The Herald Volume 9 issue 1

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the herald Issue 1 - Vol. 9

Har-Ber High School 300 Jones Road Springdale, AR

October 15, 2013

Samantha Stansbury



Students, teachers speak out about MOS

Increases in health insurance premiums for school employees has created a

Riegen Anderson

October Edition 2013

fter receiving an email that rumored of a rise in the price of health insurance for teachers, junior English teacher Jessica Shelton could only hope that the rumor was not true. At the beginning of the school year, teachers received another email delivering the news the staff. Over the summer teachers were received a step increase on the salary schedule, but that could diminish quickly. The new increase will force Mrs. Shelton, along with many other teachers, to consider looking elsewhere for healthcare. “We finally get more cash flow and now they’re finding a way to take it away,” said Mrs. Shelton. “I just don’t understand it.” Beginning January 2014, the price of health insurance for teachers will increase roughly 50 percent, and the price will depend on the which insurance plan the teacher chooses. According to the Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators, “out of 71,000 eligible employees, approximately 47,000 actually take health insurance through their districts.” Adding together school employees, spouses, and families, about 75,000 persons are under the public school health insurance program. There are three different health insurance plans of health insurance that school employees can choose from. The Gold, Silver and Bronze plans all differ in price, especially depending on who else is added to their plan. For Mrs. Shelton, the increase in the price of insurance will make it harder on her husband and children, while AP World History and AP Government/Comparative Politics teacher Wendel Nothdurft will not be affected as heavily, due to the fact that he and his wife have no children. He believes that a large cause of this new increase is poor membership in the Union, as insurance companies cannot see an effective and clear response to this problem. Mr. Nothdurft feels that not discussing this increase in price could have long-term effects. “If it is not addressed, I can see it impacting teacher recruitment for future years,” said Mr. Nothdurft, “As well as a direct impact on local business bottom lines! See “Insurance” Page 3


“We will now observe a minute of silence,” cuts in over the intercom as students take their seats in first period. For the following 60 seconds, all that can be heard across the campus is pure silence. A silence full of freedom, by law, giving students the option to begin the day with reflection, meditation, or prayer. On April 2, 2013, Governor Mike Beebe signed into law a requirement of all public schools in the state of Arkansas to participate in a daily minute of silence, allowing students to engage in any silent activity of choice without interacting with another student. The expression of a minute of silence in schools goes hand in hand with the same moment of silence taken during a memorial or ceremony. The new law has brought about numerous mixed and colorful opinions amongst many cultural and religious groups, concerning the use of the word prayer in the legislation. Conflicts arose when advocates of atheist and agnostic groups argued that no non-religious purpose was served in designating an official minute of silence. “It probably has a component of payer as its intent, but a silent moment allows for diversity of religious thought. I think it passes scrutiny,” said AP World teacher Wendel Nothdurft. Mr. Nothdurft added that if used with the right intentions, the moment of silence can benefit a student’s personal life at school. Senior Davinder Braich believes that it might make people feel better starting the day off with the new routine. “I’m not upset. If you want to pray then you can. If you don’t, you don’t have to. It’s a choice,” said Braich. Junior Victoria Burton agreed that the minute of silence could be beneficial in beginning the school day. “I think it’s a great way to start the day because you can start with prayer, meditation, or preparing for the day ahead.” Student Council sponsor Kim Oliver disagrees that the moment of silence has any impact, or benefits the school day. “I think it’s great if students want to do that, but I don’t really see what the purpose is,” said Ms. Oliver. Mr. Nothdurft agrees that the moment of silence seems to have little impact on the student body. “The impact is minimal, but there needs to be a consistent practice. In other words, we needed to do it daily, so that it shows consistency of action.”

English courses follow natural progression of learning Mr. Johnson feels that the maturity gained by senior year is an asset in the class that would not exist if the course were taught to juniors. Students that have experienced both courses also feel that enrolling seniors in AP Language rather than juniors is a smart swap due to the amplification in development that occurs between 11th and 12th grade. “I’d say my speaking skills are more developed and I can participate in class room discussions more,” said Senior Blair Breazeale, “Also I pay more attention to current events now that I am older.”















Features 6



ran du

News 4

Senior Carmen Santiago prepares for second child.


Students gather together in faith filled night.



FFA students win big at Washington County Fair.

News 2

syntax, organization, etc. It is a natural progression of learning which benefits the students by relying on years of skills they have been studying. “ Rather than empathizing the importance of literary devices and how they contribute to theme, AP Language is concerned with rhetorical strategies and persuasion. Also, rather than heavily focusing on novels the course incorporates nonfiction texts into its curriculum. AP Language students are also expected to maintain awareness regarding current affairs and utilize their personal experiences to help them formulate analyses.


The AP English department is unique in the sense that the order in which certain courses are taught goes against the grain. As compared to high schools across the nation, AP Literature and Composition is an 11th grade class rather than a 12th grade course while AP Language and Composition is taught to seniors rather than juniors. The reverse in order between AP Literature and AP Language has been in motion since the opening of the school and has been successful thus far.

In fact, AP Literature teacher Amy Johnson is convinced that schools that teach AP Language at a junior level have the flow backwards as the course is foreign to students that are accustomed to fictitious literature based studies. “Basically, a student’s experience in English class from sixth to tenth grade is based on literature study. They learn the elements of literature like character, setting, and theme, etc. These skills are the building blocks of AP Literature,” said Mrs. Johnson, “Then is AP Lit we push the students to focus on not just what the text is saying but how it’s being said. So we then study tone, diction,


Sports 12








Senior Brock Dessaro battles distractions on the field.


Debate, theater form new Forensics team

Clubs broadens appeal into new categories, competition



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keeping a positive attitude. She will not change her teaching style, and there will still be the “NO-excuses-what-so-ever” As Coach Ta-Neisha Marshall sits policy. through another governing board “I’m so excited to dominate in several meeting, she discovers some life changing new categories. It’s a great opportunity news. The news conflicts with the debate to broaden our appeal,” said Rice. team and the new challenges that the Senior Abby Rice has been on the team could face as a powerhouse in the debate team since she was a freshman. collegiate debate scene. Her favorite part of debate is the This year the debate team will fellowship and family aspect of the team. collaborate with the theater program She enjoys watching kids grow into to make a combination adults through debate. of speaking, plays, and Competing against poetry.The two teams will inexperienced students, travel to many events that Rice does not want host both of the subjects to discourage them and compete as a forensics because she knows that team. they are very clever and “I plan on entering these will learn fast. kinds of events, and I am “I look forward to excited to team up with helping them grow,” some of my friends that she said. are in debate,” said senior New programs Christy Dishong. were added to debate. Dishong has been Student Congress involved in theater for is a new addition to - Ta-Neisha Marshall three years now and is now the debate program. theater president. The debate team will She discovered the desire for theater in propose a bill and go to the Capitol the seventh grade. Dishong is excited for to discuss it on the floor. College the new experience and is looking forward students will be the Congress, while to this first year of the Forensics team. high school students will be the House “The transitions are tough. We of Representatives. competed on the college level and now it “We are now the leaders for the is like everything collapsed,” said Coach I.P.D.A,” said Coach Marshall. “We need Marshall. to be good advocates for the others in The I.P.D.A (International Public I.P.D.A.” Debate Association) determined that College debate consists of eight high school students who competed at the rounds, while high school debate is only colleges were a liability. Coach Marshall four. The team will compete against fought for the debate team to continue people who may not have competed competition on the college level. before. “You know that saying ‘It is what it is.’ “We want to win, but we have to learn That is what we are dealing with,” she said. to win with humility and loose with Despite the change, Coach Marshall is grace,” said Coach Marshall. Ryne Fletcher


“We want

to win, but we have to win with humility and lose with grace.”

Sophomore Joel Edmonson and senior Harlee Marcum debate a current event in front of a panel of fellow classmates. Photo by Riegen Anderson

Students prepare The student section for their futures bites back

Aly Shuster

Sports Editor

Some classes help students prepare for college while others prepare students to graduate directly into a job field. This year, another class was added to the mix: Jobs Skills. “Shortly after school started I realized that I needed some new activities in my classroom,” Mrs. Alex Fitzgerald explains. “I wanted these activities to be relevant and challenging.” Mrs. Fitzgerald started the Jobs Skills class this year with a total of four students: two juniors and two seniors. “So far my students have been really excited about the new activities we are doing,” explained Mrs. Fitzgerald. The students do all their activities with “task boxes” – a plastic box that has all of the items and directions needed for a student to complete their activity independently. “Using task boxes is very common,” said Mrs. Fitzgerald, “and it has been used at Har-Ber before.” Of course, the items for these activities don’t come cheap. Thankfully, many of the staff have been very generous with helping to collect the i tems Mrs. Fitzgerald needs. “It has been amazing

to see how many people have helped,” she stated. “[However] I must admit there are very few needed things left.” Students can help contribute to Mrs. Fitzgerald’s new class by dropping off items such as plastic shoes boxes, wooden or plastic eggs, small plastic Tupperware containers, and shoe polish sets, among many other things. Through these activities, students learn job skills such as assembly and manufacturing skills and office skills. “I use a gradual release model to teach new skills,” Mrs. Fitzgerald said. “First the teacher will show the student how to do something. Then, the teacher will help the student to do the same task. Finally the student is given the opportunity to do the task by themselves.” Through repetition of the same task over and over again, Mrs. Fitzgerald’s pupils will independently learn to become fast and efficient at their tasks. “I believe that every teacher at HarBer High school teaches life skills, that’s our job.” Mrs. Fitzgerald states. “My job is to meet the needs of the students that are in my classroom, so that when they leave Har-Ber they are able to meet and hopefully exceed the goals they have for their life.”

Aly Shuster

Sports Editor

Student sections are usually pretty hectic, especially at away football games where there isn’t as much room as would be in our home stands. Students are pushing and shoving in order to get closer to the railing to see the action up close. At the Har-Ber versus Bentonville game on September 27th, things got more than just “pretty hectic” when a Bentonville student who had found her way into the Har-Ber student section bit down on the arm of senior Douglas Matthews. “Everybody was shoving everyone, trying to get a better spot at the railing,” recalls Matthews. “There was this girl next to me from Bentonville and I guess she got mad and just…bit my arm really hard. It actually started bleeding.” Matthews later uploaded a picture of the bite mark to his Instagram page, eliciting questions from fellow students as to what exactly a Bentonville student was doing in our student section in the first place. “I didn’t even know she was from Bentonville until after the game,” Matthews admits. “I thought I recognized her from school. If I’d known she was

Future Farmers of America

from Bentonville, I would have done something about it.” The Bentonville student was reportedly visiting with a friend in the student section in Har-Ber. Though there are technically no rules against members of the opposing school in our student section, it is probably not the best idea. “There wasn’t much room to begin with,” states senior Emily Kate Davis. “And this group of girls came up and started shoving everybody around trying to get a better view.” In exactly what world is it okay for a student not even from our school to come to our student section and start pushing everyone around and yelling? Har-Ber students are not allowed in Bentonville’s student section, and they shouldn’t be allowed in our student section. Now that all has past, it’s easy to laugh and joke about the occurrence now. “I was kinda scared that maybe she had rabies,” jokes Matthews. “I just kinda cleaned it off though and just went on with my life.” Why was a non-Har-Ber student able to sneak into our student section and bite one of our students without receiving any kind of negative feedback except the infamy of the “biting girl from Bentonville?” There are just some unspoken rules of Student Section Etiquette, folks, and certainly not biting other students is there at the top somewhere.

