September 2019
Nutrients ease stress, improve circulation & metabolism Curcumin combination reduced cortisol The adrenal glands produce the hormone cortisol in stressful situations, and obesity and metabolic syndrome can chronically elevate cortisol levels. In this study, 80 overweight adults, average age 54, with elevated fasting blood sugar levels, took a placebo or 200 mg of curcumin, 120 mg of phosphatidylserine, 480 mg of phosphatidylcholine, and 8 mg of piperine per day. Doctors also recommended lifestyle improvements to all. After eight weeks, the placebo group saw improvements in triglyceride levels and in fasting blood sugar levels. Those taking the curcumin combination saw cortisol levels decline significantly, lower fasting insulin levels, a twoinch decrease in waist size, a 5mmHg decrease in systolic blood pressure, a 34 mg per deciliter of blood decrease in triglycerides, higher HDL cholesterol levels, and improvements in liver function and in fatty-liver index scores. Discussing the findings, doctors said to their knowledge, this is the first study to report curcumin combined with phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylcholine, and piperine reduced cortisol levels, and improved glucose factors and liver function in overweight adults with elevated fasting blood sugar levels.
Vitamin E Adults with metabolic syndrome had lower circulating levels of vitamin E and absorbed less than healthy people. In this study, 10 healthy adults and 10 with metabolic syndrome took 15 mg of a type of alpha-tocopherol vitamin E in the morning with an 8-ounce glass of skim, low-fat, or whole milk. Doctors measured blood levels of vitamin E regularly over the next 72 hours. Those with metabolic syndrome had lower circulating alpha-tocopherol levels, higher LDL cholesterol levels, and elevated signs of inflammation including C-reactive protein. The healthy adults absorbed 29.5 percent of the vitamin E compared to 26.1 percent for those with metabolic syndrome, regardless of the fat content of the milk. Discussing the findings, doctors said because metabolic syndrome has a link to oxidative stress, those with the condition may benefit from the powerful antioxidant properties of vitamin E, and from adding more vitamin E to the diet. Studies are underway to determine if other forms of vitamin E absorb at different rates. Reference: European Journal of Nutrition; February, 2019, Published Online
Healthy Insight
Glucosamine for Heart
Earlier studies found glucosamine protects against inflammation, a factor in heart and circulatory conditions. In this large study, doctors followed 366,039 people for seven years and found, compared to those who did not take glucosamine, those who took glucosamine were 15 percent less likely to have any heart or circulatory event, and were up to 22 percent less prone to stroke and death. Smokers who took glucosamine were 37 percent less likely to have heart disease than smokers who did not. Discussing the findings, doctors said glucosamine reduced C-reactive protein, an inflammatory factor in heart and circulatory conditions, which is also elevated in smokers. Reference: British Medical Journal; May, 2019, Published Online
This Issue
omega-3s improve depression 2 scores, improve muscle function Nutrients protect circulatory health
Prebiotics improve gut after antibiotics, and in autism
Nutrients reduce stress, improve memory
Pumpkin seed relieved symptoms of BPH