrations. 1. Dallas Celebration: Brothers from Texas-Arlington gather for a photo. 2. KAOEF development director Stuart Whetsell prepares to display one of the Sesquicentennial rifles for drawing. 3. Southern California brothers still gather years later. Here is Ron Yeo in Tommy Trojan attire and wife Birgitta. 4. Brad Beacham of Sigma Nu, former Senator Trent Lott, Larry Wiese, and Wynn Smiley of Alpha Tau Omega. 5. Tampa Celebration: Staff and guests greet each other before the festivities begin. 6. Alumni 2








FALL 2015



Our Order

brothers, staff, (and not pictured, a hundred community leaders) welcome Dr. Robin Havers to Lexington, alumnus from Westminster, at a reception at Mulberry Hill. See page 54 for more. 7. Richmond/Opening Celebration: Then Knight Commander William Dreyer kicking off the Sesquicentennial Celebration on Jan. 19. 8. Nashville Celebration: Whetsell, KAOEF Trustee Cole McDowell, his wife Jamie, and new KAOEF President and Chairman, Todd Reaves. 9. St. Louis Celebration: Then Senior Councilor Darren Kay delivers the Sesquicentennial Toast. 10–16. St. Louis Celebration: National leadership, alumni, guests, and actives enjoyed the evening at Busch Stadium, home of the St. Louis Cardinals.









FALL 2015




By Rick Moore

IT HAS LONG BEEN MAINTAINED that being a member

of Kappa Alpha Order, or being involved in Greek life in general, can be a major contributing factor to living a fuller, more successful life. Dedication to one’s community, conducting oneself as a gentleman in all types of relationships, pursuing continued personal growth, and practicing other KA tenets can only be beneficial, and are central to the core of what the Order is about. It’s something we all know to be true — but has never statistically documented. Until now.


Chief among the findings was the conclusion that the type of institution they attended mattered less than what they experienced there.

research effort of Gallup, Inc., Purdue University, and the Lumina Foundation have been released, comparing the lives of college graduates to those of nondegreed citizens, and then comparing the lives of those graduates involved in Greek life with the lives of those who weren’t involved in fraternities or sororities. Additionally, Gallup partnered with the North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) and the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC), as well as global well-being company Healthways, to research the relationship between membership in fraternities and sororities and several key areas of post-college life. Results for the Gallup-Purdue Index are based on Web surveys conducted with a random sample of 29,560 respondents with bachelor’s degrees or higher, aged 18 and older, with Internet access, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. Of those with bachelor’s degrees (at least) who were surveyed, 16% indicated that they were members of a national fraternity or sorority during their college years. Graduates who participated in Greek life were shown to be slightly more likely to be thriving in critical elements of well-being than graduates who did not. And chief among the findings was the conclusion that the type of institution they attended mattered less than what they experienced there. The study also revealed that more fraternity and sorority members are thriving in the area of social wellbeing than others who received degrees. In that study element, 54%

of those involved in Greek life were shown to have strong relationships with friends and family, compared to less than half of all other college graduates (48%). Similarly, fraternity and sorority members are more likely to be prospering in the area of financial well-being than other college graduates (46% vs. 42%). Those involved in Greek life are also more likely to be flourishing in community well-being than their contemporaries (52% vs. 46%). And fraternity and sorority members are more likely to be doing well in the component of physical well-being than others who completed their educations at institutions of higher learning (37% vs. 34%). Additionally, the number of fraternity and sorority members who are thriving in none of the elements of the study at all is smaller than that of their non-fraternity and non-sorority peers (13% vs. 18%). The overall results suggest that the Greek experience is comparatively beneficial for the vast majority of those who are a part of it. In some of the areas the study examined such areas as workplace engagement of Greek graduates vs. non-Greek; the amount of support and involvement they experienced during their college years; experiential learning they participated in during college; and the alumni attachment that has carried into their post-college lives. Some sample data:

Workplace Engagement Results showed that 43% of college graduates who were involved in Greek

Study Participants Gallup, Inc. With more than 75 years of global experience, Gallup knows more about the attitudes and behaviors of the world’s constituents, employees, and customers than any other organization. Gallup’s 2,000 professionals deliver services at client organizations, through the Web, and in nearly 40 offices around the world.

Healthways Healthways is an independent, global well-being company that provides comprehensive improvement solutions to increase performance and lower healthcare costs in its client populations. Healthways uses the science of well-being and behavior change to produce and measure well-being improvement for its customers.

FALL 2015


Purdue University Purdue University is known not only for science, technology, engineering, and math programs, but also for its imagination, ingenuity, and innovation. Academically, Purdue’s role as a major research institution is supported by topranking disciplines in pharmacy, business, engineering, and agriculture, with more than 39,000 students enrolled here.


life are substantially engaged in the functions and operations of their workplaces, compared to 38% of graduates who were not fraternity or sorority members. Engagement, in the words of the NIC, “is more than job satisfaction. It involves employees being intellectually and emotionally connected with their organizations and work teams because they are able to do what they’re best at, they like what they do at work, and they have someone who cares about their development at work.” Additional Gallup research shows that, overall, only 30% of Americans are engaged in their jobs.

Support They Received During College Years

Alumni who participated in fraternities or sororities were found to exhibit higher emotional attachments to their schools than non-Greeks.

Experiential Learning Similarly, graduates with fraternity or sorority affiliations in college were more likely to have taken advantage of experiential learning opportunities while

The North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) Founded in 1909, the NIC is the trade association representing 74 International and National Men’s Fraternities. With a board of directors comprised of nine volunteers from member fraternities, the NIC serves to advocate the needs of its member fraternities through enrichment of the fraternity experience, advancement and growth of the fraternity community, and enhancement of the educational mission of the host institutions.



FALL 2015

Alumni Attachment: Alumni who participated in fraternities or sororities were found to exhibit higher emotional attachments to their schools than non-Greeks. Some 22% of those who were involved in Greek life claim a significant attachment to their alma maters, compared with 17% of graduates who were not members of sororities or fraternities. IN THE END, THE RESULTS of such a study mostly reinforce strongly-held beliefs that have existed since the beginning of the Order. The results of this study aren’t cause or justification for arrogance or an overblown sense of the importance of Greek life as part of the college experience. Rather, they should only serve to spur us to even greater accomplishments, and greater heights of fulfilling the tenets of what the KA Order represents. The survey has interesting results in other areas as well, such as percentage comparisons of students who did and didn’t take out student loans, performed internships, and more. For complete index results, you can download the entire report at com/168857/gallup-purdue-index-inauguralnational-report.aspx.

The National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) The NPC is the premier advocacy and support organization for the advancement of the sorority experience, serving as the national voice on contemporary issues of sorority life. Founded in 1902, the NPC is one of the oldest and largest women’s membership organizations, representing more than four million women at 655 college/university campuses in the U.S. and Canada.


The Lumina Foundation The Lumina Foundation is an independent, private foundation committed to increasing the proportion of Americans with high-quality degrees, certificates and other credentials to 60% by 2025. Lumina’s outcomes-based approach focuses on helping to design and build an accessible, responsive and accountable higher education system.

The support that graduates recall receiving from their institutions as students is shown to be important well into their post-graduate careers. Some 16% of graduates who participated in fraternities or sororities say they had professors who cared about them as people and helped excite them about learning, and also had mentors (perhaps sometimes the same professors) who encouraged them to pursue their dreams, compared with 13% of graduates who did not belong to fraternities or sororities.

in college (11%) than those who were not members of fraternities or sororities (5%). And more fraternity and sorority members profess to have been extremely involved in extracurricular activities and organizations than other college graduates (11% vs. 5%).

The Moral Compass on Campus A handful of our top KA alumni in student affairs and Greek life, share their personal experiences and thoughts on the state and future of higher education, Greek life, Kappa Alpha’s future, and more. By Jesse Lyons (Delta Alpha – Western Carolina '98)

What made you want to go into your field? Did KA have anything to do with you career decision? Jamie MANTOOTH: I more-or-

Jamie Mantooth

(Delta Upsilon – Tennessee-Martin ‘92)

Director of Retention, Murray State University; (2012-PRESENT)

Eric M. Heath

(Alpha Omicron – Arkansas ‘98)

Assistant Vice President for Public Safety and Chief of Police, George Mason University; (2013-PRESENT)

less stumbled into Student Affairs when I was hired to be an Admissions Counselor for my undergraduate institution. I thought it was the best job ever because I could not believe they were going to pay me to travel around and tell people how great a school this is! I was accepted into the Higher Education Administration program at the University of South Carolina and the rest is history. KA had much to do with my career decision. My active involvement with KA exposed me to the value of co-curricular experiences that support the academic mission of an institution. As an undergraduate, I did not know that is what was happening … I was just enjoying college life. KA encouraged strong academics and campus involvement beyond just our fraternity. Eric HEATH: I started in my field as a way to pay for college and once I was immersed in campus law enforcement I really began to see it as a long-term career. I love the vibrancy of the college environment and I have always had a desire to serve in law enforcement so the combination of the two really made perfect sense to me. I think KA had an impact on my career choice simply due to instilling a service oriented mindset. That mindset was something I had before college but KA and the fraternity life really did exemplify that. Gregory SINGLETON: I had a

(Gamma Gamma – Memphis ‘82)

Associate Vice President and Dean of Students, Austin Peay

State University; (2007-PRESENT)


Gary WISER: I did not decide

to go into higher education as my profession until around the end of my sophomore year. I started college with the intention of being a high school teacher, but joining KA changed my career path. Being a KA opened many doors for campus involvement at Middle Tennessee State University, and I realized after being a student worker in admissions, fraternity and sorority life, and orientation that my passion in education and the area where I felt I could make the greatest difference was working with college students.

Gary Wiser

(Delta Lambda – Middle Tennessee State ‘99)

Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life, Clemson University; (2013-PRESENT)


everything to do with my decision to enter the higher education field. While I was traveling as a consultant for the National Administration Office, I realized I could work with fraternity and sorority members for a living, on a campus. I was fortunate enough to be visiting the Nu Chapter at Auburn when their Greek Advisor told me that he was leaving and that I should apply for his job. That conversation, followed by another one with the Dunwody Province Commander, Jack Carter, led me to higher education. Jesse KETTERMAN: After graduating from college, I worked with juvenile delinquents and reached a point when I wanted to pursue a Master’s Degree in Business Administration. I was offered a position in the Residence Life Office and soon realized how much I enjoyed the college environment. As a Hall Director, I was involved with our campus disciplinary


FALL 2015

Bo Mantooth, Ph.D.

(Delta Upsilon – Tennessee-Martin ’04)

Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life, Indiana State University; (2012-PRESENT)

Jesse M. Ketterman

(Beta Chi – West Virginia Wesleyan ‘90)

Assistant Vice President for Student Services/Dean of Students, Frostburg State University; (2009-PRESENT)


Gregory R. Singleton

great experience both within KA and on campus in extracurricular activities. I was an education major and knew that I wanted to utilize my education degree in an area that would provide me with opportunities to work on a college campus. My Greek Life advisor, Mindy Sopher, provided

encouragement and supported my decision to explore Student Affairs as a career option. Because of my membership in KA, I was able to become the IFC President, which in turn, led to my decision to pursue higher education as a career option.

The Moral Compass on Campus process. My involvement in this process was a factor to pursuing a career in higher education. My experience in KA provided me with perspective in dealing with Greek related issues. As a KA, I understood the positive aspects of Greek Life to include developing a support network of brothers.

Did you have a mentor and who was he/she? SINGLETON: As an undergraduate

student, my mentors were Mindy Sopher (my Greek Life advisor) and Clarence Hampton, who was the associate dean of students. As I have progressed in my career in higher education and my involvement in KA, my mentors have been Bill Forester, Dick Barnes, and Idris Traylor. All three wonderful KA brothers who have “modeled the way” for me to be a better KA brother.

English professor, my advisor, and one of the campus deans. Interestingly enough, it was a senior on the football team that I stretched with before practice that invited me into the KA community. Our alumni advisor, Dusty Williams played an important role in the success of our chapter. He opened his house to many of the brothers. To this day, I still take time to visit him in my travels to my alma mater.

“The biggest way that my KA membership affects my daily decisions is that I always strive for excellence in the decisions I make. This principle is a major part of my philosophy as a campusbased fraternity and sorority life professional.”

How much does your undergraduate experience and/or your KA membership affect your daily decisions? WISER: The biggest way that


my KA membership affects my daily decisions is that I always strive for excellence in the decisions I make. This principle is a major part of my philosophy as a campus-based fraternity and sorority life professional. When I work with fraternity and sorority chapters and councils, I have high expectations for performance because the community is constantly under a microscope, and any misstep reinforces stereotypes for our critics.

WISER: I have been very lucky to

have several mentors in the field of higher education, but two KAs in particular, Greg Singleton and Larry Wiese, have played a significant role in helping me be the professional I am today. I first met them both in 2001 after getting elected as an Area Vice President for the Southeastern Interfraternity Conference (SEIFC) and Vice National Undergraduate Chairman. Greg and Larry have been given me a tremendous amount of guidance at all stages of my career. B. MANTOOTH: Yes, Dr. Paul Kittle, Jr. serves as a unofficial mentor for me. He was my supervisor at Auburn for five and half of my six years, four of which he served as his National Fraternity (Phi Mu Delta) President. He showed me the ropes for working with several fraternal groups, while still loving your own organization. KETTERMAN: During my college career, I was able to find mentors in my coaches, an

FALL 2015

talk about chapters at Auburn, but they typically enjoy the ideas and experiences I share with them from the University of Tennessee at Martin more. Without my KA membership, there is no telling where I would be and I know I wouldn’t enjoy my profession like I do this one!

What are the toughest challenges facing higher education today? How about facing students? SINGLETON: The ability to

recruit, retain, and graduate students. Without a combination of all three, colleges/universities are going to be consistently challenged to prove their validity. Students are challenged with balancing their educational responsibilities with outside employment; dealing with an increase in mental health challenges; developing positive social skills; finding a way to pay for college in today’s tough economic times.

HEATH: KA affects me on a daily basis, indirectly, because I strive to live up to the ideals that I was taught during my active time in the fraternity. Whether that is chivalry, a service mindset, or simply striving for that “nobleness of self”, I try to keep those things in mind when I serve the community.

J. MANTOOTH: Not in rank order, here are a few of the challenges facing higher education today: Performance-based funding models (for state-supported institutions), recruiting and supporting the non-traditional student (transfers, veterans, returning adults, on-line/ distance learners), rising cost of higher education, and efficiency and accountability of services and academic programs offered. How a university/college responds to the aforementioned challenges will directly affect its students.

B. MANTOOTH: More than you would think! At Indiana State University, I am able to use my undergraduate experiences almost every day. Most of the groups here are going through similar struggles that we experienced at Delta Upsilon when I was an undergraduate member in the early 2000s. Most of the students here like to

HEATH: From a campus law enforcement perspective, it’s the challenge of provided a college experience that is rich in academics and life experiences, but one that is safe and secure. With the ever-increasing scrutiny on how colleges handle crime reporting, specifically, sexual assaults, there has been greater regulatory reform and stricter



guidelines on providing a safe and informed environment. To do that, there is an inherent challenge to also change the culture of our college campus and that has been the most difficult task. KETTERMAN: The toughest challenges facing higher education today is meeting the expectations of external forces, ranging from individuals or groups with special interests, state requirements, and federal mandates. An example can be found as institutions seek to meet the needs of today’s student. Students grow up today with individuals bedrooms and they expect campuses to provide the same. In order to meet this need campuses build new residence halls, which drive up the cost of room and board. On the other hand legislatures often challenge the affordability of college, without consideration that institutions are competing with each other.

In your opinion/ experience what are the areas where higher education and Fraternity/ Sorority life are excelling versus 10, 15, 20 or 25 years ago? SINGLETON: I think we have

embraced the importance of scholastic excellence, persistence to graduation, retention of members (and college students as a whole), mental health concerns, career counseling/advisement, and sexual assault. These topics certainly receive more focus today than in past years, and I personally think that KA is leading the way in addressing some of these topics. greater focus on the physical safety of our members (hazing education, risk management, etc.). It is likely that lawsuits have led to that, but I see the

What is the hardest part about working with fraternity men and/or sorority women? HEATH: In my field, the hardest part is getting students to understand that the choices they make early in life, such as college, can have both a positive and negative effect later on in life. I encourage my staff, when we can, to do that through education and support rather than a punitive action as I believe that conversation proves beneficial.

“In my field, the hardest part is getting students to understand that the choices they make early in life, such as college, can have both a positive and negative effect later on in life. I encourage my staff, when we can, to do that through education and support rather than a punitive action as I believe that conversation proves beneficial.”

B. MANTOOTH: Just as you’re

getting through to some of the students, the leadership changes and you have to start over. The transition from one leader to the next is the hardest thing for undergraduates to do well and it makes our job, as Higher Ed professionals, ever harder. The men and women that I work with start to get “it” and then leave office. WISER: The most frustrating part

about working with fraternities and sororities is that for every positive step we take in the community, one high profile risk management or hazing incident by an individual or organization sometimes erases all the progress the community has made and reinforces stereotypes to our critics. As an advisor, it can be easy to get burned out when issues like this occur, but my belief in the power of the fraternal movement give




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me hope that my goals for my community are within reach.

What is the best aspect of fraternity and/or sorority life? J. MANTOOTH: While I was an undergraduate student, the best aspect of fraternity life was having a family away from home. I never really experienced homesickness, and I believe my involvement in KA is a major reason why. As a higher education administrator now, the best aspect of fraternity life is how it kept me focused on school and kept me wanting to stay to my institution (retention and progression toward graduation). B. MANTOOTH: From running meetings to meeting people to handling conflict to delegating, being a member of a fraternity helped me become the man I am today. I teach my children to be as friendly as possible, because I know that will help them when it comes time to college — I want them to join a fraternity and sorority, respectively, and being able to introduce them and speak to a stranger will help that immensely. KETTERMAN: The best aspect

of fraternity life for me was the life-long relationships that were forged. A have a group of friends that I know I can count on in any situation. As I travel, I always attempt to make contact with my college fraternity brothers.

Is Fraternity/Sorority life, and KA included, still relevant? On the upswing or decline? SINGLETON: Absolutely. In fact,

I think it’s more relevant today than any time in our history. We have a proven track record of success; a long history of insisting on excellence


J. MANTOOTH: There is much

results as a positive. So much of higher education is evaluated now on its outcomes (graduation rates, retention rates, job/ career placement, etc.). This forces us all to evaluate what we do in order to “tell our story” as effectively as possible and to improve our offerings. Fraternities and sororities are getting better at demonstrating their value, but there is still work to do on that front.

The Moral Compass on Campus “I think [KA and Greek life are] more relevant today than any time in our history. We have a proven track record of success; a long history of insisting on excellence from our membership; and a commitment to assist our membership in pursuing their college completion.” hh GREGORY R. SINGLETON (GAMMA GAMMA – MEMPHIS ‘82); ASSOCIATE VICE PRESIDENT AND DEAN OF STUDENTS; AUSTIN PEAY STATE UNIVERSITY; (2007-PRESENT)

from our membership; and a commitment to assist our membership in pursuing their college completion. I think Greek Life is on the upswing. We are associating more men and women than any time in our history and I personally think that young adults today and looking for organizations that will assist them in “standing out” from among the masses when they finish their degrees. WISER: Fraternity and sorority

life is still relevant for the traditional-aged student population because these students are continuing to seek out avenues for community and involvement, which are immediate benefits of joining a fraternity or sorority. Many people thought that we would see a decline in membership when the recession hit, but we saw the opposite effect. Campuses all over the country are seeing a record number of students participate in recruitment, which is also resulting in new chapters being formed to accommodate for the growth. KETTERMAN: Fraternity life is still relevant on college campuses. When a student moves away from home, it is natural for them to seek other individuals with similar beliefs and values. This is why it is important for chapters to promote the values of their organization. In addition, fraternities/sororities continue to provide some of the best leadership opportunities for students.

What do you look for in a great fraternity or sorority on your campus? HEATH: I think an attractive

Greek organization is one that has a good reputation not just for the social aspect, but more importantly one that is well respected for its academics,

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service to the community as well as its community involvement. J. MANTOOTH: I look for a group that understands their role in supporting each other and their institution. How involved are their chapter members around campus? Do they recruit and retain the types of members who will strengthen the chapter and its individual members? Do they reach out to non-Greek students and become involved in their events (SGA, Community Service activities, club sport fundraisers, etc.). Do they help the institution to fulfill its mission by supporting its services and events? Do they strive to achieve above the minimum standard in all areas? Those are the types of things I look for. B. MANTOOTH: The total

experience being provided for their members: scholarship, brother/sisterhood, campus involvement, community service, philanthropy, alumni involvement, and a strong relationship with inter/national headquarters. I think often times that there is too much emphasis being put on the size of a chapter, instead of the impact that chapter has on their campus.

How important is an excellent grade point average, versus outside of the classroom experience? SINGLETON: There has to

be a balance of both. If a student doesn’t achieve a 3.00 cumulative GPA, they are, in many instances, not going to be a candidate that will be looked at for potential employment. Students who have strong grades are more likely to be able to have effective time management skills, be driven for success; have the ability to prioritize responsibilities, and be more focused. Bring involved outside 26


“I think often times that there is too much emphasis being put on the size of a chapter, instead of the impact that chapter has on their campus.” hh BO MANTOOTH, PH.D. (DELTA UPSILON – TENNESSEEMARTIN ’04); DIRECTOR OF FRATERNITY & SORORITY LIFE; INDIANA STATE UNIVERSITY; (2012-PRESENT)

the classroom is also important to show a strong commitment to leadership; however, those students who are able to balance both are miles ahead of the pack when it comes time to apply for jobs or gain admission into graduate programs.

experience better than what they had. I wish every KA alumnus was required to attend an initiation ceremony each year, so we could all be reminded of the oaths we took and the importance of what being a KA is all about.

valued FSL professionals more and enough that we would stop leaving when something better comes along. It is hard to build rapport with students and alumni and then change jobs and start over again.

J. MANTOOTH: It is extremely

WISER: The area where alumni

important because that is one of the first measuring sticks of a chapter’s success. If a chapter wants any influence with university/college administrators and faculty, then it must demonstrate its priorities with an excellent GPA. Yes, we also provide examples for leadership, campus involvement, community service, athletics, etc…but the GPA is the “front porch” of a chapter. And if the front porch is in shambles, it is unlikely that the rest of the university community will come inside for a closer look.

are needed most in fraternity and sorority life is volunteering to help the undergraduate chapter as an advisor. I have seen many chapters struggle because they do not have sufficient alumni support or their closest advisor lives several hours away. Having a strong alumni board does not mean that the alumni are micromanaging the chapter in making decisions, but we are doing a disservice to the undergraduates if we are not able to provide them with mentors who can teach them to properly self-govern and help navigate the campus and national landscape.

a staff of several full time professionals and graduate assistants to work with the chapters on my campus. Unfortunately, it is not like this on the vast majority of campuses where many offices are served by a single professional, and overseeing fraternity and sorority life can be a fraction of a person’s job responsibilities depending on the size of the campus. Colleges and universities could better support fraternity and sorority life offices by providing them with the personnel and financial resources that will allow the staff to provide the sufficient training and education to create sustainable communities.

HEATH: College is an experience

that encompasses many aspects; however, you go to school to learn and ultimately academics are the highest priority. It really does come down to the individual and what experiences that they want to take away from going to college and at the end of the day, it’s about graduation and not what your GPA is or was. I know that I am not alone is this, but when I hire new employees, I don’t even take into consideration GPA. I think that factor is really more job specific.

