The Kappa Alpha Journal

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Experience of a Lifetime Brothers (and researchers!) demonstrate that Fraternity is here to stay.

Summer 2011 路 published since 1879

The 1865 Trust | Member Profile

Jim Turner

(Kappa–Mercer ’70) hh 2001 Convention host in Savannah, GA hh Knight Commander's Accolade recipient hh1865 Trust Member hh Longtime Advisor for Kappa Chapter What does supporting the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation mean to you? As a Kappa Alpha Order alumnus, it is important to me to support the dedication of young adults who are working to better themselves through education and involvement in Kappa Alpha Order. How important is it for all KA alumni to stay involved? It is imperative that our alumni support these young men and allow them the opportunity to become diligent young professionals. What is your hope for the future for all KA undergraduates? My hope for the future of all Kappa Alpha Order undergraduates is that they apply the skills and knowledge they have learned through their educational institutions and also continue to practice the values that have been instilled during their time as active members of Kappa Alpha Order.

WHAT IS THE 1865 TRUST? The 1865 Trust recognizes the generosity and foresight of those who choose to embrace the vision of KA’s future by making a meaningful planned gift to the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF). Their entrance into the ranks of the 1865 Trust bears powerful testimony to the charitable expressions of their values, ideals, and commitment to Kappa Alpha Order’s future. Membership in the 1865 Trust recognizes

those who have made provisions for a planned gift of $10,000 or more to the KAOEF. To date, 140 exceptional alumni have joined the 1865 Trust. Last year alone, the 1865 Trust received over $1.4 million in new estate gift pledges from alumni. Most of our alumni in the 1865 Trust will fulfill their gift through one of the most common and perhaps easiest ways of making a planned gift, by naming the KAOEF in their wills or as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or an IRA.

If you have any questions about the 1865 Trust, or if you wish to join the over 140 KA brothers who have already become members, please contact Erik Showalter, Director of Development, at the National Administrative Office, either by phone, (540) 463-1865, or by e-mail,

Table of Contents

14 features 14 | Old School

Family horse business brings together horses, racetracks and brotherhood


18 | Carolina to California

5,000 miles on the chartering circuit

departments 2 | Knight Commander’s Message

22 | The Case for Fraternity Rights

Independent research confrims that Fraternity members develop faster, and to higher levels

4 | From the Editor


30 | 2010 Chapter Award Winners

6 | Our Order 24 | Alumni News 36 | On Campus 48 | Sports Page 52 | Foundation Today 54 | From the Archives 55 | Our Legacy




57 | Chapter Eternal



56 | Remembering the Reason

Knight Commander's Message

Dear Brothers, “Time flies when you’re having fun.” I can attest that this phrase is true. This will be my last Knight Commander’s Message before my 2nd term comes to an end. The past four years have flown by and what a wonderful time it has been. Looking back over my tenure as the Order’s 38th Knight Commander, I feel very proud of our accomplishments. Due to the collaborated efforts of our brothers, to include our volunteer national officers, professional staff, and exceptional undergraduate members, we have continuously raised the bar. Our collective focus has been aimed on a number of areas important to the future of our beloved Order. As I declared in my installation speech at the 72nd Convention (2007) in San Antonio, my first priority was to improve the academic performance for the entire Order. Our academic standing is now the highest in our history. When our undergraduates, our youngest brothers, are met with a proper challenge, they perform admirably. The continuing success of our educational programming is having a profound effect on the quality of our chapters, the leadership of our chapter officers, and the future of our membership. The Number I’s Leadership Institute, The Crusade, Emerging Leaders Academy, and Stewards of the Order programs help shape the thoughts and deeds of thousands of young gentlemen every year. In my first official act as Knight Commander, I asked the 34th Executive Council to approve an award for members who exhibit exceptional character and courage in the face of adversity. I have since been honored to present the Knight Commander’s Medal to five very deserving brothers. With our high caliber of membership, I know more men will receive this honor. A most satisfying action for a Knight Commander is to grant a charter to a new or returning Active Chapter. I am pleased to have chartered thirteen chapters during my term in a historic installation and restoration initiative. In the fraternity world, Commissions are unique to Kappa Alpha. It has been a stated goal of the Order to replicate the success of the Beta Commission for graduates of Virginia




Military Institute. My two-fold plan consisted of utilizing these units of the Order to elect graduates of other military institutions and to mitigate hard feelings experienced by relatives of some uninitiated legacies. In my first term, I authorized the Theta Commission to initiate graduates of The Citadel. The Omega Commission was then established, to allow legacies an opportunity, with strict protocol, to be proposed for initiation. Finally, on May 16, 2011, the Sigma Alpha Commission was authorized to elect graduates of the United

States Military Academy at West Point. Graduates from one of our nation’s most venerable institutions may now become our brothers through their own Commission. I believe the honor is all ours. Another example of the Order’s commitment to our brothers serving in the military was the establishment of the Military Division of Kappa Alpha Order. This recognition society is open to any brother who is serving or has served on active duty or in the reserves, has been honorably discharged or is retired from any branch of the United States Armed Forces. During 2008 I was present when the Order placed and dedicated appropriate identifying markers on the gravesites of three of our four Founders. These are Stanhope McClelland Scott, in Terra Alta, West Virginia along with William Nelson Scott and William Archibald Walsh in Richmond, Virginia. James Ward Wood’s gravesite was previously marked in 2006. In April 2008, a historic meeting occurred between the three national boards of directors of the fraternities that comprise the Lexington Triad: Alpha Tau Omega, Kappa Alpha Order, and Sigma Nu. The fraternities were honored at a VMI dress parade that weekend. All executive directors and national presidents enjoyed the

and will anchor our web-based communications. Included is an enhanced individual online platform for actives and alumni to directly engage with the Order. We continue to utilize all forms of social media to better communicate our message to our members, and allow interaction. Being the Knight Commander has been one of the greatest honors of my life. There are several individuals that I must recognize, because without their support I couldn’t have undertaken this responsibility. First of all I want to thank Senior Councilor Bill Dreyer and the 34th and 35th Executive Councils for their confidence and support. I want to thank my predecessors, the Former Knight Commanders, who all taught me by their examples. I want to thank the men and women of KA’s national administrative staff for the dedication you bring to your jobs every day. I love you all and will miss the regular interaction. I want to thank the many volunteers who give their time and treasure to the Order. We could not operate without your service. I want to thank my wife Donna, who has served the last four years as the First Lady of KA. She has never complained and has supported and encouraged me all the way. She loves KA because my friends are her friends. Finally, I want to thank all of the brothers I’ve met along the way. It has been an incredible journey that allowed me to meet and touch the lives of thousands of KA’s across the country. Being Knight Commander has been a labor of love. May God bless the Kappa Alpha Order.


J. Mike Duncan Knight Commander





privilege of a personal meeting with VMI’s Superintendent, GEN J.H. Binford Peay, III (B Comm.-VMI ’62). The three fraternity boards also met in joint session. Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation’s capital campaign, “Honoring our Past, Securing our Future” was completed in 2009. Many generations will benefit from the completion of this historic campaign. In 2010, the Order recognized our 150,00th initiate. Councilor Darren Kay (Alpha EtaWestminster ’88) taveled to Drury Univesity to present Steven R. Blackshear (’09) with a proclamation. Our chapters in the western part of our country, dating back to 1895, are some of our most prolific and successful. To further support Kappa Alpha’s vital presence in the West, I established an initiative to create a comprehensive plan of support which is already showing signs of success for both current and future chapters. The restoration of Beta Sigma at the University of Southern California is complete and we will return to Gamma Epsilon at the University of Arizona this fall. For many years it has been apparent that activities which involved confederate uniforms were having a serious negative affect on Kappa Alpha Order, both internally and externally. Long term our very existence was being compromised. These events and outfits simply did not align with the fabric and feelings our founders sought to perpetuate. They were dividing our identity. I decided that the best course for KA was to learn from the example offered by Robert E. Lee. We needed to return to our roots. I asked the 35th Executive Council to support my decision to ban these outfits. The undergraduates that still have an Old South event have responded as gentlemen of the Order. Celebrations are still taking place and memories are still made, without negative reactions. This decision has realigned our actions with our values and it was the right thing to do. As Knight Commander, the Order’s future has always been at the forefront of my mind. At the 73rd Convention (2009) in Washington, DC, I briefly introduced a plan that will be unveiled at the 74th Convention (2011) in Phoenix. This effort, ForeverKA, is designed to encourage our members to maintain a lifetime relationship with the Order. It provides a duty, through incentives and opportunities, for brothers to maintain their KA experience for life. In the next few months we will unveil a new website that is both informative and interesting

From the Editor

Dear Brothers, When I meet alumni across the country, I always get a similar question: “How are KA and the Greek system doing?” While you may read The Journal regularly and follow KA on facebook and twitter for updates, you still may see negative mainstream news regarding fraternities. However, I can promise you that “fraternity” is here to stay. On top of the great news we always produce, finally I’ve got the research to prove it. In this issue’s features you’ll read of alumni from different chapters owning and operating their own horse stable. You’ll get a glimpse into the busiest chapter activation semester ever. There are tales of excellence from our award winning chapters and most importantly, you’ll find we are capturing quantifiable evidence that members of fraternities and sororities develop quicker and to a higher levels than their peers. The answer then, is, “we’re doing great!” There are coming changes with and our digital communications. These changes shall be part of an ongoing development process and we’ll be rolling them out the rest of the year. We want to hear from you, so any feedback you have on The Journal, social media and communications, or website are greatly appreciated. From alumni partnerships to independent research, Kappa Alpha Order remains the experience of a lifetime. How does your experience continue? Fraternally,

Jesse S. Lyons Editor

Errors & Omissions In the Spring 2011 issue of The Journal, 2LT Michael Moore was incorrectly listed as an initiate. Upon review of records by the province commander and the national administrative office, we found he was erroneously reported as initiated. Nevertheless, The Journal appreciates and thanks Mr. Moore for his service as an Officer in the United States Marine Corp. In the listings of expulsions in the Spring 2011 issue for Virginia Wesleyan College, the expelled men listed and the chapter, were correct, however they should have been attributed to Arizona State University. Also in the Spring 2011 issue, Brother Jeffrey Murray’s name and website were listed incorrectly. To purchase his outstanding book, Journey of Light, from his company Jeffrey Murray Photography, please call (925) 389-0610, or email, and visit Finally, in the Winter 2010 issue, Frank Harold Koers (Mu-Tulsa ’51) was reported as deceased. He is in fact alive and well and would like all to know the same. The Journal and the editor deeply regret these errors.




EDITOR Jesse S. Lyons CREATIVE DESIGN Tria Designs Inc. CONTRIBUTORS Matt V. Bonner Brent W. Fellows Jay Langhammer Wendy Lovell E. Kent McMichael Rick Moore Ben W. Satcher, Jr. Erik T. Showalter EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Knight Commander J. Michael Duncan Senior Councilor William E. Dreyer Councilors King V. Aiken, Jr. Russell C. Brown Darren S. Kay Sam O. Leake, Jr. C. Douglas Simmons, III National Undergraduate Chairman J. Martin Huff KA/KAOEF Executive Director Larry Stanton Wiese

HOW TO CONTACT THE JOURNAL Editor, The Kappa Alpha Journal P.O. Box 1865 Lexington, VA 24450 (540) 463-1865 (540) 463-2140 - fax email: TO CHANGE AN ADDRESS Fill out Alumnus Update on the website or send both your new and old address to Lisa Metivier at the above mailing address or to:

Letters to the Editor The Kappa Alpha Journal (ISSN #0888-8868, USPS #014-747) is an educational journal published four times a year by Kappa Alpha Order, 115 Liberty Hall Rd., Lexington, Virginia. Periodicals postage paid at Lexington, Virginia, and additional mailing offices. The Kappa Alpha Journal seeks to reflect the Kappa Alpha experience by presenting news of active and alumni chapters, individual members, and the national organization; by addressing current issues facing the Greek system and the Order; by educating and entertaining those interested in the welfare of Kappa Alpha; and by serving as a historical record. The Kappa Alpha Journal has been published since 1879. From 1883 to 1885 it was known as The Magazine of Kappa Alpha. Kappa Alpha Order was founded in 1865 at Washington College (Washington and Lee University) in Lexington, Virginia. Today, Kappa Alpha boasts 122 undergraduate chapters and over 30 alumni chapters across the nation. Volume CXVIII , Number 2 Summer 2011 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Kappa Alpha Order, P.O. Box 1865, Lexington, VA 24450 Member of

Copyright © 2011 Kappa Alpha Order; KAPPA ALPHA® is a registered trademark of Kappa Alpha Order.

Journal submission deadline:

Dear Editor, My Brother’s name is Todd Oliver (Phi – Birmingham-Southern ’01), hunter, sportsman, loved Nature, and to friends a sometimes comedian. He was a social butterfly back in high school and in college at Birmingham Southern, just a really well liked guy. In 2001, Todd attended Birmingham Southern. Much to the delight of his older brother, Todd rushed KA and was initiated later his freshman year. That was 2001, the year of the Terror attacks. After the attacks happened, I remember that Todd and some of his brothers wanted to enlist in the Marine Corps to help do whatever they could. My parents and Family friends told him that a young man like him would be better serving if he stayed in college and got his degree first before joining. So that is what Todd did. Four years later after graduation, Todd worked for an information technology services company in Birmingham, AL, but did not feel that this was what he wanted his life to be. So he went to the local recruiting office and shortly afterwards was sent to OCS in Quantico, VA. About two years later, he was on his first tour in Afghanistan as 2nd LT Todd Oliver while there, he was promoted to 1st Lieutenant. After the first tour he came back for about a year, and went back a second time, currently there right now; he is now up for promotion to Captain. Todd has always had a strong sense of family and Community pride. Even more now as his tour is hopefully coming to an end, he is strengthened by his experience with KA and the United States Marine Corps. Fraternally, Kyle Oliver (Alpha Mu – Millsaps ’01) Dear Mr. Lyons, I just wanted to congratulate you on your Spring issue. As a former Marine Corps officer, I was extremely impressed with the way that you presented the KA Marine. I am sure that my father, also a KA Marine and graduate of VMI in 1917 would agree. In addition to excellent text, the photographs were outstanding. The whole issue will result in an increase in our Brothers deciding on the USMC as their career choice. Yours sincerely, Wilson E. D. Sheperd (Beta Comm. – VMI ’50) Editor’s note: While I would love to take full responsibility for the prose and pictures, they were both submitted by 2LT Christopher Huff, an initiate of Gamma Chi at Texas Tech. Of further note, Brother Shepherd’s father who he references in his letter as “also a KA Marine,” is none other than the late GEN Lemuel C. Shepherd, Jr. (Ret.), former Commandant of the United States Marine Corps. A true humble gentleman Brother Shepherd must be to feel no need to mention his father’s legacy. KA JOURNAL



Dear Editor, My son, Adam Gary, is KA alumnus from Delta Kappa Chapter at Stephen F. Austin State University, in Nacogdoches, TX. I know sometimes you all have an interest in stories of KA brothers who are serving. Adam and one of his brothers, Marcus Payton, enlisted in the Marine Reserves while still students at SFA. They are currently serving in Afghanistan until September 2011. I have a good picture of the two of them standing together in all their gear if you want it for publication [Ed.-above]. Anyone interested in contacting them can use this same address for all three, you just designate which one: BCO 1/23 1st Plt. 42092 FPO-AP 96427-2092 Best Regards, Kia Gary

Supporting the 1865 Trust Dear Brothers, Thank you for your understanding of my delay in securing a photo of me for use in the current Kappa Alpha Journal. The photo I had made for your use was eventually washed away in a mailing by the Olan Mills Inc. during the last flood enjoyed by Chattanooga in 2010. Fortunately, the photo you used turned out just fine. It was taken in 2009, and my gray hair lines are about the same today. I have decided to proceed now with the 1865 Trust participation, and my check is enclosed. According to your current issue of KA Journal, the program is being supported by a growing number of our Brothers. My regards to all who are fostering the Order’s efforts. Fraternally, Pete Pully (Upsilon-North Carolina, ’45) Editors Note: Brother Pulley was the 1865 Trust feature member last issue. His gift will impact generations of the Order and both the KAOEF and the Orders leadership thank him for his untiring dedication. KAPPAALPHAORDER.ORG

Issue 3/Fall – Aug 8 Issue 4/Winter – Oct 17 Issue 1/Spring – Feb 15 Issue 2/Summer – May 6

More about KA Marines

Our Order

Seventh set of “Mason Interns” go to Washington Thanks to the continued generosity of the donors of the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation, the newest brothers selected for the E. Fleming Mason Memorial Internship Program have moved to Washington, DC. There continues to be strong interest among our undergraduate brothers to apply and participate. The young men are selected from an application and interview, are slotted in internships found in the public and private sector through Kappa Alpha networking, and enjoy many extra activities outside their assigned internships. From presidential candidacy announcements, to the Miss America Pageant, to a stay in Lexington and visit to Mulberry Hill, the interns are thrust into a summer they will never forget. The brothers’ travel to and from DC and their lodging, while in the district, is completely paid by the KAOEF. For more information about current brothers interning in the Capital, check out

2011 Interns: David T. Berry (Alpha Eta–Westminster ’09) Internship: (June) Senator Roy Blunt (RMO); (July) Cassidy & Associates Paul D. Dollahite (Beta Eta – Oklahoma ’10) Internship: June – Command Holdings Group, Inc; July – Congressman Frank Lucas (R-OK) Charles W. Humphreys (Nu – Auburn ’08) Internship: American Business Development Group Christopher C. Schatzman (Gamma – Georgia ’08) Internship: Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA) Destin Brook Sebren (Gamma Nu – Louisiana-Monroe ‘09) Internship: LS Group




KA goes to Washington: The 2011 interns, from left to right are, Dollahite, Humphreys, Berry, Sebren, Schatzman

What Are Some Of Our Former Interns Doing Today? Sloan Ellis (Beta Pi-Presbyterian ’02), the very first Mason Intern in 2004 is now living in Greenville, SC. He is an Assistant Solicitor for the 13th Circuit in Greenville County. Chris Cook (Delta Phi-Jacksonville State ’01), a Mason Intern in 2005, is living in Washington DC and is the Legislative Assistant for Senator Isakson (R- GA). Brad Patout (Psi-Tulane ’03), 2005 Mason Intern, is living in Washington DC and is the Chief Operations Officer for Command Holdings Group, Inc. Drew Webb (Pi-Tennessee ’08), 2008 Mason Intern, is the Student Engagement Coordinator for the University of Tennessee Provost Office. Jeff Moad (Epsilon Theta-Western Kentucky ’06), 2010 Mason Intern, recently left the Kappa Alpha Order National Administrative Office Staff as an Associate Director for Chapter Services and will be attending the University of Kentucky Law School this fall.

Our Order

Upsilon Brothers Reunite


Brother T.C. Homesley, left, performs with Upsilon country music legend George Hamilton IV.

International country music star, brother George Hamilton IV (Upsilon ‘56), ... sang some of the songs that brothers remember him singing on evenings with their dates by the fireplace in the chapter house. Former Number I’s in attendance included Howard Fogleman (’79), Layton McCurdy (’54) and Jerry Shinn (’56). The highlight of the evening was a performance by international country music star brother George Hamilton IV (‘56). Brother Hamilton played and sang some of his recorded hits, including the first, “A Rose and a Baby Ruth,” and “Abilene.” He also sang some of the songs that brothers of his years remember him singing on evenings with their dates by the fireplace in the chapter house. Also recalling evenings at the KA house, he invited brother T.C. Homesley (’53) to join him at the microphone for a hymn. Several brothers took advantage of the hospitality suite to visit and reminisce late into the night. Everyone departed Chapel Hill hoping to get together again and more often in the years ahead. Other brothers who attended one or both of the reunions included John Blackwelder, Larry Carter, Jim Fain, Walter Fitts, Bill Fitzgerald, Wade Hargrove, Rea Hinson, Howard Homesley, Jim Hynes, Ray Jolly, Bill King, Hamp Lefler, Bob Murray, Bob Peek, Harold Tharrington, Jerry Thompson, Al Travis, Bob Turner and Steve Upton. Left: Brother Doug Wilson speaks at the June luncheon reunion of Upsilon brothers.




Members of Upsilon Chapter from the 1950s and early 1960s got together twice last year in Chapel Hill – for a luncheon June 22nd at the Carolina Club and for a football weekend in November – to renew old friendships and to honor the memory of brothers of that era who had passed away. In fact, it was the death of brother Charles Zorah “Chuck” Flack (Upsilon-North Carolina ’55) of Forest City, North Carolina on April 28, 2010, that motivated brother Doug Wilson to organize the June luncheon. Brother Flack was Upsilon Number I in 1957-‘58, Commander of Ed Chambers Smith Province from 1973 to 1977, and served for many years on the KA Executive Council. Brother Wilson, who lives in Raleigh, and several other brothers, learned that brother Flack was seriously ill and were planning to visit him. When they learned it was too late, brother Wilson realized it was time to get Upsilon brothers of his generation together. With the help of brother Bruce Beveridge (’62) and several other Upsilon alumni and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill alumni office, brother Wilson obtained current addresses and e-mail addresses of dozens of men initiated in the ‘50s and early ‘60s, and invited them to the luncheon. On that occasion, brother Bob Headen (’54) of Chapel Hill gave a report on the loss of the Upsilon chapter house and the ongoing search for an appropriate place for current Upsilon members to meet and live. The luncheon did not include spouses, but during the meeting the brothers voted to get together again, with wives, for a football weekend. Brother Wilson organized that event, too, arranging for tickets to the North Carolina - Virginia Tech game November 13, and accommodations, including dinner on Friday night and a hospitality suite, at a hotel near Chapel Hill. Although the Tar Heels lost an exciting game, the rest of the weekend was a great success – entertaining, nostalgic and at times emotional. There was a somber break in the festivities at dinner when brother Beveridge read the names of deceased brothers. Special guests that night were three KA widows – Jane Sawyer Flack, Nilza Reynolds, widow of Jasper Reynolds, and Sara Jo Manning, widow of former Upsilon Number I Henry Manning (’58).

