Government Business volume 17.9

Page 1 | VOLUME 17.9

CONFERENCES & EVENTS What makes Birmingham the place to talk politics?

SUSTAINABLE HOMES Achieving the zero carbon standard


Keeping staff motivated in tough times

BUILT ENVIRONMENT – Improving the energy efficiency of existing housing stock

Government Business | Volume 17.9

Dear Reader This means that councils who take early action to give planning consent and support new homes where they are needed will receive extra funding to spend as they wish on improving public services.

| VOLUME 17.9


House building has been declining over the past few years and is at its lowest peacetime level since 1924. To address this, the government has announced the introduction of a New Homes Bonus.



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What mak politics? the place to talk

Not only are councils being incentivised to build new homes, it will soon be easier and quicker for developers to green proof their buildings, as Communities Secretary Eric Pickles has announced new proposals to shorten and simplify environmental regulations. All the signs suggest that the coalition government is taking new and sustainable homes seriously. To help with any housing projects, this issue has a substantial built environment section; the BRE writes on sustainable refurbishment on page 21 and the Energy Savings Trust explains the Code for Sustainable Homes, on page 22. We also cover all the important events for the design and build industry, such as the World Green Roof Congress and the Built Environment Solutions & Technologies show.

EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ivated mot Keeping staff s in tough time


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– Improving the ener

existing housing


Enjoy the issue.

Sofie Lidefjard, Editor

GOVERNMENT BUSINESS MAGAZINE If you would like to receive 12 issues of Government Business magazine for ÂŁ95 a year, please contact Public Sector Information, 226 High Road, Loughton, Essex IG10 1ET. Tel: 020 8532 0055, Fax: 020 8532 0066, or visit the Government Business website at: ! NEWS ! FEATURES ! PROFILES ! CASE STUDIES ! EVENTS ! AND MORE PUBLISHED BY PUBLIC SECTOR INFORMATION LIMITED 226 High Rd, Loughton, Essex IG10 1ET. Tel: 020 8532 0055 Fax: 020 8532 0066 EDITOR Sofie Lidefjard ASSISTANT EDITOR Angela Pisanu PRODUCTION EDITOR Karl O’Sullivan PRODUCTION DESIGN Jacqueline Grist PRODUCTION CONTROL Reiss Malone


ADVERTISEMENT SALES Debbie Green, Julie Watson, Stephen Day, Kelly Scott, Kylie Glover, Jayne Dula, David Morgan, Bernie Miller, Jane Fraser SALES ADMINISTRATION Jackie Carnochan, Martine Carnochan ADMINISTRATION Charlotte Casey, Victoria Leftwich PUBLISHER John O’Leary GROUP PUBLISHER Barry Doyle REPRODUCTION & PRINT Argent Media

Š 2010 Public Sector Information Limited. No part of this publication can be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any other means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the editorial content the publisher cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher. ISSN 1362 - 2541 THE BUSINESS MAGAZINE FOR GOVERNMENT


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7 NEWS 11 MONEY MATTERS Central government and the private sector must work together to achieve successful debt recovery, says Peter Wordsworth of Fairfax Solicitors CIFAS chief executive Peter Hurst explains how the organisation’s data sharing scheme can help reduce fraud losses Credit Today’s Public Sector Credit Conference will examine how public sector professionals and credit industry representatives can work together successfully We preview CCR-interactive, the leading event in the UK credit industry

21 BUILT ENVIRONMENT If we are to meet the 80 per cent CO2 reduction target, we will need to significantly improve our existing housing stock, writes BRE The Code for Sustainable Homes is an important tool for government to achieve its zero carbon homes ambition, writes David Weatherall, the Energy Saving Trust BRE explains the next major revision to Part L of the building regulations The Built Environment Solutions & Technologies show will bring together construction buyers and sellers from all over the country The World Green Roof Congress (WGRC) drives the uptake of green roofs, providing a greater understanding of their benefits We preview M&E – The Building Services Event, the UK’s only event dedicated to all building services

Find out about every aspect of energy procurement, management and efficiency at the Energy Event Make sure you understand and comply with new government regulations by visiting this year’s Carbon Show CA Technologies has commissioned a study of over 200 UK organisations to identify ten key questions organisations should ask themselves about the CRC

45 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Whatever your facilities management requirements are, a visit to Workplace Management 2010 will cover everything you need

46 GRAFITTI Keeping public areas clean is essential for making that first good impression, writes Community Clean

49 SECURITY Those in charge of buying security must keep in mind the importance of quality rather than cost, says James Kelly of the BSIA

51 CONFERENCES & EVENTS The MIA is promoting initiatives that can help the meetings and events industry achieve ongoing stability during times of spending cuts What makes Birmingham a preferred destination for party political conferences? Get ready to see the most exciting conference and event venues at this year’s Event UK The Westminster Collection is organising a ‘One-Stop-Shop’ Venue Showcase giving you the opportunity to see first hand what the members offer

67 SPORT AND LEISURE Everyone in the leisure industry is invited to come and see the latest innovations at LIW

77 LANDSCAPING AND GROUNDSCARE We preview IOG SALTEX, the UK’s number one open space management event

81 TRAINING The World of Learning Conference & Exhibition will tackle the issue of how Learning & Development will be affected in tough financial times

85 OFFICE CLOTHING With many offices not operating a formal dress code, what should you wear to work to create a professional image?

87 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Find out how to save money without letting staff engagement suffer at Employee Benefits Live exhibition and conference How can public sector employers keep staff motivated and engaged amid so much uncertainty?

92 SOCIAL CARE RECRUITMENT High profile failures in child protection illustrate the serious need for well trained and skilled social workers

95 RECYCLING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT RWM sets the trend this autumn with recycled textile fashion shows and a new waste minimisation zone



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Government Business | Volume 17.9

Councils to start selling green electricity ouncils across Britain will start making cash from their green electricity projects after new government laws come into force. Introduced by the Department of Energy and Climate Change, the new laws mean that local authorities are no longer restricted from selling renewable electricity into the national or local network. This will open new sources of income including the full benefit of the feed in tariff which incentivises renewable electricity. It could mean up to £100 million a year in income for local authorities across England and Wales. Bristol City Council already has schemes in the pipeline that will now benefit from this change including two 2-3 megawatt wind turbines off the Severn Estuary, on council land, in the Avonmouth industrial area. Bristol City Council cabinet member Gary Hopkins said: “This is very welcome news and means that we can move ahead


with our turbine project as planned. Wind turbines will be a boost to renewable energy production in the city, providing us with a localised energy supply. But it also makes good financial sense, with any profits made earmarked to fund other carbon reduction projects in the city.”

Financial bonus for councils that build new homes where needed ousing Minister Grant Shapps has confirmed that councils who take action now to give planning consent and support the construction of new homes where they are needed will receive direct and substantial benefit for their actions. The New Homes Bonus will see councils receive extra funding to spend as they wish on public services – whether council tax discounts for local residents, boosting frontline services like rubbish collection or improving local facilities like playgrounds. The New Homes Bonus will be introduced early in the Spending Review period. In a letter to councils Mr Shapps also


confirmed that the government is working on business rate reforms to encourage economic development, as well as reforming the Community Infrastructure Levy to provide an even clearer incentive to develop. Grant Shapps said: “With house building falling to its lowest level since 1924, action is needed now to build the homes the country needs. That’s why these new powerful incentives to build will be introduced early in the Spending Review period. And it’s why I have confirmed that those councils who go for growth by providing planning permission now will reap the rewards.”

NEWSINBRIEF Speech software helps Welsh blind people surf the web Automated speech software, which enables information on computer screens to be read aloud in Welsh, has been launched to help Welsh blind and partially sighted people access online information. The Welsh Synthetic Voice enables information on computer screens to be read aloud in Welsh and will also enable people to download and read Welsh language books and to write and receive texts in Welsh. The Welsh Synthetic Voice has been produced by RNIB Cymru and is supported by £80,000 of Welsh Assembly Government funding. The software will be free for individuals to download and will also be available free to public bodies outside of the education sector.

Proposals to limit migrant workers from outside Europe The coalition government has announced restrictions on the number of workers entering the UK from outside Europe. How this limit will be implemented is to be agreed following a 12-week government consultation conducted by the UK Border Agency. There will also be a parallel consultation to be led by the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC), the government’s independent adviser on migration issues. This consultation is to be on the levels at which the limits should be set for the first full year of their operation. The MAC will consult on and consider the economic, social and public service impacts of migration in developing its advice. Skills for Care & Development are coordinating a response from the social work and social care sectors to the MAC to ensure employer views are represented.

Free mapping data to improve public services Local government minister Grant Shapps has launched a new agreement between the government and all public bodies that will allow them to use national mapping data for free. The Public Sector Mapping Agreement (PSMA) will allow all parts of the public sector in England and Wales to access national mapping data and is expected to pave the way for a huge increase in new apps and websites that will improve public services. This data will support a diverse range of services from the digital television switch over to reducing ambulance response times and improving school bus routes. Local government minister Grant Shapps said: “Easy access to high quality mapping data will trigger an eruption of new public sector mobile apps and digital mash ups that can quickly and cheaply improve local services, from refuse collections to protecting local birds and animals. “We want ordinary people to come up with their own solutions to local problems that suit their needs.”



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Government Business | Volume 17.9

Manchester residents to benefit from solar power lderly residents in north Manchester are to benefit from green energy produced by solar panels put on the side of their housing block. Manchester City Council has teamed up with Northwards Housing and contractors Wates Living Space to install the panels on Whitebeck Court Extra Care Scheme in Charlestown. Tenants moving into the 91 flats in the newly refurbished block will use


renewable power generated by the panels for their lighting and electrical use in the block’s communal areas. The solar panels, which are visible on the outside of the block, will contribute towards Manchester reaching its target of a 41 per cent reduction in carbon emissions by 2020. The panels were funded by the City Council’s Carbon Innovation Fund, which was set up to help finance carbon reduction projects across Manchester.

Gum-busting machine to clean Brighton’s streets he streets of Brighton and Hove could soon become virtually gum-free after purchasing the £123,000 Local Authority Machine. It is claimed the device will clear up to 100,000 pieces of gum from Brighton and Hove’s streets, while using only three per cent of the water used by other gum-busting machines. Officials said the device, supplied by cleansing firm Gum Clear, is an improvement on older technologies because it sucks up and recycles 97 per cent of the water it uses, where earlier machines would blast water on to the


pavements with high-pressure pumps. The council said it secured a discount of around £30,000 on the machine by helping develop the technology and demonstrating it to other local authorities. It also hopes to recoup costs by hiring it out. Contractors in Brighton and Hove were cleaning up to 2.2 million pieces of gum a year, covering more than 48,000m sq of pavement, at a cost of around £25,000 a year. Brighton and Hove City Council estimates that doing the job in-house rather than paying contractors could cut costs by thousands of pounds.

Welsh community centres take on Climate Change Challenge hree Welsh community centres are taking part in the Welsh Assembly Government’s Climate Change Challenge 2010. Pontrobert Community Centre near Llanfair Caereinion, Powys, Bridges Community Centre in Monmouth and Bloomfield Community Centre in Narberth, Pembrokeshire, will be competing to find innovative and fun ways to cut their carbon footprint until July 2011.


NEWSINBRIEF Public to say which government datasets to release The British public is being asked to nominate which new government datasets they would like to see released on The call came in the wake of a meeting of the Public Sector Transparency Board, which aims to drive forward the transparency agenda and make sure that government departments and non-departmental public bodies release datasets on the site as soon as possible so that people have the information. The most requested datasets already identified by the Board include the Land Registry, Companies House, the Integrated Business Register, transport data, weather information and Environment Agency data. Francis Maude, Minister for the Cabinet Office, said: “As part of our commitment to transparency this government has already published a series of datasets which have never been available to the public before. “But it’s not just a one way process: I want people to give their ideas on what datasets they want to see released and not just wait for us to publish.”

Joint letter calls for more local power for London A letter co-signed by the Mayor of London, London Councils and the London Assembly, has been sent to Eric Pickles, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, making a united case for further devolution to London from central government. Coming together in a joint bid for greater powers and more accountability co-signatories, Boris Johnson, Mayor Jules Pipe and Dee Doocey AM, put forward a devolution package for London outlining agreement between the three bodies. If adopted, it will lead to more streamlined and efficient governance in London and significant savings for the taxpayer. Mayor of London Boris Johnson said: “Too much is controlled by Whitehall and measured by standards that don’t apply specifically to Londoners, meaning our devolution settlement has remained weak with much room for improvement, particularly where decisions should be taken by those in the local communities they affect. “It is time to act, and we are delighted to be working in agreement with London Councils and the Assembly who are both key to the success of any devolution package for London.”

The challenge aims to demonstrate that individuals and communities can have a positive impact on reducing Wales’ carbon footprint through their everyday actions. At the end of the challenge, a judging panel of experts will pick an overall winner based on their engagement with the community, carbon footprint reduction and long-term commitment to more sustainable living. The Challenge is supported by the the Carbon Trust and Dwr Cymru Welsh Water.



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Government Business | Volume 17.9


WORKING IN COALITION TO RECOVER DEBTS A successful strategy for recovering government debt will require an effective coalition with the private sector, writes Peter Wordsworth, chief executive, Fairfax Solicitors FORMER CONSERVATIVE Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli, famously declared on 16 December 1852 that “England does not love coalitions.” There are undoubtedly many Conservatives and Liberal Democrats who are not enamoured with the prospect of the two parties working together so closely. Likewise there will be those working in the public sector who are not enamoured at the prospect of collaborative working with the private sector in respect of debt recovery. Having accepted this reality, it is however important to appreciate that sometimes working in coalition with another party is the only way forward, as in the case of the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats. Furthermore, with debt levels increasing and the government committed to reducing the size of the state, there was no practical alternative but to engage with the private sector. Both coalitions have therefore been born out of necessity. A COMMON GOAL History would indicate that success for any coalition depends on both parties accepting their interdependence and working together to achieve a common goal. Herein lies another clear parallel. Having worked with several

internally to deliver some of its key priorities. There has therefore been a recognition at the highest level that the departments must now actively consider working in coalition with the private sector to help them achieve their key objectives in the most cost effective manner. This is very clearly spelt out in paragraph 2.5 of the government’s Spending Review Framework published in June 2010. ENSURING VALUE FOR MONEY For those not familiar with the spending review framework, paragraph 2.5 states that departments will be asked to prioritise their programmes against tough criteria ensuring value for money. A very brief analysis of how the provision of debt recovery services by the private sector measures up against these criteria shows that this is very much in line with the treasury’s thinking. Four of those criteria are set out below with an assessment as to how the provision of debt recovery services by the private sector satisfies them: • Is the activity essential to meet government priorities? Given the government’s number one priority is reducing the deficit then maximising its revenue opportunities through the recovery of debts is undoubtedly crucial.

Looking at the current coalition government, all the indicators point to it serving the country well. There appears to be a real spirit of partnership and a shared and clear focus upon reduction of the deficit different government departments and agencies providing debt recovery solutions, we have found each department has been different but the most successful projects have been where there is a real spirit of partnership between the department and the private sector provider with each focussed on achieving the common goal of recovering the monies outstanding. It is this shared sense of purpose and a mutual determination to succeed that has always delivered the best results. Looking at the current coalition government, all the indicators point to it serving the country well. There appears to be a real spirit of partnership and a shared and clear focus upon reduction of the deficit. The dilemma here is that because of the need to reduce spending the government does not have the resources

Peter Wordsworth

• Does the activity provide substantial economic value? This has already been proven with the successful recovery of millions of pounds of debt which would otherwise have not been recovered. • Can the activity be provided by a non state provider? This has been successfully demonstrated by the existing government contracts for the provision of debt recovery services. • Can the non-state providers be paid to carry out the activity according to the results that they achieve? As debt recovery services are typically paid for by payment of a small percentage of the monies recovered there is a direct correlation between payment for services provided and the results achieved.

BORN OUT OF NECESSITY There are several clear parallels between the two coalitions. Both were born out of necessity and the success of both depends on a willingness to work in partnership and a clear focus on achieving the key objective. It is also clear that those key objectives are very much interconnected – reducing the deficit will require an effective infrastructure and strategy for recovery of the government’s debts which will require an effective coalition with the private sector. There is a high degree of confidence that the coalition between central government and the private sector for the provision of debt recovery services will be successful, but then the industry has a track record demonstrating that going back to the last Conservative government. Arguably it is too early to know whether the current Conservative/Liberal democrat coalition will be a success, but there would be a neat political symmetry if after 160 years, another Conservative prime minister was able to declare that England does now love coalitions.

Peter Wordsworth is chief executive of Fairfax Solicitors, a leading provider of debt recovery services for central government



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Government Business | Volume 17.9


SHARING FRAUD DATA TO PREVENT FURTHER FRAUD Peter Hurst, chief executive of CIFAS, explains how the organisation’s fraud prevention data sharing scheme can help reduce fraud losses across all sectors CIFAS IS THE UK’S FRAUD PREVENTION Service with 265 members who share information about fraud to prevent further fraud. It is the world’s first not-for-profit fraud prevention data sharing scheme. In this article, CIFAS chief fraud-buster Peter Hurst describes his organisation and how it wants to work with the public sector to help reduce the astonishing high fraud losses that the public sector experiences. MANY OF US KNOW THAT YOU WERE INVOLVED WITH CIFAS LONG BEFORE YOU BECAME CHIEF EXECUTIVE. WERE YOU CLOSE TO CIFAS IN 1988 WHEN CIFAS WAS FOUNDED? 1988 is so long ago. I was at Barclaycard working as a senior manager in their Credit Management area. Work was just getting under way to share details of accounts in default with other lenders. I was aware of CIFAS but it was two years later when I took Barclaycard and later the whole of Barclays Bank into membership. WHAT ATTRACTED YOU TO CIFAS? Fraud was running out of control, particularly on applications for financial services products. Both retail store cards and bank issued credit cards were the prime targets. The economy was in boom mode and about to shift towards recession, as we saw a few years later in 1992. CIFAS offered a way for lenders to protect themselves from fraud without relying on anyone else, like the police or regulators. It was self-help at its best. The founder members of CIFAS were all from the retail sector. They were Burton’s Financial Services, House of Fraser Card Services, Lombard Tricity and Welbeck Finance (now all part of Santander), St Michael Financial Services and Beneficial Bank (now both part of HSBC), Club 24 (now known as Ventura) and Sears Financial Services, now known as Creation Financial Services. The people behind CIFAS from these organisations were all highly committed to its success. Between them they had decades of experience of fraud investigation and of risk management processes across all types of organisations and were convinced that a fraud prevention service would work. They had no formal business case – it was an act of faith and one that paid off handsomely as they always knew it would. They were an impressive leadership team and I admired their tenacity.

DID YOU GET AWAY WITH JOINING CIFAS WITHOUT A BUSINESS CASE? Not exactly. By 1990 when Barclaycard was considering joining CIFAS, there were already some impressive results from the retailers. We knew that we could replicate those. In the summer of 1990 we joined CIFAS and immediately cross-checked the whole Barclaycard portfolio against the database. £1 million of savings were achieved by identifying frauds where we had already opened an account, and we were able to close them before the losses grew. In those days annual profits were £100 million so £1 million in savings was a huge success. The Home Office subsequently published a report on this exercise as a case-study in how to prevent fraud successfully. It set the tone for a major shift from fraud investigation business models towards a fraud prevention business model.

Peter Hurst

I have been involved in CIFAS since 1990 when I chaired the APACS application fraud committee. Having led Barclaycard and later Barclays Bank and the other banks into membership, I joined the CIFAS management committee that later became the Board when CIFAS became a company limited by guarantee in 1991. Then, after going on to chair the ‘First Party Fraud Working Party’

CIFAS HAS GROWN FROM ITS EIGHT FOUNDER MEMBERS TO OVER 265 TODAY. WHY HAS IT BEEN SO SUCCESSFUL? In the early years CIFAS was managed by the Consumer Credit Trade Association. By the time CIFAS employed its first staff in 1990, there were already 50 members. The credit for this phase of development very much belongs to Anthony Sharp and John Patrick from the CCTA and the CIFAS Management Committee, as our Board was then known. In 1991 Alan Hilton was

£1 million of savings were achieved by identifying frauds where we had already opened an account, and we were able to close them before the losses grew. In those days annual profits were £100 million so £1 million in savings was a huge success and the Banking Sector Working Party, my working life took a different turn. By 1994 I was working in credit risk and I had little involvement with CIFAS until 1999 when I left Barclays to take up my current role as chief executive of CIFAS. I am often asked why I left the security of working for a large organisation for a small organisation, but I have never looked back nostalgically. I felt more like a caged bird being set free and this job is the most enjoyable role I have ever had.

appointed as the first executive director of CIFAS and June Hale and Lissi Hedevang subsequently joined him. Lissi is still with us today as my PA. By 1999 when Alan retired, and I joined CIFAS as chief executive, there were 160 members, a tremendous testament to their hard work. Since then, the membership has continued to grow and we have launched a Staff Fraud Database as well as replaced all of the legacy 1980s systems with the latest technology. Why are we successful? I think it’s because



Government Business | Volume 17.9


the CIFAS membership is a close knit community of fraud professionals who trust one another. When an organisation joins CIFAS, it is not buying and selling data. It is linking into a trusted network of people who set high standards, and because CIFAS operates on a not-for-profit basis but still with an extremely business-minded approach to cost-effectiveness, the overall value for money that we can deliver is better than for any commercially supplied service. Over the last five years, members have reported that they have prevented a total of £4.2 billion through sharing fraud data through CIFAS, or in another words, over that period they have saved £268 of fraud for every £1 of subscription fee that they pay. Few, if any, commercial solutions could claim that return on investment. It makes us quite unique. Our not-for-profit business model established by our founders is as valid today as it was in 1988.

WHY DO YOU THINK THAT CIFAS SHOULD BE TRUSTED TO HOLD EXTREMELY SENSITIVE FRAUD DATA? We don’t buy and sell data. There is no commercialisation. We don’t collect data about anything except confirmed frauds and we don’t deal in suspicions or hearsay. We operate to high standards and ensure they are achieved by investing heavily in an audit and best practice regime whereby each of our member organisations is visited and reviewed annually. We check how they obtain our data and exactly what they do with it. We also employ computer auditors to audit the organisations that deliver our data to our members. We have a low tolerance for poor standards and on those few occasions where we find them, we involve the chief executive of the organisation. As a not-for-profit organisation we do what’s right, and not just what would make commercial or business sense. Over the last

Many public-sector people are superb at investigating fraud, but only after the event. You’ll find that the private sector is much quicker to use data-mining and analysis tools from the IT industry to drill down into data to uncover fraud YOU OFTEN DESCRIBE CIFAS AS A UNIQUE ORGANISATION. IN WHAT OTHER WAYS IS IT UNIQUE? CIFAS is the world’s first fraud data sharing scheme. This is a field in which the UK leads the way. The innovation and creativity that goes into our fraud prevention solutions is quite unlike anything found in other countries. The UK leads and others follow. I think fraud professionals need to be recognised more in the UK for the benefits that they bring to our economy. In the private sector we have a great success story to tell and we need to replicate that success in the public sector, especially now when public funds are so tight, both to keep taxes down and to free up funds for front-line service delivery. CIFAS is the closest thing the United Kingdom has to a National Fraud Database. The founders of CIFAS realised very early on that the more complete the fraud data-set, the more likely it would be that frauds would be prevented and detected. They put an incredible amount of effort into achieving a database with critical mass. They also realised that the better the tools that use the fraud data-set, the more likely it is that frauds will be prevented and detected, so they entered into partnerships with the original participating agencies. Only here do you find a variety of organisations working together to deliver services that make the UK a more hostile place in which to commit fraud.



ten years I have had to tell a member to leave CIFAS but could you imagine a commercial organisation ceasing to do business with a client in a recession? We have to take a wider and more long-term view. That’s why we are still here after 22 years. When an organisation joins CIFAS they can be confident that they are joining an organisation that treats all data, including the data about criminals with respect, and one that never sells it or uses it for marketing purposes. ISN’T CIFAS JUST A CONSUMER FRAUD BLACKLIST IN REALITY? We exist to protect both our members and the public from the actions of criminals. Over 50 per cent of the records on our database relate to identity theft and we protect tens of thousands of victims each year from repeat attempts to use their identity, both through victim of impersonation markers placed on the database by our members and through our Protective Registration Service. This enables members of the public, at risk of identity fraud, perhaps following a theft or burglary, to place a warning on our database to protect themselves. We also operate entirely transparently. Our website explains how the CIFAS database is used, who our members are, and how to obtain a copy of any data held about you. I would challenge anyone to demonstrate that other fraud services are as transparent as we are.

Our founder members required CIFAS to help to protect the victims of fraud. They said that members must recognise “the importance of ensuring that innocent members of the public are not prejudiced by reports of alleged fraudulent acts or information.” To this day we take this very seriously and continue to resource services to achieve this. WHY IS CIFAS TARGETING THE PUBLIC SECTOR? The simple answer is because we know that we can help reduce the astonishing high fraud losses in the public sector. A recent National Fraud Authority research report has put public sector fraud losses at a mind boggling £25 billion a year. CIFAS was designated as a Specified Anti-Fraud Organisation (SAFO) under the Serious Crime Act. This enables public sector organisations to become members of CIFAS and reap the same benefits as the private sector. A number of organisations are poised to join CIFAS in the coming months. They will benefit not just from the private sector’s fraud data, but also from sharing their fraud data with other public sector organisations through CIFAS. Many public-sector people are superb at investigating fraud, but only after the event. You’ll find that the private sector is much quicker to use data-mining and analysis tools from the IT industry to drill down into data to uncover fraud. The public sector is largely tackling fraud using a 1980s fraud investigation business model whereas the private sector uses a fraud prevention model. The National Fraud Initiative run by the Audit Commission is the best example of this outdated approach. It is run every two years and retrospectively seeks to identify frauds. By then it’s too late. It’s closing the stable door after the horse has bolted. The losses have been incurred. We have the expertise to help the public sector achieve more at lower cost. I also strongly believe that we have a moral duty to help public bodies reduce their fraud losses. It will help to avoid higher taxes and free up money to fund frontline services – a double win for all of us. WHAT ARE YOUR FUTURE PLANS? I want to see the CIFAS Transformation Programme that we embarked on four years ago, fully complete and all of our members using the new services, well before the old ones are switched off at the end of 2011. I am also keen to see public sector organisations fully participating in CIFAS, more insurers and on-line retailers. For our staff fraud database I would like to see it overtake CIFAS in terms of member numbers, as it has the potential to help any employer. My work at CIFAS is not done yet.