Grand Champions Senior Ryan Newpher, junior Nic Franco and sophomores Ashleigh Mueller, Kirsten Shafer and Kennedy Edwards received Grand Champion ribbons at the Washington County Fair, which was held Aug. 27-31, 2013. The awards received were as follows: Nic Franco: grand champion broiler; Kirsten Shafer, grand champion breeding rabbit; Ryan Newpher: meat rabbit pen; Ashleigh Mueller: grand champion single fryer rabbit; Kennedy Edwards: grand champion goat. Photo contributed by Patti Priest

news Continued from Page 1

Along with Mr. Nothdurft, AP Psychology teacher William Boyd is disappointed in the news of an increase. While it will not affect him as much, Mr. Boyd understands the affect it will have on his fellow teachers. He is unsure of a solution. “I do not believe teachers can prepare for the increase. There was not much time to prepare, only respond,” said Mr. Boyd. As 2014 is approaching, school employees must begin to prepare themselves and make adjustments in order to cover the cost. Many employees have found different ways to voice an opinion on this issue. Doug Matayo, Chief of Staff to the Secretary of State Mark Martin, encourages teachers to seek advice and assistance regarding their future health insurance plan. “I would encourage teachers who are affected to consult with their benefit director at their school district or a licensed insurance agent to help them review their current plan and see if it meets their needs,” said Mr. Matayo, “or to express their views, they should contact Governor Beebe and their state legislator.” As the cost of health insurance in the school districts begins to rise, Mrs. Shelton encourages teachers to stand up and let their voice be heard, in hopes of gaining more support against this new rise in price. “Don’t give up the fight,” said Mrs. Shelton. “Cover yourselves, and take care.” As reported by,“A spokesperson for the governor said last week that Beebe is aware of the problem of spiking school employee health premiums and plans to ask the Legislature next year to approve additional funding to help teachers and school employees offset the rising premium costs.” Governor Beebe is working towards appropriating $43 million to keep teachers’ premiums increase to no more than around 10 percent. It may only be $36 million and a 16 percent increase on top of the 21 percent rise from last year.

All American boy

Macey Martinez


The theme for the 2014 senior class is leaving your mark. As some will leave their mark in setting new academic achievements and others will perform in the musical. Senior Josh Frazier is leaving mark that will be made known throughout the country. On Sept. 30, the junior and senior classes shuffled down into the gym to see the moment where Frazier was officially asked to join the Army All American Football Team. Even though he knew last year that he was going to the be part of this team, who expressed that he was pretty excited for the adventure that lies ahead. “When they finally officially selected me, it was pretty awesome being there in front of all my friends and family,” Frazier . It wasn’t official for Frazier until all his friends and family were there to experience the moment with him. Frazier was overwhelmed with emotion in recieving such an honor. “Really awesome. I guess cause you’ll be playing against the top football players in the country.” Frazier feels honored to be considered in the top 90 players in the nation. Frazier elaborated on what can be expected at the next game, and that’s, “hustle, going after the ball, and being in the right spot.” “They are excited for me,” said Frazier

of the emotion and support he recieved from his friends. Frazier is expecting to start speed training in the upcoming months and to continue to work out with the football team. Though he seems to have a bright future, he admits that he is only worried with “the right now”. Though he did reveal that he hopes to go to a college where they will accept him for him, and develop a relationship with him. Then then hopes to be able to play for the NFL afterwards, that’s the ultimate goal. He says that the bible verse Proverbs 16:3 (Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans) is his motivation, the quote that keeps him going. For those who don’t know what the U.S. Army All-American Bowl is, it’s a sneak preview of all star high school football players. This nation wide game features 90 of the all time best player in a classic match of East vs West. This game will be taken place in January in San Antonio’s Alamodome. The game will be aired live at 1:00pm ET/12:00 CT on NBC. This year the game will reach all the thousands in the stadium and the millions of viewers watching at home to see the upcoming future of college and professional football.

Seniors bid the Natural State farewell

Ashlynn Mayes

Features Editor

In a society fixated on higher education it is no surprise that a countless number of seniors seek college admission following the discontinuation of their high school career. The question becomes not if someone is planning to attend college, but where they intend to enroll. Due to factors such as price, location, kinship, and overall preparedness many students decide to remain in state for college whereas others aspire to attend out of state universities. Among the students that seek the latter are seniors Laura Arnold, Rahmlee Reynolds, Ryan Thompson, and Yuan Fei Zhang. “I’ve got to be honest. They are not here,” said Reynolds of his reasoning behind seeking admission out of state, “It is not that they are out of state it is that they tend to be better.” Reynolds intends to apply to many prestigious institutions such as Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Vanderbilt, University of Chicago, Yale, Princeton, Berkley, and University of Washington, Seattle. The aforementioned universities are merely a sampling of Reynolds’ list of probable schools as he plans to apply to over 16 universities. Every institution he is applying to offers a very strong and extremely well endowed science program

Crossing the line Diamond Moore


In recent Arkansas news, Arkansas high court has overturned the teacherstudent sex law, banning sexual contact between teachers and students, finding that people 1 or older have a constitutional right to engage in a consensual sexual relationship. According to “” The court sided with 38- year-old David Paschal, an Elkins High School history and psychology teacher who admitted having a five- month consensual sexual relationship with 18-year-old student. With the recent law banning teachers from having sexual relationships with students being shutdown, not only were attorneys for the state upset, it also boiled a little blood for students and teachers here at Har-Ber High School. Ms. Kimberly Oliver and Physics teacher, Mrs. Leslie Pitman both responded by saying, “I believe that because a teacher is in a ‘position of authority’, the age of the student should not matter.” “If someone is 19 but still a high school student, they should be viewed as a minor in this situation,” Ms. Oliver said.

which would bolster his studies in informational sciences. Reynolds’s ideal university would be Harvard, but he has realistically set his sights on University of California, Berkley. Similar to Reynolds, Zhang wishes to be admitted into Ivy League universities. However, Zhang’s list is much more focused as he claims Harvard and Princeton to be his most desirable options. Zhang cites the ability to receive a better education and meet more people, better research facilities, and more prestige as his reasoning behind pursuing higher education out of state. Zhang is not anxious about the transition as he has relocated numerous times throughout his life. “I will miss them, but I am used to it,” said Zhang of leaving loved ones behind when he leaves the state to receive postsecondary education. Zhang currently intends to obtain a degree in the realm of chemistry and feels confident that entrance into any of the out of state colleges he is applying to will greatly enrich his studies. Thompson shares the sentiments of Reynolds and Zhang in regards to higher education. He also feels that admittance into an out of state university will provide him with the best possible education.

However, he is quite uncertain where he wants to attend. He hopes to focus his studies in either the mathematics, science, or foreign language disciplines and knows that he will be applying to Ivy League institutions as well as Georgia Tech. Arnold is unlike Reynolds, Zhang, and Thompson in her out of state university selections, but is much more certain about where she wishes to attend due to her passion for the state of Texas. Arnold’s love for the state stems from the fact that she originated from Texas and that a majority of her family still lives in the area. She hopes to pursue a degree pertaining to the medical field at Texas A&M. Arnold’s parents attended the university and she is attracted to the multiple ministry opportunities and traditions the school offers. Arnold is also drawn to the campus of the school as it boasts over 25,000 trees. Arnold is enthralled by the idea of attending the university as she feels it is where she is meant to be. “There is just something special about being an Aggie,” said Arnold, “when I visited there I was questionable about where I wanted to go and almost immediately fell in love with it as soon as I went.”

Mrs. Pitman also said, “Even though it may seem consensual it could be the total opposite, because no matter how old you are, students often have a hard time or are too scared to say no to people with authority.” “ A teacher is an authority figure, and they should never abuse that position,” English teacher, Mrs. Moore responded in reference to the boundaries between students and teachers. Parents were especially outraged that the law did not get passed. “ My first instinct would be to hold my child, second would be to head to the police station, not only for my child’s protection, but for the teacher’s protection as well, and last but not least, I’d get my child some counseling, because something has to be wrong there that they would feel the need to engage in mischievous acts with a teacher,” said Mrs. Pitman. Sometimes students, because they are so young, confuse a teacher’s care for them as more than them wanting them to succeed. “ I would have a really honest conversation about boundaries and what’s happening,” said Mrs. Moore. According to “” there was an incident, in Montana where a teacher was sentenced only 30 days in jail for having

sex with a 14 year-old student. The judge who sentenced the teacher has since backed down and ordered a new hearing. The girl who was involved committed suicide after the incident came to light. “I would immediately go to the office and report it, then call my parents.” Said senior Brittany Jankowski. “They’re looking for something to fill what they’re not missing. They do it for the thrill of it,” the senior also added about why she thought students engaged in sexual relationships with teacher.

“A teacher

is an authority figure, and they should never abuse that position.” - Leslie Pitman



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For the last thirteen years, the AllAmerican bowl has hosted some of the great players football fans know today: Tim Tebow, Andrew Luck, De’Anthony Thomas, Percy Harvin, AJ McCarron, Patrick Peterson and hundreds more. Also, 125 best young marching band musicians, U.S. Army All-American Marching Band, will be performing during halftime. Frazier will not only leave a mark at the school to have had an All-American football player, but also an impact on the expectation the future football players at Har-Ber will have for themselves. As Frazier head to San Antonio in January, he will have a whole city cheering him on and wishing him only the best.

“It was really

awesome being there in front of all my friends and family” - Joshua Frazier

Schools’ 21st Century Flop

Elizabeth Harp


Standing at her newest investment, math teacher Jillian Young etches out the day’s notes to a class enchanted by the way the high tech pens magically print onto the Smartboard. Mrs. Young, who first started teaching at Shiloh Christian, is used to teaching with high tech devices. “I started my teaching career with a Smartboard and want to stay consistent,” she said of why she felt the need to purchase a Smartboard of her own for her classroom when she saw hers was not already well equipped. In a high tech age full of tech savvy teens, Mrs. Young feels that the use of interactive technologies not only helps her as a teacher, but helps her students learn as well. “I like to plan out and display the notes as I teach, and the Smartboard allows me to do that in addition to adding interactive features,” she tells of the many benefits. But while Mrs. Young feels it helps her teach, AP Psychology teacher William Boyd feels that technology helps what he cannot teach. “There’s an offering there that we just don’t have within the walls of the classroom,” said Boyd, but he does offer that, “with some students, they get so wrapped up in the project, that they neglect the learning of the content.” Students often got so wrapped up in adding new-fangled and dynamic aspects of their project, that they often forget that the whole point was to develop a better understanding of the material. “The learning that is supposed to take place, in that project, takes a backseat to the technology that they’re involved in,” said Mr.Boyd. One unique piece of technology that Mr. Boyd does say that he would like to see is electronic textbooks, but he knows that it all comes down to the money. “Money will be a guiding consideration,” said AP Government and AP World History teacher Wendel Nothdurft of the potential to improve our technologies. In response to this, Mrs. Young said that she feels, “money does need to go towards technology,” but also that, “the technology does need to be meaningful and accessible to all.” The Smartboard gives, “a visual representation of the assignment,” said senior Kylei Caballero, “technology enhances our lives daily so it’s worth the cost.”