Our Order

Brother leads U.S. delegation to Turkey Amid history and culture, Councilor Simmons advocates for the rice industry of America

Recently, a member of the Order’s Executive Council, C. Douglas Simmons (Beta Tau-Mississippi State ’95), participated in a major international goodwill trip on behalf of the USA Rice Federation. Simmons, along with only six other Americans from four other states, led a delegation to Turkey on behalf of rice growers, producers, and millers. The weeklong trip was filled with meetings, events, and even some cooking competition with rice from the United States. Simmons along with the delegates from California, Arkansas, Missouri and Texas met with Turkish government officials, rice buyers, importers and farmers. Most of the delegation's time was spent in Istanbul confirming the Turks thought and perception of the rice that comes from America. “The Turkish people are very particular about the quality of their rice, that’s why there is tremendous market potential for US grown rice. Our industry is the best in the world due to many factors, including regulatory restrictions and superior process our producers, farmers, and millers execute,” says Simmons. Further, Simmons added, “The United States only consumes 50 percent of the rice we produce, while Turkey only produces




30 percent of what they need. Their need for the basic market for medium grain rice is substantial and waiting to be filled.” As owner of Simmons’ Planting Company, a rice and soybean producer for forty years in Mississippi, the trip was of particular significance for the “family farm.” However, it was also an exciting trip for an important industry to many people here across America. Finally, it was also an interesting and eyeopening excursion for Simmons. “Here in Mississippi, a 100-year old building is historic to many, up in Lexington, the National Administrative Office at around 220-years old is historic to visit and tour. Our meetings in Istanbul though were held primarily in a 2000year old building. That tells you a little something about what’s historic there!” In addition to his volunteer leadership on the Executive Council of the Order, Simmons sits as a member of the Rice Council Board of Directors in Mississippi. “Turkey is an ally to the United States. The people were receptive, hospitable, and enjoyable to learn about.”

Our Order

Headquarter's Staffing Updates Each year, the national administrative office recruits, receives, and reviews applications from candidates interested in the Associate Director for Chapter Services position. This process began last fall as an effort to find the best candidates to serve our undergraduates. This past winter, members of the Walker national administrative staff interviewed a superb candidate pool of candidates at the Number I’s Leadership Institute to fill the two available associate director positions. As a result, William Walker (Beta Tau – Mississippi State ’07) and Anthony Graziani (Zeta Pi – Florida Gulf Coast ’07) were hired and have moved to Lexington. They began Graziani work on May 31. Brother Walker graduated from Mississippi State University with a degree in Political Science. William was active in his chapter by serving as assistant recruitment chairman, IX, II, and I. He was involved in many other campus organizations. William attended all four Irwin Province Councils while in school. He served as a facilitator at the Emerging Leaders

Academy in 2010 and Number I’s Leadership Institute in 2011. As a participant in the 2010 E. Fleming Mason Memorial Internship program, he interned with Cassidy & Associates, one of the largest lobbying firms in Washington, D.C. William plans to enter politics after finishing his time with the national staff. Brother Graziani has graduated from Florida Gulf Coast University with a degree in Resort and Hospitality Management. While active at Zeta Pi chapter, Anthony served as Crusade Commander, IV, and I. He served as a facilitator at Emerging Leaders Academy in 2009 and 2010, and once at Number I’s Leadership Institute in 2011. As a participant in the 2010 E. Fleming Mason Memorial Internship program, he interned with Senator George LeMieux (R-FL). While at FGCU, Anthony also served as Student Body Vice President, President of the Interfraternity Council, Student Government Senator, and was a member of Order of Omega. William and Anthony will be joining returning staff Curtis Perzinski (Eta – Richmond ’08), and Jake Howse (Gamma Eta – Florida State ’05) as the chapters services field staff. The collective experiences of these men will add to an already dynamic and seasoned chapter services staff to assist in providing the best undergraduate experience to our members across the Order.

Epsilon Rho celebrates 25 years at Purdue With great pride, Epsilon Rho held its 25th anniversary celebration at the Purdue University Dick and Sandy Dauch Alumni Center on April 15, 2011, where the recentlylocated original 1986 Charter was presented to the chapter by former Knight Commander Ben W. Satcher, Jr. (Delta Omicron-Clemson ’79). More than 50 brothers, ranging from gentlemen who had only been initiated the week before to those who were present for the chartering of the chapter, attended the festivities.

The folloiwng men have been expelled from Kappa Alpha Order since last printing of The Journal as of May 10, 2011.

George Washington Alpha Nu Jarren Smith Oklahoma State Beta Xi Tyler K. Fortenberry Middle Tennessee State Delta Lambda Adam R. Kelly Tennessee Pi Jay J. Moharami KAPPAALPHAORDER.ORG

Right: The gentlemen of Epsilon Rho proudly display the chapter’s original charter at the chapter’s 25th anniversary celebration.





Our Order

Brothers Around The Order

(1) Ray Smith, Carol Ney, & Jimmy Ney at Jim Crews’ Knight Commander’s Accolade reception. (2) Lit Maxwell, Kevin Jones, Scott White & Wes Saxton at Ammen Court of Honor. (3) KA brothers at the 2011 Fraternity & Sorority PAC (FSPAC) Dinner with KA Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-AL), center back. (4) Lee Webb, Greg Singleton, Les Jeffress, John Buckingham, & Bill Wilson, at Feller Court of Honor after province council. (5) Rock Houstoun & Mike Duncan presenting Dave Williams, President of Kentucky State Senate with the Distinguished Public Service Award. (6) Gordon "Batman" Varnadoe proudly showing his $200K Georgia Powerball winnings. (7) Rep. Aderhold addressing the FSPAC dinner.











Our Order

(8) James Salter, Dr. Idris Traylor, William Walker, Patrick Coudrain, Knight Commander & Mrs. Duncan at the FSPAC dinner. (9) Jesse Lyons, KA Rep. Steven Womack (R-AR), Larry Wiese & Patrick Coudrain at Womack's office. (10) Supporter of the E. Fleming Mason Internship Program, Larry Meyer with home-cooked brisket for the annual "KA Chiefs of Staff Luncheon" he hosts. (11) Christopher Phelen - Chief of Staff for Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO), Bill Skipper a primary supporter of the Mason Internship Program, & Wiese. (12) Meyer and Richard Hudson - Chief of Staff for Rep. Mike Conway (R-TX). (13) Duncan with two former NUCs Greg Barbosa, David Keast, Dr. Traylor, & the current NUC, Martin Huff, center. (14) Amy Hayner Kates, Nat'l President of Kappa Alpha Theta, Wiese, KA Rep. Charles Boustany (R-LA), Coudrain & another lobbying Theta.












Our Order

2011 Conferral of the Knight Commander’s Accolades

The first Knight Commander’s Accolades were awarded by then Knight Commander Henry J. Foresman (B Commission-Virginia Military Institute ’41) in 1967. He created the award to recognize excellence in leadership and service to the Order. The Executive Council subsequently passed a regulation creating and defining the award as such and stating that the award is given at the sole discretion of the Knight Commander. The Knight Commander’s Accolade is the highest individual honor an alumnus can receive. Over the past forty-four years, fourteen Knight Commanders have conferred this high honor on only one-hundred and ninety-five recipients. In 1999, Former Knight Commander Idris R. Taylor (Gamme Xi-Texas Tech ’70) designed, and the Executive Council authorized the creation of, a jewel or medallion for this award. The medallion is a crimson cross, outlined in gold, with a golden knight on horseback, centered. The jewel hangs from a ribbon collar of crimson and old gold. The jewel/medallion was first presented in 2001. The five most recent recipients merit our attention and honor. Their cumulative dedication to the Order and its chapter is astounding, and their individual achievements provide a model for all alumni and undergraduate brothers. To view the entire recipient list and complete bios, go online to

Eddie S. Wilson (Delta Beta – Delta State ’73) Presented June 9, 2011 at the Peabody Hotel in Memphis, Tennessee, with friends and family. Brother Wilson graduated high school in Rolling Fork, Mississippi. Since 1984, he has been in the retail firearms business. On June 30, 1979, he married Virginia Burt Wilson. His general pastime is skeet and trap shooting. He also serves on the Board of Directors for his local gun club. He also remains active with the NRA Foundation. Eddie was initiated into the Order on February 10, 1973 by the Delta Beta Chapter. He served the chapter as Number V. Eddie has served as the President of the Greater Memphis KA Alumni Chapter and was very active in the restoration of Gamma Gamma Chapter at the University of Memphis. He is a member of the Alumni Advisory Council for Gamma Gamma and for Alpha Epsilon at Rhodes College. Eddie is a member of the Richard T. Feller Province and William E. Forester Province Courts of Honor. He currently serves as the Registrar for the Feller Court.






Our Order Douglas S. Ewalt (Beta Omega– Washington College ’76)

David B. Hagan (Alpha Omega– North Carolina State ’76)

W. Reed Sprinkel (Beta Sigma– Southern California ’41)

James M. Crews (Gamma Eta – Florida State ’52)

Presented on March 26, 2011 at the Beta Omega 75th Anniversary and Reunion

Presented on March 19, 2011, at the Alpha Omega Restoration Banquet and Ceremony

Presented on April 2, 2011 at the Beta Sigma Restoration Banquet and Ceremony.

Douglas S. Ewalt is the Senior Vice President and Area Executive for Commercial Real Estate in the Baltimore Region, for Branch Banking and Trust Co., a position he has held since 1997. He is extremely active in the community and within various organizations, holding officer posts in many. Doug has served as the Registrar (1991-2000) and Preceptor (1997-2000) of the James Ward Wood Court of Honor, the Order’s first and oldest Court. He continues to serve as the Commander of the James Ward Wood Province, encompassing the Active and Alumni Chapters in Maryland, District of Columbia, Delaware and New Jersey. Doug has two children. His son Douglas vonRenner Ewalt (Beta Omega–Washington Coll. ’00), and his father George Walther Ewalt (Alpha Lambda–Johns Hopkins ’25) are both Kappa Alphas, along with other family members.

David B. Hagan graduated from North Carolina State University with a B.A. in Business Administration. He founded Hagan Properties, Inc. in July of 1989. David has over 25 years of commercial real estate experience. He is on the board of visitors for the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and is also a member of the Board of Directors for the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro. David served as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation from 2004 until 2008. He is a long time advisor and leader for the Active Chapter at North Carolina State University and was instrumental in our recent successful return to campus. David is married to his wife Mary and is a proud father of two future KAs, Bo and Guy.

Warren Reed Sprinkel was born June 30, 1922, in Los Angeles California. In 1941 he became of member of the Beta Sigma chapter. Reed served in several leadership roles including the office of Number I. During WWII Reed served in Italy where he received the Distinguished Flying Cross. He was later promoted to Major during the Korean War, logging sixty combat missions during both theatres. In 1956 he became President of the family business Vernon Paving Co and spent 26 years constructing highways, airports, and residential subdivisions in Southern California. His love for politics earned him a seat as County Campaign Chairman for Governor Ronald Regan in 1972 and 1976, and City Chairman in 1980 for Regan’s campaign for President. Reed is now retired and lives in Newport Beach, California, with his loving wife, Rita. Reed is an avid reader of the Kappa Alpha Journal. He is a member of the 1865 Trust.

Presented on April 9, 2011, amongst the company of friends and brothers at the home of James Ney (Iota – Furman ’62) Jim Crews has been a loyal and dedicated member of Kappa Alpha Order for the vast bulk of his life, and has been uniquely service-oriented and dedicated to the principles of the Order. A brief summary of the magnificent service which Jim Crews has supplied is as follows: Jim served as the Number I for Gamma Eta Chapter of Kappa Alpha Order at Florida State University from 1954 to 1955. He was the Eastern Regional Advisor for the Kappa Alpha Order National Administrative Office from 1958-1959. Jim served for eleven years as the Alumnus Advisor and Chairman of the Alumni Advisory Committee for Beta Nu at Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, Georgia. Jim is a member of the Courts of Honor for John L. Hardeman Province in Georgia and John Temple Graves Province in South Carolina.







OLD SCHOOL Family horse business brings together horses, racetracks and brotherhood

Thomas Allen Pauly,





Left: Pride of the Chapter in action


irt left restaurant management in Bowling Green in the early 2000’s to return to his home in Lexington, Kentucky where he would reconnect with a childhood fixture: horses. It was then that Old School Stable – a venture of “classic values and innovative management” – was born. As it matured, it took on a real KA pedigree. Anchoring the new endeavor was Chris, who has a long and successful career in veterinary medicine, Thoroughbred horse racing and farm management. “This is not a hobby,” he says. “This is a way of life, and it’s a real business.” Indeed, the horse business is a four-billiondollar a year industry for Kentucky, and directly employs about 75,000 people across the state. The center of the horse breeding industry is in fact in Lexington, along with its supporting infrastructure of veterinary clinics, farms and trainers.

“I know the fraternity rounded me out…it taught me about how to get along, to become versatile and accept other people with different backgrounds.”





In 2004, when the first offspring were coming of age to race, they decided to incorporate KA into the enterprise. Kirt designed the silks worn by the horses and the jockeys to include KA colors and represent their allegiance to the Order. The chevrons on the sleeves represent Kirt’s interest in southern history of America, and to honor Kappa Alpha’s spiritual founder, Robert E. Lee.

They also began naming their horses with fraternity-based names such as “Social Probation,” which was the first horse bred and raced by Old School. It was also the first KA partnership, where several brothers own a stake in the horse. This initial partnership included a brother from Chris’ chapter, James McCord, Jr. (Xi-Southwestern ’74). “We went to his maiden race and he won! It was the most exciting experience of my entire life,” says McCord, whose father James, Sr. was a KA at Omicron Chapter at the University of Texas. Other horses named in like manner have been “Dbl-Secret-Probation,” “Dirty Rush,” “Magnolias N Roses” and “Knight Commander.” The latest is “Pride of the Chapter” who is owned by the most diverse KA partnership to date. In addition to both Cahills, Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation President and Chairman Rock Houstoun (Xi-Southwestern ’70), his son Will (Xi-Southwestern ’97) and his three daughters each own a stake. “It has been an absolute blast,” says Houstoun. “It is an investment opportunity, but it has also become a hobby for me.” Kirt’s chapter brother, Kyle Wise (Epsilon Theta - Western Kentucky ‘99) also owns a stake in “Pride of the Chapter,” a name that originates from an old chapter KA song. As it turns out, “Pride” made four starts in 2010 as a two year old with two wins, one second and one unplaced with winnings of $48,650. “Partnerships are really the best way to go as it is so expensive…it costs between $40-50,000 a year to keep a horse on the top circuit; so it’s nice to share the expenses, along with the good times and bad,” says Chris. And those who have a stake in the horses are always encouraged to come participate in the most important part, which is the development of the horse. “At least 50 percent or more of the excitement and enjoyment of owning a racehorse is being able to go behind the scenes,” says Kirt. “It’s about getting to see all that goes into the horse…coming to the farm and seeing his first steps, getting saddled, working on the race track, the training - all of


"We all have the same goal in mind…I see a lot of people come into this business with a lot of money and aren’t near as successful because they don’t put the right team together.” Left: The racing silks of Old School Stable, sporting the family “Cahill brand.” This watercolor was created by Thomas Allen Pauly.




the stuff that most of the public don’t see and have no clue about.” Central to the current Old School operation is its brood mare band. All of the horses are raised under Kirt’s supervision on he and his wife Sarah’s 150-acre horse farm, where they live. Kirt also manages Woodford Thoroughbreds, which has over 200 horses, while Sarah manages Three Sisters Farm, a 50-acre equine layup and post-surgical facility. Keeping the family under control is Chris’ wife Margaret (mother to Kirt and Kerrie) who handles all bookkeeping responsibilities for Cahill Veterinary Services Inc., Old School Stable, and all Old School Racing partnerships. “Our number one priority, and our biggest job as managers, is raising and developing athletes,” says Kirt. He explained that a lot goes into raising and managing their growth, most of which involves eliminating variables that could detract from their ability to race. “We take the horse from day one when it’s born to when it hits the racetrack,” he says. “And when the horse races, it can go international – from New York to Florida and beyond.” Chris, who has traveled all over the world for the industry, says “We’re constantly reevaluating these horses, and the bottom line is trying to make everyone money, to try and increase the horse’s value… along with having fun.” When asked about the key to their success, Chris shared that it was all about “getting a team of people together that you have faith

Left: Cahill and Houstoun enjoying raceday. Opposite Left: Xi Chapter KAs and spouses at Woodford Thoroughbreds (L to R) Leonard and Kayla Hoffman (Dallas, Tx.), Rock and Tricia Houstoun (Houston, Tx.), Chris Cahill, Lynette (KA Rose 1969) and Ray Petty (Kansas City, Mo.), Suzanne and Lane Godsey (Asheville, NC). Pride of the Chapter is behind in the paddock.

They began naming their horses with fraternity-based names such as “Social Probation,” “Dbl-SecretProbation,” “Dirty Rush,” “Magnolias N Roses” and “Knight Commander.” Rigth: Scene's from from around the track and Old School Stables.


in that you can trust, where we are all on the same page. We all have the same goal in mind…I see a lot of people come into this business with a lot of money and aren’t near as successful because they don’t put the right team together.” And of course their shared KA bonds and experiences add significant depth. Both Cahills look upon their KA experiences with fondness and appreciation for what it developed in them. “I know the fraternity rounded me out…it taught me about how to get along, to become versatile and accept other people with different backgrounds,” says Chris. Kirt echoed that being able to interact, learn and live with such a diverse group of guys really helps you when you get out in the real world, and says, “You can’t always choose who you have to work for and interact with.” If there is one thing for certain about Old School, it’s that they do things right and understand the value of diligence and hard work. They not only love what they do, but they find real value in the relationships built in and around the business. It’s a real family affair and they take real pride in everything they do. “The best thing about being in this business is that there is always hope,” says Chris. “It always gives you a reason to get up – it keeps you young. There is always something different.” To contact Old School Stable about KA partnerships, please contact Kirt Cahill at 859-361-1549 or via their website:




uit. c r i c g n i r e t r a h c he 5,000 miles on t 11 e onset of 20 th t A . S K E E SEVEN W adership IVE STATES, F , S R E T the senior le R f A o H rs e b m FIVE C e forth. M rating goal was set stall five ope s u in io r o it b re m o a st n a unity to re rothers, w an opport sa r e eeks. Many b rd w O e rt o sh of th w fe ithin a ters hapters in w w their chap c o l n a k n io to is d v e it ro p ome exc ever, like, had bec a ld o d n to many, how a n g w o n k youn n U . e again e. ctivated onc this initiativ to in were being a o g ld u o w much effort was just how




Schedules for the Knight Commander, Senior Councilor, Executive Director, province commanders, staff, and other alumni volunteers had to be coordinated. Initiating chapters had to be selected, prepped, and organized. Locations for each special event, ranged from hotels to country clubs; from churches to Masonic Lodges. With multiple province councils, meetings, and normal events of the Order taking place across the country, the scenes evoked the swift feelings of a fervent campaign trail. Nevertheless, the dedication of the young men affected warranted the effort and attention of all involved. The time was now to bring these gentlemen into our eternal bonds of brotherhood. They were after all, the ones who had given their time, talent, and treasure to their chartering efforts. Throughout all of the banquets and ceremonies, a team of presenters and speakers included Executive Director Larry Stanton Wiese (Gamma Omega-Midwestern State ’87) serving as the Master of Ceremonies, Senior Councilor William E. Dreyer (Alpha Delta-William Jewell ’57) presenting each chapter the customary portrait of Robert E. Lee and Knight Commander J. Michael Duncan conferring the official charter. These five provisional chapters had all spent months building their operations, developing their brotherhood, and adhering to our values. For this period of time, their eyes have been on one site: “their charter.”

