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1994 - 2019



Years !

The CONGRESS + EVENT Magazine and Guide

No.45, Spring - Summer 2019

The Ideal Choice!

Karagouni Media

An event to remember CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES State-of-the-art audiovisual equipment Remote control lights and PA systems Simultaneous translation systems Secretarial services, business centre, audio and video recording Wi Fi in-room internet Organisation of cruises, excursions, adventure walks etc. Shows, performances, musicals Catering for all banqueting requirements

Sani Resort is a privately developed ecological reserve set in a breathtaking location just 45 minutes from Thessaloniki international

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SYNEDRIO The CONGRESS + EVENT Magazine and Guide Íï. 45, SPRING - SUMMER 2019 FREE PRESS Ðåñéïäéêü Åëåã÷üìåíçò Êõêëïöïñßáò ÁÐÏÓÔÅËËÅÔÁÉ ÄÙÑÅÁÍ Óå üðïéïí ðñïôßèåôáé íá Ïñãáíþóåé ÓõíÝäñéï Þ ÅêäÞëùóç COVER: EPIRUS PALACE



44, Grig. Labraki str., 145 61 Kifissia, Greece Tel: +30 210 61 47 877 E-mail:









Publisher Elena Karagouni Sales Manager Ioanna Liakou Valia Kalogeropoulou Editor Vasiliki Poulou Accounting Services A. & E. Vlachaki PrePress S. Renesis Printing House P. Kokkalis Co.













Copyright 2019 by Karagouni Media. All rights reserved, including the title "SYNEDRIO".




Χορε οντα στ’ αστ ρια.

Η Molteni Caractere αν εσα στου παγκ σ ιου και διαση τερου βραβευ νου νικητ στο Design.


Η ν α δη ιουργ α τη Electrolux Professional, η Molteni Caractere βραβε θηκε ε το βραβε ο GOOD DESIGN®, το οπο ο τι τα ετ σια κορυφα α επιτε γ ατα των καθιερω νων παγκ σ ιων κατασκευαστ ν και σχεδιαστ ν, για την επ τευξ του στην εξαιρετικ σχεδ αση και καινοτο α. !εν θα πορο σε να υπ ρχε να καλ τερο ξεκ νη α για το ν ο το . Η ν α σειρ τη Molteni, Caractere, πρωτο - λανσαρ στηκε τον Οκτ βριο του 2017 και ανακοιν θηκε απ το Chicago Athenaeum: Ω να απ τα αστ ρια του προγρ ατο GOOD DESIGN® Awards. Το Μουσε ο Αρχιτεκτονικ και ∑χεδιασ ο , το παλαι τερο και πιο δι ση ο παγκ σ ιο πρ γρα α βραβε ων, τι και αναγνωρ ζει το καλ τερο επ τευγ α σχεδιασ ο και κατασκευ παγκοσ ω . Για την βρ βευση του 2018, επιλ χθηκαν π νω απ 900 ν α προϊ ντα και

σχ δια απ περισσ τερε απ 47 χ ρε τη Ευρ πη , τη Ασ α και τη Α ερικ . Η φαση του GOOD DESIGN® - ακολουθ ντα τα αρχικ κριτ ρια τη δεκαετ α του 1950 - αφορ στην ποι τητα σχεδιασ ο ε στ χο στην καινοτο α, στην λειτουργικ τητα και στην αισθητικ . Ο σχεδιασ τη ν α Molteni, Caractere, εκτελ σθηκε ακριβ για να ικανοποι σει αυτ τι απαιτ σει , ε πλ ρη ανταπ κριση στην Excellence (αριστε α) τη Electrolux Professional, ανα ιγν οντα την καθιερω νη κληρονο ι ε να σ γχρονο στυλ. "Ε αστε πολ περ φανοι για αυτ την αναγν ριση, η οπο α προ ρχεται απ το πιο γνωστ παγκ σ ιο πρ γρα α βραβε ων, το οπο ο ιδρ θηκε απ του πρωτοπ ρου στον σ γχρονο σχεδιασ ", σχολ ασε ο Michele Cadamuro, !ιευθυντ ∑χεδ αση στην Electrolux Professional. “Θα θελα να ευχαριστ σω ολ κληρη την ο δα για το ταλ ντο τη , δη ιουργ ντα ια κορυφα α λ ση, ικαν να ανταποκριθε στι προσδοκ ε των υψηλ ν απαιτητικ ν ∑εφ, ε υψηλ τεχνολογ α υλικ και λεπτο ρειε , ε πν οντα και επηρε ζοντα τα συναισθ ατα των ανθρ πων ε να λεπτ και κο ψ τρ πο. Η Molteni Caractere ε ναι το σ βολο ια εξ λιξη , χωρ επαν σταση, ια αλλαγ σα στη συν χεια και χρ νο. Αυτ ε ναι η φιλοσοφ α σχεδιασ ο α , η οπο α στοχε ει στο making our customer’s work-life easier, more effortless and more profitable every day”.

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25 χρόνια SYNEDRIO Έχουν περάσει περισσότερα από 25 χρόνια. Βρισκόμουν στο γραφείο μιας εταιρείας Οργάνωσης Συνεδρίων, από τα λιγοστά τότε, συζητώντας με τον φίλο ιδιοκτήτη για κάποιο άλλο θέμα. Ήδη ήμουν χρόνια εκδότης του Αρχιτεκτονικού περιοδικού Άνθρωπος + Χώρος. Στο τραπεζάκι του επισκέπτη, υπήρχε ένα Γερμανικό Συνεδριακό περιοδικό. Το ξεφύλλισα αρκετή ώρα. Τι δουλειά έχει ένας Αρχιτέκτονας με τα Συνέδρια, παρατήρησε ο φίλος μου. Αυτό ήταν. Γιατί όχι; 1994

Σε ένα χρόνο κυκλοφόρησε το ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ, SYNEDRIO / The CONGRESS + EVENT Magazine and Guide τώρα. Από τότε – σε 45 τεύχη – παρέλασαν όλοι σχεδόν (περισσότεροι από 2.500) οι άνθρωποι και οι επιχειρήσεις του χώρου: PCO, Συνεδριακά Κέντρα, Ξενοδοχεία με Συνεδριακές Αίθουσες, Catering, Audiovisual, Συνεδριακά Είδη, Τουριστικά Λεωφορεία, Ταξί, Ενοικιαζόμενα Αυτοκίνητα, 1996

Ειδικό Software, Stands, … Και πιστεύω θα συνεχιστεί, από την νέα υπεύθυνη, Έλενα Καραγκούνη, που τα τελευταία χρόνια καλείται να αντιμετωπίσει τις προκλήσεις της νέας εποχής, οπλισμένη κατάλληλα με σπουδές στη Σχολή Μέσων Μαζικής Ενημέρωσης και Επικοινωνίας στο Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, με Μεταπτυχιακές Σπουδές στα Ψηφιακά Μέσα Επικοινωνίας επίσης στο Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών και εκπαίδευση στο Event Management,


στο Francisco de Vitoria University της Μαδρίτης. Το SYNEDRIO - μέλος από το 1999 της Ευρωπα?κής Ένωσης Συνεδριακών Περιοδικών QMM Quality MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Congress, Event) Magazines, και του HAPCO από την ίδρυσή του - παρακολουθεί συνεχώς τις εξελίξεις του κλάδου στην Ελλάδα και στο εξωτερικό. Με Άρθρα, Ειδήσεις, Σχόλια, Παρουσιάσεις, Συνεντεύξεις, Διαφημίσεις,


έχει δυναμική παρουσία τόσο στα έντυπα, όσο και στο internet (,,, αποτελώντας την Ιστορία του Ελληνικού Συνεδριακού κλάδου! Κώστας Καραγκούνης


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Project1_Layout 1 25/2/2012 5:34 μμ Page 1

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CATEGORY: Luxury Hotel, Member of the Preferred Hotel & Resorts. CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES Location: Located on 2, Vasileos Georgiou A' Str. in the heart of Athens Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet right in front of the historic Syntagma Square, Athens and very close to the world-famous Acropolis. Dedicated to providing an unparalleled level of service, the NJV Athens Plaza Hotel features contemporary (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) rooms and suites, with unique view to the Acropolis, pedestrian & classy PACIFIC 1 + PACIFIC 2 160 150 100 45 180 120 Voukourestiou and Stadiou streets. PACIFIC 1 80 100 60 20 100 70 HOTEL IS OPEN: All year round 80 50 40 15 80 50 ACCOMMODATION: With 162 spacious, elegant rooms and 18 luxurious PACIFIC 2 ATLANTIC 108 70 45 22 100 70 suites, the NJV Athens Plaza offers affordable accommodation PRE-CONVENTION AREA 135 200 complimented by chic decorations, state-of-the-art amenities and splendid views of the Acropolis. Guests staying at our luxury hotel will BUSINESS SUITES 22 15 benefit from a solid night's rest while enjoying a tranquil environment in buffet breakfast of hot and cold dishes. At lunch and dinner, an affordable the city center of Athens. Offering one of the best luxury menu of delicious Mediterranean cuisine along with the a la carte Menu accommodations in town, the NJV Athens Plaza provides a variety of offer an unforgettable dining experience. The Plaza Cafe, located in the rooms and suite types to suit all travel requirements. Choose your preferred room type, from Classic, Superior or Deluxe rooms, to Deluxe lobby area, just steps away from major shopping opportunities and the business district, offering a wide selection of sinful desserts, City or Acropolis View Deluxe Suites and the Presidential Suite, a splitrefreshments, wines, cocktails, teas and coffees, this charming meeting level Suite offering private accommodation to up to four Guests, a dining area for 10 guests and stunning panoramic views of Athens and point is perfect for Business appointments but also for catching up with friends and family. The Explorer's Bar, an ideal venue choice for a social the Acropolis. During Spring, Summer and Fall the Presidential Suite function, corporate event, private party or a small wedding reception, is Veranda is the ideal space for exclusive Private Dinner & Cocktail among the best bars in Athens. Guests can enjoy exclusive cocktails, fine Parties. RESTAURANTS & BARS: The Parliament Restaurant on the mezzanine wines and tasty snacks while live music nights are held occasionally during winter season, on Fridays & Saturdays. floor offers Guests views of the vibrant Stadiou Street and the classy FACILITIES: 24hrs Front Desk, Multi-lingual staff, Concierge Service, pedestrian Voukourestiou Street. This newly renovated dining venue provides guests with a luxurious dining service during their stay. Elegant Porterage Service, Fully equipped Business Center, Free Wi-Fi service throughout the Hotel, 24hrs Room-Service, Non-smoking rooms, Wakeup and sophisticated, it features cozy armchairs, soft lighting, transparent call, Early bird Breakfast Box, Turncurtains and surrounding mirrors down service, Early Check-in, Late that create a warm ambiance. In the NJV ATHENS PLAZA HOTEL Check-out, Luggage storage. early hours of the morning, Guests 2, Vasileos Georgiou A' Str., 10564 Athens, Greece Operation Notification: 1067113 can enjoy a rich American-style Tel.: +30 210 3352400, Fax: +30 210 3235856



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CATEGORY: 5 star/Member of YES! Hotels & Design Hotels CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES Worldwide Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet Cabaret LOCATION: NEW Hotel is located on 16 Filellinon Str. In Athens, 200 meters from Constitution Square and within walking distance from the city’s main attractions. Only 12 km from the Piraeus Port and 28 km from the Athens Eleftherios Venizelos (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) Airport. WORKSHOP FLOOR ROOM 182 130 105 38 180 140 36 HOTEL IS OPEN: All year round WORKSHOP FLOOR ROOM 1 61 54 36 22 65 40 20 ACCOMMODATION: NEW Hotel offers 79 rooms and suites, WORKSHOP FLOOR ROOM 3 102 90 63 38 120 72 36 finest examples of modernist architecture, with unusual custom- WORKSHOP FLOOR ROOM 4 made furniture and handmade fixtures, project of the awardBreakout 40 27 18 45 30 15 winning designer duo, Fernardo& Humberto Campana. WORKSHOP FLOOR ROOM 5 RESTAURANTS & BARS: NEW Taste all day restaurant, located Breakout 40 27 18 45 30 15 on the ground floor is a culinary haven, with its welcoming TELECONFERENCE 25 15 ambience, fabulous seating, and simply excellent food. In an FACILITIES: All accommodation rooms host handmade design environment with surprising visual facilities, NEW Taste is an furniture and art installation. The fitness area next to the NEW original restaurant concept featuring a Mediterranean menu, SENSE SPA area, offer massage rooms, steam bath and Jacuzzi. based on the continuous transformation of the food service A Business corner is also available. areas. AUDIOVISUAL: NEW Hotel offers, meeting spaces with natural ART LOUNGE restaurant, on the 7th floor; One of the most day light, VC and Teleconference facilities, the latest audiovisual beautiful city rooftops, a unique venue that combines art with fine cuisine. The outstanding Art library, which hosts more than facilities with WiFi internet in all public spaces and dedicated 2.000 art titles, together with the impressive panoramic view to internet line for the meeting spaces. Acropolis and Lycabettus, they MH.T.E.: 0206K015A0329100 all merge in to the ideal set-up NEW HOTEL for those who seek an urban 16, Filellinon Str., 105 57 Athens chic perspective. Tel.: +30 210 3273000, +30 210 3273253 Fax: +30 210 3273100 Email: /

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CATEGORY: 5 * LOCATION: Conveniently located right next to Metaxourgeio metro station Wyndham Grand Athens hotel is the ideal starting point to explore every major attraction and significant landmarks within minutes. HOTEL IS OPEN: All year round. ACCOMMODATION: With 276 rooms and suites in 8 floors, Wyndham Grand Athens hotel offers a wide variety of brand new accommodations to suit single, couple or family needs for business or leisure travelers. RESTAURANTS & BARS: Whether you are enjoying a tasty lunch or indulging in an inspired a la carte gourmet dinner, “FOS” restaurant in Athens serves up delectable Mediterranean food throughout the day along with a rich selection of wines. With unobstructed views of the city, “Above” is the best roof top restaurant in Athens to get a mouthful of delicious food and an eyeful of amazing scenery, from the Acropolis to Lycabettus hill and all the way down to the Saronic Gulf! The perfect place to relax and feel the vibes of the city. “SILK” is our all-day lounge bar on the ground floor and is the perfect place to enjoy your coffee in the morning, surf the internet with Free Super speed Wi-Fi, arrange business lunch or meeting in a casual environment or sip on your favorite evening drink. FACILITIES: 249 rooms & 27 suites most of them with view to Athens, Acropolis or Lycabettus Hill. 1 luxury presidential suite 90 sq.m. with jacuzzi and view to the city and Acropolis. Outdoor roof top pool with waterfall and amazing view to the city & Acropolis (closed during winter season). SPA CENTRE: The Aegeo spa is a haven dedicated to the art of relaxation, a place where you can leave behind the stress of everyday life and experience tranquility, harmony and inner peace.




Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet

750 350 116 105 67,3 351 172 172 211 92 119 28 23 36 21 90 450 310

(prs) 710 330 80 80 60 300 150 150 180 80 100 20 15 25 10 30 -

(prs) 350 220 35 40 45 250 120 120 90 60 80 12 18 16 6 20 -

(prs) 90 70 45 35 30 80 45 45 50 25 30 25 30 -

(prs) 750 350 500 200 200 200 100 120 24 25 40 400 240

(prs) 500 220 250 100 100 140 320 120

CONFERENCE HALL / AUDIOVISUAL: The hotel’s spacious interior features 2.500 sq. meters of multi-functional conference and event spaces with a capacity of up to 2000 pax combined with state of the art equipment. MHTE: 1606K315A0002701

WYNDHAM GRAND ATHENS 2, Megalou Alexandrou street 10437, Athens, Greece Tel: + 30 216 8009900, Fax: +30 216 8009901 e-mail:


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CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES CATEGORY: A (****) LOCATION: Member of the International Group AccorHotels, Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet NOVOTEL ATHENES is ideally located in the heart of the city, just outside the traffic restriction area, close to National Archeological Museum and few minutes walking distance from Larissis Metro and (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) Suburban Railway station. HOTEL IS OPEN: All year round. NYMPHES (Armonia+Nefeli) 620 800 420 120 750 570 ACCOMMODATION: Modern Easy Living, a unique type of stay, full ARMONIA 350 380 260 80 350 330 of elegance and simplicity! Choose one of the 196 rooms with NEFELI 270 250 190 70 300 230 ergonomic furnishing, Live N Dream double bed with duvet and a PLEIADES (Alkioni+Electra) 285 330 240 70 350 280 real convertible sofa-bed, pivoting desk, high technology amenities, ELECTRA 155 160 130 50 160 160 free tea/coffee facilities, lap top safe, Smart TV, free WI-FI access, ALKYONI 130 130 100 40 140 130 mini-bar, hair dryer. 5 suites, 5 handicapped rooms. ARTEMIS 40 40 25 20 25 RESTAURANTS & BARS: Discover the thrilling simplicity of flavorful ORION 20 15 12 10 contemporary cuisine in NOVagora restaurant. For an ideal place for CALYPSO 75 80 50 30 60 small meetings or for relaxation with friends in a warm atmosphere IKAROS 28 24 15 15 10 the comfortable Le Bar is waiting for you. During summer season do not forget to visit Pool Bar- Restaurant Clair De Lune and enjoy your dinner and premium drinks under the stars with panoramic view of Le Club Accorhotels Meeting Planner. the city. Novotel Athens organizes meetings and professional events and FACILITIES: Outdoor swimming pool, private indoor parking space rewards you for your loyalty! Join the Le Club Accorhotels Meeting free of charge, WI-FI internet free of charge, internet corner free of Planner scheme and benefit from a quality service and simple charge. Free use of the fitness center; relax room, Coffee-tea program tailored to your needs. facilities in the room free of charge, Virtual Concierge at lobby area, AUDIOVISUAL: Screens, high-tech audio, LCD projectors, play-area for children, boutique microphones (wireless) and and garden. amplifiers, modem connection, NOVOTEL ATHENES HOTEL 8 meeting TV, VHS, podium, DVD player, CD 4-6 Michail Voda Str., 104 39 Athens, Greece rooms from player, Laser point, central air Tel: +30 210 8200700, Fax: +30 210 8200777 20-620m² condition/ hitting system, special E-mail: (no pillars) with or without dayset up requirements. Laptop and light, which can host until 1265 special lighting upon request. persons.

