The Kappa Alpha Journal

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The Kappa Alpha Journal | Spring 2013

including: KAs with Tour wins PGA Senior VP leads behind scenes Dave Stockton honored 3X Tour pro looks to future

On the

Brandt Snedeker (Chi – Vanderbilt ’00) is fast-talking, fast-playing, and fast becoming the hottest golfer on the planet.

WayUp! Volume CXVV | Number 1 | Published Since 1879

The 1865 Trust | Member Profile

1865 Trust member and KA alumnus, Jim Crews, with brothers, friends, and family at the presentation of his Knight Commander’s Accolade, 2011.

James M. “Jim” Crews (Gamma Eta – Florida State ’52) hh Member of John Temple Graves & John L. Hardeman Province Courts of Honor

“Everyone should support the KAOEF, why wouldn’t you? I love KA and I have the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation in

hh Knight Commander’s Accolade Recipient

my will because I believe it is so important that we continue to

hh Longtime advisor to Beta Nu Chapter at Oglethorpe University

educate our young brothers. KA has meant so much to me over the years, and I want to see more alumni support for its continuation.”

What is the 1865 Trust? The 1865 Trust recognizes the generosity and foresight of those who choose to embrace the vision of KA’s future by making a meaningful planned gift to the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF). Their entrance into the ranks of the 1865 Trust bears powerful testimony to the charitable expressions of their values, ideals, and commitment to Kappa Alpha Order’s future.

Membership in the 1865 Trust recognizes those who have made provisions for a planned gift of $10,000 or more to the KAOEF. To date, 140 exceptional alumni have joined the 1865 Trust. Most of our alumni in the 1865 Trust will fulfill their gift through one of the most common and perhaps easiest ways of making a planned gift, by naming the KAOEF in their wills or as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or an IRA.

If you have any questions about the 1865 Trust, or if you wish to join the over 140 KA brothers who have already become members, please contact Ben W. Satcher Jr., Chief Development Officer at the KAOEF, either by phone, (540) 463-1865, or by e-mail,

Table of Contents


Photo courtesy of Stan Badz/PGA Tour.

features 14 | The Takeaway 1 6 | No Shortcuts Hard work and a positive outlook lead Brandt Snedeker (Chi – Vanderbilt ’00) to success


2 2 | What a Year!

Golfing legend Dave Stockton (Beta Sigma – Southern California ’61) honored three times in 2012

Photo courtesy of Pete Santa Maria

4 | Connections

Ross Berlin (Tau – Wake Forest ’76) Is Behind-the-Scenes Golf Icon

6 | Our Order 26 | Alumni News 30 | On Campus 44 | Sports Page 48 | Foundation Today 50 | Chapter Eternal


Cover photo courtesy of Stan Badz/PGA Tour.


Spring 2013

53 | From the Archives 54 | Remembering the Reason 56 | Our Legacy

Duke grad chips in on his journey trying to make it big

Photo courtesy of Stan Badz/PGA Tour.

52 | Housing

2 1 | Believe in Yourself

The Kappa Alpha Journal

2 | Knight Commander’s Message 3 | From the Editor

20 | Right Where He Wants to Be



KA tournament golfers and special connections

Knight Commander's Message

Dear Brothers, Fraternity housing has a profound impact on our undergraduate experience in Kappa Alpha. This is the reason why housing is one of my four primary objectives. All chapters, at one time or another, were without housing. Alumni stepped forward because they wanted the undergraduates to have a place of their own to live, eat, study, meet, etc., all of which promote brotherhood. Today, some chapters have grand houses, others have lodges, and some use small rented houses or dorm space. Still others have no housing at all. We have made progress in providing and improving housing through loans, leadership, and cooperation with local alumni. Two chapters which recently benefitted are University of North Carolina (Upsilon) and University of Southern California (Beta Sigma). Also, the undergraduates and the alumni of Beta Xi at Oklahoma State University have made major improvements in their house. (See the Fall / Winter 2012 Journal). Furthermore, through the “National House Corporation Liability Program” initiated last year, local KA house corporations are better insured at a lower cost. Maintenance and care of our housing is also very important. Alumni are more likely to give to housing projects if we all take good care of what we already have. The Order continues to be a leader in lobbying Congress for passage of the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act, which, if passed, would permit tax-deductible contributions for the purchase, construction, and renovation of fraternity housing. Lastly, and very importantly, I greatly appreciate what our local house corporations do to provide and maintain their housing. Thanks to all alumni and undergraduates for your efforts in behalf of your chapter’s current or future housing! Fraternally,

William E. Dreyer Knight Commander

EDITOR Jesse S. Lyons Creative Design Tria Designs Inc. CONTRIBUTORS Nick Bell Mark Hilsheimer Jay Langhammer Rick Moore Erik Showalter Larry Stanton Wiese EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Knight Commander William E. Dreyer Senior Councilor Darren S. Kay Councilors King V. Aiken, Jr. L. Blair Bailey David P. Barksdale Sam O. Leake, Jr. C. Douglas Simmons, III National Undergraduate Chairman Logan J. Opsahl KA/KAOEF Executive Director Larry Stanton Wiese

HOW TO CONTACT THE JOURNAL Editor, The Kappa Alpha Journal P.O. Box 1865 Lexington, VA 24450 (540) 463-1865 (540) 463-2140 - fax email: TO CHANGE AN ADDRESS Fill out Alumnus Update on the website or send both your new and old address to Lisa Metivier at the above mailing address or to:

Spring 2013


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Letter from the Editor

The Kappa Alpha Journal (ISSN #0888-8868, USPS #014-747) is an educational journal published four times a year by Kappa Alpha Order, 115 Liberty Hall Rd., Lexington, Virginia. Periodicals postage paid at Lexington, Virginia, and additional mailing offices. The Kappa Alpha Journal seeks to reflect the Kappa Alpha experience by presenting news of active and alumni chapters, individual members, and the national organization; by addressing current issues facing the Greek system and the Order; by educating and entertaining those interested in the welfare of Kappa Alpha; and by serving as a historical record. The Kappa Alpha Journal has been published since 1879. From 1883 to 1885 it was known as The Magazine of Kappa Alpha. Kappa Alpha Order was founded in 1865 at Washington College (Washington and Lee University) in Lexington, Virginia. Today, Kappa Alpha boasts 124 undergraduate chapters and over 30 alumni chapters across the nation. Volume CXVV, Number 1 Spring 2013 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Kappa Alpha Order, P.O. Box 1865, Lexington, VA 24450 Member of

Copyright © 2013 Kappa Alpha Order; KAPPA ALPHA® is a registered trademark of Kappa Alpha Order.


Jesse S. Lyons Editor

The Kappa Alpha Journal @jesseslyons @kappaalphaorder


Spring 2013

The Kappa Alpha Journal 2013-2014 submission dates: Issue 2/Summer – April 13 Issue 3/Fall – July 2 Issue 4/Winter – Sept. 20 Issue 1/ Spring – Jan. 25

Dear Brothers, If you enjoy, and at times, hate the game of golf, you’re going to love this issue. No, I didn’t say if you were “great” at golf or even if you were “good.” I really mean exactly what I wrote. If you enjoy and at times hate golf, this edition is for you. Because that’s what this game is all about for us hackers, right? That sweet swing on a perfect chilly morning; that darn hook on a blistering hot afternoon. The joy of hoisting a bag of freshly scrubbed sticks over your shoulder for the first time in weeks; the disgust as you defiantly declare you’ll never play this stupid game again. Love and hate. Ups and downs. Joy and pain. What in the world is it that draws us back in to that experience again and again? Perhaps it’s the exhilaration of seeing the game, and your minor role in it, played with such precision. To see perfection personified every now and again. To be able to bask in the glory of hard work, time, patience, and for a few seconds, experience a utopian existence in the middle of beautiful surroundings. Maybe its the camaraderie of strolling the first cut with a few good friends, laughing about the terrible shots and high-fiving after a tricky left-to-right putt. Our experience in Kappa Alpha might be similar. In times of great excitement, like socials, initiation, Convention, and others, we can’t get enough of KA. But then we have mistakes, violations, and those times for which we weren’t prepared or made the wrong shot. After those not-so-fun times, though, we keep getting drawn back in. We just can’t stay away. We’ve got some great brothers, both golf pros and leaders, highlighted in this issue. Its worth pointing out that not only did PGA Tour Senior Vice President Ross Berlin give his time for his own interview, but he made sure we got all the right pictures we needed for his, Brandt’s, and Wes’ articles, and connected us personally with both Brandt and Wes, with help from his great assistant Melissa. I wish to thank them publicly. Even if you’re not a golfer, you’ll still enjoy this issue. We’ve got over 100 chapters reporting on activity, some great bragging rights to your friends about your fraternity brother Brandt Snedeker, and for goodness sakes, take a look at the first known picture we uncovered of KA and golf in “From the Archives.” For that matter, we think the whole issue is shooting under par. I started my love affair with golf years ago. And just like KA, I can’t seem to let go. There is too much fun, too much promise, and too much more to do. I hope you have a similar outlook as well … on both.

Connections KappaAlphaOrder

KAs celebrated Convivium online this year!

Jim Thompson I will raise a glass tonight in memory of my Delta Kappa brothers who are watching us from a better place, to our spiritual founder, and to the honor of our Order. Dieu et les Dames Gaye Hudson

So proud to be a KA Mom! Reed Cook Raise your glasses high Delta Alpha ‘91 Bob Aguilar Dieu et les

Dames! Beta Sigma, ‘90 University of Southern California Jerry Bodenhamer

A toast with water to the great man! Gamma Psi ‘73 KappaAlphaOrder

Convivium was also a “trending topic” on Twitter (in the KA world). Sean Kumnick @SeanKumnick

Happy #Convivium to my @kappaalphaorder brothers around the country and to my @KappaAlphaGW brothers! #DieuEtLesDames #foreverKA Matthew Hollomon @mrh0318

KA Gamma Rho Convivum #youngandold @kappaalphaorder @KA_ECU And one more… a shameless plug Travis Simpson @tsimpson525

Best $18.65 I spend per month? Easy, I donate it to @kappaalphaorder! The organization changed my life! #ForeverKA

Mr. Hudson Went to Congress Just got home for first time in 2 weeks and read The Journal. Outstanding work. Richard Hudson (Epsilon Xi – North CarolinaCharlotte ’90) U.S. Congressman (NC–08)

Responses from the 2012 Fall/Winter Edition I just enjoyed reading the article in The Journal about elected officials that are KA brothers from a copy of the The Journal I received from Knight Commander Dreyer last week. I like the digital version too. I know your list only takes into account the US Congress & statewide office holders/ candidates but I thought I would make you aware, if you are not already, of the Hon. Harvey Ray Hilderbran (Gamma Chi – Texas Tech ‘80). He was first elected in 1988 & was re-elected to District 53 this past fall.

Spring 2013

Brother Hildebran is once again the Chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee for the State of Texas and is one of the longest serving State Representatives in Texas. Harvey has been the Preference Day Speaker during formal recruitment for Gamma Chi two of the last five years and is scheduled to speak again this year. He is a loyal KA brother & I know Dr. (Idris) Traylor can vouch for him too! Just thought I would make you aware of Harvey. Keep up the good work! . Kirk Corbin (Gamma Chi – J Texas Tech ‘81)

I have received my copy of The Journal. I wish to congratulate you on an outstanding edition. It is beautifully laid out, excellent color, fine reporting and interesting articles. It really is a great magazine and it is no wonder The Journal continues to receive 4

The Kappa Alpha Journal

accolades in the Greek system’s evaluation of its publications. Really, it is an outstanding piece of work that will attract much attention among alumni and undergraduates. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. (Gamma Chi – Texas Tech ’70) Former Knight Commander

Several days ago, I got my complimentary copy of the latest Journal and want to tell you I think it is a great, well-rounded issue covering a wide range of subjects. For years, I have received complimentary copies of the magazines of a large number of Greek organizations and felt this issue ranks right up there with the best I’ve seen. I hope you have received a lot of complimentary notes from a large number of both alumni and undergraduates. I was happy to have made a contribution with the sports feature. Jay Langhammer

Our Brother, the MDA Youth Chairman Hi Jesse! I hope that all is well on Mulberry Hill. I just wanted to shoot you a quick “hello” and tell you how excited I was to see the AWESOME, full-page “Make a Muscle” ad in the most recent issue of The Journal! The ad looks fantastic and was a big hit amongst the guys in my chapter. Thanks too for giving Furman an extra spotlight this issue; we were all ecstatic to be the featured chapter in the chapter news section. I gave props to Caleb Hopkins (our V) in chapter the other week for sending the article in. Many thanks for helping put YOUR muscle behind KA’s efforts to make a difference for MDA. Luke Christie (Iota – Furman ’12) MDA Youth Chairman

E-Newsletter “The KA Digital Connection” Provides Links to on-line content from The Journal This is great. I am doing my best to get rid of paper and go digital as much as I can. You may cease sending me a printed copy of The Journal, but please send me an e-mail with the appropriate links to the printed copy so I can read it online. Arthur Ferguson (Omicron – Texas ’51)

Order of Omega Executive Director retires after 43 years by Jesse S. Lyons (Delta Alpha – Western Carolina '98)

Dr. Kent Gardner took over as a volunteer leader of The Order of Omega in 1969 with the receipt of a cardboard file box, contact information for 10 chapters and a checking account balance of $97. Today, this venerable national Greek honor society has given over $1 million in scholarships, exists on over 500 campuses and initiates 9000 new members a year. The Order of Omega was founded at the University of Miami in 1959 by a group of outstanding fraternity men, who felt that individuals in the Greek community should be recognized for their service to the fraternity system and their University. It was in 1967 though that Dr. Gardner, having just arrived at Arlington State College as assistant dean of students, (now University of Texas at Arlington) took his young IFC executive board to the NIC meeting in Miami, Florida. “We were moving local fraternities to national affiliation when I arrived. One of my first jobs was developing the fraternity system,” says Gardner. Kappa Alpha Order was one of the first eight fraternities established. “It would have been unprofessional to show any favoritism, so they probably got it harder than others,” Kent explained with a knowing, yet amused tone. At the Fontainebleau Miami Beach hotel, his Greek leaders met the Miami men who

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Spring 2013

were involved in Order of Omega. “Let’s start a chapter at our campus,” they told Gardner. With the blessing of Order of Omega leadership and through education, inspiration, and connections made at a national conference, the new chapter was created in Arlington. In 1969 Order of Omega’s National President Pat Halleran, having met and known Gardner, called him up and asked for him to take over the job. Thus, the delivery of the aforementioned meager beginnings. Gardner oversaw many changes and developments in four decades of leadership. Going coed; going digital; going to 500 campuses in North America. He took the organization to 501(c)(3) status and established a permanent national headquarters building. He did all this while maintaining his post on campus. He retired from the University in 2005 as Vice President for Student Affairs, having worked there for over 40 years. He returned to the classroom and taught for another seven years while still leading Order of Omega. This January 1, he officially assumed the title of Executive Director Emeritus. He is continuing to assist in the transition of the office and operations. He’ll consult the organization thereafter. He knows no other way. Dr. Kent Gardner’s service continues. And we honor him.

Correction In the “Sports Page” on page 43 of the Fall/Winter 2012 issue, the photo for Wilkinson Given is actually Lee Gilmore, a Sigma Nu from Furman (a teammate of Given’s and a great runner as well). We apologize to Given and hope to see more of him in The Journal.

A Legacy of Honoring

Our Order

Onward, upward,(and around)

National & KAOEF staff transitions New Director of Chapters Services Daniel R. “Dan” Amato (Gamma Eta – Florida State ’08) has been named the Director of Chapter Services effective May 1, 2013. Currently an associate director for chapter services, Brother Amato will now be responsible for the direction of all chapter services, supervising the associate directors for chapter services, and assisting the Executive Director in risk management matters. First Director of Alumni Engagement William H. Walker (Beta Tau – Mississippi State ’08) has been named the first Director of Alumni Engagement. The position was born from long-term discussions by the leadership of the Order and most recently the Alumni Engagement Task Force. William is completing his second year as an associate director for chapter services and will begin this position on May 1.

Director of Operations Michael P. Wilson (Alpha Theta – Transylvania ’00) has been named Director of Operations, having taken on additional responsibilities to his current duties as Director of Fraternity Services, including overseeing the building and grounds, supervising the receptionist, grounds keeper and housekeeper. KAOEF Directors of Development Stuart Whetsell (Delta Psi – Appalachian State ’08) and Andrew Phillip Carr (Epsilon Iota – Texas State ’00) have been named Directors of Development for the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF). Stuart comes to the Foundation following three years as Director of Chapter Services and a year as an associate director for chapter services. Andrew comes to the Foundation following a return to the Order’s staff including three years

Spring 2013


as an associate director for chapter development. Stuart and Andrew’s responsibilities will be the cultivation and solicitation of mid-level gifts (primarily for the Crimson and Gold Society and Forever KA programs) in assigned the geographic areas. They will also assist the Executive Director and staff in all areas of operation in accordance with the KAOEF bylaws. Onward and Upward! After eight years as a member of the national administrative staff with the Order and KAOEF, Erik T. Showalter, CFRE (Gamma Alpha – Louisiana Tech ’01), is leaving to pursue new professional opportunities. Brother Showalter has accepted a position as Director of Finance for U.S. Congressman Robert Pittenger (Omicron – Texas ’75) and for the Free Markets PAC. Most recently, Erik has been the Chief Development Officer for the KAOEF. Prior to this role, Erik served as Director of Development, and for the Order, as Western Regional Advisor and educational leadership consultant. We wish Erik nothing but the best and look forward to great things to come.

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Our Order

Muscular Dystrophy Association

Fundraising Update 2012 Top Ten Chapters Donating to MDA Presented at NLI by Knight Commander Dreyer (left) and MDA Youth Chairman Luke Christie (center).

1. Wake Forest (Tau)


2. Texas Tech (Gamma Chi)


3. Louisiana State (Alpha Gamma)


4. Oklahoma (Beta Eta)


5. Millsaps (Alpha Mu)


6. James Madison (Zeta Theta)


7. North Texas (Gamma Lambda)


8. Auburn (Nu)


9. Miami (Epsilon Lambda)


10. Texas A&M (Epsilon Delta)


More on KA, MDA, and Luke Christie:

Expulsions The following men have been expelled from Kappa Alpha Order since the last printing of The Journal and a period of 90 days for appeal has lapsed.

Missouri Alpha Kappa Christopher M. Coyne, 11/13/12 Emory Epsilon William S. Cossen, 11/13/12 Northwestern State Gamma Psi John Michael McConnell, 11/13/12

Tennessee Pi Jordan T. Prewitt, 12/5/12

Austin Peay State Zeta Tau Caleb R. Soard, 1/18/13 Sean M. Collette, 1/18/13 West Texas A&M Gamma Sigma Brian J. Hartman, 1/18/13 Francis Marion Delta Tau Jonathan P. Chaipis, 1/22/13 The Kappa Alpha Journal

Washington & Lee Alpha Richard F. Hahn, 2/7/13 Centenary Alpha Iota Robert C. Everett, 2/7/13 Texas Omicron Robert C. Alden, 2/7/13 Travis W. Avera, 2/7/13 Nathaniel K. Baker, 2/7/13 Ian A. Carlsen, 2/7/13 W. Cardon Gerner, 2/7/13 Michael C. Humphreys, 2/7/13 Christian D. Kensing, 2/7/13 Charles C. Kraft, 2/7/13 John C. Merrifield, 2/7/13 Kevin P. Mitchell, 2/7/13 Andrew C. Oshman, 2/7/13 Edward B. Pickett, 2/7/13 7

Spring 2013

Charles N. Quisenberry, 2/7/13 Matthew M. Seliger, 2/7/13 John M. Sparling, 2/7/13 D. Michael Steward, 2/7/13 J. Ernest, Jr. Taliaferro, 2/7/13 Max A. Vilmar, 2/7/13 Thomas R. Williams, 2/7/13 Robert J. Yancy, 2/7/13 Iman Hussain Yarjani, 2/7/13 Stacy A. Young, 2/7/13 Kevin E. Zlotnik, 2/7/13

Florida Gulf Coast Zeta Pi David A. Simek, 11/13/12

North Florida Zeta Nu Marshall B. Banks, 12/24/12 Shawn D. Brown, 12/24/12 Alejandro D. Castaneda, 12/24/12 William G. Georges, 12/24/12 Jerry R. Tillett, 12/24/12

Our Order

100% Leaders. 100% Ready. NLI steers 2013 Number Is with a Moral Compass

Above: Number Is from around the Order meet each other for the first time at NLI. Below: Former Knight Commander Duncan explains the purpose behind NLI to facilitator Ethan Bush.

With all 124 Active and provisional

chapters represented by their selected Number I, the 2013 Number I’s Leadership Institute (NLI) was another success. NLI combines large group speakers and sessions along with small group facilitation lead by two of the volunteer facilitators. 10-12 Number Is breakout in each “council group” and discuss values, experiences, laws, issues, scenarios, and more throughout the 3-day experience. These council group discussions Spring 2013


often become peer based and provide some of the most lasting education and impactful “ah ha” moments for our chapter presidents. With a dual theme of “The Moral Compass for the Modern Gentlemen,” and the challenge “Are you your brothers’ keeper,” the program was grounded in the Order’s values. Small Group Facilitation This year, NLI gathered facilitators from all over the Order and Fraternity/ Sorority Life. These included KAs who are student affairs professionals, Greek advisors, staff, former staff, province commanders, deputy province commanders, alumni advisory committee members, and former interns. Facilitator training included webinars and conference calls prior to the Institute and orientation on the day NLI began. Former Knight Commander Mike Duncan, leads as the Dean of the Institute and Brent Fellows from staff coordinates the experience.

