The Kappa Alpha Journal

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Leading theWay A look at some of our members who are impacting the world.

Spring 2011 路 published since 1879

The 1865 Trust | Member Profile

Morris W. “Pete” Pully

(Upsilon-North Carolina ’45)

 Knight Commander’s Accolade Recipient  Longtime Advisor to Upsilon Chapter–University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill  1865 Trust Member

“Kappa Alpha provides [undergraduate men] with the classic and timeless values and skills that are often forgotten by other fraternities and sororities that do not posses our same beliefs.”

“The environment and distractions our young men face today is far different from when I was in school. Kappa Alpha provides each of them with the classic and timeless values and skills that are often forgotten by other fraternities and sororities that do not posses our same beliefs. “Every alumnus, no matter how old, can understand the idea of support. With all of the changes happening in fraternity life, and all of the other changes happening all around us it is important that alumni always be positive and supportive in their leadership, actions and comments. With this type of support you can accomplish many things. Remember always that once a KA, always a KA. As long as you can remember that and continue to support the Order, you should do so for as long as you live. As a member of the 1865 Trust I understand that my commitment to KA is lifelong.”

WHAT IS THE 1865 TRUST? The 1865 Trust recognizes the generosity and foresight of those who choose to embrace the vision of KA’s future by making a meaningful planned gift to the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF). Their entrance into the ranks of the 1865 Trust bears powerful testimony to the charitable expressions of their values, ideals, and commitment to Kappa Alpha Order’s future. Membership in the 1865 Trust recognizes those who have made provisions for a planned

gift of $10,000 or more to the KAOEF. To date, 140 exceptional alumni have joined the 1865 Trust. Last year alone, the 1865 Trust received over $1.4 million in new estate gift pledges from alumni. Most of our alumni in the 1865 Trust will fulfill their gift through one of the most common and perhaps easiest ways of making a planned gift, by naming the KAOEF in their wills or as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or an IRA.

If you have any questions about the 1865 Trust, or if you wish to join the over 140 KA brothers who have already become members, please contact Erik Showalter, Director of Development, at the National Administrative Office, either by phone, (540) 463-1865, or by e-mail,

Table of Contents

10 features LEADING THE WAY


10 | From The Order to The Corps KA Marines find common values and bonds in Marine Corps

2 | Knight Commander’s Message 3 | From the Editor 4 | Our Order

14 | Their Turn to Lead

19 | Alumni News

99% of Number I’s attend NLI to kick off their presidential term

29 | On Campus


16 | Conferral of the Knight Commander’s Accolade Excellence in leadership and service to the Order.

18 | KA All-Fraternity All-Americans

40 | Sports Page 43 | Chapter Eternal 44 | Foundation Today 46 | From the Archives 47 | Our Legacy

College Football Players Honored

48 | Remembering the Reason







Knight Commander's Message

Dear Brothers, Kappa Alpha Order has just completed a decade of excellence, as featured in the last Kappa Alpha Journal’s retrospective. Poised for the future with operational and programming advancements, chapter and national successes to build upon, and a historic sesquicentennial seemingly just around the corner, it is important to never neglect the present. I ask all brothers to ask themselves, “how am I leading the way today as a Kappa Alpha.” This issue of The Journal has wonderful stories of how individuals and groups of brothers are leading and impacting the world. They have remembered their obligations, stepped up in times of need, and simply have remembered to live their life in honor. From an unexpected assemblage of Kappa Alpha Marine Corps Officers, to the next crop of Number Is, you’ll feel proud to boast about these gentlemen with your friends and brothers. I am humbled to have been able to confer four Knight Commander’s Accolades so far this year. My predecessors before me have said that honoring individual KA’s for outstanding dedication to the Order is a memorable experience. I can remember reading about the Knight Commander’s Accolade in my “pledge manual” now The Varlet, even before my initiation. I was intrigued by the concept that it was the highest individual award a KA could receive. Never in my lifetime did I think I would even see this impressive award, let alone confer them on deserving alumni. I must concur with my predecessors, this is truly one of the most rewarding experiences for a Knight Commander. A call to action is always found in any success story. How are you leading the way? What obligation do you each have to your brothers, your chapter and your Order? Therefore, at a minimum we must remain forever steadfast in support of our fraternity. Whether that means simply living your life by the values found in our ritual like the stories in this issue, volunteering locally or nationally, or making a donation to the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation, the decision is up to you. Scores of bound editions of The Kappa Alpha Journal could be dedicated to the individual and collective successes by our members. As you ponder on how to renew your vows and rededicate yourself to the Order, remember these brothers and their stories. Recall your own fond memories. As I have said many times, if your association with KA has enhanced your life, then you have an obligation to give back. We are all forever KA.

EDITOR Jesse S. Lyons CREATIVE DESIGN Tria Designs Inc. CONTRIBUTORS Wendy Lovell, Rick Moore, Jay Langhammer, Matt V. Bonner, Ben W. Satcher, Jr., Erik T. Showalter, E. Kent McMichael, Christopher A. Huff, Michael P. Wilson, Brent W. Fellows, Duke E. Huston EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Knight Commander J. Michael Duncan Senior Councilor William E. Dreyer Councilors King V. Aiken, Jr. Russell C. Brown Darren S. Kay Sam O. Leake, Jr. C. Douglas Simmons, III National Undergraduate Chairman J. Martin Huff KA/KAOEF Executive Director Larry Stanton Wiese


HOW TO CONTACT THE JOURNAL Editor, The Kappa Alpha Journal P.O. Box 1865 Lexington, VA 24450

J. Mike Duncan Knight Commander

(540) 463-1865 (540) 463-2140 - fax email: TO CHANGE AN ADDRESS Fill out Alumnus Update on the website or send both your new and old address to Lisa Metivier at the above mailing address or to:




From the Editor The Kappa Alpha Journal (ISSN #0888-8868, USPS #014-747) is an educational journal published four times a year by Kappa Alpha Order, 115 Liberty Hall Rd., Lexington, Virginia. Periodicals postage paid at Lexington, Virginia, and additional mailing offices. The Kappa Alpha Journal seeks to reflect the Kappa Alpha experience by presenting news of active and alumni chapters, individual members, and the national organization; by addressing current issues facing the Greek system and the Order; by educating and entertaining those interested in the welfare of Kappa Alpha; and by serving as a historical record. The Kappa Alpha Journal has been published since 1879. From 1883 to 1885 it was known as The Magazine of Kappa Alpha. Kappa Alpha Order was founded in 1865 at Washington College (Washington and Lee University) in Lexington, Virginia. Today, Kappa Alpha boasts 122 undergraduate chapters and over 30 alumni chapters across the nation. Volume CXVIII , Number 1 Spring 2011 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Kappa Alpha Order, P.O. Box 1865, Lexington, VA 24450 Member of

Copyright © 2011 Kappa Alpha Order; KAPPA ALPHA® is a registered trademark of Kappa Alpha Order.

Journal submission deadline:

Dear Brothers, One year. I informed my parents with prepared explanation and reasoning that I’d decided to go work for the national administrative office of my fraternity for one grand year. I would travel across the country to 30 campuses, drive thousands of miles, and live on the road. What other job though would provide such opportunities for personal development, time management, leadership, and professional interaction? It was the antithesis of an entry level position. It wasn’t like I couldn’t find a job elsewhere. It was simply my love for the Order and desire to give back that drove me to work for Kappa Alpha. Reluctant, but supportive, my parents tacitly blessed my quixotic endeavor. I literally “hit the road” on June 4, from Franklin, NC, and pointed myself to historic Lexington and parts unknown. It was 2002. I’d be home in 2003. That first year has quietly expanded to almost nine years, over 100 campuses, and thousands of hours of education and experience. After a period as a consultant, I was promoted to director of chapter development. While in that role, the three Knight Commanders installed or restored 23 Active Chapters. Six more provisional chapters are currently waiting for their initiation. Every chapter created during that time frame was chartered and remains an Active Chapter. We’re batting a thousand Kappa Alpha. Here’s to keeping that streak alive. It is an honor to now serve as the director of communications and editor of The Kappa Alpha Journal. As Kappa Alpha’s we are lucky to have such a historic publication to showcase our brothers and Order. After a few shorts months in this position, I can see that we will never run short of material for The Journal. I have enjoyed the letters, phone calls, and emails about Kappa Alphas leading the way across the globe. Keep them coming. The opportunities I have experienced on staff are milestones in my life. The associations I’ve made continue to shape me as a person. Those friends and brothers are even in my upcoming wedding. Oh yeah, I picked up a future wife with this one-year gig. Tracy is an Alpha Omicron Pi and God-willing she’ll be a Lyons come May 21. I couldn’t be happier. I wouldn’t trade my time with my chapter or with the national administrative office. I trust that you feel the same way about your KA experience. Fraternally,

Jesse S. Lyons Editor


Issue 2/Summer – May 6 Issue 3/Fall – Aug 8 Issue 4/Winter – Oct 17 Issue 1/Spring – Feb 15




Our Order

Westminster Chapter Creates ‘Brothers for Others’ to Contribute to Community

Connect with the Order and fellow brothers online: : : : : : Kappa Alpha Order Alumni Group : :

The chapter, which currently consists of 42 members, decided it wanted to “lend a hand” to those in need and show the community it cared. Kevin Moritz, Number I, said many people have a negative image of college fraternities. “As the decade changes, we’re hoping to change that image,” Moritz said. To facilitate this change, Alpha Eta created Brothers for Others, a program the group hopes will grow, expanding to other fraternities and sororities and involving more local charities. “Brothers” has started by collecting cash donations from every member during chapter meetings and uses the funds to buy extra food every other Sunday for the evening meal. All the leftover food from that meal is then brought by Adam Ross, a sophomore member, and other members to Wiley House in Fulton. Wiley House is one of the homeless shelters in Fulton, a part of the Our House: Caring for Callaway’s Homeless program. Linda Clemens, executive director of Our House, said the fraternity’s




CARING BROTHERS: Number I, Mortiz (top row, center) and Ross (second from right on the bottom) with other Westminster brothers.

food donations are a part of the effort to provide Callaway’s homeless with meals over the weekend. She said the Fulton Soup Kitchen hosts meals during the week, Monday through Thursday, but Friday to Sunday meals are brought to HAVEN House or Wiley through donations by First Christian Church, the Soup Kitchen and Brothers for Others. Clemens said it’s nice to see young people like those in Kappa Alpha caring for others. “I think it’s wonderful, because a lot of these young men aren’t even from Callaway County, and they’ve really kind of taken the homeless in Fulton under their wing,” she said. “They’ve really embraced the homeless community in Callaway County. I think it shows character at that young age — stepping outside yourself to see the world around you.” “By doing this program, we can give back to our home Kappa Alpha at Westminster and our home in Fulton,” Ross put in. “Our house is part of this community, not just this school,” Moritz said. Adapted from original story ran by the Fulton Sun.

Our Order

White Province Commander Appointment

Undergraduate Conference taps Wofford and Florida State brothers On January 8, 2011, at the Number I’s Leadership Institute, the annual Undergraduate Conference elected the National Undergraduate Chairman and Vice Chairman. These men will represent the undergraduates on the Executive Council. J. Martin Huff, a 2009 initiate of Delta Chapter at Wofford College, was elected to serve as National Undergraduate Chairman (NUC). The NUC shall preside over the Undergraduate Conference at the Number I’s Leadership Institute and Convention and

regularly participate in Executive Council meetings. Born and raised in Columbus, Georgia, Martin went to boarding school in Virginia at Christchurch School graduating in 2008. He is a Junior at Wofford majoring in Finance with a Business minor. He is a third generation member of Kappa Alpha Order, having had immediate relatives from Kappa Alpha chapters at Washington & Lee & Georgia. Anecdotally, his cousin is Former Knight Commander (national

president) Reynolds S. Cheney. He previously held the positions of Philanthropy Chairman, V, and is currently leading his chapter as I. He has served as a member of the executive council of Wofford’s Interfraternity Council. Daniel R. Amato, a 2008 initiate of Gamma Eta Chapter at Florida State University, was elected to serve as the National Undergraduate Vice Chairman (NUVC). The NUVC shall serve in the office of NUC if any vacancy occurs. He is also invited to attend Executive Council meetings. Dan was born and raised in Orlando, Florida. He has served his chapter at Homecoming Chairman, Housing Manager, and is currently leading his chapter as I. During the summer of 2010 he was an Intern Financial Representative for the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network. On campus he is a member of Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society and the Golden Key International Honor Society. Left: Huff and Amato at NLI.





Upon the call for and after receiving nominations from Active and Alumni Chapters, Knight Commander J. Michael Duncan appointed John Michael Moore (Beta Lambda-Southern Methodist ’90) to serve as the Commander of the Horace H. White Province. Brother Moore replaces Kelly S. Wells (Epsilon Kappa-Southeastern Louisiana ’87) who resigned in the fall. Brother Wells served as the White Province Commander from July 2006 until August 2010. Brother Moore began his academic career at Southern Methodist University before transferring and affiliating with the Alpha Iota Chapter at Centenary College. While an undergraduate he served Alpha Iota Chapter as the Number VI, VII and started the chapter’s Council of Honor Program. In 1991, John Michael joined both the Alumni Advisory Committee (AAC) and Housing Corporation for Alpha Iota Chapter, later being named Chairman of the AAC and President of the Housing Corporation. Brother Moore is a member of the White Province Court of Honor. He had most recently served as Deputy Province Commander for White Province. John Michael is currently a Vice President for BankcorpSouth and resides in Shreveport, Louisiana, with his wife Elizabeth and two sons, Peyton and Hudson. He serves on the Executive Boards of the Bossier Economic Development Foundation, the Bossier Public Trust, Bossier Housing Board and the State Fair of Louisiana and on the Board of Directors for the Shreveport Bossier Military Affairs Council, Northwest Louisiana Alliance for Education and the Shreveport Symphony Orchestra.

New National Undergraduate Chairman & Vice Chairman Elected

Our Order

Headquarter's Staffing Updates Director of Communications

Brother Palmer joined the staff in June of 2010 as an Associate Director of Chapter Services (ADCS). As an ADCS Nick visited chapters in Alabama, Florida, North Carolina and South Texas. In the role of Director of Chapter Development he will oversee the Order’s expansion and recruitment programs including the supervision of associate directors for chapter development. He will investigate campuses for possible expansion and oversee and assist provisional chapters on their path to chartering. He is also tasked with coordinating recruitment visits and educational programs for Active Chapters.

Jesse S. Lyons (Delta Alpha - Western Carolina ’98) has accepted the position of Director of Communications. Brother Lyons replaces Matt V. Bonner (Epsilon Theta - Western Kentucky ’96). Brother Lyons joined the staff in 2002 as an Educational and Leadership Consultant. In 2003, he became the Chapter Development Consultant. After six months he was promoted to Director of Chapter Development, the position he held until his recent transition in January. His level of experience and skill set will allow him to excel in his new role. In the role of Director of Communications he will serve as editor of The Kappa Alpha Journal. He will also oversee the production and publishing of all manuals, flyers, brochures, awards and other publications. He will also be in charge of the Order’s national websites and online communities and assist the Executive Director in public relations efforts as needed.

Accounting Assistant Additionally, Pamela D. Lee (left) has been hired as Accounting Assistant. Ms. Lee replaces Linda Waymire who recently left to pursue other opportunities. She is originally from Rockbridge County and a 2002 graduate of Mary Baldwin College. As the Accounting Assistant she will assist Director of Financial Operations Brianne Tillotson with payroll, collections, disbursements and chapter receivables.

Director of Chapter Developement Nicholas S. Palmer (Delta Lambda Middle Tennessee State ’04) (left) has accepted the position of Director of Chapter Development. Brother Palmer replaces Brother Lyons.


The folloiwng men have been expelled from Kappa Alpha Order since last printing of The Journal as of January 31, 2011.

Centenary College Alpha Iota Evan J. Magill Christopher L. Turansky

University of Arkansas-Fort Smith Zeta Rho Brandon Underwood

Vanderbilt University Chi Austin C. Brown Arron C. Ernst

West Texas A&M University Gamma Sigma Tim B. Zepada

Florida Southern College Gamma Pi Jacob A. Shoemaker Ryan C Sullivan

University of North Carolina-Charlotte Epsilon Xi Zack D. Aiken Charles J. Copper Nicholas H. Gentry Joshua M. Lipko

Virginia Tech Epsilon Eta Mathew J. Roselle

West Virginia University Alpha Rho William A. Brandow James W. Worthington

Indiana State University Zeta Iota Zachariah Richmond Missouri University S&T Beta Alpha Kyle M. Walton Texas Tech University Gamma Chi Matthew R. Cook Brandon L. Helveston

Virginia Wesleyan College Epsilon Omega Matt Ball Anthony J. Chavez Kyle W. Cline Jeffrey A. Faulkner Eric W. Reece, Jr. John B. Resch Michael J. Rhodes Karl J. Thompson John A. Worthley

University of Oklahoma Beta Eta Chance Brauner Jeffrey S. Kopp Paul L. LaRue James H. Lavielle Cody W. Potter Brett L. Rhoades Mo A. Shehada Brenton M. Wolf KA JOURNAL



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Our Order

Brothers Around The Order

(1) Joe Rhyne, Ron Plunkett, Bill Skilton, James Rembert, Randy Smith, Heyward Hamilton, Jason Luck, Wesley Stone, William Irby, and Ryan Grand, 2011 Theta Commission/Beta Gamma Convivium. (2) William Walker, 2011 NLI. (3) Knight Commander Duncan honoring Al Barbosa with the Military Division Certificate, 2011 Mikell/Walsh Court of Honor. (4) Jimmie Hall, Melody Cravens, her husband Kent Cravens, and Nate Gentry, opening day of the 50th Session, 2011 New Mexico State Legislature. (5) Gary Wiser and Greg Singleton participating in Lee toast, 2011 APSU Provisional Chapter Convivium. (6) Chad McFarland, Cas Heilman, and Doug Hanisch, Neal Court of Honor induction with Knight Commander Dun-


2 4

3 6





Our Order

can and Former Knight Commander Estes, 2011 Phoenix area Convivium. (7) Marc Scott, Tom Freeman, and John McCasland, 2011 Mikell/Walsh Court of Honor. (8) John Haynes and Jack Carter with print of the Auburn chapter house, 2011 Nu Chapter Convivium. (9) Ryan Ledwith and Adam MacLennon, Neal Court of Honor, 2010. (10) Glenn Oxner and Othniel Laffitte, oldest and youngest brothers attending, 2011 Greenville, SC Convivium. (11) Former Knight Commander Dink Warren, Smith Court of Honor inductee Phillip Nichols, son Hunter Nichols, 2011 Gamma Rho Convivium. (12) Charles Fare with deceased Brother Ryan Church’s mother and brother, Cheryl and Matt, with a replica to a memorial brick laid in Ryan’s honor at the ECU football stadium. (13) Former NUVC and NUC, William McKee and Brook Sebren, 2011 NLI. 8













The Order toThe Corps KA Marines find common values and bonds in Marine Corps




By 2nd Lt. Chris Huff (Gamma Chi - Texas Tech ’05)

Just as Kappa Alpha is known to many as “the Order,” so are the United States Marines known to many as The Corps. Just the names themselves represent rich history, ritual, and chivalry. The similarities between the organizations are so vast that it is no surprise that Kappa Alpha alumni are so willing to leave one organization to go fight in the other.

the Marine Corps is founded. Rooted in a since of duty, responsibility to our Nation, and gentility, the Marine Corps officer represents character, integrity, and leadership. We are true to our word and expect the same in return. We believe in a warrior spirit, a tenor that is not bread into a person, but forged like iron in fire. Blood, sweat, and at times, tears, give us the right to call each other brothers - a band of brothers. Once a Marine, always a Marine. What I find to be perplexing, yet sensible, is there is another band of brothers within the officer ranks. It is a brotherhood that we call the Order, forged far before we raised our right hand to pledge an oath to uphold, support and defend the Constitution of the United States. The path to becoming a Marine Corps officer is not unlike becoming a KA brother. It begins with an induction, that of the Officer Candidate School, where upon completion the officer candidate takes an oath to support and defend the

Constitution. Upon taking that oath, the Marine officer continues on to The Basic School, where a pledge is made by the newly commissioned officer to learn the ways of leading Marines. Upon graduation from The Basic School, the Marine officer goes to a specialty school that ends with a graduation ceremony, a ritual, which acknowledges, no longer are you a Marine officer, but now you are ready to lead as an “Officer of Marines.” Not only is the process of becoming a Marine Corps officer similar to becoming a Kappa Alpha brother, but the values we hold as KAs are the same as we hold in The Corps. As we go through life, most of us do not sway too much from what we know and believe. We may maneuver slightly to the left or right and at times get off track, but we generally stay on a similar path. I think this is why, as a Marine Corps officer, I have run into so many of my Kappa Alpha brothers. The transition from The Order to The Corps is not too much to the left or right - it is a similar path.