HEATH: I think I would argue that one of the strongest areas for alumni assistance can be with organizational structure and operational guidance as well as fundraising and monetary support. From my experience, the lack of alumni support really does set up an organization for more challenges when they cannot learn from those in the past who have succeeded and even failed.

What could colleges/ universities do to better support Fraternity/ Sorority life as a whole?

Where are alumni needed most in Fraternity/ Sorority life? can’t give lots of money and/or time to the chapter members, but every alumnus can care about KA, specifically their chapter. I believe that the most successful chapters have engaged alumni and alumni that give up their time and money to make the chapter members’



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B. MANTOOTH: We need to do a better job of educating campus on the good that FSL does and not let them believe that the Hollywood stereotypes exist on our campus or within our organizations. Most of the FSL Offices are understaffed, overwhelmed, overworked, and underpaid – it would be great if colleges and universities

B. MANTOOTH: Every alumnus

WISER: I am very lucky to have

Reverence and Courtesy KA joins forces with other Greeks to prevent Sexual Assault.

By Jesse Lyons (Delta Alpha – Western Carolina '98)


“I’m not a big fan of campaigns. This program is more about the next evolution in member education and development. This approach goes beyond the specific topic of sexual misconduct and encompasses a wide range of attitudes and behaviors.” hh A ARON BOE, FOUNDER, PREVENTION CULTURE (BELOW)

fraternities and sororities are taking a stand against sexual assault with the development of a new educational program for college students. Recognizing that everyone plays a role in preventing sexual assault violence and creating a safer social culture, ten fraternities and sororities have already signed on to roll out this program nationwide, led by Zeta Tau Alpha sorority and Sigma Nu fraternity. To develop a comprehensive approach to prevention, the groups worked with Aaron Boe, the Founder of Prevention Culture, and is the leading consultant in the Fraternity/ Sorority community on preventing sexual misconduct and partner aggression. As a curriculum developer, trainer and speaker, he is known for taking a positive approach to addressing serious issues. About the initiative, Boe says, “I’m not a big fan of campaigns. This program is more about the next evolution in member education and development. This approach goes beyond the specific topic of sexual misconduct and encompasses

a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, including the ability to recognize problematic situations and to know simple things they can do to make a difference. It’s a positive way of equipping young men for healthier social lives and personal relationships in college and beyond.” “Most young men are decent people, but they come to us from a wide range of backgrounds and influences. KA has the power to reach some young men in ways that others cannot. For some young men, it will be an experience that recalibrates their moral compass as it relates to personal relationships. For others it will embolden them to feel even more convicted in living by their personal values and the values of KA,” says Boe. Kappa Alpha Order will be implementing this program through focused education at national and regional leadership conferences including the Number I’s Leadership Institute, Province Council, and Emerging Leaders Academy. Sexual misconduct will also be discussed at the chapter level with all undergraduate members during staff visits. Additionally, staff, along with regional and local volunteers, will receive training from Boe. “Kappa Alpha Order is committed to further educating our undergraduate members on sexual misconduct and preventing assault while ultimately, developing our members into gentlemen and leaders,” said Larry Stanton Wiese, Executive Director.



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The program aims to equip students with the tools necessary to create safe and supportive chapter cultures. It covers topics including healthy standards for personal relationships, misconceptions about non-stranger sexual assault, intervention techniques for complicated social situations and ways to support a victim/survivor. Each organization has worked with Boe to customize the program and implementation options to meet its organizational needs. Partinicpating Organizations: Inter/national Sororities: Alpha Xi Delta Delta Zeta Pi Beta Phi Zeta Tau Alpha Inter/national Fraternities: Alpha Tau Omega Delta Sigma Phi Kappa Alpha Order Phi Gamma Delta Phi Kappa Tau Sigma Nu


This program will be integrated into Kappa Alpha Order’s ongoing prevention efforts which have emphasized education and reinforcement of KA values and training on bystander intervention.

Social Skills Workshop

Leading the Way By Jesse Lyons (Delta Alpha – Western Carolina '98)

KAPPA ALPHA ORDER ADMONISHES OUR members to be leaders among men. In this important time for Greek life on campus, in the media, in the legislative halls, and in general, KA brothers can be proud that we have leadership across the highest echelons. What follows here is a question and answer session for two of these leaders of the two key associations that can and do impact

our fraternity and members. First is the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors (AFA). This is the primary group supporting on campus Greek life professionals. Next is the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC). NIC is the trade association for mens’ fraternities.


2014 Association of Fraternity/ Sorority Advisors President hh Senior Associate Director of Student Activities, University of Akron hh Former Member of the Zeta Lambda Chapter Alumni Advisory Committee

What is AFA? What does it do? DOYLE: AFA provides exceptional

experiences, a vibrant community, and essential resources for the success of fraternity/sorority advisors. We have an ongoing commitment to the professional development of our members, a deep appreciation of both academic and applied research that examines the entire spectrum of the fraternity/sorority experience and the advising profession, and a commitment to collaborations within and between the higher education and interfraternal communities. Through our programs and meetings, publications, networking opportunities, and other resources, AFA is the leading voice in aligning the fraternity/sorority and higher education experiences.

What does the AFA President do? I oversaw and supervised the Board of Directors which consists of 6 other members, all of whom are members of AFA, either elected or appointed to the board. I work closely with the Executive Director to partner in achieving the Association’s mission. I serve as the Chair of the Board and monitor financial planning and reports and I served as a liaison to Interfraternal Umbrella groups.

When did you get involved, and what has been the extent of your involvement?

Why did you join KA? I joined KA because I wanted to be a part of something different on campus at BGSU. I rushed other fraternities and didn’t find what I was looking for in leadership opportunities. Becoming a founding father of the Zeta Lambda chapter was by far a defining moment in my life that aided in my desire to become a Student Affairs professional and work with college students. KA offered me so many opportunities to experience leadership development, personal growth, teambuilding, critical thinking skills, appreciation for campus and giving back to others, while all at the same time, leaving a legacy for those who would join Zeta Lambda long after I was gone. From KA, I found lifelong friends who are just as close to me today as when we were all in the chapter together as undergraduates.

What do you like most about KA? About the Greek experience? I enjoy the endless opportunities that have been provided to me from KA as well as to anyone who is fortunate enough to join a fraternity or sorority. The amount of leadership development, personal and professional growth, along with a commitment to service and philanthropy, all combined enhanced my undergraduate career and have carried with me in my professional



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career and life after college. The fraternity/sorority experience is one of the most beneficial and meaningful involvement opportunities that students can be a part of on college campuses today. I work in student affairs and enjoy my interaction and ability to work with young adults who have joined our organizations and encourage and challenge them to be their best and leave a legacy.

“The power of the relationship between chapters, alumni and fraternity/sorority life (FSL) professionals is extremely important to ensure open lines of communication are regular and ongoing amongst all parties.”

You’ve facilitated at KA programs in the past, how do they help our members? As a previous facilitator at NLI, I had the opportunity to engage and work with our chapter presidents and assist them in their leadership development, goal setting and overall chapter operations for their upcoming term in office as the Number I. The program was essential to providing the necessary tools for these young men to be successful in their role as the chapter president and lead and hold their brothers accountable back on campus. The ability to network with fellow Number I’s along with dedicated alumni volunteers and National Staff members, allowed them the chance to see the larger scope and reach of


I began my membership as a graduate student in 1999 and experienced my first volunteer role as a member of the AFA Annual Meeting Graduate Staff in 2001, which was held in Washington, D.C. Since then I have served in a variety of volunteer roles including Awards

Committee, Fireside Chats Committee, Regional Director for Region III, Onsite Arrangements Coordinator for the Annual Meeting, Vice President for Membership, Executive Vice President and President Elect. I was recognized with an Outstanding Volunteer Award in 2007.

the Order and realize the significant responsibility that was associated with their year ahead.

What is the NIC? What does it do? WARREN: The NIC is a trade group consisting of 74 member fraternities. The NIC serves its members by advocating for fraternities on campuses, in state legislature and in Congress, advancing the public understanding and appreciation of fraternity life, providing best practices resources for its members, and establishing standards of excellence that each member organization should follow as a member of this organization.

Why is it important that chapters, and alumni and alumni advisors, interact and develop a healthy relationship with fraternity/ sorority life professionals and campuses in general? The power of the relationship between chapters, alumni and fraternity/ sorority life (FSL) professionals is extremely important to ensure open lines of communication are regular and ongoing amongst all parties. The success of all lies within the ability to work collaboratively and honestly to ensure policies, procedures are followed and properly executed, along with the overall safety and well-being of the chapter and its members. A successful chapter that has invested alumni and advisors, along with a dedicated and competent FSL professional all combine to create a solid and sustainable support network and resources for the undergraduate chapter to be successful.

What does the NIC board do? Ideally, the NIC board, as most properly operating boards, should make policy decisions that lead the organization to meeting the needs of its members. The board should support and monitor its head employee. That position is the Chief Executive Officer in the NIC structure, whereas Kappa Alpha uses the term Executive Director to describe that position.


When did you get involved with the NIC, and what has been the extent of your involvement?

How can all entities, headquarters, national leadership, campuses, and local/regional advisors work together to advance and improve our members’ experience? Having open lines of communication, understanding of each other’s goals and objectives and understanding the larger impact of the FSL experience are essential in developing meaningful and sustainable working relationships. All entities need to be flexible, transparent, educated and hold up their respective sides of the relationship. Having open and honest conversations regularly and not just once a year at an Annual Meeting, holding their members accountable, being transparent and working collaboratively to educate, train and provide leadership development experiences. Become unified behind common goals and objectives that support and enhance any undergraduate fraternity/sorority student, regardless of affiliation. Continue to ask the tough questions and challenge the status quo.


“Become unified behind common goals and objectives that support and enhance any undergraduate fraternity/ sorority student, regardless of affiliation. Continue to ask the tough questions and challenge the status quo.”

For more information on AFA, visit

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I became involved with the NIC while I was Knight Commander. I attended the annual House of Delegates meeting in 2002 and 2003. Around 2007 I was asked to serve on the Membership Committee. I served as chair of that committee for around 6 years. One of the more interesting things I did was to mediate a complaint made by one member organization against another for “standards” violations. I am pleased that matter was resolved without an administrative hearing. In 2014 Larry Wiese encouraged me to run for the board. I did not make the nomination slate for a 2-year term but was slated to fill the remaining 1-year term of Allen Groves, who as resigning from the board at the conclusion of his term as chair. I was elected for a full 2- year term at the House of Delegates meeting in Kansas City earlier this year. My other interfraternal activity


Hon. David M. “Dink” Warren (TAU – WAKE FOREST ’78)

Current NIC Board Member hh hh hh hh

U.S. Federal Bankruptcy Judge Former Knight Commander Former Smith Province Commander Tau Chapter Alumnus Advisor

is serving as Chair of FRMT, Ltd., the Order’s Vermont captive reinsurance company. KA was on the cutting edge of the insurance business in the early 1990’s when fraternities could rarely get insurance, and when they could, it was not affordable. FRMT, Ltd. has been a very valuable organization for KA and its members.

“The chapter is a perfect environment to develop leadership skills and learn how to deal with difficult issues and maybe more difficult brothers. This laboratory allows for Greeks to have a huge advantage over non-Greeks.”

Let’s not pretend that the social aspect does not have a LOT to do with it. We are a social fraternity and that is in our charter; however, KA allows its members to receive so much more than social entertainment and good friends. The personal and business relationships combined with the leadership training has made a big difference in my life and in the lives of many of my brothers. I have a speech I give about how the chapter is a perfect environment to develop leadership skills and learn how to deal with difficult issues and maybe more difficult brothers. This laboratory allows for Greeks to have a huge advantage over non-Greeks.

You’ve facilitated at KA programs in the past, how do they help our members?

Why did you join KA?

Most alumni and many active members do not realize the money the Order spends on leadership training and personal development. So much of that funding comes through the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation. By the way, all you readers out there need to support KA and the KAOEF by joining the Loyal Order, Forever KA, the Crimson and Gold Society and the 1865 Trust. “You’ll be glad you did.” End of commercial. Our members come from all walks of life. Some have more life experiences than others, but our leadership programs do not differentiate or discriminate. If you want what KA has to offer, you get it. I wish more actives would take advantage of these opportunities and more alumni would facilitate those opportunities. Don’t take that as a sign of failure. We are doing great with our undergrads but Excelsior reminds us that we can do more.



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Why is it important that chapters, and national staff/volunteers develop a healthy relationship with fraternity/sorority life professionals and campuses in general? I have always said that having a successful chapter is a three-legged stool. Those three legs are the alumni, the national headquarters and the campus administration. Our recognized chapters are on those campuses at that institution’s pleasure; however, after chapters are established, those rights of association and fundamental due process as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights must be protected. Working with the university administrators and engaging in meaningful discussions and responsive behavior is a good step in the chapter’s existence.

How can all entities, headquarters, national leadership, campuses, and local/regional advisors work together to advance and improve our members’ experience? Greeks need to promote and market the good things that we do. We should focus as much on marketing as we do with risk management. I think it is that important. The NIC is re-inventing and re-directing itself, and promotion of the good things of fraternity is among the most important. The NIC will have greater public relations and it should be more aggressive in the promotion of all the good that fraternity is. For more information on the NIC visit;


I was a little familiar with fraternity life. My older brother Bradley was an initiate of Phi Kappa Tau at NC State. I had followed some of his experiences and actually visited the chapter house while in high school. I thought it was great to be a member of a group with whom you have so much in common. When I went to Wake Forest, several of my upperclassmen high school friends were members of Sigma Phi Epsilon. My introduction to KA was through Mel Broughton, grandson of the former governor. Mel and I played club football together, and he invited me to a function at the lodge and to sit with the chapter at the football games. I fell in love with the Southern culture and the positive influence of Lee. I still have very good friends who were active members of Sig Ep at the time, but KA was the perfect fit.

What do you like most about KA? About the Greek experience?

On Campus

Editor's Note: Chapter updates are printed if received by the deadline. If your chapter is active and not listed, please contact them to urge them to submit an update for the next issue.


Helping Build an International Bridge Alpha Beta at the University of Alabama

The Irish student volunteers of Project Children and their Habitat for Humanity advisors stand in front of the Alpha Beta house, which will be replaced by a new, larger house in 2016. KAPPA ALPHA ORDER IS WELL-KNOWN FOR

promoting a spirit of brotherhood and cooperation in America. Now, through the efforts of the men of the Alpha Beta chapter at the University of Alabama, and the work of two KA brothers who attended other colleges, KAO is sending that same message to the rolling hills, and the sometimes violence-torn streets, of Ireland. Through the work of Virginia Military Institute alumnus Pat Kelly (Beta Commission – VMI ’11), and Alpha Beta advisor and Middle Tennessee State graduate Bob Pugh (Delta Lambda – Middle Tennessee State ’75), a group of college students from Ireland have volunteered for the past three summers, through Habitat for Humanity, for a variety of service projects in Tuscaloosa, most notably taking part in cleanup and reconstruction following the 2011 tornado that decimated much of the city. The students come to America through Project Children, an organization that brings college students from Ireland to America for both volunteer work and internships, giving them a different world view. Kelly, the mayor of Hamilton, Texas, is a coordinator for

Project Children. When the organization was sending one such group of young volunteers, both male and female, to Tuscaloosa from Ireland several years ago, Kelly contacted Pugh to see how Alpha Beta might welcome them to America. The visits haven’t stopped since.

“The key thing is that Irish university students are coming over and meeting their contemporaries, who also happen to be KAs. It’s a great opportunity for everyone.” “What made me think of contacting the KAs at Alabama was the (Fall 2011) issue of the KA Journal, where the actives from Alpha Beta had jumped in to help when the tornado happened,” Kelly says. “I thought, Well, we’re going to Tuscaloosa so I should get in

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touch with them. I contacted National (headquarters) to find out who the advisor was and they put me in touch with Bob.” Advisor Bob Pugh is also the university’s director of risk management and special projects. After speaking with Kelly, Pugh set about the task of helping with the logistics for the stay of the student group of about 20, arranging a welcoming reception that would involve the entire chapter and the guests from Eire. It sounds like it worked out fine. “I’d gotten an email from Pat, and they were looking for a place for after-work gatherings and other types of recommendations,” Pugh recalls. “We arranged sort of a ‘Welcome to Tuscaloosa’ event, where they became acquainted with some KAs, and it’s been going on ever since. Everybody just gets to make a good connection.” “The students first came after we got hit with the tornados,” Pugh continues, “and that was three years ago and they’re still coming back to work with Habitat. We hope they’ll come back for a fourth year and beyond. They stay here for a week on the first phase of their trip, doing a service project. Then they move on to internships in whatever major they’re studying in college.” Kelly says that the brothers of Alpha Beta have done an exemplary job of reinforcing the positivity in the stereotype of how a Southern American gentleman is supposed to conduct himself, and have given the Irish students great memories to take home with them. “The involvement with Habitat is obviously important,” Kelly says, “but for me the key thing is that Irish university students are coming over and meeting their contemporaries, who also happen to be KAs. It’s a great opportunity for everyone.” IN OTHER CHAPTER NEWS, ALPHA BETA IS

in the final stages of planning a new 28,000 square-foot, 36-bed house with an anticipated opening date of fall 2016. Pugh reports that fundraising is going well, and that the house will offer the latest life-safety, disability accommodation and access control technologies. The current KA house was built when the chapter had about 50 members; today’s roster is more than 140.


On Campus Arizona Gamma Epsilon Gamma Epsilon is pleased to announce that 42 new men have accepted their bids and have begun their paths as gentlemen of Kappa Alpha Order. –Nicholas Loper, I Arkansas State Delta Eta The men of Delta Eta have become strong supporters of the fight against Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, inspired by eight-year-old David Carter McClain, who has the disease. In September, 12 Delta Eta members and new members pulled a fire truck in Batesville to raise funds, pulling a 74,000-pound ladder truck 15 feet, then 30 feet, and finally 50 feet, to come in 4th place. The money they raised became part of a larger pot raised during the year to help fight Duchenne. Arkansas-Monticello Epsilon Chi The fall semester of 2014 saw the largest recruitment class that Epsilon Chi has had in a long time with 17 new members. Epsilon Chi is also now heavily involved in many different clubs, organizations, and activities on campus. The vicepresident of student government at UAM is an Epsilon Chi brother, and three of our officers and one new member are involved with our ambassadors program on campus. In Intramurals, Epsilon Chi is the sole holder of the Greek Division Championship from last year, and we are making a solid run at the championship this year to retain our title. With our GPA of 2.994 we have the highest GPA on campus of all social clubs and fraternities. In addition, men from UAM have been involved in fundraising activities with brothers from Arkansas State to find a cure for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, inspired by young David Carter McClain who has the disease. –Andrew Robinson, V

Kappa Gamma, and Eric Nelson of Alpha Tau Omega. The Challenge took place in Barcelona, Spain and the team competed against fifteen other teams from all over the world. –Noah Keen, I Delta State Delta Beta Delta Beta picked up 21 new men in fall recruitment, with the highest percentage of new members out of all the chapters on campus. –Brooks Bishop, I Duke Alpha Phi From the president of the Duke Business Society to the director of Duke’s oldest a cappella singing group, Alpha Phi’s diverse interests are represented with involvement across campus. We are also proud to be leading an effort to increase collaboration between IFC and NPHC, co-hosting a forum on incarceration in America last fall. Our brothers have also demonstrated their commitment to service, volunteering as close to home as a Durham homeless shelter and as far away as a Kenyan children’s hospital. On the field, our athletes continue to achieve, as our brothers on the lacrosse team celebrate another national championship win. –Allen Jones, V



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East Carolina Gamma Rho Over the summer we were able to finish renovations to our house just in time for the start of the school year and Recruitment, and were able to gain 22 new members who are proving to be outstanding additions to our chapter. During the fall we hosted a successful blood drive, and participated in the MDA Walk here in Greenville. In addition, we could not be happier about the amount of alumni support we have received this year from some great Gamma Rho brothers. –Zeb Long Eastern Kentucky Delta Mu With record-setting philanthropy, the biggest new member class in over 15 years, and the receiving of an Ammen award at Province Council (John S. Candler Province), Delta Mu stands out in our province and across the nation. We also sent five of our executive members to the 45th anniversary founder’s reunion dinner in Lexington, Kentucky, where we were able to converse with and learn from the men who founded our chapter in 1969. –Gary K. Yurt Jr., V


California Alpha Xi Lucas Miller, Braxton Greco, and Ryan Chapman won the Washburn Prize in the 2015 University Mobile Challenge for their shipping startup, TouchFreight. The team of five also included Lauren Hanlon of Berkeley’s chapter of Kappa

Austin Peay State: New member recruitment continues well for Zeta Tau

On Campus Florida Beta Zeta The brothers of Beta Zeta inducted a new fall 2014 new member class of 30 members, made up of men from all over the country. Also, we recently hosted our alumni tailgate for the UF vs. LSU game, where a band composed of entirely Beta Zeta alumni named “All Chicks on Deck” performed and entertained us. –Jacob Duval, V Houston Baptist Delta Sigma In October the brothers of Delta Sigma won the Alpha Chi Omega Chili Cook Off tournament and donated the $250 prize to the Houston Area Women’s Center. And current Number I Arash Dabiri was named HBU’s Student Government Association representative for the College of Science and Mathematics for the second time. –Arash Dabiri, I Millsaps Alpha Mu With 22 new members, Alpha Mu continues to be the largest chapter on the row, and also had the highest GPA last semester with a 3.28. –West Hammond

Missouri Alpha Kappa The brothers of Alpha Kappa are taking strides to achieve greater academic excellence with our house grade point average at an all-time high. We have recently participated in philanthropy events alongside sororities, such as the Kappa Classic golf tournament and the Chi Omega Crescent Classic soccer tournament, raising money to combat various diseases. We also participated in our own philanthropy event with the Muscular Dystrophy Association, where some of our brothers pulled a fire truck to help raise awareness for the terrible disorder. Alumni Kim Brown very generously donated a beautiful grill to our chapter, which will be put to much good use in helping encourage a social atmosphere with cookouts and barbecues. -Connor Shaw, V Richmond Eta Eta has enjoyed a very good start to the 2014-2015 academic year, with brothers serving as the head of freshman and transfer student orientation, the chair of the Honor Council, and the editorin-chief of the school newspaper. Other brothers hold leadership positions in

William Jewell: Alpha Delta brothers gather to show appreciation for their new Varlets and KA Bibles from Former Knight Commander William E. Dreyer

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campus clubs and activities. All the actives enjoyed meeting older alumni at homecoming, and we hope to see many more come out to future events. We are eagerly awaiting spring recruitment when the next batch of KA gentlemen is sworn in. This March, Eta will celebrate its 145th anniversary and plans are in the making for a great celebration. Any and all alumni are encouraged to reach out to Number V Fred Stillman ( with any inquiries. –Fred Stillman, V Roanoke Beta Rho Beta Rho acquired six new members during fall recruitment 2014, and the goal for the spring term will be maintaining a retention rate around the same as the fall, with our eyes on 10-12 new members. In academics, Beta Rho has received the highest GPA for a male social fraternity three out of the last five semesters, a trend that we do not see changing in the near future. In athletics, brother Robert Lentine had another very successful year playing for the Roanoke College men’s soccer team. –William Reitan, V Southeastern Louisiana Epsilon Kappa In the fall 2014 semester we inducted 19 new members, all quality men who will serve the order well. We came in third place in our homecoming events, which included events like a lip-sync competition (2nd place), a canned food drive (2nd place), and a color run (2nd place). We paired with the lovely ladies of Alpha Sigma Tau sorority for these activities. We had our own Vince Diez on the homecoming court, which was a big honor for him and Epsilon Kappa. Eric Warren and Steven Gaines currently serve as president and vice president of the Ducks Unlimited chapter, of which Eric was the founder. In addition, Stephen Davis serves as IFC President, and Vince Diez, Scott Hurstel, and Jeremiah Eisenhart are serving on the Student Government Association senate. –Stephen Davis, V Southern Illinois Zeta Sigma Zeta Sigma has progressed forward at an astonishing rate, literally doubling


On Campus


Foundation Chapter program to another level in honor of our Sesquicentennial. We asked each Active Chapter to have its members make a commitment or raise $18.65. Nineteen Chapters representing over 1,900 undergraduate brothers answered the call by contributing $45,000 to the KAOEF this Fiscal Year. This was an all-time high for undergraduate giving and support for the programs that benefit them. These funds are used to support the Order’s leadership programs, training initiatives, and to provide scholarship dollars to our active brothers. Listed below are the Active Chapters that set a wonderful example of personal philanthropy and recognize that KA is much larger than just their local chapter and campus. Their understanding of the need to give back and support the future of the Order, should be an example followed by all.


