soul peace yoga magazine

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No1 / March / 2020

World Peace Yoga School


What is a Rudraksha?


Medicine for human body

Mud Therapy



$1 USD /



gaschoo peaceyo

EDITORIAL Chief Editor Yogi Vishnu guru ji panigrahi Executive Editor Chaitanya parmananda ( papa ji ) Coordinator Team Acharya sachidananda ji Gopal panigrahi Susan Yashoda ji Alok ji Suman ji Gaurav Sharma Prashant Sharma Art Director Karina González Photography Haresh Sitapara

Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devo Maheshwaraha Guru Saakshaat ParaBrahma Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha Soul Peace Yoga Magazine C/O World Peace Yoga School,Tapovan resort ,Laxman Jhula , Rishikesh, Uttrakhand. Contact no - +91 9927530256

Let 2020 be the year your dreams come true! 2020 is a bright, new, upcoming year, giving us new hopes and bringing new opportunities for us. We have big dreams, but to make them come true, hard work, perseverance and confidence is required. Team work and helping each other grow is the key to success. “Jo jeeta wahi sikandar!” means “He who wins is the conquerer!!” You must have noticed, in the year ending, we are always thinking about all we couldn’t do, or what we failed to accomplish, but we also have to set new goals or new resolutions for the new year. So for 2020 lets make a promise to ourselves that this year “I will achieve my goal” and be confident about it. I know you have the potential, and are prepared for it! Good luck and my best wishes to you all. This new year World peace Yoga school has two new additions: One is our Soul Peace Yoga Festival taking place at World Peace Yoga School in Rishikesh from 28 - 31 March 2020, where all yogis and yoginis are coming from all over the world to celebrate with us. I welcome you all. + All bookings received before 10 March qualify for our Special Offer of FREE STAY! Second is our new Soul Peace Magazine being published. You are welcome to make any addition in our article section.

My blessings always with you.

Yogi Vishnu Panigrahi

Founder World Peace Yoga School Yogi Vishnu Panigrahi


+91 9719630256

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Hello, Namaste! Come To our Yoga Festival! Sri Bhagavad Gita says “Yoga Bhavati Dukha”, which means “Yoga destroys sufferings of Humanity”. Maharishi Patanjali says “Yoga means Union with Divine”. He also talks about yoga as cessation of all thoughts and says that the purpose of yoga is to gain Samadhi. This experience of Samadhi brings to a halt the Sufferings of Man. In order to gain the experience, one has to have a committed lifestyle. Practice of Yoga gives very positive changes both in Psycological and in Physical body senses. Also, it leads to Spiritual Growth. Regular Practice of Yoga gives Strength in terms of


Health, long life, body Strength, enthusiasm, will power and inner beauty of the Mind. Without Proper Health, we cannot expect Men/Women to be Successful in any field of work in their life. Thats why Our Honourable Yogi Vishnu Ji has been Committed for the past 30 years in this field of Yoga for the well being of people, not just only in India but Globally, for the benefit of all humanity. He is an icon in the Yogic and Spiritual field. Very few people have committed and devoted their lives for the welfare of Global Community and for all people.

We basically have four Beautiful Buildings in the Heart of Rishikesh. For the Training of Yoga TTC, we have created beautiful Yoga Halls made of bamboo and constructed in accordance with Vedic Sciences. We give best of the best training in Yoga and for that we have an Expert Yoga Teacher Team. We FOCUS on the Growth of each and every Yoga Student with extreme personal care and we excellent Practical training. Our yoga school locations provide the best Accomodation facilities and at the same time, we provide a Very Hygeinic and Nutritious balanced diet which is in accordance with Yoga. Along with this, we teach Supreme values of our culture like Mantras, visiting various temples along Holy Ganga River, the famous Kunjapuri Temple, Vashishth Gufa and many beautiful waterfalls. This leads to very positive vibes in the hearts of Yoga Students. We provide to the foreign nationals, a great homely, loving and caring environment and so therefore, in a very short span of time, we have achieved a GOOD REPUTATION in the field of Yoga. After great achievements in Yoga, now our Motive and Focus is the Soul Peace YOGA FESTIVAL. In this Festival, along with the Yoga, there are 35 Meaningful Lectures on Yoga, Spirituality, Alternative Medicine, Ayurveda,

