The Kappa Alpha Journal

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The Kappa Alpha Journal | Fall/Winter 2012

including: Emerging Leaders Academy Founder’s Home for sale Congressional Gold MEdal awarded to KA Undergraduate 2011-2012 Foundation Annual Report

Chiefs of



Insight, advice, and opportunities from congressional staff, past and present

Volume CXVIV | Number 3 | Published Since 1879

The 1865 Trust | Member Profile

Frank Robinson (Zeta – Randolph-Macon ’51) hh Wife, Mary hh Loyal Order #2378 hh 1865 Trust Member Why did you decide to add the KAOEF to your existing estate plan? When I was approached about adding the KAOEF to my estate plans my wife and I both thought that it was an easy way to continue to support the Order after we’re both gone. It’s so important that we continue to support the foundation so that our undergraduate men can continue to receive the training and life lessons taught at our national programs.

How supportive was your wife of your decision to add the KAOEF to your estate plans? She was very supportive. As a KA Rose she agrees that it is very important to support the longevity of the Order and the young men that make up its chapters nationwide. How important is it that we all continue to give back to KA throughout our lifetime? The old saying is true, you get out of something what you put into it. So the longer you continue to give back to KA the longer it will continue to serve as an important part of your life. My best friends to this day are all KA brothers from Randolph Macon.

What is the 1865 Trust? The 1865 Trust recognizes the generosity and foresight of those who choose to embrace the vision of KA’s future by making a meaningful planned gift to the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF). Their entrance into the ranks of the 1865 Trust bears powerful testimony to the charitable expressions of their values, ideals, and commitment to Kappa Alpha Order’s future. Membership in the 1865 Trust recognizes those who have made provisions for a planned

gift of $10,000 or more to the KAOEF. To date, 140 exceptional alumni have joined the 1865 Trust. Last year alone, the 1865 Trust received over $1.4 million in new estate gift pledges from alumni. Most of our alumni in the 1865 Trust will fulfill their gift through one of the most common and perhaps easiest ways of making a planned gift, by naming the KAOEF in their wills or as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or an IRA.

If you have any questions about the 1865 Trust, or if you wish to join the over 140 KA brothers who have already become members, please contact Erik Showalter, Director of Development, at the National Administrative Office, either by phone, (540) 463-1865, or by e-mail,

Table of Contents

16 features


14 | To Be A Leader 16 | Chiefs of the Hill

departments 2 | Knight Commander’s Message

Insight, advice, and opportunities from congressional staff, past and present

3 | From the Editor

22 | City Council Brotherhood

4 | Connections 6 | Our Order

Two KAs agree, disagree, and serve for free

26 | Alumni News

24 | A Summer to Remember


The 2012 E. Fleming Mason Memorial Internship

44 | 2011-2012 KAOEF Annual Report

32 | On Campus 40 | Sports Page 62 | Foundation Today 63 | Housing 64 | Chapter Eternal 65 | Our Legacy 66 | From the Archives

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Fall/Winter 2012


Cover photo and above by Ali McLaughlin Photography

68 | Remembering the Reason

Knight Commander's Message

“The forebearing use of power does not only form a touchstone, but the manner in which an individual enjoys certain advantages over others is the test of a true gentleman.” – Definition of a Gentlemen

Dear Brothers, Each fall, thousands of KA brothers return to their campuses and to their academic, fraternal, and social pursuits. These are exciting times for Active Members. I believe that each KA brother plays a key role in affecting the future of our Order. In no area of operations is your role more important than in risk management, which is my third objective as Knight Commander. As an Active Member it falls to you to enforce and comply with the Order’s Risk Management Policy at the chapter level. While the policy may often seem designed to limit a chapter’s ability to socialize, its actual aim is safety and the healthy growth of each member. You must make values-based decisions in regard to risk management. Hazing is defined but not limited to those actions described in the Order’s Risk Management Policy. Simply stated, that means you cannot ever haze! We are threatened everywhere we turn by the use and abuse of alcohol and drugs, which often result in hazing. Increased availability and temptation to participate enable poor choices. These are huge issues for the Kappa Alpha Order and for colleges and universities. Hazing remains one of the most serious threats to the Order. Hazing is not only strictly forbidden, it is against state law, our values, and the customs of the Order. You must conduct yourselves as gentlemen at all times. Remember Lee’s words in the Definition of a Gentlemen, “the forebearing use of power does not only form a touchstone, but the manner in which an individual enjoys certain advantages over others is the test of a true gentleman.” Your adherence to the risk management policy, or your lack thereof, can have a profound impact on your life, on your chapter, and on the Order as a whole. It is not an exaggeration to say that in the recent past, a lack of enforcement of the policy has led to incidents where brothers, ladies and other guests were injured, where ladies were assaulted and where members have lost their lives. These incidents are traumatic. I ask you to consider how you would feel if a decision you made or didn’t make cost the life of one of your brothers or someone else. It has happened, and most regrettably, it will happen again. Do what you can to keep it from happening on your watch. I am confident that every brother is up to the task. Please be mindful of our ritual, our values, and our future. Have a great year! Fraternally,

William E. Dreyer Knight Commander

Fall/Winter 2012


The Kappa Alpha Journal

EDITOR Jesse S. Lyons Creative Design Tria Designs Inc. CONTRIBUTORS Jay Langhammer, Kent McMichael, Rick Moore, Erik T. Showalter. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Knight Commander William E. Dreyer Senior Councilor Darren S. Kay Councilors King V. Aiken, Jr., L. Blair Bailey, David P. Barksdale, Sam O. Leake, Jr., C. Douglas Simmons, III National Undergraduate Chairman W. Anderson Wasden KA/KAOEF Executive Director Larry Stanton Wiese

HOW TO CONTACT THE JOURNAL Editor, The Kappa Alpha Journal P.O. Box 1865 Lexington, VA 24450 (540) 463-1865 (540) 463-2140 - fax email: TO CHANGE AN ADDRESS Fill out Alumnus Update on the website or send both your new and old address to Lisa Metivier at the above mailing address or to:

Letter from the Editor

The Kappa Alpha Journal (ISSN #0888-8868, USPS #014-747) is an educational journal published four times a year by Kappa Alpha Order, 115 Liberty Hall Rd., Lexington, Virginia. Periodicals postage paid at Lexington, Virginia, and additional mailing offices. The Kappa Alpha Journal seeks to reflect the Kappa Alpha experience by presenting news of active and alumni chapters, individual members, and the national organization; by addressing current issues facing the Greek system and the Order; by educating and entertaining those interested in the welfare of Kappa Alpha; and by serving as a historical record. The Kappa Alpha Journal has been published since 1879. From 1883 to 1885 it was known as The Magazine of Kappa Alpha. Kappa Alpha Order was founded in 1865 at Washington College (Washington and Lee University) in Lexington, Virginia. Today, Kappa Alpha boasts 124 undergraduate chapters and over 30 alumni chapters across the nation. Volume CXVIV, Number 3 Fall 2012 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Kappa Alpha Order, P.O. Box 1865, Lexington, VA 24450 Member of

Copyright © 2012 Kappa Alpha Order; KAPPA ALPHA® is a registered trademark of Kappa Alpha Order.


Jesse S. Lyons Editor

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Fall/Winter 2012

The Kappa Alpha Journal 2013-2014 submission dates: Issue 4/Winter – Dec. 20 Issue 1/ Spring – Feb. 20 Issue 2/Summer – May 20 Issue 3/Fall – Aug. 20

Dear Brothers, Like many, I’ll never forget the 2000 Presidential Election. I had always been interested in politics and public service, but it seems like that night established a lifelong hobby (er, passion). The results were reported state after state. Gore takes this one. Bush takes that one. Then they reversed. Then, Florida was too close to call. A few thousand hanging chads and court cases later, I write this Editor’s letter on the eve of the 2012 elections. By the time you read this edition of The Journal, you’ll know results. A number of KAs were elected or re-elected as well. We have included an official listing of elected KAs in public service on the state and national level. They’re listed beginning on page 18. I’ve had the privilege of meeting some of these men. I first met Congressman-elect Richard Hudson at a Magnolia Lodge Festive Board in D.C. where he served as Master of Ceremonies. In January 2012, members of the national staff and I were in attendance at the Charlotte Convivium, hosted in Congressman-elect Robert Pittenger’s home. During Fraternity & Sorority Political Action Committee “Congressional visits,” I’ve interacted with Reps. Boustany, Aderholt, and Womack who routinely take meetings with KAs in D.C. and support the Order in many ways. Closer to home, many more of you probably know your local or regional public servants. Steve Dixon and Tom Hayden have a great story as members of the City Council in Flower Mound, Texas. Steve and I were part of a team that restored the chapter at North Texas (Gamma Lambda). He’s primarily responsible for keeping the KA house solvent and ready for the chapter’s return. The primary feature in this edition is an interview with former and current Congressional staffers. From “Chiefs of Staff” to the “assistants of assistants,” our Congress is truly supported, and often driven, by 21-30 year-olds from all over the country. The Order appreciates our connections to the brothers who work on Capitol Hill. They include a couple more longtime friends. I met Chris Cook on a consultant visit to Jacksonville State (Delta Phi). Michael Calvo and I mixed it up at the 2001 Convention in Savannah, Georgia. His Duke (Alpha Phi) brothers and chapter advisor and us “good ole boys” from Western Carolina enjoyed a great weekend of brotherhood on the riverwalk. This country needs strong leadership, ethical decisionmaking, and answers by her sons and daughters to the continued call to serve. As KAs, we are duty bound to give back. So support the right folks, encourage KAs to get in the mix, and do your part to serve your town, state, and country.

Connections KappaAlphaOrder

Congrats were in order on Facebook on the eve of the installation of Zeta Upsilon Chapter at University of Tennessee Chattanooga: Sam Winterberg

Congratulations! It’s no easy task founding a new chapter and getting chartered. Craig Collins Congrats from myself and all the alumni of Delta Lamda Chapter. Randy Smith Congrats brothers! From us founding fathers of Zeta Tau! Cody Simpson

Congratulations from the Kappa Alpha OrderFrancis Marion UniversityDelta Tau Chapter! KappaAlphaOrder Plenty of buzz on Twitter about the new Zeta Upsilon chapter too! KA at MTSU @KA_MTSU

Thanks to the recent initiation of the @UTC_KA chapter, Feller province is pretty stacked. @KA_ Tennessee #BestProvince @kappaalphaorder Brandon Abraham @ bcabraham

Officially a founding father of Kappa Alpha Order at UTC. I’ve been blessed with a great group of brothers. Darren Kay: @DSKay31

@UTC_KA Congratulations on your initiation into #KappaAlphaOrder I look forward to meeting all of you tonight at the ceremony. #ForeverKA UTC IFC: @UTC_IFC

RT @UTC_KA: Welcome the ZY Chapter of Kappa Alpha Order

A Pleasure to Serve Since becoming alumnus advisor at Florida, I have enjoyed meeting with many of my alumni brothers, some of whom I had not seen in 30-years. Many have thanked me for my work for the chapter. I agreed to be a volunteer because I owe a debt to those at Beta Zeta who adopted me as their brother when I transferred to Florida in 1978, and to those at Nu chapter who pledged me and with whom I was initiated. Through the years I have received more benefit from KA than I have ever given back. It is my pleasure to serve. Fraternally, Duane E. (Donny) Thompson III (Nu - Auburn ‘75), Alumnus Advisor, Beta Zeta – Florida

Thanks for Remembering I was going through the papers stacked on my desk and come across the summer Journal. I want you to know that I think you are doing a great job. As a vet, I appreciate the article “Remember” [Summer 2012]. People do sometimes forget. Thanks Jesse!

I enjoyed the Summer Edition of The Journal, and I appreciate the many wellwritten and informative articles, as well as the professional layout. The format and content stand as a beacon in the fraternity world. Your good work reflects well upon the Order. I particularly applaud your continued vigilance to show gratitude for the men and women that proudly wear the uniform of our Military. They come from many backgrounds and walks of life, but they have one thing in common: to serve and protect our Nation. The bravery demonstrated by our soldiers today and in the past boggles the mind. It is easy in day-today civilian life to forget the men and women that have worn and continue to wear the military uniform of the United States of America. We are all benefactors of their service and I thank you for reminding us of this debt. Keep up the good work! Fraternally, Jim Lawson (Delta Delta – East Tennessee State ’68)

Bob Landry (Delta Xi – McNeese State ’01)

Fall/Winter 2012


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Olympian Brothers At Stanford, nearly all of my water polo teammates lived in the KA house. Being around each other constantly allowed me to understand some of the relationships that would lead to a successful team, and those values were important to our USA Olympic Team throughout our time together. Peter Varellas (Alpha Pi – Stanford ’03), 2012 US Olympic Water Polo Player

Just received my first issue of The Journal since joining the Loyal Order. Must say I enjoyed your article “In the Quest” but must point out a significant omission in the KA medalists list. Warren “Rex” Cawley, Beta Sigma – Southern California, won the gold at the Tokyo games in 1964 in the 400m hurdles. Rex was also the world record holder at the time. Fraternally, Frank Winer (Beta Sigma – Southern California ‘61)

Editor’s Note: Brother Winer is right. Rex indeed belongs on our Olympian list—and he is listed now! Also, thanks to Brother Winer for joining the Loyal Order!


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Praise For The Knight Commander Saturday my family and I were at The Peabody Hotel in Memphis Tennessee with my granddaughter, Sophia who is a patient at St. Judes. A very nice gentleman was the “honorary leader” for the ducks and he came and gave his duck pins to my grandson and granddaughter. Another very nice gentleman took pictures and told us to e-mail him and he would send us the pictures by e-mail. That was a very kind gesture and my grandchildren were so happy. Sophia has gone throught a lot the last couple of months and will for the next few years and this really made her smile! She was so happy!! Thank you again!


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Editor’s Note: The nice gentleman who served as “Honorary Peabody Duck Master” and gave his duck pins away was Knight Commander William E. Dreyer, following the 2012 Advisory Council meeting. This Editor had the pleasure of photographing the event. Very few things beat making a young child smile.

TOGETHER, they just work better.

participants that “we finally did it!” I would like to donate to the rebuilding effort, but all I could find on the web site was the chance to purchase a $1000 brick. This was a little more than I had in mind. Is there another way to donate?

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The Kappa Alpha Journal


Fall/Winter 2012

AFO-0263AO_3.44x4.5.indd 1

FROM THE ASHES After reading about the Psi chapter house in the Summer 2012 edition of The Journal, I went to the web site to make a donation. In the Winter of 1962-63, several brothers of the Beta Alpha Chapter went to New Orleans over semester break and stayed at the Psi house. Without going into more detail we managed to scorch a wood floor on the second story. After reading in The Journal that it (the house) had burned down in 2006, I e-mailed another of the

When things work

2/10/12 12:24 PM

Our Order

Undergraduate leader awarded Congressional Gold Medal The Order’s National Undergraduate Vice-Chairman, Don

Combs (Alpha Theta – Transylvania ’10), was presented the prestigious Congressional Award Gold Medal by U.S. Rep. Harold “Hal” Rogers in recognition of his outstanding public service record and personal development achievements. Don is a senior from Pikeville, Kentucky and he is the first recipient from his district to receive this award. He is one of 177 gold medalists in the nation. The award presentation was June 20th. The Congressional Award is the United States Congress’ award for young Americans. It is non-partisan, voluntary, and non-competitive. The program is open to all 14- to 23-year-olds. Participants earn Bronze, Silver and Gold Congressional Award Certificates and Bronze, Silver and Gold Congressional Award Medals. Each level involves setting goals in four program areas; Volunteer Public Service, Personal Development, Physical Fitness, and Expedition/Exploration. The award requires 400 hours of community service, 200 hours of both personal development and physical fitness activities, and a four-night expedition. Combs fulfilled the requirements as Number I of Alpha Theta Chapter at Transylvania University and as the southern regional chief for the Boy Scouts’ Order of the Arrow. His expedition consisted of a weeklong canoe trip with the Boy Scouts. From mentoring young Scouts to counseling and leading his chapter, Don has been an example of leadership. Right: (Left to Right) Chairman of the Board of Directors (Congressional Award) Paxton K. Baker, Don Combs, Congressman Hal Rogers (KY-5) .

This spring, the Order returns to…

First female recipient of KA’s Accolade for Interfraternal Service Passes


Kappa Alphas and friends mourned with Alpha Chi Omega, on July 17th, as their longtime Executive Directo Nancy Leonard passed away. Nancy was a friend to so many including Kappa Alpha Order. She was the first female recipient of the Kappa Alpha Order Accolade for Interfraternal Service Award in 2003. The Order sent flowers in her memory to the Alpha Chi Omega Headquarters.

Fall/Winter 2012

If you’re an alumnus from this chapter or live in the San Diego, Cal., area and would like to assist with recolonizing and sustain a successful Gamma Iota Chapter, please contact Nick Palmer, Director of Chapter Development at or 540-463-1865.


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Our Order

25 Years of Service

2013 Province Councils Announced  January 25-26 Province: Chiles (Missouri) Location: William Jewell College, Liberty, Mo.  January 26 Province: Frampton (Illinois, Indiana, Ohio) Location: University of Southern Indiana, Evansville, Ind. Province: Hardeman (Georgia) Location: University of Georgia, Athens, Ga.

 February 15-16 Province: Locke (Oklahoma & Western Arkansas) Location: University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. Province: Feller (Eastern Tennessee) Location: University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. Province: Graves (South Carolina) Location: Wofford College, Spartansburg, S.C.

Province: White (Louisiana) Location: Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La.

Province: Wood (Maryland, D.C., Delaware, New Jersey) Location: George Washington University, Washington, D.C.

 February 9 Province: Candler (Kentucky) Location: University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky.

Province: Neal (California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado & Wyoming) Location: University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif.

Province: Dunwody (Alabama), Irwin (Mississippi) Location: Mississippi State University, Starkville, Miss.

 February 22-23 Provinces: Ammen (Virginia), Hamilton (West Virginia & Pennsylvania), Smith Smith (North Carolina) Location: Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Va. Provinces: Mikell (Northern Texas), Walsh (Southern Texas) Location: Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Tx. Province: Crawford (Florida) Location: University of Florida, Gainesville, Fl.  February 23 Province: Forester (Western Tennessee & Eastern Arkansas) Location: Rhodes College, Memphis, Tn.

Crawford Province Commander Appointed P. Michael Ruff (Gamma Eta-Florida State ‘67) was appointed on October 1, 2012, to serve as Commander of the William B. Crawford Province. He has been active through the years serving as Province Commander from 2007-2011, as Alumnus Advisor for 10 years and also on the House Corporation for Gamma Eta Chapter. Knight Commander William E. Dreyer appointed Brother Ruff after reviewing nominations from the Active and Alumni Chapters in Crawford Province and pursuant to the Kappa Alpha Laws, Article 6, Section 116. Mike serves as a Judicial Hearing Officer for the Second Circuit Court of the State of Florida. He and his wife, Dianne, live in Tallahassee. They have two married children, Michael (Gamma Eta-Florida State ’95) and Jennifer who is married to Jimmy Dunn (Beta Zeta-Florida ’02).

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Fall/Winter 2012

Past and present members of the National Staff gathered on May 11, 2012 to honor Walter R. Lunsford, on the occasion of his 25-year anniversary working for the Order. Walter joined KA’s staff in 1987, shortly after the return of the National Administrative Office to Lexington, Va. He’s operated and cared for the press, churning out tens of thousands of copies of the Kappa Alpha Laws, manuals, letters, and mail. He’s been a constant example of hard work, good work, and well, all kinds of work. While not an initiate, it is rare in this world to find dedicated service the like of Walter’s. This occasion warranted dozens of letters from former staffers, an Executive Council resolution, and many memories retold. Walter and his wife Doris have long been supporters of the Order and we thank them both for all they’ve done. In their honor, the Order donated a new altar Bible and all new pew Bibles to their church in Brownsburg, Va. May we all learn from the dedication, service, and hard work of Walter Lunsford. Excellence is definitely his aim!

Our Order

Academic Accomplishments and Expectations Accomplishments Kappa Alpha Order reached the highest GPA in our history with a 2.902 GPA this past Spring semester. We now have 100% of our chapters reporting their academic standing for the last seven (7) consecutive semesters We have achieved, collectively, an overall fraternity GPA exceeding 2.80 for the last seven (7) consecutive semesters. We have had over 60% of our chapters exceed a combined 2.70 for the last seven (7) consecutive semesters The number of chapters below a 2.50 combined GPA has decreased by 86.97% since the fall 2007 semester

New Scholarship Expectations For Chapters (Fall 2012)

New Scholarship Expectations For Members (Fall 2012)

Active Chapter Minimum Expectations (Academic Performance): An Active chapter will achieve an overall term GPA no less than a 2.8 GPA. Please remember that a 2.70 GPA was our previous standard.

To extend a bid of membership: A freshman must have had a 2.6 from high school to be extended a bid

Academic Enhancement Plans: If a chapter falls below a 2.80 GPA for any term, they must submit an academic enhancement plan. If they fall below a 2.6, a chapter must submit an academic enhancement plan and be placed on social probation for the next semester.

Hoangan An Nguyen, 9-14-12

To become and remain a chapter officer: To be elected or appointed, members must have a 2.6 cumulative GPA

In July 2012 at the annual Virginia DeMolay awards banquet, Director of Educational Programming Brent W. Fellows (Epsilon Theta – Western Kentucky '98) was honored by Virginia DeMolay as the state-wide Advisor of the Year, known as the Guild of the Leather Apron. Brent’s son, Holden, is an officer of the Lexington DeMolay Chapter where Brent is an advisor. The chapter is one of the strongest in the state and routinely initiates new members and is very proficient in the ritual.

Fall/Winter 2012

Tennessee Pi Jay P. Lauderback, 7-17-12

To attend social functions: Every member must have a 2.6 semester GPA to attend social functions

Advisor of the Year

Missouri S&T Beta Alpha Matthew C. Lindsay, 7-17-12

Middle Tennessee State Delta Lambda Louis A. Arredondo, 9-14-12

To remain in Good Standing: To remain in Good Standing (Kappa Alpha Laws 8-218) members must continue to achieve a 2.6 semester GPA.

Over 25% of our chapters have achieved above a 3.0 for the last seven consecutive semesters.

The following men have been expelled from Kappa Alpha Order since the last printing of The Journal as of Oct. 31, 2012.

A college student with prior college credit must hold above a cumulative 2.6 to be extended a bid

Officers must maintain a 2.6 GPA every semester to remain in office

34% of our chapters are at or above a combined chapter GPA of 3.00! This is the largest percentage above a 3.00 ever in our history



The Kappa Alpha Journal

Joseph T. Dixon, 9-14-12 Craig E. Simmons, 9-14-12

KAOEF staff promotions Erik T. Showalter, CFRE (Gamma Alpha-Louisiana Tech University ’02) has been named Chief Development Officer for the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF). Brother Showalter will continue to cultivate and solicit major donor prospects, as well as coordinate and manage the KAOEF’s development programs and administration. Ben W. Satcher, Jr (Delta Omicron – Clemson University ’79) has been named Major Gifts Officer for the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF). Former Knight Commander Satcher will manage major gift cultivation and solicitation for the KAOEF, as well as continue to oversee the Big for Brotherhood (B4B) event each year.

Our Order


Kay elected Senior Councilor, Bailey fills Councilor vacancy

Birthplace of Ammen is for Sale! The Ammen House, built in 1826 by Benjamin Ammen for his new bride, Naomi Cross, and located in historical Fincastle, Virginia is now available for purchase. The home is the birthplace of Samuel Zenas Ammen, Practical Founder of Kappa Alpha Order. The house sits of 5+ acres and has been beautifully restored. Features include Federal Style architecture, 20x20 rooms, 10 foot ceilings, 6 foot windows, hand-crimped tin roof, original Heart of Pine floors, Adam Style fan design above front door, Adam Style light fixtures on newly painted front porch, Gothic arches and classic columns on Living Room fireplace, which was featured in an article in the Virginia Cavalcade of Art and History. Benjamin ran a woolen mill on the property, and you can still see the foundation walls of the mill near the dam. Own a unique piece of KA history today! For more information or to inquire about purchasing, please contact either Mary Mann ( or Judy Perkins ( More information is found at

In Need of Journals!

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Upon the resignation of Russell C. Brown (Delta Sigma – Houston Baptist ’82) as Senior Councilor, the Executive Council met by telephonic conference on Monday, July 16. During that meeting, and pursuant to Kappa Alpha Laws, Article 1, Section 216, the Executive Council elected Darren S. Kay (Alpha Eta – Westminster ’88) as Senior Councilor. In 2007, Darren was elected to the Executive Council at the 72nd Convention in San Antonio, Texas. Darren had previously been appointed as the Henry C. Chiles Province Commander in 2000. He also services on the Audit Committee for Kappa Alpha Order as well as an Audit Committee member for the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation. He is a member of the Chiles and Frampton Courts of Honor. Darren S. Kay attended Westminster College where he was initiated into Alpha Eta chapter in 1988. He holds a B.A. Degree in Accounting, Business Administration and Economics. Darren is a partner in the Kansas City office of Ernst & Young where he has specialized in the insurance industry during his 20-year career in Ernst & Young’s assurance and advisory services practice. He leads Ernst & Young’s insurance practice in 9

Fall/Winter 2012

the Missouri/Kansas marketplace and is a frequent speaker on insurance industry topics. He is married to Karen and has two sons, Allen and Mason. Following Darren’s election and pursuant to Kappa Alpha Laws Article 5, Section 122, the Advisory Council elected L. Blair Bailey (Gamma Eta – Florida State ’88) to fill the vacancy on the Executive Council. Blair was previously William B. Crawford Province Commander. Blair has served as the Preceptor for the Crawford Province Court of Honor, as a member of Gamma Eta’s Alumni Advisory Committee and as a member of the Gamma Eta Housing Committee. As an active brother, Blair served his chapter in the positions of Number IX, VII, II and New Member Educator. Blair is a real estate developer in Tallahassee, Florida. He is married to Monica and has two daughters, Madison and Amelia. Russell was elected as the Henry Judah Mikell Province Commander in 1998. In 2001 he was elected to the Executive Council at the 69th Convention in Savannah, Georgia. Brother Brown was elected in 2011 as Senior Councilor at the 74th Convention in Phoenix, Arizona.

The National Administrative Office and Archivist are in need of the following Journals to shore up the official collection: any from 1879-1920. If you have some old ones you’d like to send in for the permanent archives of the Order, we’ll note your donation on the magazines as such. Thank you in advance! Email


Our Order

ELA educates participants through peer facilitation, service learning, leadership sessions, and track education.

Emerging Leaders Academy Grows to Largest Ever! By Brent W. Fellows, Director of Educational Programming

were a past Mock Chapter Advisor or showed outstanding leadership in their active chapter.

This past June, Kappa Alpha Order hosted the largest

Emerging Leaders Academy (ELA) with 260 brothers gathering in Lexington, Virginia. ELA offers three unique learning opportunities (Mock Chapter, Educational Track Sessions, and the Leadership Session Series. Mock Chapter The Mock Chapter Experience allows participants to be placed in small groups to learn how to operate as an Active Chapter. From officer elections to creating a term plan for the chapter, Mock Chapter members worked together on their Model Chapter application, which is similar to the National Award Application. Twenty-one Mock Chapters were challenged to learn the officer positions, function as an Active Chapter, and understand top-notch chapter operations. Outstanding undergraduate leaders in the Order were selected through an application process to serve as Mock Chapter Advisors. These include Senior Mock Chapter Advisors who are selected if they

Fall/Winter 2012

Educational Track Sessions Members also had the opportunity to gain more KA knowledge in the Track Sessions which consisted of the Certified Chapter Recruiter Course, New Member Education, Council of Honor, Leadership and the Crusade RoundTable. (Crusade Commanders that lead The Crusade for their chapter participated in this track for the 13th consecutive year focusing on our total membership development program.) All participants that attended and participated in all track sessions received a certificate of recognition. Leadership Session Series Director of Communications Jesse Lyons began our Leadership Session Series presenting on bystander behavior. Former NFL Player and Coach Sam Wyche (Iota – Furman ‘66) provided leadership lessons from his experience in the NFL. SEC Broadcaster Dave Baker (Beta Delta – Georgetown 10

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Our Order ‘79) shared successful and unsuccessful leadership examples from college basketball and football coaches to our members at The Crusade Banquet which took place at VMI’s George C. Marshall Leadership Center. Former Senior Councilor Russell Brown (Delta Sigma – Houston Baptist ‘82) presented on the Origins of Kappa Alpha Order and gave a historical walking tour on campus. To conclude our series in Lee Chapel, National Chaplain Dwain Knight (Delta Kappa – Stephen F. Austin State ‘06) delivered the Worship Service.

ELA LEADERSHIP AWARD WINNERS Collin Martinez (Gamma Eta - Florida State) Jordan Perkins (Alpha Theta - Transylvania) Jonathan Bergmark (Delta Upsilon – Tennessee-Martin) Brian Highfill (Beta Xi - Oklahoma State) Matthew Tessier (Gamma Nu - Louisiana-Monroe) Wesley McGinnes (Delta Phi - Jacksonville State) Lynwood Thompson (Epsilon Nu - Georgia College) Chase Brown (Pi - Tennessee) Tyler Wheeler (Gamma Nu - Louisiana-Monroe) Chase Cole (Zeta Rho - Arkansas-Fort Smith) Andy Lock (Alpha Eta - Westminster) Brock Southwood (Zeta Iota - Indiana State) Roy Faulks (Rho - South Carolina) Robert Altier (Beta Rho - Roanoke) Justin Chambliss (Delta Beta - Delta State) Zach Zeh (Delta Rho - Valdosta State) Taylor Elliot (Delta Rho - Valdosta State) Mark Bardill (Epsilon Psi - North Carolina-Wilmington) Adam Badaracco (Theta - Kentucky) Joseph Walker (Beta Alpha - Missouri S&T) Tristan Whitaker (Gamma Epsilon - Arizona)

Additional highlights The conference also included the brotherhood experience at the local drive-in movie theater, annual service event that included fifteen total service projects, and an outstanding model initiation at R.E. Lee Episcopal Church Awards Ceremony The Awards Ceremony concluded our event and Mock Chapter Advisors, Leadership Awards, Brotherhood Award and the 2012 Model Chapter were recognized at Lee Chapel. The Brotherhood Award was given to Jordan Hale (Zeta Rho – Arkansas-Fort Smith ‘09). Jordan received the Brotherhood Award for his hard work as Mock Chapter Advisor, positive attitude and participation during the conference. He received an official NFL autographed football from Brother Sam Wyche. Mock Chapter Advisors also selected top participants for their conduct, participation, leadership, and vision to continue to make Kappa Alpha Order the best fraternity. 7th Stewards of the Order Following ELA, the Stewards of the Order ritual workshop was conducted for undergraduates and alumni. The workshop was led by Former Senior Councilor Russell Brown and Councilor C. Douglas Simmons (Beta Tau – Mississippi State ’95). 160 undergraduates participated and became official Stewards. A dinner reception was held at a local semi-pro baseball game to conclude the event.