North Carolina State University

The following Active Chapter officers were installed by the Commander of Ed Chambers Smith Province David Barksdale (Tau-Wake Forest ’83):

North Carolina State ’78), Hon. Paul Y. Coble (Tau – Wake Forest ’73) former Mayor of Raleigh and current Chair of the Wake County Board of Commissioners, Hon. Thomas H. Fetzer (Tau – Wake Forest ’74) former Mayor of Raleigh and past chairman of the NCGOP, Jesse S. Lyons (Delta Alpha – Western Carolina ’98) director of communications and Editor of The Journal, Trent W. Ragland, III (Alpha Omega – North Carolina State ’75), housing corporation chairman, and William F. Troxler, Jr. (Alpha Omega – North Carolina State ’74) alumnus advisor. Then, in a moving scene, Knight Commander Duncan presented a Knight Commander’s Accolade to alumnus David Hagan for all he has done for the Order and the chapter at North Carolina State (read more about Brother Hagan on page 13). Nearly 120 people were in attendance for the event including university officials, parents, alumni, and national staff and volunteers. California Dreamin' The team next traveled to Los Angeles, California to take part in the long awaited restoration of Beta Sigma Chapter at University of Southern California on April 2nd. Brothers traveled from Epsilon Tau Chapter at Northern Arizona University and Epsilon Omega Chapter at Arizona State University to perform the initiation at the beautiful Pasadena Masonic




I – Forrest Brooks II – Edward Mason III – Lynn Clark IV – Dustin Brann V – Baxter Knight VI – Matthew Korff VII - Jacob Henderson VIII – Grayson Hale IX – Andrew Hutchins


Carolina on My Mind The tour began at the Embassy Suites – Crabtree in Raleigh, North Carolina with the official restoration of Alpha Omega Chapter at North Carolina State University. Forty-two men were initiated at Daniel’s House Masonic Lodge on January 29th by Upsilon Chapter at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and Epsilon Xi Chapter at University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Then on March 19th at the Restoration Banquet and Ceremony, speakers included John Mountz, the Director of Greek Life at North Carolina State, and Former Number I, Ches McDowell (Alpha OmegaNorth Carolina State ’11). A Smith Court of Honor induction was held by Former Knight Commander David M. Warren (Tau –Wake Forest ’78) preceptor and Scott Warren (Upsilon – North Carolina ‘81). Those inducted were Knight Commander, Senior Councilor Dreyer, Derick S. Close (Alpha Omega-

Alpha Omega Chapter

Epsilon Nu Chapter Beta Sigma Chapter

Georgia College

University of Southern California

Commander of John L. Hardeman Province, Lee Oliver (Kappa-Mercer ’86), presided over the installation of officers:

Douglas W. Hanisch (Epsilon Tau-Northern Arizona ’98) Commander of the Daniel R. Neal Province had the honor of installing the following officers:

I – Forrest Brooks II – Edward Mason III – Lynn Clark IV – Dustin Brann V – Baxter Knight

I – Joel Buck II – Steven McElveen III – Erik Larson IV – Brock Holley V – Davis Barlow

VI – Matthew Korff VII - Jacob Henderson VIII – Grayson Hale IX – Andrew Hutchins

Temple the day prior to chartering. The Restoration Banquet and Ceremony was held at the USC Radisson in downtown Los Angeles where brothers, alumni, special guests and national staff enjoyed a historic evening as the gentlemen assembled became the re-founding members of Beta Sigma Chapter. Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation Trustee Michael Paulin (Beta Sigma–Southern California ’66) presented the chapter with a certificate for a week long stay at one of his resorts in Maui for a fundraiser. Attending were former USC Trustees Otis Healy (Beta SigmaSouthern Califronia ’44) and W. Reed Sprinkel (Beta Sigma-Southern Califronia ’41). Brother Sprinkel was awarded the Knight Commander’s Accolade by Knight Commander Duncan and went on to deliver a moving address on his love for the Order and hope for the future of the chapter. Georgia! Traversing back across the breadth of the nation, Epsilon Nu at Georgia College was the site of the next restoration on April 8th. In Milledgeville, Georgia, the brothers from Delta Rho Chapter at Georgia Southern University and Zeta Kappa Chapter at the University of West Georgia initiated the assembled brothers at the historic Benevolent Masonic Lodge. Of particular interest within the new chapter is their campus involvement.




VI – Andrew Sheppard VII – Evan Karanovich VIII – Ethan Brown IX – Jared Kutil

The newest KA’s activities have manifested into leading the student government with members as president and vice president. Taking their involvement beyond college, some members were able to see a resolution passed in the Georgia State Legislature honoring the return of the chapter to Active status. The banquet and ceremony took place at the MSN Banquet Room in the heart of campus where Actives and alumni members, guests and dates enjoyed welcoming Epsilon Nu Chapter back into the Order. Big D The Order was established at Southern Methodist University in 1915. Both the University and alumni alike are excited to be back on campus. Brothers from Delta Kappa Chapter at Stephen F. Austin State University, Gamma Chi Chapter at Texas Tech University and Gamma Upsilon at Texas A&M University – Commerce performed the initiation at the stunning Dallas Valley Scottish Rite Cathedral in downtown Dallas, Texas. On April 16th the restoration banquet and ceremony officially saw the return of Beta Lambda Chapter. Nearly 120 brothers, family, friends and guest attended the chartering ceremony at the DoubleTree – Campbell Centre in North Dallas. Of the many alumni in attendance, and underscoring the concept of a

Zeta Sigma Chapter

Beta Lambda Chapter

Southern Illinois University

Southern Methodist University

Deputy Chief Alumnus Jeff Love (Epsilon Rho –Purdue ‘86) and Former Frampton Province Commander Tom Lindsey (Epsilon Rho–Purdue ‘XX) installed the first officers of the chapter:

Councilor Russell C.Brown (Delta Sigma-Houston Baptist ’82) installed the following members as the re-chartering officers of Beta Lambda: I – James Walsh II – Anthony Shallcross III – Brenton Furse IV – Fernando Gonzalez V – Trevor Louglin

lifetime achievement, eight brothers with fifty years in the fraternity, gathering for a special picture and offered their advice and counsel to the young initiates.

VI – Thomas McDuffee VII – Scott Ramsey VIII – Dax Volle IX – Brock Kabat

Illunois University Coordinator of Student Development – Fraternity & Sorority Life, Andy Morgan. This string of chartering will definitely be recorded in the archives as one of the Order’s busiest semesters of strong growth, ever. It would have been impossible to accomplish such a feat without the hard work of the chapter members, volunteers, and national staff. Kappa Alpha Order continues to establish exceptional chapters at America’s top institutions and we are looking forward to eventually chartering new chapters at Austin Peay State University, University of Tennessee – Chattanooga, and restoring the Active Chapter at the University of Houston. Finally, we are proud to announce the beginning of the return next semester of Gamma Epsilon Chapter at the University of Arizona. This national effort stretched from coast to coast with stops in three time zones. Thousands of alumni brothers have seen the return of their chapters this spring and hundreds of new brothers have been initiated. The young men at each stop were hard working, deserving, and most importantly, gentlemen. Our future now belongs to them. KA JOURNAL




The Land of Lincoln The final chartering weekend of the spring semester saw the creation of the first Active Chapter of the Order in the State of Illinois. Thirty-one men became the founders of Zeta Sigma Chapter on May 1st. On April 30th, brothers from Zeta Iota at Indiana State University performed the initiation at Shekinah Masonic Lodge in Carbondale, Illinois. The Zeta Iota gentlemen graciously presented the new chapter with the gift of a voting ballot box in congratulations of their chartering. The historic installation banquet and ceremony took place at the Holiday Inn Carbondale. A packed and electric ballroom of parents, university officials, and guests watched as Zeta Sigma received their official charter from Knight Commander Duncan. The membership, comprised of dedicated gentlemen including eight Eagle Scouts, were some of the most excited founders the Order has seen. A warm welcome speech was delivered by Pi Kappa Alpha national volunteer and Southern

I – Dan Mikalian II – Jarid Parrin III – Scott Simon IV – Mike Buhman V – Jake Roth

VI – Thomas McCormick VII – Alexander Morris VIII – Peter Bachich IX – Andrew Jopling



Kappa Alpha Order joins and helps lead “The Case for Fraternity Rights” Fraternity members develop faster, and to higher levels Each year, alumni ask staff, volunteers, and others a similar question: “How is the Greek system doing?” Or, “Will fraternities even be able to exist on campuses in the next many years?” The time has come to definitively answer those questions. Kappa Alpha Order has joined a coalition, along with the North-American Interfraternity Conference, that is assessing the development of fraternity members across the county in comparison to other students.

Research results support that fraternity members see advanced growth more rapidly, recruitment timeframe matters, and fraternities build better leaders and more active citizens.

What is the UniLOA survey? UniLOA examines seven areas of a student’s life - critical thinking, self-awareness, communication, diversity, citizenship, membership and leadership, and relationships. So far the research has told us that Fraternity members see Advanced Growth More Rapidly, Recruitment timeframe matters, and Fraternities build better leaders and more active citizens.

At this year’s Number I’s Leadership Institute, the UniLOA survey (University Learning Outcomes Assessment) was launched and detailed to each chapter president. This survey helps an independent center collect data to show that fraternities


build better leaders. It is one of the first sets of research to quantitatively show the present-day importance, relevance, and necessity of fraternities on our college campuses. All members of our chapters will be engaging in a meaningful exercise in self-reflection and can actually grow as students just by completing this survey. Most importantly, the research conducted through the UniLOA has identified a number of interesting finds related to student growth and development making a case that Fraternities are a valuable asset to every campus.

Why should our chapters participate? Over 50,000 college students have participated in this survey and the results for fraternities have been higher than nonfraternity members. This is Kappa Alpha Order’s opportunity to participate as we believe our members will have better results than non-fraternity members. 22


Findings Independent research compiled by the University Learning Outcomes Assessment (UniLOA) has recently presented valuable data concerning the impact of fraternity membership on student growth and performance. These findings reveal telling results surrounding several previously questioned areas of the student experience. 1. Fraternity Members See More Advanced Personal Growth More Rapidly Participation in a fraternity provides students with an essential supplement to the academic pursuits of the collegiate experience. The quest of true education is not merely to enrich the mind with lesson plans, but to foster the development of well-rounded citizens who will make lasting contributions to society. UniLOA Data shows that those students who choose to participate in the fraternity experience gain a significant advantage to non-participants in many formative measurements that apply greatly to civic engagement, relationship building, and professional leadership skills. 2. Recruitment Timeframe Matters The growth patterns seen in students are cumulative, showing that each semester builds significantly from the time at which they are first engaged in the experience. The earlier an individual engages with the fraternity, the greater its impact will be upon their development. Some of the greatest differentiation between members and non-affiliated students is seen in the first semester of their collegiate experience. Those committed to a fraternity show marked growth and improvement in many social and leadership categories as compared to their non-affiliated classmates. Meanwhile, academic performance is widely undifferentiated between the two sets of students. With students pursuing more and more opportunities beyond traditional on-campus offerings (internships, externships, study abroad programs, etc.), it is crucial to create these

positive traits as quickly as possible, better preparing students for a wide variety of life and career experiences. 3. G oing Beyond Social Experience: Fraternities Build Better Leaders and More Active Citizens Those students who choose to join a fraternity leave college better prepared for immediate impact in the workplace and involvement within the community than those who do not. It is not the early adoption of an organization or activity; it is the commitment to our organizations and activities that creates the difference in leadership development, citizenship,

Those students who choose to join a fraternity leave college better prepared for immediate impact in the workplace and involvement within the community than those who do not.

diversity, and self awareness. Of particular distinction are the differences in areas of citizenship and community involvement, an area that resonates strongly with both the Millennials considering participation, as well as their parents. This differentiation emerges as a result of the empowerment provided by active participation within the organization, a growing familiarity with the process of enacting change, the community involvement/responsibility ethic instilled as a part of the group, and by taking advantage of the leadership opportunities available to members. If you have questions about Information taken from the NIC “The Case for Fraternity Rights.� Contact the NIC to learn more: North-American Interfraternity Conference, 3901 West 86th Street Suite 390, Indianapolis, IN 46268-1791, (317)872.1112,

Overarching Growth 74 72 70 68 66 64 62 60


Critical Thinking


National Database Norm




Male Non-Fraternity Student Means




Membership & Leadership


All Fraternity Means



Alumni News

Brother's Voice Takes Him to Sports Success People who aspire to work in sports broadcasting can only imagine what it must be like to be the person who tens of thousands of sports fans are listening to in a huge stadium when someone make a touchdown or hits a home run. When it does happen, it can be a dream come true, as it has been for Chuck Drago (Epsilon Omega-Arizona State ’00). Drago is in his sixth season as the public announcer (PA) with the Arizona Diamondbacks, the professional baseball team in the West Division of Major League Baseball’s National League. As a young man, a broadcasting career had always been in the back of his mind, but he never was able to quite get it going the way he wanted. He had toyed with broadcasting a little, working in radio for a short time and interning under (then local, now national) sportscaster Colin

Cowherd in his hometown of Las Vegas, and majoring in broadcasting at ASU before changing his major and pursuing a degree in business management. He was working in his family’s sales business when he heard of the opening with the Diamondbacks. “The Diamondbacks’ announcer became their play-by-play backup for the radio and he also was doing pre-game and postgame shows,” Drago said. “So they started auditioning for new PA announcers. I was probably one of hundreds of people who sent in resumes and DVDs or CDs with their voices.” “They finally called 50 of us back,” he continued, “then brought 10 of us back, then five, and then they had me and another gentleman do a spring training game. They finally picked me to be the PA announcer, and I haven’t missed a game KA JOURNAL



since.” Today, Drago’s voice is the one everyone hears at Chase Field, which seats more than 49,000 in downtown Phoenix and is the first stadium in the United States to have a retractable roof. Drago isn’t a full-time broadcaster, though, spending his daily work life in an academic environment as a progression advisor with the University of Phoenix. He also does voiceovers and commercials, something he’s looking forward to doing more of in the future. “I’m getting more involved with that,” he said. “It’s fun. So it’s like my third job.” Drago said that being a KA brother has made all the difference in the world in terms of how he has conducted himself in both his professional and private lives. “I can’t say enough about KA and my brothers, some of the finest men in the world,” he said. “What I took away from KA was how to be a true gentleman and a true man. It’s made a real difference in my life and in who I am.” Above: Arizona Diamondback Stephen Drew, Drago, and Derrick Hall, President and CEO of the Arizona Diamondbacks.

Alumni News Alabama Alpha Beta

Joseph C. Shipp, M.D, FACP, ’44, is Emeritus Professor of Medicine, University of California San Francisco. From Tuscaloosa, he left to attend medical school at Columbia, then further clinical and research training at Harvard and Oxford. Originally he began his academic medicine career, with emphasis in diabetes, at Harvard, then moved to Gainesville to help start the new medical school. After 10 years, he became Chairman of the Department of Medicine at the University of Nebraska to assist in rejuvenating the old institution. After 15 years there (including 15 cold winters!) he headed for San Francisco to help develop a diabetes program both in the city and in Fresno, an affiliate. This led to his work with the Sansum Diabetes Research Institute in Santa Barbara, and a move to Santa Barbara in 1997 where he and his wife, Marjorie, who is an artist, enjoy their life. They have four children (including a physician son who graduated from UAB) who all live in California. A visit from any of his brothers would be welcomed.

The Citadel Theta Commission Ron Plunkett ’09, was recently awarded the Meritorious Service Medal and Citation from MG Nelson Lacy of the South Carolina Military Department. Brother Plunkett served as the Volunteer Coordinator for the successful recent Congressional Medal of Honor Society Convention in Charleston, SC.

the mid-1990s, and held several positions with Kelly Services prior to his vicepresidential appointment. Georgia Southern Delta Theta Keith Beckham ’88, is a history teacher at T. L. Hanna High School in Anderson, South Carolina. Bobby Schorr ’03, recently assumed the position of Business Development Manager at Quantum, Inc. in Savannah, Georgia, a 509 (a)(3) private, not-forprofit subsidiary corporation of the Coastal Center for Developmental Services. The business employs people with

Delta State Delta Beta David Cummins ’88, is the 2001 president of the Mississippi Seedsmen’s Association, the trade organization representing the planting seed industry across Mississippi. Cummins is a field sales specialist for Bayer CropScience, a leading company in the area of crop protection, non-agricultural pest-control, and seeds and plant biotechnology. Cummins, who lives in Madison, Mississippi, is married and has two children.

James Hunt “Hunter” Yancey, Jr. ’94, and his wife Martha welcomed son Jackson Wyatt Yancey into the world last April. Yancey recently joined Qualcomm, Inc., a leader in wireless technologies, as Patent Counsel. The family now resides in San Diego. Hampden-Sydney Alpha Tau William Selden ’67, has been honored by the Retail Merchants Association

Athelete Awarded with NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship Greg Kurkis (Alpha-Washington & Lee ’09), left, was recently awarded an NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship. A football player and biochemistry major, Kurkis started all 40 games of his college career as an offensive lineman. The 2007 Old Dominion Athletic Conference Rookie of the Year, he was a fourtime all-conference selection and was twice named the conference’s top scholar-athlete in football. Kurkis started all 11 games during the 2010 season in helping lead Washington and Lee to an 8-3 overall record and a perfect 6-0 record in conference play. The Generals claimed their first ODAC title since 2006 and advanced to the NCAA Tournament for the second time in program history. The team captain was named First Team All-ODAC, First Team All-State and Third Team All-South Region for his efforts.

Georgia College Epsilon Nu Ralf Lorenzen ’86, has assumed the position of Vice-President of Global Sales Support at Kelly Services, a leader in the staffing industry. Headquartered in the Detroit area, Kelly offers outsourcing and consulting services, including recruitment, human resource management, vendor management, and outplacement services on a global basis. Lorenzen has been with the company since


disabilities in the areas of packaging, assembly, bulk mailing and more. Schorr had previously been with the Savannah Area Chamber of Commerce.

An excellent student, Kurkis is a two-time CoSIDA/ESPN Academic All-America selection, garnering second team laurels as a junior and first team accolades as a senior. He plans to attend medical school in the fall, specializing in either orthopedics or cardiology. The NCAA awards up to 174 postgraduate scholarships annually, 87 for men and 87 for women. The scholarships are awarded to student-athletes who excel academically and athletically and who are in their final year of intercollegiate athletics competition. 25



Arkansas Tech Epsilon Zeta H. David Pinson ’00, recently became a Regional Director for Trinity Multifamily, a property management company that also offers insurance products and real estate brokerage services. The company is involved

in property management, property renovation and more in Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas. Pinson resides in Fort Smith. Pinson is also the Commander of the Howard P. Locke Province.

Alumni News

Beta Omega Reunion On March 26, Beta Omega chapter at Washington College celebrated their 75th anniversary. Held on campus in Chestertown, Md, brothers young and old gathered for fellowship and a day of memories. Highlights of the day were the presentation of a major donation from KA alumni to Washington College, Province Commander Douglas Ewalt receiving the Knight Commander's Accolade (see page 13 for more), and great history shared about the chapter. Knight Commander Duncan and Executive Director Wiese were on hand to celebrate with all the men who had passed through the chapter in the beautiful setting around Washington College. Congratulations gentlemen and here's to another 75 great years of excellence!

inRichmond, Virginia as the 2010 Distinguished Retailer of the Year. Selden is the president of his family’s C.P. Dean & Co. billiards store, the third generation of his family to run the business. The award is given annually to retailers for their management practices, industry reputation and community contributions, with winners chosen by a committee of previous winners. Selden has been a member of the merchants group’s board of directors since 1993 and served as chairman from 2008 until this year. Houston Gamma Mu Jan Norris ’57, is a semiretired communications professional who still works in the arena of financial public relations, spending part of his time working in foreign countries. With his BFA in journalism and radio and television, Norris was involved in the early days of television at the University of Houston, and is a 1989

recipient of The Knight Commander’s Accolade. When he’s not in France, Germany or somewhere else on the other side of the pond, he makes his home in the Houston area. Lambuth Gamma Omicron Dr. Russell Dyer ’93, just recently won the PTA Principal of the Year Award for Tennessee. Russell became the principal three years ago. He is the first principal of the school and is well respected in the Shelby County School System. He has been the Forester Province deputy commander for academic affairs for almost four years now, helping with scholarship programs, and teaching sessions each year at province council. At Lambuth, he served as Number II for two years. He also served for a year as Number I. Louisiana Tech Gamma Alpha Joe Richard McFadden ’90, is 1st Vice-President of a BancorpSouth branch in


Camden, Arkansas, in the southern part of the state just above the Louisiana state line.

Corporation, Deavenport is the former CEO and Chairman of Eastman Chemical Company.

Brad Bourg ’92, works in medical device sales in Louisiana, Tennessee and Mississippi for Stryker Corporation, which offers implants for patients who have experienced brain aneurysms. Bourg is married with two children and another on the way. In addition, Bourg is the current president of the Ruston, Louisiana KA Alumni Chapter, a new chapter created last fall. For information about the alumni chapter, contact Bourg at

Missouri Alpha Kappa Juan Martin Munoz ’62, is a retired executive of the VF Corporation, a multibillion dollar international apparel company, dividing his time between homes in Greensboro, North Carolina and Antalya, Turkey.

Mississippi State Beta Tau Earnest Deavenport ’58, has been awarded an honorary doctorate from Mississippi State University. Deavenport was instrumental in the raising of funds to build the original KA house on the MSU campus. The current Non-Executive Chairman of Regions Financial 26


Missouri S&T Beta Alpha Scott Allen Thurston ’93, is an extruder operator for Bosh Manufacturing Gilmour Group, a major manufacturer of garden hose and other products, in Excelsior Springs, Missouri. Thurston lives in Liberty, Missouri, the town several generations of his family have called home. Oklahoma Beta Eta David Wenrick ’01, was one of Tulsa’s top producing real estate agents in 2010 and was named one of Tulsa’s Top

Alumni News 40 business professionals under 40 in 2011 by the Tulsa Business Journal. Wenrick and his wife are expecting a baby boy, Eli, in September. Jerre Bruce Williams ’51, is retired in the Conroe, TX area where he has lived for more than 40 years. Williams had worked for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice as a recruiting supervisor of correctional officers, and was employed in the oil business before that. Oklahoma State Beta Xi Edward B. Hickman ’69, retired from the U.S. Army in 1995, and is currently a Senior Information Assurance Analyst with the Colsa Corporation, a technology services and solutions company, at the company’s headquarters in Huntsville, Alabama. Rob James Yeo ’08, is working as a Visual Merchandiser at the head office of Tesco, one of the world’s largest global grocery and general merchandising retailers, in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom.