Being a Marine is bigger than any one person. It is about joining history, with the promise of continuing to make history.





The Order has a set of ideals, which form a code. We believe in an ethos founded in chivalry and represented by the words of Robert E. Lee’s Definition of a Gentleman. Many would say these ideals have been forgotten or are out of touch with the times. Undergirding our code of chivalry is a belief that we should live our lives for something greater than ourselves. It compels us “to be brave, courageous, honorable, and true to (our) word.” The mission statement of Kappa Alpha states that as an organization we seek to create a lifetime of experience which centers on reverence to God, duty, honor, character and gentlemanly conduct. Our path to brotherhood begins with the induction ceremony, followed by the presentation of The Varlet and a period of time where we pledge to learn the ideals of the organization. It culminates with a ceremony, a ritual, signifying our acceptance into an eternal bond; once a KA, always a KA. As an officer in the United States Marine Corps, this set of ideals rings true with what I have come to understand about the Corps. Honor, Courage, Commitment; this is the foundation of the Marine Corps. Being a Marine is bigger than any one person. It is about joining history, with the promise of continuing to make history. On the walls of Camp Barrett, where Marine Corps officers train at The Basic School, one finds the words “You joined us.” It is not about the individual, but about the Marines to your left and right. It harkens back to the ideals on which

From The Order to The Corps (continued)

One night at Officer Candidate School, as I was trying to dodge my sergeant instructor’s barrage of insults, I spoke to Chris Barton (Beta Lambda–Southern Methodist ’06) about his college days. He remembered hearing me say I went to Texas Tech University (Gamma Chi) and proceeded to ask me a question about KA. We exchanged stories of our experiences in our chapters, some strangely similar, and how we ended up working towards a commission in the United States Marine Corps. At OCS, there is not much talk amongst the candidates, so learning about each other is rare. It was almost the end of the summer before I realized that there was another officer candidate in my platoon, 3rd Platoon, who was a Kappa Alpha brother. Neil Quinn (Phi–Birmingham-Southern ’02) was the Number I of his chapter. I thought it was just a coincidence that two individuals in my platoon of officer candidates were KAs, but this uncanny circumstance continued as we moved on to The Basic School. They called us Arctic Alpha, as we were the company of second lieutenants that would go through six months of officer training at The Basic School during the coldest months of the year. At one point in February, 2010 there was nearly two and a half feet of snow on the ground in Quantico, Virginia in what had been one of the coldest winters on record in the Quantico highlands. Although it was tough, and bitterly cold, I believe deep down that Marines would not want it any other way. During my time at The Basic School, not only did Quinn, Barton, and I train together in the same company, but three other Kappa Alpha brothers joined us. In my platoon, 6th platoon, Charles Eberly, (Alpha Tau–Hampden-Sydney ’06), was my roommate. Eberly and I grew to become close friends over the six months of The Basic School. He would constantly give me a hard time about being a potential aviator and wanted me to come to the ground side of the Corps. As fate would have it, Eberly would go on to train with me at the prestigious and secretive Infantry Officer’s Course. The other Kappa Alpha brother in 6th Platoon was Michael Moore (Pi–Tennessee ’01). Moore is a big

We all came to the Marine Corps to do different things, but, no matter how different our jobs may be, we will always be Marines and we will always be brothers of Kappa Alpha Order. guy, probably the biggest Marine in the company. He has prior service in another branch of the military working for the military police and decided after several good years that the Marine Corps was where he wanted to be. Although not in my platoon, I met William Huszagh (Gamma Eta–Florida State ’05), while conducting swim qualifications. All air contracts were required to get a first class swim qualification which, for some, meant spending hours in the pool. Huszagh and I got to know each other over the six months exchanging stories of each other’s undergraduate experiences. The Basic School came to an end for us in May of 2010 and we all moved on to our specialty schools. The friendship between Eberly and I grew as a result of a unique opportunity that was given to a small group of aviation contracts. As a result of the air contracts having a long wait before they could pick up with a flight class, they offered a select few of us an opportunity to go to the Infantry Officer’s Course (IOC) and become rifle platoon commanders for a deployment to Afghanistan. I was ready for this kind of challenge and felt it was an outstanding opportunity to lead Marines; an opportunity that reflected the warrior ethos of the Marine Corps I had come to admire. Eberly also got his wish of going to IOC and is now stationed in Hawaii as a rifle platoon commander. Moore is still attending IOC and will pick up his rifle platoon shortly. Barton completed IOC and is now attending Ground Intelligence Officer’s Course. He will follow on with the Scout Sniper Platoon Commander’s Course before becoming a Ground Intelligence




Officer. Huszagh and Quinn are currently taking language instruction in Quantico before heading to flight school where they will train to become Marine aviators. I completed IOC and currently, I am a rifle platoon commander preparing to deploy to Afghanistan. Following this deployment I will be going to flight school where I will also train to become a Marine aviator. We all came to the Marine Corps to do different things, but, no matter how different our jobs may be, we will always be Marines and we will always be brothers of Kappa Alpha Order. This has been my experience with my band of brothers within the Marine Corps. It is a reflection of the commonalities and the bond we have to the Order and its ethos. But whether it is the Corps, another branch of the military, or serving in another capacity, I believe it is inherent in the ideals of being a brother of Kappa Alpha to want to serve something greater than your self. I have come to understand that this is why we joined the Order, and this is why we became officers in the United States Marine Corps.

2nd Lt. Neil Quinn

(Phi - Birmingham-Southern ’02) A former Number I of his undergraduate chapter, Quinn is currently taking language instruction in Quantico, Va., before heading to flight school to become a Marine aviator.

2nd Lt. Michael Moore (Pi - Tennessee ’01)

Prior to becoming a Marine, Moore served as military police in another branch He is currently attending Infantry Officer’s Course and will pick up a rifle platoon shortly after.

2nd Lt. William Huszagh

(Gamma Eta - Florida State ’05) Currently taking language instruction in Quantico, Va., with 2nd Lt. Quinn before heading to flight school where they will train together to become Marine aviators.

2nd Lt. Chris Huff

(Gamma Chi - Texas Tech ’05) Rifle platoon commander preparing for deployment to Afghanistan. Following this deployment he plans to attend to flight school and train to become a Marine aviator.






Their Turn to Lead

99% of Number I’s attend leadership training to kick off their presidential term Since 2003, Number I’s have received top notch training at the Caraway Conference Center in Sophia, North Carolina through interactive small and large groups to effectively lead and manage their chapter. Every Number I is required to attend the Number I's Leadership Institute (NLI). “In fact, 99% of our Number I’s have attended this training for the past three years, which makes our fraternity the leaders in the fraternal world with this type of attendance requirement. Our program has been shared with several other fraternal organizations to help them implement a similar program.” Through empowering leadership sessions, Number I’s were reeducated about policies and procedures, roles and responsibilities, and identified resources to support their chapter operations. Without the support of the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation, our NLI program would not be the very best educational opportunity in the fraternal world.



“I see NLI as a very empowering experience as our Number I’s leave our conference understanding where they fit with the management team of Kappa Alpha Order and the importance they play in the overall picture at their local chapter,” says Knight Commander J. Michael Duncan. Twenty-two staff and volunteer facilitators met with the Number I’s in small groups, called Council Meetings, to have discussions on goal-setting, values and ethics, delegation, risk management, academics, and reinforced several resources available for their position. Every year, our Number I’s give high marks to the Council Meetings allowing them to focus on important issues for their position. They also enjoy hearing from other brothers that are facing similar situations. The NLI faculty did an outstanding job teaching and facilitating core areas of leadership, bystander behavior, and resources available to the Number I. The 10th Number I’s Leadership Institute is scheduled to take place January 5-8, 2012.


NLI Facilitators Blair Bailey, Former Crawford Province Commander

Mark Hale, Director of the Master Education Program at Dallas Baptist University

Jason Barrett, Commander of Irwin Province

Jake Howse, Associate Director for Chapter Services

Randy Beard, Alumnus Advisor for Southern Methodist University Provisional Chapter

Dwain Knight, National Chaplain Zach Lombardo, Former Number I Ryan T. Merz, Neal Deputy Province Commander

Matt Bonner, Former Director of Communications Andrew Carr, Associate Director for Chapter Development Kyle Domnick, Former National Undergraduate Chairman Anthony Graziani, Former E. Fleming Mason Memorial Intern

Jeff Moad, Associate Director for Chapter Services Nick Palmer, Director of Chapter Development Curtis Perzinski, Associate Director for Chapter Services

Erik Showalter, Director of Development, KAOEF Greg Singleton, National Scholarship Officer William Walker, Former E. Fleming Mason Memorial Intern Stuart Whetsell, Director of Chapter Services Michael Wilson, Director of Fraternity Services Gary Wiser, Candler Deputy Province Commander for Academic Affairs Chris Woods, Associate Director for Chapter Development

What They Said “I would regard this conference as an invaluable asset to every Number I. I believe I am ready to lead a chapter of 140 men confidently and effectively thanks entirely to the skills I developed over the weekend. A truly great experience!”

NLI Faculty DEAN OF THE INSTITUTE: Knight Commander Mike Duncan PROGRAMMING/LOGISITICS: Brent Fellows, Director of Educational Programming

– Christopher Schatzman (Gamma–Georgia ’08)

Jesse Lyons, Director of Communications

“Excellent. The things that I learned here will allow me to become a better leader. There is no doubt that I will revisit what I learned throughout the upcoming year.” – Nick Santaniello (Pi–Tennessee ’08)

“This was an unbelievable experience. The confidence and knowledge I gained from NLI has been unmatched by anything else I have ever experienced. I now have the tools to implement and continue excellence at my Chapter.”

– Chris Conkling (Gamma Beta– Missouri State ’08)

– Bryce Bateman (Zeta Mu–Washington ’08)

Russell Brown, Councilor and Ritualist of the Order C. Douglas Simmons III, Councilor Larry Wiese, Executive Director Greg Singleton, National Scholarship Officer and Dean of Students at Austin Peay State University Dwain Knight, National Chaplain Brian Hunter, Vice President for Business Development for MDA Dave Westol, Owner and CEO of Limberlost Consulting Dr. Mike Dunphy, Motivational Leadership Speaker and Martial Arts Expert Erik Showalter, Director of Development Jesse Lyons, Director of Communications





“I’ve been to a few leadership institutes – Kevin Moritz in the past. We have on for our Greek (Alpha Eta–Westminster ’10) Life leaders on campus and I’ve attended Future’s Quest, but non compare to “I am coming out of this with a fire that I the motivation and different views of leadership I’ve gained from this experience. didn’t have coming in. I am more excited than ever to go back to my chapter and I’m so thankful for the opportunity and see what changes I can make” the friendships I have made.”

SPEAKERS: Mike Duncan


2011 Conferral of the Knight Commander’s Accolades The first Knight Commander’s Accolades were awarded by then Knight Commander Henry J. Foresman (Beta Commission–Virginia Military Institute ’41) in 1967. He created the award to recognize excellence in leadership and service to the Order. The Executive Council subsequently passed a regulation creating and defining the award as such and stating that the award is given at the sole discretion of the Knight Commander. The Knight Commander’s Accolade is the highest individual honor an alumnus can receive. Over the past forty-four years, fourteen Knight Commanders have conferred this high honor on only 193 recipients. In 1999, Former Knight Commander Idris R. Taylor (Gamma Xi–Texas Tech ’70) designed, and the Executive Council authorized the creation of, a jewel or medallion





for this award. The medallion is a crimson cross, outlined in gold, with a golden knight on horseback, centered. The jewel hangs from a ribbon collar of crimson and old gold. The jewel/medallion was first presented in 2001. When formally presented, the Knight Commander places the jewel and ribbon upon the recipient, much like the conferral of knightly accolades of old. The four most recent recipients merit our attention and honor. Their cumulative dedication to the Order and its chapter is astounding, and their individual achievements provide a model for all alumni and undergraduate brothers. To view the entire recipient list, go online to

Dan W. Hilsheimer (Beta Xi–Oklahoma State ’62)

James L. Ferman, Jr. (Epsilon–Emory ’62)

Alfred Diaz, Jr. (Delta Iota–Texas-Arlington ’84)

Dan W. Hilsheimer attended Oklahoma State University where he was initiated into Beta Xi chapter in 1962. He served as Recruitment Chair, Number II and Number I. Dan and his father founded Power Dyne, Inc. in 1978 in Tulsa, Oklahoma where Dan serves as CEO. Dan was instrumental in the reactivation of Beta Xi chapter in 1991. He served as President of its housing corporation for 17 years, supervising the acquisition and financing of the chapter house as well as many improvements, including a new fire suppression sprinkler system. He continues to serve as a Beta Xi Alumnus Advisory Committee member and is a member of the Howard P. Locke Court of Honor. Knight Commander Duncan conferred this high honor upon Brother Hilsheimer on at the 2011 Beta Xi Convivium, where brothers from all over Howard P. Locke Province were in attendance.

James L. Ferman, Jr. attended Emory University where he was initiated into Epsilon chapter in 1962. He serves as CEO and President of Ferman Motor Company. Jim has received the Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award from Emory’s Goizueta Business School as well as the Emory Medal for Distinguished Achievement. He received the Tampa Citizen of the Year Award from both the Civitan and Rotary Clubs. In 2001, he was a Tampa Bay Business Hall of Fame inductee and received the Florida Family Business of the Year Award from the John H. Sykes College of Business at the University of Tampa. Jim has long been recognized as “Mr. KA” in Tampa and has been a constant supporter of the KAOEF. He has made instrumental gifts in each of the last major campaigns undertaken by the Foundation as well as the lead gift for the 2003 Bid for Brotherhood. Knight Commander Duncan conferred the Accolade upon Brother Ferman at a reception in his honor on February 23, 2011.

Alfred “Fred” Diaz, Jr. attended the University of Texas at Arlington where he was initiated into Delta Iota chapter in 1984. He began his career in Information Technology working for American Airlines. Fred then moved into the telecom sales business, working for Lucent, MCI and Verizon. In, 2008, he assumed the role of Sales Executive with Checkpoint Technologies. Fred gives freely of his spare time serving as a soccer coach and referee for his local YMCA. He is married to Marti and has two daughters, Allison and Haley. Fred has served as the Henry J. Mikell Province Commander since 2004. He is a former Alumnus Advisor for Delta Iota and is a member of Mikell Province Court of Honor. Knight Commander Duncan conferred this honor on Brother Diaz on February 26, 2011, at the Mikell/Walsh joint Court of Honor ceremony. This was following the joint Mikell/Walsh Province Council earlier that day.


John C. Harris attended Houston Baptist University where he was initiated into Delta Sigma chapter in 1984. He served the chapter in roles of Number I, Number II, Rush Chairman and Social Chairman. John, along with a dedicated group of alumni, led the resurgence of Kappa Alpha Order on the HBU campus. Following a one-year probationary period handed down by the school, the chapter recorded one of the largest pledge classes in the history of the chapter. John also represented KA on the athletic field as a four year starter on HBU’s nationally ranked Division I soccer team. John pursued a career in advertising and marketing, holding senior level positions with global advertising agencies. He currently serves as marketing consultant to advertising agencies across the country. Knight Commander Duncan also conferred this honor upon Brother Harris during the Mikell/Walsh Court of Honor on February 26, 2011.






John C. Harris (Delta Sigma–Houston Baptist ’84)





KA All-Fraternity All-American Football Team Each year during the college football, basketball and baseball seasons, the NorthAmerican Interfraternity Conference, via its website at, requests nominations of leading players and head coaches from the 70 plus NIC member fraternities. Players from all levels of college ball are eligible and the final result is the selection of an All-Fraternity All-American football first team from NCAA Division I schools and another first team made up of players from NCAA Division II, Division III and NAIA schools. Nominations are submitted by various fraternity headquarters, Greek advisors at campuses, sports information directors at schools, sportswriters for Greek magazines and individuals. The credentials of all nominated players in the three major sports are reviewed and first teams are selected. Other deserving players are also awarded honorable mention status and leading head coaches are also identified, along with their Greek affiliations. The final results are usually announced on the NIC website following the national football championship game in January, the basketball Final Four in April and baseball’s College World Series in late June. The 2010 final football selections recently announced represented

nearly 25 different NIC member fraternities and over 80 colleges and universities. On the football field, the Order continues to help lead the way. The NCAA Divisions II/III-NAIA first team announced this winter includes four Kappa Alpha Order players: Running back Luke Heinsohn ’10 of Washington & Lee rushed for 1,321 yards and 13 touchdowns on 194 attempts. He was named to the Division III All-South second team, the Virginia All-State first team and the All-Old Dominion Athletic Conference first team. Center/guard Greg Kurkis ’08 of Washington & Lee started for the fourth year and was an Academic All-American, a DIII All-South second team pick and the ODAC Scholar-Athlete of the Year. Linebacker Andrew Meier ’08 of Rhodes was named to the All-Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference first team. His 96 tackles led the Rhodes squad and were the third-highest total among SCAC players. Safety Jake Pelton ’10 of Washington & Lee was named to the DIII All-South second team, the Virginia All-State first team and the All-ODAC first team. He picked off six passes to lead the team and he ranked second with 82 tackles. KA JOURNAL



HONORABLE MENTION The following KA players from NCAA Division I FBS/FCS schools are on the NIC’s Honorable Mention list: Center William Vlachos ’08 of Alabama Kicker Spencer Benton ‘08 of Clemson

The following KA players from NCAA Division II/III-NAIA schools are on the NIC’s Honorable Mention list: Quarterback Kaelin Ammons ’08 of Georgetown Quarterback Adam Neugebauer ’08 of West Virginia Wesleyan Quarterback Sean Shelton ’10 of William Jewell Running back Chris Starkey ’10 of Westminster Tight end Pat Conley ’08 of Washington & Lee Wide receiver James Gladstone ’10 of Westminster Offensive tackle Matt Byrd ’10 of Georgetown Offensive tackle John Fitzgibbons ’09 of Washington & Lee Defensive lineman Jimmy Eye ’10 of Rhodes Linebacker Nelson Windebank ’08 of William Jewell Defensive back DeMarco Moorhead ’10 of Westminster

Alumni News

Upstart News Anchor Establishes Hometown Scholarship

Fund will provide an Oconee County High School Student with a $1,000 scholarship to go toward their college tuition and fees. Students are chosen based on academic achievement, school involvement, attendance and financial need. “This is a way to give back to my community…it is the first year of the scholarship, but we hope to expand it in the future and to reach out to parents as well,” says Hammond. A native of Bogart, Georgia, Hammond joined the NewsCentral team of Fox 24 in Macon in 2008 after graduating with honors with degrees in Political Science




and Mass Communication. While in college he worked as a production assistant for WGXA and anchored his campus newscast MBC 4. The Professional Association of Georgia Educators awarded Adam for ‘Outstanding Coverage of Education,’ and he enjoys being a journalist because it gives him an opportunity to teach viewers about the world they live in and how they can make a difference in it. To donate to the Adam Hammond Scholarship Fund, please call 706.254.6742, or email Adam at To learn more, visit


Working as a news anchor and reporter for Fox 24 in Macon, Georgia, Adam Hammond (Epsilon Nu-Georgia College ‘06) has a unique opportunity to help others. Hammond recently started a scholarship fund for students at the high school he attended and is excited about the opportunity to extend what he learned from Kappa Alpha Order. “KA has been such a huge part of making me the person I am and I think my desire to give back to the community I grew up in is attributed to the integrity that was ingrained in me through KA,” says Hammond. The Adam Hammond Scholarship

Alumni News University of Alabama Alpha Beta Christopher “Caleb” Connor ’00, recently moved from Augusta to LaGrange, Georgia, where he is VP of Special Projects and Corporate Counsel for Mountville Mills, a leader in the matting industry. The Citadel Theta Commission Colonel Myron Harrington ’60, has been awarded the Order of the Palmetto, South Carolina’s highest award for service for his handling of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society Convention in Charleston. Colonel Harrington is a decorated United States Marine veteran who excelled in a second career in the education of K-12 students with learning disabilities. Georgia College Epsilon Nu Adam LaCoste ’00, was married last October to Katie Fenimore in Orlando, Florida. Toby Bowen ’03, recently relocated from Georgia to Pennsylvania, where he is working for AGCO Corporation, a major global manufacturer of farm equipment. Bowen is a Field Product Specialist, representing the Massey Ferguson® and Challenger® brands. Georgia Southern University Delta Theta Hurley S. “Trey” Cook III ’92, was recently re-elected by the Georgia Coastal Empire KA Alumni Chapter as their President. They are working on fundraising a scholarship for an undergraduate in Hardeman Province. Bobby Schorr ’03, recently accepted a position as Business Development Manager with Quantum, Inc. in Savannah, GA. Schorr had previously held a position with the member services staff of the Savannah Area Chamber of Commerce.