MOCK CHAPTER ADVISORS Senior Mock Chapter Advisors Joel Buck (Epsilon Nu – Georgia College ’08) Kent Landacre (Epsilon Kappa – Southeastern Louisiana ’09) Tullis Beasley (Delta Rho – Valdosta State ’09)

The Emerging Leaders Academy and Stewards of the Order is scheduled to take place in Lexington, Virginia, June 12-15, 2013.


Congratulations to the Jo Lane Stern Mock Chapter as they were awarded the 2012 Model Chapter of the Emerging Leaders Academy. Their members include Mock Chapter Advisor Jordan Hale along with: Joshua Albert (Zeta - Randolph-Macon) Justin Bourn (Epsilon Nu - Georgia College) Johnathon Cain (Zeta Pi - Florida Gulf Coast) Todd Childress (Delta Upsilon - Tennessee-Martin) Nick Christman (Epsilon Theta - Western Kentucky) Casey Doylem (Alpha Nu - George Washington) Jake Hartley (Alpha Delta - William Jewell) Wesley Hopkins (Beta Zeta - Florida) Jacob Mayfield (Phi - Birmingham-Southern) Wesley McGinnis (Delta Phi - Jacksonville State) Kevin Steinberger (Beta Epsilon - Delaware) David Stout (Beta Xi - Oklahoma State)

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Fall/Winter 2012

Mock Chapter Advisors David Merrill (Zeta Pi – Florida Gulf Coast ’08) Drew Haynes (Kappa – Mercer ’09) Dustin Brann (Alpha Omega – North Carolina State ’11) Jason Massey (Alpha Delta – William Jewell ’10) Jeremy Duke (Delta Lambda – Middle Tennessee ’09) Jordan Hale (Zeta Rho – Arkansas-Fort Smith ’09) Joshua Foshee (Gamma Psi – Northwestern State) Kyle Perry (Delta Omicron – Clemson ’10) Mac McElveen (Epsilon Nu – Georgia College ’11) Matthew Barnes (Zeta Epsilon – Tennessee Tech ’10) Michael Oleis (Beta Delta – Delta State ’10) Patrick DelBuono (Beta Rho – Roanoke ’10) Peyton East (Beta Tau – Mississippi State ’10) Ross Sheppard (Epsilon Nu – Georgia College ’08) TJ Steen (Delta Pi – Missouri Southern ’08) Wil Haley (Delta Theta – Georgia Southern ’10)

Our Order

Brothers Around The Order

1. Alumnus congressional staffer Michael Calvo (left) with fellow staffer on the Great Wall of China during a delegation trip, 2. KAs and "Talons" from North Texas gather for their annual reunion. Talons were the local chapter before it was installed as Gamma Lambda. 3. KA staffer William Walker gives a National Administrative Office tour to cyclists and Pi Kappa Phi members on their annual Journey of Hope for their philanthropy, PUSH America, 4. GWU active brother Dan Horning at Machu Picchu this past fall, 5. Delaware alumni brothers gather at the 2012 Wood Court of Honor ceremony, 6. Senator Marco Rubio (FL), rubbing shoulders with KAOEF Chief Development Officer Erik Showalter and newly elected freshman Congressman, KA alumnus Robert Pittenger, 7. Arkansas Provisional Chapter getting to know one another, 8. The Arkansas brothers pose after receiving their bids, 9. Florida alumnus Paul Tibma on the Summit of Mt. Rainier with the KA Flag.





Fall/Winter 2012


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Our Order






The Kappa Alpha Journal


Fall/Winter 2012

To Be A

Lead Fall/Winter 2012


The Kappa Alpha Journal

By Jesse S. Lyons (Delta Alpha – Western Carolina ’98)

Every day, thousands of folks wearing everything from suits to work boots grind their fingers to the bone, literally and figuratively, keeping this country operating. This is true in all sectors, including elected and appointed governmental bodies. Here is not the place for a debate on limited, versus big, government. That argument is for another day. Lets focus on the folks in charge themselves. Our leaders. Our public servants. And you might as well loop in their invaluable (read: necessary for success) professional staff. It is an interesting notion to consider someone a leader and a servant at the same time. They work for the government and ultimately us, yet they’re charged with making decisions or laws and effecting policy that will affect, well, us. We elect them and send them to Washington, the state capitol, or the local municipal building. But then we ask them to lead, please lead, take care of all that messy stuff we don’t want to do; we tell them, that’s your job now. Then, they become torn between staying elected, or staying employed, and by leading under their own philosophy. Perhaps the very duality of the nature of their positions leads to some of the negative consequences of entering public service. Do good men go to Washington (or the muni hall, of course) and come home not so good? Answer that on a case-by-case basis. Of course its possible and likely is happening to some right now. However, if those we send to lead keep strong the associations that built their character; stronger, lets say, than any other associations that might chip away at the armor of valor, loyalty and truthfulness, then its possible to remain a leader among men. Perhaps they could remain a

servant who recognizes their mandate to lead and their duty to those who selected them. Where does our distrust of government come from? We’re clearly many generations removed from those who broke from George III’s rule. Yet regular citizens on both sides of the aisle still have that healthy fear of “the establishment.” Maybe our knowledge of the dichotomy of our leadership leads to this. With all these factors pulling against public servants, our elected, appointed, and hired “leaders,” who in the heck would even want those jobs? Well, luckily, KAs and others are called to serve. Thank goodness. Thank goodness for any public figure who has garnered their values through their family, friends, or organizations. In Kappa Alpha Order, we’re taught that our associations with others will help develop, or fracture, our own character. Our values of aiming for excellence and gentlemanly conduct should do well in leadership positions in all forms of government and public life. Some of our current Kappa Alpha public leaders and servants are featured in the next pages. Our “KA delegation” to Congress is at its biggest size in years. With a sitting governor, dozens of staffers, and a growing presence at the state level, the call to serve is being answered. These brothers follow a great tradition of our noble past, including cabinet members, governors, legislators and scores of local and state officials. For the Kappa Alpha brothers that follow, they continue to keep strong their KA associations. And as such, we know they’ll remain leaders among men.

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Fall/Winter 2012


Chiefs of



Insight, advice, and opportunities from congressional staff, past and present

By Jesse S. Lyons (Delta Alpha – Western Carolina ’98) Photos by Ali McLaughlin Photography

Left to right: Rob Simms, Krister Holladay, Mike Shields, Chris Cook and Michael Calvo on the Capitol Steps.

Fall/Winter 2012


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Some of our greatest leaders and public servants in Washington are not elected. They’re not in the President’s Cabinet. They don’t have executive offices, chambers, or even a high paid salary. Many walk to work, ride the Metro, and run the halls. A lot of them aren’t even 30 (ok, a few are plenty older than 30). They are our congressional staffers. And KA has a boatload of them. From chiefs of staff to receptionists, hundreds of young men and women swarm the Capitol day and night, working and networking for their Congressional Member. They hold posts that require hard work, dedication, loyalty, communication skills, attention to detail, and expertise in issues. These young folks read the bills, make the calls; work with constituents and campaign. And campaign. And campaign. They work in the House of Representatives. They work in the Senate. Their office space lies around the Capitol, and in the Russell, Hart, Dirksen, and Rayburn buildings. Their support for our elected officials

goes unnoticed, but mostly to constituents. You see though, that’s how they want it. Their member of Congress is most important— the Congress is actually in the Constitution. However, to make sure you understand it plainly, without them, the Congress could not operate. Annually, Kappa Alpha Order and the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation organize a “Chiefs of Staff” luncheon hosted locally by alumnus Larry Meyer (Gamma Chi – Texas Tech ‘68) president of Meyer & Associates. Larry smokes up a batch of Texas brisket annually for congressional staff, former staff now in the private sector, and others from the private sector: all members of the Order. Gathered together to network and give advice to our E. Fleming Mason Memorial Interns, these men remain loyal to Kappa Alpha. The Journal is pleased to share with you some of their stories, minus the brisket.

What do you love most about your job?

Rob Simms (Epsilon Phi – George Mason ’89)

Michael Calvo (Alpha Phi – Duke ’99) Current: Deputy Chief of Staff/

Legislative Director, Rep. Phil Gingrey, M.D. (R-GA) KA: Former Number I:

Washington is a very intriguing town in the sense that you have the opportunity to meet people from all over the country and the world. I am originally from Hendersonville, North Carolina, and through my career, I have been able to open doors that were beyond my wildest dreams as a child. In my eight years on Capitol Hill, I know that what I do impacts a specific Member of Congress – currently Representative Phil Gingrey, M.D. (R-GA) – in helping shape American policy. Furthermore, on a daily basis in Congressman Gingrey’s office, I get to work with what I believe is collectively the best staff on the Hill. Each individual in this office are dedicated public servants and faithfully serve the Congressman’s Northwest Georgia district with class. Chris Cook (Delta Phi – Jacksonville State ’01) Current: Financial Legislative

Assistant, Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA) KA: Former Number I:

Current: Senior Consultant, Red Maverick Media Previous: Chief of Staff, Rep. Bill Shuster (R-PA 9) KA: Former Number I:

I think the biggest thing that people don’t understand is the amount of time and hard work that Members of Congress and their staff put in on the job. Contrary to some negative perceptions, most of the people you work with are dedicated and are working in politics to try and make the country/ world a better place.

Krister Holladay (Epsilon – Emory ’87) Current: Director of Government

Relations, United Technologies Corporation Previous: Chief of Staff, Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA):

The best part of my job is making a difference. Whether it was when I was working on or off of Capitol Hill, it is possible to have an impact and change the direction of policy, funding, or politics by working hard and building support. I have found no greater satisfaction than working with constituents from my home state to get laws changed that improve their life or right an injustice.

What is your biggest “celebrity” or “political” moment? Mike Shields (Epsilon Phi – George Mason ’89) Current: Political Director, National Republican Congressional Committee Previous: Chief of Staff, Rep. Dave Reichert (R-WA):

I was Rep. Newt Gingrich’s (RGA) Communications Director for 5 years. At one point when Newt was Speaker we found ourselves at the home of Kurt Russell, Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson. Guests that showed up for the informal political discussion were Kevin Spacey, Whoopi Goldberg, Melissa Gilbert and Tom Selleck. Politics is NOT always like that, but that night was very cool.

What is it really like behind the scenes (and cameras) on Capitol Hill? Dan Scandling (Zeta – Randolph Macon ’83) Current: Chief of Staff, Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) KA: Former Number I:

Capitol Hill is a great place to work. As a young professional you are given a great deal of responsibility but you have to produce. The staff’s are small — as are the offices — so there are no cutting corners. People will know if you are not pulling your weight.

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Simms: My nickname in college (and out) was Ace. Former Senator John Warner (R-VA) called me Ace during my internship in his office because


Fall/Winter 2012

there was a young staffer who knew me from college there. Holladay: Working for the Speaker of the House after Republicans took control of Congress in 1995 after 40 years of one party rule in the House of Representatives was truly a big political moment. Cook: Because I was worked at the White House Budget Office handling Legislative Affairs, my wife and I were invited to attend the annual White House Congressional Ball. This black tie event is held every December and every member of Congress, the President’s cabinet and the Supreme Court are invited to attend. Besides the President’s personal area of the residence on the top floor, the entire White House is opened up for guests to relax and explore. I was so starstruck and I tried not to walk around with my mouth open.

What was your first job and what did you learn from it? Shields: My first salaried job was cutting out news clips at the Republican National Committee for then Chairman Haley Barbour. I had to be at work at 4 a.m. every day and have the clips on his desk by 7 a.m. That job was the building block for my entire career and my reputation was of someone who is willing to work his butt off and come in early for the cause. There is no amount of money you can place on earning that.

Each day is completely different than the day prior. Each policy advisor on Capitol Hill is given a lot of issue responsibilities to cover. All of these are usually handled simultaneously while meeting with constituents in

order to help them address problems that may or may not have anything to do with what is currently being discussed on the floor of the Senate. This keeps me on my toes and it’s what makes this job incredibly exciting and rewarding.

Chiefs of the Hill Kappa Alpha Order

In Public Service

The following men are candidates, elected officials, or soon to be sworn-in public servants. They represent our known listing of all KAs in Congress, state-wide office, or those running. Here's a little bit about each of them.

Richard Hudson (Epsilon Xi – North CarolinaCharlotte ’90) Congressman-elect (NC-08)

Born in Franklin, Virginia on November 4, 1971 Richard and his wife, Renee, live in Concord, North Carolina Finished first in his five-way primary and winning a runoff with 64% of the vote Served the 8th District as District Director for Congressman Robin Hayes and led the Congressman’s Concord and Rockingham offices for six years Served as a Chief of Staff in Washington for five years KA: Former Number I of Epsilon Xi Chapter

Robert Pittenger (Omicron – Texas ’67) Congressman-elect (NC-09) Born and raised in Texas, Robert was the youngest of four children Three-term Republican State Senator in North Carolina Several KAs worked for and volunteered on his campaign KA: Hosted the Charlotte Convivium on January 19, 2012 at his home KA: Former Number III of Omicron Chapter

Cook: My first real job was in high school when I was a bus boy at an Italian restaurant in my hometown where I worked alongside some folks who had two or three other jobs. That experience really hit home with me. I came to appreciate that a good work ethic and positive attitude can go a long way; that and a few tricks on how to get rid of the constant garlic butter smell out of my clothes. Scandling: I ran a small weekly newspaper outside of Fredericksburg, Virginia. I did everything. Wrote stories. Designed the paper. Took photos. Managed a small staff. I learned that if you treat people well they would respond in kind.

What got you interested in public service and how did you end up where you are now? Shields: I grew up in England and I am half English. When I was 9, Margaret Thatcher was elected Prime Minister in the UK. When I was 10, Ronald Reagan was elected President. I call them my surrogate political parents. My father was retired US Air Force working for NSA. We were overseas on a mission that was bigger than us and political issues were dinner table topics because it was a big part of the lives we lived. When I was 12 the U.S. put nuclear missiles into bases in Britain, causing an uproar. It was a change in US policy – Ronald Reagan no longer wanted to contain communism. He wanted to create a very expensive arms race that he knew they couldn’t win and bankrupt them. (It worked). I was attending a British school where we wore uniforms. I had not really identified myself as an American much. But when other children started wearing buttons for the “Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament” with peace symbols to protest the nuclear missiles, I asked my father how it was that they were allowed to break the uniform code. He told me the teacher’s must be sympathetic to their political cause. So I Fall/Winter 2012

put a “Peace Through Strength” NATO pin on my uniform, which was very provocative. You could say the rest is history. Cook: I’ve always been interested in our system of government and politics in general. I owe a lot to KA because if I never had been selected as an E. Fleming Mason Memorial Intern 2005, my life would be a lot different. Soon after completing my internship, I networked using my newly gained KA contacts in the D.C. area to land at job at the White House and a few years later, in the U.S. Senate. Calvo: From a very early age, my parents – and my mother in particular – were very active in local politics and helping out with campaigns. As a result, I found myself helping out with bumper stickers and mailers. When I was 12, I interviewed former Representative Charles H. Taylor (R-NC) for a civics project. With all of that activity, I just gravitated towards this field, became a Political Science major, and in college, I interned for Congressman Taylor in 2000 and 2001.

What advice would you give brothers that want to find themselves in D.C. after graduation? Scandling: Start networking now. Be aggressive, but understand you are going to start at the bottom and not get paid much. Remember, the cream always rises to the top. Simms: Take advantage of any opportunity to get your foot in the door with the career you’re pursuing. Right after graduating two brothers from George Mason (Marty McGuinness and Mike Shields) and I started our careers with the most entry of entry-level jobs. We weren’t making any money, didn’t have insurance but it was a start…and it was the most fun time of my life. Today, all three of us are still working in politics and have been very successful in our careers.


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Holladay: The single best piece of advice I got was to read. Read everyday! Stay up to date on current and political events. If nothing else, read the front page of the Wall Street Journal, which has a news summary, but there are many good sources of information in D.C.. Knowledge is the currency of D.C. and what you know and how well you know it matter. Cook: Start volunteering on a congressional campaign or at a local congressional office. Even if it is stuffing envelopes one Saturday a month, having that experience can really provide some great networking opportunities to get you to D.C..

Why and how did you join KA? Shields: I got involved with KA because a group of friends and I had no interest in being in a fraternity. We had seen the buffoonery and dumb hazing of the other fraternities on campus and thought it was juvenile. But we also thought something was missing from our college experience. Second semester freshman year we found a group of guys starting a new KA chapter on campus and we joined them to help become founders of the chapter. Calvo: During Greek rush my freshman year, I always felt the most comfortable at KA events because I simply thought that these guys were the most like me. Many of them came from my home state or region, and they all seemed to have my core set of values. After my time as an active, both personally and professionally, I have tried to connect with and surround myself with individuals with those similar attributes.

Are you still in contact with your chapter brothers? Shields: As many people as I have met and as many friends that I have been lucky to make, the closest most important friends I have to this day are my Epsilon Phi brothers. Without question.

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Fall/Winter 2012

Whether in the Congressional Member's office, or tucked away in the Rotunda, staff and KA brothers work day and night for the betterment of the country.

Chiefs of the Hill

Chris Cook tries to manage two phones at one time, probably an easier task to some that others. Cook works in Sen. Isakson's (GA) office.

Fall/Winter 2012


The Kappa Alpha Journal

KA In Public Service (continued) Simms: Talk to some nearly every day…and more than 10 of us have an annual guys’ weekend together. Cook: Of course, I was a groomsman in my little brother’s wedding just this past June.

Many of you are former Number Is. How does that experience translate to your success? Calvo: In 2001, I had the honor of serving as my chapter’s Number I. I believe that serving in this role for my chapter was the one thing that most prepared me to work in any industry after graduation – and especially politics. During that year of service, I learned very quickly how much responsibility and pressure can be placed on a 21 year old. I learned that any and all decisions will be scrutinized by some sector of the active membership. I learned that sometimes, doing what is right is not always popular. I learned how to maintain my composure during crisis situations, and how – under the leadership of my Number VI – to turn a budget of red ink into one that was in the black for our successors. I was forced to be the face of the chapter to NAO and campus administration, so I had to constantly work on my networking skills and areas of mediation for the chapter. How did this translate into my current career? On Capitol Hill, you are forced to think and act quickly, and you are forced to make difficult decisions – many of which will not be popular. So, I believe that there was no better preparation for my current role than serving as Number I for my chapter.

How has membership in Kappa Alpha Order benefited you professionally?

have the best job in D.C. and to please let me know if there were any openings whether it was opening mail or just answering the phone. Turned out, there was an opening in in their very office. Because of KA I got an interview and because of what KA taught me, I got the job a week later.

worked with the chapter, the university, and community leaders on important issues. The sense of duty and excellence instilled by my KA training has been invaluable over the years. Calvo: I believe that being a member of KA has been incredibly beneficial to me both personally and professionally, and that is due in large part to the ideals by which we live and the expectation we have for ourselves. I try to embody those ideals by treating individuals in Washington – no matter what their position or party affiliation – with the same dignity and respect with which I expect to be treated. Furthermore, I have always believed that a gentleman is diligent and hardworking, and I personally transfer that to how I approach my career.

Why is it important for you to support the Order, what it stands for, and what we do for our younger members? Calvo: As someone who lives in Washington and works in politics, I try to remind myself of the ideals of KA by thinking about the opening line of Lee’s definition of a gentleman. “The forbearing use of power does not only form a touchstone, but the manner in which an individual enjoys certain advantages over others is a test of a true gentleman.” As KA’s, we are taught the importance of pursuing excellence, and the values of the Order help remind us of that we all can reach that ultimate goal through hard work, humility, and a sense of appreciation for the opportunities that we are provided.

Shields: It helps in three ways: 1. It prepared me well for a career in politics. My job is very much about networking, building relationships, and problem solving, all skills I learned through KA. 2. It helps me in terms of reputation. When I meet political people from certain regions of the country, telling them I’m a KA instantly gives me credibility and that I understand where they are coming from culturally and that I am a part of a respected institution. 3. It helps me network on Capitol Hill with other KAs – although we need to improve our alumni presence here.

Shields: KA has meant so much to me in my life that I feel a debt of gratitude towards it and always look to give back. It not only provided me with my best friends, it gave me direction and helped clarify the values that I had been raised within the context of the real world. And to this day it still helps provide me with new friends and new opportunities.

Do you have a unique KA & Washington, D.C. networking story to share?

Simms: I can say that without a doubt I would not be where I am today and doing what I do today if it wasn’t for being a KA at George Mason. Personally and professionally I am a better person because of my KA experience.

Shields: The Magnolia Lodge of which I am a member is unique. It is a masonic lodge made up of only KA alumni from all over the country. D.C. is the perfect place for a lodge like this – there are people here from all over the country. Cook: While I was looking for my first job in D.C., I was at a KA luncheon and seated across from someone, who at the time, worked in the White House. I told them that they must

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Fall/Winter 2012

Member of Congress (AR-03) Native of Russellville, Arkansas Retired from the military in 2009 after 30 years of service as Lt. Col. Married to his wife, Terri, for 27 years. They have three sons and one grandson, Liam KA: Founding and Former Number I of Epsilon Zeta Chapter

The Hon. Charles Boustany (Gamma Phi – LouisianaLafayette ’74) Member of Congress (LA-07) Cardiovascular surgeon with more than 20 years of experience First elected in 2004, Boustany is serving his fourth term Raised in Lafayette, Louisiana He and his wife Bridget reside in Lafayette and have two adult children KA: Regularly meets with E. Fleming Mason Memorial Interns each summer

The Hon. Robert Aderholt (Phi – Birmingham-Southern ’86) Member of Congress (AL-04) Serving his eighth term Born on July 22, 1965, and raised in Alabama Aderholt and his wife, Caroline, reside in Haleyville with their daughter, Mary Elliott, and their son, Robert Hayes Member of House Committee on Appropriations, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Homeland Security, serves on the House Cybersecurity Task Force KA: Regular attendance at the Fraternity & Sorority PAC dinner, always sits at the “KA” table

Holladay: KA was a great foundation for leadership and learning to work as part of a team. We had a great chapter at Emory University (Epsilon Chapter) and those were truly formative years in which we

The Hon. Stephen A. Womack (Epsilon Zeta – Arkansas Tech ’78)

KA In Public Service

City Coun


The Hon. Roy D. Blunt (Alpha Eta – Westminster ’89)

The Hon. Tate Reeves, Lt. Gov. (Alpha Mu – Millsaps ’93)

Junior United States Senator from Missouri, elected in 2010

Lieutanant Governor of Mississippi

Member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and the Senate Rules Committee Serves as the Ranking Republican on the Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies. Blunt is also the Ranking Republican on the Commerce Subcommittee on Competitiveness, Innovation, and Export Promotion Married to Abigail Blunt and has four children: Matt Blunt, Missouri’s 54th Governor; Amy Blunt, an attorney in Kansas City, Mo.; Andy Blunt, an attorney in Jefferson City; and Charlie (age 7) KA: Hosted E. Fleming Mason Memorial Intern in his office this past summer.

Led the 52-member State Senate Named Legislator of the Year by the Mississippi Municipal Association in 2012 He is an honors graduate of Millsaps College and holds a bachelor’s degree in economics He and Elee Williams Reeves, have three daughters, Sarah Tyler, Elizabeth Magee and Madeline Tate KA: Member, Irwin Province Court of Honor

By Rick Moore

Chief Financial Officer for the State of Florida


COL Scott Lingamfelter (Beta Commission – VMI ’08) Candidate for Lt. Governor of Virginia

Two KAs agree, disagree, and serve for free

Jeff Atwater (Beta Zeta – Florida ’78)

Worked as a community banker for more than 25 years Received his Bachelor’s degree in Finance and Masters of Business Administration from the University of Florida

Born on March 27, 1951 in New York, New York Member of the Virginia House of Delegates from the 31st district, first elected in 2002 Announced his candidacy, in June 2012, for the Republican nomination for Lieutenant Governor in 2013 KA: Member, Ammen Province Court of Honor (2012)


The Hon. Earl Ray Tomblin (Alpha Rho – West Virginia ’78) The 35th Governor of West Virginia Received undergraduate degree from West Virginia University Received MBA from Marshall University Self-employed businessman and former school teacher Married for 32 years to First Lady Joanne Jaeger Tomblin and they have one son, Brent who is working towards his undergraduate degree from Marshall University

Fall/Winter 2012

n an election year a lot is said about public

service, about taking the lead in making our country a better place, by men and women who claim they want to do it in the spirit of love and selflessness. Quite often that ends up not being the case. But two KA brothers in the Lone Star State are setting an example that we all wish more public servants would follow. In Flower Mound, Texas, just a few minutes north of the Dallas-Fort Worth airport, two KA brothers from different schools are helping guide the growth of a prosperous city that, in 2012, was number 32 on CNN Money Magazine’s list of the 100 Best Places to Live in the U.S., and number 19 on that magazine’s list of the Top Earning Towns in the nation. Flower Mound City Councilman Steve Dixon (Gamma Lambda – North Texas ’85) and Mayor Tom Hayden (Theta – Kentucky ‘87) are proud of the work they’re doing in their city, and both say they are doing that work with servants’ hearts. One might suppose that, in a growing city of nearly 70,000 that is attracting the attention of the national media, the mens’ positions – especially the mayor’s job – would offer some financial recompense. But nothing could be further from the 22

The Kappa Alpha Journal


“What Steve says is very accurate,” Hayden says, “but part of my own experience in that my grandfather was the mayor of Abilene, Texas in the 1930s and ‘40s, so I’ve always had an interest in public service. But also, in both our cases, it’s a part of our religious upbringings, being involved. We’re both strong believers and I think that’s played a lot into it. Part of being a Christian is to help others.”


“We don’t agree on everything, but we can disagree and go on to the next thing and not have there be any animosity, and a big part of the reason for that is being part of KA.”

truth, as both men put in long hours, and answer their phones anytime of the day and night, for no money. They say part of the reason for their willingness to serve is the result of tenets and values they learned as KA brothers in college.

“KA instilled in us a servant’s heart ... we were encouraged in KA to become officers and become leaders, to go bigger and better, onward and upward.”

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Flower Mound, Texas, mayor Tom Hayden (left) and city councilman Steve Dixon are both KA brothers serving in city government.


Fall/Winter 2012

“KA definitely instilled a sense of service in me,” says Dixon, who was twice elected number two in Gamma Lambda. “KA instilled in us a servant’s heart, pushed us to get involved and become leaders. It was something that was instilled in us as we went through pledgeship, and we were also encouraged in KA to become officers and become leaders, to go bigger and better, onward and upward.”

“KA does a very good job at instilling in young men a sense of community and a sense of responsibility for helping others,” Dixon continues. “I believe those should be instilled at both the collegiate level and after you graduate, in both business and in your community. I’ve used the leadership qualities I developed in KA throughout my career and in my life in public service.” Both men are married with families and solid careers, as Hayden is involved in the insurance industry after a long stint in financial services, and Dixon is a health insurance broker as the owner of “It’s nice serving with Steve, and there’s a lot of joking and kidding around that goes on between the two of us,” Hayden says. “We don’t agree on everything, but we can disagree and go on to the next thing and not have there be any animosity, and a big part of the reason for that is being part of KA. I can’t say it works like that all the time with other people. But in part because of our KA connection, Steve and I are able to be friends and have objective conversations about what’s best for our town.” “Our economy (in Flower Mound) is doing very well, but it’s not because of anything that I’ve done as mayor,” Hayden continues. “That’s the neat thing about our council – anything that we’ve done, it’s not a ‘Tom achievement,’ it’s always something Steve and I or Steve and the rest of the council did, it’s a body and not an individual. Steve and I didn’t know each other until we served together on the council, but we’ve developed a good friendship working together and trying to make our town better.” While the two men have forged a bond since becoming involved in city government, as well as learning that they were both KA brothers, Hayden reiterates that they don’t always see eye to eye on everything. “We respectively feel free to disagree with each other,” Hayden says, “and we treat each other with respect.” “And when Tom doesn’t agree with me,” Dixon jokes, “I’m very polite and just tell him he’s flat-out wrong.”

A Summer to Remember The 2012 E. Fleming Mason Memorial Internship

The E. Fleming Mason Memorial Internship Program was created to provide deserving undergraduates the opportunity to gain professional work experience while living in Washington, D.C. and to become educated and informed on both the public and private sectors of our national government. Applications for the 2013 summer internship are available on our website.

What surprised you most about your experience in D.C.? Gautreau: Even though D.C. is a major city, there is still a small town feel to it. Like all major cities, D.C. has something for everyone. But since young professionals in D.C. are in the same position, it was easy to meet people and find good friends. I never felt “lost.” Bullis: It is eye opening to see how much of the government is run by individuals in their 20’s. The reports that are read by the most powerful people in America are mostly from the desk of a young professional. This makes offices fun environments to work in and a great place to build your skill set as an intern. Do you see our system of government and body of politics any differently now? If so, how? Froeberg: After working on business development and legislative projects for clients, I recognize how much politics and government organizations can

2012 E. Fleming Mason Memorial Interns This past summer, these five Kappa Alpha’s, who were selected previously by a committee of alumni through an extensive application process, were placed in the following internships:

Damon Gautreau

(Alpha Gamma - Louisiana State ’10) American Business Development Group

Jonathan Strope

What would you say to prospective brothers who are interested in this internship?

(Alpha Kappa - Missouri ’09) National Institutes of Health (National Cancer Institute)

Stephen Denton

(Phi - Birmingham-Southern ’09) LS Group

Tyler Bullis

(Alpha Delta - William Jewell ’10) Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO)

Zachary Froeberg

(Alpha Xi – California ’09) Cassidy & Associates

affect business. The many layers of the federal government that a company must navigate to permit one project are astonishing. I knew about the process, but didn’t realize how proactive and aggressive you need to be to finish a successful infrastructure project.