Government Business | Volume 17.9


HOW TO REDUCE CARD PAYMENT FRAUD On the face of it, an article with a headline like this would seem to be offering ways to tackle the problem of receiving fraudulent credit and debit card payments from fraudulent customers. And yes, there are solutions to that problem in this article HOWEVER, THERE IS ALSO the problem of card data fraud. This can be perpetrated from inside an organisation, or it can be the result of card data being stolen from your card payment terminals or your computer systems by criminals who hack their way in. Stolen card data can be very lucrative to those who receive it and the problem has been escalating in recent years. For this too there are ways in which you can help protect your organisation. First to fraudulent payments: On the face of it, there would seem to be little sense in making a payment to a council or government department by using a stolen card. After all, a connection would be formed between an act of criminality and the records that you already hold for that customer. It makes no sense for the criminal to identify themselves in this way or to leave a trail that leads, literally, to their front door. For transient service users, this connection with your records may not exist. If payment is not being made in person but over the telephone or via an internet site then no PIN is required. This type of Cardholder Not Present (CNP) payment is open to fraud. If you accept a high volume of these then you may consider processing payments through a fraud solution from a ‘Payment Services Provider’. Such solutions automatically screen payment transactions for potential fraud and can easily be embedded in your website or your call centre environment. For instance, ClearCommerce from FIS Merchant Payments already processes and filters over 500,000 CNP transactions every day. LOST CARD DATABASE Another possibility is to screen lower value transactions against the ‘Industry Hot Card File’ – the official national database of all lost and stolen credit and debit cards. This file is constantly updated and can be referred to at the time of the transaction in little more than one second. The file is owned by UK Payments Administration – the payment industry’s regulator – and managed on their behalf by FIS. This solution is perfect for high volume and low value transactions where the cost of authorisation can be reduced whilst managing payment risk. Typically, a pre-determined proportion of payments will be filtered for, or randomly approved in this way when they fall under a ‘floor limit’. The remainder will be forwarded for card issuer authorisation as usual. This system can reduce the cost of payment processing (for larger volumes the savings

can be substantial) and can be used for both cardholder present and cardholder not present transactions. You may not have realised it, but you will have made a payment in a supermarket or toll at some time that uses this method of transaction approval. FIS Merchant Payments have the risk expertise that has ensured the successful deployment of this method at a number of different types of clients. CARD DATA FRAUD Finally, to card data fraud: This is a growing problem. According to official figures released by UK Payments Administration, Cardholder Not Present (CNP) fraud amounted to £266 million in 2009. This type of crime ranges from ad hoc stolen cards through to the wholesale theft of card data, later used in CNP transactions via internet or telephone. If your organisation processes card payments it must store the data securely, either in house or with a third party such as FIS Merchant Payments. The requirements that cover this are called the Payment Card Industry Data Security

In addition, TRANSAXion also offers a higher security ‘tokenisation’ option by which you can store your customers’ card data in lieu of card detail but payment processing and debiting of further and future payments can still be processed by you. So, there are many ways to reduce card fraud, whilst protecting your customer and your organisation from the damage it can cause. Forgive the pun, but it will pay you to talk to the payment experts. Talk to FIS Merchant Payments, one of the world’s leading payment specialists.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Mike Bradley, sales support manager, FIS Merchant Payments. Tel: 0121 410 4357 E-mail: Web:

Standards (otherwise known as PCI:DSS). These lay down the requirements for data storage and the need for self or external assessment. Fortunately, help is at hand and indeed, much of your PCI:DSS obligation can be alleviated if your payments are processed securely through TRANSAXion – a PCI:DSS compliant card processing and card data storage solution from FIS Merchant Payments. Already being used by many retail, hospitality and fuel vendors, TRANSAXion will ensure that your customers’ card data cannot be breached either internally or externally.



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Written By Alex Cardno


IMPROVING DEBT MANAGEMENT AND RECOVERY Credit Today’s Public Sector Credit Conference offers an unparalleled opportunity for public sector professionals and credit industry representatives to gain insight into how both sectors can work together successfully ON 21 SEPTEMBER at the Midland Hotel in Manchester, Credit Today’s Public Sector Credit Conference will bring together national government departments, local authorities, the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) and data agencies to debate the latest issues and industry challenges. The big topics for the event include use of private sector techniques to improve debt management and recovery, meeting the challenges of collecting debt in a recession, fighting fraud in local government and changes to the 2007 Tribunals and Courts Enforcement (TCE) Act. These will be debated by a top panel of speakers at the Midland Hotel in Manchester.

had to annul bankruptcy proceedings it had issued against a woman with mental health problems, which were known to part of the council outside the revenues department. At the time the LGO said this case in particular highlighted the need for better communication across council departments. The conference agenda will also provide insight on the fight against fraud in local government. Sally Gubbins, national fraud initiative co-ordinator at the Audit Commission, will address issues of how detecting and preventing single person council tax fraud, false housing benefit claims and discount reviews can aid the protection of the public purse. The Audit Commission will also discuss how to gather the necessary data to identify fraud and improve debt recovery, and give an overview of the results of the 2008/09 national fraud initiative, combined with some case studies from the initiative and a look ahead to its direction regarding private sector involvement and other areas of data matching.

TCE REFORM Of paramount importance to the enforcement industry will be any changes made to the TCE Act and Credit Today will be the first to shed new light on the Ministry of Justice’s (MoJ) plans for TCE reform. The MoJ already revealed earlier this year that it is considering a tiered fee structure for enforcement agents, who work with councils across the UK, as part of the Act’s reforms. High court enforcement officers have worked with MoJ officials on potential fee structures for the best part of two years. The MoJ is due to provide some much-anticipated updates on this and other areas of the legislation. The MoJ will explain to delegates how changes within the Act will impact public sector organisations and enforcement firms, who have been waiting for an update following delays during the past 18 months. Progress was initially postponed after it was decided that the sections on regulation and the provisions contained within the Act needed more work.

techniques that the department is now trialling and assessing the impact this has had on debt scoring and customer segmentation. DWP will also provide the audience with insight on the department’s latest policy initiatives on debt recovery. Andrew Hobley, senior investigator at the LGO, will also be speaking at the event, and will explain to the audience best practice techniques for councils to deal with debtors who are struggling with council tax. Hobley will also shed light on how best to improve communications processes between council departments, to ensure that all departments are working together to achieve the best results.

TECHNOLOGY AND DEBT RECOVERY The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) will also appear, elaborating on its use of technology and the impact that these developments have had on debt recovery. Alison Cunningham, performance director of debt management at DWP, will talk about how the department has modernised and improved its contact centres. She will also outline the private sector customer management

AVOIDING FINES The ombudsman has issued damning reports and fines against high-profile councils across the country in the last three years. Manchester City Council, Wolverhampton City Council and Brighton and Hove Council have all had to pay redress to residents after issuing bankruptcy proceedings over unpaid concil tax without due regard for the debtor’s circumstances. Meanwhile, the London Borough of Camden

DEBT COLLECTION AND THE RECESSION Credit reference agency Experian will provide thorough insight into the challenges of debt recovery thrown up by the recession. Delegates will be shown strategies for those who cannot pay due to the effects of recession, how to put together manageable payment plans for debtors and how to assess the extent to which a corporate debt policy could streamline processes and reduce costs. The day will end following a panel discussion between representatives from the London Borough of Hounslow, the London Borough of Ealing and the DWP, examining how the best results can be achieved from public and private sector partnerships. Offering a special rate of just £99 for public sector professionals, and £379 for suppliers, Credit Today’s Public Sector Credit conference will provide an essential platform for individuals who are pivotal in bringing the public and private sectors closer together.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Web: publicsectorcredit.cfm






Government Business | Volume 17.9


AN IMPORTANT DATE FOR THE CREDIT INDUSTRY CCR-interactive has established itself as the leading event in the UK credit industry, bringing delegates unparalleled knowledge from expert speakers and networking opportunities CCR-INTERACTIVE, in association with Philips’ Homecoll service, is founded on one simple understanding: that the leading editorial conference in the credit industry requires the most knowledgeable presenters. As the international economy emerges from recession, credit professionals need to be at the top of their game to ensure that their organisations thrive. CCR-interactive will play a key role in this by allowing the industry to learn from the most experienced experts through interactive conference sessions and presentations. In 2009, the event brought together close to 400 delegates and some of the most informed presenters in the credit industry, from the UK and around the world. On 5 October 2010, Tower Hotel, Central London, CCR-interactive will be back bigger and better than ever, building on the strengths already established in the past three years. Speakers include Sir Philip King, CEO, ICM; Trevor Williams, chief economist, Lloyds banking group; Stuart Hopwell, credit manager, Fuji Film; and Dr Sandra Frisby, economist. CONFERENCE STREAMS CCR-interactive will again be made up of six conference streams running in parallel on one day, showcasing many of the most senior, world-class credit professionals from the UK and around the world. Seated at round tables, the six streams will provide delegates with the targeted knowledge that they need. It also gives sponsors the opportunity to interact with delegates who have an interest in their product. The streams covered are: Consumer Credit Strategy, Collections, Commercial Credit Strategy, International, Legal Issues & Enforcement, and Risk.

Tower Hotel

CCR MEETINGS A hugely successful part of CCR-interactive in 2009 was CCR-meetings which gave delegates the opportunity to book a ten minute meeting with any of the sponsors to have their questions answered. In 2008 and 2009 over 120 CCR-meetings were booked. In 2010 it will be back, bigger and better than ever – with opportunities to meet some of the key suppliers to the industry. The event also has a hugely popular networking breakfast where you can come and meet your peers who you will be with all day and who you may know for years to come. The day concludes with the Gala Dinner and Credit Excellence Awards, both run in association with Philips’ Homecoll service. With a reception area and dining facilities overlooking Tower Bridge and the River Thames, the Guoman Tower Hill offers the perfect climax to a day of learning and networking. DELIVERING INSIGHT AND KNOWLEDGE Speaking about the event, Philip King, chief executive of the Institute of Credit Management commented: “While our industry awards

scheme, Gala Dinner, and programme of Regional Roadshows continue to go from strength to strength, it is important that the ICM continues to be fully represented on a national stage at a major industry conference. “There is no doubt in my mind that CCR-i is one of the premier events in the credit industry. It is well established, well respected, and proven in delivering real insight and knowledge. Our decision to partner with them is a grown-up, commercial decision that will bring real value to our members. Our mission is to work together to deliver a single national event for the credit industry.” He continued: “The genius of the structure of CCR-i is in the way it appeals to delegates at a more personal level. The six different ‘streams’ enables delegates to tailor the day to their own specific needs, and having smaller rooms and round tables almost forces people to engage, and become an integral part of the day. Rather than being divorced from the speakers and the action, they are in the very thick of it. That’s why it is ‘interactive’. “A particular innovation for this year is the creation of the Association Zone. The ‘zone’ came about as a result of collaborative talks between CCR-i and the ICM in a genuine partnerships approach that sees us combining forces for the good of the industry. The creation of a dedicated ‘zone’ gives us an opportunity to reach out to existing members in a conducive environment to share thoughts and ideas, as well as promoting the work of the Institute to a wider audience,” King added.

FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information or to register, visit

Europe’s largest credit management organisation HE INSTITUTE OF CREDIT MANAGEMENT (ICM) is Europe’s largest credit management organisation. The trusted leader in expertise for all credit matters, it represents the profession across trade, consumer, and export credit, and all creditrelated services. Formed over 70 years ago (in 1939), it is the only such organisation accredited by Ofqual and it offers a comprehensive range of services and bespoke solutions for the credit professional ( as well as services and advice for the wider business community (

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FOR MORE INFORMATION The services offered by the ICM include: Professional membership grades; recruitment agency; conferences and seminars; professional qualifications and unit awards; bookshop;

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Government Business | Volume 17.9


SUSTAINABLE REFURBISHMENT FOR EXISTING HOUSING STOCK Britain has the oldest housing stock in the developed world with 8.5 million properties over 60 years old. Most of these are energy inefficient and many are in a poor state of repair, writes BRE HOUSING ENERGY USE is responsible for 27 per cent of the UK’s CO2 emissions. Our current rate of building new energy efficient homes is very low compared to the size of the existing stock, which means that approximately 70 per cent of our energy inefficient housing will still be in use in 2050. Some estimates show that at our current rates of demolition the average house may have to last 1,000 years before it is replaced. According to the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) there are approximately 8.1 million (37 per cent) English Homes that do not meet the Decent Homes standard; of these 59 per cent (4.8 million) are excessively cold and just over half of English housing stock (4.1 million) fail to provide adequate thermal comfort. As more dwellings age and potentially fall into disrepair these problems are likely to worsen. FUEL POVERTY The concern over housing is not just on condition, but also on affordability for the occupants. Recent research carried out by suggests that the average annual household energy bill could reach £5,000 by 2020 if current trends and fuel use continue. The implications of this for the four million UK householders that are already suffering fuel poverty are huge. Much is currently being done to reduce the UK’s energy use and carbon emissions. The Climate Change Act 2008 has set a target of an 80 per cent reduction in carbon emissions (below the 1990 level) by 2050, and has made provision for government to implement policies that will help it to meet its target. It is proposed that there will be several step changes over the next few years to achieve this target. A great deal of money is already being spent on home improvements, but most of this work is carried out on kitchen and bathroom refurbishments which provide no energy saving benefits. Many popular home improvements actually cost a great deal more than any estimated value that may be added to the property, for example a new kitchen will cost on average £18,700, but is only likely to add an estimated £4,894 to the value of the dwelling, therefore resulting in a net added value of minus £13,860 (source: Abbey research based on home loans provided to 1,000 people). There is also evidence that householders do not see the benefits of energy efficiency measures, and while they may be prepared

to spend money on a new kitchen they would not be so keen to carry out energy saving home improvements. Much of the reluctance is due to perceived nuisance and hassle of having the work done, the lack of something tangible in the home like a new bathroom suite, and the high installation costs of some of the low carbon technologies. If we are to meet the 80 per cent reduction target and avoid fuel poverty for many people we will need to significantly improve the energy efficiency of our existing housing stock by radical, large scale sustainable refurbishment. COST EFFECTIVE AND ENERGY EFFICIENT Sustainable refurbishment of housing is not easy. Nearly half the UK’s housing is ‘hard to treat’, e.g. it has solid walls and/or no loft space. It is often difficult to know what to do to achieve the best outcome; especially if you have limited funds. Innovative materials and technologies have been developed that allow high levels of insulation in external walls, roofs, windows; as well as the development of low carbon technologies for providing heating, hot water and lighting as well as other benefits like water efficiencies and waste minimisation. BRE plays a pivotal role in achieving sustainable refurbishment, with links to over 350 exemplar refurbishment projects including BRE’s Victorian Terrace project on the Watford Innovation Park. Dwellings were monitored before and after to establish the impacts of refurbishment work; one of the aims of these projects is to identify how dwellings that started with a typical SAP rating of G to F can achieve a revised SAP rating of B

to A. These exemplar schemes are fundamental to showcase what can be achieved with typical UK housing stock as well as exhibiting new innovative materials and technologies, for example phase change material, space efficient and eco insulation, vacuum glass, renewables technologies and best work practice. BRE Training can help you achieve sustainable refurbishment success. Our targeted and practical training courses have been developed by experts through our ‘Rethinking Refurbishment’ initiative. Our expert trainers will impart our knowledge and experience to help you plan and execute successful, cost effective and sustainable housing refurbishment. BRE Training is a leading, high-quality training provider and assessment centre for programmes leading to national vocational qualifications with CPD and other courses focusing on Energy, Sustainability, Fire, Regulation/Legislation, Security, Innovation, Health and Safety, Intelligent Buildings, Specification and Design. With a number of different delivery mechanisms from conventional classroom sessions and hands-on practical workshops to distance and online learning and state-of-the-art facilities, we offer an unrivalled training experience. This course is aimed at designers, construction professionals and local authority and social housing landlords.

FOR MORE INFORMATION More information on BRE training, together with booking details visit



Government Business | Volume 17.9


THE CODE FOR SUSTAINABLE HOMES The Code for Sustainable Homes is an important tool for the government to achieve its ambition of all new homes meeting a zero carbon standard by 2016, writes David Weatherall, Energy Saving Trust THE CODE FOR SUSTAINABLE Homes is the government’s national standard for the sustainable design and construction of new homes. Introduced in 2006, the Code is a voluntary standard, but one that is often cited as a mandatory requirement by planners and commissioners of social housing. Reducing carbon emissions from homes is at the centre of the Code for Sustainable Homes. As such, it’s an important tool for the government to achieve its ambition of all new homes meeting a zero carbon standard by 2016. In the longer term the Code forms part of the framework for delivering on the UK’s legally binding target of an 80 per cent cut in carbon emissions by 2050. HOW DOES THE CODE WORK? The Code for Sustainable Homes gives new homes a Code rating from one to six, with six being the most sustainable. Homes are rated by trained and accredited assessors, based on a scoring of a wide variety of different sustainability features. Within the Code, standards may be compulsory or voluntary. To reach level 3 of the Code for Sustainable Homes, for example, developers must reach the following minimum standards: • Achieve 25 per cent reduction in carbon emissions from energy use in the home, compared to a similar home built to the building regulations • Install water saving measures like low flow taps with the aim of achieving a maximum usage of 105 litres per day • Ensure effective surface water management around the home • Ensuring construction waste is properly disposed of, and that the wider environmental impact of the construction materials is reduced. Beyond reaching these minimum standards, to hit Level 3, the builder also has to attain a score by choosing from a range of voluntary measures, such as by providing: • More energy efficient lighting • Cycle storage • A home office • Recycling facilities • Enhanced home security • Enhanced sound insulation. (source: Code for Sustainable Homes, Communities and Local Government, Dec 2006) PROMOTING SUSTAINABLE HOUSING How does the Code for Sustainable Homes promote sustainable housing? The Code for Sustainable Homes interprets housing sustainability very widely. Issues tackled range from minimising homes’ impact on



Midstreet development in Rochester

the local ecology, to promoting ‘lifetime homes’ (usable without adaptation by people with mobility problems). But climate change is the issue at the heart of the Code. Over a quarter of the UK’s total carbon emissions come from heating and electricity use in our homes. The main compulsory elements of the Code for Sustainable Homes are designed to reduce that impact. The Code requires energy efficiency and – at higher levels – renewable energy measures to be fitted to homes. The picture shows a home from the Midstreet development in Rochester,

the national grid. At level 6 of the Code, though, homes have to meet a zero carbon standard whereby the home is required to generate more clean renewable energy annually than its draws from the grid. There are also other climate change measures promoted in the Code which do not link to direct home energy use. The Code requires builders to pay attention to carbon emitted from the production of the building materials they use. It also encourages architects to include cycle storage in designs – helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from car use.

The Code for Sustainable Homes gives new homes a Code rating from one to six, with six being the most sustainable. Homes are rated by trained and accredited assessors, based on a scoring of a wide variety of different sustainability features built to Code Level 5. The house doesn’t look very different from a normal newbuild home: the builder has mirrored the predominantly redbrick Victorian architecture of the surrounding village. But despite its appearance, this property boasts a combination of advanced green features. Photovoltaic panels provide much of the electricity that’s used in the home. A biomass wood-chip boiler provides heating. And overall heat demand is kept to a minimum with triple-glazed windows, and walls made out of pre-fabricated highly insulated panels. The Midstreet home, will still – over the course of a year – take some energy from

Standards for water use are another important element. For high levels of the Code, it suggests that residents should use less than 80 litres of water per day – down from our current average of 150 litres per home. This can be achieved, for example, by fitting low flow taps and aerated shower heads. In areas of rising population and more limited rainfall, like the south east of England, this water use standard helps reduce the risk of serious water shortages. Reducing water use in new homes is also important to address carbon emissions. In the majority of current homes, most of the energy use goes on keeping the home warm. Highly energy

Government Business | Volume 17.9


efficient new homes, though, don’t lose much heat through walls and windows. Much more energy is used (and therefore carbon emitted) from heating water rather than space heating. WHAT SUCCESS IS THE CODE HAVING? Most homes built to the Standards of the Code for Sustainable Homes have been built for social housing providers. The government’s Homes and Communities Agency has required that all homes built with its funding should meet at least Code Level 3. But the longer term aim of the Code is not just to sell to large scale buyers of housing. It’s also intended to influence individuals and families buying houses. Ensuring the customer demand for high Code level homes depends on the marketing efforts of house builders. The Energy Saving Trust has researched how to make this marketing a success. We believe developers need to highlight to buyers the direct, personal benefits of more sustainable homes. For example, homes that are highly energy efficient and use renewable energy have much lower bills. They’re more comfortable: less draughty and it’s much easier to control their temperature. Emphasising these very tangible benefits – which have nothing directly to do with the environment – will be vital in persuading most home buyers to choose sustainable homes.

THE FUTURE OF THE CODE A Consultation on changes to the Code for Sustainable Homes was issued in the last days of the Labour government. Among other things, the consultation sought to align the Code for Sustainable Homes with the future 2016 zero carbon standard that all new homes will have to reach. The Code for Sustainable Homes is an important part of the government roadmap to achieve a low carbon transformation of house building. Building social housing to Code Level 3 has undoubtedly helped prepare the developers for the ambitious leap they will have to make to full zero carbon new homes in England. In the longer term, post 2016, the Code will continue to have a role in promoting wider sustainability beyond the carbon emissions from direct energy use. The issues in the Code relating to water use, sustainability of building materials and low carbon transport will continue to be important sustainability challenges for the industry. Finally, eighty-five percent of the homes that we will be using in 2050 have already been built. With the Code, we are strengthening the capacity of our building industry to construct very low carbon new homes. That can only help them prepare for the much

bigger challenge of making our existing homes fully fit for a low carbon future. WHAT IS A ZERO CARBON HOME? The basic concept of a zero carbon home might seem simple – a home that replaces any grid electricity it uses over a year with at least the same amount of clean renewable energy generated on or near the home. The Code for Sustainable Homes had included this concept as part of Code Level 6. However such a simple definition poses a problem. For some types of home it can be difficult and expensive to fit renewable energy measures. Blocks of flats in towns can be much harder to fit with measures like solar panels or wind turbines than large detached homes in the country. To overcome this problem, the government has proposed that developers of zero carbon homes need only achieve part of their 100 per cent zero carbon target on the home or development itself. They will also be able to claim carbon reductions they have achieved elsewhere. Thus, improving the insulation of a nearby old home could count towards making a developer’s new homes zero carbon. It is this more complex definition – of on-site carbon reduction plus off-site carbon saving measures – that forms the 2016 Zero Carbon Definition.




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Government Business | Volume 17.9


STRIDING TOWARDS ZERO CARBON The next major revision to Part L of the building regulations will set a challenging further 25 per cent reduction in CO2 emissions above current targets THE NEXT MAJOR REVISION to Part L will come into force in October 2010. While this revision is not as radical as the last in 2006 it sets a challenging further 25 per cent reduction in Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions above current targets. This revision is in response to the government’s policy statement ‘Building a Greener Future’ (2007) which sets out a target for new homes to be zero carbon by 2016 and a similar move towards zero carbon for non-domestic buildings by 2019. To achieve these targets the government has set in place further trajectory improvements planned for 2013. Therefore the latest revision can be seen as one more step along the short path towards zero carbon. It is acknowledged that to achieve these high energy efficiency standards buildings will have to be constructed with a high standard of airtightness, which will necessitate good ventilation strategies to avoid poor indoor air quality; therefore Part F (Ventilation) has been revised simultaneously to meet these new demands. THE TARGETS The Target CO2 Emission Rate (TER) is no longer based on a 2002 notional building with an improvement factor; for 2010 it is based on a building of the same shape and size as that of the actual building. The developer must still equal or better the TER to achieve compliance. A flat approach of 25 per cent reduction in CO2 has been set for dwellings, however for non-domestic buildings the 25 per cent reduction in CO2 is based on an ‘aggregate’ approach. Some building types will be required to deliver a higher percentage improvement, whereas other will need a lesser improvement. This acknowledges that some building types will be easier to achieve higher energy efficiencies than others. Importantly, the net overall outcome will achieve a 25 per cent improvement across the new building stock. The compliance route remains unchanged from 2006 in that there is still an allowance for flexibility in design and specification, so long as the building achieves the TER. However, as was the case for 2006, there are still limiting values that are provided in the Approved Documents and other second tier documents. These limiting values, for example worse acceptable air leakage rates and maximum U-values remain unchanged, but there are new standards that apply for heat pumps and other renewable energy systems. Another new requirement has been introduced

to assess heat loss through party walls and will form part of the heat loss calculation. COMPLIANCE TESTING There will continue to be a great emphasis placed on the quality of construction to ensure the energy efficiency of buildings in operation. Compliance testing, like air pressure testing will continue to be required, and the number of dwellings required to be pressure tested on each development will be effectively doubled. There will be encouragement for developers to test a larger sample to benefit from better values that can be used in SAP calculations and a penalty for dwellings that are not tested. Information on the building must be provided to the building user to ensure that the building is used as it was designed. This is to help prevent the building using more energy than predicted by the designer due to occupant behaviour. While the 2010 revision of Part L does require consequential improvements of existing buildings that are extended or where new fixed services are installed the improvements are much the same as those set in 2006. In conclusion the requirement of a further 25 per cent reduction in CO2 will be a tough challenge for the construction industry; especially so if using traditional building

materials, techniques and services. There is therefore likely to be a great uptake and interest in developing innovative materials and systems, and an increasing use of low and zero carbon technologies. BRE GUIDANCE BRE in partnership with the Energy Saving Trust is offering half day training courses in regional venues between July-September for delegates to provide a practical review of the regulatory changes and how these revisions will affect the design, specification and construction of new dwellings. • Part L - Discover how amendments to Part L and the approved document Part L1A will affect design, construction and compliance of new housing. • Part F - Review how the revisions will affect ventilation strategies and the impact on air quality and occupant comfort. BRE is also offering a one day course specifically for non-domestic buildings on dates in July and September. This course will help you to become familiar with the new version of iSBEM, v4.0.


There will continue to be a great emphasis placed on the quality of construction to ensure the energy efficiency of buildings in operation. Compliance testing, like air pressure testing will continue to be required



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DHP Media showcase film services at BEST

InfoComm International: The AV association

HP MEDIA provide an extensive range of film production and media services to a variety of industry sectors and especially the construction industry. Their expertise has aided many companies in producing targeted promotional videos and training projects, adding considerable value and appeal to their clients’ businesses. Offering a dedicated and professional service, DHP has seen substantial growth in the past few years with a high percentage of sales a direct result of referrals and recommendations. The benefit of using video in a construction project or as a promotional tool can be seen in numerous ways. In the process of site inductions or facilities management training, video increases effectiveness, efficiency and safety. Training DVDs and promotional videos also provide a tried and tested method for communicating valuable and easy to update information to your audience. Furthermore, recording training sessions

INFOCOMM International is the trade association representing the commercial audiovisual industry. InfoComm has more than 5,000 corporate and individual members, including audiovisual manufacturers, systems integrators, dealers and distributors, consultants, programmers, rental and staging companies, technology managers and multimedia professionals. InfoComm maintains offices around the world and provides members with local networking, business and educational opportunities. InfoComm International is an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Accredited Standards Development Organisation (SDO). InfoComm also offers the Certified Technology Specialist programme – the only audiovisual certification ANSI accredited under the International Standard ISO/IEC 17024. Recognised worldwide, there are currently three certifications: the general CTS, the specialised CTS-D (Design) and the specialised CTS-I (Installation). InfoComm International produces the world’s largest commercial



provides an essential resource for testing quality assurance and sharpening accountability. At this year’s ‘Best Exhibition’ in Birmingham, DHP Media will unveil new and exciting film production services to the construction industry. Following the successful completion of two video training projects for a major bank, DHP will showcase their innovative approach to facilities management interface training.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact: Brendan Kavanagh, managing director Tel: 01825 767794 E-mail: Web:

audiovisual tradeshow, InfoComm, which rotates between Las Vegas, Nevada, and Orlando, Florida. InfoComm also hosts tradeshows in Asia and China, and co-owns Integrated Systems shows in Europe and Russia. InfoComm offers training for technology managers and commercial AV professionals. Classes are available online in an interactive virtual classroom, in person, at regional events and tradeshows, and onsite at your facility. InfoComm also offers lunch and tours at which architects can earn education credits from RIBA’s Continuing Professional Development Plan. Learn more about InfoComm today.

FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information, please contact InfoComm International Regional Manager, UK and Ireland, Christopher Lavelle at +44 (0) 1442 345100 or at 26


Government Business | Volume 17.9


BE A PART OF THE BEST SHOW BEST – Built Environment Solutions & Technologies – is the new built environment exhibition where innovative products offer practical solutions to real challenges THE BEST SHOW (BUILT ENVIRONMENT Solutions & Technologies) is the new innovative exhibition for the construction industry taking place from 18-20 October at the NEC in Birmingham. Replacing Interbuild Specifier, BEST will bring together construction buyers and sellers from all over the country, acting as the port of call for those who are looking to showcase their product, gain industry opinion, interact with peers in the market and enjoy a high level free seminar programme. With a focus on “more for less”, BEST will demonstrate how to achieve maximum efficiency whilst reducing costs. Building on the legacy provided by Interbuild Specifier, BEST promises to deliver innovative solutions to real problems in the construction industry. Split into eight different areas, the show covers a wide variety of aspects within the construction industry – from residential to commercial property, to low carbon solutions and retrofitting. DEDICATED HUB Each area will have its own dedicated Hub, with market leading organisations, such as Land Securities, Barratt Homes, DECC and Catalyst Lend Lease issuing challenges to the industry via these areas. Manufacturers will have the opportunity to showcase innovations which can help meet these challenges, whilst contractors, specifiers, and construction clients can debate how best the industry can respond through a series of seminars and project case studies. These challenges will focus on retrofitting, education, housing and other areas where there is a real need for the UK construction industry to deliver solutions to its challenges. As reported by Paul Morrell, the government’s chief construction advisor at the launch of BEST earlier this year, the subject of low carbon remains top of the agenda across the industry. Outlining his thinking on the modernising of the construction industry, public procurement and carbon reduction were the key focus points. The Low Carbon Transition Plan outlined by government sets out a number of targets which should act to mobilise the industry, bringing with it a new set of skills. A proactive approach to a low carbon world will assist in the development of successful relationship across the public and private sector and across industries. As an industry which generates 10 per cent of the UK GDP, the construction industry is a key sector which can assist in the development and growth of a low carbon industry as the government strives to meet their targets. Building on the importance of a low carbon future, the Birmingham Local Education Partnership (a Public Private Partnership between

Catalyst Lend Lease, Bovis Lend Lease and Birmingham City Council) has issued a carbon themed challenge to the industry, inviting the supply chain to demonstrate solutions and products which can help table this challenge live at the Education Hub at BEST – ‘How do we retrofit schools sustainably and affordably to deliver transformational learning spaces, and meet carbon reduction targets?’ TRANSFORMATIONAL LEARNING SPACES The need to deliver modern, transformational learning spaces that help meet carbon targets in an efficient way is now more important than ever. In order to create successful and inspirational learning spaces, the supply chain needs to work in harmony with developers to suggest new solutions and new materials. The Education Hub will showcase suppliers

The need to deliver modern, transformational learning spaces that help meet carbon targets in an efficient way is now more important than ever and products, as well as featuring a free seminar programme, all linked into the Birmingham Local Education Partnership challenge. Visitors to the hub will be able to hear from speakers including; • Stewart Davies, commissioner for Business, Sustainable Development Commission – where are the opportunities to create sustainable schools? Which materials and techniques could best aid these improvements? • Maximo Martinez, associate director, Space Syntax – How can good school mapping promote effective creativity and learning? • Andrea Sully, senior early years advisor, Somerset CYPS – Bridging the divide between schools and design, what makes an effective learning space and how can we unite teacher experiences and architects’ ideas? • Phil Wilson, executive director, WMCEE – case study: adapting to climate change, making schools resistant to changing and extreme weather conditions Other topics to be discussed at BEST include supply chain innovations that have created cost savings for schools, how modular buildings are revolutionising school building construction and built to last – a case study of durable products that will last longer and generate savings and delivering retrofit efficiently and to budget. The BEST Show will provide the perfect meeting and learning arena for the industry,

assisting in a better quality of conversation acting as a single voice leading debate for the industry. With an underlying focus on procurement, BEST will enable manufacturers and service suppliers to connect with those who actively specify and purchase construction materials and product. INTERBUILD ONSITE BEST will be remain co-located with Interbuild Onsite, the number one exhibition for the building trade catering for general builders, plumbers, electricians and trademens and Glassex which will feature the full spectrum of PVC, timber and aluminium glass products and solutions, covering doors, windows and conservatories. The Infrastructure Show will also take place alongside BEST which will unite the civil engineering sector to meet the challenges of delivering major projects in the UK.


FREE TICKETS FOR READERS Readers can book free tickets (saving £20 each) for The BEST Show 2010, by entering priority code EGBED when they register at




























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audiovisual professionals.




industry. Internationally recognized and accredited by the ISO, it serves as a global benchmark for




T function. The InfoComm to create innovative, inspiring environments that successfully combine form and

Certified Technology Specialist (CTS速) credential is a sign of quality and competency in the audiovisual






Government Business | Volume 17.9

AV AND THE GOVERNMENT MARKET AV blends the worlds of art and science. But the heart of the industry’s heritage is solving communication challenges THE AUDIOVISUAL INDUSTRY has been helping people communicate for nearly a century. While many conjure images of overhead and slide projectors when thinking about AV, today’s technology includes videoconferencing, command-and-control rooms, video walls, stadium screens and more. AV blends the worlds of art and science. But the heart of the industry’s heritage is solving communication challenges. According to a recent study, audiovisual products and services will become a €64.7 billion global industry by 2012. The government market is a leading consumer of AV goods and services and driving a lot of this demand. A dramatic shift for the audiovisual industry began in 2000, when AV technology arrived at the crossroads of digital technology. Suddenly, AV could interact with other technology over an IP network. Instead of AV standing alone as individual components, audiovisual technology became part of a bigger system. The backbone of the industry shifted to the engineering and integration of complex systems that are mostly incorporated into the built-environment. Government facilities now require audiovisual systems for information and communications for the public and for intra-agency and intragovernmental information display, whether at the national, regional or local level. Within the government and military environments, AV systems are frequently used for command and control centres; public services collaboration rooms, including transportation, public safety and law enforcement; transportation monitoring and real-time information display; meeting and briefing rooms; and training facilities. Digital signage and kiosks populate lobbies, collaborative conferencing allows real-time communication, videophones offer field access, and integrated controls help coordinate and monitor projection, displays, networks and security systems, and assist in the maintenance of multiple offices and campuses within a government agency. AV improves the lives of the citizenry by offering government information streamed through the internet to the public, and enhances democracy by providing public access to debates, public meetings and proceedings. FOR QUALITY AV, PARTNER WITH A CTS When contracting with audiovisual companies, it is important to understand AV certifications. InfoComm International, the trade association representing the commercial audiovisual industry since 1939, has offered its certification programme for more than 30 years and certifies more qualified AV professionals than anyone else in the industry. The CTS® (Certified Technology Specialist) credentials are respected

the world over and are the only AV certification with accreditation to the ISO/IEC 17024 personnel standard, and many architects, general contractors and other building professionals who engage AV professionals require their AV designers and/or systems integrators to employ AV professionals who hold the CTS credentials. The InfoComm Certified Technology Specialist (CTS) credential is a sign of quality and competency in the audiovisual industry. CTS holders demonstrate knowledge of the science and technology used in audio, video, display and systems. The CTS credential is the global benchmark for AV professionals. HOW CTS CAN HELP YOU: • Save time and money – Bringing an AV expert on board from the start helps you account for and accommodate technical challenges and requirements. • Take advantage of technology – A CTS can recommend the best technology solution for your specific communication needs. • Combine form and function – CTS professionals design and implement complex communications solutions that are attractive and functional. They also plan and develop the underlying infrastructure and physical requirements for AV components in ways that harmonise and complement a structure. • Achieve new dimensions in design – A CTS AV professional can identify ways to use technology to enhance the beauty and

A Certified Technology Specialist – Design (CTS-D) demonstrates detailed knowledge of how to analyse, select and plan seamless audiovisual communications equipment interoperation. The CTS-D demonstrates his or her experience in the form of complete specifications and drawings that deliver a desired outcome to meet a client’s needs. A Certified Technology Specialist – Installation (CTS-I) installs and maintains audiovisual systems by following specifications, schematics, codes and safety protocols; administering installation process logistics; troubleshooting and problem solving systems; maintaining tools and equipment; and communicating with clients, designers, other trades, other installers and staff to provide the best audiovisual solutions for clients’ needs, on time and within budget. Please visit to learn more about how to partner with CTS AV professionals and how to specify the CTS difference. ABOUT INFOCOMM INTERNATIONAL InfoComm International® is the international trade association representing the professional audiovisual and information communications industries. Established in 1939, InfoComm has more than 5,000 members, including manufacturers, systems integrators, dealers and distributors, independent consultants, programmers, rental and staging companies, end-users and multimedia professionals from more than 80 countries. InfoComm International

According to a recent study, audiovisual products and services will become a €64.7 billion global industry by 2012. The government market is a leading consumer of AV goods and services and driving a lot of this demand functionality of a room or building. From sustainable solutions to spectacular displays, a CTS can work with you to generate ideas that take your concept to the next level. • Bring your vision to life – From integration of key technology, to staying on plan and on budget, a CTS can partner with you to bring your vision from sketch pad to reality. There are two levels of CTS: General and Specialised. A general Certified Technology Specialist (CTS) is required before applying and testing for the more advanced Certified Technology Specialist – Design (CTS-D) or the Certified Technology Specialist – Installation (CTS-I).

is the leading resource for AV standards, market research and news. Its training, certification and education programmes set a standard of excellence for AV professionals. InfoComm International is the founder of InfoComm, the largest annual conference and exhibition for AV buyers and sellers worldwide. InfoComm also produces trade shows in Europe, Asia and China.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Please contact InfoComm International regional manager, UK and Ireland, Christopher Lavelle at 01442 345100 or at



Government Business | Volume 17.9


GREENING THE URBAN LANDSCAPE The second World Green Roof Congress in London provides a unique opportunity for professionals within the built environment to hear and see how green roofs and walls perform within the sustainability agenda THERE IS A GROWING RECOGNITION, both nationally and internationally, that our approach to the built environment requires a re-assessment. Increasingly green infrastructure within the urban realm will, and to a certain extent is, being seen as a major player in this realignment. Buildings and the built environment are major sources of carbon dioxide emissions. Energy use and the impact of hard surfaces on surface water run off and the urban heat island are all issues of adaptation mechanisms to climate change in our cities. Whilst traditional responses to drainage and issues related to city wide heat waves and the energy performance of buildings have relied upon a grey infrastructure response – more pipes and more air conditioning – there is a need to move toward an ecosystem services approach. Such an approach requires embracing green roof and wall technologies. The second World Green Roof Congress [WGRC] in London provides a unique opportunity for professionals within the built environment to witness the latest developments in this field, whether it is the development of city wide policies, the latest implementation techniques or detailed research on how green roofs and walls perform within the sustainability agenda. These themes are as important today, a time of fiscal restraint, as they were when the first London WGRC was held in 2008. Government businesses are in possession of a large portfolio of buildings, whether it is hospitals, local authority buildings, the fire service, job centres or the MOD. Buildings are part and parcel of the public sector. Many such buildings will or are already in need of refurbishment. Understanding how green roofs and walls can be part of the refurbishment programmes will help climate proof old buildings and extend their working life. The same will apply to new developments, whether they are schools, new offices, accommodation, and so on. THE WHOLE SUSTAINABILITY AGENDA An ecosystem service approach to the built environment is not a singular approach, instead it takes a more rounded view of

how ecological processes can meet a range of issues across the sustainability agenda. Whilst there is no doubt climate change and carbon dioxide emissions should be high on the agenda, we also need to address issues related to water, biodiversity, air quality, noise and the extended life of buildings. Green roofs are often dismissed, primarily because they do not score as high on the energy and carbon dioxide emissions as some would like. Green roof technology is one of the few technologies that provide a range of benefits. This has started to be recognised at policy level throughout the world, from Portland, Oregon in the USA to Tokyo in Japan. In the UK, London has been at the forefront of advancing the green roof agenda. The Greater London Authorities’ green roof and wall policy has been in place since March 2008. During the period of 2004 – 2008 we know that over 450,000m2 of green roofs were installed in the capital. It is likely that at the WGRC in September the latest figures will be available to demonstrate how the policy is having an effect. However below the GLA, are the 32 London boroughs, many of which have been very actively pursuing green roofs through the planning process. The London Borough of Islington has been spearheading this approach and they will be providing details of their approach and the reason for their success at the Congress. BIODIVERSITY One of the major drivers in London and elsewhere in the UK for green roofs has been biodiversity. New guidance on green roofs and biodiversity will be presented at the Congress. This guidance will soon be published by Natural England and has been written by Gary Grant, Dr. G.Kadas one of the world’s leading researchers in this field and myself. All government businesses and local authorities need to show how they are addressing biodiversity issues within their activities. The three premium sponsors of the WGRC

Buildings and the built environment are major sources of carbon dioxide emissions. Energy use and the impact of hard surfaces on surface water run off and the urban heat island are all issues of adaptation mechanisms to climate change in our cities 30


CASE STUDY: TREMOUGH CAMPUS IN CORNWALL The CUC Tremough Academic Building was a new build project with 3,000m2 of living green roof specified for the new academic building. The green roof was chosen due to its environmental qualities, as well as for aesthetic purposes and the building was intended to blend into the landscape. A fantastic wild flower roof with locally sourced plants was erected onto the site. An Optigreen nature roof from Flag UK with wild seed mix from the local areas was loosely laid onto Tremough Campus. The ‘Nature roof’ (which contains Flagon TPO as its waterproofing layer) provides a high diversity of species of flora and fauna with long lasting blooming effect and is consequently of high ecological value. Discussions with local advisors and residents led to the agreement that Flag UK should incorporate a wildflower roof with native local species rather than the originally proposed sedum roof. This had the effect of reducing costs and also ensuring that the roof fitted with the surrounding area and would flourish in the maritime climate. This environmentally friendly project saw all parties working together in a true spirit of co-operation and commitment. Both the architect, contractor and Flag UK spent a substantial amount of time planning and clarifying requirements which added to the overall success of the build.

Courtesy of FlagSoprema UK Ltd

Government Business | Volume 17.9


are leading green roof suppliers in the UK. Their work is based on exemplar green roof systems developed in Germany and modified for the UK market. Flag-Soprema UK Ltd’s nature roof on the Tremough Campus in Cornwall (case study one) is an excellent example of a green roof that fits into the ecological context of the South West. Bauder Ltd has a long track record of supplying green roofs on local authority buildings, such as the Ethelred Estate in the London Borough of Lambeth. At present both Bauder Ltd and FlagSoprema UK Ltd are involved in retrofitting a number of green roofs in London on local authority offices or housing stock. THE IMPORTANCE OF PLANNING Planning has an important role to play in mainstreaming green roofs in the UK. Whilst there is a need for clear codes of practice for green roofs in the UK, which will be addressed at the Congress, planning authorities have an important role in ensuring that the quality of green roof implementation is embedded in conditions. This has been the great achievement in Germany, the leading green roof market in the world. Whilst they

have strong green roof codes of practice, the quality of the green roofs installed is actually down to individual cities providing clear policy and planning requirements at a local and regional level. A number of London Boroughs have relatively detailed approaches to green roofs, as do Brighton and Hove and the City of Sheffield. The New Providence Wharf development in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets delivered by another premium sponsor – Alumasc Exterior Building Products Ltd, is an excellent example of what a local planning authority can achieve. This was the first green roof planning condition for biodiversity in the borough and the work of the planning and landscape teams ensured that this exemplar project, achieved what was required. Today the roof is well visited and has featured on a number of television programmes. With hotter summers and the likelihood of increased intensive summer storms predicted as a consequence of climate change, green roofs have a distinct role to help ameliorate these effects. The Congress is fortunate to have a number of recognised authorities on these issues. At the time of writing this article new evidence from the largest green roof in

Washington DC, USA points to a 30 per cent decrease in energy use since the installation of a green roof on the US Postal building. Although for some this is research from beyond the UK, the data and evidence does suggest that green roofs will have an important role in reducing energy loads within buildings in cities in the UK. Green roofs and ecosystem services are now part of the built environment agenda. However a full understanding of the range of benefits and how these benefits relate to one another needs to be understood by all involved in designing, project managing and delivering buildings within the built environment. The Congress offers the only chance to engage with a range of independent authorities from around the globe and many UK suppliers.

Written by Dusty Gedge, president of the European Federation of Green Roof Associations, director of Ltd and lead consultant with

FOR MORE INFORMATION The WGRC takes place on 15-16 September 2010 in London. For more information visit:

Q Lawns – keeping green roofs alive

Alumasc creates roof top haven at River Quarter

HE BENEFITS of a living green roof are well documented but does a green roof lose some of its advantages if the plants are not thriving? The producers of Enviromat sedum matting think that some of the cooling effects of evapotranspiration, the insulation provided by dense plant coverage, absorption of CO2 and benefits to some wildlife species can be considerably reduced if the roof is installed and then neglected. To counteract the problem, Enviromat recently launched a green roof maintenance service. “Most extensive green roofs are promoted as being low maintenance,” says Mark Southwell, Enviromat’s green roof maintenance manager. “But they do need some care. Green roofs are not always visible so

ZINCO GREEN ROOF system from Alumasc has created a roof top retreat for residents of a stunning new development of flats and leisure facilities in Sunderland City Centre. The River Quarter is a £10 million mixed-use development from Gentoo Ventures. Built over 11 floors, the development sits on a former brownfield site and includes 53 apartments, a residents’ car park, bowling emporium and café bar. Designing a roof garden directly over the car park structural concrete roof deck, presented a challenge for Napper Architects of Newcastle-UponTyne, who worked closely alongside Alumasc’s Technical Support Team to create the ideal solution for the project. ZinCo green roofs offer notable ecological and amenity benefits, providing a natural habitat for plants and wildlife, while helping to reduce air and noise pollution,



it isn’t obvious when plants are struggling to survive. A simple care regime will enhance the performance of the roof and avoid the expense of replacing the vegetative layer when it expires. Sadly, in a lot of commercial buildings with green roofs, there is no-one assigned to the task of managing the roof. Enviromat have the experience and the expertise to help no matter what the planting scheme is.”

FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 01842 828266 E-mail: Web:

cutting carbon emissions and assisting with rainwater retention and attenuation. They vary from extensive and biodiverse types which require minimal irrigation and maintenance, to intensive roofs, which are suited for areas of public and recreational use and require more tending.

FOR MORE INFORMATION For information on Alumasc’s ZinCo green roofs and waterproofing solutions, or to request literature, please contact Alumasc on 0808 100 2008. Alternatively, visit



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Government Business | Volume 17.9


BUILDING SERVICES UNDER ONE ROOF M&E – The Building Services Event, is the UK’s only event dedicated to all building services and brings together suppliers, distributors and manufacturers with specifiers, installers and end-users THE EVENT CONTINUES to provide a platform for building services to further develop and allow industry professionals to source the latest products and services and learn about the key issues facing their profession. Adrian Newton, portfolio director for Safety and Building Management at UBM Live, organisers of M&E – The Building Services Event, said: “With the number of visitors increasing 18 per cent last year, it is clear that the industry holds M&E in high regard and it is a key date in their calendar. As the only event of its kind in the UK, 2010 will contain our most expansive visitor programme to date which will allow our exhibitors to meet the right people and address all their professional needs over the two days.” In addition to the exhibition which will once again see many of the industry’s leading names showcasing their latest developments, including Bosch Thermotechnology, Cistermiser Limited, EnOcean GmbH and Spirotech UK, M&E will launch the Innovation Showcase for 2010. This exciting feature area will sit at the heart of the event and give visitors the chance to see the latest and best innovations available in the industry. Further details will be announced shortly. Visitors will benefit from two free-of-charge educational programmes at the event. Taking

place within two dedicated seminar theatres, more than 15 hours of content will be on offer. The Training Academy, sponsored by SummitSkills, will host seminars focusing on the theme ‘Retrofitting & Regulation’. The CPD Theatre will offer visitors the opportunity to gain over six hours of valuable CPD points. Numerous exhibitors will be presenting the sessions and will focus of a variety of topics. RECOGNISING INNOVATION Finally, the Innovation & Sustainability Awards (ISA) 2010, in association with M&E – The Building Services Event, are now open for entries. The awards offer companies the chance to promote their innovative and sustainable products and services that support the effective and efficient management of a workplace. All categories are free to enter for companies exhibiting at M&E 2010 and the deadline for submissions is Friday 3 September. To enter, companies must submit a 500-word entry about why they deserve to win, along with (maximum) two images at The winners ceremony will take place during the first day of M&E on Wednesday 6 October 2010. The categories are: • Best innovation in green products or services

• Best innovation in energy management • Best innovation in FM services • Best innovation in building services • Best product innovation • Best innovation in health & safety • London workplace of the year (open to non-exhibitors) M&E – The Building Services Event is co-located with Energy Solutions, the UK’s fastest growing energy management event, and Total Workplace Management, the UK’s leading FM and estates event. Care Show London will also be taking place at London Olympia from 6 – 7 October 2010.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Please visit and follow us on twitter @MandE_Expo for the latest information. Companies interested in exhibiting should contact Gavin Wells on 0207 955 3978, or Anne-Marie Dickinson on 0207 560 4116,



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Government Business | Volume 17.9


THE ENERGY EVENT 2010 Taking place annually, The Energy Event is held at the National Motorcycle Museum, Birmingham on the 8 and 9 of September. Here, Government Business summarises what the event has to offer for those working in the public sector IF YOU WERE SO INCLINED you could, quite possibly, spend a few days each week of the year attending an exhibition/ conference/seminar with energy as its central theme. The plethora of information and the vehicles to deliver it are dizzying and that’s only looking at the UK. It is possible though to condense your precious time, travel and capacity to absorb information and meet all your educational, technical and specification needs all under one roof in one go. The Energy Event, acknowledged as the foremost event in the UK, is one of Europe’s largest exhibitions and conferences focusing on energy procurement, management and efficiency. The event addresses the most current issues through its seminar programme as well as offering the chance for visitors to meet the biggest players representing all sectors of the industry at the exhibition. SEMINAR PROGRAMME The seminar programme provides discussions that are both relevant and authoritative on issues that really matter to those working in the public sector. The conference programme is defined with two key groups: Firstly, there are the seminars delivered by the trade organisations; the Energy Services & Technology Association (ESTA), the Major Energy Users Council (MEUC), and the Chartered Institute of Building Service Engineers (CIBSE). npower, who is hosting their own zone, will also run a seminar. Secondly, there is a series of seminars that fall under the Energy Insight conference banner, which consists of two half day sessions and provides directors, energy procurement specialists and those at major energy user organisations with an insight into the UK energy market. It brings together leading experts and commentators in the fields of economics, climate change, energy policy and security, the nuclear industry, demand management and carbon reduction. Chaired on both days by director of the Energy Intensive Users’ Group (EIUG) Jeremy Nicholson, the headline topic on the first day of the Energy Insight conference is ‘The Energy Retail Agenda’ which will discuss energy generation and consumption and assist with understanding energy policy, combating volatility and creating market opportunities. To illustrate this, director of Network Operations for National Grid, Chris Train will present a paper entitled: ‘Concerns over the security of supply – A burden of the times or not as bad as everyone makes out?’ This paper will cover how energy generation and storage

The event addresses the most current issues through its seminar programme as well as offering the chance for visitors to meet the biggest players representing all sectors of the industry at the exhibition capacity across the UK has changed over the last decade and whether Liquefied Natural Gas is a global solution for capacity constraints. Another paper of great interest is entitled ‘Procurement and you: Credit risk and market constraints’ and will cover trading opportunities in the energy retail market and life as an energy retailer, looking at cost, competition and consumers. The headline topic for the second day of the Energy Insight conference is ‘The Climate Agenda’. As well as asking if government targets, business compliance and a healthier environment are realistically achievable, a keynote speech will be delivered by chairman of Shell UK Ltd and president of the Energy Institute, James Smith, which is entitled ‘Stepping up to the Energy Challenge’. This will be supplemented with a presentation from a Emma Wild, a senior policy advisor on Climate Change for the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), on

‘Implementing initiatives: Costs and benefits of carbon reduction programmes’. The sessions on both days are brought to a close with a case study presented by a practitioner from within a well known, major energy user organisation. On the first day the case study will demonstrate what tools and support the energy procurement professional of the 21st century needs while on day two the case study will look at integrating climate policy into an overall business energy strategy. One of the major attractions of The Energy Event is that employees at any level within an organisation can benefit from a visit, as the education element covers the theoretical to the practical. This is demonstrated by the breadth of subjects covered in the seminars and conferences delivered by the major energy industry trade associations and industry bodies. The MEUC will be presenting an afternoon session on both days of the event with the seminar on the first day entitled ‘Take



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Energy Institute – energy professionals



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Government Business | Volume 17.9


In addition to the seminar programme some of the biggest names in energy generation, energy procurement and all manner of energy management technology and service providers are exhibiting control of your energy future’. Topics being discussed during the afternoon include: Are you ready for the tough times ahead? where the director general of the Major Energy Users’ Council, Andrew Buckley, examines the dark clouds looming in the next 12 months. Plus Ben Murray, managing director, Carbon Smart, asks ‘Do your green credentials stack up or are you just paying lip service?’. The seminar on the second day is headlined ‘Forecasting your energy prices and carbon costs’ and amongst the presentations are: ‘The Outlook for Wholesale Gas and Electricity Prices’ from Evariste Nyouki, head of Economic Research, Gaselys, and ‘The UK Industrial & Commercial Market – The Supplier’s Perspective’ which will be presented by Franck Neel, retail director, GDF Suez Energy UK. Each session commences with lunch at 1pm and finishes with your opportunity to ask questions on the seminar content that you have heard during the session, followed by tea and networking. On the second day of the event (Thursday 9th September), CIBSE will present an afternoon seminar entitled: ‘Who you going to call? Heat Busters!’ The seminar will cover ways to control and manage heat whilst regulating carbon emissions, BSEN16002 – The new Energy Management

Systems Register, and an interactive session called ‘What’s wrong with your AC?’. Working alongside CIBSE for one of its sessions is ESTA which is presenting its Energy Management – Expert Hub. This takes the form of six one-hour seminars that provide application material and expertise for delegates at all stages of knowledge and involvement. This includes: the ABC of Energy Management, giving those new to this discipline an understanding of how to go about developing an energy policy, energy audits and gaining management and staff support; Key legislation covering the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme and the Building Regulations [in conjunction with CIBSE] and the Implementation of technologies including metering and aM&T, energy controls, compressed air and lighting. New at the event for 2010 will be the npower zone, an interactive area for visitors, and the npower seminar theatre. npower’s seminars will provide detailed guidance on developing an integrated energy policy including input and opinion from its own experts and customers. With the CRC now live and uncertainty returning to the wholesale energy markets, now is the ideal time to review your energy management, both on the supply and demand side. npower has the tools and services to help you do this. npower’s ‘m3’ programme

has been designed to guide businesses on an “energy management journey” focused on cost, energy and CO2 savings. This includes ‘encompass professional’, a monitoring tool that analyses energy in detail and combines this with company production levels and weather patterns to calculate possible future usage. This information is then used to devise strategies to reduce consumption, costs and carbon. npower’s latest tool, CRC Assist, has been introduced to specifically help businesses with their CRC strategy. npower’s r3 service provides the tools to better manage energy purchasing and help businesses make more informed decisions to minimise energy risks. This includes ‘Risk Navigator’, a web-based service providing accurate and timely market information, and ‘Policy Shaper’, a tool to help formulate a bespoke purchasing strategy based on your company’s risk profile. Together the m3 and r3 services provide a complete solution to manage energy use supply and demand side. Also hosting daily seminars in the Kirkmichael Suite between 1pm and 2.30pm is EIC. Its ‘Ask the Experts’ sessions will feature EIC experts passing on a wealth of knowledge about the energy markets, risk management and current carbon legislation. Delegates will also have the opportunity to raise specific energy issues at informal one-to-one breakout sessions over drinks and canapés. Entry to ‘Ask the Experts’ is by invitation only, so to register your interest please e-mail EXHIBITIORS In addition to the seminar programme some of the biggest names in energy generation, energy procurement and all manner of energy management technology and service providers are exhibiting. Amongst the 120 exhibitors, core disciplines such as heating, compressed air, motors, drives, ventilating, air conditioning and lighting are well represented as are other technologies including voltage optimisation, thermography, and water softeners. Exhibitors specialising in energy monitoring and targeting, energy procurement, consultancy and purchasing are also present. If you want to know what to expect at The Energy Event then you can view a video including actual visitor feedback, at: http:// . The Energy Event is free to enter, has free parking and I would highly recommend that visitors to the event register in advance for entry tickets and especially for seminar places as these are extremely popular.

