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‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ stirs up controversy for younger viewers 02.03.15

Explicit content causes parental concern CATY LANGSTON > A&E


he so called “most anticipated movie of the summer” by IMOb, “Fifty Shades of Grey,” will be released to theaters Feb. 14 this year. The film is based on the “erotic romance novel” by E.L. James. Many viewers are questioning the rating that has been given to the movie, rated R, instead of NC-17. Director Sam Taylor-Wood mentions in many interviews that multiple scenes from the text have been removed in the adaptation for the script. The goal was to appeal to a large audience yet still please the readers who enjoyed the scandalous trilogy. On Valentine’s Day many students will either be jumping at the bit to get to the theater early

enough or will be purposefully between 9th and 10th grade is staying home because of the very drastic. content in this specific film. Students were even found The decision should be having some type of sexual made based on one’s maturity. interaction on school grounds, High school students have and everyone knew about it. such substantial access to the So, if students are aware of internet. It’s going to be rare this happening and are mature that students will see something in the film they’ve never seen before, or at least had access to. Everyone who is at the high school level is aware of the -Caty Langston, A&E human body, whether male or female, and is also aware of enough to view the films content sexual interaction. properly, I don’t see a problem However, star character, with it. Jamie Dornan, who plays I understand why some Christian Grey in the film, parents or students choose to has signed a contract saying not see the film. full frontal nudity will not be Its content contains various shown. forms of Sadists and Masochists I am saying this to viewers and sexual content that could of at least 15 years and older. be seen as worse than most R The maturity level of students rated movies. changes a lot when you get to Considering that the film high school, and the difference contains scenes that are

“Students were even

found having some type of sexual interaction on school grounds.”

provocative, the decision to not view it could be due to the mature nature of the content. Although many extremely provocative scenes have been taken out of the movie, there are still many sexual and violent scenes that are shown. The usage of sexually explicit content has made the R rating for the film very questionable. I agree with this point of view as well. I think one’s overall decision should be based upon one’s motives, maturity level, and awareness of the content within the film. After watching the multiple trailers, the three minute clip has caught my attention and drawn my interest. I realise that this is a movie and that the things that go on within the story are not realistic. My parents realize that my morals are strong and that watching a movie would not change my feelings or actions, and because of that I feel that they would give me their consent if I chose to go see it.

Three Best Movies For Valentine’s Day Illustration by Diana Blanco



her younger brother to her father’s home for the summer in Wrightsville beach, Georgia. Little does the defiant teenage girl know, the summer she thinks will be the worst one of her life, turns out to be the summer she’ll not only fall in love with the most unexpected boy, Will Blakelee (Liam Hemsworth), but she’ll rekindle

her relationship with her father through their mutual love of music. This movie will leave you with nothing but glowing reviews as you laugh, cry, and fall in love with the characters Nicholas Sparks so wonderfully created. The Last Song is a MUST this Valentine’s Day.

Seabrook, North Carolina for the summer. Noah sees Allie at a carnival and knows he has to have her. They spend that summer together and fall head over heels in love with one another. However, that summer is only the beginning of these two’s relationship. The notebook is a cliche love story to most, but no one can deny

that it’s one astounding movie. Nicholas Sparks’ heartfelt words translated onto the big screen will absorb every inch of your attentiveness. This is one classic love story that everyone deserves to know in their lifetime.

leepless in Seattle (1993), stars the dynamic duo of Tom Hanks, and Meg Ryan. Hanks, who plays the character of Sam Baldwin, a Chicago architect and father who loses his wife to cancer, decides to move to Seattle for a fresh start. However, even in Seattle he still grieves the loss of his beloved wife. A year and a

half later, after his young son Jonah and him move, Jonah calls in a radio station talk show about finding a new wife for his dad. He convinces his dad to talk to the radio hosts about his previous wife Maggie, and as he does so dozens of women across the country fall in love with Sam Baldwin. One of the women, Annie Reed, an engaged journalist (Meg Ryan)

writes to him, and encourages him to meet her at the top of the Empire State Building like in the movie “An Affair to Remember” on Valentine’s Day. Nothing is more romantic than Valentine’s Day in New York City, and with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan in the midst of it all, it’s a guarantee that this classic movie will have your heart latched from beginning to end.