Eastern Kentucky University Delta Mu Steve Sanders ’87, is a Houston, Texas-based 737 pilot for American Airlines. Married for 18 years with two teenage children, he is also the owner of a vending company. Emory University Epsilon John McKinley Shoffner ’78, is an internationally-recognized Atlanta-area physician who is board-certified in neurology, biochemical genetics and molecular genetics. Florida Southern College Gamma Pi Christopher Moyer ’98, is the Financial Center Manager for Fifth Third Bank in the Nashville suburb of Brentwood, Tennessee. He assumed the position in December after working in a similar position for Regions Bank in Tampa, Florida. Moyer is married with one child and another on the way.

University of Georgia Gamma Don Grantham ’58, of Augusta, Georgia, recently participated in the initiation of his oldest grandson, Scott Gawrych, of Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina, into the Rho Chapter at the University of South Carolina. Frank McGriff ’92, is the head cook at the Alpha Omicron Pi sorority house at UGA, where he has worked for six years. He is also a certified Georgia real estate appraiser. William Liles ’02, entered collegiate life at the University of Delaware and later joined KA at UGA, finally earning his MBA with a specialization in Investment Management from Vanderbilt University. He is now a financial advisor with Morgan Stanley Smith Barney in Nashville, where he works with his father Malcolm, who is also a KA brother. William’s twin brother, Leighton, also a KA brother, currently attends Vanderbilt.

University of Florida Beta Zeta

Jeff Atwater ‘78 (above), has been elected as the State of Florida’s Chief Financial Officer, as well as State Fire Marshal and a member of the Florida Cabinet. He previously had been president of the Florida Senate and a member of the Florida House of Representatives, and has enjoyed a long career in banking. Atwater and his wife, Carole, have four children.


Dr. Ben Watson ’78 (above), was elected to the Georgia House of Representatives and was sworn into office on January 10, 2011. He represents part of Chatham County. He serves on the House Committees of Health & Human Services, Higher Education, and Science & Technology.



Jacksonville State University Delta Phi

Curt A. Rauhut ’81 (above), has been promoted from the rank of U.S. Army Colonel to the rank of U.S. Army Brigadier General. As of press time, he occupied a General Officer billet as Director, Business Operations, Office of Business Transformation, Office of the Secretary of the Army, though that may change with his recent promotion. In his three decades of military service, Brigadier General Rauhut has served his country in various capacities and locations throughout the world. Brigadier General Rauhut was commissioned as a Finance Corps officer through ROTC as a Distinguished Military Graduate from Jacksonville State University with degrees in Accounting/ Auditing and Military Science. He later earned a MBA from Syracuse University through the Army’s Comptrollership Program, and a MS in National Security and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College. Brigadier General Rauhut was Number I at Delta Phi. Lambuth University Gamma Omicron D. Lyn McWhorter ’62, is a retired executive from U.S. Postal Service who recently graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary, and became ordained with a view toward post-retirement vocational ministry.

Alumni News Midwestern State University Gamma Omega Gary Butler ’89, was recently sworn in as Judge of County Court at Law No. 1 of Wichita County, Texas. His first duty was to swear in County Treasurer Bob Hampton. Bob Hampton ’65, was recently sworn in as Wichita County Treasurer by Judge Gary Butler. Both brothers are unsure if KA’s have sworn in other KA’s elected officials in the past, but it was a first in Wichita County. Stewart Harvey ’90, has returned to his home town of Wichita Falls, Texas to assume the post of Executive Director

of the Nonprofit Center of Wichita Falls, promoting the advancement of nonprofit organizations and the community through training and resources. Roger Hensley ’70, recently became Funeral Director in Charge at Broussard’s Mortuary in Nederland, Texas. The mortuary is one of six in southeast Texas that are part of a longtime family business. University of Mississippi Alpha Upsilon T. Michael Glenn ’75, is the Executive Vice President of Market Development and Corporate Communications for FedEx. Glenn spoke

to Ole Miss students and alumni in Oxford on October 29th at a convention called “Bridging the Gap” which is designed to create networking opportunities. Many undergraduate KAs planned the event. Brother Glenn’s son, Tucker, joined Alpha Upsilon chapter this past fall. University of Missouri Alpha Kappa Jerry Burhans ’88, recently was named National Sales Manager for Corbin Cabinet Lock, a manufacturer and supplier of padlocks, cabinet door locks, cam locks and other specialty lock products. Burhans will be working in the company’s offices in the Chicago area.

The Score Takes Care of Itself: My Philosophy of Leadership By Bill Walsh, Steve Jamison, and Craig Walsh (Epsilon Gamma– California-Davis ’81)




Mississippi State University Beta Tau Brian Anding ’98, is the manager of the East Nashville Financial Center of First Tennessee Bank in Nashville, Tennessee.

Bill Walsh, and explores his leadership style and core beliefs that led to his tremendous success. Craig Walsh, who recalls gathering for Convivium with the chapters at Stanford and California- Berkeley, says, “I have such fond memories of being a KA. I had a great time...and lived in the house for two years.” He also says that he and a large group of Epsilon Gamma brothers get together a couple times a year and “relish old KA memories.” When asked about the book’s relevance and application to Active brothers, Walsh says, “I think it would be fantastic...this is the kind of book every brother who is finishing up college should read. It’s a roadmap to success and provides ways of moving forward.” Ryan Ledwith (Alpha Xi–CaliforniaBerkeley ’79), who serves Alpha Xi Chapter as the Alumnus Advisor and Housing Corporation President, and is good friends with Craig Walsh, was greatly impacted by the book and wrote that, “I was surprised by how important the book was to me... Bill Walsh showed me what it takes to be great—the drive, focus and dedication to a particular field or task. It inspired me. If I can help the guys at the house become just 10% more focused, it will be worth the cost of buying them the books.” And indeed he did, buying a copy for each of the new members. Order your copy today at


Above: Craig and his dad Bill Walsh

Son of National Football League (NLF) genius Bill Walsh, Craig Walsh took on the task of completing his father’s book when he became ill and could not. Walsh, a commercial Real Estate broker who has worked with a number of KAs over the years, says, “It’s a heart wrenching story of one guy’s quest to build something that people could buy into...its about his career and how he figured out a better way to do it.” Walsh also says the book is based on examples of leadership and sites numerous examples of lessons that must be learned the hard way. The book has done very well with numerous endorsements, not the least of which is the NFL itself, which uses it as a guidebook for people around the league: new coaches, staff, etc. The book, which was released in late summer of 2009, uses interviews, Walsh’s private notes, and enlightening contributions from legendary quarterback Joe Montana, longtime 49er great Randy Cross, and former colleagues John McVay, Mike White and Bill McPherson. It’s a fascinating trip through the philosophy of

Missouri University of Science and Technology Beta Alpha Gary C. Schrader ’02, has accepted a new position as an HVAC, Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Engineer with Lankford and Associates, an engineering firm based in Kansas City, Missouri.

Alumni News University of New Mexico Beta Phi Kent Cravens ’79, continues to be a member of the New Mexico State Senate, where he has served since 2001. He represents District 21 and the counties of Bernalillo and Sandoval. Newberry College Delta Epsilon Edward Bischoffberger ’74, is a retired account manager who worked for Estes Express Lines, and is living in Taylors, South Carolina. He was not the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research at Millersville University of Pennsylvania as was incorrectly reported in the winter 2005-2006 edition of the KA Journal, an error which he said still gets laughs from his other Delta Epsilon brothers.

Carter Infinger ’86, was recently elected by a wide margin to District 4 seat of the Bryan County Board of Commissioners in southeast Georgia. University Of North Texas Gamma Lambda Jay Lance McAnelly ’94, is the President and CEO of Investment Professionals, Inc. (IPI) a private Texasbased financial planning, asset management and risk mitigation firm with 45,000 clients nationwide. Based in San Antonio, IPI also has three retail branches in Texas. McAnelly currently resides in Spring Branch. Oglethorpe University Beta Nu Thomas “Clay” Buck ’89, is Vice President, TeleMax Operations for Harris Connect’s IDC Fundraising Division. Harris Connect, LLC is a privately owned organization that provides integrated Internet, directory, and research solutions for markets such

as higher education and membership and professional organizations. Buck resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. University of Oklahoma Beta Eta Donald Cantrell ’02, recently completed four years of sea duty while based in Jacksonville, Florida, and moved to College Station, Texas, where he is a Naval Science Instructor for Texas A&M University Naval ROTC. Oklahoma City University Gamma Kappa Ted Turner ’73, is working as a Project Logistics Manager for General Electric Aerologistics in Houston. Turner has been in the logistics end of shipping and transport for many years, also having worked for FedEx and UPS. He is married with three children. Pennsylvania State University Zeta Eta Christopher Brehm ’04, is teaching English at a public school near Incheon, South Korea, a large seaport location that is one of the country’s largest cities and its most important transportation hub. Presbyterian College Beta Pi Greg Ayers ’79, is a financial advisor with New York Life Insurance Company, working in their Charlotte, North Carolina office. He lives in nearby Rock Hill, South Carolina. Randolph-Macon College Zeta Tyler Watkins ’06 has been named to the coaching staff of the Florida State University’s Men’s Lacrosse team. During his collegiate career, Watkins led Randolph-Macon to its first Old Dominion Athletic Conference tournament berth in 15 years and was named to the U.S. Lacrosse Academic All-American Team.



Rhodes College Alpha Epsilon Nathan Q. Gentry ’95, was recently elected to the New Mexico House of Representatives. He represents District 30 in Bernalillo County.

University of Tennessee at Martin Delta Upsilon Robert Capps ’03, is attending nurse anesthesia school at Arkansas State University in Jonesboro.

Roanoke College Beta Rho Matthew Deilus ’07, Recently moved to the Houston suburb of Katy, Texas from the Washington, D.C. area for a new position with a government contractor working on a Social Security research project.

Joshua H. Jobe ’99, is currently a detective with the police department in Clarksville, Tennessee.

University of the South Alpha Alpha Michael Brown ’00, is the Manager of Basketball Development and Youth Marketing for Atlanta Spirit, LLC, whose interests include the NBA’s Atlanta Hawks, the NHL’s Atlanta Thrashers and Atlanta’s Philips Arena. University of South Alabama Epsilon Alpha Brian Rhoades ’91, and wife Jennifer, living in Cumming, Georgia, are the proud parents of new daughter Lauren Amelia Rhoades. Charles F. Spurlock III ’07, is a graduate student pursuing his PhD in microbiology and immunology at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. University of Tennessee Pi Travis Lampley ’97, and his wife welcomed their second son, Hank Turner Lampley, into the world in January. A former Assistant District Attorney for the State of Tennessee, Lampley recently joined the law firm of McCarter, Catron & East in Murfreesboro, focusing on estate planning and probate matters. John Robert “Bob” Mullins ’71, is a retired businessman and former auto dealer living in Richlands, Virginia. SPRING 2011

University of Texas at Arlington Delta Iota Cliff Blake Smith ’75, is involved in commercial finishout construction work, and is also the owner of a steel fabrication business. A widower with two children, Smith lives in Ft. Worth, Texas. Texas A&M University-Commerce Epsilon Delta Todd Avery ’08, is the Scheduling and Technology Coordinator for the Sam Rayburn Student Center at Texas A&M UniversityCommerce. He is in charge of handling scheduling for conference rooms and other areas of the Center, and is also responsible for many of the building’s technological needs, such as e-mail server maintenance. Ken Little ’70, has won the Class 3A Division I state football championship in Texas. His defense, along with the rest of the team’s success, gave the Henderson Lions the title over Chapel Hill, on December 10, 2010. It was their first trip to the state finals. He is retiring from coaching to focus on fighting cancer, being with his loved ones, and will continue to teach in the classroom. Editor’s Note: Featured in a recent edition of The Journal for his leadership, determined approach to life, and his battle with cancer, Coach Little continues to be an inspiration and an absolute fine example

Alumni News

“One of the biggest rewards of this project was the team-building process that our employees experienced. Seeing our company and the community come together for a common goal was outstanding to witness.” by Wendy Lovell

Solid Construction Company Builds Home for Family in Need When Extreme Makeover: Home Edition came to Savannah last fall, J.T. Turner Construction was on hand to help make one local family’s dream come true. The award-winning general contractor was instrumental in constructing a beautiful Victorian-style home in record time.

volunteers. Work on the jobsite was 24 hours a day during the build, which took place last November, and the episode aired in January. A new home was constructed for Jim and Carmen Simpson, whose youngest son, Zoe, was born prematurely with a host of medical problems doctors weren’t sure he’d survive. The family moved to Savannah to be closer to medical care, and the home was designed to accommodate Zoe’s therapy needs and to brighten the lives of this family of five. The Simpson’s home is as photogenic as some of the Turner Constructionbuilt homes that have appeared in publications like House Beautiful, Architectural Digest, Perspectives on Design and Coastal Living. The Company was also featured during the 1990s on the popular television series This Old House. The Simpson house features a welcoming exterior with a spacious front porch, spacious rooms and an elevator for Zoe. Each bedroom is designed with its occupant in mind—Zoe’s room is full of color to help with his visual stimulation, his sister’s bed looks like Cinderella’s carriage and his brother’s




room a high-tech marvel with a video chair in the center. “The greatest challenge of this project was the preparation as we had 51 days to get ready to complete a home in 106 hours,” said Tripp Turner. “One of the biggest rewards of this project was the team-building process that our employees experienced. Seeing our company and the community come together for a common goal was outstanding to witness.” Fortunately for Tripp Turner, he has a strong team to rely on that includes several Kappa Alphas. Matthew Schivera (Iota–Furman ’97), is Turner Construction’s director of estimating, and Bart Rhodes (Gamma–Georgia ’97) and Reemer Youmans (Alpha Beta– Alabama ’98) are project managers. Sister Victoria Turner, who assisted in the VIP tent during the build, was a KA Rose at Georgia Southern. “In the Kappa Alpha Order, we are taught to be leaders among men and to strive for excellence,” said Tripp Turner. “I am reminded of both of these principles in my daily life, not only professionally but personally.”


“J.T. Turner Construction has always had employees who are heavily involved in the community,” said Tripp Turner (Delta Theta–Georgia Southern ‘99) chief operating officer and son of company founder J.T. “Jim” Turner Jr. (Kappa– Mercer ‘70). “Our employees are involved in over 75 different local, regional and national organizations. What better and more challenging way to give back to the community of Savannah than bringing in an organization that bases their entire focus on making a better life for a family and the city in which they live.” For two years, Tripp Turner worked on luring the popular reality television program to town to build a new home for a local family. Once the connection was made and Savannah was selected, his company had just two months to assemble a team to focus on every aspect of the build, including securing materials, subcontractors and volunteers, and helping coordinate marketing and events surrounding construction. An estimated 1,500 subcontractors and vendors participated in the project, as well as another 2,500

Alumni News of a leader and role model within the Kappa Alpha Order.

One Man’s Message

Sean Porea ’80, is a professional photographer and professor of photography at the North Harris campus of Lone Star College in Houston.

By LTC A. Hudson McDonald (Gamma Zeta – Southern Mississippi ’56) This autobiography is written in three sections. As a young man, Hudson had a remote upbringing while living in a railroad house where his father was a bridge tender. He is surrounded by sawmills, launch services, and tug boats. Many young and adolescent experiences (more than most) are encountered. His military career carries him abroad to work on secret combat developments, where he meets dignitaries, works with foreign allies, and faces combat in Vietnam. As an engineer, he transcends several careers to include city and county governments, as well as, construction and consulting. The book concludes with local interests spanning the past thirty years. There is an unrecognized thread throughout the book. The author finally realizes God has a plan for his life; although he wants to go in one direction, he is pulled in another. His life becomes his story with a profound inspirational message.

Texas Tech University Gamma Chi Captain James “Chris” Duncan ’99, is a captain in the United States Air Force, having earned his wings and graduated pilot training at Columbus Air Force Base near Columbus, Mississippi. He also received the Commander’s Trophy given to the most outstanding graduate of the class and the Distinguished Graduate Award. Captain Duncan is the son of Knight Commander J. Michael Duncan. Transylvania University Alpha Theta Lucas Phillips ’06, is performing in regional theatre productions in the Nashville, Tennessee area. Phillips will be moving to New York City in the next year to attend the New York Film Academy on a scholarship.

Order your copy through Brother McDonald at PO Box 7552, Spanish Fort, AL 36577 or at

Free as a Fish By Ellison Durant Smith IV (Rho – South Carolina ’62)

Steven Roberts ’83, is a Catholic priest and medical doctor. He was recently commissioned by the Bishop of the Diocese of Lexington to study bioethics at the Regina Apostolorum, a pontifical university in Rome, where he studied for two years. He has returned to the United States and now lives in Lexington, Kentucky and works as the director of vocations at the Diocese of Lexington. He will be finishing his Ph.D. from the Apolstolorum, using his research there to write his dissertation.

Ellison Durant Smith IV is a descendant and namesake of a South Carolina political legend who describes himself in the notes of his second novel, Free as a Fish, as a “Lawyer by profession and fisherman by trade.” This book follows the life of Jessie McLeod, who, at 18, decides to leave college and his family after the death of his philandering father and head for the open water for the life of a Lowcountry coast charter boat mate. As he gets a school-ofhard-knocks education in people, fishing and hard work, he also learns about love, sex and marijuana in the early 1960s. Replete with Lowcountry fishing references and terms, and set to the musical backdrop of people who once were on the Ed Sullivan Show, Free as a Fish evokes the memories of a time when life was easier not only for an 18-year-old on the Atlantic, but for all of us. Order your copy at




Michael P. Wilson ’00 (above with Ellie), is the current Director of Fraternity Services at the National Administrative Office. He and his wife Nikki recently welcomed their first child Ms. Ellis “Ellie” Vaughn Wilson into the world on Thursday, February 24, 2011. Tulane University Psi Matthew Skaer ’01, and wife Virginia recently welcomed their first child, Connor Richard Skaer, into the world. University of Tulsa Mu Phillip “Ryan” Sheehan ’01, is on the staff of Expert Message Group, a speechwriting, book publishing and speaker representation bureau in Tulsa. Valdosta State University Delta Rho Harris Brinson “Brince” Coody ’04, is an account manager with the Sanford Company in Macon, Georgia, specializing in sales of various insurance products, including a mobile dental program for clients of nursing homes. University of Washington Zeta Mu Matthew Mitchell ’99, is researching his PhD dissertation in history for his doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania. Mitchell and wife Elizabeth, already parents to sons Malkelm and Maxwell, are expecting a baby girl. The family currently lives in Richland, Washington.

Alumni News

Washington College Beta Omega Federico Da Fieno ’94, recently moved to Lima, Peru, to start his business promoting the development of green-minded small and medium enterprises, particularly in the area of renewable energy generation, in Peru. Following his International Baccalaureate from the International School of Brussels with a BA in International Relations from Washington College, and later an MBA in Business Administration from Imperial College in London, the multilingual Da Fieno has studied and worked all over the world. Dave Gutzman ’89, is an Acquisitions Project Manager with Community Health Systems, one of the nation’s leading operators of general acute care hospitals and based in the Nashville, Tennessee area. In this position, Gutzman travels much of the year to other states, but tries to make it home as often as possible to use his season tickets to watch the Nashville Predators play hockey. Initiated into Beta Omega at Washington College, Gutzman earned his BS in Decision Science from Georgia State University. Mark Murphy ‘93, is unemployed and underemployed since a stint as a Staff Chaplain for the Federal Bureau of Prisons in 2009 and is living in Cleveland, Tennessee. He is seeking the best context in which to provide pastoral care on a long-term basis.

(NCHSAA), the North Carolina Coaches Association (NCCA) and the North Carolina Athletic Directors Association (NCADA). Lucas is a long-time football and basketball official, having served as a North State Officials Association football official for 31 years and a Piedmont Officials Association basketball official for 18 years. He is currently the coordinator of football officials for both the Sun Belt and Southern Conferences.

