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Education Business Media Information - The Business Magazine for Education
Spending on education will rise to ÂŁ84 billion next year, representing 13% of total public sector spending
Education spending increases. MORE INVESTMENT IN EDUCATION Investment can drive reform in the organisation of schooling, teaching and learning. As part of its education reforms, the government has set Capital Investment in schools at record levels - to reach £8 billion. This is in line with the Government’s ambition to match per pupil funding levels with schools in the private sector. MORE AUTONOMY IN EDUCATION The Government plans to allow successful schools more independence, and to make it easier for all primary schools, like secondaries, to become foundation schools - in direct control of their assets and able to make strategic and procurement decisions for themselves. This will help achieve tuition that is tailored to the needs of individual children - and will allow those organisations that supply the education sector to further tailor their services. Direct payments to headteachers, which are effective in providing immediate finance for school priorities, are also set to rise. Plans to involve parents in the educational process will require a renewed focus on the way pupils, parents
and educators communicate, with the Government announcing an investment of £1.67 billion investment in school technology over the next 3 years. This investment will deliver even more hardware, software, connectivity and training - reducing the time teachers spend on low priority activities and freeing them to focus on pupil performance. MORE OPPORTUNITIES IN EDUCATION The increase in education spending highlights the opportunities that exist. Education Business provides a link between those that supply schools and those that procure products and services on their behalf. Its editorial features focus on the latest advancements in finance, school buildings, facilities management, catering, ICT, sports and playground equipment etc. EB MAGAZINE Published since 1995, EB features a controlled circulation to top level educators - headteachers, bursars, department heads and local education authorities. Information contained within EB’s pages can also be accessed quickly, and with the minimum of fuss, at
Education Business, published since 1995, deals with the business end of State and Private Education requirements.
83% 35% 61%
of readers are either influenced in decision making, buyers or specifiers have responsibility for budgets in excess of £300,000
of decision makers rate business to business publications like EB well ahead of their second choice
of decision makers regularly use magazines like EB
(Sources: Independent Media - NFO WorldGroup)
The magazine forms a bridge between those providing education and those private sector companies who wish to do business with them. Education Business and its complementary website combine to provide an unbeatable platform for private sector companies to reach public sector decision makers. EB is the decision maker’s guide. Its purpose is to assist those whose function is to source goods and services on behalf of schools and those private sector companies best placed to supply them. EB helps advertisers reach the decision makers of this vast market in a highly targeted way. Magazines are distributed on a courtesy basis by name, designation and address with no wasted coverage. EB plays a leading role where large numbers of high value capital undertakings are funded through Public Private Partnerships or the Private Finance Initiative, helping companies be responsive to a schools market that is shaking off a staid and reactionary image. Many companies large and small rely on EB to act as their interface with the state and independent sectors of education, making EB’s prestige work for them in helping gain an entrée to contracts or simply to ‘Wave the Flag’ - letting others know they are working for the Education sector. The magazine supports the main high profile exhibitions. EB’s coverage of these is always timed for maximum impact. Our policy ensures that our advertisers are seen in the right place at the right time by the right people. Whether through Sponsorship of an EB section for a multinational company or a simple Product Profile for the sole trader - EB puts businesses in front of those who can make purchasing decisions.
Target your market with the Education Business Database. The EB database contains 28,000 names, job titles, educational establishment names, addresses and contact details of key personnel responsible for purchasing educational supplies and services. The organisations within which they work include Local Education Authorities, Independent Schools, Middle Schools, SEN Schools, Foundation Schools, Beacon Status Schools, Academies, Sixth Form Colleges, Primary and Secondary State Schools, Universities, Colleges of Further Education and other Higher Education Institutions. The database has been used with great success by nominated companies over the last ten years to target potential buyers using direct mail, tele marketing, direct sales etc. This exclusive and powerful marketing tool puts success in your hands. Many successful advertisers adopt a Mixed Media campaign in tandem with their series of advertisements in Education Business.