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Event focuses on faith

Senior Callie Cannon listens intently while her nurse talks her through the process. Photo by Tabitha Bacon Senior Melissa Castillo waits while the nurse preps the equipment for her blood donation. Photo by Tabitha Bacon

Elijah Cromwell Reporter Just a week ago, on Tuesday, October 8th, one of the annual blood drives took place. Although HOSA and Senior Class Council hosts these twice a year, students are encouraged to donate as much blood as possible, in order to help more and more people. HOSA sponsor Debbie Davis talks about some of what blood can do for others. “Anyone who needs a blood transfusion can use this blood which can be suffering from a traumatic injury, someone with some kind of condition that causes them to need blood,” she said. “There are many different reasons for why people could need blood.” School isn’t the only place students can donate blood; several other locations are often available for donation if a student missed the drive.

“We just kind of organize this at school and then try to get kids to kind of donate blood,” Ms. Davis said. “The blood itself gets processed at the Community Blood Center of the Ozarks and they are the ones who distribute it to the community. They run drives in other areas of NWA as well. According to Mr. Davis, Sonic does a blood drive, there’s a list of high schools that donate all over the state of Arkansas. Even in McDonald County in Missouri, banks sometimes have them, you’ll see them in hospitals of course, so any time you see a Community van out, you can donate blood.” Senior John Strange, came to donate for the fifth time since his sophomore year. “It hurts for a second but then it’s okay” Strange said. “When the blood is actually being removed you get a little light headed, but it isn’t really that bad either. Sometimes I mess with the assistant and act like I’m feeling dizzy or passing out. It’s really funny”. Brett Shumate is a “runner”; his job is to grab the extracted blood when it’s done

Getting the

Macey Martinez


It was a wonderful Tuesday afternoon as senior Kasie Wade walked out of the gym side double doors with Johnny Cash on her lips. The birds were out whistling along, and the squirrels were dancing with one another to the beat being displayed. She threw her head back, filling the atmosphere with laughter and joy. So much happiness that she even waved at the annoying girl in her TV class. Nothing could bring her down- until she approached her car. It was like she was falling from cloud 9 just like Katy Perry. What was on her car was something she wouldn’t wish on her own enemies. There it was, sitting on the driver’s window, a bright hunter’s orange sticker that was mocking her. Stumbling backwards, she let out a cry, “WHY?!” Coach Wood was sitting at his desk in his office putting away the extra orange stickers. On Sept. 3, Coach Wood stuck orange warning stickers on 145 cars including Kasie Wade. Within the next week 128 of those unlucky people

Crack the ACT

Cidnie Lewis


Students everywhere wake up early Saturday morning missing cartoons and sleeping until noon to sit in a room with other students to take a test that will determine whether they go the Iv League or the Community College route. A great way to walk in on test day would be prepared both physically and mentally. To physically prepare yourself, you can start the night before with a decent meal, setting out everything you’ll need for the test, and getting enough sleep to function like a half way normal human being. Be sure to keep your cool and think positive; avoid things that make you feel otherwise, like your crazy ex girlfriend. The morning of the test you should be sure you repeat the process of a good meal and getting everything for the test, minus the sleep part, of course. Go through your checklist of admission ticket, photo ID,

being taken and run it to a storage area. “It’s boring most of the time since we’re just standing here, but we’re making it a game right now to see who can get the most blood delivered. The score is four to one right now in my favor.” said Shumate. “You just gotta have fun when you can and be serious and when you need to be”. Junior Lauren Howard and Senior Joseph McCulley both felt uneasy after their blood had been taken, and McCulley had even passed out. “The last thing I remember was closing my eyes for a just second and then everything went blank,” McCulley said. “The next thing I woke up. I feel a lot better now though.” Lauren Howard had a similar experience, but didn’t faint. “This was my first time donating,” she said. “I was really nervous at first ,but it wasn’t that bad until later when I started feeling a little light headed”. With 92 pints of blood donated to help those in need, the Community Blood Center to help many a wounded person.


gathered up $15 and form, and got their parking stickers. With this news, Coach Wood beams with pride. As he talks about the student body, he express much pride in how the student body “started off awesome, and that I couldn’t be any prouder of them.” All he could say was how proud and pleased with the students. He expressed much affection towards the students. The reason why he didn’t pursue towing once again this year was because of the expenses and having to go off site. He felt that it would be more of a convenience for the student body to just have on-site booting and pay $35 then having to go out of the way and pay an unreasonable amount of money to get it back. “The money will go into building funds, which is going straight back to the student needs”, Coach Wood explains. Every penny that a student has to pay for the removal of the boot will be put back into

the student pocket in building funds. “I definitely have more than just two boots,” Coach Wood said when confronted about the rumor of how many boots he has. He then goes into informing me about how he chose who got booted. He says that the number one thing that will get you booted, no hesitation, is illegal parking. The next cars that will be booted will the ones who ‘ve gotten warning stickers, and that, my dear friends, will be the first cars that he meets. It’s a free for all. When is the booting going down? The booting will commence Sept. 16. All in all, Coach Wood couldn’t be prouder of us. He was beaming with happiness that 127 student went and got parking pass in a week. I mean the man was filled with pure joy. So if you’ve been stickered already and still are failing to get a parking past, be worried, who knows when Coach Wood will strike.

calculator and number two pencils. Don’t take your cell phone; they’re not allowed near the tests. When taking the test, be sure to mark all over your test booklet. Not just stick figures and flowers, but actual scratch work like hints, formulas, acronyms, and anything else that will help you in the test taking process. If you have to guess at any point in the test, be sure you do so intelligently. Do what you can to eliminate answers you’re sure aren’t correct and choose the answer you find to be the most accurate. Be sure to move around as best you can; pop your neck, move your legs, stretch your arms and whatever else you can do. Getting down to the actual bulk of the test, some great strategies for the math portion are solve first and use all your time. You should also make sure not to spend any more than a minute on any given problem, and make sure you don’t leave a single question blank. For the English portion of the test you want get used to educated guessing and reading carefully. Also be sure to review and remember the rules for grammar and writing, and to go with your gut. For the Science portion, it’s critical

to remember questions typically go from easiest to hardest, so finish what you know first, and then move on to the harder questions, but still be sure to not spend any more than about a minute on any given problem. Also, don’t freak out about having to sound like a scientist in your writing. If you don’t know exactly what a word means or exactly how to use it, don’t. You won’t get counted off as long as the test graders understand what you’re saying. In the end, the best thing you can do is pace yourself, keep calm, and guess intelligently. All informationin this article was gathered from


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Students celebrate their faith by sharing testemonies with one another. Photo by Diamond Moore.

Jakob Garcia Reporter

Gathered together on the field behind Hellstern, students worshiped with one another at the FCA hosted event “Fields of Faith” Oct. 9. Students gave their testimonies, and Gage Lance led the whole congregation in song. It gave students a chance to worship in school environment without violating separation of church and state laws. “I was extremely nervous. I prayed all day for peace. I didn’t say anything that I had planned on, it was the Holy Ghost speaking through me tonight,” said junior Kimberly Huff, who spoke in front of all the students. “I’m so glad because it’s a chance for people who don’t like the church scene, cause it can be kind of intimidating.” Coach Tim Ebarb, a key figure in FCA, played a huge role in organizing the event, despite Springdale High having a more organized plan. “I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome,” said Coach Ebarb, “I know a lot of kids had already committed to going to the Fields of Faith at Springdale, whereas ours was more of an impromptu thing, with a little less planning.” An approximate count of 150 students attended, from SHS, HBHS, and even middle and elementary schools. One of the goals of Fields of Faith was to have the students share instead of teachers or adults, so as to help to relate and create a better understanding between students. “ I didn’t speak tonight, but spoke to FCA at the initial meet so as to set forth a main objective. We wanted the students to take a more active role. They hear me talk all the time, it was a good change to have the students lead.” Arkansas Razorback’s Offensive lineman Brey Cook, a Har-Ber legacy, spoke at the meeting. Students were honored to have such an inspirational figure speak at their assembly. “I was happy that such a big figure came out to share the word of God.” said senior Trent Jones.

Hear me roar

Diamond Moore


I see you like no one else. When people look at me, they know I’ve already seen the best and worst of them. I am the only place where you can be yourself. When you look at me, you cannot help but show who you really are. I am your reality check. When you want to feel pretty, I am the first person you run to. I can be your worst enemy, exposing all of your insecurities, all of your fears, your worry, your frustration and anger. I can make you feel ugly even though I don’t mean to. All I want to do is make you see yourself how I see you. Someone whose teeth are slightly crooked, whose face is full of freckles, whose body has a slight pudge. Someone who is full of flaws, but who is perfectly imperfect. I am Diamond. I am a mirror.

features Ashlynn Mayes


Contrary to the widely held belief among the student populace, teachers do indeed have passions and interests outside the realm of academics. In fact, several teachers pursue fascinating hobbies completely under the radar of student awareness either for enjoyment or pragmatic purposes. Among the educators that engage in enthralling activities outside of school are AP Language and Composition teacher William Combs, Geometry and AP Statistics teacher Darrell Irvin and AP World History and AP Government and Comparative Politics instructor Wendel Nothdurft. Dr. Combs devotes his spare time to landscaping and World of Warcraft among other leisure activities; whereas, Mr. Irvin constructs stained glass windows. Mr. Nothdurft is absorbed by the exploration of the human condition and couples that keen interest with flea marketing. Dr. Combs’ love affair with World of Warcraft began about nine years ago when he received the game as a Christmas present from a close friend. The aforementioned friend had insisted that Dr. Combs would enjoy the game prior to actually gifting the game and his intuition

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?


proved correct. “I loved it. It is fantasy-based and contains swords, sorcery, and good versus evil. All of the things that a nerd likes,” said Dr. Combs with a chuckle. In addition to participating in World of Warcraft, Dr. Combs also finds amusement in landscaping. His initial attraction to the art was a desire to create curb appeal for his home. However, the interest has since blossomed into an outlet to express his passions as well as a sense of dichotomy. His front lawn is fairly standard, but his backyard will soon reflect his passion for gaming as Dr. Combs plans to somewhat replicate a land from World of Warcraft. - William The structure will resemble a Chinese garden by incorporating bamboo, a koi pond complete with lilies and statuary. Dr. Combs also has intentions to coordinate his front lawn with his neighbors’ by creating one unified theme that would extend across both lawns. Like Dr. Combs, Mr. Irvin’s passion has been ongoing for approximately nine years.

Mr. Irvin’s interest in creating stained glass windows came about when he purchased a house that had twelve translucent transom windows. “We discovered that even though light is good, it stains furniture,” said Mr. Irvin of the reason he began to look into stained glass. Originally, Mr. Irvin explored the option of purchasing professional stained glass to replace the translucent glass in his transom windows but soon realized that the expense was more than he was willing to pay. Following this realization, Mr. Irvin took a course and learned to contrive stained glass windows on his own. The amount of time he allocates to his hobby is Combs dependent on his mood and the weather, but each window requires much attention, as it a very intricate process. He must cut each piece of glass by hand and assemble the segments as if they are parts of a puzzle before finally wrapping each component with copper foil tape and soldering them together. He often creates his own patterns in order to

“It is fantasy-

based and contains swords, sorcery, and good versus evil.”