Tantra Yoga, Music, Various Therapies and many Other Spiritual and Motivational Subjects which in turn will Motivate People to be Greatly Successful in any field of their life! At the same time, we are Organising Various Indian Cultural Music Programmes which will bring a sense of Joyfulness in the hearts of our audiences! In our programmes, we are arranging Herbal Tea Ceremonies & Cacao Ceremony which is a very unique concept and one which everybody can enjoy. At the same time, we provide very Hygeinic and Nutritious Healthy Food according to Yoga. You will thoroughly enjoy the four days of Our Soul Peace Yoga Festival. Great CELEBRATIONs will be enjoyed which will bring Great Insight to your own life and bring Peace and Harmony to your soul. Please join us! We are very proud and happy to welcome you and look forward to having you at our festival.

Chaitanya Paramananda

M.D. World Peace Yoga Shool Chief Cordinator, Soul Peace Yoga Festival 2020. Executive Editor, Soul Peace email magazine /


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One Mukhi

Two Mukhi

Three Mukhi

What is a



udraksha is a natural seed, found within the vibrant blue fruit of the evergreen Elaeocarpus ganitrus, it is indigenous to the Himalayas across India and

Nepal. Rudraksha literally means “the tears of Shiva”. It is said, while contemplating Man’s suffering, Shiva — the great Mahadeva, the Supreme God and divine gift-giver — unexpectedly began to cry tears of compassion. As his tears fell, he guided them towards Earth and transformed them into divine seeds…for the benefit of those seeking freedom from suffering and union with the Divine.

Four Mukhi

Five Mukhi

Six Mukhi

Seven Mukhi

Eight Mukhi

Nine Mukhi

Ten Mukhi

Twelve Mukhi 10

Eleven Mukhi

FLOWER THERAPY The objective behind the therapy


lower therapy works on emotions rather than the body and is used to calm down one’s nerves. It is made from the flowers of wild plants. Read to kAnow details. There are many therapies that are natural and extremely essential for your mental wellbeing. One such therapy is Dr Edward Bach’s flower therapy. Made from flowers, this theory is considered to be a boon. Before passing away, Dr Edward made sure that he left his discovery simple enough for anyone to understand.


According Dr. Bach discovered that flowers found in the wild, have a positive effect on our emotions. He discovered that energies from different flowers remove emotional suffering. The website stated that the remedies are a combination of herbs, medications and homoeopathy. It is safe for children, pregnant women, plants as well as pets to consume it. The liquids are made out of watered down extracts of flowers from the trees found in the wild.


According to Dr Bach studied his patients carefully and found out what kind of medicines would best benefit them. Although Dr Bach was a homoeopath himself, he went beyond the concepts of homoeopathy to make these remedies. The concept of flower therapy is similar to homoeopathy, but instead of dealing with the physical aspects, it deals with the emotional side. The system was made to work on negative emotions. Each negative emotion is categorised in a group, and there are seven such groups. The seven negative emotions are: Fear, Loneliness, Sadness and despair, Lack of interest, Uncertainty, Caring for others at the expense of self. ·Oversensitivity towards ideas and influences. For several centuries, medical practitioners have long acknowledged the therapeutic properties of certain flowers. More than just spanning time, this knowledge also spans many cultures around the world. /


GOARK GO-ARK is the most beneficial medicine for human body


O-ARKÂ is the distillation of the pure desi Cow Gomutra. After Gomutra is collected and boiled then it will be cooled down which is called as GOARK. This is much powerful than Gomutra.Do not directly take Goark. Whatever the quantity of goark you take mix with five times water and consume.



This is the solution to all diseases. We will describe solution for the following important diseases using GOARK. 1. Reduce the obesity. Daily consume min 10 to 30ml mixing with 100 to 150ml of water after the cleaning your mouth. Every month min 2 to 3kg weight will be lost. 2. Reduce the cholesterol to the great extent. 3. It will great relief for the back pain and knee pains , Vatha kind of diseases will be reduced. 4. This will work as anti oxidant will reduce the weakness . It will work as anti ageing. 5. This will work as detoxifier and will protect the body from severe side effects from modern medicine. 6. Diabetic side effects will be avoided. This will also work for diabetes. 7. GOUT and ODEMA: Reduce the swelling of body parts. 8. This will regenerate the died cells in our body. 9. This will play important role to regenerate the fresh cells which are died due to the cancer and AIDS. 10. This will cure the digestive system related diseases such as acidity and indigestion. 11. It will regularise the Mensuration cycles for ladies. 12. This will avoid the diseases related to the Urinary system. 13. Memory power will be increased. 14. This will cure many diseases such as all kidney diseases,Leprosy, white patches,Cough,Piles, jaundice, respiratory diseases,face and stomach diseases. Leprosy diseases can be cured with Calf mutra.