Journey of Light: Adventures of a Landscape Photographer By Jeff Murray (Epsilon TauNorthern Arizona ’03) A professional photographer for nearly five years, Jeffrey Murray specializes in fine art landscape photography. Journey of Light, his first book, is a spectacular compilation of 80 of his most renowned images. This eyecatching book takes the reader on a thrilling visual voyage through vast arrays of landscapes blanketing the Western region of the United States. With each turn of the page, the reader becomes transfixed by dramatic storms in the Yosemite High Country, bushwhacks to splendid waterfalls in Oregon’s moss-covered forests, or wades in waste-deep pools in Zion National Park’s deep canyons. Each image symbolizes an exquisite moment in nature found to be cherished, inspirational and personal to collectors and photography enthusiasts alike. As for the future, Murray is already working on his second book and aims to open galleries in the future to feature his work. He also hopes to publish a book of the U.S. featuring images from each state.

Western Kentucky University Epsilon Theta Kevin Didio ’02, was married in 2009 and is currently working as the Maker’s Mark Distillery Diplomat for Kentucky. He will earn his MBA from Bellarmine University in Louisville in May. West Texas A&M University Gamma Sigma Jimmie C. Hall ’68, continues to serve in the New Mexico House of Representatives where he has been elected to since 2005. He represents District 28 in Bernalillo County.

To order Murray’s book or to view his amazing images, visit his website at

Architectural Works of W. Elliot Dunwody, Jr., FAIA

Blaine E. Strawn ’89, is the recipient of two Suncoast Emmy Awards. His first came in 2009 for a Documentary named “Archbishop Hannan and the Kennedys” and was awarded his second for his promotional music video for his station, Fox 8, with a Saint’s theme during New Orlean’s ride to the Super Bowl. He continues to work for Fox 8 in New Orleans, Louisiana.”

By James E. Barfield and Walter G. Elliot (Beta Zeta-Florida ‘11)

Western Carolina University Delta Alpha Don Lucas ’66, has been awarded the Golden Whistle Merit Award from a partnership among the North Carolina High School Athletic Association

The book can be purchased online or by calling 478-757-5120.





Former Knight Commander W. Elliot Dunwody, Jr., (Kappa-Mercer ‘09) was one of the best known architects in the Macon, Georgia area and his works have been captured in this beautiful book by KA brother Walter Elliot, the photographer. Dunwody’s career spanned more than half a century and produced hundreds of residential, commercial, and institutional projects. Forty-two of his homes located in Macon are featured in the book, in addition to many institutional, academic, religious, and commercial projects from the region. Included in the book’s nearly two hundred pages are Dunwody’s architectural drawings, fascinating historical reference material, and stunning exterior and interior architectural photographs. One online reviewer says, “Dunwody homes are particularly spectacular. Once you recognize a familiar “Dunwody feature,” such as clusters of small columns, short closet doors sort of tucked away or cathedral windows, your appreciation of the particular structure increases and you realize that you are in a Dunwody house and you then realize that Dunwody was truly a master at his work and every work he did was a masterpiece.”

Alumni News

KA Brothers Drive College Experience Into High-Octane Careers by Rick Moore

The friendships of college years, especially for men who participate in Greek life, are often friendships that last forever, no matter how the circumstances of life and the miles between might separate them. And sometimes two brothers might even find themselves on the same career path, which helps continue that camaraderie. Two men whose college and fraternity experiences have created a bond that helped determine, and carried into, their professional lives are Ron Pitman and Jarrod Krisiloff (both Zeta Omicron–Southern Indiana ’03). Their initiation date is not all that they have in common. Pitman and Krisiloff met at University of Southern Indiana and formed a fast friendship based on two commonalities: an affinity for auto racing and the desire to see a Kappa Alpha Order presence on the USI campus. So the men set about the task of organizing a provisional chapter, doing the bulk of the work to see the chapter officially chartered. Krisiloff served as the chapter’s Number I while Pitman filled the role of Number II. When it came to the racing part, though, Pitman soon learned that Krisiloff’s love of racing was more than just some passing fancy, but that it was in his blood. “I was a racing fan ever since elementary school,” Pitman said, “so when Jarrod and I met it gave us something in common to talk about. But it was more than that for him, since his family had been so involved in the business.” Krisiloff grew up around racing, with members of his family being the owners of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway (IMS), home of the Indianapolis 500. His father, Steve Krisiloff, was an Indy Car driver. And Krisiloff himself sold concessions at the company golf course, Brickyard Crossing, as a teenager, and helped build rubber-tire crash barriers around the track. So when the time came for Krisiloff and Pitman to begin considering


career options, the Speedway, in Krisiloff’s home town of Indianapolis, beckoned. Both men began working at the IMS after graduation, initially as interns. After climbing the ladder into a series of different positions and promotions, the men have become an integral part of the company’s operations. Today Pitman is the Director of

Pitman and Krisiloff met at University of Southern Indiana and formed a fast friendship based on two commonalities: an affinity for auto racing and the desire to see a Kappa Alpha Order presence on the USI campus. Guest Services, a position that includes supervision of such areas as safety patrol and security, in addition to filling the roles of Department of Homeland Security liaison and law enforcement liaison. Krisiloff is the Director of Corporate Development and Marketing, responsible for hospitality functions, sponsor relationships, marketing and marketing partnerships, and general business development. Pitman and Krisiloff say that, without the 26


Alumni News practices and habits they learned and developed as KA brothers and leaders, they might be hard-pressed to perform such highprofile jobs as theirs with a legendary institution like the IMS. “When we were forming the chapter, and going from

“When we were forming the chapter, and going from provisional to being chartered, it was very detailed and intense. There were a lot of requirements that we had to meet to be able to get the charter. Essentially, the way we treat a project at IMS is very similar to that..."

provisional to being chartered, it was very detailed and intense,” Pitman said. “There were a lot of requirements that we had to meet to be able to get the charter. Essentially, the way we treat a project at IMS is very similar to that, and the experience we had with Greek life plays a huge role in what we’re able to do today.” “KA was a milestone in my development as a person,” Krisiloff simply said. “I can’t imagine that I would have been exposed to another experience during my college years, or in the early development of my career, that would have provided me with

the same foundation as KA. The entire process to achieve Zeta Omicron’s chapter status was perhaps the most significant experience of that development.” The men are currently involved in another monumental, once-in-a-lifetime project, this time at IMS. That project is the organization of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the first Indianapolis 500, being celebrated on Sunday, May 29, the day before Memorial Day. For Krisiloff, even though he grew up around the family business, nothing will ever be quite like this year’s Indy 500 because of the 100th anniversary. “There have been a lot of great moments in this job,” he said. “But to have the honor of being part of and preparing for the 100th anniversary celebration is really significant.” Pitman said that, without his KA experience, he doesn’t know how he would be able to do what needs to be done in his job at IMS, and to help make the Speedway’s anniversary celebration a successful one. “The experience of getting the charter helped make me the type of person who can see what needs to be done on a project, from start to finish, and execute it,” he said. “So that will definitely contribute to my performance in planning the 100th anniversary. To be part of something like this is pretty incredible, and something we’re privileged to be a part of.” So when you turn on your television to ABC on May 29 at 11am ET to what is bound to be an amazing celebratory spectacle and a memorable auto race, know that much of the work that went on behind the scenes of one of America’s greatest sporting events was done by two KA gentlemen, utilizing the principles and philosophies that they learned as fraternity brothers. For more information on the 100th anniversary of the first Indianapolis 500 please visit, for tickets visit

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Alumni News

Welcome Home, Warriors

Alumni Organize Complimentary Vacations for Veterans Robert Peters understands the importance of military service. A former member of the Air Force, and Number I of his chapter, the Jacksonville attorney wanted to do something to say thank you to the men and women who serve in the military. He determined one way to do that was to share his second home, and the idea for Warrior Vacations soon became a reality. “Throughout most of the year, my home on Amelia Island sits empty,” said Peters (Gamma Eta–Florida State ’83) pictured above right. “I thought if I could get others on the island to join in, we might be able to make a difference. These soldiers and their families shoulder the burden for us all, so giving them a little R&R is the least we can do.” Peters launched Warrior Vacations in 2008, enlisting the help of his condo association, neighbors and businesses on the northeast Florida barrier island. In the first two years, the organization matched about 100 families with vacation homes. Currently, between 20 and 25 families are served each month. “More and more owners are asking to participate in the program,” said Peters. “It’s great because these are wonderful homes. I’ve also been pleased at the response of this program among local businesses, many of whom offer two-for-one deals or other benefits.” Peters cited the example of a Vietnam veteran who runs a local miniature golf course and offers program recipients free passes. He was treated so badly when he returned from the war that he is happy to help make the vacation a better experience for today’s soldiers and their families. While Peters doesn’t get to meet many of the families who have benefited from Warrior Vacations, he does read their letters and knows the program is making a difference. Many families come from the Florida National Guard in St. Augustine, Fla., and Fort Stewart, Ga. Both operations have deployed many soldiers to Iraq and Afghanistan. Ironically, another Gamma Eta had a similar idea and has been serving soldiers on Florida’s East Coast since 2007.


by Wendy Lovell

David Haynes (Gamma Eta–Florida State ’90) and his wife, Holly (both pictured above left), started Beach Homes for the Brave to support those who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. The program provides veterans and their families with a complimentary weekend getaway on the private, secluded beaches of Palm Island. Like Peters, Haynes was compelled to do something to honor those who serve, especially considering that some soldiers have been deployed many times. It also seemed like a good way to teach his sons about the importance of patriotism. He enlisted the advice of a Special Forces officer whose property his business manages, and the program kicked off in the summer of 2007. “Once we reached out to the community, we were overwhelmed with the response,” said Haynes, who owns and operates Tarpon Real Estate in Cape Haze, Fla. “We have had yacht tours donated, restaurants provide free dinners for our guests and fishing guides have taken them fishing. We found that our community was ready, willing and able to help, they just needed someone to coordinate the effort.” Haynes said there are 50 homes used in the program, which has served an estimated 400 troops and more than 100 families since program began. Haynes and Peters learned of each other’s program through mutual friend and brother John Yearty (Gamma Eta–Florida State ’85). They hope to get together in the future to learn how each can support the other’s efforts and help expand these programs on a national scale. They have demonstrated that the bonds of brotherhood and the values of KA extend well past graduation from college. “Kappa Alpha had a very significant impact on my life and continues to this day,” said Haynes. “The fellowship and brotherhood that was created provided a strong base for my desire to provide assistance to our troops and others fighting for our freedom. I hope that when my two sons go to school, they will be able to be part of the KA family, as well.”



On Campus

Editor's Note: Chapter reports not submitted by the deadline for this issue do not appear.

At the 2011 Convivium, brothers Jack B. Carter II, ’71, and Col. John B. Haynes, ’64 (Ret. USAF) were honored for their innumerable contributions to Nu Chapter. Brothers Carter and Haynes served as Treasurer and President, respectively, for the Nu Chapter Housing Corporation from 1994 to 2010. Both men were instrumental in the reinstatement of Nu’s previously revoked charter, and in the mounting of a capital campaign to build a new KA house, as well as in the funding of improvements and additions to the house since its 2005 completion. – William Sartain, V Birmingham-Southern College Phi Phi Chapter had the highest overall GPA on campus last fall among all fraternities, with over 30% of the chapter named to the Dean’s list for fall 2010. – Andrew Bailey, I WILLIAM JEWELL: The IFC delegates of Alpha Delta celebrate after posting the highest number of signed bids at William Jewell College during Bid Day 2011. Front: Tyler Bullis, Number I, Brian Farrington Number II, IFC President, Back: Harrison Blue, Number IX, IFC Secretary, Dillon Besser, Number VII.

Arizona State University Epsilon Omega Website: Facebook: Having just celebrated their 20th anniversary at Arizona State University, the brothers of Epsilon Omega have a lot to be proud of, such as philanthropic successes. The past semester the men successfully hosted their 2nd Annual KA Angels in the Outfield, raising money for MDA. In addition, the chapter’s Relay for Life team raised about $7,000, the highest amount in chapter history. – Nick Dan-Bergman, II Auburn University Nu The men of Nu Chapter are proud of a brother whose athletic ability has contributed to national recognition for Auburn University and for the chapter. When the school claimed the 2011 BCS National Championship, one of the team’s 17 seniors was Wade Christopher,’07 initiate of Nu Chapter. Wearing #28, Christopher played in the linebacker position and was part of special teams. Although he has one more year of football eligibility, Christopher has decided to forgo his fifth year of football to attend medical school at the University of Alabama – Birmingham. KA JOURNAL



University of California, Berkeley Alpha Xi Website: Facebook: Kappa-Alpha-Order-UC-Berkeley The men of Alpha Xi welcomed 13 new brothers from the fall 2010 pledge class, and just inducted 15 new potential brothers on February 4th, for the chapter’s spring 2011 pledge class. The gentlemen continue to contribute to the community through volunteer work for the Oakland Children’s Hospital and Challah for Hunger, and through leadership positions, with brother Sean Oh recently named Vice-President of External Affairs for the UC Berkeley IFC. – Edward Rojas, V


University of Alabama Alpha Beta With Academic Advisor and New Member Mentor Bob Pugh (Delta Lambda-Middle Tennessee State ’75) in place and with the leadership of Number I Thomas Williams and Number II Mark Smith, academic goals were set and acted upon. With an added focus on quality study time, support from upperclassmen, and a push for 100% attendance at classes, the chapter increased their average GPA from 2.74 in 2009 to 2.86. This was heavily influenced by the success of the new members. The brothers of Alpha Beta are extremely impressed with the performance and high standards of 42 excellent gentlemen who were initiated in the fall, and have proven to be a solid investment in the future of the fraternity. Collectively, Alpha Beta’s freshmen obtained a 3.02 GPA for the fall semester, the highest mark set by the chapter in many years. This was an increase in over ½ a point in one year. The goal to build upon and work towards is now a Top 5 IFC ranking for the chapter in Spring 2011. – William Keith Harvey, Jr., I, and Bob Pugh

Bowling Green State University Zeta Lambda The gentlemen of Zeta Lambda happily initiated nine new members in the fall. In community involvement, three brothers coached a 2nd and 3rd grade flag football team for the City of Bowling Green Parks and Recreation to a 5-1 record, and the gentlemen also took time to rake leaves and shovel snow for 20 local families. This semester they are looking to once again host their KA Kart pushcart philanthropy, and hope to place in the top three in Greek Week for the third straight year. – Kevin A. Malone, V

On Campus to benefit MDA to $2,500. Brothers also volunteered to answer phones at a local TV station for the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon. In leadership news, brother Brandon Kuhn had the honor of being elected as Vice-President of Communications on the IFC Executive Board, an office that 23 fraternities at FSU compete for. – Walter Cooper Jarnagin, V

STANFORD: Brothers and sisters of Kappa Alpha Theta after a cold but exciting game of broomball.

Drury University Beta Iota Beta Iota Raised $1,027 for local philanthropy Isabel’s House during their 3-on-3 basketball tournament last October. The chapter gave out 10 bids last Rush in 2010, inducting seven men and initiating three, and gave out six bids for spring and inducted all six men, which is a great number for the chapter for a spring Rush. In social activities, the gentlemen had one of the most memorable alumni events in past years last December when more than 25 alumni showed up and played Boure. The men held their winter formal event on January 29, and had their first parent’s day in February, raising $106 doing a silent auction. In addition, the gentlemen held their brotherhood retreat, where they assessed the progress of the chapter, and identified the chapter’s strengths and weaknesses to help improve in several areas. – Curtis Kasper, V East Carolina University Gamma Rho Facebook: Kappa Alpha Order – Gamma Rho Chapter Gamma Rho initiated 10 new members, all North Carolinians, in the fall. The brothers will be staying busy with philanthropic and service events, including the cooking of a pig along with other sides to make for a combination plate to be sold before the East Carolina baseball game with UNC, with all proceeds going to MDA. A community service project the chapter performs regularly is to pick up trash on 5th Street, a road that is close to the university and a thoroughfare the men feel it is important to keep

presentable. The chapter also now has an alumni committee that meets occasionally with Gamma Rho’s I and II, discussing ways to improve the chapter. These alumni also take turns sitting in on brotherhood meetings and receive all chapter minutes taken. Due to a rocky past, Gamma Rho is undergoing complete reconstruction of officers, habits, and risk management attention. The chapter’s leadership is striving to encourage improvement of grades amongst current brothers, as well as monitor and have full awareness of the scholastic progress and success of its new members. New philanthropy and community service projects ideas are being discussed, and this summer the men will be attending KA workshops and functions to develop a positive attitude and ensure the future success of the chapter. – Jamie Donaldson, V Elon University Epsilon Mu The men of Epsilon Mu are proud to have had two brothers, Michael Meglio and James Maynard, elected to the IFC Executive Board as Director of Recruitment and Director of Scholarship, respectively. The brothers are also excited to announce that the chapter has successfully regained a chapter house after spending the past year in a seven-person suite. – Joseph Naso, V Florida State University Gamma Eta The gentlemen of Gamma Eta held their annual Clay A. Campbell Big Bend Flats Challenge fishing tournament, bringing the total money raised for the year




University of Georgia Gamma Website: The gentlemen of Gamma Chapter are setting the standard in philanthropic fundraising activities, having raised over $16,000 in contributions to MDA last fall, ranking Gamma third among KA chapters nationally. – William Weston, V Georgia Institute of Technology Alpha Sigma For the first time in years the gentlemen of Alpha Sigma held an officer retreat in January, with 12 alumni and 15 officers and committee chairmen in attendance. The men spent time reviewing the duties of each new officer, with each one assigned to an alumni mentor. After the meeting the brothers went out to eat and spent some time socializing. The retreat was deemed a success, and the men hope to make it an annual tradition. – Tyler Gaines, alumnus Indiana State University Zeta Iota This past semester Zeta Iota enjoyed a great spring rush, rushing upwards of 30 young men, and eventually initiating 25 gentlemen, doubling the chapter size. It was also a great year for community service as the brothers reached out to the community on several separate occasions with the “Keep Terre Haute Beautiful” campaign, in which the gentleman volunteered dozens of hours doing various jobs to help clean up the community. Most recently the chapter has been educating its new members on the Ritual, in preparation for the upcoming Frampton Providence Council and Convivium ceremony. Zeta Iota also had another successful semester with intramural sports, placing first in both Greek and campus-wide wiffleball. The men are also currently planning their first Old South ceremony in six years. – Thomas Jemilo

On Campus Jacksonville State University Delta Phi Website: Facebook: jsuKA This past fall 2010 semester Delta Phi initiated nine new members, with six new members for the spring 2011 semester. The gentlemen held a “road block” to raise money for MDA, and took part in several other Project Outreach events, including ringing the bell for the Salvation Army during Christmas at the local Wal-Mart and collecting children’s toys and warm clothing to give to the Jacksonville Christian Outreach Center at Christmas. On Valentine’s Day the men visited the local assisted living home to paint and hand out Valentine’s Day cards to the elderly. The men also held a successful blood drive in February. The current Delta Phi Number I, Joseph Shaver, is a Gamecock Orientation Leader on campus, and the current Number III, Sloan Lewis, is the Vice-President of Recruitment for IFC. In addition, Delta Phi had the highest overall GPA of all the fraternities on campus for the fall 2010 semester, and is currently second in points in intramural sports for this year. – Benjamin R. Prickett, V

outstanding 90% of the brothers donating, resulting in a $600 check for MDA. The spring semester is a very busy one, with events like Greek Sing, Dance Blue, Province Council (which will be hosted at UK), Parents’ Weekend and KApture the Flag, just to name a few events. – Tristan Santor, V

James Madison University Zeta Theta Website: Facebook: Kappa Alpha Order - JMU The gentlemen of Zeta Theta teamed up with the Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority to co-host a field day for Waterman Elementary School, a local elementary school whose ex-principal happens to live next door to the chapter house. The brothers also reached the chapter›s goal of an average of 3.0 GPA for all chapter members. In leadership news, Robert Shabazian was elected VP of Finance on the IFC board and Connor Hamburg was elected Finance Chair for Student Government. – Brad Hershey, V, Historian

Lamar University Gamma Xi The men of Gamma Xi Chapter initiated seven new brothers last year, and are expecting a good turnout for recruitment this year. The brothers at Gamma Xi have won the intramural championship six out of the last seven years at Lamar University, as well as five out of eight prestigious awards at the last Greek Council Awards Banquet, where there were recognized as the Best Brotherhood and for Chapter Excellence, having the Outstanding President, Community Service, and the GPA Award. The brothers have also been devoting a lot of time and hard work to raising money for MDA. – Edwin Travis Hensley, III

University of Kentucky Theta After two very strong rushes Theta Chapter has grown to 58 members. The brothers have been working hard for project outreach this year, participating in community service projects for Habitat for Humanity, philanthropy events and Operation Crimson Gift. During a Greek campus wide blood drive the men of Theta Chapter came in first place with an

Louisiana State University Alpha Gamma Website: The brothers of Alpha Gamma have had a busy winter, striving to become more involved in school government and community service, as well as preparing for both their annual blood drive held at the house and the annual KA spring golf tournament held to benefit MDA. – Evans Hadden, V KA JOURNAL



University of Maryland Beta Kappa Website: Beta Kappa continues to enjoy good pledge numbers, with 15 new brothers initiated last semester, and another 15 members awaiting initiation. Last fall the brothers successfully organized the Second Annual Kappa Alpha Order Breastfest of Champions, raising over $10,000 for Hearts for Cancer, an organization founded to fund breast cancer research after a brother’s good family friend lost her battle against the horrible disease. Three Beta Kappa brothers are serving as IFC Judicial Board Members, while two brothers are running for IFC executive positions this semester. – Gregory Lee Waterworth, V Middle Tennessee State University Delta Lambda Delta Lambda had the largest Rush class on campus for spring 2010 and was in the top three chapters at MTSU for fall 2010 recruitment. The men have been participating in a number of philanthropic and community-minded events, such as playing basketball with kids at the Tennessee Rehabilitation Center and participating in the Murfreesboro Half-Marathon. The gentlemen held a successful silent auction and pig roast dinner which raised $1,300 for MDA and also was highlighted on the news on the Nashville NBC affiliate. In addition, a benefit show featuring the Barefoot Renegades, a local band from Murfreesboro, was held for former Number


WESTMINSTER: The incoming new member class of Alpha Eta listens to words of advice and encouragement from alumnus David Jackson, who now works for a St. Louis lobbying firm.