Denton: Having worked for a political fundraising organization, it is an understatement to say that my view of the government and politics has changed. While politics is a form of public service, it is also very much an industry, and many people’s jobs hinge on

Fall/Winter 2012

the success of certain elected officials. There is a distinction between the political and the professional world of politics. As a result, professionals in the political arena work just as much for their own selfinterest as they do for the interest of the politicians that are their clients.


Strope: Apply! There is simply no excuse not to apply for this experience that will change your life. I have worked with the greatest doctors in their respective fields and gained experience that very few medical interns have had. I have shaken hands with Mitt Romney, traveled to New York and Delaware to campaign with Ann Romney. I have met billionaires that run the world daily, and met numerous Senators and Congressmen. I have seen this nation’s history from many different views and locations like Speaker Boehner’s personal balcony that faces the

The Kappa Alpha Journal

National Mall. You will never in your life experience the things that this internship provides. Bullis: No one in our group was a political science major and we all immensely benefited from this summer. I would recommend that everyone that meets the requirements of the program should at least apply. Denton: You will build incredible friendships, learn almost more than you can take in, and put yourself in position to take your professional career to a level that would not be possible otherwise. The fact that KA facilitates and sponsors an internship opportunity of this caliber puts our Order a cut above any other organization in the fraternity world. Has this internship changed your plans for the future? If so, how? Bullis: I will definitely be working in the government in some capacity now. The scope of work is so wide that it can appeal to just about everyone.



It also has shown me how important the government is to every person in this country. Froeberg: My time in D.C. has led me to reexamine my future academic and professional track. I was unsure about when I wanted to apply to graduate school, but I have now decided to pursue a job—possibly in D.C.—before going back to school. My experience exposed me to several great mentors who helped shape my career plans. How have you grown as a KA in this experience?


Gautreau: One of the most important things for a KA brother to do is to always conduct himself as a gentleman. Holding myself to that standard every day has earned me the respect of my superiors, peers and close friends in this experience. Secondly, without the contributions of other brothers, this would not be possible. I have a sense of duty and honor to always give back to the Order, and live forever KA.

The Kappa Alpha Journal



Fall/Winter 2012

Froeberg: To be honest, I was a little concerned that I would feel lost being from the west coast. Once I stepped off the plane in Virginia, I couldn’t have been more wrong. I’ve learned more about the Order and made some amazing new friends that share the KA bond of brotherhood.

Denton: Before this experience, I don’t think I really understood the magnitude of KA. It truly is an Order, and cannot be reduced to just a college fraternity. I think the other Mason interns will agree that we are greatly indebted to KA and to each other for the opportunities and relationships that will come as a result of this experience.

Alumni News

Decorated General Retires Above: Maj. Gen. Merdith W.B. “Bo” Temple (left), deputy commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, discusses blueprints for the ladder extension project of the dredge “Hurley” with Col. Tom Smith, commander of Memphis District, and Curtis Pigram, metal worker and welder leader, in the Metal Shop of Ensley Engineer Yard in November 2009. Temple retired from the U.S. Army Aug. 31, 2012. (Photo by James Pogue, Memphis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)

Maj. Gen. Merdith W.B. (Bo) Temple, deputy commanding general of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), retired from the U.S. Army on Aug. 31 after serving the nation for more than 37 years. Temple was initiated into Kappa Alpha Order by the Beta Commission after graduation from the Virginia Military Institute in 1975. Temple served as deputy commanding general since January 2010. Among his accomplishments, Temple served the longest stint as acting commander in the history of USACE June 2011 to May 2012. Temple is a native of Richmond, Va., and a 1971 graduate of that city’s Thomas Jefferson High School. He graduated from the Virginia Military Institute with a bachelor’s

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degree in civil engineering in 1975, and was commissioned a lieutenant in the Engineer Branch of the U.S. Army. He also holds a master’s degree in civil engineering from Texas A&M University, and is a graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College and the U.S. Army War College. Temple’s achievements and awards include the Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit (two oak leaf clusters), the Bronze Star Medal (two oak leaf clusters), Joint Service Commendation Medal, Defense Meritorious Medal and other service and unit awards. He holds the Master Parachutist badge. In 2010, Engineering News Record magazine recognized Temple as one of its top 25 newsmakers.

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Alumni News

California State – Bakersfield Epsilon Upsilon Jarrett Fisher, ’99, has been named Assistant Dean of Students at Princeton University beginning August 2012. Jarrett provides leadership to various student organizations and university facilities. The Citadel Theta Commission Tony Lackey, ’11, was recently inducted into Army Military Intelligence Hall of Fame. In the history of Army Military Intelligence, just 233 soldiers and civilians have been inducted into the Military Intelligence Hall of Fame. Retired Army Col. Tony Lackey, former assistant commandant for discipline, is among them. Lackey was inducted on September 14 and presented with the Knowlton Award recognizing individuals who have contributed significantly to the promotion of Army military intelligence in ways that stand out in the eyes of the recipients, their superiors, subordinates, and peers.

Florida State Gamma Eta Todd P. Resavage, ’88, has been named an Administrative Law Judge in Tallahassee, Florida. Wyman R. “Rick Wade, ’67, has been named the Oustanding Lawyer Citizen for 2011-2012 by the Arkansas Bar Association/Arkansas Bar Foundation. The award is given in recognition of outstanding participation in and excellent performance of civic responsibilities demonstrating high standards of professional confidence and conduct. In addition to a private law practice, he serves as assistant city attorney for Fort Smith, Arkansas, and is an adjunct professor at the University of Arkansas at Fort Smith where he serves as Alumnus Advisor for our Zeta Rho Chapter. Louisiana Tech Gamma Alpha Dr. James Sandefur, ’60, was recently appointed to the Board of Trustees of Southern College of Optometry in Memphis, Tennessee. Dr. Sandefur is a 1965 graduate of S.C.O. He opened The Vision Clinic in Oakdale, Louisiana in 1968 and practiced Optometry from then until 2005 when he retired from active practice. He is currently serving as the Executive Director of the Optometry Association of Louisiana and is a member

The Kappa Alpha Journal

and Secretary of the La. State Board of Optometry Examiners.Jim continues to reside in Oakdale with his wife Lana. Middle Tennessee State Delta Lambda J.B. Baker, ’69, chairman of the board for Volunteer Express Inc. and owner of Sprint Logistics, LLC and Baker South real estate development, was awarded the Jennings A. Jones Champion of Free Enterprise Award by Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU). Established in 1998, the award recognizes one member of the business community whose outstanding career exemplifies the ideals of free enterprise through any combination of entrepreneurship, governmental involvement, participation in civic and charitable affairs and education. Mississippi State Beta Tau Lieutenant Colonel Chandler Seagraves, ’90), USMC, (second from left) was recently awarded the Bronze State for his actions in Afghanistan in 2011.

Northern Arizona Epsilon Tau Matthew Spilsbury, ’04, was recently married on July 7, 2012 in Prescott, Arizona to his beautiful wife Laura who he met during my time at Northern Arizona. Oklahoma Beta Eta Lee West, ’49, was recently inducted into the Oklahoma State Hall of Fame. West received his juris doctorate from the OU College of Law. He was admitted to the Oklahoma State Bar in 1956 and worked in private practice until 1961. That year he joined the OU’s law school faculty. In 1962-63 he was a Ford Foundation Fellow in Law Teaching at Harvard Law School, where he received an LLM degree. In 1963 he returned to private practice and served as a labor arbitrator for the National Mediation Board. The governor appointed him first as a district judge in the 22nd Oklahoma judicial district. He was also a special justice of the Oklahoma Supreme Court and Court of Criminal Appeals. President Nixon appointed him to the Civil Aeronautics Board and President Carter designated

Mississippi State Left to right, is Seagrave’s son, John O Connor (Alpha Omega – North Carolina State ’11), Lt. Col. Seagraves, Col. Richard Armstrong (Beta Tau – Mississippi State ’65), and his son, Jason Armstrong (Beta Tau – Mississippi State ’94).


Fall/Winter 2012

James A.W. Rembert, ’08, was awarded The Citadel’s highest award for exemplary and outstanding service to the Citadel with the Palmetto Medal. The medal is annually bestowed to one non-cadet by the Citadel Board of Visitors and requires a unanimous vote of the Board. In doing so, the Board cited Rembert’s service as an infantry officer, paratrooper and Army Ranger during his two years of active military duty. From 1968, until his retirement in 2005, Rembert had a distinguished teaching career as a Professor of English, both at The Citadel, as well as at Cambridge University in England, and Guangdong University in China. He has continued his special pride

in the U.S. military, serving as a consultant to the Medal of Honor Museum and the American Battle Monuments Commission. He continues his love of literature and the writing arts as Associate Editor of the Charleston Mercury. He is the first and current Chairman of the Theta Commission.

Alumni News him acting chairman. After another stint in private practice, West was appointed to the federal bench and served as chief judge of the Western District of Oklahoma. Since taking senior status in 1994, he has remained active in many cases in various levels of the court. Purdue Epsilon Rho Brett Moore, ’08, a former Number I, married Emily Ann Kassebaum, a Phi Sigma Rho alumna from Purdue, on June 9, 2012 in Mexico, Indiana. Several Epsilon Rho active and alumni brothers were in attendance. Frampton Province Commander Jeff Love officiated at the ceremony but not due to his KA office! The couple now resides in Decatur, Illinois where Brett is employed by Archer Daniels Midland (ADM). Randolph-Macon Zeta James A. Baber, IV, ’91, has been named a 2012 Allen & Allen Hometown Hero in Richmond, Va. Jim was chosen out of hundreds of candidates who are responsible for community initiatives and acts of kindness. In 2005, Baber memorialized a friend, Tad DuPriest (Zeta – RandolphMacon ’92) after Tad tragically lost his life in a car accident while volunteering to drive children home from a miniature golf outing. For half a decade, Jim has served as President of the Tad DuPriest Foundation where he had lead fundraising efforts. Additionally, Jim has helped raise over $530,000 for the ASK Childhood Cancer Center where he actively volunteers for and serves on the board.

Richmond Eta Andrew Bloom, ’09, was recognized with the “Alumni Award” at the University of Richmond’s Robins School of Business Senior Recognition Dinner on April 11, 2012 at the Virginia Museum. Roanoke Beta Rho Barret Lang, ’06, has recently opened “Bear’s Honeypot” store in Odenton, Maryland after years of building strong relationships with a variety of local food producers. Lang recognized a need – to make their products available to local communities in a way that offers easy access for consumers and fair prices all around. Lang graduated from South River High School in 2003 and Roanoke College in 2007. Bear’s Honeypot specializes in local, organic foods and specialty items. They attend a variety of farmer’s markets throughout the MD/VA/D.C. region and also have a retail store in Odenton, Maryland. For more information, visit Southern California Beta Sigma Thomas Barrack Jr. ’69, founder, chairman and CEO of Los Angeles-based Colony Capital LLC, one of the world’s largest private equity real estate firms, was elected to the USC Board of Trustees on June 6. Barrack founded Colony Capital in 1991. As chairman, he has invested approximately $45 billion in assets worldwide and oversees a global organization located in 13 cities and 10 countries. Barrack is a current director of First Republic Bank, one of the largest private wealth banks in the United States; Accor SA, the largest European hotel group; the Fall/Winter 2012

Fairmont Hotel Group, one of the largest international hotel groups; and Kerzner International Holdings Ltd., an international gaming and hospitality company. In 2005, Barrack received an honorary doctorate from Pepperdine University, where he is a member of the University Board, a national advisory body. An avid surfer and polo player, Barrack resides in Los Angeles and also owns and operates a vineyard and horse ranch in Santa Ynez, Calif., with his children. Tarleton State Epsilon Pi Mike Leese, ’86, is now the Executive Director of Student Life Development at Tarleton State University. Tennessee Pi Bob Lyon, ’71, is now the Vice President for University Advancement at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. He was previously in the same position at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. He was instrumental in the early founding of the now Zeta Upsilon Chapter at UT-Chattanooga. Texas State Epsilon Iota Aaron Cauble, ’02, owns a property management company, Hill Country Concierge LLC, in the Texas Hill Country. They service secondary lake and ranch homes. You can find them online at www. Tulsa Mu William “Bill” Lissau, ’62, retired as the president of the William K. Warren Foundation at the end of 2011. His retirement came after thirty 28

The Kappa Alpha Journal

years with the Foundation which has given away more than $400 million in that timeframe. Lissau’s tenure has bridged three generations of Warrens, beginning with the late W.K. Warren Sr. and continuing with Bill Jr. and Bill Jr.’s son John-Kelly. He is largely credited with bringing Bill Jr. and John-Kelly back to Tulsa to preside over the family’s business and philanthropic interests. United States Military Academy Sigma Alpha Commission Colonel Thomas Hiebert, ’12, was recently appointed to the national Board of Directors for the Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society. Valdosta State Delta Rho Dr. George J. Myers IV, ’07, and his wife Lindsay W. Myers will be moving to Toledo, Ohio, where he will complete a medical residency in General Surgery. George is a 2012 graduate of Georgia Campus-Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. Virginia Military Institute Beta Commission J. Patrick Kelly, ’11, hosted a group of 25 University students from Northern Ireland, who came to Tuscaloosa, Alabama to donate a week of their summer internships (in the USA) building houses for Habitat For Humanity in Tuscaloosa. He contacted the Alpha Beta (Alabama) Number I and Alumnus Advisor for assistance. They opened the KA house and held a “welcome” party for our students even thought it was during summer vacation. About 10-12 active KA brothers (with dates) served hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, and related

Alumni News

GATHERING OF THE GRAY A year or so ago, several Gamma Alpha alumni began thinking of how good it would be to visit with some of their fraternity brothers from years gone by. Working independently, Bill Carter, Jim Cozine, and Jon Bond began writing and calling brothers they had kept in contact with over the years, discussing the possibility of a reunion. Initially, the plan was to get together at La. Tech’s Homecoming in 2012. Due to the lack of rooms in Ruston during this weekend, plans changed to “near homecoming” – October 5 and 6. The alumni sent and collected bio sheets on each of their brothers from 1957-1965. One hundred and forty brothers and wives made reservations. Events included an open house at the KA house with the Active Chapter

in attendance. Next was a tour of the old President’s Home. Former Roses gave statements about their college experiences, military members were honored, and deceased brothers were memorialized. The Active Chapter presented on their current state of affairs. On Saturday, everyone took a campus tour and remarked on the differences between their time on campus and the present. The night’s football game was an exciting one, with La. Tech winning big over UNLV and placing them in the Top 25 in the country. There has been some talk about another reunion. Time will tell. Many thanks go out to all the alumni who made the event a success. – Scott Markham (Gamma Alpha – Louisiana Tech '63)

“American BBQ” food for the Irish and adult coordinators. Twice during the week, the chapter arranged for their Irish guests to use the Alabama swimming complex (temperatures were 95-100 degrees, versus an average Irish summer temp range of 69-75) which literally saved lives!

leadership gift to renovate and expand Reynolds Gym, creating a facility with more than 250,000 square feet of space dedicated to fitness and well-being. The facility will bring the elements of campus life, student health, academics, student recreation and NCAA Division I athletics under one roof.

Major General John Knapp, ’54, was recently honored as the first Virginian to receive the Boy Scouts of America Distinguished Citizen Award. Knapp is a former Superintendent of VMI and former Mayor of Lexington, Va.

Univ. of Washington Zeta Mu Matthew Mitchell, ’99, completed his doctorate in history in May 2012 at the University of Pennsylvania. His wife Elizabeth, 30, sons Malkelm, 8, and Maxwell, 2, and daughter Emmelia, 1 have relocated to Chapel Hill, North Carolina where he is serving a two-year stint as a postdoctoral fellow at UNC. Wake Forest Tau Ben Sutton, ’78, has long been a champion for Wake Forest. Now a new generation of Wake Foresters is cheering for Sutton in gratitude of a

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Wingate Zeta Zeta Landon Owen, ’99, is a member of the alumni advisory committee for Zeta Zeta chapter. He is also the Director of Ticket Sales for Bristol Motor Speedway. West Virginia Alpha Rho Paul Farmer, ’52, was recently inducted into the Order of the Vandalia wich was established to honor 29

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the service of individualas to WVU with a distinctive award equivalent to an honorary degree. The ceremony of induction is held in conjuction with WVU commencement exercises. Over the years as president of the WVU alumni association in Washington, D.C., Farmer instituted a successful fundraiser known as “The Crab Feast” which has raised over $200,000 for WVU and given Farmer the affectionate nickname, the “Head Crab.” Western Carolina Delta Alpha Jeff Wilson, ’77, has accepted the position of General Manager at Badin Inn and Golf Club in Badin, North Carolina.

Washington College Beta Omega Brian Krist, ’02, recently left the New York City Department of Investigation to become an agency

attorney prosecuting employee disciplinary cases for the New York City Administration for Children’s Services.

Alumni News

Vanderbilt Alumni Continue to Gather In a dedication to a lifetime commitment to the Order and their fellow brothers, some sub-set of the early 1960’s Chi chapter alumni assemble at least once per year for mini-reunions, travel or other activities. They have done so practically every year since the 1980’s. Some wives of deceased members also join us from time to time. The places where major reunions of 12 and more members and guests have occurred are AL, FL, GA, SC, NC, CA and MT. Minor reunions of 6 to 12 members and guests have been held in France, Turkey, Greece, Belgium, the Caribbean, Canada, Ireland and the Netherlands.

Fall/Winter 2012


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Alumni News


no STor m L ASTS For e v er As a cardiologist, Dr. Terry Gordon dealt with life-and-death circumstances on a daily basis. He learned that life is precious and tenuous; it can change in an instant. Such a dramatic shift occurred when his son, Tyler, was involved in a car accident, sustaining a severe spinal-cord injury that left him paralyzed. As Terry led his family through the experience, he wrote down his observations in a journal. Ultimately, these reflections resulted in a spiritual awakening to a clearer understanding of life and the truths it has to offer. Terry came to learn that our experiences become calamities only if we consciously decide to make tragedies out of them. Rather than lamenting the so-called adversities, we can choose to be grateful for them, embracing them as gifts from the Divine. These gifts provide fertile soil for growth and enlightenment, offering us the opportunity to transform turmoil, disappointment, and suffering into understanding, insight, and resolve . . . and such gifts are presented to you in this beautiful book.

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no STorm LASTS Forever

USA/CAN $12.95 • UK £9.99 Publisher’s Price Higher in Other Countries

Cover design: Amy Rose Grigoriou Photo of Terry Gordon: James Vaughan Photo

Disease Hunter – My Life as a Shoe Leather Epidemiologist

No Storm Lasts Forever By Dr. Terry Gordon (Epsilon – Emory ’69) As a cardiologist, Dr. Terry Gordon dealt with life-and-death circumstances on a daily basis. He learned that life is precious and tenuous; it can change in an instant. Such a dramatic shift occurred when his son, Tyler, was involved in a car accident, sustaining a severe spinal-cord injury that left him paralyzed. As Terry led his family through the experience, he wrote down his observations in a journal. Ultimately, these reflections resulted in a spiritual awakening to a clearer understanding of life and the truths it has to offer. Terry came to learn that our experiences become calamities only if we consciously decide to make tragedies out of them. Rather than lamenting the so-called adversities, we can choose to be grateful for them, embracing them as gifts from the Divine. These gifts provide fertile soil for growth and enlightenment, offering us the opportunity to transform turmoil, disappointment, and suffering into understanding, insight, and resolve . . . and such gifts are presented to you in this beautiful book.

By Martin P. Hines DVM, MPH (Alpha Gamma – Louisiana State ’42) From Dr. Hines: “During my 32-year career in public health, I had the privilege of defining, discovering, and detecting many aspects of animal and human illness as they related to exposure to disease or environmental hazards. It was exciting to be a part of these challenging programs and to see how I, a veterinarian, could have an impact not only on animal disease control but the prevention and/or control of disease in the human population. Finding the answers to problems that impact the health and lives of individuals requires the active engagement of the epidemiologist at the “scene of the crime;” thus, the term, “shoe leather epidemiology. There are thousands of stories I could share. This book contains only a few, such as, Anthrax, Brown Lung Disease, Polio, and more. The book may be purchased by emailing the author at

Strong Advocate: The Life of a Trial Lawyer

The book may be purchased at

By Thomas Strong (Gamma Beta – Missouri State ’48)

By Robert Threat (Gamma Gamma – Memphis ’01)

From reviewer Bruce Miller: “Strong Advocate” is a coming of age story, a frank autobiography, and an informative tour of our legal system over the last fifty years. One need not be a lawyer, or a Missouiran for that matter, to become utterly absorbed in this book. Strong is an American orginial who believes in self-reliance, hard work, and the power of the individual to overcome adversity, but he is entertainingly unpredictable, and connot be pigeonholed. The book avoids the sententiiousness and self-aggrandizement sometimes evidendced by successful people who have written books about their lives. The style is straightforward, and the occasional quotes from poems and historical figures lend this story of an “everyman” who succeeds a certain folksy authenticity.” Thomas Strong is a retired personal injury attorney. The Missouri Association of Trial Attorneys hands out an award in his name each year to honor those who epitomize what a trial lawyer should be. He lives in Springfield, Missouri.

In the book Thead takes a rational look at what life might be like during a 21st Century Second Great Depression, while examining issues he thinks are most important to his generation. From Amazon: “What are the defining issues of a generation? From a park bench in downtown Washington, D.C., to rural Alabama, a young couple find the best and worst in themselves as they face economic catastrophe. National unemployment has reached a record high—except in Washington. The euro currency no longer exists; the student loan crisis has reached its tipping point. Government regulation fueled by corporate interest has shackled the oldest of civilized human activity—agriculture. Martin and Sara persevere as they deal with family, farming and getting by in the Second Great Depression. In a nation where citizens are free to choose, what happens when there are no choices?”

The Sovereign Soil

The book may be purchased at

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Fall/Winter 2012

The book may be purchased at You can contact the author through his website at

On Campus

Editor's Note: Chapter updates are printed if received by the deadline. If your chapter is active and not listed, please contact them to urge them to submit an update for the next issue.

Zeta Upsilon Installed Perseverance leads to a permanent home for KA in Chattanooga By Nick Palmer (Delta Lambda-Middle Tennesse State '04) On October 27th, 39 men from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC) were officially granted a charter and installed as the Zeta Upsilon Chapter of the Kappa Alpha Order. The long road to chartering started in fall 2010 when national staff arrived on campus and began recruiting men who exemplified the values of the Order. It wasn’t easy. “This was not an easy process,” former Number I, Harry Wolverton explained. “The chapter was able to overcome several obstacles. At one time, we thought we might not make it, but the changes turned out to be the best thing that happened to our chapter.” At one point in the summer of 2011, the chapter had nearly 40 brothers. But the UTC provisional chapter had started to drift from their values. Through a series of poor choices, the chapter was disciplined and several memberships were terminated. With just 8 men to begin the fall 2011 semester, the chapter restructured its leadership, and put in place a plan to rebuild

Current Number I Storm Wilson recalls, “We were devastated, we thought it was the end. But with the guidance of the National Administrative Office and the University who never gave up on us, we were able to rebuild better than we ever thought we’d become.” More than a social club As Brother Ben Rapp put it, “We wanted to show the campus that we were not just a social club, that we are a fraternity of gentlemen that strive for excellence in all things. When we lost the majority of our membership we found that we were left with a core group who were there for the right reasons, who believed in the Order and wanted to ensure its success.” The chapter found its identity and this core group was able to grow the chapter dramatically by taking advantage of both formal recruitment and KA’s year-round recruitment system resulting in attaining both quality and quantity. With help from the National Administrative Office and local alumni, the chapter was able to grow a staggering 387% from 8 men in October 2011 to 39 men in October 2012. Fall/Winter 2012


Support equals success Associate Dean of Students, Dr. Sara Johansous wrote a letter of recommendation for chartering which stated, in part, “It continues to be my privilege to partner with Kappa Alpha Order at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. The UTC Provisional Chapter continues to grow and develop through membership and a commitment to academic excellence. As our institution increases in enrollment of undergraduate students, Kappa Alpha Order has provided a unique and cocurricular experience for young men looking to learn and grow through fraternal membership.” The success of Zeta Upsilon chapter is not by chance, but a result of the hard work of many people. Director of Chapter Services, Stuart Whetsell explains. “A good chapter must have support from many places in order to succeed, it’s like a three legged stool. The seat of the stool represents the chapter; each leg, represented by the university and Greek community, local and regional volunteers, and the National Administrative Office support it. If one of the leg is broken, the stool will fall over; as such, a chapter needs equal and cooperative support from each of their supporters.”

The Kappa Alpha Journal

On Campus

“We wanted to show the campus that we were not just a social club, that we are a fraternity of gentlemen that strive for excellence in all things. When we lost the majority of our membership we found that we were left with a core group who were there for the right reasons ... " “The” weekend Brothers from Delta Lambda Chapter at Middle Tennessee State and from Delta Alpha Chapter at Western Carolina made the trip to Chattanooga on October 26th to initiate the 39 new brothers. Then, on the following evening, the chartering banquet and ceremony took place at The Walden Club in downtown Chattanooga. The evening was filled with emotions of excitement as over 130 brothers, friends and parents witnessed the chapter’s long awaited goal come to fruition. The traditional events and presentations captured the night’s excitement. Executive Director Larry Wiese was the Emcee. Dr. Johansous gave remarks on behalf of the university. Feller Province Commander Jim Lawson installed the first Active Chapter Officers and presented them their officer jewels. Senior Councilor, Darren S. Kay presented the traditional Gallo portrait, of Robert

A look into the future Zeta Upsilon chapter overcame adversity and accomplished their goal of becoming a chartered chapter of Kappa Alpha Order, but as Number II Evan Wilson says, “this is just the beginning.” “With the help of our advisors we have put in place a five semester strategic plan that focuses on chapter growth, scholarship, community service, finances and housing initiatives.” This strategic plan is designed to ensure the chapter continues to have direction and focuses its operations on accomplishing the goals set forth. The story of overcoming adversity in KA chapters is not uncommon. It is natural for any organization to struggle when striving to achieve a goal. The brothers of Zeta Upsilon Chapter have shown that any chapter is capable of overcoming what many would call an unrecoverable situation. Think about your chapter. We all fall down, but success is the result of learning to overcome these situations though diligence, hard work and perseverance.

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Fall/Winter 2012

Austin Peay State Zeta Tau The brothers from Zeta Tau Chapter continue to focus on membership growth. Our annual Gentleman’s Week, which was held in April 2012, raised $5,150.00 for MDA and placed us among one of the top fund-raising chapters in the Order! We will, again, host this event during spring 2013 semester, and plans are already underway to top last years fundraising efforts. We will also be selling MDA bracelets throughout the fall 2012 and spring 2013 semesters with all proceeds to benefit MDA. Jesse Brewer became the new SGA president and Brother Bunger became an SGA Sophomore Senator. Tahji Peebles is Director of Administration in the Interfraternity Council, and Sam Mynhier serves as our school mascot, “The Gov,” and adds flavor to all athletic events. At the Student Affairs Awards Ceremony, held in April 2012, Kelvin Rutledge won the coveted Fraternity Man of the Year and Meningall Governors Cup Senior Award and Thomas Carvell won the Adult Student Leader of the Year. Zeta Tau has welcomed, thus far, 10 new members, including legacies; we look forward to continued growth throughout the fall semester. – Zach Wilbanks, V Bowling Green State Zeta Lambda The gentlemen of the Zeta Lambda Chapter raised over $1100 for MDA over the 2012 spring semester, which ranked among the top 3 fraternities on campus. Also, during Greek Weekend

E. Lee in his office Washington College, to the brothers. Then, in front of a captivated audience, Knight Commander officially installed and chartered, the newest chapter in the Order.

Appalachian State Delta Psi On August 29, 2012 Kappa Alpha Order paired with Kappa Delta of Appalachian State University to raise $850 dollars for the Watauga Humane Society at the annual “Bark In The Park” event. Toyota of Boone was the leading sponsor with a charitable contribution of $500 dollars. Thanks to everyone’s’ participation this was the best “Bark In The Park” thus far. – Zac Fontenot, I

On Campus the brothers received a community service award for being one of the top 5 fraternities for community service hours on campus. On September 16th the brothers debuted a new philanthropy event for the fall 2012 semester, which raised over $130 for MDA. On October 10-12 we will be helping Dance Marathon raise money for Children’s Miracle Network. The brothers would also like to give a shout out to our former Number VI, Brandon Mitchell. He is currently participating in an internship with the Lehigh University football team, and we wish him the best of luck. – Derek Brewer, V Drury Beta Iota On August 15, 2012 the chapter teamed up with Pi Beta Phi to help the Springfield Workshop. The Springfield Workshop employ’s around 250 people that have disabilities. We met at the KA house to complete 700 letters that were needed to be hand addressed for an upcoming fundraiser. This fundraiser is for a cafeteria to give the Workshop’s employees a chance to have a nutritious and healthy meal while at work. Florida Beta Zeta The men of Beta Zeta chapter did good in the wee hours of August 23rd. Housemother Pat Arnold was pretty shaken up when she awoke to see an intruder in her suite at the chapter house. She screamed for help and Number I

Mississippi State: Bella the Bulldog helped Beta Tau brothers raise money for MDA.

Southeastern Louisiana: The Epsilon Kappa Chapter new member class, Fall 2012.

Brandon Barger explains that brothers Ty Parker and Tim Knerr tackled the intruder outside the chapter house and held him for 5 minutes until University Police arrived. Ms. Pat was proud of the the young men for their actions. Two weeks later Beta Zeta inducted 22 young men from fall recruitment. A much talked-about alumni weekend was scheduled for November 3rd for the UF vs. Missouri football game. Go Gators! George Mason Epsilon Phi The gentlemen of the Epsilon Phi chapter had a successful fall recruitment and plan on inducting between twelve and fifteen new members. They also participated in their third annual Dulles Day Plane Pull fundraiser, raising over $2,500 for the Special Olympics. The fundraiser doubled as a mixer with the ladies of Alpha Phi, and together they pulled the 145,000 pound airplane twelve feet in just nine seconds. They were also awarded the most spirited team. Dylan Biase, Number I, became the Captain of the George Mason Ice Hockey Team and Brother Peter Milligan became the Vice President of Public Relations for the IFC. – Jason VonCanon, V Houston Baptist Delta Sigma Our chapter recently inducted nine new members. This brings our chapter total to 18 brothers, including one legacy. A few members have gone into leadership

Fall/Winter 2012


positions on campus. Richard Cano, Number IV and V, became President of the Hispanic Student Organization, a Peer Leader for the current freshman class of 2016, assistant sports editor for The Collegian, HBU’s school newspaper, and also became a part of the Student Foundation, select students that represent the student body at functions with potential donors. Anthony Perez, Number II, is a Husky Ambassador. These students give tours to prospective students. He also served as a SOAR leader, (Summer Orientation Advising and Registration), helping incoming freshman register for their first semester, and a Welcome Days Pack Leader. These students are here to welcome students and help them adjust to college a few days before classes. The chapter’s GPA was a 2.74 for the Spring 2012 semester, which was ranked the highest among the fraternities on campus. – Richard Cano, IV, V Indiana State Zeta Iota What a great start the Zeta Iota chapter has had here at Indiana State. We inducted 17 gentlemen this fall semester. At the first of September we had our annual Alumni/Active KAmpout where we were able to set goals for the rest of our year. A campus-wide philantrophy event is being planned. We are working in preparation for Homecoming in October and strive to continue to make KA the true gentlemen of Indiana State. – Brandon S. Davis, V

The Kappa Alpha Journal

On Campus Memphis Gamma Gamma The gentlemen of Gamma Gamma have inducted 18 gentlemen this fall. We have planned many new events this year including a fish fry that several alumni attended. – Anthony Williams, V

Elon: A few members at the MDA Walk in Greensboro, N.C., hang out with their buddy, Hunter (a local MDA representative) for the day.