he raw juice therapy allows your digestive system to rest because digesting raw juice doesn’t put much pressure on the digestive system. This translates into a better and quicker absorption of nutrients by the body. The process is very simple because all you need to do is blend different fruits and vegetables and consume them to manage the symptoms of an ailment. To get the maximum benefit from fruits and vegetables, use a ‘900 watt’ slow electric juicer to blend them. Make sure you consume the juice immediately to ensure no loss of nutrients because fruits and vegetables may become stale after you peel their outer skin and lose some of their nutritive value. Juice therapy can be used as the only diet if you want better and quicker results. But in that case, you need to take juice every three hours to maintain your health. If you do not find this comfortable, the therapy can be carried along with your normal diet. There are many positive outcomes of juice therapy, such as follows:

Raw juices contain certain natural medicines, antibiotics and vegetal hormones. For example, fresh juice of onion, tomato, garlic and radish contain antibiotic substances, string bean contains insulin like substance and cucumber and onion juice have the hormone needed by the pancreas to produce insulin. Raw juices are rich in alkaline elements, which help to normalise acid-alkaline balance in our body. Like in most of the health conditions, there is excess acidity in the body. Juices can help prevent it Raw juices have good amount of easily absorbable organic minerals like calcium, potassium and silicon. These minerals help in restoring biochemical and mineral balance in the cells and tissues and thus, prevent premature ageing. Raw juice helps in speedy recovery by supplying needed elements for body’s healing process and cell regeneration. The best part about raw juices is that they require no digestion and all the nutrients get absorbed into the bloodstream directly. /


sease with their re Here is a list of 41 different di Acidity

Grapes, orange, sweet lime, carrot and spinach


Pear, plum, grapes, tomato, cucumber


Apricot, grapes, beet, spinach and carrots


Prune, red grape, beetroot, celery, strawberry, carrot and spinach


Grapefruit, pineapple, celery, lettuce and spinach


Pineapple, sour apple, sour cherry, lemon, grapefruit, cucumber, beetroot, spinach, grapefruit


Apricot, lemon, peach, carrot, radish and celery

Bladder ailments

Apple, watercress, parsley, celery, lemon, cucumber, carrot


Onion, carrot, peach, tomato, pineapple, lemon


Carrot, apple, ginger,beet


Carrot, Apple, spinach


Spinach, celery, carrot, onion, grapefruit, pineapple


Citrus fruits, celery, lettuce, spinach and carrots


Carrot, Apple, Beetroot, Spinach


Papaya, lemon, pineapple, carrot and celery


ucumber, beetroot, red grapes, spinach


Figs, red grapes, carrot, celery, spinach

Eye disorders

Apricot, tomato, parsley, spinach, celery


Carrot, lemon, oranges, spinach


Red sour cherries, tomato, cucumber, spinach, carrot, celery 14

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“Raw Juic e Therapy ”


Apple, tomato, grapefruit, celery, carrot, spinach


Pineapple, honey


Grapes, lemon, carrot, lettuce, spinach

Heart diseases

Beet, spinach, red grapes, lemon, cucumber, carrot, grapefruit

High blood pressure

Grapes, orange, carrot, beetroot


Carrot, cabbage, beetroot


Apricot, onion, carrot, orange, pineapple, grapefruit


Apple, grapes, lemon, carrot, celery


Pear, grapes, carrot, celery, spinach, cucumber, lemon

Kidney ailments

Apple, orange, lemon, cucumber, celery, parsley, beetroot

Liver ailments

Papaya, grapes, carrot, tomato, beet and cucumber

Memory loss

Peach, banana, lime

Menstrual disorders

Turnips, beetroot, prunes, cherry, spinach, grapes


Carrot, celery


Lemon, orange, cherry, pineapple, papaya, tomato, beetroot, cabbage, lettuce, spinach, carrot


