Visual Culture Level 2 Essay Name: Hiu Tung Karen Law Student ID: 11041177 Tutor: Sarah Jenkins Programme: Media Practice Level 2
What do Hong Kong women filmmakers think of their roles in the industry? As far as I know, filmmaking continues to be the most gender inequitable career in the arts. In this essay, I want to explore how far ‘new feminism’ helps women to be directors or other important roles in the film industry and the circumstances of women in the industry. This essay focuses on women directors in Hong Kong cinema. What is new feminism? Tseelon E. (1995) said that women should attack any cultural, social or sexual behaviour that they disliked. She quoted MacCannells (1987) saying, ‘Beauty is only male insecurity displaced’. This argument suggests femininity is a particular representation of the woman, which is not essential, but is a constructed identity. Walter N. (1999) wrote in the book about new feminism. Feminism has recently been associated more with a movement to change women’s attitudes and society’s culture than with these material inequalities. (p. 3)… Feminism is a social movement, like environmental or civil rights movements, that relies on a spreading consensus among diverse people. (p. 5)
Imbalance of gender in film industry Ford (2012) states that ‘only 5 percent of directors were women. That is a decrease of 2 percentage points from 2010 and approximately half the percentage of women directors working in 1998’. An article in Indiewire written by Melissa Silverstein (January 2012) reveals that ‘38% of films employed 0 or 1 woman in the roles considered, 23% employed 2 women, 30% employed 3 to 5