FOR MORE INFORMATION To register, and for more information on exhibitors and the seminar programme, visit our new website



Government Business | Volume 17.9


THE CARBON SHOW: LEADING THE LOW CARBON REVOLUTION Find out how to make crucial energy savings and ensure you understand and comply with new government regulations at this year’s Carbon Show THE SECRETARY OF STATE Chris Huhne will deliver the keynote opening address at the Carbon Show on 4 October 2010 at the Business Design Centre in Islington, London, signifying the important role that the private sector has in accelerating the transformation to a low-carbon economy. Mr Huhne commented: “This government is committed to make the urgent decisions needed on energy and climate change. The Prime Minister has publicly stated that he wants to make this ‘the greenest government ever.” Mr Huhne is quick to point out: “Climate Change is the biggest challenge we face, and the time we have to address it is short. But it also represents a real opportunity to drive forward innovation, job creation and competitiveness.” The participation of The Secretary of State at the Carbon Show highlights the important role the business community plays in accelerating the transition to a low-carbon economy. The Carbon Show will provide a key platform for government to outline its latest plans and policies around green jobs, financing renewable technology, and in particular how the latest budget deficits will impact the ability for the UK to compete for a share of growth in green industries. In order for UK businesses to compete on the international stage it is essential they are prepared for the many challenges ahead, in particular; mandatory legislation such as the Carbon Reduction Commitment, achieving energy efficiency and driving carbon profits as well as the potential repercussions of the impending global climate finance talks, COP16. CUTTING EMISSIONS In the first ever Annual Energy Statement to Parliament, Energy and Climate Change, July 2010, Secretary Chris Huhne unveiled groundbreaking ‘2050’ analysis showing that meeting the target of an 80 per cent cut in emissions by 2050 is ambitious but achievable, and compatible with maintaining security of energy supplies. Chris Huhne said: “We’re already on track to cut the UK’s emissions by 34 per cent by 2020, and will do more if we can win the case for greater ambition across the whole EU. But our line of sight needs to extend much further, through to the middle of the century.” Chris Huhne explains clearly: “The era of cheap, abundant energy is over. We must find smart ways of making energy go further, and value it for the costly resource it is, not take it for



granted. And even as we reduce overall demand for energy, we may need to meet a near doubling in demand for electricity, as we shift industry, transport and heating onto the grid.” To provide direction and insight into meeting these ambitious targets, “Vision 2050” is a dedicated plenary debate at the Carbon Show where key speakers will outline how businesses can meet these challenges and profit by taking decisive action. Speakers include Fiona Harvey, energy correspondent, FT, David Metcalfe, CEO Verdantix, Gary Kendall, executive director, SustainAbility and Russell Mills, global director of energy & climate change policy, Dow Chemicals. Aware of the challenges and repercussions of not hitting these targets is clearly high on the coalition government’s agenda. The risk to the economy is great and lagging behind those economies with the foresight to grab a share of growth in green industries will be damaging to the future growth, development and competitiveness of businesses in the UK. At the Carbon Show new government initiatives and projects such as the Green Investment Bank will be discussed and debated. Pano Kroko, leader of the Environmental Parliament will discuss with Lord Anthony Giddens on the Carbon Stage how to achieve CO2 emissions reductions through financial innovation. The Carbon Stage will feature a host of interactive interviews and live debates as well new products and services that will be exclusively unveiled at the show.

DRIVING THE LOW CARBON REVOLUTION Chris Huhne will be joined at the opening ceremony by other industry leaders Lord Michael Heseltine, Chairman, Haymarket Media Group and Lord Browne, managing director and managing partner (Europe) of Riverstone Holdings LLC, who will share perspectives on driving the low carbon revolution. “The Carbon Show 2010 is well timed” says Lord Heseltine. “Now more than ever it is critical that business leaders commit to revolutionising their organisations to ensure they can compete in the future low carbon market place.” Releasing green capital and encouraging investment in clean technology is also high on the agenda. Felicia Jackson, editor-at-large at Cleantech Magazine will chair a panel discussion on ‘The role of carbon markets in promoting clean technology investment’ on the carbon stage. The carbon markets are a key part of the problem and the answer in addressing the climate challenge. Point Carbon, a Thomson Reuters company and world-leading provider of independent news, analysis and consulting services for the carbon markets, and one of the Carbon Show’s key partners, remain positive about the important role that the carbon markets play in addressing the challenges of emissions reductions. Despite being heavily impacted by the global recession Endre Tvinnereim, senior analyst at Point Carbon reported: “The value of transactions still increased, due to

Government Business | Volume 17.9


higher carbon prices, indicating that global carbon markets as a whole continue to perform well despite the global downturn.” This will come as welcome news to the Carbon Market headquarters in London. Tvinnereim concludes that: “Comparing the first half of 2010 with the first half of last year, the main picture is one of stability. In price terms, the year so far has been much more placid than the first half of 2009 and the EU ETS market has normalised somewhat after the steep fall in industrial production caused by the financial crisis in 2009.” The Carbon Show will address the major challenge that faces this market. “Political uncertainty prevails. Although the momentum that was lost in Copenhagen is slowly returning, the players in the carbon market are still waiting for one or more critical policy decisions that could bring the carbon market to the next stage,” adds Tvinnereim. STRENGTHENING CARBON MARKETS The Carbon Show’s opening plenary, ‘Apathy & Indecision – Strengthening the Carbon Markets’ will see Dr Alex Bowen, principle research fellow, London School of Economics & Political Science, Henry Derwent, Chairman, IETA, Nigel Topping, chief development officer, CDP and Pierre Ducret, Chairman & CEO, CDC Climat, prepare to tackle this thorny issue and provide insight into the policy decisions that are essential for the carbon markets to function successfully. The session will also address potential climate finance developments ahead of COP 16 – will there finally be a global climate agreement? This year the Carbon Show will feature a new dedicated Carbon Markets & Finance stream, and provide seminars aimed at those individuals specialising in carbon trading and market mechanisms. There will be a special focus on forestry and emissions markets around the world as well as a new session showcasing Carbon Markets – Africa. Andreas Arvanitakis, senior analyst, Point Carbon who will be speaking at the show comments: “This exciting programme offers new insights into investment trends and potential carbon market developments as well as networking opportunities ahead of COP16.” Taking part in this dedicated seminar stream will enable delegates to hear from experts across the carbon finance industry and offer networking opportunities with organisations such as Barclays Capital, Camco, CDC Climate, Deutsche Bank, DNV, EcoSecurities, Gazprom Marketing & Trading, the Gold Standard Foundation, Markit, Merrill Lynch, Standard Bank, plus many more. Hot topics such as Feed-in Tariffs (FITs) will also be highlighted in seminar sessions at the event. FITs introduced by government on 1 April 2010 aim to help increase the level of renewable energy in the UK and count towards the legally binding target of 15 per cent of total energy from renewables by 2020 (up from under two per cent in 2009). Under this scheme energy suppliers

In the first ever Annual Energy Statement to Parliament, Energy and Climate Change, July 2010, Secretary Chris Huhne unveiled groundbreaking 2050 analysis showing that meeting the target of an 80 per cent cut in emissions by 2050 is ambitious but achievable make regular payments to householders and communities who generate their own electricity from renewable or low carbon sources such as solar electricity (PV) panels or wind turbines. The scheme guarantees a minimum payment for all electricity generated by the system, as well as a separate payment for the electricity exported to grid. What are the commercial opportunities? How successful have projects been? The ‘Feed-intariffs – Incentives and cost benefits’ seminar at the Carbon Show will enable delegates to find out what resources are required and find out how beneficial this policy mechanism is in encouraging the adoption of renewable energy sources and accelerating the move towards grid parity. Hear from experts Paul Akehurst, technical director, SKM Enviros and Dr Keith MacLean policy and public affairs director, SSE who will share their opinions on the merits and challenges presented by the scheme. London Development Agency will host two dedicated sessions on the carbon stage focusing on ‘The Low Carbon Capital – London as a global leader of the low carbon economy’ and ‘Low Carbon Finance’ aimed at advising and supporting organisations to decarbonise their business. Joined by leaders and partners of the London Development Agency and Greater London Authority, the Green 500, The Carbon Trust Standard and FTSE Index will participate in these sessions dedicated to providing the latest information on development opportunities and plans for a low carbon London economy. Key note speakers also include Isabel Dedring, environmental advisor, Mayor of London,

who will share perspectives on ‘Achieving CO2 emission targets: Fantasy or a Reality? With the biggest public sector cuts in living memory starting to bite, now more than ever it is important to keep up to date with industry developments and opportunities in your sector. Networking is an integral part of the Carbon Show. Partners such as 2Degrees and Green Monday, support dedicated networking sessions at the show, plus the new Carbon Show Party sponsored by greenmarket on Monday 4 October, which offers unparalleled networking opportunities for those interested and involved in the carbon management and finance community.






Limited availability Register today to secure your delegate place!


GET THE MOST UP-TO-DATE CO2 ABATEMENT INFORMATION AT EUROPE’S LARGEST EVENT DEDICATED TO TRADING, MANAGING AND REDUCING CARBON. > Over 100 exhibitors Featuring leading carbon reduction and management specialists.

> Live Carbon Stage Showcasing report launches, presentations and live product demonstrations.

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Chris Huhne, Secretary of State for the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) will be delivering a key note speech at the welcome ceremony as well as Michael Heseltine, Chairman, Haymarket Media Group and Lord Browne. To hear from 100+ world class speakers register your delegate place now: IN PARTNERSHIP WITH

Government Business | Volume 17.9


ARE YOU READY FOR CRC? David Mole, managing director of Landmark Environment, discusses why it is crucial for organisations to ensure they have effective and reliable data management in place in order to comply with the Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme (CRCEES) WITH JUST WEEKS REMAINING FOR organisations to register for the Carbon Reduction Commitment, it is vital that those affected by the scheme are fully prepared for a future that will require effective carbon measurement and management. The scheme specifically targets non energyintensive groups including local authorities, NHS trusts and police authorities. Under the scheme, an organisation must register as a participant if it has one or more half-hourly electricity meters settled on the half-hourly market; and it used at least 6,000MWh (Mega Watt hours) of half-hourly electricity during 2008. Around 5,000 organisations will be required to participate fully with the scheme. As well as recording and monitoring their CO2 emissions, these organisations will also be required to purchase allowances equivalent to their CO2 emissions each year. MONITORING AND REPORTING While many organisations may already have a good understanding of environmental issues in terms of waste, travel plans and energy certificates, they may not have specific knowledge yet of the detailed monitoring and reporting required for the scheme. Landmark recently conducted a poll among its customers which revealed that 43 per cent of respondents felt data management was the biggest barrier to preparing for CRC, ahead of time (39 per cent), information (35 per cent) and cost (23.5 per cent). The findings indicate that organisations are seeking appropriate ways to gather, compile and analyse data. Clearly, many organisations are still looking for the most effective way to manage data in this new area, and there are tools available that can make the task easier. Landmark’s webbased ‘Carbon Counter’ (www.carboncounter. service provides a clear step-by-step process to enable organisations to map

energy consumption across each individual component of their operation. It means that those responsible for managing CRC can ensure that they have met the requirements and recorded them appropriately. A number of local authority organisations have already benefitted from using Carbon Counter. MANAGING COMPLIANCE The London Borough of Sutton uses Carbon Counter to manage its compliance with the CRCEES. John Sinclair is energy manager for the Borough, and is responsible for managing the purchasing of Sutton’s energy requirements for its operational property portfolio, including most schools in the local area. John said: “We hold a large quantity of energy data both in the form of self-read meter readings held in individual spreadsheets (one for each building). In some cases this data goes back to 1998. We also hold energy invoice information in a TEAMSigma EA database, going back to about 1996. Having seen and tried the demo version of Carbon Counter in February 2010, I was impressed with its clarity and simplicity. It was very definitely ‘fit for purpose’. As Carbon Counter updates have been issued, functionality has increased with every version. This has not been so with other systems I have looked at. They all seem rather too complicated to use on an occasional basis. I really like the Carbon Counter user interface; it’s nice and simple and lets you know exactly where you are with your carbon emissions. We see it as being essential that we have all our energy data in one place and Carbon Counter offers this with the added benefit of being web-based and thus backed up and secure.”

policy, as well as delivering the data, registration and compliance for CRCEES. Gordon commented: “As an energy officer in a local authority I am responsible for administering electricity, gas, oil and biomass for a portfolio containing more than 300 sites. I was concerned to see that by using our existing Monitoring and Targeting (M&T) software, mistakes could be introduced into the evidence folder from the amount of sundry information the M&T application stored. This meant an unacceptable increase in the risk of penalties to the organisation. We are using Carbon Counter to filter out relevant information in order to create our evidence folder and reports.” CRC is a mandatory scheme and as such places legal obligations on organisations to disclose information and – for larger energy users – to report on emissions and purchase allowances from government. Those who do not comply will face strict financial penalties. Organisations eligible for CRC may have to pay a fixed fine of £5,000 if they fail to register by the end of the registration period.

FOR MORE INFORMATION To find out more about Landmark’s Carbon Counter service, visit Landmark will also be exhibiting at the Carbon Show on the 4-5 October 2010 at the Business Design Centre, London, on stand 116 where organisations will be given the opportunity to see a demonstration of the Carbon Counter service.

AVOIDING MISTAKES Gordon Dick, energy officer for Perth and Kinross Council, is responsible for the Council’s energy management and conservation



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Data management – the biggest concern for CRC registration N INDUSTRY poll has revealed that the biggest perceived barrier facing organisations preparing for the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme is data management. The poll, conducted by environmental data specialists Landmark Environment among its customers, found that 43 per cent of respondents felt data management was the biggest barrier to preparing for CRC, ahead of time (39 per cent), information (35 per cent) and cost (23.5 per cent). Similarly, when asked what were the key concerns regarding CRC, 47 per cent of respondents stated that understanding the legislation and guidance was a concern, while 33 per cent cited the audit trail or evidence pack. The survey also suggested that organisations are alert to the opportunities presented by CRC. Gaining a greater understanding of energy efficiency, potential cost savings and improved data


capture and management were all named as key benefits. David Mole, MD of Landmark Environment, commented: “Clearly organisations are still looking for an effective way to manage data in this new area. Our ‘Carbon Counter’ service provides a clear step-by-step process to enable organisations to map energy consumption across each individual component of their operation. It means that those responsible for managing CRC can ensure that they have met the requirements and recorded them appropriately.” To register for Carbon Counter visit

FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 0844 8449952 E-mail: carboncounter@

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Government Business | Volume 17.9


ACHIEVING CRC LEADERSHIP The UK’s largest private and public sector organisations see CRC compliance as beneficial to their business, but still have critical questions on their minds, finds a survey by CA Technologies THE UK’S LARGEST private and public organisations see clear commercial benefits from compliance with the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme (CRC EES), but still have fundamental challenges to consider, says a study commissioned by IT management software and solutions company CA Technologies. As senior management drive to prepare their compliance strategies ahead of the September registration deadline – and mitigate the risk of longer term financial penalties – CA Technologies has drawn on the survey findings to formulate ten critical questions for management to address. TEN VITAL QUESTIONS • What is the quality of our carbon compliance data? • What CO2 reduction goal will secure leadership in Year two? • What is the accuracy and completeness of our energy spend data? • When did or will we achieve certification with the Carbon Trust Standard or equivalent? • What is our energy metering strategy? • How will you forecast future CO2 emissions accurately? • What is the cost of CRC compliance including energy data collection? • Have carbon costs been included in financial planning for 2011? • Are we relying on spreadsheets to manage CRC compliance data? • What quantified financial benefits will our CRC strategy deliver? The CRC EES technical requirements will demand enterprise-wide thinking and data collection by affected firms, explains Sonny Masero, VP ecoSoftware, for CA Technologies: “Many large firms are planning to achieve more sustainable operations and cut energy costs by 20 per cent or more as part of their CRC compliance strategies. However, they could still incur financial penalties if they submit inaccurate energy management data or purchase the wrong number of carbon allowances.” CA Technologies study focused on 202 UK organisations – 55 per cent of which have revenues over £600 million ($1 billion) – and was conducted by climate change & sustainability analyst firm Verdantix.

80 per cent believing that firms achieving ‘leadership’ status in the scheme’s league tables will avoid any penalties and fines. In addition, 54 per cent of UK organisations surveyed say a leadership position in the CRC EES league tables due for publication next year will help enhance their brand image and improve incremental sales WHO’S IN CHARGE OF COMPLIANCE? However, the study also revealed differences of emphasis among interviewees over which senior management functions should drive compliance strategies: • 30 per cent of interviewees said CEOs should sign off carbon management reports • 29 per cent thought that the CFO should oversee the CRC EES strategy • 19 per cent said that other directors should take charge of compliance • Nearly two thirds (65 per cent) believe it is important that the head of IT is directly involved in carbon management strategies THE NEED FOR ADEQUATE DATA Researchers also found that collecting adequate operational data on energy usage and wider compliance could potentially be an issue for affected organisations. To that affect, 79 per cent of the surveyed organisations

ABOUT CA TECHNOLOGIES CA Technologies is an IT management software and solutions company with expertise across all IT environments – from mainframe and distributed, to virtual and cloud. CA Technologies manages and secures IT environments and enables customers to deliver more flexible IT services. CA Technologies innovative products and services provide the insight and control essential for IT organisations to power business agility. The majority of the Global Fortune 500 relies on CA Technologies to manage evolving IT ecosystems.

are relying on spreadsheets to manage energy and carbon data. When asked which management tools could be used to support compliance, half of respondents considered that carbon management software is essential for CRC EES leadership and 54 per cent have already set aside budget for such software.


ATTITUDES TO CRC The survey finds that 66 per cent of organisations agreed that adherence to the CRC EES will deliver significant energy efficiency cost savings. Most firms think that taking early actions will ease cash flow worries, with over



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Government Business | Volume 17.9


THE CHANGING NATURE OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Whatever your facilities management requirements are, a visit to Total Workplace Management 2010 will cover everything you need through seminars, exhibitors, and networking WITH THE REMIT for facilities managers constantly expanding, Total Workplace Management 2010 at London’s Olympia will once again offer these professionals a chance to address all their needs through the extensive exhibition and innovative features. Produced in association with the British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM), the UK’s leading FM and estates event is taking place from 6-7 October at London Olympia. Adrian Newton, portfolio director for safety and building management at UBM Live, organisers of Total Workplace Management, said: “We work closely with the leading associations and companies in this evolving industry and as such, we know the remit for facilities managers is growing on a daily basis. With the number of visitors increasing 18 per cent last year, we will be expanding the visitor programme to incorporate all the disciplines required to carry out effective management of a working building.” INNOVATION SHOWCASE In addition to the exhibition which will once again be the platform for many of the industry’s leading names to showcase their developments, including Bywaters (Leyton) Limited, Coca-Cola, Comet, FSI, Watco UK Limited and Wincanton, Total Workplace Management will launch the Innovation Showcase for 2010. This exciting feature area will sit at the heart of the event and give visitors the chance to see the latest and best innovations available in the industry. Further details will be announced shortly. Education will once again take centre stage at the event with two dedicated seminar theatres on the exhibition floor. The FM Academy will host more than ten hours of free seminars to provide insight, practical information and direction to help put a business’s sustainability roadmap into practice. The Health & Safety Seminar Theatre, supported by SHP, will give visitors the chance to keep up-to-date with the latest legislation and discover the newest advances in safety and FM. Total Workplace Management will also contain a variety of features to make everyone’s visit as beneficial as possible. These include a Managing Safety & Health Area, which will host a variety of exhibitors providing health and safety products, the Green FM Trail, which will highlight those companies offering sustainable solutions, and a Recycling Centre which will ensure the event remains sustainable. Finally, the Innovation & Sustainability

Awards will reward those companies who demonstrate efficient and effective management of a working building. Entry may be completed through the Total Workplace Management 2010 website (www. The categories are: • Best innovation in green products or services • Best innovation in energy management • Best innovation in FM services, sponsored by PFM • Best innovation in building services • Best product innovation • Best innovation in health & safety • London workplace of the year (open to non-exhibitors), sponsored by PFM Total Workplace Management is co-located

with Energy Solutions, the UK’s fastest growing energy management event, and M&E – The Building Services Event, the UK’s only exhibition dedicated to all building services. Care Show London will also be taking place at London Olympia from 6 – 7 October 2010.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Please visit and follow us on twitter @TWM_Expo for the latest information. Companies interested in exhibiting should contact Fergus Bird on 020 7921 8660, or Charles Oakley on 020 7921 8048,



FlexiScheduling. Expect the unexpected. Community Clean is a professional company with over 15 years experience in providing a complete graffiti removal, specialist surface cleaning and surface protection service. We have been involved with many organisations in an outsourcing capacity and our aim is to provide a complete solution whilst saving you money. Keeping public areas clean is essential for making that first good impression and we can save you considerable time and money on surface maintenance. Our services include;

Graffiti Removal

Specialist Cleaning

We don’t just remove Graffiti. We can take away headaches too.

Our teams take pride in restoring all types of surfaces, including pavements, precincts, car parks, retail parks, subways and bridges. At Community Clean we like to think outside the box and our latest piece of specialist equipment is the perfect example.

All our staff are fully trained specialists in graffiti cleaning and are committed to improving the environment in which you live using innovative systems and providing a great value, friendly service. Whatever your requirements, we can adapt to suit you with our no-fuss FlexiScheduling, available nationwide. That means you get the full back-up you require without the commitment of having your own teams. So you only ever pay for the hours worked, there’s no holiday or sick pay and you can scale up your activity seasonally depending on your individual requirements.

Anti-Graffiti Coatings and Protection As well as our cleaning expertise, we also provide innovative, cost-effective preventative measures. We have a wide range of anti-graffiti coatings, anti-fly poster coatings, pavement impregnation (protects against gum and grime), bird pest control and street furniture protection. We believe prevention is better than cure. By using these innovative coatings, maintenance costs can be reduced over time. This is because it is cheaper to remove graffiti from pre-treated surfaces than from surfaces that have not been protected at all. Thinking of the future, Community Clean has been appointed as the approved contractor for the application of a permanent anti-graffiti coating system to the buildings on the Olympic Village site.

Utilising our Microstrip equipment, we are able to clean any facade – from mild surface pollution to thick calcium build up. The Microstrip machines allows us to remove the most stubborn of staining and build up, whilst being sympathetic to the substrate. Contact us now for a free demonstration.

Pavement Restoration In July The Mayor of London rallied the city to tackle the problem of chewing gum litter in the lead up the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Community Clean fully support this campaign and have numerous service options to tackle the problem. The key benefit of restoring paving slabs rather than replacing them, is the huge cost saving in labour and materials. As with many of our projects, the initial job is the removal of tenacious chewing gum and cleaning of all the staining. This is done with the application of Magic Cote Surface Preparation and the results we achieve are impressive every time. On average we restore and protect over 200,000 m2 of paved areas per year. A cleaning and protection restoration project can offer costs savings around 90% less than replacement!

Structure Restoration Our teams are able to provide a comprehensive structures refurbishment and maintenance service. This includes bringing each structure up to a high standard, making them easier to maintain in the future and improving perceptions to promote a feeling of safety and cleanliness. Once clean, we can provide a wide variety of protective systems and industrial coatings that will ensure all the surfaces stay clean and are easy to maintain. Hampton Court Bridge has recently benefited from a restoration project undertaken by our Community Clean teams. The client brief was clear and the aim was to make an old bridge clean and protect it for the future whilst keeping its character and charm intact.

Epoxy Flooring Our services are constantly evolving to ensure we can offer our clients the total solution. Extensive research and testing went into creating the perfect solution for Wembley Stadium to address the problem of stained and slippery surfaces throughout the complex. To aid with future cleaning, we have protected the concourse areas of Level 1 and 5 of Wembley National Stadium with our clear, epoxy resin floor system, over 26,000 m2 in total. The resin is designed to provide a safe surface inside and out and provides positive slip resistance even when wet or oily. It is suitable for heavy duty surfaces which have constant floor traffic and superior resistance to harsh mechanical scrubbing.