“I enjoy woodworking. I’ve built some furniture this summer.” -Travis Fink Math Teacher

“I like to play softball with my team.” - Amy Johnson AP English


match the decor of his home, but for his most recent endeavor he is drawing inspiration from a photograph he came across online in order to create a piano-themed window. Since learning to create stained glass windows, Mr. Irvin has successfully transformed ten of the 12 transom windows into elaborate works of art. While Mr. Nothdurft’s interests do not manifest in the form of art, they do require a lot of involvement much like the extracurricular activities of his colleagues. Mr. Nothdurft has been fascinated with the human condition for the vast majority of his life, but his fondness for flea marketing has recently emerged. He is an avid reader of the subject and engages in discussions in order to satiate his relentless curiosity regarding the human condition. He also works with his wife in a flea market booth to involve himself with his newly molded interest. Mr. Nothdurft regards his passion to gain insight into the complex human condition as a part of his persona. He even views the everlasting interest to be “tedious and laborious,” and he tends to entertain thoughts involving the matter 24-7. “I cannot avoid my more philosophical bent,” he said. “It is like a moth to the flame and more and more that flame wanes.”

“I like being outdoors, working out, and riding bikes.” -Stephen Needham Physics Teacher

May the best homecoming dress win

Samantha Stansbury



omecoming dress shopping: the infamous search that sends the majority of high school girls into an excited and stressed state of panic. For most girls, the search begins as an enjoyable endeavor, until success becomes unlikely and dresses start to accentuate parts of the body that they definitely shouldn’t be drawing attention to. The result is, more often than not, tears, the reconsideration of staying home to spend time with Ben & Jerry, and wasting homecoming night away watching Channing Tatum movies. Eventually, with extreme perseverance, the journey ends and the perfect dress is unveiled. Luckily for senior Ashley Alston, the hunt for a dress to wear to her last high school homecoming lasted for only a week. Alston searched the racks of both Tesori and She Said Yes trying on various dresses, until the final dress she tried on caught her eye. “The one I found was the very last one I tried on, and what’s funny was I wanted it in black, but they didn’t have it. So, I was fixing to order the one I got in black, and the lady told me to wait. They actually had it in black, no one had ever tried it on, and it was my size,” explained Alston, ”It was meant to be.” Junior Rachel Baker was also lucky enough to have found her dress, and on the first day she went shopping at Dillard’s. Having found a dress already, Baker shared her opinion on the most ridiculous part about finding her dress for homecoming. “Girls compare themselves and their dresses to other girls’ dresses. I think all that matters is that you love it, it’s comfortable, and that you can have a fun time in it at homecoming,” said Baker. In sophomore Elizabeth William’s opinion, finding a dress that’s unique, that will look good in pictures, and in the right size is the most difficult part about finding a dress. Williams continued to discuss the best place to buy an original ensemble. “I’d say little boutiques. Big stores are great, but little ones are unique and most people don’t think to go there,” said Williams. To sophomore Peyton Stewman’s misfortune, finding a dress for homecoming has yet to happen. For Stewman, ordering a dress is not an option, but traveling out of state is. - Rachel Baker “I would go as far as Tulsa. I can’t deal with the risk of a dress not showing up on time, being the wrong color, or not fitting. It’s too much risk,” said Stewman. Although it’s a hunt that brings numerous girls to tears, finding ‘’the dress’’ proves rewarding and worth the stress.

“I think all that matters is that you love it, it’s comfortable and that you can have a fun time in it at homecoming.”




A true teen mom among us

Santiago prepares for second child

Diamond Moore

Senior Carmen Santiago first found out she was pregnant with her first child during her sophomore year of high school, “It was two years ago so I don’t remember much, but I do remember being scared,” Carmen said on how it she felt the first time she found out she was pregnant, “ I didn’t know what to do,” she added. Carmen found out she was pregnant with her second child, who’s due next month, in late February. “I already know what to do on my own now. I’m not as scared because I’m better prepared now,” Santiago said on how she felt about the upcoming arrival of her baby boy. Teen pregnancy not only affects the teen who’s pregnant, but the parents of that teen as well. Carmen’s mother wasn’t really overjoyed with either of her pregnancies. “When she found out about the first one she was really upset because she didn’t expect this from me.” Carmen added, “The second time she was really concerned about my education and what I was going to do with my future.” According to, 30 percent of the 1.3 million teens that drop out of high school each year cite teen pregnancy for the reason. “After this pregnancy, I’m definitely going to come back to school, try my hardest to finish, and go on to college,”

Reporter Santiago said on this issue. Most teen moms who are going through high school pregnant, dropout because of the reaction they get from their peers. “In school I felt like people were all starring at me like they’ve never seen a pregnant person before,” teen mom Carmen said on how it felt being pregnant in high school also adding, “It kind of made me uncomfortable being around people who would stare so much.” Most teen parents find that the dreams they set for themselves, like attending college and getting a degree to go on and establish their careers, are put on hold when having a child. Carmen, who wants to be a school teacher, is determined to push through it all saying, “It’s going to be harder to afford college, it’s also going to be a challenge taking care of my kids and doing school work at the same time, but I’m determined to do it for myself and my kids.” Santiago’s not doing it all on her own, her boyfriend has been a great support system through it all. “Well, we live together so it’s easier,” she also added, “he helps me buy things for the kids, when I’m in a bad mood or I’m having a tough day, he helps me through it.”

What’s napping in your knapsack? For some students, their backpacks or purses transform into their own carry along closets, makeup collections, toiletry bags, or junk drawers. The life of the high school student is fast paced and tireless, and often our bags become our dumping ground. Trashed out with McDonald’s wrappers, poker cards, Asian candies, and tangled wads of ear buds, our bags are tossed carelessly into backseats, against desks, and on worn down backs. So we invite you to take a look at all the interesting things you can find within your bag! Senior Abby Williams scrounges thorugh her tiny purse to find an odd assortment of items. Among these items is a silver and black bracelet composed of pop can tabs made by a Honduran child and a simple white feather. In the search through her handbag, she pulled out many common items such as lotion and other toiletries, but these odd items laid upon her desk drew the attention of her peers.

Senior Bailey Parks emptied out his backpack to find some interesting treasures hidden within. His finds inclue a pair of scissors, an old hackey sack, a roll of Smarties, a beachy turtle necklace and a small plastic bag full of replacement rubber ear bud tips. While some of these objects seem average, he finds them to be odd and out of place within his own backpack.

Senior Cindy Navarro dumps over her stylish handbag to find the most random objects yet. Among these is a lamented picture of Jesus(of which she does not know the origin of, but knows it was first found in her wallet), a box of matches(found underneath her car), and a box of old school cap erasers.

Santiago poses a month before her due date as she waits on edge for her newborn to arrive. Photo by Elizabeth Harp

Matthews pursues fitness fame

Ashlynn Mayes

Lana Del Rey’s sultry voice softly pours from the speakers as footage of senior Douglas Matthews, breezing through an intensive workout, rolls on the screen. Matthews decided to merge his interests in film and fitness by creating a YouTube account in which he posts short videos of exercise combinations he puts together. “ I just want to get people educated in what to do, how to stay healthy and live a good life,” said Matthews. Matthews’ passion for fitness began at the age of fifteen when he decided to get into better physical condition in order to supplement his football performance. His initial workouts consisted of basic sessions of running and weightlifting but have since become much more rigorous. Matthews devotes approximately four and a half hours a day to exercise as he completes an hour and a half wrestling

Features Editor workout at school in addition to working out for two to three hours on his own time. His dedication to his physique does not go underappreciated. “He does each workout with 100 percent heart and 100 percent dedication, “ said senior Justin Dhaliwal, “the way he takes off his shirt is an inspiration to all.” While Matthews currently has only four videos, he is in the process of posting many more. Each video requires much effort as Matthews curates the workouts featured, performs the routines, selects the music, films the process, and edits the footage by himself. He hopes to inspire people with his effort and eventually pursue a career in fitness by competing in bodybuilding and earning a degree in either kinesiology or physiology. “He does what he loves and in a positive way,” said Dhaliwal.

Student legacies affect many

Samantha Stansbury

It lurks deep in the back of our minds, eyeing its prey before it strikes abruptly, going in for the kill and dragging its victims into its three year sentencing. It’s high school; one of the most anticipated, yet dreaded times in a teenager’s life. For most first born siblings, discovering which classes to take, what teachers you want, and which crowd to hang out with can be a rollercoaster of unfortunate events. Luckily for younger siblings, having an older brother or sister who attends the same school as you can present a distinct advantage, or disadvantage, over other students. Student legacies rely heavily on the older sibling’s reputation among teachers and classmates, the activities they participate in, and the typical high school stereotype they’re associated with. This was the case for junior Alex O’Brien, who was always known for being ‘Ben’s little brother’ throughout school. “It was interesting coming in as a sophomore because it seemed like everybody already knew me. But, especially now, I really enjoy it. It’s easier to be involved in clubs and events when both of us are a part of it, and he can give me advice on the classes I’m taking,” said Alex. Alex O’Brien also commented that teachers didn’t treat him, or expect certain behaviors out of him based on his older brother, Ben O’Brien, past conducts with one exception. “We both had Mrs. Waits last year and I was expected to keep Ben out of trouble


because I was his brother,” said O’Brien. Being new to the high school atmosphere, sophomore Taylor Vanhook also discussed what it was like to be the younger sibling in the same school, and its several advantages it has. “I don’t see her very much, but she showed me around school and I feel like she cares about me making it through. She talks to me and reminds me not to give into anything,” said Taylor. Taylor’s older sister, senior Haley Vanhook, revealed how she’s more protective of her younger sister now that she sees and is more involved with her. “Since we’re both in high school now, it’s easier to relate. She’s taking the classes I’ve taken, and I can give her advice about things I wish I would’ve done differently sophomore year,” said Haley. Along with being the vigilant older sister, Haley also strives to set a positive example and leave a legacy worth remembering. “A legacy of someone who wasn’t afraid to try new things, or worry about what anyone else thought,” said Haley. In contrast to Haley, senior Ben O’Brien believes that leaving a legacy for his younger brother, Alex O’Brien, to follow isn’t important. “I don’t feel like i need to set legacy for him to follow. It’s not at all like he’s trying to follow in my foot steps and out do me. We have our own lives and try to be the best at those and set our own separate legacies,” said Ben.