NC State Watauga Medal Awarded to KA

Southern Methodist Beta Lambda Tom Greene ’03, just completed his third year as head coach of the SMU Men’s Club Lacrosse team, leading the team to the conference championship game for the first time in the program’s history. In addition to coaching lacrosse and serving on the Alumni Advisory Committee of Beta Lambda Chapter, he is also at work in development during SMU’s Second Century Campaign. Greene is especially proud to have the Beta Lambda restored to its rightful place on campus, and is thankful to everyone who supported the brothers’ efforts to re-colonize the chapter over the past two years.

Derick Close (Alpha Omega–North Carolina State '78), at right, was recently awarded the prestigious Watauga Medal for distinguished service to North Carolina State at the university’s Founders’ Day dinner, held Monday, March 7. The Watauga Medal was established in 1975 by the NC State Board of Trustees to honor people who have made significant contributions to the advancement of the university; it is the University’s highest non-academic award. Two past recipients from Alpha Omega chapter are “Willie” York (1990) and his son Smedes York (2006). Brother Close is president and CEO of Springs Creative Products Group, a fabric and crafts business. A 1982 NC State textiles management graduate, he is a director and past president of the North Carolina Textile Foundation. Close helped initiate a scholarship program to attract talented students to the textiles program at NC State. He was honored as the outstanding alumnus of the College of Textiles in 2000.

Tennessee-Martin Delta Upsilon Dave Bratcher ‘99, has been hired as the West Tennessee Healthcare Foundation’s Vice President of Financial Services. Brother Bratcher has been highly involved in the community. A Leadership Jackson graduate, he has been very active with the Jackson Exchange Club, where he served as a member of the board. He also was involved with Habitat for Humanity, Boys and Girls Club, and served as a Jackson Madison County School Board member for District 5.


He served on the University of North Carolina system’s Board of Governors from 1994 to 1997 and the NC State Board of Trustees from 2001 to 2010. He serves as a board member for both corporations and community nonprofit agencies. In 2008 Close received Leadership Charlotte’s Schley Lyons Award for service to the community. Close is a partner in the Carolina Panthers NFL franchise and a former partner in Charlotte Knights AAA baseball. A longtime supporter of Wolfpack athletics, he has helped chair several fundraising efforts, including the Goal Line Drive committee to upgrade and renovate Carter-Finley Stadium.




Purdue Epsilon Rho Wayne A. Victor ’91, is the Director of Sales Development for the Middle East Stars and Stripes Expeditionary Edition. The Stars and Stripes is the U.S. military’s independent news source, once a legendary newspaper but now also available electronically, and Victor is part of the staff of the publication’s Middle East edition; Stars and Stripes reports from locations throughout the world. Victor and his wife and young daughter live in Germany.

Randolph-Macon Zeta David F. Ambrosio ’06, has been elected as the new president of Zeta Lodge Institute, Zeta chapter’s historic housing and educational foundation. This increases his volunteer involvement with the Order and he looks forward to working with the Active Chapter, alumni, National Administrative Office, and the Order’s volunteers.

Alumni News Texas State Epsilon Iota Cameron Hudson ’10, has transferred to Iona College in New Rochelle, New York, a Christian college with a student-teacher ratio of 13:1, on an athletic scholarship as a swimmer and water polo player. A philosophy major, Hudson is actively exploring the possibility of introducing Greek life to the Iona campus.

Randolph-Macon Recognizes Alumnus

Texas Tech Gamma Chi Tracy Scott Reves ’92, is both a firefighter and police officer in the Dallas suburb of Highland Park, Texas, working 24-hours shifts that include eight hours of police work and 16 of serving as a fireman. Reves and his family (wife, son and daughter) live in Allen, Texas.

Stephen P. Long, MD (Zeta-Randolph-Macon ‘79), above far-right with his family, was presented the Distinguished Alumnus Award by Randolph-Macon College’s Society of Alumni on April 15, 2011. The Society of Alumni created the Distinguished Alumnus Award to honor those alumni who have achieved wide recognition through contributions made to society through their chosen professions. The award was presented by R-MC President Robert R. Lindgren.

Tulane Psi Jonathan H. Parker ‘82, partner in the law firm of Parker & Maloney in Miami Beach, Florida, passed the Hawai’i Bar exam for which he sat in February 2011. Admission to the Hawai’i Bar will be completed in June 2011. Parker had not taken a Bar exam since 1988 when he became a member of both the Florida and New Jersey Bars. Parker limits his practice to DUI defense and was recently named Of Counsel at the Law Offices of David F. Anderson in Miami Lakes.

Long earned his B.A. in English from R-MC in 1982. While at Randolph-Macon, he served as president of the Student Government Association and was also a member of the Washington Literary Society, Omicron Delta Kappa and Phi Beta Kappa. Long earned his M.D. in 1986 from the VCU School of Medicine. He completed his internship in general surgery and his residency and fellowship in anesthesiology and pain medicine at the Medical College of Virginia Hospitals in 1991. He remained on the faculty as co-director of the VCU Pain Management Center from 1991 until 1998, when he began a private practice, Commonweath Pain Specialists. He is an Associate Clinical Professor of anesthesiology at VCU, where he still teaches 2nd- and 4th-year medical students. In 2003, Long was appointed by Governor Mark Warner to a three-year term on the Board of the VCU Health System. He was also appointed to a four-year term on the Board of the American Society of Anesthesiologists. He currently serves as president of the Virginia Society of Anesthesiologists. At R-MC, he has served on the Board of Trustees since 2005 and serves as the Chairman of the Board’s Committee on Trustees. In 2006 Long and his wife Georganne, who is also a physician, established the Long Scholarship in honor of their parents. The scholarship is awarded to R-MC students who are interested in careers in medicine. The Longs live in Richmond and are the parents of three children: Whitten, Mary and Margaret.

Tulsa Mu Erik Scott Chillingworth ’03, recently became engaged to Whitney Waelder, and the couple bought their first house. Chillingworth is an accountant with Rogers and Bell, a professional legal practice in Tulsa.

In June, Long was appointed to the University of Virginia Board of Governors by Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell.




Vanderbilt Chi Mike Osburn ’03, completed the 26.2 mile Boston Marathon Shadow Run in Bagram, Afghanistan with an official time of 4:12:54 in April. Participants were given only six weeks’ notice for the race which began at 0300 (3 a.m. for the nonmilitary types). Osburn, with a BS in civil engineering from Vanderbilt and a MS in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin, is a civilian employee of the Army Corps of Engineers, working as part of the civil reconstruction team in Afghanistan. Virginia Military Institute Beta Commission John W. Downs, MD, ‘00, was recently promoted to Major, US Army, and selected for fellowship training in nephrology at Walter Reed Army Medical Center beginning in July. MAJ Downs has been serving as the Task Force Surgeon for an Army Special Operations Task Force in Iraq. In addition, Maj. Downs nominated COL Brian Reed for the Sigma Alpha Commission for graduates of West Point. COL Reed was initiated recently at the inaugural Sigma Alpha Commission Initiation. COL John Trout, ‘08, is a member of the Venerable Order of St John (as described in the Summer/Fall 2010 issue of The Kappa Alpha Journal. He would like to offer himself up for anyone who’d like to discuss the Venerable Order if anyone has an interest. His address is: 900 N. Abbeywood Place, Roswell, Georgia and his phone number is (770) 552-0266. Virginia Wesleyan Epsilon Omicron Phil Eberle Hobson ’84, is

Alumni News the founder and President of Phoenix International Business Logistics, Inc. (PIBL), an international shipping and U.S. customs brokerage business. Hobson started the company, which now has dozens of office locations and partnerships worldwide, in 1995. Among its services is the creation of logistics packages for trade shows, working extensively with Fortune 500 companies in trade show exhibition transportation. PIBL is based in New Jersey and is especially active in the New York City in the area of fairs and exhibition services. For more information go to

Wake Forest Tau Peyton Durham Bryant ’07, is currently working for BB&T (Branch Banking and Trust Company) in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and is in the company’s Leadership Development Program. In November he will relocate to the company’s Columbia, South Carolina to work as a commercial lender. BB&T offers a complete range of financial services including banking, lending, insurance, trust and more. West Florida Epsilon Sigma Aaron S. Kurtz ’02, has just completed his MA in International Relations from

the Leiden, Netherlands campus of Webster University. Nathaniel L. Robinson ’01, recently married the former Leigha M. Drago of Gulf Breeze, Florida. The couple had been living in Metairie, LA, until Robinson’s recent U. S. Coast Guard transfer to assume duties as the Supervisor of MSD (Marine Safety Detachment) Portsmouth, in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. West Virginia Alpha Rho Ryan Michael Corbey ’02, is a relative newlywed living in Bozeman, Montana, where he graduated last year from Montana State University. With his sociology degree, Corbey works with at-risk

adolescent males in helping them prepare for adulthood, and says he and his wife and two dogs enjoy life in the Big Sky Country. Western Kentucky Epsilon Theta Matt Bonner ‘96, recently joined the Crescent Project, a national Christian ministry focused on reaching Muslims for Christ. He’s currently working towards a full time role as the organization’s State Director for Tennessee. In that capacity, Bonner will be recruiting churches, groups and individuals to engage in this vital ministry across the state. He and his wife, Khakki, reside in Nashville and are expecting their first child in September.

KA Experience Helps Launch Distillery


“Being in KA definitely helped prepare me for the business world,” he said. “Things like structure, organization, the entrepreneurial spirit – I wouldn’t have had those experiences without KA and my brothers.”




Jonathan Cook (Beta Omega-Washinghton College ‘97), graduated with a B.S. in international relations from Washington College. And he’s using that degree to run a business that speaks a language that people of all nationalities can understand. Cook is the founder (with his brother Christopher) of Blackwater Distilling, the maker of Sloop Betty, a hand-crafted wheat vodka. Headquartered in Stevensville, Maryland, Blackwater is just getting off the ground after about six years of preparation. Sloop Betty only hit shelves a couple months ago, but is currently available in more than 200 stores in Maryland, Delaware and Washington, DC. The company’s COO and Senior VP, Cook said that life as a KA brother had a profound influence on him, and helped him start a difficult and specialized business that he really knew nothing about. Cook was working in the risk management field when he decided to take the plunge with his own corporation. He said it’s been an adventure that has taken years to see fruition. “With something like this, you have to become an expert at everything,” he said. He said that the fraternity experience has helped him stay grounded and given him a sense of ethics and fair play. “Your life, your morals, how you choose to live…being in KA helped set me up for what you’re going to do with your life, helped me to be a better person.”

Chapter Excellence

2011 National Awards for

Chapter Excellence

George C. Marshall Award for Chapter Excellence The George C. Marshall Award for chapter excellence honors the top one to three chapters in the nation, based on applications received. The application covers the gamut of chapter operations including scholarship, member education, chapter growth and development, ritual, project outreach, campus involvement, risk management, public relations, communications and finances. In order to receive the highest chapter award in Kappa Alpha Order, a chapter has to be highly organized and its leadership driven to be the very best.

2011 Recipient: University of Tennessee - Pi Chapter Key accomplishments for Pi chapter in 2010: Achieved a 3.07 GPA and was ranked 1st out of 26 fraternities on campus. They also achieved a 3.0 for both semesters (fall 2009 and spring 2010).

The chapter conducts 20-25 initiation practices a semester and memorizes 100% of the ceremony. While most of our members in the Order take a break in the summer, this chapter has several dedicated young men that take a ritual class to learn more about our Order.

Received the Excellence in Educational Programming award from the Order.

According to one of their advisors, “Though the road to success has had many challenges, including the absence of a chapter house, Pi Chapter has demonstrated total commitment to doing things the “KA Way!”

Awarded the Outstanding Services Hours per man and Outstanding Dollars per man Awards. Awarded the Excellence in Chapter Finances Award.




Chapter Excellence

Samuel Zenas Ammen Award for Chapter Excellence This award is given in the name of Samuel Z. Ammen to recognize Active Chapter achievement in overall operations. Both the Marshall and Ammen Awards are granted upon the same application process. This award is presented annually based upon the application process prescribed by the Executive Director and recognizes the top fifteen to twenty percent of Active Chapters based on applications received. Like the Marshall Award, the Ammen awards are granted by a majority vote of the Executive Council



Missouri University of S&T

commitment, chapter’s GPA rose more than 15%. They are the largest on campus and was the 10th Samuel Zenas Ammen Award for Chapter Excellence for Zeta Theta.

Finally, they continue to send a Christmas Card to every chapter and officer of the Order, instilling a national and lifetime experience for their members.

Miami University – Epsilon Lambda These men host an annual volleyball tournament on campus for MDA that all Greeks enjoy; $10,000 was raised this year. In summer of 2011, over a dozen of this Chapter’s members spent a week performing service in Honduras, working both to educate the underprivileged and build or repair homes and community centers (see the Cross & Rose Award). They rank in the top twenty five percent of fraternities on campus with its average annual GPA exceeding a 3.0 while maintaining its size as one of the largest on Campus. They also updated their bylaws this year ensuring further accountability.

University of Tennessee – Pi In addition the accomplishments for which they receive the Marshal award, the chapter successfully fundraises and volunteers with Project Outreach, contributing over 2200 hours of community service and donating over $12,000 to charitable organizations. They host values-based events such as Bible study, a large parent’s weekend event, and 100% chapter attendance at a dry Convivium event.


Arizona State University – Epsilon Omega Over the past year, this chapter has climbed from the middle of the pack in grades on its campus to third, achieving a GPA above the all-men’s and all-fraternity averages. With Operation Crimson Gift, the brothers hosted the American Red Cross, and involved 100% of its membership. The chapter’s finances are great, remaining current with the national administrative office and University, while increasing collection rates. The brotherhood was tested over the summer with the loss of a member and two great friends of the chapter. However, they leaned on each other and pulled together to have a successful year.




University of Tennessee at Martin – Delta Upsilon GPA for this chapter was above the All Men’s and All Fraternity averages both semesters. They are the largest fraternity on their campus and have the highest bid acceptance ratio. The chapter has a strong commitment to the customs of the Order which helps them produce an outstanding initiation ceremony. Almost every member is actively


James Madison University – Zeta Theta These gentlemen developed a partnership with a local church and elementary school. Brothers tutored local students, hosted a field day, and performed service such as yard work and painting all the while amassing over 50 community service hours per brother. Along with other events for MDA, the men hosted a volleyball tournament that raised over $5,000. Through a strong

Missouri University of Science & Technology – Beta Alpha Recruitment was strong this year and this chapter easily filled its house early. The chapter’s members are active in several other organizations on campus and also managed to attend 8 different educational programs over the course of the year. Further, they attended the Emerging Leaders Academy, Crusade RoundTable, and Stewards of the Order this past summer. The officers perform the initiation ceremony with 100% memorization. The chapter’s GPA above KA’s National average and they average nearly 40 community service hours per member.

Chapter Excellence

2011 Province Council Recap Every spring, regional meetings across the country take place to educate our members, conduct the business of the province and bring brotherhood together across a region. One-third of our undergraduate members participate in this training covering leadership, risk management, recruitment, The Crusade, VI Track, ritual, scholarship, member education, and personal development. Kappa Alpha Laws (7-215) states that all nine officers are required to attend unless excused by the Province Commander.


2,155 100% 153 33% Uundergraduate Participants

(highest attendance to date)

Participation of active chapters

Ammen Award (continued) involved in another student organization, including serving as leaders of Freshmen Welcome Week, yet the membership attended seven different educational programs this year on campus. They hosted or participated in 13 different philanthropic/ community service projects. They won intramurals for a 4th year in a row, received the campus Scholarship Improvement Award and the Overall Greek Award for the Year. Transylvania University – Alpha Theta The brothers GPA is well above the all-men’s and all-fraternity averages and ten members received a 4.0 GPA this past year. Members hold leadership positions on campus including Captains of varsity athletic teams, University Ambassadors, and SGA. They’ve revamped their by-laws and established more accountability for members. Chapter size is above IFC average. Their MDA Walk raised substantial donations for MDA.

Alumni Participants

challenge, the brothers worked hard to recruit the largest pledge class in its history. One year ago, the brothers set a goal of attaining 1000 community service hours. By the time applications were submitted in November, the chapter had smashed this goal—earning over 55 hours of service per member. The officers memorize 100% of the initiation ceremony and live the values daily Western Kentucky University – Epsilon Theta Brothers from WKU serve in executive IFC roles including President. They are one of the largest chapters on campus and scholarship is a top priority. Their GPA in spring 2010 was the highest it has been in nearly two decades. Members are involved and leaders in many student organizations. Locally they won the most involved and best philanthropy programs. Their Crusade implementation sees membership meeting 75% of the expectations of the program.

University of Washington – Zeta Mu Last year they won the Carl Albert Most Improved Chapter Award. However, in 2010 much of the membership and leadership turned over for Zeta Mu. Faced with this

Active Members in Attendance




Westminster College – Alpha Eta Every member of the Chapter is a member of another organization on campus with many holding leadership roles. The chapter consistently earns above a 3.0 GPA with many of its brothers making the Dean’s list. They have revitalized their Crusade program and updated the new and active member education program attending symposiums and hosting speakers. They won intramurals for the 11th straight year and are the largest on campus in size.

Chapter Excellence

Carl Albert Most Improved Chapter Award The Most Improved Chapter Award is named for Carl Albert, an alumnus of Beta Eta at Oklahoma University. His life accomplishments are amazing coming from a KAPPA ALPHA ORDER very poor family rising to become Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, the CARL ALBERT AWARD highest electedCHAPTER office ever achieved by a member of Kappa Alpha Order. He is not FOR MOST IMPROVED Xi only anAlpha honored and historical figure, but a man whose life exemplifies the very University of California, Berkeleyimprovement – starting with many disadvantages and still concept of substantial rising to 2010 notable success. It is fitting that a chapter that accomplishes the same feat would receive an award named in his honor. These chapters weren’t necessarily poor the previous year; they plainly showed marked and noticeable improvement and were to be commended. Auburn University – Nu At Nu, their overall chapter GPA rose nearly a quarter of a point from fall 2009 to spring 2010 thanks to a commitment to accountability and new scholarship enhancement plan. Collectively, the chapter donated over 1,200 hours to the local community including volunteering at the Humane Society, nursing homes, and local elementary schools. Through participation in Auburn University’s Spirit Program, the brothers were some of the most involved around campus and had fantastic attendance at University sponsored events. They brought members to ELA and Stewards of the Order, some of the first men from Auburn to attend these summer conferences.

Missouri Southern State University – Delta Pi Despite having the highest GPA of any fraternity on campus the year prior, the brothers were not content and made strides beat the KA national GPA average – a goal that they achieved this year. They participated in many MDA events and quickly became recognized as the most service oriented fraternity on campus. They averaged over 50 community service hours per man this past year. With 50% of its brothers going through the Stewards of the Order program, they are dedicated to the ritual

This annual award to recognizes the Active Chapter that displays the most outstanding participation in Operation Crimson Gift – the Order's year–long, nationwide blood drive effort. University of Richmond – Eta The brothers coordinated two blood drives this past year, one each semester. They recruited donors through tabling, posting flyers, informing clubs and student leaders and by advertising in the newspaper. In addition, 100% of the brothers donated blood for both events. Overall, 200 students were recruited to participate in their blood drives. This is the second Knight Commander’s Cup in a row for Eta chapter.

National Scholarship Trophy This trophy, housed in the national administrative office, is awarded to the chapter that achieves the highest combined GPA both academic semesters. Duke University – Alpha Phi Although faced with stiff competition from our brothers at Princeton, Stanford, Southern California, and Cal-Berkeley, Alpha Phi brothers achieved a combined 3.4685 GPA to retain their 10th consecutive National Scholarship Trophy.





University of California-Berkeley – Alpha Xi With a significant emphasis on academic achievement the men achieved a 3.34 GPA last fall, placing it among the top chapters on its campus and in the Order. On campus, the chapter won the Award for Outstanding Academic and Scholarship Programming. The brotherhood has been dedicated to a successful risk management

plan, avoiding any violations this year while building its reputation as the gentlemen on campus. With a new recruitment plan, they positioned themselves as one of the largest organizations on its campus growing from 57 to 70 members in one year.

Knight Commander’s Cup

Chapter Excellence

Cross & Rose Award

Operational Awards

The Cross & Rose Award is the highest recognition given by the Order for community service. This awards a chapter program that excels in all aspects of service and community impact, hours and dollars donated, the potential ease of continuing the program, interaction with other groups and individuals, percent of the chapter involved, and the adaptability of the program to other communities.