James Madison Zeta Theta Zeta Theta’s alumni hosted the Active Chapter at FedEx field in Maryland for the JMU vs. WVU football game. Brothers traveled up by bus and enjoyed live music, food, and had an excellent opportunity to network with alumni in a relaxed environment. We look forward to hosting the alumni for homecoming. We also had an MDA fundraiser and pig roast in the spring semester that featured alumnus Asa Kurland’s band “Greasy Hands” ( – Michael Slarve, V

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Fall/Winter 2012

Millsaps Alpha Mu Alpha Mu had another successful fall recruitment. We inducted 19 new members; the largest new member class on campus for the fourth consecutive year. Our annual MDA alumni golf tournament will be held in November. Grades will continue to be a focus as we build on our 3.04 collective GPA from last semester. The chapter would also like to commend Brother Jeb White, who was selected to the 1st Team Preseason All-American Football Team. – John Nolan Killebrew, IV Mississippi Alpha Upsilon The chapter’s membership now rests at 187 active members. Alpha Upsilon has expanded its philanthropy in a commitment to enhancing education. The chapter renewed its sponsorship for a 5K run for scholastic improvements in Belize. We are proud to report that the First Annual Kappa Alpha Classic golf tournament raised $86,000 for scholarship money for the Kelly Kelly

Louisiana-Lafayette Gamma Phi The gentlemen of the Gamma Phi initiated seven new members into the Order this past spring, and we had the second highest GPA on the row and most improved GPA overall in the Greek system. This fall we have inducted 27 members awaiting initiation. We also have members involved in many areas on campus, including Student Government, Greek Bible Study, Speech and Debate, and various intramural sports. In regard to philanthropy our chapter plans to continue our Fish Fry to raise support and funds for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. In conclusion the Gamma Phi Chapter wishes all a great Fall semester as we continue to strive for excellence. – Graham Beduze, V

Louisiana Tech Gamma Alpha Gamma Alpha Chapter at Louisiana Tech plans to set new goals in areas such as involvement, recruitment, philanthropy, and scholarship. Thanks to the support of alumni, we had the opportunity to send four of our Active Members to the Emerging Leaders Academy in Lexington, Virginia, this summer. This was the most participation at ELA that Gamma Alpha has ever had and it has affected the chapter in a positive way. Gamma Alpha currently has four active members in the Student Government Association. Many summer recruitment events have been planned. These events included two skeet shoots and even inviting these guys to our own homes to make them feel more comfortable when deciding to join KA. Most of these recruitment events have already proven successful as we have noticed a continual growth in participation amongst incoming freshmen members. Our annual seesaw-a-thon raised $2000 for MDA, and we hosted two blood drives. Our new philanthropy committee is adding a home-run derby for MDA. Gamma Alpha plans to continue raising the bar scholastically. Our new scholarship program has done well by adding incentives for making better grades. We have focused on giving KA a good name on campus and we plan to continue this by teaching new members what it means to be a gentleman of the Order. – Damon Smith, V

Miami Epsilon Lambda Over the summer, some of the brothers traveled to Central America to perform service work for the poverty-stricken area of El Chonco, Nicaragua. They helped construct multiple modern bathrooms, dug sewage trenches, and befriended many children and adults in the town. For their efforts, our chapter has been asked to return to Nicaragua so we can continue to assist the residents of El Chonco. Besides service work, the chapter is also very excited about our university’s annual Greek Week consisting of various sporting events and other fun-filled activities. The competition this year will be strong, but we hope to come out of the week victorious. – Michael Schrader, V

On Campus Wilbanks Scholarship Endowment. The chapter now boasts 15 honors college members and 7 public policy leadership scholars. Two members, inspired by their D.C. internships, founded the Alexander Hamilton Society an independent organization that focuses on constructive debate regarding foreign, economic, and national security policy. Additionally, the Associated Student Body now has 6 KA senators. The chapter welcomes back members who studied abroad in Spain, Scotland, and Italy. Also Alpha Upsilon has created a new business tutoring program for members. Former members of the chapter have enlisted to the National Guard and Marine Corps. – Neal McMillin, V Mississippi State Beta Tau Beta Tau is proud to have inducted 26 new members into the 2012 Fall new member class on September 3rd. With the induction, Beta Tau has 78 total members. Also, on September 28th, members of Beta Tau will be participating in Chi Omega’s annual Limelight competition, a dance competition between every Greek organization on campus. In addition, members of Beta Tau will be teaming up with the Noxubee Wildlife Refuge near Starkville for a community service project to do various tasks around the refuge. Beta Tau raised $4,325 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association in our annual Bulldogs for a Cause event held on April 20th, 2012. – Trey Renno, I Missouri Alpha Kappa The Spring of 2012 was another successful semester for the Alpha Kappa Chapter. Members participated in Greek Week with the lovely women of Kappa Alpha Theta and placed in not only sporting events, but skit and service as well. The chapter also brought in a spring class of 13 new members. Over the summer, the chapter had another successful formal recruitment, bringing in more than 30 new members for the Fall 2012 class. So far this Fall semester, members have been preparing for Mizzou’s Homecoming competition with the women of Kappa Delta. The chapter

Missouri Southern State: Delta Pi takes largest new member class since 1970s.

is also making a strong effort at alumni outreach, holding its second annual alumni golf tournament after the last year’s huge success. – Ted Schmidt, III Missouri Southern State Delta Pi Brothers from Delta Pi caught word of a lady who was being abused by her husband. She was too scared to reach out for any help, but the brothers found out about the issue and wanted to help. We moved her and all of her belongings out of the house during a safe time. She was incredibly thankful and could barely hold back her tears! Delta Pi inducted 19 gentlemen this fall, more than doubling the chapter to 36 members, which is more than any year since the 1970’s! – TJ Steen, I & Trayton Wehmeyer, V Missouri S&T Beta Alpha On September 8th the brothers from Beta Alpha went on a brotherhood retreat and in turn overcame their fear of heights! Our Number II, Terry Feldewerth planned a trip to The Offsets, a recreation place in Fredericktown, Missouri. It was created during the Civil War as a lead mine to provide bullets, but when news arrived that the Union was drawing near, the mine was flooded. Now the mine is a safe place to go zip-lining, scuba diving, and cliff jumping! Some members really had a hard time, but eventually took the jump from either the 40ft or 70ft cliffs. It

Fall/Winter 2012


was a great brotherhood event and we cannot wait to go back next year. – Evan Thibaud, V Nicholls State Epsilon Beta Epsilon Beta finished the spring with a 3.1 semester GPA. Rusty Bruce attended the Emerging Leaders Academy in Lexington, Va. this past June and was trained in new member education. Over the summer, the diligently recruited new members for the fall. Twelve new members were inducted. Six of our new members teamed up with our chapter president and philanthropy chair during their first week and participated in Sigma Sigma Sigma’s 3rd Annual Running for Robbie 5K philanthropy event held on campus. They provided games and sports beverages to the participants and their families completing a total of 16 ½ hours of community service. Our chapter’s next community outreach project will be the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure held in late October. Our upcoming MDA fundraisier will be held during the week of homecoming. We will sell football mobiles at a table in the student union. Other events have been planned for the spring semester with our MDA District Coordinator. The new officers for the fall semester are Casey Duplantis, Number VII; Nathan Nye, Number VIII; and James Authement, Number IX. Three brothers were nominated for homecoming court: Abram Billiot, Rusty Bruce, and Scott Pellegrin. Three brothers were nominted for Nicholls’ Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges: Scott Pellegrin, Jake Rose,

The Kappa Alpha Journal

On Campus drive have begun. Additionally, we have brothers studying abroad in Thailand, London, Madrid, and Barcelona. We look forward to an exciting semester of chapter growth and brotherhood. – Colin Santoro, IV

Northwestern State: Brothers help with community service project after repairs at the Yucca House, one of the oldest in Nachitoches, La.

and Rusty Bruce. The university also selected four of our brothers to serve on our orientation team: Scott Pellegrin, Blaine Hanchey, Joshua Fabre, and David Skladzien. – Rusty P. Bruce, V North Florida Zeta Nu This semester we have eight members awaiting initiation and we are excited to be going on a brotherhood retreat in October. Next semester we are planning to host a spring fishing tournament with Blackfly, with the proceeds to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association. – Eric Horton, V Northwestern State Gamma Psi Gamma Psi held a community service project with a long time partner, The Association for the Preservation of Historic Natchitoches (APHN), Melrose Plantation, a National Historic Landmark. The members were servers at the May 12 reopening of Yucca House after extensive structural repairs. Yucca is the oldest structure on the property.

Randolph-Macon Zeta We recently completed community service hours by cleaning up and performing maintenance on the highway road our chapter sponsors. Brothers Nicholas Lapres, Number II, Josh Albert, Number IX, and Tolson Musick hold positions on the school’s Inter-Fraternal Council. Also Nicholas Lapres, Justin Thorn, Andrew Rowe, and Josh Albert all made Dean’s List for Fall 2011. Our chapter also consists of 1 campus tour guide, 5 members of varsity sports team, 2 writers for the school news paper, 2 Student Government Delegates, 4 Orientation Leaders, 3 subject tutors, 2 executive officers of Greek Ministries, 2 Judicial Board members, 1 College Life committee member, 3 resident assistants, 1 on-campus EMS squad member, and 1 Senior Class gift President. – Patrick Dugan, V Richmond Eta The Eta chapter has had a successful start to the fall semester here in Richmond. Social events and preparation for the annual KA blood

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Fall/Winter 2012

Southeastern Louisiana Epsilon Kappa In the spring, the chapter worked 820 service hours and raised around $3500 for various philanthropies. On April 6th we initiated three new brothers into the Order: Nick Mayeur, Scott Knight, and Cody Ritter. Epsilon Kappa was awarded $1,000 in the spring by winning Southeastern Louisiana University’s Greek Challenge by being the Greek organization with the most attendance at athletic games. Over the summer we sent seven representatives to the Emerging Leaders Academy in Lexington, Va. who brought back many great ideas for our chapter. We are also proud to announce that on September 9th we inducted nineteen members awaiting initiation. Our goal is to achieve a cumulative chapter GPA above a 3.00 through the success of our newly implemented Scholarship Program, which uses many new incentives to ensure academic success. In November, we will be participating in Hammond, Louisiana’s first MDA Walk fundraiser. -Scott Knight, V

Oklahoma Beta Eta The Beta Eta chapter in Norman, Oklahoma is looking forward to another great year in the days ahead. The chapter inducted 30 members awaiting initiation on Labor Day and hosted a reception and dinner for them and their families. The brothers are working hard in preparation for a remarkable Homecoming this October. We are also having a Blood Drive to support

Operation Crimson Gift on October 3rd and on November 5th we will have a benefit dinner for MDA at Louie’s with Sigma Lambda Gamma. The brothers are also looking forward to the abundance of mixers, other philanthropy events, and community service events that are planned for this semester. – Daniel Applegate, V

Roanoke Beta Rho Academically, the brothers raised their cumulative GPA last semester from a 2.74 to a 3.01, giving Beta Rho the highest GPA of all fraternities on campus, as well as the first time any fraternity achieved a GPA above a 3.0 in over six years. This was also well above the all male average GPA at Roanoke College. In recruitment, six new gentlemen were inducted. These members awaiting initiation will undoubtedly make great additions to Beta Rho. In campus involvement, our chapter holds leadership positions as the Track and Field team captain, Rugby Club team captain, SGA Junior class senator, Treasurer of IFC, President of the National Society for Leadership and Success (NSLS is the largest student organization on campus), Social Chair of NSLS, President of College Republicans, and several other positions. – Andrew J. Bernstein, V

On Campus Duke Alpha Phi Our very own alumnus Alex King has recently began his 5th year at the University of Texas at Austin as the starting punter for the Longhorns. King was the starting punter for Duke during his senior (4th) year and was a standout among his team. He has made the exciting transition from a Blue Devil to a Longhorn and has already made a name for himself on the field. In recent weeks, King was awarded Performer of the Week honors from the College Football Performance Awards. We are excited to chronicle Alex’s endeavors at Texas and wish him luck this season. – John Battinelli, IV Texas-Arlington Provisional (to be rechartered as Delta Iota) The gentlemen of the Provisional Chapter at the University of Texas at Arlington achieved the highest semester GPA out of all IFC chapters on campus. Also, we are working hard on becoming re-chartered with a goal of March 2013 for our restoration. Find us on Facebook, to find out information on upcoming events. – Thomas Seliga, III Texas State Epsilon Iota The brothers from Epsilon Iota are excited about the major renovations done to our fraternity house. We want to thank all of the generous alumni who helped make this happen. The alumni association also funded the trip for four brothers to this summers Emerging Leaders Academy. The gentlemen at KA currently have the third highest GPA on campus. We recently took our largest new member class this fall, including nine legacies. We are all excited the positive growth of our chapter and school. – Dustin Lee Wedelich, V Texas Tech Gamma Chi kappaalphaordertexastech Fall recruitment went even better than expected and we added 31 members awaiting initiation. We are all gearing

up for our big philanthropy event this semester, Kalf Fry. We are excited to have Randy Rogers, Turnpike Troubadours, and The Wheeler Brothers perform. Last year we donated roughly $9,000 to MDA and we are hoping to increase that this year. The 2012-2013 Texas Tech football season began with great excitement for Gamma Chi, not only for tailgating, but because we now have a brother on the team. Kicker Andrew Bowman is our only member to don the red and black jersey. He has performed multiple in-game kickoffs and made a fourth quarter field goal from 21-yards out against Texas State. Congratulations to Andrew! – Benjamin Jordan, V Transylvania Alpha Theta From the brothers from Alpha Theta, we are currently consumed with the process of recruiting quality new brothers. While we certainly enjoy recruitment as one of the most exciting times of the academic year, we take it very seriously because of its impact on the chapter. Alpha Theta is very thorough and selective when extending the opportunity to become a Kappa Alpha, but we are certain that these men will uphold the esteemed morals of the Order. To kickoff recruitment, the Active Chapter held our annual Coke Party during the second week of the

fall semester. This was an opportunity for every active member to meet the potential new members, but also an opportunity for Alpha Theta to communicate the ideals of Kappa Alpha. Following Coke Party, we participated in the university-wide Spirit Night. The gentlemen sang traditional chants, most notably “The Kappa Alpha Rose,” to the numerous women observing. Finally, we hosted an on-campus event that provided an opportunity for all potential new members to spend quality time with and meet the brothers from the Order. We are excited to narrow the perspective class with Smoker invitations. Furthermore, we thrilled to host dozens of alumni from around the southeast at the Smoker. – Don Combs, I Tulsa Mu Both Mu Chapter actives and alumni are excited for the chapter’s 75th anniversary celebration taking place during TU’s Homecoming weekend. Thanks to an alumni and parent fundraiser over the summer, the chapter was able to do necessary upkeep and renovations on the house in anticipation of this celebration. The chapter is leading fraternity row in academics for the third semester with a chapter average GPA of 3.318, and our new members in the spring had an

Wake Forest: Brothers working with on-campus sustainability projects.

Fall/Winter 2012


The Kappa Alpha Journal

On Campus impressive 3.6 average. Members have been getting very involved on campus; Mu Chapter has had multiple members selected as Orientation Leaders, University Ambassadors, and members of Future Alumni Council. The success of Mu is sure to continue after inducting eighteen members awaiting initiation this semester. – Mike Kaucher, V Virginia Wesleyan Epsilon Omicron This year our chapter endured a great tragedy—the loss of our beloved brother J.J. Adams. We hosted a ceremony in his memory at our chapter house early in the semester. On the bright side our chapter has exceeded the grade point average standard set by the Executive Council once again, and we’re passionate about continuing this tradition. Our chapter currently has the largest new member class of all IFC fraternities on campus. We are excited to have an initiation this semester that will nearly double our chapter in size. Epsilon Omicron chapter hopes to increase alumni relations with more events for alumni. – Weston Hull, V

we look forward to partnering with the local Down Syndrome support group, furthering our relationship with MDA, adopting a local highway, and leading a Toys for Tots’ Christmas Fundraiser. Ultimately, we hope that our work will further the great tradition left before us. – Barron Jeter, IV Washington and Lee Alpha This year we have raised more than $4000 for MDA, with more on the way. At the time of this writing, we are holding another fundraiser on campus and the proceeds will go to MDA as well. Our newest class of KAs are the strongest we’ve had in years and we expect an even better round of new recruits come winter. Also, five of the six current captains of the W&L football are proud members of the Order. As we have in years past, KA continues to raise the bar on and off campus, with our philanthropy, upstanding citizenship, and contributions to the community. – Ben Ruffel, V West Texas A&M Gamma Sigma @WTAMUKA The gentlemen of Gamma Sigma, along with the ladies of Delta Zeta at West Texas A&M worked together this year at the 2012 WTAMU homecoming. Our theme was “Coming Home” and as broad of a subject this was, we made signs of the hometowns’ for every member for both chapters as

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Fall/Winter 2012

well as the Highway and State Park signs surrounding our college town. We spent three straight weeks working on our float, and it paid off, as we won the judges first place pick as well as the Peoples’ Choice. This win knocked off a previous winner who had placed first fourteen times in a row. Dieu et les Dames gentlemen, and God Bless. – Jonathon Solis, V Western Kentucky Epsilon Theta The Fall 2012 has been extremely successful. A meeting with alumni and the chapter’s executive committee this past summer, coupled with the idea of returning from an unpleasant semester, along with making this a perfect recruitment, really fired the brothers up. The chapter did an excellent job in recruiting new members and showing off their southern gentlemen pride. Twenty new members were given bids and have been inducted into our chapter thus far. Homecoming is around the corner and everyone is looking forward to a week of festivities. A new focus on scholarship and community service is growing. Getting involved with the community by volunteering at soup kitchens and cleaning toys for children has really played a significant role in member development. We are determined to continue our momentum and look forward to the fun times to come. – Aaron Remmers, V

Wake Forest Tau The gentlemen of the Tau Chapter had a busy spring semester focusing on promoting campus inclusivity, supporting the local community, and creating institutional longevity within the Wake community. We will continue to improve our alumni relations by working closely with our new alumni council. We’ve remained highly involved on campus, as 81% of members are involved in one student organization and 66% are involved in at least two organizations. We also gained great respect among administrators by working with non-Greek groups to promote campus inclusivity. Additionally, we proudly raised a North Carolina leading $20,000 for MDA. Our focus on academics has resulted in an increased GPA from 2.9 to 3.15. This fall semester is off to a strong start, as we’ve extended bids to six new members. One of our most anticipated events of this fall will be the Hubie Poteat Memorial Golf Tournament. The gentlemen of Tau, actives and alumnus, honor him and his family annually. Additionally,

Oklahoma: Induction in front of the Beta Eta Chapter House this fall.

Sports Page

2012 NIC All-Fraternity All-American Baseball Teams Kappa Alpha Order NIC Baseball All-Fraternity All-Americans

The North-American Interfraternity Conference recently made selections for the 2012 All-Fraternity, All-American Baseball teams from all NCAA divisions. Included among the lists are College World Series competitors, Academic All-Americans, statistically-ranked leaders and players selected in the major league baseball draft. The first three teams feature players from 14 different fraternities. Nominations were provided by various NIC fraternity headquarters, Greek advisors, college sports information directors, individuals via the NIC website and research by Jay Langhammer.

Second Team Mention


Blake Stevens, Birmingham-Southern ’11 Starting Pitcher



Danton Hughes, Westminster ’10 Infield

Third Team Mention Jared Welch, Emory ’11 Catcher

Honorable Mention Will Salley, Washington & Lee ’10 Catcher Jack Rogers, Univ. of the South ’11 Infielder Steven Denton, Birmingham-Southern ’09 Outfield Wilson Nealy, University of the South ’09 Outfield Travis Perkins, Rhodes ’09 Outfield

Kevin Moritz, Westminster ’10 Utility Player

Photo by Cari Dean

David Bourbonnais, Birmingham-Southern ’11 Utility Player


Fall/Winter 2012


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Sports Page

Spring Sports Review BASEBALL

Westminster – Alpha Eta

Millsaps – Alpha Mu

Danton Hughes ’10, SS Named to NIC’s All-Fraternity All-American second team shortstop; led with a .331 average (46 of 139), 25 runs, 14 steals

Keith Shumaker ’11, 3B Named to the NIC’s AllFraternity All-American first team All-Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference first team Started 41 contests Batted .313 (51 of 163), 29 runs scored, 24 RBIs Pitched 11 contests with a 3-1 record. Kevin Wall ’09, Infielder Started 22 games Hit .379 19 of 68 Will Elmore ’09 3.32 ERA in 13 games Will Chenoweth ’11 1-0 in 15 contests Princeton – Zeta Beta Alex Flink ’10, Infielder Started 29 games

Kevin Moritz ’10, 1B Hit .302 (26 of 80), pitched in 10 games (34 Ks in 39.1 innings) Jake Rule, Pitcher Named to the St. Louis Intercollegiate Athletic Conference All-Sportsmanship Team Had a 3-2 record in 14 games Nick Hoag ’09, Catcher Hit .271

Rhodes – Alpha Epsilon

Birmingham-Southern – Phi Blake Stevens ’11, Pitcher Named to the NIC’s All-Fraternity All-American second team SCAC Freshman of the Year 7-3 record, 2.69 ERA 83 strikeouts in 80.1 innings pitched Stephen Denton ’09, Outfielder Batted .312 (58 of 186), led with 17 stolen bases 10 hit by pitches while ranking second with 50 runs scored

Tanner McGill ’11, Catcher Was a .239 hitter on 21 of 88

Austin Carden ’08, Pitcher Named to the NIC’s All-Fraternity All-American second team Also named to the All-SCAC first team, the SCAC All-Sportsmanship Team Posted an 8-4 record with a 3.50 ERA, 61 strikeouts in a team-high 79.2 innings Travis Perkins ’09, Outfielder Named to the All-SCAC first team after batting .328 (44 of 134) with team bests of 46 runs scored, 28 stolen bases

The Kappa Alpha Journal

West Virginia Wesleyan – Beta Chi Southwestern – Xi

Falex Maragos ’10 Batted .276 (29 of 105); a second-best 22 runs

Tim McCarver (Gamma Gamma – Memphis ’62) Recently inducted into the broadcasting wing of the Baseball Hall of Fame was current Fox analyst Named winner of the Ford C. Frick Award He was selected by a 20-person panel that includes the 15 living Ford C. Frick Award winners. McCarver is just the second announcer who is purely an analyst to win the award, the other being Tony Kubek in 2009. A 21-year major league catcher with a .271 career average, he previously called baseball on NBC, ABC, CBS before joining Fox. McCarver, who covered his 23rd World Series this fall (wish Sigma Nu alumnus, Joe Buck) still has his enthusiasm for the game and has no plans to retire. He said, “My energy for the games hasn’t changed. I still love what I do.”

Pitchers Jake Rudolph ’11 Lee Tackett ’09 Matt Hedberg ’12 Mike Palicz ’11 Univ. of South – Alpha Alpha Wilson Nealy ’09, Outfielder Won All-SCAC mention .408 hitter (29 of 71) 20 RBI Jack Rogers ’11 Started at third Hit .301 (31 of 103), 21 RBI

Thomas Herrera ’10 Started 41 games in the outfield Hit .237 (31 of 131), 21 RBIs Sam Thomas ’10, Outfielder Played 12 games

Christian Clifton, 3B Played 20 contests

Bronson Clark ’12, Outfielder

William Jewell – Alpha Delta

Jared Welch ’11, Catcher Was the top player for 26-14 team Named to All-Fraternity All-American third team All-University Athletic Association first team

Hampden-Sydney – Alpha Tau

Will Salley ’10, Catcher, tri-captain Hit .320 (39 of 122), 21 runs, 21 RBI, 10 doubles

Austin Shea ’11, Pitcher, 1-0

Emory – Epsilon

D.J. Collins ’11, SS

Washington & Lee – Alpha

Marshall Ussery ’12, Pitcher, 2-2

Matt Shaw ’09, Catcher Got into 33 games behind the plate

Georgetown – Beta Delta Jordan Burke ’09, Outfielder


Fall/Winter 2012

Greg Thumm ’10, Outfielder Baseball Hall of Fame

GOLF PGA Tour Brandt Snedeker (Chi-Vanderbilt ’00) Lead the British Open through the first two rounds in late July, and finished in a third place tie with Tigers Woods winning $464,725 for his second-best finish of 2012. He tied the 36-hold record for a major championship, with no bogies recorded. Tour Winner

David Bourbannais ’11, 1B Hit .275 (39 of 142), three homers 29 RBI as a first baseman/DH 1-1 mound record with three saves, a 3.68 ERA

Randolph-Macon – Zeta Max Musser, Catcher Batted .325 (26 of 80) for 2019-1 team with 20 starts

Outfielders Keenan Dolan ’11 Kyle Witty ’11

Tim Chambliss, Infielder Cam Backes, Infielder

Graham Bloomsmith, Pitcher Had a 1.93 ERA in five contests

Taylor Rowe ’12, Infielder

Tommy Bohnert, Pitcher

Centenary – Alpha Iota

Batted .320 (49 of 153), led with 42 runs, 11 two-baggers

C.J. Thompson ’09, Outfielder Hit .255 in 22 games

Mike Young ’09, Outfielder Hit .271

Grady Flournoy ’10, Pitcher 2-0 in seven starts

by Jay Langhammer

Sports Page Wes Roach (Alpha Phi-Duke ’09) Earned $16,049 through the first seven months of 2012 Stanford – Alpha Pi Wilson Bowen ’09 Averaged 74.4 over six rounds, tied for 25th at the U.S. Intercollegiate Furman – Iota

Roanoke – Beta Rho Will Reitan ’12 Placed 20th at the Old Dominion Athletic Conference meet Southwestern – Xi James Charles ’10 Averaged 76.14 over 21 rounds, tied for 22nd at the SCAC meet.

Dylan Underwood ’11 17th at the Mid South Spring Invite Brett Doggett ’12 Tied for 24th at the St. Catherine Fall Invite John Hunter ’11 41st at the Bluegrass Fall Classic

J.B. Murphy ’09 Was a leading player, tied for 27th (226) at the Southern Conference meet Over 25 rounds, he averaged 76.1 with a low round of 71

Garrett Barnes ’11 Placed 27th at the SCAC meet Jonathan Boothby ’11

Mike Angalich ’09 of West Virginia Wesleyan

Centenary – Alpha Iota

Kurtis Galant ’11

Cameron Lamb ’11 of Newberry

John Sidery ’11 Tied for 45th at the Hal Sutton Intercollegiate

Greg Sherrington ’10

Nate Buhler ’11 of University of the South

Princeton – Zeta Beta Nicholas Ricci ’11 Shot 71 to tie for 42nd at the Princeton Invitational Richmond – Eta Jack Lessing ’09 Averaged 77.22 over 18 rounds, tied for 44th (228) at the Pinehurst Intercollegiate Presbyterian – Beta Pi Carter Davis ’11 Had a career best of 70, tied for 28th (223) at the Charleston Shootout Birmingham-Southern – Phi Daniel Morris ’11 Earned All-SCAC second team honors with an eighth place tie at the SCAC


Milsaps – Alpha Mu

Westminster– Alpha Eta

Other: Vance St. Columbia ’11 of Delta State

Chad Miller ’10 Tied for 26th at the SLIAC meet

The William Jewell duo of Ryan Glynn ’08 and Connor Manning ’08

Ky Millard ’07 Named as new head golf coach, assistant basketball coach.


Randolph-Macon– Zeta

Andrew Mellow ’10 13-10 in singles, 12-12 in doubles

Furman – Iota 11 KA players

Andrew Farrell ’11 Averaged 80.3 over 18 rounds Transylvania – Alpha Theta Stephen Montgomery ’09 Named to the PING All-Great Lakes Region team after averaging 77.3 Eli Glass ’08

Andy Clarage ’10 and Dax Collison ’12 The number two doubles team William Jewell – Alpha Delta Max Cooper ’11 10-9 in singles, 13-7 in doubles. Transylvania – Alpha Theta Patrick Richardson ’10 Had a 9-6 mark in doubles Randolph-Macon – Zeta Chandler Weston ’10 8-8 in doubles Roaonke – Beta Rho

Princeton – Zeta Beta


Centenary – Alpha Iota

Georgetown – Beta Delta

Davidson – Sigma

Riley Williams ’10 16th at the Bluegrass Spring Classic

Seven KA players including: Joe Schafer ’10 (10-11) Calum Gee ’09 (9-12) Chris Mark ’10 Birmingham-Southern – Phi Hanlon Walsh ’08 15-1 in singles, All-SCAC mention

Ben Reardon ’11 3-0 in singles

Jonathan Sandoval Won All-SCAC honors in doubles play

Mac Davis ’09 A doubles regular

Michael Reeks ’09 7-3 in singles, doubles

Fall/Winter 2012

Southwestern – Xi

Alex Christ ’11 11-9 in singles play

Lance Mengel ’10 5-3 in singles

David Berry ’09 All-SLIAC first teamer at number three doubles

Ian Webster ’11 7-3 singles record

John Moug ’11 Averaged 80 over seven rounds


Anthony Becker ’11 All-SLIAC first team at number one singles

Tyler Droll ’11 12-7 in singles, 10-7 in doubles

Ben Quazzo ’12 Had a 7-6 singles record

Texas A&M-Commerce – Gamma Upsilon

Westminster – Alpha Eta


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Washington & Lee – Alpha

Andrew Dayton ’11 of Millsaps James Bethea ’10 of Newberry Josh Helland ’09 of Arkansas-Fort Smith Sanders Phelps ’09 of Rhodes Univ. of the South duo of Robert Strange ’10, Conor Hoy ’11 Pablo Arana ’10 of Richmond

LACROSSE Washington & Lee – Alpha Twelve KA players including: Tri-captain Joe LaSala ’10 Received USILA All-American honorable mention All-ODAC first teamer Named ODAC Scholar-Athlete of the Year for men’s lacrosse.