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Our Order

Above: The general sessions were packed with 100% of all Number Is attending. Right: Luke Christie, a fellow KA and MDA Youth Chairman, encouraged every chapter to give back to their community.

Leadership Speakers Included in our leadership series was Dave “Buzz” Baker (Beta Delta – Georgetown ’79) giving his address “The Armor Always Fits” about how the Order’s values, our moral compass, will always help Number Is make the right decisions as leaders. Dave has been a sports anchor, reporter and account executive, he appears on air in addition to hosting a variety of University of Kentucky and SEC televised events including the television play-by-play for Kentucky basketball. His philanthropic work in Kentucky is unrivaled. Also speaking were Alpha Tau Omega alumnus Eric Maddox, the military interrogator that has been credited with masterminding the capture of Saddam Hussein. He spoke on his story, leadership lessons from his time in college to today, and organizational behavior. Dave Westol, former Executive Director of Theta Chi, CEO of Limberlost Consulting, and longtime friend of the Order, also put “Hazing on Trial” along with his risk management presentations.

“Are you your brother’s keeper?” The risk management education of the weekend was interwoven from day one to the conclusion. This included participation by all Number Is by way of an audience response system. With initial questions about values, policy, and application of both, the Number Is gave their anonymous, honest answers and opinions. The results were revealed, digested and explained. Executive Director Larry Wiese and Westol answered questions, gave direction and pointed to media, safety and legal issues with each part of the policy. Not surprisingly (and keeping with the theme of the weekend) just about 100% of every question about the policy was answered correctly and as expected, all values based questions led to proper KA responses. With the legal and media consequences still in mind, the overarching theme that became the output was the safety of our brothers and guests and the need to manage risk for the same. The Number Is left NLI ready to lead. Their moral compass is true. They, along with us, are our brothers’ keepers. Armed with the knowledge and knowhow, we look forward to an exciting year for the Order.

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Spring 2013

Speakers & Distinguished Guests Name, Title (Topic of Discussion) Dave Baker, Radio & Broadcast Host (Leadership) Thomas Boyle, VP of MDA (Muscular Dystrophy Association) Luke Christie, MDA Youth Chairman (Muscular Dystrophy Association) William E. Dreyer, Knight Commander (Knight Commander’s Address) Brent Fellows, Dir. of Educational Programming (Membership Education) Dwain Knight, National Chaplain (Worship Service) Jesse Lyons, Dir. of Communications (Image & Identity) Eric Maddox, Frm. US Army Intelligence Officer (Leadership & Decision Making) Erik Showalter, Chief Development Officer (KAOEF) Greg Singleton, National Scholarship Officer (Scholarship) C. Douglas Simmons III, Councilor (Ritual) Dave Westol, CEO Limberlost Consulting, Frm. Exec. Dir. (Risk Management) Larry Wiese, Executive Director (Risk Management & Accountability)

2012 National Undergraduate Chairman & Vice Chairman Anderson Wasden IV, NUC (Undergraduate Conference, KA Store & Airport Coordinator) Don Combs III, NUVC (Undergraduate Conference, KA Store & Airport Coordinator)

MDA and Brother Luke Christie Muscular Dystrophy Association Vice President Tom Boyle, KA Brother and MDA Youth Chairman Luke Christie (Iota - Furman ‘12), along Knight Commander William E. Dreyer presented the top ten MDA fundraising chapters. Luke gave an address to the Number Is that was as stirring as any speaker of the weekend. He pushed each Number I to do what they could with

their resources and abilities to support MDA. He also challenged everyone to recruit young men who might be afflicted with muscle diseases just like him. His experience with Iota Chapter shows KA is meant for great gentlemen, no matter their abilities.

Our Order

Facilitation Teams Council Group 1

Council Group 6

Council Group 11

Council Group 12

David Merrill, Former Number I Nick Palmer, Dir. of Chapter Development

Joel Buck, Assoc. Dir. for Chapter Development James Salter, Advisor

Greg Singleton, National Scholarship Officer Kyle Domnick, Former National Undergraduate Chairman

Erik Showalter, Chief Development Officer Thomas Grimes, Assoc. Dir. for Chapter Services Stuart Whetsell, Dir. of Chapter Services

Council Group 2

Council Group 7

Russ Chesley, Alumnus Advisor Michael Wilson, Dir. of Fraternity Services

Jake Howse, Former Number I Preston Pritchett, Assoc. Dir. for Chapter Services

Council Group 3

Council Group 8

John Michael Moore, White Prov. Commander William Walker, Assoc. Dir. for Chapter Services

Andrew Carr, Assoc. Dir. for Chapter Development David Hagan, Smith Province Commander

Council Group 4

Council Group 9

Robert Wall, Smith Deputy Prov. Commander Ethan Bush, White Deputy Prov. Commander for Academic Affairs

Dwain Knight, National Chaplain Mark Hale, Mikell & Walsh Deputy Prov. Commander for Academic Affairs

Council Group 5

Curtis Perzinski, Former ADCS and Number I Dustin Brann, Assoc. Dir. for Chapter Development

Brook Sebren, Advisor Dan Amato, Assoc. Dir. for Chapter Services

Council Group 10

Undergraduates Elected

The 2013 Undergraduate Conference was held at NLI on January 4th and 5th of this year. The representatives elected the following men to serve the Order for the year: National Undergraduate Chairman Logan Opsahl is a junior majoring in economics and political science. Born and raised in Orlando, Florida, Opsahl is the youngest of three in his family to attend Florida State. After serving his chapter at Prudential Chair and Homecoming Chair, Logan was elected as Number I in 2011, and re-elected again in 2012. On campus, Logan serves in the Student Senate and holds a position on the Greek Conduct Board. He is a die-hard Florida State football fan who enjoys the outdoors including surfing, fishing, wake boarding and hunting. Logan plans to attend law school to study real estate law after graduation in 2013. Logan is the second member of his family to join the Order just behind his older brother, Luke Opsahl (Gamma Eta – Florida State ’09). National Undergraduate Vice-Chairman Linwood H. Thompson IV is the current Number I at Epsilon Nu Chapter at Georgia College in Milledgeville, Georgia. Originally from Suwanee, Ga., he is also a previous Number III, V, Crusade Commander, Service Chairman, and Scholarship Chairman. On campus, he is Recruitment Chair for the College Republicans and for the Georgia College Miracle (Children’s Miracle Network), and the Public Relations Chairman for the Society For Advancement of Management. Thompson is a Marketing major and expects to graduate in December 2013. Off campus, he volunteers as a youth counselor at Milledgeville First United Methodist Church. He’s the recipient of a Presidential Service Scholarship, and has made the Dean’s and President’s Lists.

Above: Knight Commander Dreyer (center) with Opsahl (left) and Thompson (right)

Spring 2013


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Our Order

Conferral of the Knight Commander’s Accolades The first Knight Commander’s Accolades

were awarded by then Knight Commander Henry J. Foresman (Beta Comm. - VMI ’41) in 1967. He created the award to recognize excellence in leadership and service to the Order. The Executive Council subsequently passed a regulation creating and defining the award as such and stating that the award is given at the sole discretion of the Knight Commander. The Knight Commander’s Accolade is the highest individual honor an alumnus can receive. Over the past one hundred and forty-eight years of the Order’s history, thirteen Knight Commanders have conferred this high honor on only one hundred and ninety-eight recipients. In 1999, Former Knight Commander Idris R. Taylor (Gamma Chi - Texas Tech

’70) designed, and the Executive Council authorized the creation of, a jewel or medallion for this award. The medallion is a crimson cross, outlined in gold, with a golden knight on horseback, centered. The jewel hangs from a ribbon collar of crimson and old gold. The jewel/medallion was first presented in 2001. The 39th Knight Commander, William E. Dreyer (Alpha Delta - William Jewell ‘57), added Robert T. Steinkamp to this roll of honor by conferring on him the Knight Commander‘s Accolade on January 19, 2013. To view the entire recipient list, go online to

Robert T. Steinkamp

(Alpha Delta – William Jewell ‘64) Steinkamp, of Liberty, Mo., attended William Jewell from which he received a B.A. degree in History in 1967. While at William Jewell, Bob was a member of the football team earning three letters; he was President of the senior class, Vice President of his junior class and a member of the Student Senate along with various college union committees. He served as Number I of Alpha Delta, as well as VIII, IX, new member educator and recruitment chairman. Upon graduation, he attended UMKC School of Law from which he received his Juris Doctor degree in 1971.

He is a member of the 1865 Trust, the Loyal Order, and the Henry C. Chiles Court of Honor. Bob and his wife Cheryl have two children, Ted and Rebecca.

In April 2005, Bob was elected Mayor of Liberty, Mo., a position he held until April, 2009. In 2009, Bob joined the law firm of Kirkland and Woods (now, Kirkland Woods & Martinsen) as “of counsel.” Brother Steinkamp has held positions with numerous not-for-profit boards, including other private boards and commissions. Bob has served as a member of the Alpha Delta Alumni Advisory Committee and is currently the Alpha Delta House Association President.

The Kappa Alpha Journal


From 1971 through 1978, Bob was affiliated as an attorney with the law firm of Morris Foust Beckett, first as an associate and later as a partner. In 1978, he became a founding member of the law firm or Beckett & Steinkamp. In 1990, Bob became Secretary and General Counsel of Applebee’s International, Inc., positions

he held (as well as being one of its Vice Presidents) until 2004 when he retired from active employment. From 2004 through 2006. he served as a consultant to Applebee’s.

Spring 2013

Our Order

Brothers Around The Order 1. The Tampa Bay Alumni Chapter celebrated Convivium on the Florida Gulf Coast. 2. John Welch takes his oath as a Watauga County (NC) Commissioner on his KA Bible. 3. Dr. Patricia Shields, a professor & breast cancer survivor, speaks after Beta Kappa raised over $36,000 at their 4th Annual Breastfest of Champions for breast cancer research. 4. Zeta Lambda alumni gathered for Convivium. 5. “Battle for Lexington� KA staff beat Sigma Nu in the annual flag football game. (Special thanks to a couple Beta Commission ringers!) 6. Alumni in Colquitt County, Ga., celebrated Convivium. Speaker was D.Q. Harris, III, MD. Oldest alumnus present was Hoyt H. Whelchel, Jr, Esq. (Alpha Sigma - Georgia Tech '43) 7. Brothers met up at the Pinstripe Bowl at Yankee Stadium. 8. John Yearty & new inductee of Crawford Court of Honor, Webb Bond. 9. Thad Doyle, new president-elect of the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors. 10. Josh Daugherty, Bart Williams & Kenton Pogue from Eastern Kentucky, skiing at the Perfect North Resort in Lawrenceburg, Indiana.






Spring 2013


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Our Order




Photo courtesy of Greek Yearbook



The Kappa Alpha Journal


Spring 2013

By Jesse. S. Lyons (Delta Alpha – Western Carolina '98)

In golf terminology, “the takeaway” is a reference

to the beginning of one’s backswing. The takeaway is the first step to overcoming your last hole. It is the first step to addressing your next hole. It is the start of a new round, a new season. It is the fulcrum connecting what was, to what will be. Welcome to spring! As the season turns, another year of the PGA Tour arrives. A few tournaments have already provided us with excitement on the links. Now, we’re right dead on with the granddaddy of them all, The Masters, at Augusta National. So few of us have stridden amongst the azaleas and walked the rope line throughout these hallowed grounds. So many of us, though, have attended annually in our living rooms, marveling at the beauty as presented by the one, the only, CBS. Imagining the scenes on your television screen, you hear Jim Nance whispering through the pines, announcing another birdie, another bogey, another commercial. We’ll be right back. This year, why don’t you approach your love of golf or your fascination with the Tour with KA in mind? Brandt Snedeker is in the hunt again this year. He’s tearing it up, everyone knows—and this year, a major is his aim. Can he overcome the 2008 Masters final round? The Journal thinks so. Lets cheer on the defending FedEx Cup Champion as fellow golfers and fellow brothers. Know that one of the key leaders running the Tour is also a KA. Ross Berlin, Senior VP of the Tour, just might literally know everyone out there. Of all the golfers and folks we’ve

Spring 2013


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Additional Tour & Amateur Wins by KAs Tommy Aaron (Beta Zeta – Florida ’56) 3 PGA Tour wins, 1 Senior PGA Tour win Gardner Dickinson (Alpha Gamma – Louisiana State ’46) 7 PGA Tour wins

Photos: Crenshaw – Stan Badz/PGA Tour; January – Michael Cohen/PGA Tour; Sigel – Steve Levin/PGA Tour; Stockton – Stan Badz/PGA Tour

Bill Garrett (Gamma Lambda – North Texas ’59) 1 PGA Tour win Al Geiberger (Beta Sigma – Southern California ’58) 11 PGA Tour wins, including PGA Championship

Franklin Langham (Delta – Wofford ’87) 3 Nationwide Tour wins

Johnny Pott (Alpha Gamma – Louisiana State ’54) 5 PGA Tour wins

Lyn Lott (Gamma – Georgia ’69) Won Georgia Open as amateur

Kemp Richardson (Beta Sigma – Southern California ’66) Two-time USGA Senior Amateur Champion

Cary Middlecoff (Alpha Upsilon – Mississippi ’40) 40 PGA Tour wins including the US Open twice and The Masters

Jim Simons (Tau – Wake Forest ’70) 3 PGA Tour wins

Billy Joe Patton (Tau – Wake Forest ’40) 12 Tournament wins

Brandt Snedeker (Chi – Vanderbilt ’00) 5 PGA Tour wins, 2 Tour wins, U.S. Amateur Public Links Champion

Peter Persons (Gamma – Georgia ’82) 1 PGA Tour win

talked to, they’ve had nothing but nice things to say about him. Is he a prince of the PGA? We know this, he sounds like a great KA to us. Champion and rookie. Legend and new guy. Players Dave Stockton and Wes Roach. One is in the enjoyable twilight of his career; the other just getting started on eGolf and Tours. While Stockton is being showered with accolades thanks to his philanthropic efforts, Roach is qualifying on Mondays, hoping to play again on Thursday. Both are still hard at work, with one enjoying the fruits of labors on the green and the other still chipping away to get there. Lob in the litany of past champions and two of the most influential clubmakers in modern golf history, Callaway and Cleveland. A formidable flight, indeed. Scrub those irons. Clean your golf shoes. Gather your friends and set your alarm. The renewal of spring brings the passion for a game we love to play with our friends and brothers. If you don’t get out there and swing, you can’t score. Was KA destined to have a golf lineage of leaders, legends, and champions? They don’t call it a gentlemen’s game for nothing.

Other Notable KA Golf Connections Ross Berlin (Tau – Wake Forest ’76) Current PGA Tour Senior Vice President for Player Relations Ely R. Callaway, Jr. (Epsilon – Emory ’37) Former Chairman and CEO of Callaway Golf Roger Cleveland (Beta Sigma – Southern California ’63) Founder of Cleveland Golf Company, current Chief Club Designer for Callaway Golf

Dave Stockton (Beta Sigma – Southern California ’61) 10 PGA Tour wins, including 2 PGA Championship

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Spring 2013

Last year, 2012, started and ended as a great year for PGA professional, Brandt Snedeker (Chi – Vanderbilt ’00). Coming off hip surgery, he kicked the year off with a win at the Farmers Insurance Open in January at Torrey Pines in La Jolla, California. Snedeker wrapped up his season by capturing a win in September at the Tour Championship at East Lake Golf Club in Atlanta, Georgia. But it was his highlevel, consistently steady play throughout the entire year, that helped him heap up the most points in the FedEx Cup chase. At the end of the year, Brandt Snedeker was the FedEx Cup champion, gaining a pretty cool purse of $10 million to boot. How much did he spend on himself? Not a dime. Around that time he was selected as a captain’s pick by Davis Love III for his rookie appearance with USA’s Ryder Cup team. Although they didn’t win, in Brandt’s words, “It was really special.” Last year wasn’t all roses. Brandt cracked a rib at the U.S. Open. He was at his father's side for a liver transplant. And then there’s the story of Snedeker visiting his coach Todd Anderson’s son in the hospital before his final Tour Championship round. Tucker Anderson had been critically injured in a car accident and he and Brandt had become close. Tucker has pulled through but requires

How did you get started in golf? I was 7 or 8 years old, playing with my dad and brother. It was our family thing every week to get together and play each other, so it just kind of grew from there. We’d have weekend matches. Me and my brother both liked it, so we started playing more and more. My dad took it up later on in life and so we all had fun learning kind of at the same time. That’s how my game came together. Did you have a decision to make about going pro

Spring 2013

much more rehabilitation. Toward the end of the year, Brandt and his wife Mandy experienced the joyful birth of their second child Austin (a future KA, no doubt) who joins big sister Lily. He and Mandy even started a foundation to help youth in need. Yep, you guessed it, with all his FedEx Cup earnings. All in all, 2012 was a pretty good year for the humble, fast-talking, fast-playing Snedeker. But 2013 is looking even better. He remains one of the hottest golfers on the planet. He’s tearing up the links, finishing tournaments right below, next to, and higher than hall of famers. At the time of publishing, Snedeker has tied for third, came in second twice and then won the AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am. His past 10 rounds posted sub-70 scores. And his sights are set on the big ones. The Masters. The Opens. The PGA. The Majors. And the President’s Cup team. Yes, indeed, onward and upward. On Wednesday, February 12, 2013, the 32-year old 2007 PGA Rookie of the Year took time out of a well-deserved vacation with his family to chat with The Journal.

in golf or going to college at Vanderbilt? No, I wasn’t good enough to go pro anytime time soon. [laughter] I was 18 years old, very wet behind the ears, and needless to say I had a long way to go. What was the hardest thing to overcome when transitioning from college to the Tour? Thursday through Sunday is the easiest part of our week. Its what you do Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday; how you deal with traveling, how you deal with staying


The Kappa Alpha Journal

in hotels, how you prepare yourself to make Thursday through Sunday as easy as possible. There is a lot more that goes on than meets the eye; a lot more stress that people realize. Who are your mentors on the PGA Tour? Davis Love III has been a great friend of mine. He’s helped me a lot in my career, and obviously playing on his Ryder Cup team last year was really special for me. He is someone I turn to when I’ve got questions. He’s been through the full game of

cess c u s r to e k e d Sne i n a ' 9 8) d a e l k ern C arol o o l t e ouA l p h a – W e s t v i t i s po lta

d a . Lyo n s ( D e n a k r wo B y J e s s e S d r a H

Donald Miralle/Getty Images

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Spring 2013

"I meet a lot of KAs

emotions out there and he’s a great guy to bounce ideas off.

that are fans on the

How was it having him select you as a Captain’s pick to the Ryder Cup team? It was really special. I knew with Davis that he wouldn’t do anything he didn’t think was right for the team and to have him think that much of me to put me on the team was really special and something I’ll always cherish.

road that know I’m a KA. I get tested and called out quite a little bit on the road. It is always really fun to hear from KAs in

What are some of your favorite courses? Obviously I love Augusta National, the history, the Masters Tournament, everything that place means to the game of golf. It’s just a special place. Its funny, you know, the golf courses I’ve always really liked are the one’s I’ve played well on [laughter again]. Torrey Pines in San Diego, Harbor Town down in Hilton Head. Another course I don’t get to play very often is Pinehurst #2, it’s a favorite of mine, it’s a really great place, and I love being there.

the crowd!"

Have you met any KAs while on the tour? Sure have, I meet a lot of KAs that are fans on the road that know I’m a KA. I get tested and called out quite a little bit on the road. It is always really fun to hear from KAs in the crowd!

Stan Badz/PGA Tour

Do you still keep in touch with your chapter brothers from Chi Chapter at Vanderbilt? I do yeah, I sure do. John Thompson (Chi – Vanderbilt '00) is a real good friend of mine. We still have an email list and keep up with everybody through that and I

Spring 2013


The Kappa Alpha Journal

still feel like my close friends are the KAs from Vanderbilt. What are some of your values today that help you approach golf and keep you not only rooted, but help you become successful? First and foremost, you got to have a good outlook on life. That’s being very humble, that’s realizing how fortunate I am to do what I do. Also, it’s realizing that golf is a very tough game. Everyone’s going to see you on the way up and on the way down. I realize that the interactions I have with people, whether its twenty seconds or twenty minutes, they are going to remember me by those. I need to make sure that I lead myself in the right way, that I do have a chance to thank people, and that I send a positive message out there. You know that’s tough sometimes when you’re trying to meet everybody and there are a lot of people, but I try. I’m just very fortunate to do what I do and I want people to realize I do know how lucky I am. Tell us about your commitment to giving back. Yes, my wife Mandy and I just started a foundation called the Brandt and Mandy Snedeker Foundation. Our mission includes helping underprivileged kids that need a break, and a chance in life. These are causes that have been near to my wife’s heart and mine for a long time. We just started the foundation right after the FedEx Cup last year so we’re in the beginning stages. But we’re going to use this as a

platform to help as many kids in Nashville as possible and try to do what we can do to help our community. What advice would you give to any young golfer wanting to make it big? It’s a very hard thing to do. There’s no short cut to the tour, there’s no short cut to anywhere you want to go in life. You have to put the work in, day in and day out. Having a positive attitude is huge. I never got down on myself, I always stayed positive, I always felt like I was going to make it. And, I knew that if I wanted to make it I had to go the extra mile, put in the extra hard work. You have to make sure it’s a passion of yours. There are people trying to get on the tour and golf just isn’t their passion. They’re doing it because it’s something they know how to do. Well, if you want to be great at what you do you have to have a passion for it. They do not give a second place for hard work. Hard work will get you where you want to go.