19 Chapters representing over 1,900 undergraduate brothers answered the call by raising more than $46,000 to the KAOEF this Fiscal Year.

Number of undergraduates who made contributions.



Amount raised or donated, to date, from undergraduates.



Amount of outstanding pledges, from brothers.

PARTICIPATING CHAPTERS Alabama – Alpha Beta Auburn – Nu California – Alpha Xi Delta State – Delta Beta Florida State – Gamma Eta Georgia – Gamma Georgia Southern – Delta Theta Jacksonville State – Delta Phi Midwestern State – Gamma Omega Millsaps – Alpha Mu



FALL 2015

Mississippi – Alpha Upsilon Mississippi State – Beta Tau North Carolina-Charlotte – Epsilon Xi South Carolina – Rho Tulsa – Mu West Florida – Epsilon Sigma Westminster – Alpha Eta William Jewell – Alpha Delta Wingate – Zeta Zeta


“Delta Theta chapter at Georgia Southern University supports the KAOEF for the wonderful resources and opportunities the foundation provides to KA’s everywhere. KAOEF offers great leadership programs such as Number I’s Leadership Institute and Emerging Leader’s Academy. We are also able to apply for wonderful scholarships and internships that are offered through KAOEF. The foundation gives the chance for all KA’s to gain leadership knowledge and experience while also offering the opportunity for personal development that will benefit us in our professional careers! Thanks to KAOEF for giving KAs the chance to truly become leaders among men.”


On Campus the chapter in size overnight with a 17-man new member class. We have continued our weekly service with Giant City State Park, helping clean up the hiking trails so everyone can enjoy the beautiful landscape of Southern Illinois. Within the SIU Campus, we have participated in a wide array of community service events, including the homecoming parade, Walk-a-Mile to end domestic violence, and the LGBTQ picnic. To further our outreach, we have established two MDA events to help raise money. First, with the help of Kohl’s, we were able to put on our annual MDA Trivia Night, grossing $1,300, doubling the amount raised from last year’s event. Secondly, using the idea of No-Shave November, our brothers and alumnus raised more money for MDA. And finally, we congratulate brother David Lynch for being named this year’s Lincoln Academy of Illinois Student Laureate for SIU during the annual Student Laureate Convocation on November 1st in the Old State Capitol State Historic Site in Springfield. He is also the IFC vicepresident and a former Number II. –Tyler Wells, V

Southern Indiana Zeta Omicron Zeta Omicron now has 54 active members, having initiated nine new young gentlemen. In early October several members from the chapter attended the SMILE On Down Syndrome Buddy Walk, and the chapter also held its annual alumni/active softball game in October and its MDA Shamrock philanthropy. –Nicholas Bush, V Stephen F. Austin State Delta Kappa In the early summer of 2014, the alumni housing committee of Delta Kappa closed the deal on a lodge with pending renovations. In October the chapter held a grand opening ceremony to celebrate the renovations of the new Kappa Alpha Lodge. The men also participated in a Christmas project for the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, filling shoeboxes with toys for boys/girls from ages 3-12. The brothers also recently donated over 1,000 cans of canned goods to the needy of the community of Nacogdoches. – Carter Hill, V, and Jonathan Oggero Tennessee Pi The week of October 5th through October 11th was Homecoming week at the University of Tennessee, and the men of Pi participated well with Chi Omega as partners and under the direction of homecoming chairmen Jack Ruffin, Seth Gilliland, and Thomas Gauthier. Pi was named 2014 homecoming champions over the 41 Greeklettered chapters on campus, with the news delivered during

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halftime of the UT vs. UT-Chattanooga football game in Knoxville on Neyland Stadium’s Jumbotron. –Drew Hove, V Texas Tech Gamma Chi Gamma Chi initiated 34 young men into our chapter in the fall. On October 31st, we held our annual philanthropy event, Kalf Fry, which was a huge success, with over 6,000 people in attendance, and we donated around $7,500 to MDA. In the spring, our first event will be Convivium, and we expect another great turnout. Travis Wood, our Number V, was elected as Vice President of Scholarship for the IFC executive council, replacing fellow Gamma Chi brother and current Number II Reid Zambardino. –Travis Wood, V Tulsa Mu Mu’s fall semester got off to a strong start with the initiation of 22 new members, bringing our total number to 70. Highlights of our philanthropy have included a strong participation in the University of Tulsa’s Service Day and the Ice Bucket Challenge, with numerous brothers participating with the local MDA chapter to raise awareness for ALS, and we donated $1,000 to the local MDA chapter. We also hosted our first-annual Moms’ Weekend, with over 30 moms participating in painting, a cookout, and a football game. As a part of homecoming, we hosted an alumni and parent weekend, our biggest yet with over 150 parents and alumni in attendance. Mu brothers have received several awards and major recognition this year, including Bryce Cason’s being named homecoming king, and we had members place in the Top 10 Seniors (Parker Malone, Patrick Flam, Bryce Cason) and Top Ten Freshmen (Carter Garrison). –Jeremiah Benes, V Wake Forest Tau The men of Tau have participated in several community events involving discussion of diversity and inclusion at Wake Forest. Over 40 Tau brothers attended the Deliberate Dialogue on November 3rd to lead conversations on what it means to live on Wake’s campus. During the campus wide event, over


On Campus 200 students, faculty and staff broke out into small groups and debated policies and practices. The suggestions of these groups will go to change the way the administration interacts with and governs students. The brothers of Tau were later recognized by numerous administrative officials for their help and dedication towards creating a more inclusive community at Wake Forest. Tau also recently celebrated the initiation of four new brothers. –Jackson Eubank, V Washington & Lee Alpha About 35 members of the Washington and Lee lacrosse team, which includes 14 Alpha brothers, volunteered their time to call and thank every donor who supported the non-profit Rockbridge Area Health Center in Lexington, Virginia in 2014. The successful community service initiative was coordinated and implemented under the leadership of brother Joe Perrella. The men also helped clean up the grounds and rearranged furniture for the center. Westminster Alpha Eta On October 25 Alpha Eta held our Convivium celebration. In attendance were Henry C. Chiles Province Commander Jim Schmuck and his wife Judy, Deputy Province Commander Thad Stubbs, and a few of our notable alumni. Brother Jim Lay gave the Sesquicentennial Toast. The gentleman of Alpha Eta are excited to announce that we had yet another successful fall semester as we finished with an overall GPA of 3.314, first in grades of all fraternities at Westminster College. In November new officers were elected. Finally, Alpha Eta is already looking forward to the celebration of our 125th anniversary at the chapter house on Saturday, October 24, 2015. –Clayton Harrison, V

Tulsa: The chapter and their dates enjoyed a “Sk80s” function (Editor’s note: Brother alumni who might be confused, the theme is a combination of roller skating and themed in the 1980s— chapters sure are creative).

Arkansas-Fort Smith: Zeta Rho had a successful recruitment last year and this spring.



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Arkansas State: 12 members helped pull a 74,000 lb. firetruck in Batesville, Arkansas in honor of David Carter McClains, a young boy who has Duchenne MD.

On Campus







2 014 - 2 015 C H A R T E R I N G S












FALL 2015



On Campus

ZETA PHI – HIGH POINT UNIVERSITY Chartering Date: Saturday, September 13, 2014 Chartering Banquet Location: Embassy Suites Greensboro 204 Centerport Drive Greensboro, North Carolina Initiation Date: Friday, September 12, 2014 Initiation Location: Greensboro Masonic Temple 426 West Market Street Greensboro, North Carolina Initiation Teams: Upsilon Chapter – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Beta Rho Chapter – Roanoke College Chartering GPA: 3.096 Number of men initiated: 39 Founding/Refounding Members: Kevin J. Atkinson Michael S. Noga Brian J. Hagan Charles W. Bassing IV Kristopher A. Hopkins Christopher P. Horoschak

John A. Pattillo Peter R. Lovito Alexander J. Frees Nicholas L. James Michael D. Fruth Zachary J. Astran Michael J. Pumphret Michael H. Esposito Stephen J. Pollock Jr John D. Kerr III Jackson S. Sides Andrew W. Leonard Tyler D. Bailey Arjun J. Sikand Richard M. Warren III Andrew P. Romeo Tanner W. Jensen Scott M. Endzel Joseph J. Murray III David S. Ransdell William X. Yankus Matthew V. Beck Michael K. Schroering Richard S. Gregory Jordan R. Hill William A. Slemp Zachary E. Molan Bradley E. Kitchen Jr. Evan A. Cortessis Nicholas E. Thagard Pedro N. Hahn Ryan J. Horan Jack A. Willett

Chapter Mailing Address: 710 Greek Circle High Point, NC 27262 Chapter Email Address: Chapter Officers: Number I – Tanner Jensen Number II – Alexander Frees Number III – Matthew Beck Number IV – Michael Schroering Number V – Michael Noga Number VI – Charles Bassing Number VII – Joseph Murray Number VIII – Bradley Kitchen Number IX – William Yankus VIP Guests: William E. Dreyer, Knight Commander (Alpha Delta – William Jewell) The Honorable David M. Warren, Former Knight Commander (Tau – Wake Forest) Ben W. Satcher, Jr., Former Knight Commander (Delta – Clemson) Darren S. Kay, Senior Councilor (Alpha Eta – Westminster) David P. Barksdale, Councilor (Tau – Wake Forest) Sam O. Leake, Councilor (Beta Xi – Oklahoma State)

David B. Hagan, Smith Province Commander (Alpha Omega – NC State) Larry Stanton Wiese, Executive Director (Gamma Omega – Midwestern State) Russell B. Parmele, Jr., Alumnus Advisor (Alpha – Washington and Lee) Teri Cugliari, Director of Greek Life, High Point University Vince Perez, IFC President, High Point University Taylor Van Horn, Panhellenic President, High Point University Stephanie Calloway, NPHC President, High Point University

GAMMA IOTA – SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY Chartering Date: Saturday, November 1, 2014 Chartering Banquet Location: Sheraton Mission Valley San Diego Hotel 1433 Camino Del Rio South San Diego, California Initiation Date: Saturday, October 25, 2014 Initiation Location: Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina 1380 Harbor Island Drive San Diego, California Initiation Team(s): Gamma Epsilon Chapter – University of Arizona Chartering GPA: 2.90 Number of men initiated: 31

Chapter Mailing Address: 5255 55th Street Apartment 403 San Diego, CA 92115

Chapter Email Address: Chapter Officers: Number I – Ryan Mattingly Number II – Jonathan Gold Number III – Nathaniel Tabisula Number IV – Forrest Salanga Number V – Edward Padilla Number VI – Jacob Shafer Number VII – Logan Pardini Number VIII – Enrique Lazcano Number IX – Julio Perez VIP Guests: William E. Dreyer, Knight Commander (Alpha Delta – William Jewell) Ben W. Satcher, Jr., Former Knight Commander (Delta – Clemson) Douglas W. Hanisch, Neal Province Commander (Epsilon Tau – Northern Arizona) Larry Stanton Wiese, Executive Director (Gamma Omega – Midwestern State)



FALL 2015

David K. Dere, Alumnus Advisor (Gamma Iota – San Diego State) Dr. James L. Bowers, KAOEF Life Trustee (Beta Omega – Washington College) Robert L. Pardini (Alpha Xi – Berkeley)


Founding/Refounding Members: Ahmed Hashim Alrefae Andres Alberto Arriaz Nolan Everett Beranek Jesse Harrison Berg Nathan John Charles Bierman

Afredo Salvame Celestino Luke Sommers Chapple Jonathan Abner Cuaycong Jerodd Jacob Cunanan Jonathan Robert William Gold Jacob Lea Handler Garrett Thomas Heitzman Anthony Samuel Hewitt Jesus Armando Higareda Shamir Vijay Kumar Thomas Franklin Lanphear Enrique Lazcano Jr. Ryan Patrick Mattingly Thomas William Mchugh Edward Adrian Padilla Logan Robert Pardini Michael Joseph Park Kolby Meyer Pearson Julio Isaac Perez Jeffery Scott Pridgen Faraz Rahnamaie Forrest-Paul Baltazar Salanga Matthew Tyler Seastrom Jacob Thomas Shafer Nathaniel Cabanting Tabisula Garrett Zachary Wilson

On Campus

DELTA IOTA – UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON Chartering Date: Friday, November 14, 2014 Chartering Banquet Location: Sheraton Arlington Hotel 1500 Convention Center Drive Arlington, Texas Initiation Date: Sunday, November 9, 2014 Initiation Location: Dallas Scottish Rite Temple 500 S Harwood Street Dallas, Texas Initiation Team(s): Delta Iota Alumni – University of Texas at Arlington Zeta Xi Chapter – Texas Wesleyan University Chartering GPA: 2.85 Number of men initiated: 37 Founding/Refounding Members: Kulvir Singh Aujla William Craig Canepa Ysrael Adan Castillo Joel Gabriel Paguntalan Dayoan

Jack Arthur DeGennaro Jude Eche Emego Reid Matthew Evans Castagnoli Che Fangmbeng Hugo Daniel Giron David William Graham Nickolas Scott Hale Brian McFarland Hall Lee Andrew Hallford Josh Graham Ingle Andrew Lowell Lammers Brian Bradfield Lockhart Dakota Joseph Loupe Kyle Marcus Massingill John Fisher Mays Spencer Thomas Mays Trevor Jackson Nicholas Tonychris Olisaebuka Nnaka Javier Ignacio Ornelas Brett Morgan Patton David Shannon Price John Darwin Price Jacob McFarland Raney Brandon Douglas Ratts James Theodore Ruedlinger, Jr. Weston James Townsend Thien Gia Tran Garrett Douglas Uner Silvano G Uribe Braden Scott Walters Alex Shawn Witmer

Tyler Max Wright Christian Brock Young Chapter Mailing Address: Box 19348, University Center, Lower Level B170 Arlington, TX 76019 Chapter Email Address: Chapter Officers: Number I – James T. Ruedlinger Jr. Number II – Dakota Loupe Number III – Joel Dayoan Number IV – David Price Number V – Silvano Uribe Number VI – Braden Walters Number VII – John Mayes Number VIII – Brian Hall Number IX – Tyler Wright VIP Guests: William E. Dreyer, Knight Commander (Alpha Delta – William Jewell) J. Michael Duncan, Former Knight Commander (Delta Kappa – Stephen F. Austin State)

Ben W. Satcher, Jr., Former Knight Commander (Delta – Clemson) Darren S. Kay, Senior Councilor (Alpha Delta – Westminster) David T. Martineau, Mikell Province Commander (Alpha Upsilon – Mississippi) Larry Stanton Wiese, Executive Director (Gamma Omega – Midwestern State) Gary W. Harnist, Alumnus Advisor (Delta Iota – Texas Arlington) Johnny Robinson, Assistant Director Fraternity and Sorority Life, UT Arlington

Jackye Clark, Former National President, Delta Delta Delta Jean M. Mrasek, NPC Chairman Dr. Kent L. Gardner, Former Executive Director, Order of Omega (Gamma Kappa – Oklahoma City) Cari Cook, Former Executive Director, Delta Delta Delta

Larry Stanton Wiese, Executive Director (Gamma Omega – Midwestern State) J. Stewart Harvey, Jr., Alumnus Advisor (Gamma Omega – Midwestern State) Dr. Howard M. Farrell, Vice President of University Advancement & Public Affairs, Midwestern State University Kevin Bazner, Assistant Director Student Development and Orientation, Midwestern State University Matthew Park, Associate Vice President and Dean of Students, Midwestern State University Gretta Robb

Michael A. Stokes, Alumnus Advisor (Gamma Omega – Midwestern State University)

GAMMA OMEGA – MIDWESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY Chartering Date: Saturday, November 15, 2014 Chartering Banquet Location: The Kemp at the Forum 2120 Speedway Avenue Wichita Falls, Texas Initiation Date: Friday, November 14, 2014 Initiation Location: First Presbyterian Church 3601 Taft Boulevard Wichita Falls, Texas Initiation Team(s): Xi Chapter – Southwestern University Zeta Xi Chapter – Texas Wesleyan University Chartering GPA: 2.86 Number of men initiated: 37 Founding/Refounding Members: Stephen Bailey Albright Adam Tucker Barrera Aaron Christopher Benton Jan-Erik Hanna Bigot Tyler A Blocker Ronald Dewond Brooks Jesse Clyde Brown Clayton Dale Brown

Mark Alan Brown Cory Lewis Carter II Tristen Skylar Cunningham Johnny Manuel Diaz Tyler Lee Garcia Geoffrey Allen Gerrard Christopher Mark Goad Jarod Asher Grigg Trevon Rashawn Franklin Harris Timothy Austin Hicks Emmanuel Hoffmann Benjamin Logan Holliman Matthew Blake Howard Taylor James Kelley Colton James Koenig E. Hayden Lewis Matthew William Millhollon Treigh Evan Nelson Cobi Nicholas Niedzwiecki Kevin Ngoc Pham Hunter Jack Robertson Clay Coker Rutledge Sam Dwayne Shirley Alberto Antonio Velásquez Brian Michael Warren Dustin Wayne Whinery Hunter Lee Wolfe John Edward Wright Edgar Eduardo Zuleta Chapter Mailing Address: 3410 Taft Blvd, #12750 Wichita Falls, TX 76308

Chapter Email Address: Chapter Officers: Number I – Jesse Brown Number II – Clayton Brown Number III – Tyler Garcia Number IV – Aaron Benton Number V – Edgar Zuleta Number VI – Dustin Whinery Number VII – Mark Brown Number VIII – Hunter Wolfe Number IX – Adam Barrera VIP Guests: William E. Dreyer, Knight Commander (Alpha Delta – William Jewell) J. Michael Duncan, Former Knight Commander (Delta Kappa – Stephen F. Austin State) Ben W. Satcher, Jr., Former Knight Commander (Delta – Clemson) Darren S. Kay, Senior Councilor (Alpha Delta – Westminster) David T. Martineau, Mikell Province Commander (Alpha Upsilon – Mississippi) Barry B. Donnell, Chairman & President, Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation

FALL 2015



On Campus

EPSILON CHI – UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AT MONTICELLO Chartering Date: Saturday, December 6, 2014 Chartering Banquet Location: Gibson University Center – Green Room 517 University Drive Monticello, Arkansas Initiation Date: Friday, December 5, 2014 Initiation Location: First Presbyterian Church 821 North Main Street Monticello, Arkansas Initiation Team(s): Beta Delta Chapter – Delta State University Gamma Gamma Chapter – University of Memphis Chartering GPA: 3.03 Number of men initiated: 30 Founding/Refounding Members: Nicholas Todd Akers Tyler Blaine Anthony Nathaniel Knight Bailey Shane Matthew Bostian William Kase Bounds

Troy Colvin Brunson Samuel Richard Cason Wacey Richard Connor Jordan Hunter Davis Jarrett Leighton Frizzell Jordan Hani Hashem Case Herrington Henderson John David Gray Herren Brannon Riley Hill Clint Lee Hooker Daniel Clayton Howell John Fletcher Lassiter Ian Bailey McDonald Charles Alexander McGaha Hernan Roman Mondragon Drew Christian Perry David Michael Risner Andrew Garland Robinson Dustin Michael Scott Michael Anthony Smith Parker Lee Spaulding Christian Miguel Taylor Edwin Carson Turner James Ross Vanhorn Larry Dale Wilcox Chapter Mailing Address: 203 S. Hyatt Monticello, AR 71655 Chapter Email Address:

Chapter Officers: Number I – John David Herren Number II – Carson Turner Number III – Michael Risner Number IV – Troy Brunson Number V – Andrew Robinson Number VI – Case Henderson Number VII – Clint Hooker Number VIII – Jordan Hashem Number IX – James VanHorn VIP Guests: William E. Dreyer, Knight Commander (Alpha Delta – William Jewell) C. Douglas Simmons, Councilor (Beta Tau – Mississippi State) Gregory R. Singleton, Forester Province Commander (Gamma Gamma – Memphis) Larry Stanton Wiese, Executive Director (Gamma Omega – Midwestern State) Dr. H. Jack Lassiter, Chancellor, University of Arkansas at Monticello (Gamma Upsilon – Texas A&M-Commerce) J. Neil Martin, Alumnus Advisor (Epsilon Chi – Arkansas Monticello)

Brooks Bishop, National Undergraduate Chairman (Delta Beta – Delta State)

ZETA DELTA – UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA Chartering Date: Saturday, February 14, 2015 Chartering Banquet Location: Joe Crowley Student Union 1664 N. Virginia Street Reno, Nevada Initiation Date: Friday, February 13, 2015 Initiation Location: Scottish Rite Bodies 40 West 1st Street #237 Reno, Nevada Initiation Team(s): Epsilon Tau Chapter – Northern Arizona University Zeta Mu Chapter – University of Washington Gamma Epsilon Chapter – University of Arizona Chartering GPA: 2.90 Number of men initiated: 34

Chapter Mailing Address: 619 N. Center Reno, NV 89501

Chapter Email Address: Chapter Officers: Number I – Jarrod Peterson Number II – Joseph Habighorst Number III – Paolo Cordero Number IV – Gregory Pavlos Number V – Robert E. Lee Number VI – Eric Tran Number VII – Robert Kinppen Number VIII – Matthew Kendrick Number IX – Daniel Hawley VIP Guests: William E. Dreyer, Knight Commander (Alpha Delta – William Jewell) Darren S. Kay, Senior Councilor (Alpha Delta – Westminster) Douglas W. Hanisch, Neal Province Commander (Epsilon Tau – Northern Arizona) Larry Stanton Wiese, Executive Director (Gamma Omega – Midwestern State) Dennis Campbell, Coordinator of Greek Life, University of Nevada Warren Kao, President, Multicultural Greek Council



FALL 2015

Kimberly Thomas, Faculty Advisor Kaitlynn Plaskett, Panhellenic Council Executive Board Davison Beenfeldt, President, Interfraternity Council Drew Sheehy, Greek Life Graduate Assistant Haley Mruz, Educational Leadership Consultant, Alpha Omicron Pi Alpha Xi Chapter Officers – University of California – Berkeley Beta Sigma Chapter Officers – University of Southern California Gamma Epsilon Chapter Officers – University of Arizona