Sports Page Northwestern State – Gamma Psi

Will Slinkard ’11 Started 16 games Posted 19 ground balls

John Carpenter ’11, Javelin thrower Had a best throw of 157'4" in a fourth place finish at the Southeastern Lions Invitational

Ryan Croft ’09 11 goals Conor Breslin ’11 12 points

Roaonke – Beta Rho

Millsaps – Alpha Mu Means

Mac Means ’10 Named to the All-ODAC second team Second in scoring with 46 points (32 goals, 14 assists) Luke Heinsohn ’10 All-ODAC third team choice after scoring 24 points (11 goals, 13 assists) Jack Switala ’10 Co-captain Scored 17 points (11 goals, six assists) Other players seeing action: Rob Look ’09 (18 ground balls) Peter Schubert ’12 (15 ground balls) Jack Reuter ’11 (eight points) Sean Gebhard ’11 Tim Werner ’11 Rhodes – Alpha Epsilon Hugh Madison ’09 Led in goals (19) Co-scoring leader with 27 points Peter Hall, Tri-Captain Also scored 27 points (14 goals, 13 assists) Other: Eliott Diesel (55 ground balls) Jim Eye ’10 (28 ground balls) Carson Lewis ’09 started in eight games Birmingham-Southern – Phi Went 14-5, won the SCAC title, played in the Division III playoffs with four solid KAs.

Hunter Stevison Co-scoring leader with 28 points (20 goals, eight assists)

Chase Board ’11 Had a best time of 54.71 in the 400 meter run; also competed at three other distances

Ryan McKay ’10 13 points

Southwestern – Xi

Kirk Clark ’20 20 ground balls

Daniel Poole ’11 Placed sixth in the javelin (164'2") at the SCAC meået.

Kevin Tighe ’10 10 starts

Washington & Lee – Alpha

Univ. of the South – Alpha Alpha Goalie Spencer Graves ’09 Nine games John Stiefel ’10 Six goals

Christian Croft ’12 ODAC best 110 hurdles time of 15.49 Best distances of 21' in the long jump, 23' in the triple jump Also threw the discus. William Jewell – Alpha Delta

Hal Smith ’12 14 games

Troy Fletcher ’11 Won the discus event at the GLVC outdoor meet 14th in the GLVC shot, hammer throw.

Southwestern – Xi Pierce MacGuire ’11 Played in 13 contests


Nathan Gordon ’09 Issac Chambers '10 Ran distance events West Virginia Wesleyan – Beta Chi Adjei Badru ’12 Randy Billips ‘ 10 Mark Meadows ‘09

OLYMPICS/PARALYMPICS Tony Azevedo (Alpha Pi -Stanford ’02), U.S. Water Polo Team captain Four-time Olympian Peter Hudnut (Alpha Pi – Stanford ‘01), U.S. Water Polo Peter Varellas (Alpha Pi – Stanford ‘03), U.S. Water Polo Markus Rogan (Alpha Pi-Stanford ’03), Austria Swimmer Won a 2004 silver medal in swimming Served as 2012 flag bearer for Austria Tom Hammond (Theta – Kentucky ‘64) Served as the track and field anchor during Olympic TV coverage Mark Leblanc (Alpha Gamma – Louisiana State ‘04), U.S. Sailing

Furman – Iota Wilkinson Given ‘13 Qualified for the NCAA East Regional after placing third in the outdoor 800 Fifth in the 1500 at the Southern Conference meet 13th in the SoCon 1500 event Wofford – Delta Ben Boyles ’11 Competed in the SoCon 1500, placed 22nd Tulsa – Mu Sprinter Bryce Cason ’11 Eighth place 400-meter relay at the Conference USA outdoor meet. Indoors, he had a fourth place finish in the Meyo Invitational 1600-meter run Given

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Fall/Winter 2012

Chris Clarke ’09 Co-captain Earned All-SCAC second team honors Led with 118 ground balls Scored 22 points (nine goals, 13 assists)

A.J. Bernstein ’11 Placed fourth in the mile run at the ODAC

Chris Hood ’10, Goalie 222 saves

Emory – Epsilon

forever KA

Keep the connection for life.

“The work of progress so immense and our means of aiding it so feeble; the life of humanity is so long, that of the individual so brief, that we often see only the ebb of the advancing wave and are thus discouraged. It is history that teaches us to hope.”

– Robert E. Lee

The 2011-2012 Annual Report of the

Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation Dear brothers and friends, In my time serving the Order I cannot remember a more exciting time to be a KA than right now. As you receive this letter, the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF) is in the middle of its 2012-2013 fiscal year. In this coming year, more KA undergraduates will attend KAOEF sponsored programs and receive scholarships than ever before. Each January, the Number I’s Leadership Institute (NLI) provides each newly elected Number I with a better understanding of his duty, responsibility, and commitment of being elected to the chapter’s top position. Sessions provided at this year’s NLI include, but are not limited to, a heightened understanding of ethical leadership, time management and academic achievement. Also, our annual grant support includes funding for regional undergraduate training in the form of enhanced Province Councils. These venues allow your support to remain close to home. Due to location and convenience, currently more than one-third of our entire undergraduate population attends these regional educational programs, with the primary focus being placed on improving overall chapter operations. This spring, the KAOEF Scholarship Committee will be awarding academic and needs-based scholarships to deserving KA brothers throughout the Order. Due to alumni support last year, the KAOEF was able to award $60,000 in individual scholarships. For many KA’s, obtaining this support meant being able to remain enrolled. Through local and national training, the Order has experienced a 10% increase in initiates recruited over the past four years, as well as an 87% retention rate for all new members from induction to initiation over the past two years. This effort has led to more than 6,600 undergraduates in our active chapters; our largest membership total to date, also capped off by a 2.9 cumulative GPA, the highest in the Order’s history. When compared to other fraternities nationally, Kappa Alpha Order ranks in the middle of the pack in terms of national alumni support. We are better than this! Currently less than three percent of our alumni support the KAOEF and our mission each year. Your support is a testament that your commitment to KA is lifelong. Today I urge you to remember the life you pledged to live as a member of Kappa Alpha Order and join me in ensuring its future and continued success. As brothers faithful until death we remain Forever KA. Fraternally yours,

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Fall/Winter 2012

Barry Donnell (Beta Lambda-Southern Methodist ’58) Chairman & President Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation

forever KA

Keep the connection for life.

CHAIRMAN & PRESIDENT Barry B. Donnell (Beta Lambda - Southern Methodist ’58) VICE PRESIDENT Todd D. Reaves (Nu - Auburn ’89) Donnell



TREASURER James R. Estes (Alpha Kappa - Missouri ’60) KNIGHT COMMANDER William E. Dreyer (Alpha Delta - William Jewell ’57)







TRUSTEES Derick S. Close (Alpha Omega - North Carolina State ’78) Stumpy Harris (Beta Zeta - Florida ’57) Rock N. Houstoun (Xi - Southwestern ’70) Malcolm H. Liles (Gamma - Georgia ’71) Frank W. Maresh (Omicron - Texas ’58) J. Coleman McDowell, Jr. (Gamma Chi - Texas Tech ’78) Michael V. Paulin (Beta Sigma - Southern California ’60) J. William Schulz (Alpha Kappa - Missouri ’60) William H. Skipper Jr. (Delta Tau - Francis Marion ’80) SECRETARY Larry Stanton Wiese (Gamma Omega - Midwestern State ‘87)
















Fall/Winter 2012

LIFE TRUSTEES Timothy K. Adams (Epsilon - Emory ’57) Frank L. Asbury III (Epsilon - Emory ’44) James L. Bowers (Beta Omega - Washington College ’57) Loren Q. Hanson (Alpha Kappa - Missouri ’50) Thomas G. Paulson II (Alpha Xi - California ’49) Jack R. Taylor (Alpha Kappa - Missouri ’50) Idris R. Traylor, Jr. (Gamma Chi - Texas Tech ’70) STAFF Larry Stanton Wiese (Gamma Omega - Midwestern State ’87), Executive Director Erik T. Showalter, CFRE (Gamma Alpha - Louisiana Tech ’02), Chief Development Officer Ben W. Satcher, Jr. (Delta Omicron - Clemson ’79), Major Gifts Officer Becky Moore, Foundation Assistant


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Foundation Board & Staff | 5 Ways to Give Back

5 Ways to Give Back to Kappa Alpha Order 1. Cash Gifts The most convenient and frequently used method of supporting the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF) is a gift of cash – personal check, credit card authorization or money order – made payable to the KAOEF and mailed to P.O. Box 1865, Lexington VA 24450. Online donations can also be made through the KAOEF website ( 2. Appreciated Securities A gift of your appreciated stocks, bonds or mutual fund shares is an ideal way to support the KAOEF. The educational programs of the Order will benefit from your support and you will receive a tax deduction for your contributions. In addition, transferring the securities prior to liquidation will help you to avoid capital gains taxes. Please contact the KAOEF for personal assistance with the transfer of assets of this type.

4. M atching Gifts Many corporations will match gifts to the KAOEF. If you or your spouse works for one of these organizations, your gift could multiply. Please ask your human resources office if your company provides matching gifts to charitable organizations. If so, please ask your employer for the proper form to include with your gift. You can also visit to find out if your company matches charitable gifts. 5. Planned Giving The KAOEF has benefited greatly from planned gifts in its past from members of the 1865 Trust and beyond. Inclusion of the KAOEF in your will or trust should reference the KAOEF, P.O. Box 1865, Lexington VA. Please visit plannedgiving for further information.

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Fall/Winter 2012

The KAOEF receives no government funding but provides a vehicle for taxdeductible contributions from alumni and friends to be made in support of KA. With these gifts, the KAOEF helps underwrite a number of educational programs to the benefit of the Order. Contact Us: Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation 115 Liberty Hall Road P.O. Box 1865 Lexington, Virginia 24450 phone: (540) 463-1865fax: (540) 463-2140

3. Real And Personal Property Your real estate and other marketable personal items can be given to the KAOEF as an outright gift. For tax purposes, the contributor may deduct the fair market value of the real estate. Items of

personal property must be related to the KAOEF’s purpose and function to be fully deductible. For example, a brother can donate a percentage interest in a building to the KAOEF that can be sold and the proceeds would be directed to the KAOEF.

The Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF), a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization, was created in 1981 to promote the education of undergraduate and graduate students in academic improvement, leadership, alcohol and substance abuse prevention and other general educational areas.

forever KA

Keep the connection for life.

Dear Brothers,


The 1865 Trust was established to make it possible for alumni, family, and fiends alike to make a meaningful donation to the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF), and to leave behind a lasting legacy that helps ensure the future of our beloved Order. The members of the 1865 Trust have found a relatively easy way to craft a gift of significance to the Order, and to leave behind a gift that will truly make a difference. Membership in the 1865 Trust recognizes those who have made provisions for a planned gift of $10,000 or more to the KAOEF. When the KAOEF created the 1865 Trust in 1993, it created a way for alumni who have planned ahead in their giving to the KAOEF to make a charitable tax deductible donation. Most of our alumni in the 1865 Trust will fulfill their gift through one of the most common, and perhaps easiest, ways of making a planned gift, by naming the KAOEF in their wills or as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or an IRA. As you create and revise your personal estate plans, please take a moment to remember the many lessons you learned from your undergraduate experience and to the lifetime fraternal friendships made and still enjoyed, and then consider the KAOEF in your charitable plans. If you have any questions about the 1865 Trust, or if you wish to join the over 100 KA brothers who have already become members, please contact Erik Showalter, Chief Development Officer, at the National Administrative Office, either by phone, (540) 463-1865, or by e-mail, Thank you for your continued support of the Order, and for making Kappa Alpha Order a lifelong commitment. My regards and very best wishes. Fraternally yours,

Idris Rhea Traylor, Jr. Former Knight Commander/Chairman 1865 Trust

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The Kappa Alpha Journal

1865 Trust

1865 Trust Members

Gilbert I. Hayes, Oklahoma 1968 Rock N. Houstoun, Southwestern 1970 Hugh Howard III, Oklahoma 1948 + Harold J. Hudson Jr., Missouri 1942 Harold J. Hudson, Missouri 1920 + John R. Hutchings IV, Kentucky 1977 Leland I. Hyer, Georgia Southern 1993 Perry S. Ivey Jr., Valdosta State 1982 Kenneth W. Jackson, Francis Marion 1981 Darren S. Kay, Westminster 1988 Robert D. Kelly, Missouri Southern State 1973 Paul H. Kuhn Jr., Vanderbilt 1962 Paul W. Lammers, Southwestern 1980 Edward W. Lansing, George Washington 1943 Edward P. Leslie Jr., Oklahoma State 1932 + Malcolm H. Liles, Georgia 1971 Allen Payne Long, Emory 1955 Jeffrey W. Love, Purdue 1986 Todd P. Lowe, Western Kentucky 1979 Frank W. Maresh, Texas 1958 Richard H. Marks, Birmingham-Southern 1988 John C. Martin, Baylor 1982 Michael C. Matthews, Virginia Tech 1978 Byron W. McCandless, Delaware 1943 + Michael D. McCaslin, Transylvania 1970 + J. Devin McClendon, Middle Tennessee State 1994 J. Coleman McDowell Jr., Texas Tech 1978 Michael W. McDowell, West Texas A&M 1990 Michael P. McManus, Southern California 1989 SGM E. Kent McMichael, VMI 1995 L. Jay Mehaffey, Georgia Southern 1982 John R. Milam, Middle Tennessee State 1972 Kenneth R. Mitchell, California 1932 + Ronald R. Morgan, Texas State 1979 Ty G. Morgan, Missouri State 1991 Gary L. Mullins, Houston 1975 + Frederick L. Munds Jr., North Carolina 1948 + David R. Murphey III, Washington & Lee 1951 Bret R. Neathery, Drury 1984 Michael K. Nikkel, Sam Houston State 1978 John F. Ory, Texas A&M-Commerce 1990 Julian A. Pardini, California 1952 + Michael V. Paulin, Southern California 1960 Thomas G. Paulson II, California 1949 William T. Pegues III, Louisiana State 1932 + Vernon W. Piper, Washington Univ. 1933 + CPT Ronald C. Plunkett, The Citadel 2009 Rufus C. Porter, Southern Methodist 1938 + Robert A. Pugh, Middle Tennessee State 1975 Morris W. Pully, North Carolina 1945 Philip C. Rand, Georgia 1968 Dr. Edwin P. Rather, Tennessee 1960 J. Guy Revelle Jr., Wake Forest 1952 + Frank H. Robinson Jr., William & Mary 1951 Louis W. Romigh, William Jewell 1928 + Edgar B. Rouse Jr., Maryland 1937 + Philip D. Rowe Jr., Vanderbilt 1946 Benjamin W. Satcher Jr., Clemson 1979

The Kappa Alpha Journal


C. Edward Schmidt Jr., Missouri S&T 1962 J. William Schulz, Missouri 1960 Gary T. Scott, Southwestern 1963 Marc Allan Scott, Texas A&M-Commerce 1984 Frank P. Sebastian Jr., Lambuth 1944 Rufus W. Shivers, Rhodes 1942 + Gregory R. Singleton, Memphis 1982 William H. Skipper Jr., Francisi Marion 1980 David W. Smith, West Georgia 1996 Gregory B. Smith, Miami 1985 Paul E. Snodgress, Rhodes 1943 + Nathaniel J. Spears, Tennessee-Martin 2001 W. Reed Sprinkel, Southern California 1941 COL William E. Steger, Centenary 1938 Robert T. Steinkamp, William Jewell 1964 F. M. Stevenson, Oklahoma State 1930 + Thaddeus A. Stubbs, Westminster 1996 Jack R. Taylor, Missouri 1950 Dr. Andrew J. Thacker, VMI 1961 H. Grady Tiller Jr., Alabama 1947 + Mrs. Virginia N. Toombs Carl Trauernicht Jr., Westminster 1942 + Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr., Texas Tech 1970 John E. Trotter, Texas A&M-Commerce 1988 James T. Turner Jr., Mercer 1970 Robert M. Varn, Vanderbilt 1957 + Dr. Chad E. Wagoner, Missouri Southern State 1993 Frank A. Walker Jr., Vanderbilt 1948 David M. Warren, Wake Forest 1978 R. Gordon Watkins, Stephen F. Austin State 1973 Dan Webb, Middle Tennessee State 1972 Dr. William A. Weinrich, Tulsa 1951 Roy H. Whipp, West Virginia 1968 Larry S. Wiese, Midwestern State 1987 Warren E. Wilcox Jr., Washington & Lee 1954 + Richard B. Wilson Jr., Mississippi 1958 John T. Woodruff, Drury 1975 Lewis H. Wyman III, Missouri 1963 + = deceased

Fall/Winter 2012

Timothy K. Adams, Emory 1957 R. Jack Alexander Jr., Georgia Tech 1946 William H. Angle, Westminster 1945 + Anonymous G. Patterson Apperson III, Rhodes 1980 LTC William J. Armstrong, Rhodes 1929 + The Hon. Paul C. Artman Jr., Delta State 1970 Douglas D. Ashley, Charleston 1987 Lawrence E. Ault, East Tennessee State 1971 + L. Blair Bailey, Florida State 1988 Carlton W. Baker, Randolph-Macon 1981 Robert H. Baker III, Vanderbilt 1971 L. Charles Banks, Newberry 2002 M. Lee Barnes, Jr., Appalachian State 1987 Jason R. Barrett, Mississippi State 1998 Scott Jeoffey Berlin, Southern Methodist 1972 John F. Bishop II, Delaware 1946 + Raymond B. Bottom Jr., Hampden-Sydney 1948 Dr. James L. Bowers, Washington College 1957 Harry J. Breithaupt Jr., Roanoke 1933 + G. Allen Brown Jr., George Mason 1982 Russell C. Brown, Texas A&M 1982 Wallace A. Brown Jr., North Carolina 1940 + COL David M. Buie USA (Ret.), Presbyterian 1939 + Ethan J. Bush, McNeese State 1997 E. Ken Cain Jr., Valdosta State 1982 Ely R. Callaway Jr., Emory 1937 + J. David Carico, Emory 1984 CPT David R. Cheney II, Missouri 1990 James H. Cochrane Jr., Virginia Tech 1978 COL James C. Coleman Jr., Georgetown 1928 + Hugh M. Comer, Emory 1934 + Troy W. Cooper, Texas State 1987 James M. Crews, Florida State 1952 M. Donald Davis Jr., South Alabama 1977 Wayne E. Dawson, Arizona 1960 William S. Detwiler, California 1940 + William S. Dinker II, Middle Tennessee State 1974 M. James Donathan Jr., North Carolina State 1972 J. Michael Duncan, Stephen F. Austin State 1969 Walter J. Dunn, Arkansas State 1987 Valrey W. Early III, Birmingham-Southern 1980 Andrew Freeman Edgerton, Louisiana State 1937 + James R. Estes, Missouri 1960 M. Woody Faircloth, Mercer 2005 + M. Tom Faircloth, Mercer 1961 Dr. Richard T. Feller, West Virginia 1937 + Bensley H. L. Field, William & Mary 1954 Charles Z. Flack Jr., North Carolina 1955 + W. Julian Foy, Northwestern State 1972 + C. Randolph Gentz, Northwestern State 1968 Robert L. Graves, Missouri 1990 H. Lynn Greer Jr., Middle Tennessee State 1969 Robert W. Hagan, Valdosta State 1974 Lee A. Hardison III, Lambuth 1968 + Stumpy Harris, Florida 1957 Grant V. Harrison, Richmond 1926 + COL William H. Hastings Jr. (Ret), VMI 1939 +

forever KA

Keep the connection for life.

forever KA

Keep the connection for life.

One of the key features of Forever KA is your ability to give money directly to your chapter. After you join the Loyal Order or if you are already an existing member, one-third of each of your Forever KA contributions will fund a restricted chapter endowment account for your preferred chapter. Once endowed, this account can provide scholarships, study/library space in the house, funding for them to attend educational programming, computers, or other educational purposes. A list of all restricted chapter endowment accounts, including many established through Forever KA, appears on page 51. Below is an allocation breakdown of money raised to date through alumni and active member participation in Forever KA.


$8, 57 8

6 47 9,




60 $10,0

Fall/Winter 2012


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Forever KA | Chapter Endowment Fund Accounts

Chapter Endowment Fund Accounts In keeping with the Kappa Alpha Order Educational

Subject to change distributions can be used for:

Foundation’s mission and obligations as a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization, distributions made from each

Purchase of chapter computer equipment, software, and/or internet wiring for educational purposes.

account must satisfy the Internal Revenue Service Code

Residential educational advisor lodging/stipend. Establish educational areas in chapter facilities

and may be used for educational purposes only. The return

The educational percentage of national training travel expenses, and registration fees

generated by the account will be used to benefit the local chapter and/or active members by providing distributions

Scholarships (tuition payments) and academic expenses (books, fees, and equipment)

for purposes in accordance with IRS regulations. Established and Endowed as of 6/30/2012 Alabama - Alpha Beta Duke - Alpha Phi Florida - Beta Zeta Georgia Tech - Alpha Sigma Louisiana State - Alpha Gamma Memphis - Gamma Gamma Larry F. Robb Chapter Endowment Account for Midwestern State - Gamma Omega Mississippi - Alpha Upsilon Missouri - Alpha Kappa Missouri S&T - Beta Alpha North Carolina - Upsilon Oklahoma - Beta Eta Tennessee-Martin - Delta Upsilon Tulsa - Mu Univ. of the South - Alpha Alpha Westminster - Alpha Eta Established as of 6/30/2012 Appalachian State - Delta Psi Arizona - Gamma Epsilon Arkansas Tech - Epsilon Zeta Arkansas-Fort Smith - Zeta Rho Auburn - Nu Austin Peay State - Zeta Tau Bowling Green State - Zeta Lambda Centenary - Alpha Iota Clemson - Delta Omicron East Carolina - Gamma Rho Eastern Kentucky - Delta Mu Florida State - Gamma Eta Francis Marion - Delta Tau Georgia - Gamma Georgia College - Epsilon Nu Georgia Southern - Delta Theta Hampden-Sydney - Alpha Tau Jacksonville State - Delta Phi Lamar - Gamma Xi

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Fall/Winter 2012

Louisiana Tech - Gamma Alpha Louisiana-Monroe - Gamma Nu Mercer - Kappa Middle Tennessee State - Delta Lambda Mississippi State - Beta Tau Missouri Southern State - Delta Pi Newberry College - Delta Epsilon North Carolina State - Alpha Omega North Carolina-Charlotte - Epsilon Xi North Florida - Zeta Nu North Texas - Gamma Lambda Northwestern State - Gamma Psi Oklahoma State - Beta Xi Richmond - Eta Roanoke - Beta Rho Sam Houston State - Gamma Tau Southeastern Louisiana - Epsilon Kappa Southern California - Beta Sigma Southern Methodist - Beta Lambda Southern Mississippi - Gamma Zeta Stephen F. Austin State - Delta Kappa Tennessee-Chattanooga - Zeta Upsilon Texas - Omicron Texas A&M - Epsilon Delta Texas A&M-Commerce - Gamma Upsilon Texas Tech - Gamma Chi Texas-Arlington - Delta Iota Transylvania - Alpha Theta Virginia Tech - Epsilon Eta VMI - Beta Commission Wake Forest - Tau Washington - Zeta Lambda Washington & Lee - Alpha Washington College - Beta Omega West Texas A&M - Gamma Sigma West Virginia Wesleyan - Beta Chi Western Carolina - Delta Alpha Western Kentucky - Epsilon Theta William Jewell - Alpha Delta

forever KA

Keep the connection for life.

SCHOLARSHIPS The KAOEF Scholarship Program continues to be a primary focus each and every year, and it remains an important benefit to the members of Kappa Alpha Order. In many cases the support our young men receive through these academic, merit, and needs based scholarships serves an inspiration for academic excellence and oftentimes means the difference between attending undergraduate or graduate school or not. In April of 2011, the KAOEF scholarship committee was very pleased to award $64,825 in academic scholarships for

the 2012-2013 academic year, to deserving Kappa Alpha brothers. Applications for the 2013-2014 academic year are currently online at or www.kappaalphaorder. org and all materials must be received by February 2, 2013. For further questions, please contact Becky Moore at the National Administrative Office by phone at (540) 463-1865, or email The KAOEF board of trustees would like to congratulate and honor the following 2012-2013 recipients.

Nicholas Vincent Anderson Bowling Green State University Jay Claude Conrad Scholarship – $225 Fred W. Dismuke Scholarship – $225 Henry G. Tiller Jr. Scholarship – $50

Colton W. Houlette Oklahoma State University F. M. Stevenson Scholarship – $1,975

Matthew S. Barnes Tennessee Technological University Vernon and Marion Piper Memorial Scholarship – $250 Jesse A. Brewer Austin Peay State University Col. David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship – $1,000 Dylan Walsh Broussard Millsaps College Samuel Z. Ammen Memorial Scholarship – $125 Idris R. Traylor, Jr. Scholarship – $375 Richard Wilson Endowment Fund Scholarship – $325 Patrick W. Brown McNeese State University Vernon and Marion Piper Memorial Scholarship – $250 Patrick Clay Brown Stephen F. Austin State University KAOEF General Scholarship – $500 Andrew P. Carey University of The South Col. David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship – $975 Cain Foundation Scholarship – $25 C. Randall Casper The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Robert W. Woodruff Scholarship – $625 Emmett Lee Irwin Scholarship – $175 Donald Howard Combs, III Transylvania University Robert E. Lee Memorial Scholarship – $1,0 00 Nicole Crossey Widener University David Suarez Memorial Scholarship – $2,000 Jentry Butler Dean Louisiana Tech University Vernon and Marion Piper Memorial Scholarship – $250 William E. Eye Emory University Mark Huntington Pruitt Scholarship – $875

Jason M. Eyestone University of North Texas Hunter W. Henry Scholarship – $350 Monroe Clark Memorial Scholarship – $150 Randolph W. Fauntleroy University of South Carolina Founders Memorial Scholarship – $525 Damon P. Gautreau Louisiana State University Thomas C. Main Memorial Scholarship – $275 Garrett Michael Gilbert Westminster College-Missouri Robert W. Maupin Scholarship – $200

D. Kent Landacre Southeastern Louisiana University Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr. Scholarship – $1,000 Jack Adam Landseidel Arizona State University Samuel Z. Ammen Memorial Scholarship – $750

Matthew L. Goldschmidt William Jewell College William E. Dreyer Alpha Delta Scholarship – $2,500

Thomas A. Limehouse Jr. University of South Carolina Col. David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship – $1,000

Paul W. Hahn University of Alabama Vernon and Marion Piper Memorial Scholarship – $250

Regan C. Loper Vanderbilt University Vernon and Marion Piper Memorial Scholarship – $250

Jordan Lenvel Hale University of Arkansas-Fort Smith Charles W. McCray Scholarship – $225 KAOEF General Scholarship – $475 Thomas Preston Hall University of Memphis Col. David R. Williams Scholarship – $2,400 Reid A. Harvey University of Alabama Vernon and Marion Piper Memorial Scholarship – $250

Robert Austin Lorenzen Davidson College Vernon and Marion Piper Memorial Scholarship – $250 Thomas Loury Boston College David Suarez Memorial Scholarship – $2,000 Joshua T. Mahoney Georgetown College Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr. Scholarship – $1,000

Jack Heron Furman University Col. David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship – $1,000

John Quentin Mantooth University of Tennessee at Martin Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr. Scholarship – $1,500

Thomas M. Herrera William Jewell College Clyde E. Williams Scholarship – $950 Henry G. Tiller Jr. Scholarship – $75

Chase M. McNulty Western Kentucky University Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr. Scholarship – $2,500 Justin M. Mikulencak Texas Wesleyan University James D. Roessler Scholarship – $650 William C. Morrow, Jr. Memorial Scholarship – $850

Caleb A. Hopkins Furman University Vernon and Marion Piper Memorial Scholarship – $250 Daniel Martin Horning The George Washington University John Paul Rector Scholarship – $450 Henry G. Tiller Jr. Scholarship – $50

Fall/Winter 2012

Jeffrey Thomas Johnston Clemson University Vernon and Marion Piper Memorial Scholarship – $250

Jeffrey S. Moad Western Kentucky University Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr. Scholarship – $2,500 Johnathan A. Mondel College of William & Mary KAOEF Scholarship – $2,500 Cain Family Scholarship – $175


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Ryan C. Muncy Virginia Tech George O’Mara Memorial Scholarship – $325 Thomas G. Paulson II Scholarship – $375 Weston M. Newman Millsaps College Verner & Mildred McCall Scholarship – $925 Henry G. Tiller Jr. Scholarship – $75 Sam V. Nguyen Missouri Southern State University Vernon and Marion Piper Memorial Scholarship – $250 Christopher Ryan Osterlund Auburn University Vernon and Marion Piper Memorial Scholarship – $250 Scott Michael Pellegrin Nicholls State University Robert E. Lee Memorial Scholarship – $725 John R. Berryman Scholarship – $225 Jacob McIntyre Persky University of Kentucky Dr. James Sammons Scholarship – $475 Jesse and Lala Sammons Scholarship – $225 Richard J. Pettey Auburn University Vernon and Marion Piper Memorial Scholarship – $250 Christopher C. Rayburn Davidson College Marshall James Donathan Jr. Scholarship – $175 Vance E. Rule Scholarship – $1,625 Joel Landon Revis Georgia Tech Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr. Scholarship – $1,500 Ryan Z. Roberts University of Tennessee-Knoxville Charlie R. Ashford Scholarship – $250 Julian A. Pardini Scholarship Scholarship – $700 Cain Foundation Scholarship – $50 Jeffery Alan Robinson Francis Marion University E. Fleming Mason Memorial Scholarship – $225 William C. Morrow, Jr. Memorial Scholarship – $1,275 Phillip J. Roper Wofford College Col. David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship – $1,000

Scholarships | E. Fleming Mason Memorial Interns


“Receiving a scholarship from the KAOEF is like receiving a vote of confidence from the leaders of our Order. A KAOEF scholarship is a reminder that chivalry and gentility are not

The E. Fleming Mason Memorial Internship Program continues to be a leading innovative program funded by the KAOEF. The selected brothers’ travel to and from Washington, D.C. and their lodging while in the district, is completely paid by the KAOEF. For more information about the internship program please go to www.kaoef. org. For more on this program, check out page 24.

our only duties. We are also called to represent the Order as leaders and scholars. – Johnathan Mondel (Alpha Zeta – William & Mary ’09)

Jacob C. Rudolph Washington and Lee University Warren Frazier Scholarship – $1,100 Kelvin E. Rutledge Austin Peay State University Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr. Scholarship – $2,500 James C. Salter Auburn University W. E. Dunwoody Province Scholarship – $375 Jack B. Carter II / Nu Chapter Scholarship – $450 Cain Foundation Scholarship – $125 William E. Sanderson Lamar University Luke Patton Memorial Scholarship – $350 William C. Morrow, Jr. Memorial Scholarship – $425 James D. Hunter Scholarship – $225 Preston R. Schwartz Clemson University Col. David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship – $1,000 David Pratt Sellman Presbyterian College Founders Memorial Scholarship – $350 Dr. Bolling S. DuBose Jr. Scholarship – $175

2012 Interns: Damon Gautreau (Alpha Gamma - Louisiana State ’10) Jonathan Strope (Alpha Kappa - Missouri ’09) Stephen Denton (Phi - Birmingham-Southern ’09) Tyler Bullis (Alpha Delta - William Jewell ’10) Zachary Froeberg (Alpha Xi – California ’09)

Allen R. Tripp Missouri Southern State University Jack R. Taylor Scholarship – $175 John W. Nowell Scholarship – $550 Peter B. Whatley University of Georgia Michael B. Hargrove Memorial Scholarship – $150 Tristan Wesley Whitaker University of Arizona Gamma Epsilon Scholarship – $275 L. Tyler Williams University of Mississippi Irby Turner III Scholarship – $250 Henry G. Tiller Jr. Scholarship – $150 Idris R. Traylor, Jr. Scholarship – $100 Chris M. Woods Western Kentucky University William E. Dreyer Scholarship Scholarship – $2,500 William Carroll Yager Georgetown College Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr. Scholarship – $1,500

Forbes B. Smallwood University of Tennessee-Knoxville Harry J. Breithaupt, Jr. Scholarship – $1,000 Matthew G. Spilsbury Northern Arizona University Vernon and Marion Piper Memorial Scholarship – $250 Kevin G. Sullivan Wake Forest University John L. Hall Scholarship Scholarship – $150 Chad Alan Thames Georgia Institute of Technology Col. David M. Buie Memorial Scholarship – $1,000

Evan Riley Thibaud Missouri University of Science and Technology Hart/Heath/Sims/Waters Scholarship – $450 Vernon and Marion Piper Memorial Scholarship – $50 Robert S. Tipton William Jewell College Clyde E. Williams Scholarship – $250

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Fall/Winter 2012

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Keep the connection for life.