Brandt Snedeker (Chi – Vanderbilt ’00)

Is there anything you would you like to tell every KA out there? I think that at the end of the day, I want people to know, KAs and everyone else that I realize I’m very fortunate to do what I do for a living. I try to do everything I can to make sure people realize that on the golf course and off the golf course. I’m one of the few people in this world that get to live out their dream everyday and I’m thankful for that. I’ve put a lot of hard work and extra hours into being where I am and I’m enjoying every minute of it.

Amateur Wins: • U.S. Amateur Public Links Championship, 2003 Tour [formerly Nationwide] Wins: • Scholarship America Showdown, 2006 • Permian Basin Charity Golf Classic, 2006 PGA Tour Wins: • Wyndham Championship, Sedgefield Country Club, 2007 • The Heritage, Harbour Town Golf Links, 2011 • Farmers Insurance Open, Torrey Pines Golf Course, 2012 • Tour Championship, East Lake Golf Club, 2012 • AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am, Pebble Beach Golf Links, 2013

Now, remember to tune in

to watch Brother Snedeker compete on those selfdescribed easiest four days of the week. I think its safe to say we’re still getting to see him “on the way up.”

Sam Greenwood/Getty Images

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Spring 2013

You had a fantastic 2012. What are your goals for 2013? Majors are what everything revolves around in the game of golf, and they are really big for me. Winning my first major is my biggest goal for this year. I’ve got four good chances I think to accomplish that. I played on my first Ryder Cup team last year and I really enjoyed that. The President’s Cup is in Ohio this year at Muirfield Village. That will be a really special place to compete on home soil and I’m looking forward to trying to make that team.

By Rick Moore People who are followers of the

game of golf, and even those who aren’t, know the famous names – names like Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus, or even major players like KA brother Brandt Snedeker. But few know the name of a behind-the-scenes KA brother whose contributions to the sport have made a real difference in the game, and in the lives of so many who benefit from the charitable work of non-profit organizations. Ross Berlin (Tau – Wake Forest ’76) is Senior Vice President - Player Relations with PGA Tour, Inc. Since graduating from Wake Forest University with a business degree and from Thomas M. Cooley Law School in Michigan with

“I quit baseball at Wake Forest my sophomore year, and like so many college students I was trying to figure out what to do with my life." his Juris Doctor, Berlin has enjoyed a career that most of us can only dream of, but one that he did, in fact, dream of, proving that dreams can come true for those who work hard in their pursuit. “I quit baseball at Wake Forest my sophomore year, and like so many college students I was trying to figure out what to do with my life,” Berlin, a former Tau Number I, recalled. “A family friend, Jesse Haddock, was the golf coach at Wake Forest, and I asked if he could give some career advice about sports representation. He pointed me to Vinny Giles, a lawyer in Richmond, Virginia and a former U.S. Amateur champion (Editor’s note: Giles was also the 2009 USGA Senior Amateur champion). Mr. Giles advised me to get my law degree and go practice for a few years so I’d have that experience to

PGA Pro Bubba Watson and country music star Joe Don Rooney of Rascall Flatts with Ross (center).

Right Where He Wants to Be KA Brother Is Behind-the-Scenes Golf Icon give back to young athletes. I took his advice very seriously, and after I got my degree I went to work for a sports and entertainment law firm in Los Angeles, until I had the opportunity to move away from the practice of law for the business side of sports in the late ‘80s.” After that, Berlin’s career took him around the world. He went on to work in executive positions with World Cup USA 1994, the Ryder Cup, Outback Sports,

Spring 2013


and other events and sports marketing and management companies, living in Switzerland, Spain and other countries before joining PGA Tour in 1999. He took a break from the company in 2005 to work as agent and business manager for then-teen golf sensation Michelle Wie, but in little more than a year he was back at PGA Tour. Berlin’s position involves everything under the sun when it

The Kappa Alpha Journal

comes to making sure the needs of PGA Tour golfers are met. “PGA Tour, unlike MLB or the NFL or NBA, is actually sort of the governing body for our sport of touring professionals as well as a membership organization,” he said from the organization’s headquarters in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. “So we work for our members, who happen to be the PGA Tour players. My department serves as the liaison between what happens at PGA Tour headquarters and what takes place at the golf tournaments themselves. We work on all sorts of outside the ropes issues, which may pertain to the FedEx Cup, anti-doping, retirement and insurance benefits and more. Virtually everything a PGA player has an interest in when it comes to his business, we’re out there working with them on a daily basis to respond to their needs.” Having worked around the globe, Berlin believes that no other country can offer its athletes and fans what America does. “No other place in the world has the spirit of volunteerism the United States has,” he said, “and PGA Tour could not exist without it. We have between 1,000 and 2,000 people give up their time each week to put on a PGA Tour event. They take vacation time, even pay for their own uniforms sometimes. They do this because they recognize that whatever profits are made from a PGA Tour event are going to go back into the community in the form of charitable donations. Last year alone PGA Tour and its tournaments donated over $125,000,000 to charity. Without that volunteerism this wouldn’t be possible. I would estimate that since the beginning of our time, we have donated more than $2,000,000,000 to charity.” It seems to be no coincidence that Berlin ended up with an

organization that so accurately reflects the principles he learned in KA. “I think KA and PGA Tour share a lot of the same core values,” he said, “such as service and making a meaningful contribution to society, a commitment to excellence, honesty, integrity and sportsmanship, helping each other achieve our highest potential. Virtually the same goals and objectives.” Berlin said that his years as a KA brother helped shape his life and his

“PGA Tour, unlike MLB or the NFL or NBA, is actually sort of the governing body for our sport of touring professionals as well as a membership organization.” future. “The leadership skills that I learned as a member of KA were invaluable for my future,” he said. “I love to study the Civil War, so Robert E. Lee was a very attractive figure to me in terms of just trying to learn what he stood for in terms of perseverance and acting always in a chivalrous manner. These are traits I’ve always tried to embody and I believe they’ve served me very well.” There is no doubt that Berlin loves the athletes he works with, and is

dedicated to advancing the image and reputation of the sport and its players. “I work with some of the greatest athletes in any sport,” he said. “They’re sharp, well-educated and entrepreneurial, and know how to conduct themselves. The minute these young men step on the stage they become role models, and they realize that they have to be on guard with everything they say and do in this age of instant communication. One wrong picture or poorly-timed cuss word could cost them tens of thousands of fans and it’s not worth it.” As far as being a fan himself goes, Berlin has had plenty of brushes with fame. “It always gives me great pleasure to meet a KA brother (who is a PGA professional),” he said. “Meeting people like Dave Stockton (Beta Sigma – Southern California ’61) and Jay Sigel (Tau – Wake Forest ’63) have been special moments, and of course knowing KA brother Brandt Snedeker. And being a Wake Forest guy and getting to know the man they call ‘The King,’ Arnold Palmer, has been special.” The amount of work and the many facets of preparation that go into the planning of a tournament are mindboggling, but Berlin has learned how to deal with those details and the personalities involved. “We have so many constituents we deal with,” he said, “like the player unions and managers, equipment manufacturers, it goes on and on. A PGA Tour event is much like a travelling circus; we’re in different communities every week, but see the same people who are providing services. So we rely heavily on communication tools like newsletters, a dedicated website for our players, and something as simple as text messaging, as well as our most effective tool, our best practices guide.” After a career crisscrossing the globe and being based in a number of cities, Berlin seems to be content with where he’s finally landed. “I think Commissioner Finchem appreciates the job I’m doing and I think he likes me right where I’m at, and I’m very happy here,” Berlin said. “It’s the best job I’ve ever had.” Ross, his wife Nancy (’78 Tau Chapter Rose) along with sons Evan (Gamma Eta – Florida State ’11) and Chase.

The Kappa Alpha Journal


Spring 2013

Photo courtesy of Pete Santa Maria

Stockton (left) with PGA President Allen Wronowski, receiving the PGA's Distinguished Service Award.

What a Year! Golfing legend Dave Stockton (Beta Sigma – Southern California ’61) honored three times in 2012 By Amy Theriault Honorary Degree

touches of humor about his own life experiences, and the unavoidable failures that eventually helped him climb to the top. He urged each individual that if they learn from their mistakes, focus on the positives (even if the positives are few) and believe in themselves, their dreams can and will be reached. As moved as the graduation attendants were by the wise words spoken, the message was especially meaningful to Dave Stockton’s wife, kids and grandkids. It was a certainly a special way for the Stockton family to celebrate the patriarch of their family on that memorable Father’s Day.

On Sunday, June 17th, Cal State San Bernardino held the graduation for the School of Natural Sciences. Among a sea of exuberant faces belonging to future nurses, doctors, teachers and researchers graduating that day, Dave Stockton’s entire family looked on in proud anticipation for the great honor he would be receiving at this momentous event. Dr. Karnig, the President of Cal State University, San Bernardino, delivered a speech of praise and appreciation to the accomplished students and academic contributors being celebrated that day. He followed with many kind words to say about Stockton and his tireless philanthropic efforts over the years and community leadership in a lead up to the presentation of the Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters. Upon presentation of this tremendous mark of distinction, Dave rose from his place on the stage, clad in cap and gown (tassel already in place on the left side since he already has an Bachelor’s in General Management from USC), and respectfully accepted the honorary degree. In typical Dave fashion, his speech to the aspiring graduates in the audience was geared to motivate and congratulate them, which he did by relating heartwarming and inspiring stories laced with

Spring 2013

Family of the Year Award Dave Stockton’s family was honored at the 61st National Metropolitan Golf Writer’s Association Awards Dinner in New York on Tuesday, June 19th with the Family of the Year award. This award, previously presented to the families of Donald Trump, George Bush and Jack Nicklaus, honors a family for its contributions to the game and for representing the virtues and ideals of golf and family. The 25-time PGA/Champions Tour winner, together with his professional instructor sons Ron Stockton and


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Photo courtesy of Cal. State San Bernardino

Photo courtesy of Stan Badz/PGA Tour

Dave Stockton Jr., comprise the formal teaching enterprise, Stockton Golf, which has been accredited with bringing many Tour players to victory time and time again. Phil Mickelson, Rory Mcllroy, Yani Tseng and Suzann Pettersen are among Stockton Golf’s ever growing list of clients. Alongside celebrated contributions to golf, the Stocktons are well known for their philanthropic endeavors including the Medal of Honor Golf Classic, the Stater Bros. Charities’ Dave Stockton Heroes Challenge, and the Believe Walk (benefiting local organizations that support cancer patients and their families).

was virtually “on call” to support and aid charitable causes. “I was neglecting my own game,” said Stockton, “but at the same time I really felt that through the clinics and the golf I was reaching and I was teaching a lot of people.” Stockton has been heavily involved in charitable events over the past 25 years. “I’m very excited about this honor, which is totally unexpected. My first thought was, ‘Why me?’” said Stockton. “I have been fortunate to have many good things happen to me in golf, with the biggest honor serving as Ryder Cup Captain. I believed in giving back through golf. I had a gift as a motivational speaker and used it to help others. I have tried helping people gain a better understanding about what golf can do to help them feel better about themselves.”

Distinguished Service Award Wrapping up last year’s whirlwind tour of honors on August 8th, Stockton became the 2012 recipient of PGA Distinguished Service Award. This is the Association’s highest annual honor and was presented in conjunction with the 94th PGA Championship at The Ocean Course on Kiawah Island, S.C. The PGA Distinguished Service Award, inaugurated in 1988, honors outstanding individuals who display leadership and humanitarian qualities, including integrity, sportsmanship and enthusiasm for the game of golf. “Dave Stockton’s imprint upon golf extends beyond the boundaries of a course where he excelled at the highest level,” said PGA of America President Allen Wronowski. “He has coached many of the world’s finest men and women players to success, and has selflessly supported charitable efforts that benefit higher education, the underprivileged and our nation’s heroes. A champion in so many ways, we are honored to bestow upon him the 2012 PGA Distinguished Service Award.” A popular attraction at corporate outings – playing in more than 80 per year over a 30-year span – Stockton also

The Kappa Alpha Journal

He urged each individual that if they learn from their mistakes, focus on the positives (even if the positives are few) and believe in themselves, their dreams can and will be reached.


Spring 2013

Believe i n

Y o u r s e l f

Duke grad chips in on trying to make it big

Stan Badz/PGA Tour

Spring 2013


The Kappa Alpha Journal

The editor of The Journal caught up with second-year Tour pro, Wes Roach (Alpha Phi – Duke ’09) on his way to Hilton Head in February. The Knoxville native is focused on developing his game and looks to swing through the E-Golf Tour, Tour, even push for a few PGA events this year. He even shared how he stays in touch with his brothers. What tournament are you headed to today? WES ROACH: Heading down to play in an E-Golf tour event, down at Palmetto Hall. I probably won’t get into my first event until maybe the end of February or beginning of March. I am just playing as much as I can until then to get ready for them.

Do you have advice for anyone going to graduate and want to play golf professionally? Believe in yourself. If you think you can do it, give it 100 percent, be committed to doing it, and work as hard as you can. If you don’t believe in yourself then there is no way you are going to be able to make it. With golf being such an individual game, you don’t want to be cocky or arrogant, but you have to have confidence. Go out there and work your hardest and get it done.

How do you stay in touch with your KA brothers from Alpha Phi? Well, definitely some of my better friends from college were my fraternity brothers. We stay in touch a lot, we use a Group Me app and keep posted on what everyone is up to out there personally and professionally. A few have come to see me play at some different tournaments.

It sounds like you’ve got a lot of determination. Absolutely. I put in more work this offseason than ever. I’m definitely looking forward to a good year this year. I spent a lot of time in the gym. I spent a lot of time working with my coach this offseason, so I’m looking forward to some good results.

What’s your favorite course that you’ve played? I’ve played a lot of good ones. I played my best tournament at TPC Sawgrass last year at the beginning of the year so I liked that one a lot. I also like one that I didn’t play very well on up in Indiana, called Victoria National.

Best of luck Wes, hit ‘em great and best wishes to you brother. Thanks a lot I appreciate it.

What else do you do when you’re not on the links? I definitely spend a lot of time with family and with my girlfriend, back in Knoxville, TN. I’m a huge fan of college basketball and I try to play pick-up games with my friends at home. We’ll even probably do a little fishing down in Hilton Head, SC, this week.

“Believe in yourself. If you think you can do it, give it 100 percent,

But, as boring as it sounds, most of time recently has been either in the gym working out or on the golf course working with my coach, trying to get better. Tell us about “Monday qualifying,” which involves playing on Monday for a Thursday-Sunday professional tournament. Yeah those Mondays, man they are tough. I guess it’s the life of a young mini-tour professional. You just have to try to play as much as you can and do as much as you can to try to find any kind of success, then kind of roll with it. I am actually going to do some Monday qualifiers this year for the PGA Tour as well to see how my game matches up out there.

The Kappa Alpha Journal

it, and work as hard as you can. If you don’t believe in yourself then there is no way you are going to be able to make it.”


Spring 2013

be committed to doing

Alumni News

Alumnus Leads U.S. Award Efforts for the Duke of Edinburgh by Nick Bell (Alpha – Washington & Lee ’12), Intern Josh Randle, alumnus of the Alpha Upsilon at the University of Mississippi currently holds the position as the Executive Director for The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. The award is a prestigious, self-development program available to all young people ages 14 to 25. The Award was founded by, and named for, the Queen of England’s husband, His Royal Highness, Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh. The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award operates in 144 countries across the globe and over 8 million Award recipients have been recognized since its inception in 1956. The US program was founded in 2006, and they currently operate in over 30 states and DC, where the national office is located. Randle started as Executive Director in 2010 shortly after graduating from Ole Miss. While at Ole Miss, Randle served as a junior recruitment chairman his sophomore year, philanthropy

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chairman his junior year, and prudential chairman his senior year. HRH Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, (youngest son of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip) is the acting Chairman of the Award and works closely with Randle to expand the Award in the U.S., making yearly Royal Visits across the pond in support of the U.S. Award. Working with many colleges and universities across the country and globe, Randle believes there may even be some interesting opportunities for KA members, especially for members awaiting initiation and actives to earn a Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award through new member education, philanthropy, sports, or other chapter activities. To learn more, visit:


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Alumni News

Auburn Nu Todd Reaves ’89, has transitioned from President to Chief Executive Officer of OmegaFi to concentrate on emerging technologies and strategic opportunities and alliances for OmegaFi and the Greek world. Talking about these changes, Reaves explained, “We’ve been very fortunate that our company has grown appreciably over the years. In fact, we have almost 100 employees in two buildings. The management and administration needs of OmegaFi today are much different than they were in the early 1990’s, when there were a handful of us sitting in a room!” Reaves founded what would become OmegaFi during his junior year at Auburn University, inspired after serving as treasurer of his fraternity. From those humble beginnings, he has led OmegaFi to become the largest company of its kind serving more than 2,700 individual chapters with strategic partnerships with 19 different inter/ national headquarters. The Citadel Theta Commission Col. Robert H. Nuttall, Sr. ’11, was elected to The Citadel Board of Visitors and takes office this year.

John Jordan,’12, is teaching at East Tennessee State University as he pursues his M. S. in Chemistry. 1LT Mike Troise, USAF, ’10, is deployed in Afghanistan and will be returning soon. Brother Troise and his troops have been the recipients of a Theta Commission care package. He will be returning home soon and appreciates the support provided. He will remain at his duty station, Ft Gordon, Ga. for another two years. Emory Epsilon Walter M. “Sonny” Deriso, Jr. ’64, recently led a seven-year, $1.69 billion campaign for Emory, the most ambitions capital campaign in the university’s history. Deriso is a 1968 graduate of Emory College and a 1972 graduate of Emory University of Law. Deriso is also the Chairman of Atlanta Capital Bank. Andrew West of the Epsilon Alumni Advisory Committee stated, “We are proud of that fact that not only did Emory meet this campaign goal but that one of our brothers lead the effort.” Florida Beta Zeta Dr. Ronald “Doc” Renuart ’83, is serving as a member of the Florida House

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Louisiana State Alpha Gamma Mark Leblanc ’04, has been named to Gambit Communications “The Best of New Orleans,” 40 under 40 list. Mark, a U.S. Paralympian, was featured in the 2012 summer edition of The Journal. Middle Tennessee State Delta Lambda Gary Wiser, Jr. ’99, successfully passed his dissertation defense for the Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership degree from Western Kentucky University and will graduate in May. His study was titled “An Examiniation of Civic Engagment Behaviors Among Members of Social and Cultural Fraternities and Sororities.” New Mexico Beta Phi Paul Harpole ’73, is the Mayor of Amarillo, Tx. North Carolina State Alpha Omega Smedes York ’60, was recently selected by a panel of his peers as the Triangle Business Jouranl’s 2013 Pillar Award winner. According to Dale Gibson of the same magazine, “Most of all, though, a philosophy of caring for his community exudes as part of this man’s essence. He led the city of Raleigh as mayor, has spearheaded too many community service projects to easily count – all the while doing so with energy and enthusiasm.” Thirty years ago, when plans were first being laid to establish a business journal for this area, Smedes was a financial backer.


spring 2013

North Florida Zeta Nu Christopher Vickers ’05, is a former Number I of Zeta Nu chapter and is currently member of Zeta Nu’s Alumnus Advisory Committee. He is married to Caitlin Vickers and they reside in Jacksonville, Florida. Southern Methodist Beta Lambda Glenn Lewandos ’65, is currently Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, Central Michigan University. Tennessee-Martin Delta Upsilon

Bo Mantooth, Ph.D. ’03 (above), is the new Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life at Indiana State University. Previously, he was at Auburn University as the Associate Director of Greek Life. During his almost six years at Auburn, he earned a Master’s degree and Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration, while working with the IFC leaders and fraternities. He and his wife Loni have a 2-year old boy, Knox. Bo is a former Associate Director for Chapters Services for the National Administrative Office. Texas A&M-Commerce Gamma Upsilon Josh Ragsdale ’99, is currently the Head Football Coach and Athletic Director at W.H. Adamson High School in Dallas, Tx. He was recently selected to be the

Gary Wiser, Jr. '99, center.

of Representatives for District 17.

