Annotated Lesson Plan Rubric Menu: (3 points each, up to 15 points possible) 3___Is organized and easy to read _3_____Includes at least 15 songs and chants (no more than 10 from practicum, no more than 7 with words) ___3___Meter and tonality are correctly identified for each ____3__Includes 3 listening selections (in addition to the songs/chants) ____3__At least 7 of the activities specify a manipulative (up to 5 points) Annotation: For each song or chant (15 entries at 4 points each, up to 60 points possible): __15___Lyrics, notation, recording, and/or page number from Music Play ___15__ Contribution to variety __15___ Description of movement activity and/or prop use ___15__ Musical element description For each listening selection (3 entries at 4 points each, up to 12 points possible): ___3__ CD or link to soundfile included ___3__ Contribution to variety ___3__ Description of movement activity and/or prop use ____3_ Musical element description Developmental Changes (3 entries at 3 points each, up to 9 points possible): ___3__ Activity modified for infants (up to 3 points) ___3__ Activity modified for toddlers (up to 3 points) ___3__ Activity modified for early elementary (up to three points) Overall (up to 5 points each, total of 15 points possible): __5___ Variety of music in terms of meter and tonality ___5__ Variety of music elements taught (at least 4/5) ___5__ All 4 elements of movement specifically mentioned 15
Optional: Early List (Due Dec. 2 by email) 15 pts EC.
Lesson plan total: Outstanding work, Mona.
Hello song
Lyrics (y/n) Y
Wiggle Your Fingers, Stomp Your Toes (chant) Hickety Pickety Bumblebee
Duple Triple
Aisha Duo Children's song No. 9 (instrumental) Children's Song (Extended Instrumental)
Harmoni c Minor
Harmoni c Minor
Jump Over the Ocean MP 121 The Bubble Song
The Choo Choo Train Song
9 1 0
Troika Fun Bouncy Instrumental Music ( Butter Frog )
Major Phrygian
Varies Duple
None None
11 Ocean Waves MP 69
1 2 1 3 1 4
Caterpillar Major Song Toss the Feather Varies
3 4
6 7
La Rejoussance
Meter Prop
Coming together and forming a circle. None Still standing, we begin to get the wiggles out of us so that we can begin to sit and pay attention Microphone Song lets the children introduce themselves to everyone in the group. Drums Find any beat and match it with the song. Standing up and staying in their own spot, they do a free dance that is hopefully inspired by the music After free dance in one spot, the children our given a movement to follow, each getting their own chance. Singing chant and begin to move around a bit. After the chant, move around the room as trains. Choreographed dance. Lead the children in discovering highs and lows and tempo by moving either low to the ground or standing up while moving to the correct speed of the song, Movement of scarves and finding the pitches of the music Play a hide and seeking game Uses hands and arms to And what do caterpillars turn into?
1 5
Bean Bag Rock
Bean bags
1 6
Goodbye Song
Discovering parts of the body and rocking with beats.
Annotated Bibliography Hello Song The meter for the opening song is duple meter. The movement involved is standing up, clapping of hands and patting knees. This is before they get settled. There would be no props, but the use of their hands to indicate hello. Because this is an introduction into the class, the elements of music that the children should experience is form from the AB pattern, and melody. Wiggle Your Fingers, Stomp Your Toes (chant): Lyrics found on last page This is a quick little chant that, when the children are ready to form their circle, they get to get all of their silliness out beforehand so that they may sit better. And that’s what we tell them. They can go through the chant twice so that it can help as much as possible. The movement activity would correspond with the chant. They will be moving the fingers, hopefully reaching out high and wide. And then they will stomp around a bit. The meter for this chant is triple meter. The musical element that could be expressed is dynamics of music. There could be a variation is the dynamics depending on what body part they are using. Hickety Pickety Bumblebee: This song will is in triple meter. This is after the children have now formed their circle, they can sit down and sing this song. This will be the first time the children are up and moving. The prop used with this activity would be a microphone. The children could individually find rhythm patterns in the music. As well as experiencing rhythm, another musical element that can be expressed could be melody. As we are just beginning, I think it is important to first establish a lot of the groundwork and then come in with more exercises that will contribute to musical development. Aisha Duo: The song is in harmonic minor. The prop that we would use with this song would be a small drum for each child. While listening to the instrumental, the children would try to find a beat within the music. This could be done by either the leader finding a beat and having the children follow, or by having them come up with it all on their own. The musical element that the children will discover is rhythm, of course. There are examples of more than one beat to be discovered in the song. After the first round of the song, the children could go back through it and search for another beat. Children's Song (Extended Instrumental) This is another song that is found in harmonic minor. This will be the first time that the children are back on their feet. Taken like free play, by having the children to feel the music through their limbs and entire body, they will discover more about rhythm and could possibly be inspired again to find the beat of the music. Jump Over the Ocean MP 121 There is no tonality in this, but has a triple meter. There are lyrics. While incorporating some singing and individual responses, the children give a musical response to a prompt given to then. They could also practice different pitches and resting tone during this section.