ΜΗ.Τ.Ε.: 0206Κ014Α0024800

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CATEGORY: 4 stars. LOCATION: President Hotel is conveniently located at the boundaries of city's center, offering great access to Athens historical landmarks. Panormou Metro Station is just 700 meters away from our hotel, while Ampelokipi Metro Station is only 750 meters away. Both stations provide easy access to Syntagma Square: 4 and 3 stops away respectively. The stations also offer direct access to the airport, situated 27 kilometers away from our hotel, rendering it accessible either by car, bus or metro. HOTEL IS OPEN: All year round. Featuring a warm and family-friendly atmosphere for a restful stay, all rooms showcase an astonishing city view. Enjoy a refreshing drink at our relaxing lounge areas or taste modern culinary delicacies in our restaurants. Discover our signature cocktails at Penthouse 21 -situated on the 21st floor next to the pool area- complemented with a local treat, while gazing at the mesmerizing 360o view. Known for its business-friendly environment and its tailor-made services, President Hotel curates all sorts of events. The contemporary conference rooms accommodate successfully your corporate events with a stylish edge.




Theatre Classroom U Shape

(pax) 600 400 200 100 300 35 20 60 -

(pax) 260 180 80 70 150 25 40 -

(pax) 100 80 50 40 60 9 10 25 10 -

Cocktail Banquet

(pax) 400 300 150 100 200 30 20 60 10 120

(pax) 330 200 120 70 180 50

It's always our pleasure to host your special moments by giving your beloved ones an experience to remember. Weddings and private parties are our specialties. Destined to be the highest hotel in Greece, the landmark edifice, built by the famous Greek architect Ioannis Vikelas has its own history to share with the travelers, making it the ideal place to start your stay experience in the city. ΜΗ.ΤΕ: 0206Κ014Α00289

PRESIDENT HOTEL 43, Kifissias Ave., 115 23, Athens Tel.: +30 210 6989000, Fax: +30 210 6924900 Email:



Στο Βοτανικό, σε ένα κτήριο με ευρωπαϊκές βιοκλιματικές προδιαγραφές στις παρυφές της πόλης των Αθηνών και με άνετο χώρο στάθμευσης φιλοξενείτε το Eleon-Loft.


Μέγιστης χωρητικότητας 550 ατόμων σε banquet & 1200 ατόμων σε standing Cocktail, σε ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα Lofts στο κέντρο της πόλης, διοργανώνονται με επιτυχία Corporate & Social Events, Meetings, Workshops, Σεμινάρια και κάθε είδους προσωπική ή εταιρική εκδήλωση. Ο πολυμορφικός χώρος του Eleon-Loft προσαρμόζεται σύμφωνα με τις ανάγκες της κάθε εκδήλωσης και τον αριθμό των καλεσμένων. Λειτουργεί όλο το χρόνο με πανοραμική θέα στην Ακρόπολη, τον λόφο του Φιλοπάππου και το όρος Αιγάλεω.




Tailormade menus για όλων των ειδών τις γευστικές προτιμήσεις, διαμορφώνονται σύμφωνα με το ύφος της εκδήλωσης και την επιμέλεια του Executive Chef Jean Yves Carattoni.

ELEON LOFT Χώρος Τέχνης & Φιλοξενίας T +30 210 32 19 600 F +30 210 32 51 729 A/T 3 & Ναυτικού 17, 104 47 Βοτανικός, Αθήνα

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Hellenic Motor Museum is situated in the heart of Athens, adjacent to CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES National Archaeological Museum, in the uniquely designed building of Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet Capitol Mall cultural, leisure and commercial complex. The museum, a highly-coveted private collection numbering more than 300 vehicles, covers 5.000 m2 of the complex in 3 floors, dedicated to technology and the 4 wheels’ evolution, a history that covers almost a (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) century, from an 1895 fire engine from Hungary to a Ferrari 308 GTS of AUDITORIUM 204 1980. 3rd FLOOR 614 220 140 300 260 Highlights in the collection include Led Zeppelin front man Robert 4rd FLOOR 1044 546 330 600 480 Plant’s 1959 Chrysler Imperial, Sir Lawrence Olivier´s Rolls Royce 5rd FLOOR 1286 582 375 800 600 Wraith of 1938, Formula 1 driver Lorenzo Bandini’s personal 1953 MUSEUM BELVEDERE 140 80 45 180 110 Lancia Gucci with its Gucci- designed interior and exterior fitments and special thematic exhibitions. cocktails during conferences. It could also be the ideal proposal for smaller Road safety programs give to future drivers a basic knowledge events such as book presentations and small exhibitions. combining play and education, while the more adventurous visitors MEETINGS & EVENTS: A unique place for unforgettable events! have the opportunity to try their reflexes on a Formula 1 simulator! Hellenic Motor Museum offers high- tech alternative premises for hosting AUDITORIUM: The Auditorium of Hellenic Motor Museum with a every type of corporate or social event. Each of the three floors, has been capacity of 200 persons is the new alternative proposal for corporate designed in order to be transformed into an event hall, to serve either events in the center of Athens! corporate, scientific or sport events, or even wedding receptions, Available audiovisual equipment can fulfill the needs of most christenings, gatherings or children’s parties. demanding event planner, as it includes the following: Specifically: Corporate: Business meetings, Seminars, Product launches, 3D projection system Press conferences, Scientific conventions, Presentations, Trade shows, Advanced audio equipment (Surround Sound 7.1) Cocktail receptions, Small exhibitions Simultaneous interpretation systems up to 3 languages Social: Fashion shows, Bazars, Wedding receptions, Christenings 5 speaker´s panel with wireless microphones and monitors for viewing receptions, Parties, Art exhibitions, Gala dinners, Cocktails presentations At the highest level of the building, a private hall, Belvedere Hall, can host Podium with microphone and voice monitor up to 180 guests in cocktail set up, or up to 120 persons in a seated dinner, Wireless audience microphone offering a magnificent view to the Acropolis and Lycabettus Hills, as well as Business and secretarial services (upon request) an overall view of the Museum’s exhibits. Cloakroom The 5th floor of the Museum, with 1300 The auditorium is specially m2 space and significant height with no HELLENIC MOTOR MUSEUM designed to host car presentations columns is the perfect solution for large while its foyer can be used for event Capitol Mall scale events. registration, coffee breaks and Ioulianou 35 & 3rd Septemvriou, 104 34 Athens, Greece,

Tel.: +30 210 8816187, +30 210 7279999, Fax: +30 210 7279977, E-mail:

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CATEGORY: A (****) CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES LOCATION: The Golden Age Hotel is a boutique Hotel, situated in Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet Cabaret one of the safest and most accessible areas of Athens. Throughout our 40-year history we have maintained a spirit of individuality & personalized service. 40 minutes away from the El.Venizelos airport, near the Music Hall and the USA Embassy, with lots of (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) coffee shops and restaurants around the area. The Parthenon and ERATO 56 45 25 22 30 30 18 the Athens central shopping centre as well as the main square of SAPFO 140 150 80 45 150 90 48 Athens (Constitution Square) are a ½ hours' walking distance away. 170 170 66 50 170 140 48 Alternatively, you can enjoy a nice stroll on one of the most well kept SYRENE KALYPSO 63 45 25 22 30 30 18 avenues of Athens, Vasilissis Sophias, where some of the most SYRENE 2 233 215 91 72 250 200 66 important buildings, monuments and Museums of Athens are GOLDEN RESTAURANT 140 150 120 located. HOTEL IS OPEN: All year. ACCOMMODATION: 122 fully renovated rooms. Our recent experience in Mediterranean creative cuisine, "Golden Bar" for renovation incorporates these exact values whilst simultaneously relaxing moments with a coffee or a drink. keeping up with new trends. All rooms have double-glazed windows FACILITIES: Restaurant, Bar, 24-Hour Front Desk, Newspapers, resulting in perfect sound insulation, 32” Led Smart TV with Satellite Non-Smoking Rooms, Rooms/Facilities for Disabled Guests, Elevator, channels, Music Radio via TV, Direct Dial Telephone and voice mail, Safety Deposit Box, Soundproofed Rooms, Heating, Luggage Free Wi Fi & USB 2.0 charging sockets.Bed & mattress by Hypnos, Storage. Linen & Towels by Cocomat, Bathrobes & Slippers, Coffee & Tea AUDIOVISUAL: Overhead Projector, Screen, Microphone, Wireless making facilities, Mini fridge, laptop sized safe, Hair dryer, Microphone, Video, Table & Marker Pens, TV Screen, Fast WiFi, Independently controlled air-conditioning, Smoke detectors in Pedestal and Podium (all free of charge). Also Video Wall Projector, every room, State of the art fire-safety system. Electrician, Translator, Secretary, with extra charge upon request. RESTAURANTS & BARS: "Golden Restaurant" with American Buffet Breakfast and Greek corner MH.T.E.: 0206Κ014Α0034700 THE GOLDEN AGE OF ATHENS specialties, "Golden Moments 57, Michalakopoulou Ave., 115 28 Athens, Greece Restaurant" for a gastronomic

Tel: +30 210 72 40 861-9 Fax: +30 210 72 13 965 Email:


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CATEGORY: 5 star/Member of YES! Hotels & Design Hotels Worldwide LOCATION: Located on 48 Charilaou Trikoupi Str. in Kifissia, Semiramis is at the heart of action, in the upscale neighborhood of Kefalari, Athens, also enjoying quick and easy access to the city’s business districts and Eleftherios Venizelos airport in Athens, Greece. Its prominent location, and seductive atmosphere make Semiramis the obvious choice for travelers seeking for one-of-a-kind hotels in Athens offering wonderful cultural and art-sharp experiences. HOTEL IS OPEN: All year round. ACCOMMODATION: Semiramis Hotel offers 51 rooms and Suites Designed by famed industrial designer Karim Rashid, Semiramis’ guestrooms, poolside bungalows, penthouse studios and suite display an innovative mix of textures and materials: colored concrete with rubber floors, ceramic tiles with metal. From custom-made carpeting to glass partitions to rubber flooring, the decor offers a young, energetic and seductive alternative to more traditional approaches to luxury and style. RESTAURANTS & BARS: At Semiramis lounge the ultimate meeting point for the trendy crowd in the northern suburbs, the day begins with a rich breakfast - also ideal for business lunches - and continues with exceptional choices until late afternoon. Playful and vibrant, Semiramis lounge is really a showcase for Karim Rashid's fluid style and provocative contemporary art on display from Dakis Joannou's internationally acclaimed collection. Enter through the glowing pink glass cube into the lobby, where the organic shapes and colour palette create a world of positive energy and modern functional and tune in to its contagious, lively vibe! Freud Oriental: Japanese minimal food culture meets creative Mediterranean cuisine "raising the bar" even higher and keeping guests culinarily thrilled. The culinary concept: An unparalleled gastronomic experience that celebrates the




Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet

113 53 166 53

(prs) 100 51 120 50 -

(prs) 60 25 92 25 -

(prs) 30 21 30 24 -

(prs) 120 60 180 60 100

(prs) 80 40 120 40 60

diversity and commonality of Mediterranean and Asian cuisine. Inspired dishes that follow international gastronomic trends and top quality ingredients, all cooked with passion, offer its affluent clientele a culinary journey of eclectic Japanese flavors, tantalising their taste buds at one of the best restaurants in Kefalari. FACILITIES: 24hrs Front Desk, Multi-lingual staff, Concierge service, Porterage service, PC, Printer, available, Daily newspaper, Business center, Wi-Fi internet access in all areas free of charge, Non-smoking rooms and facilities, Wakeup call, Early bird breakfast, Breakfast/ Lunch box, 24hours room service, Turn-down service, Luggage storage, Parking facilities. POOL & WELLNESS: Semiramis offers a haven of relaxation, rejuvenation and unsurpassed wellness in the leafy suburbs of Kifissia. Miami style glamour meets upscale design, with the flowing, landscaped sunbathing decks ideally arranged for daytime lounging. AUDIOVISUAL: Semiramis Hotel offers, meeting spaces with natural day light, the latest audiovisual facilities with WiFi internet in all public spaces and dedicated internet line for the meeting spaces.

SEMIRAMIS 48, Char. Trikoupi Str., 14562 Kifissia, Athens Tel.: +30 210 6284588, Fax: +30 210 6284499 Email:

MH.T.E.: 0259K015A0037800


life gallery 2019a_hydrele 2.qxd 14-Mar-19 6:31 μμ Page 65




CATEGORY: De Luxe (*****) CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES LOCATION: Modern architecture finds its expression in a minimalist Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet designed building with glass surfaces, discreet swimming pools, Zen gardens and ethnic elements. An address of tranquility and natural beauty, an air of seventies (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) architecture, a light, contemporary look and a discreet luminosity AGORA 105 100 45 35 120 55 surround the building. Its branded furniture, lighting and small 68 40 30 20 40 60 objects constitute to a link of a man-made environment that coexists APERITTON LIBRARY 38 18 with nature. AVATON 40 25 20 14-16 A sense of balance and tranquility, nature and inspiration come FOS 40 12-15 12 10-12 15 together in Life Gallery athens, located in the sophisticated suburb of Ekali. Deluxe Room – 24 rooms: Deluxe Rooms are 33 m2 and enjoy HOTEL IS OPEN: All year round. stunning mountain views. The furnishings and decoration carry the ACCOMMODATION: 29 rooms / 58 pax. seal of famous signatures. Working desk, high speed internet Junior Suites – 2 rooms: A very generous 44 m2 of space that connection, satellite flat plasma TV, cordless telephone, voice mail, serves to develop the grandiose ambience of elegant living is the express check out and many more modern facilities and services. trademark of our Junior Suites. Working desk, high speed internet connection, satellite flat plasma TV, cordless telephone, voice mail, Balcony – atrium area. All Junior Suites, Art Studios and Deluxe Rooms guests have free access to Ananea for sauna, Steam Bath, express check out and many more modern facilities and services. This spacious and contemporary designed studio includes a sitting Jacuzzi and Shower Labyrinth use. – room that balances the styling of the bedroom and together they RESTAURANTS & BARS: Kool Life Restaurant with emphasis in the create a peaceful and elegant ambiance. Each of Junior Suites has Greek & Mediterranean cuisine. Kool Life Bar in warm red tones, radiates life and rhythm while the DJ explores the musical globe. its own terrace equipped with sun beds, table and chairs. Finger food, snacks, cocktails. Art Studios – 3 rooms: Art Studios are 38 m2 and enjoy stunning mountain views. The furnishings and decoration in all these studios FACILITIES: Ananea Spa by Orloff Spa, a complete offer of relaxation and rejuvenation, Jacuzzi, hamam, sauna and shower path, carry the seal of famous signatures. Working desk, high speed massage. Swimming Pools: A labyrinth of two outdoor swimming internet connection, satellite flat plasma TV, cordless telephone, voice mail, express check out and many more modern facilities and pools next to the gardens. AUDIOVISUAL: state-of-the-art services. This spacious and audiovisual equipment. contemporary designed studio LIFE GALLERY MH.T.E.: 0208K01AA0098400 includes a sitting – room that 103, Thisseos Ave, 145 78 Ekali, Athens, Greece balances the styling of the Tel: +30 211 10 67400, Fax: +30 210 62 29353 bedroom. balcony – atrium area. E-mail:

NISIS 2019a 2_hydrele 2.qxd 14-Mar-19 6:57 μμ Page 65



Ο πολυχ#ρο Nisis Events δη ιουργ θηκε το 1992, σε κταση 20 CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES στρε των, στην Κηφισι . Ε ναι απ του λ γου χ#ρου στην Αθ να Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet που πορε να φιλοξεν σει πολυπληθε εκδηλ#σει ε ια πλ ρω ολοκληρω νη ορφ οργ νωση . ∑την «Nisis Events » θα βρε τε χ#ρου που πορο*ν να ικανοποι σουν κ θε γεθο και στυλ εκδ λωση . Η πισ να ε τα τρ α επ πεδα (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) δη ιουργε να εντυπωσιακ περιβ λλον στο οπο ο πορε να ΧΩΡΟ∑ ΥΠΟ ΟΧΗ∑ 400 700 φιλοξενηθο*ν εκατοντ δε προσκεκλη νοι. Μικρ τερε εκδηλ#σει ΝΑΥΤΙΚΗ ΑΙΘΟΥ∑Α 220 200 120 350 250 πορο*ν να φιλοξενηθο*ν στο χ#ρο του Α φιθε τρου. Κατ του ΜΕΓΙ∑ΤΗ ΑΙΘΟΥ∑Α 680 1000 600 1800 800 χει ερινο* νε οι α θουσε «Ναυτικ » και «Μεγ στη» πορο*ν να ΑΜΦΙΘΕΑΤΡΟ 500 500 800 400 φιλοξεν σουν ε νεση κ θε λογ εκδ λωσ . ∑υνολικ , το «Κτ α ΠΙ∑ΙΝΑ 1700 3000 1500 Νησ » διαθ τει 4 χ#ρου εκδηλ#σεων - 2 εξωτερικο* ε πισ νε και 2 κλειστ α θουσε , εσωτερικ κουζ να και 3 ιδι κτητα parking. Προβολικ συστ ατα 7λα τα εδ σ ατα παρασκευ ζονται στι εγκαταστ σει του «Νησ » • Video-data projectors ω 15.000 ANSI ε τι πιο αυστηρ προδιαγραφ υγιειν και καθαρι τητα . • Οθ νε UHD plasma ω 85 ντσε Οι νθρωποι του «Κτ ατο Νησ » θα δη ιουργ σουν ια • Plasma & led walls ατ σφαιρα διακριτ πολυτ λεια και καλαισθησ α και θα • Οθ νε προβολ front-rear φροντ σουν για κ θε «λεπτο ρεια». • Επεξεργαστ σ ατο & κονσ λε εικ να ∑τ χο τη Nisis Events ε ναι η ριστη εξυπηρ τηση και η πλ ρη • Live streaming ικανοπο ηση των πελατ#ν τη , καθ# το ανθρ#πινο δυνα ικ τη Φωτιστικ συστ ατα διαθ τει την τεχνογνωσ α αλλ και την ε πειρ α για να κ νουν τι • Moving heads ιδια τερε επαγγελ ατικ σα στιγ αξ χαστε . ∑χεδι ζου ε απ • Laser κοινο* την εκδ λωσ σα , ακολουθ#ντα τι ραγδα ε τεχνολογικ • Προβολε par εξελ ξει και ε συνεχ ενη αναν ωση του εξοπλισ ο* α . • Follow spot Η Nisis Events αναλα β νει κ θε ε δου εκδηλ#σει : ∑υν δρια / • Φωτιστικ εφ & 3D mapping Παρουσι σει / <εξι#σει -π ρτι / Ηχητικ συστ ατα σε Τηλεοπτικ show / Επιδε ξει πρωτ κολλα UTP-LOP των Νησ events δα / Εκθ σει . εταιρει#ν JBL και Crown ε 16ο χλ . Ε.Ο. Αθην#ν - Λα α , Κ βο Ν. Κηφισι , 14564 Υπηρεσ ε AV ψηφιακ κονσ λε Allen & 210-8078086 6981-126656 ∑υνεδριακ - εταφραστικ Heath. συστ ατα 1000 δεκτ#ν SONY ε συνεδριακ σ*στη α ικρ φωνων PHILIPS-BOSCH


kastri 2019a_hydrele 2.qxd 14-Mar-19 6:21 μμ Page 65







62 31 31 63 32 31 62 32 28 59 35 31 66 52 52 52 112 123 73 127 235 202 527 31

Theatre Classroom

(prs) 45 25 25 50 25 25 50 25 25 50 25 25 50 45 45 45 100 135 80 110 250 190 550 192+6 -

(prs) 25 15 15 30 15 15 30 15 15 30 18 15 30 25 25 25 55 60 35 50 130 85 264 192+6 -

U Shape Boardroom Cocktail Banquet

(prs) 20 10 10 20 10 10 20 10 8 25 10 10 25 15 15 15 34 35 20 30 70 55 -

(prs) 22 10 10 22 10 10 22 10 10 25 12 10 25 15 20 20 40 40 25 35 85 60 20

(prs) (prs) 45 30 25 15 25 15 50 30 25 15 25 15 50 30 25 15 25 15 50 30 25 15 25 15 50 30 45 30 45 30 45 30 110 90 120 95 75 55 100 80 240 180 180 130 550 400 -

CATEGORY: De Luxe. Contemporary Hotel, member of Domotel Hotels & Resorts, boutique and lifestyle hotels. LOCATION: Domotel Kastri is a city hotel housed in a historic, fully renovated building surrounded by 4 acres of pinewood and gardens located in the elite district of the northern suburbs of Athens, in Kastri. It is strategically located near extensive transportation networks (9.5km from Attiki Odos, 29km from Piraeus port, 3.5km from the Metro Station, 8.5 km from a Suburban Rail Station), close to the Athens International Airport (32km) and 30 min away for the center of Athens. Major shopping centers and Kifissia district is min. away from the property. Domotel Kastri is ideal for all kinds of travelers seeking high level services in a unique ambience. HOTEL IS OPEN: All year round. ACCOMMODATION: 86 rooms & suites peerless examples of modernist architecture, creating an atmosphere of elegant minimalism, simple luxury and stylish comfort. All rooms are equipped with modern amenities for a comfortable and unforgettable stay, while they offer stunning views to the property’s gardens. CONFERENCE FACILITIES & OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL AREAS: An exceptional Conference Center & a state of the art Greek style Auditorium (196+2 seats) featuring 22 natural lighted multi-functional venues combined with ultra-modern infrastructure. Full banqueting facilities and a longstanding MICE experience ensures the success of business meetings, 61 PC 21 scientific conferences, team-building activities and any contemporary need 61 PC 33 of the business world. 59 PC 24 The GARDEN VENUE, this exclusive outdoor green setting of Domotel Kastri sets the picture-perfect location for your meeting and special events. Ideal for 149 PC 31 Company Happenings, Gala Dinners and Product Launches. variety of cocktails and a premium selection of wines & spirits. RESTAURANTS & BARS: The awarded “Kastri Bistro” restaurant with views FACILITIES: Convention center with 23 multifunctional halls & one grand to the hotel’s lush green gardens, presents a menu of high end amphitheater, the Garden Venue, Mediterranean cuisine based on Outdoor Recreational areas, 2 organic fresh products. The DOMOTEL KASTRI HOTEL restaurants, 1 bar, business center, Contemporary” offers daily breakfast 154, El. Venizelou & Romylias Str., 14671, Kastri - Athens innovation room, fitness center, private buffet enriched with traditional Greek Tel: + 30 210 35 07 100 parking. flavors. “Point Nord”, a premium bar ΜΗ.Τ.Ε.: 0259K014A0268001 surrounded by a green patio offering a Fax: + 30 210 35 07 121



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ariadni 2018a_hydrele 2.qxd 15-Mar-19 11:41 πμ Page 65




Το Κτ α Αρι δνη βρ σκεται στη Βαρυ π πη Αττικ και διαθ#τει CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES αυτ νο ου χ ρου εκδηλ σεων, ε πλ ρω εξοπλισ #νε α θουσε , Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet ενια α διαρρ θ ιση , καθ και παν# ορφου υπα θριου χ ρου . Κ ρια γνωρ σ ατα των χ ρων στο κτ α Αρι δνη ε ναι η ιδια τερη αισθητικ , που συναντ ται σε κ θε λεπτο #ρεια, οι υψηλο επιπ#δου (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) προδιαγραφ# και ο τεχνολογικ προηγ #νο εξοπλισ , η ψογη ΚΝΩ∑Ο∑ 400 240 100 400 200 λειτουργικ τητα των χ ρων, η ευελιξ α που προσφ#ρουν, καθ και οι ΦΑΙ∑ΤΟ∑ 450 300 200 550 300 ριστα σχεδιασ #νε υπηρεσ ε και παροχ# . ΑΝΑΪ∑ 600 380 260 750 400 ∑του υπα θριου χ ρου και στι α θουσε του κτ ατο HUB 60 30 20 150 75 φιλοξενο νται κοινωνικ# και εταιρικ# εκδηλ σει , προγρ ατα team building, παρουσι σει , η ερ δε , σε ιν ρια, συν#δρια, • Free WiFi σε λου του χ ρου συναντ σει & γε ατα εργασ α , εταιρικ parties, social events • Κουζ να ε σ γχρονε εγκαταστ σει εταιρει ν, cocktail & brunch parties. Οι χ ροι του κτ ατο Αρι δνη ε ναι ιδανικ επιλογ για κ θε ε δου • Γενν τρια ω εφεδρικ σ στη α ηλεκτροδ τηση υνατ τητα παροχ εξοπλισ ο & υπηρεσι ν σε συνεργασ α ε corporate event, καθ η ενια α εσωτερικ διαρρ θ ιση των αποκλειστικο συνεργ τε αιθουσ ν, η εγ λη χωρητικ τητα και η πλ ρη οπτικοακουστικ • Πλ ρη ηχητικ κ λυψη. Μικρ φωνα, χειλ φωνα, ικρ φωνα π#του, κ λυψη, σε συνδυασ ε του προσεγ #νου και λειτουργικο κονσ λε , ηχε α • Π ντιου • Projectors οπ σθια και ε πρ σθια υπα θριου χ ρου , πορο ν να ικανοποι σουν επιτυχ τι προβολ • Εξοπλισ ταυτ χρονη διερ ηνε α & ηχο ονω #νε απαιτ σει που #χει η εκ στοτε εκδ λωση. εταφραστικ# κα π νε • )υνατ τητα Video & Audio Streaming Υπηρεσ ε φιλοξεν α σχεδιασ νε για εταιρικ events • Α θουσε και εξωτερικο χ ροι ε εγ λη χωρητικ τητα και υψηλο • )υνατ τητα ζωνταν τηλεοπτικ κ λυψη κλειστο κυκλ ατο σε πολλαπλ# οθ νε επιπ#δου προδιαγραφ# για την φιλοξεν α εκδηλ σεων Επιπλ ον χαρακτηριστικ και υπηρεσ ε για εταιρικ events & parties • Χ ροι στ θ ευση στελεχω #νοι ε # πειρου παρκαδ ρου • Πισ να, εξωτερικ BBQ, εξωτερικ BAR • Μπουφ#δε Πρωινο • * πειροι DJ και ηχητικ εξοπλισ • Coffee break ΚΤΗΜΑ ΑΡΙΑ ΝΗ τελευτα α τεχνολογ α • Γε ατα σερβιριστ πουφ# Χαλκ δο 90 - 13671 Βαρυ π πη • Εξειδικευ #νοι Chefs που πορο ν να • Προσωπικ ε απ λυτη τεχνογνωσ α Tel: +30 210 81 69 857 ανταποκριθο ν σε κ θε ε δου γευστικ και υψηλ α σθηση φιλοξεν α E-mail: πρ κληση

amarilia 2018a_hydrele 2.qxd 15-Mar-19 11:47 πμ Page 69



CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES CATEGORY: A (****) LOCATION: Amarilia Hotel is located in Vouliagmeni, on the Athenian Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet riviera, the most exclusive and green coastal area of Athens. While enjoying a beachfront location, just 20 minutes drive from Athens city center and the International Airport, Amarilia Hotel is an excellent choice (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) for business and leisure travelers. The distance from the center of ATHINA 150 150 90 45 250 140 Athens is close enough for guests who need to commute and far ATHINA + FOYER 285 200 120 350 220 ARTEMIS A+B 390 500 300 enough to enjoy the tranquility of the picturesque area. ARTEMIS A 325 380 250 HOTEL IS OPEN: All year round. ARTEMIS B 65 60 36 24 120 50 ACCOMMODATION: The Hotel has 100 rooms and suites, all of which ANTIGONI 116 100 60 40 have private balconies with panoramic sea or pool views. Guestrooms, ALEA A+B 78 65 48 30 70 recently renovated, are spacious and appointed with modern amenities ALEA A 39 28 18 15 including free wireless internet access, individually controlled air ALEA B 39 28 18 15 conditioning and heating, TV with satellite channels, work desk, direct OLYMPIA A 58 35 30 20 dial phone with voicemail, bathroom with bathtub/shower, LCD TV, OLYMPIA B 20 8 6 6 fridge, electronic safe box and mini hifi system (in Suites). OLYMPIA C 20 8 6 6 RESTAURANTS & BARS: Artemis restaurant serves a large choice of OLYMPIA D 28 15 9 15 CONFERENCE SUITES (5) 50 8 6 6 international and Greek delicacies and can satisfy all dietary needs. A POOL AREA 270 400 270 wide array of cocktails and drinks can be enjoyed at the hotel’s bar or at the pool bar; during summer period, light snacks and refreshments are Internet point, car rental, currency exchange, laundry and dry cleaning. served at the terrace of cafe bar Allegro. AUDIOVISUAL: All conference and banqueting halls benefit from natural FACILITIES: 24 hours concierge services, outdoor swimming pool, daylight. Equipment includes free wireless high speed internet connection, banqueting facilities available flip charts, screen, LCD projector, slide indoors and outdoors, pool bar, free AMARILIA HOTEL projector, overhead projector, TV, VCR, wireless Internet connection 13, Agiou Nikolaou st., 166 71 Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece fax, photocopier, panel microphones, throughout the hotel, daily Tel: +30 210 89 90 391, Fax: +30 210 89 55 790 air-condition. newspapers, room service, 24-hour E-mail:

GNTO licence No. 0208Κ010Α0092800


congo 2017b_0 15-Mar-19 11:45 πμ Page 63



CATEGORY: A (****) LOCATION: Congo Palace Hotel is located in the heart of the cosmopolitan seaside suburb of Glyfada, just 15 km from the center of Athens, 19 km from the international airport (El. Venizelos) and 18 km from Piraeus port. The Hotel is overlooking the Saronic Gulf and is situated only 50 meters from the seaside, the famous Glyfada Golf Club and Glyfadas shopping center. At the end of a busy day you will enjoy all the contemporary conveniences offered by a First Class Hotel with the view of a panoramic sunset. HOTEL IS OPEN: All year round. ACCOMMODATION: Congo Palace features 91 rooms and suites, overlooking the Saronic Gulf, as well as two conference halls with full technological support, aiming to offer a unique high-level event. Rooms are spacious and appointed with modern amenities including internet access, individually controlled air conditioning and heating, TV satellite channels, work desk, direct dial phone, bathroom with bathtub/shower, bathroom amenities, telephone in bathroom area, LCD flat screen TV, mini fridge, hairdryer, electronic safe box, balcony. Suites and junior suites additionally have Hydromassage, mini bar, sleepers, bathrobes, coffee and tea facilities. Executive suite additionally mini HI FI. RESTAURANTS & BARS: The Boyoma Falls restaurant is located at the ground floor of the hotel overlooking the swimming pool. Refurbished in a characteristic African style, is our crowning jewel and an ideal venue to host any



290 115 295 165

Theatre Classroom

(prs) 300 100 -

(prs) 150 60 -

U Shape

(prs) 70 50 -

Cocktail Banquet

(prs) 300 90 170 100

(prs) 280 80 170 90

special social or business event. A wide array of cocktails and drinks can be enjoyed at the hotel’s bar or at the pool. FACILITIES: Airconditioned throughtout, central heating, swimming pool, WI-FI internet, internet corner, 24 hours reception, lounge, bar, pool bar, cocktail bar, restaurant, daily maid service, guest laundry and dry cleaning services, room service, luggage storage, massage services - physical therapists and baby sitting upon request, 24 hours concierge - multilingual staff. Conference and banquet facilities for up to 350 persons - Parking. AUDIOVISUAL: Podium, screen, flipchart, microphones, TV's, DVD player and wireless internet connection. Other A/V equipment available on request.