On Campus

WOFFORD: Nine brothers from Wofford College visited an orphanage in Thailand that the chapter supports financially.

I Hunter Wallace, who has been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Disease. The event raised $3,500 and Wallace is now cancer free and in remission. In other Delta Lambda news, brother Dustin Hensley was the IFC President, and the men were the winners of Kappa Delta’s “Wing Fling” week; Delta Lambda›s wing recipe has won for four consecutive years against fellow fraternities and businesses. The men were also finalists in indoor soccer. Finally, the brothers will wear letters on Mondays and khakis and collared shirts on Tuesdays to promote the fraternity and gentility. – James Thigpen, V Millsaps College Alpha Mu Facebook: Kappa Alpha Order Millsaps College This year’s recruiting has been very successful for Alpha Mu, with 20 men initiated out of 21 recruited, the most in five years. Also, the men of Alpha Mu hosted a golf tournament which raised $5,500 for MDA. The annual “Casino Night” will be hosted by Alpha Mu this year in conjunction with the ladies of Phi Mu on March 26, with all proceeds going to MDA and the Children’s Miracle Network. In leadership news, brother McCall Walker was elected IFC VicePresident of Recruitment, Drew Moroux was named Irwin Province Undergraduate Chairman, and Dylan Broussard was named Alpha Mu president. – McCall Walker, V

Missouri State University Gamma Beta This spring was a very successful recruitment period for Gamma Beta with the recruitment of nine gentlemen. The men are sports-minded, expecting to be successful in intramural basketball this season. In addition, one of the chapter’s actives, Nick DiCapo, is the team manager for the Missouri State University basketball team and is helping the Bears have a great year. – Vinnie Waller, V Missouri Southern State University Delta Pi Delta Pi initiated eight new members in the fall of 2010, increasing chapter numbers to 23 members. The gentlemen also ended the year with a total of 1,300 philanthropy hours, averaging 56 hours per brother, with the men involved in championing such causes as the Salvation Army and the Ronald McDonald House. The chapter held various educational events for the brothers, such as having guest speakers come in to address study skills and other education topics, while achieving the highest GPA of all the fraternities on campus. Delta Pi was also the number one fraternity in Intramurals. In addition, many brothers are involved in student organizations on campus including, Student Senate, where one brother holds office as the Parliamentarian. – Robert Day, I




Missouri University of Science and Technology Beta Alpha Website: Facebook: Kappa Alpha Order – Beta Alpha Chapter This year in recruiting, a class of 24 was rushed, increasing the house size by over 20 percent. On January 22nd, the chapter held Convivium at Zeno’s Steakhouse in Rolla, with multiple alumni and Province Commander Jim Schmuck and his wife in attendance, as was the entire active chapter. The occasion included the awarding of, among other things, seven scholarships for academic achievement sponsored by the SELF board. In addition, several of the men of Beta Alpha are in positions of leadership with a number of professional and social organizations on campus. – Zachary Sample, V University of Mississippi Alpha Upsilon Website: The 2010-2011 school year has been a highly successful one for Alpha Upsilon Chapter, with a highly impressive 77 young men pledging in the fall, thanks in great part to a determined and hard working Rush team. The chapter’s brothers are active in numerous activities and associations on campus, with involvement in Ole Miss’ Associated Student Body, Alumni Council, the Ole Miss football and track & field teams, Reformed University Fellowship, Campus Crusade, Lucky Day Scholars, and the IFC among others. In charitable community activities, the gentlemen have donated their time and talents to many philanthropic events, including Kappa Alpha Fight Night benefitting MDA, Habitat for Humanity, the Oxford Homeless Shelter Chili Cookoff, and other community service projects. – Tyler Murray, V Newberry College Delta Epsilon The brothers of Delta Epsilon participated in Safe Kids, a program of Newberry County that provides a safe location for children to trick-or-treat safely. The men also sponsored a Breast Cancer Breakfast to raise money for breast cancer awareness, cooking pancakes and sausage for the breakfast and conducting a silent auction. Prior to the Saturday of the breakfast, the brothers sold breast cancer

On Campus t-shirts to promote the breakfast and to raise additional money for the cause. The brothers raised $1,200 for the Susan G. Komen Foundation with this breakfast and its related activities. The men of Delta Epsilon continue to serve in leadership roles, with Derek Kelly filling the role of IFC Vice-President and Bryan Riddick in the office of Sophomore Class Senator-at-Large. And brothers, pledges, and alumni got together for a canoe trip over fall break in October, floating down the Edisto River two people to a canoe. – by Griffin Cameron Gunter, IV University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Upsilon The men of Upsilon recently participated in the charitable Third Annual Hoops for Hope basketball tournament with Zeta Tau Alpha, expanding the event to incorporate the brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi. Team participation increased from 15 to 22 teams, and at press time the gentlemen were confident that they had beaten the amount of $2,400 they raised last year. By taking part in such events as this one, each brother is averaging 18.5 hours of community service per semester. As an effort to encourage brothers to take their education beyond Chapel Hill, the chapter conducted a seminar with the Study Abroad office on available programs and how to apply for them. Also, Upsilon is proud to have a new Faculty Advisor, David Roberts. David hails from Scotland and is a professor of sales and marketing at the Kenan-Flagler School of Business. He has already proved an invaluable resource by making himself available for interview practice and resume-building workshops with brothers transitioning into the job market. Upsilon continues to excel in academic efforts as well, with an average GPA that is 2nd highest among all IFC fraternities. - Ross Bradford Marsland, V

Epsilon Xi was recently given the honor of representing Smith Province and assisting with the initiation of 41 new brothers of Alpha Omega chapter at North Carolina State. The initiatory practices took place in January in Raleigh. Epsilon Xi, along with Upsilon Chapter at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, insured that the customs of The Order were passed on to these new brothers. Epsilon Xi sent 11 men to Raleigh for this event. – Garrett Bedenbaugh, I Northern Arizona University Epsilon Tau Facebook: Kappa Alpha Order NAU’s Epsilon Tau Chapter Epsilon Tau continues to excel athletically, holding the title of Greek Intramural Sports Champions eight of the past nine semesters. The men also continue to hold leadership roles, with current Number IV Mike Rempel filling the role of IFC President, and former Number I Chase Hunt serving as president of the Associated Students of NAU. Presbyterian College Beta Pi The men of Beta Pi have had an extremely busy winter and are looking forward to an exciting spring semester. An outstanding new pledge class has been initiated, and Convivium was celebrated in style with numerous alumni in attendance KA JOURNAL



and live music by the Shack Band from Richmond, Virginia, an appropriate location for a Convivium band. Brothers Scott Todd, II, and Thomas Palma, V were recently elected Secretary and Treasurer, respectively, of the IFC at Presbyterian College. On the radar for late March is Beta Pi’s second annual golf tournament for MDA. – Cameron Lawson, V Roanoke College Beta Rho After struggling for a number of years with both grades and financial debt, Beta Rho has made huge turnarounds in both areas, paying off its debt and raising its GPA significantly to the second highest on campus. The chapter also had a great spring Rush class, picking up seven new quality brothers, giving the chapter a total of 38 members. In community service and philanthropy, the brothers posted an average of 41.5 service hours each last semester. The men plan to once again to participate in “Lex to Lax,” an old Beta Rho tradition, in April, with brothers running more than 50 miles from Roanoke, Virginia, to Lexington, Virginia to present the game ball at the annual Roanoke vs. Washington and Lee lacrosse game. The men are also proud to report that the new IFC President and Vice-President are both KAs. – Connor Toomey, V


University of North Carolina at Charlotte Epsilon Xi Website: The brothers of Epsilon Xi recently donated $1,500 to MDA, funds raised by the gentlemen throughout 2010 and at their annual “See-Saw-A-Thon” philanthropy event last year. The men will be participating in the MDA Muscle Walk at Charlotte Motor Speedway on March 20th, an MDA Lockup in the University area of Charlotte, and the annual “SeeSaw-A-Thon” in April.

CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY: Alpha Xi president Garrett Marker congratulates Atli Thorkelsson, a newly-inducted member from the chapter’s spring 2011 new member class.

On Campus Randolph-Macon College Zeta Website: The brothers of Zeta have been busy in their community service efforts, earning over 180 hours of community service in the fall semester alone. In addition to individual volunteer efforts by each member, the chapter has been involved in the school’s blood drives as well as in doing road clean-ups for their adopted highway. – West Smithers, V

of whom is on a community service scholarship, and one of whom is on Senate (among other recognitions). The gentlemen held a successful blood drive in February, and are also planning chapter-wide trips to the Museum of the Confederacy and Hollywood Cemetery this spring. – Charles Perkins, V

University of the South Alpha Alpha In January the men of Alpha Alpha concluded a very successful recruitment campaign as they inducted 18 new University of Richmond members into the chapter. Additionally, Eta Alpha Alpha has teamed up with Pi Eta chapter has gotten off to a successful Kappa Epsilon on a local project called start in 2011 with a new class of 19 “Accessibility Awareness Project,” members, four of whom are Division 1 which spreads the word of Sewanee’s soccer players, two of whom are members lack of wheelchair accessibility, further of the club lacrosse team that is currently motivating students and others to help a provisional Division 1 program, one out by building ramps and installing guardrails. Our fall grade report conveyed our continued focus on education as the chapter posted a 3.12 GPA, the fourth highest among 11 fraternities. The chapter has also excelled in intramural sports, particularly football. Members of Alpha Alpha also serve in various leadership roles on campus and in the community, as Chair of the Discipline Committee, Head of the Investment Club, President of the IFC, members of the Order of the Gownsmen, members of the Sewanee Volunteer Fire Department, and captains on the baseball, lacrosse team and soccer ARIZONA STATE: the gentlemen from ASU stopped for a picture with teams. the statue of Gen. George S. Patton, Beta Commission, VMI 1904, at – Submitted by his namesake's museum near Indio, Ca. To learn more about Patton, George Shea, I visit.




Southeastern Louisiana University Epsilon Kappa Website: Epsilon Kappa Chapter enjoyed a great Convivium at the KA House, with over 20 alumni present. The chapter also donated $500 to the alumni to help organize and jumpstart a local Alumni Chapter. The chapter’s website recently went live, which the brothers believe will prove vital for recruitment and alumni relations. Also this spring, Epsilon Kappa sent over 40% of the chapter to White Province Council. Number I Kent Landacre was elected Province Undergraduate Chairman for White Province at Province Council. – Kent Landacre, I Stanford University Alpha Pi The men of Alpha Pi are proud of their chapter’s participation in Movember, the charity to raise awareness of prostate cancer. Money is raised for the charity through mens’ growing of mustaches, known as “Mos” in Australia, each November, hence the Movember moniker. The men held a barbecue in conjunction with the men of SAE house to celebrate the end of the month-long mustachegrowing campaign, which raised just over $2,100. Alpha Pi also welcomed participants of an alumni career panel during the past quarter. Alums from big companies, such as IBM and NASA, shared valuable information and experiences with the brothers. This past quarter also has seen the athletes in the chapter excel, with the water polo team logging a couple big upsets, including one over arch-rival Cal, and making it to the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation finals. – Trevor Stevens, V Stephen F. Austin State University Delta Kappa Website: Delta Kappa successfully initiated a total of 23 new members last year, and 10 new members so far are awaiting initiation for spring 2011. The chapter has been recognized in the local Nacogdoches newspaper for its community service, as the men clean a stretch of local highway several times each semester, and also helped a local Christian organization deliver furniture to needy families. The brothers also joined with Habitat for Humanity to help build the frame

On Campus structure for a house for a deserving low-income family. Scholarship is front and center, and mandatory study hours in the campus library have helped increase the chapter GPA greatly. Number I Kevin Grant also holds a bible study every Sunday for the brothers who would like to attend, offering a great way to grab hold of stress before the week starts and forming a brotherly bond for those who attend in the process. In intramural sports we placed first in soccer for 2010. Overall in Greek Week Kappa Alpha placed second place, and was only behind first place by 10 points. In leadership, Frank Smitham is the IFC Rush chair on campus, and Andy Collins is the IFC public relations chair. Some of the men are also part of Beta Alpha Psi, an accounting fraternity, and Order of Omega, a Greek National Honor Society. And in perhaps the most exciting news of all, Delta Kappa Alumni are working on building a new fraternity house about a mile from campus, and it is hoped that construction will start within the next year. – Austin Karnes, V University of Tennessee Pi Website: The men of Pi Chapter continue to focus on philanthropic activities, with brothers donating 300 man hours and raising $4,139 for MDA. Pi Chapter is also involved with organizations like the Salvation Army and Second Harvest Food Bank. In the fall of 2010 the brothers helped Bearden United Methodist of Knoxville with its yearly cleanup of the grounds by laying out mulch and gravel, and by leaning fence lines and trimming hedges. Spring Rush 2011 was successful with five new members joining the chapter. During the fall semester the brothers placed 2nd in both flag football and soccer from a pool of more than 30 teams. Socially the gentlemen remain involved with the usual date parties, mixers, and formals each semester. – Kasey Gourley, V

various philanthropic campus activities, in addition to sponsoring their own fundraisers, such as a trip giveaway and a pumpkin-selling project to benefit MDA. The chapter continued its tradition of intramural excellence by receiving its fourth straight all-sports championship, its fifth championship in the last six years. In addition, several of the gentlemen are serving as IFC delegates. The chapter has adopted regular study hours and is holding weekly new member education meetings and participating in various educational seminars. – Stanton Watson, V Tennessee Tech University Zeta Epsilon Facebook: Kappa Alpha Order TN Tech The men of Zeta Epsilon had a very successful spring rush with six new members awaiting initiation, and are looking forward to the chapter’s first Old South and Founder’s Day events. The chapter has ranked second campuswide in GPA in the past year and is striving for first place this spring. – Taylor Berry, V Texas A&M University Epsilon Delta Website: Last year Epsilon Delta enjoyed its most successful Southern Shootout event ever, hosting 99 shooters for the Luke Patton Memorial Scholarship and raising over $5,000 for MDA. The brothers are hoping for the same type of success or greater KA JOURNAL



this April, when the event will be held at the Tonkaway Ranch in College Station. Epsilon Delta has become very involved with Greek life on the Texas A&M campus, where three actives currently hold positions on the IFC Executive Board. The current Number I, Greg Dundas, is the VP of Public Relations; former Number I Brantley Smith is the VP of Administrative Affairs; and Matt Runkel, current Number IV, is the Parliamentarian. Two additional actives, Matthew Mealey and Matthew Hanratty, serve as Greek Ambassadors for the IFC. Other recent achievements include the induction of Daniel Bruyn, Number V; Austin Lucke, Number VI; and Matt Runkel into the Order of Omega National Honors Society for Greeks. These men were chosen for outstanding academic achievement and attaining a high standard of leadership in interfraternity activities. In addition, a group of newly initiated members from the pledge class of fall 2010 have been chosen to take part in an Aggie Greek leadership program called IFC Lead, where they will learn valuable skills to help them to become leaders of the Aggie Greek community. – Daniel Thomas Bruyn, V Texas State University Epsilon Iota Epsilon Iota was recently pleased to accept four new young men into the chapter. The brothers are holding another annual co-fundraiser philanthropy event with Alpha Phi Alpha to raise money and


University of Tennessee at Martin Delta Upsilon Delta Upsilon has had a highly successful recruitment, with 19 out of 20 bids accepted as well as an 84% retention rate with its last pledge class. The brothers have been participating in

SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA: Brothers from Epsilon Kappa Chapter after a highway cleanup.

On Campus brothers are serving as Resident Assistants for on-campus housing, and several more serve as Admissions Assistants. – Nicholas W. Moore, V University of Tulsa Mu The men of Mu have seen the biggest spring pledge class in recent history, with eight men having signed bid cards for spring 2011. The brothers are also staying active in community service, and have signed up for TU Service Day, Relay for Life, and MDA Stride and Ride. And in the wake of the biggest snowstorm in state history, brothers from the chapter answered the call by shoveling driveways for alumni and faculty. – Chris Dixon, I ALABAMA: The newest initiates of Alpha Beta Chapter, weeks after achieving a new member class GPA of 3.02.

awareness for MDA, and the men also are contributing to the lupus walk for systemic lupus, the chronic autoimmune disease that affects thousands of people in America. In intramural sports last semester the gentlemen were indoor soccer champions, made it to the finals in flag football, and were Panhellenic dodgeball champions. The men are playing basketball and co-ed basketball with Delta Zeta, co-ed softball with Zeta, and planning on another dodgeball tournament. The chapter’s alumni generously donated a brand new back deck for the Epsilon Iota campus house, and a new concrete parking lot is being donated and built later this semester. Epsilon Iota brothers are serving leadership roles on campus, with Travis Mouser as the President, Griffin Taylor as Vice President and Chase Carter as Secretary of the American Concrete Institution. In the Construction Student Association, Jake Sigler is currently the Vice President. – Patrick Butler, V Texas Tech University Gamma Chi Gamma Chi successfully initiated 38 new members from last fall and currently are looking forward to a good spring Rush. The brothers enjoyed a great annual Kalf Fry during the UT – Texas Tech weekend with Robert Earl Keen headlining, and with funds from the Kalf Fry and other philanthropic undertakings the men donated $9,500 dollars to MDA. The gentlemen also had a great Convivium,

and are looking forward to Gamma Chi’s 50th anniversary coming up in the fall. – Colin Mortimore, V Transylvania University Alpha Theta Website: Alpha Theta’s fall recruitment was exceptional, with 23 bids submitted. A total of 19 members picked up their bids, and all were initiated at the end of the pledge education process. The gentlemen have participated in almost every philanthropy sponsored by other chapters on campus, and is boasting high participation in their Shamrock Projects for MDA. The men have also begun planning for their annual MDA walk from Frankfort to Lexington. Only six brothers did not achieve the 2.5 GPA required for active members, and this has motivated Chapter executives to enact a new educational policy that will require members who failed to meet the GPA requirement to meet periodically with another active, preferably someone older and in the same major. The object will be to build responsibility and solid study habits in helping the chapter attain the top fraternity GPA on campus by the end of the year. A large number of men are on active scholarship and many made the Dean’s List last semester. Seventeen of the brothers are participating in collegiate athletics, including golf, tennis, track, and swimming, and some are involved in the Student Government Association and the Executive Council. Also, three of the