Gamma Iota Chapter Officers – San Diego State University Epsilon Tau Chapter Officers – Northern Arizona University Epsilon Omega Chapter Officers – Arizona State University Zeta Mu Chapter Officers – University of Washington


Founding/Refounding Members: Jason Michael Au Cody Allen Caldwell Spencer Alexander Carter Paolo Victor Cordero Anthony Matthew Deveny

Joseph Michael Habighorst Jace Donovan Hargrove Daniel James Hawley Arden Joshua Heki James Gilchrist Kelly Matthew Gregory Kendrick Robert Scott Knippen Tyler Shadwick Koepf Justin Todd Kuykendall Robert Eric Lee Michael Wendell Lienhard Brandon Michael Lucia Dalton Ross McKenna Austin Gage Meegan Nick George Morehouse Garrett Wayne Murayama Paulo Narte Nacionales Joseph Richard Palmer Gregory S Pavlos Jarrod Alan Peterson Hunter Westin Rand Seth A Rubin Ricardo Darryll Sevilla Austin Noriyuki Shinagawa Austin Devin Smith Timothy Scott Tharaldson Eric Duy Tran Thomas Michael Wackman Stabler Matthew Young

On Campus

ZETA CHI – KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY Chartering Date: Thursday, March 5, 2015 Chartering Ceremony Location: Cherokee Town Club 155 West Paces Ferry Road NW Atlanta, Georgia Initiation Date: Sunday, March 1, 2015 Initiation Location: North Star Church 313 Blue Springs Road Kennesaw, Georgia Initiation Team(s): Delta Phi Chapter Jacksonville State University Chartering GPA: 2.90 Number of men initiated: 41 Founding/Refounding Members: Kadir Remzi Abdi Christopher Michael Annunzio Eliot Ryan Arno Tyler Wayne Brice Lee Garner Chadwick Kyle Patrick Collins

Michael Paul Curtis Jeffery Dwayne Davis William Brinkley Dickerson, III James Walker Elias Branson Robert Emmenegger Andrew Joseph Fousch Logan Frank Giovannotto Kenneth Allen Griner Curtis Daniel Huber Jeffrey Warren Johnson Conor Michael Lounsbury Matthew Daniel McDonald Andrew Michael Clark McIntyre Eric Jacob Mengler Stephen Deans Montague Alexander Thomas Moyer Evan Vincent Murphy Kevin Allen Nichols Clayton Wayne Pettyjohn Sean Anthony Piper Zachary Phillip Sherer James Wilson Shipp Justin Thomas Sloan Leighton Shane Smith Chrisna Andrew So Evan Larsen Stack Glenn Curtiss Starr Anthony John Paul Stewart Philip Jordan Tallman Evan Michael Taylor Austin Douglas Ventura Liam Michael Villante

Nahel Wassef Colton Robert Weeks Jack August Zeller Chapter Mailing Address: 1000 Chastain Road Kennesaw, GA 30144 Chapter Email Address: Chapter Officers: Number I – Evan Stack Number II – Conor Lounsbury Number III – Andrew Fousch Number IV – Liam Villante Number V – Tyler Brice Number VI – Logan Giovannotto Number VII – Jeffrey Johnson Number VIII – Alexander Moyer Number IX – Stephen Montague VIP Guests: William E. Dreyer, Knight Commander (Alpha Delta – William Jewell) Ben W. Satcher, Jr., Former Knight Commander (Delta Omicron – Clemson) Darren S. Kay, Senior Councilor (Alpha Delta – Westminster)

King Aiken, Councilor (Kappa – Mercer) Lee P. Oliver, Hardemanl Province Commander (Kappa - Mercer) Larry Stanton Wiese, Executive Director (Gamma Omega – Midwestern State) David Carico, Preceptor, Hardeman Court of Honor (Epsilon – Emory) Ronald Redner, Roswell/ North River Alumni Chapter President (Delta Rho – Valdosta) John Cox, Alumnus Advisor (Delta Theta – Georgia Southern)

Katherine Alday (Senior Director of Student Involvement) Christopher Carter (Assistant Director, IFC Advisor) Drew Harvill (Director of Student Life) Jennifer Morales (Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life)

Chapter Mailing Address: 2515 Leon Street Austin, TX 78705 Chapter Email Address:

The Honorable Paul W. Green, Alumnus Advisor (Omicron – Texas) James D. McBride, III (Omicron – Texas) Hunter Hartwig, Fraternity and Sorority Life Advisor, University of Texas Douglas B. Harris, Walsh Province Commander (Delta Sigma– Houston Baptist) Eric O. English (Omicron – Texas) Jim McBride Matthew Haneman Lloyd McMillan Gary Recer W.A. Grammer Jim Boeckman Folsom Bell Logan King Ronald P. Cuenod, Jr. Buzz Gondran Doug Garrard Hunter Hartwig Anthony Graziani

**Special note** Chartering Ceremony in conjunction with the Atlanta Sesquicentennial Event

OMICRON – UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS Re-Chartering Date: Friday, May 1, 2015 Re-Chartering Banquet Location: JW Marriott Austin 110 E. Second Street Austin, Texas Initiation Date: Saturday, May 2, 2015 Initiation Location: JW Marriott Austin 110 E. Second Street Austin, Texas Initiation Teams: Gamma Omega Chapter – Midwestern State University Delta Iota Chapter – University of Texas at Arlington Gamma Xi – Lamar University Chartering GPA: 3.156 Number of Men Initiated: 90 Re-founding Members: Will Amaya Trevor Andrews Jake Baird Benton Banowsky Travis Barber Ryan Bateman Cole Beckwith Travis Berk Austin Bolano Steven Bolton Chase Boswell Jonathan Bradford

Parker Brant Kyle Brickhouse David Bruton Joseph Candelario Benjamin Chesnut Hayden Clouse William Cobb Reid Diaz Grant Dixon James Finley Eric Fowler Avery Freese Emile Galatas Grant Gornick Stuart Grady Stephen Grant Garrett Groos Mauricio Gutierrez Michael Hall Trevor Hand Ted Hawkins Kory Jahnke Stefanos Kapatenakis Benjamin Kensing Chase Koger Pano Koutrouvelis Matthew Kulpinski Chase Lewis Braydan Loomis Alex Lostak Navid Magarheh Noah Maney Max Marcyes James Matheson William Matthews Mike Mayfield Hutton Maynard Felix Miao Christian Middleton Kellen Moczulski Levi Mulloy

Paul Murphy Mohammadali Naraghi Mason Neal Ben Noel Blake Patterson Jackson Phillips Robert Price Daniel Pugliano Cody Rader Mariano Ravelo Clark Reeder Jack Reid Diego Rey Thomas Rhea Eric Rollinger George Saleh Ian Salzer Matt Saustad Blake Schreiber Knox Sides Danny Silver William Singer Cameron Slife Duncan Smart John St. Denis Stefan Stankovic Braden Stotmeister John Strother Chase Sullivan Kevin Sullivan Tyler Swan Max Tebbe Charlie Tindall Carl Trujillo Jobin Varghese Willaim White Clayton Wilson Brian Young Mason Young Ross Young

FALL 2015


Chapter Officers: Number I – William White Number II – John Murray Number III – Charles Smart Number IV – Matthew Kulpinski Number V – William Singer Number VI – Chase Koger Number VII – Trevor Hand Number VIII – Cameron Slife Number IX – Daniel Pugliano VIP Guests William E. Dreyer, Knight Commander (Alpha Delta – William Jewell) Darren S. Kay, Senior Councilor (Alpha Eta – Westminster) Larry Stanton Wiese, Executive Director (Gamma Omega – Midwestern State)


Chapter Excellence

2015 National Awards

for Chapter Excellence

AWARDS FOR CHAPTER EXCELLENCE This spring, hundreds of undergraduate officers and future leaders of their respective chapters met at one of eight regional Province Councils throughout the months of February and March. Along with educational programming on scholarship, risk management, sexual misconduct, Ritual, and other areas of chapter operations, chapters were recognized their achievements for the previous calendar year. Chapters are recognized for excellence in finances, recruitment and chapter growth, communications, Project Outreach, Operation Crimson Gift, and overall chapter excellence. The highest honor that can be bestowed upon a chapter is the George C. Marshall Award of chapter excellence. This award is presented annually to the top one to three chapters in the Order in recognition for their superior operations and performance. Every year the top 10 percent of KA Chapters are recognized with the Samuel Zenas Award for chapter excellence. This award takes all areas of chapter operations into consideration and recognizes those chapters achieving a high level of excellence. Lastly, the Carl Albert Award for Chapter Improvement is given to the one or two chapters who show the most overall improvement from the previous calendar year. Congratulations to our 2014 Award Winners!

George C. Marshall Award for Chapter Excellence

Austin Peay State University – Zeta Tau

Key accomplishments:

Key accomplishments:

Academic Excellence – achieved a 3.216 GPA and a 3.26 GPA this in the fall and spring semesters of the 2014 academic year. Membership Education - received the Excellence in Educational Programming award for continuing numerous leadership seminars including topics on campus involvement, bullying, social media, risk management and sexual assault. Project Outreach – was awarded the Outstanding Service Hours per Man award for serving 2,798 hours and donating 65 pints of blood. Ritual – with over 25 ritual practices, the chapter has 100% of the initiation ceremony memorized; all members have completed the Council of Honor program. Leadership – 100% of the membership is involved in a different activity on campus and many brothers hold executive positions; golf, soccer, football, basketball and baseball teams boast a KA captain.

Academic Excellence – achieved a 3.20 GPA and a 3.38 GPA this academic year, which earned them a Scholastic Excellence Award. Membership education – was awarded the Excellence in Educational Programming award for organizing and/or attending leadership seminars on numerous topics from multiple distinguished alumni and campus professionals. Project Outreach – volunteered nearly 1,000 hours of service, Gentleman’s Week helped to raise $16,000 for MDA, $400 per brother; was a member of the Operation Crimson Gift Century Society. Leadership – 100% of the chapter is involved in at least one other organization on campus, many holding leadership roles.



FALL 2015


Westminster College – Alpha Eta

Chapter Excellence

*based on 2014 year applications

Samuel Zenas Ammen Award for Chapter Excellence The Samuel Zenas Ammen Award for Chapter Excellence is awarded to chapters that are in the top 15-20% in the Order based on the applications received. It is named for Samuel Zenas Ammen, Kappa Alpha Order’s practical founder. Ammen committed his time as a member of Kappa Alpha Order to improving, first the ritual and operations of our very first chapter at Washington College, and later to the chapters across the nation as he served as Knight Commander for two terms, totaling nine years. Much like our practical founder, the Ammen award winning chapters exhibit a commitment to excellence. They strive to be the best on campus and in the nation in every aspect of chapter operations.

Austin Peay State - Zeta Tau

Eastern Kentucky - Delta Mu

Georgetown College - Beta Delta

James Madison - Zeta Theta

Louisiana Tech - Gamma Alpha

Missouri S&T - Beta Alpha

Transylvania - Alpha Theta

Tulsa - Mu

Univ. of Washington - Zeta Mu

Westminster - Alpha Eta

William Jewell - Alpha Delta

Carl Albert Award for Chapter Improvement The Carl Albert Award for Chapter Improvement is named for Carl Albert, an alumnus of Beta Eta Chapter at the University of Oklahoma. His life accomplishments are amazing; coming from a very poor family rising to become Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, the highest elected office ever achieved by a member of Kappa Alpha Order. He is not only an honored and historical figure, but also a man whose life exemplifies Arizona State University the very concept of substantial Epsilon Omega

FALL 2015

improvement – starting with many disadvantages and still rising to notable success. It is fitting that a chapter that accomplishes the same feat would receive an award named in his honor.

The George Washington University - Alpha Nu



Washington and Lee University – Alpha

Chapter Excellence

ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Academic Excellence is one of the Knight Commander’s Objectives. It has been a priority of previous Knight Commanders, as well. Through the work of our chapters, and elevated standards from the Executive Council, we continue to see a rising national GPA and successful brothers on campus. We recognize them here as such.

Scholarship Trophy for Exceptional Scholastic Achievement This trophy, housed in the national administrative office, is awarded to the chapter that achieves the highest combined GPA for the year.

Stanford – Alpha Pi Fall 2013 3.54 Spring 2014 3.60 2014 AVERAGE


Scholastic Excellence Awards The following chapters achieved a 3.25 semester GPA during the fall 2013 and/or spring 2014 semester(s). Chapters meeting this criteria exhibit excellence and will not receive any lower scholastic awards. Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 California - Alpha Xi Duke - Alpha Phi Georgia - Gamma North Carolina - Upsilon Princeton - Zeta Beta

Fall 2013 Only Richmond - Eta Tulane - Psi Virginia - Lambda Washington & Lee - Alpha William Jewell - Alpha Delta

Spring 2013 Only

Arkansas-Monticello Epsilon Chi Emory - Epsilon Southern Methodist Beta Lambda

Univ. of Washington - Zeta Mu Westminster - Alpha Eta

Austin Peay State - Zeta Tau Centenary - Alpha Iota Millsaps - Alpha Mu

Outstanding Scholastic Achievement Awards Chapters qualify by achieving one of the following: 1) have a collective GPA average higher than both the all men’s and all fraternity average; 2) be academically ranked in the top 25% of fraternities on their campus; or 3) achieve a 3.0 GPA for both the fall 2013 and spring 2014 semesters. Alabama - Alpha Beta Arkansas State - Delta Eta Auburn - Nu Birmingham-Southern - Phi Davidson - Sigma Delaware - Beta Epsilon Florida - Beta Zeta Florida Gulf Coast - Zeta Pi Furman - Iota

George Washington - Alpha Nu Georgetown College - Beta Delta Georgia Tech - Alpha Sigma High Point - Zeta Phi Kentucky - Theta Louisiana Tech - Gamma Alpha Maryland - Beta Kappa Miami - Epsilon Lambda Missouri of S&T - Beta Alpha

Nicholls State - Epsilon Beta Presbyterian - Beta Pi Sam Houston State Prov. Univ. of the South - Alpha Alpha Southern Illinois - Zeta Sigma Southwestern - Xi Transylvania - Alpha Theta Tulsa - Mu Wake Forest - Tau

Washington College - Beta Omega West Florida - Epsilon Sigma William & Mary - Alpha Zeta Wofford - Delta

Semester Scholastic Achievement Awards Fall 2013 and Spring 2014

Oklahoma - Beta Eta Oklahoma State - Beta Xi Rhodes - Alpha Epsilon Roanoke - Beta Rho San Diego State - Gamma Iota Stephen F. Austin State Delta Kappa Texas A&M - Epsilon Delta Virginia Tech - Epsilon Eta Wingate - Zeta Zeta

Fall 2013

Spring 2014

Elon - Epsilon Mu Hampden-Sydney - Alpha Tau Louisiana-Lafayette Gamma Phi Missouri Southern State Delta Pi North Carolina-Charlotte Epsilon Xi Texas Wesleyan - Zeta Xi West Georgia - Zeta Kappa West Texas A&M Gamma Sigma West Virginia Wesleyan Beta Chi

Clemson - Delta Omicron Drury - Beta Iota East Carolina - Gamma Rho Eastern Kentucky - Delta Mu George Mason - Epsilon Phi Kennesaw State - Zeta Chi Louisiana State - Alpha Gamma Mercer - Kappa Missouri - Alpha Kappa Missouri State - Gamma Beta Nevada - Zeta Delta



FALL 2015

South Carolina - Rho Southern California Beta Sigma Tennessee-Chattanooga Zeta Upsilon Tennessee Tech - Zeta Epsilon Texas-Arlington - Delta Iota


Arizona State - Epsilon Omega Arkansas - Alpha Omicron Delta State - Delta Beta Georgia College - Epsilon Nu James Madison - Zeta Theta Lamar - Gamma Xi Midwestern State Gamma Omega Mississippi - Alpha Upsilon Mississippi State - Beta Tau Newberry - Delta Epsilon North Carolina-Wilmington Epsilon Psi North Carolina State Alpha Omega

Chapter Excellence

CHAPTER OPERATIONS AWARDS Overall Excellence in Recruitment & Chapter Growth

Excellence in Campus and Community Communication

This chapter must demonstrates a superb commitment to year-round recruitment, unique events, branding and marketing, and an overall strategic approach to growth. Further they must show a significant percentage increase in their membership.

This chapter shows effective communication and promotion of the interfraternal spirit on their campus, connection to the faculty, staff, and administration and promotion of their efforts to the surrounding community.

Presbyterian - Beta Pi

Outstanding Recruitment & Chapter Growth These chapters must also show the coordination of a year-round approach to recruitment, using the Order’s values and chapter’s accomplishments to effectively recruit and retain new members. Austin Peay State - Zeta Tau Oklahoma State - Beta Xi

Excellence in Chapter Finances These chapters should have submitted all national reports on time and maintained generally a zero balance with the national administrative office. They also maintain great records, utilize the tools of OmegaFi for record keeping, budgeting, and collecting, as well as maintaining a minimum accounts receivable from their membership dues. Georgetown College - Beta Delta Missouri S&T - Beta Alpha Southeastern Louisiana - Epsilon Kappa Univ. of Washington - Zeta Mu

Overall Excellence in Communication This chapter demonstrates and documents their efforts in print, digital, and other formats to effectively connect and communicate with all constituencies and stakeholders for their chapter, including other KA chapters, their campus and surrounding communities. Louisiana Tech - Gamma Alpha

PROJECT OUTREACH AWARDS Project Outreach is KA’s umbrella initiative to encourage our chapters to engage in philanthropic fundraising, service, and volunteerism in various facets. From raising money for our national philanthropy, the Muscular Dystrophy Association, to local worthy causes and from volunteering to giving blood, KA’s make a difference in our community. We are indeed bound to do so by our ritual.

Cross & Rose Award

Tennessee-Martin - Delta Upsilon

The Cross & Rose award is the highest recognition given by the Order for community service. It awards a chapter program that excels in all aspects of service and community impact, hours and dollars donated, the potential ease of continuing the program, interaction with other groups and individuals, percent of the chapter involved, and the adaptability of the program to other communities.

Excellence in Event Communication These chapters showed effective communication and promotion of an individual event or series of events, either to increase exposure, enhance a philanthropy event, or even recruitment. They used social, print, and online media to complete their plan.

Maryland - Beta Kappa

Most & Outstanding Community Hours Chapters must log and complete an outstanding amount of hours relative to the number of men in their chapter through their Project Outreach efforts. This may include MDA events, local philanthropy work, participation in interfraternal service events, or community service and volunteerism.

Maryland - Beta Kappa Southeastern Louisiana - Epsilon Kappa

Most Community Services Hours Per Man

Excellence in Social Media Communication

Georgetown College - Beta Delta Outstanding Services Hours Per Man

These chapters utilize many forms of new media in a frequent, values-centric way, continually sharing news about their chapter on various outlets, throughout the year.

Washington College - Beta Omega Univ. of Washington - Zeta Mu

Arizona State - Epsilon Omega High Point - Zeta Phi

Most & Outstanding Community Service Dollars Raised

Excellence in Educational Programming

Most Dollars Donated Per Man

Chapters must log and donate an outstanding contribution relative to the number of men in their chapter though their Project Outreach efforts. They may raise money from any worthy cause, including the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

These chapters must schedule speakers and/or workshops, attend opportunities on campus, and lead an overall educational approach to membership education, which might include Council of Honor, The Crusade, and other areas of leadership and values education.

Maryland - Beta Kappa Outstanding Dollars Per Man Florida Gulf Coast - Zeta Pi George Mason - Epsilon Phi Georgetown - Beta Delta James Madison - Zeta Theta Miami - Epsilon Lambda

Austin Peay State - Zeta Tau Georgetown College - Beta Delta Louisiana Tech - Gamma Alpha Missouri S&T - Beta Alpha Westminster - Alpha Eta

Millsaps - Alpha Mu North Carolina - Upsilon Southeastern Louisiana Epsilon Kappa Washington - Beta Omega

Operation Crimson Gift – Knight Commander’s Cup This annual award recognizes the active chapter that displays the most outstanding participation in Operation Crimson Gift – The Order’s year-long, nationwide blood drive effort.

Excellence in Fraternal Communication

Tennessee-Chattanooga - Zeta Upsilon

This chapter shows effective communication and promotion of fraternal brotherhood amongst other KA chapters, to include newly chartered chapters and those winning national awards.

Operation Crimson Gift Century Society Austin Peay State - Zeta Tau Delta State - Delta Beta Florida Gulf Coast - Zeta Pi Georgetown - Beta Delta Louisiana Tech - Gamma Alpha Missouri S&T - Beta Alpha

Tennessee-Chattanooga - Zeta Upsilon

Westminster - Alpha Eta

FALL 2015



Tennessee-Martin - Delta Upsilon Univ. of Washington - Zeta Mu Westminster - Alpha Eta William and Mary - Alpha Zeta

Alumni News

50% Increase in Alumni Chapters

Qualified Alumni Chapters This list includes groups that comply with the Kappa Alpha Laws to be an alumni chapter, including: submitting an annual report, remitting necessary fees, holding a charter, and other simple requirements. If your alumni group is not listed, contact Michael Wilson, Assistant Executive Director for Alumni Affairs, at or 540-463-1865. ALABAMA

Southwest Alabama Alumni Chapter Epsilon Alpha Traveler Alumni Chapter

Flomaton Mobile


Western Arkansas Alumni Chapter Northeast Arkansas Alumni Chapter Southern Arkansas Alumni Chapter

Fort Smith Jonesboro Monticello


Northern Arizona Alumni Chapter Southern Arizona Alumni Chapter

Scottsdale Tucson


Jacksonville Alumni Chapter Ocala Alumni Chapter Orlando Alumni Chapter Tallahassee Alumni Chapter Tampa Bay Alumni Chapter

Jacksonville Ocala Orlando Tallahassee Tampa Bay


Columbus, GA Alumni Chapter Macon, Georgia Alumni Chapter Roswell/North River Alumni Chapter Georgia Coastal Empire Alumni Chapter

Columbus Macon Roswell Savannah


Illiana Alumni Chapter



Southern Indiana Alumni Chapter Sagamore Alumni Chapter

Indianapolis West Lafayette


Bluegrass Alumni Chapter West Kentucky (Delta Nu) Alumni Chapter

Lexington Murray


Baton Rouge Alumni Chapter Hammond Alumni Chapter Northwest LA Alumni Chapter Ruston, LA Alumni Chapter

Baton Rouge Hammond Natchitoches Ruston


Maryland Alumni Chapter-Beta Kappa


FALL 2015

College Park


DUE TO THE FOCUS ON FORMER KNIGHT COMMANDER Dreyer’s objective of Alumni Engagement, the Order has enjoyed a 50% increase in qualified and recognized Alumni Chapters. These chapters are organized for various reasons. They may be primarily alumni from specific active chapters organized to plan reunions or support a local chapter, they may be organized by region to support other local chapters, or simply organized by location for social and networking opportunities. No matter why they are organized, they become an integral way for our alumni to stay connected and give back to the Order and KAOEF.