Pop of pop culture

Wildest Halloween costumes yet Elizabeth Harp Co-Editor

2013 so far has been full of pop culture mishaps and intrigue that impressed us all, and with Halloween right around the bend, these events are sure to influence costume choice. For those in need of some inspiration, here are some golden ideas that will be sure to impress. Miley Cyrus: Oh, I just can’t wait to see the many wild impersonations of this “Child star

gone wild” running the streets! This works best for those with short hair, unless you plan on pulling up long hair into a short wig. This can be an easy one to throw together last minute with crazy clothes, blonde temporary spray dye, hair gel, red lipstick, and a tongue going dry from overexposure. With so much room to make this your own, it’s sure to be one popular pick, and personally, I really hope to see a few males pull it off! Grab your foam fingers! Duck Dynasty: The rag tag, hillbilly bunch who found television fame is sure to be the focus of many Halloween male group costumes. It’s as simple buying a fake beard (or growing out, you manly men!) and getting totally decked out in camo. Just make sure someone wears Willy’s infamous American flag bandanna headband and Si’s huge 80’s style glasses. Pitch Perfect’s Barden Bellas:

movie reviews Prisoners:

Great female group costume, and easily done too! A huge factor when doing group costumes is budget, but with a fantastically simple idea such as this, you may just have most of what you need already in your closet! A black pencil skirt, a white polo, a black cardigan, matching heels, and a yellow bandanna modestly tied around your neck like a flight attendant to polish off this look. Pitch Perfect is a cult classic among the girls of our generation, and this costume will be sure to impress your peers when they see your ingenuity. The Avengers: Of course this is to be expected. As it does every Halloween, superheroes will dominate the Halloween parties. This idea can be for either gender, but no matter what, it is always done best in a group. Honestly though, I hope that we can come up with more witty and outside the box ideas than a mainstream Captain America. The Walking Dead’s Zombies: Zombies are always popular on

Halloween, but with such great effects in shows like The Walking Dead, expectations have risen. This gives a whole new twist to the average fake blood zombies. With impeccable craftsmanship, the old fashioned just won’t do anymore. So if you do plan to attempt this, pop culture demands you must do it up right! To list out what you might need to accomplish this would be endless, so for our sake, I won’t bore you with it. Honey Boo Boo with Go Go Juice: Trash television always makes for the best costumes! On the unfortunately hit tv show, “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo”, she is often seen drinking what she calls “Go Go Juice”. This deadly concoction is the mix of Mountain Dew and Red Bull, which sends her to the edge of crazy and back if you can imagine. Don a frilly dress, a blonde curly wig, pounds of makeup so thick that you are unrecognizable, and keep your Go Go Juice close for a hilarious costume that everyone will notice and love.

Battle of the boy bands

RELEASE DATE: Sept 20,2013 GENRES: Mystery & Suspense, Drama RATING & TIME RUNNING: R, 2 hours 26 minutes MAJOR ACTORS: Hugh Jackson, Jake Gyllenhall, Viola Macey Martinez Davis, Paul Dano SUMMARY: Reporter After his daughter and her friend get kidnaped, Keller Ah, yes, the infamous boy band Dover (Jackson) sets out on a quest to find them with the only showdown, the old vs. the new has evidence the has being an RV that was parked on their street finally appeared. The Backstreet Boys is earlier. With no hardcore proof on the driver, Alex Jones a classic heart-throb band, constantly (Paul Dano) and Detective Lokie (Gyllenhall) is forced to let keeping their fans at arms length. him go. However, fully knowing that his little girl’s life is at However, sixteen years later, the time stake, Dover does what any parent would do and take matters of the boy band has once again found in his own hands. The question is how far will he go to protect their way back into our hearts and his family? One Direction is leading the way. One Direction is the famous British boy group who seem to only want to have fun and enjoy life. Who is the ultimate boy band? Let’s take a closer look. BACKSTREET BOYS: This group REALSE DATE: Sept, 20 2013 of guys formed in Orlando, Florida GENRES: Drama, Musical & Performing Arts, Speical in 1993. In 1996, the boy band rose Interest to fame with their album “Backstreet RATING & TIME RUNNING: PG13, 1 hour and 49 minutes Boys.” Coming out with a couple MAJOR ACTORS: Josh Holloway, Laz Alonso, Josh Peck, albums, they broke off the band. The Chris Brown BSB reunited in 2005 and released SUMMARY: another album “Never Gone.” After What is Battle of the Year? Only the greatest touring, Richardson, a band member, international dance competition that gathers the best of left the group to pursue other dreams the best dance crews from all around the world. However, and interested. However in 2012, America hasn’t been able to keep up with the intense level Richardson rejoins the band, and they of dancing for the last fifteen years. But when a Hip Hop came out with the album “In a World mogul, Dante, decides to bring America at the top once again. like This” released July 2013. They were With the help of a championship winning basketball coach, the first band to have 9 albums reach Blake, and the theory that with a great coach any team can the top 10 on the Billboard 200, and become a champion, they create the ultimate dance team of the best dancers across the US. With the clock ticking with received a star on the Hollywood Walk only 3 months to mold a team into a super A-grade dance of Fame. crew, Blake must use every trick up his sleeve to bring twelve ONE DIRECTION: Originating from talented dancers to come together as one and to bring home London, this band formed in 2010. the trophy. After finishing in third place in a British TV show, The X-Factor, they signed with Syco Record, and came out with their first album, “Up All Night” in 2011. Then they released their next album a year later. They have sold 19 million singles and 10 million albums, and have hit the top of most major markets. The REALSE DATE: PG, Sept 27, 2013 band has won multiple awards such as GENRES: Action & Adventure, Animation, Kids & Family, Science Fiction & Fantasy RATING & RUNNING TIME: PG, 1 hour and 35 minutes MAJOR ACTORS: Bill Hader, Anna Faris, James Caan, Will Forte, Terry Crews SUMMARY: Flint Lockwood is back! When Flint is recognized by his idol, Chester V, he invites him to a company where the brightest new inventors develop new products for the world, The Live Corp Company. Flint’s dreams are finally becoming a reality, but things quickly go down hill when he discovers that his machine is still creating food! And not only food, but food animals! Flint and his gang must go on a deliciously dangerous mission to

three MTV VMAs and two BRIT Awards. Additionally, they are one of the most popular images of this decade. These are hard cold facts. The showdown between theses two bands is at a stand still. You can’t beat the classics, yet change is always good right?

Battle of the Year:

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2


Follow us @TheHarBerHerald



Getting the booty

Macey Martinez Reporter

Riddle me ree


with hearts This is just the beginning Sparks a place where imagination is close to behold

This game is to see Who is the most clever Now this has three sections And this part is associated

gold Notebook

The P ké Hype is real Aly Shuster

Google iPhone Quick key commands and shortcuts make navigating technology easier. Check out these useful Google and iPhone how-to’s. Want to play a joke on your friends and make them think they broke Google? Search “Google gravity” and hit the “I’m feeling lucky” button. Forget your calculator at school and have a ton of homework due the next day? Either search your exact equation or search the calculator you need.

Blurry photos? No problem! If you have headphones with the mic, you can press in the center of it while using the camera and take the picture. Are your friends using a higher vocabulary than you’re used to? Keep up with them by pressing and holding onto work to highlight, then narrow it down to

in your Physics homework? Just type in [number] [unit] into [unit] Not doing so hot in Spanish? Translate anything! Search “ translate [word] into [language] Ordered a new pair of Chaco’s and can’t wait for them to come in? Paste the tracking number from UPS, Fed-Ex, One –Trac and Google will direct you to the link to the tracking page.

While scrolling through text or webpage, getting to the top can be such a hassle! Find the top tab (the one your battery is) and click on that area! Those default apps can take up so much space and be an eyesore! Press setting > general> restrictions> enable restrictions> enter password> switch

Sports Editor October has already seen a lot of fantastic, highly anticipated technological releases such as iOS7, GTA V, and the remake of Zelda: Wind Waker for the Wii U. October 12 will bring about yet another huge release for arguably one of the best franchises around: Pokémon X and Y versions. Pokémon X and Y is the newest generation of mainstream games, and brings about some of the biggest changes that the franchise has ever seen. A new type, new evolutions, and trainer customization are some of the mosttalked about additions to the new games. generation Gold and Silver versions that a new type has been added to the type pool. (I’ll do my best to avoid huge spoilers here, because a lot of people would prefer to keep the game a mystery so they can truly appreciate the feel of a Pokémon game that will allow diagonal movement – which for some reason has caused an enormous positive reaction from among the fans. I guess 15 years of forward, back, left, and right got old. Game Freak, the company who makes Pokémon games, was going to try for

trainers worldwide so that for once no country was ahead of the other. Sadly, some game distributors had other plans, and a few copies of the new games have been released early. For the Pokémon fandom, this is big news, because we get a sneak peak at all the cool new features the rumors that circulate the internet. These leakers who are willing to share their XY experiences only increase the hype for Pokémon fans. Getting to watch others live stream their playthroughs only seems to increase the demand for Pokémon XY. This is possibly one of the best things that will happen to Game Freak – lately their games have been met with less-than-impressed fans and mixed feelings regarding the new Pokémon. But with the mounting hype for XY, this game is shaping up to be every trainer’s dream, whether they’ve been with the franchise all 15 years or if this will be Personally, I’m right there with all the rabid fans. I’m dying to receive my copy of XY already. I preordered it from GameStop the day that preorders opened up. As I sit back and occasionally check credible fan sites like Bulbapedia and Serebii for any fresh news, I can’t help but already plan out my own personal adventure.

New Album reviews

Luke Bryan “Crash My Party” by Aly Shuster

Bastille “Bad Blood” by Riegen Anderson

Luke Bryan, Mr. Entertainer of the Year, is back once again with his fourth studio album, “Crash My Party.” His newest album includes several steady-beat tracks, varying from the typical country beer songs to a tribute to his “Blood Brothers.”

No other male country artist has seen this level of success for a single album in nine years. I am a huge Luke Bryan fangirl. When you have that amount of talent, that beautiful voice, and those amazing looks, it is really hard for me to not be a fan.

sold 528,000 copies in its debut week alone. By Sept. 4, he’d sold 779,000 copies in the United States. The album became the third most sold album in its debut, behind Justin Timberlake’s “Mirrors” and Jay Z’s “Magna Carta…Holy Grail.” Bryan’s albums also charted at No. 1 on both Billboard 200 and Top Country

announcement of his new album, I was counting down the days until release. When “My Kinda Night” hit the radio almost a week before the album’s release I was convinced that I could not live without the album.

Beginning as a solo project, Bastille was formed in 2010 by lead singer, Dan Smith. The British alternative rock band has released three extended plays (EP), six

US iTunes chart, while also having reached number one on the UK charts earlier this year.

drama revolving around the investigation into the murder of homecoming queen Laura Palmer.

welcomes the listener with an upbeat chanting of “Eh Eh Oh Eh Oh”, followed by a cheery tune that leads the way for Smith’s enchanting British vocals. On closer inspection, the lyrics are actually fairly depressing, with Smith singing, “Grey clouds roll over, bringing darkness from above.” Despite the lyrics majorly contrasting the cheerful melody,

opening the song with the pulse of a racing heartbeat. While it is a rather chilling ballad, the use of mixed drumbeats and Smith’s original and powerful vocals, it is easily one of the most powerful songs on the album. Overall, “Bad Blood” has quickly become one of my favorite albums of all time. Perhaps one of my reasons for loving it is the fact that it has not been thrown into the mainstream world of the radio. Nonetheless, I strongly encourage everyone to listen to the music of Bastille and fall in love the same way I did.