Financials Condensed Statements of Financial Position June 30, 2012 and 2011 Assets:



a. Cash and Cash Equivalents b. Investment Income Receivable c. Prepaid Expenses d. Receivable from Affiliates e. Contributions Receivable f. Land, Buildings, and Equipment g. Long Term Investments h. Assets Held in Trust i. Other Assets

214,221 - 33,159 7,143 727,595 2,469,079 5,664,069 - 41,734

449,969 37,793 69,468 1,859,127 2,324,939 5,882,938 38,018

Total Assets




i. a.






Assets 2012

Liabilities: $ $ a. Accounts Payable 11,300 14,538 b. Notes Payable - c. Accrued Expenses 17,383 16,837 d. Annuity Obligation 124,946 132,828 e. Payable to Affiliates 895,922 849,678 f. Deferred Revenue 10,000 10,000 Total Liabilities






a. f. c.




Net Assets: $ $ e. Unrestricted Net Assets 1,088,097 1,544,130 Temporarily Restricted Net Assets 909,805 2,060,551 Permanently Restricted Net Assets 6,099,549 6,033,689 Total Net Assets

c. d.


liabilities 2012


$ Total Liabilities and Net Assets 9,157,000 $10,662,251 *unaudited Comprehensive annual audited financial statements are available on written request to the Executive Director at the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation.

Fall/Winter 2012


The Kappa Alpha Journal


Condensed Statements of Activities For the years ending June 30, 2012 and 2011 Unrestricted Activities: 2012* 2011 Revenues: $ $ a. Contributions 353,750 417,402 b. Investment Income 56,694 63,198 c. Rental Income 44,900 44,900 d. Other Income 16,191 32,194 e. Restrictions Released 1,538,153 542,467 $ $ Total Unrestricted Revenues 2,009,687 1,100,160 e. Expenses: $ $ a. Program Support Awarded 418,201 228,860 b. Salaries and Benefits 210,007 201,920 c. Occupancy Expenses 177,933 191,384 d. Fundraising Expenses 255,853 270,325 e. Administrative Expenses 155,941 180,934 f. Professional Services 27,093 30,822 g. Scholarships Awarded 60,335 98,740

Total Expenses



Operating Revenue Minus Expenses Non-operating Income / (Expenses)

704,324 (198,965)

Change in Unrestricted Net Assets






(2,112,138) $(168,002)



Change in Net Assets Net Assets at Beginning of Year


Net Assets at End of Year



g. a.


Expenses 2011 d.

Permanently Restricted Activities: $ Contributions $85,930 86,520 Change in Value - Split Interest Agreement - 1,910 Investment Gain / (Loss) (20,070) 15,468 Change in Permanently Restricted Net Assets

c. d.


Temporarily Restricted Activities: Contributions $(675,261) $200,037 Investment Income 101,276 174,428 Restricted Released (1,538,153) (542,467) Change in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets


Revenues 2011


(102,825) 317,839






(1,540,920) $150,911 9,638,371 9,487,459 8,097,450



* unaudited

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Fall/Winter 2012

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Keep the connection for life.

Foundation Chapters Continue To Set a New Standard

Since its maiden voyage in 2010 the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation’s premiere undergraduate giving program has set a new standard for undergraduate giving throughout the entire Order and the fraternal world. In only its third year the Foundation Chapter program acquired 4,030 donations from KA undergraduates, far exceeding the number of alumni donors in fiscal year 2012 to the KAOEF. It is also worth highlighting that 69 of our 125 current active chapters contributed 100% to the effort. Each contribution goes towards continuing both annual scholarships and award winning KAOEF sponsored programming for our undergraduate brothers. The KAOEF would like to personally thank each and every undergraduate member who supported us in this worthy cause again in 2012. Please see the list of all undergraduate chapters who are now designated as Foundation Chapters for 2012 by the Foundation’s Board of Trustees “It is with great honor and respect that I accept this KAOEF scholarship. A special thank you goes to those involved in this organization who diligently work towards creating a better learning experience to all the men associated with The Order. There is no doubt in my mind that I would not be the academic student and mannered individual I am today without the noble membership and four years in the Kappa Alpha Order.” – Paul Hahn (Alpha Beta – Alabama ’09)

Appalachian State - Delta Psi Arizona State - Epsilon Omega Birmingham-Southern - Phi Centenary - Alpha Iota Delta State - Delta Beta Duke - Alpha Phi Eastern Kentucky - Delta Mu Elon - Epsilon Mu Emory - Epsilon Florida Gulf Coast - Zeta Pi Florida State - Gamma Eta Furman - Iota Georgia College - Epsilon Nu Georgia Tech - Alpha Sigma Georgia Southern - Delta Theta James Madison - Zeta Theta Lamar - Gamma Xi Louisiana State - Alpha Gamma Louisiana Tech - Gamma Alpha Marshall - Beta Upsilon Mercer - Kappa Miami - Epsilon Lambda Mississippi State - Beta Tau Missouri Southern State - Delta Pi Missouri S&T - Beta Alpha Northern Arizona - Epsilon Tau Northwestern State - Gamma Psi Oklahoma State - Beta Xi Randolph-Macon - Zeta Rhodes - Alpha Epsilon Southeastern Louisiana - Epsilon Kappa Southern Methodist - Beta Lambda Southwestern - Xi Stephen F. Austin State - Delta Kappa Texas A&M-Commerce - Gamma Upsilon Texas State - Epsilon Iota Transylvania - Alpha Theta Tulane - Psi Alabama - Alpha Beta Arkansas-Fort Smith - Zeta Rho Florida - Beta Zeta

Fall/Winter 2012


Kentucky - Theta Louisiana-Monroe - Gamma Nu Memphis - Gamma Gamma Mississippi - Alpha Upsilon Missouri - Alpha Kappa North Carolina-Charlotte - Epsilon Xi North Florida - Zeta Nu Oklahoma - Beta Eta South Alabama - Epsilon Alpha South Carolina - Rho Tennessee-Martin - Delta Upsilon Tennessee-Chattanooga - Zeta Upsilon Tennessee - Pi Tulsa - Mu Virginia - Lambda Washington - Zeta Mu West Florida - Epsilon Sigma Valdosta State - Delta Rho Vanderbilt - Chi Virginia Tech - Epsilon Eta Virginia Wesleyan - Epsilon Omicron Wake Forest - Tau Washington & Lee - Alpha Washington College - Beta Omega Western Carolina - Delta Alpha Western Kentucky - Epsilon Theta Westminster - Alpha Eta William Jewell - Alpha Delta

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Foundation Chapters | Cumulative Giving

Cumulative Giving $1 Million And Above

$25,000 TO $49,999

Harry J. Breithaupt Jr., Roanoke + William E. Dreyer, William Jewell, LO# 12

$500,000 To $999,999 William H. Angle, Westminster + COL David M. Buie USA (Ret.), Presbyterian + Edward P. Leslie Jr., Oklahoma State + William R. Williamson, Stanford +

$100,000 To $499,999

R. Jack Alexander Jr., Georgia Tech Lawrence E. Ault, East Tennessee State, LO# 167 + COL James C. Coleman Jr., Georgetown + Ruth A. Elder Estate + Bensley H. L. Field, William & Mary, LO# 651 Alfred I. duPont Foundation Andrew H. Heyward III, Georgia, LO #16 Dr. Charles T. Hopkins Jr., Valdosta State Rock N. Houstoun, Southwestern, LO# 961 Hugh Howard III, Oklahoma + Boone A. Knox, Georgia + William L. M. Knox Jr., Georgia, LO# 2539 Wyckliffe A. Knox Jr., Georgia J. Coleman McDowell Jr., Texas Tech, LO# 516 S. Morgan Morton, Jr., Memphis James L. Ostner, Lambuth Thomas G. Paulson II, California, LO# 44 Vernon W. Piper, Washington Univ. + Vance E. Rule, William Jewell Benjamin W. Satcher, Jr., Clemson, LO# 17 Gerald W. Schlief, Stephen F. Austin State, LO# 1214 Paul E. Snodgress, Rhodes + F. M. Stevenson, Oklahoma State + Mrs. Dorothy Tyree + John W. Walden Jr., Georgia Theodore L. Weise, Missouri S&T, LO# 293 Clyde E. Williams, William Jewell +

$50,000 TO $99,999

$10,000 TO $24,999

Michael D. Abney, Florida, LO# 933 Clyde B. Anderson, Alabama Wogan S. Badcock, Jr., Florida + Dr. William R. Baldt, Delaware

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Fall/Winter 2012

M. Lee Barnes, Jr., Appalachian State, LO# 1396 William G. Bean Jr., Washington & Lee, LO# 661 Wayne T. Biddle, Oklahoma + Clayton P. Boardman III, Charleston, LO# 1917 Dr. James L. Bowers, Washington College, LO# 496 John H. Bryan Jr., Rhodes Clayton E. Bunting, Richmond, LO# 204 Paul R. Burns, Louisiana State, LO# 46 Stephen L. Burwell, Mississippi State, LO# 1993 G. Anthony Campbell, Georgia Thomas H. Campbell, Middle Tennessee State Red Cavaney CAE, Southern California Lloyd P. Cornell Jr., California + Mark C. Cross Jr., Georgia Millard L. Cursey Jr., West Virginia Wesleyan, LO# 537 James E. Davis, Missouri, LO# 1084 M. Donald Davis Jr., South Alabama, LO# 570 John B. De Nault, Stanford Alfred Diaz Jr., Texas-Arlington, LO# 549 M. Allen Dickson, Washington & Lee Gerald C. Down, California, LO# 2293 Rev. James L. Duncan, Mercer + Douglas S. Ewalt, Washington College, LO# 78 G. Walther Ewalt, Johns Hopkins, LO# 77 + M. Tom Faircloth, Mercer, LO# 19 William W. Featheringill, Vanderbilt, LO# 819 James L. Ferman Sr., Emory + Charles Z. Flack Jr., North Carolina + John Paul Foundation James C. France, Florida Southern J. Rex Fuqua, Georgia Francis E. Gardiner Jr., Johns Hopkins, LO# 1941 U. Edwin Garrison, Mississippi State Robert E. Graham Jr., Wofford William T. Green, Centenary, LO# 812 John L. Hall, Wake Forest, LO# 870 Loren Q. Hanson, Missouri, LO# 883 Victor H. Hanson II, Virginia, LO# 315 The Hon. Porter Hardy Jr., Randolph-Macon + Douglas B. Harris, Houston Baptist, LO# 873 Grant V. Harrison, Richmond + COL William H. Hastings Jr. (Ret), VMI, LO# 691 + Bruce B. Higton, California, LO# 683 George M. D. Hunt IV, Gamma GrandStand Sports, Inc. Hugh M. Inman, Georgia + Masterpiece Investments John R. Jackson, Georgia Carl E. Jones Jr., Alabama George M. Jones III, Alabama, LO# 385 John D. Jones Jr., Georgia, LO# 989 John F. Knight, Georgia Paul H. Kuhn Jr., Vanderbilt, LO# 2103 Dr. Burnell Landers, William Jewell, LO# 1885 Clyde R. Littlefield, Texas, LO# 860 Samuel W. Magruder, Vanderbilt, LO# 1406 J. Frank Mahoney III, Southern California + David T. Martineau V, Mississippi Kenneth A. May, Memphis Dr. O. Hunter McClung Jr., VMI + Robert W. McLean, Middle Tennessee State + John M. McNatt Jr., Emory Charles C. Mickel, Clemson Jerry L. Milligan, Oklahoma Kenneth R. Mitchell, California + William T. Morgan III, Auburn Thomas C. Moxley, Alabama Frederick L. Munds Jr., North Carolina, LO# 1890 + James M. Ney, Furman, LO# 2361 Ray P. Oden Jr., Louisiana State, LO# 637 Mrs. Helen R. O’Mara Stephen C. Owings, Georgia Julian A. Pardini, California + William T. Pegues III, Louisiana State + The Hon. Anthony L. Polumbo, Lamar Jim Possehl

Timothy K. Adams, Emory, LO# 326 Richard J. Arroll, Georgia L. Blair Bailey, Florida State, LO# 84 Robert J. Beckham, Emory + James W. Bowyer, Georgia Tech Jack B. Carter II, Auburn, LO# 57 Derick S. Close, North Carolina State, LO# 2838 Barry B. Donnell, Southern Methodist, LO# 1045 Hugh Howard III Estate James R. Estes, Missouri, LO# 10 James L. Ferman Jr., Emory, LO# 185 Jerry B. Fussell, Georgia Tech Henry C. Goodrich, Tennessee + David B. Hagan, North Carolina State, LO# 43 Stumpy Harris, Florida, LO# 919 Hubert L. Harris Jr., Georgia Tech Eugene M. Julian, Delaware, LO# 1239 Norman B. Kellum Jr., Wake Forest, LO# 1480 Frank W. Maresh, Texas, LO# 14 William A. McRae, Georgia David R. Murphey III, Washington & Lee Edwin R. Neel, Georgia Michael V. Paulin, Southern California, LO# 1623 Todd Dewey Reaves, Auburn, LO# 1315 Roy O. Rodwell Jr., Duke, LO# 2749 Edgar B. Rouse Jr., Maryland + James H. Sammons, M.D., Washington & Lee + C. Edward Schmidt Jr., Missouri S&T, LO# 294 J. William Schulz, Missouri, LO# 2503 William H. Skipper Jr., Francis Marion, LO# 2380 Barry L. Storey, Georgia Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr., Texas Tech, LO# 866 Harry A. Trueblood Jr., Texas Robert M. Varn, Vanderbilt + Edward I. Weisiger Jr., North Carolina State Harvey P. White, West Virginia Wesleyan

Harold M. Anderson, Alabama Anonymous G. Patterson Apperson III, Univ. of the South, LO# 266 Alvan S. Arnall, Univ. of the South, LO# 1054 + Frank L. Asbury III, Emory, LO# 751 Richard A. Barnes, Middle Tennessee State Mrs. Paulina T. Beall + B. Terry W. Bennett, Louisiana Tech, LO# 1133 Upshaw C. Bentley Jr., Georgia Richard C. Beveridge, Oklahoma + John F. Bishop II, Delaware + Raymond B. Bottom Jr., Hampden-Sydney, LO# 687 W. Waldo Bradley, Georgia Daniel G. Broos, Georgia Russell C. Brown, Houston Baptist, LO# 22 Wallace A. Brown Jr., North Carolina + Eugene E. Brucker, Washington Univ. J. David Carico, Emory Epsilon Delta Chapter James H. Cochrane Jr., Virginia Tech, LO# 804 John H. Crawford IV, Georgia La Fon C. Dees, Wofford, LO# 1852 J. Michael Duncan, Stephen F. Austin State, LO# 11 Mrs. Virginia Bateman Comer Estate Dr. Richard T. Feller, West Virginia + Max S. Flynt, Jr., Oglethorpe + Community for Greater Atlanta Foundation Robert D. Fowler, Univ. of the South + W. Julian Foy, Northwestern State + William W. Francis IV, Tulsa, LO# 500 Michael R. Gonzalez, Tennessee, LO# 174 H. Lynn Greer Jr., Middle Tennessee State, LO# 105 Rutledge A. Griffin Jr., Georgia Otis M. Healy, Southern California, LO# 1518 Hunter W. Henry Jr., Mississippi State + Darren S. Kay, Westminster, LO# 55 William W. Kidd, Georgia, LO# 744 Paul V. Kilpatrick Jr., Georgia, LO# 673 Andrew H. Knox, Georgia Jefferson B. A. Knox, Georgia Robert E. Knox Jr., Georgia Sam O. Leake Jr., Oklahoma State, LO# 21 S. Wistar Lewis, Georgia Robert W. Maupin, Missouri, LO# 1591 Michael D. McCaslin, Transylvania + SGM E. Kent McMichael, VMI, LO# 251 David J. Middleton, Florida State, LO# 180 Matthew G. Moffett, Georgia Dr. John W. Nowell, Wake Forest + Coca-Cola Foundation Matching Gift Program Dr. J. Crayton Pruitt Morris W. Pully, North Carolina, LO# 189 Larry F. Robb, North Texas, LO# 66 + Lewis L. Scruggs Jr., Georgia Rufus W. Shivers, Rhodes + Curt Steger, Florida State Mrs. Mildred H. Street Dr. Andrew J. Thacker, VMI H. Grady Tiller Jr., Alabama + Mrs. Virginia N. Toombs David C. Wadlington, Mempis Charles L. Wallace, Georgia Tech, LO# 1829 David M. Warren, Wake Forest, LO# 13 Hugh P. Whitehead, Alabama Larry S. Wiese, Midwestern State, LO# 37 Raymond Wilkinson, Richmond + Eddie S. Wilson, Delta State, LO# 228 Richard B. Wilson Jr., Mississippi, LO# 93 Lewis H. Wyman III, Missouri, LO# 47

Chapters listed are initiation chapters  deceased LO = Loyal Order

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Keep the connection for life.

Cumulative Giving (continued) The Chapters of Irwin Province J. Guy Revelle Jr., Wake Forest + Carlton Mulcahy Rogers, Southern California + Nat S. Rogers, Millsaps, LO# 646 Louis W. Romigh, William Jewell + Philip D. Rowe Jr., Vanderbilt, LO# 697 Dr. James Michael Schmuck, Westminster, LO# 1064 Dr. March E. Seabrook, Wofford C. Douglas Simmons III, Mississippi State, LO# 179 George W. Simmons, Georgia John E. Simpson III, Texas Tech John D. Smoot, Jr., George Washington + Charles M. Sours, Millsaps, LO# 640 + W. Reed Sprinkel, Southern California, LO# 656 Thaddeus A. Stubbs, Westminster, LO# 2009 James A. Todd Jr., West Virginia, LO# 1861 Elizabeth Hampton Trust McCall Trust Stewart Turley, Rollins, LO# 312 Robert D. Valdez, Stanford F. Brook Voght, Alabama + Dr. Chad E. Wagoner, Missouri Southern State, LO# 32 Donald W. Webb, Sr., Georgetown R. Dudley Webb, Georgetown Ernest G. Williams, Alabama + Steven M. Williams, North Carolina-Charlotte, LO# 1631 Warren S. Wingert, Southern Methodist, LO# 2116

$5,000 TO $9,999 William P. Acker III, Vanderbilt, LO# 15 James Aylor Anderson, Jr., Valdosta State + Bennett P. Applegate, Miami Charlie R. Ashford Jr. + William Y. Atkinson IV, Georgia Harry R. Baker, Missouri State, LO# 964 Lewis T. Baker Jr., Centenary David P. Barksdale, Wake Forest, LO# 156 Gary D. Barnes, William Jewell Henry H. Beckwith, Florida, LO# 346 Thomas M. Belk, Davidson + Ross A. Berlin, Wake Forest Richard M. Blades, Texas John R. Bolton, Louisiana Tech, LO# 2666 Robert M. Boswell III, Wake Forest Robert A. Bowen Jr., Mercer Lawrence S. Branch, Bethany, LO# 1262 J. Melville Broughton III, Wake Forest Kenneth L. Brown, Missouri, LO# 313 Dr. Donald M. Bryan, Florida Robert W. Buskirk II, Marshall Peter M. Candler, Washington & Lee Henry R. Carr, Sr., Oklahoma + David B. H. Chaffe III, Tulane, LO# 1778 Kent T. Chapin, Oklahoma State, LO# 1258 Gamma Eta Chapter The Chapters of Graves Province M.R. Buck Clements, Jr., Florida State + The Hon. William P. Clements Jr., Southern Methodist + Bernard G. Cline Jr., Richmond + State Mutual Insurance Company Michael A. Costa, California-Riverside, LO# 1622 James Ward Wood Prov. Court of Honor Barry E. Cox, Georgia Tech, LO# 1710 John W. Cox Sr., Emory + George W. Culler Jr., Drury + Dr. Paul J. Davis, Westminster Earnest W. Deavenport Jr., Mississippi State, LO# 1318 Franklin W. Denius, Texas William K. Dillingham, William Jewell, LO# 1425 Frederick W. Dismuke Sr., Georgia Tech + M. James Donathan Jr., North Carolina State, LO# 1144 W. Birch Douglass III, Hampden-Sydney, LO# 2521 Ernest R. Eaton, Jr., Maryland Joseph M. Farley, George Mason + Robert R. Feagin III Charles M. Fitts Jr., Alabama, LO# 639 Henry J. Foresman Sr., VMI + Jurenko Foundation Overstreet Short Mountain Foundation

Sumter & Ivilyn Lowry Foundation Dr. W. McLeod Frampton Jr., Charleston + William Robinson Frazier, North Carolina + John W. Frost II, Florida, LO# 1235 John T. Glover, Emory James D. Goudge, Texas John R. Griffin Jr., North Carolina, LO# 1675 Tyler Griffin, William Jewell, LO# 114 Robert A. Gritton, Georgetown + John G. Guerrant, Washington & Lee + George G. Guthrie, Duke Robert W. Hagan, Valdosta State, LO# 2150 William J. Hagenah, Stanford, LO# 1155 Harry G. Haisten Jr., Georgia Mrs. Virginia Hardesty Jack Y. Harrison, Duke, LO# 1481 George Keith Hatheway, Tulsa + Leland M. Hawes Jr., Florida W. Edgar Helms III, South Carolina, LO# 985 + MG James L. Hobson Jr., Memphis, LO# 2401 Ms. Rosann F. Hooks Colby J. Hunter, Gamma Epsilon MG Richard Logan Irby, VMI + Dr. Larry A. Jenkins, California-Davis Arthur F. Jones II, Presbyterian CPT Clyde M. Jones, Southwestern, LO# 166 Kappa Alpha Tenth Order James D. Kay Jr., Auburn, LO# 2147 Lawrence L. Keefer, Furman, LO# 959 E. Larry Kelly, Georgia Tech, LO# 1336 Robert D. Kelly, Missouri Southern State, LO# 25 David A. Kimbell, Oklahoma, LO# 1294 Gordon L. Kinne, Missouri State, LO# 886 Jefferson B. A. Knox Jr., Georgia Paul W. Lammers, South Alabama, LO# 108 Thomas M. Lane, South Carolina Todd H. Langley, Arizona, LO# 1979 George G. Langston III, Southwestern, LO# 545 Ernest G. Lawhorne, South Carolina Lowell H. Lebermann Jr., Texas + Jeffrey G. Leigh, Univ. of Washington Arthur L. Lenahan, Alabama + Malcolm H. Liles, Georgia, LO# 342 Richard M. Lucas, Texas + Robert J. Lucas, Southern California, LO# 1683 Robert Ervin Luckie, Jr, Birmingham-Southern + Jesse Samuel Lyons, Western Carolina, LO# 39 Clarence M. Malone, Jr., Texas William M. Matthews V, Presbyterian, LO# 2745 W. Fritz Maxwell, Mississippi State, LO# 662 William M. McGee, Louisiana-Monroe, LO# 987 COL John B. McKinney, Tennessee, LO# 745 John B. McKinnon, Duke Randolph W. McLaughlin, Florida Larry D. Meyers, Texas Tech, LO# 790 John R. Milam, Middle Tennessee State William A. Mitchell Jr., Vanderbilt Loy B. Moore, Southern Methodist, LO# 1212 Ronald R. Morgan, Texas State, LO# 295 William D. Morrison, Emory James C. Musser, Eastern Kentucky Dr. Garry L. Nall, West Texas A&M, LO# 929 Bret R. Neathery, Drury, LO# 972 Ms. Suzy Nelson William L. Nix, Georgia Philip P. Noftsinger, George Mason, LO# 208 David M. O’Dell, Old Dominion, LO# 24 D. Tom O’Neal Jr., Missouri Travis M. Osborne Jeff A. Parker, Jacksonville State, LO# 1358 Milton E. Pate, Clemson E. William Pautler Jr., Rollins Hugo A. Pearce III, Newberry, LO# 506 Windsor Plaza Frank W. Podpechan, Tulsa, LO# 445 William S. Porter, Tennessee, LO# 1083 J. Stephen Powell III, Auburn Mrs. Frances M. Pruitt Nelson H. Puett, Univ. of the South, LO# 1485

Fall/Winter 2012


Chapters listed are initiation chapters  deceased LO = Loyal Order Christopher J. Puricelli, Missouri State James R. Purvis, Texas Tech, LO# 678 Neal J. Quirk, Georgia John W. Ramsay, Mississippi State + Dr. Edwin P. Rather, Tennessee, LO# 617 Timothy J. Reed, Clemson, LO# 769 William B. Reed, Birmingham-Southern, LO# 520 David E. Reemsnyder II, West Virginia Wesleyan Jerry J. Richardson, Wofford Kenneth Rickli, Missouri, LO# 922 Douglas W. Robertson, Louisiana Tech, LO# 110 Robert M. Ross, Maryland, LO# 1279 L. Lamar Rou, Jr., Florida Southern + William C. Routh, Oklahoma, LO# 1418 Robert F. Sawyer, Stanford Gary T. Scott, Southwestern, LO# 859 Marc Allan Scott, Texas A&M-Commerce, LO# 88 Leo W. Seal Jr., Mississippi State + J. Emmett Sebrell, North Carolina + Deloitte Services LP Gregory R. Singleton, Memphis, LO# 184 Thomas H. Sloan, North Carolina Gregory B. Smith, Miami W. Godfrey Smith, Florida + W. Hunt Smock, Kentucky Bruce D. Stafford, Millsaps, LO# 1280 William R. Stamler Jr., Univ. of the South, LO# 257 Steven M. Steele, Stephen F. Austin State, LO# 1645 Dietrich H. Steffens, Washington College + Robert T. Steinkamp, William Jewell, LO# 1282 John W. Stephenson, Emory Douglas C. Stone, Mississippi + Curtis A. Sumpter, Roanoke + J. Frank Surface LT James M. Tallman, MD, Emory, LO# 834 Ms. Martha P. Tarpen Jack R. Taylor, Drury, LO# 2022 Craig S. Thompson, Johns Hopkins Hollis C. Thompson, Jr., Mississippi + Jeff Thompson, Oklahoma Randolph William Thrower Sr., Emory + Kenneth Amestoy Tipton, Southern California, LO# 1249 + Carl Trauernicht Jr., Westminster + James C. Turk Jr., Roanoke James T. Turner Jr., Mercer, LO# 963 J. Terry Turner, Texas A&M-Commerce Joseph M. Van Name III, Washington College, LO# 69 Gordon S. Varnedoe, Emory A. Curtis Walker, Duke + Dr. Charles R. Walker, Oklahoma City Michael D. Wedlick, Delaware, LO# 580 Warren B. Weeks Jr., Oklahoma, LO# 805 Stephen R. Welch, Delaware, LO# 1672 Samuel A. Wigley, Louisiana-Monroe + Roger P. Wood, Marshall, LO# 1681 Robert W. Woodruff, Emory + Edgar L. Woods, Newberry George T. Wootten, Jr., Missouri S&T J. Larkin Wright Jr., Valdosta State Thomas M. Wright, Northwestern, LO# 978 V. Charles Wyatt, North Carolina Delos H. Yancey III G. Smedes York, North Carolina State, LO# 2540,

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Cumulative Giving (continued) | Annual Giving

Annual Giving

Chapters listed are initiation chapters  deceased LO = Loyal Order

Westminster – Alpha Eta Dr. James Michael Schmuck, LO# 1064 Thaddeus A. Stubbs, LO# 2009

Louisiana Tech – Gamma Alpha John R. Bolton, LO# 2666 Erik T. Showalter, LO# 884

William Jewell – Alpha Delta William E. Dreyer, LO# 12

Memphis – Gamma Gamma MG James L. Hobson Jr., LO# 2401 S. Morgan Morton, Jr. Gregory R. Singleton, LO# 184

VMI – Beta Commission Dr. Andrew J. Thacker

Mercer – Kappa James T. Turner Jr., LO# 963

Knight Commander’s Society $5,000 and above

Middle Tennessee State – Delta Lambda Richard A. Barnes

Alabama – Alpha Beta Hugh P. Whitehead Appalachian state – Delta Psi M. Lee Barnes, Jr., LO# 1396 California – Alpha Xi Gerald C. Down, LO# 2293 Clemson – Delta Omicron Timothy J. Reed, LO# 769 Benjamin W. Satcher, Jr., LO# 17 Emory – Epsilon Timothy K. Adams, LO# 326 J. David Carico James L. Ferman Jr., LO# 185 Francis Marion – Delta Tau William H. Skipper Jr., LO# 2380 friends of the order GrandStand Sports, Inc. Elizabeth Hampton Trust Masterpiece Investments Furman – Iota James M. Ney, LO# 2361 Georgia – Gamma G. Anthony Campbell John H. Crawford IV J. Rex Fuqua Andrew H. Heyward III, LO# 16 George M. D. Hunt IV John D. Jones Jr., LO# 989 Andrew H. Knox Jefferson B. A. Knox Jr. William L. M. Knox Jr., LO# 2539 S. Wistar Lewis William A. McRae Neal J. Quirk Lewis L. Scruggs Jr. George W. Simmons

Midwestern State – Gamma Omega Larry S. Wiese, LO# 37 Benjamin Wilson

Crimson & Gold Society $1,000 to $4,999

Millsaps – Alpha Mu Rev. Reynolds S. Cheney II, Bruce D. Stafford, LO# 1280

Arizona – Gamma Epsilon Colby J. Hunter Todd H. Langley, LO# 1979

Mississippi State – Beta Tau Stephen L. Burwell, LO# 1993 Earnest W. Deavenport Jr., LO# 1318 U. Edwin Garrison C. Douglas Simmons III, LO# 179

Bethany – Beta Beta Lawrence S. Branch, LO# 1262

Missouri Southern State – Delta Pi Dr. Chad E. Wagoner, LO# 32

California – Alpha Xi Bruce B. Higton, LO# 683 Thomas G. Paulson II, LO# 44

Missouri – Alpha Kappa J. William Schulz, LO# 2503 Lewis H. Wyman III, LO# 47

California-Davis – Epsilon Gamma Dennis K. Baldwin, LO# 2606 Clemson – Delta Omicron Charles C. Mickel Hugo A. Pearce III, LO# 506 Robert C. Satcher, LO# 1612 Delaware – Beta Epsilon Eugene M. Julian, LO# 1239 Michael D. Wedlick, LO# 580 Delta State – Delta Beta Eddie S. Wilson, LO# 228 Eastern Kentucky – Delta Mu James C. Musser

VMI – Beta Commission COL Henry J. Foresman Jr., LO# 1361 COL Franklin J. McConnell Jr., LO# 1362 SGM E. Kent McMichael, LO# 251 J. Carlton Showalter Jr. Wake Forest – Tau David P. Barksdale, LO# 156 Timothy L. Barnes Robert M. Boswell III J. Melville Broughton III Norman B. Kellum Jr., LO# 1480 David M. Warren, LO# 13

Northwestern – Gamma Psi Thomas M. Wright, LO# 978

Westminster – Alpha Eta Darren S. Kay, LO# 55

Presbyterian – Beta Pi William M. Matthews V, LO# 2745

William Jewell – Alpha Delta Gary D. Barnes William K. Dillingham, LO# 1425 Tyler Griffin, LO# 114 Dr. Burnell Landers LO# 1885

South Carolina – Rho Ernest G. Lawhorne

Hampden-Sydney – Alpha Tau Raymond B. Bottom Jr., LO# 687

Transylvania – Alpha Theta Michael D. McCaslin

Houston Baptist – Delta Sigma Douglas B. Harris, LO# 873

Valdosta State – Delta Rho Dr. Charles T. Hopkins Jr.