We provide services and solutions for every surface and situation. Our accreditations

We can help you clean up. In the public sector, we all know budget cuts are coming. Except of course the graffiti sprayers, gum spitters and fly posters who continue to leave a mess regardless. We have a timely solution - FlexiScheduling. Our teams can adapt to your individual requirements, you can call when you need us and you only pay for the hours worked. Not only are we experts in cleaning, prevention and restoration, we can also save you a tidy packet.

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Government Business | Volume 17.9


THE RIGHT APPROACH TO SECURING YOUR PREMISES With the government’s proposed public sector budget cuts in people’s minds, it is vital that security is not ignored and corners are not cut in order to save money, writes James Kelly, chief executive of the British Security Industry Association THE PERCEPTION OF VALUE for money can differ significantly between those who have knowledge of security and those who have more of a procurement background. From a procurement perspective, value for money is reflected solely in the overall cost of a service and its return on investment (ROI) whereas those with experience in security might take into account the overall quality and long-term benefit of a service, even in cases where short-term savings cannot be made. Taking advantage of the expertise offered by a quality security organisation however, can lead to future savings and efficiencies. Looking at the holistic solution rather than simply comparing like-for-like costs can have significant long-term business benefits. Without expert knowledge or security expertise, those responsible for commissioning security might find it difficult to base their decisions on anything but cost. In order to better protect a premises against threats and intrusions a wide range of measures are available. The nature of work conducted onsite and the individual threats and risks that the premises may face, determines what security measures will be required. Making the most of technology and choosing methods that will do the job properly is equally important but this can be a daunting task, particularly for those who are not familiar with the technologies that are available on the market. This is where the knowledge of security consultancies can greatly assist those responsible for buying security in local and central government. A GUIDE TOWARDS THE RIGHT SECURITY Security consultancies can guide businesses towards the best security measures that will be of most use. A consultancy will conduct a thorough risk assessment, providing essential advice on security reviews and audits, development of security polices and strategy, guarding services, systems design, tender management and security awareness training. They will work with their client to identify threats and ensure that business continuity is addressed, therefore eliminating the chance for corners to be cut. Based on this assessment the security consultancy will then suggest various measures that could benefit the premises. These may differ depending on the requirements and risks faced by each client but they could include the likes of CCTV, access control, physical security equipment and guarding.



SAFEGUARDING YOUR PREMISES CCTV is an effective method of protection and can be installed all over a site whatever the size. It is a prominent security measure that often acts as a deterrent as well as catching evidence of crimes taking place on the site. Specific applications of CCTV such as Video Content Analysis (VCA) can also be used to enhance the security on a premises. VCA is the automatic analysis of CCTV images to create meaningful information about the content. Potentially any ‘behaviour’ that can be seen and accurately defined on a video image can be automatically identified and an appropriate alert raised. This element of CCTV can be used to alert an operator of any unusual behaviour or a left package somewhere on the site, so that the appropriate action can be taken. Combining CCTV with access control further enhances the level of security that a site adopts. Access control provides the ability to control, monitor and restrict the movement of people, assets or vehicles in, out and around a site and consists of three components known as the physical barrier, the identification device and the door controller and software. The physical barrier consists of doors being secured

by a magnetic or strike lock and turnstiles or speedgates, which are designed to limit access to one person for one card presented. Cards and readers can be used to identify each individual, which can be achieved through Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) or even a smart card and reader, a swipe card and reader or PIN pads. Door controller software decides who can gain access through which access point at what time of day, which can vary depending on the size of the system and how many readers or sites are being controlled. PHYSICAL SECURITY MEASURES Another area of security to consider is physical security measures, which can be installed not only on the building itself but also around its perimeter. Security rated window and door locks, grilles and shutters can be installed to strengthen security by reducing the chances of unlawful entry and making an intruder’s task difficult, time-consuming and noisy. Of course, their effectiveness is directly related to the intruder’s skill and determination, which, in turn, depends upon the perceived benefits of crime. In addition, security fencing, gates and bollards can be installed to increase the

Government Business | Volume 17.9


protection of its perimeter. Installing security fencing requires several design considerations such as sufficient height and strength, the use of climbing impediments, secure ground fixing as well as the provision of clear areas to facilitate surveillance and maintenance. Enhancing the impact of this barrier is key and this can be achieved through the use of lighting and signage to indicate the presence of security patrols, CCTV and alarms. Gates and entrances can also be installed to secure entrances and bollards can physically prevent vehicles accessing the site. Such bollards can sink into the ground and be removed when authorised vehicles need access to an area. KNOW YOUR LEGISLATION When it comes to purchasing security measures, awareness of standards is a huge benefit and should not be ignored. Ensuring that equipment adheres to certain British and European standards is key if premises are to be protected effectively and businesses are discouraged from using companies that do not adhere to these standards. It is the BSIA’s belief that standards are central to the current professionalism and future development of the private security industry and as a result all association members operate to strict quality measures whether they work in the installation or maintenance of security services. The association also has its own technical team who are dedicated to the production and updating of standards across the whole industry. Choosing a BSIA member gives customers piece of mind that they are in safe hands and the security supplier is up-to-date with the latest industry developments and technology. In addition to standards, it is vital that buyers are conscious of licensing. This concerns those businesses that are looking to adopt the services of a security guard, close protection officer or door supervisor. Businesses tend to opt for security guards, which, in terms of local and central government office, can prove very beneficial. As well as acting as a deterrent, the guards will require all visitors to present themselves and give a reason for their appointment, which will help to ensure that unauthorised individuals cannot gain access into the building. CONSIDER MORE THAN COST It is important for businesses to remember that choosing a security guarding company on the basis of cost alone can have some hefty repercussions. The best providers bring real insight, know-how and enthusiasm to their work, which ultimately translates into better security, the delivery of a solutions-led approach, and ultimately lower costs. And, on the subject of costs, it’s worth noting that lesser providers may initially appear cheaper but, because they do not or cannot deliver the benefits mentioned, they invariably end up costing more. Primarily, it should be

remembered that all guarding companies face a few basic, unavoidable costs. Uniforms, training, holiday, sickness, licensing and a basic rate of pay must all be covered by the cost charged to the customer, so it’s worth considering what may have been cut back by cheaper services in order to drive cost down. LICENSING REGULATIONS It is paramount that all staff who are responsible for employing security guards on their premises are aware of licensing regulations. Since 2005, these regulations have been introduced across the UK, with England and Wales first, followed by Scotland in 2007 and finally Northern Ireland at the end of 2009. The regulations mean that any personnel working in cash and valuables in transit, close protection, door supervision (including in-house door supervisors), public space surveillance (CCTV), the immobilisation, restriction and removal of cars, key holding and the security guarding sector will need to obtain a licence in order to work in the private security industry. This licence is available from the Security Industry Authority (SIA), which is

James Kelly

holistic approach to security will help to ensure that adopting security measures is not solely based on costs. Combining various technologies including electronic measures such as CCTV and access control with those of physical equipment and security guarding will provide tougher protection for government premises meaning that trespassers and criminals will be discouraged from targeting the buildings.

CCTV is an effective method of protection and can be installed all over a site whatever the size. It is a prominent security measure that often acts as a deterrent as well as catching evidence of crimes taking place on the site an independent body reporting to the Home Office that is responsible for the regulation of the private security industry in the UK. In order to become eligible for a licence, three key areas are covered in the application process, which include training, criminal record checks and identity verification. Due to the nature of these checks, the licensing regulation works to increase professionalism and improve levels of training in the security industry. Applicants are required to prove that they are qualified to do their job, which means they must have undertaken an approved, structured training programme that is recognised by the SIA. End-users will benefit hugely from this regulation, as they will have peace of mind that they are using security personnel who have been efficiently trained and thoroughly investigated in order to obtain a licence. Therefore it is essential that those who are responsible for buying security measures in local and central government ensure that any security personnel who are employed adhere to the regulations.

Keeping abreast of standards and licensing regulations is also paramount to ensuring quality security is secured in these premises and helps staff purchasing security to avoid cutting corners as well as filter out those companies who do not adhere to such legislation, consequently better protecting your site.

The British Security Industry Association (BSIA) is the trade association covering all aspects of the professional security industry in the UK. Its members provide over 70 per cent of UK security products and services, and adhere to strict quality standards.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Web: E-mail Tel: 0845 389 3889.

BETTER PROTECTION Protecting the premises and staff is of utmost importance in local and central government and applying a range of security measures will help to provide the highest level of safety. Taking a



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Government Business | Volume 17.9


THE VALUE OF BUSINESS TOURISM With government plans to cut public spending, which are expected to decrease the number of events it holds, the Meetings Industry Association is promoting initiatives that can help the meetings and events industry achieve ongoing stability THE MEETINGS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION (MIA) believes that venues and destinations that raise standards of service and increase value through its AIM accreditation can protect market share, and it is calling on industry buyers, including those employed by government departments, to insist on AIM when booking a venue. AIM ACCREDITATION AIM (Accredited in Meetings) is a comprehensive grading system for venues and meetings suppliers; the only ‘quality mark’ dedicated to the meetings and events industry and designed to provide event buyers with reassurances of service excellence. Additionally, widespread AIM accreditation is intended to protect the industry by influencing more event organisers to hold their meetings in the UK and attract more international meetings to the country, because of the excellent value available here. AIM was developed by the MIA, in association with the Best Practice Forum. With its heavy focus on the value proposition, AIM drives venues and suppliers at all levels to rethink how they achieve increased value for their clients, ensuring they raise standards. AIM has three levels of achievement, Entry, Silver and Gold, the latter two being reserved for those that consistently achieve service levels beyond expectations. Since its launch in 2007, AIM has become widespread with the UK meetings industry and achieved endorsement from many industry organisations including VisitBritain and Visit Wales. AN INDUSTRY UNITED In an unprecedented move designed to raise awareness of the importance of the meetings and events industry at government level, the MIA has been working with the BVEP and all its other industry members to launch the Meetings and Events Manifesto for Britain. MIA chief executive, Jane Evans, comments: “Few people outside of the business tourism industry realise that meetings and events are worth £25billion to the UK economy, support 25,000 small businesses and provide employment to 530,000 people. This manifesto gives the industry a platform from which it can draw attention to its importance and drive change.” The manifesto has been delivered to MPs and government ministers who have an interest in the business tourism industry and will be presented to guests at a reception at the House of Commons in October. The industry is united

AIM drives venues and suppliers at all levels to rethink how they achieve increased value for their clients, ensuring they raise standards. AIM has three levels of achievement, Entry, Silver and Gold, the latter two being reserved for those that consistently achieve service levels beyond expectations in making the MIA’s AIM accreditation a key feature, with the nine policy manifesto’s 5th policy actively encouraging the government to support the roll out of the AIM quality standard and calling for government spend on conference, meetings and events venues to be made exclusively within AIM accredited venues. MIA DESTINATIONS GROUP Working for a change in government attitude is a positive step, but it doesn’t protect the UK’s tourism destinations from future government cuts or provide industry based support to them. The MIA believes providing services at region and destination level is a key factor that will secure the continued growth of the sector. Evans comments: “We’re calling on buyers to use the AIM accreditation as a venue

differentiator and by supporting regions to bring multiple venues to accreditation level we’re actively ensuring they have a large and growing choice of AIM venues and suppliers to choose from. This is important because it means the event organiser can choose to schedule their conference, meeting or event activity around venues, activities and suppliers that have all made a commitment to delivering value for money and service excellence.” When destinations join the MIA, venues within that region are encouraged and supported to achieve AIM, first at Entry level and the AIM Higher levels, Silver and Gold. It’s an initiative Evans believes can rapidly increase the number of AIM venues, therefore vastly improving the performance of a destination as buyers recognise the increase in standards: “AIM



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Government Business | Volume 17.9


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FINDING AN AIM VENUE It’s easy to find an AIM accredited venue, search on the MIA’s own websites, and www., or use either one of two of the industry’s leading online search portals www.venuedirectory. com and that feature AIM in their search results.

ABOUT THE MIA The MIA is the UK and Ireland’ s leading professional organisation for the meetings industry. Founded in 1990 the MIA is the largest trade association for all organisations involved in the meetings industry and has become the forum for all professional organisations committed to improving the standards of the UK meetings industry. The MIA’s own accreditation scheme AIM, offers an assurance to buyers that members will deliver their promise of exceptional standards, it confirms that members operate legally and ethically and that they have achieved accreditation to at least the minimum entry level. Our mission is to encourage improvement of service and facilities offered by the UK meetings industry through the sharing of best practice and the setting of standards.

has been shown to raise service standards and value for money within venues, as it becomes widespread across regions, we’re seeing those regions attract more business, both nationally and internationally.” Three months after launch, in June, the MIA Destination Group had already attracted 26 members; an impressive list of high profile organisations which includes VisitBritain, Visit Wales, Visit Manchester and Tourism Ireland, each supporting high numbers of venues within their own areas to achieve AIM. GIVING DESTINATIONS A VOICE Along with being an efficient way to build the AIM network, there are many benefits for destinations joining the MIA Destinations Group, such as MIA board representation, access to industry best practice, shared knowledge and educational events. The MIA Destinations Group is led by an elected chair, with a place on the MIA Council to represent the group’s views at a senior level. The first Chair, who was elected in March this year, is Catherine Walker, head of conference and business tourism at Visit Manchester. Catherine comments: “The formation of this group is a major step forward for the meetings industry, and now gives destinations both a platform and voice from which to contribute to the debate whilst at the same

time receiving additional resources from within the MIA to support our efforts on a local level. It’s a hugely exciting time to be a part of the MIA, and my objective is to grow our representation significantly this year.” Through the MIA, UK destinations now have a very powerful platform from which to address government. This platform has been assured through the MIA’s seat around the BVEP table, a significant step up for destinations in the current political and economic climate. Having and using that voice has never been more vital and will continue to be over the next 12 – 18 months. Walker comments: “It is my aim that this seat will be influential for us not only for funding but also to allow stakeholders to understand the significance of business tourism as an economic driver and its current contribution and future real potential.” INITIAL GOALS At the MIA Destinations Group’s first meeting, which took place at the Lancashire Country Cricket Club on 25 May, it was outlined that the group would fill the gap that exists for destinations support, by working together to implement a series of initiatives that include; delivering research and trend reports, creating a benchmarking process, education, lobbying and twinning with European destinations.

The group has decided that it will conduct research in order to demonstrate to government the value of business tourism. It will also demonstrate to local stakeholders the value of business tourism to the local economy, using research results to reveal a direct link between business tourism and levels of employment and regeneration. To conduct this research, what constitutes business tourism will need to be accurately defined and a common model needs to be developed. The intention is to create realistic research that is representative of the whole of the UK. BENCHMARKING Benchmarking of destinations is required in order that successes can be measured. However, it was recommended that this should be a measure of movement rather than likefor-like, as there is a great deal of variation between different destinations. Benchmarking would probably be used to measure the success of converting enquiries into business, as the group has identified the opportunity to create a UK destinations ranking list. EDUCATION Education is a priority. Falling into two distinct areas, education would be used to enhance the understanding of business




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Government Business | Volume 17.9


tourism amongst stakeholders and increase the effectiveness of bureau staff. The group will produce an educational pack to make the case for business tourism at stakeholder level, targeting government, local councils, funding partners and the general public. For bureau staff, on the ground training within the destinations themselves and taking the form of workshops and forums is recommended at all levels. Other ideas include, creating ambassador programmes, initiating a destination exchange programme to facilitate shared learning, conducting bid workshops to determine exactly what buyers are looking for and working with MIA experts on a one-to-one basis. LOBBYING With the group already representing such a large number of destinations and still growing rapidly, it was agreed that the group has the strength to effectively lobby the appropriate channels. The current priority for lobbying was deemed to be influencing UK event booking agencies and corporate and association event buyers

The group has decided that it will conduct research in order to demonstrate to government the value of business tourism. It will also demonstrate to local stakeholders the value of business tourism to the local economy, using research results to reveal a direct link between business tourism and levels of employment and regeneration to arrange meetings and conferences in the UK. Through the process, the group plans to develop a clear mandate for Visit England, Visit Scotland and Visit Wales and to promote the message to event buyers through a sustained campaign for ‘stay at home’ meetings. The group is also considering the benefits of a referrals scheme between UK destinations. TWINNING The MIA Destinations Group is set to develop a twinning programme intended to facilitate the advancement of common interests and trading between destinations in the UK and throughout the rest of Europe.

Jane Evans, MIA chief executive comments, “Working together through the MIA Destinations Group will enable UK destinations to drive initiatives that are beneficial at a regional level, effectively improving the meetings and conference product across all destinations involved. With focused collaboration the ultimate result is expected to be empowered regions, offering improved services and a stronger value proposition to the meetings buyer in every area of the UK.”


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Whittlebury Hall and Scalford Hall provide experiential equipment designed to call extensively on a participant’s cognitive, creative and organisational skills. Plus, both venues can provide on and off site teambuilding activities, playing a valuable role in the development of leadership, team building and communications. The venues’ management training centres pride themselves in offering a range of complete meeting packages to assist in the budgeting for management training and conferences, ensuring there are no surprises or unexpected extras. Now you can get even more with our latest special rates; save over 30 per cent for a limited time only. Plus arrange a visit at either venue today and receive a complimentary Spa Day for two* at The Day Spa at Whittlebury Hall. *Terms and conditions apply, subject to availability, see web site for full details.

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The Bentley London, Waldorf Astoria Collection captures the lavish grandeur of a bygone era, when the finest things were savoured every day and elegance was a way of life. From the bespoke amenities to the discreet and attentive service, guests are treated to an aristocratic experience from the moment they arrive. With four superior event spaces and the entire 64 room and suite hotel available for private hire, The Bentley London is experienced in hosting diplomatic delegations and Heads of State, accommodating a wide range of occasions including glamourous receptions and official banquets. For moments of indulgent relaxation, the superb Le Kalon Spa and hammam offers an enticing range of beauty and body treatments along with fitness facilities. The Bentley London – The Waldorf Astoria Collection 27-33 Harrington Gardens, London SW7 4JX Tel: +44 (0) 207 244 5555 Fax: +44 (0) 207 244 5566 |



Government Business | Volume 17.9


THE PLACE TO TALK POLITICS Birmingham is hosting eight party political conferences in five years, putting it firmly on the map as a preferred destination for political gatherings THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY is returning to Birmingham following the success of their first conference in the city two years ago. The 2008 conference attracted some 10,000 delegates with more set to attend this year. A comprehensive delivery team has been established to deliver the event which takes place 3–6 October at The ICC. This includes representatives from Marketing Birmingham, Birmingham City Council, The NEC Group, Broad Street BID, Brindleyplace, Centro, Network Rail, Chiltern Railways, Virgin Trains and West Midlands Police. Ian Taylor, commercial director at Marketing Birmingham, comments: “The delivery team ensures a targeted method in attracting and delivering a successful conference. Working together with key partners ensures we can establish a unified Birmingham approach to all elements of hosting a conference such as logistics and communications. “The Conservative Party Conference will generate huge opportunities for Birmingham, generating considerable economic impact and attracting substantial media attention. Some of the UK’s most influential figures will be in the city for four days and Birmingham is set to be well and truly in the spotlight.” HIGH PROFILE CONFERENCES Geoff Fenlon, General Manager, The ICC Birmingham, says: “With our central location,

connections to the UK transport network, award-winning facilities and an experienced, dedicated team, The ICC is an attractive location for high-profile conferences. “The ICC is already long-established as the venue of choice for government bodies, associations, corporate conferences and niche events, and as the only UK venue to have hosted events by all three main political parties in the last two years, is rapidly being recognised as the home of the political conference. “We are working with numerous government bodies, to name just a few – National College, Ministry of Defence, NHS and The Home Office, all of which have been with us over the past five years.” RETURNING TO BIRMINGHAM The Conservative Party has also announced that they will return to hold their autumn party conference in Birmingham in 2012, with Marketing Birmingham and The NEC Group responsible for negotiating and securing the deal. The event will be the third Conservative Party Conference to be hosted in the city and is currently scheduled for 8-11 October 2012. Mike Whitby, leader of Birmingham City Council, welcomes the announcement: “The decision by the Conservative Party to hold a third conference in Birmingham, with success in 2008, followed up by 2010 and now 2012, is undoubtedly confirmation of

MEET BIRMINGHAM AT EVENT UK Meet Birmingham is exhibiting at Event UK at The NEC from 21-22 September on stand F600. Find out more about the city and its conference offering at Event UK. Meet Birmingham’s stand includes Birmingham Convention Bureau, which provides an event and conference planning service from finding the right venue, booking the hotel and creating a bespoke social programme. Joining them are a host of partners including Amadeus, Cranmore Park, the Public, audio-visual supplier MCL and the University of Birmingham who will be ready to show visitors the breadth and depth that Birmingham’s event industry has to offer. Meet Birmingham is on stand F600, so pop by to find out why Birmingham is the perfect destination for your next conference or event! our reputation as the UK’s natural meeting place for political conferences. I am confident that the Conservative Party Conference in 2012 will enhance that reputation. “The Conference not only has an economic impact on Birmingham – the 2008 Conservative Party conference contributed £28 million in economic and media impact to Birmingham

Conservative Party Conference



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Government Business | Volume 17.9


– but brings to our city some of Britain’s most powerful politicians and civil servants who will help shape policy affecting the next 20 years, and understand the role our city can play in complimenting that agenda. “The city will also feature prominently on the international stage with the US and Jamaican teams training in Birmingham for the Olympics. Together with the Conservative Party conference, this ensures 2012 will bring real economic and reputational enhancement to our city.” Eric Pickles, the Chairman of the Conservative Party, says: “We’re delighted to be returning to Birmingham for our autumn conference in 2012. Birmingham proved to us in 2008 that it has an exceptional conference venue in the ICC and Symphony Hall, a good range of accommodation and a well-developed transport infrastructure. Whilst these are all important issues for our delegates it was the welcome we received that made a lasting impression. Birmingham clearly goes the extra mile to look after its visitors and we are looking forward to being there both this year and in 2012.” GOING GREEN Birmingham’s party political credentials have been further strengthened with the recent announcement that the Green Party is staging

its autumn conference in Birmingham from 10 – 13 September. Around 500 delegates are expected and the event is estimated to be worth around £500,000 for the local economy. The conference takes place at Birmingham Conservatoire and is the first time it has been staged in the city. Marketing Birmingham is working with the Green Party to facilitate the conference, by providing accommodation booking and event support. A bespoke website – – has been created for delegates to book accommodation, and obtain information on travel and leisure activities in the city, as well as special discounts for activities in the city and wider region. Caroline Lucas MP, Green Party leader: “We’re delighted to be coming to Birmingham for our autumn conference. This year has been a significant one for the Greens, culminating in the election of our first MP to the UK parliament. This conference will be an important opportunity to celebrate our successes, and to debate the way forward for Green politics in Britain. “This is the first time we have held our conference in the city and we have been impressed with what Birmingham is offering.

It’s well connected by public transport, allowing easy access for our delegates travelling in from around the country. The Conservatoire’s central location places our delegates right in the heart of the city, so they will have excellent opportunities to unwind and explore after a busy day in conference.” A HOST FOR MAJOR EVENTS Ian Taylor comments: “The Green Party Autumn Conference is the third party political conference to take place in the city this year and forms part of a busy month for Birmingham with major events taking place in the city. This includes the Pope’s visit and the British Science Festival, one of the largest festivals of its kind in Europe.” This is a clear sign of the confidence that the major political parties have in the city’s ability to deliver a world-class event, and it is certain that the months ahead will bring further economic and reputational enhancement to the city.

FOR MORE INFORMATION For more details on Birmingham’s conference and event offering including free venue location, head to

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Edinburgh International Conference Centre; setting the stage for government events


urpose-built to meet the needs of the governmental events market place, cuttingedge technology and flexibile facilities have always been at the heart of the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC). Take the Pentland Suite - revolving auditoria that can transform a space of 1200 seats to three smaller, fullyserviced suites in under four minutes. It’s an engineering solution as elegant as it is simple. And with speaker support, simultaneous interpretation, and an auditorium which can be configured as either raked theatrestyle or raked classroom-style seating, every aspect of the EICC is designed to deliver you the perfect event.

Investing in excellence Guaranteeing the highest quality presentation requires continuous investment. So far in 2010, the EICC has made a significant investment into new modular aluminium staging, and introduced HD cameras to its TV resources. This is something the EICC feels can only benefit its clients in value, quality and innovation.

The high cost to the client of onetime-use stage carpentry has also been eliminated by introducing the modular aluminium staging that can create a performance or display space in a fraction of the conventional build-time. Furthermore, with modules as compact as 1m squared, combined with circular staging options, no design concept is off-limits. Finally, for the finishing touch, staging surfaces can be fitted with panels to feature company or event branding, or coated with a printed film for a high gloss studio appearance.

The EICC wow factor To complement the new modular staging the EICC has also made investments to upgrade its already remarkable projection system. Upgrading the Barco Encore Controller SC to the latest High-Definition version means that the EICC can offer its clients the highest specification in-house video projection capability of any UK congress venue. Not only are the venue and technical facilities second-to-none, but the EICC’s Operations team has a wealth of experience in hosting conferences for the governmental sector. Having

successfully delivered major conferences for NATO and the EU, as well as hosting the 29th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, the team has the experience, skill and professionalism it takes to host conferences of a politically sensitive nature. “The key is in balancing the appropriate level of security with innovative event design and high-quality AV to create a productive conference environment which engages and inspires delegates,” explains Karen Wood, Head of Event Design at the EICC. “Whatever the subject matter, from Antarctica to Zoology, we can help make your event the most rewarding ever for you and your audience.”

For more information Edinburgh International Conference Centre The Exchange Edinburgh EH3 8EE t: +44 (0)131 300 3333 f: +44 (0)131 300 3030 e: w:

Government Business | Volume 17.9


VENUES TO WATCH OUT FOR Get ready to discover the trendiest, newest and most exciting venues and suppliers in the events industry at this year’s Event UK. We’ve gone through the 300 strong exhibitors and put together a flavour of what you can expect at the show ONE OF BOURNEMOUTH’S newest hotels The Green House (stand D300) sets out to prove that eco-conscious and luxury can co-exist to spectacular effect. The hotel offers 32 stunning guest rooms with bespoke, hand crafted furniture that has been made in the UK using natural and sustainable materials. The hotel also offers meeting rooms and a private events room, which benefits from state of the art technology, separate entrance, bar and natural daylight. BREAK THE MEETING MOULD If you’re looking for a unique venue, Curve (stand D503) is the answer to breaking the meeting mould. The state of the art theatre, designed by world renowned architect Rafael Viñoly, is located in the heart of the new Cultural Quarter in Leicester City Centre. Curve facilities can be hired for conferences, AGMs, exhibitions, meetings, training sessions, product launches, awards shows, parties and much more. With the run up to London 2012, many organisers will be looking to add a timely sports message to the theming or content of their event to engage and motivate employees or customers. As a destination with excellent sporting credentials, Liverpool is the place to be and Liverpool Convention Bureau (stand D600) together with its stand partners ACC Liverpool and Southport Conferences will be showcasing just what makes the City Region such an energising place to do business. The team will be on hand to talk about the many updates to the area and new hotels, in addition to previewing some of the innovative ways in which the bureau will be helping to enhance the delegate experience for future events. What’s more there will also be a chance to win a VIP weekend to England’s Golf Coast for visitors to the stand. ACADEMIC MEETING The University of Manchester (stand D301) is a new exhibitor to Event UK. It boasts a wide range of venues to suit all budgets, from city centre to out of town locations, meeting rooms for four to 1,000, including University Place, the largest tiered lecture theatre in Manchester. It also boasts a dedicated year round hotel and conference centre, 4,000 bedrooms, major sporting facilities, its ConferCare delegate registration service and a wealth of experience in producing successful events. With sport continuing to dominate the events industry mindset and leisure venues proving a firm favourite with event planners, we finish with Leicester Tigers (stand E502).