Palmer”, released in 2011, grabbed the attention of Virgin Records (The Smashing Pumpkins, Spice Girls), and a record deal was signed later in 2011. “Bad Blood”, the band’s debut album, was released on March 4 in the UK, and release of a few of their singles was less of a shot to the tops of the charts in the UK and the U.S. The album reached number two on the Arianna Grande has hit number one in the charts and become thoroughly well known in a short amount of time. Grande has performed on Broadway and was part of the cast from Victorious, a nickelodeon TV series. Grande became incredibly popular when she released her single “The Way” featuring rd Grande

Ariana Grande “Yours Truly” by Andrea Montes

were treated to the gorgeous sound of bass drum and bass guitar, followed by the man’s wonderful voice telling me the details of us

Truly”. Let me just say, I’ve been waiting for this. I happened to catch a bit of an episode of Victorious one day and my ears were exposed to the other beauty that is Arianna Grande’s voice. It really had me questioning

swaying to the beat. Plunging further into the album, the listener then comes to “Laura Palmer”, a somewhat eerie ode to Twin Peaks, a 1990 why Victoria Justice was the star of that show; honestly every other cast member was a thousand times more talented than her. “Yours Truly” is fully of poppy, upbeat songs not to mention her incredibly strong voice. She’s got some pipes. I would even go as far as saying that her voice rivals Mariah Carey’s and Christina Aguilera’s. This is not to say that all her songs are of her belting out lyrics, there’s a lot of variety, especially with “Tattooed Heart” and “Piano,” those are just down right enticing. My personal favorites would have to be “Popular” featuring MIKA. The music video is weird, but the song’s really catchy and it’s

meeting at a party, and I was hooked after All the tracks contain great detail within the lyrics, stimulating the imagination as well as the hearing senses. Not to mention, Luke Bryan’s voice is like candy for anyone’s ears. There is not one track on the entire CD that I want to skip when I play it, though I do have my favorites. Though some critics weren’t very impressed by the album, I was more than pleased with it. Luke Bryan is possibly one of my favorite country artists, and this newest album has only boosted my opinion of him even more. Luke Bryan, I will gladly take you up on that

been stuck in my head for the longest time. Also this made me discover MIKA who is an amazing singer as well. Although I really enjoyed the two collaborations with MIKA and Mac Miller, I can’t say the same for “Right there” featuring Big Sean. It’s ultimately forgettable and there’s really nothing special about it. The last song in the album is a spanglish version of “The Way.” This blew my mind. As if her voice wasn’t seductive enough add in her singing in Spanish, it’s absolutely bewitching. Needless to say I’m even more in love with Arianna Grande now.



The War on Syria


page 5

Elijah Cromwell

Two words. Chemical warfare. That’s right, you read correctly. Our country is considering engaging the threat of chemical warfare that Syria has established within their own country. How will the President react to this sudden catastrophe? What are the possible outcomes that could be withdrawn from it? And why would Syria cripple themselves like this in the first place? Only a mere three days before the rockets fell outside Damascus, a team of Syrian experts gathered in the suburb of Adra, filling warheads with deadly chemicals to kill Syrian rebels. This task had become routine by the third year of Syria’s civil battle. The preparations, as described by U.S. intelligence analysts, continued from Aug. 18 until just after midnight on Aug. 21, when the projectiles were loaded into rocket launchers behind the government’s defensive lines. Then, at 2:30 a.m., a half-dozen densely populated neighborhoods were jolted awake by a series of explosions, followed by an oozing blanket of suffocating gas, killing thousands of innocent civilians and children. Robert Menendez, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, opened a hearing on the use of military force in Syria. He stated that U.S. government officials were having a difficult time making decision on how to respond to Syria’s chemical attack on its people. President Obama has turned to Menendez in recent days to help build support in Congress for a military strike against Syria, but the Senator said that the decision relies on how to respond “to

the horrific chemical attack of August 21st that took the lives of 1,429 Syrians including at least 426 children.” “The images of that day were sickening. In my view the world cannot ignore the inhumanity and horror of this act.” Said Menendez. Obama worked assertively at courting Republican leaders such as Senator John McCain of Arizona and House speaker John Boehner of Ohio, both of whom walked away from multiple meetings with the president within the last 24 hours expressing support for a strike against Syria. Secretary of State John Kerry, stressed that a potential military strike against Syria would involve no American boots on the ground. Kerry said there was no problem in having language in legislation that, in his words, “has zero capacity for American troops on the ground.” However, in opposition to this claim, some lawmakers expressed great reluctance about being drawn into larger conflict. Senator Marco Rubio, a Florida Republican and vocal critic of Syria’s Bashar Assad, criticized the Obama administration for failing to heed his call and the pleas of others to take action years ago. “When America ignores these problems, these problems don’t ignore us,” Rubio told senior administration officials at a Senate hearing. “Yes, this is a horrible incident where perhaps a 1,000 people died, but before this incident 100,000 people had died ... and nothing happened.” Menendez’s lengthy opening sought to address concerns of some of the skeptics

collars to reveal a week of restless nights. Others dress to the nines, as they have yet to be brought down by the ‘brick to the face’ blow of their first report card and ignorant to truth. Juniors hang in the balance. Safe from criticism, from the pressure of a new beginning in an unknown place, and from the slew of decisions to be made for college soon to come, they are silently under the radar. The bags under their eyes grow darker, but these are the unnoticed. They stand begging for an approaching senior year they will soon regret requesting. I stand under the same pressure knowing all these noises, these feelings, these discrepancies in ugly carpets and chips in prison cell reminiscent walls. I stand alone in a sea of confidence watching others drown, breathing panic deep into their lungs. My homework, half way done, my handwritten notes askew, I still trust that I’ll pull out a 3.5 GPA and a spoken “Highest Honors” plastered next to my name in a few short months at graduation. Elizabeth Harp I recognize and sympathize with what Co-Editor they are going through, but I can’t help but feel proud. I overcame all of this. Knowing that this all is past me allows The stretch of rubber soles bending a deep breath to refresh me. The kind to the curvature of quick paces are that inflates you and presses into your noise pollution to halls clouded with diaphragm to let loose a deeply satisfying conversation. Whispers of pleads to copy exhale. math homework and, “Can I borrow the The twinge of a smile lights up my own notes?” are only more clutter to the chaos. lipsticked lips against blushing pale skin. Backpacks strain and break backs with My eyes cut to the tired faces and broken pressures and stress that already dwell spirits, but I don’t try to blend in the way in swollen minds. Doors stand open and I always had. And while all this happens uninviting, or so says the nervous eyes of within a few steps, the inspiration is sophomores whose red, puffy glances beg, limitless. “no more please, no more.” The outfits of the discouraged hang sloppily off of their

My Harmless Adiction

To Coffee: Here we go again

A&E Editor to Obama’s proposal for a limited military strike. “Yes, there are risks to action,” Menendez said, “but the consequences of inaction are greater and graver still: further humanitarian disaster in Syria; regional instability; the loss of American credibility around the world; an emboldened Iran and North Korea; and the disintegration of international law.” Senator Bob Corker, the committee’s ranking Republican from Tennessee, concurred with Menendez that the United States needs to take action against Syria. Senator Barbara Boxer, a California democrat, said that unlike the war in Iraq, which she opposed, a resolution on involvement in Syria would promise a limited amount of military engagement and probably not even any boots on the ground. “I will support a targeted effort but not a blank check against Syria gassing its people to death,” she said. Obama gained some ground in his drive for congressional backing of a military strike against Syria, winning support from Boehner while administration officials agreed to explicitly rule out the use of U.S. combat troops in retaliation for a suspected chemical weapons attack. Boehner also allegedly emerged from a meeting at the White House and said the United States has “enemies around the world that need to understand that we’re not going to tolerate this type of behavior. We also have allies around the world and allies in the region who also need to know that America will be there and stand up when it’s necessary.”

Forever Frazzled:

Redefining awkward

Ashlyn Mayes

Feature Editor

As the incongruous mess of girlish giggles and more masculine chuckles infiltrates my surroundings I sit in utter disbelief. Seconds before this moment of humiliation, I had enthusiastically commented on a respected peers’ surprisingly freckled completion. Rather than nonchalantly mentioning that I had never taken note of the cute speckles, I somehow gushed something along the lines of “ I have never been close enough to you to properly examine your skin.”

Riegen’s Rants: The inanimate

Riegen Anderson Co-Editor

I feel as though the majority of inanimate objects I come across in my life are harboring a personal vendetta against me. From shampoo bottles to crates to my own car door, I can never seem to escape the evil clutches of my nonliving nemeses. On a daily basis, I find myself on the battlefield, dodging swinging cabinet doors,, and strategically placed end tables, who are under the command of their fearless leader, the pointed edge. With no injuries in the past few weeks, I had assumed that the dust had settled for the time being. Little did I know that they were busy coming up with another plan of attack. It was simply another day in class. Swiveling in Mrs. Sprague’s chair at the front of the room, waiting for the projector to turn on, I soon realized that the projector had been turned off. I jumped down and took my first step, looking down to see the lime green crate sitting innocently on the floor. It was a harmless crate right? I was about to learn just how wrong that statement was. Taking another step, I moved to the side, intending to side step the crate. But I was too slow. Anticipating my moves, the crate reached out and grabbed my right leg, sinking its lime green claws into the skin and pulling me down. Before I could attempt to defend myself, I was lying on top of the crate, disoriented and embarrassed beyond belief. Taking a second to gather my wits, I slowly rose and examined the damage my enemy had inflicted on me. A long scrape was running across my leg, and the beginning of a rather large and hideously purple bruise was forming in the background. Brushing off the invisible dust and remnants of defeat, I stood up and held my head high (in case another enemy crossed my path). And it was in that moment that I came to the embarrassing and unfortunately true conclusion. My name is Riegen, and I am uncoordinated. I am mortified that my rather clinical brand of social awkwardness has once again taken complete control of my being. Rather than remaining collected, as I had resolved I should behave throughout my senior year, I have already allowed my whimsical nature to display itself. When instances such as the aforementioned blunder occur I am not sure if I should allow my natural introspective demeanor to take charge and never speak again, or celebrate my quirky side and simply laugh it off. I typically select the latter because it seems to be an effective method of dispelling the feeling of incompetence that lingers after an unsuccessful social encounter. However, it is not always simple to embrace your eccentricities, especially when they seem to issue forth misfortune in the form of humiliation and self-doubt. It is a constant struggle, but I have discovered that simply cherishing the countless awkward aspects of myself rather than attempting to suppress them proves to be infinitely times more self-serving than wallowing in a conglomeration of embarrassment, dissatisfaction, and regret. So, next time I profess a thought that should probably remain in the splendid mess that is my mind or find my self in an understated yoga pose in the middle of class rather than being overtaken by seemingly irreparable embarrassment I should revel in a deep breath, giggle at myself, and accept the socially awkward being that I am.




Americans face modern day anarchy Jakob Garcia


When the word anarchy is said visions of the LA riots come to mind, with cities in complete pandemonium. However, anarchy may be the future of America. If the government can’t come to terms on a spending plan, the future is bleak. The federal government wants to defund Obamacare in exchange for more funding for the government. If they cannot compromise, all non-essential federal employees will continued to be furloughed, not to return until the government reopens. The government shut down is a costly endeavor, and with all the hype over spending money, that doesn’t seem to be the smartest idea that they’ve had.