Arlington Heights

Alumni News MISSOURI

Mid-Missouri KAO Alumni Chapter Joplin, MO Alumni Chapter South Central Missouri Alumni Chapter

Ashland Joplin Rolla


Cape Fear Alumni Chapter Cullowhee KA Alumni Chapter

Cape Fear Cullowhee


Bowling Green Alumni Chapter

Bowling Green


Oklahoma City Alumni Chapter Stillwater, OK Alumni Chapter Mu Alumni Chapter

Oklahoma City Stillwater Tulsa


Charleston Alumni Chapter



Chattanooga, TN Alumni Chapter Knoxville, TN Area Alumni Chapter Martin, Tennessee Alumni Chapter Greater Nashville Alumni Association

Chattanooga Knoxville Martin Nashville


Texas Panhandle Alumni Chapter Arlington, Texas Alumni Chapter Austin Texas Alumni Chapter Texas A&M Commerce Alumni Chapter Dallas Alumni Chapter Mustang Alumni Chapter Xi Alumni Chapter Houston Area KA Alumni Houston Baptist University Alumni Chapter Gamma Tau Alumni Chapter Lubbock Area Alumni Chapter San Antonio Alumni Chapter Wichita Falls Alumni Chapter

Amarillo Arlington Austin Commerce Dallas Dallas Georgetown Houston Houston Huntsville Lubbock San Antonio Wichita Falls


National Capital Region Alumni Chapter Charlottesville Area Alumni Chapter Northern Virginia Alumni Chapter Lexington, VA Alumni Chapter Richmond Virginia Alumni Chapter New River Valley, VA Alumni Chapter Roanoke Valley Alumni Chapter

Arlington Charlottesville Fredericksburg Lexington Richmond Richmond Roanoke


Cascadia Alumni Chapter



Alpha Rho Alumni Chapter



Puerto Vallarta Alumni Chapter

FALL 2015



Puerto Vallarta

Alumni News

The Citadel Theta Commission U.S. Army Col. J. Laurence Hutto, Jr. ’14, is The Citadel’s new director of alumni affairs, as well as executive director of The Citadel Alumni Association. He graduated from The Citadel in 1987 with a BS in Business Administration and after serving in numerous Army leadership roles, returned to the college in 2010 as a professor of military science and head of The Citadel’s Army ROTC unit. Francis Marion Delta Tau Andy Fogle ’00, CEO of Carolina Fresh Farms in Aiken, South Carolina, along with Horton Trailers, arranged for the donation of a 7x12 tandem axle trailer to be delivered to Troop 519 on Daniel Island, South Carolina, who had their trailer stolen from a church parking lot in late September. All of the troop’s camping supplies, such as tents, stoves, lanterns and tarps, were also in the trailer. Georgetown Beta Delta Dave Baker ’82, has been the primary play-by-play commentator on SEC Network for Southeast Conference basketball this season. He has been a sportscaster for men’s and women’s SEC basketball for more than two decades.

Ed Jackson ’00, living in China, runs a company with his wife, Chelsea, that sends Chinese students to the UK and the U.S. to attend primary, middle and high schools. They welcomed a son, Everett Stonewall Jackson, into the world last June at Union Hospital in Hong Kong.


celebrated its Centennial at the Samuel Riggs Alumni Center on the campus of the University of Maryland, College Park. Joining Beta Kappa alumni and actives in this once-in-a-lifetime celebration were Knight Commander William E. Dreyer, Executive Director Larry Weise, Wood Province Commander Douglas Ewalt, University of Maryland officials, and Wood Province Court of Honor members. Guests enjoyed reconnecting with old friends, presentations on Beta Kappa’s history and accomplishments, and placing bids on rare KA and University of Maryland memorabilia in a silent auction. To celebrate Beta Kappa’s noteworthy presence at the University of Maryland for the past one hundred years, the Maryland Alumni Chapter was established and chartered at the event to solidify Beta Kappa’s presence for the next one hundred years. Along with its establishment, the Maryland Alumni Chapter announced the formation of the Number I Fund to support active members of the chapter for years to come. To cap off the night, the alumni of Beta Kappa and Province Commander Ewalt recognized and honored Wood Province Court of Honor member and long time housing corporation president and supporter, Robert Ross, for his commitment and dedication to the active chapter by naming the chapter room in the KA House at 1 Fraternity Row in his honor. The success of Beta Kappa’s Centennial Gala would not have been possible without the dedicated leadership and diligent coordination of Alumnus Advisor Michael Hatfield, the support of Province Commander Ewalt, and countless hours of work, telephone calls, and letter writing by the founding members of the Maryland Alumni Chapter and the Centennial Committee.

Brian K. “Keith” Heard ’75, has been named chief of staff of the personal office of U.S. Senator Thad Cochran, Republican from Mississippi. Heard is a partner with the Washington-based TCH Group, and worked previously for Cochran in legislative and political capacities. He held a number of positions in the private sector before joining the TCH Group, including executive positions for the National Cotton Council and National Corn Growers Association. Heard and his wife, Chrissy, have four children and reside in Columbus, Mississippi. North Texas Gamma Lambda Scott Nourse ’87, has been recruited by PBS to lead the public broadcaster’s digital product team. Based in Arlington, Virginia, Nourse will be in charge of all new digital product development as PBS Digital VP of product development. He had previously been SVP of production operations for Sony Pictures Interactive. THE KAPPA ALPHA JOURNAL

Northern Arizona Epsilon Tau Matthew Firth ‘00, is a cofounder of Hobizbo, an app that helps buyers to instantly plug into the local real estate market, get immediate access to MLS listings, customize a home search, 51

FALL 2015

and get answers and advice about homes for sale from local REALTORs®, make an appointment with agents to tour the home, and write the offer to buy the home, all from the palm of the hand. Hobizbo currently serves the greater Los Angeles and


Mississippi State Beta Tau Jason Armstrong ’94, was recently selected 2014 Mississippi Humanities Council Teacher of the Year at East Central Community College in Decatur. Armstrong graduated with a BS from the College of Agriculture (Poultry Science)

A Centennial at Maryland

at Mississippi State University in 1997, was awarded an MBA in 1998, and earned an MA in teaching (community college education with English emphasis) in 2009. He also served as an adjunct professor of management at Mississippi State in Meridian, and was a commercial relationship banker in Meridian, Tupelo, and Jackson.

Alumni News and columnist for the Los Angeles Daily News and then a contributor for USC Report. He also taught a sportswriting class at USC. Jares and John Robinson cowrote Conquest: A Cavalcade of USC Football in 1981, a coffee-table book that details in words and pictures the history of the Trojan gridiron program, and the now-retired Jares has authored other books as well.

45 Years at Eastern Kentucky Alumni Gather for Chapter’s Anniversary IT’S GOING TO BE “EMOTIONAL,” WERE THE

words of Steve Templeton (Delta Mu – Eastern Kentucky ’69), and it truly was. More than seventy reunion brothers, wives, special guests from the National Administrative Office, and brothers from the active chapter met to celebrate. Planning began when Gail King contacted a handful of brothers to try to track down all charter members. Mike Nantz, Mike Wills, and Steve Templeton were excited about the prospect of making contact with everyone after 45 years. Then the idea came up: “Let’s have a 45th reunion.” After several meetings, endless hours of preparations, and devotion to the task, the date was set for October 3-4, 2014. The location was decided

Orange County areas. For more information go to Roanoke Beta Rho P. Jason Cording ’91, has been appointed Deputy Commissioner of the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission (VWCC) at its Harrisonburg regional office. Cording received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Roanoke College and his Juris Doctor degree from the T.C. Williams School of Law at the

on to be Lexington, Kentucky. Activities were to include a Bourbon Trail Tour, a day at Keeneland Horse Track, and dinners on both nights with the active chapter. A “LIFE REVIEW FORM” was provided to all brothers who could attend or not; thus all were able to read up on all of their brothers successes in life. A special favors for attendees was a Delta Mu designed Tervis Tumbler. A KA banner and charter member plaque were created to give to the active chapter from the reunion attendees. As the sun set on a weekend of reminiscing and brotherhood, all were nostalgic about. There were no goodbyes just bittersweet feelings, and a decision to not wait for the “50th” for their next reunion.

University of Richmond. Prior to joining the Commission, he practiced almost exclusively in the areas of workers’ compensation and the general representation of small businesses. South Carolina Rho Henry McMaster ‘67, former Graves Province Commander, was sworn in as Lieutenant Governor for the state of South Carolina on January 13th. His son, Henry McMaster, Jr. ’06,

FALL 2015

was present with him at the swearing-in ceremony. Southern California Beta Sigma Joe Jares ’56, has been inducted into the USC Athletic Hall of Fame. A legendary sportswriter, Jares covered the Southern California sports scene, and went on to be a reporter for the Los Angeles Herald-Express, UPI, the Los Angeles Times and Sports Illustrated before becoming the sports editor 52


Tulane Psi Bradley Musson Patout ’03, announces the birth of Bradley Musson Patout, Jr., who was born at 6:49 AM on October 8th, 2014 weighing 9 lbs. 0 oz., measuring 21 3/4 inches. He says that mom and baby are doing great. Transylvania Alpha Theta Julian Tackett ’80 received the Debra K. Best Outstanding Layperson Award from the Kentucky Medical Association during the KMA’s President’s Installation and Awards Dinner in Louisville. The award is presented to a non-physician in Kentucky who has made outstanding contributions in the field of public health and/or medical care, in this case, Tackett’s work in the prevention of brain injuries in athletes. Valdosta State Delta Rho Tom Odom ’71, a member of the VSU radio crew for 17 years and booster and fan for nearly four decades, has been inducted into the VSU Athletic Hall of Fame. Odom was one of the founding members of Knights of Arlington, the local fraternity which became Delta Rho chapter. Downing Barber ’92, was named Valdosta’s 2014

Alumni News Distinguished Alumnus representing the Harley Langdale, Jr. College of Business Administration at 2014 homecoming. Barber is the founder and CEO of Barberitos, the Southern chain restaurant that now has 57 franchises. Virginia Military Institute Beta Commission Louis Florio ’86, has been appointed to the board of Lutheran Family Services of Virginia, Inc. for a three year term. He currently serves as pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church and School, in Mechanicsville, Virginia. Washington College Beta Omega H. Lawrence Culp ’82, previously was named by Harvard Business Review as one of the best performing CEO’s in the world. Culp served as President and CEO of Danaher Corporation, having from 2001 to 2014. He was ranked 38 out of 100 top CEOs. The former economics major and Harvard MBA is vice chairman of the Washington College Board of Visitors and Governors. Mark Murphy ’93, graduated from Basic Chaplains Academy, held by the Tennessee Federation of Fire Fighters, in addition to attaining an associate degree in chemical engineering technology from Chattanooga State Community College.

Delta Alpha brothers gathered in Asheville to celebrate ON AUGUST 8-9, 2014 BROTHERS AND GUESTS from


the Delta Alpha Chapter at Western Carolina University, gathered to celebrate their semi-centennial. The events were held at the Crowne Plaza Resort in Asheville, N.C. 25 and 50-year membership certificates were presented, deceased members were honored and remembered, multiple events were held, and all in attendance enjoyed that Knight Commander William E. Dreyer and his wife Linda, and, Executive Director Larry Stanton Wiese and his wife Dawn were in attendance to join the celebration. The previous day, 11 charter members gathered with Executive Director Wiese, Alumni Chapter President Josh Paris, Assistant Executive Director for Advancement Jesse S. Lyons, and Clevie Luckadoo for a founders’ luncheon. The luncheon was held at the historic Jarrett House in Dillsboro, N.C., the same location of the chartering banquet, 50 years prior. Saturday night, over $2750 was raised by simply passing the bucket to help the active chapter and alumni funds. All told, 22% of living initiated brothers, that’s one in five members, from Delta Alpha were in attendance.

 232 total attendees throughout the weekend



FALL 2015

 157 Friday night attendees  208 Saturday night attendees  134 brothers, 84 brothers’ guests  14 total other guests  28 played golf  24 rode the resort zip-line  11 purchased Robert E. Lee portraits  11 charter members at a founders luncheon  8 donated to MDA  6 inducted into the Smith Province Court of Honor  3 primary organizers, Josh Paris, Shawn Barsness, Clevie Luckadoo  2 recipients of the Knight Commander Accolade  1 brother and his band, the Caribbean Cowboys led by Steve Weams


Washington & Lee Alpha J. Stephen Grist ’98, became the President of CornerStone Bank in 2014, succeeding his brother, T. David Grist, the founding CEO and President. David passed away in 2013. Steve has served on the Board of Directors of CornerStone Bank since its inception in 2009. Before his role as President, he served

Western Carolina KAs Celebrate 50 Years in Cullowhee

Alumni News

as Vice Chairman of the Board, chair of the Asset/ Liability Committee and was a member of the Executive Committee. Prior to joining CornerStone Bank, Steve had a private law practice in Lexington for many years that concentrated in trusts and estates, commercial and corporate law, and real estate. West Virginia Alpha Rho Isaac Sponaugle ’98, has won a second term as member of the West Virginia House of Delegates, representing the 55th district. Sponaugle served as an intern to Senator Robert Byrd.

Westminster College Alpha Eta Jim Boeckman ’83, will receive the Lifetime Alumni Achievement Award at a special Alumni Honors Convocation Ceremony to be held April 25 on the Westminster College campus in Fulton, Missouri. The Lifetime Alumni Achievement Award is presented annually to alumni whose accomplishments reflect the Westminster mission and who have distinguished themselves through personal achievements, professional achievements and/or have made significant contributions to society. In 2013 Boeckman was the recipient of the Knight Commander’s Accolade. He is currently a business lawyer in solo practice in Austin, Texas.

BOOKS A Hero in a Bandana: A Family’s Walk Through the Valley By Brad W. Hoover (Delta Upsilon – Tennessee-Martin ’83) You are invited to come along on a gripping journey involving one brave boy and his steadfast family. A story from the hand of an ER physician from the opposite end of the white coat, it describes a parent’s nightmare yet also a community’s uplifting love and undying support. See how this ordinary father’s journal transforms into an extraordinary primer on not only survival but enrichment of their and the lives they have touched.

Acadie Then and Now: A People’s History By Warren Perrin (Gamma Phi – Louisiana-Lafayette ’66), Mary Broussard Perrin, and Phil Comeau Acadie Then and Now: A People’s History is an international collection of articles from 50 authors, which chronicles the historical and contemporary realities of the Acadian and Cajun people worldwide. This collection includes 65 articles on the Acadians and takes an international perspective and provides the readers with new insights on the past, present, and future of the Acadian descendants from all Acadies of the world. [Editor’s note: Impressively, the book was released in both English and French.]

Dr. Robin Havers ’14, was selected president of the George C. Marshall Foundation, located in Lexington, Virginia, in 2014. He is the past executive director of The National Churchill Museum and former vice president for the Churchill Institute at Westminster College, located in Fulton, Missouri. The non-profit, nonpartisan, independent Marshall Foundation is the one place where the values that shaped and motivated Marshall (Beta Commission – VMI 1901) are kept alive. As a unique resource, the Foundation perpetuates Marshall’s legacy as the person who “won the war and won the peace.”

First To Fly: The Story of the Lafayette Escadrille, the American Heroes Who Flew for France in World War I By Charles Bracelen Flood (Delta Mu – Eastern Kentucky ’83) Charles Bracelen Flood, a noted novelist and historian, finished his final book, First to Fly, just before his death in 2014. His many books include Grant and Sherman: The Friendship that Won the Civil War. Of special interest to KAs is his book Lee: The Last Years, which resulted in Flood being made a member of the Kappa Alpha Order, and which should be high on every KA’s reading list. First to Fly tells the story of the Lafayette Escadrille — a squadron of American pilots who, during World War I, flew for France against the Germans before the United States entered the war. According to the French, the average life expectancy of a fighter pilot in combat was 15 hours in the air. The only explanation for the Escadrille’s survival rate — of the 38 who flew, 27 survived — appears to be the skill and courage of the pilots. Flood ends the book with an ominous scene. At the war’s close, Goering, addressing his officers, concluded by saying, “Our time will come again.” And, of course, he was right. – Marshall Saufley, Chi – Vanderbilt ‘58

FALL 2015



Sports Page FOOTBALL: Players in Major Bowls ALABAMA - ALPHA BETA (SUGAR BOWL)

Zach Houston ‘13, defensive back CLEMSON - DELTA OMICRON (RUSSELL ATHLETIC BOWL)

Andy Teasdall ‘12, punter DUKE - ALPHA PHI (SUN BOWL)

Max McCaffrey ‘14, receiver yy385 yards on 37 receptions Kyle Wellner ‘14, deep snapper FLORIDA STATE - GAMMA ETA (ROSE BOWL)



NCAA Division I FBS/FCS First Team


Chase Alford ‘14, linebacker yy14 games Paul Johnson (Delta AlphaWestern Carolina ‘77), head coach yy9 - 4 record


Pace Murphey, Lineman

NCAA Divisions II/III & NAIA First Team


Tom Collins ‘12, offensive guard yy10 games



Jimmy DeStefano, lineman

Ryan Buchanan ‘13, quarterback/holder yySEC Fall Academic Honor Roll yy13 games Nathan Noble ‘12, kicker yy30 kickoffs for a 61.4 yard average


Todd Phillips, deep snapper DELTA ALPHA – WESTERN CAROLINA


Paul Johnson, head coach for Georgia Tech


Jesse Handlon ‘13, receiver Alex King ‘12, linebacker Sam Vermilya ‘11, receiver yy36 catches for 486 yards

Divisions II/III & NAIA Honorable Mention



Carl Rider ‘13, linebacker yyFormer All-Southern Conference yyLimited to one game due to injuries

Nick West, quarterback WASHINGTON & LEE – ALPHA

Marshall Hollerith, running back



Zach Borne ‘14, receiver yy20 receptions Beau Brady ‘11, linebackers yy39 points; 7 field goals and 18 PATs yyAll-SAA mention

Jake Blust, linebacker MILLSAPS – ALPHA MU

Eric Martin, linebacker Beau Brady, kicker



FALL 2015


Chase Austin ‘13, linebacker yy18 tackles Joseph Foster ‘13, kicker Andrew Smith ‘13, long snapper yyAll-South Atlantic 2nd team NORTHWESTERN STATE GAMMA PSI

Zane Bush ‘14, defensive tackle Pace Murphy ‘12, offensive tackle yyAll-Southland Conference 1st team yyAll-Louisiana 2nd team PRESBYTERIAN - BETA PI

Craig Bryan ‘13, fullback yy9 games Zach Cooper ‘14, offensive lineman Tamyn Garrick ‘13, quarterback Kaleb Griffin ‘12, quarterback yy9 games John Hardy ‘12, offensive lineman Colin Thornton, fullback yy8 games PRINCETON - ZETA BETA

Britt Cocolough ‘13, offensive tackle yyStarted 9 games Dylan Jeffay ‘11, receiver Jack Knight ‘14, lineman Robby Templeton ‘11, receiver SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA EPSILON KAPPA

Daniel Henderson ‘14, offensive line yyFCS Playoffs UNIV. OF THE SOUTH - ALPHA ALPHA

Tony Dykes ‘14, linebacker yy42 tackles Alex Kops ‘13, defensive back yyAll-SAA 2nd team defensive yy63 tackles


Alpha Order, we strive to achieve excellence in all aspects of life. For many undergraduates this includes excelling academically and becoming involved in leadership roles of various campus organizations, but the Order is also proud to have significant representation in college athletics. Every year, the NorthAmerican Interfraternity Conference (NIC) selects All-Fraternity All-American Teams. Players are nominated by fraternity headquarters, local Interfraternity Councils, fraternity advisors and individuals. Here are the KAs that were honored for 2014.

Lucas Clark ‘12, quarterback Christian Griffith ‘12, receiver

Chandler Loy ‘13, back yy230 rushing yards Eric Martin ‘12, linebacker yyAll-Southern Athletic Association 2nd team yy72 tackles Tanner Menist ‘13, receiver yy14 catches Ty Patterson ‘13, linebacker yy 24 tackles Hector Sandoval ‘13, linebacker yy19 tackles Beau Wells ‘13, receiver yy33 catches

Sports Page

Sports Review by Jay Langhammer John Paul McDonnell ‘13, linebacker yyAll-SAA mention yy39 tackles Grayson Middlebrooks ‘12, linebacker yy13 tackles

Zach Batteer

Matt Underhill ‘14, kicker yy41 points; 8 field goals & 17 extra points


Anthony Bronzo ‘13, back yy11 games Sam Scofield ‘13, Safety yyLed team with 94 tackles, yy3 interceptions yyAll-Louisiana 1st team yyAll-American Collegiate Conference 2nd team

Ben Baird ‘12, lineman yy32 stops Stephen Rogalski ‘14, receiver yy21 catches for 384 yards Zach Schademan ‘14, receiver yyAll-Mountain East Conference mention yy48 catches for 668 yards and 10 TDs Dale Wood ‘14, linebacker yy16 tackles



John Carrick ‘14, linebacker yyLead team with 78 tackles Austin Eisenhofer ‘12, back yyCo-captain Evan Hinkle ‘14, back yyRushed for 398 yards & 6 TDs Marshall Hollerith ‘14, back yy763 rushing yards, 9 TDs yyAll-Old Dominion Athletic Conference 3rd teamer Sam Hoskins ‘12, Lineman yyODC Sportsmanship Team Jimmy Moynahan ‘13, linebacker yy 45 tackles Charlie Nelson ‘14, quarterback yyRan for 614 yards and 5 TDs yyThrew for 813 yards and 5 TDs

Brett Carrigan ‘12, Linebacker yy47 stops

Hal Mumme (Delta RhoValdosta State ‘99) yyFirst year as Belhaven head coach yyPrevious head coach at six other colleges yyFormer passing game coordinator at Southern Methodist Matt Mumme (Delta RhoValdosta State ‘95) yyFirst full season as head coach at LaGrange Will Muschamp (GammaGeorgia ‘92) yyFormer Florida head coach yyNew Auburn defensive coordinator




Ryan Buchanan


Dalton Turner ‘14, receiver WILLIAM JEWELL - ALPHA DELTA

Jake Anthony ‘14, lineman J. Balasz ‘11, quarterback yy84 of 151 for 760 yards Nick Cody ‘12, tight end & linebacker Jimmy DeStefano ‘13, linebacker yyLed team with 110 tackles Austin Doss ‘13, lineman yy38 tackles Drake Hofer ‘14, receiver yy11 catches for 123 yards Nick Messer ‘13, linebacker yy56 tackles Aaron Neier ‘13, lineman yy28 tackles Staton Rebeck ‘14, receiver yy20 catches for 238 yards Nick West ‘13, quarterback yyThrew for 1,888 yards on 137 of 254, 16 TDs yyRushed for 160 yards Logan Winter ‘13, lineman WOFFORD - DELTA


Stefan Iverson ‘12, goalie Austin Taylor ‘14 HAMPDEN-SYDNEY - ALPHA TAU

Costin Gregory ‘14 PRESBYTERIAN - BETA PI

Johnny Archer ‘12, goalkeeper yy58 saves, 3.41 goals against average Connor Behrend ‘14, goalkeeper yy26 saves, 2.06 goals against average Cade Crow ‘13 yyStarted 14 games Patrick Frentz ‘13, yy9 games MILLSAPS - ALPHA MU

Connor Bancroft ‘13 Alex Bourland ‘13 yyAll-SAA honorable mention Mike Domangue ‘14 Conor Hagan ‘13 Christopher Lawrence ‘11 RHODES - ALPHA EPSILON

Brad Butler ‘14, quarterback yy3 games Roo Daniels ‘13, offensive

Riley Sheen ‘14, goalie yyAll-SAA mention yy91 saves and 3 shutouts ROANOKE - BETA RHO