Scholastic Achievement Award Chapters qualify by acheiving one of the folloiwng: 1) have a collective grade point average higher than both the all men’s and all fraternity average; 2) be academically ranked in the top 25% of fraternities on their campus; or 3) achieve a 3.0 GPA for both the fall 2009 and spring 2010 semesters. University of CaliforniaBerkeley Alpha Xi

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Upsilon

Clemson University Delta Omicron

Princeton University Zeta Beta

University of Delaware Beta Epsilon

University of Richmond Eta

Emory University Epsilon

University of the South Alpha Alpha

University of Washington Zeta Mu

Florida Gulf Coast University Zeta Pi

University South Carolina Rho

Washington and Lee University Alpha

Furman University Iota

University of Southern California Beta Sigma

West Virginia Wesleyan College Beta Chi

Southwestern University Xi

Western Kentucky University Epsilon Theta

The George Washington University Alpha Nu University of Georgia Gamma

Stanford University Alpha Pi

Georgia Institute of Technology Alpha Sigma

University of Texas Omicron

University of Maryland Beta Kappa McNeese State University Delta Xi

Miami University – Epsilon Lambda During the summer of 2010, the chapter partnered with the International Samaritan Program and sent 13 brothers to Honduras. While in the village of El Ocotillo they dedicated a full week of service. While the International Samaritan Program has built a medical facility, nursery and school in recent years, much work was still left for our brothers upon their arrival. Our brothers worked to landscape the school and nursery areas in an attempt to provide shade for the overcrowded school buildings. They flattened and cleared an area next to the nursery so the school children could play outside. Their largest challenge lay in digging, by hand, a 10’ x 10’ x 10’ hold in the ground for a new septic system. In addition to their labor the brothers also donated over 50 pounds of clothing and dental supplies. The brothers did not merely sign up. This event required the men to raise over $20,000 to fund the experience. In doing all this, they forged lifelong memories of service and brotherhood and extended our efforts to the unfortunate poor across international boundaries.

Miami University Epsilon Lambda

Texas A&M University Epsilon Delta Texas Wesleyan University Zeta Xi Transylvania University Alpha Theta


Vanderbilt University Chi University of Virginia Lambda

Westminster College Alpha Eta William Jewell College Alpha Delta College of William & Mary Alpha Zeta Wingate University Zeta Zeta

Operation Crimson Gift Century Society All members either donated or volunteered through blood drive efforts Arizona State University Epsilon Omega (45 blood donors, 43 members) Delta State University Delta Beta (46 blood donors, 46 members) Elon University Epsilon Mu (36 blood donors, 40 members) Florida Gulf Coast University Zeta Pi (67 blood donors, 66 members) James Madison University Zeta Theta (68 blood donors, 79 members) University of Missouri Alpha Kappa (90 blood donors, 102 members)

Tulane University Psi



Missouri University of Science & Technology Beta Alpha (60 blood donors for 53 members) University of Richmond Eta (55 blood donors, 51 members) University of Tennessee-Martin Delta Upsilon (68 blood donors, 75 members) Transylvania University Alpha Theta (45 blood donors, 56 members) Wake Forest University Tau (70 blood donors, 46 members) University of Washington Zeta Mu (18 blood donors, 18 members)

Chapter Excellence

During the 2011 Province Councils across the Order, the chapter awards listed here were presented. The awards are based on national applications received prior to the 2010 deadline and are granted by majority vote of the Executive Council.

Most & Oustanding Service Hours Per Man

Overall Excellence in Communications

Chapters must log and complete an outstanding amount of hours relative to the number of men in their chapter through their Project Outreach efforts. This may include MDA events, local philanthropic work, participation in interfraternal service events or community service and volunteerism.

These chapters demonstrate and document their efforts in print, digital, and other formats to effectively connect and communicate with all constituencies and stakeholders for their chapter, including other KA chapters, their campus and surrounding community.

Bowling Green State University Zeta Lambda (47.26 hrs. per man; 1,465 total hrs.)

University of Tennessee Pi (40.84 hrs. per man; 2,205 total hrs.)

James Madison University Zeta Theta

Georgetown College Beta Delta (48.28 hrs. per man; 1,303.5 total hrs.)

Transylvania University Alpha Theta (41.73 hrs.per man; 2,337 total hrs.)

Excellence in Fraternal Communications

James Madison University Zeta Theta (53.28 hrs. per man; 4,209 total hrs.)

Washington College Beta Omega (40.38 hrs. per man; 1,050 total hrs.)

Missouri Southern State University Delta Pi (50.21 hrs. per man; 1,205 total hrs.)

Westminster College Alpha Eta (59.91 hrs. per man; 4,074 total hrs.)

These chapters show effective communication and promotion of fraternal brotherhood amongst other KA chapters, to include newly chartered chapters and those winning national awards. Drury University Beta Iota

Most & Oustanding Dollars Per Man Chapters must organize and execute effective Project Outreach fundraising events and efforts. The log their amounts, properly donate, and return information to the national administrative office. As with service, these may include MDA events, local philanthropic work, or participation in interfraternal fundraising events. Georgetown College Beta Delta ($195 per man; $5,265 total)

University of Mississippi Alpha Upsilon ($242.43 per man; $53,335 total)

James Madison University Zeta Theta ($192.34 per man; $15,195 total),

Missouri University of Science & Technology Beta Alpha ($158.43 per man; $8,397 total),

Miami University Epsilon Lambda ($386.50 per manl; $29,760.88 total) Millsaps College Alpha Mu ($209.29 per man; $12,139 total)

Vanderbilt University Chi ($251.20 per man; $11,555 total)

Arizona State University Epsilon Omega

Indiana State University Zeta Iota

These chapters must also show the coordination of a year-round approach to recruitment, using the Order's values and chapter's accomplishments to effectively recruit and retain new members.

Westminster College Alpha Eta

George Mason University Epsilon Phi

University of Tennessee Pi

Transylvania University Alpha Theta

Missouri University of Science & Technology Beta Alpha

Tennessee Tech University Zeta Epsilon

Westminster College Alpha Eta

Best T-Shirt The best t-shirt shall be original, promote the values of the Order, and be unique to the chapter applying.

University of Southern Indiana Zeta Iota


These chapters should have submitted all national reports on time and maintained generally a zero balance with the national administrative office. They also maintain great local records, utilize the tools of OmegaFi for record keeping, budgeting, and collecting, as well as maintaining a minimal accounts receivable from their membership dues.

University of Tennessee-Martin Delta Upsilon




University of Tennessee Pi

Excellence in Chapter Finances

Outstanding Recruitment & Chapter Growth

Missouri University of Science & Technology Beta Alpha

Missouri University of Science & Technology Beta Alpha

These chapters excel in areas of educational programming. They must schedule speakers and/or workshops, attend opportunities on campus, and lead an overall educational approach to member education, which might include Council of Honor, The Crusade, and other areas of leadership and values education.

These chapters must demonstrate a superb commitment to year-round recruitment, unique events, branding and marketing, and a an overall strategic approach to growth. Further, they must show a significant percentage increase in their membership.

University of Mississippi Alpha Upsilon

These chapters show effective communication and promotion of the interfraternal spirit on their campus, connection to the faculty, staff, and administration AND promotion of their efforts and others to the greater community at-large.

Excellence in Educational Programming

University of Tennessee Pi ($234.80 per man; $12,679.26 total)

George Mason University Epsilon Phi

University of Tennessee-Martin Delta Upsilon

Excellence in Campus & Community Communications

Georgetown College Beta Delta

Overall Excellence in Recruitment & Chapter Growth

University of California-Berkeley Alpha Xi

Westminster College Alpha Eta

On Campus

Editor's Note: Chapter updates are printed if received by the deadline. If your chapter is active and not listed, please contact them to urge them to submit an update for the next issue.

Left: Happy new members during the fall at Mizzou, with new footballs that were donated by an alumnus.


University of Missouri Alpha Kappa Alpha Kappa chapter has been growing, with a new member class of 28 last fall and nine new gentlemen for the spring 2011 semester. The chapter also has three gentlemen on the Interfraternity Council. Having moved up high enough in the academic ranks and passing the all-University average, the chapter was also awarded an Academic Achievement Banner. In fall of 2010, the brothers took part in many playoffs and championships in Mizzou’s intramurals, and were champions in basketball and took third place in volleyball. New members who pledged in the fall were given NCAA regulation footballs with Mizzou and KA logos, thanks to a generous alumnus. The gentleman of Alpha Kappa were quick to help churches and hospitals near the campus by shoveling snow after February’s record-setting snowstorm, which dumped nearly 20 inches of snow in two days. The gentlemen also volunteered at a local food bank, packing bags of food for local families in need following the blizzard, giving a total of nearly 750 hours of community service and volunteer hours in the aftermath of the storm. Celebrating the spirit of Christmas, the chapter received third place in the Christmas light competition of 28 fraternity


chapters on campus. Also, paired with the ladies of Delta Delta Delta for Homecoming and the ladies of Sigma Sigma Sigma for Greek Week, Alpha Kappa was very successful, placing in many events. During Greek Week, the pairing of Kappa Alpha and Tri-Sigma raised close to $1,000 for MDA. The gentlemen of Alpha Kappa are looking forward to Mizzou’s 100th Homecoming this fall, and expect to be successful when paired with the ladies of Delta Gamma. For the next school year many Alpha Kappas are involved on campus, with participation in Beta Alpha Psi (professional accounting fraternity), IFC, club sports, the Judicial Peer Advisory Committee (JPAC) and many other organizations and professional fraternities. The chapter is again planning on reaching all university honors in academics and is looking to fill the house with a fall pledge class of 45-50 new members. Finally, in a presentation funded and organized by Alpha Kappa, the chapter is welcoming Judge Mitch Crane to campus in August in a presentation about hazing and alcohol awareness to all of the IFC chapters. The chapter and The Journal also wish to acknowledge the loss of Alfred E. Rickli (Alpha Kappa – Missouri ’56). Brother Rickli was a great KA Marine, in the NRA, and a devoted alumnus. His brother Ken Rickli (Alpha Kappa – Missouri ’59) had this to say, “my brother passed away November 29, 2010, from non-smokers lung cancer. What was the unbelievable part of this was that Al was on no medications for anything at all. He accepted his condition, and lived longer than most with this cancer. We miss him dearly.” – Jonathan Dale Strope, IV



On Campus = Award Recipient (see page 30)

Arizona State University Epsilon Omega The men of Epsilon Omega were thrilled and honored to help with the re-charting initiation of Beta Sigma Chapter at the University of Southern California, and are also excited to perform in the mock initiation at this year’s convention in Phoenix, Arizona. Epsilon Omega is also proud of brother Ronald Hill for being initiated into the Order of Omega earlier this semester. – John Spataro, I Auburn University Nu Bowling Green State University Zeta Lambda This past spring Zeta Lambda raised $400 for MDA with their spring pushcart race, KA Kart. The weather held off long enough for the 14 teams to compete as activ3es raced alumni.The brothers and their AAC will be having a summer retreat to plan for the upcoming semester, and will be painting the house in June. – Kevin A Malone, V University of California-Berkeley Alpha Xi Clemson University Delta Omicron Davidson College Sigma Website: Facebook: Kappa Alpha Order Sigma Chapter The brothers of Sigma raised $1,100 for MDA by auctioning off the various talents of different brothers, and raised another $1,000 for MDA by running a haunted house last fall. This year’s annual KA tennis tournament for Sigma chapter’s Jay Chitty Memorial Scholarship raised over$1,400. – Leland Taylor

pig cookout to local MDA representative Melissa Clary. On the right is Stewart Gunn, I.

Epsilon finished second in Air Band as well as for the entire week. Andy McCarthy, current Number VIII was elected to the IFC executive board as Vice President of Judicial. – Brian Pillsbury Delta State University Delta Beta Drury University Beta Iota The Beta Iota Chapter successfully initiated four new members with the largest spring Rush on campus. The brothers were commended by the president, the dean of admissions and the dean of student affairs of Drury University for their participation in “Discovery Drury Day,” an event to help introduce the school to prospective students. – Isaac LeBlanc Duke University Alpha Phi East Carolina University Gamma Rho Facebook: Last fall Gamma Rho Chapter initiated 10 new members into the brotherhood,




all of them from North Carolina, and extended one bid during the spring semester. Prior to April’s ECU-UNC baseball game, the brothers cooked a pig and prepared side dishes to make for combination plates for pre-game dinner sales, and all proceeds went to MDA. The brothers continued with their community service practice of picking up trash on 5th Street in Greenville. This particular road is a main view of the university and it is important to the brothers to keep it looking presentable. In educational initiatives, the chapter now has an alumni advisory committee that meets occasionally with the chapter’s Numbers I and II to discuss ways to improve the chapter. These alumni also take turns sitting in brotherhoods and receive all chapter minutes taken. The men have also had a guest speaker speak about risk management policy. Gamma Rho is undergoing complete reconstruction of officers, habits, and risk management attention, striving to improve grades amongst current brothers and to monitor and have full awareness of our new members’ success in school. Philanthropy ideas are being discussed along with community service projects to improve the chapter’s campus reputation. This summer the men will be attending


University of Delaware Beta Epsilon The gentlemen of Beta Epsilon collaborated with Sigma Nu to raise money for MDA through a car wash at the fraternity house. The brothers also conducted three different Amstel Avenue area cleanups to help keep the campus looking good for spring tours. Greek week was a huge success, as Beta

EAST CAROLINA: From left, East Carolina’s Matt Sheehan, VI, gives a check from the chapter’s

On Campus = Award Recipient (see page 30)

Gamma. In addition, Alpha Nu donated over $200 worth of new and used kids’ books to help improve access to books for children in one of the nation’s worst public school districts. Some of the men also were on hand for sorority Phi Sigma Sigma’s Rock-a-Thon event to raise funds for the National Kidney Foundation. Georgetown College Beta Delta

FLORIDA STATE: From left, Florida State brothers Luke Murphy, Alex Henderson, John Welden, Graham Woodard, Danny Benoit and Kyle Sanders with members of Kappa Delta at the First Annual Magnolia Bowl.

KA workshops/functions to aid them in the future success, and a positive turnaround, of this chapter. – Jamie Donaldson, V Elon University Epsilon Mu Emory University Epsilon Florida Gulf Coast University Zeta Pi Florida State University Gamma Eta KA Gamma Eta Chapter held its First Annual Magnolia Bowl philanthropy, which gave sororities the opportunity to compete against each other in a flag football tournament. The event was successful, raising $1,200 for MDA. brother Griffin Valentich received New Member of the Year Award as part of Florida State Greek Awards. Only one brother out of all fraternities on campus is chosen for this award, which is awarded on GPA, activity participation, and contributions to his chapter. Brother Cole Cochran was commissioned into the United States Army Reserves as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Engineer Corp on April 30th, and brother Dru Wooldridge was also commissioned into the United States Army as a 2nd

Lieutenant and will be stationed at Fort Stewart, Georgia. – Cooper Jarnagin Furman University Iota George Mason University Epsilon Phi Epsilon Phi has had a very successful semester this past Spring. We initiated five brothers. We held our second sucessful Operation Crimson Gift Blood Drive. Also, this spring we raised $600 for the MDA Muscle Walk at George Mason University and $745 for Relay for Life. In another service, yet fun experience, we volunteered at a Miss America Fundraising event in Washington DC. All this included completing 427 hours of community service. Brother Thomas Gregan was elected to be the Vice President of Student Activities of the George Mason Interfraternity Council for the upcoming school year and Brother Sean Hobaugh was selected to be the Director of the 2012 George Mason Greek Week Steering Committee. – Sean Hobaugh, I The George Washington University Alpha Nu The men of Alpha Nu worked on a book drive for Washington, DC public schools with the sisters of Kappa Kappa




University of Georgia Gamma Website: The chapter of 140 active members has traveled throughout the Southeast, celebrating Convivium in Savannah, Georgia and Old South in the mountains of Gatlinburg, Tennessee. The brothers remain active on campus in a variety of philanthropic events, including weekly tutoring sessions for underprivileged children. – William Weston, V Georgia Institute of Technology Alpha Sigma Indiana State University Zeta Iota Website: Facebook: Kappa Alpha Order Zeta Iota Zeta Iota has grown substantially in the last year, with many new members who are very excited to do some big things for their chapter.. The chapter also has an excellent new Rush video that is blowing up for KA chapters all over the nation. It can be found YouTube (search “Rush Kappa Alpha Order Indiana State”). In addition, the gentlemen are proud of brother Neil Weston, who has been accepted to a United States Marine Corps Officer Program. – Jon Taggart, V James Madison University Zeta Theta University of Kentucky Theta Facebook: Theta Chapter of Kappa Alpha Order Alumni At the annual John S. Candler Province Council the gentlemen of Theta Chapter were proud to win the Foundation Chapter Award and an Academic Honors award. Thanks to the hard work of the chapter’s alumni and housing core, the

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brothers plan to see many renovations to the chapter house in the near future, just in time for the upcoming fall semester. The brothers have been busy in many areas in their pursuit of excellence, including participating in Greek Sing, organizing an MDA fundraiser with a local business, making the finals in intramural basketball and furthering their efforts to strengthen chapter the GPA. The fall semester will include such activities as the chapter’s annual alumni golf scramble, the active and alumni homecoming tailgate, an IGPA event for MDA, and a parents/ alumni open house and pig roast. – Tristan Santor, V University of Louisiana at Monroe Gamma Nu Facebook: Kappa Alpha Order University of Louisiana at Monroe The gentlemen of Gamma Nu had a busy spring semester working on philanthropic events. The chapter teamed up with Alpha Omicron Pi on an annual Paws Parade during Mardi Gras, and for MDA week the chapter hosted its 2nd annual Rock-A-Way, partnering with Orange Leaf frozen yogurt. The chapter raised $1,300 for MDA through the event, the highest amount raised by any registered student organization. Academically, the chapter recorded a 3.114 GPA during the past fall semester, which was the highest fraternity average on campus. In sports, the chapter’s intramural softball team made it to the state tournament. – Jonathan Maxwell Campbell, V University of Maryland Beta Kappa McNeese State University Delta Xi

very entertained by his energy and love for superheroes. The event consists of many different aspects, including Gentleman and Lady of Kickball, Biggest Foot, Most Spirited Fraternity/Sorority, and Kickball Champions. The event raised over $1,800 for MDA. – Cal Overman, V Miami University Epsilon Lambda Millsaps College Alpha Mu Alpha Mu Chapter is wrapping up a great spring semester in which the chapter raised an amazing $17,290 at the annual KA/Phi Mu MDA and CMN Casino Night. The gentlemen are looking forward to their new alumni cookout event in July and another successful Rush in the fall. The brothers have also begun planning their annual MDA Golf Tournament and their inaugural MDA Beach Volleyball Tournament for the fall semester. The chapter was also recently recognized for winning the Best Philanthropy Award in the Greek system. – Dylan Broussard, I University of Mississippi Alpha Upsilon The gentlemen of the Alpha Upsilon at Ole Miss have been participating in multiple philanthropic events through other fraternities and sororities on campus, as well as hosting their own events. The brothers also led a relief




effort in Pine Flat, Mississippi to help victims of the recent tornados that have devastated the South, providing manual labor and whatever else they could that people were in need of. The gentlemen recently won the Kappa Sigma Diamond Days baseball tournament beating Kappa Sigma 4-3 in the championship game. The chapter also had four brothers selected to be on this year’s roster of the University’s Who’s Who, which gives the designation to outstanding members of the senior class. Brothers George Bordelon, Paris Buchanan, Tucker Gore, and Ty New were given this honor. The brothers at Alpha Upsilon are looking forward to a great summer, with internships from Los Angeles to Capitol Hill as well as study aboard trips stretching from Spain to New Zealand. The gentlemen have many summer rush activities planned and are excited about bringing in another top pledge class in the fall. – Sid Johnson, V Missouri University of Science & Technology Beta Alpha Missouri Southern State University Delta Pi The Delta Pi chapter received the award for most outstanding Greek organization on campus at the Greek awards banquet, and alumni brother Will McKee was recognized as the most outstanding alumnus of all the Greek


University of Memphis Gamma Gamma On April 1st, the we held our annual KA Kickball Tournament benefitting the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Since its beginning in 2009, we have had a patient and his/her family speak. This year, the young man who spoke, Dalton, does not know he has MD. He was the highlight of the day and we are very thankful that he and his family were able to attend. All of the fraternities and sororities that participated were

GEORGE MASON: George Mason brothers with 2010 Miss Virginia

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the Fraternity and Sorority Life Award Banquet, Derek Springer was given the Most Well-Rounded Member Award. In philanthropic pursuits, the brothers teamed up with Beta Iota Chapter to put together a bowling tournament for MDA. The gentlemen also held a recruitment workshop to promote education in an area that they consider a high priority. The chapter is also pleased to announce a new alumni advisor, alumni brother Brandon Howard, who is ready to help the chapter make continued progress. – Derek Springer, II

GEORGE WASHINGTON: George Washington’s Thomas MacDonald, II (left) and Dan Horning, I with two sisters of Phi Sigma Sigma during their Rock-a-Thon fundraising event.

organizations on campus. As always, the brothers at Delta Pi have been busy with philanthropy participating in a St. Baldrick’s Day event on campus to raise money and awareness for childhood cancer, with six of the gentlemen shaving their heads to raise awareness. Delta Pi raised more money for the event than any other organization participating with $1,268, accounting for more than a third of the total amount raised. Delta Pi is also again number one in Greek intramurals. The chapter also participated in many educational events this past semester, including a sexual assault awareness presentation, a study skills presentation and a time management presentation. Brother Ryan Ferrier was inducted into order Omega and brother George Ueno was elected Vice-President of student Senate. – Robert Day, I Missouri State University Gamma Beta Gamma Beta Chapter took 3rd place in the Greek God Dessert event during Greek Week 2011. Additionally, at

Newberry College Delta Epsilon More than fifty Newberrians were taken to jail on Wednesday with a bail set of $3,000 per person. It was all for a noteworthy cause to help the Muscular Dystrophy Association and the Delta Epsilon chapter raise money for research. Employees came from local businesses and the school district. Prior to the event, people were raising money for the association and even set up websites through the association. The event raised over $30,000 which will fund the association throughout the midlands. The Newberry Observer was not exempt from this occasion, as two of their reporters, were taken away to raise money. They were in good company with many Newberry businesses and organizations as they helped send kids to camp or help buy equipment. Nicholls State University Epsilon Beta This past semester the gentlemen of Epsilon Beta raised over $1,000 for MDA through an enjoyable and




successful bowling tournament. The gentlemen finished third in intramural basketball, and attended Nicholls basketball, volleyball, and baseball games throughout the year to cheer on their beloved Colonels. The brothers also took home the trophy in a dodge ball tournament philanthropy hosted by the Phi Mu chapter. The gentlemen have also continued to maintain an active association with the sororities on campus, with Epsilon Beta brother Lewis Bonfanti being named the Delta Zeta sweetheart, and brother Derrick Zeringue being on the Sweetheart Court. In addition, brother Zeringue assisted the ladies of Delta Zeta when they found themselves the victims of a robbery when one of their cars was broken into. Brother Zeringue notified the authorities, filed a police report and comforted the ladies until everything was resolved. Three of the chapter members have also found the time to coach the different sororities during their intramural softball ventures. – Nicholas Chaisson, V University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Upsilon Website: The gentlemen of Upsilon have been very active in their philanthropic endeavors this past semester, averaging more than 29 hours of service per member and achieving a perfect 100% chapter involvement in campus activities. These activities included participation in the

NEWBERRY: Brothers Nick Kinney, Jacob Branham, and Kyle Lynch “behind bars” at Newberry.

