Opinion page 9

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Freedom of speech



Illustration by Diana Blanco

Twelve journalists killed for controversial cartoon

Satire paper causes major conflict globally

may have been insulting to a large number of their 50% January 7 became a day Islamic French population, that will now live on in but the magazine has the infamy. Early that morning, right to freedom of speech and two Muslim men entered the was willing to exercise this Charlie Hebdo building to seek right. Even more than that, revenge for the controversial Charlie Hebdo is a newspaper illustrations of Muhammad and these journalists and they created. cartoonists were just doing Charlie Hebdo is a what they were hired to do in French satirical weekly the first place. magazine, that ranges from This act of terrorism stands non-conformist reports to as an attempt to intimidate extraneous cartoons. the idea of a free-thinking Armed with AK-47 assault mind and that in itself is rifles, a something of a shotgun, crime. On Jan. and an 7, individualism M80 Zolja world-wide was anti-tank threatened. weapon, When it comes the men down to it, cowardly as people, we took 12 have the right lives and to criticize, injured 11 to judge, to others. completely That’s 12 - Joanna Keck, Reporter slander lives taken anything we due to the ignorance of others. wish. That’s 12 lives that won’t get The beauty of this, whether to accomplish the things they you may agree with an thought they had time for, idea or not, is that that we just for simply doing their job. have the ability to express That’s 12 families that must what we want, without the be completely obliterated. fear of judicial or deathly The lack of value for human consequence. No matter how life becomes sickeningly offensive a piece of writing or apparent when such warped artwork may be, the tolerable people as the two gunmen feel response should never be disrespected. violence. In the past, Charlie Hebdo Later in the week, a Charlie has been known for their Hebdo march across Paris in attention attracting content support of those fallen. and their ability to push Leaders from all over the limits. world came to show their A depiction of Muhammad complete backing of the cause. JOANNA KECK > REPORTER

“That’s 12

lives taken due to the ignorance of others.”

French President Francois Hollande, was front and center of the march, accompanied by leaders of the U.K., Germany, Israel, Palestine, and others. Many carried signs that said “Je Suis Charlie” (I am Charlie). This event was a symbol and catalyst of freedom. People joined across the country to honor the ones fallen and to support France in what they desire to stand for. Freedom. If some weren’t originally fans or supporters of the Charlie Hebdo style of journalism, it was necessary for all that believe in freedom of speech, and just plain freedom, to march. In midst of such a positive symbol was a message, or a lack thereof, coming from U.S. In time of moral chaos in France, President Barack Obama was the only one absent from the march. Obama’s absence struck a hole in the act of valor by making the U.S. appear unengaged. There is absolutely no excuse that I can even imagine for the U.S. not finding anyone from their leadership to travel. Even former President, Bill Clinton, would have been an exceptional choice do to his history of public service and his willingness to help whomever needs it. To live in such a diverse and growing world as we do, it is a necessity that we must learn to not only tolerate independent ideas, but to value them.

The New England Patriots have been accused of deflating their footballs against the Indianapolis Colts on January 18th. In every NFL game, each team brings 12 balls and every team uses their own balls while on offense. Each ball can have between 12.5 and 13.5lbs of pressure. Some quarterbacks prefer 12.4lbs of pressure whereas others prefer 13.3lbs of pressure. Footballs with lower pressure levels can be easier to catch and throw because players can get a better grip on the ball. . The Patriots were involved in a scandal called Spygate, which refers to the videotaping of the opposing team’s signals on the sidelines during games. According to the Constitution and Bylaws of the NFL, “No employee of the League shall use at any time, from the start to the finish of the game, videotaping machines or any electronic device that might aid a team during the playing of the game.” Bill Belichick claims he misinterpreted the rule. He said that because he wasn’t using the footage he was recording until after the game, what he was doing was not illegal. The

league then sent out a memo clarifying the rule, but that didn’t stop Belichick. He told his camera men to continue filming the sidelines of the opposing team, which he now says was a mistake. But, not only were the Pats videoing the opposition’s signals, they jammed the frequency of their opponents’ headsets, terminating communication between coaches and the quarterback. Also, Tom Brady had a second frequency in his helmet allowing him communication with Belichick until the snap, as opposed to communication shutting off 15 seconds before. The Patriots are always being accused of something; every time they win, they were “cheating.” Yes, the Pats don’t mind “playing in the gray area”, but people have a lack of respect for the Patriots. Their records are undeniable. If the Pats were relying on cheating to win, they would have been caught for more than just Spygate. In the end, all of these allegations will not likely be remembered for deflated balls or illegal taping, but for it’s impact on the legacy of the three time Super Bowl champion coach and how his team achieved greatness.

Working in School MOLLIE OWNBEY > SPORTS

High school students face the decision or, in some cases, the demand to get a job and work through high school, while many other students live in luxury, focusing on high school, which can be a full time job itself. This decision is primarily what the parents decide is best for their child. Most parents, I believe, would encourage their high school student to get a job to experience the working life and to gain certain responsibility skills, better time management skills, and independence. Having a job has its pros, but also comes with many hardships, as you have to manage your high school career as well. It is noted that the increased time spent working results in decreased time spent on school activities, and leads to lower academic skills. However, this isn’t always the case, and sometimes the outcome of working as a high school student is positive and makes one an even better student. Many of the students who work in high school do it because it is necessary for the student to help support their family. Their families need the extra money, so them working is a demand by their families that cannot be avoided. However, many parents believe high school is their child’s main job. Getting good grades, completing all homework, and working on ACT scores are their tasks. Some believe that always working can take away from the high school experience. Some refer to getting an “allowance” as something you only receive when you are younger. Not just cleaning the dishes, vacuuming, or doing laundry earn a weekly allowance. In replacement of a written paycheck, some parents are still pursuing the allowance method. I believe this is good for high school students, as well as working, but not every student’s schedule allows for a job. If students are involved in athletics or other extra curricular activities that consume many nights out of the week, the likelihood of getting hired to work one day a week is slim. Receiving an allowance for contributing to your family and maintaining good grades deserves a little bit of a reward at the end of the week. Working as a high school student depends on you and what you can handle. I believe it’s important to have some sort of job, but maintaining your academics should be a top priority. Don’t bite off more than you can chew when it comes to working, so you don’t become overwhelmed and having a job doesn’t become something you can’t handle.


Emma Crites


“mom- i like her dress but she needs to go home. she is drama central”

Jessica Squires @jbangbangg “THIS GIRL IS CRAZY”

Nico Franco


Mattie Boortz


“the only good thing about Mondays is the Bachelor... #FarmerChris”



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Zane King


“I get so excited every Monday night at 7:00 #TheBachelor”

Natalie Eavenson @NPEavenson

“#teambritt @BachelorABC”

Claire Lee


“*date is clearly going down in flames* jillian: “I think it’s going really well!!” #TheBachelor”

Justin Weiser


“Why would girls watch the bachelor and dream over that one guy when there are plenty of beautiful young men on the harber basketball team??”

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