Education Business is distributed by name and job title to: n Non-maintained, private/independent schools n Mainstream Maintained schools n Primary/Secondary State Schools n Universities, Colleges of Further Education and other Higher Education Institutions n Local Education Authorities (LEAs) controlling the expenditure of some 27,000 primary and secondary schools (including sixth form colleges)
Education Business is the sure way to the decision makers. No wasted circulation
EB provides a bridge between those providing education and those private sector companies who wish to do business with them.
n MUSIC & DRAMA Equipment requirements, funding details, curriculum insights and Music/Drama school case studies. n HUMAN RESOURCES Employment Legislation, Recruitment Policies, Performance Related Pay, Management Issues. n SPECIAL NEEDS EB examines problems that need to be overcome in order to integrate special needs pupils into mainstream schools.
Design & Build
n CATERING Dietary issues, Guides to good food policies, Cashless catering systems and interviews with celebrities such as Jamie Oliver and Gary Rhodes.
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07 NEW As construction of the first standa S l in the UK been much debate about the pros gets underway at Oakfield Prima rdised Sunesis schoo and 11 receiv ry in Rugby, the model FIN es cons of such an approach. Supporte endorsement from the Design In times AN CE believe Council. According to its SPrs standardisation 43certainty of re duit finanmaker can reduce construction costs A look ECIAL N ced fundin costs and delivery offers cial mans, s EEDS by an average of 30 per timescale to in s. wards Others g, strong agemen argue thancent sessions can be erected in just 20 weeks ev and that at nase the impressiv the needs ore im it may not meet for Schoer, states the t isofman plac n Li e e po
STANDARDISED SCHOOL The Design Council CABE has endorsed a Sunesis Keynes standardised school, which is one of the first to have been launched to the UK market.
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Creating vocational learning spaces that inspire pupils
Educat – Beat the arsonists
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Accurate costing – a key management tool for educational institutions
Volume 17.1 |
seminar Na na end user, ve 2012 in May ast the lack of a bespoke, ol Busin rtan l Asso ess Mantio individua l ciationis less likely to meet aat the Reebok , taking Sunesis is a joint initiative between ag ement design Stadiu 17 FM particula r context or brief. m public sector construction 45That perception /Sent procurem B E E Perim C is T changing T U , however, company Scape and contracto R with 20 A plthe iter Se ethoDesign curity ITY Council stating that Keynes ra of ne 12 REVIE fectivre)Willmott Dixon. There are plans ef on shcould providew IT to submit W arole in plays a viata ow pr in valuable at od tr learning l pr (and co uders, the Olym further four models to undergo environment, offering ucts the says Ja otectingproactive st- for pia this for learning scho spaces mes Ke same Design Council review process. learning Januar 57 ITand play. lly of th ols from y Pre-fab schools were e BS 21lastDused in the ESIG DEVELOIA PMENT A look at th 1960s to 1980s. TheyAwere N &of BU Alan happbuilt e as Ro do part y ya w ro n or Resenior l Socie of ak IL Thompson, Design the Consortium of Local Council buildAuthoriti ty’s ‘Shu start?’ es for a D ing, sa esmSpecial Ba rk advisor, er from a number re explained: “We have t ys the Programme. These metal of Roofi framed Nationa happ BESA ta port plus Ray look at made ng Coconcrete ofygeneral comments l Fede kes constructions haveMbecome about thewlong ntra aginnisextremel ration s for techterm lessons ho nology an interesting taking y ctors, plus Jachallenge the standard unpopular in recent isedcoprocess anyears. can d effeThe ckie a Council look at ntinue and ar shut to ctiveDesign when sc enable has said the new approach ef forntthe design of bothe buildings due and the odul opensmup to thear build ficie ho bad wea ol debate into the benefits and possibilit ingslandscape. We find the Sunesis Keynes project ther et s ies of to be a valuable response c delivering standardised designs, to the challenges 67 EA Sponso red by of delivering new H LTschools. which is necessar2y9given EN H Sponso & Wprimary red by The Go ERGY “And providing E the efficiency drive ASHD L the client L and to vernm B OW N E G A recent ent wou take th team surv IN cut the cost of school to develop “Primary E N E R G Y design e ey by Trust hi continue wind, so renewable le ld like all scho thbelieve their models building schemes. ghlig e Yout further, ad by sh lation ol la hts thwe youn e length h Sport g peop this e Rene r andschoo biofue l popu could owca s to To date, therethhas be le a successfu s that intopu are prep l way g ergy, satosin plus a wable Energy l encted rsuitnew build rise schools, ys of look at is expe sportin Eared to go EcoBui Association, g ex cellenc to ld 2012 571 by 2015 77 E e by 454,