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2nd Annual Greek Week competition, in which Upsilon’s team emerged victorious. Academically, the chapter had two brothers, Kenton William Freeman Jr. and William John Schreiner, inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society, an honor that only 0.75% of the student body achieved. The chapter is also proud to announce that its previous Number I, Benjamin Aaron Siadak, was awarded the Outstanding Chapter President Award for both fraternities and sororities at the annual Greek awards, an amazing accomplishment. – Taylor Sutton Twine, III University of North Carolina Charlotte Epsilon Xi Website: Facebook: Kappa Alpha Order - Epsilon Xi Chapter The brothers of Epsilon Xi held their annual See-Saw-A-Thon for MDA on the UNC Charlotte campus in March. It consisted of, rain or shine, 48 hours of non-stop see-sawing and raising money on the corner of a busy intersection. This philanthropic effort raised over $2,000 for MDA. Epsilon Xi initiated five new brothers on April 17th from the spring new member class. Also, the gentlemen celebrated the end of the school year with Old South Weekend April 29-May 1 in Nags Head, North Carolina along the Outer Banks. All Charlotte-area alumni are encouraged to attend the chapter’s alumni gathering

WEST FLORIDA: The brothers of West Florida proudly displaying the banner at this year’s Convivium.

during the fall semester. Check out the chapter’s website for further details. – Garrett Bedenbaugh, I

and Sean Murphy.




University of Oklahoma Beta Eta During Old South week the Beta Eta Chapter held a benefit dinner at a local restaurant on campus, and a barbeque and concert featuring country artist Emory Quinn, with the two events raising about $3,000 for MDA. The brothers also held a very successful blood drive in the chapter house. In sports, the gentlemen won the fraternity league of intramural softball, going completely undefeated. Several of the gentlemen of Beta Eta are showing their love for our country through military service, with brother Ethan Israel currently deployed in Afghanistan, brother Blake Jutras recently having graduated from basic training, and brothers Baker Ousley and Brice Vowell preparing to attend basic training. – Michael Manigold Presbyterian College Beta Pi The brothers of Beta Pi finished off the spring semester with two notable events, attending an ice cream social philanthropy event at the local Presbyterian Home, hosted in conjunction with Zeta Tau Alpha


University of North Texas Gamma Lambda Website: Gamma Lambda participated in many events this past semester including MDA walks and fundraisers that resulted in donations of over $3,000 to MDA. Gamma Lambda also raised $250 for the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation through a fundraiser with a local restaurant. The gentlemen of Gamma Lambda continue to compete in every sorority event on campus including Pi Beta Phi’s Mr. Pi Phi where they took 3rd place, Zeta Tau Alpha’s field day where they took 1st and 3rd place, and Alpha Delta Pi’s fourth annual Mocktails event, taking first place for the third year in a row. The VANDERBILT: Members from Vanderbilt take a break during a hard day gentlemen also of construction-related work at Nashville’s Hillsboro High School, participated in volunteering for Nashville Tools for Schools. From left are three UNT’s first ever unidentified community volunteers and brothers Scott McLaughlin, Teddy Kentor, Sterling Wardwell, Matthew Hawkins, Tyler Huber “Big Event,” where

they were teamed up with Alpha Delta Pi to help clean up a Boy Scouts campsite. – Joshua Daniel

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Man of the Year” and “Outstanding Greek Achiever.” The chapter also participated in community service events such as the dance marathon and Relay for Life, and co-sponsored the campus blood drive. – West Smithers, V

WESTERN CAROLINA: Brother Phillip Thomas, IV, fronts the band during the cornhole tournament at Western Carolina, which raised more than $1,000 for MDA.

sorority. Everyone in attendance made some new friends while catching up with the regulars at the nursing home. The end of the spring semester also saw the revival of a long-held tradition at Beta Pi, Old South Weekend. The brothers and their dates had a fantastic time in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. The weekend featured music and entertainment at Remy’s Bar and Grill, as well as a cruise out to Daufuskie Island, as well as some much-needed beachfront time. Beta Pi continues to distinguish itself on campus with brothers Philip Carter and Lewis Stover, I, being named chairman and co-chairman of the Presbyterian College Honor Council. The brothers are looking forward to another successful Rush in the fall, as well as to continuing to make great strides in campus development and visibility. – Cameron Lawson, V Princeton University Zeta Beta Purdue University Epsilon Rho Website: Facebook: In intramural sports, the brothers of Epsilon Rho took part in outdoor soccer, dodgeball and softball, a great way for the gentlemen to come together have fun while competing against other fraternities and students of the

university. The chapter has made great strides academically; as of fall 2010, the chapter average GPA was a solid 2.85, above the university all-men’s average of 2.78 and IFC average of 2.76. This is due in great part to the new member average of an extraordinary 3.24, the highest of all fraternities on campus. Epsilon Rho also held its 25th anniversary celebration. For more on this, please turn to the Alumni News section. – Caleb Cassler, V Randolph-Macon College Zeta Website: The gentlemen of Zeta are proud of the leadership roles that the chapter’s members have taken on. One new member, Robert Thomas, is the outgoing CEC chair, Academic Integrity Council chair, and Franklin Debate Society president. Brothers Daniel Burch and West Smithers will be filling leadership positions in the school’s Greek Ministries program in the fall, and brother Chandler Weston will be serving as Chair of the Campus Events Committee as well. As for the graduating seniors, brother James Robinson graduates Phi Beta Kappa, and brother Joe Varner will be attending Duke Divinity School on a full scholarship. Greek Week was a successful time for Zeta Chapter, with the chapter receiving top points in every event, ultimately winning Greek Week. Brother Varner won two Greek awards, “Greek




Roanoke College Beta Rho The Beta Rho Chapter at Roanoke College garnered several accolades this past spring, most notably winning the Most Improved GPA for all Greek organizations on campus. The chapter has been struggling with grades the last few years, and this is a positive step in the right direction. The gentlemen have also been very active in the community, taking time to participate in roadside cleanups, the nationallyrecognized Salem Ambassadors volunteer program, and helping other charitable organizations. Beta Rho is also making strides in the Inter-Fraternity Council, with Patrick Lawrence Delbuono ‘13 recently having been elected to the position of President for IFC. He is also the Risk Management Officer for Beta Rho. – Connor James Toomey, V University of Richmond Eta University of the South Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Chapter, and several of its individual members, were honored by the university for excellence in various areas. After first place finishes in intramural flag football, three on three basketball, five on five basketball, and a third place finish in indoor soccer, the chapter was honored with the Overall Intramural Champions award. In varsity athletics, several members were recognized by the Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference (SCAC). Academically, several brothers graduated with honors. In other news, brother Roddey Dowd (‘10) has finished Officer Candidate School, has taken his commission with the United States Marines, and will begin infantry school soon. – Warren Cook, V University South Carolina Rho

On Campus = Award Recipient (see page 30)

Southeastern Louisiana University Epsilon Kappa Website: Facebook: Kappa Alpha Order Southeastern Louisiana University Epsilon Kappa finished the spring semester with the highest IFC GPA. Epsilon Kappa initiated Brothers Josh Graffagnini, Brennan Vincent, and Brit Myer this spring. They won the Overall Greek Intramural Trophy at the DSA Convocation. Also at the Convocation, brothers Liam Doyle, Jeff Bennett, Kevin Rabalias, Baylen Fontenot, and Kent Landacre won the Green “S” Award. Brothers Chase Pennington, Liam Doyle, and Jeff Simmons were selected to be DSA Leadership Ambassadors for the 2011-12 school year. During the spring semester the gentlemen of Epsilon Kappa completed over 400 hours of community service and donated $700 to various charitable causes. The chapter also hosted its annual blood drive for Operation Crimson Gift. – Kent Landacre, I University of Southern California Beta Sigma University of Southern Indiana Zeta Iota Southwestern University Xi

season and made the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation playoffs. – Brandon Mischel, I University of Tennessee Pi The chapter initiated four new brothers this spring with a ceremony presented completely from memory. Province Commander Jim Lawson complimented the performance as one of the best he’s ever seen. At the Greek Awards Banquet, former Number I Tucker Anders received the Outstanding Chapter President’s award. This is the second consecutive year that a Pi chapter Number I was chosen for this recognition. Current Number I Nick Santaniello received the Torch Bearer Award on behalf of the chapter. The chapter was one of two fraternities on campus that received the distinction. Tennessee Tech University Zeta Epsilon University of Tennessee-Martin Delta Upsilon University of Texas Omicron Texas A&M University Epsilon Delta




Texas State University Epsilon Iota In New Orleans for their philanthropy event, the gentlemen of Epsilon Iota raised $1,200 for MDA and promoted awareness about the disease and how it affects many Americans. They also partnered with National Pan-Hellenic Council fraternity Alpha Phi Alpha for a barbecue in the quad of the university to raise money for MDA as well as Alpha Phi Alpha’s philanthropy. For community service, the gentlemen held a river cleanup day, picking up the trash along the side of the San Marcos River and Rio Vista Park. The gentlemen also teamed up with Chi-O in a citywide cleanup called Bobcat Build where the chapter’s members painted, cleaned, and landscaped an assisted living center for the elderly. Overall the chapter logged about 600 community service hours for the community. The chapter also won Greek Week with Delta Zeta, with events that included lip synch and foursquare competitions. In sports, the chapter took the intramural championship in soccer. In addition, two of the chapter’s members were elected to be senators in the Associated Student Government, and another member was elected to be Coastal Conservation Association vicepresident. – Patrick Butler, V


Stanford University Alpha Pi The brothers of Alpha Pi have been very focused on community service and volunteered more than 350 hours of time to charitable causes this past semester, including volunteering for a canned food drive dubbed “the KAnned food drive” that the chapter held on the Stanford held on campus. The men also have been organizing and taking part in a “spring KAleaning,” gathering unwanted items as students move off the campus at the end of the school year and donating them to Goodwill. The chapter’s big philanthropy event, the KA Kickball Classic, is also in the works. We already have a lot of interest from the rest of campus, and we are looking forward to raising a substantial amount of money for a great cause. In addition, the volleyball team at Stanford, of which the starters are all KA brothers, had a strong

SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA: Members and friends stop for a picture with the Subway Mascot and spokesman Jared after participating in a campus Heart Walk.

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a silent auction that raised $5,200 and a letter writing campaign that raised more than $3,000. The brothers were also successful in intramurals, with gentlemen competing in football, basketball, softball, and soccer. The chapter’s goal in the coming year is to improve its cumulative GPA to a 3.5. – Jarrett Wadler, V University of Virginia Lambda Wake Forest University Tau

TULSA: Spring initiates at Tulsa, from left, Riley Ayer, Micah Bolin, Matt Crow, Sam Edison, Harry Hatch, Mike Kaucher, Jon Martell, Marcus Pate, and Daniel Weatherholt.

Texas Wesleyan University Zeta Xi Transylvania University Alpha Theta Website: The gentlemen of Alpha Theta made their annual MDA Walk from Frankfort to Lexington, inviting more community involvement by selling t-shirts and allowing anyone to walk the last mile or so from Rupp Arena back to Transylvania University. The gentlemen also recently worked in a concession stand at Rolex Kentucky Three Day Event to raise money for MDA. In education, the brothers brought in an alumni lawyer to lecture on the importance of avoiding alcohol infractions, and to speak on a plan of action in case of making this mistake. In year-end intramurals the chapter finished 5th overall. In addition, several of the brothers, along with friends, relatives and potential members, took a day trip to Keeneland, a historical thoroughbred horse-racing and equine sales location west of Lexington, Kentucky. – Nick Moore, V Tulane University Psi University of Tulsa Mu Website: Facebook: Kappa Alpha Order Mu Chapter Mu chapter excelled in Rush, in community service, and in academics

during the spring semester. Given the smaller size of the university, the spring pledge class of nine new members was greater in size than the pledge classes of the rest of fraternity row combined. In philanthropy, the chapter, now requiring more service hours of its members, participated in a number of community service events including TU Service Day, MDA Stride & Ride, and Relay For Life, in addition to attending sorority philanthropy events. Academically, Mu Chapter is excelling under its new scholarship program, with new members attaining the highest GPA on the row, and other members being awarded scholarships for their academic achievements. – Nathan Berry, V Vanderbilt University Chi The gentlemen of Chi were honored to receive three awards at the Vanderbilt Greek Awards ceremony, including awards for the Intellectual Development Program, the Outstanding Philanthropy Project, and the Outstanding Collaborative Program with Panhellenic Council. The brothers have been busy with community service projects, offering assistance at a local food bank and Nashville Tools for School, and had multiple brothers volunteering at the Dismas House, which provides transitional housing and services to former inmates. Philanthropic events the chapter has participated in have substantially benefited MDA, including




University of Washington Zeta Mu Zeta Mu is excited to have initiated four new gentlemen into the Order, and one of the chapter’s newer members, Grant Stevens, proudly walked away with the Mr. Personality award and was First Runner-Up in Delta Gamma’s Service for Sight philanthropy, Anchorsplash. The brothers continue to set a fine example in the Pacific Northwest of how the gentlemen of the Order are to conduct themselves and serve their community. – Scott Feltrup, V Washington College Beta Omega Washington and Lee University Alpha Facebook: Kappa Alpha - Alpha Chapter The Alpha chapter has had another very successful semester, with the gentlemen of Alpha continuing to hold important leadership positions within the student body, excel in the classroom, and perform well on the playing field. Two of the chapter’s sophomores were recently elected to W&L’s Student Judicial Council (SJC) and Interfraternity Council, respectively, and another sophomore, previously elected to the SJC as a freshman, won re-election as secretary. Alpha men hold starting positions on the lacrosse and baseball teams and play pivotal roles in the success of both squads. The chapter’s letter-writing campaign for MDA this past winter was hugely successful, raising more than $3500. Academically, Alpha had another strong semester, with an average GPA of 3.23, the best among major fraternities on campus. – Lawson W. Neal, V

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University of West Florida Epsilon Sigma The active members of Epsilon Sigma had a great time celebrating Convivium at Pensacola Beach this year. In addition, the chapter initiated several new members, and received an award in recognition of its donations to the KAOEF. – Michael Cox, V West Texas A&M University Gamma Sigma In chapter community outreach efforts, the gentlemen of Gamma Sigma participated in the Eveline Rivers Christmas Project, a year-round project that brightens the lives of economically disadvantaged children, and also took part in the “Don’t Mess with Texas” campus cleanup. In addition, several of the brothers have been granted membership in the Attebury Honors Program, which offers undergraduate students the opportunity to join a learning community with many educational and life-enriching benefits.Recipient – Scholastic Achievement Award – Jacob Reed Sherwood, V West Virginia Wesleyan College Beta Chi Western Carolina University Delta Alpha The brothers of Delta Alpha hosted a bean-bag cornhole tournament in honor of our fallen brother Allen Brisson, who died tragically in the Tuckasegee River last year. Over 32 teams competed to help raise over $1,000 for MDA. The gentlemen also participated in community service for a local farmer who is trying to introduce more locally grown foods into the community, donating over seven hours each to help his cause. The chapter looks forward to increasing its member size next semester and building more of a brotherhood bond by continuing to reach out to the local community and MDA. – David Houston Salinas, I

Westminster College Alpha Eta The gentlemen at Westminster College are becoming more and more involved in leadership positions on campus. We have many new and current members applying and being accepted to very prestigious clubs/organizations such as Skulls of Seven, Student Ambassadors, and the Blue Blazers Investment Club. Our chapter has an large number of student-athletes that were very successful this semester with their sports teams. This includes the baseball team making it to the conference tournament and the tennis team going to the NCAA tournament yet again. The gentlemen are gearing up for the summer with planned BBQ’s and recruitment events. We are continuing with our community-wide Brothers for Others program highlighted in the last Journal. We are looking forward to hosting another strong period of recruitment with a great class of young men who strive for the ideals that Kappa Alpha promotes. – David Berry, I William Jewell College Alpha Delta College of William & Mary Alpha Zeta




Wingate University Zeta Zeta In March the brothers of Zeta Zeta collaborated with alumni members to host the inaugural Justin Graham Gill Memorial Lacrosse Game, raising money for a recently endowed scholarship that will be awarded each year to a student who is an active member of the Greek community who possesses significant leadership skills, and demonstrates a commitment to civic service and extracurricular endeavors. The brothers also want to remind alumni to mark their calendars for the annual Homecoming and KA Pig Roast weekend, coming up November 4th and 5th. – Taylor Collins, I

University of Tennessee-Chattanooga Provisional Chapter The second half of the Spring semester has been fast paced and very exciting. We hosted our first formal on the Delta Queen, which was our best brotherhood event yet. The chapter continues to refine its chapter operations and is becoming increasingly involve in campus activities. The chapter has made great progress in completing several chartering requirements, bringing us ever so closer to becoming an active chapter. Our most successful event this semester was our first annual Southern


Western Kentucky University Epsilon Theta

INDIANA STATE: Brothers gather on campus to celebrate the year.

On Campus = Award Recipient (see page 30)

SOUTHERN INDIANA: Celebrating a 3rd consecutive Greek Week championship.

Summer philanthropy week. The chapter held several events throughout the week, culminating with a low country boil which raised over $1,000 to benefit MDA. The UTC Provisional Chapter has an exciting summer planned with several recruitment events and an alumni BBQ to further our growing relationship with the local Chattanooga KA’s.

many events including a very successful Pie in the Face event, and raised over $1,800 during the week for MDA. Kappa Alpha Order at Austin Peay State University has done an excellent job of establishing itself as not only a leading organization on campus, but also as the leading group of fraternal gentlemen on campus. – Jason G. Taylor, V

Austin Peay State University Provisional Chapter Austin Peay State University’s chapter has done an outstanding job of making itself known on campus. During spring recruitment the chapter recruited more gentlemen than any other fraternity on campus. In addition, during Student Government Association elections, the chapter had more gentlemen elected to office than any other fraternity. In philanthropic endeavors, the brothers were awarded the Spirit Award and Overall Award for Alpha Delta Pi’s philanthropy week, the Finger Lickin’ Good Wings Award, and the Overall Award for Chi Omega’s Wings for Wishes event, and also hosted their first Gentlemen’s Week. During our Gentleman’s week the gentlemen held

University of Houston Provisional Chapter to be restored as Gamma Mu The Order began efforts this spring to restore Gamma Mu chapter at the University of Houston. In April, Walsh Province Commander Dough Harris, as well as alumni and members of the national administrative staff, officially inducted 19 gentlemen as the first members of the new University of Houston Provisional Chapter. More than 50 parents, alumni, university administrators and members of the Greek community attended the induction ceremony. The new members, who include a number of KA legacies, already boast a number of significant academic achievements along strong involvement on campus and in the




TRANSYLVANIA: Brothers and guests spend the day at popular horse-racing facility Keeneland.

Houston community. Over the next few months the chapter will complete a number of requirements to become an active chapter of the Order and officially regain its designation as Gamma Mu chapter.

On Campus

KAPPA ALPHA ORDER RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY The Risk Management Policy of Kappa Alpha Order, adopted by the Executive Council pursuant to R16-118, mirrors that of FIPG, Inc. and shall apply to all entities and all levels of fraternity membership. It includes the following provisions: ALCOHOL AND DRUGS 1. The possession, sale, use and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages while on chapter premises, or during a fraternity event, in any situation sponsored or endorsed by the chapter, or at any event an observer would associate with the fraternity, must be in compliance with any and all applicable laws of the state, province, county, city and institution of higher education, and must comply with either BYOB or Third Party Vendor guide-lines. 2. No alcoholic beverages may be purchased through or with chapter funds nor may the purchase of same for members or guests be undertaken or coordinated by any member in the name or on behalf of the chapter. The purchase or use of a bulk quantity or common sources of such alcoholic beverage, for example kegs, or cases are prohibited. 3. Open parties, without specific invitation, where alcohol is present are prohibited. Open parties have been defined as those functions at which the guest to member ratio exceeds three-to-one.