Its multi-million pound Caterpillar Stand built in 2009 is the largest venue of its kind in the East Midlands. With a choice of 13 versatile meeting rooms and 26 Executive Boxes, accommodating from eight to 1,000 guests, Leicester Tigers has the facilities and service to meet any requirements. Annual exhibitor Jurys Inn (stand F502) will be showcasing its 30 hotels located in cities throughout the UK, Ireland and the Czech Republic. Properties offer mid-range prices, great value and a warm and friendly service. Ideally located for sightseeing, shopping and business, all Jurys Inn hotels

have spacious comfortable bedrooms to relax in and fantastic meeting facilities. FLOAT AMONGST THE REEDS Due to open in Spring 2011, Brockholes will provide a break from convention and will exhibit at Event UK for the first time this year. The enchanting conference centre will float amongst the reeds, within a mosaic of wetland habitats and will be the only one of its kind in the UK. The brand new 106 hectare reclaimed wetland site will have facilities for 50 to 150 delegates, a break-out room, lunchtime activities and team building opportunities on the reserve.



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Government Business | Volume 17.9


The floating design is the first of its kind in the UK and combined with its location in the heart of a brand new nature reserve adjacent to the M6, Brockholes is set to attract businesses and visitors from all over the country. With on-site café and restaurant facilities serving the finest local produce, Brockholes will provide a perfect venue for any event, big or small. TECHNOLOGY AT YOUR FINGERTIPS IML worldwide are the UK’s leading supplier of audience response systems. Their awardwinning, interactive keypads and software are recognised globally as the most advanced and sophisticated audience participation and voting technology available. This will be their second year at the show exhibiting and providing technology for ‘The Next Big Thing’ competition at Event UK. Away from the hustle and bustle Isle of Man Tourism is part of the Isle of Man government’s Department of Economic Development whose main focus is the promotion of the Isle of Man as a visitor and conference destination. The Isle of Man is easily accessible all year round by sea and air links from all over the United Kingdom and Ireland. The Isle of Man Tourism’s Conference Team are exhibiting at Event UK to show you how we can help you arrange your next meeting or event in the Isle of Man as well as suggestions for partners programmes and social events. We recently hosted two very successful conferences for the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) members weekend and AGM as well as the Royal British Legion national conference. MEET BIRMINGHAM Birmingham is one of Europe’s busiest meeting points and home to a vast number of conference and meeting venues. These range from purpose-built, internationally renowned facilities, to academic venues and smaller, unique settings, making it an ideal location for events of all sizes. The region is centrally located with excellent communications and transport links, making it the perfect host for national and international events. Birmingham International Airport has over 50 airlines operating services to over 100 destinations. The city is also at the centre of the rail network – Birmingham’s New Street Station is the UK’s main national rail interchange, serving over 31 million people every year. The city has made its name in recent years as host of party political conferences, having successfully hosted all three main political parties. The Conservative Party Conference, held at The ICC from 3 – 6 October, is the sixth political conference Birmingham has hosted in five years. Event organisers can get support from the award-winning Birmingham Convention Bureau who provide free venue finding, accommodation booking and a full event support package.

Incentive gifts and promotional merchandise comes in many forms but there are few companies that have the experience and expertise of Monk Marketing. With over 30 years experience in the industry Mike Monk has produced products for some of the largest blue chip companies around. Another area Monk Marketing specialises in is bespoke merchandise made to order such as stress products, USB flash drives, fold up binoculars, leather iPhone holders, clothing and much more, the majority of which can be customised. AN ECLECTIC MIX OF CHOICE Conference Centres of Excellence is the UK’s largest consortium of specialist conference and meeting venues. Its 35 members, which include many of the country’s most respected providers, all provide facilities and staff dedicated to the process of communications, with exceptional value for money packages that are genuinely all-inclusive. Members of Conference Centres of Excellence are required to maintain the highest standard in the meetings industry. This ensures that the customer experiences a consistent and exemplary quality of service and facilities when using a member property. Pottery masterclass at Conference Stoke The award-winning Staffordshire Stokeon-Trent Conference Bureau will be joined by stand partners The Britannia Stadium, Best Western Stoke-on-Trent Moat House Hotel, Alton Towers and Yarnfield Park Training & Conference Centre. Together they will be offering visitors to their stand Cream Teas, featuring tea, scones and jam – as well as “goodie bags” from a selection of Bureau members. A pottery masterclass will also be on show on their stand throughout the event. Pride of place, however, will go in the

Bureau’s new brochure, featuring full details of all 40 venues and services it now represents across the whole of Stoke-onTrent and Staffordshire. The Bureau has added several new members to its impressive portfolio of properties this year, including Hoar Cross Hall, and Moddersall Oaks – two of the most luxurious and relaxing spa complexes in the Heart of England. Other new members featured in the new guide, meanwhile include the National Brewery Centre at Burton upon Trent and, the support services of Moorcroft Pottery and The Trentham Estate. MIDLANDS HOSPITALITY AT ITS BEST The Clarendon Suites is one of the largest conference and banqueting centres in the Midlands. This unique and impressive venue which is situated within a few minutes ride of the cosmopolitan city centre of Birmingham has undergone an amazing transformation over the past three years in all areas of the business, including a full refurbishment of the facilities, a wider choice of menus all cooked to perfection by a brigade of experienced chefs and the formation of a dedicated and professional team of operational staff who take great pride in delivering exceptional levels of service. Situated in its own attractive tree and shrub lined grounds, with car parking facilities for over 250 cars, The Clarendon Suites is the perfect venue to cater for a whole range of functions or special occasions, ranging from exhibitions and seminars, conferences and product launches, meetings and presentations, examinations, banquets and dinner dances, through to concerts, wedding receptions and every facet of corporate hospitality.




Government Business | Volume 17.9


ONLY ONE STOP FOR YOUR CONFERENCE NEEDS René Dee, CEO, The Westminster Collection, lists 10 good reasons why you should visit The Westminster Collection’s Autumn 2010 ‘One-StopShop’ Venues Showcase at Banqueting House on Tuesday 14 September ARE YOU LOOKING for a venue in Central London, and Westminster in particular, to book a meeting, conference or AGM? Or, do you need a banqueting and function facility? Perhaps somewhere special for an awards dinner or a wedding reception. Is it a flexible space to stage a fashion show or a product launch that you need? The members of The Westminster Collection provide a one stop shop, including some of the very best choices of hotel accommodation in London so do browse our site to see what they can offer. On 14 September, The Westminster Collection is organising a ‘One-StopShop’ Venues Showcase at Banqueting House, giving you the opportunity to see first hand what the members offer. Banqueting House, Whitehall

REASONS TO GO If you have to source and choose venues in the course of your job, our ‘One-StopShop’ Autumn Venues Showcase is for you. Over 40 of the very best venues in Westminster will be there waiting to talk to you. There simply isn’t another annual event like it that offers this focus. It’s our 8th Showcase and each one has been a great success for the buyer, who is not faced with a disparate variety of products to navigate before getting to the venues themselves. Our Showcase is a pure and simple venues showcase, so it delivers what it says on the tin! It’s being held in the fabulous Banqueting House, Whitehall. It’s not a networking event, a social or a fam trip. There are no fancy gimmicks or distractions. It’s a serious B2B event taking place between 2pm and 5pm. We are looking for potential and actual buyers, event planners, and those who want the opportunity of meeting and talking to over 40 superb venues from the Strand to Bayswater, from Pimlico to the West End, and from the Embankment to Cavendish Square. TWC venues range from Private Member’s Clubs to purpose built convention centres; historical palaces to bijou hotels; from superbly furnished and equipped traditional venues to luxury boats on the Thames; versatile exhibition halls to intimate meeting rooms; sumptuous banqueting facilities to unique venues of character. We have them all. Finding a venue on a website is one thing, and you can certainly do so. However, if you really want to find out if your venue is right for your event you need to have a face-to-face conversation with the venue manager, when you can ask all the pertinent, awkward and difficult questions, and get


76 Portland Place Banqueting House Bateaux London British Academy Broadway House Cavendish Conference Centre • Central Hall Westminster • Chandos House • Church House Conference Centre • Churchill War Rooms • City Inn Westminster • Goring Hotel • Grange Rochester Hotel • HQS Wellington • IET London: Savoy Place • No. 4 Hamilton Place

• No.11 Cavendish Square • Number 45 Millbank at Chelsea College of Art & Design • One Birdcage Walk • One Queen Anne’s Gate • One Great George Street • One Whitehall Place • One Wimpole Street – Home of the Royal Society of Medicine • QEIICC – Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre • Royal Horticultural Halls & Conference Centre • Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) • Royal Institution of

more than an electronic answer back. When you have the opportunity to meet with over 40 of the very best selection you will find, all in one room and all to yourself for face-to-face conversation, that’s nothing less than satisfaction guaranteed. Investing 2-3 hours of your time at our Showcase will pay you dividends. A great number of our buyers come back each year because we keep adding new and exciting venues each year, so it makes sense to revisit and review. 14 September is perfect timing, just in time to start planning for those autumn and winter events, Christmas Parties, etc. Collect a copy of our own Guide to Planning Business Events in the City of Westminster. We have produced this in conjunction Westminster City Council and Visit London

Chartered Surveyors (RICS) RSA House St Martin-in-the-Fields St. James Court Hotel St. Stephen’s Club Sixty One Whitehall The Cinnamon Club The Naval & Military Club The Royal Courts of Justice • The Royal Institution of Great Britain • The Royal Society • Victory Services Club • The Caledonian Club • The Chesterfield • Mayfair Hotel • The Northumberland • • • • • • • •

who have given us their support in promoting the attributes and benefits of business tourism in Westminster and London from the very outset of our formation, over six years ago. Remember that between our member venues, they can cater for any event at any budget whether these be large conferences, small meetings, AGM’s, training sessions, fashion shows, accommodation, anniversaries, product launches, exhibitions, fairs, banquets and functions, weddings, garden or rooftop terraced functions, river boat hire, examinations or receptions.

FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information, and to register, please visit:
















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See us on STAND F45 at Leisure Industry Week

Government Business | Volume 17.9


LEISURE INDUSTRY WEEK This year LIW is set to be another exciting and visually stimulating show incorporating the newest products from the out-of-home leisure industry THE SHOW, which celebrated its 21st year in 2009, attracted over 12,000 visitors and it is hoped that, with a host of new features, exciting seminar programme and networking opportunities, they will increase footfall further this year. The show will be split into seven areas which cover different leisure sectors including Sport, Health & Fitness, Pool & Spa, Leisure Facilities, Play & Attractions, Eat & Drink and Licensed Business. LIW will be held at Birmingham’s NEC and will run from 21-23 September 2010. “We have another exceptional LIW ahead of us, with a new array of features, seminars and networking opportunities. We invite everyone in the leisure industry to come and see the latest innovations on offer and to take the opportunity to make new contacts and do business,” says Chris Brown, event manager. EDUCATION There will be a number of educational seminars taking place across the seven sectors of the show. The Fitness Industry

Association (FIA) has developed a programme of exciting speakers from the health and fitness industry. Seminars on Tuesday 21 will look at ‘Futureproofing the Health and Fitness Industry’ and the keynote will discuss the 2010 Commission. Their speakers will be industry leaders, who will debate the best ways for the industry to succeed in the future. GMTV’s resident life coach, Pete Cohen, has been invited to LIW on Wednesday 22nd to talk about ‘Making a difference with positive psychology’. He will be joined by Georgina Jupp from the CK Academy who will discuss ‘Enlightened Customer Care; The Emotional Connection’ and Keith Burnett who will talk about ‘Achieving membership sales from the disengaged’. Sue Anstiss, managing director of Promote PR will also give a session on social media and how it can benefit business. The ‘Step into Social Media’ session will take place on Wednesday 22nd. Independent operators will be able to attend IOU’s (Independent Operators

Unite) programme of seminars for free. On Wednesday 22nd IOU will present ‘The Independent Operators Guide to Fantastic Retention Results’. Further seminars will look at increasing secondary spend within health and fitness facilities. Their closing session will debate the struggles of being an independent operator, with operators around the country sharing their experience and lessons learnt from running their own independent health clubs. FEATURES LIW has hundreds of exhibitors across the seven sectors of the show, as well as a host of new features to benefit visitors to the show. Features in the Health & Fitness sector will include the new PTontheNET Functional Training Zone, and will exhibit products by Nordic Walking, FitPro, Padbox and Escape. There will also be a varied equipment demonstration timetable and Exercise Referral Conference, with a number of high profile speakers. The Leisure Facilities sector will host the new EnviroZone, which will give leisure venues a



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Government Business | Volume 17.9


free insight into how they might reduce their carbon footprint, address huge utility bills and how to encourage visitors to be more “green”. Pulse Commercial Utilities will exhibit their smart meters, which calculate gas consumption. It allows companies to chart their gas usage and find areas where usage can be made more efficient. Vanguards Power designs and manufactures advanced energy systems. They are going to exhibit its voltage power optimiser products range which is advanced in its technology to help save user energy costs, increase component life and reduce user carbon emissions. MHA Lighting brings together two companies with expertise in their individual areas. MHA Int-Elect have over ten years experience in designing and developing electronic solutions. Luminanz are experts in the research and development of optical physics. By utilising award-winning patented Luminanz technology, MHA Lighting is able to combine all the efficiency benefits of LED lighting with the light quality benefits of traditional lamps. Visitors to LIW will experience the newest attraction to the show – the Wavesurfer. Showcasing for the first time in the UK at LIW the Wavesurfer is the ultimate aquatic

attraction for body boarders, surfers, wake borders and even skate and snowboarders. It provides a soft riding surface allowing users to fall without hurting themselves making it ideal to learn and practice new tricks and moves for people of all ages and abilities. The Wavesurfer team of professional surfers will be presenting live demonstrations of this innovative new feature within the Pool & Spa area at LIW. Commenting on the new features at LIW, Chris Brown, event manager, said: “The features we have developed for this year’s show will really benefit both visitors and exhibitors and give people more opportunities to do business and network. Our aim year-onyear is to improve and give visitors what they want; the new features will ensure this.”

For visitors who are responsible for operating sport facilities, delivering opportunities in community sport and enhancing sports performance, the Sport sector at LIW is a must see. Exhibitors in the Sport sector include companies such as 1st4sport, a one-stop shop for sports coaching, training and physical education books and resources; Altro, a world leading manufacturer and supplier of interior surfaces; Collison, the sole UK agents for BestHall® Buildings of Finland; CU Phosco Lighting, the largest UK manufacturer of outdoor lighting products, as well as many more. One new exhibitor within the Sport sector is Neptunus Evolution, which is one of the most technologically advanced temporary structures available on the market. Based

We have another exceptional LIW ahead of us, with a new array of features, seminars and networking opportunities. We invite everyone in the leisure industry to come and see the latest innovations on offer and to take the opportunity to make new contacts and do business




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ROCKARTuk are a team of highly innovative scenic technicians who have been involved in the entertainment industries for many years. We have worked with our clients in all corners of the world and have helped them to achieve their goals and ambitions. Whether it’s a new themed environment or existing feature that needs a new look, you can rely on the people that have the skills to bring the best out of your project. Our services include: Project Consultancy, Feasibility Studies, Master planning, Concept, Detailed and Schematic Design, Project Management of Construction and Onsite Installation. We produce large scale, high impact Mural work, 3D Sculpture and Moulding, Artificial Rockwork and Construction, Customised Signage and Traditional Sign Writing.

...but success lies in choosing the right partner to help you implement them.

ROCKARTuk offer complete turn-key solutions for Theme Parks, Water Parks, Family Entertainment Centres, Museums & Heritage Centres, Aquariums & Zoos.

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Government Business | Volume 17.9


on a highly technical and innovative design with durable components, the structure is suitable for both short and longer-term use – making it the ideal solution for leisure centre operators embarking on renovation projects or market testing new locations. Erdinger Weissbrau, another exhibitor in the sport sector, will be introducing the ideal sports and fitness drink at LIW. This is non-alcoholic Wheat Beer with fine yeast in the bottle, it’s free from chemical additives and preservatives, it contains all B- group vitamins, it is free from fat and cholesterol and has reduced calories. The Sport sector’s live demonstrations and extensive education programme support Sport England’s pathways to grow, sustain and excel, whilst relating to three core themes: increasing participation, developing infrastructure and improving performance. The Play & Attractions area will have a wide variety of features including the new ‘Innovation Zone’ which is in partnership with the Play Providers Association, who represent indoor play centres within the UK. This platform will provide 12 exhibitors with the chance to showcase their latest products and innovations. The exhibitors have also been shortlisted for the ASPIRATION4InnovationAward at the PPA Aspire Awards on the Tuesday night. The sector will also host the Attractions Ideas Village where architects, consultants, marketers,

designers and themeing companies will be able to get in front of senior leisure professionals to discuss new designs and developments. NETWORKING Several events will take place at LIW, which will encourage people to network and do business. It will host the largest gathering of independent operators, at the second annual IOU (Independent Operators Unite) Forum. Independent operators will benefit from tailored seminars, a networking lunch, a dedicated lounge on the show floor, a panel discussion and an evening party. All this is FREE to the IOU membership – a programme administered by the FIA. On the evening of Wednesday 22nd, up to 1,000 independent operators will enjoy a party laid on by the industry. Taking place at the Mechu bar/club in Birmingham, the IOU Party 2010 will include an unlimited free bar, a live band and a disco. The party will be funded by sponsorship, ticket sales, Creative Fitness Marketing and LIW. More information is available at In the Play & Attraction sector, the Play Providers Association (PPA) will host the ASPIRE Awards, which recognise excellence in the indoor play industry. The 2010 ASPIRE Awards event will take place on Tuesday 21 September and is being held at the Manor

WHEN AND WHERE? Show Opening Times: Leisure Industry Week 2010 takes place at the NEC Birmingham and show opening times are as follows: Tuesday 21 & Wednesday 22 September: 10am to 5pm Thursday 23rd September: 10am to 4pm The show will be taking place across halls 17, 18 and 19 within the NEC. Location of each sectors are as follows: Health and Fitness – hall 17 Sport and Licensed Business – hall 18 Leisure Facilities and Pool & Spa – hall 18 Play & Attractions Expo and Eat and Drink – hall 19 Hotel in Meriden. This year the PPA will be raising money for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.

FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information and to register for the show please visit and follow us on twitter @L_I_W for the latest show updates. Companies interested in exhibiting at LIW should contact Chris Brown on 020 7955 3698 or





LEISURE INDUSTRY WEEK 21-23 September 2010 · NEC Birmingham LIW is the UK’s leading and most influential trade show for out of home leisure businesses, with over 350 exhibitors displaying the latest products and services across seven of the leisure industries sectors. Each sector is tailored to the specific needs of the communities we serve and offers comprehensive educational seminars and features. Play & Attractions · Licensed Business · Eat & Drink · Leisure Facilities · Sport · Pool & Spa · Health & Fitness To find the solutions to your business needs, connect with your industry colleagues, benefit from the education and best practice discussions and demonstrations.

Register your interest for FREE FAST ENTRY to LIW 2010 today at

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High-tech and realistic golf simulators

Beat the forgers and protect your profits

ROSHOT SPORTS are a UK based company dedicated to installing state of the art sports technology and simulators. We specialise in the golf market, installing the most realistic golf simulator available today. The Sports Coach GPS golf simulator uses high speed cameras to track the golf ball during the first 3.5 meters of flight. Real time simulated flight achieved by the system is extremely accurate; feedback about each shot is given on screen and can be used for accurate game improvement. The world’s top golf courses are available to play within the system; St Andrews Old, Pebble Beach, The Belfry and Celtic Manor 2010 to name a few.

AKE BANKNOTES are an ever-increasing problem for retailers across all sectors, (nearly £40m in the last four years) and with the quality of these forged notes ever improving, it is becoming very difficult to tell the genuine from fake notes. Anglo-Tech Ltd has specialised in the field of counterfeit detection for over ten years and sell only the best in loss prevention equipment for many different currencies. We supply the most cost effective solutions, making it virtually impossible for crooks to pass forged notes into your tills. With prices from only £1.95 you can save £000s. We also supply a


Multiple game types and competitions can be setup, including nearest to the pin, longest drive, three hole challenges as well as playing 18 holes. The system can have corporate logos added with ease, JPEG files of a company logo can be added to banners on the golf course or competition leader boards, a great form of marketing for promoting an event. Systems can be installed on a fixed or temporary basis, and have proven to be a fantastic attraction for stand promotion at all exhibitions and events.

FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information, please e-mail:

Improving access to leisure facilities HOUSANDS OF PEOPLE in West Berkshire now have improved access to leisure activities as a result of Council investment in state of art facilities. The Authority has created an innovative ‘Changing places’ disabled toilet at its Northcroft Leisure Centre – the largest facility of its kind in West Berkshire, including four swimming pools, a 63-station gymnasium, six court sports hall, squash courts, fitness studio and sauna. The ‘Changing places’ facility, designed, installed and commissioned by Total Hygiene, enables people who need the help of at least one carer to undertake basic personal hygiene whilst ‘out and about’ in a suitable, clean environment, in line with ‘best practice’ set out in the British Standard for accessible building design, BS8300:2009. The ‘Changing places’ toilet is larger than conventional disabled toilets, and includes as standard a hoist, changing table and height


adjustable basin. West Berkshire’s access team has further extended suitability for as many users as possible by also incorporating a Clos-o-Mat ‘wash and dry’ toilet, which reduces or eliminates the need for the carer to wipe the user clean after toileting, as cleansing is undertaken by integral douche and drier in the Clos-o-Mat.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Company: AFPR Contact: Angela May Address: 4 Ashbrook Close, Hesketh Bank, Lancs PR4 6LY Tel/fax: 01772813600 Mobile: 07863144184


range of cash counting machines for notes and coins along with a range of coin sorters, all designed to speed till counts, bankings and floats. This will save you precious time and ensure the cash is counted and safely stored away quickly, along with till guards and banknote safes to protect your cash from opportunist theft. Call us or visit our website for the best products and advice for your cash handling requirements.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Anglo-tech Services Ltd, West Buckland, Somerset TA21 9LE Tel: 01823 663 583 E-mail: Web:

SWAN – your water monitoring partner RECISION, RELIABILITY and a determination for excellence are qualities which make SWAN an ideal partner for you when it comes to water quality monitoring instrumentation. We achieve this by relying on long-term supplier relationships and by steadily improving the quality of the components. SWAN is a privately owned company founded in 1991, with the founders still working at the company. SWAN has been concentrating its efforts in the development and manufacturing of process analytical instruments for monitoring water quality and as a result has become a global leader and standard setter. The current portfolio offers products like the Chematest and AMI Codes II CC shown for swimming pools, fountains and displays, hospital and potable water applications. Turbidity, pH, dissolved oxygen and others are also available for drinking water applications. Other markets Swan


can also provide products and services for include ultrapure water (pharmaceutical and semiconductor), feedwater, steam and condensate, plus industrial water treatment applications. In-house manufacturing at SWAN’s headquarters in Switzerland ensures that every component used meets stringent quality checks. Every instrument produced is bench tested under real conditions before leaving the factory and heading to the customer.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Address: Unit 3 The Steading, Copthill Farm Deeping Road, Stamford PE9 4TD Tel: 01780 755 500 E-mail:




The Massage at Work Specialists

ACADEMY OF ON SITE MASSAGE LTD Massage @ Work‌. ‌.provides a valuable addition to the Benefits and Health & Wellbeing strategies of any organisation. We are a major provider of Massage Practitioners to UK Business at work and for Events & Exhibitions. The Academy has the experience and expertise to supply all your Complementary Therapy needs

Training We specialise in training Practitioners in our City & Guilds and CThA accredited course

Professional Diploma in Seated Acupressure (On Site) Massage Our range of additional one day Post Graduate courses provide ongoing training for Practitioners. Courses run UK wide.

Contact us:

T: 0118 927 2750


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Highline Adventure – a mobile outdoor activity provider H

IGHLINE ADVENTURE provide a range of activities to suit all ages including climbing walls and bouldering walls, canoeing, archery, fencing, and challenging team building activities, as well as skate parks and half pipes and our new Spider Mountain. If you are a school or are providing activities for local youth, we can bring everything to you. No cost and inconvenience of transporting participants to a venue – we bring the equipment direct to your site or a location of your choice. Highline Adventure covers all aspects of risk assessments and insurance for all our activities. Our climbing walls are the tallest in the UK, standing at nine metres. Each wall can take six climbers at a time and has six different routes, maximising throughput and giving participants a variety of challenges. Our customers have found that they can provide a full day of activities at roughly half the cost

of attending an outdoor centre. We provide a broad range of activities that are exciting, challenging and affordable. We can run the whole operation or can work with members of your team to keep costs down and still deliver a truly memorable experience. We provide a safe reliable experience every time.


HE RETENTION PEOPLE (TRP) are the world’s leading researchers in leisure customer retention. We use this research to drive product development into software, processes and training packages proven to increase customer participation and loyalty. We are a niche business specialising solely in this area and are the world’s leading provider, working with many local authorities to improve the experience they can offer their customers. Clients include Nottingham City Council, Leeds City Council and Glasgow City Council, as well as various private contractors and leisure trusts managing leisure facilities including SLM, Leisure Connection, Edinburgh Leisure, and Freedom Leisure. We help clients on many levels, from improving customer

AOSM – the Academy of On Site Massage SPECIALISE in training W Epractitioners in our City & Guilds and CThA accredited Professional Diploma in Seated Acupressure (On Site) Massage. We strongly believe that quality training produces quality practitioners. Emphasis is placed on practitioner posture, correct application of techniques, and a solid knowledge of screening and contra-indications to ensure every massage is performed to the very highest standard. Classes are kept small thereby ensuring high quality training and time with each student. We also offer a series of one day post graduate courses including seated therapeutic massage, marketing on site therapies, hands free chair massage techniques, and additional skills for chair massage. See website for details.