The latest figures suggest that the rising birth rate has left England needing about 2,000 new primary schools within the next three years. Department for Educatio n statistics show the primary school population is expected to rise by 454, 571 by 2015 – the equivalent of 2,030 extra schools based on the current average intake of 224 new pupils per school. The most acute crisis is in London where an additiona l 100,000 places are needed. Lancashi re short of 14,000 places and Birmingh is am, Hampshire, Hertfordshire and Leeds all need at least 11,000 extra places.
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n INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Information Management Systems, Telecoms, Networking, Security, Videoconferencing & Educational Software reviews.
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n FACILITIES/PROJECT MANAGEMENT New Building and Refurbishment incorporating Security, Grounds Maintenance, Energy, Building, and Waste Management.
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Artistrs’ impression - ‘Mondrian’
n EDUCATION EVENTS, CONFERENCES & SHOWS Previews and Reviews of Exhibitions and Conferences of interest to education sector procurement executives, including the Bett Show, Education Show, Catering Expo, etc.
n EDUCATION BRIEFER All the latest news, What’s New, Articles on Fundraising, Lottery grants etc.
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BETT 2012 Re view
Topical contributions are regularly carried from Government Ministers, Education Analysts, Conference Speakers and Industry Experts on a wide range of subjects that are of specific interest to those in education. The magazine supports several high profile exhibitions - coverage of which is always timed for maximum impact.
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& Build Design
IT IS DELIVERED through a rigorous ongoing programme of research by our own in-house editorial team who both write and commission bespoke articles. High priority is given to ensure each issue contains essential ‘need to know’ information.
Op to ening new yo possiung mind bilitie s s
- pre vie w of
the UK ’s lar gest educ ation al res ource s ev ent
The Education Business website is unique. It is the perfect online complement to Education Business Magazine.
BETT sh ow
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rom th e
The two serve the Business end of the State and Private sections of the market. This unique platform acts as a ‘Bridge’ between Education NEEDS and Private Sector Companies wishing to service those requirements. The site provides: News and Features - Regularly updated news and features that are relevant to the target audience. EB Specifiers Index - a searchable online database that classifies advertisers’ products they supply or manufacture. At last count, some 1,853 organisations are classified under 150 headings, split into the regular Education Business Sections - Human Resources, Facilities Management, Catering, Security, Music & Drama, IT/Telecoms and Exhibitions & Conferences. Hyperlinks - Selected advertisers receive a free hyperlink. By clicking on this, the viewer will be automatically directed to the advertisers’ website. In addition, email addresses can be included as a ‘mail-to’.
Case Studies - This facility allows advertisers to detail Education Contracts they have won or completed. Advertisers are encouraged to supply up to 800 words of copy with an image. This is the ideal location to do a little flag waving. Product Profiles - an online version of the magazine’s highly regarded Products & Services section is offered free to selected advertisers. This is the ideal medium to create a word picture using 200 words of copy plus a logo or photograph. Special web campaigns can be devised that link graphic panels into specific editorial content to ensure that site visitors can get detailed information about the products and services of advertisers at the click of button. Rates for bespoke web advertising packages on application.
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