arubix cube
a display typeface
The Arubix font in arabic is an adaptation based on the latin typeface. This expalins why the arabic would seem much bigger then the latin.
arubix typeface
abcdefg hijklmno pqrstuv wxyz Arubix is a display typeface that was inspiered by the anatomy of the famous rubix’s cube. Each letter was derived from the outline of the cube to creat a dashed and geometric display typeface.
Š 2013, arubix Karim Kurdi
after a month of not beliving the cube could be solved it took rubiks erno one month to solve the cube
process Step1: In the begining the font was traced by the outline to get the the dashed feel of the cube its self.
Step2: In the begining the font was traced by the outline to get the the dashed feel of the cube its self.
Step3: In the begining the font was traced by the outline to get the the dashed feel of the cube its self.
its been thrity six years and still going, rubiks...dont bust your balls figuring it out