Jacksonville State – Delta Phi Jeff A. Parker, LO# 1358

Washington & Lee – Alpha David R. Murphey III

Lambuth – Gamma Omicron Peter M. Conway, M.D.

Wofford – Delta Dr. C. Dorn Smith III

Robert E. Lee Society - $500 to $999

Stephen F. Austin State – Delta Kappa Steven M. Steele, LO# 1645

Appalachian State – Delta Psi C. Yates Pharr, LO# 436

Texas – Omicron John Kirby Ewing, LO# 930

Arizona – Gamma Epsilon Benjamine Keilholtz

Texas A&M-Commerce – Gamma Upsilon Marc Allan Scott, LO# 88

Arkansas State – Delta Eta Jack Plumlee

Texas-Arlington – Delta Iota Alfred Diaz Jr., LO# 549


Fall/Winter 2012

Centenary – Alpha Iota Lewis T. Baker Jr. William T. Green, LO# 812

Missouri – Alpha Kappa James R. Estes, LO# 10

Southwestern – Xi Richard R. Hayslett, LO# 1325 George G. Langston III, LO# 545

Virginia Tech – Epsilon Eta James H. Cochrane Jr., LO# 804

West Virginia Wesleyan – Beta Chi Millard L. Cursey Jr., LO# 537

Mississippi – Alpha Upsilon David T. Martineau V

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Virginia – Lambda Gregory A. McCrickard

North Carolina State – Alpha Omega David B. Hagan, LO# 43

Southern Methodist – Beta Lambda Barry B. Donnell, LO# 1045 O. Brad Freeman, LO# 1942 Houston N. Tuel III

Vanderbilt – Chi William W. Featheringill, LO# 819

West Virginia – Alpha Rho Donald G. Wood

friends of the order Arizona Biltmore Ms. Sissy Bynum Dr. Tina M. Carico Ms. Mary L. Clark Fultz & Associates LLC W. H. Hastings Foundation Ms. Rosann F. Hooks Jurenko Foundation

North Carolina State – Alpha Omega Derick S. Close, LO# 2838 Edward I. Weisiger Jr.

Univ. of Washington – Zeta Mu Jeffrey G. Leigh,

Missouri State – Gamma Beta Gordon L. Kinne, LO# 886

Southern California – Beta Sigma Robert J. Lucas, LO# 1683 Michael V. Paulin, LO# 1623

Louisiana – Alpha Gamma B. Terry W. Bennett LO# 1133

Transylvania – Alpha Theta Michael P. Wilson, LO# 40

Washington College – Beta Omega Douglas S. Ewalt, LO# 78 William R. Janney III, LO# 45

Florida – Beta Zeta Michael D. Abney, LO# 933 Joel S. Chitwood III, LO# 2396

Johns hopkins – Alpha Lambda Francis E. Gardiner Jr. LO# 1941

Texas Tech – Gamma Chi Thomas W. Myers Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr., LO# 866

Missouri S&T – Beta Alpha C. Edward Schmidt Jr., LO# 294

Purdue – Epsilon Rho Michael Jerry Garrison

Emory – Epsilon N. G. Butch Houston III John M. McNatt Jr. Allen Payne Long

Texas State – Epsilon Iota Ronald R. Morgan, LO# 295

forever KA

Keep the connection for life.

Annual Giving (continued) Omega Commission James Julius Winn, Jr.

Millsaps – Alpha Mu Nat S. Rogers, LO# 646

Clemson – Delta Omicron Dacun A. Banks

Mississippi – Alpha Upsilon LTG James E. Sherrard III, LO# 1012 The Hon. W. Swan Yerger (Ret), LO# 1759

Delaware – Beta Epsilon CPT James S. Roberts, LO# 1093 Duke – Alpha Phi William Alexander Hughes East Carolina – Gamma Rho Robert C. Vause Jr., LO# 1275 Eastern Kentucky – Delta Mu Collin B. Taylor, LO# 2411 Emory – Epsilon Matthew J. Jewell, LO# 2023 J. Gordon McGill William D. Morrison Florida Southern – Gamma Pi James C. France Florida – Beta Zeta Preston L. Farrior, Beta Zeta, Florida Florida Southern – Gamma Pi Guy D. Colado, LO# 1832 John W. Frost II, LO# 1235 Daniel A. Rodriguez Francis Marion – Delta Tau Kenneth W. Jackson, LO# 1123 friends of the order Capital Group Companies Coca-Cola Foundation Matching Gift Program Julian Gold Inc. Graphic Cow Geico Philanthropic Foundation Hugh Howard III Estate Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Rho Chapter Signature Announcements Inc. Trawick H. Stubbs Jr. Furman – Iota G. Randy Smith, LO# 1635 Georgia – Gamma David R. Dillinger, LO# 1802 Georgia Tech – Alpha Sigma Barry E. Cox, LO# 1710 Hampden-Sydney – Alpha Tau J. Robert Bray, LO# 932 Houston Baptist – Delta Sigma Russell C. Brown, LO# 22 Jacksonville State – Delta Phi Marcus E. Angle Jr., LO# 1082 Louisiana-Lafayette – Gamma Phi Malcolm L. Comeaux, LO# 1467 Louisiana Tech – Gamma Alpha Ronnie E. Bounds Jr. Matthew D. O’Neal, LO# 2228 Donald R. O’Neal Jr., LO# 2815 MG Jack W. Ramsaur II, LO# 2195 Northern Arizona – Epsilon Tau Douglas W. Hanisch, LO# 2217 Mercer – Kappa Raymond M. Warren III, LO# 2453 Midwestern State – Gamma Omega J. Stewart Harvey Jr., LO# 20

Chapters listed are initiation chapters  deceased LO = Loyal Order

Missouri S&T – Beta Alpha Dennis L. Dutton, LO# 1557 Jared L. Gregory Timothy R. Watsek Theodore L. Weise, LO# 293

Texas Tech – Gamma Chi Shawn M. Fyfe, LO# 2622 J. Coleman McDowell Jr., LO# 516 Univ. of the South – Alpha Alpha Mason G. Alexander Jr., LO# 135 G. Patterson Apperson III, LO# 266 Hugh F. Sharber Valdosta State – Delta Rho Robert W. Hagan, LO# 2150 Randy D. Royall Jr. James M. Roth

Missouri – Alpha Kappa Kenneth L. Brown, LO# 313 Kenneth Rickli, LO# 922 Missouri Southern State – Delta Pi Robert D. Kelly, LO# 25 North Carolina – Upsilon Morris W. Pully, LO# 189 V. Charles Wyatt

VMI – Beta Commission Meade A. Spotts LTC William E. Wray Jr., LO# 872 Virginia – Lambda William McCausland Wake Forest – Tau Thomas W. Bell

Oklahoma State – Beta Xi Sam O. Leake Jr., LO# 21

Washington College – Beta Omega Michael Macielag

Richmond – Eta Hubel Robins Jr.

Westminster – Alpha Eta Raymond F. Burfeind, LO# 894

San Diego State – Gamma Iota David K. Dere, LO# 83

William Jewell – Alpha Delta Russell L. Creason, LO# 1288

South Alabama – Epsilon Alpha M. Donald Davis Jr., LO# 570 South Carolina – Rho Gordon M. Speed, LO# 797 Southeastern Louisiana – Epsilon Kappa Kelly S. Wells, LO# 2221


Southern Indiana – Zeta Omicron Jarrod M. Krisiloff, LO# 1091


Southern Methodist – Beta Lambda R. Randy Beard, LO# 1148 James B. Cain Warren S. Wingert, LO# 2116

c. d.

Southwestern – Xi John A. Anderson Jr., LO# 2570 Charles E. Cotten Gene Elder Jr. E. Bryan Gentle Gerald D. Tinsley M. DeWayne Varnadore

Donors 2011

Stanford – Alpha Pi Robert C. Friese, LO# 1589 William J. Hagenah, LO# 1155 Robert F. Sawyer Stephen F. Austin State – Delta Kappa J. Michael Duncan, LO# 11 Gerald W. Schlief, LO# 1214 Joseph B. Shaw Gregory F. Smith, LO# 2222

Donor Summary Donor Type a. Parents / Non-members b. Undergraduates c. Staff / Volunteers d. Alumni

Tennessee – Pi Dr. Edwin P. Rather, LO# 617 Texas-Arlington – Delta Iota CPT Darren L. Cochran Michael A. McHugh, LO# 1520 Lynn A. Morgan, 2701

Contributions $ 147,477.47 6,488.38 83,961.79 715,993.89

# of Donors 326 85 50 1,707

Totals $993,278.63


Texas – Omicron John C. Cain Wofford F. Denius Franklin W. Denius

Fall/Winter 2012


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Annual Giving (continued) | Donor Summary | Annual Giving by Chapter

Annual Giving by Chapter The following list shows how many individual donors from each of these chapters gave a gift to the KAOEF and the total amount of gifts per chapter. Figures are reflective of initiates of specified chapter. Transfer chapters are not indicated. School


Donors Total ($) School

20 12,010.30 10 12,429.16 13 8,597.39 4 706.46 8 900.00 3 299.30 1 8.00 26 2,606.48 1 136.73 7 790.00 7 1,345.00 11 868.25 2 236.50 18 10,767.15 3 700.00 1 3,900.00 1 50.00 16 2,501.60 6 725.00 18 32,602.53 7 661.50 34 6,377.30 9 3,693.65 5 293.65 23 1,947.30 16 1,499.18 4 400.00 10 3,455.42 1 18.65 45 50,352.10 48 8,152.11 1 110.00 5 1,623.00 26 2,408.97 7 16,537.19 19 6,969.25 2 82.30 1 50.00 3 370.00 5 460.00 41 259,019.12 6 1,117.57 44 4,800.30 1 18.65 12 3,843.51 2 125.00 4 2,911.73 1 75.00 8 3,018.65 2 126.00 4 5,225.00 13 1,735.30 1 28.00 16 2,785.00 16 8,281.65 2 44.86 25 7,299.38 9 1,237.30 16 1,199.44 4 700.00 13 1,143.65 20 1,584.75 11 1,085.25 24 5,446.46 21 3,841.39 3 312.30 4 237.30 7 3,140.89


Donors Total ($) School

Midwestern State Gamma Omega Millsaps Alpha Mu Mississippi Alpha Upsilon Mississippi State Beta Tau Missouri Alpha Kappa Missouri S&T Beta Alpha Missouri Southern State Delta Pi Missouri State Gamma Beta Murray State Delta Nu New Mexico Beta Phi Newberry Delta Epsilon Nicholls State Epsilon Beta North Carolina Upsilon North Carolina State Alpha Omega North Carolina-Charlotte Epsilon Xi North Carolina-Wilmington Epsilon Psi North Florida Zeta Nu North Texas Gamma Lambda Northern Arizona Epsilon Tau Northwestern State Gamma Psi Oklahoma Beta Eta Oklahoma City Gamma Kappa Oklahoma State Beta Xi Old Dominion Delta Gamma Presbyterian Beta Pi Purdue Epsilon Rho Randolph-Macon Zeta Rhodes Alpha Epsilon Richmond Eta Roanoke Beta Rho Rollins Alpha Psi Sam Houston State Gamma Tau San Diego State Gamma Iota San Jose State Gamma Delta South Alabama Epsilon Alpha South Carolina Rho Southeastern Louisiana Epsilon Kappa Southern California Beta Sigma Southern Indiania Zeta Omicron Southern Methodist Beta Lambda Southern Mississippi Gamma Zeta Southwestern Xi Stanford Alpha Pi Stephen F. Austin State Delta Kappa Tennesee-Chattanooga Zeta Upsilon Tennessee Pi Tennessee-Martin Delta Upsilon Texas Omicron Texas A&M Epsilon Delta

8 17 22 23 21 32 26 11 4 4 8 2 18 20 3 1 3 12 9 14 18 8 14 7 18 5 13 11 9 9 5 2 1 3 3 33 9 30 1 18 9 27 15 15 1 19 8 20 11

6,863.12 6,750.00 8,034.81 7,662.61 14,186.21 5,542.19 6,277.38 2,050.00 425.00 97.30 2,290.00 137.30 1,913.75 29,261.99 312.00 50.00 192.36 1,243.71 1,708.00 2,024.60 2,169.37 848.80 2,161.97 600.00 3,323.80 1,369.65 936.50 1,185.15 1,035.00 1,050.52 525.00 299.30 600.00 225.00 886.50 4,090.38 1,399.82 7,342.60 720.00 5,916.75 827.00 8,014.00 2,743.65 4,573.32 19.00 2,118.65 684.16 4,442.69 1,015.00


Donors Total ($)

Texas A&M-Commerce Gamma Upsilon 6 1,479.16 Texas State Epsilon Iota 3 1,063.65 Texas Tech Gamma Chi 22 7,822.95 Texas Wesleyan Zeta Xi 1 37.30 Texas-Arlington Delta Iota 13 5,741.86 The Citadel Theta Commission 6 543.65 Transylvania Alpha Theta 15 13,350.53 Tulane Psi 16 1,345.00 Tulsa Mu 13 1,367.45 Univ. of the South Alpha Alpha 15 3,432.44 Univ. of Washington Zeta Mu 6 1,799.30 Valdosta State Delta Rho 11 27,505.64 Vanderbilt Chi 20 5,685.00 Virginia Lambda 11 3,125.00 Virginia Tech Epsilon Eta 4 1,600.00 VMI Beta Commission 97 19,329.96 Wake Forest Tau 25 15,366.03 Washington & Lee Alpha 22 6,940.04 Washington College Beta Omega 16 3,673.08 Washington Univ. Beta Theta 6 500.00 West Florida Epsilon Sigma 2 155.00 West Texas A&M Gamma Sigma 6 480.00 West Virginia Alpha Rho 12 1,989.33 West Virginia Wesleyan Beta Chi 13 3,285.30 Western Carolina Delta Alpha 12 996.76 Western Kentucky Epsilon Theta 11 1,171.90 Westminster Alpha Eta 20 17,589.61 William & Mary Alpha Zeta 17 1,193.65 William Jewell Alpha Delta 17 26,182.39 Wingate Zeta Zeta 2 150.00 Wofford Delta 21 3,295.00 Omega Commission 1 500.00 Friends of the Order 292 81,461.71 Totals 2,131 Donors $936,329.47

“The scholarship was a great financial aid; it allowed me to travel to Chile for my spring 2012 semester, an experience I wouldn’t have been able to do without KAOEF. Even more, the trust a KAOEF scholarship represents showed me that my brothers have high expectations for me, and that this scholarship is a call to aim higher and strive for excellence.”

The Kappa Alpha Journal

– Dan Horning (Alpha Nu – George Washington ’08)


Fall/Winter 2012

Alabama Alpha Beta Appalachian State Delta Psi Arizona Gamma Epsilon Arkansas Alpha Omicron Arkansas State Delta Eta Arkansas Tech Epsilon Zeta Arkansas-Fort Smith Zeta Rho Auburn Nu Austin Peay State Zeta Tau Baylor Delta Omega Bethany Beta Beta Birgmingham-Southern Phi Bowling Green State Zeta Lambda California Alpha Xi California State-Bakersfield Epsilon Omega California-Davis Epsilon Gamma California-Riverside Epsilon Epsilon Centenary Alpha Iota Charleston Beta Gamma Clemson Delta Omicron Davidson Sigma Delaware Beta Epsilon Delta State Delta Beta Drury Beta Iota Duke Alpha Phi East Carolina Gamma Rho East Tennessee State Delta Delta Eastern Kentucy Delta Mu Elon Epsilon Mu Emory Epsilon Florida Beta Zeta Florida Gulf Coast Zeta Pi Florida Southern Gamma Pi Florida State Gamma Eta Francis Marion Delta Tau Furman Iota George College Epsilon Nu George Mason Epsilon Phi George Washington Alpha Nu Georgetown Beta Delta Georgia Gamma Georgia Southern Delta Theta Georgia Tech Alpha Sigma Goldey-Beacom Zeta Gamma Hampden-Sydney Alpha Tau Houston Gamma Mu Houston Baptist Delta Sigma Indiana State Zeta Iota Jacksonville State Delta Phi James Madison Zeta Theta Johns Hopkins Alpha Lambda Kentucky Theta Lamar Gamma Xi Lambuth Gamma Omicron Louisiana State Alpha Gamma Louisiana State-Shreveport Delta Chi Louisiana Tech Gamma Alpha Louisiana-Lafayette Gamma Phi Louisiana-Monroe Gamma Nu Louisville Beta Omicron Marshall Beta Upsilon Maryland Beta Kappa McNeese State Delta Xi Memphis Gamma Gamma Mercer Kappa Miami Epsilon Lambda Miami (FL) Gamma Theta Middle Tennessee State Delta Lambda

Foundation Today Donation In Memory of: S. Michael Allan by Dan P. Lovelady Samuel Z. Ammen by Sally A. Eads Dr. Paul J. Andrisani by Eugene M. Julian Alvan S. Arnall by Timothy K. Adams Lawrence E. Ault by Jim P. Lawson William H. Stokes Jefforey C. Bailey by R. Stewart Young William C. Banks Jr. by John C. Funderbunk III

William L. O'Field by T. Michael Cobb William E. Forester by Frank L. Asbury III W. Julian Foy by John Michael Moore Dr. W. McLeod Frampton Jr. by Jeffrey W. Love Robert C. Garrett by C. Larry Brown Jack Gayle Jr. by The Honorable W. Gus Elliott William E. Glassell by Dr. Edwin C. Glassell Dr. Hugh R. Granade by James N. Taylor Jr.

Kenneth Earl Little James H. Burris E. Fleming Mason by Lee S. Dixon

Goodwin G. Thomas Sr. by John N. McCarter Jr.

Jack B. Carter II by Larry S. Wiese

Michael E. Hopper by Ben W. Satcher Jr.

Dr. C. Dorn Smith III by Ben W. Satcher Jr.

Mike Thomas by Timothy K. Adams

Russell H. Chesley by Larry S. Wiese

Bruce L. Hudson Esq. by Stuart F. Whetsell

Bruce D. Stafford by Dr. Russell P. Atchley

Christopher B. Churchill by Ben W. Satcher Jr.

Dwain P. Knight by Brent W. Fellows

Maxwell H. Stroebel by Antonina Stroebel

Steven C. Knight by Ben W. Satcher Jr.

Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. by Stuart F. Whetsell

Stephen J. LaFollette by Larry S. Wiese

Jon Crosby Turner by James J. Rester

Clint F. Cummins by Ben W. Satcher Jr.

Jim P. Lawson by Morris W. Pully Charles A. Webb

Drew J. Deal by Stuart F. Whetsell

Jeffrey W. Love by Stuart F. Whetsell

David M. & Keena Warren by Laura K. Howell Stuart F. Whetsell

Earnest W. Deavenport by Ben W. Satcher Jr.

Todd P. Lowe by Jim P. Lawson

GEN George C. Marshall Frederick J. Turpin Sr. by James Julius by Carol R. Turpin Winn, Jr. Irby Turner III Richard A. McClure by Stanley J. Viner by CMDR James R. McClure Lewis & Dorothy Tyree by Elizabeth Joseph C. McDowell Sr. Tyree-Taylor by Timothy K. Adams William E. Dreyer Robert M. Varn Jim P. Lawson by William W. Featheringill Richard McEwen by Robert M. Fielding Numer C. Wall Jr. by John R. Griffin Jr. Charlotte Simmons McQueeney Charles E. Wenzel Jr. by Theta Commission by John W. Simpson

Ross D. Coley by Stuart F. Whetsell John R. Crumpler III by Stuart f. Whetsell

James M. Luck Delta Beta Chapter Thurman R. Medley Delta State University by Erik T. Showalter Jay Allen Greenleaf Gary D. Widmer George P. Bates Jr. by Thomas W. Miller by Benjamin R. Stigler by Merrill C. Wautlett Jr. by H enry L. Van by Ben W. Satcher Jr. Walter R. Lunsford Brederode Larry S. Wiese Gerald T. Mosely Jr. by Ben W. Satcher Jr. Delta Tau Chapter David T. Hagood by Jason S. McCormick - Francis Marion by Walter W. Walker Jr. Benjamin H. Williams Donald L. Barney Andrew W. Mathews University by T he Honorable by James F. Carroll Jr. Moon Mullins by M AJ Edward S. Dwight L. Hafeli by Ronald E. Miller Jr. W. Gus Elliott by Rock L. Demarais Oglesby by Dwight T. Hafeli James A. Block Earle L. Wittington Jr. Henry M. Dennis Jr. by Richard A. Block Robert D. Norris Bradley Nicholas Dr. Leslie M. Hale by Frank R. Whittington by James M. Groves by Alan M. Fasoldt Mathews by The Honorable The Honorable J. by James S. Mathews III W. Birch Douglass III David F. McInnis Jr. Gary L. Wright Caleb Boggs H. Alan Palmer by Ben W. Satcher Jr. by Larry G. Wright by CPT James S. Roberts George T. Hall by Matthew J. Jewell Mark A. McBride by Kathryn C. McBride Randal H. Drew by Miles R. Orndorff Robert H. Yeatman Allen S. Brisson Julian A. Pardini by Ben W. Satcher Jr. by James E. Sylvanus by Dallas O. Brisson by Russell D. Summers Justin T. McGee Dale W. Harding Stuart F. Whetsell by Debbie L. McGee William E. Dreyer by Elaine Mathes Earl L. Young Stanley L. Park by Russell L. Creason by Bensley H. L. Field COL George M. Stanley L. Park Jr. Larry D. Meyers Olis R. Hardman Loyd R. Gentry Rober W. Grigsby Brooke Jr. Goeorge E. Payne Jr. by Larry S. Wiese by James W. Craig Stuart F. Whetsell John L. Sibley Jr. by David H. Kennedy by Earl A. Denney Charles C. Mickel R. Barney J. Michael Duncan David D. Brooks Julius Nicholas Pearl by Ben W. Satcher Jr. Harrington Jr. Donation In by Brent W. Fellows by Dan P. Lovelady by John G. Hanna by Carolyn H. Honor of: Stuart F. Whetsell Norman S. Mitchell Harrington Dr. Benjamin D. Buster Larry O. Phillips by Larry S. Wiese Mark W. Adcock Garth K. Dunklin by Dr. Mike Wells by Lavinia P. Phillips Barry D. Harris by Stuart F. Whetsell by Larry S. Wiese Thomas C. Moxley by Jay M. Blalock Presnall G. Cage Dr. Ovid W. Pierce Jr. by Larry S. Wiese Alpha Iota Chapter Epsilon Xi Chapter by Josh M. Crofford by Robert W. Boxley Henry G. Harry Centenary College University of North Mu - University of Tulsa Arthur A. Garcia Stephen L. Owens by Cory L. Durden of Louisiana Carolina-Charlotte by M AJ R. J. MacDowell Joshua L. Gary by S GT Robert A. by Garrett Alexander Joe Neil Poole Jr. USAF (Ret) Harold N. Hopkins III C. Barron Hayes III Young Jr. Bendenbaugh by Wiley W. Stanford Jr. Joe F. Mills by Christopher T. Moser Bryan Houston Alpha Sigma Chapter Mario S. Kyprianou Emerging Leaders Steven H. Purdy David R. Murphey III J.B. Hill Georgia Institute of Andrew B. Tipton Academy by Ben W. Satcher Jr. by William S. Heaton Jr. by H. Mark Purdy Technology by George M. Van Meter Jr. LT Andrew M. Campbell Carroll F. Hoffman John D. Rather IV John S. Murphy by Lenton A. Carter by Jesse C. Craven Joseph M. Evangelisti by Dr. Edwin P. Rather by Ben W. Satcher Jr. by T. Michael Cobb Alpha Tau Omega Staff by Ben W. Satcher Jr. L. Wick Cary J. Guy Revelle Jr. Theta Commission James E. Hooks by Stuart F. Whetsell by C. Alan Melton Earl Fain IV by Garth K. Dunklin The Citadel by Rosann F. Hooks G. Patterson Apperson III by Erik T. Showalter Gertrude Revelle by CPT Ronald C. Plunkett Thomas R. Chapman Tazwell T. Hubard Jr. by Erik T. Showalter by LTC Walter D. Kyle R. Fleishmann Alfred E. Rickli Timothy A. Parker by The Honorable Boomer William Archibald by Robert S. Pollock by Augustus M. Parker Tazewell T. Hubard III by Kenneth Rickli Appleman L. Monroe Clark Gamma Chi Alumni Larry F. Robb Timothy A. Parker Jr. Jay B. Hubbell Jr. by Sam O. Leake Jr. by Grafton P. Texas Tech by Earl A. Denney by Augustus M. Parker by Dr. David S. Hubbell Frank A. Argenbright Jr. Tanquary Jr. by Charles C. Chesser Gary A. Schraibman Cameron J. Price William A. Hunt by Jonathan S. Howse Jr. Clarence H. Clay Jr. Gamma Epsilon by Ben W. Satcher Jr. by Sam O. Leake Jr. by Keith A. Waddell L. Blair Bailey by Robert E. Chapter - University Julie B. Smith MG Jack W. Ramsaur II Jack Jackson by Stuart F. Whetsell Haberkamp Jr. of Arizona by Ben W. Satcher Jr. by James M. Hancock Jr. by LTC George T. Smith by Patrick J. Williams David W. Baker Joyce Kingery Clay Wilson & Alice Smith Timothy J. Reed Dr. William R. Jerles by Jim P. Lawson by Robert E. Gamma Eta - Florida by James W. Smith by Ben W. Satcher Jr. by Timothy K. Adams Haberkamp Jr. State University Brad Beacham Dr. Malcolm S. Moore Jr. by C harles Dean James W. Standley III J. Allen Sanders by Stuart F. Whetsell Michael T. Clayton T. Draper Watson Sheppard by R. Bradley Carroll by Larry S. Wiese by John C. Ross A. Berlin Frank C. Jones Funderbunk III MG Donald R. Gardner Calvin P. Stephenson Morgan J. Sanders by Ben W. Satcher Jr. by John W. Adams III by Ben W. Satcher Jr. by Fred B. Sheats Jr. by Sam O. Leake Jr. Robert S. Cochran Jr. Timothy K. Adams A. Webb Bond by Walter L. Dowdle Robert F. Gregory Robert L. Stone Jr. William H. Skipper Jr. by Stuart F. Whetsell 1LT Michael K. by Erik T. Showalter by Richard B. Wilson Jr. by Larry S. Wiese Leon A. Cox II Kilpatrick Brandon M. Booten by Jim P. Lawson David B. Hagan by Ruben A. Warren James B. Strange Joshua B. Shearon by Jim P. Lawson William H. Stokes by Erik T. Showalter by James E. McGinnis Jr. by Jim P. Lawson David W. Kirkpatrick Raymond B. Bottom Jr. Stuart F. Whetsell Ted DeLaVergne Jr. James E. Hardin William A. Stroud Erik T. Showalter by Larry S. Wiese Larry S. Wiese by John R. Rowe Jr. Lloyd L. Leech III by Howard M. Stroud by Wayne E. Dawson Robert M. Bouse Loren Q. Hanson by John A. Walters Thomas Dunn John Sulton Jr. Dr. Bernell E. Simmons by Larry S. Wiese by Jim P. Lawson by T. Michael Cobb Jerry M. Leerstang by Daniel N. Williams Jr. by Dr. William B. R. David Bruce Dr. Steven E. Hastings by Charles B. Webb Simmons Andrew R. Eickhoff Jr. George R. Sutton by Frank C. Baker Jr. by Stuart F. Whetsell by Jim P. Lawson Wayne A. Lessig by William Boyd Reeves Gregory R. Singleton Andrew P. Carr Andrew H. Heyward III by Stuart F. Whetsell by Dr. Walter D. Bach Jr. Larry Ferguson Julius E. Talton by F. Michael Carr by Ben W. Satcher Jr. John R. Rowe Jr. by Dale T. Townsend by Richardson B. Wynn R. Smiley McKenzie Jr. by Stuart F. Whetsell

Fall/Winter 2012


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Matthew James Webb by Leslie Webb Donald W. Wells by Ben W. Satcher Jr. Hugh P. Whitehead by Ben W. Satcher Jr. Larry S. Wiese by Brent W. Fellows Peter C. Winters by Ben W. Satcher Jr. William A. Wood by Wayne E. Dawson J. Murray Underwood Jr. by James N. C. Moffatt III

Housing Rendering by Miles Lewis

Oklahoma State House Face-lift Fiscal stability and chapter operation lead to renovations The Beta Xi chapter is coming off a banner year. They became the recipient of their first Samuel Zenas Ammen Award for Chapter Excellence and recruited the largest new member class since the 1960’s, taking chapter strength to around 70 men. However, the KA house used by Beta Xi chapter was purchased in 1995 from Delta Zeta sorority. It has been in dire need of some deferred maintenance for some time. The property has appreciated a great deal and primarily through some outstanding efforts by housing corporation president Boomer Appleman (Beta Xi – Oklahoma ’92), alumnus advisor Cameron Price (Beta Xi – Oklahoma ’08), and alumnus house manager Morgan Sanders (Beta Xi – Oklahoma ’03), a refinance package was been acquired to get the house in firstclass shape. New improvements include:

Replacement of all windows with energyefficient ones, along with rebuilt frames Replacement of the roof, with highdefinition architectural shingles and eave extension with soffit ventilation

Removal of vinyl siding to be replaced with house-wrap, sheathing, and brick veneer Refinishing and staining of hardwood floors upstairs, on the staircase, and in the formal room Replacement of the tile in the front and back entryways This work is on going as you read this and is to be completed in October. The total tab for this renovation to be rolled in with the existing mortgage for the re-fi is about $330,000. The Beta Xi alumni were not asked to contribute. The young men in the chapter today, and those who will follow, will service this debt with their dues and house bills. There is one more important element to the house renovation—the most visible and impactful. It is a beautiful and striking colonnade; an expanded 10’ by 52’ porch with five two-story columns, fluted with Greek Doric capitals and matching bases, accented with a Charleston-style upper balustrade. The colonnade will not only

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Fall/Winter 2012

add outdoor space, but it will be an impressive.Along with all the renovations, this addition will elevate the KA house as one of the premier properties at Oklahoma State. The price tag for the colonnade was $50,000. Our plan was to raise this money to have it soley funded by alumni. Through letters and emails, personal contacts and information pudates, we have been able to raise $19,400. Construction is almost complete and the finished Beta Xi house is a brand new house indeed.

