Implicit Bias Workshop

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Art of Hosting Training

Implicit Bias The Women’s Place / Confluence Unlimited The Ohio State University Columbus, OH November 14–16, 2014

day 1: entering

day one

context What is the Art of Hosting?

It is a group of people around the world that are practicing together. We believe we are in a world that’s dealing with complexity and we need to learn from each other to solve complex problems. We are a living thriving field of people. There is no organization or brand. We are a community of practitioners who believe in participation.


welcome: hazel morrow-jones


“The success of the intervention is based on the inner state of the intervener.”

Friday, November 14 9:00am


purpose The purpose brings clarity to why we are here. For this training, we are called together to address Implicit Bias, a topic that has been explored by the Women’s Place for over a year. This training will give us • A core of people able to host these conversations • Improvement in our courage


the art of hosting: implicit bias

day 1: entering


of this training session


to learn and explore methodologies in hosting, designing and harvesting meaningful conversations


to begin to see / recognize implicit bias in the context of ourselves and the impact on our choices


to give people the skills to take the conversations around

implicit bias or other issues of importance into our communities

Day 1 framework:

Entering “This is not for spectators. Jump in. Make it your own. Participate.�

check in

welcome, framing, flow

silent break

teach: 4 levels


movement reflective listening teach: results, process, intervener

self journal

check out 5

next 9:45am

check in

What is check-in?

Check in is a way of arriving. it is a way

Sometimes check-ins build the

of becoming conscious. Of arriving. If

meeting. We may use the check in

done continuously over time, check-ins

to understand where we are with

can build profound levels of intimacy.

the topic. Let’s get the questions out

There are lots of ways “check in” can

before we start. We can ask “Why do

be integrated into meetings.

you care about homelessness?” Or the check-in questions can be more lighthearted, “What superhero power would you like to have?”


the art of hosting: implicit bias

day 1: context

check-in: circle circle is one of our primary methodologies. We speak with intention. All of us are tending to the whole circle. We are tending to everyone, and to ourselves. There is a process we’re learning about being clear, about speaking and listening.

notes on:

circle Circle is a method for making a space


Who am I?

to hold important conversations. What is said in the circle stays in the circle. space = the container


What is my Work in the world?

talking points chairs


circle etiquette

We take turns answering this question, talking about our

• Arrange chairs in a circle,

jobs, our titles, our roles and our responsibilities. But we

ideally where everyone can

also go deeper, and answer the question from a more

see each other

profound, metaphysical perspective.

• When you have the talking point, you may speak • If you don’t want to speak yet,

heard in circle

pass the talking point to your

Circle is a type of container.

left. It will come around. • What is said in the circle stays

Speak with intention. Listen with attention.

in the circle

is circle good for things other

Silence is part of the conversation.

than check in / out? Yes. We use circle for decision

Approach less selfishly and more bravely.

making. For asking a question and exploring its outcome. In this way, circle works well for groups of 15 or less. 7

Who am I? What is my work in the world? A check in

A place to hear our voice No choice. Let’s bring ourselves to the circle and see what shows up. I am a mother, a woman, a lady friend, sister, daughter, But my work in the world? I am still trying to figure it out! When I know I will give you a shout. a person who is not always right but at least i know it I like to help bring different meaning As i help with frustration, stop the screaming My gift is helping us work through it together i make it easier for people to have health a different kind of wealth trying to bring other my community for big change I am a collager of souls helping others meet their goals struggling a lot this year with searching for who I am but I do know that i am a survivor violence and poverty are just part of my story teacher, social worker, partner the work inside of me is to address inequity bring more unity I am a relator with people, a recent college grad and learning things along the way an attorney, wife, mother, passionate, caring, daring a path of self discovery as my children get older and I come back to who I am. Reaching out to fetch my baby home earthside in just one short month An adult adoptee


the art of hosting: implicit bias

bringing authenticity to the students I work with to my family and to this new being.

Passionate, strong, funny, a person who also has to frequently stop and pee on my path to leave the world a better place than I found it.