Pineapple, banana, soy milk


Grapes, carrots, beet, cucumber


Strawberry, banana, pear


Apricot, lemon, orange, pineapple, spinach, radish, carrot


Carrot, cabbage, pineapple, papaya

Varicose veins

Watercress, plum, tomato, beetroot, carrot, grapes

ia, come to Rishikesh, Learn In Samadhi Yoga Ashram 15

Prenatal yoga TTC • Children Yoga TTC • Kundalini Yoga TTC /

Mud Therapy M

ud is an important element of nature. It contains important minerals which have positive effects on human health. Mud can absorb toxins from human body therefore is very useful in preventing many diseases. It is also known for its healing properties. It also helps in cooling and relaxing body as it can hold moisture for a long time.Â


Why use mud therapy? Â Out of the five constituent elements of this universe mud (earth) has a pivotal role to play in our well being. The dark color of mud helps in absorbing different colors and conveying them to the the body, giving it therapeutic properties. Also, its shape and consistency may be

modified with ease, just by changing the water content, which makes it easy to use. A mud pack is advantageous over a cold compress (cold water therapy) as it retains the coolness over a longer period of time. Therefore, it is recommended whenever a prolonged cold application is required. Lastly, it is easily available and a cost effective treatment option.


d improves 4 It relaxes muscles an ains meblood circulation.It maint ive imsit tabolism rendering po pact on digestion s of inflam4 It is useful in condition ieves pain mation/ swelling and rel ioner and is 4 It is a good hair condit good for skin ion of stiff 4 It is useful in condit joints /


Sujok Wonderful alternative therapy known to have tremendous health benefits


s per Sujok therapy, the hands and feet are the location of systems of active points. These points correspond to the organs. Treating a specific area of the palm or foot would alleviate a diseased organ. The prime idea behind the Sujok therapy is stimulating the points for treating diseases and conditions. This is the treatment which is absolutely safe and is very simple to perform.


Amazing Benefits of Sujok Therapy

Benefits of Sujok Therapy in Treating Mental Disorders Sujok therapy helps in treating many kinds of mental disorders. Depression, extreme phobia, anxiety, addiction etc are some of the mental disorders which can be treated by Sujok therapy. The principle of Sujok therapy is to restore balance and enhance physical as well as mental health.

Sujok Therapy Alleviates Physical Disorders

It is also known that Sujok therapy is beneficial in alleviating symptoms of several physical disorders or physical ill health conditions. Just pressing or massaging key points in the palms or feet, could eliminate chronic diseases such as bronchitis, blood pressure, asthma, constipation, IBS or irritable bowel syndrome, ulcer etc. This therapy is also popularly known for treating gastro-esophageal reflex disease, gastric acidity and prolapsed disc. Moreover Sujok therapy is also known to ease the side effects of chemotherapy.

Sujok Therapy Benefits In Treating Insomnia

A good night’s sleep is very essential for every individual. Our body requires enough rest time to recuperate, repair and regenerate tissues and cells. However at times many

people suffer from insomnia or are unable to fall asleep. Alternative treatments such as Sujok therapy work as stress reliever and can be of benefit in treating insomnia. Massaging specific points on palms and feet would be very relaxing. This in turn aids induce sleep and prevent disturbed night’s sleep.

HEALING INJURIES Apart from so many other benefits; Sujok therapy also has a tremendous benefit and that is; it aids in healing all types of injuries related to neck, feet, hands, joints etc.


One of the best benefits of Sujok therapy is that it helps in reducing the symptoms and improving the condition in diabetes. Sujok is a variation of Acupressure or acupuncture that makes uses of specific points in hands and feet. With Sujok therapy that make use of seeds, star magnets, semi –precious stone along with pressure stimulation; diabetes symptoms could be treated well.

Back Pain

Sujok therapy is also known to relieve back pain. In Sujok Seed therapy, seeds are used in the Sujok treatment. Seeds are known to be the source of life. These seeds are used to create pressure on certain points on the palms and soles, in Sujok therapy. This aids in treating disease and relieving pain.


