1 minute read
If a teenager knows they don’t want to go to university, what other incentives are they being offered to try hard at school? What’s in it for them? Too often they’re not given a satisfactory answer.
This is a huge waste of potential, because for thousands of teenagers, going to university won’t be the appropriate option, and we should be encouraging them to pursue their other, perhaps less academic, interests.
I suppose the theme running through these points is individuality.
The school system has to cater to the needs of thousands of students all at once, but it can’t nurture and motivate every teenager equally, with every one having unique talents and interests.
It’s up to us to acknowledge our students’ individuality and help them get to wherever it is they might want to go.
Clare is the author of Cram Lab, a website and blog for parents with teens struggling with high school study. She is a lawyer and Mum of three from Auckland, New Zealand. For more study help visit www.cramlab.org