Alumni News head coach of the “East” for the 2013 North American All-Star Showcase Classic at Pennington Field in Bedford, Tx. featuring Dallas vs. Fort Worth All-Stars. He was recently married in May 2012 to Amber Ragsdale and they have twin 8 year old girls, Natalie and Valerie. Texas State Epsilon Iota Blake Chambers ’02, has launched Upstart Crow Wine. After moving to Napa Valley and having worked at a few small wineries learning as much as he could, he decided to branch off and start his own project. He is on his third vintage and still growing. Cody Ryan Greaney ’03, has turned his hobby, over the last six years, into a career as a Professional Bass Fisherman. When he is not on the water guiding clients or fishing a tournament he is in the studio as host of the number one outdoor radio show in Texas, The Outdoor Zone on ESPN Austin. As an outdoor writer, he is the youngest board member of the Texas Outdoor Writers Association. Cody volunteers his time with the Kids Outdoor Zone and does regular outdoor speaking engagements throughout Texas. Valdosta State Delta Rho Travis Cummins ’92, has been elected to the Florida House of Representatives for District 18. Western Kentucky Epsilon Theta Garry D. Gupton ’81, veteran Louisville broadcaster, has been named by Special Olympics Kentucky as the second president in the program’s 41-year history. Gupton and his family have

Alpha Delta Chapter at William Jewell

Celebrates 125th Anniversary

Active and alumni members and guests gathered at the Marriott Courtyard Briarcliff in Kansas City, Missouri, on January 19, 2013, to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the founding of the Alpha Delta Chapter at William Jewell College, as well as Convivium. The event was emceed by William “Bill” Dillingham (Alpha Delta – William Jewell ’95), and was attended by Knight Commander William E. Dreyer (Alpha Delta – William Jewell ’57), as well as Chief Alumnus Tyler Griffin (Alpha Delta – William Jewell ’98). Other speakers that evening included Robert Steinkamp (Alpha Delta – William Jewell ’64) and Judge Zel Fischer (Alpha Delta – William Jewell ’82) of the Missouri Supreme Court. Over 120 guests attended, and Knight Commander Dreyer presented a Knight Commander’s Accolade to Brother Steinkamp, who has faithfully served Alpha Delta for decades. Other attendees included:

Vance Rule (Alpha Delta – William Jewell ’47), Knight Commander’s Accolade recipient

Eric Long (Alpha Delta – William Jewell ’87), former Editor of The Kappa Alpha Journal

John Truex (Alpha Delta – William Jewell ’42), Knight Commander’s Accolade recipient

Province Commander Dr. James Schmuck (Alpha Eta – Westminster ’69)

Russ Creason (Alpha Delta – William Jewell ’42) Dr. Burnell “Tony” Landers (Alpha Delta – William Jewell ’57)

Executive Director Larry Stanton Wiese Dr. David Sallee, the President of William Jewell College

Knight Commander Dreyer presents Steinkamp with a Knight Commander’s Accolade.

been involved with Special Olympics Kentucky as the parent of an athlete, his son, Grant. Gupton was sports director at WHAS-TV, and then with Fox Sports Network and the University of Kentucky’s Big Blue Network. spring 2013

Westminster Alpha Eta Rob Fasoldt ‘96, has been named to The St. Louis Business Journal’s 2013 class of 40 Under 40 by a panel of 11 judges (previous 40 Under 40 award winners) who 28

The Kappa Alpha Journal

helped read 527 nominations that were submitted this year (a record amount). Rob, featured in the 2012 summer edition of The Journal, is the director of ticket sales and services for the St. Louis Cardinals.

Alumni News

Carolina Beach Music from the 60s to the 80s: The New Wave

Jack Cassady’s the Best of Monday Funnies & More By John R. “Jack” Cassady (Iota – Furman ’59)

By Rick Simmons, Ph.D. (Delta Omicron - Clemson '77)

The Monday Funnies is now in cartoon book form! Jack Cassady’s internet/e-mail feature showcases his own brand of humoresque, which include cartoons, and the daily funny bread of idiotic news, pompous pictures and stuff the world cannot manage to hid from Cassady’s selective eye. It is a classy, artfully done and kookily illustrated compendium of some of the cartoonist/ writer’s best works. His lampoons and remakes of pop culture banalities are, by themselves, a wondrous cure for minds tired of the myopic, unimaginative and superficial. Make no mistake, his humor is a form of serious commentary on what might be ailing western pop-culture. His subject matter, though, runs the gamut of everything under the sun. His chapters will brighten anyone’s day, chase away the doldrums, and provide a spicy breath of fresh air. Be one of those who have discovered the joys of Cassady’s world in the semi-immortal form of print. The cartoons themselves are a collector’s dream. No reader will fail to be a person who has changed for the good, the true, and the beautiful.

Brother Simmons’ fifth book, Carolina Beach Music from the 60s to the 80s: The New Wave, picks up where Carolina Beach Music: The Classic Years left off, covering more of those classic beach music tunes as well as the newer self-aware songs that were the beginning of a new wave of beach music in the late 1970s and early 1980s. This book looks at 80 recordings from the years 1966 through 1982, featuring interviews and insights from the artists who sang them, including Archie Bell, William Bell, Jerry Butler, Clyde Brown of The Drifters, Harry Elston of the Friends of Distinction, Cuba Gooding of The Main Ingredient, John Townsend of The Sanford Townsend Band, Bobbie Smith of The Spinners, Emilio Castillo of Tower of Power, Rob Parissi of Wild Cherry, Ken Knox of The Chairmen of the Board, Jackie Gore, Janice, Roy C. Hammond (“Little Frankie”), Nick Marinelli of Shades of Blue, Clifford Curry, Billy Scott, Charles Pope, Pat Upton, and many, many others. Available at and

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The Kappa Alpha Journal


spring 2013

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On Campus

Editor's Note: Chapter updates are printed if received by the deadline. If your chapter is active and not listed, please contact them to urge them to submit an update for the next issue.

KAs and Raleigh residents Step Out against diabetes

Chapter Spotlight:

Stepping Up and Out for Success Alpha Omega at North Carolina State The Alpha Omega Chapter at North Carolina State University in Raleigh played a pivotal role in the logistics of the 2012 American Diabetes Association Step Out/Walk for Diabetes held in Raleigh on October 20, 2012. Led by Number I Cody Evans, over 20 members of the chapter set up tables, chairs, tents and signs for the event that hosted 144 teams with a total of 1,355 walkers. Alpha Omega donated over 60 man-hours on Friday evening and over 25 hours Saturday morning starting at 6:30 a.m. The event was expected to raise a final total of $230,000 that will go to finding a cure for Type 1, Type 2 and gestational diabetes. Brother Evans of Oxford, N.C. commented that, “We were contacted

by Former Knight Commander David M. “Dink” Warren about assisting with the ADA Walk, and we were very pleased that he thought of us. It was a great brotherhood event, and it allowed us to give back to the community.” Paulette Becoat, Special Event Manager for the ADA, stated that, “Cody and his group were a TREMENDOUS help on Friday and Saturday. I appreciate their patience and hard work. I am proud of what they did for the Step Out/Walk to Stop Diabetes.” Ms. Becoat continued with her recognition of KA’s efforts, “Continue to be strong, dedicated workers of the community. Your work is not in vain. I will never forget what you did for us.” Stewart F. Whetsell, Director of Chapter Services, commented, “We

spring 2013


have certainly been very pleased at the leadership of Cody and his predecessor since Alpha Omega was re-chartered at North Carolina State. They are, no doubt, the example within Smith Providence and Kappa Alpha Order KA’s values of gentility, leadership, service and excellence.” Former Knight Commander David M. Warren, who assisted in the re-chartering of Alpha Omega, stated that “These are the type of men we wanted this chapter to have. Their actions speak for themselves. I am proud of all of them. No one on the ADA Executive Committee could believe that simply asking for help would generate such a response. They do now, and they know it came from Kappa Alpha.”

The Kappa Alpha Journal

On Campus Alabama Alpha Beta Alpha Beta started 2013 with a successful Convivium in New Orleans, along with hosting the Alabama Management Society’s fundraiser for the victims of the Mobile tornado. With our new officers beginning to get a feel for their new roles, our chapter hopes to make big strides this semester, including our involvement on campus and serving our community. Members of our chapter also attended a Greek Leadership Conference to further their leadership skills. – Reid Harvey, V Appalachian State Delta Psi Early in the fall semester of 2012, senior Dillon Horn was diagnosed with nonHodgkin lymphoma. Horn’s father had recently been laid off, which made this bad news even more distressing, due to the fact that his medical insurance was through his father’s job. The brothers stepped in to help out their longtime friend and to ease the financial burden; thus, “Keep Dillon Chillin’” was created. A simple wrist ban, colored red for nonHodgkin lymphoma awareness, was sold to the Appalachian State community. The final result was a check for $2,000 to Dillon and his family, illustrating how much Dillon means to the brothers of the Delta Psi chapter. – William McKinney, V

Austin Peay State Zeta Tau The brothers have been working hard, initiating 10 new members last semester and hoping for more in the spring. Our Convivium was the biggest so far, and we hope to have more people in the future. Thanks to Province Commander Aaron Hunt for attending and speaking at our Convivium. The chapter also held an Operation Crimson Gift blood drive, a huge success with 74 donors. Zeta Tau also had over 1,171 hours of community service this past semester and raised over $5,000 for various philanthropies. –Andrew Franklin, V California Alpha Xi Newly elected Number I, Nils Gilbertson, won a seat in the ASUC student senate. Jimmy Connolly coordinated an on-campus concert with DJ 3lau, selling over 1,000 tickets. Last October, brothers volunteered at the native plant sale in nearby Tilden Park.

The event was hosted by the Friends of the Regional Parks Botanic Garden, a nonprofit organization that aims to educate Bay Area residents about the horticulture and conservation of plant species endemic to California. For their efforts, the chapter received a $500 honorarium. Also last November, the chapter hosted a brother auction, during which ladies of UC Berkeley bid on the fine gentlemen of KA for a date night of their choice. The benefit raised over $700 for MDA. Last spring, Tom Pardini, grandson of former Knight Commander Julian Pardini, graduated with a B.A. in history, while another legacy, Ryan Keane, joined that same semester. Ryan’s father, Bill, and uncles Christopher, Michael, and Bryan, all KAs, graduated from UC Berkeley in 1982, 1986, 1988, and 1996 respectively. –Ryan Keane, V Davidson Sigma After a successful spring start, the chapter recruited 14 members awaiting initiation. With three brothers returning from abroad equipped with experiences to share and a cumulative fall 2012 GPA of 3.20, the chapter also has philanthropic goals for the semester. Michael Sargent and John De Saint Phalle are in the midst of organizing the Davidson College Relay for Life Cancer Run, while Schafer is preparing to host the annual Jay Chitty Memorial Tennis Tournament. Henry Martin is captaining the men’s club lacrosse team for a promising spring season, and James

West Florida: Induction for 17 new members of the Epsilon Sigma Chapter

The Kappa Alpha Journal


spring 2013

Arkansas Provisional (to be restored as Alpha Omicron) The chapter was pleased to host its first philanthropic event since returning to Fayetteville. On November 29th, the entire chapter came together at the University Baptist Church to prepare for our Christmas-themed waffle dinner, open to both the campus and the general public. With the help from some of the sisters of Kappa Delta, holiday decorations were hung about the dining room and a full afternoon of wafflecooking commenced. In our KA Waffle Day for MDA, the chapter raised $1,700 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Not only was the event a philanthropic success, it also was a time of brotherly camaraderie, as all members of the chapter volunteered to make the dinner a memorable one. – Daniel Colosimo, V

Arkansas-Fort Smith Zeta Rho The chapter presented its Humanitarian Award given to “individuals who make a difference” to Janice Beran, First Lady of the University. The presentation, which came during homecoming festivities, was given to the chancellor’s wife because of her support for UAFS and the community as a whole. The award was presented by Number II Kent Elmore, a member of the Chancellor’s Leadership Council.

On Campus Smith is continuing his independent chemistry research on solar cell technology. Stay updated by following our newsletter: Knight’s Notes: Report from the Sigma Chapter. – Henry Martin, V Delta State Delta Beta The brothers, in an effort to help a cousin of alumnus and veteran Nick Belvedresi find a bone marrow donor, held a bone marrow testing rally on the Delta State campus. Using Facebook and other notification methods, the chapter created a rally where testing was performed by simply swabbing the insides of the cheeks of those who were willing to be tested for bone marrow transplant match compatibility. Drury Beta Iota Beta Iota initiated one new member in the spring of 2012 and 13 new members in the fall of 2012, which was the largest new member class in recent years. This past spring was also the first year Beta Iota has taken part in Operation Crimson Gift. We are planning to continue the blood drive this spring and to take part in the MDA Muscle Walk. One fall 2011 initiate was also inducted into Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society as well as Gamma Sigma Alpha Greek honor society. – Trenton Terry, I

Duke Alpha Phi The chapter is enjoying another successful year at Duke University. This fall, we registered a chapter GPA of 3.38, and during our spring recruitment period in January we inducted 28 new members into our chapter and are looking forward to their contributions. –Chris Brown, V East Carolina Gamma Rho The chapter initiated 14 new members in the fall, and had a great alumni turn out at Convivium. A lot of work is being done to the house, where the new member grade point average has increased dramatically from previous years. –Will Walsh, I Elon Epsilon Mu This past fall, the chapter was able very active in the community in raising money for MDA. The Kingpin Bowling event raised $2,250 for MDA with the brothers coaching bowling teams made up of the sororities on the Elon campus. In addition, 19 brothers took part in assisting the local Special Olympics in running the games at a local bowling alley Country Club Lanes. Each brother donated a minimum of 10 hours of their time during the fall semester to help the community. The brothers of the Epsilon Mu ranked third among male organizations on campus with an average GPA of 3.1. We are pleased to be

adding 15 new members this spring and they are all looking forward to learning what it is all about to be a Kappa Alpha Gentleman. –Stephen McDonald, V Emory Epsilon Epsilon brothers traveled to Alpharetta, Georgia on Saturday, November 10, 2012, to volunteer at the 13th Annual Wish for Wendy Softball Challenge benefiting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of Georgia. This year the event drew 24 teams and raised more than $323,000, and Epsilon brothers assisted tournament director and Epsilon advisor, James “Coach” Edlen ‘09, with setup, scorekeeping, and other essential tasks to make the tournament a great success. In other news, William Eye ‘12, is a recipient of the 2012-2013 Robert T. Jones Jr. Scholarship Award for a year of study at the University of St.Andrews in Scotland. Eye is currently representing Emory as an ambassador to St. Andrews and was selected based on his established record of leadership, academic excellence, and interests. Eye joins eight other Epsilon brothers who have received this prestigious award. –Quinton Burks, I George Mason Epsilon Phi With many philanthropy events planned including Relay for Life, blood drives, and fundraisers with local restaurants, we are looking to raise more money this semester than we have any semester before. We are hoping to accomplish this by working with some of the 620 alumni in our area who come from chapters all over the country. spring is looking great as our total GPA is higher than it was last year, and our brotherhood is growing stronger every day. –Paul Bernfeld, V Georgia Gamma After long hours of planning and hard work, our new fire pit and grill area is almost complete. The mothers club has graciously funded the majority of this project, while Mr. Terry Brown, father of Cole and Taylor Brown, donated the funds to provide us with a custom made, eight-foot long, smoker weighing almost one ton! It has been my pleasure

Kentucky: Theta young and old at Convivium.

spring 2013


The Kappa Alpha Journal

On Campus to see this project from the very start, when Jack Quaritius first had the idea of creating this area as a way to unite our chapter of 140 men. We have a great alumni advisor, housing committee, mothers club, and most importantly a group of young guys ready to get involved with Gamma and IFC. This addition to the house will strengthen our alumni weekend and hopefully get some older alumni back in town next fall. –Hamilton Harbin, I Georgia College Epsilon Nu Epsilon Nu has made great progress supported by chapter growth and increased brotherhood. We have initiated 27 new members in the past year and currently have 20 new members. The chapter has used the increased support to upgrade to a larger house. They gentleman of Epsilon Nu are enjoying all the new changes with great socials, involved parent weekends, and increasing alumni support. We look forward to continuing the positive growth. –Benjamin Beall, V Georgia Southern Delta Theta Delta Theta initiated 34 new members into the fall 2012 new member class along with 17 new members into the spring 2013 new member class. After losing a brother of the Delta Theta chapter, Cory Wilson, the brothers and community helped to raise over $4,000 to be given in his honor to brain cancer research and to his family. Delta Theta was above the average GPA for both Georgia Southern and the Order. The chapter home has gone through many renovations and continues to be improved with the help of the alumni housing corporation. The chapter has the largest number of members in its history with 113 members after spring 2013 initiation. –Chaise Joiner, I

chapter helped serve nearly 3600 meals in the fall at the Houston Food Bank and helped with a Thanksgiving food drive. We hosted a crawfish boil benefitting the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Former Number I, Chris Bunda, was named Mr. Alpha Chi Omega as part of the sorority’s philanthropy week and was also elected to the executive committee of the UH’s IFC as Vice President of Recruitment. Florida Beta Zeta The Beta Zeta chapter recently hosted its Convivium at the chapter house with LCDR Jerome (Jay) Cayangyang, USN (Gamma Eta – Florida State ’90) as the speaker. One of the most influential speakers we have had, this Command Chaplain at Mayport Naval Station challenged the brothers to apply Robert E. Lee’s spiritual values to everyday life. Matt Fuqua (Beta Zeta – Florida ’80) was able to coordinate a successful alumni fundraiser, in which over $10,000 was raised. The chapter also hosted its annual Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament, raising over $2,500 for MDA. A number of the brothers also competed in the Delta Zeta Sporting Clays Classic, taking 2nd place overall.

The Kappa Alpha Journal


spring 2013

The chapter initiated 20 new members in the fall, including the special initiate William Evans, brother of Kent Evans (Beta Zeta – Florida State ’79). –Dylan D. Henderson, I Florida Gulf Coast Zeta Pi This fall gave us 15 new members who were initiated on December 2nd. During the week of November 26, we held our largest philanthropy event of the semester, KA Days of Christmas, a fourday event with all of the sororities. It consists of pictures with Santa, a dodge ball competition, and a gingerbread contest, and raised $2,921 for MDA. We donated this money to the Fort Myers MDA Muscle Walk & Ride at Hammond Stadium. Our chapter is rolling on strong with six new officer and chair positions filled. –Bradley Williams, V Florida State Gamma Eta The chapter is currently the fifth largest chapter in the nation, with average new member class sizes continually growing. We are pursuing an increased number of brotherhood events, more university involvement, and increased networking

Houston Provisional (to be restored as Gamma Mu) During the fall 2012 semester, the chapter inducted 12 new members, the largest new member classes on campus. The chapter has also seen success with recruitment in 2013, welcoming 8 new members so far. The

Lousiana-Lafayette: Gamma Phi brothers gather after a KA workday at the chapter house.