81A, Poseidonos Ave., 166 74 Glyfada, Tel: +30 210 8946711, Fax: +30 210 8946719 E-mail:

MH.T.E.: 0206K014A0046000

DOLCE ATTICA 2019a_0 14-Mar-19 5:05 ΟΟ Page 63




CATEGORY: 4 * CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES LOCATION: Boasting its privileged location and easy accessibility Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet 15 minutes from Athens International Airport, Dolce Attica Riviera is just an hour from the center of Athens, and maintains its idyllic character and provides the ultimate scenery for unforgettable (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) vacations on the beachfront. ARTEMIS 458 200 80 500 HOTEL IS OPEN: All year round. ATHENA 120 40 30 70 ACCOMMODATION: Enjoy supreme accommodation in Brauron ZEUS 73 30 18 50 and Eastern Attica through a wide selection of rooms, bungalows ASTERIE 275 80 50 300 and suites covering all contemporary needs and demands. LETO 1 87 40 30 100 RESTAURANTS & BARS: A rich buffet awaits you at the Thea LETO 2 83 40 30 100 Main Restaurant of the hotel, offering what your heart desires for LETO 3 138 70 35 150 an energy-boosting breakfast. Doctor on call (at an extra charge), Babysitting and laundry Have a taste of freshness in every dish, enjoying the services available on request (at an extra charge), Shuttle bus Mediterranean cuisine served in Filema A La Carte Restaurant! service (available upon request) from 04:00 - 01:00, Room Lay back on your sun lounger and relax, overlooking the azure waters of the swimming pool and the marvelous surroundings at Service (07:00 -23:00) SPA CENTRE: One of the biggest spa in Attica, thalassotherapy the Ilios Pool Bar. centre. Indulge in massage sessions, beauty face and body As the day is about to end and another amazing night begins, treatments, Jacuzzi and steam bath or work out at the gym. there is no place to be but the Aria Main Bar at Dolce Attica CONFERENCE HALL / AUDIOVISUAL: The sophisticated venues Riviera! and the upscale services, the hotel offers integrated solutions for The outdoor Ammos Tavern serves great food along with the great of the water views and is a relaxing place offering refreshing amazing, fully customized events. All corporate needs and demands are met from the pinnacle of conference hotels, with summer food choices. You dine in an atmosphere of being a venues and halls of overall guest at a seaside resort. capacity 1,700 delegates. FACILITIES: 24-hour reception, DOLCE ATTICA RIVIERA Multilingual personnel, Free WiVravronos Avenue MHTE: 1040176 (Version 3) Fi internet in all areas and 19003 Vravrona, Greece rooms, Business center by the Reception, Free outdoor Tel: +30 22940 71000, Fax: +30 22940 47700 parking, Wake-up call service, e-mail:

Lazart 2019a_0 14-Mar-19 6:26 μμ Page 63



CATEGORY: 5 * CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES LOCATION: LAZART Hotel offers luxury living in a privileged spot of Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet Thessaloniki, just 10 minutes from the heart of the city. Art and comfort are blended magically in this five star hotel of unique design and décor, introducing guests to a world of relaxation and (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) temptation of the senses. ROTONDA 290 350 180 80 380 380 HOTEL IS OPEN: All year round. LAZART CONFERENCE I & II 250 260 130 60 300 180 ACCOMMODATION: There are eight different types of rooms and LAZART CONFERENCE I 150 150 40-80 35 180 110 suites for guests to choose from, as per their personalized needs 100 100 50 25 120 70 and desires. Wi-Fi is offered free of charge. In the bathroom, guests LAZART CONFERENCE II ART ROOM 100 100 50 25 120 70 enjoy branded toiletries, bathrobes and slippers. There is LCD TV ELYSIAN LOUNGE 50 30 18 20 40 16 32’’ in each room, along with safe box for your personal belongings BUSINESS ROOM 14 10 8 10 and mini bar for your absolute convenience. ART NOUVEAU RESTAURANT 110 100 60 50 150 120 RESTAURANTS & BARS: Art Nouveau Restaurant offers a truly exclusive dining experience to those in search of something absolutely special. Turning breakfast into art, guests are welcome to Soundproofing, Entertaining services*, Transfer from/to airport, join a feast of flavors and aromas every morning. Relax and enjoy port or any station*. the creations of the barista at the Baroque Lounge Bar, with SPA CENTRE: Aegeo Spa offers guests the opportunity to relax and supreme combinations of colors and aromas, enchanting you in experience genuine well-being, through a carefully picked every single glass. Impressions pool lounge bar with its outdoor selection of invigorating face treatments, body therapies and swimming pool offers a refreshing feel to LAZART Hotel and massage. welcomes guests for an invigorating experience. CONFERENCE HALL / AUDIOVISUAL: High quality standards in FACILITIES: Outdoor Pool, Gym, Meeting/banquet facilities with 5 service and modern, cutting-edge facilities and equipment, these functional multi-purpose halls (14m2 up to 290m2), 24-hour Front are the elements defining LAZART Hotel in Thessaloniki. The hotel Desk, 24-hour Room Service, Early Breakfast Service, Breakfast is offers impressive, state-of-the-art meeting/banquet facilities with 5 served daily from 07:00 to 10:30 and on weekends 07:00 to 11:00. functional multi-purpose halls and with a maximum capacity of Providing customers with breakfast or dinner lunchboxes, upon 1000 delegates, thus covering any contemporary need of the request. Luggage storage & transfer, Laundry & Dry cleaning*, Free business world. Wi-Fi Internet in all pubic areas LAZART HOTEL and rooms, Rooms for disabled, MHTE: 1003803 (VER. 2) 16, Kolokotroni str. Non smoking rooms, GR 56 430 Thessaloniki, Greece Tel: +30 2316 015000, Fax: +30 2316 015002 e-mail:


EGNATIA 2019a_0 14-Mar-19 5:15 μμ Page 63


∑την καρδι# τη Θεσσαλον κη , το Egnatia Palace Hotel & Spa προσφ ρει πολυτελ δια ον στου επισκ πτε που επιθυ ο ν να εξερευν σουν την π λη απ να προνο ιακ ρο . Μετ# την πλ ρη ανακα νιση που ολοκληρ θηκε το 2018, το ξενοδοχε ο ετατρ#πηκε σε να art hotel, κο ψ# διακοσ η νο και προσεγ νο ω την τελευτα α του λεπτο ρεια. Το κ ριο λη α ταν η δη ιουργ α εν ξενοδοχε ου ε ιδια τερη προσωπικ τητα και ε σεβασ προ το περιβ#λλον. Καθ να απ τα - υπ ροχα διακοσ η να - 43 δω #τια και σου τε , που διαθ τει το πολυτελ ξενοδοχε ο, προσφ ρει απαρ# ιλλο lifestyle. Ο - πλ ρω ανανεω νο - οναδικ χ ρο χαλ#ρωση και αναζωογ νηση , Elxis Spa, απ σπασε βραβε ο "WORLD LUXURY AWARDS 2017". Tο Egnatia Palace Hotel & Spa, δη ιουργε τη δικ του «σελ δα» στην ιστορ α τη Φιλοξεν α τη Θεσσαλον κη , φροντ ζοντα να κ#νει την ξενοδοχειακ φιλοξεν α.... τ χνη! Το Egnatia Palace Hotel & Spa ε ναι αν# εσα στα καλ τερα εξοπλισ να ξενοδοχε α συνεδρ ων στην Θεσσαλον κη, προσφ ροντα α θουσε πολλαπλ ν χρ σεων, κατ#λληλε για κ#θε τ πο εκδηλ σεων, καθ διαθ τουν λο τον απαρα τητο οπτικοακουστικ εξοπλισ τελευτα α τεχνολογ α και ε ναι κατ#λληλε και για επαγγελ ατικ# γε ατα. ΜΗ.Τ.Ε.: 0933K274A0822600





Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet

80 36

(prs) 70 30

(prs) 45 20

(prs) 30 15

(prs) 100 40

(prs) 40 20

∑υγκεκρι να, το Egnatia Palace Hotel & Spa διαθ τει δ ο α θουσε πολλαπλ ν χρ σεων, στον 6ο ροφο, ε πανορα ικ θ α. Η α θουσα "Εγνατ α" χει ε βαδ ν 80 τ. . και πορε να φιλοξεν σει ω 70 #το α σε θεατρικ δι#ταξη, εν η α θουσα "Αριστοτ λου " ε ε βαδ ν 36 τ. . πορε να φιλοξεν σει ω 30 #το α σε θεατρικ δι#ταξη. 'ειγ ατισ ο , workshops, συν δρια, εξετ#σει , fashion shows, επιδε ξει , συνεντε ξει , σε ιν#ρια ε ναι ερικ απ τι χρ σει , που ε επιτυχ α φιλοξενο ν σχεδ ν καθη εριν#. Και οι δ ο α θουσε διαθ τουν οπτικοακουστικ εξοπλισ (Smart LED TV 75", ηχε α, ικροφωνικ εγκατ#σταση), ασ ρ ατο internet (wi-fi) & υπολογιστ .

EGNATIA PALACE HOTEL & SPA 61, Egnatia Str. Thessaloniki, Greece T: +30 2310 222 900 Email:

MIRAGGIO 2019a_0 14-Mar-19 6:43 ΟΟ Page 63


At Miraggio Thermal Spa Resort we are taking the Exclusive Meeting Experience to the next level. The combination of luxury and tranquility with our accumulated experience in hosting different types of events, such as conferences, exhibitions, exclusive meetings and customer events have helped us to differentiate and has set us apart from any other resort in Northeastern Europe. Miraggio Thermal Spa Resort 5* Live the Miraggio Meeting Experience Let us bring to life your business objectives and your organizational wishes with prestigious events catered with sophistication, and elegance. In the meantime, you can combine business with leisure, while our specialized team and staff will be with you all the way to ensure that you will enjoy a successful, stress-free event.




Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet

210 38 53 41 234 138 373 -

(prs) 196 25 45 28 166 128 304 700

(prs) 135 20 40 20 140 55 -

(prs) 20 27 20 -

(prs) 128 32 60 32 224 -

(prs) 96 16 32 16 112 64 192 -

Contact us today, explore your options and make your meetings more than just a statement-event; Make them a memorable experience!

MIRAGGIO THERMAL SPA RESORT 5* Kanistro, Paliouri, Halkidiki 63085, Greece T: +30 2374 440000 Email:


pomegranate 2018b - elena_0 15-Mar-19 12:09 μμ Page 63




CATEGORY: De Luxe(*****) CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES LOCATION: Just 30 minutes from Thessaloniki International Airport, ideally Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet located on the west coast of Halkidiki, among the Kassandra and Sithonia peninsulas. HOTEL IS OPEN: April-October ACCOMMODATION: Pomegranate Wellness Spa Hotel featured 176 (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) spacious rooms and suites, offering three distinct levels of MAIN HALL-AUDITORIUM 600 490 accommodation, 130 Elegant Standard rooms that offer comfortable BREAK OUT HALL 1 65 accommodation with a plethora of inclusive facilities and 28 Luxury Suites BREAK OUT HALL 2 25 with additional living space, provide a relaxing and luxurious environment BREAK OUT HALL 3 25 for guests seeking extra conveniences with a personalized touch. BUSINESS CENTER 20 It also has 14 Prestige and Family Suites offering unique and individualized environment with exclusive interior designs and signature furnishing (ranging from 60-160 m2). Last but not list, our new product, Royal suites, traditional kitchen that he grew up with, into creative, and our brand new which are located at the heart of Pomegranate resort with a stunning view to the Agean sea. Private infinity pool with sea salt water. Marble, wood and “Zakuro”, a pure Sushi Bar with authentic flavors and the best fresh fish glass are combined to create a stylish interior with a thoughtful design for a prepared for you by the sushi master Rungrog Gant haruesaen. There are maximum of your comfort. The extra spacius 650 sq.m. suite can be easyly also located 4 bars throughout the hotel, offer fresh juices, exquisite cocktails, beverages and light snacks throughout the day. devided into 4 smaller Suites. FACILITIES: Wellness Spa & Center (1.700 sq. m. allocated among the Spa All rooms and suites offer: Central Climate Control / Air Condition – Park, Private Therapy Rooms, fully equipped Gym and Beauty Saloon), Heating, Balcony or Terrace with seating area, Queen Size or Twin Bed, Laundry Services, Parking, Currency Exchange, Rooms and Facilities for LCD TV with satellite channels (Local & International), DVD-player, Minibar*, Direct Dial Phone, Free Wi-Fi Internet, Safety Deposit (free of charge), physically disabled guests, 24hr Room service, Car Rental, Airport Transfers and Limo Service, Animation Activities, Bathroom with bathtub(Hydro massage) or Shower, Amenities based on Mini Market, Wellness Boutique, Jewelry and Apparel Shops, Olive Oil, Hair Dryer, Electronic Scale, Comfortable bathrobes and Doctor on Call *, Night Club, Wedding and Event Planning services, Boat Slippers, Pillow Menu (8 different selections), Additional Sofa/Armchair and Yacht rental, private Excursions, Tennis Courts. Bed, Daily Housekeeping services/afternoon turn down services, *with extra charge, payable locally Nespresso Coffee Machine. AUDIOVISUAL: Audiovisual Equipment, Conference Facilities, and CCTV, RESTAURANTS & BARS: Main restaurant “Zeus” offers Mediterranean breakfast buffet and in the evening rich buffets with traditional Greek dishes Wireless high-speed Internet (up to 70Mbps), Ultra HD LED monitors in public areas, autonomous temperature and ventilation systems, retractable and international cuisine. In addition, three a la carte restaurantsstage (ideal for concerts), video-data “Poseidon”, serving authentic Greek projectors, wireless microphones, cuisine, fine Mediterranean dishes and POMEGRANATE WELLNESS SPA HOTEL podium, flipcharts, laser pointer. freshly caught fish, the exclusive Nea Moudania, 63200, Halkidiki, Greece “Hermes” Gourmet restaurant, where T: +30 23730 43070 ΜΗ.Τ.Ε.: 0938Κ015Α0704400 our Executive Chef has inspired the Email: menu guided by the philosophy of his tasteful memory. He transformed the

G Hotels 2019a_0 14-Mar-19 5:50 μμ Page 63



Athos Palace 4* Pallini Beach 4* Theophano Imperial Palace 5* Simantron Beach 5* Makedonian Sun 3* Panormos Beach 3*

LOCATION: GHotels are located on a golden sandy coast of Kassandra peninsula, Halkidiki - Greece. The airport “Macedonia”of Thessaloniki is Halls 75 km. through a new highway. ACCOMODATION: 6 Hotels, 6 separate stories, 6 different personalities! Operated with ecological sensitivity. Chalkidiki: Theophano Imperial 5*, Simantro Beach hotel 5*, Athos Palace hotel 4*, Pallini Beach hotel 4*, ATHOS PALACE Makedonian Sun 3*, Rethymnon-Panormos: Panormo Beach hotel 3*. Empress Theodora Ballroom Some with genuine Vintage physiognomy, some with unique monastic decor and some keep the austere style. Indoor venues, rooms, and Empress Theodora 1 endless gardens beside the blue sea synthesize our Greek philosophy. A Empress Theodora 2 great variety of rooms, suites, bungalows, suites with pool, overlooking Athenais the sea and mountains are able to accommodate over 3.000 people. Bridge Room RESTAURANTS & BARS: The hotels feature a big variety of restaurants Cocktail Lounge and venues - Several renovated within 2018. (Greek tavern, Italian PALLINI BEACH HOTEL restaurant, pizzeria, self service e.t.c.), beach bars, pool bars, snack bars Telemachus 1 for all tastes, with no smoking areas, terraces with breathtaking Telemachus 2 views.Rich diet programs for vegetarians. Aristoteles FACILITIES: The resort in kalithea has a unique Mixture of over 10 multi Alexandros functional Meeting Rooms & Simantro Resort has over 7 Meeting Rooms, SIMANTRO BEACH HOTEL in classical and monastic local style, day lighted too, for each event or Dionysus Hall demanding conference from 10 to 700 persons in Theatre style. An Board Room 1 Indoor Club for private use, several Outdoor Venus are drowned in the Board Rooms 2-3 green and the blue sea. Our services are enriched with Mini markets, gift shops, jewelry shops, Playgrounds, bank ATM. Also a small Orthodox Board Room 4 Chapel is within our premises. The added value to all our services is our Board Rooms 5-6 Board Rooms 7-8 very experienced Management Team. ACTIVITIES & SPORTS: Beach volley, diving center, Water Sports Club, Board Room 9 Indoor swimming pools, Outdoor pools with tab water, 10 tennis courts,1/2 basketball court, open air cinemas, pools, Olympic size swimming pool and further more GHOTELS areas for private group events & Kassandra, 630 77 Halkidiki, Greece imaginary Team Building Activities.

CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet






780 470 310 140 160 250

700 400 300 80 100 -

400 250 150 50 70 -

140 80 60 25 40 -

1000 600 400 100 120 500

600 350 250 60 80 200

310 115 30 130

140 80 24 90

70 50 18 60

50 30 15 40

250 150 35 180

180 80 20 100

470 60 23 40 97 47 60

300 40 15 25 70 30 40

240 30 10 20 50 22 30

60 20 10 15 30 18 20

400 70 20 30 80 35 70

260 40 15 20 50 22 40

Athens Office: 16, Nikis Str., Syntagma, 105 57 Athens Tel.: +30 210 32 48 031, Fax: +30 210 32 36 814 Email:

Additional Special Venues ATHOS PALACE: Club, Indoor Pool & Bar. SIMANTRO BEACH HOTEL: Dionysus Hall patio, Indoor Pool & Bar MH.T.E.: 0938Κ014Α0564100


2018a ATHENA PALACE_0 15-Mar-19 11:53 πμ Page 81




CATEGORY: A(*****) CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES HOTEL: Acrotel Athena Pallas Village 5* Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet Banquet LOCATION: Elia Beach - Sithonia - Halkidiki 95 Km from with buffet without buffet Thessaloniki Airport, 9 Km from Nikiti, 10 Km from Neos Marmaras. HOTEL IS OPEN: March - October ACCOMMODATION: 175 Rooms: 66 Double rooms, 40 Superior (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) rooms, 30 Armonia Suites, 14 Family suites, 20 Traditional BALLROOM ALEXANDROS 425 400 180 110 450 300 330 Maisonettes, 3 Executive suites. ALEXANDROS I 70 60 30 39 50 40 50 All rooms standards include: Coffee & Tea facilities, Air ALEXANDROS II 140 120 60 64 120 100 120 conditioning, Minibar, Bath or Shower, Hairdryer, Slippers & ALEXANDROS III 215 180 95 78 150 120 140 Bathrobes, Satellite TV, Radio, Direct dial phone, Internet CINEPOLIS 70 65 access (W-LAN), working business area, jacuzzi is offered at the DIONISOS HALL 120 70 50 30 80 60 70 Executive suites. RESTAURANTS & BARS: Restaurant DOXATO (buffet for breakfast A la carte restaurant “LEMONI” 400 200 200 200 and dinner - Greek and International Cuisine), Prive restaurant “LEMONI” 35 20 20 10 A la carte restaurant “LEMONI” with gourmet flavors (Sea food, “ETHNIC” lounge space roof garden 150 100 70 80 Greek and Mediterranean taste), Herion 50 12 “ETHNIC” lounge space - roof garden area, prive space “LEMONI” ideal for more private occasional Playroom, Internet corner, Wi-Fi access, Bowling, Cinema, Billiard, celebrations, Mini golf, Traditional Folklore museum, Shuttle bus. "DIONISOS" a la carte restaurant with Ancient Greek cuisine, ACTIVITIES: Cruises around the magnificent Sithonia, Hiking, byzantine cuisine at "HIERION" restaurant Scuba Diving, Jeep Safari, Cycling. and “Cook and Eat” space corner for interactive cooking lessons. AUDIOVISUAL: Slide Overhead Projector and Screen, Data Main bar - Lobby bar, Pool bar. projector, TV monitors, Video Recorder / player, Sound Installation, FACILITIES: 5 Restaurants, 2 Wireless microphones, Flip ACROTEL HOTELS & RESORTS Bars, 3 Pool bars, 3 Outdoor charts (including stationery), Beach Elia, Sithonia 630 88, Halkidiki, Greece pools, Spa & Wellness center Laser pointer, Laptop PC, Natural including 1 Indoor heated pool, light. Tel.: +30 23750 23000, Fax: +30 23750 23001 Gym, Tennis, Conference center, Email: , Kids club, Playground, ΜΗ.Τ.Ε.: 0938Κ014Α0171801

Ramada Thraki 2019c Low_hydrele 2.qxd 15-Mar-19 2:08 μμ Page 65


Ramada Plaza Thraki is a deluxe complex that is situated on a wonderful 300 m beach at the west side of Alexandroupolis at the area of Thrace in Northeastern Greece. With its excellent infrastructure and impeccable services, Ramada Plaza Thraki constitutes a new reference point for northern Greece and the Balkans and a powerful magnet for visitors to one of the most beautiful, yet unexplored, parts of Greece. Key facilities and services: 149 newly renovated Superior King Rooms and Suites, 2.400 sqm Thalasso and Wellness Spa, 280-seat Restaurant with a wide terrace, Café Bar & Pool Bar, Infinity outdoor pool and kid’s pool, Mini club for children, Free Wi-Fi in all areas, 300 m private beach, 24h room service, Business Center/TV room. Our Congress Center is one of the biggest in northern Greece and offers all the key factors for successful meetings or congresses. Ten (10) meeting room with natural daylight with capacities ranging from 50-800 participants, Total capacity 2.200 participants, 650 sqm foyer for exhibition area, break-out, coffee breaks and dinning functions, State of the AV equipment, Technical support,





352,80 201,60 554,40 160 162,80 201,60 193,20 57,20 20 20 500

Theatre Classroom U Shape

(prs) 430 230 750 190 170 230 200 70 20 20 500

(prs) 250 160 410 90 80 160 130 40 12 12 300

(prs) 90 70 180 50 50 70 45 18 8 8 110

Cocktail Banquet

(prs) 350 250 480 220 220 250 190 60 20 20 400

(prs) 250 150 380 120 120 150 140 50 15 15 300

Free Wi-Fi connection, Catering and banqueting services, Separate entrance, storage rooms, Huge private parking area. MH.T.E.: 1007898

RAMADA PLAZA THRAKI 4th km N. Road Alexandroupolis - Thessaloniki 681 00, Alexandroupolis, Greece Contact Person: Apostolos Palakidis VICE PRESIDENT – DIRECTOR SALES & MARKETING

Tel.: +30 2551 089100, email:


CORFU 2018b - elena_hydrele 2.qxd 14-Mar-19 4:37 μμ Page 65




CATEGORY: De Luxe (*****) CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES LOCATION: Τhe Corfu Holiday Palace enjoys a superb location in Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet the historic area of Kanoni with outstanding views. From one side is overlooking the trademark of Corfu “Pontikonisi” island, the Ionian Sea , the monastery of “ Vlacherna” and from the other side is (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) overlooking the beautiful Lake “Halikiopoulou” and distant hills. LEFKAS 41 55 30 55 50 The location is a beauty spot of Corfu. Magnificent landscaped ZANTE 39 40 20 40 35 gardens (45.000 m2 ) and an abundance of pine, eucalyptus and PAXI 39 40 20 40 35 cypress trees. ITHACA 46 65 30 65 60 HOTEL IS OPEN: April to October. 161 210 105 210 185 ACCOMMODATION: This Complex consists of 264 Rooms (Singles, ABOVE COMBINED KERKYRA BALLROOM 400 480 250 600 400 Doubles, Bungalows with sharing pool, Family Bungalows, Family NAUSIKA BALLROOM 460 600 300 700 500 rooms with sharing pool, One and two-bedroom Suites & Villas with private pool). There are 22 Singles, 180 Twins, 14 Suites, 10 Family FACILITIES: Outdoor sea-water and indoor heated fresh water suites with sharing pool, 11 Bungalows with sharing pool and 27 swimming pools, Jewellery shop, gift shop, SPA, gym , 2 floodlight Bungalows Sea View. All Rooms & Suites are equipped with Private deco-turf tennis courts, playground, table tennis, sandy beach, Bath with bathtube or Shower, Air-Conditioning and heating, billiards. The hotel also owns the 18 hole Corfu Golf and Country Satellite TV, fridge, safe, hair dryer, private balcony or terrace and Club, the only Golf Club in Corfu which is located in the Ropa direct dial telephone. Suites are equipped also with Jacuzzi baths. Valley only 16 km away. RESTAURANTS & BARS: The hotel offers Greek, Italian, Corfiot AUDIOVISUAL: Podium, screen, flipchart, microphones, TV's, DVD cuisine, Fish & Barbeque. Main restaurant “Eptanissa” serves Buffet player and wireless internet connection. Other A/V equipment and a la carte meals. La Veranda di Corfu is an all day cocktail bar & available on request. fine dining restaurant. Pool restaurant for light snacks, beverages and a la carte menu. The hotel ΜΗ.Τ.Ε.: 0829Κ015Α0027900 has 3 bars namely the main bar CORFU HOLIDAY PALACE "Kefi", the “Almira” Pool bar and Nausica str., Kanoni, 491 00 Corfu, Ionian Islands, Greece the “Brachera” Beach bar. The Tel: +30 26610 36 540, Fax: +30 26610 36 551 “Kukutsi” Sushi restaurant E-mail:, overlooks the Mouse Island.

EPIRUS 2019a 3_hydrele 2.qxd 18-Mar-19 3:21 μμ Page 65



CATEGORY: 5 * CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES HOTEL IS OPEN: All year round. Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet LOCATION: Epirus Palace Congress & Spa is a luxury 5* hotel in Epirus Region, just 10 minutes from the city of Ioannina and at a stone's throw from Ionia and Egnatia Motorways, both major highways linking Ioannina with the rest of Greece and Europe. (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) HOTEL IN FIGURES: A total area of 13 acres, 2 Buildings, 1 stylish FYGOS (LANASSA+VIRKENNA) 700 850 450 110 950 650 Lobby, 200 Rooms & Suites, 350 Parking Spaces, 1 Outdoor Swimming LANASSA 400 470 250 75 550 360 Pool of 60 m3 [ The largest swimming pool in Epirus Region], 8 VIRKENNA 300 350 190 55 400 260 Conference Halls covering an area of 1.600 sq.m., 1 Restaurant TIMARETI+NIKANDRI+PROMENIA 280 300 160 40 370 200 [Summer 2019] , 1 Bistrot, 1 Indoor Bar, 1 Outdoor Pool Bar, 1 Spa, TIMARETI I 95 100 60 20 110 60 1 Gym, 1 Play Room. NIKANDRI 100 100 60 20 110 60 ACCOMMODATION: The hotel has 6 different types of rooms & suites in PROMENIA 95 100 60 20 110 60 total. Premium Classic Rooms with classic decoration and living room ZEUS+DIONI 140 160 90 30 150 overlooking the hotel's swimming pool & gardens, equipped with 43" ZEUS 80 90 50 15 80 Smart TVs and Free Fiber WiFi, Coco-mat king size beds & a free DIONI 60 70 35 15 60 selection of hard or soft pillows. Premium Comfort Rooms are spacious BUSINESS ROOM 20 10 with elegant decoration and modern design, fully equipped with luxury ORANGE GROVE RESTAURANT 700 500 500 amenities, satellite TV, free fiber WiFi, safe box & a/c. BISTRO 250 80 60 30 180 160 CONFERENCE HALL / AUDIOVISUAL: Corporate meetings & business conferences can successfully be organized and take place to our 8 recently refurbished & fully-equipped halls which promise to fully meet Summer by the remodeling pool bar and the surrounding area we will your every need. Ideal for successful conferences up to 850 people or offer signature cocktails with the accompaniment of lounge music Unforgettable Social gatherings. sounds. RESTAURANTS & BARS: Ιn the SPA CENTRE: Dodoni Spa is a IOANNINA - EPIRUS PALACE CONGRESS HOTEL summer of 2019 will be in operation special place for relaxation and 7th km N. Road Ioannina - Athens, GR 45221 Ioannina, Greece the new creation of a luxury wellness with unique architecture Tel: +30 26510 91072, 91074, e-mail: breakfast and "A la carte" restaurant that perfectly combines the high ATHENS - SALES area in the midst of orange trees. A aesthetics with the history of the Κostas Pikios / Director of Sales & Marketing Classic Bitsrot offers a combination place and the earthy colors with of snacks and wine. In Winter our 44, Vas. Konstantinou Av., 11635 Athens - Greece the wooden surfaces. Indoor Lobby main bar serves Τel: +30 213 0408914 MHTE: 0622K015A0008301 coffees & drinks, while during E-mail:


GRAND SERAI 2019a_hydrele 2.qxd 14-Mar-19 6:14 μμ Page 65




CATEGORY: de Lux (*****) CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES LOCATION: Built on a land of 13.000 sq.m., in the heart of the town of Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet Ioannina. The hotel “Grand Serai Congress & Spa” comes to offer a brand new perception of hospitality. With attention to the details of the care and wellbeing of our guests, we invite you all year to come and (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) satisfy your need to “escape” from the daily routine. Ioannina’s Airport is KRYSTALI 55 35 25 22 40 22 only 15 Km away from Grand Serai. KASTRO 50 32 22 20 38 20 HOTEL IS OPEN: All year LIMNI 50 32 22 20 38 20 ACCOMMODATION: The hotel has 216 Rooms, 64 Standard Rooms, 70 Superior Rooms, 64 Executive Rooms, 7 Hayiati rooms, 6 junior SIRAKO 40 30 20 16 35 16 suites, 4 executive suites and a 110-m2 Presidential suite redefining POGONI 40 30 20 16 35 16 luxury in Northern Greece. All rooms features bathrooms with bathtubs or ARISTI 40 30 20 16 35 16 bathtub & shower, hairdryer, magnifying mirror, bathrobes & slippers, SIRAKO + POGONI +ARISTI 120 100 65 50 120 50 luxurious bathroom amenities, full equipped mini bar, LCD Satellite TV DODONI 75 45 32 30 50 30 26’’ / Music channel, telephone in room and bathroom, safe deposit box, LORD BYRON 550 500 380 340 500 500 Wi-Fi internet access, writing desk, Swarovski Chandeliers, wooden floor EVERGETON 1.000 1.000 800 750 1.000 1.000 or carpet. Also there are available at the hotel, rooms with balcony or hayats, Nonsmoking rooms & specially adapted rooms for disabled. SPA CENTRE: Offers a unique variety of face & body treatments RESTAURANTS & BARS: Enjoy refined tastes in the elegant “Yiasemi” BEAUTY & WELNESS: Indoor aqua therapy pool, Body treatments, restaurant and bar of Grand Serai Congress & Spa. Also at the hotel’s bar “Kourabas” you can enjoy your drink or coffee and traditional sweets Facial Treatments, Cleopatra Bath, Hammam, Hair care, Manicure – Pedicure, Waxing, Fitness room. by the fireplace in the winter offering a fantastic view of the hotel’s CONFERENCE HALL: Multi-functional conference rooms are available gardens. and provide state-of-the-art technological and audiovisual equipment FACILITIES: 24-hour reception, fully equipped business corner with combined with impeccable service. Whether for business luncheons, wireless Internet access, conference & banqueting facilities, spa & gym meetings, exhibitions, cocktails, wedding receptions or dinner parties, (October until May), guest relations service, parking (free of charge), express check-in and check-out service, selection of local newspapers, the success of your event is guaranteed. selection of international newspapers (on request), cards room, disabled AUDIOVISUAL : Flip chart, overhead projector, data projector, Telephone and fax services (on charge), access, security, languages: English Photocopy service (on charge), GRAND SERAI CONGRESS & SPA HOTEL and French, car rental (on request), Wireless Internet Access, Panels 24hr medical cover. doctor on call, 33, Dodonis Str., 45221, Ioannina, Greece & Podiums. florist on call, baby-sitting on request Tel.: +30 26510 90550, Fax: +30 26510 90557 (with charge), postal service. E-mail:,

MH.T.E.: 0622K015A0151001


! "


Alkyon Hotel

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LOUTRAKI 2019a_0 14-Mar-19 7:12 μμ Page 63



CATEGORY: Wyndham: 5* / Ramada: 4* CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES LOCATION: The resort’s privileged location allows smooth accessibility Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet for guests to all sights and attractions of the wider area, as well as close proximity to the center of Athens. HOTEL IS OPEN: Summer Season ACCOMMODATION: Explore our marvelous Bungalows and Suites, in (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) search of the perfect type of accommodation for you in Loutraki. APOLLO LOBBY 420 200 70 500 300-400 RESTAURANTS & BARS: Casual dining and splendid flavors define APOLLO 1 100 60 35 100 100 Poseidon Restaurant, right on the beach. Wyndham guest will start their APOLLO 2 40 30 21 60 60 day with a filling and healthy breakfast. APOLLO 3 190 130 150 150 Customers of Ramada will be able to enjoy, in the splendid setting of APOLLO 4 80 50 70 70 Amphitrion Restaurant, a marvelous breakfast buffet, with a plethora of EXECUTIVE BOARDROOM 14 flavors sure to make your day. ARTEMIS 1 40 30 21 50 30 The trendy Anemos Beach Bar that will allow you to relax by the ARTEMIS 2 40 30 21 50 30 waterfront, feeling the salty breeze surrounding you. OPEN AMPHITHEATRE 900 Neptune Restaurant is a cozy restaurant operating during winter months. AMPHITRION RESTAURANT 650 Triaina Ouzeri Restaurant offers Greek cuisine with a twist. TRIAINA RESTAURANT 120 Nafsika Restaurant and Bar is the perfect place to enjoy an iced cold NAFSIKA BAR RESTAURANT 120 cocktail or a glass of sparkling wine while overlooking the deep blue sea. 90 At Apollo Lobby Bar, you will find a plethora of high quality cocktails and POOL BAR POSEIDON RESTAURANT 140 drinks. NEPTUNE 120 The Pool Bar is a fine spot for those who wish to combine their dives at the pool with a delicious, refreshing cocktail. FACILITIES: 3 beaches awarded with the Blue flag, 150 hectares of CONFERENCE HALL / AUDIOVISUAL: Wyndham & Ramada Loutraki surrounding gardens, 303 luxurious Bungalows & Suites, 4 Restaurants Poseidon Resort provides a modern Conference Center composed of & bars, 2 outdoor pools & children pool, One indoor heated pool, nine halls which can accommodate from 10 to 500 attendees, as well as Fitness Centre, Conference Centre with 8 Halls. Max. capacity 500 areas for coffee breaks and cocktails. In addition, the open- air people, Open Air Amphitheatre for 900 people. amphitheater is a remarkable venue area, ideal for opening ceremonies, SPA CENTRE: Aegeo Spa offers guests the opportunity to relax and award speeches or teambuilding entertainment for up to 900 people. experience genuine well-being, through a carefully picked MHTE: 1247K015A0031000 WYNDHAM & RAMADA LOUTRAKI POSEIDON RESORT selection of invigorating treatments 20300 Loutraki Korinthias, Greece, and therapies for the body and Tel: +30 27440 67938, +30 27440 62100 mind.