Right when the economy started to show signs of life, this shutdown happens and takes all hope of a growing economy away. Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean that there won’t be any cops or firefighters to rescue your cat out of a tree. Federal jobs are split into essential and non-essential, meaning ones we can and can’t go without. For example medical care, foodsafety inspections, border patrol, federal prisons, law enforcement, and emergency and disaster assistance will remain in operation. Technically we will be in anarchy, but not the pop culture idea of anarchy, with people breaking shop windows and stealing all the TVs they can while America is in a widespread riot.

Honestly, not much will change. You won’t be able to get a passport, get a gun license approved, essential federal employees will not get paid until the shutdown ends, and there will be no one to collect the 500 tons of garbage that Washington D.C. produces each week. No matter what happens America will pull through it like we always do. This won’t be the first shutdown we’ve had. In 1995 the government closed on account of conflicts between Democratic President Bill Clinton and the Congress over funding for Medicare, education, the environment, and public health in the 1996 federal budget. Seeing as we didn’t go crazy and eat our neighbors in 1995, I believe we’ll make it through, but this is just history repeating itself like usual.

Avery Mackey Reporter It turns out even our top lawmakers can be distracted from their work by an addictive app. Senator John McCain was caught red handed playing a poker app during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing about the possibility of sending U.S. troops to Syria. Some may talk about how this was immature or inappropriate of senator McCain. Reported by Charles C. Johnson of The Daily Caller, “Obama and McCain are masters of that politicians’ art form — ‘Do as I say, not as I do,’” he added, “That’s a nice way of saying they are liars, cheats, frauds and hypocrites.” Despite the criticism McCain received, Neil Cavuto of Fox News, had this to say, “Say what you will of Senator McCain and his views on this war, I do think he knows a thing or two about war. And is qualified more than most to talk about the dangers of war. In fact, I think he’s forgotten more about war than all his two-bit critics combined will l ever know about war.” The meeting was more than three hours long, and I imagine those senate meetings could get boring, especially when you’re just sitting there listening to other people talk politics. The Republican senator, who met with the White House Monday to discuss the conflict, admitted he

was playing the poker game during the hearing after the Washington Post posted a photo of him doing so. McCain did not think it was a very big deal, as he tweeted, “”Scandal! Caught playing iPhone game at 3+ hour Senate hearing- worst of all I lost!” The sarcasm in that tweet makes it obvious that McCain does not care at all that he was caught. McCain, in his defense, had this to say, “Well, as much as I like to always listen in rapt attention constantly with remarks of my colleagues over a three-and-a-half hour period, occasionally I get a LITTLE bored, and so I resorted– but the worst thing about it is, I lost thousands of dollars in this game.” You may think that it is a big deal that the senator was on his phone during a meeting of such importance, but it honestly isn’t that serious. McCain already had his opinion on the situation in Syria, he supports troop intervention but does not think that Obama’s plan will work, saying it, “might be doomed in the long run.” His opinion wasn’t going to change, so there was no reason for him to pay attention 100% of the time. Would you like to sit in a room listening to politicians argue for more than three hours without having anything to do? I know I wouldn’t.

Females embrace Miley’s SNL Flop independence, feminity Blair Parson

Riegen Anderson News Editor

Of course Miley Cyrus is everyone’s favorite subject, personally I find her hilarious. Oh boy, now where do we even begin? The only thing anyone can ever expect from Miley Cyrus is the unexpected. The last time Miley hosted SNL was in 2011 and it was not very good, yet having her host right now makes a lot of sense, she is everywhere at the moment. Although I’m huge fan of Miley and her crazy antics, the combination of her somewhat annoying persona and some really weak writing set the bar pretty low for this early in the SNL season. The open for this week takes place be brought on by the government shut down, but really due to Miley’s VMA Performance. Of course a joke about the government is needed, but I hope this is the last time I ever hear of her VMA performance. There is no getting away from Miley’s twerking, happening in the “Girlfriends Talk Show” skit in which Miley played “LOL Teeny”. She even promised in an earlier monologue that she wouldn’t be twerking. Miley and Kilam did a government-shutdown spoof of her song “We Can’t Stop”, as they played an overly spray tanned John Boehner and a sexualized Michele Bachann. This was one of the funnier parts of the night, which isn’t saying much. Miley’s performance was mediocre as well. It’s not a good sign when one of the funniest moments of the SNL episode is the musical performance.

without a male companion. But, I believe we somewhat have ourselves to Co-Editor blame. While I am a huge fan of Lana Feminism. What does that word Del Rey, after listening to her songs bring to mind? Perhaps you thought of a little more closely, I’ve begun to see Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady the problem in our female population. for women’s suffrage. Or Kate Chopin, She sings, “I’ve nothing without you, whose groundbreaking novel of the all my dreams and all the lights mean 20th century, “The Awakening”, delved nothing without you.” While I may be into the realm of female independence. taking it all too seriously, it frustrates I would like to first applaud all of the me that girls listen to lyrics in songs like women throughout history, who have these and take them to heart. Some girls stood up and fought with everything begin to believe that they can’t be happy they have to give us women today the and strong without the company of a rights that we have. But in today’s significant other. society, have we begun to forget what it We need to open our eyes and pick means to be a woman? up our self-confidence that we seem to Being a female in this society is just have dropped momentarily. Let’s follow really difficult sometimes. It is hard to in the footsteps of powerful women be who we are anymore, because we fear like Tina Fey, Melissa McCarthy, Lady the rejection from our “friends.” Gaga, and yes I’m going to say it, Miley I am not the size of a toothpick, I Cyrus. I am somewhat ashamed in my don’t like to wear dresses, and I don’t fellow women, criticizing a girl who is wear makeup. And for that, I can feel the simply being who she wants to be. Her silent criticisms being made about me, performances may be a bit too risqué from strangers, and from friends. Now and her outfits could use a little more I would be a hypocrite if I said that I fabric, but who has the right to judge have never judged someone, especially a her? She is expressing who she wants girl, before in my life. I have, and it’s not to be and is unashamed to do what she something I’m proud of. But the society wants. I admire Miley Cryus, and I hope we call home is just plain vicious. she continues to be her true self and The women I admire so much fought ignore everyone who doesn’t like who for us to have to freedom to be whoever she is. we want to be, dress however we want to Ladies, let’s stop criticizing our fellow dress, and live however we want to live. women, and come together. Feminism It aggravates me how women are seen to me is women getting to be who they as an object of desire, desperate and want to be in a male dominated world. lusting after the attention of any male How can we be ourselves, if we are who will give us the time. afraid of being judged by other women? We are constantly being portrayed Ladies, let’s stick up for our fellow gals as weak and needy, incapable of living and be proud of who we are: women.

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Babbling Blair

The Female Feud Blair Parson

News Editor

As a woman, society paints me to be beautiful, skinny and sexy, yet humble and modest at the same time. In a world where women are seen as practically equals, we are still used as sex symbols. In high school it has gotten even worse with the added hormones and expectations to be “young, wild and free.” As a teenage girl, I have encountered numerous guys who find it acceptable to ask girls for inappropriate pictures. They will not take no for an answer either; they will badger you about it until you either give in or shut your phone off. We are surrounded by risqué depictions of women. Young girls see this and want to keep up with the latest trends and styles, which explains seeing 12-yearold girls dressed like nightclub dancers. Most men complain that women spend too much time on make up and appearance, yet when a girl doesn’t have her makeup or hair done, she is considered sloppy and unkempt. Men do not know what goes into a woman’s appearance; they seem to think that we just magically appear freshly styled. Some think women dress for men, there would be little to no clothing worn. We dress to impress other women; we want to be thought of as cute and stylish. We are our own worst enemy. We judge each other based on how we look. If we want men to stop thinking of us as Barbie dolls, we have to stop judging one another and support ourselves as women.

The Har-Ber Herald Staff 2012-2013 Elizabeth Harp Co-Editor Riegen Anderson Co-Editor Blair Parson News Editor Ashlynn Mayes Features Editor Aly Shuster Sports Editor Jacob Benson Opinion Editor Elijah Cromwell Entertainment Editor Andrea Montes Business & Circulation Manager Reporters Samantha Stansbury Macey Martinez Ryne Fletcher Jakob Garcia Diamond Moore Katie Jones Avery Mackey Cidnie Lewis Designers Kasie Wade Hayden Gadberry Karla Sprague Adviser The Har-Ber Herald is written and designed by the journalism class. All opinions stated in The Har-Ber Herald are not necessarily the views of The Har-Ber Herald or HBHS. Letters To The Editor are welcome and appreciated. Letters are to be between 200-300 words long and must be signed. They can be hand delivered to room A-216, e-mailed to ksprague@, or placed in the Letters To The Editor box in the Library/Media Center. Names can be withheld upon request.



P o or

Johnny Football Avery Mackey

Rogers Heritage – 42-21. Senior runningback Sain Mathews rushed 307 yards on 26 carries for two touchdowns. Senior receiver Gus Vitt received 8 passes total, running 112 yards for 3 touchdowns. Har-Ber’s season record now upgraded to 3-2.

volleyball Upcoming Games: Away at Rogers Heritage on October 15th at 4:30pm Away at Rogers High on October 17th at 4:30pm McDonald Company Tournament on October 19th Home against Springdale High on October 22nd at 5pm State Tournament in Cabot on October 29th-31st State finals in Russellville on November 2nd

golf Highlights: Girls golf traveled to Rogers for state on September 30thOctober 2nd. Boys traveled to Rogers for state on October 7th-9th.

tennis Highlights: At state, Benford and Pennington won first round 6-0, 6-1, and second round 6-4, 7-5. Fletcher and Nall won 6-2, 6-3 first round. Brezeale and Will won first match 6-2, 6-0.

cross country Upcoming Meets: Cyclone Invitational on October 12th at Russelville at 10am Pointer Invitational on October 19th at Van Buren at 10am 7A West Conference Meet on October 29th at Rogers High at 5pm


If you have watched ESPN recently, or are a fan of football, chances are you’ve heard a thing or two about the Texas A&M star quarterback Johnny Manziel. Although his actions on the field won him the Heisman trophy (becoming the first freshman to ever win the award), and gave him a reputation as one of the best players in the nation, his actions off of the field have made it a widely accepted opinion that he is a bad guy in general. Manziel is only a sophomore, and he has garnered as much attention as Ray Lewis got when he killed that guy. Manziel played so well last year that he has been given the name Johnny Football. He was accused of signing autographs for money during this past offseason, but who honestly cares besides the NCAA? There’s no proof he did accept money, and if he did, what’s so wrong about making money off of the celebrity status that he got himself? Even though there was no proof of Manziel accepting money, he was still suspended for half of the season opener against Rice, which is basically a punishment of nothing. I find it awesome that the actions of Manziel have caused so much controversy. He’s living life like any other normal college student, the only reason he’s getting all the negative press is because he is an athlete. I feel like this is an unfair bias towards students that are not involved with athletics. ESPN Magazine has a 10-page article on Manziel and his achievements. It tells about every single one of his hilarious rants. It talks about how he threw a golf club when he didn’t hit a putt, but that’s just the dedication he has to his sports, and it shows on and off of the football field. I will admit that sometimes Manziel may act a little rash, but the media and fans are taking it way out of proportion. One person on twitter once called out Manziel, and his response was a picture of himself holding the Heisman. I think that that’s a pretty good reply. The main problem that these news reporters and older fans have is that they need to remember what they were like in college. I’m sure that they got drunk every now and then, unless you were someone who stayed in studying every night and made straight A’s. I feel like the majority of people hating on Manziel did some of the same things he has done. He’s successful with what he’s doing, I don’t see a problem.