The Bubble Song The Bubble song is in major and has a duple meter. This song has no props either. It will be an extension from the previous song. This time, the children have the chance to move around to the beat of the music. Again, rhythm is the element of music that is the focus. Choo Choo Train song Lyrics found on last page This chant has no tonality to it, but the meter is in duple meter. This time, the children come together and form a choo choo train. They sing the song and move around in either a circle or the leader can move them around the room in another string. The props used are whistles, but only during parts of it. The children can also concentrate on locomotor and non-locomotor during this activity. They use themselves and each other in this activity. There are movements that correlate with the lyrics that the children can also do. Troika The tonality for this song is major. The tonalities for it vary throughout. This is a song that goes well with a choreographed dance. Still in their circle from the previous song, the children start the choreographed dance that builds on in layers. This is also teaching the children about form. It would be interesting to see how fast the children were able to catch on to the different parts of the song, just by listening to the correlating music pieces that they hear. Fun Bouncy Instrumental Music (Butter Frog ) The tonality of this piece is Phrygian while there is duple meter. There is a variety of pitch is this song. Using their bodies and moving about, the children can discover the highs and lows of the music. When the pitch is low, their bodies should be lower to the ground. When the pitch is higher, they should be standing tall. Ocean Waves MP 69 This song as a major tonality and is in triple meter. In continuing with discovering about pitch, the children are now seated and the scarves prop is brought out. With this song, the children match the pitch of the music with the movement of the scarves instead of their bodies. La Rejoussance The tonality of this song is in major while the meter varies throughout the song. By picking up where the last activity left off, the children will still be using the scarves as their prop. What may have happened from that last activity may have inspired the children to Caterpillar Song In this chant, there is no tonality, but it has a duple meter. The movement that will be created will be mostly with their hands and their arms.
Toss the Feather The tonality of this song is in minor while it has a quadruple meter. Since caterpillars become butterflies, the next activity will work with them. The children could discover about rhythm with this activity, by matching the levels of the beats and flying the butterflies in the air. They could also learn about timbre through the number of instruments that are used throughout the song. After the song, the activity could be extended by talking about those sounds that they heard. Bean Bag Rock The tonality of this song is in major and it is in triple meter. This activity would give the children a chance to get back up and experience a little bit more movement. It is now nearing the end of the lesson. The prop, of course, are the bean bags. The musical element that they should be focusing on is either harmony or even pitch. Again, the children can use the lyrics of being up high or down low to show that with their voices. Singing together can also show how harmony works in groups. Goodbye Song The tonality of the song is major and it is in duple meter. There is no prop for this activity or anything that is choreographed. Instead, this is just to signify the ending of the lesson.
Listening Examples Fun Bouncy Instrumental Music (Butter Frog ) v=kTb1HOGVlPo This song lends itself to finding the different pitches in the music. There is a variety of timbre throughout, but the activity for with this song asks for the children to move low to the ground during the lower pitches of the music. The music is also slowed down during the lower pitched parts of the music. It is during the middle of the song where there is a higher pitch and the music is also faster. So hopefully the children will want to move around towards the middle of the song and towards the end. Toss the Feather This is an up-tempo song that we could use with our butterfly prop. This has probably became one of my favorite listening pieces of music. It is very upbeat. The activity that we would do with the butterflies would hopefully help the children discover about rhythm in music. There are many different beats that the children could pick from to have their butterfly flutter to. A few of the children could pick out the rhythm that they seem to hear or identify with the most. This is different from the first listening piece due to its up-tempo beat. Where the Butter Frog song has a mellower tempo that built to scale. Toss the Feather was high performance from beginning to end. I think that the children would like to be up for this one, but hopefully would be entertain by the butterflies and finding their own beat. La Rejoussance The harmony in the musical piece is really easy to pick out. Although in this activity, it is more about the activity than the music. I think that after the previous activity, this one just pairs well with it. The scarves are used in a hide and seek game, when the children should be able to pick up on the melody of the music versus that of the harmony. This piece differs from the other songs because, although there is a variety of instruments, there are primary instruments that are a lot easier to pick out.
Modifications Infants: Caterpillar Song This chant can be easily modified for infants by saying the chant to them. Instead of the teacher performing the hand gestures on themselves, she would describe them to the infant. Using her finger, on even the infant’s hand, to create the movement of the caterpillar. By being up close with the infant, the teacher is interacting and sharing the activity in a way that would be beneficial to the baby. Toddlers: Wiggle Your Fingers, Stomp Your Toes (chant) This chant would be perfectly acceptable for the toddler group. It would probably be something that they would enjoy because they’re using parts of their bodies. All this chant is a way to get the extra energy out in hopes that they would be ready to do more activities. Early Elementary: The Choo Choo Train Song Although this is another chant and may sound better suited for younger kids, early elementary students may still like this activity. By incorporating extra movements into the chant, and playing with the tempo of the singing- either going faster at points and slower at other times, the children could find fun in the diversity of this activity.
Wiggle Your Fingers, Stomp Your Feet! (Chant) Wiggle your fingers in the air. Wiggle them, wiggle them everywhere! Stomp your feet upon the ground. Stomp them, stomp them all around. Choo Choo Train Song Choo Choo Train Here is the choo-choo train. Puffing down the track. (children bend their arms at their elbows) Now it's going forward, (rotate arms forward) Now it's going back, (rotate arms backward) Now the bell is ringing, (pull cord "ding, ding") Now the whistle blows. ( "wooo, wooo") What a lot of noise it makes, everywhere it goes! (children cover their ears with their hands)
Caterpillar (traditional) A caterpillar crawled (Crawl right index finger up the left arm like a caterpillar.) To the top of a tree. "I think I'll take a nap," said he. (Wiggle right index finger.) So under the leaf he began to creep. (Move under left hand.) He spun a cocoon and he fell asleep. (Make fist around index finger.) For two long weeks he slept in that cocoon bed, Till spring came along and said, "Wake up! Wake up! You sleepy head." (Shake arms.) Out of the leaf he did cry. "Look, I am a butterfly." (Hook thumbs and spread fingers to make a butterfly.)i