Are you worried because of being overweight? Do you want to reduce some extra pounds? It must be mentioned that Sujok therapy with Acupressure is absolutely a potential medicine to control obesity. The beauty of acupressure is that each treatment is catered to the needs of the patient. Sujok’s energy concept for treating is only on the palm that will be chosen for overall well- being with the objective of increasing blood circulation and vital energy and reducing the extra lipids. So, one can try Sujok acupressure for reducing weight effectively. /


Herbal Tea



any herbal teas also offer health-promoting effects, and modern science has begun to validate some of their traditional uses. Whether you’re a tea lover or novice, don’t be afraid to give these 10 herbal teas a try.


Herbal teas have been around for centuries. Yet, despite their name, herbal teas are not true teas at all. True teas, including green tea, black tea and oolong tea, are brewed from the leaves of the Camellia


sinensis plant. On the other hand, herbal teas are made from dried fruits, flowers, spices or herbs. This means herbal teas can come in a wide range of tastes and flavors and make a tempting alternative to sugary beverages or water. In addition to being delicious, some herbal teas have health-promoting properties. In fact, herbal teas have been used as natural remedies for a variety of ailments for hundreds of years. Interestingly, modern science has begun to find evidence supporting some of the traditional uses of herbal teas, as well as some new ones.

Here is a list of 10 healthy herbal teas you’ll want to try.


Chamomile tea is most commonly known for its calming effects and is frequently used as a sleep aid. Chamomile is well known for its calming properties, and preliminary evidence supports this. It may also help relieve premenstrual symptoms and high blood lipid, blood sugar and insulin levels.


Echinacea tea is an extremely popular remedy that’s said to prevent and shorten the common cold. Evidence has shown that echinacea may help boost the immune system, which could help the body fight off viruses or infections. Echinacea tea is commonly used to prevent or shorten the duration of the common cold. While several studies have found it to be effective for this use, the evidence on the matter is conflicting.


Peppermint tea is one of the most commonly used herbal teas in the world. While it’s most popularly used to support digestive tract health, it also has antioxidant, anticancer, antibacterial and antiviral properties. Peppermint tea is traditionally used to relieve discomfort of the digestive tract. Studies have found that peppermint oil can help relieve nausea, cramping, spasms and stomach pain.

Ginger tea is a spicy and flavorful drink that packs a punch of healthy, disease-fighting antioxidants . It also helps fight inflammation and stimulates the immune system, but it’s most well known for being an effective remedy for nausea. Ginger tea is best known as a remedy for nausea, and studies have repeatedly found it to be effective for this use. However, several studies have also found that ginger can help relieve period pain, and it may offer benefits for people with diabetes. /




Lemon balm tea has a light, lemony flavor and seems to have health-promoting properties. In a small study in 28 people who drank either barley tea or lemon balm tea for six weeks, the lemon balm tea group had improved elasticity of the arteries. Arterial stiffness is considered a risk factor for heart disease, stroke and mental decline. Preliminary studies have found that lemon balm tea may improve antioxidant levels, heart and skin health and even aid in relieving anxiety.

Rose hip tea is made from the fruit of the rose plant. It is high in vitamin C and beneficial plant compounds. These plant compounds, in addition to certain fats found in rose hips, result in anti-inflammatory properties Rose hip tea is high in vitamin C and antioxidants. Its anti-inflammatory properties may reduce inflammation and pain associated with arthritis. Studies have also found rose hips effective at fighting aging of the skin and reducing stomach fat.


The leaves, stems and flowers of the passionflower plant are used to make passionflower tea. Passionflower tea is traditionally used to relieve anxiety and improve sleep, and studies have begun to support these uses. Passionflower tea seems to be a good choice when it comes to relieving anxiety and promoting calmness. Studies have found that passionflower tea may help improve sleep and reduce anxiety.


Rooibos is an herbal tea that comes from South Africa. It is made from the leaves of the rooibos or red bush plant. South Africans have historically used it for medicinal purposes, but there is very little scientific research on the topic. Nevertheless, a few animal and human studies have been conducted. So far, studies have failed to show that it’s effective for allergies and kidney stones . Rooibos tea has just recently begun to be studied by scientists. Preliminary evidence suggests that rooibos tea may help improve bone health and reduce heart disease risk, but more studies are needed.