Robby Lentine ‘13

FALL 2015




Ford Emerson ‘13 Chris Haberstroh ‘13 Weston Stitt ‘12 SOUTHWESTERN - XI

David Arellano ‘14 Charlie Berndt ‘13 Jacob Buckley ‘14 Curran Daniel ‘14 Ryan Jones ‘13 Michael Oliveras ‘14 Nick Peterson ‘14 Austin Robinson ‘14 Blake Smithson ‘14 STANFORD - ALPHA PI

First All-PAC title since 2001 Zach Bateer ‘12 yyNSCAA Scholar Athlete All-West Region 1st team yy16 starts; 4 goals 4 assists Jimmy Callinan ‘12 yyStarted all games; totaled five points. Ty Thompson ‘14 yy14 starts yyNSCAA Scholar All-West mention WASHINGTON & LEE - ALPHA

Andrew Caldwell ‘14 yy9 games West Texas A&M - Gamma Sigma yyChris Johnson ‘13 yy5 goals, 1 assist WEST VIRGINIA WESLEYAN

Mike Geiselhart ‘12 yyStarted 18 games WESTMINSTER - ALPHA ETA

yyNCAA Division III playoffs Keagan Cavanah ‘14 yy8 games Muhle Dlamini ‘12 yyDIII All-Central Region 1st team yyAll-SLIAC 1st team Daryl Doran ‘13 yyAll-SLIAC first team Kevin Knobbe ‘13 yy6 goals Mitch Stewart ‘12 yy8 games

Sports Page


Alex Thomson ‘13

SOCCER: Professional Davy Arnaud (Gamma Sigma West Texas A&M ‘00) yyD.C. United Adam Jahn (Alpha Pi Stanford ‘10) yySan Jose Earthquakes of Major League Soccer yySacramento Republic of the USL Bobby Warshaw (Alpha Pi Stanford ‘08) yySwedish pro club GAIS yyBaerum SK in the Norwegian First Division


Won its first MPSF title since 2004 Adam Abdulhamid ‘13 yy31 goals

Griffin Bolan ‘13 yy24 goals Brett Bonani ‘13 yy1st team All-American yyLed team with 96 goals yyCutino Award finalist Alex Bowen ‘12 yy4-year All-American 1st teamer yyFinalist for the Peter Cutino Award yy2nd in career points (655) and 3rd in goals (253) Reid Chase ‘14 yy16 goals yyJackson Kimbell ‘14 yy14 goals B.J. Churnside ‘13 yy2nd team All-American yyWon the NCAA Water Polo Elite 89 Award yy45 goals

Drew Holland ‘14, goalie yy3rd team All-American yy267 saves and a 6.59 goals against average Nick Hoversten ‘11 yyHonorable mention All-American yy25 goals Sam Pfeil ‘14 yy23 goals Justin Roberto ‘14 yy9 goals Connor Stapleton ‘14 yy23 goals Sam Sunde ‘14, goalie yyPlayed 8 games Adam Warmoth ‘13 yy9 goals Kyle Weikert ‘14 yy8 goals


Gregg Simmons ‘14 Team’s top finisher; UT Tyler Invitational 5K; 22:06.76 GEORGETOWN COLLEGE BETA DELTA

Joe Durbin ‘14 MILLSAPS - ALPHA MU


Jon Luke Watts ‘13 yy22:38.98 at Brooks Memphis Twilight Classic four mile event yyBest 8K time of 27:48.12 at the Commodore Classic NEWBERRY - DELTA EPSILON

Charlie Cook ‘13 yyPlaced 18th; Will Wilson Citadel Invitational 8K; 28:49.26 Alex Holshoe ‘13 yy8K; 30.01




FALL 2015

Foundation Today

THE CRIMSON & GOLD SOCIETY IS THE KAPPA ALPHA Order Educational Foundation’s (KAOEF) exclusive giving level for alumni who give generously to the KAOEF. This unrestricted giving at a minimum of $1,000 annually allows the Order to provide our undergraduates with outstanding leadership education and training thus enhancing their KA experience and better preparing them to lead productive lives. Grants from the KAOEF also provide scholarships to those who want to fulfill their dream of receiving a college degree, and supports a variety of experiences our undergraduates participate in which builds character, confidence and gentlemanly conduct. With support from the KAOEF, the Order is able to provide an abundance of personal support, training, and education to assist our undergraduate brothers. With varying topics including improving academics, recruitment techniques, and safe and meaningful new member education, the KA staff members put in countless hours assisting chapters in laying out objectives and goals for them to strive to achieve. However, their main purpose is to help these young men achieve a more meaningful brotherhood centered on our ideals. The results have been incredible. And because of our success, the Order remains committed to providing continuing education and training as our chapters continue their quest for excellence. But this level of service to our chapters is only available with the support of alumni who recognize that Kappa Alpha can and should be assisting in values-based leadership and development of our members. For this continue, the KAOEF trustees need your support. Please join us as a Crimson & Gold Society member today. Your membership in this Society will signify your belief in KA’s mission and will place you among an elite group of men who recognize that Kappa Alpha is a lifetime obligation. Join these men below and show your commitment to our Order’s mission by going to donate and make your $1,000 unrestricted donation today; or mail a check to: KAOEF 115 Liberty Hall Rd. Lexington, VA 24450.

Alabama - Alpha Beta

Francis Marion - Delta Tau

Miami - Epsilon Lambda

Christopher Caleb Connor JD, 2001 George Merrill Jones III, 1981 Ken D. Tidwell, 1982 Hugh P. Whitehead, 1985

Earl E. McLeod, Jr., 1974 William H. Skipper Jr., 1980

Michael D. Fox, 1997 Ryan D. McKillen, 2002

Furman - Iota James M. Ney, 1962

Middle Tennessee State Delta Lambda

Appalachian State - Delta Psi

George Mason - Epsilon Phi

Nicholas S. Palmer, 2004 S. Todd Shelton, 1991

R. Craig Cass, 1981 Douglas Ross Coley, 1976 Wyatt T. Dixon III, 1987 Dr. D. Wayne Whetsell, 2009 Stuart F. Whetsell, 2006

Philip P. Noftsinger, 1991

Arizona - Gamma Epsilon

Calvin S. Hopkins III, 1969 Malcolm H. Liles, 1971 John W. Walden Jr., 1962

Wayne E. Dawson, 1960 Scott W. Humphrey, 1989 David L. Steinheimer, 1949

Dave Baker, 1979

Georgia - Gamma

Georgia Tech - Alpha Sigma William Hand Allen, 1973 Edward Lawrence Kelly, 1959

Auburn - Nu James D. Kay Jr., 1979 Todd D. Reaves, 1989

Baylor - Delta Omega Robert D. Fletcher, 1977

Bethany - Beta Beta Lawrence S. Branch, 1965

California - Alpha Xi

Georgia Southern Delta Theta Paul E. Parker, 1968 Edmond H. Wilson, 1980

Hampden-Sydney - Alpha Tau W. Birch Douglass III, 1962

Houston Baptist Delta Sigma

Gerald C. Down, 1952

California State - Bakersfield Epsilon Upsilon Clifford F. Loader, 1991

The Citadel Theta Commission

Douglas B. Harris, 1973

Jacksonville State - Delta Phi Marcus E. Angle Jr., 1980 Stephen J. Lafollette, 1984

CPT Ronald C. Plunkett, 2009

Johns Hopkins - Alpha Lambda

Clemson - Delta Omicron

Francis E. Gardiner Jr., 1959

Fred W. Faircloth III, 1970 Charles C. Mickel, 1976 David A. Pattillo, 1979 Benjamin W. Satcher, Jr., 1979

Kentucky - Theta

Charleston - Beta Gamma

Dan H. Akin, 1960 Raymond Y. Thomasson, 1971

Douglas D. Ashley, 1987 Henry Woodward Middleton Jr., 1989

Delaware - Beta Epsilon Eugene M. Julian, 1963 Michael D. Wedlick RCDD, 1989

Delta State - Delta Beta Eddie S. Wilson, 1973

Jeffery R. McIntosh, 1982

Lambuth - Gamma Omicron

Louisiana State Alpha Gamma B. Terry W. Bennett, 1964 Paul R. Burns, 1971 Gregory M. Eaton, 1967 W. Regi Mullins, 1970 T. Michael Stanberry, 1971

Louisiana Tech Gamma Alpha

Duke - Alpha Phi Richard R. Crosier, 1981 Raymond A. Jones III, 1981 James J. Kiser III, 1962 Edwin F. Payne, 1959 Roy O. Rodwell Jr., 1955

Donald O'Neal, 2009 Matthew D. O'Neal, 2006 Erik T. Showalter, 2002 Richard H. Wilcox, Jr., 1964 Hugh M. Wood, 1999

Eastern Kentucky - Delta Mu

Louisville - Beta Omicron

James C. Musser, 1987

Robert M. Bouse, 1951

Emory - Epsilon

Marshall - Beta Upsilon

Timothy Killen Adams, 1957 Dr. L. Adolph Casal, 1984 Walter Mabry Deriso Jr., 1965 James L. Ferman Jr., 1962

Florida - Beta Zeta Henry H. Beckwith, 1954 Gordon H. Harris Esq., 1957 Edward G. Sullivan Esq., 1977

Florida Southern - Gamma Pi COL Guy D. Colado, 1964 James C. France, 1966

Florida State - Gamma Eta Lamar Blair Bailey, 1988 Richard E. Heath, 1967 William G. Smith Jr., 1973

Georgetown - Beta Delta

FALL 2015


Franklin T. Brackman, 1961 Roger P. Wood, 1945

McNeese State - Delta Xi Ethan J. Bush, 1997

Memphis - Gamma Gamma MG Donald R. Gardner USMC (Ret), 1959 Michael E. Hopper, 1959 S. Morgan Morton, Jr., 1960 Gregory R. Singleton, 1982

Mercer - Kappa King V. Aiken Jr., 1983 James T. Turner Jr., 1970 R. M. Warren III, 1983


Midwestern State Gamma Omega William M. Bone, 1964 Stephen A. Gustafson, 1976 Mitchell S. Hill, 1987 William R. Thacker, 1973 Larry Stanton Wiese, 1987

Mississippi - Alpha Upsilon David T. Martineau V, 1988 LTG James E. Sherrard III, 1962 T. Newell Turner III, 1980 The Hon. W. Swan Yerger (Ret.), 1953

Mississippi State - Beta Tau Stephen L. Burwell, 1969 Earnest W. Deavenport Jr., 1958 C. Douglas Simmons III, 1995

Missouri - Alpha Kappa BG Patrick O. Adams, 1965 James Earl Davis, 1953 James R. Estes, 1960 Loren Q. Hanson, 1950 Ralph O. Hoevelman, 1957 John A. Neubauer, 1980 Kenneth Rickli, 1959 J. William Schulz, 1960 Lewis H. Wyman III, 1963

Missouri Southern State Delta Pi Dr. Chad E. Wagoner, 1993

Missouri State - Gamma Beta Gordon L. Kinne, 1973 Christopher J. Puricelli, 1981

Missouri S&T - Beta Alpha C. Edward Schmidt Jr., 1962

Newberry - Delta Epsilon Leon Charles Banks Jr., 2002 Michael E. Gunn, 1993

North Carolina - Chapel Hill - Upsilon John M. Barry, 1979 Garth K. Dunklin, 1981 Morris W. Pully, 1945 George A. Webster, 1968

North Carolina Charlotte - Epsilon Xi Loyd J. Russing, 2006

North Carolina State Alpha Omega Dustin G. Brann, 2011 Derick S. Close, 1978 Ceasar Cone III, 1959 Paul F. Haddock III, 1980 Mr David Blair Hagan CCIM, SIOR, 1976 Stephen H. Kouba Jr, 2011 Dickson M. Lupo, 1976 Robert Jones Smith, 1959 Edward I. Weisiger Jr., 1979 George N. Whiting Jr., 1975 G. Smedes York, 1960

North Texas - Gamma Lambda Bryan G. Barretto, 1987 Blake E. Benney, 1986 Jay D. Chamberlain IV, 1986 Charles W. Masoner, 1988 Stephen A. Miller, 1993 Gary Recer, 1967

Foundation Today Northwestern State Gamma Psi Charles Randolph Gentz, 1968 Joseph N. Traigle, 1963

Oklahoma - Beta Eta Christopher S. Hoppe, 1971 Ryan A. Thompson, 1995

Oklahoma City Gamma Kappa Steve C. Knight, 1970

Texas - Omicron J. Kirby Ewing, 1944 Norman C. George, 1975 James D. McBride III, 1980 Herbert Turner Odom, III, 1983 Honorable Robert M. Pittenger, 1967 William M. Thacker Jr., 1942

Texas-Arlington - Delta Iota Alfred Diaz Jr., 1984 MAJ Edward S. Oglesby, 1992

Texas A&M - Epsilon Delta

Washington College Beta Omega Dr. James L. Bowers, 1957 George T. Cromwell Jr., 1952 Douglas S. Ewalt, 1971 Joseph M. Van Name III, 1987 Dean S. Zang, 2000

West Virginia - Alpha Rho Donald G. Wood, 1941

West Virginia Wesleyan Beta Chi

Brett S. Schoonover, 1996 David L. Schoonover, 2000

Millard L. Cursey Jr., 1965 Stephen E. Foster, 1968 Harvey P. White, 1952

Texas State - San Marcos Epsilon Iota

Western Carolina Delta Alpha Jesse Samuel Lyons, 1998

Purdue - Epsilon Rho

William R. Bolen, 2005 Scott D. Carter, 2001 Ross W. Newberry, 2000 D. Mitchell Sheaffer, 2000 W. Madison Wickham, 2003 Ryan T. Young, 2001

Michael Jerry Garrison, 1988

Texas Tech - Gamma Chi

Randolph-Macon - Zeta

J. Coleman McDowell Jr., 1978 James R. Purvis, 1985 E. Powell Thompson, 1975 Dr. Idris Rhea Traylor Jr., PhD, 1970

Westminster Alpha Eta

Oklahoma State - Beta Xi Kent T. Chapin, 1970 Sam O. Leake Jr., 1961

Old Dominion - Delta Gamma W. Thomas Bell, 1968 Mr William E Lobeck Jr, 1965

Presbyterian - Beta Pi J. Derrill Rice, 1980

Richard L. Burke, 1983

Rhodes - Alpha Epsilon Mr D. Bryan Darr, 1981 Joseph M. Evangelisti, 1977

Richmond - Eta Clayton Eugene Bunting Esq., 1969 George W. McCall III, 1976 Hubel Robins Jr., 1951 Camden R. Webb, 1989

Tulane - Psi Thomas Barr IV, Esq., 1964 Dr. James W. Denham, 1996 W. Thomas Hopkins, 1972 Bradley M. Patout, 2003

Tulsa - Mu

Roanoke - Beta Rho

Dr. S. George Luckey Jr., 1996 Calvin Moniz, 2004

Samuel B. Adams, 1967 John H. Turner, Jr., 2010

Virginia - Lambda

Univ. of the South Alpha Alpha G. Patterson Apperson III, 1980

South Carolina - Rho

Victor H. Hanson II, 1951 Edward D. McCrady, 1982 Gregory A. McCrickard, 1978 Charles Norman Stallings Jr., 1965

Mark S. Crocker, 1974 James R. Gilreath, 1962 Robert P. Jordan, 1986

Valdosta State - Delta Rho

Southern California Beta Sigma

M. Timothy Carey, 1963 W. Winston Hoy Jr., 1958 Paul H. Kuhn Jr., 1962

Otis M. Healy, 1944 Michael V. Paulin, 1960 John E. Raidy, Jr., 1975

Southern Methodist Beta Lambda William D. Balthrope, 1958 Barry B. Donnell, 1958 Dustin B. Donnell, 2001 Brad B. Freeman, 1959 John M. Moore, 1990 Loy B. Moore, 1956 John J. Sheehan, Jr., 1977 Warren S. Wingert, 1958

Southwestern - Xi

Robert W. Hagan, 1974

Vanderbilt - Chi

Virginia Military Institute Beta Commission

LTC Mark W. Dick, 1990 COL Henry Joyce Foresman Jr., USA (Ret.), 1976 SGM E. Kent McMichael, 1995 J. Carlton Showalter Jr., 1982 LTC William Earl Wray Jr., USA (Ret.), 1973

James Michael Duncan, 1969

Jeffrey G. Leigh, 1997

Tennessee - Martin Delta psilon

Washington and Lee - Alpha

Randall C. Aldrich by W illiam J. Rapp III Deems L. Allie by D aniel W. Bridges Jr. Frank L. Asbury III by Jones Webb 2015 KA NIC Delegation SN Al R. Barbosa by 2 015 KA NIC Delegation Larry S. Wiese George Pierce Bates Jr. by 2 015 KA NIC Delegation Robley D. Bates Jr. by C utter D. Davis Jr. Kenneth D. Baxter by G . Willard Jenkins Jr. Mr. & Mrs. G. H. Bell by G ustavous H. Bell Julian G. Bishop by H on. William M. Acker Jr. Dr. George D. Beach by J ohn R. Rowe Jr. John M. Belk by D r. Riddick Ackerman III Raymond William Bowman by W illiam E. Dreyer

William K. Dillingham, 1995 William E. Dreyer, 1957 Tyler Griffin, 1998 Dr. Burnell Landers, 1957 Robert T. Steinkamp, 1964

Walter C. Brandt by 2 015 KA NIC Delegation Larry S. Wiese

William and Mary Alpha Zeta

William C. Brown by I . Clay Thompson Jr.

Bensley H. L. Field, 1954

Wofford - Delta La Fon C. Dees, 1957 Raymond Scott Heath, 1977 Dr. Paul D. Kountz Jr., 1977 LeRoy B. Lewis Jr., 1977 A. Randolph Smith II, 1980 C. Michael Smith, 1973

Friends of the Order Elizabeth Asbury Rosann F. Hooks Howard C. Pickett Gretta Robb

Dr. William F. Brown by J ohn A. Gardere Henry Clarke Bynum by B en W. Satcher Jr. Don R. Castleman by D an H. Akin Austin C. Childers by 2 015 KA NIC Delegation Clarence H. Clay Jr. by 2 015 KA NIC Delegation James W. Craig by 2 015 KA NIC Delegation William V. Bunker Jr. by R onald K. Mason John Burross by K enneth L. Brown Jack B. Carter II by J . Stephen Powell III Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Robert B. Caruthers by J ohn W. Enright FKC Reynolds S. Cheney by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. John E. Cook III by J ames N. Taylor Jr. John Earle Cox Jr. by J . Kirby E wing John W. Cox Sr. by B arbara P. Cox

Dr. John G.P. Boatwright Jr., 1978 David R. Murphey III, 1951


Allen S. Brisson by S tuart F. Whetsell

James W. Craig by J . Edward Harrison


FALL 2015

Russell L. Creason by R obert T. Steinkamp 2015 KA NIC Delegation Larry S. Wiese James L. Creech Jr. by G raves Court of Honor James M. Crews by 2 015 KA NIC Delegation James H. Drake by 2 015 KA NIC Delegation William M. Featheringill by 2 015 KA NIC Delegation Charles Bracelen Flood by 2 015 KA NIC Delegation William S. Crook Jr. by D r. William P. Buchanan George Brown Culpepper III by T imothy K. Adams Lionel T. Davis by L TC Thomas Ray Murray USA (Ret.) F. E. Deacon III by D avid H. Kennedy Dr. Edward J. Dennis by D r. B. Lewis Barnett Jr. Eugene Farkas by L arry S. & Dawn Wiese FKC Richard T. Feller by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. William E. Forester by D arron E. Franta Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. W. Julian Foy by J ohn Michael Moore Roy K. Frazier by T homas E. Williams James W. Fulton by F rank David Burgess Henry C. Goodrich by 2 015 KA NIC Delegation Michael G. Frye by T . Benbury H. Wood Jr. W. Benjamin Gilker by W illiam M. Gilker III T. Dow Gilmore by F inley J. Duncan William E. Glassell by D r. Edwin C. Glassell Hubert W. Green Jr. by H on. Paul W. Green William R. Gunby J r. by I . Clay Thompson Jr. Uly S. Gunn II by R obert R. Gunn II David T. Hagood by Walter Wingfield Walker Jr. Dr. Alton V. Hallum Jr. by T imothy K. Adams Joseph Patrick Hammond by D on M. Canada Ronald R. Davidson Larry D. Janes Jerry W. Taylor Alan D. Terril Don A. Therkelson Stephen Titony Larry S. Wiese Nicholas S. Hare by 2 015 KA NIC Delegation


Univ. of Washington Zeta Mu

Joseph Edward Adams Jr. by W anda Fowler

William Jewell Alpha Delta

Wake Forest - Tau

Stephen F. Austin State Delta Kappa

Charles S. Briggs, 1975 James L. Crews II, 1986

Robert E. Deal, Jr, 2015 Darren S. Kay, 1988 Kevin P. Moritz, 2010 David J. Neihart, 1980 Travis L. Sartain, 1995 Dr. James Michael Schmuck, 1969 Thaddeus Aaron Stubbs, 1996

James H. Cochrane Jr., 1978

William J. Hagenah, 1963 James Parker Myerson, 1974

Stanford - Alpha Pi

Brent Fellows, 1998 Jay F. Rutherford Jr., 1991

Virginia Tech - Epsilon Eta

David P. Barksdale, 1983 The Hon. Thomas H. Fetzer Jr., 1974 Norman B. Kellum Jr., 1956 Robert H. Wall, 1995 The Honorable David M. Warren, 1978

James M. Croley, 1959 Edwin Bryan Gentle, 1970 Andrew Michael Tripodo, 2004

Western Kentucky Epsilon Theta

Donation In Memory of:

Foundation Today Leland M. Hawes Jr. by 2 015 KA NIC Delegation LTC Hans W. Henzel USMC (Ret.) by 2 015 KA NIC Delegation Carroll F. Hoffman by T . Michael Cobb 2015 KA NIC Delegation James C. Hoppe by J ames C. Hoppe Jr. Bernard Glenn Ille by D aniel Joseph O'Connell Sr. 2015 KA NIC Delegation Larry D. Janes by 2 015 KA NIC Delegation Larry S. Wiese W. Baxter Jennings by J ay F. Rutherford Jr. Robert R. Jinright by J ames S. Binder Stewart M. Johnson MD by C harles P. Haymore Dr. James J. Kennedy III by J ames M. Croley 1LT Michael K. Kilpatrick by J ames E. Byrne Jr. George F. Henry by M ichael L. Carroll S. Denny Herndon Jr. by T . Michael Kaney Adam P. Heslep Jr. by J oe F. Mills Earl L. Hickman by H on. W. Gus Elliott Carroll F. Hoffman by T . Michael Cobb William E. Hollingsworth Jr. by C APT Sidney Ezell Wood Jr. USN (Ret) Bruce F. Hopkins by D r. George W. Hopkins Jr. J. Archie Hughes Jr. by E dgar A. Hughes Sr.