My work is to help people trying my best doing it without rest

I will no longer be a CEO wondering how I will fill that hole but trying to not intentionally plan to stand in the uncertainty.

another attorney, mother, friend joining us here my work has been problem solving, maximizing making the good, better Happy to not see people cry, a first generation graduate with a 7 year old helping people feeds my soul I am the 99% - a caretaker of people only 1 percent outside no place to hide. social work is where i belong my work is to be in such a way that others are happy and comfortable with who they are and when they are with me they see who they can be. the civil rights movement was/is/will be real to me. Lots of my life has been supporting my kids to confidence. and worthy work it is. and another passion: healthcare and bringing folks together

M-F work only tells you part of who I am. My ground is gratitude. Wife, stepmother, grandmother, caretaker, and I would like to be a mother and this is hard but I will always be a protector of children. Guarding our future. I am lot of things to a lot of people and now it is time to be a lot of things to just myself I want others to have comfort to be different from what others have told them. I want to help them be them whatever that’s supposed to look like. Who would I be if I were on a desert island? Who would I be if my relationships weren’t my identity? Tears as I understand that I hold everything together and who is holding me?

Mother/daughter sandwich life rife with things to do and things to be and I’ll be the voice of reason weaving stability into all the areas of life

I have sparkly eyes and i’ll pick up the shell it may surprise you to know that I am a grandfather shhh…what’s said in the circle stays here I am a thief taking what i need without shame or grief to coordinate care for others

Partner, writer, Life’s work is finding me I want to get it right I want to be better and give folks what they need.

the youngest of six i am touched by the emotions of others and my strength is ideas I can make it real but as i get older that my real work in the world is connection.

day 1: entering

to find myself is becoming a glaring obvious need and indeed i am becoming self-sufficient, and motivated doing more, being more as i put the focus on myself A mother to be re-evaluating my love of the Work-a Hol (like alcohol, workahol, get it?) and that’s not all with trying to balance what’s coming with my desire to have a larger sphere of influence I am a work in progress not happy with what is now not sure how, or what, or when but my mission is for it, my life, my self, to be better. I am a seeker a poor simple teacher my purpose is being a positive force in the universe right now as a social worker but maybe later as an 80 year old hip hop artist my work has evolved nurturer, teacher, life long learner former OSU-er (that’s right, there is life after OSU!) finding my work is evolving It’s so hard to be who I want to be. and there is more work to do. more work to be done but I know a common thread - for me has been equality i am trying really hard right now to be me and reclaiming the pieces i’ve lost those pieces i’ve tossed away to become what’s expected of me. a wiggler of my nose (not said in the circle,but you guys have to check it out) i’m clear about who I am but I enjoy defining who I am in relation to others iron sharpens iron i am sharp, clear, and to the point an artist, an educator, a seeker of social justice teaching and learning with my seventh graders

mother, daughter, wife, sibling, a researcher scientist and the gist of my life has been that my identities my communities define who i am Guided by Teekkuna lum - fixing what’s wrong with the world Another seeker - shedding layers to become the person I truly am.Similar to an onion Many layers that I can deepen into deepening into myself and holding space for people to remove their own barriers. A frustrated security officer i want to protect people and assets and it drives me crazy when i can’t get to this important part of my job. Losing respect for higher ed

chairs are overrated. maybe a bit dated. who needs them? what is the future of chairs? Nothing really. Seriously, I’m ex-pat from the US south an explorer and adventure trying to get out onto my own path as a strong-willed teller of truth expressing my work in new ways. And knowing that what worked for me as a student is not the reality of today. A minimalist. and Please know this: I synthesize and clarify. Making the invisible visible. My job is to perceive. and I know. I believe. that my students are in trouble. because they are unable to move into a journey of inquiry.

How radical am I? well, in my head: i’ve burned my diploma on the oval. (We laugh, but watch the news!)

Making a positive difference every day. Trying to… With my children - a nightly ritual of review finding our purpose through the good things we did in the day. There is a lot more to learn about me.

Many identities, but my edgy identities, those that are pushing me now: a recent finisher of my cancer treatment Mother of a child who’s needs must be met differently. Difference, social justice, equity.

Highly adaptable, a librarian who is introvert-ish finding purpose, moving through passivity to ideas and connections and what’s next

Crazy, bossy, and full of adventure Loving, and funny, and clear that my work in the world is as a truth speaker. Telling my truth kindly and not so kindly and i find that this is why people value me. (it’s true. i value and love it, dear friend.)

trying to be just shedding it all getting down to only the ‘musts’

A person. an evolution. moving from what was to what is now not identify form what i lost but identity from what i might find. an opportunity something that will use my loyalty, my honesty my me that is to be.