On Campus

Missouri Southern State: Receiving Most Outstanding Volunteer Group in the community for helping the Salvation Army with the Joplin Alumni Chapter.

with alumni. We are looking forward to our Second Annual Crimson Cup Golf Tournament in March. Gamma Eta has taken great strides this year to display its prominence in the FSU Greek community. Finally, we would like to congratulate our own Number I Logan Opsahl, for being elected the National Undergraduate Chairman. –Brennan Heintzman, V Francis Marion Delta Tau Delta Tau chapter is in the midst of home renovations, thanks to generous financial donations from alumni and time-intensive labor from active members. The brothers have worked diligently to renovate a bathroom, paint rooms, improve flooring, and add KA paraphernalia throughout the house— including chapter-room plaques noting alumni contributions and scholarly achievements. Many brothers have also assumed campus leadership positions in student government and in charitable

fundraising causes. Cody Simpson, in fact, is student body president and has been elected governor of the South Carolina Student Legislature. Last spring, Delta Tau hosted “Miss Greek,” an on-campus contest that raised money for MDA; the brothers are now organizing the event again for this semester as well as a blood drive in coordination with the American Red Cross. The chapter participated in a campus all-night dance marathon, through which funds were raised for local children with medical needs. -Cody Simpson, V Georgia Tech Alpha Sigma The chapter had 18 young men take bids last fall, and we proudly initiated all of them in November. Many of them are from neighborhoods north of Atlanta, which has encouraged more parental involvement this year. Notable accolades from Alpha Sigma brothers include fall 2010 initiate Taylor LeBlanc, who is

spring 2013


going to South Africa this summer with his campus ministry, Campus Outreach. Several other brothers are also studying abroad this summer with a program in Oxford, England. In addition, the most recent new member education committee was the best in the past five years. –David McCandless, V Hampden-Sydney Alpha Tau After our fall recruitment period Alpha Tau is extremely proud to report a new member class of 17 extraordinary young men. This is a significant increase of new members, double the size of our spring ‘12 class and the largest group since 2008. We’re looking forward to sharing the unique and special tradition of the Kappa Alpha Order with these young men until their initiation into our brotherhood. –Matt Sydnor, I

The Kappa Alpha Journal

On Campus Houston Baptist Delta Sigma In the fall of 2012, members successfully achieved a semester GPA of 3.11, the highest by a fraternity on campus. Delta Sigma was also able to score above the all-men average. In spring of 2013, the Delta Sigma chapter welcomed seven new members who are awaiting initiation. –Chris Pinto, I Indiana State Zeta Iota On December 24, 2010, the chapter lost a much-loved brother, Jacob Hines, in a tragic car accident. At the beginning of the semester our chapter had a bench created and placed at his crash site. It is our duty to keep the bench clean for everyone to see. Our chapter also has begun a great fundraiser for the month of March for MDA. Our goal is to sell 500 paper shamrocks. We also plan to recruit 10 more great gentlemen for the spring semester at Indiana State. –Timothy Prince, V James Madison Zeta Theta The chapter had another successful spring recruitment, inducting 12 new members. Last semester, our Number I Patrick Nicoll was Vice-President of Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society, as well as the Dingledine Scholarship Chairman for the university. Over winter break on December 28, Zeta Theta alumni hosted “A Night to Fight KAncer” in Washington, D.C., a successful event to support the recovery of our two active brothers afflicted with cancer this past fall. They remain in our prayers. The chapter also has a couple of big events planned to raise money for the MDA, including the Fortifier 5K Mud Run and our philanthropy week “Rosebowl,” both in April. –Harrison Land, V

Lamar Gamma Xi Our chapter has been getting more involved on campus. As Number I, I am currently holding a senate position along with the Number VI, Colt Schmidtke. Our Number V, Zack Townley-Smith, is serving in IFC. We put together a special fundraiser for MDA last semester that involved obtaining donations for a brother’s going for the entire month of November without shaving. We called it No Shave November for MDA, and raised a large sum for such a simple fundraiser. –Jacob James, I Louisiana State Alpha Gamma Football tailgates in Baton Rouge for LSU Football home games were definitely the highlight of many family and friends’ game day experience. The chapter had a fall grade point average 2.89, which resulted in an award for improving increase in GPA at the White Province Council. We also initiated 36 new members this fall, and received the Order of Omega Award, which former Number I Jamie Cummins diligently worked for. We have a full schedule coming up with a lot of socials and events, including the St. Patrick’s Day Crawfish boil, the MDA walk on April 6, and the Old South Celebration April 23-27. –Jon Mark Shepard, V Louisiana-Lafayette Gamma Phi This semester, many KA gentlemen are holding high positions of leadership on campus. On the IFC, our Number II is the Vice-President of Recruitment and our Number IV is the treasurer. Also, our Number V is the Community Service Chairman for Greek Council. Additionally, there has been a renewal and reconstruction of our committee system as well as our scholarship program to aid in the cultivation of KA’s future leaders. –Timothy Gaspard, V

The Kappa Alpha Journal


spring 2013

Louisiana-Monroe Gamma Nu This year at Convivium, alumni Adam Elam and Ryan Richardson presented a framed photo of Gamma Nu’s restoration banquet to the Number I, Corey Reece, on behalf of all former Number I’s since Gamma Nu’s return to campus in 2007. The chapter also initiated 20 new brothers into our order this past November after getting 100% bid acceptance, and ranked second overall in all men’s fraternity GPA with a 3.05. Since the spring semester has begun we have participated in two philanthropy events: KA’s Queso for a Cause, where we teamed with El Chile Verde restaurant to raise $500 dollars for MDA, and we also worked security for the annual Mardi Gras PAWS Pet Parade. We had five members attend Province Council where we received an academic excellence award. And this past spring at our Old South Ball, Thomas Sanders asked his longtime girlfriend and current Rose Court member Alexandra Johnson to marry him. –Corey Reece, I Maryland Beta Kappa Over 2,000 students, faculty, and family attended the 4th annual “Breastfest of Champions” hosted by the chapter on October 11th of this year. The “Breastfest of Champions” was started four years ago to raise awareness of breast cancer and to raise money to find a cure for breast cancer. Number I Gregory Waterworth, and the Breastfest co-chairs Mark Gyorfy and Patrick Carrigan organized this year’s event. This year’s record-breaking event raised over $36,600 through the chapter’s letter writing campaign, 36 sorority and fraternity sponsorships including the IFC, and 14 business sponsorships including Pepsi, Southern Tide, and Bobby’s Burger Palace. All proceeds from the event are donated to Hearts for Cancer, an organization created by an alumnus’ family after experiencing the loss of a loved one due to breast cancer. The chapter is also excited to invite alumni to Alumni Weekend on April 5-6, where we will be hosting a BBQ Friday evening and a golf tournament the following Saturday. –Taylor Blum, V

Kentucky Theta In honor of our spiritual founder Robert Edward Lee, brothers gathered in Lexington, Kentucky to celebrate his birth and the birth of the Order. Together we raised our glasses of water high in remembrance of the values and traditions set forth by Robert E. Lee. From Alpha chapter to Zeta Upsilon chapter, and all the chapters in between,

we share the bond of brotherhood and traits of a gentleman instilled in each one of us to this day and for all the days to come. “We have but one rule here, and it is that every student must be a gentleman.” –Ryan Mann, V

On Campus

Louisana-Monroe: Former Number Is Adam Elam and Ryan Richardson present Corey Reece (current Number I) with photo of the Restoration Banquet of Gamma Nu in 2007.

Miami Epsilon Lambda The chapter had a very successful 2013 recruitment and celebrated our new member class with Convivium on February 2nd. Province Council was also a great success for the Epsilon Lambda chapter, collecting awards in academics, project outreach and manmiles, and a Samuel Zenas Ammen award. Lastly, we are currently planning our annual service trip to Nicaragua this coming May. –Tony Hausfeld, V Midwestern State Provisional (to be restored as Gamma Omega) KA is back at Midwestern State! This past November we began our restoration as a provisional chapter. We are working hard to get chartered as soon as possible and we have already started with our recruitment events for the spring recruitment. Our first event for the spring semester was held at the IFC house for the Super Bowl, where a good group of recruits joined us. This semester we will be participating in a 5k run/walk put together by MDA and we are also volunteering to help in an event called Wicked Weather Weekend,

a major fundraiser for Interfaith Ministries Inc. to promote education and awareness about severe weather and recovery after severe weather. We are all excited to bring back this legacy to Midwestern State and the alumni are as excited as we are, and are going to help us become the best fraternity on campus once again. –Eduardo Zuelta, II Millsaps Alpha Mu We initiated 16 new members in 2012, and are working diligently for an Ammen in 2013. Also we are looking forward to a strong class of new members next fall. –William Chenoweth, IV Mississippi Alpha Upsilon The chapter hosted a very successful philanthropy golf tournament, the Kappa Alpha Classic, to raise money for the Kelly Kelly Willbanks Scholarship Fund at the University of Mississippi. The scholarship fund was created in remembrance of three gentlemen Alpha Upsilon lost in a car crash on their way to church with their new member class. Alpha Upsilon is also proud to spring 2013


have recruited 98 members during fall recruitment this year with a 95% bid return rate. As we continue to grow, our involvement in on-campus activities has risen. Alpha Upsilon now has members involved in everything from chemistry honors societies to the Ole Miss baseball team. –Sean Doran, V Missouri Alpha Kappa The chapter held its successful Convivium on February 1, 2013 at the University Club in Columbia, Missouri. The highlight of the night was when Knight Commander William E. Dreyer unveiled and presented Former Knight Commander Jack Taylor with his oil portrait to be hung at Mulberry Hill. Province Commander Jim Schmuck delivered the Samuel Zenas Ammen toast, and Lt. Col. Rob Boone delivered the Robert E. Lee toast. The chapter will also be participating in the MDA Muscle Walk in Columbia on March 9. In addition, the men of Alpha Kappa will be hosting the “Bump, Set, Spike Away MDA with the Men of KA” volleyball tournament this spring. –Tim Rodriguez, IV

The Kappa Alpha Journal

On Campus Missouri S&T Beta Alpha Thanks to the push for academic as well as philanthropic efforts, the chapter was able to win its eighth George C. Marshall award. In order to win this most prestigious award, the chapter achieved a GPA of 3.10 and was ranked third academically against 18 of the IFC registered fraternities at Missouri University of Science and Technology. Throughout February, Beta Alpha sold shamrocks for MDA in our local community as we led up to our St. Pats Celebration. After initiating 13 new members into our order last semester, most of them are now in charge of a committee or involved in extracurricular clubs and activities. After attending our Province Council, we have decided to implement a standards board to hold our members accountable to a higher standard. –Bryan Schueddig, V Missouri Southern State Delta Pi Recruitment this spring was the most successful in two years, with eight gentlemen being inducted. Delta Pi also participated in MLK day in January, helping Project Rebuild Joplin to build a house for a family affected by the Joplin tornado. Delta Pi has partnered with the Joplin Area Alumni Chapter in helping the Salvation Army in the community every Christmas for years, packing canned goods and toys for needy families, receiving the award for the Most Outstanding Volunteer Group. In December 2012, Delta Pi helped with Operation Fairy Godmother, which provides prom dresses to girls who can’t afford them. Delta Pi helped to move over 3,000 dresses and pairs of shoes from the basement of a bank to a storage facility until they could be sent out to girls in the community. –Omar Trenche, V

Nicholls State Epsilon Beta Epsilon Beta started the spring semester by sending seven of our active brothers to Province Council. Several of our brothers will be participating in the MDA Muscle Walk in March as well as others being volunteer counselors at MDA camp this summer. In addition, our chapter’s GPA is above the national expectation and this semester we are working to continue on scholastic improvements and recruiting good men for our Order. –Rusty Bruce, V North Carolina Upsilon This fall the chapter initiated 13 new brothers, the largest class of initiates we have had in over a decade. The brothers are as engaged in community service as they have ever been, volunteering with numerous organizations and acting in positions of leadership ranging from serving as a basketball coach for the local middle school to serving as an assistant scoutmaster for a local Boy Scout troop. Regarding academics, the chapter obtained the second highest GPA of all IFC chapters at UNC – Chapel Hill. This February, Upsilon held Convivium at the Carolina Inn with great success and enjoyed the presence of numerous alumni at the event. –Garrett Jacobs, V North Carolina State Alpha Omega The chapter recently adopted a stretch of highway just outside of Raleigh, and came together to spend a Saturday afternoon making sure that this stretch of highway was clean. Not only did the brothers enjoy cleaning up the environment but used this time to further increase the brotherhood at NCSU, enjoying the company of one another while helping out in the community. –Christopher Clark, III

The Kappa Alpha Journal


spring 2013

North Carolina-Charlotte Epsilon Xi Fall 2012 was a very successful semester, with our members very active in recruiting and inducting 18 new members. Many of our rising undergraduate members attended Emerging Leaders Academy and are now serving on our executive board to implement what was learned over the summer. Our chapter was third in grades among the IFC and we are working hard towards earning the number one position. Brothers also volunteered time towards the campaigns of Congressmen Robert Pittenger (Omicron – Texas ‘XX) and former Number I Richard Hudson (Epsilon Xi – North Carolina-Charlotte ’90) on election day in November. We are looking forward to the spring semester, and to our annual Operation Crimson Gift Blood Drive and MDA Muscle Walk at Charlotte Motor Speedway. –Kevin Wilkinson, V North Texas Gamma Lambda Through many events, we raised $3,000 to benefit MDA. We also participated in Kappa Kappa Gamma’s Kolor Run, which benefitted Beka Gaston, one of their sisters who was battling cancer. Alongside the Kolor Run, the brothers also held a BBQ fundraiser at our house

Presbyterian: Beta Pi former Number I Cameron Lawson is serving as Chairman of the College's Honor Council.

Newberry Delta Epsilon The chapter inducted an all-campus best 13 new members. These included lettermen on varsity sports teams of football, soccer, cross country, wrestling and golf, as well as officers from other student organizations. The chapter plans to continue strategically recruit new members and extend bids throughout

the semester. here are plans to hold two fundraisers for the Muscular Dystrophy Association this year and to participate in the College’s Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Breakfast. More than 20 brothers also attended Graves Province Council in Spartanburg.

On Campus for Beka, which raised over $200 for her and her family. This last fall some brothers participated in the Red Bull Soap Box Derby DFW 2012. Thousands of people watched as our team “The Oregon Trail” was victorious. Gamma Lambda inducted seven new members this spring and we are excited to guide and lead these fine gentlemen in developing the values of KA. –John Burkhardt, II Oklahoma Beta Eta Being the first fraternity in the state of Oklahoma (older than the state itself!), we have a long and rich history, and this year we have significantly improved in many areas, including with our alumni relations, our Greek relations, our campus involvement, and our recruitment program. This semester we held our Convivium celebration and we’re focusing very hard on our community service. Lastly, this spring we signed more new members than almost any other chapter on campus. We are also really excited to have Rich O’Toole, (Epsilon Delta – Texas A&M ‘02), performing this spring. –Joseph Haydock, V

Presbyterian Beta Pi Cameron Lawson has served as both Number I and Number V. Now, in his final year at Presbyterian College, he is serving as Chairman of the Honor Council. Dedicated to integrity and the pursuit of truth and honor in the building of community, Lawson works diligently to strengthen and maintain an honor code that has been in effect at the college for the past 98 years. –Peter Heitman, V Princeton Zeta Beta The chapter continues to discuss and combat the recent freshman recruitment ban enacted by the Princeton administration with public opinion polls, student newspaper stories, and requests to college deans to keep the dialogue open. We are confident that with the retirement of the current president at the end of this year, there may be the opportunity for gains to be made. Zeta Beta was still able to recruit a good group of sophomores who slipped through the cracks last year, and we are very confident in our prospects for recruiting a great class of sophomores next year. –William Hicks, I

Randolph-Macon Zeta The chapter is proud of its achievements inside and outside of the classroom. We have completed community service hours by cleaning up and performing maintenance on the highway road our chapter sponsors, and a number of brothers recently volunteered at The Tad DuPriest Foundation’s annual Pig and Oyster Roast. Charlie Brooks, Jack Miller, and Sonny Murphy hold positions on the school’s IFC. Our chapter also consists of seven members of varsity sports teams and others in various leadership positions on campus. –Christopher Leggett, V Richmond Eta The brothers were happy to induct 21 new members into our fraternity and welcome back the many returning from studying abroad this past semester. This fall, we donated almost 100 units of blood through Operation Crimson Gift and look forward to besting that number in the spring. Brothers also continue to work hard in the classroom and now boast one of the highest GPAs in the Order. –William Cook, I

Stephen F. Austin State: Delta Kappa brothers helping unload a truckload of pumpkins for community service.

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The Kappa Alpha Journal

On Campus Operation Christmas Child, was covered in a front-page story in the Sewanee newspaper. Alpha Alpha added 20 new members this spring. –Tyler Servant, V

Texas-Arlington: UTA Provisional Chapter is recruiting, growing and looking to restore their charter.

Roanoke Beta Rho Brendan Horgan, was elected as IFC President and Rob Altier, was elected IFC Treasurer. Connor Toomey, has helped launch an honor society geared towards collegiate students who exemplified exceptional leadership qualities. Currently two brothers serve on the executive board of the National Society of Leadership and Success: Pat Cummings is vice-president and Nicholas Roch is the fundraising chairman. Tyler Poindexter is an active member of RC Electric, whose primary goal is to build an entirely electric car, and is spearheading proposals to partner with General Motors and Wells Fargo. Christopher Evans was awarded for highest GPA for new members, and Christopher Barnett, is a candidate for the Marine Corps Officer Candidate School. –Nicholas J. Roch, V

South Carolina Rho Academically, Alpha Alpha has continued a tradition of excellence by achieving a fall GPA of 3.14, giving KA the third highest GPA of Sewanee’s 12 fraternities. Additionally, 10 members were inducted into the University’s academic honor society. Alpha Alpha dominated athletically this fall, and senior Murphy Walters received all conference honors in football while new member Ford Emerson received all conference honors in soccer. The chapter partnered with Sewanee’s community service fraternity in raising money and assembling goods for

The Kappa Alpha Journal


spring 2013

Southern Methodist Beta Lambda Beta Lambda had a blood drive on November 9, 2012 with the American Red Cross. We had 19 total donors, 14 of whom were brothers. We proudly initiated three men this fall semester, and Beta Lambda had a successful recruitment week and gained 22 members awaiting initiation. This puts the chapter’s total membership at 67. We are very pleased with this steady growth during our rebuilding process. –Oliver Ray, V Stanford Alpha Pi The brothers hosted Kickball Classic, our fundraiser for MDA that consists of students all over campus coming together for an awesome kickball tournament and some food under the beautiful California sun. Additionally, we have celebrated the fact that one of our brothers, Adam Jahn, was drafted

San Diego State Provisional (to be restored as Gamma Iota) Kappa Alpha Order is returning to campus this spring. As of publication, recruitment and initial organization is ongoing. However, members of the national staff along with local alumni expect great things from the gentlemen of the future SDSU Provisional Chapter as they begin work toward the restoration of the Gamma Iota charter.

University of the South Alpha Alpha Academically, Alpha Alpha has continued a tradition of excellence by achieving a fall GPA of 3.14, giving KA the third highest GPA of Sewanee’s 12 fraternities. Additionally, 10 members were inducted into the University’s academic honor society. Alpha Alpha dominated athletically this fall, and senior Murphy Walters received all conference honors in football while new member Ford Emerson received all conference honors in soccer. The chapter partnered with Sewanee’s community service fraternity in raising money and assembling goods for Operation Christmas Child, was covered in a front-page story in the Sewanee newspaper. Alpha Alpha added 20 new members this spring. –Warren Snead, V

Southeastern Louisiana Epsilon Kappa We started off the fall semester by awarding inductee Landon Billings our first Epsilon Kappa Gentleman’s Scholarship of five hundred dollars. Every fall semester Southeastern celebrates homecoming week by hosting numerous school spirited events. This year the gentlemen of Epsilon Kappa had the pleasure of teaming up with the lovely ladies of Alpha Omicron Pi, and after an exciting week the members we were declared the winners of the competition. C.J. McLennan also held an event this fall that helped the chapter raise $2,300 for MDA. To finish off the semester Epsilon Kappa initiated 14 new members and two active members’ fathers. New member Jeremiah Eisenhardt was elected as first vice president of IFC. Epsilon Kappa also earned the title of Intramural Football Champions. Ending the semester with a 2.88 GPA, Epsilon Kappa is looking forward to this upcoming spring. –Christian Thompson, V

On Campus basically showcases the new potentials for each fraternity by allowing them to run out of Patten Chapel to their fraternity. They have two shirts on, a white shirt and a fraternity recruitment shirt. They rip off the white shirt and then run to their perspective fraternity. We then proceed to throw them in the air three times. This was a great event for our newly chartered chapter. –Christopher Stiner, V

Westminster: Alpha Eta chapter brothers, new members, and their Rose, after their recent induction ceremony.

by the San Jose Earthquakes with their first pick in the supplemental draft, which makes Jahn one of many Alpha Pi’s playing a sport professionally. We continue to be extremely active in the community, with commitments ranging from intramural sports to community service, and we continue to strive for academic excellence. –Connor Barnett, I Stephen F. Austin State Delta Kappa In the past year our chapter has had a number of local community service projects. We held an Easter Egg Hunt for the local kids with Alpha Chi Omega, and helped unload a truckload of pumpkins. We also held a car wash with Alpha Chi Omega to raise money for the 1 Million 4 Anna Foundation, and rang the bell for a Salvation Army donation bucket on campus. This past fall we initiated 17 new gentlemen into the Order, and we just inducted seven new gentlemen as members awaiting initiation. –Matthew Dausy, V

into our brand-new $2.4 million house, and in April we will conduct a house dedication with alumni. In a letterwriting campaign, we raised more than $7,000 for MDA, the most in Pi chapter’s history. The chapter currently stands at more than 50 active members, who participated in multiple philanthropy events for Second Harvest Food Bank. Additionally, Pi chapter participated in clean-up projects at a local church, where we attend service as a chapter a couple of times each semester and conduct our initiation. Brothers have also taken active roles on campus and in the community, such as YoungLife and the campus newspaper. Our Number I attended an IFC and Pan-Hellenic Presidents Retreat in January, and also attended a Greek Leadership Institute retreat in February, along with our two committee chairmen. We celebrated Convivium in early February with a gentleman’s dinner, and we’re excited to be hosting Feller Province Council in Knoxville, which will include a model initiation in the Scottish Rite Temple. –Peter Murray, V

Tennessee Pi In the fall 2012 semester, 26 brothers were initiated and we signed four gentlemen in the spring 2013 recruitment process, who will be initiated in early March. We also moved

Tennessee-Chattanooga Zeta Upsilon At the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga we have a long standing tradition for Greek life. At the end of each recruitment week, we have “Running out the Doors.” This event

spring 2013


Texas A&M Epsilon Delta The chapter recruited a fall new member class of 28 gentlemen who are eager to become leaders. Our Number I is running for student body president so the chapter is currently assisting with his campaign. We have three KAs on the IFC executive council and many more involved in various IFC programs. Epsilon Delta raised roughly $6,000 for MDA last spring, and we are looking to build upon this with our annual Southern Shootout philanthropy this April. One a alumni works for an organization called Campus Crusade and he began a KA Bible study that allows us to further grow as brothers through our faith. The chapter, unfortunately, lost a great brother and friend in the fall so we are in the early stages of creating a softball tournament in his honor. Overall, the morale of the chapter is positive and we are constantly looking for ways to improve ourselves as well as to contribute to the surrounding community. –Matthew Hanratty, V Texas A&M-Commerce Gamma Upsilon This past semester we proudly initiated eight new brothers into the Order. The chapter remained on top of intramurals as Ultimate Frisbee champions. In addition, our mud volleyball tournament had a great turnout while generating awareness and funds for MDA, and this spring Gamma Upsilon will host Operation Crimson Gift at the chapter house to give back to the community. We are in the heat of recruitment and look forward to inducting new members soon. Our Number II was recently elected as the vice-president of IFC, and the chapter is gearing up for a packed Old South week that will include Convivium, Airband philanthropy, and