Massage @ Work – we are a major provider of massage practitioners to business. Massage @ Work provides a valuable addition to any organisation’s benefits and health and wellbeing strategies. Exhibitions and shows – whatever you are exhibiting, massage will be visually attractive and a constant draw to your stand. Massage is especially valuable for exhibitors sponsoring or incorporating chill out areas. Conferences – short energising massages at break out times help revive delegates and wind down massages at the end of the day relax them.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Academy of On Site Massage Ltd Tel: 0118 927 2750 E-mail: Web:

Tel: 0845 4091303 Fax: 0845 4091304 E-mail: info@

Improving your customer retention T

service and interaction, through to strategic management planning and development. Our consultants and data analysts are recognised as leading their field in understanding and measuring customer retention. Please visit our website to learn more and to book a free consultation. We are running a series of free workshops at LIW, so if you are attending please book your place via the website or visit our stand, (front row of main concourse) on the day.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 0845 6212001 Fax: 0845 6212002 E-mail: info@

Bespoke locker solutions for the public sector ARRAN LEISURE SOLUTIONS has over 50 years experience in designing, manufacturing and installing traditional and bespoke locker solutions for the public sector. We have a successful track record of delivering quality locker solutions to over 1,000 customers in police, fire services, local councils, NHS Trusts, education, MOD, among many others. At the Leisure Industry Week 2010, Garran will be launching a new Athena Locker Range that is created specifically for the leisure industry, combining security with strength and practicality. The Athena lockers are perfectly suited for swimming pools and entertainment venues, where resistance to vandalism and ease of cleaning are important. They are also suited to health and fitness changing rooms, where quality and aesthetics


are the key selection criteria. Garran Leisure Solutions is one of a few UK locker manufactures capable of offering a complete and tailor made service from design through to manufacturing and installation. Athena lockers are always provided on a supply and fix basis, backed by maintenance teams covering the whole country. Every installation comes with an after-care tool kit, maintenance instruction and training.

FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information, please call: 08456 588600, contact or visit



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Bomford to showcase its product range at Saltex 2010 OMFORD TURNER have a history to be proud of spanning over a century of British manufacturing and still going from strength to strength as the world’s leading vegetation control manufacturer. The Bomford stand will feature the CTVM (compact tractor verge mower). It is mounted via interchangeable arms to suit various prime movers to offer the greatest mounting flexibility. The Bomford CTVM has 1.6m cutting width and as its name suggests, is specifically designed for municipal grounds and maintenance markets. It transports through a little over 1.8m. The CTVM has adjustable cutting height from just 8mm to 130mm. 32 scoop flail mounted without shackles or spacers have a tip speed of 41 meters per second, ensuring fine cutting on any grass. Driven through twin vee-belts on cast pulleys and tensioned through its gearbox mounting, the CTVM delivers reliable power wherever its needed. A quick and simple adjustment can be made to adjust the settings which will increase the curb


height setting to as much as 14�. The Bomford CTVM has a 2,000 rpm pto input speed, although different input speeds can be catered for. The machine is fitted with quad bearings. The front wheels on the CTVM are 300mm diameter and 105mm wide, with pneumatic tyres on a 20mm shaft. In keeping with the long standing reputation and traditions of Bomford Turner ltd, the CTVM is made to last – 4mm Domex sheet steel is used to form the Cowl, heavy duty arms and CAT II pins. The CTVM uses rubber pad cowl suspension when fully lifted. The New Bomford CTVM Weighs in at 300kg. The rear roller is 115mm diameter and utilises 35mm sealed bearings.

FOR MORE INFORMATION See us on stand P28 or contact us: Tel: 01789 773383 Fax: 01789 773238 E-mail: Web:

Complete Weed Control expands its services OMPLETE WEED CONTROL (CWC) will be showcasing its comprehensive range of herbicide application services including the highly acclaimed spot treatment system ‘WeedIt’. With demonstrations available throughout the day and many experienced members of the team on the stand, visitors will be welcome to discuss their ground care issues including: • Fine turf applications • Invasive weed control • Hard surface treatments • Moss control • Grass growth regulation • Integrated vegetation management There will be a series of short videos that look at fine turf, baseguard and invasive weeds as well as Complete Weed Control’s new gritting service ‘Complete Ice Control’. The Complete Group’s range of services sees further expansion in 2010 as the brand new safety play repair service is launched at the show. Utilising


the same patented ‘rapid cure’ technology as seen in baseguard, this new national service allows damaged safety play surfaces to be repaired rapidly and professionally. ‘Complete Safety Play Repair’ will be offered by the existing network of 50 regional offices currently in operation. CWC will be demonstrating the equipment that measures the shock absorbency capacity of safety play surfaces and ‘Complete Safety Play Repair’ will be offering a service to test existing installations following the launch of this service at the show.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 03125 324277 Fax: 01325 324276 E-mail:


CTVM Stand P28 SALTEX 2010 Developed to meet the demands of local authorities for parks and municipal areas. The CTVM has variable cutting heights from 8mm to 130mm, a mountable kerb height of 355mm, sealed bearings, pressed scoop flails and weighs in at 300kgs. The new Bomford CTVM has twin V belt drive and interchangeable mounting arms to accommodate a large range of prime movers.

1.6 m cutting width Shaft driven 32 scoop flails 115 mm roller





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Government Business | Volume 17.9


IOG SALTEX 2010 IOG SALTEX, the UK’s number one open space management event, is back at Windsor Racecourse 7-9 September IOG SALTEX IS THE UK’S only outdoor event for the groundscare, sports amenities, landscaping and estate management sectors, with an unrivalled reputation for ideas and innovation. Launched as a groundscare show in 1938, it has grown in size and stature and now covers all aspects of the open space management industry. This dynamic show features live demonstrations, tried and tested products as well as the latest innovations in groundscare, sports facilities, amenities, landscaping and estate management. HISTORY OF IOG SALTEX IOG Saltex started humbly in 1938 at The Hurlingham Club in London with just 25 companies showing their products. Known as ‘The Field Day’ it was organised by the National Association of Groundsmen. After a break during the war years it restarted in 1947, at the same venue until 1965 when it moved to the London University Sportsground at Motspur Park. IOG Saltex experienced considerable growth over the next 16 years and by 1979 the show’s expansion required a move to a bigger venue, The Royal Windsor Racecourse. Now over 450 of the industry’s leading suppliers will display everything from machinery to waste management, from playground

equipment to work wear and safety equipment. IOG SALTEX offers you the opportunity to source thousands of products in one place and as it’s the home for the industry, many companies choose this event to launch new products and services. The topical free seminar programme, advice clinics and visitor features make IOG SALTEX an unmissable event. EVENT FEATURES A number of special feature areas will heighten the visitor experience at this year’s event. A host of companies are already booked into the newly-created Sports Zone, offering visitors a comprehensive range of products, advice and solutions to every conceivable sports equipment need. Located near the show’s South entrance, the IOG SALTEX Sports Zone will feature, for example, line markers as well as equipment and accessories for all major sports, including rain and frost covers. An adrenalin-producing off-road 4x4 course will be staged by Polaris. Specially constructed, tested and marshalled by Polaris staff, the IOG SALTEX Polaris off-road course will be sited adjacent to the Windsor showground’s North entrance. The exciting feature will not only enable visitors to test their driving skills but also experience first hand a number of Polaris 4x4s, including the new all-electric Ranger EV,

ABOUT IOG SALTEX IOG SALTEX 2010 will be held 7-9 September at Windsor Racecourse, Berks, and will embrace fine turf and sports surfaces, turf maintenance equipment, children’s outdoor play and safety surfacing, landscaping, contractors, commercial vehicles, outdoor leisure and facilities management, as well as software and security equipment. The show is attended by open space management professionals and contractors – from groundsmen and greenkeepers through to play officers, architects, designers and surveyors as well as local authority and outdoor leisure facility managers. the world’s first 4x4 electric utility vehicle. The vehicle has the largest battery pack in the industry (11.5kW) and the longest range of any alectric midsize – the 30HP electric motor produces a 35-45 mile range, a top speed of 25mph and two hours of riding time between charges. It also has a 567kgs towing capacity and a 225kgs Lock and Ride cargo box. Commenting on the development, Phil Everett, Polaris country manager, said: “Our decision to sponsor this major feature at IOG SALTEX is part



Government Business | Volume 17.9


SHOW DATES & TIMES Tue 7 September 9am-5pm Wed 8 September 9am-5pm Thurs 9 September 9am-4:15pm

of this year’s focused investment in the UK market. “With such a wide-ranging and influential audience, we never had second thoughts about effectively doubling the size of our presence at this year’s IOG SLATEX compared to last year, and we are confident that visitors will be impressed with the Polaris products they will see – and drive – at the show.” DEMONSTRATIONS In addition, an exciting, informative and comprehensive series of demonstrations, workshops and seminars will be held to meet the wide-ranging aboriculturalists who visit this year’s show. Working closely with aboricultural specialists BTS Group in the World of Arb area of the show, there will be a daily programme of tree climbing/access and rescue demonstrations, walk-in ‘ask the BTS expert’ workshops, as well as a display of products needed for safe and effective tree surgery – focusing on equipment for working at height efficiency,

effectively and safely. In addition, the schedule of free seminars taking place in the Grandstand will also include sessions dedicated to the aboriculture industry. The BTS programme of live demonstrations will include best practice routines for: • Access – climbed versus platform, highlighting health and safety issues as well as the efficacy of the alternative routines/methods • Aerial rescue techniques – focusing

Outside Structure Solutions return to IOG Saltex UTSIDE STRUCTURE SOLUTIONS in conjunction with Inside2Outside are again returning to the IOG Saltex Show to showcase their high quality outside canopies. With the introduction of four new products they have doubled the size of their stand. A new range of timber framed shelters will be launched, available in kit-form for self assembly or with an installation service. The timber structures unusually will use tensile membrane roofs. Also launched at the show are two patio shade products; an electric retractable terrace cover and a Sailshade, which will appeal to both the landscaper and domestic market. Also being shown for the first time will be third generation photovoltaic cells from Skyshades UK. These are an organic (not silicon) product which is both lightweight and flexible. The bestselling Qube structure will cover the whole stand, offering shade and rain protection. Aluminium framed with a tensile


membrane roof, it has been proven to be a market leader in the education sector. Recently introduced into the care sector it has been used as a smoking shelter, alfresco dining area cover and for general shade. The structures are already of interest to the golf and leisure market for driving range covers and course shelters.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact: Bill Caldwell Tel: 0844 5617679 or 07501 465006 E-mail: sales@outside Web: www.outsides or

on accident and emergency routines when close to electricity/power lines. Elsewhere at the show, aborists will be able to view and discuss a wide range of appropriate equipment, from harnesses through to skyhigh access platforms, from other exhibitors.


Mantis and Little Wonder come together EE MANTIS and Little Wonder equipment in one booth at Saltex 2010 (DAA37/A). Demo the famous Mantis Tiller and see the impressive line of Little Wonder Commercial Debris Management Equipment including blowers, debris vacuum and TruckLoaders. Mantis gardening equipment includes: • The famous 4-stroke petrol-powered and electricpowered tiller/cultivator • The dual-chamber ComposT-Twin composter Little Wonder debris equipment includes: • SHO & Optimax Walk-Behind Blowers – Through an exclusive centrifugal blower design, Little Wonder blowers generate a greater volume of air than traditional flat blade impellers resulting in exceptional air output. • The High Performance Vac combines exceptional suction and a unique debris


reduction system to make kerb, garden and yard debris emoval quick and easy. • The Shredding TruckLoader makes quick work of the largest piles of debris. An advanced impeller and housing design produce increased suction power. Little Wonder products are now distributed through Mantis UK Limited, longtime factory affiliate and distributor of Mantis brand gardening and yard care equipment. Dealership opportunities are now available.

FOR MORE INFORMATION To learn more about Mantis and Little Wonder brand products or to become an authorised dealer, visit Saltex 2010 Booth DAA37/A. Tel: 0800 840 0888 Fax: 0800 840 0889 E-mail: david.goose@ Web:



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Government Business | Volume 17.9


INVESTING IN TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Doing more with less is now the norm, but how can HR professionals and leaders make it work for Learning & Development in the public sector? IT’S NO SECRET that the business environment has changed. There’s constant talk of the ‘new normal’ where all organisations – both public and private sector – are attempting to achieve more with less resources. In fact, recent statistics from The Training Foundation state that almost 44 per cent of HR directors believe reducing people-related costs is one of the main challenges of their jobs today*. If this is then applied to the public sector – where’s there’s also a need to satisfy the general public on spending, performance and results – it becomes quite clear just how much pressure managers, HR and learning and development (L&D) specialists are under to implement L&D initiatives cost-effectively to produce credible business benefits. This, and many other key topics facing the world of L&D, will be discussed at the upcoming World of Learning Conference & Exhibition 2010, which takes place at the NEC, Birmingham on Tuesday 28 and Wednesday 29 September 2010. “The pressure on leaders within the public sector comes from the need to deliver continual public expectations of service against real cuts in budgets. This will require a significant change in thinking and leadership behaviour, where costs need to be driven by a closer relationship with the services required rather than the needs of the bureaucracy,” states David Buffin, managing director at Buffin Leadership International and a speaker at the World of Learning 2010. A somewhat obvious solution to combat budget and ROI pressures is to implement office-based learning strategies that keep personnel in the office and often use ‘bitesized’ learning modules. These can form part of other blended learning initiatives that combine e-learning technologies, traditional classroom techniques and outsourced consultants. Whichever avenue is chosen as the most relevant for an organisation, however, it poses justification challenges for managers and HR, but this should not stand in the way of investments. Ruth Spellman OBE, chief executive of the Chartered Management Institute (CMI), comments: “Of course the pressure of budget cuts makes effective management and leadership all the more difficult but it’s when times are tough that the quality of these is critical. At best, just one in five managers are professionally qualified. It’s a situation that cannot be allowed to continue if we are to meet the political, economic and social challenges that the UK faces. But training is not – and should not be – a byword for expensive courses. What matters is that development opportunities

are right for the organisation, appropriate for the individual and beneficial for both.” The truth of the matter is that the public sector needs to be perceived as forwardthinking, competent, efficient and in control by the wider population, and for HR and L&D professionals this is something that needs to be kept at the forefront of their minds. Ruth continues: “The worrying thing is that the UK spends less than half per capita on training and development than happens in Germany and we are behind other European countries when it comes to investment in training and development.

that are around less quantifiable metrics than increased revenue or avoided costs,” he argues. “Factors such as transformation, strategic imperatives, plain ‘business sense‘ or even personal ambition for the enterprise are more commonly the drivers. If L&D executives are to be successful in standing up for what they believe in, then they need to really understand what constitutes value to their decision-making stakeholders – whether they are politicians or plutocrats.” David Vachell asserts that public sector leaders and HR teams need to be flexible and adaptable whilst simultaneously concentrating

The pressure on leaders within the public sector comes from the need to deliver continual public expectations of service against real cuts in budgets. This will require a significant change in thinking and leadership behaviour, where costs need to be driven by a closer relationship with the services required rather than the needs of the bureaucracy “It seems that only 50 per cent of organisations have a talent management scheme in place. How can we prepare for the future, how can we nurture tomorrow’s leaders, if we don’t help them prepare today?” Ruth will examine this and more in her opening keynote address at the World of Learning Conference, entitled ‘A new world for business?’ FLEXIBLE AND ADAPTABLE LEADERS “It is clear that ‘soft’ targets like L&D will find it hard to resist the axe as government cuts swathe through public sector spending plans,” says David Vachell, a leading L&D consultant at Coley Learning and a speaker at this year’s World of Learning. Sharing his expertise in ‘Facilitating and dealing with change through learning’, David Vachell believes the pressures HR and leaders face when proving the business case of L&D initiatives are quite complex. “Whilst it is true that the hard metrics of profit and capital provide the speedometer and the odometer for many in the corporate sector, I believe that these are only a small part of the equation used by senior leaders in making major decisions and that this process is actually a much more complex affair. In many cases, major spending decisions are actually made on criteria

on the crucial need for personnel to be suitably engaged, motivated and aligned to continue moving the business forward. He comments: “HR, leaders and L&D professionals need to be able to learn that what worked yesterday will need to be different tomorrow. Many L&D departments still see themselves as deliverers of training but this simply won’t do in a world where fundamental change has become the norm.” ROI – IT’S MORE THAN JUST POUNDS Time – both in the planning and final stages of an L&D initiatives – is a key element that contributes to proving the business case for L&D investments. Public sector leaders and HR teams need to set their L&D objectives as soon as possible to ensure a credible ROI is delivered. Michelle McArthur-Morgan, managing partner at L&D consultancy Jigsaw@work and an exhibitor at the World of Learning Exhibition, suggests that organisations should ask the following questions before implementing any L&D project: • “What difference is required?” • “What will participants do differently?” • “How will we be able to determine what participants are doing differently?” “ROI within the public sector is something that



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BPP - Building Careers Combining innovation and experience, BPP Learning Media is a market leading publisher of academic materials. Specialising in professional development in the areas of accounting, business, marketing and financial services, our products guide you all the way from the first class

to the final exam, ensuring you succeed with your learning and development studies and achieve your best results. Our product portfolio holds new ventures including eBooks and a Learning Content Management System for your bespoke learning needs.

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Government Business | Volume 17.9


Ruth Spellman

David Vachell

many speak about and very few follow up. It’s not just about money, bottom line profit or cost savings. In fact, demonstrating value to the business can be shown in many other ways, with one of the most effective being monitoring the change in, and the impact a L&D initiative has had on, the individual,” states Michelle, who recommends designing L&D interventions so they are aligned with specific goals or personal objectives and agreeing early on ‘what participants will do differently’ following the training. Quite often the value of a training programme is lost as HR, managers and participants move on quickly to their next projects as soon as

Michelle McArthur-Morgan

more than 100 UK and international exhibitors, including Roffey Park Institute, UK Trade & Investment (UKTI), Thales Training and Consultancy and Kaplan IT Learning. In addition to the extensive list, which covers the entire spectrum of L&D, the exhibition also features a number of valuable initiatives, each developed with the needs of industry members in mind. New learning techniques can be discovered through a range of exhibition features, including: the new Social Learning Zone, which will uncover the value of social media networks and their full potential in learning; Professional Development Zone, where L&D professionals can consult experts one-to-one about all

It is clear that ‘soft’ targets like L&D will find it hard to resist the axe as government cuts swathe through public sector spending plans,” says David Vachell, a leading L&D consultant at Coley Learning and a speaker at this year’s World of Learning they complete the final learning session. This is problematic as post-programme follow-up and curriculum review is vital to determining the success of the L&D scheme. “Make it about the people and not the pounds!” asserts Michelle. THE ESSENTIAL L&D EVENT Public sector managers who are looking for the most effective L&D methods, as well as to balance budgets and prove the business case to senior personnel should visit the World of Learning 2010. Tackling the most pertinent issues within the market, including management and leadership, coaching and mentoring, e-learning, social media, organisational development, talent management, products and technology, the World of Learning Conference & Exhibition is the premier forum for L&D professionals to learn the vital skills needed to face the challenges of today’s pressures and demands. The exhibition has an impressive range of

aspects of their career development; and the Skills Workshops, in which expert advisors will lead tailored group workshops that will teach visitors how to put learning on the agenda, develop internal coaching skills and make a case for informal learning. The International Zone, facilitated by UK Trade & Investment will also provide a unique opportunity for international buyers and decision-makers to meet with leading suppliers of L&D products and services. Several regular features at the World of Learning Exhibition will also return this year, including The Trainer Base, Experiential Learning Zone, Workplace Wellness Zone, Product Demonstrations and the Business & Networking Lounge, all of which offer invaluable opportunities to find out about new approaches within L&D. Each of these specialised zones and features are free to both exhibition visitors and conference delegates to attend, providing them with the ideal opportunity to source, research, test and evaluate the latest learning solutions.

WORLD OF LEARNING CONFERENCE The event also incorporates the industryleading World of Learning Conference – the essential UK forum for L&D professionals. The Conference provides a cost and time efficient opportunity for delegates to learn from experts, peers and case studies, spanning two full days of invaluable insight on the current issues of most concern to the industry. Chaired by BBC news broadcaster and presenter Nicholas Owen, the conference programme combines research, examples and experts sharing their own experiences, advice and case studies. There will be speakers from highprofile organisations such as the Priory Group, TUI Travel UK & Ireland, BBC and National Grid. DELEGATE BENEFITS Conference delegates can not only benefit from the knowledge and tips they’ll receive from attending the Conference, but they will also receive a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Certificate of Attendance, free access to LM Matters’ 50 Lessons and Harvard ManageMentor and the facility to ask the speakers to address specific learning issues. Those who book and attend the two-day conference will also receive a free Toshiba HD camcorder. Full details, including terms and conditions, are available at *HR Directors key Challenges Survey 2010, The Training Foundation, January 2010

FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information, to book conference sessions or to pre-register to visit, please visit or call +44 (0)20 8394 5171

ESSENTIAL INFORMATION FOR THE ESSENTIAL L&D EVENT The World of Learning Conference & Exhibition 2010 Location: Hall 18, NEC, Birmingham Opening times: 10:00-17:00 Tuesday 28 September 10:00-16:00 Wednesday 29 September



Written by Jayne Dula


MAKING AN IMPACT AT WORK With many offices not having formal dress codes, it can be tricky deciding what to wear to work to make the right impression. But following simple guidelines will ensure you always look professional IF YOU WANT TO CREATE a good impression at work, turning up looking like you mean business creates a lasting effect. Your overall appearance at work can create a professional image which will help your career progression. If you don’t know where to start working on your career image, you’re not alone – many companies don’t have specific guidelines about what to wear to work. Every workplace is different but one of the best clues to company dress codes is what your boss wears. Just think about the styles that the highest-level executives in your organisation wear and follow suit. THE MODERN OFFICE Gone are the days of three piece suits, and ‘stuffy’ old-fashioned business attire. The modern office is much less prescriptive, allowing workers to go to the office dressed in clothing that reflects current fashions and trends. Colour plays a big part in creating a professional image. Traditional career colours include red (aggressive), navy (trustworthy), grey (conservative) and black (chic). One way to always be prepared is to keep an extra “meeting” outfit at the office for last minute or unscheduled meetings. This will ensure you look professional and are taken seriously at times that count.

Photos from the Next Autumn/Winter collection



WORK DRESS CODE Navigating an office dress code can be tricky. Here’s a guide of what to wear in today’s office-based workplace. But remember, it is possible to adhere to the guidelines yet embrace individuality. A safe work look for men is to wear business-suits and ties or smart casual trousers and co-ordinating shirt, with an open necked shirt for a less formal look. Women have a bit more leeway and can wear skirts as well as nice blouses or tops with tailored trousers. Dresses too create a polished and professional look. Not just any dress will do the job, though. Save flimsy sundresses for the weekend and opt for structured looks instead; business clothing should be tailored and well-fitting. Several shops are stocking all in one trouser suits and jump suits as they are very fashionable and create a sleek, stylish and professional look.

Avoid too much flashy color. However, a splash of colour in a tie, scarf, belt or top is appropriate. Accessories such as jewelry can also liven up and provide a stylish finishing effect to an outfit. A good tip is to go for styles that are classic, but that reflect current fashion trends. Ladies, if you do choose to wear make-up, choose subtle colors and avoid anything too heavy. Regarding footware, a smart look for women is to wear heels or dressy flats, while men look good in nice polished shoes. CAREER KILLERS Unlike a fashion faux pas, a career killer outfit can do your professional image permanent damage. It depends on the work place but as a general rule, it’s best to avoid the

Government Business | Volume 17.9


following looks in an office environment: • Too sexy: Clothing that reveals too much cleavage, your back, your chest, your feet, your stomach or your underwear is not appropriate for a place of business. • Too casual: jeans, shorts, T-shirts, hats, trainers are to be avoided unless the office has a dress down policy • Too sloppy: too many layers, baggy-

want to select some new items for the autumn/winter, where should you shop? And what if you are a busy executive in a demanding role and don’t have time to wander around the shops? The above suggestions do not have to cost a fortune, the high street offers a myriad of affordable business fashion for men and women. A number of high street stores have on-line shops and catalogues which enable

A safe work look for men is to wear business-suits and ties or smart casual trousers and co-ordinating shirt, with an open necked shirt for a less formal look. Women have a bit more leeway and can wear skirts as well as nice blouses or tops with tailored trousers fit clothing. In order to achieve a sleek professional image clothing should be pressed and never wrinkled, torn or dirty. SHOPPING OPTIONS Now you have an idea what to wear, take a fresh look at your wardrobe to see what you already own that’s suitable. But if you

you to shop at home in the evening or from your desk at lunch time. You can even order custom made suits online now. If you follow these guidelines and add your own personal style, you will create the right professional impression which is bound to get you noticed for the right reasons, and help advance your career.