Our journeys are callin’ Can you hear them? This is no time for stalling… our journeys are calling.

So friends…what is our work in the world? What is ours to do?

Let’s begin.

This circle makes me cringe and squirm and i’ll share that my identity is not firm once i know what I am, it changes. i am in the process of becoming my new self. rest assured. i am not going to cry. my work around infant death makes my daughter even more present in my life.


cafe 11:30 am

World cafe


the art of hosting: implicit bias

day 1: context

the world cafe

notes on:

A fantastic way to generate a lot of ideas. It is a method to get all voices in a conversation. The purpose is for us to speak to gether, to hear what we’re thinking, and find out what the questions are we should be asking. Collective wisdom from the room.

question 1: 15 minutes (5 minutes each)

Share a time when you were in a conversation that fundamentally shifted your perception of something in your life.

world cafe Can we done with any number of participants. Just want to keep the tables between 3–5.

Size and Scale • Round tables with paper, candy, pencils, crayons • 3-5 people per table • As many tables as needed

cafe etiquette • Stay focused on what is on



In small groups around the cafe tables,

One person stays at the table,

tell a story about when your life was

everyone else switch to a new

changed through a conversation.

table. Try to join people you don’t know. Moving allows for ideas and conversations to be linked up and expanded.

the table • Focus on what matters. • Listen to understand. • Contribute your thinking. • Speak with heart and mind. • Listen for the themes, insights.

albert einstein

“If I had an hour to solve a problem... I would use the first 55 minutes to formulate the right question... As soon as I have identified the right question I can solve the problem in less than five minutes.”

Cafe is not always about finding the answer, but about surfacing the deep questions • Play, doodle, draw, have fun.

• If you’re a person who likes to contribute a lot, you might want to step back and let others speak first. If you’re quiet, you might challenge yourself to speak up a little more.



the art of hosting: implicit bias

day 1: entering

The group reported back some of the feelings and values present in meaningful conversations. openness. a required first step. Openness to change

question 2: 20 minutes (5 minutes each)

Self cultivation

What was present in those conversations that made them meaningful?

Vulnerability and Empathy

Bring present Self-reflection Authenticity. Things get person quickly

relational cultivation Respect Prompts. The questions make the space. Perception. Understanding the intentions of the person giving you the feedback. Spaciousness. Space and time to think, to be yourself Acceptance. To be open to others’ opinions

shift in perception Reset, there was a perspective change

gateway Difference is a gateway, not a boundary

method In small groups around the cafe tables, tell a story about when your life was changed through a conversation.

heard in cafe

What seems really important to us? What


question 3: 15 minutes

What was present in me that made it meaningful? method In silence, think about one or two things the group shared. Write them down on the sticky person available at the center of the table.

break 1:00pm


















Open minded


Love for others








Active listening





Non judgemental

Silence Inquisitive Rehearsal


the art of hosting: implicit bias

day 1: entering

movement: action figures Working teams of 3, each group designed an action figure. Using only materials available onsite, teams designed and crafted the figures.

back 1:45pm



theory u: human presence and the field of the future

embodying the new


Institutionalizing enacting living microcosms

seeing our seeing

Sensing transforming perception

Redirecting seeing from the whole

Letting Go

teach: 4 levels of listening


the art of hosting: implicit bias

Realizing transforming action

Prototyping envisioning what seeks to emerge

Crystallizing Presencing transforming self and will Letting Come

See more on Theory U in your book p. 22

day 1: entering

Levels of listening

Listening in a generative

how am i listening? what are you attending to? You might find that you’re

When you listen for the

attending to the habits. When you’re in the 4th space, you can listen to the whole.

generative space, we can

space, listening for the whole.

listen to the future that is trying to emerge. As in the

listening 1



from habits

habits of judgement

old opinions and judgements

listening 2


from outside

noticing differences

listening 3


from within

often this has been the goal

listening 4


from source

from the future wanting to emerge


open mind

looking for the holes in the data


open heart

seeing through another’s eyes


open will

connecting to an emerging future whole, shift in identity and self

case with the conversation in Berlin, compassion was the future that was trying to emerge. You need to be able to speak your truth with skill. Debate is usually not about skill—it is a contest. With generative conversations, you don’t know where it is going to go. These are the conversations that can bring what’s emerging into existence