Sage tea is well known for its medicinal properties, and scientific research has begun to support several of its health benefits, especially for brain health. A number of test-tube, animal and human studies have shown that sage is beneficial for cognitive function, as well as potentially effective against the effects of the plaques involved in Alzheimer’s disease. Several studies have found that sage improves cognitive function and memory. It may also benefit colon and heart health.


Hibiscus tea is made from the colorful flowers of the hibiscus plant. It has a pink-red color and refreshing, tart flavor. It can be enjoyed hot or iced. In addition to its bold color and unique flavor, hibiscus tea offers healthful properties. Hibiscus tea may help lower high blood pressure and fight oxidative stress. However, it shouldn’t be taken with a certain diuretic medication or at the same time as aspirin. /




s you all must know that sunlight has seven colors. Each of those seven colors has a different nature. It brings a different kind of benefit. Keeping this in mind, we are giving you specific information about those seven colors so that you can take advantage of them. Every Rishimuni worshiper, Brahmin worshiper, from the golden age to the present day, worships millions of Sanatan righteous righteous people in the morning in wet clothes and offer Argya to Lord Surya Narayana at sunrise time. From the midst of the waterflow, the vision of Suryadev is divine and wisdom is powerful. The worshiper is brilliant, courageous, glorious, rich, healthy and has longevity. Now the matter of this religion is seen through scientific approach. There is a chariot with seven different colors in the picture of Surya Narayana. There are seven colors in the rays of the sun, which is also very good for the healer, Maharishi Charaka has given detailed knowledge about the treatment of sun medicine. Different colors of the body Destroys different diseases and gives health.


These colored oils of sun rays are made in water, oil, sugar, ghee, honey. The glass vessel of the color which the body needs, it becomes oil in the sun rays by keeping 6 to 7 hours.


Surya therapy is this type of therapy which everyone can easily use at their home. By this, a person can save his body from getting sick or get rid of his illness. Sun therapy has its own principles which are completely natural.


According to solar science, the cause of disease is the increase in the color of the body. Different colors have different properties according to sun ray therapy. Red color creates excitement and blue color produces power. To take advantage of these colors, wa-

ter is consumed by placing eight-nine hours in colored bottles. The human body is made of chemical elements. The color is a chemical mixture. The body has the same color as the organ which has more color. Like skin color of wheat, hair color is black and eyeball is white. Symptoms of disease are manifested due to decrease or decrease in color in the body, such as lack of blood is a symptom of deficiency of red color in the body. Sun is a storehouse of health and vitality.


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The more contact a person has with the sun, the healthier he will be. People who keep their house closed with windows from all sides and do not allow sunlight to enter the house, they always remain patient. Where the sun rays reach, germs of disease die automatically and diseases. Cannot be born. The sun showers a variety of essential elements through its rays and incurable diseases are also overcome by consuming those elements in the body. Even if a person falls ill instead of being healthy due to the intense sunlight that scorches the body in a few moments, in the ancient book Atharvaveda, morning sun bath has been described as an effective way to keep the heart healthy. It says that the person who consumes the red spots of the sun at sunrise never gets heart disease.

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What Is Sound Healing? The word is emotive


ound healing is the process in which a practitioner uses music — including the emotional, psychological, spiritual, physical, social, mental, and superficial — to improve the health of their patient. Sound healing therapy improves many facets of the patient’s life, including emotional and social development, cognitive


and motor functioning, and psychological and psychiatric health. Healing with sound happens in a number of ways. Patients listen or sing along, improvise musical acts, meditate, chant, and play musical instruments. Some practitioners subject the patient to specifically crafted sounds to induce positive brainwaves.

Can Sound Waves Heal You?

Almost everything we experience in the universe is simply our perception of waves. When sound waves reach our ears, they are converted into electrical signals that travel up the auditory nerve into the auditory cortex, the part of the brain that processes sound. Once sound waves reach our brains, they trigger responses in our bodies. This process alters our emotions, releases hormones, and triggers certain impulses. Although research on how music changes our brains is lacking, there is evidence to suggest that musicians have different brains than those who are not musically inclined. Research has shown that the brains of musicians are more symmetrical. And that the parts of the brain responsible for motor and cognitive functioning, coordination, and reasoning, are significantly larger. And thanks to an enlarged corpus callosum, the two hemispheres of the brain have better communication. In neurological studies, it has been proven that listening to music makes us more productive and creative. It can relieve stress and improves our moods. This is because listening to music floods our brains with dopamine. It also releases oxytocin, a natural painkiller, and hormone that allows us to bond with others. In fact, oxytocin is most commonly found in mothers during labor. Music also helps language development and improves communication. It’s even been shown to increase our IQs, so it’s safe to say that music makes us smarter. It improves our memory too, warding off brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s. Music is powerful. It can change our brains, and so it changes our bodies.