Fax: +30 27440 67950 e-mail:

aks 2019a_hydrele 2.qxd 14-Mar-19 4:07 μμ Page 65


ARGOLIDA - PORTO HELI Spe cia May l Meeti ngs -Jun &E e& from 51 € Septem vents Pa berckag per Oct e pers obe on o r 2019 n ha lf bo ard

CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES LOCATION: Situated in the picturesque bay of Porto Heli, a place of great natural beauty. The area of Porto Heli is easily accessible by Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet coach, which takes in one of the most scenic roots through the Peloponnese coastline, with a journey of approximately two and half hours from Athens International Airport or by jetfoil from the port of (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) Piraeus, with stops at the beautiful islands of Hydra and Spetses. GRAND BALLROOM I+II+III 634 800 400 120 850 500 OPEN: April - October. GRAND BALLROOM I+II 444 490 280 100 600 300 ACCOMMODATION: The AKS Porto Heli Hotel is 50 meters across GRAND BALLROOM II+III 399 440 250 70 550 260 from the Conference Centre and it is located within the picturesque GRAND BALLROOM I 235 260 150 50 300 160 village. Most of the 214 rooms are sea view overlooking the bay of GRAND BALLROOM II 209 230 130 45 280 140 Porto Heli. GRAND BALLROOM III 190 210 120 45 250 120 The AKS Hinitsa bay (fully renovated rooms - April 2016) is situated NIMELI I+II+III+IV 176 200 110 70 240 150 3.5 kms away from the Conference Centre and the village of Porto NIMELI I+II+III 123 135 75 45 160 100 Heli. It features 230 rooms with magnificent views to the sea, NIMELI I+II 88 95 55 35 120 70 Spetses island and the green hills of Porto Heli. NIMELI II+III 70 75 40 25 90 60 Both hotels have air condition, sat TV, mini refrigerator, balcony, NIMELI III+IV 88 95 55 35 120 70 hairdryer, marble bathrooms. NIMELI I 53 55 30 18 RESTAURANTS & BARS: Main restaurant, pool restaurant, cocktail NIMELI II 35 35 18 12 bar and beach bar. Exhibitions Area I 800 FACILITIES: Indoor & outdoor parking, room service, TV and bridge room, laundry and dry cleaning, 5-aside football court, Internet hairdressing salon, mini market PORTO HELI CONFERENCE CENTRE Room, Wireless Internet and gift shop. In addition AKS Porto Heli, 210 61 Argolida Broadband Access. HOTELS offer swimming pools, Tel: +30 27540 98 000, Fax: +30 27540 53 410 AUDIOVISUAL: Audiovisual gym room, tennis court with flood equipment. Head Office: 346, Kifisias Ave., 152 33 Halandri, Greece lights, table tennis, water sports, Tel: +30 210 68 56 992, Fax: +30 210 68 52 440 E-mail:

ΜΗ.Τ.Ε.: 1245Υ41000000101


Anemolia 2019a_hydrele 2.qxd 14-Mar-19 4:18 μμ Page 65




CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES CATEGORY: An (****) all year mountain resort, member of Domotel Hotels & Resorts, boutique and lifestyle hotels. Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet LOCATION: Situated on the outskirts of the cosmopolitan Arachova Village, with beautiful views of Delphi Valley and Parnassos Mountain. Only 1km away from the traditional village and 8km away (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) from the archeological site of Delfi. Domotel Anemolia is an ideal AMFIKTYON 320 400 250 70 350 250 incentive destination for leisure & business purposes, 2 hours drive ANEMORIA 158 150 100 40 150 100 from Athens among fertile valleys and majestic ski mountains. PARNASSUS 78 60 50 25 60 60 HOTEL IS OPEN: All year round. PYTHIA 78 25 20 20 ACCOMMODATION: 101 spacious and warm rooms, chalets & suites. Traditional meshes with a mix of modern and chalet style in RESTAURANTS & BARS: A Greek main Restaurant with an perfect harmony leaving all guests with a cozy relaxing feeling. A emphasis in traditional flavors and the classical Mediterranean variety of suites posing their fireplaces for holidays to remember. cuisine with views in the enchanting Old Bridge and the Venetian Most of the rooms have their private balcony or veranda, while all Fortress. The restaurant can be divided in different sections for are equipped with modern amenities for a wonderful stay. theme and social events. At the Lounge Bar the guests can enjoy a CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES: rich selection of delicacies paired with the hotel’s rich wine Domotel Anemolia’s meeting and banquet facilities include: collection while looking the captivating rustic style enjoying the A Grand natural lighted Conference Hall with built-interpretation warmth of the fireplace. booth with latest technological equipment and magnificent views FACILITIES: 101 rooms, chalets & suites, 1 central restaurant, 1 also ideal for Social Events & Celebrations. Three separate venues lounge bar-coffee area, Heated Indoor Swimming Pool with of a total 315sqm are among the variety of choices for hosting the splendid views in the mountains and valley, lounge area with next meeting or/and event. Advanced infrastructure, audiovisual fireplace, playground hall, fitness center, sauna, gym, business equipment, lighting systems along with our long-standing expertise center, parking area (up to 180 guarantees the exceeding of all cars and coaches), shuttle bus expectations. The indoor DOMOTEL ANEMOLIA service to/from Arachova village. swimming pool becomes an ideal 1st km Arachova-Delphi Rd, 32 004, Arachova, Greece ΜΗ.Τ.Ε.: 1350K014A0088300 venue for gala dinners, parties Tel.: +30 22670 31 640, Fax: +30 22670 31 642 and social events. E-mail:

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CATEGORY: 5 * De Luxe. Domotel Xenia Volos is a City & Beach Resort, CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES member of Domotel Hotels & Resorts, boutique and lifestyle hotels. Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet LOCATION: A beachfront hotel with spectacular views over the Pagasitikos Gulf, primely located in the center of Volos in walking distance from the city’s famous beach promenade and the traditional tsipouradika. Located 1,5 km of walking distance from the city port (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) connecting you to the Sporades Islands, 25 km from the international FUNCTION 1 82 100 54 30 80 60 airport of Nea Anchialos and close to the picturesque villages on Pelion FUNCTION 2 82 100 54 30 80 60 give endless choices for all kind of travelers. FUNCTION 1+2 164 200 108 60 160 132 HOTEL IS OPEN: All year round. FUNCTION 3 216 220 108 60 160 132 ACCOMMODATION: 79 rooms & suites are overwhelmed with sunlight FUNCTION 4* 168 200 108 60 160 144 and spectacular views of the Pagasitikos gulf or the Mount of Pelion FUNCTION 3+4* 384 420 216 320 276 featuring stylish interior design with vibrant warm colors, while they are GRAND BALLROOM* 548 500 288 480 396 equipped with superb amenities for an unforgettable stay. VERANDA* 144 160 120 CONFERENCE CENTER & AUDIOVISUAL: A premier Conference center GRAND BALLROOM & VERANDA* 692 640 576 offering a range of well-equipped venues. A natural lighted Grand OUTSIDE AREA 1000 800 Ballroom ending at the beach and multifunctional halls to exceed all the (*) Sea View expectations for the next business occasion. Domotel Xenia Volos strong legacy is built in every meticulous detail necessary for the the Pagasitikos Gulf. The Pool Bar offers a variety of snacks, ice creams success. and exotic cocktails for your days at the pool. The Corner Lounge & WEDDINGS & SOCIAL EVENTS: Multi-functional halls, a fairytale “Yacht Club” located in the roof of Domotel Xenia, is a 360o cocktail bar scenery and the unapparelled services guarantee memories to offering variety of spirits in the most hyper ambience. remember. Ideal for all types of Events-Social, Gala Dinners, Weddings FACILITIES: Privatized Beach, Outdoor Swimming Pool, 79 rooms & & Ceremonies, Fashion Shows and anything you imagine. suites, Conference Center & private meeting rooms, 2 restaurants, 1 RESTAURANTS & BARS: The Open Kitchen a la carte restaurant cocktail bar, Elxis Spa, Salon de Coiffure, Gym & Fitness Center, introduces guests to the ultimate Fitness Center, Charging Car local specialties experience and Station, Parking area. DOMOTEL XENIA VOLOS sophisticated Mediterranean 1, Plastira str, 382 22 Volos, Greece cuisine while enjoy the views over Tel: +30 24210 92 700, Fax: +30 24210 92 800 E-mail: ΜΗ.Τ.Ε.: 0726Κ015Α0193500


valis 2018a_hydrele 2.qxd 15-Mar-19 11:56 πμ Page 69




CATEGORY: De Luxe (*****) CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES LOCATION: Valis Hotel is located in the center of Greece, just 5 km from the port of Volos and Volos Center, 30 km from the airport of Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet N. Anchialos (VOL). It is the ideal choice for organizing Greek and international conferences, seminars, corporate and product exhibitions, (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) business and private events. This contemporary luxury hotel has a VALIS GRAND BALL ROOM 550 1000 600 200 1000 450 magnificent panoramic view of the Pagasitikos Gulf and the famous ARTEMIS 110 130 80 55 130 120 mountain of Pelion. FOYER 76 100 HOTEL IS OPEN: All year round. ARGO 64 80 45 45 50 40 ACCOMMODATION: The complex consists of 107 elegant guest rooms IOLKOS 57 70 50 25 45 50 (3 single rooms, 74 double rooms, 8 junior suites, 20 deluxe suites, PELION 58 80 60 30 55 60 2 presidential suites). All luxurious open space rooms reflect a unique ZEUS 75 80 45 60 60 Italian design, they are equipped with private bath shower, central KENTAVROS 130 180 100 70 150 120 heating, satellite TV, free Wi – Fi internet access, mini bar, safe box, hair AGRAIA 240 280 160 80 200 160 dryer, make – up mirror, bathrobes, slippers, alarm clock. AGRAIA (SEASIDE AREA) 262 350 280 AGRAIA + SEASIDE AREA 422 550 440 RESTAURANTS & BARS: Main restaurant “AGRAIA”, serves American & EXHIBITION HALL 500 700 Greek buffet breakfast and a la carte dinner, traditional “Tsipouradiko”, POOL SEASIDE “Greek Taverna”, “Main bar”, renewed “Pool bar” where you have the OPEN SPACE AREA 300 300 120 chance to enjoy refreshing cocktails and light snacks. AGRAIA SEASIDE+POOL FACILITIES: Outdoor swimming pool and indoor heated swimming SEASIDE OPEN SPACE AREA 562 650 400 pool, floating platform (Summer period), health and beauty Spa center, fully equipped gym, room service, baby cots & baby chairs, laundry & iron service, car rental, bike rental, kids club, play room, free parking. AUDIOVISUAL: Overhead projector, Data projector, Screen, Flipcharts, MH.TE 1: 0726K035A0166301 VALIS HOTEL Natural light, Podium, Laser pointer, MH.TE 2: 0726Κ014Α0203701 Area “Agria Station”, 373 00 Agria Beach, Volos, Greece Dvd player, additional technical Tel: +30 24280 97 260 - 5, Fax: +30 24280 97 200 equipment is provided upon E-mail: request.,

elatos 2019a 2_hydrele 2.qxd 14-Mar-19 5:20 μμ Page 65


CATEGORY: 4* LOCATION: Elatos Resort & Health Club is located at an altitude of 1.300 m. Only a two hour drive from Athens, the resort is set in a 35,000 acres estate within a dense fir-tree forest part of the National Park, making it the perfect destination for unique high tier corporate meetings, team-building events and conferences of up to 100-120 persons in stunning surroundings. The Parnassus Ski Centre is a mere 9 km from the resort and the ancient sanctuary of Delphi is less than an hour drive away. Elatos Resort is a wonderful escape from the urban hustle & bustle, allowing guests to experience all the privacy of an exclusive retreat. Any company aiming high will reap the benefits of this one of a kind mountain resort, where goals can be realised and successes achieved by bringing the team even closer together. HOTEL IS OPEN: All year round ACCOMMODATION: 39 independent chalets blend in harmoniously with the surrounding environment and can accommodate 2-6 persons each. All chalets offer spectacular views of Mt. Parnassus. RESTAURANT & BAR: The resort’s welcoming bar and restaurant can be found in the main building offering Greek and International dishes and guests can enjoy a range of meals,


including a la carte options. The hotel bar serves premium drinks, cocktails and an extensive wine list. ACTIVITIES: The resort is the perfect base from which to organise corporate team-building events with a range of activities certain to provide exciting challenges and unique experiences. Walking and hiking activities along forest trails, mountain passes and gorges can be tailored on request and in accordance with the group size. An area of natural beauty known for its rare flora and fauna, it is the perfect city escape for themed weekends with rock-climbing, mountain biking, flying fox and bushcraft encouraging team work in a very entertaining way. FACILITIES: The Elatos Spa by Apivita offers a full range of relaxing spa therapies and treatments, with an inviting indoor heated pool and Jacuzzi for guests to use, as well as a fully equipped gym. Functional meeting spaces can be used for corporate events and special occasions while the spectacular landscape is the perfect backdrop for unique outdoor activities which encourage a greater sense of team spirit. AUDIOVISUAL: Wired Microphones, Wireless Microphones, Screen, ADSL Connection, Overhead & Slide projectors, TV, CD/DVD, Additional technical equipment is provided under request. MH.T.E.: 1354K034A0214100

ELATOS RESORT & HEALTH CLUB Eptalofos, 33057, Mt. Parnassus, Greece T. +30 22340 61162/3/9 E.


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THESSALY CONFERENCE CENTRE Conferences, Exhibitions, Cultural Events

LOCATION: Thessaly Conference Centre is an autonomous meeting and exhibition conplex, covering 6.000 sq.m. It lies 6 km from the port of Volos, Central Greece. Ideal starting point for excursions to Mount Pelion, to the beaches of Pagasitikos bay and the Aegean sea, the islands of Skiathos, Skopelos and Alonisos, and the famous landmark of Meteora. OPEN: All year round. RESTAURANTS: “Pelion”, “Iolkos”, Self-Service, Greek and International cuisine, Audio system with DJ./live orchestra, total capacity: 440 persons. Indoor and Outdoor cafe. FACILITIES: Spacious lobbies, Air conditioning, Central Heating, Generator, Radio station, Library, Private Parking max. 200 auto and 5 coaches. AUDIOVISUAL: Translation facilities up to 500 persons (7 languages), Closed circuit projection - recording, Video conference/net meeting, Audio - video recording, Internet Broadband access, Live Radio broadcast.