Levels of conversation How do you prepare people to

level 1



talking nice

Speaking what others want to hear: Polite, empty phrases

level 2

level 3

Personal practice. You’ve intentionally created a space



of consciousness for yourself.

talking tough

Speaking from what I think. Divergent views:

A discipline to be personally

I am my point of view

reflective. Not everyone in



reflective inquiry

Speaking from seeing myself as part of the whole. From defending into inquiry.

level 4

move through this process?

the group needs to be that. It can just take 1 or 2 people. We can go beyond empathy and dialogue to another layer.



Sometimes simply knowing

generative flow

Speaking from what is moving through.

there is another layer

Stillness, creativity, flow.

beyond empathy can open possibilities.


4-ways of listening in a group of 4, take turns telling a story and listening. One person tells the story. One listens for facts, another listens for feelings, another for values. Those systems are reported back to the story teller. Then everyone switches roles and the process is repeated.

prompt: 90 minutes

Tell a story of a time when your work in the world asked you to step forward with courage to reveal more about yourself. reflective listening

What did you notice about listening?

It is hard work to not offer advice.

with the fact, and its stored in your

it’s work

When people share their stories, they

body. Things go along with trauma. Its

you’re searching

aren’t asking to have their problems

so affirming to hear what you’re going

focused listening is harder

solved, they’re asking to have their

through, it triggers something deep

it’s eaiser - there is a filter

stories heard.

in me.

when they are listening for one, you don’t hear the other

To tell an entire story without

I also bring my own biases to the story.

interruption is an unusual experience.

Where are the filters coming in? Who found facts easiest? I felt pressure with the facts -i wanted to get it right. I wanted to do the person a service. We have easy ways of listening and things that are harder for us. How often do we get focused on our professional ways of listening, what keeps us from noticing?


the art of hosting: implicit bias

taking a minute to come up with our

Be kind to yourself. Body

stories. to take a moment to start the

memories, emotional,

thinking about what I want to share.

stories we didn’t know

the reflection is insightful – people see things you don’t see yourself. Emotions. Telling the story in our head, is different from saying it out loud. Until you speak it, you dont know it’s happening. The emotions are stored

we’d tell. Be kind to yourself this evening.

day 1: entering

journaling questions for day one:

What needs to change in my world? What is mine to do? What needs to shift in me to do it? check-out pass the clap Pass a clap around the circle.


Take home with us tonight— what is shifting in us?


day 2: awareness

notes on:

day two



start start

Saturday, November 14 Monday, July 29 9:00am 9:00am

check in two minutes of stillness

Stillness is a way of connecting to

WELCOME, FRAMING, FLOW how to pay attention to thoughts

shove them away, lovingly state “I’ll

ourselves, to recognize who we are, so we can step out of the way of the process and allow other work to develop. • Open front, suppported by a strong but not stiff back • Relax the hands, shake them out, place them on the knees • Soft gaze, 45 degree angle • Move from the feet to the head, sense and releasing any tension • Pay attention to the breath. If thoughts arrise, watch them come and watch them go


the art of hosting: implicit bias

Think of them as children. Dont pay attention to you in a minute.”

Visualize the nonvisual. Songs or noises can be “seen” so as to find some focus

Acknowledge that things are coming in and also moving past

day 2: deepening


Implicit Association Test (IAT)

implicit bias hazel morrow-jones test to measure religious, skin-tone, weapons, gender, career,

“Unconscious attitudes that affect our behavior in ways we might not want.�

presidents, weight, age, Arab-Muslim, Native, sexuality, genderscience, disability, Asian, and race bias

Kirwan Inst. literature review literature review on implicit bias

Women's Place goals (SY13-14): 1. As many people as possible take IAT 2. Offer series of research presentations and interactive workshops (IAT, STRIDE, Allies & Advocates, AoH Cafe's) 3. Encourage others to host conversations around implicit bias in different areas related to work functions (gender, race, class, etc.); inform Women's Place about conversations/events; funding available to support individual events (refreshments, etc.)

