3 minute read
Meditating with Mandalas
Increasing Productivity, Creativity, Energy & Vitality
Let’s begin by looking at what a mandala is. We are surrounded by electromagnetism that enters our universe as vibration. You cannot see this vibration with your eyes, just like you can’t see x-rays or microwaves, but if you could, you would see it as a mandala. Mandalas are the physical representation of the vibratory patterns that exist in the universe. Mandalas are otherwise known as sacred geometry. We often see mandalas crystalised in matter, for example, in crystals or snowflakes.
Sacred Geometry – an ancient science that explores and explains the energy patterns that create and unify all things.
We can see mandalas come to life when we look at Cymatics, which is the study of visible effects of sound and vibration. Cymatics shows us how different vibrations create different patterns (or mandalas). Just as changing frequencies create different shapes, different shapes emit different frequencies.
How Mandalas Heal
Continuing with sound as an example, if you put different musical notes together you create a melody that when listened to creates an emotional response. This is demonstrated and you can see how classical music affects the formation of liquid. Considering that you are 80% water, imagine what the sounds do to your mind and your body!
As you put certain shapes together to create a mandala, you create a different melody of frequencies that will emit a certain resonance, impacting the environment and potential around it. And just like sound, the shapes will have a vibratory effect on you, your mind and your body.
The resonance emitted from the melody of frequencies released from the mandala is received by your eyes. This incoming information stimulates your pineal gland in your brain which triggers the production of certain brain chemicals called neuropeptides. These chemicals then flood the mind and body which trigger rejuvenation and healing of all your cells, including your DNA.
The shapes literally help to change your energetic vibration.
Meditating with Mandalas
Many people state they find it hard to meditate. I always say it’s because there are many myths out there about what meditation is and how to go about it. But that’s a whole different article! For now, I will say that meditation is a state that we become as a result of withdrawing our minds from the distractions of the world and observing the fluctuations and impact of the mind. The creative way in which you withdraw your senses from the distractions is up to you. Of course, I recommend using mandalas as these are fun, focused and easily accessible by anyone.
There are 3 main ways that I suggest people meditate with mandalas.
1. Colouring – Let your inner child play and apply the colours in any way you like. As you play, your eyes receive the resonance from the geometry and stimulate the brain chemicals.
2. Drawing – Trust the flow of creative energy and allow this energy to heal you by connecting you to the sacred geometry that you need in the moment. See what shapes emerge.
3. Gazing – Keep your eyes focused on the central spot for 5-10 seconds, without blinking. Then close your eyes, allow the geometry to stimulate your pineal gland and produce healing brain chemicals.
As you meditate with mandalas, the brain chemical production (such as serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin) causes changes in the hardwiring in your brain. Positive neural pathways are created that replace the negative ones.
These pathways are bigger and stay open longer than the previous. This helps to maximise all cognitive functions such as concentration, memory, visualisation, problem solving and complex analysis. Because of the improved function we can think more quickly and are more creative which means we welcome new ideas and broaden the number of possibilities that we can process. We literally become more creative and more productive.
This fun form of meditation relaxes our heart rate, raises the molecular vibrations, increases alpha brain waves for relaxation, balances para/sympathetic nervous systems and slows mind chatter. All of these help us to feel more energetic and have more vitality of life.
So, as you can see, meditating with mandalas is more than colouring a pretty picture. Work with the sacred geometry and you will be gain feeling of stress relief, relaxation, peace and calm as well as physical rejuvenation and mental revitilisation.

Carrie is helping the world feel happy, whole and inspired to create a life of their dreams. Using coaching, workshops, healing and mandala art, she magikally and shamanically helps you to reconnect back to yourself and align with your purpose. By making spirituality simple, she guides you on your journey of self discovery so you can dream bigger for yourself and become the creator of a life you love.
She can be reached at: carrie@brightwellbeing.co.uk