The Kappa Alpha Journal

On Campus a crawfish boil. We hope to see a large number of alumni brothers return to the house that week. –Stephen Ford, I Texas-Arlington Provisional (to be restored as Delta Iota) The brothers are looking to double their numbers during this spring’s recruitment week. Every brother has stepped up to meet new people and seek out only the finest gentlemen. In addition to recruitment efforts, the chapter has held several brotherhood events and mixers. In addition to planning more activities for the spring, the chapter has big plans to help raise money for MDA by partnering with local businesses to sell shamrocks and by participating in a Walk-a-Thon. The brothers look forward to a chartering date later this spring. –Braden Walters Texas Tech Gamma Chi Gamma Chi concluded 2012 by celebrating our 50th anniversary as a chapter, electing Andrew Whitley Homecoming King of Texas Tech, and initiating 30 new members. We inducted six new members this spring, including a legacy and member of the Red Raider football team. Convivium was a success as we hosted more than 120 guests including Former Knight Commanders J. Michael Duncan, Dr. Idris Traylor, and Ben Satcher. Dustin Burrows, who served as emcee is also leading the new Lubbock Alumni Association. The chapter will be sending several members to both province council and Convention in an effort to acquaint us with brothers from around the country. We will hold a summer river trip in July on the Blanco River in New Braunfels, Texas for recruitment and summer brotherhood. –Jimmy Sias, V

MDA. Mu chapter hopes to carry this momentum into the spring semester, continuing to be the top house on Tulsa’s campus. –Brady Pierce, V

Transylvania Alpha Theta The chapter has had an excellent year that began with recruitment. Twentyone members were initiated into the Order, and many from this class are competing in sports that include tennis, golf, soccer and lacrosse. These men have increased membership by over a third, and their involvement in the campus community will ensure Alpha Theta’s place as one of top organizations on campus. Alpha Theta members are also involved in student government and are a commanding presence on our IFC. –Chase Asher

Valdosta State Delta Rho Members of our chapter have logged over 130 hours of community service within the first month of the spring semester through local organizations such as Habitat for Humanity and Second Harvest Food Bank. We recently hosted a can food drive with the Phi Mu, called the KA/Phi Mu Healthy Heart Walk, and were able to raise 274 pounds of food, which translates into over 180 meals. These goods were donated to our local food bank, Second Harvest. Our chapter has plans for a blood drive with Chi Omega, a skeet shoot, and a 5K road-race later this semester. Our chapter started the James Eunice Legacy 5K back in spring 2012 and has the date set to host it again in April. This run is a philanthropic event held in memory of a local boy who passed away in 2010. The proceeds from the run go to benefit the James Eunice Scholarship Foundation. Recently, we were given the opportunity to host a spirit day fundraiser with a local food franchise called Barberitos. A portion of the day’s profits went to help us pay for renovations to our house. –Blaine Hendon, I

Tulane Psi After nearly five years without a functioning chapter house, the “KA mansion” finished construction in late spring last year. Fundraisers helped to restart construction and the house opened its doors to summer tenants in May. This past fall Psi chapter enjoyed its first full semester with the house, and chapter members quickly hosted social and recruitment events, and weekly meetings. We received two IFC awards for the 2012 academic year: the Outstanding Risk Management Award and the Outstanding Chapter award. In addition to these honors, Psi chapter also scored the highest GPA in White Province and was recognized for its accomplishment at Province Council. Psi chapter gave out 18 bids this year to new members this spring, with a 100% acceptance rate. The brothers are looking forward to what’s coming up this semester, including Mardi Gras, mixers, new member education, and a philanthropy crawfish boil for MDA. –Coleman Torrnas, V Tulsa Mu The chapter enjoyed another incredible fall semester. Highlights include: overall 3.2 GPA, initiation of 14 men including a new faculty advisor (Dean Adrian Alexander), and a successful Old South week, which raised over $1,000 for

The Kappa Alpha Journal


spring 2013

Virginia Lambda The chapter continues to grow this spring and is excited to welcome 14 new members to its ranks. We’d also like to congratulate third-year Michael Robertson, initiated 2011, who was recently elected IFC Vice President of Membership, as well as wish third-year Keegan Flynn, initiated 2011, the best of luck this semester as he travels the globe with the Semester at Sea program. The chapter looks forward to our annual Malette-Love Lacrosse Tournament this April, benefiting the One Love Foundation, and we invite all alumni brothers to come watch or be a part of the event. –Oliver Engebretson, I

Texas Wesleyan Zeta Xi Last semester we initiated 9 new members, the largest since our chapter’s chartering. Meanwhile two of our brothers spent the past semester away; Justin Mikulencak was in England studying religion at Oxford, and Garry Jones was in Ohio working for President Obama’s campaign. We ended the semester with a chapter GPA of

3.01. The chapter is also doing better financially than at any other time in our existence. In addition, we are planning some large philanthropy events this semester to continue the momentum.

On Campus Virginia Tech Epsilon Eta The brothers helped radio station K-92 raise money for MDA, and not only did Epsilon Eta raise money for our nation philanthropy, we also raised awareness and money for numerous sororities’ philanthropies, including those of Sigma Kappa, Tri Delta and Alpha Delta Pi. The brothers also served the community during the semester by participating in “Greeks Giving Back.” One of the highlights of the semester was the New River Alumni Chapter/ Epsilon Eta tailgate hosted by Jim Cochrane before the UVA-VT game. The chapter expanded its ranks by initiating six brothers during this time frame.We recently created an Alumni Housing Committee to raise funds for a new house Also, we recently had multiple brothers receive commissions to be officers in the Navy, something we are very proud of. –Kevin Bennett, V Virginia Wesleyan Epsilon Omicron The recently initiated a large new member class last semester, doubling the size of our chapter and maintaining the status of the largest fraternity on campus. We also managed to hit our goal for Operation Crimson Gift and hope to continue this achievement this and into future semesters. We had many brotherhood events including a hunting trip to Lexington, Virginia,

and are planning to have many more brotherhood events and socials this semester. We have also instituted a new recruitment structure and hope to attract many more potential brothers. –Edmond Li, V Wake Forest Tau We remain campus leaders, with 81% involvement in one student organization and 66% involvement in at least two. Our fall GPA legitimized our progress and our continued focus on academic achievement, improving from a 2.9 to a 3.15. We’re working closely with our newly-formed AAC focusing on alumni participation. We proudly raised $20,100 for MDA, leading all chapters nationally. We also partnered with the Piedmont Triad Down Syndrome Support Network (PTDSSN), volunteering as event coordinators for their annual buddy walk. We’re proudly welcoming 15 new members. Expected highlights from the upcoming semester include growing our partnerships with PTDSSN and MDA, sponsoring a popular tie-dye event to promote inclusivity on our diverse campus, and developing our new partnership with “Take the Fight,” a cancer foundation that revolutionizes the cancer treatment process. We will continue to cement ourselves on campus and in the community by embodying KA’s values, which are, and will always be the foundation of Tau chapter.

Washington Zeta Mu The chapter welcomed eight new brothers this past fall, the second largest new member class to date for them. They also have a new set of officers, including a new president, who has plans for fundraising and membership growth. Just this past January, the men went to Schweitzer Mountain for a brotherhood trip and connected better as a chapter. Holding it down in the Pacific Northwest, this chapter has put a stamp in the Washington Greek community with their personality. –Randy Ford, V Washington & Lee Alpha The brothers have had a great start so far to the New Year. We have recently welcomed a strong group of 10 new members into our halls that hail from all across the country. Academically, Alpha members have performed quite well, achieving a 3.287 GPA as a chapter. The house underwent some minor renovations over the holidays, and we are happy to say that we have installed a new gas fireplace in the common room. We are also sponsoring an MDA Muscle Walk in Roanoke on April 14, with our fundraising goal as a chapter set at $7,000. –John Straton, V Washington College Beta Omega The brothers are happy to welcome two newly initiated men from the fall class. Last semester our previous Number II was elected as student government president, and our newly elected Number I was appointed captain of the swimming team. This past semester many alumni came back for a golf tournament to support one of their brothers who had recently passed, and it was nice for the actives to connect with brothers who were initiated so long ago. The semester ended with our annual winter formal. We are looking forward to our annual Car Bash for MDA this spring, and to our annual Final Exam Concert for the campus. –Colin Rainey, V

Midwestern State: MSU provisional chapter members and Gamma Omega Alumni gather at the first induction of the new iteration of the chapter.

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The Kappa Alpha Journal

On Campus West Florida Epsilon Sigma The chapter had a successful fall recruitment, extending 18 bids to gentlemen with 100 percent bid acceptance and initiating 17 new members, making us the largest fraternity on campus. This past semester led to a great campus presence at UWF, including the homecoming float parade, participation in intramural and clubs, and volunteering their time. This spring we are preparing for a blood drive, Miss Magnolia, and our annual MDA golf tournament. We greatly appreciate the support of our Alumnus Advisor Len Register, former state attorney, and Gentry McCreary, our Faculty Advisor on campus. –Sean Ashley, V –Connor Barnett, I West Texas A&M Gamma Sigma James Philip Bell received the honor of being on the President’s list for the fall 2012 semester. The President’s list recognizes students who achieved a 4.0 GPA at West Texas A&M University. James was invited to WTA&M President J. Patrick O’Brien’s home, where he proudly represented his KA letters to the faculty. –James Bell, IV West Virginia Wesleyan Beta Chi In the past year, Beta Chi has seen college athletic success with numerous members participating in football, track and field and soccer. Also Beta Chi has been helping out in the community by donating time and items to the local clothes shelter. –Andrew Spate, I

Western Kentucky Epsilon Theta Our fall 2012 semester ended with 17 brothers being initiated into our chapter, and three are already holding officer positions. Great contributions were made to our community with several volunteer opportunities, our biggest being a turkey donation to the less fortunate for Thanksgiving. For the spring 2013 semester, seven bids were given out to true gentlemen, including two legacies, and these men have been inducted into our chapter. Preparations for Old South Week are well underway and we are hoping to raise a good amount of money for MDA throughout. Many of our brothers celebrated the founding of our Order and the birth of Robert E. Lee with Convivium. –Jordan Nushart, V Westminster Alpha Eta The brothers have been hard at work this past semester, both in the classroom and out. Apart from attaining an admirable active GPA of 3.39, nine of our brothers greatly contributed to this accolade by achieving grade point averages of 4.0. Alpha Eta also sponsored a campus-wide event on anti-hazing. The gentlemen are proud for bringing home a multitude of awards at Province Council, including the Samuel Zenas Ammen Award for Chapter Excellence. We continue to help the community through our Brothers for Others service project, along with a variety of other activities. Alpha Eta also has members in leadership roles in prestigious organizations on campus, such as IFC, Student Ambassadors, and the Blue Blazers investment committee. Along with these organizations, our members also make up a significant portion of our Westminster athletic teams, some of whom are captains. –Andrew Lock, I

The Kappa Alpha Journal


spring 2013

William Jewell Alpha Delta The William Jewell student senate awarded Tyler Bullis with its Colonel Alexander Doniphan Award, named for one of the founders of the college. This recognition of excellence in leadership, academics and more, is basically a “most likely to succeed” award.

Western Carolina Delta Alpha Delta Alpha chapter is preparing to celebrate 50 years of brotherhood in October of 2014, and plans are already underway to create an event for over 700 initiated members. Recently the chapter has participated in several community service opportunities offered through the university, and we are currently preparing to co-sponsor a blood drive with another Greek campus organization

and preparing for our 4th Annual Allen Brisson Memorial Cornhole Tournament for MDA. For the spring 2013 semester, the chapter has recruited the largest number of inductees in three years. –Philip Thomas, V

Sports Page

NIC 2012 All-Fraternity All-American Football Teams

NCAA Division I FBS & FCS First Team Brian Moore (Alpha Phi – Duke ’09) Center

KA’s Lead the Way

Alex King (Alpha Phi – Duke ’09) Punter *transferred to play for the University of Texas Longhorns

Division I FBS/FCS Offense Honorable Mention

Alex Evans (Alpha – Washington & Lee ’11) Receiver Justin Grahl (Alpha Eta – Westminster ’10) Receiver Sam Vermillyea (Phi – Birmingham-Southern ’11) Receiver Scot Tipton (Alpha Delta – William Jewell ’10) Tackle/Guard Will Kent (Delta Beta Delta State ’11) Center

Compiled by Jay Langhammer

Kaleb Griffin (Beta Pi – Presbyterian ‘12) Quarterback

The North-American Interfraternity Conference

Will King (Iota – Furman ’09) Receiver

recently made selections for the 2012 All-

Sean Cascarano (Lambda – Virginia ’10) Tackle/Guard

NCAA Divisions ii/iii & NAIA Defense Honorable Mention

Andrew Ratliff (Delta Kappa – Stephen F. Austin ’11) Tackle/Guard

Tyler Owen (Alpha Delta – William Jewell ’10) Lineman

Division I FBS/FCS Honorable Mention Coaches

Michael Unholz (Alpha – Washington & Lee ‘11) Lineman

Below are the KAs on the list!

Dick Biddle (Alpha Phi – Duke ’69) Head Coach at Colgate

Stephen Ford (Gamma Upsilon – Texas A&M-Commerce ’12) Linebacker

Nominations were submitted by fraternity headquarters, Greek advisors,sports information staffs at schools and by interested individuals.

Will Muschamp (Gamma – Georgia ’92) Head Coach at Florida

Jack Bissonnette (Alpha Delta – William Jewell ’11) Back

NCAA Divisions II/IIINAIA First Team

Brett Carrigan (Alpha Eta – Westminster ’12) Back

Luke Heinsohn (Alpha – Washington & Lee ’10) Running Back

Peter Partee (Alpha – Washington & Lee ’11) Back

Fraternity All-American Football Teams. Included among the lists are honorees such as Gagliardi Trophy finalist and top college scorer Luke Heinsohn (Alpha – Washington & Lee ’10).


Jake Pelton (Alpha – Washington & Lee ’10) Back

NCAA Divisions II/III Offense Honorable Mention Nick Lombardo (Alpha – Washington & Lee ’11) Quarterback Sean Shelton (Alpha Delta – William Jewell ’10) Quarterback

spring 2013


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Andrew Spate (Beta Chi - West Virginia Wesleyan ’11) Center

Murphy Walters (Alpha Alpha – Univ. of the South ’10) Back

NCAA Divisions ii/ iii & NAIA Honorable Mention Specialists Warren Frevert (Alpha Delta – William Jewell ’11) Kicker Cody Parker (Beta Delta – Georgetown ’11) Punter

Sports Page

Fall Sports Review FOOTBALL Clemson – Delta Omicron (Chick-fil-a Bowl) Spencer Benton ’08, kicker ACC record with a 61-yard field goal 65 kickoffs, 30 touchbacks 42 punts, 38.6 average, best of 58 yards Donny McElveen ’10, quarterback Mississippi – Alpha Upsilon (BBVA Compass Bowl) Nathan Noble, kicker 27 kickoffs, 63.6 average 11 touchbacks, five games Virginia – Lambda Sean Cascarano ’10, offensive guard Started every game Georgia Tech – Alpha Sigma (Sun Bowl) Justin Moore ’10, kicker Four kickoffs 59.6 average Two field goals Paul Johnson (Delta Alpha Western Carolina ’77) Head coach Duke – Alpha Phi (Belk Bowl) Brian Moore ’12, center John Coleman ’12, offensive guard Texas Tech – Gamma Chi (Meineke Car Care Bowl)

by Jay Langhammer

Cameron Mason ’10, tight end 10 games, starting two Kevin Allman ’10, receiver 10 games

Ran for 1,253 yards on 183 carries W&L’s career rushing leader with 3,517 yards W&L’s career scoring leader 344 points

Joey Nesley ’12, offensive lineman Carson Parker ’10, wide receiver Appalachian State – Delta Psi (FCS playoffs) Will Smith ’12, linebacker 5 games Presbyterian – Beta Pi Kaleb Griffin, quarterback 117 of 200 for 1,074 yards and six TDs John Hardy ’12, offensive lineman Colin Thornton ’12, fullback Princeton – Zeta Beta Tom Moak ’10, wide receiver Caught 13 passes for 120 yards Two TDs in only two attempts Stephen F. Austin – Delta Kappa Andrew Ratliff ’11, offensive tackle All-Southland Conf. honorable mention

Michael Scogin ’11, offensive lineman

Luke Terna ’11, quarterback

Delta State – Delta Beta

Mike Stefanelli ’10, lineman

Will Kent ’11, center Started every game

Jake Pelton ’10 All-ODAC 1st Team All-South Region 2nd Team Led with 102 tackles and four interceptions Returned 10 kickoffs for a 20.3 average Michael Unholz ’11, Lineman All-ODAC 2nd Team 36 tackles

Sam Zimmer ’10, linebacker Mike Palicz ’11, linebacker Alex Castelli ’10, linebacker Kevin Travaline ’11, linebacker

Forrest Graham ’10, fullback

Westminster – Alpha Eta

Tulsa – Mu (Liberty Bowl)

Pace Murphy, offensive lineman

6 KAs

Marcus Pate ’11, defensive back Played every game

Washington & Lee – Alpha (NCAA Division III playoffs)

James Gladstone ’10, wide receiver BSN All-American honorable mention All-Upper Midwest Athletic Conf. 1st Team Caught 96 passes for 1,246 yards and 14 TDs

C.T. Moorman, deep snapper Oklahoma State – Beta Xi (Heart of Dallas Bowl) Michael Reichenstein ’10, punter Furman – Iota Will King ’09, receiver 34 catches for 541 yards 3 TDs

Luke Heinsohn ’10, running back Finalist for the Gagliardi Trophy Willie Lanier Award, top college player in Virginia ODAC Offensive Player of the Year Led all NCAA players in scoring 188 points on 22 TDs, 48 extra points and 2 FGs

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Teammate Justin Grahl ’10 62 catches for 588 yards and five scores Brett Carrigan ’12, defensive back


spring 2013

Millsaps – Alpha Mu Jef White ’10, linebacker, co-captain All-Southern Collegiate Athletic Conf. 1st Team Greg Blasiar ’10, back All-SCAC honorable mention Eric Martin, linebackers Garrett Coble ’11, linebacker Beau Brady ’11, kicker 47 points; four field goals and 35 extra points Univ. of the South – Alpha Alpha Murphy Walters ’10, Defensive back All-SAA 2nd Team Four interceptions King

Northwestern State – Gamma Psi

Twenty-six KAs

Sam Vermilya ’11, wide receiver All-Southern Athletic Association honorable mention Led with 23 catches for 482 yards and six TDs

Alex Evans ’11, tight end All ODAC

Andrew Bowman ’09, kicker Field goal, four kickoffs, 63.8 average

Auburn – Nu

Birmingham-Southern – Phi

Michael Ferguson ’11, offensive lineman

Peter Partee ’11, linebacker

Stephen Ford ’12, linebacker 29 tackles

Alvin Stewart ’11, linebacker

Nick Lombardo ’11, Quarterback All-ODAC 2nd Team 1,103 yards rushing on 198 carries 39 of 87 for 704 yards and seven TDs

Mitchell Thompson ’11, back 58 stops All-ODAC 3rd Teamer

Texas A&M-Commerce – Gamma Upsilon

Dalton O’Donnell ’12, linebacker

Sports Page All-Big 12 1st Team 38 punts for a 45.3 average 14 downed inside the 20-yard line Eight punts over 50 yards


Dave McKeithen ’11, linebacker Nicholas Rassieur ’12, back Grayson Middlebrooks ’12, linebacker David Garcia ’12, defensive lineman Cole Heiderich ’12, back Georgetown – Beta Delta (NAIA playoffs)

Jake Hartley ’11, center Jack Bissonnette ’11, back All-GLVC 2nd Team 56 tackles Ran back three interceptions for 85 yards Tyler Owen ’10, lineman 32 tackles Team-high four sacks Forced two fumbles

Cody Parker ’11, punter 33 for a 39.8 average

Tyler Bullis ’10, lineman

West Virginia Wesleyan – Beta Chi

Troy Fletcher ’11, lineman


South Carolina – Rho

Stanford – Alpha Pi

Will McGinnis ’11

9 KAs

Presbyterian – Beta Pi

Adam Jahn ’10, forward All-Pacific-12 1st Team NSLAA All-Far West Region 2nd Team Led with 30 points

Matthew Palma ’11

Drew Hutchins ’11, goalie Started 17 games 21 goals, 1.21 per game 50 saves, five shutouts

Nick Cody ’12, linebacker

Larry Woods ’11, defensive back

Hayden Murray ’12, linebacker

Dawson Schreiner ’12, tight end


Zach Batteer ’12

Will Muschamp (Gamma - Georgia ‘92) 2nd season at University of Florida Led the Gators to an 11-1 Berth in Sugar Bowl Co-Coach of the year in the SEC

Jimmy Callinan ’12

21 KAs Sean Shelton ’10, quarterback All-Great Lakes Valley Conf. honorable mention 213 of 357 for 2,131 yards, 18 TDs while rushing for 332 yards Warren Frevert ’11, kicker All-GLVC 2nd Team after 42 points; six field goals, 28 extra points 36 punts for a 35.92 average 42 kickoffs for a 59.5 average Scot Tipton ’10, offensive tackle All-GLVC mention Dillon Besser ’10, offensive line Jason Massey ’10, offensive line

Eric Anderson ’10

Other Punter Alex King (Alpha Phi Duke ‘12) Transfer to Texas (Cotton Bowl)


Michael Forsyth ’11 Chase Johnston ’11 Furman – Iota (playoffs) Eric Steber ’12, defensiveman Started 15 games Southern Conf. All-Freshman Team Jacob Brown, defensiveman Nine starts Alex Crooks ’10, defensiveman