38500 Melissatica, Volos, Greece Tel: +30 24210 93513, +30 24210 93574, Fax: +30 24210 93552 E-mail:,,


515 225 112 106 56 48 41 55 32 138 378 292 808 109 310 126 154 131

Theatre Classroom U Shape

(prs) 500 220 104 116 40 37 30 104 114 144 -

(prs) 134 72 76 28 28 26 12 76 78 104 -

(prs) 62 48 32 24 22 18 22 48 42 50 -

Cocktail Banquet

(prs) 110 120 450 260 700 110 400 180 220 120

(prs) 90 240 66 288 124 142 86

SKIATHOS 2018a_SKIATHOS.QXD 15-Mar-19 11:58 πμ Page 115




CATEGORY: De Luxe ( ) CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES LOCATION: Located at the south-west of Skiathos island overlooking the Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet famous Koukounaries bay, 150m from hotel's sandy beach (Maratha beach), 250m from the famous Koukounaries beach, 100m from the local bus-stop to Skiathos Town, 10 km from Skiathos Town, 12 km from (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) Skiathos International Airport (JSI). KECHRIA ROOM 120 140 85 40 200 HOTEL IS OPEN: May - October LALARIA ROOM 250 200 140 40 300 ACCOMMODATION: 258 rooms (9 suites) with private balcony or MARATHA HALL 128 180 130 40 250 70 terrace, Air-conditioning, LCD TV, 3-channel radio, Direct KOUKOUNARIES HALL 424 600 500 100 800 250 telephone line, Internet Access, Safe deposit box, Mini-bar, In bathroom MARATHA HALL + KOUKOUNARIES HALL 552 1.100 amenities. RESTAURANTS & BARS: The Skiathos Palace Hotel offers indoor and outdoor seating areas. The main restaurant serves American breakfast Spot, Children's playground area, Baby sitting, Laundry service, Five and the best of European and Greek cuisine for dinner. Roof top grill conference rooms with facilities for up to 1100 persons, Courtesy bus restaurant “The White View” with magnificent view and delicious cuisine. service to Skiathos town, Shuttle bus service to/from the beach, Parking The Pool Bar offers snacks, drinks and ice creams. Indoor/Lounge bar. facilities, Watersports centre, Diving school 4km away. FACILITIES: 24 hours reception, Currency exchange, Room service, Large fresh-water swimming pool, Hotel's sandy beach with special care AUDIOVISUAL: Overhead projectors, Data/video projector, Slide projectors, Microphone, Podium, Screen, Flip chart, TV, VHS Video, to guests (sunloungers, parasols and towels), Pool service including Other equipment on request. sunloungers, parasols and towels, THE SKIATHOS PALACE HOTEL Mini market, Massage & Courtesy Koukounaries Bay, 370 02 Skiathos Island, Sporades, Greece Room, Car/Motorbike rental office, Tel: +30 24270 49 700, Fax: +30 24270 49 666 Tennis court, Weekly special theme ΜΗ.Τ.Ε.: 0726Κ015Α0169301 night, Wi-Fi Access & Internet Hot Athens Office: 33, Skoufa str., 106 73 Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 32 42 152, Fax: +30 210 32 33 667 E-mail:


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LOCATION: It is located in the island of Evia in the famous Spa Town of CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES Edipsos. The hotel was built in 1890 in the quietest place of the town Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet above the sea with an extraordinary view to Evoikos Bay surrounded by verdant mountains. From 1996 – 1999 it was rebuilt and a new wing of rooms, a conference center, a 1850 m2 spa were constructed offering a (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) classic luxurious environment with thermal springs. In January 2018, EVIA 161 220 160 75 230 120 Thermae Sylla Spa Wellness Hotel has been renovated. SKIATHOS 66 70 50 35 80 45 It is at 150 km from the Athens International Airport plus 45 minutes on SYLLAS 185 260 180 85 350 180 ferry-boat. Easy access from every part of Greece. HOTEL IS OPEN: All year round ACCOMMODATION: 98 Rooms distinguished in 5 categories (standard- room service, baby sitting upon request with extra charge. premium -executive-superior and deluxe) as well as 7 suites (4 Junior-2 Daily excursions can be organized with extra charge. WELLNESS FACILITIES: Luxury Thermal Spa of 1850 m2 in two floors Executive and 1 Presidential) are available at Thermae Sylla Spa with a variety of wellness and medical spa treatments. Wellness Hotel. All rooms have a bathroom with bath tub or shower, On the ground floor there is the interior pool with thermal water from our hair- dryer, amenities, bathrobes, slippers, safe, air conditioning, mini bar, satellite Tv and 2 daily housekeeping service. Feel the comfort and own source with refreshing and healing properties, constant flow at 32º C, (not on re- circulation), which communicates with the external pool admire the amazing view to the sea, the pool or the park. with mixed water (thermal and sea water) at 28-30º C, of constant flow as RESTAURANTS – BARS: AIDIPSOS Restaurant (awarded Greek breakfast in buffet with pure products many of which are from our farm, well. Both pools are equipped with hydro- massage instruments, Jacuzzi, wild water rapid, air bubbled, bell high jets, whirlpool. They are emptied, lunch with home-made Greek cuisine as well as international dishes. washed, cleaned and refilled with fresh thermal water every night! MESSOGIOS Restaurant (for a la carte diner with Mediterranean and international cuisine), AITHRIO Bistrot for light meals. GIA PSARAKI a la CONFERENCE & EVENTS: Different conference spaces designed to host carte restaurant near the sea with unique Greek fish delicacies and tasty every type of event are available at Thermae Sylla Spa Wellness Hotel. meat dishes. The basis of our nutrition is the pure virgin olive oil from our Business meetings, seminars, conferences, can be arranged at the hotel’s three halls, fully equipped and air conditioned. property. 3 bars (DOLPHIN BAR- POOL BAR during summer time and, It is the ideal place to build team spirit, launch a new product, brainstorm MAIN BAR with piano and singing. for next year's strategy, or impress business colleagues in a professional Diet menus are available upon request. FACILITIES: 24-hour Reception- Multilingual staff, Check in time: 14:00/ conference. Professional staff is willing to help you to organize your Check out time: 12:00, Free Wi –Fi all round the Hotel and rooms , Free social events such as weddings, baptisms, bachelor parties etc., over the sea or in internal halls. After all, parking, Credit cards accepted. THERMAE SYLLA SPA WELLNESS HOTEL health, wellbeing and a gorgeous Thermae Sylla Shop, ping-pong, ambiance should definitely be billiard, bridge room, hairdresser’s 2, Possidonos Str., 34300 Edipsos, Evia Island, Greece ingredients for this success. salon , play room, open air chess, Tel. +30-22260-60100, E-mail.

MHTE: 1351K015A0009900


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CATEGORY: De Luxe (*****) CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES LOCATION: 3,5 km away from Mykonos' town centre “The Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet Chora”, on the unique and beautiful pebble beach “Houlakia”, 1,5 Km from the new harbour of Tourlos. Shuttle bus available. HOTEL IS OPEN: April - October. (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) ACCOMMODATION: 84 Upgraded Rooms of which, 16 Classic MEETING ROOM 1 105 120 60 32 100 80 Mykonian rooms, 20 Deluxe Mykonian rooms, 25 Open Plan HOULAKIA LOUNGE 80 100 50 30 100 50 Junior suites, 6 Maisonettes for four people each, 9 Executive PRE FUNCTION FOYER 40 40 Junior Suite, 4 VIP Honeymoon suites and 4 Boutique Villas with LIBRARY 40 20 15 15 20 20 private pools.All rooms, junior suites and villas are attractively furnished with balconies or terraces overlooking the mountains, FACILITIES: Multilingual staff, concierge, parking, Spa, Hair the sea, or the landscaped gardens.The rooms are equipped salon & nail salon,laundry, room service, Outdoor sea water with direct telephones, air-condition/heat, satellite TV, kettle, swimming pool & children's pool. Free, High-Speed, mini fridge or mini bar on request, safe box, hair dryer and bath Wi-Fi throughout the hotel. amenities. The guests may play tennis, exercise in our Gym or visit our RESTAURANTS & BARS: The hotel offers two restaurants. Wellness Center, and enjoy some R & R in the Steam Bath or A main Restaurant -The Pythari- which is located at the central for real pampering indulge in a massage and/or other beauty pool area & The Sunset Veranda Restaurant (a la carte). treatments! The hotel also hosts two Bars, one at the central pool area, and AUDIOVISUAL: Microphone installation, screen, projector, the other one, on the first floor terrace with with unobstructed laser point. sunset views. SAN MARCO LUXURY HOTEL & VILLAS, MYKONOS ΜΗ.Τ.Ε.: 1144Κ014Α0140700 Houlakia, 846 00 Mykonos, Greece Tel: +30 22890 27 172, 25 374, Fax: +30 22890 25 376 Athens Office: 2, Karageorgi Servias str., 105 62 Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 32 30 876, Fax: +30 210 32 18 487 E-mail:

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CATEGORY: De Luxe (*****) CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES LOCATION: Ideally located between Rhodes’ International airport Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom Cocktail Banquet Buffet (12 km) and Rhodes Town (5 km), in the Cosmopolitan resort of Ixia and within walking distance from its commercial district. HOTEL IS OPEN: Mid of April – October. ACCOMMODATION: 342 beautifully appointed rooms and suites, (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) stylishly decorated & optimized with comfort in mind offering LINDOS 420 400 300 500 350 300 high standard accommodation with numerous amenities. Room types IALYSSOS 120 100 60 120 80 70 include single and double rooms with either mountain or sea view, large KAMIROS 120 100 60 120 80 70 double rooms, Superior Family Rooms with sliding doors, Junior Suites, KALITHEA 90 60 45 80 30 25 Suites & Superior Suites. All rooms and suites offer: Individually Control /Air Condition, Furnished Balcony, LCD TV with satellite Channels, Conference rooms are renovated and offer natural lighting. CD/DVD players, music, Coffee & tea making facilities, mini fridge, MiniLindos & Kamiros can be divided via portable walls. bar*, Direct Dial Phone, Wi-Fi Internet, Safe Deposit box, Bathroom with & massage rooms (entrance fee required / accessible only by adults). bathtub, bathrobes & slippers, Shower and bathroom amenities. Complimentary WiFi, Complimentary Sun beds, beach towels & parasols The suites also come enhanced with Turndown service, Ironing board in both the beach & pool areas, Gym, Sauna*, Hairdressing Salon*, with iron, Branded toiletries, Scales in bathroom, Espresso machine with complimentary capsules daily replenished, Laptop-sized electronic various SPA & Massage Treatments*, Tennis court, Beach Volley, Mini Golf*, Table Tennis, Pool Table Room*, Mini Market, Business Center*, safe. Kids Club, Rent a Car Office, Animation Activities, Evening Entertainment, RESTAURANTS & BARS: Elea Main restaurant serves rich American breakfast buffet as well as an enriched buffet during lunch & dinner with Laundry Services*, Currency Exchange*, 24hr room service*, 24hr Reception, Bicycle Rental*, Complimentary Parking. At the beach via four themed nights & show cooking sessions available per week, third individual professionals (*): Wind Surfing, Kite Surfing and Jet Skiing. Aquamarine Snack Bar next to the pools serves a large variety of *with extra charge, payable locally snacks, light or full meals & desserts during daytime and later on the evening operates as an a la carte restaurant serving handpicked dishes AUDIOVISUAL: Audiovisual Equipment, Conference Facilities, from the Modern Mediterranean Cuisine. 4 bars located throughout the Wireless high speed Internet, Air conditioned rooms, Darkening curtains, Stage & podium, Microphones including Wireless, LCD Projectors, hotel: Pool Bar, Lounge Bar, Aquasia Roof Garden and Eclipse Screens Flip Charts, Hospitality Desk, Organizers, Office, Notice boards, Champagne Bar serving a wide range of alcoholic & non alcoholic laser pointer. beverages, cocktails and soft drinks. FACILITIES: Private Beach, 2 outdoor swimming pools with fresh water Ancillary services: Photocopies, Simultaneous Translation System, Fax and Photocopier for exclusive use, (one of them heated during April to Photographer, Personal Computers mid May & October, subject to OLYMPIC PALACE RESORT HOTEL & CONVENTION CENTER and Printers. weather conditions), Separate Leoforos Iraklidon (Ialyssou), Ixia, Rhodes, 85100, Greece children's pool, Renovated SPA T: +30 22410 79900, ΜΗ.Τ.Ε.: 1476K015A0256800 with indoor heated pool, treatment Email:


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CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES CATEGORY: De Luxe (*****) LOCATION: 15 minutes from airport and 5 minutes from town Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet center of Rhodes. VENUE IS OPEN: All year round. ACCOMMODATION: 785 Luxurious Guest Rooms & suites (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) including: 250 Redesigned rooms, 14 Redesigned Junior Suites, JUPITER 850 1300 650 150 2000 800 4 Redesigned Presidential Suites, SALON DES ROSES (A+B) 480 650 450 120 1000 480 Tower Rooms, 8 Junior Suites, an Autonomous Executive Wing with: DELPHI AMPHITHEATRE 445 600 325 900 400 172 Executive Rooms, 7 Corner ATHENA 345 350 220 100 Executive Suites, 1 Royal Suite, 16 Garden Rooms, 130 Garden Suites, NAFSICA (A+B) 220 320 200 80 300 200 20 Bungalows, 53 New Luxury Garden suites & Private pool suites. NEFELI (A+B) 155 220 150 RESTAURANTS & BARS: Ambrosia Dining Hall, Castellania Restaurant, EXECUTIVE ROOMS (A,B,C,D,E) 60 60 40 24 “12 nissia” Gourmet Piano Restaurant, Gallery Cafe, La Terrasse, Pool restaurant, Yacht Bar, Amphitrion Piano Bar, Dome Music Bar & Club, SYNDICATE ROOMS (3) 20 20 12 14 Terrace Bar, Playland Bar. VIP LOUNGE 40 FACILITIES: 5 Outdoor Pools, 1 Indoor Pool, 1 childrens’ pool, Fitness FOYER LOBBY 550 1000 Center with Spa Facilities, Shopping Arcade, Laundry, Dry Cleaning, ATRIUM LOBBY 830 2000 Valet, Daily maid service, Non-Smoking floor, Interconnecting rooms, DOME 2500 1200 Safe deposit boxes, Sightseeing tours, Yacht charters, Parking facilities, OUTDOOR POOLS 4000 2500 Children Facilities, Air condition, Animation activities, SAT select system AMPHITRION 750 Wi-Fi in all public areas, 24 hrs Room Service. 12 NISSIA 150 AUDIOVISUAL: Wireless Internet access throughout the venue with wi-fi Simultaneous Interpretation system ΜΗ.Τ.Ε.: 1476K015A0226000 RODOS PALACE for 8,7,3 Languages, Autonomous LUXURY CONVENTION RESORT Web Server, ISDN Network for Trianton Ave., P.O. Box 121, 851 00 Rhodes, Greece Teleconferencing and all up to date AV equipment. Tel: +30 22410 97 222, Fax: +30 22410 25 350



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CATEGORY: De Luxe (*****) LOCATION: The Aquila Atlantis Hotel is the city’s largest luxury hotel with unobstructed views of the historic harbor. Ideally positioned in the heart of the city, it is the perfect starting point to discover Heraklion and its many historic monuments and museums, all, within easy reach of the business and commercial district. HOTEL IS OPEN: All year round. ACCOMODATION & FACILIIES: 164 rooms. 7 different room types. 69 Comfort, 16 Business, 46 Executive, 14 Superior, 13 Deluxe Rooms. 5 Junior Suites and 1 Grand Suite. Each room is equipped with satellite interactive 42’’ flat screen (HDTV)with intergraded radio and music channels,direct phone with data, alarm clock, voice mail and wireless phone device,complimentary wired and wireless high speed internet access. In room electronic safe (which can fit a 15’’ laptop), mini bar (extra charge), tea and coffee making facilities, air conditioning/heating. Premium line linen, luxurious bathroom amenities,hairdryer, socket for dual voltage shaver outlet, bathrobes and slippers, pillow choice. Laundry service (extra charge), daily newspaper (upon request), daily turn down service. RESTAURANTS & BARS: Discover the Cretan / Mediterranean cuisine in ARIADNE restaurant and relax by enjoying your favorite drink in AKALI Lounge Bar.




110 200 310 180 160 340 95 33

Theatre Classroom U Shape

(prs) 110 230 400 150 120 320 70 30

(prs) 60 120 230 84 78 165 40 18

(prs) 35 55 90 40 35 70 24 15

Cocktail Banquet

(prs) 100 300 400 150 150 350 100 -

(prs) 60 110 230 80 70 210 50 -

CONFERENCE VENUES: In the 6 multipurpose spaces covering a surface of 1,000 m2, with a total capacity over 900 seats. The thoroughly designed layout of all 6 spaces, the trained personnel, the ultra-modern facilities and the excellent infrastructure guarantee the success of your conference or event. AUDIOVISUAL: Modern equipment and specialized staff ensure the success of any corporate meeting or event. Microphone system with wired and wireless microphones, screens, data projectors Full HD, laptops, laser pointers, video presenters, DVD/CD players, lecterns, flipcharts, all necessary tables, possibility of installing translation cabins.