Jack Michael Mille Ben W. Satcher Jr. Gary T. Scott Ms. Linda D. Taylor Hon. David M. Warren Larry S. Wiese P. Robert Lamb Jr. by T imothy K. Adams Philip R. Taylor GEN Robert E. Lee by R obert D. Fletcher William L. Legg by T homas C. Moxley W. Baldwin Lloyd by A lpha Upsilon Chapter -University of Mississippi Allen Payne Long by 2 015 KA NIC Delegation Wayford Arwood Lyons by D arron E. Franta Hon. David M. Warren George F. Lee by D r. Joseph L. Hood PhD Diana Leitch by A ndrew C. Murphey Hon. Jack Luther Lively by M AJ R. J. MacDowell USAF (Ret) John Mabbett III by J ohn C. Funderburk III E. Fleming Mason by D r. George Alexander Jenkins III MD by L ee S. Dixon Dr. Richard Lee McBride Sr. by T homas C. Moxley

Richard G. McGimsey Jr. by D arren S. Kay

Amos R. Kearns Jr. by T . Benbury H. Wood Jr.

Loren D. Melton by C . Allan Melton

David A. Kimbell by 2 015 KA NIC Delegation by P eggy Kimbell

Dr. Charles R. Morgan by D r. Fredrick Murray Carrington

Jamie R. Pitts by W . Jesse Booth II Robert W. Hagan

Donnie L. Spaulding Sr. by 2 015 KA NIC Delegation

Hon. William Taliaferro Prince by M iles Racey Orndorff Jr. Mark H. Pruitt by G YSgt Andrew C. West James E. Raney by 2 015 KA NIC Delegation William H. Messerly by M G Donald R. Gardner USMC (Ret)

Albert Parker by P aul E. Parker Clarence H. Paulin by M ichael V. Paulin Thomas G. Paulson II by T imothy K. Adams Richard A. Barnes Kelly H. Banfield Andrew P. Carr William E. Dreyer J. Michael Duncan James R. Foster Jesse S. Lyons Joseph F. Rodgers jr. John T. Rooney Ben W. Satcher Jr. Gregory R. Singleton Stuart F. Whetsell Larry S. Wiese

Evan William Spear by O mega Financial Inc. Douglas C. Stone by J oseph M. Evangelisti Thomas R. Tedcastle by E dward G. Sullivan Esq. B. Craig Thomas by J ohn N. McCarter Jr. Randolph W. Thrower Sr. by 2 015 KA NIC Delegation

Paul D. Monceaux by J ared A. Kennison

John Franklin Truex by W illiam E. Dreyer Robert T. Steinkamp 2015 KA NIC Delegation Larry S. Wiese

Albert G. Moncla by M arvin L. Moncla

Mayor Thomas N. Turner Jr. by T . Newell Turner III

James T. "Jimmy" Moore by D avid T. Henington John Michael Moore Loy B. Moore

Alfred R. Van Landingham by J ohn R. Rowe Jr.

COL John R. Millar (Ret) by L TC William Hugh Millar

Dr. Thomas H. Moseley by D r. Thomas H. Moseley Jr. David Connor Moss by T homas C. Moss Jr. Robert Glen Oswalt by C aylin J. Blockley LTC Thomas Ray Murrary USA (Ret.)

Clarence H. Paulin by M ichael V. Paulin

Walter C. Kannaday III by L loyd M. Kapp Jr.

Larry A. Ledsome by F ranklin T. Brackman T. Michael Cobb William E. Dreyer Sidney E. Grisell MAJ Ryan E. Harrah Barbara Hoffman John P. Justice Jr. Jeffrey W. Love 2015 KA NIC Delegation Jesse S. Lyons

Hon. Joe D. Sparks by W illiam Boyd Reeves

Richard A. McClure by C MDR James R. McClure USN (Ret.)

Paul C. McIlhenny by 2 015 KA NIC Delegation

Richard C. Langford by N orman George Houston III

Larry O. Phillips by L avinia Pretz Phillips

Joseph C. McDowell Sr. by 2 015 KA NIC Delegation

Jimmy Johnson by W illiam M. McGee

Ryan J. Lancaster by S amuel L. Hancock

Wilson & Alice Smith by J ames W. Smith

FKA Julian A. Pardini by D r. Martin H. Sours Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Robert L. McGoffin by M AJ Charles A. Bertalot Joe F. Mills

Boone A. Knox by W illiam Lawrence Manning Knox Jr.

Julius N. Pearl by 2 015 KA NIC Delegation

John Preston by T imothy K. Adams Dr. Walter D. Bach Jr. E. Linwood Swain Jr. Hon. William Taliaferro Prince by B ensley H. L. Field Robert W. Grigsby John D. Rather IV by L ewis M. Little Jr. Dr. Edwin P. Rather J. Guy Revelle Jr. by G . Allen Brown Jr. Gertrude Revelle Ruben M. Santos by R obert D. Fletcher

Robert Peniston by L arry S. Wiese Robert E. Perry by W illiam E. Steinkamp Jeanne Palazola Phillips by R obert B. Glenn Jr. BG Ran Larenzo Phillips II, MD by L arry S. Wiese Dr. Ovid W. Pierce Jr. by R obert W. Boxley B. Nolting Rhodes by H ubel Robins Jr.

Richard P. Sheridan by T imothy K. Adams Marsha A. Sherrard by L TG James E. Sherrard III Tom Showalter by D arron E. Franta Jim W. Simmons III by T imothy K. Adams Kappa Alpha Order Alumni Richard W. Spears by T imothy H. Graham COL Charles Oliver Stephens Jr. (Ret.) by D r. John M. Wells

Larry F. Robb by G retta Robb David R. Rudd by D an H. Akin John M. Rudert by A . Stuart Campbell Bryce C. Ruth Jr. by J . Walter Wood Jr.

Dr. & Mrs. Robert Stephenson Sr. by L T James M. Tallman MD Douglas C. Stone by B etty B. Stone Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Irby Turner III by J on Crosby Turner Stanley J. Viner Mayor Thomas N. Turner Jr. by T . Newell Turner III Pettie D. Walden by C harles C. Phillips Jr. Frank C. Webb by W . Charles John Robert E. Weimer by T imothy N. Weimer Richard D. Weston by D onald R. Houchin James Ward Wood by D onald G. Wood Robert L. Wylie III by E ugene R. Goodwyn III Edward C. Wolfe by J ames L. Crews II

Donation In Honor of: King V. Aiken Jr. by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Alpha Rho-West Virginia by J ohn K. Roberts Alpha Upsilon-Mississippi by P erry E. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. G. Patterson Apperson III by L arry S. Wiese Frank A. Argenbright Jr. by J onathan S. Howse Jr. Dr. Jerry L. Ayres Jr. by G regory S. Ayres L. Blair Bailey by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. David P. Barksdale by S tuart F. Whetsell Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Richard A. Barnes by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Jason R. Barrett by S tuart F. Whetsell Jon Crosby Turner Jonathan K. Beach by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Beta Epsilon-Delaware by R obert I. Wright Kenneth A. Morley Beta Kappa-Maryland by J ohn W. Simpson Beta Zeta-Florida by C has. Robert Yates Beta Tau-Mississippi State by D amon J. Williams Rex D. Bohls by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Dr. James L. Bowers by E rik T. Showalter

Michael W. Sykes by J ohn A. Neubauer

Franklin T. Brackman by T . Michael Cobb

James Douglas Seigler by D avid A. Chase

B. Craig Thomas by S . Lathan Roddey III Dr. John E. Ross III

D. Philip Braswell by J onathan S. Howse Jr.

Phillip D. Simpson by C . Bryan Smith

Emory C. Thompson by E . Powell Thompson

Dr. Ferrol A. Sams Jr. by 2 015 KA NIC Delegation

Thomas L. Tune Jr. by J . Banks Robertson Jr.

FALL 2015



Jon Robert Buford by C heryl Anne Buford Jim Burns by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Foundation Today Dustin R. Burrows by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

James R. Estes by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

P. J. Jurack by D arron E. Franta

Gregory C. Brink by W eston B. Wall

Douglas S. Ewalt by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Ethan J. Bush by S tuart F. Whetsell

Brent W. Fellows by D r. Fredrick Murray Carrington

KAO Staff by D avid K. Dere SGT Clevie C. Luckadoo Jr. Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Rev. George B. Cunningham by L eonard J. Maranto Richard L. Burke by A ndrew P. Carr David W. Cade by A ndrew P. Carr Derick S. Close by S tuart F. Whetsell J. David Carico by J onathan S. Howse Jr. Andrew P. Carr by J onathan S. Howse Jr. F. Michael Carr by A ndrew P. Carr Ronald S. Childress by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Jimmy D. Clark by D ustin G. Brann Vickie Clark by D ustin G. Brann L. Grant Close III by D r. Paul D. Kountz Jr. J. Kirk Corbin by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Christopher G. Darden by K imberly W. Darden John W. Darden Jr. by J onathan S. Howse Jr. Jackson Darr by D avid Bryan Darr C. Shannon Devaney by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Barry B. Donnell by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Walter L. Dowdle by D r. H. Tom Williams Thad Matthew Doyle by L arry S. Wiese Knight Commander & Mrs. William E. Dreyer by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. J. David Carico Linda Dreyer by J . Michael & Donna Duncan Dina A. Dudley by D arron E. Franta

Josh Martin Fields by C harse Garrett Manley Kyle R. Fleischmann by R obert Scott Pollock Darron E. Franta by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Douglas K. Fridrich by D r. Cleveland H. Porter Jr. Gamma Chi-Texas Tech by C harles C. Chesser CPA Gamma Gamma-Memphis by C OL Edward T. Ladd Sr. USAF Gamma Iota-San Diego State by D avid K. Dere 1965 Initiates of Gamma Zeta-Southern Mississippi by H . Mark Purdy

Chandler Dane Prince by T aylor Brown

KAOEF Staff by D avid K. Dere Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Parker C. Pritchard by D arron E. Franta

Darren S. Kay by J . Michael Duncan Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Kenneth A. Kelly By Darron E. Franta Thomas Neil Kiser Jr. by S tuart F. Whetsell Dwain P. Knight by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Steve C. Knight by 1 LT David O. Beal

Robert David Lane by C lifford J. Lane II

Wesley William Gill by W illiam H. Northway Jr.

Tyler Griffin by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Bruce A. Hagan by J onathan S. Howse Jr. David B. Hagan by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Loren Q. Hanson by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Robert J. Hampton by S tephen A. Gustafson Douglas B. Harris by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Bryan C. Heck by R oss W. Newberry Mitchell Louis Heidenheimer by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Sam O. Leake Jr. by D arron E. Franta Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Clifford F. Loader by A ndrew P. Carr Jeffrey W. Love by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Walter R. Lunsford by D arron E. Franta Jesse S. Lyons by D aniel Richard Amato Jr. J. Douglas Mangum by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Marshall Andrew Martin by J ohn C. Martin Russell G. Martin By Darron E. Franta David T. Martineau V by M AJ Edward S. Oglesby Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Jon Crosby Turner John Nichols McCarter III by J ohn N. McCarter Jr.

The Hon. Mark James Hocker by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

David S. Eastland by D arron E. Franta

M. Trace Hunt by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

G. Bruce McPherson Jr. by J . Alex McPherson III

James C. Echols III by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Jack Alan Hunter by D arron E. Franta

F. Dewitt Miller III by J ohn A. Yearty

Epsilon Iota-Texas State by J . Roger Turner

William C. Jepsen by W alter L. Dowdle

John A. Neubauer by S tuart F. Whetsell

Garth K. Dunklin by S tuart F. Whetsell

Douglas M. Johnson by D arron E. Franta

Mitchell Deane Pennington by J ohn N. McCarter Jr.

Thomas Henry Ellstrom by M AJ Melborn H. Pridgen

Michael W. Jones by D r. Garry L. Nall

Ben Edwards by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Raymond A. Jones IV by R aymond A. Jones III

Phi Chapter-BirminghamSouthern by C harles B. Bernhard III

J. Coleman McDowell Jr. by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr.



Mu-Tulsa by M AJ R. J. MacDowell USAF (Ret) Daniel R. Neal Province by D avid K. Dere David M. O'Dell by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

FALL 2015

Timothy A. Parker Jr. by A ugustus M. Parker Timothy A. Parker Sr. by A ugustus M. Parker Thomas G. Paulson II by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. H. David Pinson by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Winston E. Rice by W inston Churchill Rice John K. Roberts Jr. by J ohn K. Roberts Larry L. Rogers by W illiam Boyd Reeves Jerry N. Rutherford Jr. by R obert D. Sipprell Jr. Ben W. Satcher Jr. by G . Patterson Apperson III MG Donald R. Gardner USMC (Ret) Jonathan S. Howse Jr. Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Scott E. Toncray by D arron E. Franta Robert C. Vause Jr. by S tuart F. Whetsell William T. Ware Jr. by E arnest W. Deavenport Jr. Johnson L. Webster by G eorge A. Webster Lyles B. Webster by G eorge A. Webster Sam Draughn Smith by M ary Loch Smith Jack R. Taylor by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Ken D. Tidwell by A ndrew P. Carr E. Powell Thompson by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. J. Douglas Townsend by J ames W. Townsend James Spence Townsend by J ames W. Townsend John Harrison Vance by I rvin S. Barnard Gordon Saussy Varnedoe by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Weston B. Wall by C elene Brink The Hon. David M. Warren by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Johnson L. Webster by G eorge A. Webster Lyles B. Webster by G eorge A. Webster Stuart F. Whetsell by D ave Baker Jonathan S. Howse Jr. Spencer Montgomery Harvey P. White by E rik T. Showalter Larry S. Wiese by W ayne E. Dawson Dr. Garry L. Nall Mason L. Wiese James R. Foster Jonathan S. Howse Jr. Dr. D. Wayne Whetsell Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Dr. James Michael Schmuck by S tuart F. Whetsell Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

CPT Robert J. Williams by T homas E. Williams

Gary T. Scott by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Richard B. Wilson Jr. by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

D. Mitchell Sheaffer by A ndrew P. Carr

James E. Wingett III by C harles W. Schmidt

K. Ward Showalter by J . Carlton Showalter Jr.

John A. Yearty by J onathan S. Howse Jr.

Jake R. Seideman by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

B. Neely Young by J ay M. Blalock

C. Douglas Simmons III by J . Michael Duncan Darron E. Franta Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Zeta Theta-James Madison by J ohn G. Gregory

John Simpson by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Gregory R. Singleton by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Larry S. Wiese William H. Skipper Jr. by S tuart F. Whetsell


J. Michael Duncan by M AJ Edward S. Oglesby Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Dewitt Miller III by P . Michael Ruff

Brad W. Ong By Darron E. Franta

Jim Lawson by D arron E. Franta Morris W. Pully Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Robert B. Glenn IV by R obert B. Glenn Jr.

R. Randolph Reid by S tuart F. Whetsell

Omicron-Texas by R oy P. Huff Jr.

Patrick J. Koch by K aren Koch

Cuyler C. Lawrence by D r. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

George M. Glenn by R obert B. Glenn Jr.

CPT Ronald C. Plunkett by B G Hugh B. Tant III USA (Ret)

KAO Volunteers by D avid K. Dere

Dr. Kent L. Gardner by L arry S. Wiese

Dr. Donald H Glaeser by B obby D. Butler Jr.

The Hon. Robert M. Pittenger by S tuart F. Whetsell

Chapter Eternal as reported to Kappa Alpha Order through June 30, 2015. Editor’s Note: Some names were reserved to the next issue due to space constraints.

Chapter Eternal

The Official Badge of the Order is shown as worn on a “hatchment” (a crepe of piece of black ribbon 1/2" wide and 3/4" long). Brothers are to wear this arrangement during a period of mourning as set forth in the Kappa Alpha Laws (App. 103).” Alabama Alpha Beta

William S. Baird, 1954, 03/11/2015 Jimmy P. Staggs, 1954, 11/06/2007

Appalachian State Delta Psi

Michael G. Frye, 1980, 08/17/2014 William B. Williamson, V, 2001, 07/31/2014

Arizona Gamma Epsilon

Centenary Alpha Iota

Glenn H. Crawford, 1925, 01/02/2002 James E. Evers, 1959, 02/24/2004 James T. Moore, 1995, 09/20/2014 Dr. Thomas B. Tooke, Jr., 1930, 02/18/1999 Jake M. Kline, 2010, 02/08/2015

The Citadel Theta Commission

Arkansas Alpha Omicron

William Myrick, 2013, 01/19/2015 James H. Seignious, 2013, 06/12/2015

Auburn Nu

William B. Barron, 1947, 04/25/2014 John F. Hash, 1963, 05/14/2014

Evan Spear, 2014, 05/16/2015

Adam A. Kreuter, 1935, 08/01/2014 Joseph P. Randolph, Jr., 1940, 08/08/2011

COL Howard E. Cody (Ret), 1940, 12/10/2014 Ronald T. Coffee, 1952, 01/28/2012 Dr. Robert H. Corr, 1946, 11/10/2014 Jeffrey L. Hollingsworth, 1979, 01/24/2015 Robert K. Jordan, 1979, 01/27/2015 Daniel J. Meador III, 1947, 02/09/2013 COL Chester Oliver Stephens Jr., USA (Ret.), 1941, 08/18/2014 Jesse W. Triplett, 1954, 11/25/2009

Bethany Beta Beta

Nicholas Mamakos, 1945, 01/25/2014 Rolland G Pfile, 1957, 08/19/2013

Birmingham-Southern Phi

Julian G. Bishop, 1940, 07/04/2014 William L. Legg, 1949, 02/13/2015 Dr. Richard L. McBride Sr., 1954, 11/19/2014

California Alpha Xi

William R. Duffel, 1948, 04/01/2014 Barry Alexander Moores, 2012, 12/25/2014 Thomas G. Paulson II, 1949, 05/20/2015

Davidson Sigma

Delaware Beta Epsilon

Joseph F. Warren, 1949, 06/08/2013

Drury Beta Iota

Mark E. Orr, 1979, 06/01/2014 Leo J. Weaver, 1947, 02/28/2002

Duke Alpha Phi

Stuart W. Elliott, 1945, 07/20/2014 James Carlton Fleming, 1945, 08/27/2014 Amos R. Kearns Jr., 1958, 02/12/2014 Howard F. Morris, 1945, 11/13/2014

East Tennessee State Delta Delta

J. Herb Wheelock, 1967, 10/07/2014

Eastern Kentucky Delta Mu

Charles B. Flood, 1983, 08/15/2014 James Eric Hall, 2000, 05/16/2015

Emory Epsilon

Eugene S. Caverly III, 1947, 05/01/2015 Dr. Alton V. Hallum Jr., 1955, 07/21/2014 L. Edward Kelly Jr., 1949, 11/23/2014

John R. Mabbett, 1917, 09/21/2014 Edward D. Ricketson Jr., 1947, 07/27/2012

Florida Beta Zeta

Michael D. Abney, 1954, 06/09/2014 W. Edward Bryan, 1949, 11/19/2013 T. Dow Gilmore, 1960, 11/13/2014 William M. Hay, 1958, 04/27/2015 S. Denny Herndon Jr., 1946, 10/12/2014 J. Christian Meffert, 1964, 11/13/2014 William H. Messerly, 1956, 11/23/2014

Florida Gulf Coast Zeta Pi

William James Detyens, 2010, 02/14/2015 Florida State Gamma Eta James R. Bishop, 1957, 08/06/2011 Max S. Long Jr., 1954, 04/09/2012 Andrew T. Mason, 2003, 12/05/2007

Furman Iota

Dr. B. Lewis Barnett Jr., 1943, 04/16/2015 John E. Cook III, 1961, 06/30/2014 Billy Milan Hendrix Sr., 1953, 06/19/2014 Walter H. Ragsdale Jr., 1953, 03/30/2013 Jim W. Simmons III, 1962, 10/27/2014

Georgetown College Beta Delta

Dr. Bryant A. Bloss, 1951, 09/30/2012 Norman Lee Kercher, 1955, 04/09/2013 George F. Lee, 1950, 09/07/2014

Georgia Gamma

John B. Miller, 1940, 11/07/2014 J. Robert Ramsay III, 1953, 10/24/2014 Marcus V. Simmons Jr., 1953, 07/09/2014 W. Frank Stuckey, 1952, 02/14/2015

Georgia Tech Alpha Sigma

Walter Burton Grant, 1955, 04/07/2014 James Doherty Hunter, 1959, 02/21/1967 John Preston, 1956, 08/18/2014

Houston Gamma Mu

Gregory L. Sweeney, 1972, 03/25/2015

Kentucky Theta

James L. Cross, 1959, 08/19/2006 Laurance S. Simpson Jr., 1947, 03/29/2014

Lambuth Gamma Omicron

Don R. Castleman, 1960, 01/31/2015 David R. Rudd, 1959, 03/27/2015 Carl M. Taylor Sr., 1957, 06/19/2014

Mercer Kappa

The Hon. George B. Culpepper III, 1942, 11/29/2014 William F. Cummings, 1957, 10/04/2014 William E. Hollingsworth Jr., 1952, 09/26/2014 Nathan F. Hunsucker, 1959, 08/27/2014 P. Robert Lamb Jr., 1954, 05/13/2015 Otis L. McKinney Jr., 1949, 09/27/2014 Paul M. Poe, 1948, 12/11/2014 Richard P. Sheridan, 1949, 08/24/2014 LTC Stanley Runyon Swanson USAF (Ret.), 1947, 07/14/2013

Miami Epsilon Lambda

William F. Menkol, 2007, 03/09/2015

New Mexico Beta Phi

Philip R. Grant, Jr., 1948, 03/03/1994

Newberry Delta Epsilon

James L. Creech, Jr., 1974, 09/08/2014

North Carolina Upsilon

Kenneth J. Todd, 1946, 08/04/2014

North Carolina State Alpha Omega

Jack L. Scott, 1953, 10/16/2013

Louisiana-Lafayette Gamma Phi

Midwestern State Gamma Omega

Northwestern State Gamma Psi

William M. Comegys Jr., 1939, 09/18/2014

Jamie C. Cappel, 1972, 09/24/2014 Grant Ingram, 2014, 02/13/2015 CDR Edward C. G. Tyree Jr., USN (Ret.), 1960, 02/23/2015

Louisville Beta Omicron

John S. Akers, Jr., 1929, 04/17/2014

Marshall Beta Upsilon

Larry A. Ledsome, 1959, 11/28/2014

Maryland Beta Kappa

Garlin A. Young, 1949, 03/18/2014

McNeese State Delta Xi

Paul D. Monceaux, 1996, 08/24/2014

Memphis Gamma Gamma

George H. Anderson Jr., 1952, 01/17/2013

J. Patrick Hammond, 1965, 11/29/2014 Larry D. Janes, 1964, 02/06/2015

Millsaps Alpha Mu

James L. Gammell, 1944, 01/20/2011 Garland Seale Stewart, 1964, 05/19/2013

Mississippi Alpha Upsilon

G. E. Alexander Jr., 1951, 02/28/2011 Hubert Armstrong Jr., 1942, 02/25/2015 Brian D. Dodge, 1995, 07/11/2014 Charles R. Norman, 1965, 12/18/2014 Raymond F. Salmon, Jr., 1946, 06/07/2015

Mississippi State Beta Tau

Adolphus L. Black, 1954, 02/05/2014 Jamie R. McGowin, 1954, 03/05/2009

KA events. Hamilton Province Commander Stephen Foster (Beta Chi – West Virginia Wesleyan ’68) asked his chapters to observe a 30-day period of mourning.