Jordan Archer ’11 West Texas A&M – Gamma Sigma William Cooper ’11, goalie 43 saves, three shutouts 14 goals, 1.15 per game Hampden-Sydney – Alpha Tau Curran Blackwell ’10, defenseman, co-captain Started every game Scored five points All-ODAC 1st Team for the 2nd straight year


Dick Biddle (Alpha Phi Duke ‘69) Colgate head coach Won 7th Patriot League title 8-4 record Patriot League Coach of the Year Colgate career record: 121-55

spring 2013

Houston Oldham ’11 Led with 13 points Chris Grover ’11, Goalie 51 saves 21 goals, 2.03 per game

Adam Spate ’11, center

William Jewell – Alpha Delta

4 KAs

Mike McGee (Alpha Phi Duke ’58) Honored as a member of the ACC’s 2012 Legends Class Former star player and administrator All-American and Outland Trophy winner for the Blue Devils Played three seasons with the NFL St. Louis Cardinals Head coach at East Carolina and Duke Inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 1990

Hunter Gorskie ’10, defenseman Started every game All-Pac-12 2nd Team

Thomas Swoboda ’12, back

Richmond – Eta


The Kappa Alpha Journal

Sports Page Georgetown – Beta Delta


Stefan Iverson ’12, goalie 116 saves Jordan Gregory ’10 Univ. of the South – Alpha Alpha Dillon Flynn ’11 Professional KA’s two players were active in MLS 2012 season

Professional SOCCER Davy Arnaud (Gamma Sigma West Texas A&M ’00) Montreal Impact captain 11th pro season Led with 31 starts Four goals, three assists


Millsaps – Alpha Mu Stephen Andrieu ’09, goalie All-SCAC honorable mention 18 games 29 goals, 1.67 per game 94 saves, three shutouts Matt Crooker All-SCAC mention Christopher Lawrence ’11 All-SCAC mention Florian Popp Alex Szabo ’09 James Klugh ’10

Bobby Warshaw (Alpha PiStanford ’08), Midfielder Six games due to injuries 2nd season with FC Dallas

Evan Javors ’11 Colin Croschere ’12 Wayne Munger ’12

Travis Noll ’09 Ian Gamble ’10 Alex Avery ’09

CROSS COUNTRY Furman - Iota Wilkerson Given ’10 Southern Conf., 5th place in 8K All-SoCon 1st Team All-Regional, NCAA Southeast Regional Wofford – Delta Parker Johnson ’10

Stanford – Alpha Pi

Ben Boyles ‘11

12 KAs on the roster

Kyle Hoffman

Alex Bowen ‘11 All-Mountain Pacific Sports Federation 1st Team 2nd with 64 goals 12 hat trick games

Transylvania – Alpha Theta

Tyler Cook ‘11 All-SLIAC honorable mention

Muhle Diamini ’12

10 KAs

Mitch Stewart ’12

Evan Perkins ’10 All-SCAC Player of the Year Scholar All-American 3rd Team NSCLLA All-West Region Team SCAC All-Tournament Team

Transylvania – Alpha Theta

Steven Resnik ’11 All-SCAC 1st Team SCAC All-Tournament Team 11 points

Chandler Ware ’10

Jordan Evans ’09 All-HCAC Academic TeamJett Glass ’09 All-HCAC Academic Team

Evan Sizemore ’11 Started every game All-Heartland Collegiate Athletic Conf. 2nd Team

Jim Tackett ’10 Brett Bass Drury – Beta Iota


Pedro Rivera Rhodes – Alpha Epsilon Ryan Born ’12

Paul Rudolph ’10

5 KAs Adam Ross ’10 Scored 11 points All-SLIAC 2nd Team SLIAC All-Sportsmanship Team SLIAC All-Academic Team

Southwestern – Xi

Daniel Poole ’11, goalie 110 saves, 30 goals, three shutouts

Jacob Smith ’09


Andrew Lock ’11 All-SLIAC honorable mention

Timothy Eamma ‘11 All-SCAC 2nd Team SCAC All-Tournament Team

Scott Platshon ’10, goalie 19 games 161 saves

Westminster – Alpha Eta

Chaz Ainsworth ’10

Forrest Baker ’10 All-SCAC 2nd Team SCAC All-Tournament Team SCAC All-Sportsmanship Team

Forrest Watkins ’10 All-MPSF honorable mention 22 goals

Delta State – Delta Beta Michael Boulanger West Virginia Wesleyan – Beta Chi Mike Geiselhart ’12

The Kappa Alpha Journal


spring 2013

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spring 2013


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The Kappa Alpha Journal

Foundation Today

Gifts in memory/honor of a brother or friend of KA are accepted by the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation. Listed are gifts received as of Jan. 31, 2013.

Donation In Memory of:

Edward R. Hensley by John R. Childers

James D. Roessler by Gary S. Loffland

Dr. James L. Bowers by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Raymond W. Hargrove Jr. by Robert L. Stewart Jr.

Dr. Charles R. Plott by Samuel O. Leake Jr.

Randall C. Aldrich by William J. Rapp III

Carroll F. Hoffman by Franklin T. Brackman

Bryce C. Ruth Jr. by J. Walter Wood Jr.

Zachary S. Brady by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

William Keith Harvey by Robert A. Pugh

Psi - Tulane by W. Thomas Hopkins

Charles L. Allen by John R. Hoke

J. N. Holt by T he Hon. William M. Acker Jr. Thomas C. Moxley W. T. Goodloe Rutland

Travis W. Sampley by William M. Gilker III

Walter B. Brown Jr. by Dr. John V. Nicholson Jr.

Leslie F. Hatch by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

2LT Neil M. Quinn by Debbie W. Quinn

Murray Schmidt by Robert F. Schmidt

Dustin R. Burrows by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Douglas B. Harris by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Bryan L. Rabon by David J. Driver

Marsha L. Sherrard by L TG James E. Sherrard III

Jack B. Carter II by Dudley A. DeVore

Jack Henry by Robert B. Glenn Jr.

Dr. Edwin P. Rather by Lewis M. Little Jr.

Don R. Castleman by Dan H. Akin

Mark J. Hocker by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Gayle H. Rees by James M. Groves

Ronald S. Childress by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Rock N. Houstoun by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Richard J. Rose by Samuel O. Leake Jr.

J. Kirk Corbin by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Bruce L. Hudson by Ben W. Satcher Jr.

Riley M. Rustad by Marcy L. Rustad

P. Jason Cording by Gary T. Scott

Aaron B. Hunt by Eddie S. Wilson

Tim J. Sansone by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Wayne E. Dawson by Andrew P. Carr

Robert P. Hunter by W. Hugh Phillips III

Delta Beta - Delta State by J. Walter Wood Jr.

Matthew Steven Jones by Rebecca T. Jones

Ben W. Satcher Jr. by M G Donald R. Gardner USMC (Ret) Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

C. Shannon Devaney by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Kappa Alpha Order National Administrative Office Staff by Anthony M. Graziani Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. C. Robert Yates

Mark O. Bardsley by MAJ Charles A. Bertalot William C. Brown by I. Clay Thompson Jr. J. Derry Burns by J. Derry Burns Jr. Dr. Benjamin D. Buster by Dr. John M. Wells Presnall G. Cage by Chris D. Spence LT Andrew M. Campbell by Jesse C. Craven Reynolds S. Cheney by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. John W. Cox Sr. by Barbara P. Cox Lionel T. Davis by LTC Thomas R. Murray (Ret)

Thomas A. Houf by Janice Houf Joy Howell by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Pat Ireland by Benjamin J. Wilson Ernest A. Jetton by Ronald D. Atkisson Frank C. Jones by Frank L. Asbury III Charles A. Jordan Jr. by C . Douglas Simmons III Dr. H. Tom Williams Clinton M. Kaufmann PhD by Robert Joslyn Conner Boone A. Knox by William L. M. Knox Jr.

Daniel H. Devaney III by John A. Plag

Lloyd L. Leech III by John A. Walters

Robert Carroll Douglas by J. Gordon Coleman Jr.

Margaret Livingstone by William E. Livingstone

Edward D. Drew by Vincent Coyle

Allen Payne Long en W. Satcher Jr. by B Larry S. Wiese

Andrew R. Eickhoff Jr. by Ronald D. Atkisson William W. Featheringill by Dr. Charles J. Barnett Thomas C. Moxley Ben W. Satcher Jr. Larry S. Wiese Dr. Richard T. Feller by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Joseph M. Van Name III G. Darrell Fennell by Carol Fennell Charles Z. Flack Jr. by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Jane Flack by Larry S. Wiese William E. Forester by G. Allen Brown Jr Michael S. Henderson Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

John I. Lumpkin by Dr. T. Riley Lumpkin Henry M. Mathis by Dr. Gale T. Mabry Richard W. McCrary by William H. Stokes BG C. Dan McGuire by J esse S. Lyons Larry S. Wiese John H. Melton Jr. by Mary G. Melton Albert G. Moncla by Marvin L. Moncla Gary L. Mullins by Rock L. Demarias Steven P. Nichols by Dr. Gary P. Nichols

Robert J. Slack by Elizabeth F. Slack Jason Starns by James E. Boyer Lois Steele by Larry S. Wiese Owen G. Stokes by William M. Gilker III Douglas C. Stone by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Thomas R. Tedcastle by Edward G. Sullivan Michael F. Thomas II by Bert F. Thompson Thomas L. Tune Jr. C. Wayne Edwards by J. Banks Robertson Jr. Ralph C. Walker by John F. Anderson Jr. Jack P. Warren by James M. Croley Robert E. Weimer by Timothy N. Weimer Don E. Williamsa AJ Charles A. by M Bertalot John C. Zimmerman III by Cynthia C. Satcher

Donation In Honor of:

Dr. Rodney G. Elliott by Cleveland H. Porter Jr.

Alpha Eta Westminister-Missouri by Travis L. Sartain

James R. Estes by Kenneth L. Brown Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Douglas S. Ewalt by Bruce L. Hudson Esq. William R. Janney III Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Carlton W. Baker by Joseph F. Ambrosio

Bernard C. Gardner III by John C. Funderbunk III

Harry D. Poole by Wiley W. Stanford Jr.

L. Blair Bailey by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

John D. Geer by Dr. N. Andy Cole

James E. Popwell Jr. by Thomas C. Moxley

David P. Barksdale by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

W. Benjamin Gilker by William M. Gilker III

Ervin B. Propes Jr. by M AJ Charles A. Bertalot

Richard A. Barnes by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Beta Chi - West Virginia Wesleyan by Harvey P. White Austin McLeod Bergstrom by Harold M. McLeod Jr. Rex D. Bohls by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Brent W. Fellows by Brad Karsh Darron E. Franta by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. John H. Geary by Jon Crosby Turner Dr. D. Tyler Greenfield by Robert D. Fletcher M. Tyler Griffin by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. David B. Hagan by Stephen A. Dahlem Jr. Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Loren Q. Hanson by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Edmond H. Hardy by George T. McCutchen Jr.


spring 2013

Cuyler C. Lawrence by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Gary T. Scott by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Marc A. Scott by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Dr. James M. Schmuck by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Erik T. Showalter by Wayne E. Dawson C. Douglas Simmons III by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. John Simpson by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Gregory R. Singleton by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Robert Lynn Smith III by Mary Loch Smith R. Terrell Stanley by John R. Johnson Steven M. Steele by Eddie S. Wilson Robert B. Sullivan by Samuel O. Leake Jr.

Sam O. Leake Jr. by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Jack R. Taylor by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Mica J. Lyman-Lipan by Samuel O. Leake Jr.

E. Powell Thompson by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Jeffrey W. Love by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Christopher R. Traylor by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

J. Douglas Mangum by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Lisa Turner by Jon Crosby Turner

Marshall Andrew Martin by John C. Martin

Mark B. Vinson by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

John O. McCarthy by Jon Crosby Turner

David M. Warren by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

J. Coleman McDowell Jr. by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Thomas H. Whitehead Jr. by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Matt D. McGregor by Jon Crosby Turner

COL Andre B. Whiteley by Samuel O. Leake Jr.

David B. Means by Nicholas S. Palmer W. Thomas Mills Jr. by John Crosby Turner

Larry S. Wiese by B rad Karsh Garry L. Nall Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Thomas G. Paulson II by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Richard B. Wilson Jr. by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

H. David Pinson by Nicholas S. Palmer Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

William L. M. Knox Jr. by Malcolm H. Liles

King V. Aiken Jr. by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

George E. Phillips by Philip R. Herrold

Dixon G. Robinson by B ennie J. Dudley Ronald K. Mason

Steve C. Knight by Nicholas S. Palmer

Jim P. Lawson by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Eddie S. Wilson

William S. Fuller by John M. Lowery Jr.

L. Frank Henry Jr. by Douglas W. Henry

William E. Dreyer by David M. O'Dell Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Robin S. Kirby Jr. by Guy S. Kirby III

Garth K. Dunklin by Stephen A. Dahlem Jr.

Julian A. Pardini by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

John D. Rather IV by Dr. Edwin P. Rather

Thad Matthew Doyle by Jesse S. Lyons Nicholas S. Palmer Larry S. Wiese

Robert D. Kelly by COL M. Randall Scholze (Ret)

Timothy K. Adams by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Alvin Paul Frederick by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

W. Edgar Helms III by Margie Miles

Eric J. Doyal by Ben W. Satcher Jr.

Neely Dominick Adams IV by Nicholas S. Palmer

Alpha Gamma Louisiana State by Dr. Martin P. Hines Frank L. Asbury III by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

1LT Robert S. Hart by E. Stewart Maunsell II

Barry B. Donnell by Dustin B. Donnell Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Darren S. Kay by David M. O'Dell Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

George G. Langston III by Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr.

Adrian W. Odum jr. by C APT Sidney E. Wood Jr. USN (Ret)

C. Pratt Rather by Dr. Edwin P. Rather

William K. Dillingham by Ben W. Satcher Jr.

J. Michael Duncan by David M. O'Dell Dr. Idris R. Traylor Jr. Eddie S. Wilson

W. Julian Foy by John Michael Moore

William R. Gunby Jr. by I. Clay Thompson Jr.

John A. Dillingham by William K. Dillingham

C. Edward Schmidt Jr. by LTC Gary M. Turner Sr.

Chapter Eternal

Brothers listed herein were reported and recorded as of Jan. 31, 2013.

The Official Badge of the Order is shown as worn on a “hatchment” (a crepe of piece of black ribbon 1/2" wide and 3/4" long). Brothers are to wear this arrangement during a period of mourning as set forth in the Kappa Alpha Laws (App. 103).” Alabama Alpha Beta

Thomas R. McEniry, 1939, 5/18/12

Arkansas Alpha Omicron

Jim S. Porter, 1931, 1/1/01

Auburn Nu

John M. Tompkins, 1966, 5/10/12

Birmingham-Southern Phi

Dr. Francis W. Hare, Jr., 1937, 1/21/13 J.N. Holt, 1943, 11/24/12 John I. Lumpkin, 1941, 12/2/12

California Alpha Xi

Stanley H. Atherton, 1940, 8/11/11

Centenary Alpha Iota

Edwin L. Adrion, Jr., 1956, 9/16/08 Louie J. Madden Jr., 1942, 9/8/11

Charleston Beta Gamma

Dr. John R. Paul, Jr., 1934 John F. Townsend, Jr., 1934

Davidson Sigma

Robert C. Balfour, Jr., 1904, 1/1/79 Frederick L. Bateman, 1976, 12/3/12 Val J. Guthery, Jr., 1925, 1/1/75 John H. Roddey, 1948, 5/6/12 Edward S. Schoenberger, 1952, 8/9/09

Florida State Gamma Eta

John A. Fortune, 1951, 11/28/01

George Washington Alpha Nu

Robert R. Becker Jr., 1949, 9/9/08 Frank F. Ford, 1907, 1/1/88 Lyndon J. Gump, 1949, 7/4/07

Georgia Gamma

Emory Epsilon

Wilson F. Fullbright, 1961, 7/4/07 Michael W. Harris, 2008 James P. Hollis, 1943, 2/27/12 Eugene Q. Key, 1946, 9/16/11 Allen Payne Long, 1955, 12/2/12 Olin Frederick Sealy Jr., 1942 Gordon M. Sears, 1941, 11/23/06 Dr. Launey J. Thomas Jr., 1947, 1/1/12 E. Powell Williams Sr., 1959, 1/1/12

Florida Beta Zeta

Robert T. Besserer, 1935, 7/7/08 Edward D. Drew, 1948, 12/4/12 Arthur J. Lewis, 1936, 1/1/03 Jean W. Owen, 1942

Roy A. Peddy, 1960, 11/22/11

Mercer Kappa

Harold B. Bates, 1948, 1/9/13 William H. Hilton-Green, 1944, 5/8/12 Dr. Ferrol A. Sams Jr., 1938, 1/29/13

Georgia Southern Delta Theta

Cory Joseph Wilson, 2011, 1/17/13

Miami Gamma Theta

Georgia Tech Alpha Sigma

Sidney J. Gillikin, 1954, 11/17/11

George E. Bailey, 1944, 5/21/11 Stewart E. Dyer Jr., 1950, 5/29/12 Clifton H. Philpot, Jr., 1949, 7/24/11 George F. Pomeroy, 1927, 12/11/04

Millsaps Alpha Mu

Hampden-Sydney Alpha Tau

William H. Flannagan, 1938, 5/4/10

Arthur M. Merrell, Jr., 1942, 11/11/10 Hiram S. Stevens, Jr., 1941, 6/14/12

Indiana State Zeta Iota

Mississippi State Beta Tau

Aaron L. Hart, 1999

Lamar Gamma Xi

Robert E. Foreman, 1939, 8/25/11 Paul W. Stephanz, 1947, 12/24/09

Memphis Gamma Gamma

George P. Atkinson Jr., 1947, 7/31/05 Pleasant Benning Patterson Jr., 1957, 5/30/12 Philip L. Reagan, 1940, 8/8/12 W. Carl Wiggins Jr., 1946

Drury Beta Iota

Duke Alpha Phi

Jack M. Goss, 1941, 3/18/07 BG C. Dan McGuire, 1958, 1/19/13 Leroy Schneider, 1943, 6/1/12

Earl M. Linville, 1942, 11/9/01

Kentucky Theta

James R. Coulter, 1947, 9/30/10

Theodore N. Argyrakis, 1955, 3/26/11 Michael W. Corder, 1965, 2/13/12 Mike L. Graney, 1935, 1/1/07

Maryland Beta Kappa

Georgetown Beta Delta

Delaware Beta Epsilon

Frederick W. Freibott, 1953, 10/19/11 Charles E. Schell, 1939

Marshall Beta Upsilon

Donald B. Grugin, 1948, 1/3/13 Charles Eugene Palmer Jr., 1952 John D. Shanklin, 1935, 5/4/08

Robert L. Clements, 1965, 11/23/12

James D. Maxwell, 1990, 11/28/12 Dr. Ellis D. Parker, 1936, 6/16/00

John M. Dugan, 2009, 10/4/12 Charles A. Jordan Jr., 1965, 11/13/12 Dr. John W. Overstreet, Jr., 1937, 11/22/11 Robert L. Patterson, Jr., 1941, 3/21/12 Paul H. Watson Jr., 1960, 1/22/11

Richard M. Wilkerson, 1960, 8/2/11

Lieutenant James R. Gentry, 1937, Richard F. Ollis, Jr., 1942, 10/25/12

Louisiana State Alpha Gamma

Missouri State Gamma Beta

Daniel W. Deupree, Jr., 1932, 1/30/06 Henry H. King Jr., 1955, 11/7/08 Gene N. Rachal, 1946 Milton W. Schober, 1944, 6/12/08

Louisiana Tech Gamma Alpha

Ousby R. Cunningham, Jr., 1950, 4/6/12 Edward R. Hensley, 1952, 3/9/08

Louisville Beta Omicron

John J. Wickstead, Jr., 1936, 8/16/12

James W. Pierson, 1969, 12/8/12

North Carolina Upsilon

Thomas H. Kepley, 1952, 6/7/98 Thomas M. Shelton, 1959, 5/11/12 Bonner H. Thomason Jr., 1940, 11/6/11

Oklahoma State Beta Xi

Michael R. Collier, 1970, 12/20/12 William P. Pittman, 1951, 10/12/12 Richard J. Rose, 1961 Vernon G. Shaw, 1947, 11/24/10

Presbyterian Beta Pi

LTC Marshall A. Lanter, 1949, 3/16/12 Be N. Moore, 1937 Ernest F. Wahl, Jr., 1956, 5/2/08

Rollins Alpha Psi

David R. McCallum, 1930, 3/13/01 Dean M. Waddell, 1940

San Jose State Gamma Delta

Charles B. Towner, Jr., 1948, 6/2/04

Mississippi Alpha Upsilon

Missouri S&T Beta Alpha

Lambuth Gamma Omicron

Northwestern Gamma Psi

Kay K. Erickson, 1957, 4/14/09 Stanley R. Mayes, 1948, 1/1/95

New Mexico Beta Phi

South Alabama Epsilon Alpha

Harry G. Pennington, 1982

South Carolina Rho

Dr. John P. Boineau Jr., 1952, 11/7/11 The Hon. John Bratton Davis, 1937 The Hon. Allan T. Holmes, 1937 Victor B. John, 1942, 10/29/12 Samuel E. McFadden, 1933 Jennings C. McKelvey Jr., 1966, 11/2/00 George W. Nicholson, 1921 Robert A. Patterson, Jr., 1939, 9/12/04 Walter C. Putnam, Jr., 1946, 7/27/11

