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Brochure Analysis: The tourism industry is growing rapidly and today experienced tourists expect more than just a leisure travel. Niche tourism is giving the opportunity of experiences that improve tourists` level of knowledge focusing on particular interests and needs. Photographic Tourism is a kind of niche tourism that can be described as buying equipment and travelling to places only for taking photographs that make tourists happy (Gogoi, 2014). The subjects are usually some unique landscapes, wildlife, people, food and habits and tourists are motivated by the desire to explore (Gogoi, 2014). It is noticeable that taking photographs is an important part of any traveling. Nowadays, camera becomes an integral part of our day. The aim of this tour is to be stood out in the market and recognized as a niche tourism product. I will achieve that by providing a professional photographer giving workshops and technical tuition to participants. Many photographic tourism products provide equipment rental but I am not going to do that because my aim is to make sure that the limited number of tourists I attract are specified in this area and have their own equipment. My 4 day niche product is a photographic tour in Bavaria. I will promote this tourism product by a brochure. The target market of the product is people who are 30 years old or more. They are high-middle class and have enough incomes to travel often and follow their specific interests. These people have professional equipment, and high expectations. Because of this, it is not easy to impress this kind of customers. According to Lester and Palmer (2005) the photographic tours consumers are seeking a more individualized holiday experience. They want to achieve self-realization and social prestige. This niche product is giving them the opportunity of that by meetings with a professional photographer. Also, a competition for best photograph will be made. My consumers are professionals and they do not make friendship quickly are younger people do. The first day of the program is based on building relationship between all the participants., which is very important for that kind of tour when sharing experience is playing an important part. They all will be invited to a dinner in Regen, Germany. During the next 3 days team work will be stimulated. Photographic tourists usually spend huge amount of money on holiday in Africa, Australia or America. My idea is to prove that nice photographic tour can be designed in Europe. As the consumers are working very hard, they probably do not have enough time for traveling except during summer break. This niche product is giving them the opportunity to visit the Bavarian Forest National Park and meet the unique local culture. Photographs of wildlife, people and landscapes could be taken. The accommodation is glamping, which is luxury camping providing comfort and safety. This is an unusual kind of accommodation and consumers of that living class will be interested in it. The glamping is expensive, but suitable for the customers. The place 2|Page

where the glamping site is situated is next to a lovely lake and close to the nearest town Regen. The place is virgin and not many people go there so customers can feel special and enjoy relaxing away from the busy city. This is a nature-based tour, but walk around the town and local churches will be made because photographic tourists are very often interested in history as well. When promoting a tourism product, the social media play a significant role. The format of the brochure as a booklet makes it not that easy to access as the folded ones offered in almost every hotel and tourist information centre. That will help the number of participants to be limited. According to Goudy (1999) a good selection and usage of typefaces, their size and styles are absolutely essential. My brochure is focused on attracting the reader s attention and helping reinforce the context of the intended message. A few italic and bold typefaces have been used for making it more friendly and attracting the viewers attention. On the very first page handwriting typeface has been used for showing the tour`s aim is individualizing. It is always perceived as being more intimate and personal. The amount of text in the brochure is medium, so Sans Serifs were used. It is designed to look modern, professional and clean. Their main strength is their simplicity which makes them the most legible typeface. In the first paragraph, drop capital was used which is a good way to draw the reader s attention to the start of the text (Goudy, 1999). The main rules for setting text were applied. The eyesight of the readers was consistent and the size of the text was not that small and that big. In this brochure photos and visual presentation were really important as it is promoting a photographic tourism product. All the photos were taken from websites which provide copyright. The most professional photographs were used. The aim is to show some nice views of Bavaria, but to motivate participants to take part and prove they can do better. Different but elegant photo effects were used to make the brochure more interesting. The Maslow`s pyramid in the beginning is a creative way to present what my customers will achieve with the tour. They are educated and Maslow`s theory should be known by them. The colours used are brighter and remind of cleaner air, sunny place and nature. The green is the main one and means nature, freshness and growth. The blue colour is a symbol of trust and reliability which can create a relation between us and customers. Text was presented with black colour which is the most professional and formal way. Columns were chosen as an effective way to make the text readable and fitting more. To sum up, the brochure was designed to impress consumers and make them know to take part in the tour. It was not easy to achieve that, because the customers are already educated and experienced. Focusing on creative accommodation, destination and good presentation of them all was the key to successful product.


e offer you a 4-days eco-friendly holiday full with inspiration and relax in Frauenau – a municipality in the district of Regen, Germany. Our glamping site will be situated on the virgin coast of an artificial lake. Keep your camera in hand and capture amazing scenes of the villages, the Kleine Arbersee Lake, the floating islands, Naturpark Bayerischer Wald and the Bavarian Forest National Park. Our professional photographer will share experience with you and support you at in the time.


Glamping is giving you the opportunity to enjoy all the benefits of the camping, combined with safety and luxury. This is something better than 5-star hotel. We offer you a billion star hotel! Be away from the city traffic and close to the nature.