3. All chapters shall comply with engineering recommendations as reported by the insurance company or municipal authorities. 4. The possession and/or use of firearms, archery equipment, incendiary devices such as fireworks or explosive devices of any kind within the confines and premises of the chapter house are prohibited.

SPECIAL EVENTS Special events are defined as any event/function (1) where alcohol will be present, and the guest to member ration exceeds three-to-one; (2) involving athletic events or competitions; or (3) that involves any activity that is deemed to be potentially hazardous by the Alumnus Adviser, the Alumni Advisory Committee, the Province Commander, the Executive Director, or the Order’s insurance broker. Any chapter wishing to host a special event must do the following: 1. Complete a comprehensive, written description of the event and forward it to the Province Commander and the Executive Director for review and approval. This information must be received by the Executive Director at least 60 days prior to the event; and

4. No chapter members, collectively or individually, shall purchase for, serve to, or sell alcoholic beverages to any minor (i.e., those under the legal “drinking age”). 5. The possession, sale and/or use of any illegal drugs or controlled substances at any chapter house, sponsored event or at any event that an observer would associate with the fraternity, is strictly prohibited. 6. No chapter may co-sponsor an event with a distributor of alcohol, charitable organization or tavern (tavern defined as an establishment generating more than half of its annual gross sales from alcohol) where alcohol is given away, sold or otherwise provided to those present. This includes any event held in, at, or on the property of tavern, as defined above, for the purposes of fundraising. However, a chapter may rent or use a room or area in a tavern, as defined above, for an event held within the provisions of this policy, including the use of a third party vendor and guest list.

2. Secure a Special Events Insurance Policy (“Policy”) or pay a risk management assessment fee in an amount to be determined by the Order’s insurance broker. If the Policy option is selected, the Pol-icy shall be in the amount of $1,000,000 available through the Order’s insurance broker and shall name Kappa Alpha Order, a Virginia Corporation, as an additional insured.

EDUCATION Each student member, associate member and pledge shall be instructed annually on the Kappa Alpha Order Risk Management Policy. A copy of the Risk Management Policy shall be available on the fraternity website. Amended October 24, 2007 and April 24, 2009.

7. No chapter may co-sponsor or co-finance or attend or participate in a function where alcohol is purchased by any of the host chapters, groups or organizations. 8. All recruitment or rush activities associated with any chapter will be non-alcoholic. No recruitment or rush activities associated with any chapter may be held at or in conjunction with a tavern or alcohol distributor as defined in this policy. 9. No member or pledge/associate/new member/novice shall permit, tolerate, encourage or participate in “drinking games”. 10. No alcohol shall be present at any member awaiting initiation/pledge/new member program or activity of the chapter. This includes, but is not limited to, activities associated with “bid night”, “big brothers - little brother” events or activities, “family” events or activities and initiation.

HAZING No chapter, student or alumnus shall conduct nor condone hazing activities. Permission or approval by a person being hazed is not a defense. Hazing activities are defined as: “Any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. Such activities may include, but are not limited to, the following: use of alcohol; paddling in any form; creation of excessive fatigue; physical and psychological shocks; use of pledge books or signature books, quests, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips or any other such activities carried on outside or inside the confines of the chapter house; wearing of public apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts and buffoonery; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; and any other activities which are not consistent with fraternal law, ritual or policy or the regulations and policies of the educational institution.”

The fraternity will not tolerate or condone any form of sexist or sexually abusive behavior on the part of its members whether physical, mental or emotional. This is to include any actions, activities or events, whether on chapter premises or an off-site location which is demeaning to women or men, including but not limited to verbal harassment and sexual assault by individuals or members acting together. The employment or use of strippers, exotic dancers or similar, whether professional or amateur, at a fraternity event as defined in this policy is prohibited.

FIRE, HEALTH, AND SAFETY 1. All chapter houses shall, prior to, during and following occupancy, meet all local fire and health codes and standards. 2. All chapters must have posted by common phones and in other locations emergency numbers for fire, police and ambulance and should have posted evacuation routes on the back of the door of each sleeping room.






Nearly 2,000 college students die from alcohol-related injuries every year.


Sports Page Clockwise from top left: Duke's Roach swings, Stanford's McLachlin spikes, W&L's Laswell hurls while Mills goes yard, and Westminster's Tolson drives to the basket.






Sports Page BASKETBALL Fourteen KA players were on the 17-10 Westminster squad. Tri-captain/guard Skylar Tolson ’10 was the nation’s coleader in 3-point shooting (50%, 69 of 138) and the number two scorer with 365 points (13.5 per game). He was chosen for the SLIAC All-Tournament team and the All-SLIAC second team. Guard Joe James ’11 was on the SLIAC All-Defense first team, led with 77 assists and scored 214 points (7.9). Center Kelsey Weymuth ’09 was on the SLIAC All-Sportsmanship Team, shot 61.3%, grabbed 123 rebounds (4.6) and scored 127 points (4.7). Other key players were tri-captain/center Adam Mallette ’08, tri-captain/forward Mark Wright ’09, guard Dan Hohenstein ’09, forward Mookie Valanda ’11 and guard Danton Hughes ’10. Guard Taylor Meades ’11 led Millsaps with 51 3-pointers, ranked second with 275 points (11.0), including 28 versus Southwestern. Also seeing action were teammates Quinn Lemieux ’09, Murray Kastner ’10 and Alex Meyer ’10. Adam Johnston ’08 was a key guard for the 25-8 William Jewell NAIA tournament team with 186 ponts (5.3), 61 assists and 23 steals. Also playing were teammates Rayner Frederick ’11 and Sam Cooper ’11. A standout for University of the South was guard Lewis Affronti ’10, who led with 45 3-pointers and ranked third with 219 points (8.8). In the coaching ranks, head coach Homer Drew (Alpha DeltaWilliam Jewell ’63) led Valparaiso to a 23-12 record in his 22nd season at the school, then retired on May 17th. He won 371 career games and went to nine post season tourneys over his final 16 seasons.

Box Stats

5 16

KA Team Captains

KA All-American, All-Conference, or Honorable Mentions BASEBALL Starting 33 games for 23-22 Princeton was second baseman Alex Flink ’10, who hit .289 (37 of 128) with 14 runs scored. Another solid infielder was J.B. Jenkins ’09, who had 48 starts for Furman. He led with four triples, scored 23 runs and hit .238 (38 of 160). Outfielder JoAnthony Cantu ’10 hit .333 (10 of 30) as a reserve for Centenary and teammate Grady Flournoy ’10 also played. Drew Crofton ’08 was a solid reliever for 30-9 Birmingham-Southern, posting a 2.29 earned run average in 14 games and outfielder Stephen Denton ’09 batted .256 (10 of 39) while starting 10 contests. Designated hitter Will Salley ’10 won All-ODAC first team honors after leading Washington & Lee with a .407 average (44 of 108). He also scored 30 runs and hit 11 doubles. Greg Laswell ’09 was ODAC Pitcher of the Year with a 2.01 ERA, 4-1




record, three saves and 70 strikeouts in 67 innings. Other W&L regulars were All-ODAC second team outfielder C.J. Thompson ’09, who hit .299 (20 of 67), first baseman Alex Maragos ‘10, a .275 hitter (30 of 109) with three homers; co-captain/outfielder Anthony Cardona ’09 (.250, 32 of 128, 25 runs). Other W&L hurlers were Lee Tackett ’09 (1.80 ERA in 11 games); Jake Rudolph ’11 (12 games); Mike Palicz ’11 (eight games) and Jake Pelton ’10. All-SCAC first team outfielder Joe Reilly ’08 of University of the South led with a .425 mark (51 of 120), scored 35 runs and hit 10 doubles. Receiving All-SCAC mention was infielder Franklin Pogue ’09, a .345 batter (40 of 116) while other key teammates were infielder Jack Rogers ’11 (.304, 21 of 69) and Wilson Nealy ’09 (.286 average, eight games pitched). Four players on the 24-18 Millsaps squad were led by All-SCAC second baseman Kevin Wall ’09, who hit .324 (44 of 136) with 30 runs, 13 steals and 12 doubles. Seeing mound duty were Boomer Hudson ’07, Will Elmore ’09 and Andrew Pearce ’08 (2-0) . Outfielder Patrick Keenan ’08 of Southwestern won All-SCAC mention after hitting .343 (39 of 99) with 24 runs and three homers. Teammates were outfielder Gregory Thumm ’10 (.255, 27 of 106) and pitcher Aaron Garza ’09. Eight KAs on the 24-20 Rhodes team were led by outfielder Andrew Meier ’08 who had 24 steals, hit .308 )46 of 152), scored 30 runs and was 2-0 as a pitcher. Austin Carden ’08 won four games, led in innings (80.1) and struck out 68 batters. Outfielder Travis Perkins ’09 started 35 games and hurler Taylor Babich ’08 was 3-3 in 15 contests. Jared Welch ’11 started 37 games behind the plate for Emory and hit .222 (28 of 126) with 25 RBI. Outfielder Tom Herrera ’10 of the 35-21 Willliam Jewell NAIA playoff club batted .294 (37 of 126) with 27 runs scored. Four KAs were key players for Westminster. Kevin Mortiz ’10 hit .353 (24 of 68) as a DH and had five saves out of the bullpen. Catcher Nick Hoag ’09 was a .337 hitter (30 of 89) with 24 runs and outfielder V.J. Reynolds ’08 hit .304 (34 of 112) with 30 RBI. Outfielder Mike Young ’09 led with 14 stolen bases, had a co-high 35 runs and hit .264 (29 of 110). Outfielder Kyle Allard ’09 saw starting duty for 24-18 West Virginia Wesleyan and catcher Alexander Tharp ’10 saw action for Hampden-Sydney. Playing for 24-18 Randolph-Macon were outfielder Chris


SWIMMING Peter O’Brien ’10 won All-American honors in five events and helped lead Emory to third place at the NCAA Division III meet. He was third with the 200 medley and 800 freestyle relays; placed fourth in the 200 individual medley and 400 medley relay; and was fifth in the 200 breaststroke. Teammate Matt O’Brien ’10 gained All-American mention with a 10th place 200 butterfly finish. Four KAs competed for Duke, led by Greg Hoffman ’11, who had the top 200 butterfly time (1:55.80) and thirdbest 100 butterfly (53.12). Ty Stahl ’10 had Duke’s third-best 100 backstroke time and Jacob Bieze ’10 was the thirdbest in the 200 butterfly. Competing in several freestyle events was teammate

Erskine Love ’08. Matt Viollete ’08 was Most Valuable Swimmer at Washington College. At the Centennial Conference meet, he had the team’s best 200 freestyle time as lead swimmer on the eighth place 800 freestyle relay and was also 10th in the 400 IM, 11th in the 200 butterfly and 14th in the 500 freestyle. Ben Newman ‘08 was the squad’s representative on the Centennial All-Sportsmanship Team and Ross Mills ’10 was 14th in the CC 200 butterlfy. Also competing were teammates Austin Auger ’10 and Tim Beadell ’08. Swimming for Wingate was Ben Murphy ’09.

Sports Page

Dylan Mills ’10 (left) of Washington & Lee won the ODAC javelin throw. He had a third place finish at the Liberty Twilight meet and his best throw (200’1”) was at the Roanoke Invitational.

Mereen ’09 and catcher Matt Musser ’09. Pitchers Trey Bailey ’11 and Drew McDonald ’10 were on the Georgetown squad. GOLF Wes Roach ’09 was a good shooter for Duke, posting a third-best 72.4 average through 27 rounds (prior to the NCAA meet). He tied for fifth at the Bulls Bay Invitational, tied for 12th at the Irish Creek Collegiate (214); placed 16th at the U.S. Collegiate meet (217, including a 69) and tied for 33rd (223) at the Atlantic Coast Conference meet. Chase Lovett-Woodsum ’09 of Princeton had a 75.87 average over seven tournaments. He tied for third at the McLaughlin Invitational (best round of 75). Other Division I players were Wilson Bowen ’09 of Stanford (75.7), Jack Lessing ’09 of Richmond (81.60), Carter Davis of Presbyterian and the Wake Forest duo of Kris Keiser ’08 (73.7) and Franklin Dolan ’09 (76.3). James Charles ’10 of Southwestern won the UMNB Spring event (150), placed fourth at the SCAC meet and was eighth at the West Region Invitational (low of 71). Teammate Cody Patrick ’10 was 12th at the SCAC meet, tied for 12th at the UMHB and tied for 18th at the West Region. Playing for University of the South in the SCAC meet were Neil Dyer

’09 (30th), Alex Coe ’08 (38th) and Nate Buhler ’11 (42nd). Jack Sherrington ’10 of Millsaps tied for 40th at the SCAC meet. Dylan Underwood ’11 of Georgetown had a best finish of fourth at the Bluegrass Fall Classic and Chris Keirns ’09 saw action for West Texas A&M. Playing for William Jewell was Connor Manning ’08, who tied for 16th at the HAAC meet, and Ryan Glynn ’08. Competing at the SLIAC meet for Westminster were Greg Wright ’11 (23rd) and Dan Hohenstein ’09 (27th). Seeing action for Transylvania were Stephen Montgomery ’09 (77.3) Deuce Wall ’09 (80.0) and Eli Glass ’09. Other KAs on team rosters included Max Farrington ’11 of Washington & Lee, Charles Martin ’10 of Rhodes, Devon Miller ’08 of West Virginia Wesleyan and the Hampden-Sydney duo of Curtis Tomlin ’09 and Chason Trahan ‘08 VOLLEYBALL The 19-9 Stanford squad was dominated by 18 KA players. Libero Eric Shoji ’09 earned All-American honors for the third year, led in digs with 286 and set a new school career mark. First team AllAmerican outside hitter Brad Lawson ’09 led with 455 kills and was second with 186 digs. Captain Spencer McLachlin ’08 was an All-MPSF second teamer, ranked second with 405 kills and was third with 166 digs. Eric Mochalski, who had KA JOURNAL



177 kills, was named to the All-MPSF Freshman Team. The leader in assists with 1,252 was Evan Berry ’09 and Brian Cook had 179 kills. Others seeing a lot of action were Gus Ellis ’09 (80 kills), Steve Irvin, Garrett Dobbs ’08, Jake Kneller ’10 and Jordan Inafuko ’08. TRACK & FIELD Competing for Mississippi again was distance runner Chad Berry ’07, who ran in the 800 and 1500 meter prelims at the Southeastern Conference outdoor meet. Chris Fallis ’11 of The Citadel was 16th in the 1500 at the Southern Conference outdoor meet and also posted a time of 1:58.21 in the 800. At the Chanticleer Classic, he placed fifth in the 1500. Craig Shelton ’10 of Texas A&M-Commerce placed eighth in the 400 hurdles at the Lone Star Conference meet and ran an LSC time of 14.85 in the 110 hurdles. Dylan Mills ’10 of Washington & Lee won the ODAC javelin throw. He had a third place finish at the Liberty Twilight meet and his best throw (200’1”) was at the Roanoke Invitational. Daniel Poole ’11 set a Southwestern record in the javelin (150’5”) in a seventh place finish at the SCAC outdoor meet. At the UAA indoor meet, Isaac Chambers ’10 of Emory was on the second place 1600 relay and fifth at 400 meters. During the UAA outdoor meet, he was on the second

Sports Page

The 19-9 Stanford volleyball squad was dominated by 18 KA players, including First team All-American outside hitter Brad Lawson ’09 (at right)

place 1600 relay and was fourth in the 400. Teammate Taylor Warren ’10 was ninth in the 400 hurdles and 11th in the 110 hurdles at the UAA outdoor event. Michael Meadows ’09 of West Virginia Wesleyan was on the winning 400 relay at the WVIAC outdoor meet. Weightman Troy Fletcher ’11 of William Jewell was the top discus thrower and also threw the hammer and shot. Nick Marnatti ‘11 of Transylvania ran the 800 and was on the school’s distance medley relay. Teammate Jordan Perkins ‘10 was a shot putter.

LACROSSE All-ODAC first team defenseman Joe LaSala ’10 led a group of eight players on the 9-8 Washington & Lee squad. Among leading scorers were Jack Switala ’10 (22 goals, 10 assists) and Mac Means ’10 (23 goals, six assists). Winning 51.3% of his faceoffs (61 of 119) was midfielder Rob Look ’09. All-SCAC second teamer Jack Thomasson ’10 led University of the South in goals (35) and points (44). Defenseman Jeb Leva ’09 was also on KA JOURNAL



the All-SCAC second team. Other players were Teddy Peterson ’08 (12 starts), John Stiefel ’10 and Mason Harris ’11. The Millsaps squad featured eight KA players, led by goalie Chris Hood ’10, who made 171 saves. Other regulars were Ryan McKay ’10, Kevin Tighe ’10, Kirk Clark ’10, Julian Spencer ’10, Phil Guillot ’09 and Alex Meyer ’10. Seeing a lot of action for 9-7 Birmingham-Southern were Ryan Croft ’09 (14 goals, nine assists), Chris Clarke ’09 (second with 67 ground balls) and goalie Tim Trockenbrot ’09 (24 saves). Seeing action for Southwestern were Pierce MacGuire ’11 and Grady Sempley ’10. OTHER SPORTS Gymnast Tim Gentry ’08 helped lead Stanford to its fifth NCAA championship. He was second in floor exercise, seventh on still rings and eighth on the vault. This spring, two KAs have been seeing action in Major League Soccer. Team captain Davy Arnaud (Gamma Sigma—West Texas A&M ’00) is in his 10th season with the team now known as Sporting Kansas City (formerly the Kansas City Wizards) and Bobby Warshaw (Alpha Pi-Stanford ’08) is a rookie with FC Dallas. Members of the Stanford rowing squad are Dave Dolben ’10 and Oivind Lorentzen ’10.


TENNIS Dominating the Furman squad were 11 KA players, led by Sawyer Duncan ’08 (12-13 at #1 singles) and Andrew Mellow ’10 (12-12 at #1 doubles). Other regulars were Watson George ’09, Robbie Aru ’11, Alex Christ ’11 and Tyler Drost ’11. Chad Brody ’10 of Wake Forest played in the UNCW and ITA Carolina regional tournaments. Nine KAs played at Davidson, with Joe Schafer ’10 going 12-12 at both #1 singles and doubles. Other regulars were Chris Mark ’10, Arie Hefter ’08, Kevin Moore ’10 and Calum Gee ’09. Michael Reeks ’09 was a regular for Centenary. Playing for the 17-2 West Virginia Wesleyan NCAA playoff team were Rob Hilton-Devitt ’08 and Dennis Cole ’08. James Bethea ’10 was a #3 doubles regular for Newberry.

Mac Davis ‘09 was 13-5 in doubles for Washington & Lee and Andrew Clarage ’10 of Southwestern was on the SCAC AllTournament Team. Anthony Becker ’10 of Westminster had marks of 10-6 in singles and 12-6 in doubles. Leaders at William Jewell were Kyle Taylor ’08 (14-8 in singles), Max Cooper ’11 (15-6 in singles) and Kyle Lehenbauer ’11 (7-2 in doubles). Key players at Hampden-Sydney were Shad Harrell ’08 (12-3 in doubles) and Rich Pugh ’08 (7-2 at #1 singles). Leading Transylvania to the WCAC title were Patrick Richardson ’10 (13-3 in doubles), Jett Glass ’09 (6-1in singles, 10-6 in doubles), Joseph Glass ’09 (7-5 in doubles) and Jordan Evans ’09 (5-0 in singles). Regulars for Randolph-Macon were Brad Neubeck ’08, Patrick Nugent ’08 and Chandler Weston ’10 while Josh Helland ’09 played for Akansas-Fort Smith.

Foundation Today

Matching Gifts A great way to increase your level of support

How would you like to increase your Kappa Alpha Order Education Foundation (KAOEF) annual giving level without having to increase your donation? The matching gift program may be the answer. The list below is an example of companies that have matching gift programs and many have matched KAOEF donations in previous years. Every company is different and the matching program is unique as well. Some companies will match 100 percent and a few will match $2 for every dollar you donate. The matching gift program is a great way to increase your level, and many of our donors are already taking advantage of their company’s policy of philanthropic support. The first step is to find out from your company’s human resource department if your company has a matching gift program. Once you establish that your company will match your KAOEF donation, you will need to fill out the appropriate form provided by your company. You will

also want to familiarize yourself with the policies of your company’s matching program. The KA office can help as much as possible, but your company has the final word in their matching policies and procedures. The next step is to mail your matching form, along with your donation, to KAOEF. Some companies require you to request the match online, so no form is mailed in. If this is the case, please print a copy of your online request and mail it in with your KAOEF donation. Once our office receives the donation and the form, we will verify the gift and mail the form back to your company. Depending on the payment schedule of your company, the matching check will be sent to our office and applied to your KAOEF account. The process may take a little more time and effort, but the rewards are great. For example, if you donate $500 and your company matches 100 percent, you would move from the Robert E. Lee Society giving level to the Crimson & Gold Society giving level. KAOEF is willing to help you through this process and answer any questions you may have. You can go to or Brianne Tillotson can be reached at (540) 463-1865 or by email at

Gifts in memory/honor of a brother or friend of KA are accepted by the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation. Listed are gifts received as of February 15, 2011.