Aly Shuster

Andrea Montes


There is suspense in the air as the band stands in silence anticipating the outcome of their performance As the announcer states that Berryville won second in the competition the band realizes what comes next. The band explodes in excitement as they are announced for first place. This year the band competition will be held in Siloam Springs and the band will be competing in the North West Arkansas Invitational Marching competition. “We’re excited to show of what we’ve been working on for the past few weeks,” said senior flute player Ruby Espinoza. Marching band practices very often and consistently in preparation. “We’re just practicing a lot in the morning and after school for a lot of hours,” said junior trumpet player Garrett

Wiegel. As section leader of the trumpets, Wiegel makes the extra effort to make sure the rest of the trumpet players are performing to the best of their abilities. “I motivate the rest of the trumpets. I encourage them. I just help them out if they have questions,” said Wiegel. Last year the bands show was Fusion and it was revealed that the band only won by two points. “Hopefully this year we get farther ahead and work as hard as we did last year,” said Espinoza. The band is working to make their performance first place worthy again. “We’re just cleaning up our sets and drills and trying to add more visual stuff that nobody else does,” said junior alto saxophone player Nathaniel Graham. Other competing schools are preparing as well.

Crissy Tuck senior

Grant Thornton


Hadly Apple Junior

Colton Sharp Sophomore




Oklahoma State






Fox Sports

Favorite thing about IOS 7

The alert when people screenshot your messages

Slide up bar

Don’t have it


3D effect on the APPS

Must have for football games

5hr energy




no comment


My Lunch

Favorite food in the cafeteria


Sports editor

If you know anything about sports, I’m willing to bet my bottom dollar that you’ve at least heard of football player Manziel. He’s the quarterback for Texas A&M and last year’s Heisman Trophy winner. He’s also arguably the most annoying football celebrity to ever walk the field. A sophomore in college this year, Manziel has already grown far too big for his britches. Sure, he became the first freshman to win the Heisman Trophy award and the Davey O’Brien Award last year, but that doesn’t allocate acting like a spoiled child. He’s already trademarked his fan-given nickname, Johnny Football. He was also accused of selling his autographs for money earlier this year, and though it was never proven, it wouldn’t come as any shock to me if he had been. This eventually resulted in a suspension from the first half of the season opener against Rice University, though I doubt it hurt his ego at all. I also find Manziel annoying because I feel as though he receives “special” treatment because of his skill on the field. Isn’t that how things always are, though? Despite having gotten into a fight this past summer and spending the night in jail for presenting a fake ID stating he was 21, Manziel still found favor in his coach and was announced the starting quarterback for the team. In ESPN’s 2013 College Football Preview is a 10 page long feature about the Texas A&M quarterback. It details every one of Johnny Football’s embarrassing rants and public screw-ups. I will acknowledge that a lot of Johnny’s problems come from the media and fans themselves, not just his own personality. But he’s hardly handling it well. He lets a few hundred haters get to him over a few hundred thousand fans in the stands. The main problem is, Johnny needs to grow up. The temper tantrums he often throws just displays his extreme immaturity. It’s time for him to shape up and act like the starting quarterback of Texas A&M and the Heisman Trophy winner.

Chad Birkes Senior

Fox sports 1 or ESPN

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Band prepares for competition

Sports Rotunda1

Favorite College sports team





“We’ve got some pretty good competition with Springdale, Farmington, Bentonville, and possibly Fayetteville,” said Graham. The competition will be held on October 22nd.“I think the band competition is a fun way to put our band against others and have a goal to work towards throughout the years,” said senior alto saxophone player Mason Dunn.


Sitting next to Nick Beyer in AP Psychology, a classmate laughs at the joke he cracks. However, when Beyer steps on the green to putt, it’s no laughing matter. He was one of 96 students across America to be selected across the nation to travel to San Diego, all expense paid, this past summer for a golf and leadership camp hosted by First Tee. “I had a great time in San Diego, “ said Beyer, “I golfed at some really nice resorts, like Sycuan, went to the San Diego zoo, and got to see the Adidas Headquarters.” Golf has been a part of Beyer’s life since his mom bought him his first set of clubs when he moved to Arkansas at the age of ten. He has loved golf ever since. When asked about her son’s accomplishment, Beyer’s mom joyfully said, “It is so awesome, I am proud of him for taking advantage of this great opportunity.” To be chosen for this camp, Beyer was required to write four essays, get a letter of recommendation from a teacher, have a very good GPA, and complete a log of his community service and leadership activities. It was no small task to be one of the few selected. Nick stated that his favorite thing about golf is that it requires large amounts of time and effort to be good and get better. He has obviously put in both time and effort to get to where he is now. When teammate Rick Wedding was asked how it felt to have a fellow Wildcat golfer get invited to this camp, he replied, “I was proud of him and his accomplishment. He definitely deserved it.” It is great to have such a talented student here at Harber, and after scoring thirty-eight against Springdale, it is obvious that Nick Beyer’s golf game is no joke.

sports D E L F O E S N I S N E G










ran du En

















page 5

My snips don’t lie Band Season

Aly Shuster

Katie Jones

Distractions are the faulty line that can tear an athlete’s game completely apart. A poisonous venom to flow through an athlete’s veins when trying to perform. A sprained ankle or ruptured spine is one thing, but distractions are a mental tear down taking the athlete’s attention and maximum performance away. The ability to block 100% of distractions is the equivalent to acing every test in high school history. Many Har-Ber athletes strive for this absolute distraction free mind set, whether it be in practice or on the playing field. A couple of hard-working student athletes give insight of how they escape the death grip of mental distractions. Tiffani Ray is a junior volleyball player and she definitely understands the struggle with distractions. Ray finds distractions on the court with the many fans cheering and the opposite team cheering against her. The advice Ray offers for blocking distractions is to





“just to focus, zone everything out, and concentrate.” Along with distractions Ray feels pressure being a student athlete. “I really have to manage my time between school and sports because I do get home really late after some games,” tells Ray. A two sport student, Kacey Sanders, also gives advice on how she blocks out distractions. “I try to listen to music to let me focus and remember all the things I need to do to make my game the best it can be” Sanders tells. Since Sanders plays two sports she realizes how each sport has it’s own distractions she has to work to avoid while trying to perform. Sanders explains how each sport is affected if she becomes distracted. “In cheer every other person on the mat relies on me to do my job and I fall, that’s a deduction for my whole team. In golf I have to work to get to the same place as everyone else. Its just all about staying in the game at the same pace as everyone

else.” Jacob Williams also understands effects of distractions as he is an athlete on the football team. “If I’m not focused on the game or practice it’ll reflect on my performance and I’ll forget a play and then I’ll get in trouble.” Says Williams. For other student athletes Williams offers the method he uses to block distractions. “I usually listen to music to block out distractions and I focus on just the game.” said Williams These three student athletes are not alone in their pursuit to block out distractions. Every single student athlete has to battle with the struggle of distractions in their sport. It’s how the athlete works through their mental distractions to block it out that makes a great, fully focused performer.

The thirst is real

Elizabeth Harp

It affects athletes everywhere. It can be worsened by heat, humidity, amount of sweat, and strenuousness of activity. It causes thirst, headaches, nausea, fever, and even death. But what if I told you that it could affect you too, and that the beginning stages might be taking place within you right now? For sophomore Amanda Sparks, the mention of dehydration provokes an all too familiar memory. After engaging in a tough run up some steep hills near Hellstern with her Cross Country team, Sparks passed out as a result of a mix of dehydration and heat exhaustion. “I tried to catch my breath and started walking back toward Hellstern and that’s all I remember until I got halfway to the ER,” said Sparks. The amount of suggested water intake is displayed through this simple mathematical equation; take your weight and divide by two, that number is the amount of ounces of water you should drink daily.

Co-Editor Athletic trainer Chad Fink adds that the amount of water intake for athletes is considerably more, “If you lose 5 pounds of water in practice, you need to drink about 5 liters of water,” said Fink. He helps keep the Wildcat football team ready to win by always keeping them hydrated, which can be quite the daunting task. During the summer he weighs the athletes before practice and again afterward to determine how much water weight they have worked off or sweated out. Once he finds the amount lost, he again recommends they drink that number in liters of water. But hydration is not something that comes over night, it is something you must prepare your body for. School nurse Janet Gershner, who has a son who plays football, always asks that athletes keep themselves well prepared for the heat. “I usually ask them to start drinking days ahead,” said Gershner, “Drink days before so you can get your volume (of

water) built up so the heat wont zap you from sweating so much.” Girls Basketball Coach Sandy Wright answers the question, “When do you know you’re hydrated enough?” with a gross but simple solution. “You need to check your urine,” said Coach Wright, “if your urine is yellow or a darker color, an orange-ish color, then you obviously aren’t getting enough water throughout the day. It needs to be more of a light yellow or clear color.” For Sparks, who blacked out and cant quite recall what happened before being halfway to the Emergency Room, Coach Wright offers a very accurate typical series of events. “You get really hot, and you’d think that you’d be sweating, but you may not sweat, you may get clammy. You get dizzy, and get a bad headache.” says Coach Wright. But one thing that they all can agree on is, that in this Arkansas weather, dehydration is not something to be taken lightly.

Sports Editor

When you think football season, I think marching season. When you think of the football field, I think of the marching stage. When you think exciting games, I think stand charts and marching drills. If you think you get pumped up for football, you should see the band before a game. Football season is just as important to us in marching band as it is to the football players. Every Friday night means we have to play in front of the biggest audience we will ever see. And we have a lot to do – remember sets, remember notes, and of course, remember to breathe. Every football game for us is just another rehearsal, however. Right in the middle of the season, we have our own “big game,” better known as marching contest. This is one of the biggest events of our season. We face off against several other high school marching bands in competition. Every football game performance is our practice for this moment, and its one of the biggest, most stressful, and usually most rewarding performances we ever put on during marching season. That doesn’t devalue every game we march at, though. It always means so much to everyone in band when people stay in the stands during half time to watch us march. It’s just about the biggest audience we perform for, minus marching contest, and it’s great to see so many people interested in what we’ve worked so hard to perfect. Like football, band is a commitment. We practice every Tuesday for two hours after school and have a one-hour sectional once a week, and arrive at school before 8 am to have morning practice. When football travels to state, we follow. We play at every conference and home game. And we’re always happy to follow our boys and cheer them on from the bandstands. Football is a huge part of a HarBer bandie’s life, especially during the first semester. No bandie ever forgets the way that first game felt, as I’m certain football players feel as well. Just remember, when you go to a football game and stick it out through halftime and watch us march, it means everything to us.

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