AQUILA ATLANTIS HOTEL 71 202 Heraklion, Crete, Greece Tel.: +30 2810 229 103, Fax: +30 2810 226 265 E-mail:

MH.T.E.: 1039K015A0001500


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The purpose-built Creta Convention Centre, the largest Convention CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES Center in Crete and one of the largest in Greece, is an extremely Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet flexible and sophisticated venue for meetings, incentives, conferences, exhibitions, product launches and banquets. It covers an area of 6.000 m2 and with its 39 halls it can (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) accommodate in full function up to 5.500 delegates. ZEUS 1251 1700 1000 200 1400 1000 Moreover, it offers excellent technical support and expertized staff, 74 70 50 30 80 40 as well as audiovisual equipment and advanced telecommunication DANAE/ATHENA EUROPA/ARTEMIS 78 70 50 30 80 40 infrastructure upon request. LEDA/APHRODITE 58 50 40 25 60 30 LOCATION: The Creta Convention Center is situated next to DANAE+EUROPA+LEDA 212 270 140 70 220 120 Hersonissos, just 25 minutes (24km) from the Heraklion Airport . ATHENA+ARTEMIS+APHRODITE 211 270 140 70 220 120 MEETINGS & FUNCTIONS: Conference Halls: 39, Syndicate HERA 138 200 140 70 220 120 Rooms: 13, Open Air Meeting Space for up to 2000 OLYMPUS 600 600 320 delegates, Conference Capacity (Delegates): up to 5.500, Meeting MINOS 407 500 280 110 400 260 2 2 2 2 Space: 6.182 m / 66.548 f , Function Space: 6.000 m / 65.000 f , MINOS+OLYMPUS 933 800 600 Exhibition Space: 3.800 m2 / 40.900 f2 ANTIGONI INDOOR 432 390 210 90 400 300 CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES: Creta Convention Centre can ANTIGONI OUTDOOR 552 600 600 480 provide the latest multimedia & audiovisual technology and arrange APOLLO 388 400 250 60 380 240 the best possible solutions for every client regarding their requirements and budget. at Terra Creta Convention Hotel 4*. Its wide range of excellent Fiber Optics high Internet connection (50Mbps up to 1 Gbps), accommodation and top quality of services can meet the most DJ services, Full Banqueting Services, Orchestra Available, Private Terraces for Gatherings Outdoor Garden Venues, Exclusive demanding needs. All rooms are equipped with all necessary Catering Collaborator Bouzouki & Accordion Players Piano Players, comforts and offer either a balcony or a terrace. Folklore Dancers Available Business Lounge, Flower & decoration RESTAURANT & BAR: 1 Restaurant & 1 Bar. FACILITIES: Outdoor swimming pools with fresh water, Indoor services Helipad, Church, Many Open-Air Meeting Areas heated swimming pool, Parking area, Fitness & Wellness Center Conference Centre is open all year. * A minimum of 80 rooms is ACCOMMODATION: Delegates required to be reserved in order have the option of CRETA CONVENTION CENTRE for the hotel to operate during accommodation next to the 700 14 Hersonissos, Crete, Greece winter. Creta Convention Center Tel.: +30 28970 27000, Fax: +30 28970 22130


ΑΡΙΘΜΟ∑ ∑ΗΜΑΤΟ∑: Κ-∑Κ.Η-001(1380/03-04-2001)

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LOCATION: The award-winning, 5-star Deluxe Galaxy Hotel CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES Iraklio is situated in the beautiful city of Heraklion, the capital of Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet Crete and one of the Mediterranean regions’ most fascinating and vibrant cities. 5km from Airport, 1km from Port, 1km from city center (8 min.walk) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) HOTEL IS OPEN: All Year (12 Months) PLAZA 167 265 110 35 265 110 HERMES 130 140 84 45 140 70 ACCOMMODATION: The Galaxy Hotel Iraklio’s 127 rooms and BALLROOM 100 120 60 45 120 70 suites exude an air of contemporary elegance within a unique PARK 80 80 42 33 80 45 city-resort atmosphere. Complimentary WiFi, Simmons™ PHAEDRA I 37 50 24 16 30 20 anatomic mattresses, Duvets and pillows with the hardness of PHAEDRA II 38 50 24 16 30 20 your choice, Espresso machines in the rooms, USB wall sockets PHAEDRA I & II 75 100 54 40 80 60 in the rooms, Work desk, armchair and rest area, Business MEZZO I 26 15 12 6 20 10 rooms: oversized desk, Pure-allergy free rooms: with 99% clean MEZZO II 47 45 36 23 40 20 atmosphere, Executive rooms: spaciousness 30 sq.m., sitting MEZZO III 32 28 18 15 20 15 area with sofa (also dining in Executive Suites), large desk, MEZZO I & II 73 60 54 29 60 30 luxury spa bath amenities, complimentary tea & coffee kettles MEZZO II & III 79 70 54 24 60 30 MEZZO I & II & III 105 70 58 29 80 40 and Nespresso machines™, Accessible rooms for disabled guests. RESTAURANTS & BARS: With stylish dining set-ups giving our hours), Massage Room , Internet corner with free PC use, Large fresh water swimming pool, 24 Hour Room Service, Electronic guests the option of outdoor, al fresco dining or indoors for a safe,Luggage storage room, Laundry service, Golf Services, more cozy atmosphere. Vetri Restaurant by the pool, Per Se Wake-up call service, Currency Exchange, Concierge, lounge Bar & Restaurant & Pool Deck. 13 Conference Rooms and the OTHER FACILITIES: GALAXY HOTEL IRAKLIO Wide Open oasis of Pool Deck Complimentary parking and which can accommodate valet service, Complimentary 75 Dimokratias Avenue - 71306 Heraklion, Crete, Greece exclusive cocktail events up to Gym and hammam (open 24 Tel.: +30 2810 238812, Fax: +30 2810 211211 400 people!


MH.T.E: 1039Κ015Α0002000


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CONFERENCE & EVENT FACILITIES CATEGORY: De Luxe (*****) LOCATION: Situated at Platanias village (Western Crete), on a long Halls Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet beach, with an impeccable view of the vast Cretan Sea. A unique environment, only 15 min drive from the town of Chania and 30 min from Chania Airport. (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) (prs) HOTEL IS OPEN: April - October IMPERIAL CONGRESS HALL 1510 1600 1000 180 1500 ACCOMMODATION: 254 luxurious rooms, 173 of which are freshly IMPERIAL MAIN HALL 570 670 410 100 650 renovated, bungalow suites, pool suites and the unique sea front IMPERIAL HALL I 170 200 120 50 190 2 Imperial Suite of 300 m . All rooms feature individually controlled air IMPERIAL HALL II 170 200 120 50 190 conditioning, direct dial phone, electronic safe, free of charge WiFi, IMPERIAL HALL III 181 215 130 50 200 satellite T.V, mini bar, tea & coffee facilities (daily refil) & turn down IMPERIAL HALL IV 181 215 130 50 200 service. ATHINA CONGRESS HALL 720 780 500 130 770 600 RESTAURANTS & BARS: “Elia” Main Restaurant, "Thalassa" and ATHINA I 390 430 270 110 420 250 "Galazio restaurant & bar" sea-side restaurants,“ta Nissia” italian ATHINA II (LONG) 172 180 120 50 200 130 restaurant, “Thalassa” Beach Bar, “Mythos” Piano Bar, "Kafeneion" ATHINA III (SQUARE) 158 170 120 50 250 170 traditional cafe, “Galini” Lobby Bar and “Tholos” Pool Bar. ARIADNE 54 60 40 15 FACILITIES: Fully equipped Spa & Wellness Centre, fitness centre, BUSINESS CENTER 10 4 outdoor swimming pools, indoor heated swimming pool, 2 open air jacuzzi, 2 children swimming pools, tennis court, 24h room service, open-air amphitheatre, high-speed internet stand, wireless whole Western Crete: large screen & video projectors 3x2 & 4x3 m, internet in all public areas, TV room, children's outdoors Video / DVD recording, High definition, overhead & slide projectors, playground, jewellery shop, mini market, taxi-limousine service, car microphonic system, Teleconference, Laptops-Printers, Flexible rental desk, rent a bike, lighting system, 19’’ TFT monitors on lecterns, Flip charts, laundry & dry cleaning service. Simultaneous interpretation AUDIOVISUAL: Fully equipped system, Video cameras, MINOA PALACE RESORT business center. State of the art Secretarial services. 730 14 Platanias Chania, Crete, Greece conference facilities unique in the Tel: +30 28210 36 500, Fax: +30 28210 36 555 MH.T.E.: 1007542.000 E-mail:

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CATEGORY: 5 * LOCATION: Welcome to Wyndham Grand Crete Mirabello Bay, a splendid retreat in a place of unspoiled beauty. Surrounded by the verdant hillsides of Lassithi and the azure waters of the Cretan Sea, this 5 star Resort is an exceptional place to be. In perfect alignment with the natural environment, Wyndham Grand Crete Mirabello Bay has been designed to promote absolute serenity and bliss. HOTEL IS OPEN: April to October. ACCOMMODATION: Guests are introduced to genuine Cretan hospitality, staying at one of the 311 guestrooms & bungalows of the property as well as the new and totally renovated Deluxe Rooms. Modern decor, cozy furnishings and refined touches of extravaganza, along with spectacular views to the sea, the gardens or the picturesque town, these are all elements composing the dreams in Agios Nikolaos of Crete. RESTAURANTS & BARS: Set out on gastronomic journeys to the finest destinations with 5 restaurants and 5 bars operate on site, providing thrilling culinary adventures and temptations not to be missed in beautiful settings. Choose International flavors in unique combinations, prepared to perfection and served on request and of course, indulge in fruity cocktails and quality drinks with a stunning view and a complete sense of relaxation. FACILITIES: 311 guestrooms & bungalows that naturally blend in the island’s natural environment. All rooms have a sitting area, high speed internet, a comfortable working desk, a 43'' TV and a modern bathroom. 5 Restaurant with Mediterranean & International cuisine and 5 Bars, Spa & Fitness Center, 12 multi-functional spaces for meetings and events, Kids Club, Car parking on site, private yacht marina, sports facilities, watersports, 4 outdoor pools, 1 indoor pool, beach with sunbeds.




Sqm Theatre Classroom U Shape Cocktail Banquet


244.5 218.27 62,4 410 65 84 80 35 26 24 24 44

(prs) 300 250 40 382 53 84 82 -

(prs) 160 120 20 190 25 50 50 15 20

(prs) 30 45 45 12 10 8 8 18

(prs) 400 350 480 60 90 90 -

(prs) 230 200 15 250 25 48 48 -

SPA CENTRE: Delve in the Spa & Fitness center and find your inner balance. Trust the seasoned hands of our professionals and enjoy soothing massage, body and facial treatments. CONFERENCE HALL / AUDIOVISUAL: For those in pursuit of the perfect place to host a conference or an impressive event, Wyndham Grand Crete Mirabello Bay offers 12 multi-functional spaces for more than 1250 delegates. State-of-the-art equipment, ample room and top notch service complement the optimal result. Be it a wedding or a party by the pool, a business conference or a congress, the facilities live up to the challenge and guarantee 100% success.

WYNDHAM GRAND CRETE MIRABELLO BAY Havania 721 00, Agios Nikolaos, Crete Tel: +30 28410 28400, FAX: +30 28410 28810 E-mail:

MHTE : 1040Κ015Α0072200

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Εθ. ΠιΝιΚοκιĎƒĎ„Ď Ď„ĎƒÎą 64, ∑οΝ Ď Îš, Κ Ď ÎşĎ…Ď Îą ΤΚ 49100

is a member of The International Congress Association, specializing in the provision of audiovisual products and services, providing integrated solutions to its clients` growing needs Interpretation Systems Video tape recording -montage Event Planning and Production Conference & Presentations services Implementation Laser shows Stage design & construction On-site Event Management Videoconferencing Data & Video Projection & Coordination Control Room equipment Computer-generated Graphics and Signage Telematics presentations graphics Constructions Logistics Planning Video Walls (Monitors-Cubes) Kiosks Exhibition stands design Plasma displays Stands & construction Interpretation Systems Props and Scenery Outdoor displays Voting Systems Show Direction Fireworks & Special effects Microphone Systems Entertainment and Talent Conference Sound Systems All Technical Support & Road show trucking Stage lighting Event Design and Decor Conference computer Lighting equipment Venue Proposal and Site Inspection & photocopy rental (architectural - scanners - theatrical) 11, Misiodakos Str., GR - 11524 Athens, Greece, Tel.: +30 210 69 30 535, Fax: +30 210 69 30 561 /

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Εταιρικές Ομπρέλες Βροχής δημιουργήστε τις δικές σας...

J&E UMBRELLAS - ΕΡΓΟΣΤΑΣΙΟ ΟΜΠΡΕΛΑΣ Κεντρικά γραφεία: Ξάνθου 21Α,15451, Νέο Ψυχικό Tηλ.: 210 67 27 271 | |

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EVENT MANAGEMENT BRANDS & NAMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 CONGRESS LINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 ERA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 FOCUS ON HEALTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 KOSMOS TRAVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 MITOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 SYNTHESIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

SOFTWARE PLATFORM FOR CONFERENCES & EVENTS CONFERIENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08 EVENTORA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

CATERING BISTECCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72-73 INTERCATERING . . . . . . . . . . . .74, 77 ΜΠΕΓΝΗ∑ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 ODOS KASSANDRAS . . . . . . . . . . .71 SUNNY CATERING . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75

AUDIOVISUAL EQUIPMENT TRANSLATION SYSTEMS EXHIBITION STAND - ÂANNER DIGITAL PRINTING - COPIER COMPUTERS - PROCEEDINGS CONFERENCE INTERPRETER TRANSLATOR ANDREADIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 AVOLUTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 BRANDING PARK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 CONFERENCE HELLAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BACK COVER FOCUS ON HEALTH . . . . . . . . . . . .09 MULTISOUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 ΠΑΠΑΘΑΝΑ∑ΙΟΥ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03 PODIUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 VISION MEDIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 XLG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .07




CENTRE ATHENS PLAZA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 CROWNE PLAZA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 ΕΛΑΙΩΝ LOFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24-25 GOLDEN AGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Ι ΡΥΜΑ ΘΕΟΧΑΡΑΚΗ . . . . . . . . . . .28 HELLENIC MOTOR MUSEUM . . . . .26 NEW HOTEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 NOVOTEL ATHENES . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 PRESIDENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 WYNDHAM GRAND HOTEL . . . . . . .21 NORTH ATTICA CIVITEL ATTIK / ESPRIT . . .C’ COVER CIVITEL OLYMPIC . . . . . . . .C’ COVER DOMOTEL KASTRI HOTEL . . . . . . . .32 KTIMA ARIADNI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 LIFE GALLERY HOTEL . . . . . . . . . . .30 NISIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 SEMIRAMIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 SOUTH ATTICA AMARILIA HOTEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 CONGO PALACE HOTEL . . . . . . . . .36 ATTICA DOLCE ATTICA RIVIERA . . . . . . . . . .38 ELEFSINA HOTEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 WINE MUSEUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33

THESSALONIKI ΕΘ-HELEXPO Ι. ΒΕΛΛΙ Η∑ . . . . . .40 ΕΘ-HELEXPO Ν. ΓΕΡΜΑΝΟ∑ . . . .40 ΕΘ-HELEXPO ΑΙΜ. ΡΙΑ Η∑ . . . . . .40 EGNATIA PALACE HOTEL . . . . . . . .42 LAZART HOTEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 THESSALONIKI CONCERT HALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 HALKIDIKI ACROTEL ATHENA PALACE VILLAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 G HOTELS ATHOS PALACE . . . . . .45 G HOTELS MAKEDONIAN SUN . . .45 G HOTELS PALLINI BEACH . . . . . . .45 G HOTELS SIMANTRO BEACH . . . .45 G HOTELS THEOPHANO IMPERIAL PALACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 MIRAGGIO THERMAL SPA RESORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 POMEGRANATE HOTEL . . . . . . . . . .44 SANI RESORT . . . . . . . . . . . .B’ COVER ALEXANDROUPOLI GRECOTEL ASTIR EGNATIA . . . . . .17 RAMADA PLAZA THRAKI . . . . . . . . .47

IOANNINA EPIRUS PALACE . . . . . . . . .COVER, 49 GRAND SERAI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 CORFU CORFU HOLIDAY PALACE . . . . . . . .48 GRECOTEL CORFU IMPERIAL . . . .17




LARISSA GRECOTEL LARISSA IMPERIAL . . .17 VOLOS DOMOTEL XENIA VOLOS . . . . . . . . .55 THESSALY CONFER. CENTRE . . . .58 VALIS HOTELS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 SKIATHOS ISLAND SKIATHOS PALACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59

KOS ASTIR ODYSSEUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 MYKONOS SAN MARCO HOTEL . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 RHODES OLYMPIC PALACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 RODOS PALACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64

CHANIA MINOA PALACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68 HERAKLION AQUILA ATLANTIS HOTEL . . . . . . . .65 CRETA CONVENTION CENTRE . . .66 GALAXY HOTEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 AGIOS NIKOLAOS HERMES HOTEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 WYNDHAM GRAND CRETE MIRABELLO BAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 RETHYMNO G HOTELS PANORMOS BEACH . .45

PELOPONNESE MESSINIA GRECOTEL FILOXENIA . . . . . . . . . . .17 KYLLINI - OLYMPIA GRECOTEL RIVIERA OLYMPIA . . .17 PORTO HELI AKS HOTELS PORTO HELI CONFERENCE CENTRE . . . . . . . . .53 KORINTHIA ALKYON RESORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 WYNDHAM LOUTRAKI POSEIDON RESORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 RAMADA LOUTRAKI POSEIDON RESORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52

FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT ELECTROLUX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5

CONGRESS - P.R. GIFT J & E UMBRELLAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89 TOP ADVERTISING . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86 WE MAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88

RENT A CAR LIMOUSINES - COACHES AUTO CLUB RENTAL . . . . . . . . . . . .84 KACAYIAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 HERTZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87

CENTRAL GREECE ARACHOVA DOMOTEL ANEMOLIA . . . . . . . . . . . .54 ELATOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57



EDIPSOS THERMAE SYLLA HOTEL . . . . . . . . .61 The Meeting, Incentive, Congress and Event Planner's Guide to Greece!

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