Donation In Memory of: Todd R. Angle by Marcus E. Angle Jr. Robert J. Beckham by Deforrest Jackson The Hon. J. Caleb Boggs by CPT James S. Roberts Sidney F. Boutwell by CAPT Sidney E. Wood Jr. F. Don Bradford by Timothy K. Adams Warren M. Cason by H. Maxwell Fletcher Hume F. Coleman by Ronald K. Mason Jay C. Conrad by John D. Peeples Harry E. Echols Jr. by James E. Boyer Henry J. Foresman Sr. by COL H. S. T. Carmichael III Joe H. Fox by Kenneth L. Brown W. Julian Foy by John Michael Moore Martha S. Furman by Bradley S. Salzer Ked Gordy by Lee N. Gordy Michael B. Hargrove by Rober Long Stewart Jr. W. Edgar Helms III by the Carolina Park Board of Directors by the Columbia, SC Alumni Chapter by The Dunham's by The Hightower's

by The Johnson's by Willa & Buddy Jones by Mr. & Mrs. L. S. Liles by Margie Miles by Ben W. Satcher Jr. by Doug, Lyn, Scott & James Schultz by Anne & Joel Slotnick by Bruce T. Williams Adam P. Heslep Jr. by Joe F. Mills W. Baxter Jennings by Jay F. Rutherford Jr. Archie S. Jones by Edwin R. Jones Jon S. Jones by David F. Culverhouse William S. Jones by David F. Culverhouse Walt Klein III by Daniel H. Miller Boone A. Knox by Barry B. Donnell Wesley T. "Butch" Kyle Jr. by Mark & Karen Lobstein Robert E. Lee by John D. Lents DDS Warren K. Masters by I. Kemp Williams Dr. William W. Mears by Dr. Joseph H. Gaston IV Richard A. McClure by James R. McClure Don T. Neely by Michael L. Neely Basil D. Owens III by B. Duke Owens Jr. Larry O. Phillips by Lavina P. Phillips

Norwood W. "Red" Pope by Dr. Charles H. Duckett Charles P. Rather Jr. by Dr. Edwin P. Rather John D. Rather Jr. by Dr. Edwin P. Rather John D. Rather IV by Dr. Edwin P. Rather Larry F. Robb by Timothy K. Adams by Carol C. Allred by Connally Bolivia by Mark & Nancy Brown by Mr. & Mrs. Dick Bundy by Peyton S Carnes Jr. by Kay Canan by Barry B. Donnell by Dina A. Dudley by J. Michael Duncan by Alderson Enterprises, LP by Gary & Nancy Grimes by Terry E. Harris by Robert & Karen Hogan by Robert H. & Marilyn Hutchins by Lee & Shirley Kanehl by Sam O. Leake by Becky Moore by Philip G. Myers by Kevin J. O'Connell by Walt Powell by R. Roland Ramsey by Ben W. Satcher Jr. by Charles E. Sheedy by Sherrill, Crosnoe & Goff by C. Douglas Simmons III by Donald L. Strickland Jr. by David M. Warren


Dr. Hannon C. Smith by Gregory T. Blackwood Paul M. Speake by Anne C. Speake Robert B. Stamps III by Robert B. Stamps Matthew D. Tavers by Robert M. Daniel Jr. Bruce W. Taylor by Joe F. Mills Walter A. Ulrich by Charles Charmichael Jim Wall by Thomas W. Miller Dr. William C. Waters III by Deforrest Jackson by Bobby & Gloria Stewart Robert E. Weimer, R.Ph. by Timothy N Weimer Gary D. Widmer by Henry L. Van Brederode COL Maxie Williams by William S. Porter Kevin P. Wilson by Joshua K. Schexnyder

Donation In Honor of: All Executive Council Members by Dr. Edwin P. Rather All Province Commanders by Dr. Edwin P. Rather Alpha Kappa Chapter University of Missouri by Charles J. Hoofman Jr. Alpha Rho Chapter West Virginia University by Sidney E. Grisell



Alpha Theta Chapter Transylvania University by Henry M. Dennis Jr. C. Jason Armstong by COL C. R. Armstrong R. Randy Beard by Erik T. Showalter Wade O. Christopher by Dr. Reid S. Christopher T. Michael Cobb by Erik T. Showalter Delta Kappa Chapter Stephen F. Austin St. University by Charles M. Tomberlain William E. "Bill" Dreyer by Jason M. Starnes J. Michael Duncan by Dr. Edwin P. Rather Eprilon Rho Chapter - Purdue University 25th Anniversary of Chartering by Stephan B. Oliver Douglas S. Ewalt by George P. Bates by Richard C. Cecil Brent W. Fellows by Erik T. Showalter Darron E. Franta by Erik T. Showalter Kappa Alpha Order's Founding by Scott M. Knapik James C. Furman Jr. by Bradley S. Salzer Mattox S. Hair by Matthew T. Roach Austin L. Henderson by Tina M. Henderson

Larry A. Ledsome by Erik T. Showalter All Brothers of Mu Chapter - University of Tulsa by James D. Hull David M. O'Dell by Erik T. Showalter Ray P. Oden Jr. by Erik T. Showalter Curtis S. Perzinski by Mark J. Perzinski Chase L. Powell by Linda J. Powell R. Peter Schmidt by Robert M. Schmidt Tad Schmidt by Robert M. Schmidt Dr. James M. Schmuck by Erik T. Showalter Jason M. Starnes by James E. Boyer James T. Turner Jr. by F. Michael Crowley by Erik T. Showalter James T. "Tripp" Turner III by Erik T. Showalter Merrill C. Wautlet Jr. by Erik T. Showalter John W. Wells by Dr. Henry G. Wells Jr. Larry S. Wiese & Dawn Watkins by Dr. Edwin P. Rather Mr. & Mrs. Eddie S. Wilson by Stuart F. Whetsell Dr. David D. Wood by Stuart F. Whetsell

Chapter Eternal Arkansas Alpha Omicron Stanfield, Thomas O’Bannon, 1940, 10/10/2007 Auburn Nu Hume Clayton Coleman, 1984, 11/10/2010 Bethany Beta Beta James E. Ferrell, 1948, 12/03/2008 Robert C. Uhl, 1966, 03/26/2002 James R.Williams, 1944, 04/22/2011

Mercer Kappa Floyd Donald Bradford, 1946, 04/16/2011 William Headley Crisp, 1950, 04/08/2009 Miami Epsilon Lambda James Edward “Jim” Kerr, 1984, 04/08/2011 Millsaps Alpha Mu William Joseph Burnett, 1958, 04/16/2003 Hugh Wilton Tedder Jr., 1975, 02/27/2011

California-Berkeley Alpha Xi Gary D. Widmer, 1967, 10/06/2009

Missouri State Gamma Beta Leo C. Hedley, 1949, 03/11/2011

Centenary Alpha Iota James Feeney Doyle, 1946, 03/24/2010 Ernest Anthony Merklein Jr., 1948, 09/16/2010 Walton Burgess Plaster, 1948, 10/10/2010

Missouri S & T Beta Alpha Murray Schmidt, 1947, 03/10/2011

Delaware Beta Epsilon John David Barcik, 1989, 08/23/2010 Drury Beta Iota Albert F. Wessbecher Jr., 1951, 09/20/2010 Duke Alpha Phi Tollie Edward Austin Jr., 1945, 04/23/2011 Thomas Pendleton Peyton III, 1944, 02/10/2010 James B. Wilson, 1943, 01/24/2011 Emory Epsilon Frank Leslie Gibson, 1939, 08/12/2010 William Carter Waters, 1946, 03/29/2011 Lewis Harper Williams, 1972, 03/14/2010 Furman Iota Robert Henry Patterson II, 1969, 12/23/2010 Georgetown Beta Delta Leonard Contant Bloss, 1950, 08/20/2010 Georgia Tech Alpha Sigma George Derry Beach, 1958, 04/07/2011 Hampden-Sydney Alpha Tau Hugh O. Wrenn, 1943, 10/25/2008 Jacksonville State Delta Phi Todd Ray Angle, 1990, 06/09/2006 Kentucky Theta Hugh Estyl Wedding, 1936, 08/16/2009 Louisiana – Lafayette Gamma Phi Stephen John Gauthier, 1974, 05/10/2011 Louisiana State Alpha Gamma William Woodbridge Sentell, 1946, 12/06/2006

Memphis Gamma Gamma Stanley H. Justis, 1964, 04/02/2009

North Carolina State Alpha Omega William Paxton Smith, 1952, 03/11/2010 Timothy M. Perry, 1978, 05/13/2011 North Carolina Upsilon Frederick Lord “Fred” Munds Jr., 1948, 03/16/2011 North Texas Gamma Lambda Jerry W. Peterman, 1956, 05/01/2011 Larry F. Robb, 1963, 03/31/2011*

Texas Omicron David Raymond Newton, 1991, 02/09/2011 Emory Chapman Thompson, 1951, 03/24/2011 Virginia Military Institute Beta Commission Robert Hardy Barnes Jr., 1940, 03/29/2011 Paul Carrington Cabell, 1942, 01/17/2007 Lloyd Lorenzo Leech III, 1966, 01/20/2011 Virginia Lambda Robert Wilson Barton, 1943, 06/05/2010 Wallace McRoy Davies, 1950, 03/25/2011 William Henry Sipe, 1945, 11/30/2010 Wake Forest Tau Robert Gettys Lesslie Mueller, 2009, 04/07/2011 Norwood Wesley “Red” Pope, 1950, 03/08/2011 Washington & Lee Alpha Arnold Frederick “Bo” Gwin, 1954, 04/10/2011 Washington University Beta Theta Donald D. Reynolds, 1952, 09/28/2010 Westminster Alpha Eta Jack Eugene Hoppe, 1944, 10/22/2010 West Texas A&M Gamma Sigma Loren Drew Blake, 1992, 05/10/2011

Northwestern State Gamma Psi Richard W. Berry Jr., 1977, 04/22/2011

West Virginia Alpha Rho David Lloyd Bergdoll, 1941, 07/02/2009

Oklahoma Beta Eta Robert Trice Blakewell, 1994, 10/04/2004 Thomas Frederick “Fred” Collins, 1942, 02/19/2011

West Virginia Wesleyan Beta Chi August R. Frenzel, 1936, 01/20/2009

Oklahoma City Gamma Kappa Clifford C. Craig, 1984, 04/21/2011

* Larry F. Robb will be featured in the next issue of The Journal under “Remembering the Reason.”

Stephen F. Austin State Delta Kappa Alex Barto Barfield, 2006, 05/24/2011 Southern Mississippi Gamma Zeta James Wayne McWhorter, 1959, 03/04/2011 South Carolina Rho William Edgar “Ed” Helms III, 1992, 05/05/2011 Southern California Beta Sigma Ralph Miller, 1933, 12/28/2002 Charles Prentice Taylor, 1951, 12/16/2010 Frederick H. Weinrich, 1930, 08/20/2004 Southern Methodist Beta Lambda Derek Todd Davis, 1984, 01/26/2011 Travis D. Dickey Jr., 1957, 05/15/2011 David W. Franklin, 1961, 12/05/2004 Charles L. McNulty, 1937, 06/17/2009 Stanford Alpha Pi Matthew Davenport Travers, 1990, 02/14/2011





Marshall Beta Upsilon Jack V. O’Shea, 1947, 01/13/2004

Missouri Alpha Kappa Joe Harrison Fox, 1953, 12/30/2010 Lewis Steele Gum, 1939, 07/03/2007 Alfred Ernest Rickli, 1956, 11/29/2010

Tennessee – Knoxville Pi William David Kebschull, 1964, 03/12/2011

From the Archives

Raising the Bar

West Coast Lawyer Served Profession and the Order

He often shared his mountain home in Idyllwild to active Kappa Alpha chapters in the Los Angeles area for rush events. The complex sported several cottages, a swimming pool, tennis court, handball courts and an archery range.

Loyd Wright, a charter alumnus member, of Beta Sigma (1926) was known in some California circles as a crackerjack attorney whose well-known clients included Mae West, D.W. Griffith and Jack Benny. He gained notoriety in the 1920s for representing Charlie Chaplin and later in his career, he represented Mary Pickford in her divorce suit against Douglas Fairbanks Sr. and Jane Wyman in hers against Ronald Reagan. Wright was known in other circles for his devotion to the legal profession and as a committed public servant. A native of San Jacinto, California, Wright graduated from Hemet Union High School, CA* in 1909 where he was a star baseball player. He later attended the University of Southern California where he captained the baseball team and graduated with a law degree in 1915. It was also there that he became a charter member of the Beta Sigma Chapter of Kappa Alpha. Following graduation, Wright practiced law with his brother, Arthur, for two years and attended officer training school at the Presidio in San Francisco before serving with the U.S. Army’s Eighth Infantry in World War I. Upon his return to Los Angeles in 1919, Wright built a highly successful practice not only representing Hollywood luminaries, but also some of the largest corporations in Southern California. Wright was just as committed to public service. After attending the Command and General Staff School at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, during World War II, Wright was appointed by the Department of Justice as a member of the Attorney General’s board of appeals for enemy alien hearings. His service to the legal profession began in the 1930s where he became active with the Los Angeles Bar Association, becoming its president in 1937. In 1940, he served a year as president of the State Bar of California and in 1955, he began a year of service as president of the American Bar Association. He also served as president of the International Bar Association from 1954 to 1964. The Order benefited from Wright’s leadership, as well. He created the Loyd Wright Trophy, which was awarded




by Wendy Lovell annually to the outstanding member of the Beta Sigma Chapter, and he often shared his mountain home in Idyllwild to active Kappa Alpha chapters in the Los Angeles area for rush events. The complex sported several cottages, a swimming pool, tennis court, handball courts and an archery range. In 1955, Wright was asked by his friend Vice President Richard Nixon to serve as chairman of the Commission on Government Security. The commission, a bipartisan effort, worked for 18 months on an 800-page report that recommended a thorough overhaul of all federal defenses against subversion. He tried his hand at public office, as well, unsuccessfully running for a Republican U.S. Senate nomination. Wright, truly one of KA’s greatest characters, passed away in 1974 in Hemet, California. To underscore his duality of quick wit and successful achievement, the following is an excerpt from Wright’s alumni letter to The Kappa Alpha Journal in January 1927. “Dear Brother Handy: Not having had any expertise in writing an autobiography I trust you will overlook it if any omissions are present and assume that this record is for your files, should I ever become involved in any scandal so that you could publish it to the world.” He then lists his accomplishment. He ends, “I do not know whether the foregoing is what you want or not. I have never committed murder or done anything else of sufficient importance to cause me to be broadcast about; consequently, even though this account seems to be utterly commonplace, I send it with prefaced apologies. Happy New Year to the Order at large, Sincerely yours, Loyd Wright.” * Only two Kappa Alpha brothers are known to have graduated from Hemet Union High School. These are Wright and current national staff member SGM. E. Kent McMichael. In true KA serendipity, Wright was the guest speaker at McMichael’s high school graduation ceremonies.

Our Legacy

Knight Commander’s Footsteps Pardini family KA legacy continues at Cal by Tom Pardimi (Alpha Xi-California-Berkley ’10)


Alpha. In just a week’s time hanging out at the house, I got to know dozens of guys who I realized could become great friends, and who have become so in the time I have been a member. It’s always strange walking into the chapter room named after my grandfather, or meeting people who knew him well (like current Knight Commander Michael Duncan). Even though I have only been involved in KA for a year and a half, I feel like I’ve been here forever because of my family’s close connection with KA and the Alpha Xi Chapter in particular. I can honestly say that were I to do it all over again, I would choose KA with even more certainty. The great thing about this house is that the brothers are first and foremost good people, with the added bonus that they are also cool, fun, smart, and funny. I am confident that the Berkeley chapter my family played a large role in shaping is still the type of house my grandfather would love. 55



Growing up only twenty miles from UC Berkeley (the alma mater of many family members over three generations), the college occupied a central spot in my mind for years. Almost as much as I heard about Cal, I heard about a fraternity called Kappa Alpha, as well as its Alpha Xi Chapter at Berkeley where my dad, two uncles, and grandfather were members. My grandfather had served as No. 1 of the chapter when he was in school, as the province commander after he graduated, and ultimately Knight Commander, and my dad was president of Berkeley’s chapter when he was in college. Even as a young kid, I realized the importance of this organization to my family but did not know very much about it. As a freshman on Berkeley’s campus, I had no plans to enter the Greek system. After one and a half years of school, however, I found myself with a pretty small social circle. In hopes of meeting people I could better relate to, I decided to rush Kappa

Remembering the Reason

Western Volunteer Remembered Memorial golf tournament proceeds to aid scholarship fund

A portion of the following is an adaptation from the Knight Commander’s Accolade presentation for James D. Hunter (Beta Alpha-Missouri S&T ’62), in 2005. Later that year, Jim passed away, while in office as Berryman Province Commander. This summer at Convention in Phoenix, Az., the first James D. Hunter Memorial Golf Tournament will be held for attendees and local alumni. Its purpose is to continue to endow the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF) scholarship in Brother Hunter’s name. Upon heading to Arizona for Convention this year, it bares remembering one of our great brothers in the West. In 1989 the 63rd Convention of Kappa Alpha Order was held in Scottsdale, Arizona. As with every Convention or national event that Kappa Alpha Order holds, many alumni are needed for various jobs, including the steering committee.




James D. Hunter was one such alumnus. At that Convention, Former Knight Commander, Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr, awarded Brother Hunter the Knight Commander’s Accolade for his service to the Order. It was not until 2005 at the 70th Convention in Roanoke, Va. that he was presented the formal jewel that accompanies that honor. Brother Hunter earned a Bachelors of Science in Chemical Engineering from the University of Missouri at Rolla (now Missouri University of Science and Technology). He was initiated there into the Beta Alpha chapter in 1962. After college he was commissioned into the US Army as a 2nd Lieutenant. After active duty and 8 years with the US Army Reserves he was honorably discharged at the rank of Captain. Jim started his KA volunteer duties in 1989 as alumnus advisor of the Epsilon Tau chapter at Northern Arizona University. He served on the KA National Committee for Alcohol Awareness and attended the KA Convention in 1965 (40 years ago) as a member of the KA Singers. In 1993 Jim became Commander of the Berryman Province and served dutifully until his passing in 2005. At the time, he was the senior-most province commander in the Order. That year, for his service and much more, many friends came together and made initial contributions to announce the formation of the, “James D. Hunter Scholarship,” through the KAOEF. It is now the James D. Hunter Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship is supported by many KAs, and even by his wife Lee and children Colby (Gamma Epsilon –Arizona ’92) and Leslie, and grandchildren. The Order and the KAOEF wish to remember James D. Hunter and all he contributed to our fraternity. He touched the lives of many brothers, young and old. For Kappa Alpha, he was a standard-bearer and shaped our Order’s presence in the west. In this spirit of service, success, and honor we look to our 74th Convention in Phoenix, Arizona. May peace and harmony prevail amongst us. To donate to the KAOEF and the James D. Hunter Memorial Scholarship, please visit

Dear Brothers, Greetings to members of the Kappa Alpha brotherhood! For all of us the experience is essentially the same. After thirty-six years on Active Duty, my military associations are, of course, dominant. But over all those years, I have benefitted from the continuing relationship with my brothers in Kappa Alpha Order. This is why I believe joining the Loyal Order is a perfect way to stay connected to the fraternity and show you are a dedicated alumnus. I believe that you will personally benefit, as well, from these relationships and will continue to love the brotherhood, of which you are a member, as do I. Fraternally yours, GEN Jack N. Merritt, United States Army (ret.) (Beta Eta – Oklahoma ’49) Loyal Order Member #2577

The 53 brothers listed below recently expressed their dedication to the future of our fraternity by becoming members of the Loyal Order. Mr. Michael D. Branham


Mr. John S. Delatour


COL Larry W. Madden


Mr. Craig W. Casalou


Mr. Kingsland W. Bland


Mr. David W. Boone


Dr. H. Grey Winfield III


Mr. W. Phillip Childress


Mr. Dave Maag


Mr. Kyle J. Dill


Mr. David W. Blankenship


Mr. David P. Clark


Mr. David O. Shaw


Mr. Bernard J. Leonard


GEN Jack N. Merritt


Mr. C. Steven Spring II


Mr. Stephen A. Brown


Mr. Brett A. Christiansen


Mr. Philip R. Taylor


Mr. D. Matthew Clarke


Mr. Michael E. Reid


Dr. Harley R. Myler Jr.


Dr. Garry H. Simons III


Mr. Robert L. Stewart Jr.


Mr. Frederick W. Quevreaux #2553

Mr. Ellison D. Smith


Mr. Koyt A. Wilcox


Mr. Jim H. Hobgood Jr.


Dr. George M. MacNabb Jr.


Mr. Don M. Durham


Mr. Clayton R. Williams


Mr. John O. Cornett


Mr. John S. Morse


Mr. Brian A. King


Mr. Stephen A. Cocilova


Mr. John H. Turner


Mr. Tommy A. Valenta


Mr. David M. Hare


Mr. William P. Houstoun


Mr. James M. Green IV


Mr. Armando Anido


Dr. Robert D. Ball D.O.


Mr. Jason M. Starnes


Mr. Justus M. Huff


Dr. Mark H. Beard


Mr. John A. Anderson Jr.


Mr. Kevin T. O’Shields


Mr. Daniel R. Amato


Mr. Michael A. Ivey


Mr. W. Thad Holt


Mr. Joseph D. Stroup Jr.


Mr. Brian E. Harrison


Mr. Eugene R. Goodwyn III #2573


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