Day 2 framework:


check in: cafe

welcome, framing, flow

open space

teach: chaordic path

movement open space harvest teach: 4-fold practice

check out 23

check-in: world cafe check-in can take many forms. Yesterday we checked in with a circle. Today we check in using a world cafe.

question 1: 15 minutes

question 2: 20 minutes

Where does implicit bias show up within me?

What questions do you have about implicit bias?

next 9:30am

check in

no harvesting Since this conversation is deeply personal, it’s not

The group reported back one of their questions surrounding the topic of implicit bias.

necessary to harvest the outcomes yet. The first

How do we shift the conversation to

question acts as a way to

the generative? How can you address

build reflection, trust, and

individual barriers and biases when


you often have structural biases? How does IB impact how we feel


about ourselves? Is IB inheriently

One person stay at

bad? What is the difference between

the table, everyone

having an IB and experiencing

else switch to a

flight or flight reactions? How do

new table.

we separate survival instincts from Implicit Bias? How do we fully hear a person when our experiece is so different? How do we cultivate relentless curiosity? Is there a process and what is it in raising the issue of Implicit Bias?


the art of hosting: implicit bias

day 2: deepening

switch One person stay at the

Give us a deeper understanding of the dynamics

table, everyone else

at play / Can help us by increasing participation,

switch to a new table.

engagment, breaking down barriers, and understanding how systems impact us / would facilitate the journey of curiosity / allow us to

question 3: 20 minutes

How might a fuller understanding of implicit bias help our work?

identify and change behaviors without shaming ourselves of others / discourage using our biases against others / the less we might assume native intent can shape our interactions / help us move from fear, anger and reaction to conversation and proaction / more present and our work becomes richer and more meaningful / shift policies, relationships and ourselves / what is the relationship between privledge and trust in these dialogues? / What would you do with some of these statements? We might have eight of these statements - and then the experts starts to synthesize these ideas. The statements start to reveal these mission statements. You can use material from a cafe to bring an organization to clarity about what they’re trying to accomplish. You can use world cafe to harvest opinions

Its an interesting strategic question about when you

write down your questions

harvest it. If you have the conversations and then

On a single piece of paper,

well... its about when you ,,, when you introduce the

write down all of the

harvest, its part of the strategy of the cafe. You also

groups’ questions

have to work with when the group is. Also being

harvest, sometimes they’re scrambling to harvest it

tuned to the group’s discussions.

overheard this weekend:

Listening is the greatest gift you can give to anybody

Its great to have three rounds – six rounds no. People get tired. Its important to learn other methodologies.


teach 11:30 am

the chaordic path

The Chaordic Path exists between Chaos and Order. Too much order or too much chaos creates confusion, repetition, stagnant. To be innovative we need to operate between chaos and order.


the art of hosting: implicit bias

where do you land? Do you feel more at home in order or chaos? Notice where you land. Notice where you function. Most people find themselves in both of these places. It gives them a chance to find their way, to hold value between these different ways of working. It gives some words to ways that are working that can help us identify our differences and needs.

day 2: deepening

models for innovation

outer edges can produce evil results

human systems natural systems





where innovation occcurs

new ideas are in the system, we try to invite them back into the chaordic center path

lunch control can be good

holding the learning

Surgery, airplanes – we need

These practices of circle, of

control. Control can be helpful.

hosting, help the organization.

Chamos can be helpful when

We have few rules, but we have

things need to radically transform.

definite practices. The practices

Chaos isn’t just chaos for chaos’s

seem to be able to hold this dance

sake – chaos can be about inviting

better than other things. If we

more voices into the work, asking

get lost, we try to come back to

more questions, having more ideas.

the circle. Rather than come to

We want Chaos with Purpose. If

a manual that tells you what the

there’s no purpose to order, you’re

rules are. We have to bring in these

just being controlling. Activities

pratices - we hold it in a different

because you want order.

kind of way because we cannot get scared. This path of newness

shared purpose

is not easy. Bravery and courage

Collectively choosing to walk a

requires. Be in relationships

path together, to move between

without judgement with people. It

chaos and order. The outter layer

can become a language – where

of Control and Chamos is when

do we bring chaos in?