Along with all the renovations, this addition will elevate the KA house as one of the premier properties at Oklahoma State.

Complete rebuilding of the upstairs main bathroom

Repairing and repainting of stone façade across a front portion of the house exterior

Chapter Eternal The Official Badge of the Order is shown as worn on a “hatchment” (a crepe of piece of black ribbon 1/2" wide and 3/4" long). Brothers are to wear this arrangement during a period of mourning as set forth in the Kappa Alpha Laws (App. 103).” Alabama Alpha Beta William John Clement, Jr., 1970, 6/2/12 Curtis Robert Middlekauff, 1980, 8/31/02 Julius Ellis Talton, 1949, 1/23/05

Louisiana Tech Gamma Alpha Arthur J. Wilson III, 1958, 7/31/12

Arkansas State Delta Eta Robert Michael Phelps, 1974, 4/21/12

Louisville Beta Omicron Charles R. Daniels, 1949, 7/14/12 Dr. John N. Goldsborough, 1947, 9/17/10 William G. Long, Jr., 1946, 9/30/12

Arkansas Tech Epsilon Zeta Kelly R. Loop, 1981, 10/13/12 Arkansas Alpha Omicron William L. Horner Jr., 1949, 3/14/10 Garland M. Thorn, 1947, 2/26/12 Auburn Nu Henry W. Hawthorne, 1956 Joe Neil Poole Jr., 1943, 1/12/12 James E. Popwell Jr., 1950, 10/14/12 Thomas A. Sims Jr., 1946, 10/4/12 Rodney W. Williams, 1970, 10/5/12 Bethany Beta Beta Robert L. Albertsen, 1945, 5/30/99 Birmingham-Southern Phi Robert E. Cleveland, 1943, 1/1/89 Dr. David Marshall Vess, 1946, 6/13/12 California Alpha Xi Robert Ivan Conn, 1943, 2/16/06 Creighton S. Grady, 1942, 1/16/04 Frederick L. McNulty, 1958, 6/4/12 Roy P. Muehlberger, 1948, 7/24/12 Clemson Delta Omicron Gary Alan Schraibman, 1982, 8/12/12 Davidson Sigma Rev. Donald B. Bailey, 1932, 12/13/04 Dr. Arthur Renwick Paterson, 1940, 5/25/01 Drury Beta Iota Corbett Lee Evans, 1944, 3/12/12 Dr. John P. Ferguson, 1933, 6/30/12 Richard I. Langston, 1940, 4/5/11 Duke Alpha Phi Edgar B. Bennett, 1943, 11/3/06 Franklin U. Creech, 1961, 11/18/06 Mr Peter A. Royal, 1969, 6/20/11 East Tennessee State Delta Delta Richard W. McCrary, 1969, 10/7/12 Emory Epsilon CPT Charles Woodrow Hubbell, USN (Ret.), 1936, 12/3/05 Eugene Q. Key, 1946, 9/16/11 Dr. Frank Amis Millians Jr., 1949, 4/21/12 Robert C. Rhodes, 1934, 4/21/11 Florida Beta Zeta Edwin Robbins Dupont, 1965, 8/3/12 Marion Fonteyn Hatcher, 1946, 6/25/12 Donald E. Maurer, 1980, 3/20/09 Mr Robert L. Shearon, 1961, 4/24/12 Florida State Gamma Eta Ted DeLaVergne Jr., 1962, 6/22/12 Mr William H Kane, Jr, 1969, 1/7/11 Dixon G. Robinson, 1955, 10/4/12 Furman Iota Nelson Alvin Bourgeois, Jr., 1947, 2/23/12 Robert N. DuRant, 1937, 5/28/12 Louisiana State-Shreveport Delta Chi William A. Hunt, 1984, 5/1/12

Louisiana-Monroe Gamma Nu Floyd C. Miller, 1959, 5/22/11 James W. Standley III, 1991, 4/19/12

Marshall Beta Upsilon Michael W. Corder, 1965, 2/13/12 Maryland Beta Kappa Harold K. Keller, 1945, 6/5/12 James Lester Pritchett, III, 1994, 7/28/12 Charles E. Wenzel Jr., 1949, 8/31/12 Memphis Gamma Gamma Preston A. Ford, Jr., 1954, 3/15/11 Raymond O. Newbill, 1953, 7/14/11 Mercer Kappa Frank B. Bullock III, 1953, 5/22/06 David L. Hearin, 1937, 7/19/06 Dr. William R. Jerles, 1955, 6/13/12 Michael Farris Thomas, II, 1981, 7/8/12 Miami Epsilon Lambda Mark S. Dudley, 1986, 6/14/12 Middle Tennessee State Delta Lambda Paul T. Cantrell, 1969, 5/21/12 Millsaps Alpha Mu Dr. Thomas Epps Wilson, III, 1952, 8/26/12 Mississippi Alpha Upsilon Robert Lafayette Stone, Jr., 1948, 7/17/12 Mississippi State Beta Tau John M. Dugan, 2009, 10/4/12 COL Russell A. Weathersby (Ret), 1950, 11/22/09 James T. White, 1958, 1/22/12 Missouri Alpha Kappa Earl Masdon Jr., 1937, COL William L. Wells, 1936, 10/24/01 Missouri State Gamma Beta Richard L. Meyer, 1953, 1/8/12 New Mexico Beta Phi Robert H. Schnurr, 1956, 2/20/12

North Carolina Upsilon Donald W. Geiger, 1952, 12/11/09 Dr. Leslie M. Hale, 1954, 9/26/12

Oklahoma City Gamma Kappa Glenn L. Barnes, 1952, 8/18/12 Curtis L. Darrah, 1952, 3/17/11 Charles N. Guerrero, 1952, 3/20/12

Transylvania Alpha Theta George E. Crow, 1962, 7/31/11 Richard B.M. Felner, 1948, 11/4/11 Jack Gayle, Jr., 1936, 6/21/12

Richmond Eta Richard H. Thompson, 1946, 3/5/12

Tulane Psi Dr. Gary A. Sneed, 1952, 8/8/12

Roanoke Beta Rho John Easter Wimmer, 1937, 3/14/12

Tulsa Mu R. Barney Harrington Jr., 1946, 3/7/12

San Diego State Gamma Iota Arthur S. Billings, Jr., 1950, 2/4/11

Valdosta State Delta Rho Michael T. Clayton, 1976, 7/5/12

San Jose State Gamma Delta James A. Francis, 1949,

Vanderbilt Chi J. Floyd Haywood, Jr., 1944, 9/9/12 Dr. James E. Mays Jr., 1944, 8/21/12 H. Blair Trimble Jr., 1951, 5/31/12 Allan O. Wesley, Jr., 1959, 10/7/11

Univ. of the South Alpha Alpha C. Barron Hayes III, 1977, 8/28/10 Stuart G. Ruth, 1942, 11/23/11 Rev. William T. Richter, 1947, 3/10/11 Frederick J. Turpin Sr., 1956, 9/13/12 Rev. Arthur A. Vogel, 1943, 3/6/12 South Carolina Rho William Richard Cathcart, 1942, 6/18/12 William Porcher DuBose Tuller, 1987, 8/4/12 Southern California Beta Sigma Dale W. Harding, 1942, 12/25/11 Jack F. McLaughlin, 1943, 8/27/11 Sean Thomas Sullivan, 1991, 5/29/12 Charles H. Wilkins, 1936, 12/3/05 Frank Clifford Wykoff, 1930, 1/1/80 Southern Methodist Beta Lambda Presnall G. Cage, 1997, 5/9/12 John C. Gregory, 1939, 1/14/12 Stephen J. Hay, Jr., 1950, 6/22/04 Louis Frederick Rothermel, III, 1988, 7/17/12 Southern Mississippi Gamma Zeta Charles G. Singleton, 1950, 11/18/11 Stanford Alpha Pi John G. Dorrer, 1936, 12/3/10 Willard Perry Norberg, 1941, 12/29/11 Stephen F. Austin State Delta Kappa Honorable David Robert Thornhill, 1969, 9/7/11 Tennessee-Martin Delta Upsilon Richard Said Akil, 1988, 10/31/10

Newberry Delta Epsilon Dr. Gerald Allen Brasington, 1998, 6/18/12 North Carolina State Alpha Omega Dr. Joel Wyman Baker, 1948, 6/5/12 Frank Shields Pittman, Jr., 1967, 7/14/12 Charles Robert Shields, 1947, 11/7/10 John O. Toledano, 1952, 8/31/10 North Texas Gamma Lambda George S. Dickson, 1954, 4/11/15 Walter Lloyd Dosterschill, Jr., 1945, 1/27/11

Tennessee Pi Thomas Wayne Arrants, III, 1968, 1/21/11 Dr. Elmer Charles Sienknecht, 1934, 2/24/12 Texas A&M-Commerce Gamma Upsilon Patrick R. Schrum, 1969, 2/16/11 Texas Omicron John Webster Naylor, Jr., 1950, 6/28/12 Texas Wesleyan Zeta Xi Joshua C. Gregory, 2007, 11/27/10 The Citadel Theta Commission 1LT John Jennings Kerr, 2010, 7/4/12

Northwestern State Louisiana Gamma Psi George R. Briley, 1967, 4/14/11 Thomas R. Cathey, 1964, 8/8/12

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Oklahoma Beta Eta William R. Blakemore, 1949 Jack L. Stanford, 1947, 5/6/12

George Washington Alpha Nu Roy T. Whitesel, 1947, 5/28/12


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Virginia Lambda Albert J. Drueding Jr., 1943, 12/10/11 Peter G. Gantsoudes, 1972, 11/13/11 Homer H. Humphries Jr., 1949, 3/1/12 Virginia Military Institute Beta Commission Robert S. Cochran Jr., 1960, 7/18/12 Hugh V. White Jr., 1954, 8/6/12 Virginia Wesleyan Epsilon Omicron Joseph Edward Adams, Jr., 2009, 7/28/12 Wake Forest Tau Douglas C. Fulton, 1962, 7/14/12 Guy Pinkney Hamrick, 1945, 4/9/12 Haywood B. Huntley, 1935, 9/16/07 Washington Beta Theta Nelson J. Bleisch, 1947, 8/22/12 Daniel H. Devaney III, 1947, 5/23/12 Donald D. Zahner, 1946, 2/2/06 Washington College Beta Omega The Hon. Wayne A. Cawley Jr., 1947, Washington & Lee Alpha Howard B. Gist Jr., 1937, 8/19/11 David F. Guthrie Jr., 1954, 10/14/11 Walter L. Hannah, 1947, 6/5/12 Fleming Keefe, 1959, 12/8/11 Judson H. Simmons, 1965, 5/16/12 West Virginia Alpha Rho James K. Brown, 1948, Westminster Alpha Eta Robert Lewis Barringer, 1946, 2/27/91 John M. Grover, Jr., 1946, 1/5/10 William & Mary Alpha Zeta Richard E. Cornwell, 1941, 6/23/04 Henry Haskins Dodge, 1941, 3/15/12 The Hon. Dixon L. Foster, 1941, 8/31/11 Earl Lawrence Young, 1958, 5/22/12 William Jewell Alpha Delta Dr. Zenas Willard Hutcheson, Jr, 1939, 8/8/09 Richard Forrest Langner, 1957, 5/22/12 Arthur B. Sewell, 1917, 6/6/92 David Eugene Woodside, 1976, 5/14/12

Our Legacy

Like Grandfather, Like Father, Like Son by J. Milton Coxwell, Jr. (Phi – Birmingham-Southern ’68) and Jesse S. Lyons (Delta Alpha –Western Carolina ’98)

Kappa Alpha Order is steeped in tradition and full of stories. There are none stronger than within our membership. Stories of legacies, relatives, friends, and coincidences are interwoven in our fabric. Some stretch a length of time and others are similar in their repetition. Way back in 1899 a young man named John B. Barnett (to be later called “Sr.”) was initiated into the Alpha Beta Chapter at the University of Alabama. After graduating from college, he

returned home to Monroeville, Alabama to practice law and also became a banker. He served as President of the powerful Alabama Bankers’ Association in 1932. Repeat Barnett, Sr. had a son. He named him John B. Barnett, Jr. At the suitable age, Barnett Jr. attended the University of Alabama, like so many Alabama sons of so many Alabama fathers do. And similarly, he pledged his father’s fraternity, Kappa Alpha Order. But times were tough; World War II had begun and Barnett Jr. had his pledgeship cut short to serve. After serving with distinction, he too returned to Monroeville, entered the banking business and subsequently became President of the Alabama Bankers’ Association in 1959. Repeat, and correct Along comes John B. Barnett, III. Same name. John III decided to break family tradition and enrolled at BirminghamSouthern College. While there, he took up the KA mantel and was initiated by Phi Chapter in 1971. His leadership skills were recognized as he served the chapter as Number I in 1974. As Number I, and no doubt, a future student of the law, John was able to determine that Kappa Alpha Laws allowed (and still do) for an easy process to gain approval to initiate a formerly uninitiated pledge. In 1974, John III and Phi chapter corrected the break in the seventy-five year KA legacy by initiating his own father, Barnett Jr. Not to be outdone nor break any other traditions of the family, John III became a lawyer, President of BankTrust in his hometown, and in 2011, was elected as the third successive Alabama Bankers’ Association President in his family. What you do today, what you join, or whom you bid at your chapter, may too become a 100-year or more tradition. Our future belongs to you.

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Fall/Winter 2012

Left to Right: A family, fraternity, and banking tradition: the late John B. Barnett, Jr. (Phi Birmingham-Southern ’74), portrait of the late John B. Barnett, Sr. (Alpha Beta – Alabama 1899) and John B. Barnett, III (Phi – Birmingham-Southern ’71).

From the Archives

Dean Rusk Is Commended On Outstanding Record to State In 1961, Kappa Alpha Order again boasted a member of the Cabinet of the President of the United States. George C. Marshall was previously both the Secretary of Defense and State. Later Clark Clifford would be named Secretary of Defense. But in 1961, for the young President Kennedy, Dean Rusk assumed control of the State Department in one of the most tenuous times in war, and peace, of world history. The following is in part the story from the January 1961 Edition of The Kappa Alpha Journal.

Rusk on the cover of Time magazine in 1960.

For the first time in a decade, a KA is a member of the cabinet of the President of the United States. He is Dean Rusk, an initiate of Sigma Chapter at Davidson College. And as the new Secretary of State under President John F. Kennedy he will have one of the most crucial positions in all the world, with the issue of war and peace involved. The appointment of David Dean Rusk—he dropped the David early in life—was generally acclaimed. During the Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman administrations, he had put in 10 years service in the State Department and War Department. He was on duty in the State Department the night of June 25, 1950 when word came from Korea that the North Koreans had invaded South Korea. He immediately decided that we should intervene, through the United Nations. He got the approval of the Secretary of State, Dean Acheson, and a historic step was taken. Only a few months before he had volunteered to take the red hot Far Eastern post under the Secretary of State, who was under heavy fire for letting all of mainland China become Communist. Brother Rusk was born in a small Georgia town, the fourth of five children of a Presbyterian minister. His father developed a throat ailment and gave up preaching, turning to cotton farming and teaching school. The when he was four the father got a job as a mail carrier in Atlanta and

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the family lived in a humble section of town. The children wore flour sacks as underwear. The family stressed moral integrity and the children were constantly urged to get out and do their best, so they were always striving for excellence. Young Rusk was a top student at Boy’s High in Atlanta, where he also took an active part in athletics. At the age of 12 he mapped his course for the next 12 years, and he carried out his plans. At Boy’s High he was president of his senior class, colonel of the ROTC and the president of Hi-Y. He was also the editor of the year book, a member of the honor society and on the track squad. At Davidson, where he graduated in 1931, he won honors anew. He was president of the YMCA, a captain in the ROTC and he became Phi Beta Kappa. He, aiming to get a Rhodes Scholarship, went out for track, tennis, baseball and basketball. And as he had planned at the age of 12, he became a Rhodes Scholar. He graduated from Saint Johns College, Oxford, in 1934, after winning new honors, including the Cecil Peace Prize for a paper on relations between the British Commonwealth and the League of Nations. He also studied in Germany. Then he accepted a $2,000 a year job teaching at Mill College, Oakland, California. One of his students was Virginia Foisie, whom he married. Soon after World War II got under way,

The Kappa Alpha Journal

From the Archives

York, which last November went heavily for Richard Nixon for president even though Dean Rusk was chairman of the Democratic campaign there. The new Secretary of State got off to an auspicious start, though he had once called the job “almost impossible” to fill adequately and though he faced many crucial decisions on which world peace might hinge.

Left: Rusk testifying before the Senate and before his confirmation as Secretary of State. Right: Rusk shown with Adlai Stevenson, then Ambassador to the United Nations.

He is expected to be a very different type of Secretary of State than his predecessors ... He believes in working through ambassadors, not in traveling constantly around the world to engage in personal diplomacy. But he says he is an optimist and he believes in careful briefings, not in playing hunches. He is expected to be a very different type of Secretary of State than his predecessors, Christian Herter and the late John Foster Dulles. He believes in working through ambassadors, not in traveling constantly around the world to engage in personal diplomacy. And he is not an advocate of summit meetings.

The Kappa Alpha Journal


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he, a reserve captain, was called to active duty. A punch-card machine picked him out for other than routine duties. He went to Washington in charge of the War Department’s British Empire section. Then in 1943 he went to India as a colonel, becoming a deputy to General Stilwell. He flew “the Hump” 14 times trying to spur the British and Chinese on to greater action. After the war he shuttled between the State and War Departments. He was picked by General George Marshall (also a KA, from VMI) to head the Office of Special Political Affairs, He operated as a citizen diplomat, not as a career man or political appointee. Then in 1949 he became the No. 3 man in State, in charge of policy coordination. Soon after that, the Truman foreign policy was under heavier and heavier attack and so in early 1950 he took over the Far Eastern post. Whereas his predecessor had set a hostile attitude towards Chiang Kai-shek, Brother Rusk came out emphatically in favor of the leader on Formosa. Then came the eventful night of June 25, 1950 when the Korean War broke out. In 1952 he was chosen to be president of the Rockefeller Foundation, to direct the spending of $250,000,000 on good deeds around the world. This got him away from the controversial State Department, but gave him added experience and stature in world affairs. He has been living in Scarsdale, New

Remembering the Reason

What would you give? By Jesse S. Lyons (Delta Alpha – Western Carolina ’98) Loss can be unexpected. Loss can be hard to deal with. Loss can be new to some as well. In an Active Chapter, amidst the deadlines, reports, classes and social events, the last thing a member ever thinks will happen is the loss of another brother. But unfortunately this does happen; it’s a fact of life. In these times we try to remember the reason we’re brothers and friends. We must use them to remember to give freely to one another while we are here. On July 28, 2012, Joseph Edward Adams Jr., (J.J.) was taken from his family, friends, and Epsilon Omicron Chapter at Virginia Wesleyan College in a singlecar accident. While traveling home from being with his friends, he lost control of his car and hit a tree. His mother, Jennifer Knox, best summed up the unexpected by saying, “While we do not understand why this happened, we do know that he is in a better place.” J.J. Adams was a junior and was a member of the Old Dominion University Monarch ROTC Battalion. J.J. ran track for VWC for two years, and was a member of the 4x400 ODAC Track Championship Team. Jennifer says, “J.J. never knew how to not smile. He could brighten any room up. He was gifted with the ability to sing and be a comedian at the same time. He loved his friends and was truly a blessing to be around. He always had a positive outlook on life and enjoyed nature. He was not afraid to meet new people and really made an effort to lift you up if you were down.“ The chapter members concur. They loved and mourned with the family. One of them even gave up what most members would never consider giving away. Luke Wade (Epsilon Omicron – Virginia Wesleyan '11), a fellow initiate from Epsilon Omicron, was with the family, the chapter, and friends, at J.J.’s viewing before the funeral ceremony. While JJ.’s father wanted to bury his son with his KA badge, he couldn’t find it. Luke noticed and, without hesitating, took off his own KA badge and pinned it on J.J. He was interred shortly thereafter. Ammen Province Commander

Carlton Baker was informed of Luke’s act and immediately called the national administrative office to order and pay for a new badge for Luke. When Executive Director Larry Stanton Wiese was informed, he asked Archivist Kent McMichael and staff to pull the Order’s official collection of historical badges. They selected an antique jeweled badge to be engraved with Luke’s badge number. The members held a “Chapter of Sorrow” ceremony, which was conducted in the College Chapel, with family, friends, former Councilor Digger O’Dell and the chapter present. It was after this ceremony that Baker presented Luke with his new badge. Virginia Wesleyan College dedicated a Loblolly Pine tree in his name on September 22, 2012 in the college’s memorial gardens. There were family and friends, and brothers, who gathered to pay respects to J.J. What would you give as a last gift to a friend? What would you give to not lose a friend? J.J. gave to others in his life, and in his death, Luke gave to him. Now with their story, they give to us all.

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When Executive Director Larry Stanton Wiese was informed, he asked Archivist Kent McMichael and staff to pull the Order’s official collection of historical badges. They selected an antique jeweled badge to be engraved with Luke’s badge number. Below: from left; Ashley (sister), Jennifer (mother), Hannah (sister), and J.J.

The Kappa Alpha Journal





san antonio


DIAMOND 75th Convention of Kappa Alpha Order San Antonio, Texas Highlights and Opportunities New Hyatt Regency Hotel on the Riverwalk Renew your vows during the Model Initiation Exciting Bid 4 Brotherhood live & silent auction to raise funds for the KAOEF Outing in San Antonio Leadership Lecture Luncheon with outstanding alumnus speaker

Do the work of the Order with your brothers at the 75th Biennial Convention

Registration will be live in January at

All details will be found there.

The Journey to

The Loyal Order is about to turn 10 years old in 2013.

We are under 100 members away from becoming 3000 members strong.

In 2015, the Order will turn 150 years old. How many Loyal Order members will join between now and the end of 2015? We are seeking a goal of adding 500 new Loyal Order members by the Convention in 2015. Only you can make it happen. Join the Loyal Order today.

Welcome to our Newest Members

Join the brothers listed below and sign up for the Loyal Order! Appalachian State Wyatt T. Dixon III, #2829 Alabama Andrew S. Britton, #2781 Arkansas State Joseph M. Zimmerman, #2821 Walter J. Dunn, #2859 Auburn Dr. Daniel Holsenbeck, #2809 Robert D. Rigsby, #2819 Birmingham-Southern Steve Yow, #2875 Bowling Green State Thad M. Doyle, #2807 Citadel H. Mark Plunkett, #2773 Christopher E. Chapman, #2794 Delaware H. Dean Spears, #2823 Delta State Dr. Thomas Braswell Sr., #2641 Drury Mitchell S. Gibbons, #2846 East Carolina Craig B. Rouse, #2651 East Tennessee State Bernard J. Cook, #2806

Eastern Kentucky Christopher M. Castle, #2851 Florida Southern Matthew M. Barrett, #2845 Florida State Daniel R. Amato Sr., #2778 C. Thomas Tinsley III, #2814 Robert L. Flohr, #2853 Georgia College Bankston J. Dozier, #2803 Georgia Southern Steven R. Hughes, #2810 Georgia Tech David W. McCandless, #2833 Georgia Dr. John G. Spellman, #2850 Houston Michael J. La Rose, #2801 Indiana State Michael J. Vesci, #2864 Jacksonville State T. Bryant Whaley, #2872 Kentucky W. Malcolm Bryant, #2841 M. Lynn Parrish, #2842 Mike L. Burgess, #2843 Jon E. Lamos, #2848 Michael E. Hughes, #2878

Louisiana State Milton B. Day, #2818 Damon P. Gautreau, #2847 Louisiana Tech Donald R. O’Neal Jr., #2815 R. Jason Cart, #2854 Eric C. Martin, #2855 Memphis Caleb W. Henshaw, #2696 Mercer Clayton H. Sembler, #2839 Miami Scott T. Shermory, #2860 Millsaps Walter A. Hudson, #2836 Samuel G. Cole III, #2856 Mississippi State William H. Walker, #2825 James F. Young, #2862 Mississippi Thomas K. Braswell II, #2643 Cameron S. Huxford, #2820 Missouri S&T William C. Edwards, #2822 Missouri Southern State Brad G. Potter, #2844 Terry A. Budimlija, #2869 Patrick A. Law, #2870

Missouri Rich Ramsey, #2636 William T. Huddleston, #2788 Russell J. Larkin, #2798 Roger P. Cottrell, #2826 Daniel S. Pierce, #2830 Patrick Adams, #2876 Murray State John M. Karnes, #2804 William B. Mitchner, #2858 North Carolina State William F. Troxler Jr., #2827 Derick S. Close, #2838 North Carolina-Charlotte Taylor P. Trogdon Jr., #2602 Northwestern State Philip R. White III, #2647 C. Randolph Gentz, #2816 Oklahoma State Michael R. Reynolds, #2866 Oklahoma John D. Cable, #2802 Richard O. Borgstrom, #2813 Richmond Dr. Scott C. Cole, #2800 South Alabama Curtis H. Blanton Jr., #2840 South Carolina Dean B. Livingston Jr., #2811

Southeastern Louisiana Robert W. Hopkins II, #2799 Lucien J. Dornier, #2828 Southern California Frank G. Winer, #2388 David P. Jackson, #2812 Southwestern John E. Oden, #2861 Robert E. Koenig, #2865 John T. Brigman, #2868 Nicolas A. Wolk, #2873 Stephen F. Austin State Eddie R. Jones, #2852 Tennessee Tech Robert S. Hamby, #2817 Tennessee Jones Webb, #2834 Harold G. Clayton, #2837 Tennessee-Martin James L. Crews II, #2796 H. Van Moore, #2879 Texas A&M David L. Schoonover, #2832 Texas A&M-Commerce Darrell A. Glueck, #2797 Harold W. Kinamon, #2831 Texas State Andrew J. Huber, #2795

Transylvania Chase A. Asher, #2777 Tulsa Bryce Allen Cason, #2824 USMA – Sigma Alpha Commission MG Robert M. Bunker, #2849 Univ. of Washington Nathan H. Crissey, #2871 Univ. the South Wiley A. Wasden III, #2805 Virginia Daniel H. Smith, #2857 Washington College Daniel James Danko, #2867 West Virginia Wesleyan John Muczko Jr., #2808 Western Kentucky W. Travis Anderkin, #2863 Westminster Thomas A. Gorman, #2835 William Jewell Jerry D. Braden, #2874 Wofford R. Dean Blanton Jr., #2779

Sign up at! Did you know you could now join the Loyal Order when you become Forever KA? If you are interseted in supporting the Order, KAOEF, and YOUR chapter, then go to and keep the connection for life.

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