Vanderbilt University Chi Chi Chapter successfully recruited 16 new members from various locations nationwide, including Los Angeles, Illinois, Indiana, New York, Houston, Dallas, Sewanee and New Orleans. Academic goals include maintaining a fraternity GPA above 3.2, and seeing the new members’ class GPA improve substantially over last semester. The brothers are also formulating plans to surpass last year’s philanthropic support of MDA. – Jarrett Wadler, V Washington College Beta Omega Beta Omega’s own Erick Kulhmann has been running marathons in order to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis. Since graduating from the Beta Omega Chapter at Washington College, the former number I has been competing in marathons in support of the Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis, and recently ran the 35th Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, D.C. to raise funds for that worthwhile cause. The brothers of Beta Omega continue to support Erick in his endeavors and wish him the best. – Andrew F. Tarantino, V Washington and Lee University Alpha Facebook: Kappa Alpha – Alpha Chapter Alpha Chapter recently took on 26 new members, the largest class on campus with men who hail from 16 different states and are actively involved on the football, tennis, baseball, lacrosse, track and field

On Campus and rugby teams, with five captains in the senior class. Alpha earned an average GPA of 3.26 during the fall semester, the highest among major fraternities at Washington and Lee. Members of Alpha hold leadership positions with the IFC, the Student Judicial Council, General’s Activity Board and Omicron Delta Kappa. The men have been heavily involved in community service, assisting a local family this past Christmas and sponsoring a special field trip to a local nature preserve for a local kindergarten class. – Lawson W. Neal, V Western Carolina University Delta Alpha The brothers of Delta Alpha are proud to be represented by men who hold prestigious offices on campus. Currently Daniel R. Dorsey and Jared T. Hopkins hold the seats of president and vice-president, respectively, with the Student Government Association, while Donny Yearicks is the current president of the IFC and Taylor Miller Watson is president of GAMMA (Greeks Advocating Mature Management of Alcohol). And leadership activities are not only limited to the chapter’s active brothers, as one brother awaiting initiation, Brandt Allen, has also stepped up for a senate seat in the SGA. The brothers partnered up with Delta Zeta Sorority for a golf tournament this year at Sapphire National Golf Course at Sapphire, North Carolina, raising $500 per organization for MDA. The men held a bingo tournament to raise money for MDA as well, and the men are looking forward to hosting an event with GAMMA. The chapter also hosted an educational event with the College Republicans, teaching people about the need for their voices to be heard at the polls and giving attendees the opportunity to become registered voters. – Jerry Benge, III

West Virginia Wesleyan College Beta Chi Facebook: Beta Chi Chapter of Kappa Alpha Order Twitter: Beta Chi recently welcomed somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 new men to be a part of this philanthropic and communityminded KA chapter. The men take part in a monthly Juvenile Delinquency Center mentor program, speaking to young people at the Center to encourage them with their lives and to help them get on the right track, with the brothers saying the program helps them as much as it does the teens they minister to. The men also collected canned food and clothing items for a Buckhannon-area family that lost their home and all of their possessions in a house fire. The chapter currently boasts members who hold the positions of sports director for both campus radio and newspaper, and got great press as brother Devin Miller was featured in National Geographic last summer during his internship with NASA. – William Tyler, V Wingate University Zeta Zeta On January 21st, the brothers of Zeta Zeta Chapter held their 2nd Annual Convivium at the Jesse Helms Center in celebration of spiritual founder Robert E. Lee, where the gentlemen reflected on Lee’s true significance to Kappa Alpha Order. – Howard Vance Harrell, VI

RICHMOND: Sophomore Jack Allen donating his time and blood to Virginia Blood Services during Eta chapter’s blood drive for Operation Crimson Gift.

Austin Peay State University Provisional Website: On January 19th the chapter held its second annual Convivium celebration, and the men were honored to have local alumni, brothers from Western Kentucky University, Province Commander Aaron Hunt, and many ladies present. During spring recruitment the brothers worked hard together, recruiting more men than any other fraternity on campus. In addition, brother Kelvin Rutledge was recently elected as Vice-President of the IFC. – Jason Taylor, V

Wofford College Delta Over January interim at Wofford College Georgia College a group of nine Delta brothers traveled Provisional to be restored as Epsilon Nu to Thailand for three weeks. They Website: visited Liberty Kidz, a Thai orphanage Facebook: Kappa Alpha Order in Changmai, Thailand, where serving at Georgia College children from all over the country since The Georgia College provisional chapter 2006. The brothers spent a day with the had a successful formal Rush, and 12 new children, who did a native dance for men were inducted into the chapter in them. The brothers were able to donate January. The chapter currently has 42 $300 USD to the orphanage and will brothers, and the gentlemen will continue continue to support the orphanage with a to recruit until what they hope will be fundraiser in the spring. The Liberty Kidz a huge chartering ceremony this spring, mission is to develop the lives of children as they are hard at work trying to meet through wisdom (education), structure every requirement for the Provisional (well being), favor with God (moral), and favor with people (social and community). Chapter’s chartering application. The men continue to be involved in student – Martin Huff, I





Westminster College Alpha Eta Twitter: The gentlemen of Alpha Eta at Westminster College have recruited yet another outstanding group of young men, many applying and interviewing for clubs and organizations on campus such as Student Ambassadors and Blue Blazers. The gentlemen celebrated a successful toast on Convivium in memory of our spiritual founder Robert E. Lee. Also, the Alpha Eta chapter has started its own

“Brothers for Others” program, delivering cooked food to homeless people. – David Berry, V, former I

On Campus

JAMES MADISON: The brothers of Zeta Theta with sisters from Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority and students from Waterman Elementary School in Harrisonburg, Virginia.

government on campus, with the Number VII of the chapter holding the position of Student Government Vice-President and several other brothers serving as senators. The gentlemen recently held Convivium on January 15 at the Milledgeville Country Club with some 150 people in attendance, the biggest showing of alumni from this chapter at a Convivium in almost 10 years. Along with the attendance being so high at this event the alumni were also very generous with all the financial help they gave the chapter. – Davis Barlow, V University of Southern California Provisional to be restored as Beta Sigma The USC Provisional Chapter has made great strives in recruitment and fulfilling their remaining chartering requirements. They are projected to have over 20 new members this semester and have embraced year round recruitment. Once again, the chapter is ranked one of the top student organization on campus in regards to academics. The chapter is now in the process of submitting their chartering application for approval from the advisory council. Their initiation and chartering ceremony is scheduled for the beginning of April, and we look forward to becoming the re-founder fathers of the Beta Sigma chapter of Kappa Alpha Order. The chapter is excited to enhancing the Greek community, along with continuing the history and legacy at USC. The chapter and alumni are also actively seeking a permanent residence for its members on “Greek Row.”

Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Provisional Southern Illinois Provisional Chapter and its members had a successful Fall 2010 semester in terms of philanthropy and individual academic achievement. The chapter hosted a highly publicized “Piein-the-Face” fundraiser benefitting the Muscular Dystrophy Association. The event received coverage in SIU and Carbondale, Ill. newspapers as well as online media outlets. The chapter also participated in projects for Habitat for Humanity and an environmental project to tap maple syrup from Carbondale-area trees. The chapter is planning to participate in another Habitat for Humanity project in Florida over Spring Break. On the academic front, former Number I, Jake Roth, was accepted to graduate engineering programs at Southern Illinois University, the University of Illinois and Johns Hopkins University. A number of other chapter members were named to SIU’s Dean’s List for the Fall 2010 semester. Southern Methodist University Provisional to be restored as Beta Lambda Website: The Beta Lambda Chapter at SMU is excited to announce the addition of 17 new members from a successful spring Rush. In philanthropic news, the chapter is looking to become involved with Big Brothers and Habitat for Humanity, and is also planning a charitable crawfish boil to benefit MDA. The men are competing in the intramural basketball league and a co-rec league with the ladies of the Kappa Alpha Theta organization, and are excited




to be participating in the school-wide “Sing-Song” event with the ladies of Delta Gamma sorority. – Drew Petersen, V University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Provisional It has proven to be a very busy and exciting semester for the UTC Provisional Chapter, beginning with its first Convivium celebration with the local area Chattanooga alumni. The chapter participated in their first formal rush week, successfully recruiting 6 new members into the chapter. Feller Province Council was a tremendous experience to interact with other KA chapters and all the members enjoyed the weekend of educational training. The chapter is busy planning its first philanthropy event for MDA, intending to host a mud volleyball tournament. Positive traditions are quickly forming and the members have already built strong brotherhood bonds. We are eager to complete our remaining chartering requirements and look forward to our initiation and banquet soon. Editors Note: North Carolina Statue University's Alpha Omega chapter was recharted after the publication dedline and will be re-capped in the summer issue of the KA Journal.

On Campus

KAPPA ALPHA ORDER CLAIM AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION PLAN The Kappa Alpha Order Claim and Dispute Resolution Plan binds the members and the Order to handle problems through a series of measures designed to bring timely resolution. It is a process that allows claims and grievances to be objectively considered and resolved without forcing the Order or the member to resort to courts of law. It is a continuing commitment to create an environment where members are enable to participate in constructive communication. 1. PURPOSE AND CONSTRUCTION


The Plan is designed to provide for the quick, fair, accessible, and inexpensive resolution of legal disputes between the Fraternity, and between any parent, affiliate, or successor of the Fraternity, or any of their officers, directors, new members, alumni, or members, and the Fraternity’s present and former members, related to or arising out of a membership relationship with the Fraternity or participation in a Fraternity activity, expressly including, but not limited to, any legal disputes in which any present or former Kappa Alpha Order member asserts a claim or dispute against the Fraternity, any parent, affiliate, or successor of the Fraternity, or any of their officers, directors, or members, and the Fraternity’s present and former members. The Plan is intended to create an exclusive procedural mechanism for the final resolution of all disputes falling within its terms. It is not intended either to reduce or enlarge substantive rights available under existing law. The Plan should be interpreted in accordance with these purposes.

All disputes not otherwise settled by the Parties shall be finally and conclusively resolved under this Plan and the Rules.



A. “AA” means any federal or state-recognized Arbitration Association or a similar, local group of arbitrators selected by Sponsor to hear the member’s claim or dispute in the area of the Chapter’s location.

5. AMENDMENT A. This Plan may be amended by Sponsor at any time with thirty (30) days notice. However, no amendment shall apply to a Dispute of which Sponsor had actual notice on the date of amendment. B. Sponsor may amend the Rules at any time with thirty (30) days notice. However, no amendment will be effective:

1. until reasonable notice and acceptance of the amendments are made available on the Kappa Alpha Order website to all members, or

2. as to a Claim or Dispute of which Sponsor had actual notice (by notice of intent to arbitrate or otherwise) on the date of amendment. This Plan may be terminated by Sponsor at any time. However, termination shall not be effective:

B. Sponsor” means Kappa Alpha Order.

A. until 10 days after reasonable notice and acceptance of termination is given to Members; or

C. The “Act” means the Arbitration Act of the state in which the claim or dispute arises, or the Federal Arbitration Act if applicable.

B. as to Claims or Disputes which arose prior to the date of termination.

D. “Fraternity” means Kappa Alpha Order, house corporations, and every student chapter or alumni organization of Kappa Alpha Order and all of their officers, directors, members, and agents. “Fraternity” also includes every plan of benefits or foundation, whether or not tax-exempt, established or maintained by any such entity, and the fiduciaries, agents and members of all such entities. “Fraternity” also includes the successors and assigns or all such persons and entities.

A. The Act shall apply to this Plan, the Rules, and any proceedings under the Plan or the Rules, including any actions to compel, enforce, vacate or confirm proceedings, awards, orders of a Referee, or settlements under the Plan or the Rules.

E. “Claim” means any legal or equitable claim, demand or controversy for any personal injury, equitable relief or property damage arising out of any tort, statute (local, state or federal) or breach of contract involving the Fraternity. This includes but is not limited to any type of allegation of negligence, intentional acts, defamation, discrimination, contribution or indemnity. F. “Dispute” means a claim, demand or controversy to which this Plan applies, between persons bound by the Plan or by an agreement to resolve disputes under the Plan, or between a person bound by the Plan and a person or entity otherwise entitled to its benefits. G. “Member” means any new member, pledge, initiate, existing member, alumni, or former member of Kappa Alpha Order.


B. Other than as expressly provided herein, or in the Rules, the substantive legal rights, remedies and defenses of all Parties are preserved. In the case of arbitration, the arbitrator shall have the authority to determine and implement the applicable law and to order any and all relief, legal or equitable, including punitive damages, which a Party could obtain from a court of competent jurisdiction on the basis of the claims made in the Dispute. C. Other than as expressly provided herein, or in the Rules, the Plan shall not be construed to grant additional substantive legal or contractual rights, remedies or defenses which would not be applied by a court of competent jurisdiction in the absence of the Plan.

8. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDING A. This Plan shall apply to a Dispute pending before any local, state or federal administrative body unless prohibited by law.

H. “Party” means a person bound by this Plan. I. “Plan” means this Kappa Alpha Order Claim and Dispute Resolution Plan, as amended from time to time. J. “Referee” means a person selected under this Plan to decide or mediate a Claim or Dispute, such as an arbitrator or mediator. “Decision by Referee” means resolution of a Claim or Dispute by arbitration or any other method selected by the Parties under this Plan.

B. Participation in any administrative proceeding by the Fraternity shall not affect the applicability of the Plan to any such dispute upon termination of the administrative proceedings. A finding, recommendation or decision by an administrative body on the merits of a dispute subject to this Plan shall have the same legal weight or effect under the Plan as it would in a court of competent jurisdiction.

9. EXCLUSIVE REMEDY Proceedings under the Plan shall be the exclusive, final and binding method by which Disputes are resolved. Consequently, the institution of a proceeding under this Plan shall be a condition precedent to the initiation of any legal action (including action before an administrative tribunal with adjudicatory powers) against the Fraternity arising out of the membership or participation in Fraternity activities of a member by the Fraternity and any such legal action shall be limited to those under the Act.

K. “Rules” means the Kappa Alpha Order Claim and Dispute Resolution Rules, as amended from time to time.

3. APPLICATION AND COVERAGE A. Until revoked by Sponsor pursuant to this Plan, this Plan applies to and binds the Fraternity and each Member on or after the effective date of this Plan, and the heirs, beneficiaries and assigns of any such person. All such persons shall be deemed Parties to this Plan.



The terms of this Plan and the Rules are severable. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision therein shall not affect the application of any other provision. Where possible, consistent with the purposes of the Plan, any otherwise invalid provision of the Plan or the Rules may be reformed and, as reformed, enforced.


C. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Plan, the Plan does not apply to claims for workers compensation benefits or unemployment compensation benefits.

The effective date of this Plan is August 1, 2006.


Accepting membership, becoming a new member or continued membership after the Effective Date of this Plan and any amendments constitutes consent by both the Member and the Fraternity to be bound by this Plan, both during the membership and after termination of membership.




B. Except as provided for herein, this Plan applies to any legal or equitable Claim, Dispute, demand or controversy, in tort, in contract, under statute (local, state or federal), or alleging violation of any legal obligation, between persons bound by the Plan, or between a person bound by the Plan and any person or entity entitled to its benefits, which relates to, arises from, concerns or involves in any way any Claim or Dispute as defined, herein, arising out of or involving the Fraternity or any Fraternity activity. This includes any direct or indirect claims for contribution or indemnity.

Sports Page

by Jay Langhammer KAELIN FOOTBALL William Vlachos ’08 started every game at center for the 10-3 Alabama squad which beat Michigan State in the CapitalOne Bowl. He was named to the All-Southeastern Conference third team and was co-winner of the Crimson Tide’s Up-Front Award. Handling the kickoffs for the Clemson squad again was Spencer Benton ’08, who had 64 boots for a 64.8 average. Also seeing action for the Tigers were quarterback Taylor Ogle ’10, QB-kick holder Donny McElveen ’10 and offensive guard Tyler Felt ’10. Another kicker, David Hankins ’08, of Mississippi, booted eight kickoffs for a 65.4 average while kicker Justin Moore ’10 of Georgia Tech saw action for head coach Paul Johnson (Delta Alpha-Western Carolina ’77). He kicked off five times for a 63.6 average. Linebacker Wade Christopher ’07 saw action in six games for the 14-0 Auburn national champions. Punter Michael Reichenstein ’10 was a member of the 11-2 Oklahoma State Alamo Bowl squad. Four KAs saw action for the Vanderbilt squad. Quarterback Jared Funk ’08 completed 52 of 109 passses for 651 yards and five touchdowns while receiver Turner Wimberly ’07 caught

10 passes for 170 yards. Defensive end Josh Jelesky ’10 and running back Ryan van Rensburg ’09 both played in 12 contests for the Commodores. Offensive tackle Sean Cascarano ’10 played in 11 games for Virginia. Six KAs on the Furman squad were led by offensive guard David Barrington ’08, who started nine games. Linebacker Rick Furman ’08 was in on 39 tackles and receivers Will King ’09, Kevin Allman ’10, Cameron Mason ‘10 and Carson Parker ’10 all saw starting duty. Bradley Russo ’08 was named Northwestern State Specialist of the Year after booting 68 punts for a 41.0 average. He had a longest punt of 61 yards and 18 were downed inside the 20 yard line. Teammate Forrest Graham ’10 won a Scout Team MVP award as a fullback. Seeing starting duty on the offensive line for Presbyterian were Max Travis ’09 and Blake Dowd. Tight end Jamie Chappell ’09 appeared in 10 contests for Wofford and wide receiver Tom Moak ’10 played in six games for Princeton. Handling deep snapper duties for TennesseeChattanooga was provisional chapter member, Brock Oliver. In the coaching ranks, Will Muschamp (Gamma-Georgia ’92) was named head coach at Florida in




December after three seasons as defensive coordinator at Texas. Colgate head coach Dick Biddle (Alpha Phi-Duke ’69) led his squad to a 7-4 record in 2010. Setting passing records for 9-2 West Virginia Wesleyan was quarterback Adam Neugebauer ’08, who hit 289 of 414 (69.8%) for 2,975 yards and 32 touchdowns. He was named to the AllWVIAC second team and the Gazette Super Region I third team. His top games were 42 of 53 for 401 yards and six TDs against Charleston and 41 of 62 for 319 yards and three scores versus Shepherd. Other teammates seeing action for WVWU were defensive lineman Dallas Burkhalter ’09 (22 tackles), offensive lineman Julio Villatoro ’08, quarterback Mike Angalich ’09 and defensive backs Adam Domico ’08 and Mike Pruden ’09. An offensive lineman for Texas A&M-Commerce was Nick Cannon ’11 while defensive tackle Alan Walters ’08 and linebacker Will Edgecombe ’10 were on the 11-4 Delta State NCAA Division II playoff team. . Leading 8-3 Georgetown to the NAIA playoffs was quarterback Kaelin Ammons ’08, who earned All-American honorable mention and was Mid-South Conference Offensive Player of the Year. He completed

Sports Page




’09 was on the Virginia All-State and All-ODAC first teams while tight end Pat Conley ’08 was an All-ODAC second team pick. Offensive guard Mike Stefanelli ’10 started every game for W&L and kicker Peter Alston ’09 scored 62 points on 50 extra points and four field goals. Leading the Washington & Lee defense was safety Jake Pelton ’10, who was named to the DIII All-South second team, the Virginia All-State first team and All-ODAC first team. He led with six interceptions for 58 yards and ranked second with 82 tackles. Cornerback Mike Hartford ’09 picked off four passes and made 36 tackles. Linebacker Rob Look ’09 was named to the ODAC Sportsmanship Team and ranked third with 62 tackles. Fourth with 51 tackles was linebacker Doug Fraser ’10, who also recovered three fumbles. Defensive end Colin Campbell ’09 started every game and made 26 tackles. Specialists Martin Prichard ’08 kicked off 66 times for a 53.9 average and Spencer Richards ’09 had 37 punts for a 36.8 average. Rhodes linebacker Andrew Meier ’08 was named to the All-Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference first team. He had the SCAC’s third-highest tackles total with 96 and recovered three fumbles.