During these 4 days you will try the traditional Bavarian food and beer. An 4|Page

exciting barbeque dinner will be shared with all photographic tourists. Create new friendships and unforgettable memories!

Day 1:

Arrive in Bavaria and meet your trip leader. Take your first walk along the splashing paths and breathe the aroma of freshly cut grass around yourself. You will have a few hours to get ready before we meet for dinner. We will visit Regen which is situated on the great Regen River. Keep your camera next to you ready to safe every moment. Try the traditional Bavarian Schweinshaxn and Obatzder (a roasted pig knuckle and cheese delicacy) served with the world popular Bavarian beer. After that, we will do a walk around Regen. Our nature-based tour will start with unordinary forest. It is the "Gläserne Wald" which means a forest made of glass and is naturally related to the tradition of glass making in this area.

Regen is popular with its traditions and sightseeing including the lovely St. Michael, St. Johann, and Holy Spirit churches. All these places will tell you their stories and secrets‌ Catch them and keep it in your camera and heart.

Day 2: After Breakfast our nature-based tour starts! After only 40 minutes driving, we are in the heart of the 403 hectare nature reserve in the Upper Bavarian Forest and in front of us are the Kleine Arbersee Lake and the floating islands. When the Kleine Arbersee was dammed up by almost a metre by drifting wood in 1885, the mantle of vegetation was loosened from the lake bed and has since then formed three


floating islands on the water surface. These natural formations are not connected to the ground in any way and change their position depending on fluctuations, the wind and the water level. Do not miss the opportunity to take photographs and keep this moment forever! You probably will be excited because this is the day when you are going to meet your tutor for a first time! He will give you full details about the tour and everything you are going to achieve. Your first workshop starts just here. Be yourself and express your passion with a photograph. Our professional photographer will give you useful advices and show you some nice techniques. He will arrange an individual meeting with you as well. We will have a picnic before leaving this fairytale and going back to our glamping site.

Day 3: It is time now! This is the day when you are going to see how is it like to be in the Bavarian forest. In south-eastern Germany, the country´s first national park was founded in 1970. In 1997, its total surface area was extended to now 243 square kilometers. Leaving nature to its own devices − this is the philosophy of the Bavarian Forest National Park. In fact, here nature can develop freely according to its very own eternal laws on a surface area which, in its size, is unique in Europe.

You will be enchanted by an unspoilt low mountain range landscape of which up to 95% is covered by forest. Besides extensive woodland areas, the national park offers mountain peaks with fascinating vistas of nearly endless forests which cover the mountain range representing the Bavarian-Bohemian border, mysterious bogs, cristal clear mountain streams and Lake Rachelsee, the park s only glacial lake. The fauna is the result of a rather harsh, slightly continental climate with high snowfall in the winter, increased by large differences in altitude between 600 to 1,453 meters. Besides the eagleowl, the ural owl and the raven, which have been reintroduced to this area, the otter, the capercaille, the hazel grouse, the Eurasian Pygmy Owl and the Three-toed. 6|Page

Our tour guide and professional photographer will be with you at all the time. Be creative and make incredible photos! You can be the one – the winner of our photographic competition! After the whole day in the Bavarian Forest National Park we will go back for our last night at the glamping site to enojoy BBQ party.

Day 4: After breakfast, you will have some time to choose your best photograph from the tour and present it to your tutor. You will have the opportunity for an individual meeting. All photographs will be presented in an exhibition. The winner will be stated and a special price given. You will have lunch and time to pack your luggage.


 Accommodation in Frauenau, Regen;

 All flights and transportations;

 Breakfast, lunch and BBQ party;  3 day workshops with professional photographer;  Full Travel Insurance;


References: BAYERN TOURISMUS Marketing (2016) Bavaria- Bavarian forest national park - national parks - nature and outdoor - things to do. Available at: http://www.bavaria.travel/5f2da8f0-377d-0554-19bd-a0ca81b2f02c (Accessed: 29 March 2016).

Gogoi, D. (2014) A conceptual Framework of Photographic Tourism. Available at: -1408967682-13.Appl-The Conceptual Framework of Photographic-Deborshee.pdf (Accessed: 20 April 2016)

Goudy, F. (1999) Typography in promotional design.

Novelli, M. (2007) Niche tourism. Available at: https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=X7knnn2iX5QC&printsec=frontcover&dq=niche+tou rism&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj1svbJhr7MAhXBLMAKHTnBCwAQ6AEIHTAA#v=onepa ge&q=niche%20tourism&f=false (Accessed: 29 March 2016).

Publishing, P. (2016) Campsites in Germany. Available at: https://www.coolcamping.co.uk/campsites/europe/germany (Accessed: 1 April 2016).

Wald, N.B. (2012) Bavarian forest national park - home – Internetangebot Nationalparkverwaltung Bayerischer Wald. Available at: http://www.nationalparkbayerischer-wald.de/english/ (Accessed: 3 April 2016).


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