Southern Methodist Beta Lambda

Roland E. Goss, 1941, 10/17/08 Charles H. Murphy, 1946, 2/2/94 C. Noell Rather, 1955

Southern Mississippi Gamma Zeta

Roy L. Mohon, 1951, 6/25/12

Richard W. Cletsoway, 1943, 9/26/07 Clyde S. Conover, 1937, 5/20/88 John R. Kennedy, 1951, 7/10/11 Lynn B. Riste, 1948, 2/28/11

Newberry Delta Epsilon

Gerald A. Brasington, 1998, 6/18/12

North Carolina State Alpha Omega

Southwestern Xi


Texas Omicron

Charles P. Harris, 1949, 4/15/12 Dr. Jack Moore, 1944, 2/23/11

Tulsa Mu

Mark O. Bardsley, 1954, 8/31/12 Donald C. Church, 1937, 1/29/11 Joseph R. Cobb Jr., 1943, 1/19/11 Ervin B. Propes Jr., 1967, 11/4/12 Don E. Williams, 1963, 11/25/12

Univ. of the South Alpha Alpha

Henry B. Fishburne, Jr., 1933

Valdosta State Delta Rho

Bernard C. Gardner III, 1978, 12/9/12

Vanderbilt Chi

William W. Featheringill, 1961, 12/9/12 Ralph C. Walker, 1956, 12/22/12 Simon C. Willis, 1940, 8/19/11

Virginia Lambda

Dr. Thomas N. Davis III, 1939, 9/8/08 A. George Keywan, 1937, 11/27/09

VMI Beta Commission

Tazewell Ellett III, 1948, 12/9/12 L. Douglas Pritchard Sr., 1948, 2/8/12 Sergeant W. Wise, 1948, 8/26/11

Wake Forest Tau

Frederick C. Heidgerd, 1969, 1/1/13 Frederick D. Malone, 1949, 1/1/07 Duncan J. Sinclair Jr., 1949, 4/25/12

Washington Beta Theta

Arthur C. Bauer, 1949, 8/2/10 John S. Myers, 1932, 3/14/09

West Texas A&M Gamma Sigma

Ronald E. Branum, 1975

West Virginia Alpha Rho

Charles L. Allen, 1964, 8/13/12

West Virginia Wesleyan Beta Chi

Leslie E. Birkmaier, 1952 Thomas S. Jones, 1947, 8/10/12 F. Paul Thomas, 1942, 2/26/11 Robert E. Turner, 1961, 11/5/12 Willard D. Wassell Jr., 1956, 11/9/12

St. John’s Beta Mu

Westminster Alpha Eta

Tennessee Pi

Robert E. Foxworthy, 1942, 4/26/11 Todd H. Porter, 1965, 12/2/12

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Joe B. Price, 1962, 11/28/12 Don T. Wallace, 1960, 9/28/12

W. Lee Carter III, 1963 Lloyd W. Jones, 1948, 7/7/12 Travis W. Sampley, 1998, 11/1/11 Owen G. Stokes, 1967, 12/29/11

John B. Owens, 1934, 2/4/12 Robert M. Snibbe, 1935, 1/1/04

John B. Shatzer, Jr., 1934 John B. Vaughan, 1950, 6/25/12

Texas A&M-Commerce Gamma Upsilon

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Thomas A. Houf, 1966, 8/25/11

William & Mary Alpha Zeta

Fred S. Worster, 1937, 4/15/00

Wofford Delta

William Mullins McLeod Sr., 1963, 1/31/03

Chapter Eternal

“Sleep, brother, sleep; I bring my horses home.” – Dr. Ferrol A. Sams Jr., from his book The Whisper of the River

T h e O rder mour n s t h e pass i n g of d i s t i n gu i s h ed A c h i eveme n t A ward R e c i p i e n t

Dr. Ferrol A. Sams Jr. (1922 – 2013) (Kappa – Mercer ’38)

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Achievement Award, presented to him at the 69th Convention in 2001, where he was also the KAOEF Leadership Lecturer. His book The Whisper of the River is based on his own life, KA experience and time at Mercer.


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Kappa Chapter at Mercer College, where his father had also been a member, initiated Dr. Ferrol A. Sams, Jr. seventy-five years ago, at 16 years of age in 1938. He was a wonderful story-teller, noted author, civic leader, and the 19th recipient of the Order’s Distinguished


The KAstle of the Order Delaware house, Beta Epsilon alumni stand test of time “On Friday night April 29, 1904, the Beta Epsilon Chapter of Kappa Alpha Order was established at Delaware College (now the University of Delaware). KA was the first fraternity at the University and was founded by young men of vision and dedication who built an organization strong enough to last a century and beyond!” – t aken from “100 Years of Memories,” the history compilation of Beta Epsilon.

Indeed those first young men were instrumental. The alumni they became and those that followed, though, truly made the experience permanent. The feeling was entrenched with the 1946 purchase of the KA “KAstle” at 19 Amstel Avenue, Newark, Delaware. The KAstle turns 67 this year. It has always and remains to be a legendary KA House. The Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation (KAEF) was founded on August 13, of that year. Articles of incorporation and bylaws were created, signifying Beta Epsilon’s formal foray into fraternity housing. Success with a house corporation begin and end with creating proper documents, filing the necessary

By Jesse S. Lyons (Delta Alpha – Western Carolina ’98)

paperwork, and sticking to them and their guiding purpose. Like any chapter, Beta Epsilon and the KAstle experienced good times and bad. Additions and renovations came and went. Hundreds of KAs had good experiences. A few did not. The house was a beacon of memories. And the house deteriorated at times. The alumni were the constant river of support, strongly coursing through the decades. In the late 1990s, and early 2000s, the chapter faltered, and after planned attempts at rehabilitation, was suspended. House renovations, and code issues with the City of Newark complicated the matter. The KAstle had to have been renovated and occupied by January 13, 2003 by members of the fraternity or face rezoning. Fraternity houses were no longer allowed to operate in that area of the City. The house corporation faced tough decisions. Give up the KA tradition. Sell. Do something different. Let’s face it, the chapter had been suspended. The City was bearing down on their property. The University was hands off. Seems unfair, right? spring 2013


But the alumni thought otherwise. In late 2002 and early 2003, lead by many but called to task by Bruce Hudson, the alumni reconstituted the board of the KAEF and set forth a plan entitled “The New Beginning.” Meeting weekly, they gained support from every entity. The City deemed them “grandfathered.” The National Administrative Office backed a loan to renovate the KAstle. The University agreed to a new timeline for restoring the chapter. National staff recolonized the chapter in 2003 and KAs once again moved into the KAstle at 19 Amstel Avenue. In 2004, along with Beta Epsilon’s centennial celebration, the Beta Epsilon charter was restored. In the past nine years, the chapter has gained recognition and needed attention. But, the alumni are still constant. And the chapter is still living in their house. Get involved with your chapter’s house corporation or at least check in. Responsibility for the memories of many are delegated to the temporary ideas of a few. Make sure they’re doing what’s right for the Order.

The Kappa Alpha Journal

From the Archives

The KA Golf Club Brotherhood on the links, pre-1900 By Jesse S. Lyons (Delta Alpha – Western Carolina ’98)

The word “golf” begins to surface in the late 1890s in The Journal. Initially, references are found to alumni social and networking events held at golf clubs and individual alumni updates regarding prowess and success on the golf links. But as chapter reports (found in this edition as “On Campus”) became a focus of early editions of the magazine, golf references became recaps on undergraduate athletic activity and competition, including intramural type leagues, personal accomplishments, and inter-collegiate events. A chapter report from Kappa at Mercer College was published in The Kappa Alpha Journal, Volume XV, No. 3 in 1898. It referenced published in an ensuing volume, Volume XVI, No. 1, 1898. This is the first known photo of a group of KA members, or any KA member for that matter, involving the gentlemen’s game.

The Kappa Alpha Journal


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“a new KA golf club.” The subsequent photo (above) was then

Remembering the Reason

Her Heart, Her Legacy, Our Mission

The Lauren Elise Memorial Foundation was established as a memorial to Lauren (right), now a Beta Xi Honorary KA Rose.

Lauren’s Legacy How Family, Brothers show commitment to remember loss and fight Congenital Heart Defects By Mark Hilsheimer (Beta Xi – Oklahoma State ’95) KA runs deep in the Hilsheimer family. Mark Hilsheimer pledged KA at the Beta Xi Chapter at Oklahoma State University in the fall of 1995, and was initiated in February of 1996. He served as Number III, in addition to several other officer positions. He followed older brother Chad (Beta Xi – Oklahoma State ‘94), a former Number II, and father Dan (Beta Xi – Oklahoma State ‘62), former Number I, and recent recipient of the prestigious Knight Commander’s Accolade. Recent years have been difficult for the Hilsheimer family, to say the least. On June 3, 2008, Mark and his wife Kirsten welcomed their daughter into the world. Lauren Elise Hilsheimer was born a beautiful baby girl, and according to Mark, she, “completed our family.” Lauren was Mark and

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Kirsten’s second child, and along with big brother Adam, the two of them were their Mom and Dad’s world. Prior to birth, Lauren had been diagnosed with multiple congenital heart defects that would require significant medical intervention. For this reason, Lauren was born in Dallas, Texas, with direct access to the Children’s Medical Center. Her treatment would consist of three separate open-heart surgeries, not to cure, but to optimize the functionality of her heart. She had her first open-heart surgery at just 10 days, and her second at 4 months. She handled them both well, and for the first three years Lauren was a beautiful, vibrant little girl, full of life. “She was always happy, and there was just something about her,” Mark says. She loved to sing and dance, and dress 54

The Kappa Alpha Journal

Remembering the Reason

The Hilsheimers: Adam, Kirsten, Mark and Lauren (front).

“We are completely committed to making a difference,” Mark said. “Not a token effort, but a commitment to bring about real advancements in research, technologies, and capabilities as it relates to treatment of CHDs like the ones that took the life of our daughter. This is Lauren’s legacy.”

“It just goes to show you that what may seem like a social organization to many is really so much more than that. It’s a lifelong bond, and one that becomes even more evident when you are going through your darkest times.” Mark added that his KA brothers have played a huge role in the success of their organization. Both Dan and Chad (Lauren’s Grandpa and Uncle) have obviously played vital roles in support of the organization. Also, dozens of other KA brothers were in attendance at the Foundation’s fundraising events. Still others have made donations on the

The Kappa Alpha Journal


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LEMF website, or sent them by mail. “I was humbled by the outpouring of support from my KA brothers, young and older brothers alike,” Mark said. He added that many have come from out of state to participate in the organization’s events, including Sam Leake (Beta Xi – Oklahoma State ‘61), a current member of the Order’s Executive Council, who made the trip from North Carolina to attend. At the charity dinner, Mark was presented with a donation from the Beta Xi Chapter, and was notified that Lauren had been named an honorary KA Rose. Her picture now hangs in the Beta Xi chapter house in Stillwater, Oklahoma. “It just goes to show you that what may seem like a social organization to many is really so much more than that,” Mark says. “It’s a lifelong bond, and one that becomes even more evident when you are going through your darkest times. I know I can always count on the support of my KA brothers, now and going forward.” The works of Lauren Elise Memorial Foundation continue, honoring Lauren’s legacy, and helping children affected with CHD. The 2nd Annual LEMF Charity Dinner and Auction and Charity Golf Classic are scheduled to be held in Tulsa, Okla., on June 7-8, 2013. For more information on Lauren Elise Memorial Foundation, including how to donate, or register for upcoming events, please visit www.

up like princesses. There were absolutely no outward signs that there was anything wrong, and most people would have no idea of the challenges she faced. Shortly after turning 3 years old, Lauren, along with Mom and Dad, were preparing for what was to be her third and final surgery. The night before the procedure, something unexpected happened. While resting in bed with her Dad in their Dallas hotel room, she suddenly sat up, looked right at him and said, “I’m not afraid of anything Daddy.” “It was completely out of the blue and a bit of a shock to us,” Mark says. “We were always very good at shielding her from the worry and anxiety we felt.” On July 20, 2011, Lauren underwent her third open-heart surgery, and while she tolerated the surgery well, she experienced post-operative complications immediately following surgery. She fought valiantly for two days, before passing away on July 22, 2011. “It was completely devastating, and there are no words to describe it,” Mark says. “The level of pain and despair is beyond comprehension to anyone who hasn’t experienced the loss of a child.” Eventually, while still in the midst of their grief, they knew that they had to do something positive to honor Lauren’s memory and share her story. “She is such an example of courage, bravery, and unconditional love, we could not sit back and do nothing.” Mark and Kirsten responded by founding the Lauren Elise Memorial Foundation, with a mission to support awareness, research, diagnosis, and treatment of Congenital Heart Defects (CHD) in children, and to provide for the care and well being of children affected with CHD and their families. The organization, now a 501(c)(3) tax exempt non-profit charity, has held multiple fundraising events, the largest of which was the 1st Annual LEMF Charity Dinner and Auction, and 1st Annual LEMF Charity Golf Classic held in June, 2012. In their first year, LEMF was able to raise net proceeds of $90,000.00 to go directly towards their mission to fight against congenital heart defects in children. Grants were made late last year in the amount of $45,000.00 each to the Foundation’s two benefactors, The Children’s Hospital at Saint Francis in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and the Children’s Heart Foundation of Chicago, Illinois.

Our Legacy

Julian E. Fant (Beta Zeta – Florida ‘24)

Dr. James Borland, Sr., (Beta Zeta – Florida ’25)

Three Legacies. Two Pictures. One Order.

William O. Pearce (Beta Zeta – Florida ’23)




Jay Fant (Alpha – Washington & Lee ‘87) Hickory Fant (Beta Zeta – Florida ‘58)

No, you’re not reading “From the Archives.” The 1925 photo of the Beta Zeta chapter at the University of Florida (above), while a great historical piece, also tells the story of three KA legacies. The brothers and dates gathered in front of the “old” Beta Zeta chapter house include three men whose sons (and one grandson) are seen in the current day photo. These three sons meet weekly for a non-KA related event and still gather annually with for the Jacksonville Alumni Convivium. Coincidentally, the house in the old photo is where two of the sons spent their undergraduate KA days as well.


Lanier Pearce (Epsilon – Emory ‘55)

Jim Borland (Beta Zeta – Florida ‘51)

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The Kappa Alpha Journal





san antonio


DIAMOND 75th Convention of Kappa Alpha Order San Antonio, Texas Highlights and Opportunities New Grand Hyatt San Antonio on the Riverwalk Renew your vows during the Model Initiation Exciting Bid-4-Brotherhood live & silent auction to raise funds for the KAOEF Convention dinner on the grounds of The Alamo Brotherhood outing to Sea World Leadership Lecture Luncheon with The Honorable Robert Pittenger (Omicron – Texas ’75), 9th Congressional District of North Carolina

Do the work of the Order with your brothers at the 75th Convention

Registration is live at

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1. Give this copy of The Kappa Alpha Journal to a brother who isn’t receiving it. 2. Tell him to get his lifetime subscription by joining the Loyal Order!  Online at  Using one of the post cards inside this magazine  Calling 1-540-463-1865 3. Be sure to tell him to give your name as a reference 4. Then, let us know at and we’ll send you another copy right away.

We’ll also send you both this limited edition, die-cast auto emblem of the Loyal Order logo!

Welcome to our Newest Members

Join the brothers listed below and sign up for the Loyal Order! Alabama C. Wilson Blaylock, #2900 Joshua S. Teel, #2896 Thomas E. Bryant, Jr., #2932 W. Gene Ashley, #2907 Arkansas Adam A. Kreuter, #2981 Arkansas-Fort Smith Jordan Lenvel Hale, #2926 Auburn E. Preston Pritchett, #3001 William R. Wible, #2918 Birmingham-Southern C. Steve Yow, #2875 The Hon. William M. Acker Jr., #2914 Centenary Dr. William H. Tomlinson, Col. USA (Ret.), #2980 Paul Hilton Madden, Jr, #2910 Clemson Frank M. Rice, #3007 William B. Meredith, #2894 The Citadel Fred L. Price Jr., #2942 LTC John A. McAllister, #2994 Delaware CPT John D. Hukill, #2953 Dr. Frederick T. Lewis, #2992 Drury Edward M. Kissinger, #2954 Justin David Johnson, #2983 East Carolina Dalton L. Hudson, #2895 James B. Kirkland Jr., #2976 Melbourne H. Pridgen, #2899

Elon K. Ward Showalter, #2968 Mark L. Moon, #2897 Emory Dr. Mell B. Welborn Jr., #2986 John D. Cartledge, #2944 Richard P. Morthland, #2925 Florida Chester E. Clem Jr., #2971 Florida State C. Wayne Edwards, #2991 Kim Miller, #2929 Furman D. Leslie Tindal, #2958 Edward W. Snelling, #2915 Georgia Harry G. Haisten Jr., #2911 Georgia Tech E. Linwood Swain, Jr., #2928 John R. Rowe Jr., #2893 L. Allen Carter, #2888 Robert Thomas III, #2920 W. Phil Reece, #2898 Kentucky Donald C. Berg, #2933 Dr. John K. Augsburg, #2955 Lamar Jeffry K. Barnard, #2972 Louisiana State Bo Bilbo, #2909 Dr. Martin P. Hines, #2990 Hugh B. O’Connor, #2919 Will G. Mangham, #2935

Louisiana Tech Dr. James J. Cozine, Jr., #2969 F. Scott Markham, #2995 Keith E. Jones, Jr., #2947 Walter C. Miller Jr., #2908 Louisiana-Monroe Austin W. Henderson, #2940 Marshall Robert W. Buskirk II, #2943 Maryland Gregory L. Waterworth, #2952 Mercer Bernard M. Parker, #2903 J. Douglas Dunwody, #3009 Miami Robert T. Laborde, #2965 Midwestern State Benjamin J. Wilson, #3004 P. Gary Myers, #2984 Millsaps H. Burton Jackson, Jr., #2938 Mississippi Guy Braswell, #3003 John M. Christian, #2939 R. Preston Wailes, #2937 Mississippi State Kerney P. Clark, #2977 Samuel M. Moore, Jr., #2948 Missouri BG Patrick O. Adams, #2876 Carl C. Bunge, #2917 Charles M. Beatty, #2912 Guy R. Hackman, #2987 Ronald F. Wagenfeuhr, #2902 William C. Lenox, #3002

Missouri S&T Christopher R. Borgmann, #2950 Missouri Southern State Gary D. Sorensen, #2883 North Carolina Don W. Guffey, #2959 Ted O. Rhodes, #2882 North Carolina State Dustin G. Brann, #3000 Robert J. Smith, #2957 Oklahoma James M. Hancock, Jr., #2988 Trent J. Titus, #2891 Oklahoma State Joseph S. Glenn, #2974 Presbyterian James R. Martin, #2904 M. Perry Randle, #2913 Randolph-Macon Hon. W.T. McDonald Jr., #2924 Rhodes William D. Hedden, #2892 Roanoke Christopher James Evans, #2941 Patrick Lawrence DelBuono, #2975 Rollins Raymond J. Burchett, #2967 Sam Houston State Andrew J. Cummings, #3006 San Jose State Charles R. Magnusson, #2877

South Alabama Robert H. Gillespie, #2985 South Carolina James R. Gilreath, #2934 Southeastern Louisiana D. Kent Landacre, Jr., #2640 Southern California John F. Tierney, #2966 Keith H. Griffin, #2885 Southern Methodist Kevin J. Holloway, #2921 Robert M. Lockhart, #2962 William W. Bracken, Jr., #2927 Southern Mississippi Edgar A. Hughes, #2884 William H. Pettey, Sr., #2978 Stanford John B. De Nault, #2973 Les Thompson, Jr., #2931 Richard B. Robinson, #2889 Stephen F. Austin State Austin H. Karnes, #2956 Buzz Gondran, #2881 Tennessee James D. Hoskins, #2946 Will Hodge, #2998 William C. Giddings Jr., #2936 Tennessee-Martin Caleb Allen Duke, #2906 W. Allen Robison, #2989 Texas State Andrew P. Carr, #2993 Jacob Ray Wheeler, #2923 John M. Goertz, #2982 Transylvania William C. Zoellers, #2951

Tulsa Donald N. Fowler, #2996 Univ. of the South Rutherford R. Cravens, #2880 Vanderbilt Edward H. Oldham, #2901 Virginia Echol S. Marshall Jr., #2890 John H. Wright III, #2922 VMI COL Charles G. Kulp Jr. USAF (Ret), #2970 Samuel B. Segar Jr., #2945 Washington College Michael Stephen Bulock, #2930 West Virginia Donald G. Wood, #2961 James T. Dailey, Jr., #2960 Munir S. Yarid, #2979 Roger D. Teter, #2964 West Virginia Wesleyan John D. Martin, #2963 Western Carolina Jared Thomas Hopkins, #2997 Thomas D. Grimes, Jr., #2999 Westminster Wes W. Gregory, #3005 William and Mary Gray D. Lynn, #2949 Laurie P. Jones, #2887 Milton C. Simpson, #3008 William Jewell Colby Matthew Fauser, #2886 Elmer G. Kuhn, #2905 James E. Freeman, #2916

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