Lineman Jimmy Eye ’10 was third with 45 tackles and was SCAC Defensive Player of the Week versus LaGrange (six tackles, 2.5 sacks). Other teammates were AllSCAC honorable mention tight end Kyle Pipkin ’07 (11 catches for 130 yards) and starting offensive tackle Eric Rappa ’10. Earning Alll-SCAC honorable mention for 7-3 Millsaps was tight end Bryce Haddad ’09 while wide receiver Kirk Clark ’10 plus defensive backs Greg Blasiar ’10 and James McAuley ’09 also saw action. On the field for University of the South during the season were linebacker Russell Dickson ’10 and defensive backs Graham Jones ’09 (14 tackles) and Murphy Walters ’10. Four KAs were key players for 5-5 Westminster. Chris Starkey ’10 was the top rusher with 490 yards, seven TDs on 95 carries while James Gladstone ’10 ranked second with 29 receptions for 501 yards (including an 81-yarder) and three scores. Back DeMarco Moorhead ’10 had three interceptions, 34 tackles and 13 kickoff returns for a 17.6 average. Playing in every game was back Greg Edwards ’10. The William Jewell squad had 12 KA players, led by quarterback Sean Shelton ’10, who hit 106 of 210 for 1,114 yards and Daktronics NAIA


200 of 340 for 2,865 yards and 34 TDs while carrying the ball 66 times for 398 yards and six scores. Offensive tackle Matt Byrd ’08 gained NAIA All-American honorable mention and was on the All-Mid-South Conference first team. Teammate Adam Schmitz ’10 had 221 yards on 38 carries and caught 23 passes for 293 yards and three TDs. Also playing for Georgetown were running back Tyler Combess ’08 and defensive backs Jesse Gillman ’08 and Ryan Vaughn ’10 (16 stops). Playing for Newberry were kicker Nick Kinney ’07, offensive guard Corey Bradshaw ’10 and tight end Connor Hilton ’07. Nineteen KA players were on the 8-3 Washington & Lee NCAA Division III playoff club. Luke Heinsohn ’10 was named to the DIII All-South second team, the Virginia All-State first team and the All-Old Dominion Athletic Conference first team after rushing for 1,321 yards and 13 TDs on 194 carries. His top game was 223 yards against Guilford. Center/guard Greg Kurkis ’08 was an ESPN The Magazine Academic All-American, a DIII All-South third teamer and the Old Dominion Athletic Conference Scholar-Athlete of the Year. Offensive lineman John Fitzgibbons

Sports Page COX


Scholar-Athlete Taylor Gallagher ’10, who led with 27 receptions for 298 yards. He gained All-HAAC honorable mention, as did linebacker Nelson Windebank ’07, who led with 74 tackles, including 12 for losses and 6.5 sacks. Another Daktronics NAIA Scholar-Athlete was quarterback Tom Farinacci ’10. Also playing were linebacker Tyler Owen ’10 (18 tackles), lineman Tyler Bullis ’10 (13 stops), receiver Adam McBride ’07 and running back Andrew Edwards ’10. SOCCER Bobby Warshaw ’08 led a group of 15 KAs on the Stanford squad, was a semifinalist for the 2010 Hermann Trophy as top collegiate player and was the 17th player chosen (by FC Dallas) in the MLS Super Draft. The three-time All-Pac-10 first teamer was also named to the Academic All-American second team and was Pac-10 Scholar-Athlete of the Year. Other Cardinal players on the All-Pac-10 first team were Dominique Yahyavi ’10 (top scorer with 13 points), Dersu Abolfathi ’10 and Clayton Holz ’09. All-Pac-10 second team goalie Jason Dodson ’10 played 1,158 minutes while allowing just 12 goals (0.93 goals against average) and making 55 saves. Other leading Stanford players were Adam

Jahn ’10 (nine points), Taylor Amman ’08 (five points), Tommy Ryan ’09, Daniel Leon ’08, Hunter Gorskie ’10, Thiago Sa Friere ’07 and Galen Perkins ’10. Centenary forward Heath Cox ’09 earned All-Summit League second team honors after leading with 12 points (on six goals). He was twice named Summit Offensive Player of the Week. Defenseman Curran Blackwell ’10 of Hampden-Sydney led with 11 points and was named to the All-ODAC second team. Defenseman Allen Page ’09 started every game for 7-7-6 Davidson and ranked third in minutes played with 1,843. Six KAs on the Presbyterian team were led by top scorer (with seven points) Logan Huff ’08. Goalie William Redmond ’08 had seven starts 38 saves and a 2.39 goals against average. Teammates seeing a lot of action were Davis Orders ’08, Thomas Palma ’09, Matt Palma and Jordan Archer. Helping Westminster post a 12-6-1 record were five KAs. Sean Peterson ’09 was goals leader with seven and third in scoring with 15 points. Graham Lloyd ’10 scored 13 points and was an Academic All-District pick by ESPN The Magazine. He and Adam Ross ’10 were both SLIAC All-Academic selections. Other starters were Matt Shouldts ’09 and Chad Miller ’10. Dylan Broussard ’09 (2.81 GAA, 85 saves) and Stephen Andrieux ’09 (1.87 GAA) were goalies for Millsaps, which featured eight other KAs. Seeing starting duty were Phil Guillot ’08, James Klugh ’10, Victor Leuck ’09, Alex Szabo ’09 and Miles Hesterly ’09. Seeing action for 16-32 Transylvania were Chandler Ware ’10 and Michael Murray ’10 while Bruce Snow ’10 started eight contests for Delta State. Earning All-SCAC third team honors for 12-7 Southwestern were Evan Perkins ’10 (22 points, eight goals) and goalie Nick Pierce ’09, who played 1,337 minutes with a 1.14 goals against average and




56 saves. Named to the SCAC Fall Honor Roll were Ben Feiler ’08 and Patrick Flanigan ’10. Others seeing action for Southwestern were Ryan Staten ’09 (eight points), Ryan Jensen ’10, Tom Holleman ’08 and Brian Cohen ’10. Other team members were Joe Johns ’09 of West Virginia Wesleyan, Michael Bibbo ’10 of Newberry, goalie Clark Hankins ’09 of 11-5-3 Charleston, Stuart Maxey ’09 of University of the South and the Georgetown quartet of Jordan Gregory ’10, Wes Jones ’09, Riley Williams ’10 and goalie Logan Willoughby ’10. OTHER SPORTS Eighteen KA players were on the 15-8 Stanford water polo squad which went to the final game of the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation tournament. Jeffrey Schwimmer ’08 was named to the ACWPC All-American second team after tying for second on the team with 33 goals. The high scorer with 54 goals was Jacob Smith ’10, who was named to the All-MPSF second team. Also scoring 33 goals for the Cardinal was Paul Rudolph ’10 while Peter Sefton ’09 contributed 27 goals. Other standouts were Ryan Brown ’09 (14 goals), Travis Noll ’09 (11 goals), Alex Avery ’09 (10 goals) and Ryan Kent ’08 (eight goals). A leading KA cross country runner last fall was Wilkerson Given ’10 of Furman, who had a best 8K time of 25:14.39 in a ninth place finish at the South Carolina Invitational. He placed fifth (26:55.90) at the Citadel Invitational and clocked a time of 26:04.06 in a 32nd place finish at the Southern Conference meet, followed by running the 10K at the NCAA Southeast Regional. Sam Fell ’09 of Centenary competed in five meets and ran a time of 30:10 at the Summit League 8K meet. Nathan Gordon ’09 of Emory ran a time of 27:29.4 at the University Athletic Association meet and Trevor Freburger ’08 competed in seven meets for Goldey-Beacom.

Chapter Eternal

Editor's Note: This listing is current as of February 18, 2011

Auburn University Nu William Stuart Flanagan, 1942, 11/28/2010

Dr. Louie Franklin Wilkins Jr., 1946, 3/28/2008 Summer Lewis Walters Jr., 1955, 12/21/2010

The Citadel Theta Commission George E. Campsen Jr., 2009, 12/14/2010

Bethany College Beta Beta Ralph Edward Caudle, 1945, 10/26/2007

Mississippi State University Beta Tau Clifford N. Brandon Jr., 1943, 10/19/2010

Centenary College Alpha Iota John Edwin Cox, 1947, 11/11/2010

Missouri University of Science & Technology Beta Alpha Danny E. Barbato, 1954, 9/24/2010

Transylvannia University Alpha Theta Robert Conrad Taylor, 1961, 1/28/2011 Robert Monro, 1949, 10/20/2010 Frank V. Firestine, 1947, 12/12/2009 John Cowherd Pedley, 1956, 5/10/2010 Lynn Michael Nickell, 1971, 8/12/2010

College of Charleston Beta Gamma Stuart G. Gilmer Jr., 1984, 10/12/2009 Davidson College Sigma John Harvey Ariail Jr., 1961, 1/20/2011 Emory University Epsilon Paul Hooper Nichols Jr., 1940, 5/19/2010 Henry Lanford Tate Jr., 1941, 11/12/2010 Boyd N. Porter Jr., 1946, 5/2/2009 Fanning Cockrill Miles Jr., 1947, 7/10/2008 Charles Davis Hollis Jr., 1942, 11/24/2010 Florida State University Gamma Eta Hannon Capp Smith, 1990, 6/27/2010 The George Washington University Alpha Nu Dudley Graham Skinker, 1936, 1/1/2011 Georgetown College Beta Delta Julian Lamar Cooke, 2010, 12/20/2010 Georgia College Epsilon Nu Dr. James E. Baugh, 1984, 12/18/2010 Hampden-Sydney College Alpha Tau William T. Tarry, 1966, 10/21/2005 Indiana State University Zeta Iota Jacob Robert Hines, 2004, 12/24/2010 John Hopkins Unviersity Alpha Lambda LeRoy Reinburg Jr. USCG (RET), 1941, 11/10/2010 Lambuth University Gamma Omicron Paul E. Lewis Jr., 1968, 4/30/2010 Marshall University Beta Upsilon Floyd Donald Clark, 1948, 11/28/2010 Mercer University Kappa Darnell La Vern Brawner, 1938, 11/9/2010

Millsaps College Alpha Mu William Bryant Ridgeway, 1937, 12/13/2010

Northwestern State University Gamma Psi John L. Taylor III, 1969, 12/17/2010 Oklahoma City University Gamma Kappa Eddie L. Maimbourg, 1954, 10/23/2010 Oklahoma State University Beta Xi David Russell Delatour, 2006, 1/1/2011 Old Dominion University Delta Gamma William J. DiMonaco, 1980, 7/22/2010 Randoph-Macon College Zeta David Andrew Richwine, 1954, 11/10/2010 Joseph Chastain Carr Jr., 1953, 8/22/2009 Rhodes College Alpha Epsilon Joseph George Griesbeck Jr., 1937, 10/12/2010 Julian Payne Tucker, 1937, 12/23/2005 Richard Colin Smith, 1946, 12/11/2010 Roanoke College Beta Rho Richard H. Peery, 1937, 2/11/2004 San Diego State Uiversity Gamma Iota William Lester Foran, 1950, 5/2/2008 Southern Methodist University Beta Lambda Frank Doran Jr., 1955, 1/22/2011 Charles C. Blaylock, 1956, 12/22/2010 Gordon Flanary Cullum Jr., 1948, 4/5/2010 Texas A&M University-Commerce Gamma Upsilon Jack Trammell Ingram, 1983, 11/3/2009 Richard Benton Howard, 1964, 4/11/2008 Jesse J. Hawthorne Jr., 1960, 11/7/2009 Joseph Warren Bishop, 1966, 3/20/2009 Jake Moughon Schrum, 1967, 3/31/2004 Patrick John Vacek, 1965, 12/10/2005 Jimmy D. Puett, 1962, 2/14/2007 Robert Truett Peek, 1961, 12/3/2009 John C. Mitchell, 1969, 5/8/2007 Gary Neal Kilman, 1965, 8/25/2010 Lewis Willard Allman, 1962, 8/13/2008 Danny Marshall Brown, 1967, 5/6/2008


Tulane University Psi Gerald Nicholls Sims, 1942, 7/13/2010 Thoebald Robert Rudolf Jr., 1937, 12/23/2007 University of California, Berkeley Alpha Xi John Berdeen Ellis, 1938, 6/10/2008 University of Delaware Beta Epsilon Edward H. Ralph, 1952, 10/8/2008 William R. Holsten, 1967, 12/20/2009 Daniel E. Button, 1936, 3/7/2009 University of Florida Beta Zeta Oscar Spencer Braddock Jr., 1941, 11/15/2010 Thomas R. Tedcastle, 1977, 8/2/2005 University of Georgia Gamma Boone Aiken Knox, 1956, 1/13/2011 William Hamilton Holland, 1954, 11/4/2010 Paul Wingfield Reid Jr., 1942, 10/16/2010 University of Louisiana at Lafayette Gamma Phi John Edward Phipps Jr., 1962, 11/10/2010 University of Louisville Beta Omicron Robert A. Dean Jr., 1939, 8/11/2005 University of Maryland Beta Kappa William E. “Bill” Knight, 1967, 12/6/2010 James S. Faulkner, 1951, 10/2/2007 University of Mississippi Alpha Upsilon CAPT Frederick Thomas Carney, 1947, 11/19/2010 University of Missouri Alpha Kappa Russell Turner Jacobs, 1937, 11/9/2010 University of New Mexico Beta Phi James T. Henderson, 1958, 11/7/2010 University of North Carolina Upsilon Charles Pardue Bowles Jr., 1954, 6/10/2010 Gene Newton, 1946, 1/7/2011 University of South Carolina Rho Halcott Townes Haden, 1944, 6/11/2010 Brooks Dowling Harrison, 1948, 2/12/2006



University of Southern Mississippi Gamma Zeta Cecil Lanier “Buddy” Long, 1961, 11/11/2010 University of Tennessee Pi George Rike Crumpler, 1938, 11/8/2007 University of Texas Omicron Loyd Dale Wainscott, 1966, 12/5/2010 Thomas Seale Davison, 1941, 11/25/2010 Gregg Ring, 1935, 3/7/2008 University of Texas-Arlington Delta Iota Allen Keith Kent, 1985, 11/8/2010 University of Tulsa Mu Fleming Clay Underwood, 1948, 11/17/2010 University of Virginia Lambda John Anderson Ponsford, MD, 1946, 12/9/2010 Vanderbilt University Chi Alfred Grigg Churchwell, 1944, 5/17/1997 Paul Matthew Hawkins, 1979, 9/27/2008 Virginia Military Institute Beta Commission Percy Marsh Lincoln Jr., 1993, 11/26/2010 Edwin Yabrough Hines, 1966, 11/7/2010 Jay Raymond Sculley, 1971, 1/6/2007 William Parker Bagwell Jr., 1935, 8/20/2004 Wake Forest University Tau Frank Hancock Pruette, 1942, 10/6/2008 William Riley Cox Sr., 1946, 9/10/2010 West Texas A&M University Gamma Sigma Marvin G. Cotton, 1960, 11/17/2010 West Virginia University Alpha Rho James Cecil Hood, 1946, 4/29/1905 Willis Davidson Barlow, 1942, 4/23/2010 Jerry Harold Miller, 1954, 12/13/2010 West Virginia Wesleyan College Beta Chi Thomas F. Hochuli, 1953, 11/20/2009 Clifford S. Reeder, 1941, 12/26/2010 Westminster College Alpha Eta Michael Martin Feaster, 1963, 11/25/2010 William Jewell College Alpha Delta Carl Lee Kenagy, Jr., 1939, 2/11/2011


Midwestern State University Gamma Omega James Lawrence Hanvey, 1964, 11/25/2010

North Carolina State University Alpha Omega Mason Lindsay Carroll Jr., 1955, 6/20/2010 Harry G. Hodges Jr., 1939, 8/29/2010

University of Southern California Beta Sigma Frank B. Snyder, 1942, 10/31/2010 Richard W. Sprinkel, 1943, 12/3/2008 Bert Wright Huls, 1945, 12/5/2010

Foundation Today

The Enhanced Province Council Endowments The creation of an enhanced series of regional Province Councils is serving to compliment the Number I’s Leadership Institute by providing leadership and educational programming to more of the Order’s undergraduate members. These intensive weekend sessions enable the Order’s members to learn important leadership skills they may not otherwise gain. Every officer is required to attend and it is recommended that any members wishing to gain valuable leadership training also participate. The endowments will provide funding for the development of advanced curricula on current leadership and educational issues being utilized at the Province Councils. The Enhanced Province Councils are in response to the immediate needs of our members and have been created to articulate a vision that builds upon Kappa Alpha Order’s strengths as one of the nation’s preeminent men’s fraternities. This program is designed to provide brothers hands-on training in leadership, ethics and values that will benefit each and every member of the Order – from the newest initiate to the Number I. Additionally,

this program gives our young men the tools necessary to be successful not only as college students, but later in life as businessmen, community leaders, husbands and fathers. In 2011, over 2,155 KA undergraduate members participated in one of our 15 regional Province Councils. This exposure by so many members, to this opportunity, has led to numerous improvements in our active chapters. On February 12, 2011, during the James Ward Wood Province Council in Chestertown, Md., on the campus of Washington College it was announced that the James W. Wood Province Council Endowment in honor of Douglas S. Ewalt (Beta Omega - Washington Coll. ’71) has been established. The James W. Wood Province Council Endowment joins the William E. Forester Province Council Endowment and the William B. Crawford Province Council Endowment as the first three Province Councils recognized to date. Support for these and all other province councils can be made to the KAOEF at PO Box 1865, Lexington, VA. 24450.

Gifts in memory/honor of a brother or friend of KA are accepted by the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation. Listed are gifts received as of February 15, 2011.

Donation In Honor of:

George T. Cromwell Jr. by Barbara T. Cromwell

Beverly I. Grimes by Walter B Grimes III

Kenneth A. May by Erik T. Showalter

Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. by Erik T. Showalter

John H. Ariail Jr. by John B. League Jr.

Timothy K. Adams by Dr. J. Lon King Jr.

Delta Alpha Chapter by Christopher D. Rhodes

CPT Taylor L. Grimes by Walter B Grimes III

Matthew D. Mitchell by Doug Heilman

James A. Todd Jr. by Mark A. Todd

Robert T. Agnew Jr. by COL John W. Haynes

J. Martin Connaughton by David Y. Stutts

Jacob D. Henry by Terri Henry

LT David Mowbray by G. Scott Morris

Robert J. Turley by Stewart Turley

Lawrence E. Ault by Dandridge L. Sale Jr. Larry S. Wiese

King V. Aiken Jr. by Russell C. Brown

J. Brant Conner by George T. McCutchen Jr.

Dan W. Hilsheimer by Robert A. Stokes

James T. "Jim" Turner Jr. by Bill Lattimore Jr.

All KA's who served in the Military by David S. Ferrell

P. Jason Cording by David M. O'Dell

Mark J. Hocker by Cuyler C. Lawrence

Mu Chapter - University of Tulsa by Robert E. McCormack

Delta Nu Alumni who served in Iraq & Afghanistan by R. Stuart Young

John E. Irby by Dr. Edwin P. Rather

All Loyal Order members by Norman B. Kellum Carlton W. Baker by David M. O'Dell L. Charles Banks by Erik T. Showalter R. Randy Beard by Alred Diaz Jr. Beta Commission by Dr. William W. Kelly Beta Tau Chapter - Mississippi State University by Michael L Snuggs Beta Zeta Chapter University of Florida by Charles W. Hamker David L. Blizzard by Philip R. Herrold

“Doc” Maintenance Man - Gamma '49-'52 by David R. Dillinger William E. Dreyer by Russell C. Brown David M. O'Dell J. Michael Duncan by Russell C. Brown David M. O'Dell James R. Estes by Kevin M. O'Neill Douglas S. Ewalt by Francis “Skip” Gardiner Eugene M. Julian Robert M. Ross

Dr. James L. Bowers by Erik T. Showalter

Gamma Mu - University of Houston by William H. Clark

James A. Cook by Susan Cook

Lee & Fred Gantt by Lee & Margarett Dixon

Joplin, MO Alumni Chapter by COL M. Randall Scholze (Ret.)

William C. Myers by Thomas W. Myers Roy E. Prestwood by Dr. Thomas A. Pressly III Dr. Edwin P. Rather by Lewis M. Little Jr.

Peter J. "PJ" Jurack by D. Brady Wilson

Aaron E. Rugg by Doug Heilman

Kappa Alpha Order's Founding by Thomas A. Davis

Ben W. Satcher Jr. by Dr. James L. Bowers Dr. John E. Ross

Darren S. Kay by Russell C. Brown

Dr. James M. Schmuck by Kenneth L. Brown

The Hon. Robert W. Kostelka by B. Jack Daniel

Scott R. Shoemaker by Michael S. Henderson

Sam O. Leake Jr. by Russell C. Brown Malcolm H. Liles by J. Larkin Wright Jr. Alwyn H. Luckey by Erik T. Showalter Jesse S. Lyons by Edward "Ned" Kirklin


Thomas R. Mullins by Dr. John M. Douglass Jr.