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Government Business | Volume 17.9


KEEPING UP STAFF MORALE Find out how the public sector can get to grips with saving money without letting staff engagement suffer at Employee Benefits Live exhibition and conference ACCORDING TO NICOLA SULLIVAN of Employee Benefits magazine1, the age of austerity, which munched into private sector pay, reward and jobs as its first course, has now undone its top button before feasting on the public sector for dessert. A new coalition government is waiting at the table, keen to feed on the many cuts that are needed to deal with the country’s deficit. Already on the table are government plans to slash the budgets of unprotected public sector departments by 25 per cent. Dean Shoesmith, president of the Public Sector People Managers’ Association (PPMA – official supporter of Employee Benefits Live) and head of HR for the London boroughs of Sutton and Merton, is concerned that Chancellor George Osborne has focused too much on cuts and not enough on growth. Sullivan goes on to say that in June’s emergency Budget, Osborne dished up a number of measures affecting public sector pay and pensions. One of these, a review to be conducted by economist Will Hutton, will investigate pay scales across the public sector as part of efforts to ensure that no public sector manager can earn more than 20 times the salary of the lowest-paid employee in the organisation. A two-year pay freeze will also be imposed for public sector workers earning more than £21,000 a year. This will not affect the lowest-paid workers, who will receive a £250 pay rise in each of those two years. KEEPING STAFF ENGAGED Yet Government Business readers will be pleased to hear that these spending cuts do not necessarily have to lead to lower levels of staff morale. Nita Clarke, co-author of the MacLeod Review and director of the Involvement and Participation Association, says: “It is very important, as the budget cuts impact on the public sector, that staff are made the agents of change and not the victims of change. Staff in the public sector know how things could be done better and they know how services could be reconfigured.” According to the review Engaging for success: enhancing performance through employee engagement, conducted by David MacLeod and Nita Clarke, organisations that are under pressure to cut costs can still improve staff engagement. The MacLeod review cited the example of the Department of Work and Pensions, which managed to increase engagement levels following a 30 per cent reduction in staff over three years. A visit to the Employee Benefits Live exhibition

CASE STUDY – KENT COUNTY COUNCIL RATES STAFF FOR REWARDS Kent County Council is in a strong position to deal with the effects of budgettightening because of its private-sector-style pay and reward structure and focus on total reward. After bringing the ‘benefits’ of working for the public sector together with conventional benefits in a single place, the council asked employees to rate the value of some benefits, such as homeworking or staff clubs. It can use these ratings as feedback to develop better benefits. Earlier this year, the council removed the annual incremental pay points from its pay

grades and introduced annual percentage increases linked to staff appraisal ratings. In June, it rolled out a training programme to 1,500 managers to ensure they understood the new pay structure and how to harness employees’ full capabilities. Colin Miller, reward manager at the council, says: “Everybody with the same appraisal rating will get the same award, and that is the big switch in the changes we have introduced. “Previously, people at the top of the pay grades, which applied to about a third of the population, would not have been

and conference on 28 – 29 September 2010 at the Business Design Centre in London will arm attendees with the knowledge to tackle engagement issues in their organisations. Free registration is open now at www. NEGOTIATING REWARD PACKAGES In the absence of pay rises, employees’ total reward packages will also be up for negotiation, with more being expected from employers in terms of training and

able to benefit. Now they will get the same amount, albeit as a oneoff payment rather than built into base pay.” Colin Miller of Kent County Council and winner of the “Most effective benefits strategy in a public sector organisation” at Employee Benefits Awards 2010, is speaking at Employee Benefits Live on 28 September 2010 at 11am. Free seats should be booked early to avoid disappointment at www. employeebenefitslive. This case study featured in Employee Benefits magazine, August 2010

development, and flexible working. Some local authorities are starting to push their total reward package, obtaining staff feedback on after-work clubs, workplace environment and working hours (see case study above). “Local government has been pushing for the total reward approach for a fair number of years and the unions have pretty much resisted it,” says Rachael McIlroy, policy officer at the Trades Union Congress. “But maybe the time will come when unions will be forced to negotiate on training and development,



Government Business | Volume 17.9


and flexible working, just to get something out of the bargaining agenda because there is no money for pay [increases].� Employee Benefits magazine further reports that public sector pensions are also being targeted, with the government announcing a number of changes, including plans to switch the inflation index from the retail price index (RPI) to the consumer price index (CPI) for public sector and state pensions. This means inflation adjustments will be lowered on public sector pensions, which will affect the overall value of workers’ retirement benefits. Towers Watson, Pensions Sponsor at Employee Benefits Live 2010, estimates that, by 2016, a former public sector employee currently receiving a pension of £10,000 will be over £800 a year worse off because of the change. Pensions and workplace savings are in the spotlight at this year’s Employee Benefits Live exhibition and conference, 28 – 29 September 2010. Amongst the 30 free toplevel conference sessions there are six brand new pension sessions deliberately focused on defined contribution schemes (as opposed to defined benefit schemes). These sessions are aimed at HR and benefits professionals within both public and private sectors who are responsible for running and communicating

their workplace retirement scheme(s). There is a Q&A session for anyone who finds pensions talk a little intimidating and wants to hone their knowledge in a jargon-free, HR-friendly environment. There is also a session looking at the new simple government-backed scheme, Nest, coming into play in 2012. The other pension sessions will show how employers such as Oracle, CSC and Telegraph Media Group managed to select, run and communicate pensions to ensure staff are saving enough to be able to retire one day. TOPICAL DEBATES As well as pensions, the free top-level conference features a free opening keynote address each morning and many more topical sessions covering issues that affect all employers today, from total reward and engagement to flexible and voluntary benefits. A detailed conference programme can be found at www., where visitors can book their free seats. A number of pension providers and consultants will be showcasing their services at Employee Benefits Live 2010 including Aon Consulting, Buck Consultants, JLT Benefit Solutions, Johnson Fleming, Retirement Education Services, Secondsight and the

event’s Pensions Sponsor Towers Watson. The complete exhibitor list of over 100 companies at Employee Benefits Live 2010 are showcasing not only pensions, but also flexible benefits, motivation and incentives, employee engagement and communication, salary sacrifice, benefits technology, voluntary benefits, absence management, health and wellbeing and financial education can be viewed at As budgets are cut, and pay and benefits are carved up and reformed, it will be the most dynamic, creative and forward-thinking organisations in the public sector who will find ways to continue motivating staff with diminished resources. Decision-makers affected by these issues can visit the Employee Benefits Live exhibition and conference on 28 – 29 September 2010 at the Business Design Centre in London to ensure they are informed and equipped to tackle these challenges. 1

Employee Benefits magazine, August 2010

FOR MORE INFORMATION Free registration is live online at www.employeebenefitslive.

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Whether you want to reward commitment, hard work or recognise the talent of your employees, we will support you to create a programme that meets your needs – engaging your staff and allowing your organisation to grow and flourish. Visit us at this years Employee Benefits Live exhibition at Stand five to discuss with our team the way JMP can support you in creating the right reward and recognition service.

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Government Business | Volume 17.9


KEEPING STAFF POSITIVE IN TOUGH TIMES The public sector faces a potential loss of 120,000 jobs as a result of the budget. But how do public sector employers keep staff motivated and engaged amid so much uncertainty? And what is there to feel positive about? GEORGE OSBORNE’S JUNE BUDGET will have a sizeable impact on the public sector. Up to 120,000 public sector jobs will have to be lost and a two year public sector pay freeze on staff earning more than £21,000 will take place. Public sector pensions will also be affected as the government tries to cap the £770bn bill for unfunded public sector pensions. As part of the budget the government announced changes to the way public sector pension rises are calculated by shifting indexes from CPI – (Consumer Prices Index) – to RPI (Retail Prices Index). This could cut public sector pensions by up to £1000 a year. Lord Hutton will also make recommendations on public sector pensions in September which are likely to result in changes to how much people pay in and when they can draw their pensions. There will also be a consultation on scrapping the default retirement age, meaning that people may have to work longer before being able to draw on their pension. STAYING POSITIVE Amid great changes to their personal financial circumstances, public sector employees will be expected to deliver services to higher standards, with continued pressure for better co-ordination and improved outcomes. But how will these changes affect them and those specifically working in procurement – how can they remain engaged and motivated when there appears to be so little to feel positive about? What should managers in the public sector be doing to ensure staff continue to deliver while remaining engaged in this tough climate? Ed Fothergill, managing consultant at Xancam, a business psychology consultancy which works with a variety of public sector organisations, believes that there are some positive things

to come out of the changes. He comments: “While many employees rightfully are fearful about what the changes to the public sector will mean for them there are many things they can do to potentially change the outcome of their organisation or their position within it. “Instead of viewing everything as a cost cutting exercise try to see this as a chance in a lifetime opportunity to identify ways to do things differently. Employees have a chance to find creative and innovative ways to deliver the same output in more cost effective ways – which could ultimately result in less headcount costs. Secondly, if employees are being asked to take on responsibilities which don’t necessarily fit within their area of expertise they might do well to view this as an exercise in stretching themselves – a one time chance to learn skills in an area they never would have considered prior to the recession.” DOING MORE FOR LESS It is clear that changes to the public sector will result in employees doing more for less. But in difficult economic times when organisations are undergoing significant change many high performing individuals will be tempted to move elsewhere. The challenge for organisations is in retaining their talent when the typical types of rewards have been frozen. Ed Fothergill believes that the best way to retain talent is for managers to have open conversations with their people to find out what interests and motivates them. Finding out what makes them tick even in difficult times will enable managers to identify possible opportunities to stretch and develop people and so keep them engaged with the organisation. David Noble, CEO of the Chartered Institute of

Purchasing and Supply, the largest professional purchasing institute in the world comments: “These are certainly difficult times in the public sector, but procurement professionals have a real opportunity to make use of their skills and expertise and make a difference to the deficit. Using smart procurement techniques and strategic supply chain practices, rolled out across all government departments, purchasers can demonstrate their true value to employers while continuing to reduce costs. This makes them a real asset to any organisation.” KEEPING STAFF ENGAGED Ed Fothergill believes there are a number of things public sector employers can do to keep staff engaged during these difficult times: • have a plan for communicating news to people, with clear timelines, and tell people what they can expect to hear from you and when • keep the lines of communication open and keep staff informed, even if there’s no news to tell • be prepared to deliver bad news as soon as you can – people may not like the news but they will respect you for being upfront • be as open and honest as is possible – if you fail to be honest you may lose the trust of your people • encourage staff to provide creative ideas about how the organisation could save money – it may not only prevent some headcount cuts but will also engage people in the process and make them feel involved • publicly recognise and reward good performance – even if it’s just a thank you • look for non-financial incentives to motivate staff

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Written by The Association of Social Work Employment Businesses


FINDING QUALIFIED AND EXPERIENCED SOCIAL WORKERS Recent high profile failures in child protection procedures only go to illustrate the need for well-trained social workers armed with both current knowledge and the latest best practice THE ASSOCIATION of Social Work Employment Businesses (ASWEB) is a voluntary members organisation of employment businesses each committed to upholding and promoting standards in social work. The main aims of the ASWEB are to improve social work practice through offering training and continuing professional development to social workers; to promote social work as a profession; and to support the improvement in recruitment standards in UK social work. TEMPORARY SOCIAL WORKERS ASWEB was set up in 2007 by a committed group of specialist social work employment businesses as a vehicle to safeguard the professional development interests of their locum Social Workers (locums). The catalyst was the winding down of the Greater London



Post Qualifying Consortium (GLPQ) which had arranged post qualifying training (PQ training) for qualified social workers in the London area. With no central body to organise training for the thousands of temporary social workers who required help, it was decided to set up an association to address their needs. Initially ASWEB aimed to maintain the impetus created by GLPQ and take forward the issue of PQ and Continuous Professional Development training (CPD) for temporary social workers. However, it quickly became evident to the members that there were other areas of common interest – specifically, raising the overall standard of recruitment and safeguarding candidates, which would benefit from an organised approach. It was agreed the remit of the organisation should be broadened to include these.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Temporary social workers are faced with a challenge. Professionally required to commit to CPD and PQ, they are not entitled to any of the benefits that permanent staff have, including, most pertinently, ongoing CPD/PQ. In addition, in a time of increasingly scarce resources, many councils do not feel able to invest their training budget in an individual who may be gone in a couple of months. The upshot of the above is that highly qualified and experienced social workers find it hard to access proper training to improve their skills. So although their permanent colleagues may be receiving up to date training, the temporary workers may well receive none. The significance of this cannot be understated in a field which is so dependent on the professional judgement, skills, and teamwork of all

Government Business | Volume 17.9


practitioners. The recent high profile failures in child protection procedures only go to illustrate the complexity of the area and the need for well-trained individuals armed with both current knowledge and latest “best practice”. There is a clear need for temporary staff to be able to access high quality training – something which ASWEB provides for social workers registered with its member companies. ASWEB now runs regular monthly training courses open to social workers of all its members at minimal, or nominal cost. We will be looking to expand this offering in the future. All members of ASWEB are committed to the highest safeguarding standards to ensure that any social worker on their books has been thoroughly interviewed and checked. This means that registration is preceded by a face-to-face interview to test competency and experience. ID checking is comprehensive and uses original documentation only. In addition, all temporary social workers must provide full five year’s references and explain any gaps in their work history. We believe that these are the toughest standards in temporary social work recruitment, and routinely pass scrutiny with the most demanding of clients. Records are held in comprehensive databases and candidate files

There is a clear need for temporary staff to be able to access high quality training – something which ASWEB provides for social workers registered with its member companies are routinely updated and monitored. We plan to raise the bar still further with a requirement that all registration interviews will be conducted to a ‘Warner’ standard: “The aim should be to achieve a full and rounded picture of the candidate, providing more detailed and complete information than is possible with the traditional application form - interview system.” (Choosing With Care 1992). STANDARDS AUDIT ASWEB members are rightly proud of the fact that they are measured by their peers. In a profoundly competitive marketplace such as recruitment, this willingness represents the clearest possible statement that ASWEB members are prepared to stand up and be counted as upholders of standards. To ensure that standards are applied and maintained, all members of ASWEB have

agreed as part of their membership to be independently audited on a yearly basis to ensure that they are recruiting to the highest standards in the sector. This is also a pre-requisite for gaining membership. The audit involves a day long visit by the independent auditor who selects files at random, and is able to speak to the registered worker whose file is being audited to check what has been written down has actually occurred. Any member who fails has a fixed period to improve standards before being re-audited. Another failure can lead to expulsion.

FOR MORE INFORMATION For further information on ASWEB and what we are aiming to achieve please visit the website or e-mail

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The leading exporter of recovered paper OUNDED in 1990 by Ms. Yan Cheung, ACN Inc. started to develop key partnerships with recovered paper suppliers in North America for export to its Asian clients. Taking advantage of the growing demand in China and other Asian countries, ACN Inc. soon became the leading exporter of recovered paper from North America. Over the past five years, ACNI has been ranked as the number one exporter in the U.S. Journal of Commerce survey of ‘Top U.S. exporters of containerised shipments.’ This number one ranking demonstrates the company’s ability to move fibre materials on a consistent basis from anywhere in the world, the majority of which is supplied to Nine Dragons Paper Holdings. To meet the growing demand for paper in Asia, Ms. Yan Cheung founded Nine Dragons Paper Industry in 1995. With world-class paper mill technology and machinery, Nine Dragons soon became


a leading producer of corrugated case materials, increasing its production capacity year on year. Nine Dragons has experienced rapid growth in the past decade and each of the four mills are located in a strategic areas within China: in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, in Taicang, Jiangsu Province, Chongqing in Central China, and in Tianjin located in North East China. In addition to their joint venture in Vietnam, the group also have a joint venture in Inner Mongolia for a pulp mill, and an acquisition project for special grade.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Nick Watson, Marketing Manager, MLM Ltd T/A, ACN Europe (UK) Egerton House, Towers Business Park, Wilmslow Rd, Didsbury, M/CR, M20 2DX. Tel: 0161 2491128

Government Business | Volume 17.9


MAKING THE MOST OF YOUR WASTE RWM sets the trend this autumn with recycled textile fashion shows and a new waste minimisation zone UP AND COMING ECO-DESIGNERS will be sending their latest looks down the catwalk at the Recycling and Waste Management Exhibition (14 to 16 September, NEC, Birmingham) this year. Sponsored by BCR Global Textiles, Chris Carey’s Collections, I&G Cohen Limited and the Salvation Army Trading Company (SATCoL), the first ever RWM fashion shows will showcase the exciting design possibilities presented by the fastest growing element in the UK’s waste stream. Meanwhile in the Waste Minimisation Zone (sponsored by Rubbermaid Commercial Products), councils can find out how re-use through a service called Freegle could save them money and how roadside gully waste could generate revenue for them. Councils that have reduced commercial and industrial waste to landfill will be sharing their secrets and Dr Michael Warhurst, senior campaigner on resource use at Friends of the Earth will explore the role of tax and funding, looking at how legislation and policy could improve resource efficiency in the UK. THE FORUM AND RWM CATWALK Fast fashion comes at a price to the environment. According to the Department for the Environment Food & Rural Affairs (Defra), the UK buys over two million tonnes of clothes each year (worth a staggering £34 billion) but nearly half of this ends up in landfill where it slowly biodegrades producing methane, a greenhouse gas 21 times more powerful than carbon dioxide. Just 24 per cent is currently recycled. The recycled materials market is, however, thriving thanks to companies and organisations that collect textiles on behalf of local authorities, waste management companies and charities, saving thousands of tonnes of clothes, shoes and household textiles from landfill, while raising money for charity and setting new trends in eco-friendly fashion. SATCoL is the UK’s largest textile recycler. Of the 3,000 tonnes of unwanted clothing donated to SATCoL every month, only five tonnes go to landfill and 96 per cent are reused or recycled. Paul Ozanne, SATCoL’s national recycling coordinator, said: “With thousands of visitors each year, RWM is a fantastic opportunity to meet prospective partners that can work with us to divert as much clothing as possible away from landfill. We currently have around 4,200 clothing banks throughout the UK and our target is 5,000. Attending big events such as RWM is a very important step in helping us to achieve this.” He continues: “We are also

delighted to be sponsoring the catwalk for the thrice daily fashion shows, which will add glamour to the event and demonstrate just what can be achieved with recycled materials and a bit of creativity. With awareness of the problem of global warming increasing, the recycled materials market is thriving and I am sure the shows will attract plenty of attention.” UP AND COMING TALENT The young designers whose work will be showcased at RWM include Emmeline Childs for SATCoL and Tanique Coburn for Chris Carey’s Collections. Christine Carey, managing director of Chris Carey’s Collections said: “RWM unites the recycling and waste community like no other show. It always benefits us to be there simply because we get to talk to the right people in the industry, be it suppliers and contractors or potential new business. We are delighted to

The recycled materials market is thriving thanks to companies and organisations which collect textiles on behalf of local authorities, waste management companies and charities, saving thousands of tonnes of clothes, shoes and household textiles from landfill, while raising money for charity and setting new trends in eco-friendly fashion be involved in the catwalk show this year and our talented young designer, Tanique Coburn, will be showcasing an amazing collection using textiles from Chris Carey’s Collections.” Collections designed by Nicola Sault, managing director, Grandma Takes A Trip who works with BCR Global Textiles will also feature on the RWM Catwalk. Nicola says: “Not only will the catwalk show celebrate just how attractive fashion made from recyclable materials can be, but also all the hard work, preparation and skill involved in turning previously unwanted garments into something desirable again. We also believe that sustainability should extend into other areas of the business. In particular we have our own ‘made right here’ philosophy, where all the processes involved in making the clothes are done in-house, which retains skills within our local community, something that we are especially proud of.” I&G Cohen will be showing designs from Tracey Cliffe whose Love Me Again collection

includes bodycon dresses made from old T-shirts and swimsuits. Phil Geller, financial director of I&G Cohen, said: “I&G Cohen Limited is very proud to participate in a fashion show with a local designer creating new and exciting styles from used and reconstructed clothing. It is a different, fun and exciting way to promote textile recycling. We feel honoured to be a part of this creative world, as designers who work with recycled clothing play a vital role in creating ethical, environmentally friendly designs whilst contributing to the economy. The market for fast fashion remains strong; however, in these difficult economic times the case to reduce and reuse our limited resources is stronger than ever. “RWM is the flagship event of the industry and we are delighted to be showcasing our bespoke services this year. I&G Cohen Limited is really excited to sponsor an innovative event like the catwalk show. We think this is a brilliant way to further raise the profile and awareness of textile recycling



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Geesink Norba to show special vehicles at RWM

Improving the UK’s recycling infrastructure

EESINK NORBA will be showing off two special products at the show – including the market leading combi-split and a multi-chambered vehicle for food waste. The food waste vehicle has a 2.7m3 Pod on a MF300 multifraction body which gives it three separate chambers. Each is sealed to ensure different waste streams remain uncontaminated. The flexible and highly efficient combination of a multifraction MF300 vehicle with Pods have become increasingly popular as the drive for efficient food waste collection gathers pace throughout the UK. The Combi-split hoist also offers operators tremendous flexibility. It switches from trade lift to fully automatic split lift instantaneously, offering outstanding performance

AND A YOUNG (Leicester) Ltd was established in 1975 and since then the business has grown to now process over 200,000 tonnes of plastic waste per annum. We process all grades of plastic waste which includes the following: post consumer plastic bottles, post use polythene films, post use food trays and many other grades.Other materials we collect and recycle include waste paper and cardboard, steel and aluminium cans. We operate from six facilities throughout the UK and offer a national collection service using our own fleet of lorries and trailers. Our sites include four sorting/transfer stations, an 80,000 tonnes p.a. PRF (plastics recovery facility) in Mansfield and a 30,000 tonnes p.a. PET recycling plant in Corby which produces


in each and it can be used as an open back vehicle just as easily. In automatic split mode the hoist matches the lifting speeds of any dedicated split lift on the market. Both vehicles on show will also be fitted with Geesink Norba’s outstanding new Eurovim Plus telemetrics system which is available across their full range of products. It enables operators to manage fleets and individual vehicles with maximum efficiency including the optimisation of fuel consumption and performance training for individual drivers.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Geesink Norba Ltd, Llantrisant Business Park Llantrisant, Pontyclun CF72 8 XZ Tel +44 1443 222 301 Fax +44 1443 237 192 Web:

IML Labels – Specialist Labelling Solutions EADING UK LABEL manufacturer IML helps waste management companies to identify and track clinical and potentially hazardous waste from source, through transportation to final disposal, with its extensive range of non-tearable, fluid resistant labels and tags. Buying directly from IML guarantees the best deal for your company in terms of price, lead-time, quality and experience. Other industries served include construction, chemical, utilities, textiles, packaging and the NHS amongst others. IML’s extensive product range includes specialised tags, to withstand extreme processes, such as sterlisation, as well as warehousing, packaging and pallet labels. IML also supplies notification labels for wheelie bins and recycling containers to many of the UK’s local authorities, providing eye-catching, weatherproof stickers, suitable for application and usage in dirty conditions. Self tie handle tags




are another popular method for communicating important information to customers. On-site, on-demand printing is a cost effective way for customers to take control of printing and the expenditure associated with excessive stocks and minimum order quantities. IML supplies printer/software packages to complement its labelling range.

FOR MORE INFORMATION To learn more about how a partnership with IML Labels & Systems Ltd could benefit your organisation visit RWM stand 2072 or contact the company on 0114 2422111 or


food contact R-PET granules. The company also recycles industrial and post use polythene films at our plant based in Loughborough. The recycled plastic granules are then extruded into polythene film and converted into plastic refuse sacks. We are committed to improving the recycling infrastructure within the UK and offer a closed loop solution to all of our customers.

FOR MORE INFORMATION For further information please view our website at

Reduce landfill with the help of W.P.S limited ASTE PROCESSING

W Solutions Limited (W.P.S), part of the Finlay Group of companies, is proud to present the Airtrac 3200S following its launch at Hillhead, which generated a large interest and prompted W.P.S to hold an open day event to allow the plant to be viewed in more depth. Once again the Airtrac 3200S was of great interest and the open day proved to be a huge success. As a result Iona Waste Systems based in Northern Ireland are currently manufacturing machines to fulfil orders that were placed on the day. The Airtrac 3200S incorporates a Hein Lehmann flip flow screen with a Westeria air separator and a magnetic head drum, to change the classification from active waste to inert waste in the form of stone, lights, metals and fines of which can be made into a saleable product. Other features include a prescreening capability for 10mm material, the ability to process high moisture content of fines, also precision-setting options for all applications, including airspeed, nozzle angle and conveyor positioning. The unit is tracked for

mobility and can be set up on site in under an hour. The plant is capable of handling materials including construction rubble, unsorted construction waste, residual waste, compost cleaning, scrap metal, RDF, glass, wood, waste incineration slag and commercial waste. It can enable customers to recycle up to 95 per cent of construction and demolition and/or construction and industrial waste material and as a result, will lead to a dramatic reduction in landfill costs.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Address: Lakeside House, Ladford, Covert Industrial Park, Seighford, Stafford ST18 9QL Tel: 01785 282323 Fax: 01785 282991 E-mail: Web:

Government Business | Volume 17.9


across the industry and to the wider public beyond. Textiles have for far too long been the poor relation of recyclable materials.” WASTE MINIMISATION ZONE The highlights of day one (14 September) will include Dr Michael Warhurst’s session (Friends of the Earth), which in addition to addressing monetary and legislative issues will also examine incineration versus recycling, waste to energy conversion and waste prevention recommendations. Local authority visitors can also pick up some essential new guidance for dealing with Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) plants, which will be unveiled during the presentation by Steve Newton, materials recycling manager at the Waste & Resources Action Programme in the session that follows. WRAP will also be heavily involved on day two (15 September) when waste and recycling advisor, Helen Bird offers a progress update about how local authorities are reducing commercial and industrial waste to landfill, while offering advice on where further improvements could be made. Day three (16 September) will begin with an introduction to the online resource sharing service called Freegle. Cat Fletcher and Edward Hibbert, elected volunteer representatives for Freegle, will highlight its effectiveness in

encouraging members to share and re-use resources which would otherwise have ended up in landfill, and demonstrate how the promoting of recycling in the local community can ultimately save local authorities money. In the afternoon, Shaun Morely, head of waste management, Wandsworth Borough Council will offer a practical case study outline about how this local authority managed to reduce municipal waste by 40 per cent. It will also examine how this was achieved looking at areas including trade waste, the distinction between directable and non-directable municipal solid wastes, on-site composting of parks maintenance waste, the differential weighbridge charging system, its policy of re-charging for the collection cost for Schedule 2 waste (garden waste, bulky items, schools etc) and the long term promotion of home composting. In the day’s final session Dr Richard Coulton, managing director of Siltbuster will explore roadside gully waste. Dr Coulton will begin by outlining the current and future landfill costs if road waste remains untreated before examining the potential new revenue streams for local authorities through the re-use of this material, which could also help them to reach their recycling targets. Complete the form on

OPENING HOURS Tuesday 14 September 9.30am – 4.30pm Wednesday 15 September 9.30am – 4.30pm Thursday 16 September 9.30am – 4.00pm to receive your badge and show preview approximately three weeks prior to the exhibition, plus avoid the queues when you arrive. RWM is held in Halls 17, 18, 19 and the outdoor areas of the National Exhibition Centre, eight miles East of Birmingham city centre. The address is: The NEC, Birmingham, B40 1NT. If you’re coming to the NEC from any part of the UK by road or rail or flying in from overseas you will find that its central position is at the hub of the UK transport network. Walk directly into the show from Birmingham International rail station or choose from a number of bus and coach services. Alternatively if you are driving there is ample car parking at the NEC.


Waste management data collection systems

Funding for the waste and recycling sector

ARTEC SYSTEMS is a UK market leader for waste management and data collection systems, supplying a number of local authorities. Its award winning Waste Collector unifies all aspects of waste collection operations, from refuse vehicle crews, to waste departments and customer call centres, providing near real time information and helping to reduce management time and vehicle running costs. Currently working in conjunction with 25 councils, Bartec Systems continues to expand its range of waste applications through partnering, resulting in a complete back office system for household and trade waste operations. Key benefits of Waste Collector include: • More customer service enquiries can be answered on the first phone call to the call centre • Team can be kept in contact with collection crews, safely and efficiently • Vehicle mileage can be reduced with lower operating costs and carbon emissions.

STABLISHED in 1986, LDF Supplier Finance is a leader in the provision of tailored funding solutions designed specifically for the recycling and waste sector. Through our longtenured and trusted links to a great number of leading funding houses, we are best placed to provide you and your customers with the finance required to invest in new or replacement business equipment. LDF Supplier Finance is also an approved leasing company offering finance to the recycling industry under the eQuip scheme, providing an effective means for small to medium sized companies companies operating within the recycling industry to secure finance on both new and used equipment. Funding can be arranged for almost any requirement, from crushers and compactors



• Customer database (UPRNs) updated automatically every day • Safety and compliance monitored with total visibility of routes, weights and speeds • Recycling initiatives can be targeted and results measured at household and street level • Wheeled bin costs can be cut by retrieving illegal bins and reducing losses. Bartec Systems is a division of Bartec Auto ID.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Call Bartec Systems to discuss how we can help you achieve efficiencies in your area. Bartec Auto ID Ltd Tel: 01226 209209 Web:

to large scale vehicles and plant. Furthermore we can prove that enhanced cash flow management is achieved when purchasing via asset finance. For further information on how asset finance can benefit you and your customers, please visit our website.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 01244 525410 E-mail: info@finance Web:



Government Business | Volume 17.9

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