What Are The Benefits Of Sound Healing?

When listening to upbeat or cheery music, or when listening to deep, melancholy songs, our emotions flare and we can better process our feelings. The difference is that we only care to listen to sad songs when we are feeling sad because (and here’s the kicker) we know it makes us feel better. A 2006 study done by the Journal of Advanced Nursing discovered that those who listen to music feel less pain and experiences less anxiety than those who don’t. Since sounds come at different frequencies and we too emit our own waves, healing with sound happens by matching frequencies to those that are conducive to healing and relaxation.


Entrainment is a method of synchronizing our brainwaves by producing a stable, solid frequency that our brains adjust to and then match. Healing with sound can improve or cure many ailments including: • Autism • Depression • Learning disabilities • Anxiety disorder • Stress • PTSD • Pain • It can also bring about: • Clarity and balance • Relaxation • Improved memory and concentration • Improved sleep • A stronger immune system • Improved creativity • Heightened awareness, both of the self and the environment. /


How Much Water Should You Drink Per Day?


The body is about 60% water, give or take


ou are constantly losing waAdditionally, it may be beneficial to ter from your body, primarily drink cold water because your body will via urine and sweat. To pre- need to expend more calories to heat the vent dehydration, you need water to body temperature. to drink adequate amounts of Drinking water about a half hour before water. There are many different opinions meals can also reduce the number of calon how much water you should be drink- ories you end up consuming, especially in ing every day. older individuals Health authorities commonly recomOne study showed that dieters who mend eight 8-ounce glasses, which equals drank 17 ounces (500 ml) of water before about 2 liters, or half a gallon. This is called each meal lost 44% more weight over 12 the 8×8 rule and is very easy to remember. weeks, compared to those who didn’t. However, some health gurus believe Overall, it seems that drinking adthat you need to sip on water constantly equate amounts of water, particularly throughout the day, even when you’re before meals, may have a significant not thirsty. weight loss benefit, especialDrinking As with most things, this ly when combined with a depends on the individhealthy diet. water can cause ual. Many factors (both mild, temporary increases internal and external) Does More Water in metabolism, and drinking ultimately affect your Help Prevent Health it about a half hour before each Problems? need for water. Several health meal can make you automatically Does Drinking a Lot problems supposedly eat fewer calories. Both of of Water Help You respond well to inthese effects contribute to Lose Weight? creased water intake: There are many claims Constipation: Increasweight loss. that increased water intake ing water intake can help may reduce body weight by inwith constipation, a very comcreasing your metabolism and reducmon problem). ing your appetite. Cancer: Some studies show that those According to two studies, drinking 17 who drink more water have a lower risk ounces (500 ml) of water can temporarily of bladder and colorectal cancer, although boost metabolism by 24–30% other studies find no effect The image below shows this effect. The Kidney stones: Increased water intake top line shows how 17 ounces (500 ml) of may decrease the risk of kidney stones . water increased metabolism. Notice how Acne and skin hydration: There are a this effect decreases before the 90-minute lot of anecdotal reports about how wamark. ter can help hydrate the skin and reduce The researchers estimated that drinking acne. So far, no studies have confirmed or 68 ounces (2 liters) in one day increased refuted this. energy expenditure by about 96 calories per day. /


Magnet Therapy


agnet therapy is a clinical system in which human ailments are treated and cured through the application of magnets to the body of the patients. It is the simplest, cheapest and entirely painless system of treatment with almost no side or after effects. The only tool used is the magnet. Magnetic treatment is applied directly to the body parts by the therapeutic magnets available in different powers or as general

treatment to the body. Also magnetic belts are available for different parts e.g. Abdomen, knee, wrist etc. Magnetic necklaces, glasses and bracelets are also used for treatment.


e energy. area. lancing th a b in s e applied lp He tion to th la u ody. c b ir c e s ess in th Improve warmth n e th s e s Increa


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