C. Douglas Simmons III by Russell C. Brown Kyle A. Spangler by Karen Jones W. Reed Sprinkel by Erik T. Showalter GEN M. Thompson Jr. by Milton B. Thompson



William T. Ware by Earnest W. Deavenport Jr. Larry S. Wiese by Brad Karsh Edward “Ned” Kirklin David M. O'Dell Kevin M. O'Neill David L. Westol Michael P. Wilson by Edward "Ned" Kirklin Richard B. Wilson Jr. by Gary T. Scott Christopher R. Winburn by Mrs. Lyn M. Winburn Zeta Gamma Chapter Goldey Beacom College by Stephen C. Hudson

Donation In Memory of: John B. Achord by LT James M. Tallman, MD BG Thomas H. Alexander by Carroll B. Hart All deceased KA's by John C. Becker A. Bruce Arceneaux by N. LaRon Phillips

Phillip C. Bailey by Frank H. Koers Danny E. Barbato by Dennis E. Mason Dr. Frank V. Barchard by John B. Chenault Loraine Smith Barksdale by Robert B. Glenn Terry D. Barnes by Gary D. Barnes Robert J. Beckham by Cubbedge Snow Jr. John B. Bennett by B. Terry W. Bennett Blair G. Benson by Frederick B. Benson Sidney F. Boutwell by Philip R. Taylor Charles P. Bowles Jr. by David F. & Barbara McInnis Jr. Dr. Darnell L. Brawner by Coastal Georgia Kappa Alpha Alumni Chapter Allen I. Vance Allen S. Brisson by Dallas O. Brisson John M. Brownlow by Edward G. Potter Jr.

Foundation Today

Wood Province Council Endowment Honoree

2011 Statistics

Douglas S. Ewalt

(Beta Omega-Washington College ’71)  Currently the longest serving Province Commander  Former Preceptor and Registrar for Wood Court of Honor  Past advisor to Beta Omega Chapter at Washington College

Dr. Roderick M. Buie Jr. by Levin B. Culpepper Dr. Donny Buster by Mike Wells Clayton A. Campbell by James G. Alderman Jr. The Hon. George E. Campsen Jr. by CPT Ronald C. & Linda Plunkett M. Lindsay Carroll Jr. by Ceasar Cone III Hamlet R. Carter III by Edgar C. Carter L. Wick Cary by C. Alan Melton John W. Cox Sr. by Barbara P. Cox Thomas J. Crowley by Tobias B. Latham III Lionel T. Davis by LTC Thomas R. Murray (Ret.)

W. Elliott Dunwody IV, Dr. William R. Jerles, Anna Belle Eason by W. Robert Eason

Michael M. Feaster, Alan M. Fasoldt, Henry J. Foresman Sr. by Dr. Garry D. Coleman William E. Forester by Robert C. Friese Vance E. Rule Jody P. Foret by David M. Woolverton Robert Fowler by R. Daniel Mills III W. Julian Foy by John Michael Moore Cesira B. Fratini by Robert B. Glenn James W. Fulton by F. David Burgess Clyde H. Garner by Guy S. Kirby III William E. Glassell by Dr. Edwin C. Glassell W. Benjamin Gilker by William M. Gilker III Stuart G. Gilmer Jr. by Douglas D. Ashley Ludie M. Gist by J. O. Gist Charles B. “Chuck” Gordon by George C. Turner Jane Ann Graves by Robert B. Glenn


Province Councils occured in 2011.


W. Benjamin Grimes Jr. by Walter B. Grimes III J. Lawrence “Larry” Hanvey by Larry S. Wiese

Melinda Jan Woodard McDowell by David M. Warren Larry S. Wiese

Olis R. Hardman by James w. Craig Michael B. Hargrove by Robert L. Stewart Jr. Julie Hughes by J. Guy Hughes Jr.

Arnold B. McKinnon by William B. Bales Rupert W. McLaughlin Jr. by William T. Green

Harlow Hutchins by Joshua A. Carey

Jerry H. Miller by James W. Craig

Samuel F. King by Mrs. Ann P. King

Albert G. “Gene” Moncla by Marvin L. Moncla

Glenn A. Kmiec by John W. Simpson

Vincent J. Naples Sr. by Vincent J. Naples Jr.

Bill Knight by Richard Sullivan

Dr. Paul H. Nichols Jr. by David T. Brumby

Rebecca L. Lanmon by Ronald J. Francois

Steven P. Nichols by Dr. Gary P. Nichols

Lowell H. Lebermann Jr. by Frank W. Maresh Robert E. Lee by Curt Steger

Knight Loman by Dr. William R. Jerles Roberta Ann Loosier by Robert B. Glenn Max by John W. Simpson Brinton G. “Jerry” Marsden by E. Vernon Johnson

John E. “Jeppy” Phipps Jr. by Frank E. Beeson III Charles E. Quinn by LTC Charles C. Wilson John D. Rather IV by Lewis M. Little Jr. Dr. Edwin P. Rather William B. Ridgway by Jon C. Turner James D. Roessler by Gary S. Loffland Jeff P. Nedderman John W. Saunders by Mrs. Ann P. King Dr. Bernell E. Simmons by Dr. William B. Simmons George F. Simons Jr. by Kevin M. Kneisley Terry S. Robbins

L. Glynn Tubbs by R. Bradley Carroll John W. James Donald N. Riley Thomas L. Tune Jr. by C. Wayne Edwards Gilbert E. Turner by Rev. C. Edward Reeves Jr. Irby "Buster" Turner by Douglas W. Henry Jon C. Turner William R. Turner III by D r. C. Patrick Sherman Walter A. Ulrich by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Rodgers Gary B. Vickers C. Langdon Cheves Jr. Pettie D. “P.D.” Walden by Charles C. Phillips Jr.

Wilson W. & Alice M. Smith by James W. Smith

William Lynn "Bill" Waters by Delta Beta Memorial Fund

Robert B. Stamps III by Robert B. Stamps

1LT Carl R. Weimer by Timothy N. Weimer

William A. Stroud by Howard M. Stroud

Timothy R. Weimer by Timothy N. Weimer

Dr. Thomas S. Parrott III by Howard C. Glover III

William T. Tarry by David C. Fuller

Dewayne Wells by Tony D. Whaley

C. Norman Pearson Jr. by Allen C. Wohlwend

Thomas R. Tedcastle by Edward G. Sullivan

Dallas E. Wertzberger by Frank H. Koers

George Phillips by Philip R. Herrold

GEN M. Thompson Sr. by Milton B. Thompson

Inez Woolsey by Larry S. Wiese

Larry O. Phillips by Lavina P. Phillips

Nathan S. Trepagnier by Larry S. Wiese

Harry S. Zepatos Sr. by Harry S. Zepatos Jr.

Paul L. Odum Jr. by Leonard J. Maranto Julian A. Pardini by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Rodgers

Keith R. Loeffler by Mrs. Jo K. Loeffler


E. Fleming Mason by Lee & Margaret Dixon Jerry D. Dubose Charles W. Schmidt

of all KA undergraduates attended a Province Council in 2011.




James A. Duncan by Timothy K. Adams Barry B. Donnell Sam O. Leake Jr. Ben W. Satcher Jr. Dr. James M. Schmuck Erik T. Showalter C. Douglas Simmons III Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Larry S. Wiese

Robert C. Fay, Earl H. Dellinger Jr. by John B. League Jr.


undergraduates attended Province Councils in 2011.

From the Archives

Lessons in Leadership Marshall Continues to Serve as Model Today

Leadership in America is on the rise. Colleges and universities, graduate schools and professional organizations are creating programs to study the theories of leadership in hopes that its students will put those concepts into practice. However, the past few years also have witnessed a crisis in leadership in the corporate world and in the political arena that these programs have not adequately addressed. In times of challenge it often is helpful to look to the past for answers, and when it comes to leadership, the Order is fortunate to have many role models to emulate. Army Gen. George C. Marshall (Beta Commission–VMI 1901) is among the top of the list and is considered by many to be a great modern-day American hero. Marshall became a brother in 1901 following graduation from the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, Va., where

“The most important factor of all is character, which involves integrity, unselfish and devoted purpose, a sturdiness of bearing when everything goes wrong and all are critical, and a willingness to sacrifice self in the interest of the common good.” – George Marshall his first-class year he was first captain, the highest-ranking position in the Corps of Cadets. As a young Army officer, he performed admirably in the Philippines and in World War I. Just prior to the beginning of the Second World War, he was named Chief of Staff of the Army and organized the Allied Victory. His leadership as Secretary of State resulted in the European Recovery Program, which became known as the Marshall Plan. It helped transition the world from wartime to peacetime and earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1953. Throughout his successful career, Marshall exhibited a solid and consistent




by Wendy Lovell style of leadership, which was built on candor, commitment, courage, integrity and selflessness. Whether he was addressing his troops or a commanding officer, Marshall spoke honestly and responsibly. He exhibited boldness in speech and deed, speaking and acting with honor at all times. The importance speaking honestly was confirmed early in his career when the then major was serving in France as a staff officer in the American 1st Infantry Division. During an inspection, Gen. John Pershing expressed his frustration with the level of training in the division and criticized the division commander in front of his subordinates. Marshall found Pershing’s rebuke unjustified and assertively defended his commanding officer, letting Pershing know that his headquarters were the source of the problem. Those who witnessed the scene were stunned and horrified and felt certain Marshall should back his bags as he would be most certainly relieved of his duties. On the contrary, Pershing sought Marshall’s opinion on First Division problems, and less than a year later, Marshall was promoted to colonel and assigned to Pershing’s staff. Within two years of Marshall’s outburst, he became the Pershing’s personal aide. Despite his remarkable accomplishments, Marshall was most revered for who he was as much for what he did. He was honest, humble and resolute in his dealings with others and his integrity was seen as one of his greatest virtues. Long after Marshall’s death, he continues to serve as an example of great leadership and is the subject of numerous books, articles, documentaries and videos. While his leadership skills were developed in the military arena, they are qualities that can be utilized in the business world and in public and private life. The Order is proud to call Gen. George C. Marshall one of its own and encourages all brothers to learn more about this remarkable man and the example he sets for all men and women today.

Our Legacy

From Fatherhood to Brotherhood One brother’s epiphany leads to dedicated alumnus By Capt. Duke Huston (Ret) USAF (Gamma Upsilon-Texas A&M-Commerce ’75)

Exactly one year ago, during the month of March, my wife and I were doing the usual Saturday house cleaning when I suddenly had an epiphany. I stopped the vacuum cleaner and told her “I want to initiate Dad into the Kappa Alpha Order.” You could see the light bulb above her head come on and she thought that would be an incredible gift to share between father and son. My father is the smartest, honorable, most selfless Christian man I›ve ever met. Even at 72 years of age, I knew he was the perfect alumni-type candidate for the Order. I submitted the necessary paperwork to Gamma Upsilon Chapter at Texas A&M University – Commerce, and got the ball rolling. Not only did the undergraduate brothers want him, but the Executive Council of the Order, unanimously selected him, as well. By August, everybody was on board with the idea. I have to extend gigantic kudos to Marc Scott (Gamma Upsilon-Texas A&M-Commerce ’84), the current alumnus advisor for the chapter. On September 17, 2010, Sidney Burgess Huston became a proud member of the Kappa Alpha Order. As an active participant in my father’s initiation, you can imagine my feelings that evening. After the birth of my sons and my initiation in 1975, this was, by far, the greatest day of my life. To see your father being given full membership into the greatest organization on the planet was overwhelming. Many gentlemen that night felt that way from actives to my fellow alumni of Gamma Upsilon. Dad has already taken KA by the horns and is running with his membership. Two days after his initiation, he was making donations to the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation Educational Foundation and last weekend attended his first, of many to come, Province Councils. He wants, very badly, to become a Steward of the Order and plans on making the pilgrimage with me this summer to Lexington for Councilor Russell C. Brown’s course. Gentlemen, Kappa Alpha is about excellence. We strive for it daily and you all know KA loves family ties. I'll also be initiating my Baptist minister son this fall; my father and I can't wait! Think about your father, grandfather or other family member for possible membership. Make the call.





The basic steps to recommend a special initiate are creation of a petition explaining the individual’s relationship with the Order, including an Active Chapter unanimous vote, favorable letters of recommendation from an alumnus who is acquainted with the person, Alumnus Advisor, and Province Commander. The petition is then submitted to the Executive Director and the Executive Council must provide a unanimous vote of approval. Please send all petitions to

Remembering the Reason

Will you be my “girl”? An errant copy of The Journal uncovers a KA’s love story By Jesse S. Lyons What started with a mistakenly sent copy of The Kappa Alpha Journal has ended with the revelation of a common love story. But specifically to find KA twins and a promise kept close to seventy years later? Well, that’s a story worth telling. In February, a note came to Editor Matt Bonner (Epsilon Theta–Western Kentucky ’98) asking for an address to be removed from our Journal mailing list. The list had mistakenly been “unchecked” for Harry J. Perkins, Sr. (Alpha Gamma–Louisiana State ’37). Brother Perkins’ daughter, Mrs. Susan Goodwin had written about the passing of her father, however she also felt reason to include a note about his relationship with her mother. Of her father’s love for her mother she wrote, “It was love at first sight for both. He married my Mom and embarked on a 68 year love affair.” “When in college,” Goodwin says, “he gave my mother (then his ‘girl’) his KA

pin, but the fraternity told him it was against the rules and that he would have to purchase a special pin for girlfriends. He couldn’t afford to do so at the time, and my mother never let him forget that he pinned her and then took it back!” Apparently Harry’s wife Becky enjoyed teasing him and members of the family all got a kick out of routine jesting over the ‘pinning that was.’ Making this story even more special, we found out that Brother Perkins also had a Brother…Perkins. Harry J. Perkins’ twin brother Paul D. Perkins (Alpha GammaLouisiana State ’37) was also a KA! Paul was initiated on the same day as Harry and they remained close friends and KA brothers for the rest of their lives. Later in life, Harry wrote his wife on November 23, 2006, their anniversary. Primarily the letter was a list of what he was thankful for every day of his life, including: “being born in … the greatest country the world has ever known, the KA JOURNAL



United States of America…my brothers and sisters and for the friends of all my life…my Catholic faith…that I was able to attend…LSU, thereby preparing myself to hold responsible jobs in a demanding profession…but most of all: I’m thankful that God gave you to me on Nov. 23, 1940 and that you are still mine…for the happiness, and love, and good times, and hard times that we have shared these many years… for the four wonderful children that you have given me… and that you are still by my side, still beautiful and caring, and loving and thoughtful.” Now that sounds like a KA. After a full life of caring for their family, traveling, attending Mardi Gras balls, and of course hard work, that enduring bond still remained. A few months before Harry passed away, and at his request, a cousin who is also a KA, purchased a KA pin replica from the time frame of when he met Becky. “When the pin came in … in front of close family, my father got down on one knee and asked his wife of 68 years if she would finally be his ‘girl.’ It was a beautiful moment,” continues Goodwin, “that I will treasure in my memory as long as I live.” On December 20, 2009, Becky Perkins passed away. She was interred sans any jewelry—with the sole exception of her KA pin, specifically according to Harry’s wishes of course. So it is the simple yet emotional story of the Brothers Perkins and Harry’s ‘KA girl’ Becky. While this editor will always strive to keep the Journal mailing list as up to date and accurate as possible, it will pay me to remember that it was a simple errant edition which served as the trowel to uncover a heartfelt memory. All of us as KAs can relate to this story in some fashion. Our family members who were initiated made our membership even more special. Further, our KA roses and wives as well as our loving attachment to them are an inseparable part of the reason for and fabric of our Order. They are a daily reminder of our solemn obligations to live as gentlemen. If, in remembering our obligations, we all acquire for ourselves even a small percentage of what is Harry and Becky’s love, then this Order will continue to lead the way for generations to follow.

kappa alpha order 74th convention

Arizona Biltmore A u g u s t 4 - 6, 2 0 1 1

Installation Banquet of the 39th Knight Commander

Brotherhood Outing to the Arizona Diamondbacks

Jim D. Hunter Memorial Golf Tournament – proceeds to benefit the KAOEF

14th annual Bid for Brotherhood Live and Silent Auction

Exclusive Loyal Order private box reception at Chase Field for Diamondbacks Game

Join your brothers for all this and for the business of the Order and a memorable experience in Phoenix at the Arizona Biltmore. Known throughout the world as the "Jewel of the Desert," the Arizona Biltmore is covered with lush gardens, glistening swimming pools, and Frank Lloyd Wright-influenced architecture. Registration is now available at

Once a KA...

Always a KA

Leading the Way Since 1879, The Journal has been a source of pride for Kappa Alpha Order and one of the easiest ways to stay connected to our brotherhood. The Loyal Order program created an essential endowment for The Journal so that undergraduate dues no longer are fully required to pay for what is mostly an alumni publication. When you join The Loyal Order, you add to that endowment, free up funds that ensure that our undergraduate brothers continue to get the best educational and leadership development programs possible, and make it possible for The Journal to reflect the pride and depth of experience that our brotherhood represents.

As a member of the Loyal Order you will receive: A lifetime subscription to The Journal Wallet Membership Card A handsome Loyal Order Lapel Pin Recognition in The Journal A limited-edition gift from our Loyal Order collection Discounts and offers from preferred vendors The pride in knowing you’ve stepped forward to keep our Order strong and successful for generations Welcome our newest members (as of 2/15/2011): Mr. Norman D. Carter • Mr. William C. Virdon • Mr. Terrill C. Bostwick • Mr. William K. Pou Jr. • Mr. Raymond M. Warren III • Mr. G. Wendell Cathey • Mr. Rex A. Friedman • Mr. Diptesh A. DeChoudhury • Mr. Bruce C. Stenquist • Mr. G. Spruce McCain • Mr. Joel Hortenstine • Mr. Robert E. Lyon • Mr. J. William Schulz • Mr. Willard L. Trantham • Mr. Jeff L. Walden • Mr. Larry L. Watkins • Dr. Richard R. Hightower Jr. • Mr. James W. Hine • Mr. Murray C. Greason Jr. • Mr. Thomas C. Winston • Mr. John Clifton Judy Jr. • Mr. Perc T. Beacroft Jr. • Mr. C. Howard Drexel • Mr. Lewis Glenn • Mr. James R. Baker • Mr. Charles R. Haley • Mr. Robert E. Tarlton • Mr. George R. Baffa • Mr. Robert L. Peters Jr. • Mr. James C. Warren • Mr. Don O. Gleason • Mr. Jerry R. Burhans • Mr. William L. Schutts • Mr. Michael D. Reese • Mr. Curtis W. Moreland • Mr. Silas L. Sarver • Mr. Alexander B. Mulheren • Mr. Jeffrey K. Farris • Mr. Josh H. Reed • Mr. Aaron S. Kurtz • Mr. Victor G. Schoolfield • Mr. William B. Dean • Mr. Thomas E. Gottwald • Mr. Travis C. Rosecrans • Mr. Kyle R. Lynch • Mr. Andrew W. Callahan • Mr. Daniel H. Burch • Dr. James J. Thomasson Jr. • Mr. David M. Dixon • Mr. George M. Standridge • Mr. James R. Charpentier • Mr. Brendan G. McDonough • Mr. Royce M. Cannington III • Mr. Grant B. Landry • Mr. Dustin B. Baines • Mr. John H. McCasland • Mr. Delbert L. Uhland • Dr. J. Patrick Fuller • Mr. Marshall G. Martin • Mr. Grey L. Maxwell • Mr. Jeffrey D. Broad • Mr. W. Birch Douglass III • Mr. Harry F. Pomeroy Jr. • Mr. Thomas M. Boyd • Dr. Thomas C. Marks Jr. • Mr. Imran Qayyum • Mr. Locke W. Smith Jr. • Dr. T. Tydings Robin Jr. • Mr. Michael S. Henderson • Mr. Ronald G. Carlson Jr. • Mr. John R. Gaumnitz • Mr. Jason B. Cooper • Mr. Jonathan W. Jernigan • Mr. Joseph M. Swindle • Mr. Martin H. Sours • Mr. William J. Boswell Jr. • Mr. R. Timothy Wallace • Mr. George F. Niebling IV • LTC George Mercer Brooke IV • Mr. John R. Dale • Mr. Roger B. Hensley • Mr. William L. M. Knox Jr. • Mr. Jason S. Luck • Mr. G. Smedes York • Dr. William W. Kelly • Mr. John F. Foster • Mr. Stephan B. Oliver • Mr. Calvin S. Hopkins III • Mr. Curtis R. Parker • Mr. Christopher A. Baker • Mr. Jonathan F. Kelly • Mr. Robert J. Gilreath • Mr. Dan H. Akin • Mr. Dan W. Hilsheimer • Mr. Justin M. Sealand • Mr. Nickolas A. Mayeaux Stay connected. Endow and receive The Journal. Join the Loyal Order.

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