Homer L. Cox, Jr., 1957, 12/04/2014 Russell E. Perry, 1971, 04/23/2013

W. Matt Christian III, 1973, 10/26/2014 John D. Dixon, Jr., 1962, 05/15/2014

(Beta Upsilon – Marshall ’59)

FALL 2015

Missouri S&T Beta Alpha

Louisiana State Alpha Gamma

Larry A. Ledsome

Mark E. Adamson, 1969, 03/23/2015 William H. Deane III, 1952, 05/10/2015

Miami Gamma Theta


Larry served as Commander of the William Sprigg Hamilton Province from 2000 until 2008. He was the Preceptor of the Hamilton Court of Honor from 2012 until his death. He and his wife Shirley were well-loved attendees at local, regional, and national

Missouri Alpha Kappa



Charles F. Pasquier Jr., 1966, 03/01/2015 Michael J. Ward, 2000, 01/07/2015

Oglethorpe Beta Nu

COL Jacques O. Partain Jr., 1937, 11/28/2014

Oklahoma Beta Eta

Dr. Owen Black, Jr., 1954, 05/12/2011 Terry G. Moulton, 1971, 09/22/2007 Roy D. Workman, 1952, 02/07/2015

Oklahoma State Beta Xi

Thomas Archibald, 1960, 10/15/2015 Russell E. Perry, 1957, 04/23/2013

Presbyterian Beta Pi

David K. Baker, 1953, 07/04/2014 Hugh L. Reid, Jr., 1967, 07/06/2006 Robert L. Wylie III, 1960, 01/22/2015

Chapter Eternal

Editor's Note: Former Knight Commander Loren Q. Hanson passed away on August 28, 2015. He will be featured in the next Journal.


Thomas G. Paulson II (Alpha Xi – California '49)

Thomas G. Paulson II passed away on Wednesday, May 20, 2015, in Orinda, California. He served as the 34th Knight Commander from 1993 until 1997. Paulson was born in Modesto, California on March 5, 1930. He was initiated by the Alpha Xi Chapter at the University of California, Berkeley in 1949. Paulson served as Commander of the Daniel R. Neal Province from 1958 to 1963, when he was elected to the Executive Council serving continuously until 1997. Paulson served as Senior Councilor from 1977 to 1979 and again from 1992 to 1993. He was elected Knight Commander in 1993 in Charlotte, North Carolina, and reelected in 1995 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Former Knight Commander Paulson served as a General Officer longer than any other in the history of the Order. He was chairman of the Order’s investment committee beginning in 1969 and oversaw the transition to common stocks to build the capital base of the Order’s investments. He served as President of the Fraternity Housing Corporation and oversaw the return of twentyseven chapter houses to local chapter housing corporations. He also served as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation and was named a Life Trustee in 2011. A member of numerous Courts of Honor, Paulson was also a recipient of the Knight Commander’s Accolade and a member of the Loyal Order and 1865 Trust. Paulson wrote the foreword to the 1994 book The History of Kappa Alpha Order. The forthcoming history book shall be dedicated in part to his memory. He is survived by his wife Pat, as well as his four children, Chris, Marion, Susan and Peter.




FALL 2015


Manor House History Alpha Rho 1950s and 1970s Alumni United To Fund, Build at WVU


at West Virginia University sits majestically at 670 North High Street behind the student union, Mountain Lair Plaza, overlooking the Morgantown campus.

Housing History Built on the site of the ‘Old Manor”, which served the chapter from 1934 until demolition in 2005, the three-story structure quickly became the talk of WVU after completion. Administrators consider the Manor the crown jewel of Greek housing at the university and a campus landmark. It’s

By David J. Baum (Alpha Rho – West Virginia ’76)

FALL 2015



Housing four distinct white two-story columns and veranda gave off an air of classic southern Virginia architecture that all students, faculty and staff became familiar with. Visitors can’t help but notice the bold façade overlooking the campus. Completed in 2006, the story of how the ‘new’ Manor was built had many twists and turns, but emits the KA heritage: “Excelsior is our motto; Excellence is our aim.” Since the early 1980s, Alpha Rho brothers knew the old Manor needed replaced as an aging physical plant continued to be patched up piecemeal. During these years William Brewer ’73) stepped in to help the active chapter. Bill, who had been the Number I in mid-1970s, assisted many new Actives who were elected officers and oversaw the house and its possessions in the summers. In August of 1989, Brewer filed papers forming the Alpha Rho Alumni Corp. with brothers Stephen Lacagnin ‘72, John Baum ’78, Hugh S. Vandervort, ‘61, Walter Hopkins ’67 and Sid Grisell ’58 for the purpose of trying to buy the Manor. On February 27, 1990, the alumni corporation bought the house from Kappa Alpha Order’s national housing arm, the Fraternity Housing Corporation. In the fall of 1991, a group of 10 brothers led by Ed Rizzo ’78 and John Baum ’78, met at WVU, played a round of golf and discussed how to include more brothers in the golf event to rekindle their KA brotherhood and share the idea of a new Manor. Each year more calls to Alpha Rho alums about the September outing were made — and more showed up. The event was then named the KA Klassic.

A Reason to Return

WVU Hosts KA 150th Event This year, the Manor hosted Alpha Rho alumni brothers from seven decades, along with 85 active and retional KAs who celebrated the orders past and future with a KA 150th Sesquicentennial Celebration and Annual Alumni Reunion Weekend. The events were held on Oct. 8-10 at Lakeview Golf Resort and Spa in Morgantown. The events included a bowling tournament, Province and Chapter Challenge Cups betterball Klassic Golf Tournament, a dinner/awards banquet marking the Sesquicentennial, and a Homecoming football game vs. Oklahoma State. Councilor James M. Schmuck was in attendance along with Hamilton Province Commander Stephen E. Foster and national staff.

Brotherhood Across Decades While the Klassic group was organizing, a large group of long-sought-after 1950s brothers, who began meeting in the mid-1970s after the death of a popular brother, continued their events held annually during WVU’s annual Homecoming Weekend. The 1950s alumni event was named the Davis Reunion after organizers Brothers James D. Davis ’52 and the late James W. Craig ’54, who set up the initial event. The Davis group had noticed the younger brothers efforts and began talking to the Klassic group in 2000. Leaders of both alumni groups quickly realized uniting their efforts would better the active chapter in many ways. On Aug. 20, 2001 the Klassic and Davis groups’ leaders met, and confirmed the alumni corporation’s recommendation for a feasibility study be undertaken for a capital campaign. On November 8, 2002 the groups merged into one unified structure under official charter



FALL 2015

of the Alpha Rho Alumni Corporation with a 15-member board. Funds were raised for that study and at the August 26, 2003, the directors voted to go ahead with a campaign to raise 1 million (amended later to 1.5M) and build a new house. Alumni in the architectural and engineering fields stepped in and made design changes to make “an architectural statement” for Alpha Rho, backing their work up with substantial contributions.

The Campaign to Build The capital campaign involved dozens of alums across six decades reaching out to over 1,000 alums and was a success, raising 1.3 million as 321 alums donated an average of $4,100. With that money raised, several board members and Brewer met with WVU’s president David Hardesty and presented plans for a new Manor. Those stunning plans surprised but pleased WVU’s president as he and his staff realized a new KA house would raise the standards of all WVU Greek housing. Projected construction difficulties forced the alumni board to buy the house behind the Manor property in 2004. With six actives able to live in it, the backyard was used for Manor parking, and ‘Spruce St Manor’ became an integral part of the project. In early 2005 the old Manor was demolished as the whole WVU campus watched. The final house design –— modified from the original to be a stunning Greek Classic façade statement — was approved on October 13, 2005. The following Saturday ground was broken for the $3.2 million modern, high-tech Manor to house 34 actives. Construction took just over one year as actives used the student union and their own apartments to meet and kept the chapter functioning in recruitment, and other Greek activities. A large dedication ceremony and dinner was held October 13-14, 2006 led by Knight Commander Ben W. Satcher Jr. with over 400 alumni, actives and their wives/dates attending. Led by Brewer, Craig and Grisell and others, the invigorated Active Chapter filled the new Manor and increased membership, won many Greek competitions and increased the house GPA to follow rising KA standards. To get involved and support the longterm housing effort, please email Michael P. Wilson, Asst. Executive Director for Alumni Affairs, at


In 2001, two important events happened that had a great impact on Alpha Rho. Brother Neil Backes ’78 initiated an idea where the KA Klassic alumni would fund academic scholarships for Active Members under strict guidelines in line with the Order’s objectives. The Alpha Rho Scholarship Program was born as an IRS 501(3) c organization. Under Backes’ and a board of directors’ guidance, the group quickly raised enough funds to award scholarships to several actives. Each year four scholarships for academic excellence, civic involvement and chapter leadership totaling $3,250 are offered. To date, 29

actives have received $18,500 in funds. With a set purpose, the Klassic Weekend organizers added a football game and a bowling tournament as events and set their eyes on how to replace the aging Manor, then in dire straits.

Remembering the Reason

Governor of the Court

West Virginia's Governor Tomblin honored with Induction ON SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 A REALLY SPECIAL KA EVENT TOOK PLACE IN the Mountain State. The Governor of West Virginia, Earl Ray

Tomblin (Alpha Rho - West Virginia '71), was inducted into the Hamilton Province Court of Honor, in his office at the West Virginia Capitol Building. The late Larry Ledsome (Beta Upsilon – Marshall ’59) served as Preceptor and Mike Cobb (Beta Upsilon – Marshall ’65) served as Preceptor. Bill Wood (Alpha – W&L ’03), grandson of James Ward Wood, nominated Gov. Tomblin, and Stephen Foster (Beta Chi - WV Wesleyan ’68), Hamilton Province Commander, helped arrange the event. Gov. Tomblin spoke of a time, in the recent past, when KA could boast three State Senate Presidents. First, himself, second Dave L. Williams (Theta - Kentucky '72) in Kentucky, and third John Hainkel (Psi - Tulane '56) in Louisiana. Courts of Honor exist for KA’s 19 regions or provinces. Their purpose is to recognize and honor alumni for their continuing interest, support, and participation in the Order, its active chapters or its alumni chapters, and to stimulate the growth and strength of the Order, its chapters and members. It is a singular honor for any member and the highest regional recognition an alumnus may receive.

Above: in the Governer's office (from left to right) were Jesse Lyons, Asst. Executive Director for Advancement, Larry Wiese, Executive Director, William Brewer (Alpha Rho - West Virginia '73), Wood, Gov. Tomblin, Knight Commander William E. Dreyer, Cobb, Foster, and Ledsome. Top: Bill Wood (at left), grandson of James Ward Wood, and Tomblin with his Court of Honor certificate.

FALL 2015



From the Archives


do, repeat it. In preparation for the 150th anniversary, much review went into past milestone events. Efforts were made not only to do things for the first time, but also to replicate events at certain locations from previous celebrations. Luckily, past leaders of the Order were keen on keeping important documents. The schedule of events of the Centennial Convention showed locations for banquets and meetings. The Journals recounting the Convention provided insight to speakers, pictures of locations to be used again, and nuances of the celebration. The Convention record was most helpful to recap the particular speeches from special guest brothers and the installation speech of the new Knight Commander Henry J. Foresman. Ironically, Foresman’s grave was one of four visited by the Knight Commander and Executive Director at the recent Sesquicentennial Celebration’s “Day in Lexington.” Check out the next issue of The Journal for a full recap of the events of the 76th Convention. Further, make sure to visit and for recap videos and full videos of speakers. Hopefully our leadership in 2065 will utilize our current modern records in their planning for the Bicentennial.

The Journals recounting the Convention provided insight to speakers, pictures of locations to be used again, and nuances of the celebration.



FALL 2015


The Centennial provided history and content for promotional materials for years to come.

The Convention record was most helpful to recap the particular speeches from special guest brothers and the installation speech of the new Knight Commander Henry J. Foresman.

150 Years of History

The Story of Our Order Excelsior: The Story of Kappa Alpha Order is a 10" by 10" case-bound, shrink-wrapped one-of-a-kind edition with a heavy commemorative dust jacket. A Foreword by four-star U.S. Army General and KA alumnus Jack N. Merritt, review by Former Knight Commander Dr. Idris P. Traylor, and an introduction by the 39th Knight Commander William E. Dreyer, welcome the reader to this definitive narrative of the Order. Full of colorful illustrations and never before told stories, Excelsior is a must have for every KA interested in learning more about his fraternity. Excelsior: The Story of Kappa Alpha Order is available for purchase at

From the Dust Jacket by the Author Dr. Martin Clagett

From the Foreword by GEN Jack N. Merritt

Herodotos of Halicarnassus wrote in his preface to his Histories that his purpose was the hope of “preserving from decay the remembrance of what men have done.” The purpose of this work is to record, in as objective a fashion as possible, the major events, personalities, and aspirations of the Kappa Alpha order from the most reliable of sources — written documents and firsthand accounts — the progress of the institution from its founding to the present day. The telling of this tale has focused on the origin of the order and the various changes that have taken place during its evolution. Indeed, the story of the order and the nation follow parallel paths.

With excellence as Kappa Alpha Order’s aim, Excelsior: The Story of Kappa Alpha Order, has surpassed all expectations. A hallmark of our Sesquicentennial Celebration, the book will be a treasure for the Order and all those who own a copy, have the chance to read it, or share it with a fellow brother. Excelsior is handsome and commanding on a coffee table, stunning as you flip through the designs and illustrations, and its prose presents a unique but natural flow of historical education. This story takes into account more than 150 years of American and Kappa Alpha Order history. The author probably knows more about KA now than most of our members ever will. References to our birth, development, maturation, and today, are invaluable. It is a complete and definitive account, having brought together scores of facts and primary sources meticulously and academically cataloged, researched, and distilled. From the Kappa Alpha Archives to the interior of a member’s daughter’s attic, legend, lore, and scattered prior works are now, true to the title, subordinate to Excelsior.

FALL 2015





we have accomplished much.


we will accomplish more.

On December 21, 1865, young men at Washington College, in Lexington, Virginia, decided to bind their friendship by a “mutual pledge of faith and loyalty.” This first act of brotherhood started a small chapter that launched our national fraternity—Kappa Alpha Order. On December 21, 2015, Kappa Alpha Order and the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation are launching the future of the Order with another act of brotherhood: KA Gives – Day of Giving. The next 150 years begins with our first ever Day of Giving. Make your gift online, at any level over $10, NOW or on December 21. Honor your chapter and support the Order.

Help launch the next 150 years of Kappa Alpha Order.

Make your gift in honor of your Chapter today.

Give Away this Journal ! Thank you! The Loyal Order grew by nearly 5 percent since the KA 150 Commemorative Journal mailed to all alumni on record with the Order. But we have much more work to do!


1. SHARE. Give this copy of The Kappa Alpha Journal to a brother who isn’t receiving it. Remind him that he needs to join the Loyal Order to ensure a lifetime subscription to this award-winning magazine of our fraternity. 2. ASK. Tell him to get his lifetime subscription by joining the Loyal Order!  Online at  Calling 1-540-463-1865  Have him share your name and chapter. 3. Win. All new Loyal Order members, and those that refer them, will have a chance to win a packet of KA 150 memorabilia! If you refer more than one member to join, you’ll be entered that many times!

Join the brothers listed below and strengthen our future! Alabama-Alpha Beta Carl Monroe Hunt, II #3223 Geoff Mark Gotsch #3287 Thomas F. Owens #3225 Appalachian State-Delta Psi David W. McGrady #3263 Arizona-Gamma Epsilon R. Stephen Camp #3374 Arkansas Tech-Epsilon Zeta Dan P. Lovelady #3357

Welcome to our Newest Members

Auburn-Nu James E. Warren #3256 John G. Brock #3312 Jonathan N. Miller #3348 Austin Peay State-Zeta Tau Max Helms #3343 Richard A. Shannon #3336 Baylor-Delta Omega Dr. J. Scott Leigh #3373 Wallace D. Owens, Jr. #2699 Centenary-Alpha Iota Hunter Malloy Fairbairn #3306 The Citadel-Theta Commission Alexander Macaulay #3355 Charles S. Swanson #3291 COL Myron C. Harrington Jr. USMC (Ret) #3048 John P. Neblett #3353 Sen. Thomas D. Wise #3322 Davidson-Sigma The Hon. Rudolph Bumgardner III #3259 Delaware-Beta Epsilon William Flyge, Jr. #3354

Eastern Kentucky-Delta Mu LTC John Michael Wills (Ret) #3379 Randall L. Foster #3277 Ronald L. Burgess #3308

Louisiana Tech-Gamma Alpha James S. Blewett #3267 Jon L. Bond #3337 Richard H. Wilcox, Jr. #3252 Robert D. Schaumburg #3288

Murray State-Delta Nu LTC Thomas Ray Murray USA (Ret.) #3330 Louisiana-Lafayette-Gamma Phi Dewitt C. David #3241 North Carolina StateLouisiana-Monroe-Gamma Nu Alpha Omega John L. Leopard IV #3309 Harry H. Clendenin III #3273 John M. Pierce #3279 North Carolina-CharlotteJoseph F. Thompson #3326 Epsilon Xi

Emory-Epsilon Bradley Scott Salzer #3372 Dr. Jeffrey K. Wingate #3222 George S. Gandy #3247 GYSgt Andrew C. West #3350 Florida Southern-Gamma Pi Robert H. Williams #3218

Marshall-Beta Upsilon David E. McComas #3301 Terry N. Keller #3234 William B. Bales #3269

Florida State-Gamma Eta Gary A. DeLapp #3276 John W. Darden Jr. #3323 Jonathan S. Howse #3068 Florida-Beta Zeta Donald R. Rou #3268 Robert E. Albritton #3270 Robert S. Langley #3329

Maryland-Beta Kappa Carl W. Buchheister #3240 Robert T. Neely #3235 McNeese State-Delta Xi Kenny L. Oliver #3317

Francis Marion-Delta Tau David J. Driver #3318

Memphis-Gamma Gamma W. Terry Kennon #3310

Georgetown-Beta Delta Dr. Gale T. Mabry #3282 Garry T. Lawrence #3272 Kenneth B. Davis #3302 Robert Cohen CPA #3290

Mercer-Kappa Charlie T. Jones III #3316 Miami-Epsilon Lambda William M. Harrelson II #3311 Middle Tennessee State-Delta Lambda J. Devin McClendon #3319

Georgia Southern-Delta Theta Charles A. Stewart #3339 Pat Muse Jr. #3377

Midwestern StateGamma Omega Clinton M. Lee #3366 J. Patrick Hammond #3262

Georgia Tech-Alpha Sigma Dr. Walter D. Bach Jr. #3275 James D. Kent #3246 James Roger Harris #3362 Walter L. Hudson III PE #3321

Delta State-Delta Beta Georgia-Gamma Hunter M Cade, Jr #3229 Louis A. Riccardi DDS #3265 The Hon. Paul C. Artman Jr. #3327 Philip Cowherd Jones, Sr. #3231 Drury-Beta Iota Houston Baptist-Delta Sigma Max L. Brown #3233 Chris R. Sawyer #3332 The Rev. Larry H. Pigg #3237 Gary Smith #3274 Duke-Alpha Phi Raymond A. Jones III #3334 East Carolina-Gamma Rho Henry B. Cantrell #3249

Kentucky-Theta Gary A. Smith Sr. #3313 Robert J. Hundley #3335 W. Ashley Smock #3245 W. Hunt Smock #3244

Missouri-Alpha Kappa Erik G. Holland #3293 Jeff Trower #3289

Millsaps-Alpha Mu Dr. Russell Peyton Atchley DMD #3260 Robert J. Richardson Jr. #3346 Mississippi State-Beta Tau Carl V. Seago #3360 Walter L. Dowdle #3219 Mississippi-Alpha Upsilon John E. Adcox Jr. #3356 John Scott Coopwood #3338 William S. Ware #3368 Missouri S&T-Beta Alpha Thomas Joseph Hagale #3286

Joseph C. Wilson #3224 North Texas-Gamma Lambda Anthony W. Brown #3255 Drew A. Terrell #3296 William H. Johnson #3253 Northwestern State-Gamma Psi Curtis S. Gentz #3324 John J. Waller #3364 M. Jerome Bodenhamer #3258 Oklahoma City-Gamma Kappa 1LT David O. Beal #3307 Charles E. Griffin #3264 Donald R Lisle Esq. #3352 Oklahoma State-Beta Xi Chase P. Martin #3216 Larry D. Litle #3271 Mason Wesley Tarpley #3378 Oklahoma-Beta Eta Dr. James B. Mills #3281 Michael E. Moran #3217 Stephen J. Owen #3242

Rollins-Alpha Psi Hal George #3283 Michael O’Donnell #3280

Texas-Arlington-Delta Iota Christopher B. Irwin #3328 Scott M. Hughes #3292

Sam Houston State-Gamma Tau Donald W. Thompson #3314 Dr. A. Rodney Allbright #3351

Tulane-Psi Guy Christopher Curry #3365 Zeb Mayhew Jr. #3243

Univ. of the South-Alpha Alpha Martin R. Tilson, Jr. #3359

USNA-Sigma Beta Commission Caulin Collier #3226

South Carolina-Rho Haynes L. Kendall, Jr. #3284

Vanderbilt-Chi Charles C. Dawson #3299 J. Stanley Lindgren #3369 James W. Davidson #3325

Southeastern Louisiana-Epsilon Kappa Bradley James Kiff #3215 Southern California-Beta Sigma John C. Brockman #3232 Southern Illinois-Zeta Sigma Anthony M. Maheu #3340 Southern Methodist-Beta Lambda Chance E. Newman #3358 Robert Jan Jordan #3266 Southern Mississippi-Gamma Zeta Arthur M. Park #3257 G. Richard Long #3239 Kurt W. McWilliams #3278 Stanford-Alpha Pi Alexander M. Schorsch #3349 Stephen F. Austin State-Delta Kappa Barry W. Cunningham #3363

Presbyterian-Beta Pi William B. Shearer Jr. #3370

Tennessee-Pi Thomas G. Chappell #3250

Purdue-Epsilon Rho Stephen T. Weakley #3285

Texas A&M-CommerceGamma Upsilon Clark C. Hampe Jr. #3361 M. Todd Avery #3367 Michael H. Gann #3342 Ryan Frahm #3344 Wayne A. Eitel #3227 Texas-Omicron John W. Bailey #3341

Randolph-Macon-Zeta Harold Moil Raynor Jr. #3251 James E. Dalton Jr. #3238 Richmond-Eta Curtis S. Perzinski #3039 Roanoke-Beta Rho Bruce L. Fariss, M.D. #3300 Matthew Aaron Guch #3230 Matthew Mandeville #3371

Texas Tech-Gamma Chi Alfred S. Wagner #3331 James B. Smith #3333

VMI-Beta Commission John K. Harper #3315 John N. Hester #3298 Michael L. Parish #3261 The Rev. Philip Randolph Taylor #3304 Washington and Lee-Alpha Russ Parmele #3070 Washington Univ.-Beta Omega Robert M. Warren #3221 Dr. Robert W. Kaps #3248 West Florida-Epsilon Sigma Christopher Mancuso #3320 Jeffrey P. McFetridge #3303 West Georgia-Zeta Kappa Millard H. Hunter #3345 West Texas A&M-Gamma Sigma Gabriel W. Irving #3295 Marcus T. McLean #3294 S. Thomas Seitz #3220 West Virginia WesleyanBeta Chi Shannings G. Moore, Jr. #3347 West Virginia-Alpha Rho Dr. Robert F. Allen #3254 Westminster-Alpha Eta Dr. George K. Parkins II #3297 William Jewell-Alpha Delta Dr. John Harry Brunner MD #3376 Dr. William T. Burns #3305 Wofford-Delta Charles A. Hardin #3236 John Gressette Felder, Sr. #3228

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