would have a smaller group than any show in the past, more limos began to show up. With a record-breaking number of 30 women competing to find love this season, patience was running low. Each women fought for just a moment alone with Soules all night long. The pressure got even heavier when the “first impression rose” came into play. Receiving this rose from Soules meant that you were definitely someone that he intended to keep around. Britt, a 27-year-old from California, was able to get the “first impression rose” and even steal a kiss from “the bachelor” himself. The live studio audience that tuned in took an unexpected view on this kiss and said they supported it. Only a very few said that a kiss after only meeting that same day was too soon. Soules’ fellow Iowans took to Britt as soon as she was introduced and really liked her

for Chris. At the final rose ceremony of the night, eight women did not get a rose and were immediately sent home. Although a certain woman, Kimberly, did not receive a rose, she purposely ignored instruction and went back inside the house to ask Soules for a moment of his time. With 22 women with roses in hand, the grouped joined glasses to cheers the remaining journey ahead of them. As the season continues and Soules develops more personal relationships with all of the bachelorettes a concern arises of this notorious show being a true search of love and good virtue, or a modern day escort service. The fact that America needs a nationally broadcasted TV series consisting of 30 women at eachothers throats just to win the attention of one man is borderline pathetic, but is often seen as charming in the

common viewers eye. If the goal of marriage is something that I must fight numerous women for, then I am almost positive I would like no part in it. Many of the women on the show consider themselves “the luckiest girls in the world” and it almost seems kind of depressing to me. Not that the idea of looking for your soul mate isn’t a bold and pretty idea, but to me, the “luckiest girls in the world” won’t need to physically and emotionally share their boyfriend with so many other women. The line of loyalty becomes blurred when an entire relationship is built upon seeing your partner with tons of other girls. The 7:12 break-up rate speaks for itself. I am a complete contradiction in myself because no matter how odd the concept of “The Bachelor” may be to me, there is nothing that could possibly make it less of an addicting show.

he Last Song (2010), originally a romantic novel written by Nicholas Sparks, is a romantic teen drama starring the formally engaged couple Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth. Miley’s character Veronica “Ronnie” Miller, plays a troubled and rebellious 17 year old who is sent alongside


he Notebook (2004), another Nicholas Sparks based American Romantic drama, stars Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams. Noah Calhoun (Ryan Gosling) and Allie Hamilton (Rachel McAdams) are two 17 year old teenagers from very different worlds. It’s the 1940’s and they’re both in


Farmer boy impresses city girls Soules returns for second chance at love JOANNA KECK > REPORTER

From year to year the traditions of the “Bachelor/ Bachelorette” saga may vary, but the one characteristic that will never let us down is the ridiculously great looking people they provide for us to gawk at all season long. Chris Soules will be the 2015 “bachelor” looking for love, but this is not his first time on this show. After Andi Dorfman’s 2014 season of “The Bachelorette” ended in heartbreak for Soules, he is back once again to search for a woman to make his wife.

He is nicknamed “Farmer Chris” by the media due to the 33-year-old’s Iowa roots and farm back home. On Jan. 5, the season began and the black limos began to show up one by one. Each woman stepped out one at a time trying to win over Soules with different cheesy openers he could remember them by. The line defining, charming, and weird came into question when Reegan, a donated tissue specialist, even went as far as to bring a cooler that contains, what looked like, a heart. She immediately explained that it is fake and Soules attempted to laugh it off. After 15 girls had entered the home they would potentially be staying in for the remainder of the season, Soules finally began to commerce with them. As the girls finally began to get comfortable, and even came to love, the idea that this season

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