things get evil


next 1:30pm

movement open space

Harvesting Open Space Use the worksheets provided to help focus the discussion: What was the question asked? What other questions were generated? What are the next steps? (one small nugget that developed from the conversation)

Come back with a provocative declaration statement


the art of hosting: implicit bias

day 2: awareness

open space

notes on:

Open Space is an excellent meeting format for: A real issue of concern / a diversity of players / complexity of elements / presence of passion (including conflict) / a need for a quick decision. The outcomes can be dramatic when a group uses its passion and responsibility to make something happen. After the open space session has been initiated, the group sits in silence as the questions arise.

open space

question 1: principals of open space

How do you invite controlling leadership into the chaordic path? Start a virus, don’t wash your hands with this one!

1. Whoever comes are the right people

question 2: What could a low-level employee do to instigate change in an organization? Check tone and communication style Resist the greasy paper bag and embrace the satin gift box

2. Whenever it starts is the right time 3. Whatever happens is the only thing that could

question 3:

have happeed

How do you encourage others to engage in the conversation that will change work or life? You know, its time to have a come to Jesus meeting

question 4: What is needed to bring people together into community to promote sustainable change? Community is sustainability. Its about relationships, not geography

4. When its over its over

roles in open space Host: announces and convenes a conversation. The host is not responsible for the outcome of

question 5: What questions could we ask ourselves at each level– personally, organizational, societal – that would interrupt patterns? Have the courage to invite new questions, new voices to a new future

question 6:

the conversation, only for hosting and harvesting (or delegating the harvest to someone in the conversaion) the question. Participant: participates in a

How do you create alies and invite others into the chaordic process?


Stealth Hosting! Beware your implicit bias towards your “enemies”

Bumble Bee: moves between conversations, cross-polinating

question 7: How do I influence administration to adjust attitudes and improve workplace equality? Change is baby steps

Butterfly: takes time out to reflect and process what’s happening

question 8: the law of mobility

How does one not tire of relentless pursuit? Get a manicure and call-off work on Monday

If you find yourself in a situation where you are not contributing

question 9:

or learning, move somewhere

How do I pursuade administrators to remove barriers to productivity?

where you can.

The unit is eager to contribute to the overall goals and success

question 10: What are good strategies to develop prompts or questions? Solicit authenticity within apathy and bureucracy


art of hosting is a 4-fold practice

1. Hosting yourself 2. Practicing conversation 3. Hosting conversation 4. Co-creating action teach 4:00 pm

four-fold practice

Hosting Self is not self-care, it is practices that help you learn more about yourself. And allows you to pause. To stop the reaction and make a decision. Activities that Help self knowledge: • Meditation • Painting • Running • Gardening Small hosting: Close your eyes and take a breath– how is this landing for me? What is happening now for me, and what do I want to do about it? Make a New Story: When you have a reaction, try on a new story. “This person cut me off because they’re new here and they dont know.”

hosting your self

Practice Conversation

This is the practice of being

Participate in the discussion

present – to host yourself first.

as well. Practice conversation

What are the practices that help

mindfully as it gives us a chance to

you get to know yourself better.

slow down to practice listening and

Where do you come home to

conversing (mindfully). Developing

yourself? . And, what do you

empathy relies upon relationships.

learn about yourself during these

Curiosity and judgment cannot

practices. Where do you begin to

live in the same place.

notice who you are? This can only help you when you’re hosting conversation, especially

gateway of the myth of fear

within the topic of implicit bias. How do you keep your container, too, so you don’t loose yourself.

gateway of the myth of complacency


the art of hosting: implicit bias

day 2: awareness

notes on:

4-fold practice check out:

Move your way out of the room.

There are many ways to enter the Four-Fold Process.

Between Practicing Conversation and Hosting Conversation is the Gateway of the Myth of Fear – when you say to yourself “Who am I to call this conversation/meeting? – “I’ll join but I won’t host”. It is when you struggle with being

end 5:00pm

active vs. stepping to the front.

Between Hosting Conversation and CoCreation is the Gateway of the Myth of Doubt. Where we are not sure if we as a group can/will do

hosting conversation

creating together

Taking ownership and

How do we work together to move

responsibility for hosting. “This is

forward? People will support what

mine to host”. It requires empathy

they create. This is a community of

and a little bit of faith in people –

people that work together – where

you need to believe that asking will

the whole becomes bigger than

lead to finding a better solution.

the sum of its parts.

