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Bull tin Bulletin Is My Memory Normal? PAGE 10

aarp.org/bulletin OCTOBER 2015 Vol. 56 No. 8 $2.50 aarp

 Special Report: Brain Health B L Latest Advice On Staying Sharp O PAGE 6 P

 The Sharing Economy & You E N New Ways to Make a Buck M PAGE 22 P

 Medicare Spike 1 in 7 Could See Premiums Jump P PAGE 26 P

Finding Your


Oprah Joins Americans Over 50 On a Search for Meaning PAGE 166

 Ted Koppel

O the Frightening On Prospect of P Cyberattacks C PAGE 4 P

 AARP News P Poll: Social Security IQ Gap S PAGE 32 P

Bulletin Real Possibilities

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Life Reimagined

Spirituality According To Oprah The media mogul opens up about God and her toughest tests of faith By Barbranda Lumpkins Walls

Born into poverty in rural Mississippi, she became the host of the highest-rated television talk show in history, a movie producer and Oscar-nominated actress—and, according to Forbes magazine, the world’s most highly paid entertainer. In 2011, she walked away from the nationally syndicated talk show that had helped her grow a net worth estimated at $3 billion to found a television channel, the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN), which grappled to fnd viewers

(What follows has been condensed and edited.) Q: What is this project about? A: I set out to really build this

universe of interfaith connectedness, where people could see that other people in diferent parts of the

Oprah’s Daily Practice Silence Each morning she takes time to be still, center herself and order her day. Gratitude She constantly gives thanks to

God throughout the day for everything– from safe travel on city streets to having food to eat to raising her arms to wash her

world are very much like them. Although they might have a diferent word for the yearning of the heart and the yearning of the spirit that is looking for what I call “God,” it still is the same thing. It is the heart’s yearning to know the origin of its mystery. It’s a heart’s yearning to know the power of the divine in each of our lives. It’s a heart’s yearning to be connected to that. Q: Have you always been a spiritual person? A: I hear people say all the time, “I’m not really religious, but I consider myself spiritual.” I defnitely have always been spiritual, being raised by my grandmother on that little acre in Mississippi, indoctrinated, born into the church and the ways of the church. Q: So you had a traditional Southern religious upbringing? A: I grew up in the Baptist Church, and going to church with my father; I remember being 8 years old, trying to determine whether I was really ready to give up sin, and for days I agonized. But I was probably toward 8½ when I actually joined the church and was baptized—and, my God, did I take it seriously! I was a zealot who irritated every one of my third-grade friends. They didn’t beat me up, but I got labeled “the preacher girl.” Q: Which early experiences deepened your spirituality? A: My frst deepening of spirituality came when I was 6, when I was moved from my grandmother and sent to live with my mother—whom I really did not know—who had moved to Milwaukee. Something inside myself knew that I was never going to see my grandmother again—I would be wasting my time to live in that space of wanting that. Q: When was your faith most tested?

hair–and keeps a gratitude journal listing at least fve things daily. Presence Living in the moment is very important: “I don’t want to have to get the lesson of losing [things

like health and moving about freely] to appreciate what it was.” Prayer She kneels to pray every night before bed, a “ritual of reverence” learned from her grandmother.



prah Winfrey has relied on her faith through a lifetime of challenges, from surviving child abuse and an early pregnancy to dealing with the vagaries of a media career that eventually made her one of the most recognizable names and faces on the planet.

in a crowded media marketplace. “Every story about OWN was that it was struggling,” she recalls. “I literally had a come-toJesus meeting with myself to say, ‘Lord, what would you have me do?’ What I know for sure is that the only way to hold onto yourself is through a spiritual base— otherwise you lose it.” After asking for guidance, she says, she was steered by her own strong, intuitive spirit to make changes that led to consistently higher ratings. The search for a spiritual connection among people around the world is the focus of a seven-part series, Belief, that will air on OWN Oct. 18-24. Winfrey narrates the series, which she said is an efort to “connect the dots of every heart’s yearning for something greater than ourselves.” Winfrey sat down with the AARP Bulletin recently at her spacious new OWN headquarters at the Lot studios complex of Santa Monica Boulevard in West Hollywood to discuss the new Belief series and her own spiritual journey.

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Q: You mentioned that you pray ev-

ery night. Do you consider yourself a traditionalist? A: I’m defnitely not a traditionalist, because a traditionalist would be going to church every Sunday. I still love church. My favorite church service is T.D. Jakes at the Potter’s House. I don’t think there is a better preacher in the country. His ability to interpret scripture is like no other. I also like some of Joel Osteen’s work. I think he’s now doing a book about one of my favorite sermons of his, “The Power of ‘I Am.’ ” I just love that sermon. Q: President Obama used grace as the theme of the eulogy he gave after the fatal shootings in Charleston, S.C., in June. What did you think? A: I felt that it was deeply moving and profound, and of course everybody was like, “Oh, the president can sing!” Maybe a little off key! I actually think that the sermon reinforced the very nature of the grace that the victims’ families had shown to the world. But what really moved me was those families and their ability to immediately move themselves into a state of grace by being able to forgive and not holding onto anger, because grace and anger do not match. Q: Some people question whether you can be a Christian and also emFour in Belief (clockwise from top left): Evangelical Christian college student Cha Cha joins in a group brace so-called New Age philosobaptism; Muslim imam Muhammad Ashafa studies sacred teachings in Nigeria; Reshma Thakkar prays in India at the world’s largest spiritual gathering; Mendel Hurwitz prepares for his bar mitzvah. phies. How do you respond to that? A: My response is that I love the A: I would say that during the time that I was 14 A: We literally cast them. We went out into the church. I love what the church ofers to us as a and pregnant—I didn’t even know what pregnan- world looking for them. There were lots of lit- culture—black people in particular. We would be cy was when I got pregnant—I was trying to do tle boys having their bar mitzvahs all over the nowhere without the black church. But for me to everything I could to harm myself. I said to God, world, and they sent me tapes of some of them live in a world that is not inclusive of other peo“God, if you want me to die, then you’re going to that they interviewed, probably six or seven ple who are not Christian would be the opposite have to kill me. You’re just going to have to kill little boys, and there was something about of Christianity. I can’t defne “God,” so to be open me. If you don’t want me to die, then I’m going to Mendel. I just loved his little face. I loved the to the mystical and mystery of God is a natural live and get through it somehow, but if you want energy of Mendel. part of myself. So people criticize me for not beme to die because of the shame that I’ve brought Q: Speaking of energy, do you ever sleep? ing what they are, and I say, it’s working for me on myself, then you’re just going to have to kill A: Oh, I do. I’m not one of those people who is and has worked for me and continues to work for me.” If I live, that means that I’m going to go on trying to act like I don’t sleep. I used to be like, me, in a way that flls me with a sense of peace to do something else. I don’t know what that is. “Oh, I only need four hours.” Now I need exactly and contentment about what God means to me. I would say my faith has become strengthened 5½ to 6 in order to feel like I’ve done well. When Q: So what do you believe? every time I have faced what I considered to be I was going through menopause, I didn’t sleep. I A: That’s a great question. I believe I don’t know a trial, and there is no greater trial than being 14 didn’t sleep for two years and ended up blowing what the future holds, but I know who holds the out my thyroid, and I became nonfunctional. It’s future. I know who and what holds the future. I and pregnant and not even knowing what it is. Q: How did you fnd all the stories that appear difcult to remain fully present if I’m not getting trust that beyond this space and time all is well, in Belief? and all will be well.  enough sleep, so I work at getting enough. OCTOBER 2015 aarp.org/bulletin 17

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