When hosting: •

Be clear on the purpose (compass)

Make good questions – powerful and relevant

Harvest something

something about the issue – we are not trusting of others.

Between Co-Creation and Hosting of Self is the Gateway of the Myth of Complacency. You must be able to move through

What is NOT yours to host? Sometimes you need to be present within the conversation and not actually host it. Knowing what you should not host is also helpful.

these gateways to get to more meaningful conversations.

meaningful – to those asking and to the participators

gateway of the myth of doubt


day 3: projecting

day three

taking it out




Monday, July 29

Sunday, November 16





the art of hosting: implicit bias

day 3: projecting

check in we start in circle, but we can have smaller conversations within it. For this check-in, we posed a question and broke into small groups to explore the question. We did a “popcorn harvest” to hear back a few responses.

check-in question:

Over the past two days, what is resonating within me?

Day 3 framework:

Taking it Out

Popcorn Harvest Ask the group to share their thoughts by calling them out as they want to share. Its a way to harvest if you don’t have time to hear from everyone.

check in: question

welcome, framing, flow


knowledge circles

design process

closing circle


circles of knowledge Art of Hosting techniques are explored with the host committee. What are some key questions and insights that emerged from these circles?

powerful questions:

A powerful question is simple and clear. Is thought provoking. Generates energy. Focuses inquiry. Challenges assumptions. Opens new possibilities. Evokes more questions. session one 9:35 - 10:30 am

open space:

The goal of open space is to create time and space for people to engage deeply and creatively around issues of concern to them. The agenda is set by the people. For more on open space: see page 36 of the workbook

circles of knowledge session two 10:35 - 11:25am


powerful questions:

Living systems:

We grow in the direction of the questions we ask.

Hierarchies happen through relationships. The work gets done within the relationships.

the art of hosting: implicit bias

day 3: projecting



Intention shapes the circle and determines who will come, how long the circle will meet, and what kinds of outcomes are to be expected.

How to create a meaningful display for others? How do you get others involved in Harvest? What communicates best for the purpose?

For more on circle: see page 30 of the workbook

world cafe:

Naturally trust the group that will come out For more on cafe: see page 34 of the workbook


“Keep in mind why you’re asking the question and what you’re going to do with it.” “The deeper we go, we can see new things and make more connections with others.”


desgining a meeting linking together purpose and methods. How do we

2. purpose

take the things we’ve learned this weekend into design

Flow from the need. Stating and writing down the purpose helps everything focus. We send the purpose of the meeting out ahead of time before we get started. Every bit of design has the purpose at the center.

1. Need

Purpose brings order: What is

The compelling reason for doing anything

ours to do about this today?

Its worth pausing on need – we make alot of assumptions about need. Needs exist within an ecosystem of needs – we send out the call for the need ahead of time.

Need: Why are you having the meeting?

“Hosting, not directing, not being in charge of. You’re hosting a process that’s alive.”

teach 12:15 pm

teach: designing meetings “Its easy to perpetuate outside of the circle. Is this a question that needs to go back to the circle? But not to perpetuate it. Not jumping to fix it. This system them will invent and will not stay still. It will be something for a moment, and then it will change, and it will change, and it will change.”

6. next steps Ask what are our next steps? How will those next steps be transformed? How do we articulate those to be part of our next meeting?

put it back in These questions are put back into the design system. Projects are worked on in groups of 6.

context: what is the context of this meeting?


the art of hosting: implicit bias

day 3: taking it out

3. people Who needs to be there? Who do we need at this meeting? Who are

notes on:

the people and how does that impact your design? How do you design the meeting for

check ins

different voices?

4. designing the meeting 1. Give the flow / agenda of the meeting

Studies show that if you get people talking within the first 10 minutes they are far more likely to participate

2. Start with a Check In

“Together we are smarter than we are alone.”

3. Pick a methodology appropriate to the context 3. Decide on your questions. 4. Decide on your timing. 5. The flow of the meeting Open up / What do we want to do? / What have we agreed on? What will we do next?

1. circle Can be used as a check-in (amongst other things)

2. Cafe Great to generate possibilities

3. tell a story Two people tell a story of something significant

6. End with a Check Out

4. 30 Seconds of Silence Lets show up and get present

5. harvesting notes on:

How are you making meaning out of the meeting. How are you making the discussion of the

“This is a living system.

open space

meeting visible? During the meeting, how

It is on a plane that is

will you make visible what you are learning

moving. You’re always


working on a moving

Studies show that if you get people

train. Chaos and order

talking within the first 10 minutes they

is really important.”

are far more likely to participate 2. Open Space First, be clear about the expectations for the outcome. The agreement of the open space can be to develop action plans. Then, harvest the open space to develop an action plan.


check out:

What did you learn? What are you leaving with? start

Monday, July 29 9:00am

check out


the art of hosting: implicit bias

day 3: projecting

check out

As we close out our formal time

the Stones of Activism:

together, we ask that you accept

As activist writer Alice Walker reminds us in the introduction of her intellectual

the stone you selected as a symbol

autobiography, Anything We Love Can be Saved (1997):

not only of the transformative journey we have shared the

It has become a common feeling, I believe, as we have watched our heroes falling over the years, that our own small stone of activism, which might not seem to measure up to the rugged boulders of heroism we have so admired, is a paltry offering toward the building of an edifice of hope. Many who believe this, choose to withhold their offerings out of shame. This is the tragedy of our world. For we can do nothing substantial toward changing our

course on the planet, a destructive one, without rousing ourselves, individual by individual, and bringing our small, imperfect stones to the pile. Sometimes our stones are, to us, misshapen, odd. Their color seems off. Their singing…comical and strange. Presenting them, we perceive our own imperfect nakedness. But also, paradoxically, the wholeness, the rightness, of it. In the collective vulnerability of presence, we learn not to be afraid. …even the smallest stone glistens with tears, yes, but also from the light of being seen, and loved for simply being there.

past three days as we trained in the Art of Hosting, but as your empowering “talking stick” as you return to your home places to engage others in generative dialogue on implicit bias and/or other topics you deem important for meaningful conversations. Keep it on your desk, computer monitor, in your purse or pocket as a reminder that you DO and CAN make a difference. By showing up and bringing our small stone of activism to our workplaces, each of us can contribute to building The Ohio State University into an edifice of hope.

end 3:00 pm


Be very very kind to yourself as you leave this space and reenter the world. The good feelings you had here can and will happen again.



the art of hosting: implicit bias

day 3: projecting

resources books The Dance of Change - Peter Senge The Fifth Discipline - Peter M. Senge Schools, Evolutionary Leadership - Peter Merry Consensus through Conversation - Larry Dressler Wave Rider - Harrison Owen Action Inquiry, The Secret of Timely and Transforming Leadership - Bill Torber and Associates Source, The Inner Path or Knowledge Creation Joseph Jaworski Strengths - Christine Baldwin The Circle Way, A Leader in Every Chair - Christina Baldwin & Ann Linnea Leadership and the New Science - Margaret J. Wheatley The World Cafe, Living Knowledge through Conversations that Matter - Juanita Brown A Theory of Everything - Ken Wilber Synchronicity - Joseph Jaworski Reclaiming the Gift Culture - Vimukt Shiksha So Far From Home - Margaret J. Wheatley The Art of Powerful Questions -ERic, Juanita Brown, and David Isaacs Presence - Peter Senge A Simpler Way - Margaret J. Wheatley and Myron Kellner-Rogers Open Space Technology - Harrison Owen Calling the Circle - Christina Baldwin Turning to One Another - margaret J. Wheatley When People Care Enough to Act - Mike Green Walk Out Walk On - Margaret Wheatley & Deborah Frieze Finding Our Way - Margaret J. Wheatley Power and Love - Adam Kahane Solving Tough Problems - Adam Kahane Therory U - C. Otto Scharmer Presence, Human Purpose and the Field of the Future - Peter Senge, C. Otto Scharmer, Joseph Jaworski, Betty Sue Flowers

mindfulness meditation websites jon kabat zinn pema chodron jack kornfield thich nhat hahn plum village presencing institute website

aoh websites OSU list serve Columbus CoP listserve Global AoH listserve ( AoH ning ( AoH website ( Facebook page – artofhosting


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